Quartet: Eleanor Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter 03: All good things have to come to an end.

Author’s note: My editor and wife of 45 years is unhappy with me that I chose to submit Chapters 1 and 2 without her critical appraisal. As a result, several minor but irritating errors slipped through that would otherwise have been discovered. To my readers, I apologize. This, of course, cuts no ice with my beloved. I also apologize in advance for any other errors that might creep through. Thanks for your understanding.


To say that Eleanor was devastated at the death of Robert would be a massive understatement. She simply could not believe that the one great love of her life had been taken from her. They had celebrated almost twelve glorious, loving years together and she had been looking forward to many more. They had begun organizing their around-the-world ‘trip of a lifetime’ and just the planning of that great adventure was exciting for them.

They both needed various inoculations for the more underdeveloped countries they would be visiting and Eleanor had convinced Robert to get a full medical checkup at the same time. It was then that the discovery was made that would end their plans and destroy the joy and anticipation of their future life together. Robert was diagnosed with suspected Prostate Cancer and a biopsy was hastily arranged. The results were worse than they could have expected. The cancer was advanced, also attacking his bowel and his likelihood of survival was much less than 50%. After many nights of agonizing discussion and argument, Robert convinced Eleanor that he wouldn’t undergo the surgery and they would live his last days out with her at their home. He couldn’t face the trauma of major surgery, only for her to be burdened with the gradual deterioration of his life afterwards. He faced his fate bravely but with great regret.

He lived for three months after the diagnosis, Eleanor beside him for almost every waking moment. When he died, he had been sleeping in her arms late one winter afternoon. His brother Harold and sister-in-law Rosalind were in the house at the time. The funeral was held in the United Church near Bowness and he was buried in the Bowness Cemetery on a cold, windswept January day. More than fifty people attended the services, including his mother, brother, sister-in-law, Hamish McDougall and his new bride Marietta, Franklin Yarborough from New York and many of their friends from both business and their social circle.

For Eleanor, it was a like a light being extinguished. She was completely lost and had no idea of what she would do without him. Rosalind, Harold and several of her dear friends tried to stay close and comfort her, but in her quiet, private moments, she was bereft of hope. In the time before Robert, she was a strong woman and dependent upon no one but herself. But in her time with him, she had become equally dependent on Robert as her muse, lover, companion and supporter. It would be some time before she would regain her strength and choose her future path.


As she lay on the couch in their living room, her mind drifted back to the happy years with Robert. The love and the loving. The trips of discovery and adventure. It was a cruel fate that gave them all their financial freedom and then snatched him away before they could celebrate their good fortune. She knew she had to make a decision on her future. She had no interest in returning to her job, she couldn’t focus on anything for very long these late winter days. She looked out the window toward the city and wondered if it wasn’t time to make a complete break and start anew. She thought of Harold and Rosalind, her closest friends and how they had tried so hard to be with her after Robert’s death. She pushed them away just as she had pushed everything away, even her memories. Now, those memories we coming back, not to haunt her, but to perhaps re-energize her.

It had been almost two months since his death and Eleanor had hardly stirred from the house. The grey-white colours of winter would soon begin to recede and spring would return. One morning in early April, Eleanor awoke and immediately knew what she must do. It wasn’t the result of an impulse or a vague dream but a realization that she couldn’t continue with her life in this place. She picked up the phone and called her brother-in-law’s home.

‘Hello?’ Rosalind answered.

‘Hi Roz.’ Eleanor said in a clear voice.

‘Ellie … how are you? We haven’t talked in ages.’ she came back brightly.

‘I know. I know. I had to think things through for a while. I needed some time and space to decide.’

‘Ellie? What did you decide?’ Rosalind asked tentatively.

‘I’m going to sell the house and I’m going to find a new place to live that won’t be so full of these memories.’ she said positively.

Rosalind sensed there was more to it than that. She waited patiently for Ellie to continue.

‘I’ve decided to move to Toronto.’ she stated flatly. ‘I thought about Vancouver, but … I guess I’m really a big city girl and Toronto is better for me.’

‘Oh Ellie, no! I don’t want to lose you. Why do you have to leave us?’ Rosalind’s voice was pleading and she was near tears at the thought of her best friend moving away.

‘It’s better than staying here and having everything around me remind me of … well … just remind me. I don’t want to lose you either, Roz, but I can’t stay here. What the hell. You can come and visit me anytime. I hope you understand.’

‘I guess so, but … it won’t be the same. I’ll miss you so much. Get ready for some big phone bills.’ she laughed through her tears.

‘You know I’ll call you plenty and you call me too. I won’t be leaving until the house is sold and I’ve found a place to live in Toronto, so it isn’t like I’m leaving today.’ Eleanor rationalized.

‘Oh god, Ellie. I wish you’d change your mind. What about the ‘Terrible Thompsons”? she cried.

‘Well, there’s always the reunion you know.’ Eleanor was trying to inject some lightness and levity into the somber conversation. ‘It’s only a four hour plane ride to ‘The Big Smoke’. Bring your camera and Harold and have some fun.’

‘I guess.’ Rosalind had resigned herself to the fact that Eleanor was leaving, if not right away, then sooner than later.

The house sold more quickly than Eleanor had expected. The market was up again and the property’s spectacular views and careful décor were a great benefit to the real estate agent. The first offer was right on the asking price, but before she could accept, a second offer, higher than the first, but wanting the furniture and furnishings was the trigger that Eleanor decided to pull. It solved any problems about what to keep and what to dispose of. She had carefully kept some personal mementos and the odd bit of artwork that she and Robert had chosen together, but otherwise, the ability to walk away and start virtually fresh was too much to resist. Including her clothes, the balance of the possessions she took from the house fit in seven boxes and three wardrobes.

Eleanor flew to Toronto to prospect for a place to live. She realized that she would be happiest back in an apartment environment, just as she was a dozen years ago before she met Robert. It took no more than two days to find exactly what she wanted, a horribly expensive two bedroom apartment in the centre of the city. It was spacious, but easy to maintain. It had room to entertain and for guests, but still not a burden requiring a cleaning service. Money wasn’t really an issue. The cost of the unit still left money from the sale of the house and soon the estate would pass through probate and she would be a multi-millionaire widow. Robert’s life insurance, purchased at the recommendation of their financial advisor, gave her a great deal of ready cash to bridge the time from his death to probate. Even after taxes, the estate would realize nearly 35 million dollars, far more that she imaged she could use in the balance
of her lifetime.

At the conclusion of her purchase of the apartment, Eleanor flew to Vancouver to visit with her sister and her family. They were delighted to see her and yet sad that she had chosen to move so far from their hometown. Evelyn convinced Eleanor to stay for a few days and she, husband John and their now fifteen year old daughter Julia spent a great deal of time touring the local sights and making a quick visit to Victoria for a short vacation. For Eleanor, it was a tonic and a relief. She loved her sister and her family and was equally delighted with the lovely and pretty young woman her niece had become. She now chose to be called Julie, but whatever the name, Eleanor and Julie were close and each admired the other. At the end of her stay, Eleanor was actually regretting her decision to head back to Calgary for a final goodbye to her ‘other sister’, Rosalind.

Eleanor had decided she didn’t need a car in Toronto. She would use cabs and if necessary, the excellent public transportation system. It had a subway, streetcars and commuter rail systems as well as buses. She just didn’t need the hassle of trying to drive in the ‘big city’. Harold had looked after the sale of her car and Harold’s S.U.V. She spent three days with Harold and Rosalind before heading back to her new home in Toronto. She had her regrets in leaving her natural ‘home town’, but knew she had to find a new path for herself if she was going to recover from the loss of her husband. As she looked toward her former city and home from the aircraft’s window, she felt a tinge of regret, but quickly looked away and hoped it would be that easy to find a new life in Toronto.


Eleanor had found work in a local Public Relations firm and although the work was not demanding of either her talents or her time, it was a reason to get up in the morning and have a sense of purpose about her day. She joined a fitness centre barely a block from her building and with the help of a personal trainer, quickly regained her former level of fitness. She had arrived in Toronto permanently in late April and within a month realized that she had made a good choice. It was a city for walking and for cabs, Canada’s New York as it were. Lively, with excellent shops, great restaurants, theatres and above all, people on the streets. She loved the clanging of the streetcar claxons as they rolled smoothly by. The city was alive and made her feel alive again as well.

She developed her routines for each week. She could walk to her office, her fitness centre, several restaurants, her grocer and butcher shop, drug store, Union Station and many of her favorite shops. She developed a relationship with a local cab company and when she tired of walking and needed a ride home, she called her contact and a cab was dispatched for her. She got to know the best drivers and quietly requested they be assigned to her whenever they were available. She tipped them generously and they responded with quick and efficient service. They came to enjoy their contact with ‘Mrs. T’.

Eleanor hadn’t even considered a relationship with a man. She couldn’t conceive of it at this early stage of her widowhood. Unfortunately for her, however, she still had vivid memories of her steamy nights with Robert and she was still sexually conscious. Her dreams often resulted in dampness in her underwear and her private thoughts often drifted toward the feeling of complete fulfillment that she had enjoyed with her late husband. She knew that sooner or later, she would seek a relationship with a man, but not just yet. She had been approached by several men in her office and some of her clients for dates and while she occasionally accepted a dinner or theatre date, she made it clear that sex was not part of the plan. Most of her dates accepted her rules, knowing that she was a strong-willed woman and couldn’t be fooled with. The others were swiftly dispatched to no-man’s-land, never again to be graced with her company.


Eleanor had not lost her sense of humour or her awareness of current events. She could hold her own in any conversation and her many travels in the past years had just added to her repertoire of experiences, stories and adventures. She was a brilliant dinner guest and a terrific companion for any man who had the patience and smarts to pay attention. She soon became a minor celebrity on the social scene and enjoyed the status. Her business life thrived in the next two years and she began to regain her personal stability and sense of self-worth. In short, she was finally getting over the loss of Robert.

She met Roger Inhalt at the mailboxes in the lobby one weekday morning. He was struggling to extract a package from his box and since her mailbox was below his, she waited patiently while he wrestled with the corrugated-wrapped object. She was on her way to work and as she stood behind him, she realized that she was a couple of inches taller than he in her fashionable patent leather heels. He was neatly groomed with a bit of grey showing in his brown hair. He looked fairly trim and with the exception of the profanity he was using in what he thought was ‘sotto voce’, he appeared to be at least educated and possibly even refined. Finally, he extracted the parcel from his box but not without a nasty scrape on his hand.

‘Ouch … dammit!’ he mumbled. Roger turned and then realized Eleanor was behind him. ‘Oh … I beg your pardon. I’m not usually prone to swear but …’

‘That’s perfectly alright. I understand completely.’ she smiled. She had a good look at his face and liked what she saw. He was probably about her age and in his own modest way, reasonably handsome. He had a nice smile and appeared to have all his own teeth and hair. Not a bad start, she thought, laughing to herself at her conceit.

Eleanor opened her box and extracted three letters from it. One from her accountant, probably about final settlement with the tax man. Two bills, telephone and hydro. Nothing to worry about. She stuffed the three letters in her purse and turned back to the man beside her.

‘Is your hand going to be alright? I have a handkerchief in my purse if that would help.’ she offered.

‘No, it’ll be fine. Just a small scrape.’ He looked up at her and smiled as he realized just what an attractive woman he had been standing beside.

‘I’m Roger Inhalt. I live on the fourteenth floor here.’ He smiled a genuine smile and held out his undamaged hand.

‘I’m Eleanor Thompson. I’m on eight. Nice to meet you.’ She felt very comfortable in the presence of Mr. Roger Inhalt. She shook his hand briefly. ‘Well, I’m off to work. I’m sure we’ll meet again.’ She smiled, turned and walked out of the lobby onto the street, heading toward her office.

Roger watched her walk away and filed an important factoid in his mind: Eleanor Thompson. He leaned forward and checked the box from which she had extracted her mail and noted the number, 815. Attractive women in this building were not uncommon but attractive women in his age group were not common. Now the question remained, was she single? A simple investigation would provide the answer.


Roger Inhalt had moved to Toronto after his divorce. He was a native of Vancouver and a civil engineer. He had moved steadily through the lower management ranks of an International firm and into middle management at a relatively young age. It was there he seemed to find his career stalled. He had married Marnie Bryson in 1968 and their son, Steve, was born a year later. They were young and in love and his job and status impressed Marnie, especially since he was fresh out of University. They had lived in a modest house in North Vancouver until, quite unexpectedly, Roger was offered a fairly decent promotion to the San Francisco office. It meant a dramatic change in their lifestyle and status within the company. Marnie was excited with the prospect while Roger was more cautious. It wasn’t the job that concerned him but the California lifestyle, politics and t
he more common occurrence of violence that worried him. Nonetheless, he accepted the position and moved his family to the Bay Area.

Marnie wanted a house on the Peninsula, while Roger thought they would be better of in the East Bay area where prices weren’t so radical. Marnie won and Roger reluctantly put a down payment on a mid-sized home in Menlo Park. It was a brutal commute, but Roger recognized that it would be no less demanding from the East side, so he reconciled himself to the daily grind. Roger soon realized why he wanted to live in the East Bay, it was the fog and rain that pervaded the Peninsula. As he drove up 101, he often could see sun on the other side of the bay. Even in July, the fog rolled in on sunny afternoons and made the drive home much less pleasant and safe.

The job was less satisfying than he had hoped. He was now a medium sized fish in a very big pond and found that his status as an ‘alien’ brought with it a level of respect for his skills far below what he was used to. It wasn’t long before he was unhappy and he was communicating this discontent to his wife. Marnie, for her part, would have none of it. She was happy with her new California address and content with her new friends and neighbors. She hadn’t worked for several years and was delighted to have most of the day to herself and her personal pleasures. She was uninterested in the complaints of her husband and told him so.

Their son Steve, now almost sixteen, had turned into a very bright young man. He was more mature than his age and very self sufficient. He was even beginning to invest money in the stock market thanks to the small inheritance his late grandmother had bequeathed him.

Roger had made up his mind to return to Canada and set about trying to convince Marnie that it was what was best for them. Marnie steadfastly refused and made it plain that if he was leaving, he was leaving alone. Roger knew then that their marriage was contingent upon his surrender to her wishes. He lost a lot of sleep over the final decision but ultimately he told Marnie that he would be seeking employment in Canada and that she could come with him or stay. If she stayed, it would mean the end of the marriage. Roger was stunned at how little concern Marnie showed over their marriage. It was as if it meant little to her as long as she had a ready supply of money and a place to live. He realized then that he had badly misjudged her and knew that regardless of her decision, he would be better off alone.

Steve, on the other hand, had no choice. Under typical California law, he would be under his mother’s care until he was eighteen, another two years away. Roger sat down with his son one afternoon and explained the situation to him. Surprisingly, he was aware of the tension in the relationship and realized that his father was unhappy. On the other hand, he was happy in his current circumstances and although he would miss his father very much, he would survive in the current environment.

Roger applied to several job opportunities in Canada and was surprised when the Toronto Transit Commission (T.T.C.) offered him a senior management position at a handsome salary with generous benefits. After the obligatory interviews and waiting, he accepted the position and contacted a lawyer to represent him in what he expected would be a miserable divorce. He was pleasantly surprised when Marnie went out of her way to make the terms reasonable, probably against the advice of her lawyer. She held no grudge or animosity toward Roger, but neither was there any love. It was some months later that Roger learned from a friend of her secret lover and when he did, he felt betrayed and humiliated by her. He vowed not to tell Steve, but suspected that he might know anyway since it was Marnie who had flaunted her boyfriend among their friends. It would be up to his son to tell him if he knew of her illicit affair.

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Quartet Chapter 3

“Guys, you mind if I cook a little breakfast?” Shawn asked from the crack he opened in the doorway. Aaron shook his head and said, “Naw, go right ahead man. We’ll be out in a few.” I did not want to get out of bed, but as I watched Aaron pull on a pair of shorts, I moved closer to the edge of the bed. He tossed my robe to me and told me to get up. I sighed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Before I was fully out of the bed, Aaron was out the door. My nerves grew as I tied the robe...

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Quartet Chapter 2

About a month later, I met Kristie for lunch and we went to my house afterward for a ‘snack.’ After our ‘play date’, we curled up on the bed and talked about our guys. “I have to know,” I said before taking a deep breath, “Is Aaron the older guy you have a crush on? It will not upset me if he is.” Kristie bit her lip and blushed before she nodded her head. I told her that it was fine and that I had to confess to having a bit of a crush on Shawn. She was surprised that I looked at Shawn that...

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The sound of the key and the flow of the words on the screen were all that I heard and saw until I felt a light kiss on my cheek. With my concentration broken, I looked up at him annoyed that he was disturbing me. “Did you hear anything I just said?” the tall and very cute man said as he loomed over me. “Nope,” I said looking up at him with a smile thinking ‘What a dumb question.’ He leaned down and kissed my lips. I love my husband most days, but when he interrupts my writing, I want to...

4 years ago
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Quartet for Teens in One Movement

I'd been dating Monica for nearly three months and we've been fucking for three weeks now. Mostly at my house, after school, when my parents are at work. Monica just loves sex, she's the most sexed-up girl I've ever known. When she's horny, she just goes at me. I love it. We'd use Monica's house some, but her little sister, Myra, is kind of a snot. She's thirteen and cute like Monica but is really kind of a brat. Anyway, Monica is sixteen, like me, and a cute redhead. She has real...

1 year ago
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A gangbang surprise

I came home from shopping one afternoon and found my sissy slave husband was in the shower and I could hear he was playing with a dildo,as usual.He is my femdom bitch and he likes it when I fuck him up the ass with my strapon.I was about to join him when I heard his cellphone had a message.I checked the message and it looked like a date was set for some sort of surprise.I contacted the sender and came to know that my pathetic bitch husband was getting five of his gym buddies to give me a...

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Meister T Sissi Hooking

Meister – T – http://xhamster.com/users/meister-tErziehungsplattform Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und MannAus dem Leben eines Meisters.Sissi "Schwanz und Eier "Hooking"Ein Meister – der sehr strenge –packt die Eier enge –drückt sie – bis auf Boden –haut dann noch – die Hoden,an diesem schönen – Leiden –tun sich gerne – weiden –Sissis – und der edle Mann –der so immer – gerne sann –zu dienen – einem Meister –der auch kennt – die GeisterHeute ist ¬ die große Feier ¬denn erzogen ¬ werden Eier...

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Kate Part 3

Kate, Part 3 By Ricky So I once again had a case of the nerves to cope with, this meeting the family stuff just seemed to keep going and going and going. Had it only been a month since Kate started to become real? As far as I could tell, the only looks I got were because of my height; Steph got just as many as I did when we were out together. I felt perfectly comfortable out in public lunching at McDonalds (Chicken salad and no fries, I wasn't about to have to go shopping...

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XVideos Horror Porn

Have you ever found yourself browsing around ThePornDude and thinking to yourself, ‘gee, there are lots of sites to beat off to, but what I really want to watch is a werewolf bukkake’? If so, it’s your lucky day! I have just the tube site that you can visit where you can find exactly that kind of content! It’s over on XVideos.com/Horror Porn, and you will find a substantial number of videos that are just waiting for you to cum to!If horror porn is your thing, know that XVideos.com/Horror Porn...

Extreme Porn Websites
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The FeelChapter 4

Steve flipped through the magazine, barely reading the words. Steve, you are the biggest turd in the world, he thought to himself. He put down the magazine, leaning over to cradle his head in his hands. It had been a day since he had taken Nicole, robbing her of her virginity, squirting his sperm into her tight body. Even now, the memory was making him hard. Then again, he was only 16 - navel lint made him hard. A little over a week before, he had sex with her best friend Amanda, taking...

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Hot Gigolo Service 8211 Part 4 The Mistress And Her Maid

Hi, friends welcome back. I am happy with the responses I have got from you people. Those who haven’t read the first three parts please do so. After the encounter with Shuba we took some rest in my room and it at that time I got a message from Nisha that she is about to reach home. I informed Shuba that Nisha is about to reach and she got tensed and ran with her dress to the kitchen to prepare dinner. At that time, I thought of giving Nisha a kinky surprise delicious treat. I informed Shuba...

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MyPervyFamily Kacey Jordan Wake N Fuck with My Hot Sister Kacey

Once I had a taste of how good my stepsister’s, Kacey, pussy felt I can not stop thinking about it. I just heard her lay down in her room when I slowly creep in, I start to poke my hand under the cover and start to rub on my stepsister’s hot ass. I know she likes it, I can feel her pussy getting all wet. I slowly pull out my stepsister’s big tits and rub them, she seems startled but I just pull out my dick and stick it deep in her throat. Kacey is such a good slut she knows...

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Kalandi 8211 Part IV

Once Again, After two days while I was travelling received her call. I was so happy and excited to hear her voice. I was in a meeting so excused myself and went out so that I could talk to her freely. She said “ How are you Uncle?” I said “ I am fine, thank you , and how are you? “ I asked. She said she was fine and that her parents were away for two days. I was so sad hearing this. I said that I was away and could only return after two days. She said that was Ok, and after some talks about...

4 years ago
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Submissive sissy

Submissive sissy.Like most crossdressers, I started off trying to be as ‘convincing’ a woman as I could be and, to be honest, it was often a difficult journey and essentially one without an ending. I’ll not go into why I turned my back on that and acknowledged that, rather than being a crossdresser, I am a sissy. That deserves another account and I plan to address that soon. The briefest point I will make about being a sissy is that it’s about ultra-femininity, over the top femininity. In short...

1 year ago
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Favor for the Professor

Ray Franklin was grading badly-written German essays when the Professor called him into the office. "Raymondt, I have something to ask you." Professor Morton Dichter had been teaching at the University for twenty years, but his accent had never completely disappeared. "My younger brother informs me that my niece now is attending the University here." Ray nodded blankly, wondering whether congratulations were expected. Fortunately, the Professor continued without much pause. "I did not...

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The Hammock

Lying in her hammock in her garden, she closed her eyes momentarily to savour the thought that he was fetching the suntan lotion and would soon be applying it to her body. When they slowly opened, they shimmered with anticipation. He had already returned, bottle in hand and had been watching her swaying in the warm and gentle breeze. He gazed into her eyes and she could tell that he was intent on helping her eyes' shimmer transpose into a glint. She opened her mouth slightly and gently pressed...

Love Stories
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 55 One More Day

Doc and I were wrong; Mickey McKenna had not had his sex drive adjusted downward. Even as he went about his daily duties as a Daytown Detective, he was in fact a human embodiment of a satyr. His sex drive had become insatiable, his allure irresistible to women. It made for a long day. Jacy did not hesitate to climb onto his erection in a reverse cowgirl simply to be allowed to eat her bowl of cereal for breakfast. As Mickey neared climax, he pushed his daughter off and came into bowl....

3 years ago
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Alls Fair When Youre In Love

As always: Thanks to rf-fast for the editing work. Your insights are what prevents this story from being mindless drivel. ***** ‘And now you are a dog!’ Marvelous Merlin the Magnificent Hypnotist declared. The crowd roared out in laughter as the beautiful blonde woman fell to her hands and knees. She was wearing a tight red dress that hugged her hourglass figure delicately which made it that more difficult for her to make the transition. It also made it even funnier. For the life of him,...

2 years ago
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Sex With Ma8217am

This happened when I was in class 11 science(18 at the time ). On the first day of school, I was quite bored teachers came gave their intro and gossiped. It was on the fifth period that she entered. In her late 20s, wearing a blue sari she marched in with a sexy smile. Just to tell my readers our school mostly had older teachers but there were some youngsters like her. She took the intro like the others and informed us that she will be taking literature(English). Luckily I took English as my...

2 years ago
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An Afternoon of Bridge

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. Specifically, it is a FANTASY involving mother/son incest, brother/sister incest, and underage sex! If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, or if the content offends you...DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age, eighteen (18) or older, and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The locations and characters in...

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Indian Summer Ch 01

Indian Summer – A Fantasy It was the hottest Indian summer on record. Everyone was irritable to the point of cracking. Someone even said that Old Charlie cracked the other day and killed some punk who tried to break into his place. Jack knew he had to keep his cool, despite all that was happening in his life. He was miserable, he wasn’t happy at his job. His home life certainly had seen better days. Things could only get better from this point. Jack was a telephone repairman, and like most...

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Per request a story about sucking johns c

We met at a reception being held at the local farm. You are a distinguished looking gentleman-- let's call him "Chase Hunter". Chase and john sip your drinks and talking about global economics. I'm bored. So I enjoy looking around the farm. The farm a****ls are so cute. I especially like the white goats the best as they play and munch on grass. I walk around and glance back and see my man chatting away with great passion. Finances the topic of discussion no doubt. I watch as the two men...

1 year ago
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Discipline in the Dorms Sarahs disgrac

Discipline in the dorms is a series of short stories set in a girls education facility This is the first in the series Please rate and comment as the more positive response I get the faster and more stories I will produce for the series "Sarah's disgrace "PEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! The whistle sounded, all the girls playing hockey turned to see what had stopped play "SARAH ALLISON!!"Shouted Miss Turncliffe "COME HERE AT ONCE"Sarah rolled her eyes and slowly made her way over, although it was coming...

3 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 10

I could tell the girls were nervous as I helped them out of the car. Teodoro and Bernardo had already taken what little luggage we had and were giving it to Julien’s flight crew as I walked with Sonia and Felicia towards the jet. “It’s perfectly safe, my dears. That same jet got Elizabeth and Amanda safely to Tahiti after having an engine blown off, not to mention the same pilots. They’ll make sure we have a safe flight and they won’t object when the two of you get more comfortable once we’re...

3 years ago
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The Stepmother

Paul had always been attracted to older proffessional women since a young age, the idea of an encounter with someone much his senior had always been has most focused fantasy and he never had much luck with girls his age in their late teens nor was he particularly attracted to them.When his parents separated he was living with his mother while his father brought his new partner into the original family home, after a few years it was decided that Paul should meet his dads new girlfriend who had...

First Time
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Kissin Cousins

Kissin' Cousins by C. Cameron Table of Contents Introduction/Forward Chapter 1 - A Secret Revealed Chapter 2 - What Takes Women So Long? Chapter 3 - Party Time Chapter 4 - Dining, Dancing, and Discussions Chapter 5 - A Nightcap Chapter 6 - Angel of the Morning Chapter 7 - One From the Heart Chapter 8 - Supporting Palyers and The College Years - A Little Background Epilog - Of Sorts to Our Story Acknowledgements Introduction/Forward Ok, just...

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Pyasi ki pyas ko shant kiya

Hi gurls, bhabhies, aunties, widows, divorced and unsatisfied ladies. Jo mai nah chahta tha wahi hogya, mai ek play boy bann hi gya, actually bann gya nahi banna hi pda, mujhe itne offers aaye aapsab ladies ke, aur kai ladies toh mujhe phone kerke emotional bhi ho jaati hain kyu ki unke pati unhe satisfied nahi kersakte, isi liye mai unhe inkaar nahi ker pa raha tha, aur mai unemployed bhi hu jiss kaaran mai travel nahi ker pa raha tha paiso ki kami ke kaaran, so isi liye mujhe play boy banna...

2 years ago
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Maid In My Sasural 8211 Part 2

This is the continuation of the story ‘Maid In My Sasural’. So I request you all to read part one and then read this story. As you all guys know how I fucked the maid Janki in my sasural. After fucking her I got all the details of my mother-in-law Shobha. She told me that she has an extramarital affair with someone outside. She had seen her boyfriend coming the home and both of them going to a room and enjoying the sex. Shobha had given Janki a good amount to keep her mouth shut. But I gave her...

1 year ago
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At her insistence we met in a coffee shop so she could check me out as she was unused to face-to-face meetings with men on dating sites. She was dressed in a black shirt and very tight fitting white slacks with heels. What a pair of fabulous long legs with very well developed long thighs she had! She was the centre of attention and the male staff were mesmerized. “You fill those slacks beautifully,” several waiters and a customer told her. My first impressions were creamy smooth skin,...

4 years ago
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Sex Life With Girlfriend

Hi tiz is Gautam hailing from Hyderabad age 22, m gonna narrate a true incident which has taken place when i was in my engineering… It was when i was in my engineering 1st year and obviously in that age we r desperate about gals n all, so i got a call from a friend (gal) who asked me to bunk.. N tiz is my 1st bunk in my life, and it’s obvious that we would nod our heads as a gal asks for hand(guys don’t be serious as it is a true even we know).So my friend introduced her gang & i found a gal...

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My Cousin Divya

Hi, I am Amol from Pune. I read lot of stories on ISS. Feedback on or I too want to share my story with you people. when I was born I had only 1 friend. She was my cousin, Divya. She was residing near my house with her bro, dad & mom. We used to play together when we were kids. We played almost all the games. But we never fought. Well we were innocent during those days and nothing bad came into our minds. We might be around 7-8 yrs that time. We played one funny game. These is one of the best...

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A Family Man Part 2 The Journey Home

Five years ago, I came to live with the Henson's as their foster child. They came to know of me as I gained local fame for defending myself against an abusive drunk foster dad and complicit mother. While I was little more than a PR opportunity for Robert to increase his social stock value for giving a 'loving' home to a broken youth, I was a beloved child to Melanie. Over the years, our bond grew as it was clear we understood each other in ways no one else could. Now, on my 18th birthday, I...

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Using you

After having some good dreams of you playing with me while I was asleep, I wake up fully aroused and ready to go. Unknowingly I’ve been touching myself as you were in my dream. My hand already wrapped around myself with a firm grip and wanting you badly!   Rolling over I see that you’re already up and out of bed to my dismay. But on the plus side, I can smell breakfast on the stove. Always so eager to keep me happy. You’re such a good girl, and who could want more. You make love like no...

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