Beckie s Abduction and Rape 1
- 2 years ago
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“Frottage, clean the sybian,” ordered Lady Jessica Featherstonehaugh as she climbed off the sex machine with a squelch and stubbed out her cigar on the aged retainer’s bald head. “Did you instruct Drummond to saddle up Rusty? I am meeting Sir Percy Cholmondeley in Hyde Park at ten.”
“Yes, m’Lady, of course, m’lady,” snivelled Frottage, reaching for his handkerchief.
“With your tongue, Frottage, with your tongue,” snapped Lady Jessica, reaching for her horsewhip and thrashing him repeatedly across his wizened shoulders until he had collapsed onto his knees and begun to lick her sex juices off the machine’s appendage. With a sigh she laced up her leather knickers and adjusted her bustiere in the mirror. She took a moment to admire the way in which it was tailored to display her copious bosoms in the most advantageous manner, the lace-edged nipple holes showing off the solid gold studs which had been a present from her mother on her eighteenth birthday two years ago.
Not for the first time, she wondered if it was finally time to let Frottage go. He had been in the family’s employ since her grandfather’s day, but he really was of little use any more. On the other hand, with the Second American Revolutionary War still raging across the Atlantic, most young Englishmen over the age of sixteen were serving in one branch or other of the armed forces, and able-bodied manservants with all their limbs and mental faculties still intact were hard to come by.
But that decision would have to wait. It would not do to keep Sir Percy waiting.
“The black riding-jacket this morning, I think, Mercy,” she announced, and her maidservant pattered barefoot across the carpet and selected the appropriate garment from the large selection of similar garments hanging in the wardrobe. Lady Jessica held out her arms while Mercy slipped the garment on, expertly adjusting it across her mistress’s well-toned and muscular shoulders.
“Will you require the pistols, or the rapier, this morning, m’m?”
“Both, I think,” decided Lady Jessica. She took the small ivory-handled weapons from the case handed to her by Mercy and slipped them into the specially-made straps in her garter-belt. The rapier she adjusted so it hung elegantly from her bustiere. While riding in Hyde Park, it was always wise to be prepared for trouble from one or other of the illegal anarchist groups which often congregated there. They made a lot of noise when they saw members of the aristocracy passing by, but tended to scuttle off when faced with a loaded pistol, especially since the enactment of the Civil Liberties Act which made it legal to shoot them on sight.
The steam telephone on the bedside table whistled. Mercy picked up the trumpet and listened for a moment.
“Rusty is ready in the yard, m’m,” she announced.
“Excellent,” said Lady Jessica. “I expect Sir Percy will wish to take me to lunch before fucking me, so you may expect me back for dinner at seven. And don’t forget the Archbishop is coming for cribbage at eight.”
“Yes, m’m,” said Mercy, curtsying. “Cook is preparing his favourite strawberry syllabub as you requested.”
Lady Jessica smiled. “Excellent. The Archbishop is a martyr to Mrs Abbott’s syllabub, and is willing to endure any amount of abuse from my strap-on in return for an extra portion.”
“I will have the Archbishop’s special lubricant prepared,” said Mercy, curtsying again.
Lady Jessica nodded with approval. Unlike Frottage, Mercy was a most satisfactory employee, and had quickly and enthusiastically embraced the extra duties required of her. The girl had already opened the bedroom door, and her mistress strode along the hallway and down the grand staircase, the high stiletto heels of her thigh-length calf-leather boots clattering on the oak treads.
Drummond the stable-girl had prepared Rusty and was holding him in the yard as he snorted and pawed the ground in a most realistic manner. He was the latest model of mechanical steed, powered by an elaborate system of steam-driven pistons and cogs that Lady Jessica made no attempt to understand, and attracted admiring glances whenever she rode him down Rotten Row (as did Lady Jessica herself, especially when wearing her finest black silk stockings and purple-fringed bustiere).
Stepping onto the mounting block, Lady Jessica swung her powerful thigh expertly across Rusty’s back and took hold of the control reins. She switched to “auto-trot” mode and tapped in the co-ordinates for Hyde Park. Rusty whirred for a few seconds, raised his tail and emitted a brief burst of steam from his rear end. Then the directional gyros in his ears rotated in the direction of London W2: he tossed his head, and they set off at an elegant trot.
The combination of the warmth from Rusty’s internal mechanics, and the motion of his movements, quickly began to stimulate Lady Jessica between the thighs, and she slipped her hand inside her leather knickers and stroked her clitoris, contemplating the rest of her day. Sir Percy had been seriously injured during the disastrous Siege of Chicago, losing an arm in the process, but fortunately the rest of him was in full working order. The length and thickness of his penis was renowned through London, and she was looking forward to an afternoon in its company.
Lady Jessica’s town house, located just to the north of the newly-built church of St Mary Abbots in Kensington, was conveniently only a ten-minute ride through Kensington Gardens to Hyde Park. As usual, the peace of the Gardens was somewhat spoilt by the buzz of the numerous steam-powered dirigibles that plied their trade back and forth across the skies of London. On balance, Lady Jessica (who was keenly interested in all the latest technical developments) approved of the flying-machines, but she had to admit that they were more than a little noisy and smelly, especially when taking off and landing.
As Rusty trotted across the road, she saw Sir Percy waiting for her by the Serpentine, mounted on Galahad, his own mechanical steed. Sir Percy raised his left arm (the prosthetic one) in greeting, and Lady Jessica, with the flick of a wrist, switched Rusty to “manual” and guided him over to her lover.
“How well you look this morning, Lady Jessica,” said Sir Percy gallantly, bowing low. “Your outfit really is most becoming today.” The bare expanse of Lady Jessica’s pale white thigh between the top of her stockings and her knickers had stirred his desires already, and he could feel his virile member stirring to life in his tight breeches.
“Thank you, Sir Percy. However, I think we both know why we are here, and I see no reason to delay matters further with niceties. I am looking forward to luncheon, but I feel I need a small appetiser first.”
She leant over and began to unbutton Sir Percy’s breeches. In a moment his semi-erect penis sprang out, the veins already pulsating with blood. Lady Jessica’s wrapped her slender fingers around it and pumped it gently, feeling it swell to its full size in just a few seconds. She lowered her head towards the smooth mushroom of the head, already engorged and shiny, and kissed it tenderly. She opened her mouth and moulded her lips around the helmet, before sucking it gently into the warm cavern of her mouth.
Oh, how she loved this moment, feeling a man’s hard, throbbing phallus in her mouth. She slid her tongue around the sensitive rim of his knob and heard him groan with pleasure. Leaning over still further, she lowered her head towards his crotch, taking his whole length into her mouth until the swollen tip was pushing halfway down her slim, elegant throat.
While Lady Jessica was thus fellating him, Sir Percy leant over and skilfully began to unlace the front of her bustiere with his good right hand: a task at which he was clearly an expert. As soon as it was loose enough to allow him ready access to her firm breasts, he slipped his hand inside and began to massage them, gently twisting and pulling at the nipple studs in a way that made Lady Jessica moan under her breath as she sucked and licked at his organ. She began to move her head faster up and down his shaft, fucking him with her mouth, wanting to bring him to his orgasm so she could swallow every drop of his thick creamy ejaculate.
“Ah, by God, I’m coming,” grunted Sir Percy. Lady Jessica cradled the soft bag of his testicles in her hand and tickled his shaft with her tongue. At this, he could hold back no longer, and with a groan he shot rope after rope of his thick, viscous semen into her eager mouth. She withdrew his erection and allowed the last few loops to land on her flushed cheeks. Then, with a smile, she opened her mouth to show him the thick pool of ejaculate inside, before letting it slide down her throat and into her stomach.
“Thank you, sir, for that tasty treat,” she said, licking her pink lips. She could feel the thick globules of his semen cooling on her face. A trickle of it dangled off her chin, before dropping onto the exposed flesh of her left beast.
“Would you care for the use of my ‘kerchief, to wipe your pretty cheeks?” said Sir Percy gallantly, but Lady Jessica laughed.
“Oh, no,” she replied with a smile. “I think I will leave the evidence there, so that if we meet any of our friends, they will know how generous you have already been.”
“Dammit, Jess, I’ve never met a woman as filthy as you, not even a Dutch whore,” grunted Sir Percy, tucking his penis back into his breeches.
“Well, sir, I don’t see why the whores should have all the fun. And when I see a cock as fine as yours, I think I know what to do with it,” replied Lady Jessica. “Now, let us proceed to luncheon, before we see what other tricks your weapon can do.”
She was just tucking her breasts away and lacing up her bustiere again, when the air was filled with the sound of a dirigible, louder even than usual.
“I say,” said Sir Percy, sounding annoyed, “that blimp’s coming over a bit low. He’ll need to watch those trees. And what the hell is that fellow doing on the end of that rope ladder?”
Lady Jessica was turning her head to look, when there was a loud bang, and with a grunt Sir Percy fell backwards off his horse onto the ground, a smoking hole in the front of his shirt. A second shot pinged off Rusty’s head and Lady Jessica turned quickly, her hand moving to her pistol, as she took in what Sir Percy had seen.
A large dirigible was coming in fast and low, a rope ladder swinging to and fro beneath it, to which a man was clinging. In his hand he held a smoking shotgun, which he was trying frantically to reload. Lady Jessica raised her arm and was about to return fire when out of the corner of her eye she glimpsed a dark shadow drop out of the tree above her. The figure struck her sideways, knocking her off balance, and she felt herself sliding off Rusty’s back. Calculating quickly, she spun her left foot out of the stirrup as she fell, turning her fall into a roll, and let off two shots from her pistol as she landed in a crouch on the ground. The first shot hit her assailant in the shoulder, but the second lodged itself firmly between his eyes and he fell, lifeless, at her feet.
The throbbing roar of the dirigible’s engines was now deafening as it swept towards her. Lady Jessica turned to face it, and thus failed to notice a second dark figure emerge from the bushes, a long thin pipe raised to its lips. She felt a sharp sting at the back of her neck; reaching round she pulled out a small green-feathered dart. Then her head began to spin, and she fell to the ground, unconscious.
* *** *
When Lady Jessica came around, she discovered to her irritation that she was lying on her back with her legs and arms extended like the four arms of a letter “X”, her hands and feet tightly secured with leather straps to strong-looking cords that were themselves tied to metal loops projecting from the floor. Although most of her clothing had been removed, as had her pistols and rapier, she was still wearing her black stockings and thigh-length leather boots. She pulled cautiously on the cords and ascertained very quickly that the straps were both strong and tight.
She cursed under her breath. Normally she was perfectly happy to take part in a little mild bondage during sex, but it was usually her male partners who were tied down rather than herself. From the vibration of the floor, and the background rumble of powerful engines, she guessed that she was still in the dirigible. Then she heard the door at the end of the cabin open, and a figure walked in.
She recognised him at once: Lord Jasper Urquhart. Wealthy but depraved, he was believed to have channelled large sums to the illegal American revolutionaries, as well as using his wealth and power to cut a sexual swathe through London Society. Lady Jessica had very publicly rejected his advances during the interval of a Royal Opera Gala some six months ago, a slight for which he had not forgiven her.
“Well, well, Lady Jessica Featherstonehaugh,” he sneered. “How delightful to see you again: and so much of you, too.”
“Kidnap and murder are capital crimes, Lord Jasper,” snapped Lady Jessica. “Let me free at once, or it’ll be the worse for you.”
Lord Jasper raised an eyebrow. “Murder? Oh, you must mean that poltroon Percy. Collateral damage, I’m afraid. But at least he died happy. Of course, if you hadn’t turned me down in front of their Majesties he’d still be alive, so his blood is on your hands, I’m afraid. Now, shall we proceed with the business in hand?”
He began to undress, removing his cravat, jacket and shirt.
“If you dare to lay one finger on me…” hissed Lady Jessica.
“You’ll do what, exactly?” scoffed Lord Jasper. “You’re hardly in a position to negotiate, I think. I suggest you lie back and enjoy it.”
By this time, he was down to his underwear. Lady Jessica was about to use some very unladylike language, when he pulled down his shorts and revealed something rather unexpected. Her mouth fell open, and she gaped in amazement.
“Eager as ever, I see,” said Lord Jasper. “But it is rather impressive, isn’t it?”
“It” was an enormous prosthetic phallus, strapped to Lord Jasper’s crotch. It seemed to be made of metal, constructed of a series of smooth, overlapping curved plates that allowed it to flex in a most realistic manner.
“What in heaven’s name is that?” gasped Lady Jessica, intrigued despite herself. “Wasn’t your own appendage big enough for you? I did hear it was barely five inches.”
“Now, now, you know that’s not true. It was big enough to satisfy the Duchess of Donnington, and you know she has a love-passage like one of the Duke of Wellington’s boots. But it turns out that little baggage Kitty Marston is riddled with the clap, and she gave it to me, the trollop. My doctors told me it was a particularly nasty strain, and the only way to stop it spreading was amputation. But I had this made instead, and I think it’s almost an improvement.”
He pushed a button on the strap, and the phallus began to throb and vibrate in a thoroughly alarming manner. It reared up from a 45-degree angle to almost vertical, a few small puffs of steam emerging from the joints.
“The really clever thing is the way they’ve managed to fix it up to my ballocks, so I can still spend in the usual way,” he explained. “The jism comes out of the end just as it always used to. You’ll enjoy that bit, I know. And you’ll be the first one to try it.”
Lady Jessica squirmed, pulling at the restraints. To her annoyance, she had felt her own sexual juices starting to flow at the sight of the enormous artificial prosthesis, her natural urges over-ruling her brain. If it had been fixed to anyone else, she’d have enjoyed it, but the thought of Lord Jasper having the pleasure of ramming it into her was galling to say the least.
Lord Jasper paused. “Don’t worry, my dear, I’m sure you’re experienced enough to take it all. But I suppose I should make sure you’re moist enough first.”
He knelt and stroked the pale bare skin at the top of her thighs above her stockings. Then he spread her labia with his fingers and ran his tongue up and down her slit, teasing her. Slipping it between the lips, he found the entrance to her soaking wet hole, and pushed his tongue deep inside, licking around at the soft spongy interior flesh.
He raised his head, and gave her a devilish smile, his mouth sticky with her sexual secretions.
“Oh yes, I think you’re sufficiently lubricated,” he said. “You lucky girl.”
He turned a little dial, and the phallus gave a high-pitched whirr, before starting to move with a steady pumping action.
“Let’s start at six, I think,” he said. “For your information, it goes all the way up to eleven.”
Lady Jessica closed her eyes and thought of England. But suddenly she opened them again. A voice had spoken behind Lord Jasper: a voice she recognised well.
“Let her go, you dastardly fiend,” said the voice of Sir Percy Cholmondeley.
A look of irritation spread across Lord Jasper’s face. He turned, and saw Sir Percy standing behind him, sword in hand.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Lord Jasper snapped. “Where the fuck did you spring from? Anyway, you’re supposed to be dead. I saw the bullet hit you.”
Sir Percy laughed.
“Hit me, yes, but you’d need more than that popgun to take out a Cholmondeley. Obviously, you didn’t know I’ve got more than just an artificial arm.”
With a flourish, he ripped open his shirt, to reveal a shiny metal plate reaching from his shoulder down across his chest. There was a large dent over his heart, but it was clear that the bullet hadn’t penetrated the metal.
“I never thought I’d be grateful for the shrapnel that shredded my chest,” he grinned. “Now come on, let’s settle this like gentlemen,” and he flourished his sword.
Lord Jasper reached for his own weapon, and stood up, his artificial phallus swinging between his legs.
Sir Percy gave a look of disgust. “Put some breeches on first, by God,” he said.
“What’s the matter, you never fought with a naked man before?” sneered Jasper, “I thought that’s what all you Harrow fellows enjoyed”.
“That’s a bit rich, coming from a pig-fucking Old Wykehamist like you,” snapped back Percy, stung by this disparaging slight at his old alma mater.
Jasper raised a supercilious eyebrow, but he took the opportunity to pull on his trousers. The two men then stood face to face, swords at the ready. Jasper struck first, but Sir Percy parried his blow expertly. Their weapons flashed back and forth, neither gaining an advantage, until Jasper, with a manoeuvre that even Jessica was forced to admit was well-executed, managed to knock Percy’s sword out of his hand and pinned him against the wall.
But Percy wasn’t beaten yet. Reaching out, he grabbed hold of a fire-bucket full of sand that hung from the wall and swung it with all his might. The heavy bucket struck Jasper on the side of his head, and with a brief grunt he collapsed unconscious onto the floor.
In a flash, Percy rushed over to where Jessica lay spread-eagled on the floor and began attempting to undo the bonds securing her wrists. He cursed under his breath on finding that they were tied too tightly, but using the sharp edge of his sword he managed to slice through them instead. Reaching next for her ankles, he managed to free one, but suddenly Jessica cried out.
“Watch out; behind you!” she screamed, as Jasper, blood running down his cheek, swung his sword at Percy’s neck. Alerted just in time by Jessica’s scream, Percy threw himself out of the way and launched his body at his opponent. But Jasper, still stunned, stumbled out of the way and Percy fell instead against the side of the gondola. Reaching out to steady himself, he accidentally grasped the door handle, releasing the lock.
Horrified, Jessica watched as the door swung outwards with Percy still clinging to it, leaving him hanging in mid-air, thousands of feet above the ground. Fortunately, his prosthetic hand had locked around the door-handle, preventing him from falling, but he was now at his opponent’s mercy; and mercy clearly wasn’t in Jasper’s vocabulary. Taking hold of his sword, he prepared himself to deliver the coup-de-grace.
What he hadn’t noticed was that in the meantime Jessica had managed to free her second ankle from its bonds. She stood up, stark naked apart from her stockings and boots. There wasn’t time to find a weapon; but she didn’t need one. With one flowing but deadly movement, she swung round, raising her shapely leg as she went, and the stiletto heel of her right boot struck Sir Jasper directly between his shoulder-blades. With a cry, he pitched forward and plummeted out of the doorway. Jessica rushed forward and saw him falling away from her, arms flailing, until he disappeared from sight into a white cloud below.
Jessica breathed a sigh of relief. Quickly, she reached out and pulled the gondola door shut, dragging Sir Percy to safety.
For a moment they lay on the floor, breathing heavily, hardly able to believe that they were safe at last. Then Sir Percy sat up and turned to his saviour.
“That was a damn fine piece of footwork,” he said gratefully, “I think you just saved my life.” He put his arm round Lady Jessica and kissed her full on the lips, pressing her bare breasts against his chest. Lady Jessica thrust her tongue into his mouth and licked him greedily.
“I think you saved mine too,” she said, eventually coming up for air. “But how in God’s name did you get up here?”
“I came around just in time to see that cad scoop you up and haul you up into his ship,” answered Percy. “I followed you for a while on the nag, then managed to commandeer another blimp. They agreed to fly over Jasper’s and lower me down on a rope ladder. I overpowered the pilot, set the autopilot to circle for a while, and was just in time to stop Jasper having his wicked way with you.”
“You came at just the right moment, unlike most men,” purred Jessica. “But I hope all that fighting hasn’t tired you out. Watching you two men fighting over me has really got my juices flowing.”
“Well, I think we’ve got enough fuel to keep us circling for a while yet,” said Sir Percy. He looked at Lady Jessica’s flushed and heaving bosom. Her pierced nipples were standing up like two ripe raspberries, pink and eager to be nibbled.
He reached out and took hold of her left nipple, rolling it gently between his fingers and feeling her areole dimpling with arousal. He bent down and kissed her other pink bud before taking the gold stud between his teeth and tugging on it just hard enough to make Lady Jessica draw in her breath sharply. She put her hands inside his ripped shirt, slid them behind his back, and stroked his skin, enjoying the warm tingle that spread through her body as he played with her breasts.
This tender foreplay was all very enjoyable, but she soon she found herself wanting more. Withdrawing her hands, she began to undo Sir Percy’s belt and unbutton his tight breeches for the second time that day. She could feel the bulge of his member straining against the buttons, and she sighed with pleasure as she pulled down his breeches and saw it bounce up, already almost fully erect and ready for action.
There was a necessary but brief pause while Sir Percy removed his boots, then his shirt and the rest of his nether garments, leaving him fully naked. Lady Jessica began to remove her boots, but he stopped her.
“Leave them on,” her instructed. “I’ve been fantasising about you in those boots all week.”
“Is that why you’re so pleased to see me?” she murmured, taking his bulbous erection in her hands and stroking it gently. She could feel the veins throbbing with blood all the way up the thick hard shaft, and as she drew her finger across the tight purple head a little squirt of pre-cum shot out over her fingers.
“That and the thought of tasting your sweet juices,” said Sir Percy bluntly. He stroked his hand over the pale white skin of her thigh above her garter, then slid his hand between her legs. She felt a finger teasing gently up and down the outside of her slit, moving between the soft wet folds of her labia to find the tight entrance to her private tunnel of pleasure. She breathed in sharply as the finger pushed inside with a little moist squelch.
“Dammit, Jess, I’ve never met a woman as wet as you,” muttered Percy. “All this excitement really has opened your floodgates.” He eased a second finger inside her, and began to push them in and out, before curving them up inside her hole until her gasp of pleasure told him that he’d found the soft spongy flesh of her special spot.
“Oh, oh, Sir Percy,” she moaned, pushing herself against his fingers, trying to rub herself harder against them. A wave of frustration swept over her as she felt his fingers leave her, but as he began to kiss and lick down her body she lay back and opened her legs to allow him full access. Her whole pubic area was smooth and hairless, having been neatly shaved by Mercy only the day before, and Sir Percy licked gently over the bare bulge of her mound before pressing his lips against her delicate slit.
He stroked her thigh as he carefully sucked the soft flesh of her labial folds into his mouth, savouring the sticky juices which were flowing out of her. He tickled his tongue up and down the length of her slit, then pushed it into her hole as far as he could reach, licking around inside.
Jessica put her hands on his head and gripped his hair, holding him in place as he teased and stimulated her. Her moaning and gasping reached new heights as he turned his attentions to her clitoris, his tongue slipping under the hood and flicking over the sensitive bud.
“Oh God, yes, that’s it,” she panted as he increased the speed of his rhythmic tonguing, arousing every one of the nerve endings in her little bud. Sir Percy was almost as good as Mercy at knowing just what motions would stimulate her most effectively. She could feel the tingle spreading through her whole body as her orgasm approached, and she twisted her fingers in his hair and pressed her crotch against his face as it finally overwhelmed her.
“Thank you, Sir Percy, that was most pleasurable,” she gasped, her legs still shaking, as her breathing began to return to normal. She pulled his face up to her own, and kissed him hard, enjoying the taste of her juices in his mouth and smeared across his face.
“Now take me, please,” she begged. Sir Percy needed no further encouragement. His member was fully erect and with his good hand he positioned it between her spread-apart legs. Teasing, he rubbed the swollen knob up and down her slit, coating it with her juices. Then he slowly pushed it in, her lips opening to welcome the plump helmet. She signed with delight as she felt the broad rim pop inside her and the full length of his shaft fill her. Sir Percy looked down and signed with pleasure at the sight of his member buried inside her. He pulled out slowly, his rod already glistening and coated in her lubricating juices, then began to steadily piston in and out, taking his time maximise the pleasure for both of them.
Lady Jessica wrapped her long leather-booted legs around his back and met each rhythmic thrust with one of her own, expertly flexing her vaginal muscles tightly around his rod. She could feel his testicle-sack slap against her as he began to speed up his fucking, her lubricating juices flowing out with each squelching movement, her firm breasts bouncing in synchronised motion. Sir Percy bent over and took one of her rock-hard nipples in his mouth, pulling on the piercing and making her gasp with delight at the sharp stab of pleasurable pain. Each one of their senses played its part in the totality of their fucking; the sight and sound of his cock squelching in and out; the scent of their aroused bodies; the touch of his lips against her; the taste of her juices in their mouths.
Sir Percy had been trying to hold back his orgasm as long as possible, but at last he felt he could control himself no longer. He sped up his movements, feeling the moment of truth approaching.
“Oh Lord, I’m coming,” he gasped, as with one final deep thrust his semen boiled up inside his hard cock and erupted out of the tip, filling Lady Jessica’s tight passage with spurt after spurt of thick, hot, white ejaculate. As his organ pulsed one last time, he pulled it out, so she could see the last viscous drips bubble out of the end. His shaft was coated in a frothy mixture of their fluids, and Lady Jessica pulled him up beside her, so she could put his slowly-softening erection in her mouth and lick up every delicious drop. Then they kissed again, allowing him to share the flavour.
“I want to fuck you again,” growled Sir Percy, his cock twitching at the thought and clearly ready to be teased back to arousal.
“I want you too,” confirmed Lady Jessica, “but I’ve got the Archbishop coming for cribbage at eight, and I don’t like to keep him waiting. I think you need to get this thing back down to earth now. I assume you do know how to fly it.”
“I may have to wake the pilot up,” confessed Sir Percy. “I did have a few lessons once, but we never actually got as far as landing.”
“I’ll leave that up to you, then,” she said, “I wonder where Jasper stowed my clothes? I don’t really want to make my way home like this, and that bustiere was one of my favourites.” As she spoke, a thick white gobbet of Sir Percy’s semen oozed out of her vagina and splatted onto the floor. She caught a second blob in her hand just before it fell and licked it off with a smile.
“I probably ought to clean myself up before dinner too,” she mused. There was nothing like a bit of excitement to stimulate her hormones, and she had a feeling that the Archbishop was going to be on the receiving end of a more than usually invigorating session from her strap-on later that evening. A full session with Sir Percy would just have to wait.
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Katlin and Missy: Chapter 1 - Abduction ---------------------- A sharp pain in the neck awoke me. I couldn't concentrate, could hardly remember my own name, and it took a while for me to realize that I was cuffed hand and foot and attached face down on a large bed, naked. A fifteen year old girl has lots of fantasies about loosing her virginity. Some had included bondage. None had included the pain I was feeling in my wrists and ankles. The cuffs were padded. But they were...
JESSICA’S ABDUCTIONChapter One Blindfolded with a tightly fitting black eye mask, a bright red rubber ?O? ring stretching her lips, a single black, leather bondage sleeve securing her arms painfully behind her back, a pair of black, six inch stiletto heels, Jessica otherwise, is completely naked. Somewhat groggy, she stands, chest thrust outward, on the small, elevated podium in the center of the foreboding chamber. The four men converged around the podium turn as the door opens...
--- Angel's Alien Abduction (mf, Mf, 1st, mc, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- Angel Deen opened her eyes to find herself lying on her back looking at a metal ceiling. She sat up quickly, noting not only that she was in a strange room she had never seen before, but that she was still wearing her cheerleader outfit...where had she been a few minutes ago? Practice? She couldn't remember. She stood up from the odd silver spongy mat she had been lying on and surveyed the...
Shirley was only 16 years old but had developed into an extremely beautiful, extremely shapely and extremely voluptuous school girl. She was about 5' 5" tall with a fabulous figure. She had a beautiful face, sultry eyes, rosy cheeks and full succulent lips, with her blonde hair cascading down in gentle curves. Shirley's full shapely smooth thighs, narrow waist and flat tummy increased her sex appeal. The most amazing but magnificent feature was her bosom. Only 16 but she had inherited her...
Human sex had a special fascination for them, the BEMs. By Oediplex 8==3~ This is a true story. I don't expect you to believe it, however. My mother and I were abducted by aliens from outer space. They were not little green men. They were BEMs, Bug Eyed Monsters, though actually they treated us quite humanely. My mom is letting me write this story, since in this genre and on this site, anyone who reads it will naturally think it's fiction. But I wanted to tell the real story. ...
THE ABDUCTION OF AMANDA TWO : TAKEN AND SOLD by madalina.CHAPTER ONE: THE ABDUCTION. Work at the hospital had been hectic lately but finally I was done taking my Nurse Amanda Noland badge off and sticking my work bit’s in the locker with a smile upon my lips I headed home ready for my two week vacation. once home I quickly prepared a quick dinner wanting to get changed and out before the shops shut hoping to pick up a few items for my vacation before I flew out tomorrow, I finished my dinner...
It has been almost two years since Traci was taken to a remote building by her kidnapper. He had tied, whipped, caned, vibrated, and fucked her in all her holes. She thinks often of the pain and pleasure he forced on her using and abusing her. Each time she relives the experience with her unknown abductor she gets wet and masturbates to very hard orgasms. She has dated and had sex many times since the last time he used her but nothing from any of her dates gave her the pleasure she felt...
Comments about the lead-in aren’t needed because I think you will find the rest of this part of the story hot enough even for those who like it out there in Never, Never, Land. Any other comments are more than welcome especially any from the ladies out there. ENJOY. Vanion PS: If any reader exceedingly likes a particular part of the story, drop me a PM with any ideas you might like to see included in part 3. BY THE WAY: To the idiot who was so emphatic as to the spelling of...
AbductionShe stood at the window of her apartment bedroom, staring out into the night. Absently, she set her mug of fragrant, steaming tea on the windowsill with a quiet, precise clink. The darkened room at her back perfectly suited her pensive mood. She sensed a presence behind her. Probably L, she thought, and without turning, she asked, ?What do you want?? A subtle scent of some unknown perfume was her only warning, jolting her out of her reverie as a female voice whispered, ?You,? and a...
11:49 AM 6/02/2007The Abduction of Sandra Sully 11:49 AM 6/02/2007??? The Abduction of Sandra Sully This is my first attempt at writing a story so pleasetake it easy with your commentsthis story is pure fantasy and in no way should youact on this fantasy. If you would like to find out what happens in part to please email me [email protected] It was all over the fucking news Sandra sully from Sydney Australiahas gone missing, 4th day straight now as the search continues fearsFor...
________________________________ Three of the Gentle Rapist victims have discovered who he is and he has taken one of them a second time, breaking his rule of not raping the same woman twice. Vickie, Julie and Tina wants him to keep taking and raping them forcing them to orgasm more, harder and longer than any man ever has. They like that he takes what he wants and makes them like it. It has been two days since the rapist kidnapped and raped Tina for the second...
First Abduction She heard a noise but kept walking. She was just being silly and scaring herself. She had just finished working and decided to walk home that night, as it was cool and slightly breezy. There, she heard it again! She laughed, probably a cat. She turned the corner and as she passed the alleyway, a hand came out and covered her mouth and yanked her into the alley. A soft hood was thrown over her head and she was shoved into a car. She was too startled to do anything but gasp...
Jill Crokett: The True Story of My Abduction and Rape Jill Crokett: The True Story of My Abduction and Rape By Jill Crokett It is hard to talk about it. My therapists over the years have all said it would help to open up but I?ve never be able to, so I?ve decided to try writing about it and see if that has some therapeutic effect. We?ll see. Thirty years have gone by and it?s still like yesterday in my mind. I was barely nineteen, in the summer of 1976, and I felt as if I ruled the...
Drive-thru Abduction Drive-thru AbductionPart 1by bondage_man69?????? I was out looking for a woman to kidnap and make my sex slave and I decided to stop at a popular fast food place for a burger and fries.? It was close to midnight and only the drive-thru? was open.? When I pulled up to the window to pay I was greeted by one of the most beautiful young women I have ever seen. I knew instantly I had to have her somehow.? She is 24, has blond hair that is wavy and comes down to her...
Tiffany's Abduction (inspired by Gary Roberts comix) Copyright 2003 by Powerone. The authorcan be contacted at [email protected]. The story of the abduction and rape ofTiffany one night from her apartment. Story Codes: M/F, rape, anal, humil, oral,bdsm, whip, mdom, span Iawoke up, not sure if it was a dream or not. I felt something in my mouth,some type of cloth. It was pulled tightly, pushing back my lips, stretchingmy mouth open. It must have been tied because I could not get it...
"AF- What are Friends For? The Ballad of Jessica" - By Flyover State. 2021. "Later," Mark said, leaving his friends. Mark and his friends had just finished basketball practice. He'd thrown a towel around his neck, and heavily plopped down into his car, a new Alfa Romeo Giulia. He started the car, cranking the A/C as high as it would go, until he cooled off, and then the Colorado air would be good enough. Mark ran his hands through his damp hair, he was blonde, with blue eyes, and...
At last the day arrived when her mom would take her to aunt Ricky.She was super excited. She loved going to her aunt Ricky's. She was a bit older than mom, which made her just over forty. Unmarried, she lived alone in a nice apartment in the next town, about an hour's ride from Jessica's home. She was quite different from her mom, much more a free spirit, given to wild colors and extravagance, always a fun person to be with, always with a quick joke or a smile for Jessica. She had always been a...
People that know him call him Cowboy. Unknown to them he is a serial rapist that abducts pretty, single, mature women rapes them taking what he wants and makes them like it. His victims call him Gentle Rapist. Vickie, Julie, Tina and Teri are four of his victims that have discovered his identity. They all agree that his abduction and rape of his victims is for their pleasure as much as his. They are trying to decide to leave things as they are hoping he will continue abducting them which...
[‘Gracie got serious, “But Charlie, isn’t she only like 16 years old?”] I told her, “That’s correct, but, she DOES turn 17 next Saturday, the same day as our wedding. That’s why I don’t want any of the guys to actually have intercourse with her. 16 could get us 20! That being said, she wants this in the worst way. She knows we could all get into trouble and swears she won’t say anything to anyone that anything happened before she was actually 17. “While the State of Illinois is absolutely...
Chelsea Starts to Work for Ms. Jessica By Sissie Maid Cuckold "No, you may not wear your formal Uniform Chelsea. You know it is only for serving at formal get-togethers. Now get changed into one of your morning uniforms and report to me immediately!" "Yes Ma'am, right away Ma'am." Chelsea curtsied and hurried to her room to change. A room that she had just been assigned by Jessica and had only finished putting away her uniforms minutes ago. Chelsea loved wearing the Formal Maids...
Its was the 4th of July weekend. I will never forget it! My wife and I had invited her sister Jessica and her boyfriend Bill away with us for the weekend. We had rented a house in Napa Valley for the long weekend. Jessica and Bill agreed and we all drove up to the house together. When we arrived Friday night, we settled in to the house. There were three bedrooms, a huge living room with a tremendous couch and big 42inch TV. We had stopped on the way up at a local store to pick up some wine and...
This is a true story that happened a while back to me. I really felt like getting it out and hopefully you guys like it. Everything is true, except the names are changed as I do not want the real identities to be revealed. The story of course isn’t word for word true, I couldn’t remember all of it. There was more time in between the events that I wrote about, but I didn't include that time because there wasn't a lot of sex in those times and you guys would get bored. It's a pretty short...
Jessica checked the time on her Breitling wrist watch. It was just a few moments before her husband Nathan would come home with their daughters Emily and Katie. It was his turn to pick them from school – and Jessica's to fix dinner. She sighed, taking a short break from her otherwise rather turbulent day. Were it a day like any other, she would have found fulfilling her share of chores relaxing, recreating even. This day, nonetheless, her daily routine seemed to cause her trouble. Or was it her...
Wife LoversBrian does not forget his promise to himself after the first dinner with Mark’s mother and sisters. Well, the girls, no, now definitely women at forty, deserve to meet men who will cherish and care for them. Their youth and young adulthood were totally ruined by the tyrant father they had.It is bad enough what Mark has endured from him, but to see his sisters and Mark’s mother so repressed just chills Brian’s soul. Well, perhaps repressed is not the correct term for all of them, but held back...
TransNote : This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! Kristen, half awake rolled to one side and fell off her bed. She yawned and looked up at her clock, 7:00 AM. "Crap...I missed my damn bus." Kristen murmured and crawled to her closet, she held on to her desk and pulled herself up. She yanked a top and jeans randomly in the dark, and put them on, just hoping they matched. She didn't want to turn on the lights and wake her sister up, since they shared a room. Kristen...
IncestIt was a gloomy afternoon as Roger pulled the rented Ford Taurus up to the curb and parked. He reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed the three bundles of flowers: a dozen roses, a bunch of tulips, and some carnations. Roger stepped out of the car and pulled his grey wool trench coat tighter as he walked slowly over the lawn. He passed several rows of grave markers until he reached his destination near the tree. Looking down Roger saw the three markers he came to visit. He squatted...
Introduction: Young Jessica decides that the best way to discover the secrets of her next door neighbor, is to house sit for him and snoop through his stuff, while serching his garage she finds a wierd looking machine called Jessica 3000. What is a Jessica? Bassed on a YIM Chat between KaosAngel and Anonymous girl Story: #2 Copyright 2004 Written: November 18 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected])...
Chapter 1 From the moment I first met Jessica, I knew she was one of the most interesting, sensual, and exciting women I'd ever met. The occasion of our meeting wasn't anything you'd normally associate with sex or striking up an intimate relationship -- but in our case, it worked. I was working in a public institution and Jessica met me one day in search of the materials we had available for research and historical study. Nothing like working in a historical society to meet sexy young...
It was a late Thursday night as Jessica walked down the poorly lit street towards the bus stop that would take her from the down town area to her college apartment. Jessica had been volunteering at the mission, helping cook dinner and spread the gospel, but while the women customers were interested in the mission's services they weren't really interested in the Gospel. Also many of the women were heavy smokers, and while Jessica did not want to be judgmental, she hated cigarette smoke. As...
Mind ControlThe story begins with Jessica.I first met Jessica when I worked in Manchester in the UK on a scientific research project. I was a postgraduate at the time, just finishing my thesis. I felt the need to escape to the countryside for a week and volunteered to help out on a fieldwork exercise based in a farmhouse in an isolated village in The North Pennines, a range of mountains and hills to the east of Manchester. Jessica had been drafted in as a member of the support team, which meant that she...
Love StoriesJessica stared at the blank tunnel wall as the green line streetcar plunged underground. The other passengers, had they been paying attention, would likely have chalked up her refusal to make eye contact as nothing more than standard "T" etiquette. Jessica herself was acutely aware of the self-conscious way in which she pretended that she was the only person on the train. In fact, she wished with every fiber of her being that she was. It would be incorrect to say that none of the other...
All characters are the age of 18 or older. This story takes place in the same world as my Fridays at the Guardian Angel story. I recommend anyone who stumbled on this piece read at least chapter one of Fridays at the Guardian Angel first. But if you’re just looking for a quick futa on female story then you’re probably fine without it. ****** Whiskey glittered in the small glass, sparkling with the lights of the trendy bar. Couples chatted at high tops drinking local microbrews and popular...
Bassed on a YIM Chat between KaosAngel and Anonymous girl Story: #2 Copyright ©2004 Written: November 18 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* The day started like any other for young Jessica as she got up and out of bed this morning, Jessica is a young girl of 18 years with long blonde hair and blue eyes her body has always held the...
Sara didn’t really understand the feels she was going through. All she really knew was whenever Jessica came into the restaurant where Sara worked there was a certain warm feeling that would come over her. The feeling over the past week had gone from innocent friendship, to a deep attraction, at least on Sara’s part. And Sara found herself almost obsessed the thought of being with tall redhead that worked across the street at the Magic Fingers Spa. Sara never considered taking any action on...
LesbianABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...
As I grew up I saw less and less of her as my parents trusted me more, when I began puberty i started seeing her in a diffrent way instead of her being the loving other - mother of mine i started seeing her as this sexy woman who i fantisized about. Jessica was now in her early 40's with chestnut hair down to her shoulders and 30DD breasts which were firm since she had never had kids of her own. It was my parents anniversery this following weekend and they were going away for 3days so...
Jessica had been to her usual beauty salon,it didn't take much to maintain her beauty, but pampering herself was one of her vices.....whilst there she was chatting to the owner,sally,they were talking about how sally had so much work,not enough girls to work,it wasn't Jessica thing, working,working,but sally was talking about a window in the salon diary, did she want to come in and run a little clinic, the salon closed half day on weds afternoons ,as they opened all day on Saturdays when...
Just Jessica I There are a few things that played a prominent role in shaping my life as I was growing up. This first event occurred even before I was born. My mom and dad dated throughout high school and it was a sure bet that they would get married. That lasted right up to graduation night. That's the night that mom got pregnant. It was actually six weeks before she knew for sure and she kept the secret to herself. When she finally told dad about it, to say the least he was not...
July 10, 2004 Dearest Vincent, These last few weeks are driving me crazy! I can’t wait to finally be married to the man of my dreams. You’re everything I have always wanted. You have given me my confidence back and you make me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet. I love, love, love you, with all my heart! Your soon to be smoking hot 19 year old wife! Jessica October 2, 2010 ‘I know these are a bit pricey but if you want a clean picture, in color and different angles… This is...
I am not the original author.Fred takes JessicaIt took me a long moment to remember exactly where I was, looking at my watch I noticed that it was nearly three in the morning. “Jesus” I thought “Jess is gonna kill me.”I slowly gathered myself and arose from Fred’s couch. I was alone. I guess the party was over, and I couldn’t help but feel a touch of anger over the thought of no one waking me to let me know.My name is Timothy Grant, I’m 35 and I’m a Regional Sales Rep for a national supplier of...
July 10, 2004 Dearest Vincent, These last few weeks are driving me crazy! I can't wait to finally be married to the man of my dreams. You're everything I have always wanted. You have given me my confidence back and you make me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet. I love, love, love you, with all my heart! Your soon to be smoking hot 19 year old wife! Jessica October 2, 2010 "I know these are a bit pricey but if you want a clean picture, in color and different angles... This is...
TabooOkay. So, I’m love’s bitch. I admit that. I always have been love’s bitch. Right now, I’m a bitch for a beautiful, red-haired, white goddess, and she treats me like she knows exactly how I’m supposed to be treated.First, I should tell you that I am a tall, slender, athletic, black man with a dark, mahogany skin tone. I’m not unattractive by a long shot, though, being in my fifties, I am quite a bit older than Jessica. I’m financially stable, with some very lucrative investments adding to my...
Femdom(Author's note: While the events in this story are based off real life, there are some obvious embellishments. Also, all the characters involved in sex acts are at least 18.)I woke up with Ms. P’s soft skin pressed against my back, a ray of sunshine peaked through the mini-blinds warming my abdomen. Groggy, it took me a second to recall the night’s events: I had fucked my best friend's mom!Ms. P was an attractive middle-aged woman. The first thing any man noticed about her was the flaming red...
When she realized I was there she apologized for walking in on me. “Sorry Tony, I didn’t realize you were in here but judging by what’s going on down there I’m glad I did.” “That’s fine Jess, I’m happy to see you. You were pretty quiet last night. I thought you would have popped in at some point.” She said, “I thought about it but wanted to leave Char alone so she could enjoy her time with you. Did you have fun?” “Of course I did and I think Mary Ann and Char won’t be waking up for a...
It was a Christmas party my boss was a lush , drunk as hell as always at the party's he was off talking to some office workers about who knows what and his girlfriend was walking toward me. She is about 5 feet 3 and about 100 lbs and about 10 lbs of that being her tits she had a big rack for a small girl she had to be about 24 years old the boss was in his late 40's lucky bastard to get a fine young one like her. Lisa was her name I think or was it Jessica, Dam it think think. Hello she said do...
FetishJessica could not get the night with Tessa off her mind all the way to the airport. The conversation with Tessa’s dad was stilted as a result. But she made it.She went through check-in and was on the plane in less than half an hour. Sitting in her seat on the plane, she kept thinking about how she could sense Tessa masturbating, and how intensely aroused it made her when Tessa orgasmed. She knew she was soaking wet, and getting wetter by the minute, but could not stop remembering.Jessica...
MasturbationAfter our final matric exams. Jessica's parents as well as mine agreed for us to go away together for a weekend. We hadn't seen each other since before our final exams as we sat down, studied and gave it our all. We chatted over messages and planned and booked the weekend away to leave the Friday morning and returning the Monday. We finished our last exam the Thursday afternoon and we both were looking forward to seeing each other.After my exam I went home and pack my bags. Once my stepsister...
Hi everyone, I am Raj, age 22, from Mumbai. Today I am here to narrate a real incident. It took place a few months ago during my trip to Assam. To start with, I had a friend in my college who was 2 years younger than me. His name was Sarengyam, and he was an Assam native. We became good friends as we lived in the same hostel. After a few months, Sarengyam told me that he is going for a few days to Assam to meet his family. He asked me if I was interested in accompanying him. Since I wanted to...
Friday morning I woke up with a strange feeling. I knew something was going to go good for me. I took a shower letting myself jerk off for a while as I thought about Jessica, my usual masturbation inspiration. I got to work thinking I'd be feeling bad because of my conversation with Jessica the day before, but instead I felt better than I had in a long time. I knew Jessica usually worked late on Friday's to try to get as much work done so she wouldn't have to come in for the weekend. I...
Down in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, at a small lake, some friends were spending a week camping and fishing. As the sun was setting, David Granger walked back to his tent, his pole over his shoulder when he looked up and saw his roommate Brad Wilson walking towards him. Holding up the string of trout, he grinned. "Brad, it looks like we have trout for dinner..." seeing the look on the face of his friend he stopped speaking for a second, and asked, "What's wrong?" Walking up to his...
A Sex Lesson For JessicaHer mother got up to make breakfast and she slipped into be bed beside me. When I first met them last night I thought she was only about 15/16 but it turns out she was nearly 18 and still a virgin. I was the resident solo artiste at the local beach front bar for the holiday season. I had seen them come in every night and sit at the back of the room. They were devout listeners to my songs. I don’t think they missed a word of any one of them. Last night the young girl came...
"Hi, I am new to the neighborhood and thought I would come and introduce myself," the pretty girl announced as soon as I had opened the door. "My name is Jessica and I live just next door there with my father." At the time I did not have a screen door so could clearly see this young girl as she could see me, a man in my mid-forties. "Well, hello, very nice to meet you. My name is Steve and I live here with my son. I'd call him to meet you, but he's in the shower." "That's okay,...