Quartet: Eleanor Ch. 04 free porn video

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A new lifeline for Eleanor.

Eleanor walked slowly toward her apartment and looking back along the hallway, smiled a dry, wry smile. She hadn’t even entertained the thought that she would flirt with a man, especially not tonight. Yet, Roger was not just an ordinary man. He wasn’t tall or brutally handsome or even terribly sexy and yet he held a certain fascination for her. He was composed and bright, a good conversationalist. He was trim and well dressed without being a rake or a poseur. She thought back to her first encounter with Robert and she remembered the most important feature of him was his genuineness. In that one respect, Roger reminded her of him. She unlocked her door and walked into her apartment, closing the door slowly and softly behind her. Was this the beginning of something or was she just frustrated and maybe, with the aid of alcohol, a bit randy?

Roger drifted down the hallway toward his apartment and had to stop for a moment to remember which unit was his. He fumbled with his key and after a couple of futile stabs, he finally unlocked the door and stepped inside. He snapped the door shut and muttered an expletive under his breath. Mr. Joe Cool had surely played his best hand tonight. All those hours of looking for a suitable date in this building and when he finally found one, he almost cast away the opportunity. Luckily, he instinctively recognized that she would spot a phony savior-faire act and decided she would more likely respond to an honest approach. Within minutes of meeting her he was patting himself on the back for his change in plan. She would not suffer fools gladly and would have sussed out any phony ploy in no time at all. In truth, he was much happier that she was such a straightforward and open personality. He was immediately put at ease and enjoyed every second of their time together. He was also encouraged that she seemed to feel the same. And then, that kiss! Something needed to be done!

‘Hello?’ Eleanor answered on the third ring.

‘Hello Eleanor, it’s Roger. I just called to tell you how much I enjoyed our time together this afternoon.’

‘I did too, Roger. Thank you for calling. I think if you hadn’t been there, I would have left after that first glass of wine.’

‘Eleanor, I have a confession to make.’

‘Oh … what’s that?’ she asked cautiously.

‘I have been trying to find a reason to meet you and talk to you since we met in the lobby … the dreaded mailbox incident.’ he laughed

‘Well, that’s very flattering. But, Roger, am I that unapproachable?’ she said with a hint of sarcasm.

‘I wasn’t really sure and I’m afraid that I’m not much of a … a … smooth talker. I guess I was worried that I would get the brush off.’ he confessed.

‘Well, you did all right in the reception as I recall, Roger. You didn’t waste any time finding a way to talk to me then.’ she said with a more sincere tone.

‘You made it easy for me. I was surprised. You were easy to talk to. I guess I wasn’t expecting that.’

There was a pause in the conversation before Eleanor spoke again.

‘Roger, would you like a coffee and a brandy? It’s still early.’ she asked softly.

‘That would be … very nice. Where would you like to meet?’ he asked innocently.

‘Why don’t you come down here? I’ll put the coffee on and we can continue to get to know each other.’

‘Uh … yes … of course. Well, that sounds wonder … I mean … I’d love to. Thank you for the invitation. I’ll be there … well, when would you like me to come?’ he stumbled.

‘There’s no time like the present. Come when you’re ready.’ she said with a laugh.

‘I won’t be long.’ he said as he hung up the phone. He looked at himself in the mirror and wondered if he should change. Something told him that she was comfortable with him as he was and there wasn’t any need to change his appearance. He walked into the bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth and combed his hair. He looked at his watch and realized it had been less than an hour since they had left the reception, less than an hour since she had kissed him on the cheek. He could feel the stirrings in his groin and hoped that he wouldn’t embarrass himself in the next few minutes. He had a ‘date’. A ‘date’ with a fabulous woman and it was in her apartment. Coffee and brandy! This could mean something.

When Roger softly knocked on her door, it opened within a couple of seconds and he was taken aback by Eleanor’s appearance. She was wearing a black kimono-like robe with red and silver trim. It gave Roger an Oriental impression and he was immediately struck by how well it suited her. She was barefoot and Roger noticed that she was no longer wearing makeup. Even without it though, he thought she looked stunning.

‘Come in.’ she said with a smile.

‘Thanks … you look lovely. I feel like I should have changed.’ he said smiling and yet still surprised.

‘You can always take off your jacket you know.’

‘I think I will … thanks.’ Roger looked around the apartment as he removed his blazer and realized it was much different in décor than his. ‘You’ve done a great job of decorating, Eleanor.’

‘Thank you. I brought most of it with me from Calgary.’

‘Not too many bad memories, I hope?’ Roger asked and then immediately regretted the question.

‘No … just the good ones Roger.’

‘I’m sorry, Eleanor. It was a thoughtless thing for me to say.’

‘Don’t apologize, Roger. Both of us have to live our lives today and not yesterday. Don’t be so … oh I don’t know. Just don’t. OK?’

‘I understand. I’ll try not to be so … oh … I don’t know either.’ he laughed.

She stepped toward him and with a light hand on his shoulder, kissed him on the cheek … again. She turned and walked toward the kitchen and picked up the coffee urn and poured two cups. She placed the cups on a tray with the sugar and cream and then placed two snifters of brandy, already poured, on the tray and returned to the living room.

When Roger recovered from the unexpected intimacy, he was uncertain where to sit but quickly decided on the sofa. Eleanor placed the silver serving tray on the coffee table in front of him and sat beside him. He was still a bit unbalanced from her casual appearance and, of course, the kiss.

‘Cream and sugar?’ she asked.

‘Cream only, please.’ he answered looking at her face in profile.

Eleanor was having a déjà vu experience. She wasn’t sure, but she thought this scenario was a carbon copy of her first evening with Robert. It was disconcerting and yet exciting at the same time. Roger had nothing in common with Robert and yet he was similar in his simple, honest style. She turned and looked at him as she passed him his coffee. He was looking at her at the same time and Eleanor could feel the electricity of the moment. She had found another man. It seemed so improbable, but she had found another man.

‘Eleanor, have you made many acquaintances since you moved here?’

‘No … in fact … you’re the first. I don’t think I was in a very social mood for a while and I guess I got on with my own life without much thought to those who lived nearby. Almost all my associations are related to my business.’

‘Well, I feel quite honored then.’ he smiled. ‘It’s taken me quite a while to develop any friendships here. Perhaps because even though we’re in the same building, we don’t see each other very often.’ he offered soberly.

‘I think I’ve been in hiding a bit. I had to … get through my past and find something to push me into a new beginning. Does that make sense?’

‘Oh yes. When I came here, it wasn’t my home, it was a new job and I had no one for moral support. I’m sure divorce is not the same as a death, but it seemed like it at the time.’

‘Yes. I’m sure it must have. But it’s been six years for you and you seem to have weathered it well.’

‘I’ve been very cautious. I
guess once bitten … twice shy.’ he said slowly. He looked at her and smiled. ‘You seem to have helped me get past that.’ he said more brightly.

‘Well, I’m glad I could be of help … even if I didn’t know I was helping.’ she laughed lightly.

Roger leaned back into the sofa, sipped his coffee and allowed himself to imagine what it would be like to make love to a beautiful woman like Eleanor. She had a flawless complexion, a voluptuous body and a marvelous personality. She was truly worthy of the effort and he swore to himself that he would make that effort. By herself, she was energizing his libido and revitalizing his self esteem. It was an excitement he hadn’t felt since he was courting Marnie, many years ago.

Eleanor was fully aware of the looks that Roger was surreptitiously stealing as he sat near her on the sofa. She was flattered and yet she knew she must be careful. If there was to be a relationship, it would not happen tonight and not likely soon. She was conflicted. She had nagging feelings of unfaithfulness toward her late husband that she could not shake. It was as if he was still alive and she was somehow betraying her vows. Perhaps she was betraying his memory. She was uncertain and until she could reconcile those feelings, her possible relationship with Roger would have to wait. She hoped he would understand. She knew it was something she was obligated to tell him about. She also knew that Roger was someone who might be an important part of her new life.


Eleanor and Roger dated regularly over the next few months. Eleanor had confided in him her discomfort about their friendship becoming more intimate and had asked for time for her to work out a personal resolution. Roger, although disappointed, understood her concern and vowed to both her and himself that he would be patient. His reward was a platonic relationship with some minor intimacy. She had invited him to call her Ellie, something she usually reserved for family and only the closest of friends. They would hold hands, kiss lightly, arms around each other occasionally and generally enjoy each other’s company wherever they were. They frequently went to the theatre, both enjoying light entertainment as opposed to the ‘kitchen sink’ realism and downbeat nature of some plays. They went to concerts, both indoor and outdoor. They walked along the waterfront near their building on warm summer evenings or in the afternoons on fall or winter days.

They dined out early in their relationship, but when Eleanor suggested he have dinner with her in her apartment, he was more than delighted and it became a weekly occurrence. It offered them the privacy and familiarity that made their time together so pleasant. Eleanor was a fine cook with a good sense of what Roger would enjoy. In fact, it was almost as if they were married. She anticipated the things he would like and he secretly celebrated her willingness to please him.

They continued to share the secrets and history of their past lives with each other. Eleanor told him of her disastrous first marriage to George and Roger shared with her the pain of his discovery of his ex-wife’s infidelity. They were comfortable with each other but something continued to hold Eleanor back from taking a further step toward a greater intimacy. She was sure of her feelings toward Roger and now realized it was her past, or at least her clinging to the past that was the obstacle. She wondered how to release herself from this cage and spent many hours wondering when she could cast these feelings aside and invite Roger to her bed.

In the spring of the following year, Roger learned of his son Steve’s impending marriage. He was not surprised that Steve and Diana would marry, they had known each other since they were in their mid-teens in High School. They had been living together for some years including their last years of college and had just bought a house in Walnut Creek. Steve had made a great career for himself in the investment world and was earning a substantial income for someone so young. His investment hobby had turned into a business and he was very good at picking winners. Diana was a delightful young woman from a reasonably wealthy family. It would be a good match, he thought. Roger began to make plans to attend the wedding.

Eleanor learned of Roger’s trip to California almost as soon as he had hung up from talking to Steve. He apologized that he would be away for a week or so, but was sure she would understand. Eleanor smiled to herself that he would be anxious about her feelings because they would be apart for a while. She once again saw the signs that Roger was completely committed to her and was careful to include her in all of the events in his life. He apologized that she wasn’t invited to the wedding, but Eleanor knew it was too early to impose someone on his family who they didn’t yet know. Time enough for that in the future, she thought.

Roger phoned her each night from California to tell her about the plans for the wedding, the rehearsal, the ‘stag party’ for his son and the friends and business associates of Steve’s that he had met. He was very upbeat about the trip and while he missed her very much and never failed to tell her that when he called, she knew this reconnection with his son was very important. The last night of his visit he called Eleanor and she could tell immediately that it was a different Roger on the phone.

‘You don’t sound quite as happy as you have the past few nights, Roger. I hope nothing went wrong at the wedding this afternoon?’ she inquired cautiously.

‘Oh … no. The wedding went very well. They were the perfect happy couple and the reception was terrific. No, no … everything was just fine.’ he said unconvincingly.

‘You can’t fool me, Roger. I can hear it in your voice. What’s wrong?’ she prodded.

There was a long silence at the other end of the line before he spoke. ‘I saw Marnie today. In fact, we sat beside each other at the wedding. She never said a word to me. She didn’t look or act like the Marnie I knew. I felt very sorry for her.’ he said quietly.

‘That must have been difficult for you, dear.’ she said softly.

‘Yes, I think it was but in another way … I think the ghost is gone. I think it’s time I forgot about her. Besides, I … I only seem to be thinking about you these days, Ellie. I can’t wait to get back to … you.’

Eleanor felt a hitch in her voice and a lump in her throat. She wasn’t able to respond right away.

‘I’ll be home tomorrow evening Ellie. I hope you’ll be there. I’ve missed you.’ he said quietly.

‘I’ll be here dear. Just throw your bags in the door and come on down and see me.’ She said in as buoyant a voice as she could manage.

As she hung up the phone, Eleanor realized the change in the relationship between herself and Roger. He had been away just over a week and she had missed him badly. His voice at the end of the telephone helped, but his reassuring presence was what she had missed. She leaned back softly in her chair beside the phone and closed her eyes. She was lost in thought about her life today and yesterday and now, tomorrow.


Roger had caught a mid-morning flight from San Francisco and arrived home at the apartment building at seven. He was going to just put his bags in the bedroom and head down to Ellie’s place but then realized he had been on the plane all day and really could use a shower and shave. He quickly headed upstairs and into his apartment, stripped off his clothes and headed for the bathroom. He shaved, showered and put on some fresh casual clothes before picking up the phone to call Eleanor.

Eleanor opened her door almost before Roger had finished knocking and taking his upraised hand, pulled him inside and quickly closed the door. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply and with great emotion. At first Roger was completely caught off-guard before he allowed himself to realize what was happening. This was a
welcome home he could only hope for. His arms enclosed her waist and soon he was responding and returning her passionate embrace. No words passed between them, just the sound of their kisses and the soft moans from Eleanor. She was wearing her black Oriental robe and he could feel nothing beneath it.

They parted briefly and both stared at each other for a moment, Roger with a look of surprise and delight on his face and Eleanor with a more composed smile and a more compelling look. She took his hand and held it up to her mouth and kissed it.

‘Welcome home, Roger.’ she said softly and seductively. ‘I’ve missed you.’

Roger pulled her toward him and kissed her soundly and deeply, his lips crushed against hers, his tongue sliding for the first time into her mouth. Eleanor responded and met his passion with her own. In her mind, the thought passed by that this was the turning point for her. She had been released from her past and was now embracing her future.

‘Oh, Ellie! I didn’t know I could miss you this much. I feel like I’ve been away for months.’ he whispered quietly.

‘Come with me, Roger.’ she said simply, turning toward the hall and her bedroom.

Roger felt a bolt of cold fear pass through him. ‘Now? After all the waiting and wishing it would be now?’ His mind was in turmoil. One thought kept pushing its way forward: ‘Go slow. No need to rush. You’ve waited this long. Don’t let it end too soon.’ He felt like a teenager being led to the Principal’s Office except this was far, far better than that. There would be no punishment here, only pleasure. ‘Just follow her footsteps and everything would be alright. No … better than alright!’

The fading daylight illuminated the bedroom in a soft glow as Eleanor turned and began to pull Roger toward her again. ‘I want you, Roger. I want you to make love to me.’ she said simply. She was looking directly into his eyes and saw the slow smile spread over Roger’s face.

He began to pull the sash of her robe, slowly and carefully, never taking his eyes off hers. Eleanor reached for his belt and unbuckled it. She pulled the bottom of his golf shirt out of his waistband and pushed it slowly up his torso. Roger dropped his hands from her sash while she slipped the shirt over his head. As his shirt passed over his head, he realized her robe had fallen open. She was naked with the exception of a pair of very sexy, black bikini panties. He gazed at her and admired her voluptuous body. He reached for her while Eleanor unhooked and lowered the zipper on Roger’s slacks and let them fall about his ankles. Roger smiled and sipped off his loafers to allow him to step out of his slacks.

He stepped behind her and removed her robe. He was rewarded with the sight of her full breasts, their lovely downward slope, their large, dark brown aureoles and their now erect nipples. She was just as beautiful as he had imagined. His fingertips softly moved over her shoulders and down her arms, barely touching her skin as he stepped even closer to her. He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the cheek, her earlobes, her neck and then her shoulders.

Eleanor was aroused by the faint touch of his fingers as they began to explore her body. She lifted her arms and moved her hands behind his head to allow him access to her and he rewarded her with the faintest of touches on her breasts and her abdomen, always moving, always coming back to her face and neck. He lightly touched her cheek and then his thumbs began to lightly circle her aureoles and drag across her nipples. Eleanor stiffened as she felt the whispered touch of his hands on her breasts and body. She was rapidly becoming aroused and her eyes closed and her head moved back as she absorbed and reveled in Roger’s gentle touch.

Roger had one thought on his mind at this point: ‘Don’t rush! Be gentle and don’t rush!’ It was easy to remember and almost impossible to follow. His erection was almost painful and was only partly contained in his jockey style shorts. He was so completely focused on pleasing and arousing Eleanor that he was barely conscious of her beginning to lean back and push her buttocks against his manhood. He saw her close her eyes and move her head back on his shoulder and knew that he was on the right path. He looked over at the bed, a few feet away and then took her hands, stepped from behind her and led her toward their quilted pedestal.

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Quartet Chapter 3

“Guys, you mind if I cook a little breakfast?” Shawn asked from the crack he opened in the doorway. Aaron shook his head and said, “Naw, go right ahead man. We’ll be out in a few.” I did not want to get out of bed, but as I watched Aaron pull on a pair of shorts, I moved closer to the edge of the bed. He tossed my robe to me and told me to get up. I sighed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Before I was fully out of the bed, Aaron was out the door. My nerves grew as I tied the robe...

4 years ago
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Seattle, Winter ‘07 Her name was Lucy, or at least that’s the name she used, and she was a junkie. I didn’t need to see the track marks to know. In my line of work, I’d seen enough addicts to ID them quickly. She said she was 25, another lie. Closer to 20 would be my guess. That’s the thing about junkies. Lying comes naturally. It’s second nature. “I want to get clean.” See? Translation. I’d rather go to rehab then the slammer. Eventually, I got the truth out of her, though. Surprisingly,...

3 years ago
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Quartet Chapter 3

“Guys, you mind if I cook a little breakfast?” Shawn asked from the crack he opened in the doorway. Aaron shook his head and said, “Naw, go right ahead man. We’ll be out in a few.” I did not want to get out of bed, but as I watched Aaron pull on a pair of shorts, I moved closer to the edge of the bed. He tossed my robe to me and told me to get up. I sighed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Before I was fully out of the bed, Aaron was out the door. My nerves grew as I tied the robe...

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Quartet Chapter 2

About a month later, I met Kristie for lunch and we went to my house afterward for a ‘snack.’ After our ‘play date’, we curled up on the bed and talked about our guys. “I have to know,” I said before taking a deep breath, “Is Aaron the older guy you have a crush on? It will not upset me if he is.” Kristie bit her lip and blushed before she nodded her head. I told her that it was fine and that I had to confess to having a bit of a crush on Shawn. She was surprised that I looked at Shawn that...

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The sound of the key and the flow of the words on the screen were all that I heard and saw until I felt a light kiss on my cheek. With my concentration broken, I looked up at him annoyed that he was disturbing me. “Did you hear anything I just said?” the tall and very cute man said as he loomed over me. “Nope,” I said looking up at him with a smile thinking ‘What a dumb question.’ He leaned down and kissed my lips. I love my husband most days, but when he interrupts my writing, I want to...

4 years ago
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Quartet for Teens in One Movement

I'd been dating Monica for nearly three months and we've been fucking for three weeks now. Mostly at my house, after school, when my parents are at work. Monica just loves sex, she's the most sexed-up girl I've ever known. When she's horny, she just goes at me. I love it. We'd use Monica's house some, but her little sister, Myra, is kind of a snot. She's thirteen and cute like Monica but is really kind of a brat. Anyway, Monica is sixteen, like me, and a cute redhead. She has real...

2 years ago
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Daniel 13

The final episode I awoke due to the pain I felt when I tried to turn over off mystomach. Once again my cock was stuck to the bed sheet with the dried cumfrom the multiple orgasms I ejaculated during last nights fuck-fest. MyDad had a real time with me and I came twice while he pounded away at myass. His cock was inside me for over an hour just grinding my ass. Ithink he came at least twice if not more. My ass hole has to be totallyfull of cum as my brother of course dropped a load before...

3 years ago
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Beckys Doctor

Copyright© 2006 to Bliss For my regular readers, this story will be quite a departure from my usual stuff. I hope you enjoy it. This story describes action that the author in no way recommends or approves. This story is meant for fantasy only. * ‘Becky,’ said June swatting her on the arm, ‘Pay attention!’ Becky snapped out her day dream and focused on the professor again. God she had to pay more attention. She’d been having trouble concentrating ever since she broke up with her boyfriend...

2 years ago
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Forbidden FantasiesChapter 4

It was a typical Sunday afternoon. Bill was in the living room watching TV. Karen was in the kitchen baking. Bobby was out in the driveway shooting hoops with a couple of his friends. Taylor was sitting in the wingback chair with her feet tucked under her. Bill could not stop thinking about the fantasy Karen and he had the other night. Taylor was engrossed with her iPad, most likely on Facebook. Bill caught her movement out of the corner of his eye. She had lifted one leg up and exposed...

3 years ago
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Teen in the sex racket 1

Summary of the first part: (Pooja was studying in 8th class when one of her teachers, Jaya introduced her to Madam Rekha, enticing her that she can have close friendship with young boys. Rekha calls Vicky, 16 year old and arrange for their sexual encounters. Pooja was happily introduced to sex with instructions and encouragements from both Jaya and Rekha. She was falling in love with Vicky, but then Rekha brings in another boy Riaz who was older and a friend of Vicky. Pooja was shattered to...

4 years ago
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Meri Maa

Hi friends I am not new to this site but writing my story for the first time which actually happened with me I will not waste my time any more so let’s start. Ye 3 saal pehle ki baat hai hamare ghar main main, mummy,papa aur dadi rehte hai is story mere papa koi outdoor job pe nahi jate hai ya mummy koi job nahi karti hain aur dai bhi thik hain. aisa kuch nahi hua jaisa ki yaha ke writers likte hain to story aise hai ki hamara gaon karnataka main hain aur hum mumbai main rehte hai hamari bohot...

1 year ago
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No Longer Innocent

“I can’t fucking believe this.” Katie muttered to herself. She was a hot college freshman for fucks sake! She looked herself up and down with a smile on her face. She was a hot, incredibly skinny blonde that nearly all the boys in her school would do anything for. Though she had many opportunities to be with guys, she really wasn't interested. If she was being honest, she thought she hadn't met a guy that she could have sex with without feeling dirty afterwards; probably a side effect of...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Rosalyn Sphinx Stepsibling Pleasure Tutoring

Surprise! A special holiday gift from us to you! Enjoy this free premium scene: Rosalyn Sphinx has the best stepmom ever. After school one day, her stepmom informs her that shes been helping her stepbrother with a particular problem, but she needs some help. Turns out, their stepmom has been helping him jerk off. She enlists Rosalyns help in tutoring her stepbrother and introducing him to all the pleasures of pussy… They open his bedroom and barge in on him jerking off. Rosalyn wastes no...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor Now Sleeps In My Bed Every Night

Hi Guys thanks for the emails you sent me appreciate all the comments from your end. This is my second story which I am penning down just after a warm steamy fuck. Don’t forget to read my previous post ” A hug that turned into a fuck”. Do like share or comment on the same. Coming to the story. I live alone in Chennai and life pretty much gets boring as my daily routine is the same except for the weekends where something different happens. I am a good musician and I love listening to slow music....

1 year ago
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Office Control

I smiled as I surveyed the struggling body before me, “Jesus fucking Christ, Becky. It’s a single push up, how is it that you can’t do this one simple thing?” I was being mean, I knew I was. Becky and I loved to tease each other, hell it was our favourite way to break up the working day. Run P50i forms, grab a coffee and spend a discreet ten minutes poking fun at each other in the break room. Lately however our idle teasing had taken on something of a new dimension as our comments had become...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Years Like Pearls on Velvet

© 2002, Rev. Cotton Mather They met on the first day of school, and it was dislike at first sight. On that first morning, the early-grades teacher, Mrs. Wells, called the class of 15 kids to pay attention, and she spent the next several minutes learning each child's name. The class spent the next hour or so repeating names, matching names with faces in the combined class, the second-grade kids helping the kindergarteners with the memorization. Later that day, after lunch and after...

1 year ago
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Mikis new lover

I want to follow up on my original post about Miki, my Japanese slut. Dave and I had fucked her well that night, covering her and ourselves in cum. The next day after Dave had gone home, we relaxed in bed and she told me she had really enjoyed being filled by cum from two guys. She had never thought about being used like that before. It seemed more "erotic" to her than the experiences we'd had previously.Although she did want to know how I knew Dave. How long we had know each other, etc. Also...

1 year ago
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First Man

I shared my time between the final year in the institute and my first job. It was hard time, I have to say - three to five hours at the institute, homework, preparation for bachelor tests and at least four hours office time. No wonders that I had much more experience with computers than with guys. The company, I was worked for, was relatively small - about forty men and three girls, counting me. So first two months I had a lot of attention, even from married folks. To be honest, they never...

First Time
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Gotham Interactive

The night sky menacingly loomed over Gotham City. The police grew more on edge, the supervillains more confident. Gang violence increased dramatically along with the city’s already alarming crime rate. As chaotic as things got in the violent town, they’d be even worse off if there wasn’t a Batman around. Bruce was notified by Alfred of the signal illuminating the darkness overhead. He promptly descended into the Batcave where he began to suit up. The signal was shined so often now that a night...

2 years ago
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My submission

Season : Rainy Niyol stands for inner energy, passion, fire as told to me by my elders. I am Niyol, a 29 years young, single Indian male who has been brought up in traditional environment until I was 17. Then in a Hostel in my college days, I learnt the competition, the speed, the adulthood of real world. In the quest to know more new things and with the latest fad of Internet, I also learnt the art of chatting, surfing and got introduced to a very sensual different side of the world of kink,...

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Our Second Orgy With Steve

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); The next week was pure sex. I do not believe we fucked, sucked and talked as much sex as we did the week after our night with Steve. More than once Sandy said had she had she known having a second man in bed felt so good she would have done it years sooner. In between the sex we talked about the upcoming weekend when Steve would be joining us again. Her first goal was to go slower so she could enjoy the sensations better. Even...

4 years ago
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I had one of those encounters that you only read about.  I’m a truck driver and the other day I was picking up a load from a customer and ran into this hot little clerk named Jodi. As Paul Harvey used to say, here is the rest of the story. I walked up to the window to check-in and there she was. She had on layered tank-tops that did little to hold her breasts in and nothing whatsoever for keeping her nipples under wraps. They were standing out a good half-inch through the fabric. I introduced...

Office Sex
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UK Friends Forever

Friends !Well I had known both Paul and Graeme from college and we kept in touch even when we all started work. We were all very close friends and discussed everything re our worries , problems and relationships , we all had boy & girlfriends at various times in our relationship and often went out in one big group. I was always the loudest in the group and loved to embarrass the boys at every opportunity and was always very "touchy feely" although they always knew there was no sexual...

3 years ago
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Indian wife blackmailed

I’m a happily married, 28-year old wife and mother and a very successful businesswoman working on my own and partly for my husband in Bombay. I’m smart, good-looking, I eat right, exercise, and have a body that my critical eye says still looks pretty damn good in a small two-piece swimsuit. In my second life, I am a wanton slut that will do whatever my young stud lover wants me to do. Raj, my lover, is 25 years old and works at our firm responsible for doing legal jobs of his body is rock-hard....

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 43

Ken was in the kitchen, alone, drinking coffee when Gary wandered in, bleary-eyed and moving slowly in search of caffeine. Ken's night with his wives had been fantastic and he felt more energized than ever. Their time had been comfortable, sensuous and somehow more complete than their other times together. " 'morning Gary," he said. Gary sat with his head in his hands, inhaling the scent of the coffee he'd found, waiting for it to cooldown. The man looked up, obviously more than a bit...

1 year ago
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The Road Trip

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is David and I am 19 years old. I’m 6 feet tall and 213 pounds with an 8 inch dick. Let me tell you about Sarah before the story begins she is 18 about 5 feet 4 inches tall with 34c breasts. This is the story of the road trip we took together to Indiana last summer. Sarah Suggested that we take a road trip before we went to our separate collages after the summer was up. After a few hours of arguing about where we should go we decided to go see...

2 years ago
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Christmas In Indy 4 Hurricane Brooke

The relief Kelly enjoyed during her afternoon at the spa vanished as soon as Brooke pulled her charcoal-gray Benz into the driveway of Kelly's house. More than a dozen cars crowded the circular drive and spilled over onto the street, suggesting that more than thirty of her relatives waited inside. The ordeal that Kelly had evaded for a few hours seemed worse for the delay, now that it loomed near. Katie chortled in the back seat, "This is going to be fun!" Fun??? Katie laughed...

2 years ago
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Back in the Gents toilet with a girl

A long time had passed since my first sexual encounter in a gents toilet, then it was a family affair, besides I was young and all this was new to me but it had an air of excitement and held a particular sexual attraction, perhaps it was where men exposed themselves and it always drew me like a magnet.Now here I was again, with a group of girlfriends, sheltering from the rain and downing a couple of bottles of wine, before moving on to the dance hall, a few blocks from where we stood.This was...

2 years ago
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The awakening of an innocent wife 5

Roger stood, his cock bone hard and dripping after Josie had squirted on him, a huge smile on his face. Carol still had her hands under jos slumped body , still squeezing her tits, she withdrew one and started to stroke her hair" she started to speak, like she was talking to a c***d" ohh jo,jo, you liked that didn't you? You liked that chubby arse being spanked and that big cock in your tight little cunt eh, now go and sit on that chair while we have a little chat"Josie ent over to a leather...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Izzy Lush Soaked and Bound

Izzy Lush is raunchy, red hot, and ready to get rammed. Decked out in fishnets, her pussy is already quivering for Isiah Maxwell’s thick cock. He lays her down, spreading her legs and burying his face in her pussy until she squirts, shaking as she sprays her sweet juices everywhere. Next, it’s Isiah’s turn as Izzy sinks to her knees, stuffing his cock down her eager throat. He fucks her face, driving her wild with pleasure. Begging for him to fuck her, Isiah gives Izzy what...

4 years ago
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As Cloe and I walked into the lingerie department her eyes lit up, hey what do you think to that? In the corner was a stunning silk dress all in black with a sexy halter neck and a large slit up one side. Imagine that dress with stockings and suspenders 4” heel and you wearing it she said. Our basket was already full of sexy items, Cloe pulled the dress form the rail and asked me to go into the changing room to try it and some lingerie on. Here now I gasped. Course don’t worry Hun the...

3 years ago
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Life in the Pink Lane Part Two

Life in the Pink Zone Part 2 As I drove to the office the following Monday, I couldn't help but wonder what Julia's reaction was going to be to the wonderful last few days we'd shared together over the weekend. I wasn't sure how or on what basis we'd manage to resume our normal work relationship. I needn't have worried. My boss was always a little late on Monday mornings which normally gave me time to flick through the post and remind myself of the programme for the week. This...

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Marine Visitor

Marine Visitor After the punks left the restroom, I took a deep breath and went to the sink to spatter my face with water. The janitor rolled his work cart into the restroom. It was Bill. He’d caught me sucking off one of my buddies in his Janitor’s closet one day, and offered me his cock to keep him quiet. He was the first black man I’d ever sucked off. He has a very large cock and it was awesome to suck. We’ve done it several time since then. “Hey Corey. How’s it going with ya? ...

1 year ago
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Hot School Teacher Seduces And Fucks Her Nephew

My name is Swati, figure 34-28-36. This is my first sex story at ISS, hope you guys like it. I am a teacher in a government high school in a small town, so I only wear salwar kameez or saree. I always wear sleeveless dresses to school as it would keep me cooler since I sweat a lot. But, at the same time, that made my students horny in my classes. I have observed my students sitting in the front bench-pressing their big dicks unaware that I can see them. Well, such sights use to make me horny...


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