Sleepyhead free porn video

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"Hey, sleepyhead... Wake up." I rolled over and opened my eyes. Mary was sitting at the edge of the bed with a big grin on her face. "What time is it?" I asked groggily. "About 8:30. You promised to help me finish cleaning out the third bedroom, remember?" "Yeah, right." I yawned and stretched. That's when I realized what I was wearing. "Oh shit!" I quickly reached for the covers but Mary was sitting on the turned back portion and I couldn't pull them over me. "Shit," I exclaimed again. Mary was still grinning. This was the most embarrassing moment of my life. "Care to explain why you're wearing my nightgown and panties?" she asked casually. I looked down and saw my panties - HER panties - were exposed. I pulled the nightgown down to cover them then realized that was not really helping the situation. I was still wearing her nightgown and there was no way to hide that. I was fully awake now. I hopped out of bed and started towards the adjoining bathroom. Unfortunately it was on her side of the bed and she simply stood and stepped in front of me. "No you don't... I want an explanation." I stood before her in absolute shame. I started to take the nightgown off but she stopped me once again. "No Jim. Leave that on and just explain to me what's going on." I wanted to die. "You were getting rid of it. I just wanted to see what it was like to wear it." "That was in the bags you were going to take to Goodwill for me, right?" "Yeah. Only... well, I kept them instead." "Really?" she asked with interest. "Where are they?" I pointed to my closet. She walked over to my closet and opened the door. Inside on the floor were four bags of her old clothes. We had been cleaning up the spare bedroom in the apartment we shared and the clothes had been bagged and left at the door. The nightgown had been at the top of one of the bags and the thought of me wearing something of my very sexy roommate's had been too much of a temptation. When she said something about taking them to Goodwill, I volunteered to take them instead. She thought I meant take them to the drop-off point. I meant, take them for me. She pulled out the bags, one by one, and placed them on the foot of my bed. I still stood by the bathroom. "I remember you eyeing that nightgown when I put it in the bag. I thought perhaps you were imagining me in it. Not yourself." She gave a little laugh. "What about my panties? They were not in the bag. In fact, they're part of a set. Where did you get them; from the laundry?" This was getting worse. "No," I answered honestly. "You went into my room and took them from my lingerie drawer, didn't you?" I was turning a very bright red. "Y, yes," I stammered. "I'm sorry. I didn't think... I mean, well..." I couldn't continue my sentence. Mary was glaring at me now. She looked very upset. "Don't you ever do that again! My room is off-limits to you." "Of course. I'm sorry. It wouldn't happen ever again." I wanted her to forgive and forget. But I doubted that was going to happen. Her face softened slightly as I continued to stand nearby. She seemed to be thinking about something. "Stay there. I'll be right back." She left my room and went to her own. In a moment she returned. She tossed the bra which matched the panties I was wearing onto the bed. Both were a delicate combination of red and black with flowers and lace. I blushed again. "You might as well have that too," she said as she fished through the bags. She pulled out a pink top and a pair of black shorts. "What's your waist size?" she asked. "Uh... about a 29." I worried what she was thinking. "Hmm. That may be just about right. You're pretty trim all around now that I think about it. My old clothes should fit you pretty well." I was surprised at this. "No, Mary.. I don't want to do that." "Why not?" she asked simply. "This was just about the nightgown. It's hard to explain." "Well that doesn't matter anyway. Actually I was just on my way out to pick up a couple biscuits and coffee and thought you might want some too, before we got started. But now I have a new plan. I want you to take a shower while I'm gone..." She paused and looked at me. "And while you're in there shave your legs, underarms, and whatever else is hairy. Then put your bra and panties back on along with these." She tossed the shorts and top to me. "Then we'll figure out the rest of the day," she continued. "Mary, I don't want to do that. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Mary smiled sweetly. "Oh yes it will. And you're going to do exactly what I say or you're going to find some very embarrassing pictures on the bulletin board at work." "Pictures?" I asked timidly. "Yeah. You were sleeping pretty soundly. I got lots of interesting shots." "You wouldn't!" I exclaimed. "I thought we were friends." "I thought so too. But I've never caught a friend wearing my clothes before. We'll have to see if this is going to work out." Her tone softened somewhat. "Shower, shave, put on your new clothes and wait for me in the kitchen." She smiled broadly and giggled slightly. "Now what kind of biscuit do you want?" "Mary, please..." "No discussion, Jim. You'll do as I say or you'll be looking for a new place to live. And looking for a new job too, unless you're man enough to handle a lot of embarrassment. Which by appearances, I tend to doubt." I hung my head in shame. "What kind of biscuit?" "I don't think I want one. I'm not hungry." I was too embarrassed to be hungry. She grinned. "Probably just as well. We should have you on a diet now, I suppose. Got to maintain that feminine figure, you know." She looked me over carefully. "I'll be back in about 20 minutes. You'd better be dressed and waiting for me. Got it?" I nodded my head. I didn't know what to say. "Good. See you in a bit." And then she was off. Over the course of my shower I reflected on the morning and how it came to pass. Mary and I worked together and had become pretty good friends in the short time I had worked there. We were both single, both late twenties in age, both worked in the same department. She had a slightly higher position than I but neither of us were management and thus both struggled a bit to pay our bills. Since housing was at a premium in our area, when it came time for me to find a new place, she offered me a room in her apartment. In fact, the reason she was cleaning out the 3rd bedroom was with the possibility of taking in another roommate. The truth is that I was somewhat infatuated with Mary. She was very attractive - 5'8", thin, shoulder length blonde hair, a perfect smile on a perfect face with eyes that were so beautifully blue it was sometime hard to talk to her if I was looking directly at her. She was the personification of femininity. She was also slightly bossy which made her seem demanding to some of the other women in our department. When I joined, she and I sort of fell in together and the friendship grew from there. I was happy with the arrangement but mildly distressed that another person might soon be living in our - in HER - apartment. I wanted her all to myself. In fact, the reason I was wearing her nightgown and panties was to sort of get as close to her as I could. She'd made it very clear that we were only going to be roommates. When she put that discarded nightgown in the bag I sort of rationalized that sleeping in it was about as close to sleeping with her as I'd ever get. I'd done that for two nights then decided my cotton jockey shorts weren't appropriate. I'd only taken her panties the day before. Now I was in big trouble. But there was no way I was going to be able to explain any of that to her. That would be even more embarrassing than having to wear her clothes. I figured I'd play along for the day and hoped that my willingness to do so would ultimately result in forgiveness. By the time I'd finished shaving my legs, underarms, crotch, and a few stray hairs on my chest I was starting to see things differently. I was embarrassed that she'd caught me in her nightgown. But she didn't ridicule me in any way and if I considered things in a sort of weird way, she was actually getting kind of playful by making me put on more of her clothes. Assuming playful meant greater friendship and more closeness, I decided I was willing to play along. My reverie was broken by a knock on the bathroom door. "Aren't you done yet?" Mary called through the door. "Uh... no, almost." "You ARE shaving like I told you to do aren't you?" she commanded. "Yes, of course." I'd turned off the water by now. "I've never shaved my legs before. It took me a while." I answered. "I'm sorry." "Are you decent?" "What do you mean?" "Can I come in?" she asked. Oh my gosh! "Umm... wait a minute." I didn't understand this at all. I quickly wrapped the towel around my waist just as she turned the knob and entered the bathroom. She stared for a brief moment then smiled. "I was beginning to think you had lied to me." She was studying my legs, then looked up into my eyes. "That would be a very bad thing for you to do. Lie to me, I mean." "Yes.. I mean, no, I wouldn't lie to you." She had developed a very intimidating manner since this morning. "Let's see your legs," she commanded. I grudgingly pushed one towards her. "Lift your towel. Let me see." The towel was wrapped around my waist and hung well below my knees. I pulled it up to show her more or my legs. "Actually, you did that wrong," she said. "A woman wraps the towel higher, around her chest. Fix it." "Huh?" I was pretty sure I understood what she meant but I couldn't believe she had said that. Mary stepped forward and pulled the towel from my waist. It happened so quickly I was shocked. And suddenly very naked. "Like this," Mary said as she wrapped the towel around herself in demonstration. She was watching my frustrated attempts to conceal my remaining masculinity by holding my hands at my crotch. She gave a little laugh. "I've seen naked men before, you know." She was now holding the towel out towards me. I grabbed it and wrapped my body as she had demonstrated. I suddenly felt very foolish and somewhat effeminate. I began to blush. "Not this man," I muttered. She laughed more heartily now. "Well you won't be a man for long so it doesn't really matter does it?" Mary turned and left the bathroom but stopped at my door. I followed. "What's that supposed to mean?" Mary ignored the question. "Put your panties on," she directed. Something in her tone told me to do as she said. I went to the bed, picked up the panties and gingerly slipped them on under my towel. "Do you need help with your brassier?" I eyed the bra and felt myself physically shudder. Mary didn't seem to notice. "No. I can manage," I forced myself to say. "Good. Then finish getting dressed and meet me in the kitchen. You have five minutes." Five minutes later I had the bra on, her top on, her shorts on, and a pair of my tennis shoes. I was sheepishly sitting with her at the kitchen table. She was eating a ham biscuit. I was eating a small slice of canalope, which she had cut for me. She was eyeing me critically but had said very little. I could almost see the wheels turning. This was mode she adopted at work at times. While everyone else was verbally brainstorming, she sat quietly figuring things out for herself. Generally by the time she spoke, she had a plan, and it was almost always a good one. She very frequently got her way. I had finished my canalope early and was squirming in my seat while she studied me. As she finished she stood, set aside our plates, rinsed out my juice glass and then turned to me. "You wait right here. I'll be back in a moment." The moment turned out to be about five minutes. When she returned she had a small tote bag of items which she set on the counter behind her. "First your hair, before it dries completely." She took a hairdryer from the bag and a tube of mousse. Before I could react she had squeezed a handful of mousse into my hair and was working it through the tangles. My hair was somewhat long for a guy; not quite to my shoulders but below my ears all around. I'd been meaning to get it cut. I wanted to protest at that point but to be honest, having her massage my scalp and run her fingers through my hair was turning me on. I felt a slight stirring and scooted under the table a little farther so she wouldn't notice the beginnings of a bulge in my shorts. She finished quicker than I hoped however and started in with hairbrush and dryer. I knew what she was doing but couldn't figure out what I'd say to make her stop. So I sat silently and let her do her damage. I was sure that I wouldn't like it. "Next your nails," she said without emotion. She pulled out a chair and sat beside me, taking one on my hands into her own. She had clippers and files and quickly reshaped each tip and buffed them to a shine. She did the same with my other hand. Again, the touch of her beautiful hands rendered me completely passive. I didn't say a word. I actually nodded when she remarked that if I let them grow out a bit, they'd look much better in the future. What happened next surprised me. She pulled out a bottle of red polish and delicately began to apply it to my fingertips. I started to pull my hand away but she gripped it tightly, gave me a steely look, and said "Don't you dare!" I lost my resolve and let her paint each one with three coats. "There, just like mine," she remarked as she held out her hand and waved it around a little. I was surprised but realized she was indeed wearing the same color. "Now your toes." As I looked down she was wriggling her bright red toes for my benefit. Oh my gosh. "Be careful with your fingers and don't touch anything. We don't want them to smudge, do we?" she asked retorically. I didn't say a word. "Put your foot up here." She had turned her chair towards me and was patting her lap. She had to be kidding. "NOW!" she said emphatically. Nope; not kidding. I slowly lifted my foot and let her grab it and pull in to her lap. She untied my shoe and settled my foot well up her thighs. She nestled my heel between her legs and gripped tightly with her legs. My toes hovered over her crotch. I began to blush and felt the stirring return. As she clipped and shaped my toenails she began to talk. "Your legs are quite pretty, actually. They'll look great in hose, I bet." I simply nodded. "But you'll probably have to buy your own shoes. Mine may not fit you. What size do you wear, anyway?" "Uh.. Size six and a half." I blushed once more for some reason. "I have small feet," I tried to explain. "Not really," she replied. "That's only about an eight in women's. Lots of us girls are that size." She was beginning with the polish. My bulge was growing. I shifted in my chair hoping to conceal my problem. "Be still. You'll make me mess up." She paused then looked me in the eye and gave me a wink. "Little Miss Winkie likes this doesn't' she?" "I beg your pardon?" I stammered. "This is exciting you, I see. Winkie is waking up," she nodded in the direction of my crotch. "Mary!" I was blushing furiously. Whereas before I was rapidly growing, the embarrassment of her remark stopped my swelling cold. I was wilting just as quickly. She laughed loudly. "Oh. That fixed it. I'll have to remember that." By now she had finished one foot and taken the other to repeat the process. I soon had two sets of perfectly polished toes to match my red tipped hands. Mary wasn't done. She again admonished me not to smudge my polish then stood and reached into her bag of tricks. She began smoothing a beige liquid on my face, rubbing it here and there to further emasculate me. I frowned. "Oh don't pout. I'm not going to put a lot of makeup on you. Just enough to cover the remnants of your beard and soften your features a little. You'll hardly notice." She stepped back and admired her handiwork. "For now anyway. Maybe later we'll do you up right." I had to say something. "Mary, I'm sorry. Please stop." She placed her hands on her hips and adopted a defiant stance. "Not a chance missy. You may have started this but you're not finished until I say you are." She pulled out a tube of lipstick and grinned at me. "Pucker up!" Again she didn't give me a chance to react. She squeezed my jaw to spread my lips slightly then proceeded to color them. "This lipstick matches your nail polish. You'll love it." Finally she sat down and looked at me. "Good enough for now, I guess." She studied me for another moment then continued. "Here's the deal. You're going to behave like a good little girl and help me around the house. We'll going to clean up that spare room, sort out some more clothes.." she giggled. "Maybe we'll find some more things for you to wear." She thought this was very funny. I didn't and began to complain. "Come on Mary, enough is enough." "Not even close, dearie. You're going to do EVERYTHING I say or you're going to be so embarrassed little winkie may never get hard again." Mary paused momentarily to make sure I understood. When she was satisfied she began again. "As I said, you're going to help me out with some things and you're going to do whatever I say or you're going to be looking for a new home and a new job. I'm not kidding about either. Now you do the dishes while I go find you some shoes or something. OK?" I could tell she was serious. And not to be crossed. I agreed. "Yes Mary." "That's the spirit. You can make this hard on yourself or you can do as I say and let me help you explore this side of you. But either way we'll going to see what kind of a woman you are." I nodded silently. What kind of a woman? What did that mean? I hardly had time to consider the question. I got up and did the dishes and while I was doing so Mary went to her room. Moments later there was a flash, and when I looked around another one. Mary was taking pictures. "Smile," she said brightly. I frowned. "Smile or die," she said this time. I smiled. She disappeared to her room again then returned with a pair of ladies sandals. She dropped them on the floor next to me. "Barefoot and pregnant is old school. Since I doubt if you'll ever be pregnant I want you to wear those." She pointed to the sandals. "Put them on and then join me in the spare room." I did as she said. For the next two hours I lugged books and trash from the room. She had emptied a dresser, a desk, a bookcase and three boxes of junk she had once stacked in a corner. We stopped for a glass of water, ten minutes in an easy chair listening to music, then back into the room. The closet was next. Believe it or not, I'd never seen the inside of this closet. When I moved in with her I was given a bedroom with attached bath and access to the kitchen and living room. I never even thought about this back room or wondered what it contained. In fact, I'd only been in Mary's room very briefly. Once when she was sick and I coddled her for a day. And yesterday when I beat her home from work by ten minutes and 'borrowed' her panties. The closet was full. It had a double row of boxes at one end, a collection of shoes at the other, and had a rod that was filled with dresses, skirts, and blouses. The lone shelf had a couple more boxes and an odd hat and scarf and such. "Let's start at the bottom, OK?" she asked. As if I had a say in the matter. "Get those boxes and put them here in the middle of the floor." I moved the four boxes to the center of the floor. "Go get one of the chairs from the kitchen. I'll use this one." She pulled a chair up to one of the boxes and sat down. I did as she asked and was soon sitting next to her. "This one should probably just go to Goodwill," she remarked. It was full of glasses and silverware; apparently items that she no longer needed. The next box was also easily discarded. It contained some ratty old towels and bedding and such. "I used to have a twin bed but I decided I wanted more room. Since we both have queen size, I guess I don't need this anymore." All of a sudden she started to giggle. "What's so funny?" She was really laughing now. "Queen size," she snickered. "You are a little queen, aren't you? I had no idea." I frowned. Then I felt a tear form in my eye. I was willing to play along. But not be ridiculed. I slowly got up, wiped my eyes, and then with a sniffle left the room. I went back to my room and locked the door. I had taken just about enough of this. A moment later Mary knocked. "Jim. You ok?" I ignored her. "Open up. I want to apologize," she persisted. I got up and unlocked the door. Mary reached for me and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry. That was mean of me. I'll try and be more careful what I say." She was holding my hand. "Come here, I've got something for you." Mary led me back into the bedroom. She reached up to the shelf and pulled down a small box. She was smiling, trying to make me feel better. "I think you'll like these." She set the box down on one of the chairs and opened it up. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands." I did as she asked. "There. Open." I stared down at a very realistic looking breast. I was shocked. I looked up at Mary and she was beaming. "Try them on." "What?" I had no idea what I was supposed to do with it. "When I was younger, I wanted bigger breasts. My mom got me these. Then as I, uh, grew, I realized they were too big and made me look like a dumb blonde. But they'll be perfect for you!" she said gleefully. I was still in shock. Mary took the other breast from the box and reached under my top and slipped it into the left cup of my bra. Suddenly I had a breast. While I was staring at that one, she took the first one from my hand and repeated the action with my right breast. "Now look," she said as she turned me towards the mirror. I had been surprised when I first saw the effect of the clothes, the makeup, the nail polish and the minor styling she'd done with my hair. Now I had breasts. It was all very disconcerting. I didn't know what to say. "Aren't they great? They even have a glue that you can use to keep them in place if you're swimming or wearing something strapless!" She was still excited but she quickly toned down as she watched my reaction. "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I want you to have these." Now I was really stuck. She thought I wanted to look like a woman. If I said otherwise, I was afraid she'd think I was being ungrateful for her help. And her very sincere gift. Gifts?? But could I really let her think this is what I wanted. "Please take them. They look perfect on you. Please," she seemed to beg. I looked in the mirror one more time. I spoke without really considering the ramifications of my response. "Thanks. They do, um, make, uh.. they really do make a big difference." That was an understatement. If I didn't look feminine before I certainly did now; hair in curls, makeup, nail polish, shaved legs, women's clothes - and breasts! "I knew you'd like them. Come on. I've got some other stuff for you." She pulled out another small box. "This is some old jewelry I used to wear. Nothing special really but it should help get you started." She took a necklace and fastened it around my neck. Then a bracelet and a ring, which she slipped onto my right hand ring finger. I was surprised it fit. She handed me two earrings. "They're pierced." She eyed me quizzically. "You don't already have your ears pierced do you?" "Uh no, but..." This was definitely getting out of hand. "That's ok. We can fix that. Let's try a couple pair of shoes." Before I could stop her she had a pair of heels in her hand. "These are an 8, I think. Try them on." "Mary, that's not ok, really." I didn't want to hurt her feelings. "Oh don't be such a poot. I said try them on." The brassiness was returning to her tone. "Ok, sure." I sat on the chair and unbuckled the sandals. I slipped the shoe on and wiggled my toes. Again I was surprised. It seemed to fit. I put the other one on and stood. I wobbled a little but over all managed to keep my balance. It was a strange feeling. "They'll look better with hose. Wait here." Again Mary disappeared to her bedroom and again she returned with trouble. "Have you ever worn pantyhose before?" I could truthfully say I hadn't. "You'll love them. Or at least you'll love the way your legs will look. Not that you need much help. I prefer stockings but they have there own set of problems." I was looking lost and it must have showed. "Never mind; I'll explain later," she said. "Take these, and kind of work them up into your hand like this." She demonstrated with one leg of the hose. It looked weird. "You try." She handed them to me. I gamely repeated the action she had used. "That's ok... you'll get better with practice. Now, kick off your left shoe and kind of point your toes and slip them into the toe of your hose." I looked at her like she was nuts. I had to stop this somehow. "Just do it Jim, Ok. Honestly!" She was getting exasperated with me. I pointed my toes, slipped them into the toe of the pantyhose then looked at her. "Now, pull them about halfway up your leg, playing them out of your hand and keeping them taunt so they stretch over your leg. Good! Now do the same with the other leg. Then stand and pull them the rest or the way up." I had only started to gather the second leg when she stopped me. "Wait a minute. That won't work. Stand up." "Huh?" "Stand up!" As I stood she came to me, unbuttoned the shorts I was wearing and pulled them down my legs. Once again my panties were showing. "Step out," she commanded. As I did she gathered up the shorts and tossed them aside. "Finish with your hose while I go get you a slip." By the time she returned I had managed to struggle into the pantyhose. She was right. My legs looked extrodinarily feminine in the hose. I was gawking at myself in the mirror when she reentered the room. She gave a wolf whistle and chuckled. "My gosh.. your legs are prettier than mine. I'm jealous!" "Thanks. I mean, you're kidding, right? You have great legs!" 'Wait a minute,' I thought. 'What am I thinking?' Mary obviously couldn't hear what I was thinking. "I didn't know you'd noticed," she kidded playfully. "But yours are very shapely. I really mean that." As I turned to look at her I saw her blush. What the heck was going on here, I wondered. "Put this on. Just step into it like you would a skirt." She held a black half slip in her outstretched hand. I took it from her, noticed that she was still blushing and put it on as she directed. "Now try the shoes again." The shoes fit even better. "Wow," I said subconsiously as I looked down at my legs. Then I began to blush. "Ok then... take off your top and try this." Mary moved to the closet and pulled out a very sexy looking black dress. I hesitated when I saw this. This was fast approaching a point of no return. But seeing her standing there holding the dress for me, knowing that I was already mostly dressed as a woman, and recognising that this was something she seemed to really want me to do... my resistance failed me. I shucked off the top, took the dress, allowed her to help me into it and was soon zipped in and admiring myself in the mirror. "Wow," she said. Then she took my hand and led me to her bedroom. My head was spinning. Was she really taking me to her bedroom. All sorts of images ran through my head. My heart began to pound. Turns out I was wrong. She sat me down at her vanity and began to really do my makeup. She powered, lined my eyelids, added shadow, mascara, blush, re-did my lipstick, etc. She even found a pair of clip-on earrings and put them in place. When she was done she stood me up, sprayed me with perfume, spun me around checking every detail... "WOW ! You'd fool your own mother. You should have been a girl." She picked up her camera and started taking a seemingly endless string of photos. "Let's go out in the living room." She went first and I followed. Now a new string of thoughts was going through my head. She seemed to really think I looked like a woman. Was that possible? What was I going to do about that? How do I get out of this mess? Too late. She was taking more pictures and prompting me to stand this way or that, to sit, cross my legs, stand, blow a little kiss... And I was doing it all. My brain kept saying STOP, but my body was no longer mine. I wasn't a man the way I was dressed. I was Mary's compliant doll. She was enjoying this and I was going along with it. Worse, I had let her believe I wanted to look like this. I was thoroughly stuck. Finally she put the camera down. "Jim - no that's won't work. I can't call you Jim when you look like that. Do you have a name picked out? If not, I can think of a few." I slowly shook my head. A name? A female name? 'Of course not !!' - that's what I wanted to say. But my mouth wouldn't engage. "How 'bout Jennifer? Or Laura? Or Kimberly?? Yes that's it! Kim is close to Jim but obviously much better for this you. It'll be more natural for me. Can I call you Kim?" Dumbly, I nodded my head. "Sure, whatever you think." "Kim it is then." Mary stood and stuck out her hand. "Kim, I'm Mary. I hope we can be good friends." As I reached for her hand she took mine and pulled close. She hugged me and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. She whispered in my ear "You look fabulous, Kim. I'm glad I could help you with this. I'm here for you." I didn't know what to think. She'd never even hugged me before, let alone kissed me. Was it because of the way I was dressed? I could only conclude that she was taking pleasure in helping me with... with what? She seemed absolutely convinced that I wanted to look this way; that this was some repressed side of me that she had helped release. Of course, I had done nothing to dissuade her from these thoughts. I had never voiced a real objection. I was fully dressed as a woman and had done nothing to stop the process. Of course she thought this is what I wanted. "Mary, really. This is too much. I shouldn't be dressed like this." "Of course you should. You're a natural, with your beautiful legs and sexy shape. And now I know why you kept your hair so long! You could have told me, you know. You didn't need to take my panties, I'd have helped you buy your own." "Mary..." I stopped. I couldn't say it. She really thought she was doing me a favor. "Um, thanks." Mary placed her hand on my knee and rubbed slightly. "Kim, don't be shy. This is going to be great. You're more than welcome." Mary was tenderly rubbing my thigh. My brain was off. My sex was on. The feel of her hand on my nylon encased leg was heavenly. My bulge was building once again. "Come on. Let's see what else I have that fits you." And with that she stood and walked down the hall to the bedroom. I shook my head in amazement. I was absolutely positively stuck like this. But I decided if she'd touch me like that again, kiss me one more time, smile at me with such warmth and sincerity. Well there was no way I was going to tell her the truth and risk losing those moments. I was going to do this all day if she wanted. Little did I know. For the next two hours we tried on her clothes. And I do mean we. After the first couple dresses I tried on, she decided she should make sure which ones might still fit her and that she might want to keep. By lunch time I had eight dresses hanging in my closet, two pairs of heels, six blouses and three skirts. Plus the bags from Goodwill that were already there. Lunch was very interesting. I was wearing one of my new dresses, hose, heels, full makeup; by all indications I was a female. Mary was equally dressed, though she didn't do the makeup thing. We were laughing and chatting like old girlfriends, getting along great - I'd never felt closer to her and I was loving every minute of it. We'd finished our sandwiches, I was in the kitchen doing the dishes with the music cranked up, Mary was in the living room shelving a couple of the books we'd moved from the spare room. The next thing I knew Mary had turned down the music and when I turned around I saw her standing in the kitchen doorway with another girl about our age. "Kim, this is my friend Laurie. She's here to look at the spare room." Laurie stepped forward and reached for my hand. I extended it shyly and smiled as best I could. My eyes darted to Mary. "Pleased to meet you Kim," Laurie said while gently shaking my hand. "That's a very pretty dress you're wearing." "Uh, yes. Thank you. It's Mary's actually." "No Kim, I said you could have that one, remember?" Then she turned to Laurie. "Kim and I have been sorting out some things and I gave her some of my spare clothes. We've been having quite a time playing dressup." "Well it looks very nice on you, Kim. Don't let her take it back." Mary and Laurie laughed at this joke. "Kim, why don't you join us? I want to show Laurie the apartment." Laurie and Mary were staring at me, waiting for a response. I figured I had no choice. "Sure, lead the way." Mary took Laurie into the living room, pointed out the sliding glass door to the common lawn, noted the nearby swimming pool, told her about the community room and the laundry facilities. Then the kitchen once again then the hall bathroom and finally the spare room. She pointed to mine and hers along the way but fortunately my door was shut and she couldn't see my male shoes, shirt and tie and such which was hanging over a chair from the day before. The spare room did not have a private bath like the rooms that Mary and I had. Mary told Laurie that she'd have domain over the hallway bathroom and that she and I would try and respect her privacy. She noted that we were still moving stuff out of the room and it would all be gone by the end of next week. Laurie seemed satisfied with those arrangements. "What about meals?" asked Laurie. "Do you girls eat together or is this an 'every man for himself' kind of arrangement?" I know I blanched at her choice of words but Mary kept up the charade. "Kim and I work together so we're used to spending a lot of time with one another. Sometimes she cooks and sometimes I do. Once in a while she'll have a date or something - or I will - and then we're on our own. But we do visit most evenings. We've got a couple of favorite shows we watch together." Laurie smiled. "That sounds nice. Unfortunately I'm not a very good cook. I'd be willing to kick in extra for food and such if one of you all can cook." She looked at me for a moment. "To be honest, I'm not overly concerned about the rent. Mary, you already know this, but I just got a big promotion at work and I could easily afford double what you're asking. What I really need are a few more girlfriends to keep me company." She turned to Mary. "When you told me you had a spare room to rent I was anxious to see it because you and I are already such good friends. I wasn't aware that there'd be another girl here... But's that just makes it better as far as I'm concerned." Mary smiled at me. "Well of course I'll have to talk it over with Kim." To Be Continued............

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Enjoy this evening II

*Snick* the lock made a satisfying sounds as my wife pushed it shut. The locks small loop was threaded through my new metal chastity cage. The cage was short and made of steel rods and made to keep my penis in a very tight space. As soon as the cage was lock I felt my cock trying to stiffen only to be stopped but the containment. I groaned in frustration and my wife chuckled “perfect” she sighed while fondling my balls and contained penis. “Ok get dressed, you going out” my wife commanded....

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DENTAL VISIT to Nirvana for the staff that

…breathing deep from the mask, it was only moments before she was gone …and immediately my nurse lifted the checkered skirt and I dropped to my kness , heaved her forward …shoved her legs apart and nuzzled into the girl’s cottoned crotch…almonds was the fragrance and a hint of urine…HEAVEN…suckling the fabric, I wormed my tongue around the gusset and found her slit and nosed onto her bud… My nurse had hiked her own whites up and was furiously fapping at her own exposed clit..briefs down at her...

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Tinker Tailor Goyim Spy

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A Cops Mistake

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Every Other Sunday

I always sleep on my own side of the bed, even when Mike isn’t here. I never use his pillow, either. For as far back as I can remember, Mike and I have shared the same bed. Mom pushed the bed against the corner of the room, and I sleep on the outside, so he won’t fall out of bed. She didn’t need to, because Mike never moves a muscle in bed. Sometimes, I wake up in the night and see Mike staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open and lying in the same position that he fell asleep. I...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 52 Goodbyes Part I

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The Crazy Couple

I travel to Asia a lot and my wife made this trip with me. We arrived in Singapore on a Wednesday night and I worked Thursday and Friday as my wife shopped and sat in the sun by the pool. When I got home Friday evening, to my surprise my wife was waiting on the bed naked for me on all fours with her ass towards me and all she said was, “Fuck me.” I quickly got my clothes off joined her on the bed and fucked her hard ramming it as fast and deep as possible until we both came and me...

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Roomies Beginnings

"Hey, are you as busy as I am?" Kim McCall looked up and grinned at the tousled brown head poked in her door. "If you're asking if I have a date this evening, then the answer is 'No'. Its just me and my math books. How about you?" Pam Maguire shook her head ruefully as she came into the room and flopped on the bed belonging to Kim's roommate. Taller than Kim's five feet four by nearly four inches, Pam was slender and long-legged, the perfect shape for a runner. Her light brown hair...

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Dost Ki Hot Mami Neerupa Part 8211 2

Hello readers my name is raghav. I am a 6ft tall guy with muscular body and fair complexion doing my batech from delhi. I like mature women more than girls. and i’m here with a fresh and real story, which is a 2 part of my story named “dost ki hot mami neerupa part-1”. If you have not red part-1 I strongly suggest to do so in order to enjoy this part. Please send me your feedback and suggestions on In the previous part I told you how I got indulge with neerupa in a seductive chat at parul’s...

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Uncle Ka Doodh

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Old man

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The Halloween Party

Gina Matthews was a pretty ordinary girl with a pretty ordinary life. She was eighteen years old, a freshmen at Westhaven University, and a server at a fast food restaurant that wasn't well known or very successful.However, her ordinary life would completely change when she was invited to a party by a cute guy named Josh Kelman.Gina was walking through a campus hallway one evening when Josh approached her. He held out a black and orange card to her."Hey, Gina, I'm having a Halloween Party this...

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My First WomanWoman Experience

Bob, my husband, and I had talked about putting some variety in our sex life for some time. We fantasized about many things while making love. One story though, kept repeating itself in theme but with different settings. I slowly figured out Bob was a voyeur and wanted to watch me with another man or woman. He didn't care which or even if he joined in. We played that he hid in the closet and watched me and another man. When I joined in with these fantasies, his passion was untiring. The more...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 173 Remembrances 8Enishis Visit

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Helping out a pregnant lady

At 22, I found myself jobless and decided to do anything that comes my way. One day I saw an Ad in the newspaper. "Wanted: Helper for trucker's family. Good pay." I called the phone number in the ad, and a man on the other side told me that he wanted to hire someone for his pregnant wife. Since he has to go on long journeys he needed someone to help out his wife in case of an emergency. The pay had been good, plus lodging and meal. The only negative was that the place was away from town. I took...

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When time stood still

Some people say when you are in the moment time stands still and that’s what this story is about. One evening in the summer of 2011 I decided to surprise my BF and have him come home from work to me in a red and black jockstrap. I decide to set the mood by having the lights set low, candles around the room and some light jazz playing in the background. While I was waiting I started playing with myself since being in the jockstrap was turning me on. I laid back on the couch closed my eyes and...

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She Deserves It

‘Look guys, don’t worry about her. I’ll make everything right tomorrow. She put me through hell, letting me think she was having an affair with a man I hate. It was the worst three weeks of my life going through doubt, denial, resignation and rage. She deserves it, every part of suffering she’s had to go through this week, to learn what kind of hell she put me through.’ Brendan Mackey took a long pull from his beer, his friends Nathan Lucas and Charlie Fredrickson kept him company at the...

2 years ago
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Daddy and Jenna 5

When morning arrived, all four awoke at about the same time. Doug's cock immediately began to grow at the sight of three naked teenagers lying in bed with him. Jenna was first out of bed, and stumbled to the bathroom. The sight of her naked ass was enough to cause his cock to grow all the faster, a fact not lost on the other two girls. Courtney was the bolder of the two. "What's the matter, Doug?" she asked as she stared straight at his cock. "You seem to be a little stiff" she continued as she...

2 years ago
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The Village Arts CenterChapter 3

Once again, it was summer in the city of seven million stories. The well-heeled city dwellers with cash to spend were already in their favorite vacation spot with no desire to return too quickly to the hot melting tar oozing up underneath. The canyons of glass and steel shimmered with the reflected heat of the burning summer sun. Only the temporary respite of an air-conditioned movie house gave needed sanctuary to the heat-stressed "left-behinds" with fantasies of wind-swept beaches and...

1 year ago
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Id Make Us Even

I was walking out of school. It was a Friday afternoon, the weekend was here and literally hundreds of kids flooded through the gates. Kids going away for the weekend, skipping detention, band practice with friends, any number of things could be done between now and Monday morning. Except homework it always seemed. I was with my friends, Carl, Adam, and Jon. Jon was reaching the end of an anecdote from calculus when Greg the jock and Tiffany the cheerleader walked in front of us; arms around...

3 years ago
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Moms friend

I was doing odd jobs in our small town to raise money before going off to Uni and took a part time job as a grocery shop delivery boy in the days before big supermarkets and their delivery vans. I would load up the groceries and deliver at the end of the day to peoples’ homes.One of the customers was a friend of my mother’s Sandra who was quite tasty looking she had a good pair of tits I had always noticed especially how they were forced into her tight tops, as if they would be glad to freely...

1 year ago
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A Sexy After Dinner Treat Part III

Note : This story is completely fictional! I woke up as the sun was shining in my room. I had only been asleep a couple of hours so I closed the curtains, (it was still snowing like hell) and went back to sleep. It seemed like I had just put my head down on the pillow when I heard a banging on the door. I noticed that it was almost noon so I figured it was housekeeping and I was swearing under my breath about forgetting to put the "Do Not Disturb" sign out. I threw on some sweat pants over my...

1 year ago
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Having My WayPart11

After my love dipped his fingers in my pussy, he had me lick them clean. Hungrily, I sucked them into my mouth, tasting the honey nectar. Then I felt him climb off the bed and I heard the drawer of the night stand open. He knew that was where I kept my toys. The blindfold he put over my eyes prevented me from seeing what he was doing, but I heard him moving things around. Then I heard nothing and I knew he was watching me.I wanted to move, but the restraints held me tight. Vulnerable, I wanted...

2 years ago
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The Office Girl Epilogue Redux

Authors Note: I did not think this story called for a true sequel that some asked for, but I decided to flush out the ending that was admittedly hasty. Consequently, I decided, in an act similar to the grand tradition of directors ruining their films by making changes years later, to write The Office Girl Epilogue Redux. This story takes the place of the Office Girl Epilogue. I decided not to alter the original in case some preferred the story the way it was. This epilogue is largely the...

1 year ago
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You mean me

“You mean me?”I glance at the girls around me at the bar, but he is looking straight at me. He nods his head and beckons me over. When I reach him, he heads outside, walking ahead of me. He reaches behind him, so I take his hand; he grips my hand tightly. What is going on? I wonder.Outside in the pub's summer garden he chooses a table for two and holds a chair for me. When I sit he sits—not quite opposite me, more obliquely, to sit closer. Once again he takes my hand and looks me straight in...

1 year ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 34 Graduation

-- THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2006, FINALS WEEK -- "Dead cow, dead chicken, or dead mystery meat?" Using one hand to hold her empty paper plate, blonde Tammy Toth jutted her hip out to the side and put the other hand on it. Giving me a bemused look, she asked, "Haven't we done this before?" I grinned and replied, "Yes we have." And without waiting for further response, I grabbed a grilled chicken breast with my pair of tongs and dropped it onto her plate. Tammy grinned, got up on her...

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