The Descending Of Jessica Ch. 13 free porn video

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I’m giving up on calling these chapters epilogues as there are just things that happened I want to tell, but the main story line has concluded. This is still wrapping up loose threads and filling in details, some answering questions from emails and feed back. Again, all the names have been changed to protect the innocent, as well as the guilty. And again, thanks to my awesome editor, Tangentjoker for his fine work in correcting typos and grammar. He can probably be recognized by the large red circle on his forehead from beating his head against the wall and screaming from seeing some of my mistakes over and over and over again…. That said, if you have not read the previous chapters you will probably be lost, and have no idea about the zombie apocalypse. If you just want the dirty parts, skip over a few pages and look for the bit about Marvin the robot.

Thanks again for reading, and all feed back is welcome. I try to respond as much as my schedule allows, and there should be another chapter in a week or so.


Donna, Ron and Allison were the first to come to the room in the ER after Dr. Riley left. As my clothes were mostly cut from me, and what wasn’t was soaked with sweat, I asked them to run home and get something for me to wear out of there when I was discharged. I expected that to be at any minute. Donna ran through my list of problems: an inner ear infection, anxiety, dehydration and low blood sugar with them. A plan was developed. Rather than go out to a restaurant, which I did not feel up to anyway, Ron would get take out and meet us back at the campus house while Donna and Allison would bring me a change of clothes.

All scolded me for not taking better care of myself. It was pointed out that several times people had asked if I felt okay that morning, and several times I had waved off their concerns. Mainly, though, they repeated what Brent had said. That they loved me and wanted me to get well. And that my first priority, ahead of my friends, family, school, and even my husband, was to take care of myself. Allison added that once I was all better I could get back to worrying about everyone and everything else.

I asked if Sarah could stay and all protested except Brent. It was finally settled that if anything did go wrong it would be good for Brent to have someone there to help him. And that I wouldn’t have to take care of the Brat anyway, as Brent volunteered to. I really did want to spend more time with my sis, as we would both be starting school back and having her around just made me feel more like a part of a normal family. She really wasn’t much bother anyway and we shared a mutual interest in reading. So it was finally agreed that she could spend the night.

Next, Sarah, or as she was acting at the time, Princess Bratface, Kevin, Reg and Carolyn came back.

‘Are you getting out today?’ Brat asked.

‘Yes, and you’re spending the night, too. But I’m going to be resting so you just plan to read to me, okay? And listen to Brent about bedtime and such. No arguing. Understand?’

‘Sure! But no promises on bedtime! I am 12, ya know!’ she stated with authority.

Brat crawled onto the bed beside me and curled up in my arm. We had spent so much of the last several weeks like this in a hospital bed that it felt natural now. Which was really depressing when I thought about it.

‘So, Reg, thank you so much. You probably saved my life today.’

‘Yeah. Thanks, Reg. You, well, I can’t ever thank you enough,’ Brent added, his eyes glistening.

‘Oh, don’t worry about it. That’s what I do in my real job. And Ms. Donna was there, too. You were in good hands either way. I need you to remember though, more women die from seizures every year than breast cancer. Best way to thank me is to listen to your doctor and don’t let it happen again. You gotta take care of yourself, Jessie.’

‘I know. He’s already bitched at me. No more stress, drink fluids, eat every now and then and if I feel bad tell someone. Trust me, I’m good on all that now. One scare is enough. But, hey, I thought you worked for your father,’ I said.

‘Oh, I do. We all do. Kevin warehouses and delivers when he’s not at school, and Carolyn does sales when she’s home. I’m a paramedic with the fire department 4 on and 8 off. I just work at the store during the weeks I’m not at the fire department. The city pays better,’ he grinned.

‘How did you know I taught Carolyn to drive a stick?’

‘What?’ Kevin asked with incredulity in his voice. ‘She’s been driving the delivery truck since she was 15. Hell, she drives a stick better than I do, and anytime I’m not at class I’m in that truck. I think Mom and Dad’s greatest disappointment was that she decided to be an engineer rather than follow in Danica Patrick’s footsteps.’

I looked at Carolyn who smirked back at me.

‘You lyin’ little bit…’ I got out before she interrupted.

‘Hey! It was the only way I could get you to go to breakfast that day!’

‘What are you two talking about?’ Reg asked.

‘Oh, last fall, I was at Jessie’s dorm, when… well, when she was all mopey faced. The only way I could get her to get her sorry butt up and go to breakfast was if I agreed for her to teach me how to drive a stick. So I let her give me a driving lesson. You should have seen the look on her face, Brent, when I was dumping the clutch and killing the motor. And then I ground down enough clutch to, well, to the point I bet that parking lot still smells like somebody locked up the brakes on a semi coming off a mountain there. It was hysterical! And all the while she’s saying, ‘You can get this Carolyn. You’re doing great!’ It was all I could do to keep a straight face!’

‘Well, if I had known,’ I got out before Carolyn again spoke over me.

‘Yeah, if you had known you would have just laid there and starved. I bet if you had known the car I borrowed to get there was a straight you would have really felt dumb, too,’ she grinned.

I could not be mad. I had been punked, and it had been for my own good. Still, with everyone giggling at me I had to say something.

I reached out, took her hand with a smile and said, ‘You’re so good to me. I’m going to have to pay you back sometime. When you least expect it.’ I grinned wickedly.

Brent went over all my diagnoses, briefly, so they wouldn’t worry. Then he laid out the plans for the evening. We figured to hang around the new house and send their parents to Allison and Ron’s, if they could stay, which they readily agreed to. Neither had brought church clothes, but both figured to go by a big box store and pick up something. Our church was pretty casual compared to some, so khakis and any shirt with a collar would fit right in. Each seemed excited to stay with Carolyn and us, clearly anticipating that Trisha and Amber might be around, which I knew they would be.

We avoided talking about Steven. In fact, I don’t think we ever did, or would, again.

By this time, Brat was asleep in my arm and Carolyn stayed when her parents came back. I told them about my health and outlook, as well as my grumpy doctor’s instructions. We talked about how wonderful Carolyn was and how she was like a big sister to me spiritually, and how happy Brent and I were that they would be there when we were introduced to the church the next day.

‘So you’re still going? We figured you would either be here, or resting,’ Mrs. Watson said, with concern in her voice.

‘Well, church is important, too. And it shouldn’t take long. And now I know what to do as far as avoiding further problems. I guess I just got over confident. Then with lunch, total time away from home shouldn’t be more than three or four hours. I should be fine,’ I said, then added, ‘I’m really feeling okay now, a little weak and tired maybe, but I don’t feel bad anymore. Well, not queasy and nauseous, or shaky. And I’m not burning up and freezing. But that will probably
come back.’

‘Fever runs in cycles. You should take something for it,’ Mr Watson opined. He didn’t say much, but I suspect that was because he could rarely get a word in between Carolyn and her mother.

‘You daughter is so much like you,’ I finally said aloud to Mrs Watson, and this seemed to bring great joy to both parents.

‘Well, she makes us very proud.’ Mrs Watson smiled.

Carolyn winked at me and I knew I had said the exact right thing for once.

Next back were Trisha and Amber who, after hearing that I wasn’t going to die, regaled me with again telling me how Trisha had run the bus over Steven. It was even funnier to hear her tell it.They, too, were excited to hang around at the new house. And both commented how cute Carolyn’s brothers were.

Finally, Donna and Allison returned and I was able to get dressed and check out. Donna had to stay to work that evening, though, and sadly could not join us. We arrived home just before Ron returned with a full lasagna and pizzas. He also had breadsticks and sodas and, as a present to me, a one liter plastic water bottle he had purchased at a local outdoor shop. He also thought to pick up some yogurt to counteract the yeast infection effect of the antibiotics I was taking. I later found out that was at Donna’s instruction. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

When we arrived, Ron wasn’t there yet. I walked on my own, albeit slowly, to the front steps.

‘Wait!’ Brent said as he locked the truck via remote and caught up to me. ‘I’ve waited a long time to do this.’

He went by me on the steps to the porch, slid the key into the door of the duplex and opened it. I was about to step up to the patio and through when he returned to me, gently placed his hand on my shoulder, beckoning me to stop as he looked me in the eyes. His eyes were just glistening in the twilight and I could practically drown in them.

Brent gently put one arm across my shoulders and bent over to place the other across my legs just above my knees, then quickly, before I could react, scooped me up into his arms. He carried me up the remaining steps and through the door, where he placed me gently on the couch in the living room. Everyone else respectfully stood and watched as he carried his bride, finally, across the threshold.

‘Thanks. I’ve dreamed of that.’ He smiled, his face still close to me as he was setting me down.

‘I’m always happy to make your dreams come true.’ I grinned and kissed him madly, deeply and with as much passion as my tired body could find.

Ron arrived. As did everyone else that was not already there, and I ate until I was swollen and fat as a tick. The caffeine and sugar in the soda woke me up nicely but I was still mentally fatigued. I was actually feeling quite well physically by the time the sun set as the Tylenol, decongestants, antibiotics, anti-anxiety meds from the hospital, and about a billion calories coursed through my now liquefied veins. Despite my feeling better physically overall, mentally I was quite lethargic and just felt out of it.

The Andersons and Watsons gossiped about their children throughout the evening. And the Watsons, Kevin and Reg included, were filled in on some of the gossip they might hear at the church in the morning and why I had two wonderful women I called ‘Mom.’ We left out Donna’s arrest and past drug abuse. That part of her was gone and dead now, and just said that she had reached a point where because of a lot of things she could not take care of me. They learned that for the last several years Brent and I had been raised together, so they might hear about that at church from some of the snoots there, just so they would be warned. I sat silently as Ron and Allison guided them through all this delicately, as we didn’t want them to be shocked to hear it all from someone who simply thought I had married my brother.

‘So, when did you two start dating?’ Carolyn’s mother asked.

‘Well,’ Brent began, ‘last summer. It’s kind of odd, because we were always different from, well, other folks that were raised together. I mean, closer, but different.’

It was clear Brent was fumbling with his words so I took over. ‘Anyway, you could argue our courtship began the day we met. Brent says it did and, looking back, I agree,’ I said, looking into those blue eyes again as he draped his arm around me on the couch. ‘But our first ‘date’ date was last summer. He had been telling Carolyn how he felt about me while they were at school and, since I’m kind of dumb about such things, I had no idea. Anyway, she told him to stop being such a wimp and tell me how he felt. So he comes home from school, and our first day driving home from work, he finally does, and it was like the blinders were lifted from my eyes, and my heart said ‘Yeah! Brent! He’s the one you’ve been looking for stupid!’ So I have Carolyn to thank for getting us together. She told him to tell me how he felt, and that is what opened my eyes to my own feelings.’

‘And then these two sneak around on dates all summer thinking we wouldn’t notice that neither of them is seeing anyone else or had any interest in doing so. And that they spent every waking moment together,’ Allison cackled with glee. ‘Like that’s not going to be obvious!’

‘Well, okay, so there was a flaw in our plan to be discrete. We weren’t ashamed or anything. We just didn’t want the gossips to somehow scandalize or embarrass Mom and Dad. Still, it worked out for the best.’ I smiled.

The evening wore on and on a couple of occasions I had risen to get refills for people only to be stopped by, well, by everyone. I was finally allowed to refill my glass but only because I needed to go to the restroom. Even at that, Allison walked with me through the kitchen and dining area to the back of the house where the bathroom was. When I came out, she was still there.

‘I appreciate it, Mom, but I can go by myself now. I’m a big girl.’ I grinned.

‘Hush, we only have a minute, and trust me, everyone is going to be watching you closely. I wanted to talk alone for a second if we could.’

‘Sure,’ I said, my attempt at humor blocked by her serious demeanor.

‘Well, in all the excitement, you probably haven’t noticed, but Sarah has been upset a lot lately. She seems really, well, worried.’

‘About me?’ I said, my heart breaking that my health had upset little Sarah after all she had been through in her young life.

‘No, well yes, but just like we all have. But she, well she’s worried about, well, about Ron, and me, and that something might happen to us. Now, we’re fine, fit as fiddles, and we’ve told her that. But she has been having nightmares about going back to the group home because we get to where we can’t take care of her. I mean, I don’t know where this has come from except maybe the wreck has shown her how fragile life is.’

‘You two have spent so much time worrying about me she thinks you’re going to get buyers remorse,’ I said calmly.

”Buyers remorse’? You mean take her back where we got her? Why would she think that? We adore that girl!’ Allison exclaimed, taken back by my suggestion.

‘Well, yeah, but when you’re in the group home, you see a lot of kids go out to foster care, then come back because the foster parents decide they are better off without them. Some, a lot, just want the child because of the check the government sends. Those suck. The worst ones are the perverts that get through the system because they like little boys and girls. You hear about those, but no one ever seems to be able to name any kids that it’s happened to. But, you know, it’s an urban myth among foster kids, and it scares you to death. And you see it on the news or in the paper. So you know it’s an urban myth with truth behind it. You’re afraid that you’ll wake up and they’ll be by your bed and…’

‘Did that happen to you? Before I mean?’ Allison asked.

‘No, no, it didn’t thankfully. But I got shipped to a couple homes that didn’t last for di
fferent reasons. Once they just decided that taking me to school and buying clothes and food was more than they bargained for. But usually Mom got me back, then lost me again. That went on…. well, for several years before she lost me outright. The thing is, you get used to being rejected. And I bet either Brat has been rejected before, or has heard all about it from the other kids at the group home. It really sucks. You just ask yourself over and over ‘What’s wrong with me?’ And it takes someone like you and Ron, and time, to realize that nothing really is. Until you get over the fear of being sent back, you have a fear of getting attached to anyone. If you don’t get into a loving situation, well you either feel inferior forever, or you just get angry and mean. You remember the inferiority I felt when I first met you guys? Well you two are what got me out of that feeling. But it took a while and I was scared, too, about getting sent back. I was just better at hiding it. I can talk to her if you like.’

‘I would love for you to reassure her. But you probably shouldn’t tell her we’ve been worried.’

‘Oh, absolutely not! That would just make her think you are thinking about sending her back,’ I replied.

‘We’re never going to do that! Never! If we have to spend every cent we have on lawyers to keep her we will. You know that! But, the thing is, well, she’s worried something might happen to us. She even sleeps with us most nights when she has bad dreams just to make sure we’re okay. And she’s terrified that, well, that if something did, that… that, well, that you wouldn’t take her to raise,’ Allison admitted.

‘I see. Well, if it comes up, I think can fix that, too. I mean, nothing’s going to happen to you guys. You know that. I’m the one with the bad luck.’ I grinned to take some of the weight off the conversation. ‘But I’d love to have a whole house full of Sarahs. You know that, too.’

‘If you get an opportunity, please find a way to let her know.’ Allison smiled.

‘I will. She’s sure to ask me sooner or later. We better get back before she and Brent think I’ve had a stroke or something and freak out,’ I said and we returned to the group.

Soon Allison, Ron and the Watsons left for the Anderson’s home. Allison was going to bring Brat something to wear to church in the morning. And we would all leave again to meet Ron and the Watsons at church. The younger generation stayed on our new cushy couch chatting. But it was clear I could not keep up with the pace of the conversation, and the presence of Sarah was crimping everyone’s style anyway. She being a bit young to hear the flirtations that Trisha, Amber and Carolyn’s brothers so wanted to participate in. The attraction between them was obvious and the only confusion was who would end up in whose bed that night.

‘Guys, would you excuse Sarah and me? I need to lay down and Sarah is going to read me a bedtime story. It’s been a long day, if that’s alright?’ I asked.

‘Sure, honey. You feeling okay?’ Brent asked, his concern showing. Everyone was on eggshells regarding my health at this point and I could feel them looking me over for any sign I might be ready to seize again.

‘Yeah, just tired now. I’m feeling much better. A little askew balance wise, but now that I know what that is about, I’m not anxious anymore. Plus, we slew a big dragon stress wise today. I’m okay. I promise. You can check on us later if you like. And if I start feeling bad, I’ll tell Sarah.’

Sarah puffed her chest from pride with this responsibility and announced she would take care of me.

‘I’ll help you up stairs, okay?’ Brent said.

‘Sure, that would be great! We need to get linens and blankets for the fold out, anyway, so you can bring them down.’

‘We have a fold out?’ Brent asked, his face screwed up with confusion.

‘Yes, honey. You’ve been sitting on it.’ I smiled. As Allison and I had picked the furnishings, he was unaware that our sectional folded out into a queen sized bed. I wasn’t sure who would be sleeping on it, but figured that tomorrow the sheets would need to be washed.

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Login Vincent Password Jessica

July 10, 2004 Dearest Vincent, These last few weeks are driving me crazy! I can't wait to finally be married to the man of my dreams. You're everything I have always wanted. You have given me my confidence back and you make me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet. I love, love, love you, with all my heart! Your soon to be smoking hot 19 year old wife! Jessica October 2, 2010 "I know these are a bit pricey but if you want a clean picture, in color and different angles... This is...

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And Then There Was Jessica

Okay. So, I’m love’s bitch. I admit that. I always have been love’s bitch. Right now, I’m a bitch for a beautiful, red-haired, white goddess, and she treats me like she knows exactly how I’m supposed to be treated.First, I should tell you that I am a tall, slender, athletic, black man with a dark, mahogany skin tone. I’m not unattractive by a long shot, though, being in my fifties, I am quite a bit older than Jessica. I’m financially stable, with some very lucrative investments adding to my...

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Genie Jessica

(Author's note: While the events in this story are based off real life, there are some obvious embellishments. Also, all the characters involved in sex acts are at least 18.)I woke up with Ms. P’s soft skin pressed against my back, a ray of sunshine peaked through the mini-blinds warming my abdomen. Groggy, it took me a second to recall the night’s events: I had fucked my best friend's mom!Ms. P was an attractive middle-aged woman. The first thing any man noticed about her was the flaming red...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 9 Playing Hooky With Jessica

When she realized I was there she apologized for walking in on me. “Sorry Tony, I didn’t realize you were in here but judging by what’s going on down there I’m glad I did.” “That’s fine Jess, I’m happy to see you. You were pretty quiet last night. I thought you would have popped in at some point.” She said, “I thought about it but wanted to leave Char alone so she could enjoy her time with you. Did you have fun?” “Of course I did and I think Mary Ann and Char won’t be waking up for a...

1 year ago
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The Bosss drunk girlfriend Jessica

It was a Christmas party my boss was a lush , drunk as hell as always at the party's he was off talking to some office workers about who knows what and his girlfriend was walking toward me. She is about 5 feet 3 and about 100 lbs and about 10 lbs of that being her tits she had a big rack for a small girl she had to be about 24 years old the boss was in his late 40's lucky bastard to get a fine young one like her. Lisa was her name I think or was it Jessica, Dam it think think. Hello she said do...

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The Doctor Part 8 Jessica

Jessica could not get the night with Tessa off her mind all the way to the airport. The conversation with Tessa’s dad was stilted as a result. But she made it.She went through check-in and was on the plane in less than half an hour. Sitting in her seat on the plane, she kept thinking about how she could sense Tessa masturbating, and how intensely aroused it made her when Tessa orgasmed. She knew she was soaking wet, and getting wetter by the minute, but could not stop remembering.Jessica...

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A weekend away with Jessica

After our final matric exams. Jessica's parents as well as mine agreed for us to go away together for a weekend. We hadn't seen each other since before our final exams as we sat down, studied and gave it our all. We chatted over messages and planned and booked the weekend away to leave the Friday morning and returning the Monday. We finished our last exam the Thursday afternoon and we both were looking forward to seeing each other.After my exam I went home and pack my bags. Once my stepsister...

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How I Got Seduced By My Friends Mom Jessica

Hi everyone, I am Raj, age 22, from Mumbai. Today I am here to narrate a real incident. It took place a few months ago during my trip to Assam. To start with, I had a friend in my college who was 2 years younger than me. His name was Sarengyam, and he was an Assam native.  We became good friends as we lived in the same hostel. After a few months, Sarengyam told me that he is going for a few days to Assam to meet his family. He asked me if I was interested in accompanying him. Since I wanted to...

4 years ago
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Not A SaintChapter 4 The Capture of Jessica

Friday morning I woke up with a strange feeling. I knew something was going to go good for me. I took a shower letting myself jerk off for a while as I thought about Jessica, my usual masturbation inspiration. I got to work thinking I'd be feeling bad because of my conversation with Jessica the day before, but instead I felt better than I had in a long time. I knew Jessica usually worked late on Friday's to try to get as much work done so she wouldn't have to come in for the weekend. I...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 38 Amy and Jessica

Down in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, at a small lake, some friends were spending a week camping and fishing. As the sun was setting, David Granger walked back to his tent, his pole over his shoulder when he looked up and saw his roommate Brad Wilson walking towards him. Holding up the string of trout, he grinned. "Brad, it looks like we have trout for dinner..." seeing the look on the face of his friend he stopped speaking for a second, and asked, "What's wrong?" Walking up to his...

2 years ago
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A Sex Lesson For Jessica

A Sex Lesson For JessicaHer mother got up to make breakfast and she slipped into be bed beside me. When I first met them last night I thought she was only about 15/16 but it turns out she was nearly 18 and still a virgin. I was the resident solo artiste at the local beach front bar for the holiday season. I had seen them come in every night and sit at the back of the room. They were devout listeners to my songs. I don’t think they missed a word of any one of them. Last night the young girl came...

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"Hi, I am new to the neighborhood and thought I would come and introduce myself," the pretty girl announced as soon as I had opened the door. "My name is Jessica and I live just next door there with my father." At the time I did not have a screen door so could clearly see this young girl as she could see me, a man in my mid-forties. "Well, hello, very nice to meet you. My name is Steve and I live here with my son. I'd call him to meet you, but he's in the shower." "That's okay,...

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The Biography of Jessica

JJ Vaughn sat on the shore of Zuma Beach and took in the beauty of the early morning. It promised to be a lovely day as it was not too warm and a light breeze was blowing by. The sun was already out and some people had walked by, nodding at her as they passed. JJ wondered if any of them recognized her. If they had, they had all been polite enough not to cause a fuss. Dressed the way she was now, she really wasn’t ‘JJ Vaughn’ anyway. The tiny, form-fitting white bikini had been a gift from...

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The Adoption of Jessica

This a story by written me, you can repost it but don't change it. The Adoption of Jessica by Darlene 1997 Robert had lived with his Aunt Diane now for a year, ever since his mother died, and the final visit from the Social Services and Diane Jones' signature on the last document meant that Robert was now the charge of Diane. Diane Jones knew that her sister would have expected her to look after her son Robert on her death but to adopt a child now, at her...

1 year ago
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The Early YearsChapter 3 Jessica

Where in the hell does the time go thought Don when he was leaving school at the end of another school year. It was hard for him to accept that a year had gone by since Joyce had left to move to Southern Illinois. To Don it was a good new bad news school year. The good news was that his basketball team had won the conference title and then in the State tournament they won District but lost in the Sectional final. The bad news was that he hadn’t yet found anyone to replace Joyce as a lover....

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It all began several years ago. Now, before I get into my story, I’ll tell you a little about me – not the why, just the who – why may explain itself. I’m just a man. Nothing special about me, just in my middle sixties with a graying head and beard, glasses, and a bit of a pot belly. I retired before I hit sixty just because my body was tired of the physical demands of the job, and I had more than enough to be comfortable until Social Security kicked in. I’ve been married – once, and that...

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My Best Friend Jessica

I was always a little jealous of her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. 5’4 115 pounds, perfect ass. Prefect everything, at least that was how I saw her. Most of all she always had the perfect boyfriends. Even though I had never been with another girl, I would fantasize about her. It freaked me out a little bit. I never thought of myself as a lesbian. I had been with my fair share of guys. But Jessica was different, she was my college together, and we were going to live together...

4 years ago
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My wife walked out on me a year ago; not so much walked out, as drifted out; out of both mine, and my daughter Jessica's lives. She had slowly but steadily devoted more and more time to pursue her career and had made a rapid rise to higher and higher posts within the government and now she was stationed in Brussels at the EU-office. We hadn't divorced or anything and I think we still were in love, but the love had been put to a simmer while she worked. Her paycheck still found its way to our...

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Interviewinghellip Jessica

Interviewing… JessicaAuthor: Bonercreator69I’ve always been a huge Jessica Ennis fan. Ever since she won the Olympics in 2012, though, the hottest British athlete has been in high demand. It’s always been a dream for me to meet one of my favourite women and finally the opportunity has arisen. My very own TV show, interviewing famous women from the world of sport, and who was my first guest, none other than Jessica Ennis. This woman’s arse had been the centre of many men’s affections over the...

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My Cousin Jessica

It was mid-July when my cousin Jessica came to stay with me. I was 21, free as a bird living on my own. I just got a new job not too long ago and was making good money. So I invested in a small house in the country, far from the peering eyes on neighbors. "Hi Chris!!!" my cousin said to me busting through my front door. I got up to grab her bag, but instead, she dropped her bag and gave me a big hug. And all of a sudden, I started to get turned on. I had to let go of...

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What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...

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What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...

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Jennifer Meets Jessica

WANTED: Responsible person to house sit over summer,weekends only while family is away on educational trips. Would suit student seeking part-time vacation employment and a place to study in quite solitude. Please reply: Box XX0143When Jennifer first saw the ad she didn't think much of it, but after thinking it over some she dashed out a brief note introducing herself, with her college tutor's references and forgot all about it. So it was a surprise when she received an invitation from "Mr....

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SRU Jessica

This one isn't very original and its not one of my better stories, but it was what I felt like writing at the moment. SRU: Jessica By Morpheus Brandon dodged around a couple people and sped past on his roller blades. Brandon was a junior at the local high school, and though he already had his driver's license, he actually preferred roller blading most of the time. He thought that driving a car couldn't give the degree of control and freedom that a good pair of blades...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 35 The UN and Jessica

The black car pulled up to the United Nations building and came to a stop. Across the street angry protesters picketed against the war in Iraq, while in the distance came the bustling sounds of one of the most populated cities in the world, coming to life. The driver opened the door and a man got out. He was carrying a black briefcase that was chained to his wrist. He walked towards the main doors of the building. Ambassador Joshua Chandler strolled into the United Nations building, passing...

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Girl Time 1 Becoming Jessica

Girl Time: Becoming Jessica. By Maria Ski Can I let you in on a secret of mine? It's nothing major as far as I am concerned. But if my mother found out I don't think she'll like it. My secret is that I want to be a girl. I have wanted to be a girl for as long as I remember. And perhaps if you are reading this. You have that secret desire too. I don't know about you. But I found my final year exams at school very stressful. I couldn't sleep, I wasn't eating and my temper was...

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The Untimely Demise of Jessica

The Untimely Demise of Jessica My name is Jessica and I am a 38 year old part time cross-dresser. One night a week usually Wednesday or Thursday and always on Saturday night I shed my non- descript dull accountant male persona named John and emerge as a tall, willowy, red haired, confident, sexy gurl called Jessica. I am 5'11" in my stocking feet but I am always in at least 3" heels. I weigh 160 pounds, with a nice soft round ass. My entire body is shaved smooth and my skin is soft to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 26 Becoming Doctor Jessica

January 9, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “I really should have called and postponed today’s lunch with Ailea until next month,” I said. “You already missed three months because of me and the injury,” Jessica said. “I know, but it’s been a crazy weekend. And we haven’t spent enough time together.” “We have all afternoon,” she replied. “It’s OK.” “If you’re sure. I do need to go see Matthew. He was pretty sad when Jason and Abbie left in the limo.” Neither Jessica nor Kara objected, so I went...

1 year ago
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Home Alone With My Sister Jessica

Growing up with 2 sisters was a real pain sometimes, but it also had some benefits. Most of the time I couldn't even get into the bathroom without their permission. It did mean that I always had my own room. And on a couple occasions I had seen Jessica and Jackie come out of the bathroom topless. I even caught a brief glimpse of Jessica's bush one day when she was rushing down the hall and her towel happened to fall. She looked at me and smiled as she quickly pulled it back up. I still remember...

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Showering with Jessica

I don't know who else has this in common with me, but I am sure there are many others who would love to fuck Jessica Alba. Ever since I saw her on Dark Angel she has been in my fantasies. Here is one of my favorite fantasies. Jessica and I, already well acquainted, are together in a shower. It's a nice big space with detachable twin showerheads on opposing walls and a padded bench. We're both completely naked. I'm on my back on the tile floor jacking off, and Jessica is squatting over me...

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Expoited Jessica

Before she even opened her eyes Jessica Sampson knew something was wrong. This wasn’t her bed and Barney, her dog, wasn’t there. Slowly she opened her eyes and surveyed the strange room. The windowless sparsely furnished room was lit only by a small TV in the corner. She looked over at the TV and found a scene that scared her even more than waking up in a room that certainly wasn’t hers. On the screen was a redheaded girl who looked a lot like her was tied to a bench and sucking on the penis of...

4 years ago
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What have you done to Jessica

I slowly opened eyes and saw a beautiful girl sleeping beside me.Her soft pale skin, lovely eyes, juicy lips, soft nipples, juicy nipples were making me feel how lucky I am to have her.I still remember our relationship back then before she left the house. We never had a brother-sister like relationship. We never used to talk much. She was busy in her world and me in my world. She was 8 years older than me.So I didn’t like the idea of staying in my sisters house when my mom decided to go on a...

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A visit to a Hotel with Jessica

Jessica and myself saw each other very few times over the time we went back to our 3rd term in our matric year. On the occasions we did see each other, I enjoyed myself with my new sexy girlfriend and we did make a number of plans to have some fun, in the back seat of my car, in the bathrooms at the shopping mall late at night. But we both agreed that we needed some alone time in a bedroom with each other but with our parents being around it was rather difficult. We eventually discussed and...

3 years ago
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Girl Time 2 Becoming Jessica

Girl Time 2: Meeting Jessica by Maria Ski Hi dear reader my name is John. I'm 18 and I have to be honest with you. I mean really honest. For you see I have this feeling that I am not who I meant to be. I have felt this way for a long time. To be frank with you, I've had this feeling since I was a very young child. I would like to be... no I sense... no I think that I should've been born as a girl. I can not explain why I feel like this but it's true. Looking at it from my point of...

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Jessica picked up her drink as the bartender moved toward her. He was busily wiping the bar down with a damp towel. He smiled his thanks at her courtesy and continued on past her, cleaning as he went. While taking a sip of her brandy she curled a tress of her long blonde hair around her finger as she surveyed the room. She noted there were not many people here, just a few couples in booths and a couple of businessmen at a table. Perhaps the place would get busier later. She sighed and beckoned...

4 years ago
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Becoming Jessica

April 1987It had become a bit of a Saturday ritual. I’d cycle over to Matthew’s house mid-morning, and we’d spend the day doing boy stuff together. We were both into sport and keeping fit, so we’d maybe go for a three-mile run, do some fitness training in the garden, then watch TV or goof around in his room in the afternoon.Matthew’s mum and dad were very pretty laid back. They usually went shopping after lunch, and Louise, Matthew’s hot younger sister, was mostly out with her latest boyfriend,...


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