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THE CHANG ABDUCTION by BobH (c) 2013 The woman fidgeted nervously, wondering why she had been summoned by General Cairns. His presence and that of the man seated in the chair next to hers meant this was serious, whatever it was. The General was facing them both across the dark wood of his desk, face grim, his broad, muscular form barely constrained by the business suit that had replaced his uniform following his retirement as head of special forces. "I assume you've seen reports of the bombing of that Berlin nightclub yesterday on the news." It was a statement rather than a question. They both nodded. "I have other footage that was deliberately kept from the press," he continued. "What's on it is why I called you here." So saying, he pressed a button on his desk and a section of wall to his right slid back to reveal a TV screen. He pressed another button and it sprang to life, playing a recording of a crowded nightclub dance floor, a woman in a barely-there mini-dress with her bare back to the camera, enthusiastically grinding her crotch into that of her male companion as they danced to the bass-heavy music. About twenty seconds into the recording she turned and winked at the camera. The General freeze-framed the image, and his subordinates lurched forward in their chairs. "Sonofabitch!" said the man. "It can't be her!" said the woman, trying to deny the evidence of her eyes, a look of horror on her face. It was a face identical to that of the woman on the screen. "Unfortunately, it can," said the General. "One of our worst failures, come back to haunt us." The woman slumped back in her chair. It had happened years ago and was over in minutes, yet it had changed their lives irrevocably.... * The sex was perfunctory, but Mary Subic didn't mind. She and John Niedermeyer had been occasional lovers for so many years now they were like an old married couple, despite their sexual sessions being of necessity infrequent and carried out on army bases and in motel rooms whenever they could arrange them. What had once seemed illicit and exciting had settled into routine, but what hadn't got old was lying in each others arms and talking afterwards. "So," said John, stroking her hair, "have you heard from Margaret yet?" Margaret was her younger sister. She and her partner had had to drop everything and rush to the side of her partner's father, who had just suffered a massive heart attack. Despite being an only child himself, John seemed to understand the bond siblings possessed, and Mary appreciated his concern. "No, not yet. Given when they set out, they might not even be at the hospital yet. It's several hours drive, after all." "Let's hope the news is good." He let out a long sigh. "Well, I guess we'd better get up. We're expectied at the test in a little over an hour. our superiors won't be pleased if we're late." Another day, another test of a new weapons system. Mary knew their work was important, that it needed to be done, but it couldn't compare with their time in special ops. Their skill at assessing such systems and writing intelligible reports on them was pretty much invaluable, but being stuck assessing weapons had done neither of them any favors when it came to promotions. She was a captain and John a major, yet both should've been further along their career paths at this point in their military lives. Then again, given the clusterfuck their last mission in special ops had been, the comrades they lost, and the fact that they - unfairly - had got the blame, they were lucky to still have military careers. She wondered if John resented what had happened to them as much as she did. If so, he never said anything. The drive from their DC hotel to the facilty in Maryland where the test was to be held was short and uneventful. As was often the case with systems that didn't involve large explosions, the test was being held in a non-descript building in an anonymous industrial area. There was nothing to indicate what the building was or who might be running it, and certainly no external military guards. Then again, this test wasn't being conducted by the military but by something called the Unconventional Crimes Department. This had apparently once been a department of the FBI, but it was not currently tethered to any other branch of the military or intelligence services. Which made that 'department' in its name kind of redundant. Pulling up outside the dull grey roller shutter that marked the building entrance, Major Niedermeyer rolled down his window and slotted a key-card into the entry card reader. In response the shutter wound open and Mary drove the car into the building. Inside were two armed guards. As they parked in one of the parking spaces and exited the car one of the guards came over, stood to attention beside the car and saluted. "Captain, Major," he said. "If you'll please follow me..." He led them down a short corridor to a large open area with a set of lab benches at one end, a series of pens and cages containing chimps and various varieties of livestock at the other, and a strange, jury-rigged apparatus in the middle. Also present were two identically-built young women. Both were short, slim, small-breasted, and had long black hair, but there the similarity ended. Where one was dressed in a lab-coat, bespectacled, Asian, and with the sort of non-descript face the right make-up could do amazing things for, the other was black, dressed in a stylish skirt-suit, beautiful, and all business. There was something about her, her stance and the way she sized them up as they entered that instantly identified her to Mary. She was security. She almost certainly had a shoulder holster hidden away under that exquisitely-tailored jacket, and Mary was in no doubt she would know how to handle a gun. John always carried a small sidearm, but Mary was unarmed. It was optional, but given their current job she had never seen the point. They weren't in the field anymore and Who was going to fire on a couple of assessors? "Ah, the weapons inspectors," said the Asian woman, walking over to them, "come to decide the fate of my latest invention." She held out her hand. "Doctor Helen Chang," she said. "The closest to a real-life Reed Richards you're ever likely to meet. Apparently." * "You ready yet, Doc?" said Agent Joad. "The weapons inspectors are due in an hour, and it'll look bad if we're not there to meet them." "Almost," said Helen Chang, from somewhere under her office desk. "Ah, found it!" She emerged triumphantly, holding aloft her favorite pen. Agent Joad sighed. He would never understand why a given pen was important if not vital, she knew, but then most people didn't understand the sometimes obsessive-compulsive behaviour that came with her genius. "Don't you have someething you have to do yourself before we leave, Waylon?" she said, a little defensively. "Like maybe fix your make-up or something?" "My make-up is just fine, Doc," he patiently replied. Helen had to admit that it was. He was immaculately turned out, but then he always was. Agent Joad took pride in his appearance, whatever a given assignment might require him to wear. He was currently dressed in a stylish skirt-suit, heels, and dark pantihose, small high breasts pushing against the silk of a blouse unbuttoned just enough to show a small amount of his cleavage. He had the same figure as her - they currently had absolutely identical body shapes - but Helen doubted she could have carried that outfit off half as well as Waylon did. Sadly, she lacked his grace. "OK, I'm ready," she said. They took the elevator down to the basement car park and signed out one of the department's pool cars. Agent Joad took the wheel, driving the car up the exit ramp and out onto the street, turning in the direction that would take them out of DC and towards the industrial area in Maryland where the test would be taking place. Helen didn't really understand why they couldn't have conducted it at her lab in the Unconventional Crimes Department. The strange rituals and requirements of those responsible for security had always been a mystery to her. Then there was Agent Joad. Helen found it hard to believe she needed a personal bodyguard, but her boss Charlotte Chalker had insisted. "You're one of those brilliant minds that comes along maybe once in a century," she had said. "Your genius is of incalacuable value to the US, and if we think that you can be sure that others are thinking it too, others who will stop at nothing to either take you out or to secure your services for themselves." So Agent Joad had been assigned to her, one of that small number of men the 'nanosculpting' process she had invented would work on. He was one of the even smaller number able to convincingly masquerade as women, and prepared to have their bodies reshaped to be externally female. This was made necessary by the fact that the drugs used in conjunction with the bio-nanites were rendered useless by the levels of estrogen in the body of the average woman. Like Agent Joad, most of these men were heterosexual males, yet when an undercover role demanded them to take the place of a target's wife or girlfriend they were trained to lie back, open their legs, and take one for Uncle Sam while giving every appearance of enjoying the experience. Agent Joad had been chosen as her bodyguard because his height and build meant that he could double for her when required. He currently had dark skin and features to match, but program his bio-nanites with the right information and within a day he would be Helen's identical twin. He had also spent a long time working on his voice and could now do a pitch perfect impression of her. Eventually, they arrived at the warehouse that was their destination. Helen rolled down her window and slotted a key-card into the entry card reader. The shutter wound open and Agent Joad drove the car into the building. Inside were two armed guards, who waved them through. In the large open area that was their temporary testing facility, Helen was greeted by her lab assistant, Craig Wilson. A great bear of a man with an impressive ginger beard, he helped her on with her lab coat before bringing her up to speed on the tasks she had given him. "And the animals have all been fed and watered?" "Of course," he said. "The chimps are still being a bit fractious, but they all seem to be doing well. Still no obvious long-term side effects from the process." "Excellent! I need you to get the test reports from my office and then we'll be ready for our visitors." As Craig headed off, Helen watched him and smiled. He had been her lab tech for almost a year now, and was the best and most competant one she had ever had. Turning her attention to the apparatus in the center of the room, she gave it a quick once over then dropped the remote control that triggered it into the pocket of her lab coat. As she did so she heard the door open behind her as one of the guards brought through a man and a woman in military uniforms. It was the assessors. She and Agent Joad had got here just ahead of them. Time to welcome them. "Ah, the weapons inspectors," she said, walking over to them, "come to decide the fate of my latest invention." She held out her hand to the man, who was both older than her and ruggedly handsome; definitely her type. "Doctor Helen Chang," she said. "The closest to a real-life Reed Richards you're ever likely to meet. Apparently." "Sorry?" said the man, shaking her hand and looking puzzled. "Leader of the Fantastic Four," said his companion, "and Earth 616's greatest scientist in the Marvel comics universe." "Ah good," said Helen, approvingly, "someone familiar with classic literature. And you are...?" "Oh, sorry - Captain Mary Subic, and this is Major John Niedermeyer." "Pleased to meet you both. The stern yet hot African-American woman in the heels to die for is Agent Joad." In his real identity Waylon Joad was actually a pale-skinned blue-eyed blond guy, but Helen saw no reason to burden them with that information. "We haven't been given many particulars about this device of yours," said Major Niedermeyer, frowning at the apparatus, "but I gather it's guaranteed to render everyone within its effective radius unconscious for a minimum of fifteen minutes?" "That's correct, yes. At the moment it only works over a ten foot radius, but I'm confident I can improve on that." "From the notes I've been given I see that this device of yours uses some fairly exotic materials and would be very expensive to produce. Even if it performs as you claim, I can't see how it would ever be cost effective." "Yes, it will be expensive to produce," said Helen, "but there are some situations where it would be the right tool for the job, possibly the only tool for the job." "And what might those be?" asked the Major, sounding skeptical. "Well, for example a hostage situation," said Helen. "You've seen how tricky those are, how sending special forces in to free the hostages can result in several of those hostaghes being killed, regardless of how carefully you plan your assault beforehand. With my device that won't be an issue. When I've increased the range and got the size down to something you can hold in your hand, you use one and it takes out everyone, hostage and hostage-taker alike. The wave that causes everyone to lose consciousness will travel through everything but lead so it won't miss anyone - I call it the 'Chang Effect'. You then just walk in and arrest the hostage-takers, and fifteen minutes later everyone wakes up unharmed." "And you've tested this 'Chang Effect' on humans?" "No, not yet, but we have tried it on mammals and the higher primates. If it works on them it will work on us, something I'll prove if I'm given the funding for further trials." "Any side effects?" "Not that we've discovered, no. Some slight behavioural difficulties with the chimps afterwards, but nothing we need worry about. Here, I've got some videos I can show you of our animal tests." She was about to show these when there was a loud crash from the vehicle entrance and the sound of gunfire erupted outside. Craig Wilson burst into the room, gun in hand. He aimed it at them. "Craig?" said Helen. "What the hell are you doing?" John Niedermeyer quickly whipped out his gun, but not quickly enough. As he brought it to bear so Craig Wilson fired his own weapon. The major went down, blood flowing from a head wound. "That was stupid," said Craig, as Mary Subic knelt beside her wounded colleague. "I'd prefer it if no-one else was stupid. The men you can hear dealing with the guards are here for you, Dr Chang. Come with us quietly and no-one else needs to get hurt." Helen's mind was racing. As soon as Craig's co-conspirators had broken into the facility it would have set off an alarm elsewhere. She had been assured armed help would arrive within ten minutes of that alarm sounding, so she needed to slow these guys down. And she knew just how to do so. "If you want me, come and get me," she said. "We don't have time for this shit!" Craig snarled, coming over to grab her. As soon as he was within ten feet of her, Helen pressed the trigger in her pocket. Simultaneously a shot rang out. It was Agent Joad. As the wave washed over them and she and the others crumpled to the floor like puppets whose strings had been cut, the last thing Helen saw before losing consciousness was blood erupting from a hole in Craig Wilsons' chest as the bullet hit home. * The woman who brought them their coffees was young and pretty, with long blonde hair, impressive breasts, a small waist, and a large, well-rounded ass across which was stretched a tiny skirt. "Thank you, Cherry," said General Cairns, as she placed the tray on his desk. Cherry giggled then turned and left, her five inch heels clicking on the hardwood floor. Helen Chang cast an approving eye over that shapely rear as Candy exited the room, savoring the way it wiggled. It had been seven days since the incident in the warehouse and initial investigations were complete. The General now wanted her report. "As soon as I woke I knew instantly that something was wrong," she said, as the door closed behind Candy. "Lifting my hand into view as I lay there on the ground just confirmed it. My skin was black, which could only mean that somehow I was now in Agent Joad's body." "And you had no idea the Chang Effect switched minds around as well as knocking everyone out for fifteen minutes?" said General Cairns, clearly fascinated by the woman in front of him, who looked as she always had. "None whatever," she admitted. "It had never been tested on human subjects so we had no way of knowing the unconsciousness was just a side-effect of the mind switch, that your brain needs that time to reboot. If I hadn't needed to delay the kidnappers until you sent help, we wouldn't have been the first subjects either." "It was a good plan," said the General. "You had no way of knowing they'd brought a gurney and so you being unconscious was no impediment to them at all. They were in and out in under four minutes. Whoever they were, they were very professional." "Do we know how many of them there were?" "From the security camera recording there were four, including Craig Wilson, who I'm sure Agent Joad is regretting shooting now." "Yes, but he couldn't have known; none of us could. I imagine this changes things." "That might be a candidate for biggest understatement of the year," said the General. "A device that switches minds has deeper implications and a lot more potential that one that merely knocks everyone out, particularly now you've succeeded in miniaturizing it. We're setting up a whole new research division to discover its capabilities. You're sure I can't tempt you away from Unconventional Crimes to head it up?" "No, I like it at UCD," said Helen. "Charlotte Chalker is the ideal boss for someone like me. She leaves me alone to get on with my work and shields me from anyone who would interfere with it. And as overall head you still get to see anything new I come up with and can decide whether to take it further, as with this new device." She picked up her coffee from the table where Candy had set it down and took a sip. According to the rumour mill Candy and General Cairns were lovers. Helen knew the rumours were correct, and that Candy was anything but the bimbo she appeared to be. Unknown to the General, Candy was actually Henry Perdue, a UCD agent with a master's degree in psychology who Charlotte Chalker had tasked with keeping her abreast of the General's comings and goings. Helen approved. Not everyone had the chuzpah to spy on their own boss like that. She might be the most ruthless person Helen had ever met. Helen liked that about her. "Fair enough," said the General. "Can I ask you a personal question before you go?" "Of course. What do you want to know?" "The sex," he said. "Is it weird being attracted to women now instead of men? And knowing that although you've used your bio-nanites so that it now looks like your old body, your new body is actually male?" "Intellectually, yes," she replied, "but you adapt surprisingly quickly. Waylon Joad was a heterosexual male, and I inherited his attraction to women along with his body. It's only been a week but already the idea of being attracted to a man makes me feel queasy. And as for looking like I used to, I'm lucky I have that option. Everyone else who got switched is stuck as they are. God bless my nanites!" The intercom on the General's desk buzzed. It was Candy. "Major Niedermeyer has arrived, sir," she said. "Thank you, Candy. I'll have Dr Chang show him in as she leaves." * John Niedermeyer sat outside General Cairns' office and fiddled nervously with his cap. The last time he and the General met it had not been under the best of circumstances, He wasn't surprised to find himself summoned before the man, however. Scuttlebut had it that the General had retired from the military and his position as head of special forces to head up a group under whose umbrella came the UCD and various other unspecified government intelligence organisations. With the raid on the warehouse facility and what they now knew the Chang Effect actually was the only surprise was that it had taken a week. The door to the General's office opened and out walked a young Asian woman. She was the last person he expected to see. "Dr Chang?" he said, jaw dropping. "How is this possible?" "General Cairns will explain everything," she said, "he asked me to send you in." With that, she turned on her heel and left. "Take a seat, John," said General Cairns as he entered the office. "Did Candy get you a coffee?" "Yes sir, thank you," he said, as he took the offered seat across the desk from the General. "I imagine you have a burning question for me," said the General, looking amused. "Yes, sir. I just saw Dr Chang, but she was abducted during the raid. Or at least whoever ended up in her body was. How was she rescued?" "She wasn't. Her abductors still have Dr Chang's original body and its new occupant." "Then how...?" "I'll get to that in a minute. For now, I think it's time to fill you in on what actually happened when Dr Chang triggered her device. We deliberately kept you in the dark and separate from each other while we confirmed you were all who you said you were." "So you accept that I am - that I was - Captain Mary Subic? Switching bodies with your lover is a hell of a way to get promoted from captain to major." "Indeed. Now I'm going to tell you who ended up in which body. The switch went Helen Chang to Agent Joad, Agent Joad to Craig Wilson, Craig Wilson to you, you to John Niedermeyer, and John Niedermeyer to Helen Chang." "So it's John," said the major, slumping back in his chair. "They have the real John." "I'm afraid so." "And Craig Wilson?" "Under enhanced interrogation. So far she hasn't told us who she's working for." The Major laughed bitterly at that. "I know what 'enhanced interrogation' means, sir," he said. "I'm not sure how I feel about my former flesh being subjected to that." "Whatever you might feel is irrelevant, major," said the General. "It is, as you say, your 'former flesh'." The new John Niedermeyer could not have said why, but there was something about a stranger - a man - taking up residence in his original body he found profoundly unsettling. "So Agent Joad survived?" he said. "Yes, but it was a close call. The raiders only had the one gurney and they needed that for their abduction. Seeing the bullet wound in Wilson's body they would have assumed he wouldn't survive and so left him for dead. We now know it was Agent Joad in that body. Ironically, the mind-switches resulted in the person he shot being himself." "What happens to Agent Joad now?" "When he's recovered we'll give him a new identity and relocate him. As we delve further into the mysteries of the Chang Effect I imagine we'll be doing that quite a bit. Not everyone will be able to assume their body's former identity like you have." "what about John? Do we have any plans to rescue him - I mean her?" "We have no idea who took her, but there's no way she's going to be able to fool them that she's the real Dr Chang for very long. They'll probably figure she's an imposter, a decoy we put in place in order to foil an abduction of the type they carried out. When that happens she ceases to be of any use to them." The Major swallowed hard. He agreed with the General's assessment...and knew what that probably meant for John. "What about Dr Chang?" he said, abruptly changing the subject. "If she ended up in Agent Joad's body, how can she still look like her?" "Because of something she invented called bio-nanites. They can 'nanosculpt' the bodies of those able to survive the process, reshaping them to look like anyone of the same approximate height and build. Agent Joad was one of a small number of those people able to survive the process. The UCD has several such agents." "I'm not entirely clear on what the UCD is. Where did it come from? What was it a department *of*?" "The FBI originally, but it was spun off to become a separate entity, one providing services to a whole range of other organisations. They probably should've changed the name though, since that 'department' is kind of redundant now. Not that that's the only time this has happened with the FBI. There's a former 'section' of theirs out there, too." The Major's pulse quickened at this revelation. Could it be...? Trying to keep his voice level, his demeanour casual, he asked a question. "Would that be Section 13, sir?" "You know about them?" said the General, his eyes narrowing. "How?" "In the circles in which we move you sometimes hear things," said the Major. "A rumour here, a name there. I'm afraid I don't know much about what they do, though." "No-one does," sighed General Cairns. "It used to be run by William Karlen and his cold-warriors, but since his death Johanna, that bitch of a wife of his, has been in charge. During the fifty years Hoover ran the FBI, several presidents tried to get him out. None of them succeeded. He had files, you see. On everyone. And no-one in any position of power is clean enough they don't have skeletons in their closet. When Hoover died in 1972 it was widely assumed his secretary Helen Gandy had destroyed them, on his orders, but what if she didn't? What if William Karlen got hold of them, and kept them updated, extending them to cover following generations of the great and the good? It would certainly explain the autonomy Section 13 has, and the large budget it seems able to command." Shaking his head, General Cairns opened a desk drawer and took something out, placing it on the desk before him. It was the same shape as a gridiron football but about half the size. It was also made of aluminum. "As Dr Chang promised," he said, "she succeeded in miniaturing her device. This is the prototype. We're calling it a 'mindbomb'." "A mindbomb, sir?" "Yes. A small, initial charge will rupture the shell of the device and also trigger the Chang Effect - no, let's call it the Mindbomb Effect - sending out a wave that will switch the minds of everyone within a seventy-five yard radius. That's right, she succeeded in extending the range, too. I'm setting up a project - let's call it the Mindbomb Project, though for secrecy's sake lower level grunts not in the loop will be told to refer to it as the Agency, or something like that - and I want you to head it up." "Me? I...I don't now what to say, sir." "Say 'yes', son. You would come under the oversight of a committee, headed by myself, but you'd mostly be left to run it as you see fit. This takes you out of the military chain of command and makes you answerable to no-one else." The Major rubbed his forehead where the bullet had creased his skull, fingers tracing the Z-shaped line of stitches where doctors had repaired the torn flesh, and considered this proposal. He was being invited back into the fold, he realized, the General offering to let bygones be bygones. "There are a couple of my own people I'd like to bring along too, if that's OK," he said. It would ease the transition to have few familiar faces around him, and it would be good to work with his sister and her lover, Hannah Mason. "I can live with that." "Then I agree." The General held out his hand. "Welcome aboard...Colonel." * Sitting in the General's office now, staring at that freeze-framed image from the Berlin nightclub, Colonel John Niedermeyer thought back to that day, the day he had learned his lover had been taken and had been given command of the Mindbomb Project, and he grimaced. They had all assumed her captors would have killed her but there she was, at the site of an atrocity she was almost certainly behind, her wink mocking them. He glanced across at Helen Chang who was sitting there grey-faced, and staring at the frozen image of her doppelganger. "I can't believe they turned her," he said. "She was as loyal as anyone I've ever known." "I didn't want to believe it either," said General Cairns, "but the fingerprints found on the remains of the bomb have been positively identified. That's her alright. And that means we have a bigger problem. She knows about the mind-switching - how could she not? The nightclub bomb was just a calling card, her way of getting our attention. Well, she has it now." "Why call us out?" asked Helen Chang. "Because one way or another, I think she's coming for us." The End. **************************** NOTES: For more on the UCD and the bio-nanites read: THE SHAKESPEARE OPTION. Previous Mindbomb stories, in reading order: 1. MINDBOMB 2. MINDBOMB: THE BEGINNING 3. ALTERED FATES: A CHRISTMAS STORY 4. A MINDBOMB STORY: LOOSE ENDS - by Zapper 5. MINDBOMB: REVELATIONS Exactly where the framing sequence of this story fits in relation to those above will be revealed...eventually. For more on Section 13, read: 1: ALTERED FATES: AGENT ZULO 2: AGENT ZULO: THE CABAL Those interested in knowing more about J. Edgar Hoover's files and his secretary's part in their destruction should find this fascinating:

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Abduction... that never happens. People go missing all the time. Jerry had seen it so often on the news that stories of disappearances or abductions didn't even register. He always thought that happened in bigger cities to people with skeletons in their closets. Jerry was twenty, mild mannered and didn't have an enemy in the world. That kind of shit didn't happen to him. So regaining consciousness in a small padded cell didn't make much sense to him. His movement was severely...

4 years ago
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Human Toilet Abduction

Human Toilet AbductionIt was well after 2 am when I finished work at the club and after waiting for almost 45 minutes to get a cab home because my car was at the mechanics I finally gave up and decided to walk home.  It was dark and cold so my step quickened.  All I wanted to do was get home, take a long hot shower, maybe check out some porn on the internet while I fucked myself with my thickest dildo riding up and down the super thick shaft on my office chair while I went to some of my most...

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Angels Abduction

Angel's abduction By RockbohunkAngel was a local freelance photographer working for a local paper. She was doing a story of natural wildlife and decided to do her shoot up in the Blue hills, about 20 miles from her house. Angel was walking on the nature path, about a mile from the road when a man wearing a ski mask grabbed her and wrestled her to the ground. Angel screamed, but no one could hear her, she was just too deep in the woods. The man forced her left arm behind her back and...

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Mahi always enjoyed the atmosphere of The Ice Dragon. Unlike most modern bars, it was pleasantly quiet, with the voices of excellent jazz singers and the sound of small combos playing softly. Mahi’s Indian mother and massively mixed-race father were jazz and classical music buffs. Mahi grew to appreciate complex and sophisticated music. She dismissed rock, and especially rap, as crude and simplistic. Mahi’s jumbled genetic background had gifted her with dark skin, straight black hair, brown...

2 years ago
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They came from space Abduction

Alien AbductionI was walking my long walk home, it was later than usual and I was in a hurry to get home, certain areas I was walking towards have a history of being a bit dangerous and I knew better than to be out late at night in this area, I walked through one of the more quiet areas, and looked into a nearby field, through the fence I could see what looked like a person, laying down, it was late and I couldnt just leave them there without making sure they was okay so I found a small gap in...

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Vickies Abduction

Vickie is a very beautiful woman in her fifties looking more like a thirty year old. She unknowingly gets the attention of a local stalker rapist as she shops at the local super market. He kidnaps her and rapes her as she worries about him killing her. Her thoughts were to survive what ever he does to her. ______________________________________________________________ I was doing my monthly grocery shopping at the local super market when I spotted her. I pushed my shopping cart past her in...

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Jennys Abduction

CHAPTER 1  CHAPTER 1 The blond was being held down by the fat woman, who was holding her hair forcing the pretty but debased young blonde to watch the video that showed herself being humped from behind by the big mastiff dog while 2 black men came across her thick red lips, mouth and face, filling her with sperm. Her eyes rolled around not believing what she was seeing, nor remembering anything that happened due to the drugs she had been given. But she could now understand why she had...

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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 20 Abduction

Ty woke to hear Willow vomiting into the privy. In spite of his worry about her, he had to smile in delight. Well, she did warn him. It was just as well they were getting married in two weeks. She came back out, and he lifted the blanket so she could crawl back in with him. Willow snuggled back into his embrace, and he kissed her neck and hugged her then rubbed her belly. “No need to be so damn smug, you beastly man,” she grumbled. “I love you, Willow and you will be an awesome mother. I...

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An Alien Abduction

Introduction: Rebecca wakes up in a strange place and soon discovers shes been abducted by aliens…with one interest it would seem. She awoke in a dark gray room. The lighting was dim, almost dark. She looked around herself slowly. Her head was throbbing, feeling like her skull was going to be split in two. Every tiny movement of her neck sent shooting paints through her entire head. She pulled herself up slowly, looking around at her surroundings. She was in an all gray room, quite small, with...

3 years ago
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Mackenzie pleasured by Aliens after Abduction

If you knew me back in high school, then you would know that I am not the crazy type. I never seen or heard things that were not there. Indeed, I am about the non-craziest person you might know but the event I had experienced on that fateful night was certainly real. I know that you might not believe me but I know what I saw and I cannot forget the things that were done to me. My friends knew me as Mackenzie and I was a twenty year old college student with a down to earth kind of mind. Most...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 3 Cho Chang

By pleasing himself and remembering every detail of Pansy and Hermione’s femininity, Harry got through the first week of school in very good mood. As Hogwarts started for real however he felt himself fall back into depression. He had considered going to Pansy and try to persuade her to have sex again but he didn’t want her anymore. She was just a last resort and Hogwarts was full over attractive nice girls. Harry slowly realised that he wanted more then sex, not much just a little kissing and...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang

The two witches practically pounced on the wizard. Cho’s lips found Harry’s mouth in a hungry kiss as the Rider tore her workout pants from her lower half. Cho wasted no time in guiding the mage’s prick to her slick opening. While Cho was a virgin she did not have a hymen given how much time she spent on a broomstick recently. The Ravenclaw slid her tight snatch down around Harry’s dick with one fast move of her hips. “Ugh…you’re so bloody big, Harry,” Cho gasped.Suddenly a vial of potions...

2 years ago
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Julia Chang gets Nasty

Julia Chang is your average late stage zoomer. A 24 year old fat asian chick living in the middle of a large city. She has a job as an assistant to some asshole and in general is just trying to live her life.

3 years ago
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Space Abduction

Mike is a black man from Chicago. He studies medicine and he met Ludmila at a fraternity?s party and they fell in love almost immediately! He?s an athletic 23 y.o man, finely muscled, 5?9 and with a friendly face and short hair. This night he wears black jeans with a white shirt and a suit jacket. He?s really proud about his girlfriend. Ludmila is a white girl from France who came to the USA to study art and photography. She is 19 y.o, 5?25 with a nice face, long black hair and beautiful brown...

4 years ago
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Tammy and Alexs Abduction

It had only been intended as a fun night out on the town, my husband's first attempt at going out dressed as his persona Tammy. He had revealed to me very early in our relationship that he liked to dress up in women's clothing. I have to admit, while most women might be horrified by the prospect, I was bit intrigued and even a little turned on. In college I had explored my lesbian side, and it seemed like with Tammy I'd get the best of both worlds. It had been by my encouragement that...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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sHe sat and watched and waited for the young lady to leave the office and go home. Every time he saw her the anger raged within him. He had been doing this for over a month. Ever since he was released from the federal institution. He had served seven years for numerous criminal offences culminating in armed robbery. He blamed the young lady for all his problems. In high school she refused to go on a date with him. All his troubles were her fault and he was going to get even. He knew where she...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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The Girl in a Country Song Ch4 The Abduction

Jessie was overcome with joy realizing she had finally made it to the end of her work week. She had imagined and worked hard for this weekend, for so long. A couple of romantic days… Jessie was overcome with joy realizing she had finally made it to the end of her work week. She had imagined and worked hard for this weekend, for so long. A couple of romantic days and nights with her man, and lover Lukah. As a hard working woman and mother, she deserved some down time. It was her ex's...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Family Abduction

I am basically a fat loser and have no friends at school. There is one other kid I talk to and I pretty much hate him too. I spend most of my time playing video games on my Xbox that my parents were too fucking cheep to buy me so I had to get money and buy it on my own. The joke is that I stole most of the money from my moms purse and my dads wallet without them knowing it. Fucking retards. I also jerkoff a lot and look at porn on the computer. I am board with normal porn so I try to...

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My Abduction

He took me by the arm, escorted me over to my car and said, get in and drive where I tell you to. He opened the door to the car and shoved me in. Then walked around to the passenger side and climbed in before I knew what was really happening. The reality had not set in as of yet. He said, start the car bitch and drive. So I started the car and started driving. He had me drive out of town and turn onto a deserted country road. He made me drive for what seemed like hours, it had only been about...

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Amys Abduction

Andy looked depressed when I picked him up on the way to work. Normally he was an outgoing person, but today he was quiet and moody making the short drive a very long one. It wasn’t until lunch time that I was able to coax him from his shell to learn his beloved twin sister had been committed to the mental hospital outside of town. I had met Amy at several family functions over the past several years and she, unlike her brother Andy, was shy and reserved. Unremarkable in appearance, Amy hid...

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Brendas alien abduction

She drove her BMW convertible to the beach about eleven just as the sea fog was receding from the land. She spread her blanket out at her favorite spot and rubbed on her tanning lotion. The surf was predicted to be low that day so she did not even bring her board. She lay on her stomach looking at the water and untied her top string so as not to have a tan line there. She took out the novel that she brought with her and split her time between looking at the ocean, her book and the...

4 years ago
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Mackenzie pleasured by Aliens after Abduction

If you knew me back in high school, then you would know that I am not the crazy type. I never seen or heard things that were not there. Indeed, I am about the non-craziest person you might know but the event I had experienced on that fateful night was certainly real. I know that you might not believe me but I know what I saw and I cannot forget the things that were done to me. My friends knew me as Mackenzie and I was a twenty year old college student with a down to earth kind of mind. Most...

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Alien Abduction

Introduction: This is my first story. Please let me know what you think. I was captured from my home sometime during the night. I woke startled to see that I was naked inside a room. It appeared to be a bedroom, and it even had a bathroom with a shower. But the metal door to the room remained locked. I sat up in bed when the door opened. A shadowy figure entered the room. As he moved into the light, I could see it was a tall and bizarre looking figure. He was an alien that stood about seven...

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Your stereo is blaring as you cruise down the highway. You weren't sure Nessie, your dad's old Buick, would successfully get you all the way to school, let alone back again. Another year was tough. Whoever thinks art school is all about pretty pictures has never had a six hour drawing studio. You had always been a weird scrawny kid, but at art school everyone is weird, so you developed some more confidence. You even filled out some. The music lowers and your phone pings. The message was from...

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Alien Abduction

A dull humming noise woke you. Where the hell were you? Last thing you remember, you were walking home from the pub, after some drinks, OK lots of drinks, with your friends. You seem to recall pissing in a phone box when suddenly, a bright light hit and you passed out. Now, your head is pounding and, worryingly, have no idea where you are. You sit up from where you were lying and look around. You seem to be in a very warm, bright, white room, which was hurting your still bleary eyes. There was...

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Alien Abduction

Its a Saturday night, you're on your way to the house party of one of your best friends. Your already stoned as fuck, too stoned to think about being pulled over by the cops. The girl your supposed to be taking care of that night is sitting next to you. Her parents won't trust her after a few of her older "friends" basically forced her to throw a party the last time they were out of town. You don't agree with her parents distrust. Mia is one of the most trustworthy and responsible people you...

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Alien Abduction

You lay in bed after a long day at school and homework. College was going to be more difficult than you first imagined but you're grateful your parents had the money to send you in the first place. You are the first person in your family to attend college because of the poverty you've been forced to live in your entire life. You live in a small two bedroom apartment with your parents and older sister who you've had to share a room with since you were born. Your parents both work very low paying...

Mind Control
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Sisterhood of Sin 22 The Abduction

"It's okay if you fuck him, Barbie. I let him know that. You'll be with him more than I will for a while, and it's clear that there's a special bond between you." "That's not going to happen, Cate. This special bond is mutual respect, not something you should feel threatened by. Besides, he'll be drained dry by the students." "I didn't offer only his cock, Barbie. If his ass becomes irresistible, take it, I'm not threatened by it." "Well, that's a kind offer, but I'm not going to risk wearing...

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Alien Abduction

Sofia was out in the woods on a late-night run. She enjoyed running late, she could be alone in the woods, which had a trail that was lit for runners during the night. She was wearing tight yoga-pants and a matching sport bra. She got a lot of looks from men being dressed like that, especially having those double-D breasts. She had long blond hair and big blue eyes. She enjoyed the attention, at same time she wanted to make it seem like she was above seeking attention from men. As she was...

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I planned my own abduction

Late night Library fantasy. It all started with my late-night visits to Liverpool Central Library.  I use the place at least once a week as I’m studying as a mature student. My preferred time is late, usually after midnight. It’s the best time to go as it’s pretty quiet & you be sure that the only other users are serious geeks who, like myself try to avoid being disturbed. Anyway, back to my fantasy?.. One evening, I’d dropped into the library & chosen my preferred corner, the older part with...

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My First Abduction

Thursday, when Jennifer, my submissive, and I got homefrom work she started Thursday, when Jennifer, my submissive, and I got homefrom work she started to tell me about how she had anotherbad day in a series of bad days this week. We had dinner andtalked about the fact that we had nothing to do this weekendand how she wished she could just relax this weekend. I tooknote of this and decided that she would have that time. Thenext morning I got dressed for work, sending her off witha kiss and told...

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Calistas Abduction

Callista's Ordeal 1 The street was a tunnel of darkness. Under the big lilac bushes that overhungthe sidewalk it was darker still, making little caves of inky blackness inwhich nothing could be seen. I watched her as she walked from one of thesedeep shadows to another, disappearing and then reappearing under the feebleglow of the few street lights. She was coming back from the library, righton schedule, six minutes after closing time. She walked with her head high, her pace steady, neither...

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Choose Your Own Abduction

The heavy wooden door creaks slightly as you push it open, and you step inside the Princess' chambers. A breeze from the open window causes the candle in your hand to dance, pushing and pulling its dim sphere of light about you. You try to focus in the dark, plant every step carefully. Except you know this room well from years of sneaking in here, and you're soon moving more on instinct than by sight alone. The night is so still that as you near her bed, your rapid breathing sounds like it...

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Angels Alien Abduction

Angel Deen opened her eyes to find herself lying on her back looking at a metal ceiling. She sat up quickly, noting not only that she was in a strange room she had never seen before, but that she was still wearing her cheerleader outfit ... where had she been a few minutes ago? Practice? She couldn’t remember. She stood up from the odd silver spongy mat she had been lying on and surveyed the room ... silver colored metal walls, about 20 feet square ... a single door and no...

4 years ago
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Alien Abduction

Warning: My stories include lesbian themed rape and torture. This isn’t BSDM practicing “safe, sane, and consensual” It is rape. It is torture. There are few happy endings here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! I do not condone rape or torture ... except for fictional characters in fictional stories. Arrival - Ri’xon The acrid smell of fried electronics fills the air. Damn government contractors! Greedy bastards cut every corner, just to save a credit. My ears drop as I survey the damage. The...

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My Abduction

I had decided to go to the park, it was such a beautiful day outside, and I saw no point wasting it by sitting inside. On my way out the door, I noticed a car parked on the other side of my house with three men inside. I really paid no attention to them, people were always parking on the street, and I figured they were waiting for someone at the house they were parked by. I hopped into my car and drove to the flower gardens. I spent a lot of time there, looking at the different species of...

4 years ago
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Home Abduction

"Bye mom, bye dad," Brittany said as she stood outside on her lawn. Her parents' Ford Explorer pulled out of the driveway. "Don't forget to unplug all the appliances before you leave," her mom reminded. "I will mom, bye! Have a safe drive!" Brittany turned, her long blonde hair waving across her face as she went inside her house. She did not notice as a figure darted underneath the closing garage door. Kevin hid behind a Blue Corolla as he listened to see if he had been...

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Tiffanys Abduction

© Copyright 2003 I awoke up, not sure if it was a dream or not. I felt something in my mouth, some type of cloth. It was pulled tightly, pushing back my lips, stretching my mouth open. It must have been tied because I could not get it out. I could feel drool running down my chin, my mouth dry. I tried to lift my arm but couldn't. That is when I realized that I was not along and something was wrong. My name is Tiffany. I live in an apartment with six other girls, all sophomores at the...

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My Seed My Wife My ChildChapter 1 Abduction

Carriage rides always did lure me to sleep; at least on the Kings roads which were kept smooth. I yawned behind my gloved hand, hardly lady like, but there was no one here to see but me. I settled my head back and relaxed, letting my head sway with the carriage and thought of what awaited my arrival. My sister was due to give birth within the fortnight, I was to aid her in any small manner I could, her husband having left with the King. My sister Gwen had been married only a short time and...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...


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