GreeniesChapter 7A free porn video

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At 1800 hours, New Pittsburgh time, people all over the planet found an Internet screen and tuned it to the proper channel. Some were gathered around a single screen in the living room of a public housing apartment. Some sat in luxury apartments on the edges of the cities. Many were freshly deployed MPG troops on occupation duties. If they were near a screen they watched it, if they weren't near a screen, they watched their PCs instead.

When the speech began there was no fanfare beforehand, no commentary by reporters, no speculation as to what was to be said, no spurt of advertising commercials. The image simply blinked on, showing Laura Whiting sitting at her desk dressed in her normal garb, a dark blue T-shirt. Her graying hair was styled but not perfect, her face showed strain with large bags under her eyes. In that instant the planet held its breath. And then she began to speak.

"Citizens of the Planet Mars," she said, looking easily into the camera as she'd done so many times before. "By now you undoubtedly know that some rather strange events have been taking place on this planet, most prominently right here at the capital building. I will now explain in detail what has happened today, what steps I have taken, and what I hope will come next.

"I was elected Governor of this planet by a considerable margin. As I've mentioned in my speeches before, I ran under a false flag, proclaiming my allegiance to WestHem, and particularly certain WestHem corporations. This was done so that I could be put into a position where I could fulfill a life-long dream. My dream was not to rule Mars, but to free it from WestHem control and influence. My goal, as I've told you time and time again, was to bring this about peacefully. I offered many times to negotiate with the WestHem government in Denver and the various corporations that control this planet and its assets. I have done this publicly and in private, pleading with the so-called 'powers-that-be' for a transfer of assets over to Martian control that would allow these corporations to maintain a profit while still allowing us self-rule and self-determination.

"They refused to even consider this. Instead, they committed themselves to removing me from office in order to silence my voice. When their attempts at using legal means failed, they attempted to destroy my reputation with their propaganda arm — also known as the Big Three media corporations. When that failed — which it did only because of the intrinsic intelligence of you, the Martian people — they began resorting to other means, namely, the use of the WestHem federal government and it's law enforcement branch.

"Now I know that all of you are aware of this tactic affecting you, the citizens. They arrested hundreds for doing nothing more than exercising their freedom of speech. They shot down others like dogs. But while they were behaving like Nazis in our streets, stomping on our human rights, violating all we hold sacred, another group of them was working in secret, acting directly against me. They put together federal charges — charges that were completely and totally fabricated — against me as a means of removing me once and for all. As you all have undoubtedly heard during the course of this day, a federal indictment with six separate charges was issued against me yesterday in Denver. This indictment was followed up with an arrest warrant today — a warrant that calls for my extradition to Earth for trial. The charges listed in this indictment are as follows: Abuse of high office, solicitation of bribes, racketeering, gross incompetence of high office, and..." she offered a smile to her viewers, "... my personal favorites, incitement of terrorism and trafficking in explosives."

Her face turned back to serious. "These are six very serious federal charges against me. I refused to recognize the legality of this indictment when it was served and I'll explain why. For one, this indictment was handed down by a grand jury in Denver. Denver! On Earth. The members of this grand jury were not citizens of Mars. They were not my peers. I was never given the opportunity to answer to any of these so-called charges leveled against me. I was never questioned a single time about these charges by any federal officers. Does this sound like a fair and impartial investigation?

"Some might say that an indictment is merely a charge and that if I'm innocent it will be proven in court. I'm sorry but I just don't see it that way and I believe that most of my fellow citizens don't either. If I were to have gone to Denver and stood trial, I would have been found guilty on all counts by another jury of Denver citizens, after being defended by a federal defense attorney. No, this indictment was not a response to criminal activity committed by me. It was meant to be my removal from office.

"I have committed no corrupt acts, I have not abused my office, I've accepted no bribes, and I don't believe I've been incompetent in my duties. I have certainly not incited any terrorism or trafficked in any explosives. So when federal agents showed up at the capital building this morning to take me into custody, I refused to go. And I will not go until you, my true peers, tell me that I must go, that the events that took place today must end. As it stands now, I'm guilty of much more than simple corruption. I will now explain what happened today so you can all fully understand what it happening.

"When the agents showed up to arrest me, my security detail was ordered by me to stop them. I will point out that I carefully explained to them that if they thought the indictment should be honored, if they truly thought that I was a corrupt, incompetent governor, then they should not follow my orders, that they should allow the feds entrance to the building and assist them in the arrest. I explained to them that failing to follow the feds' orders might expose them to treason charges later on. Not a single one of my detail backed down.

"My detail attempted to take the FLEB agents into custody until such time as the matter of Martian autonomy was hashed out. Unfortunately the FLEB agents did not surrender peacefully but elected to shoot it out inside the lobby of the capital. My troops returned fire, killing and wounding many of them. Most of the outside detail, as you saw on Internet, were taken peacefully into custody.

"As for the other events at the capital this morning, the reinforcement of the feds, the pull-back of the New Pittsburgh Police Department, the peaceful surrender of the remaining feds, you all saw that on Internet live as it happened. I will not rehash those events right now but I would like to thank Chief Sandoza for pulling his men back at my request. This kept Martian police officers from becoming involved in a firefight with MPG troops and led to the surrender of the federal agents. That is how I was kept from being taken into custody for these fabricated crimes under the guise of this illegal and fabricated indictment.

"But as you know, some other things have taken place on this planet and above during the course of this day, things much more serious than my refusal to surrender to a warrant, things with far-reaching implications for the future of this planet."

She paused for a second, taking a sip from a glass of water that was sitting next to her. She set it down and then looked into the cameras once more. "I have known all along," she said, "that the WestHem powers-that-be would most likely not go along with my plans for a peaceful transition to autonomy. I have hoped for the best but at the same time I have prepared for the worst. I have moved forward under the assumption that most of my fellow Martians favor autonomy and are willing to take certain risks for it. As I've said, you will all have opportunity to judge my actions in this regard.

"Many years ago, long before I was elected your governor, in order to assure that when the time came the citizens of Mars would have the means to make ourselves free, I asked my good friend General Jackson of the Martian Planetary Guard to draw up plans for assuming control of this planet from WestHem authorities if it ever became necessary. That plan was code-named Operation Red Grab and today it was put into effect on my orders. Whether or not it was necessary will be up to the Martian citizens to decide and you will be given the power to shut down this operation if you so desire, but let me explain first what steps were taken and where we stand at this moment.

"When word of the coming indictment and arrest reached my office yesterday afternoon, I put the plan into action. The first thing that happened was a call-up of the entire special forces battalion planet wide. These soldiers were transported up to Triad last night and stationed there to wait for confirmation of the indictment and arrest attempt. At the same time, additional MPG combat troops were called up and activated down here in New Pittsburgh and in Eden. Some of these men helped secure the capital this morning but most of them were stationed outside of the Eden MPG deployment center, where they manned tanks, aircraft, artillery, and infantry positions. They too waited for conformation of the indictment and arrest attempt. When that confirmation came, the special forces battalion, who again, were given the free choice to back down from their task, invaded Triad Naval Base and secured it. As we speak right now, TNB and all of the WestHem naval ships docked there are firmly in our hands. At the same time, the infantry and tank troops outside of Eden moved in to secure the Eden Marine Barracks. That base too is now firmly in our hands, all of its occupants and weapons captured."

She frowned sadly. "Unfortunately these two bases did not meekly surrender to our troops. Thirty-three of our soldiers lost their lives in the fighting. Forty-seven were wounded. Casualty lists are being formed right now and the families of those soldiers killed and wounded will be notified shortly after my speech tonight.

"These deaths weigh heavy on my soul," she said, seeming to stifle a tear. "I know that is what a politician is supposed to say and I know that they rarely mean it but please believe that I am speaking these words with the utmost sincerity. Thirty-three young men died while following orders that initiated with me. Thirty-three people with families, children, lives. I will not try to justify their deaths with a lot of patriotic blathering. This was a tragedy and I want you all to know right now and understand that if we follow through with the course of action that I have set into motion today there will be more tragedies like this, some undoubtedly worse, and maybe too many for us to handle."

She stopped, wiping a tear from her face and clearing her throat before continuing. "Once the fighting began at the two bases, I ordered a general mobilization of the entire MPG. My purpose for this action was nothing less than to take control of this planet, to seize it from WestHem in the name of the citizens of Mars. This goal was successful. As of 1520 hours today, the Planet of Mars is firmly in the hands of the MPG."

She took a deep breath. "This is where my actions will stop without further consent from you, the Martian people. Most of you are probably trying to digest what I have just told you. You are saying to yourselves in disbelief 'My God, Mars has rebelled against WestHem'. But that is not what has happened, not yet. Mars has done nothing, I have. I have initiated preliminary actions to secure this planet in the hope that we will rebel, that we will tell WestHem that we no longer wish to be a part of their corrupt system, that we are going to carve out our own destiny from now on. But I will not, I cannot go any further without the consent of the people in whose name I am doing this.

"I've told you several times during the course of this speech that you will have the opportunity to evaluate my actions. I will now explain just what I mean by that. I am calling for a vote on this matter. I will give you two days to think it over and then you may cast your ballots via your Internet terminals starting at 0800 local time on Friday. The question will be simple. Do you wish to declare autonomy from the Federal Alliance of the Western Hemisphere and enforce this declaration by any means available and necessary?

"This is a question that requires a simple yes or no answer. But this yes or no will be the most important you will ever answer in your lives. Your future, your children's future, and your grandchildren's future rides on this vote so I want you to discuss it with your friends, your families, and then vote how your heart tells you to. Due to the gravity of this decision I will require more than a two-thirds majority of yes votes before I will consider the measure passed. I will also require greater than ninety-five percent voter participation before I will consider a yes vote to be binding.

"If the vote is no, either through lack of participation, lack of two-thirds majority, or outright defeat I will immediately stand down the MPG and release all federal agents and WestHem soldiers. I will turn myself and my conspirators over to federal custody to stand trial on whatever charges they can initiate. Lieutenant Governor Benton will assume the governorship and things, for the most part, will go back to the way they were before. If this is your wish, then vote no. If you do vote no however, you will never again have the right to complain about the unfairness of the WestHem system or the unfairness of their rule.

"But before you vote yes on the matter I want some hard facts out on the table for you to peruse. To gloss these facts over would be the worst sort of hypocrisy on my part. I want to make sure that each and every one of you knows exactly what a yes will get us into.

"Right now the timing for a revolt against WestHem could not be better. Mars and Earth are nearly as far apart as they ever get. It will take at least twelve weeks before WestHem can send any troops our way, but believe me when I say that they will send them. Mars is worth trillions of dollars to WestHem and is a primary source of food and steel. They will not simply let us go. If we want Mars to be free, we are going to have to fight them for it.

"Will we win?" She gave a cynical smile. "I certainly hope so but it will not be a cakewalk in any case. No matter what we do, no matter how prepared we are for them, WestHem marines will establish orbit around this planet. We do not have sufficient resources or people to prevent that. WestHem marines will establish beachheads outside of our cities. We do not have the resources or people to prevent that either.

"'So we cannot win', some of you may be saying right now. That is not true. In order to take this planet from us the WestHem marines are going to have to march from their beachheads to our cities and occupy them. Sounds simple? It would be if not for the Martian Planetary Guard. This is exactly the situation the MPG was formed to prevent in the first place. Now you have all seen Internet shows deriding our planetary guard force, proclaiming it to be nothing more than a 'speed bump', good only for holding off an EastHem invasion long enough for 'real' soldiers from WestHem to get here." She smiled. "Well, I believe we can do a little better than that. Under General Jackson's command the MPG is a highly and specifically trained group with excellent equipment and tactics. Their very reason for existence is to prevent, not just hold off, an armed invasion of our planet and if WestHem comes in here thinking that they're dealing with a simple speed bump they're going to have a nasty surprise in store for them.

"But as the MPG stands right now we do not have enough combat personnel for a prolonged combat operation. We need volunteers to sign up for service and, if you vote for rebellion, we need you right away in order to give us time to train you prior to the arrival of the WestHems. If you sign up you must know that you may die or be horribly wounded in this war. We may, despite all of our preparations, lose this war and you may be arrested and charged with treason if this occurs. I want that to be right up front and in the open.

"We may lose. I cannot, and General Jackson cannot guarantee success. If we lose we will be subjected to occupation by WestHem soldiers for the foreseeable future. We will be subjected to even greater persecution and prejudice than we already have to deal with. We will never be trusted, never! If you need a graphic example of this take a look at the fate of the Asian descendents of Earth. More than a hundred years ago they initiated and lost World War III. On Earth today it is still legal to discriminate against Asians, even those whose ancestors were American or Canadian citizens during the war.

"In addition to the tactics of fighting WestHem we have to worry about one other thing. Fuel. Fuel to run our tanks, our aircraft, our space fighters. This fuel, as you know, comes from Jupiter and is supplied to us by WestHem. It is the one resource that we are not self-sufficient in. If we are to successfully fight WestHem and gain independence, we must secure a fuel supply. Now obviously WestHem is not going to keep sending fuel ships here. That leaves us with the unappetizing necessity of trading with EastHem for fuel.

"Aside from the distastefulness of doing business with an entity that once bombed our cities and killed our people, this opens up several variables to the equation of independence. For one, I have not yet contacted EastHem and asked if they will assist us; if they will trade fuel for our food surplus. They may refuse. If they do, all is lost. EastHem is going to have to make a decision of it's own.

"If EastHem does agree to assist us, WestHem may try to stop them. I don't believe that they will since this will flash the cold war to a quick heated state, but they might. If they do that I cannot predict what the long-term consequences will be. Again, this is a chance we'll have to take if the vote is yes.

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Over for another year, thank God I thought to myself. Why were these awards ceremonies always held in the middle of winter? Luckily, we men are dressed in tuxedos whereas the poor women are wearing their best cocktail dresses which although fabulous viewing to break the monotony of the ceremony, they offer little if any protection from the elements. The Grosvenor was its usual dull self, save the cocktail bar which had plenty to offer in terms of visual entertainment. Lots of  young secretary...

4 years ago
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Summer Holiday

My 18th birthday was here. My friends and family gathered at my parents house in Stevenage. I had a live band, and great food. It was really a great time. My Dad had bought me a new car, but the dealer didn't have the car I wanted. The car I wanted was in Devon, and the dealer couldn't get it in time for my birthday. So my dad had this plan that my uncle would drive me down to pick it up, and I would drive it to Colchester to stay with my grand parents for a few weeks. I loved my grand parents,...

3 years ago
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Pissing in the Wild 2

If I had been a dedicated trail hiker before, now I was there every chance I got. My pussy would cream at the idea of being opened up with my watcher’s 9 inch cock. On the trail, when I found a private place to let my flow go, I would now strip completly naked, it just made me hotter than ever. Squatting down, letting my golden piss gush, listening to it splatter against the ground, I would masturbate wildly, stroking my throbbing pussy to the idea of being spilt open with that hard,...

1 year ago
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Ixi Porn! Do you like Indian babes? Scratch that. Do you watch Indian porn? Wait, I have got a better one. Given a chance, would you get on a plane to India to meet sexy Indian girls? Perhaps you can find a strip club that won’t cane you for being a foreigner when you get there.Or maybe you will find a shop that sells authentic Indian tapes. Well, they could sell it to you or pluck out your eyeballs because they believe Indian pornography is for Indians only! Your mileage may vary.As the old...

Indian Porn Sites
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Alternative Reality chapter 3

The last two stories was just back ground on two 14 year old young girl who are both exposed to sex a young ages. In you first story you learned that Becky only know pain, and in the next you learned Sherry learned love. But what you will now learn is how these very different girls find happiness together. Now let us enter the young scared mind of Becky to see and feel her life. Personally note: just in case many of my female reader think that I only believe women are put on earth is so they...

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Empyrian Chapters 3943

This is the continuation of the novel "Empyrian". Please make sure you've read chapters 1-38 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is reading! Still more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 39 After many weeks of planning, smaller meetings and one reschedule, it was time for the second round of...

4 years ago
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Banging A Hot lady 8211 Part 01

Hello Everyone, I’m Vicky. Well to talk about me a little bit. I’m 24 and a Freelancer. My email ID is . And I like traveling. My ultimate goal is to land in Miami for a month. This was one of the incidents that had happened to me when I was traveling to Goa. Goa is one of my favorite relaxing spots whenever I fed up with the daily activities. And It was one of the best incidents that had happened in my trips. I met this beautiful aunty where she had come on the trip alone. Her name is Niha...

2 years ago
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On the Sunday one of the first questions she asked on the way from the airport was, “Do you still like being licked and teased?” “Yes I do, more than ever. Though I did promise my man I wouldn’t fuck any men while I was away this time. That still leaves some scope though,” I teased with a big smile. “He wants me to email him every few days to update him and tell him about you.” “Tell me about your current man and I will tell you about mine. I have arranged for you to meet him on Saturday,”...

3 years ago
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Attitude Fix The story of my half brother our sleazy mom and the alternative to pain in life

Introduction: I had a roommate whod cry over the relationship he was having with his girl, I ended up fucking that girl, in the same apartment we shared as roommates, even in front of him. She kind of played along without much effort, like a caged animal who can only taste freedom while in chains. Like all girls before her, I knew shed play the role of defiance very shortly. But as soon as I lined them up outside overlooking the wired fences, the mined fields, the vicious dogs, all of them knew...

3 years ago
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Blackmail madness

Sammy woke up, she was in her bed, she yawned, stretched a bit and got up. She peeled her sweat soaked PJ's off her body and jumped into the shower. She was a Bit cup and had a round booty. As she finished she grabbed a towel and sat on her bed, she chose her underwear for the day. She has a few options to choose from depending on how she was feeling. She looks through her drawings untill she finds the perfect underwear.

2 years ago
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My Sexy Teacher

Hi friends, I am a regular reader of these fantasies. You all have shared your experiences on the site and I also would like to share my first with you all. It is not a story but a fact of my life. I was in std. 15th at that time. I was very good at studies. I had tuition of my school teacher. Her name was Mrs. Riya. I had very good impression on her as a student. But I was very much impressed by her body especially by her boobs. They were very good & perfect in shape and size. I didn't had...

2 years ago
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Tease Me

Imagine a young couple full of desire and lust. It is a Saturday evening and they have decided to stay in for the night. They are playing a movie, but not really watching it. While sitting next to each other they can feel their hormones racing. They both desire to touch each other but resist. This only makes it worse because they both want the same thing and don’t even know it. It is summer and a very hot night. She is wearing a tight tank top and shorts. He loves her top because it...

4 years ago
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KristinChapter 34

The next morning, Little Bit stumbled out of Tony’s room, leaving him, as usual, sound asleep after their morning love-making. In the kitchen she found Penny and Henry Hall along with Jenny Clark. She learned that the previous night Jenny had taken care of the little children while Penny and Henry had looked after the older ones, ably assisted by Sandy Kramer and Samantha Christian. After eating, she went back to Tony’s room to haul him out of bed. It was his turn to drive out to the...

4 years ago
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Bhua g ki chudai

Hi friends.. Kaise ho..I m sonu from orissa.. Ek regular reader of this site.. Ab mere friends ne mujhe apni story yaha publish karne ko kaha.. Jo ki maine unhe batai thi jab maine apni bhua g ko choda tha..Baat kuch ek mahine pehle ki hai jab meri bhua apne 1 ladke aur 1 ladki humare yaha 2 dino ke liye ayi thi.. Unki umra 40 ke aas paas hogi.. Wo jara moti hai par bahut gori.. Moti k dudh to bade hi hote hein.. Mujhe wo pehle se achhi lagti thi par kabi unhe chodne ka nai socha tha..Mere...

2 years ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 28 Di

The knock at the door came just as Di put the finishing touches on her makeup. When Anne opened it, Di heard a man identify himself as the wedding coordinator and say he'd come to bring them down to the small poolside park. He also had a lovely bouquet of blue and yellow violas that Anne held for a moment before passing them to Di with a wistful sigh. Anne had put on a lovely blue dress to stand as her maid of honor. As they followed the coordinator to the elevators, Di began to feel the...

1 year ago
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CamSoda Fetish

The fetish community is very tight-knit. These are the least judgmental people you can find on the planet. It doesn’t matter how weird or whacky your fetish is. You will find brothers and sisters in arms, ready to pop balloons in your ears or take a steamy dump on your face. This is what I imagine Jesus had in mind for Christianity. But, unfortunately, they kept the weird sex stuff and ditched the lack of judgment.Where I fit into this fetish shit is fascinating. I don’t have one fetish as much...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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Loridance instructor

Ken's dreams had come true and he fantasized about the future. Not eager to start his day and the workweek, he lay in bed letting his mind linger on yesterday. It had to be the best day of his life, he readily decided, and visions of all his buddies having sex with Lori filled his mind. Not only did they now believe all his bragging about his gorgeous slut, but Ken had given them the ultimate prize. Each man felt every inch of Lori's sexy body plus each man got to fuck her and each man got a...

3 years ago
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Transvestite Maid

TRANSVESTITE MAID (A story that may not be what you think...) by "c.c. The day I discovered the truth about Cynthia's Transvestite Black Maid marked a turning point in my life. But I didn't know it at the time! We had just finished making love in her lavish bedroom - which was in her luxurious condo apartment-which was in the most exclusive condo development in the city-and were lying in Cynthia's bed, atop the covers, gasping with pleasure as we recovered our strength, her...

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ManiPedi Part 2

As we left off, I found myself becoming more and more feminine and submissive as LaKeisha and her mother, Ms. Parker, began controlling my entire life. As a 40 year-old unemployed man, I had hopes of one day returning to the work force in the world of finance--hoping to make a six figure salary. My college degree and experience would surely carry the day. But that is no longer possible. I am now virtually the property of Ms. Parker and her 19 year-old daughter LaKeisha. They have...

2 years ago
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Reddit Gone Wild, aka r/GoneWild/, aka Reddit GW! Are you a fan of amateur sluts showing off their hot bodies for all of the internet to see? I mean, who the fuck isn’t? That shit is the best. Maybe you’re one of those babes who wants to show off the body they have worked so hard to achieve. Let the tiddies free, go spread eagle, bend over and show everyone your plump ass, or whatever other kinds of kinky photos you want to take. I’m talking about exhibitionism.We all have a bit of that drive...

Reddit NSFW List
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Indoor Games

INDOOR GAMES Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009, Daedalus This story contains what is known as "transgender material". It does *NOT* contain any elements of m/m, s/m, b/d, humiliation, pain, or anatomically detailed descriptions of sexual acts. If this lack offends you, do yourself a favour and read no further. All characters and situations described herein are fictional and any resemblance to any real or fictional persons or events is purely coincidental. The story may be freely...

4 years ago
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Bottoms UpChapter 27

I woke up the next morning to a bunch of hands caressing my body, kisses on my neck, cock, and balls ... to find that the Bottoms were all around me and the bed that I was on. I wasn’t alone on that bed, either. To my right, Megan snuggled up to me, spooning with me, her ass pressed against my cock. To my left, Annie had her arms around my waist. Both were still asleep, oddly enough. “Good morning, Master,” Sally told me with a breathless kiss to my cheek. “Good morning, my love,” I told...

2 years ago
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My Milf is slutty party entertainment for many guy

I love sharing my brunette mid-thirties bbw milf with friends and strangers alike. She is a little submissive and likes it somewhat rough but when she parties she likes to let guys do anything and everything that turns them on. This usually ends up with at least one or two guys in any given party getting very rough and leaving her bruised and crying. I often stop things before some of the guys get too carried away abusing and hurting her as the fuck all of her holes, that is if they can get...

3 years ago
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Flamenco Beach Part 4

Two weeks after my idyllic affair with Alfonso took off, we were steadily meeting in secret as expected. That first weekend, his wife had to visit her sister, who lived in the main island, so we had all that time to ourselves. We spent those couple of days fishing, cooking, drinking and having deep conversations; between, of course, very intense intimate sessions.After that weekend, depending on the situation and availability, we would meet at the project's office, my hotel room, or would drive...

2 years ago
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Merry ChristmasChapter 9

Jim finished wrapping the packages late Christmas Eve. He started to take the packages down to the pickup truck. He was glad that he had had a fiberglass bed cover put on the pickup as they were predicting snow for later tonight. He had the cell phone clipped to his belt in case Jessica called. It took several trips to get all of the presents into the truck and he had to put the presents that he had bought Jessica, earlier in the day, into the front next to him. He went back inside and waited...

2 years ago
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Foreign Wife8217s Husband Pakkodi

You know how complex within normal Vijayawada bus. Such, inkela Imagine the marriage season. In that season, nine hours a night were fine, auto, Rajesh with their luggage. Fine says, go back inside, “vellalenandi itself without you. Please, understand. “Said. “What to do, then, is both the most important pellille. Kampalsariga go. Single muhurtam. Tell me what to do. “While there, someone gave him des. In ulikkipadi, he gave des Shiva. He was a close friend of Rajesh. Unnadatanu extensions with...

4 years ago
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Darrell's Easter Egg Hunt By Cheryl Lynn This is a short femdom/humiliation story based on a drawing by Daphne. I'm amazed at how many stories she has inspired me to write from one of her illustrations. Thank you Daphne. Usual disclaimers apply. It may be downloaded for personal use only and any other use without author's permission is forbidden unless approved by the author. Comments welcome at [email protected]. Darrell's Easter Egg Hunt It was Easter Sunday and Mary Beth...

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Friday night black gangbang

Friday night black gangbangI arrived home after a boring day at my office and Ana suggested we could go out for dome drinks after dinner. I agreed and watched TV as she got dressed.She was really stunning when she came down: she was wearing a short black dress, nylon hose and high heels. She bent over before my eyes to show me she was not wearing panties…We went to a near pub and had some margaritas; I thought later Ana would let me fuck her in the car, while people watched from outside. But...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 4 Luna Lovegood

Harry was lucky there weren’t any lessons the following day because he didn’t leave his bed at all. Ron had slowly accepted the lie that Harry was in love with Cho and forgiven him for hurting Hermione. Ron now thought Harry and Cho had broken up and accepted that his best friend wanted to stay in bed. Ron was a great friend.Cho sent him several owls, each letter more desperate and more tear streaked then the last. Harry read them but couldn’t bring himself to reply. The message was pretty much...

4 years ago
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Training a Lover

AN ENDING “My life is over!” I yelled to my aunt the day she came to discharge me from the convalescent center. With my parents being claimed by a car crash almost eight years ago, I had striven to be a careful driver since then — despite my having bought a silver BMW convertible thanks to my folks’ insurance proceeds and estate. But I almost bought the farm, too. My fiancée wasn’t so lucky. It was evening on a quiet stretch the coast highway northwest of Los Angeles, next to the ocean....

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