Celina\'s Abduction free porn video

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Chapter 1

?Celina,,,Celina!? the voice of her boss shocking the young executive out of her day dream. ?Huh?? Celina looked up and found Sam staring at her over her desk quizzingly. ?Were you listening to me at all?? he asked clearly doubting that she had in fact paid an ounce if any bit of attention to a word he had been saying.

?Yes of course I was. I...was just thinking over what you were saying? she lied.

?Good. Then i want that report on my desk first thing in the morning? he shook his head and walked back to his work station leaving her scratching her head wondering what on earth he had wanted her to do. Celina sighed. The truth was she had been a daze all day. Shit! She thought. Her head was always in the clouds it seemed and she couldn’t seem to get anything done as of late. Her performance was dropping from its usual high standards and with that thought she promised herself to get her head right and get her work up to scratch seeing that review was just around the corner. She got up and made the short walk to the ladies room. Splashing water on her face and rinsing her eyes, she felt immediately more awake. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. God i hate my job she thought. Yet she had to stick at it as she had bills to pay and a good review and annual bonus might just allow her some breathing room to quit and get away from this place. Her colleagues were nice enough, but Sam, he always seemed to have it in for her. Rushing her for unrealistic deadlines, constantly gazing over her shoulder, he was the bane of her existence. Married but unhappily it seemed as he was always in the office, scrutinizing her work. Why won’t he just get a life? She thought.

Returning to her desk, she sat down and thought what was it that he had wanted her to do? She couldn’t ask him or else he would know she had not been paying attention for what would have been the last of many occasions where she just could not pay attention to anything except what was going on in her head. Her subconscious drifting once more, she rubbed her stiff arms leading up to her shoulders attempting to get her blood flow running after so many hours sitting at her desk. I’m so restless she thought. She thought about her date tonight with Eric, and wondered if it would finally be the night that he made a move on her. They had been out 9 times before and while pleasant enough, each time before he had made no attempt to even so much as kiss her or hold her hand even. He was gentlemanly, shy but his politeness was definitely a plus point. Even so, Celina was beginning to become a little concerned that he was never going to make what would be termed the next step and show her that he had a little fire in him at least. In fact, his simple nature and the nervous way that he had asked her out in the first place was the only reason she had agreed to give the financial analyst at a reputable consultancy take her out. But his reluctance or lack of courage to so much as touch her was beginning to annoy her. Celina paused from her thoughts of her impending date and realized that her hand rubbing her shoulders had somehow made its way down to her left breast and she was sub consciously rubbing her nipple through her blouse and bra. Feeling the blood rush to her cheeks, the young girl withdrew her hand quickly glancing around to see if anyone had noticed. Fortunately for her, she was alone in the office with Sam who may or may not have been simply burying his head in work at his desk. Feeling thankful, she moved her hands back to her keyboard where she could be certain of where they were at all times.

Celina sighed. She knew there wasn’t anything wrong with wanting to have some semblance of a physical relationship; however she was conservative by nature. She was a girl who would never even entertain the idea of sleeping with someone she only had been dating for a few months much less a complete stranger. She was proud of her convictions and was always certain she would only give herself to a special someone she deemed worthy of herself. Shaking her head Celina made sure that she finished her work and quickly logged off her computer. With a hasty goodbye to a frowning Sam, she made her way down to the car park.

She never felt safe down in the car park especially after hours where it became deserted and the lighting was poor. There were security guards; however they made her feel more at risk than at ease. From the day she joined her existing company, she could always feel their eyes focused on her, watching as she walked to and fro in her high heels which always served to accentuate her shapely legs which were slim, yet flowed perfectly from her hips down, they truly were elegant. In truth, the 25 year old was stunning and the guards could not help but notice her each and every day. She ignored them as usual and walked hurriedly to her car and drove off.

She drove to the mall where Eric was waiting for her at a cafe. She smiled at him and noted the neat way he was dressed. White shirt and black slacks on his 5’5 frame, he was a clean cut guy with a good smile and good nature. He had an extremely non threatening aura about him and if anything, a girl would feel comfortable around him. They had polite conversation about their day and somehow Celina didn’t want to spoil the evening with gripes about her work. They finished up their dinner and after, Eric suggested they go for a movie. Celina didn’t really want to sit through a 2 hour flick, yet he seemed keen so she agreed.

20 minutes into the film and Celina just could not concentrate on what was happening on the big screen. She thought to herself, I might as well be going out with my sister; this has been such a cordial evening. Fidgeting about, she found herself looking around at her surroundings. She noticed the couple seated next to her, an attractive twosome around her own age. She had noticed that they clearly were not in the cinema to watch the film. Since they had come in, they had been exchanging little kisses with the guy paying attention to his female companion’s neck and ears drawing little giggles from her. However in the last 5 minutes Celina had not heard that from her. He had stopped kissing her and they both appeared to have been paying attention to the film. Curious, she peered over at them more intently. Everything seemed to be normal except when she noticed movement on the girl’s lap. She gazed at her neighbour’s face and realized that her eyes were closed and her breathing was hard. Her lips parted periodically and it was then it struck Celina that the guy was fingering his girlfriend, feeling safe in the security of darkness, not aware that one member of the audience was not paying attention to the movie at all! The girl was lost in her moment of pleasure, so much so that she didn’t notice the earnest girl next to her watching as her chest rose and sank rapidly, how she bit her lip as the movement of her boyfriends hand up her skirt intensified. Sitting in the back row had its advantages. Celina nervously twitched and felt herself being aroused strangely by another couples pleasure. She glanced over at Eric who was oblivious to what was going on, engrossed in the proceedings on screen. Celina folded her own legs, clenched her toes and tried to block out what she could see and hear going on next to her. Alas she could withstand her own feelings of wanting no longer and got up to get to the washroom, determined to calm herself down.

At the restroom, Celina found herself alone. Locking herself in a stall, she rubbed her temples wondering what she could do to just be able to gain focus once more on what was at hand, be it work or that damn movie that she had not actually wanted to watch. She thought of the couple beside her and thought how lucky they were, how obviously passionate. She closed her eyes and recollected the scene that had unfolded before her in the darkness of the cinema. Unconsciously adjusting her skirt, she felt a damp spot. Damn it, she thought as she reached up her dark grey skirt and ran her finger over the crotch of her purple panties which she found to be warm and slick. She shuddered as her index finger found its way up her panties and almost urgently rubbed against the lips of her damp pussy. Ummm... I wish I was her...The thought passed through Celina’s mind. Suddenly realizing where she was, the beauty groaned at her lack of self control over her growing desires. With that, the frustrated girl quickly composed herself, withdrew her finger hurriedly and upon drying herself up, and made her way back to the theatre room ignoring the sensations growing within her.

The movie ended and Celina’s neighbours got up and left, obviously unable to recap the storyline of the show if their sex lives depended on it. Eric as usual walked Celina to her car. Nervously he opened her door for her to enter enquiring if she had had a good time. This is it? Celina groaned inside masking her disappointment. She nodded and smiled and gave the obligatory Yes I did. Thank you for dinner and the show. He smiled and watched as she drove off. In her heart, Celina wondered if things would ever catch up to her own imagination as she contemplated reaching home, going to bed and starting another long monotonous day all over again.

Chapter 2

The alarm clock sounded it felt almost as soon as she had just set it. Rubbing her eyes Celina tiredly reached for the off switch and sighed. She felt unexcited and unenthused about the day ahead. Reluctantly the petite girl arose and dragged herself to the shower. She hurriedly got herself ready and picked her wardrobe for the day. Why bother? She thought. There was nothing really to get dolled up for. Not that day anyway. She grabbed the simplest blouse she had and put on a pair of jeans. Blow drying her hair, she picked up her hand bag and headed for the door. Living on the 25th floor of a high rise condo meant waiting perpetually for ages before a lift would come back up. Impatiently she tapped her heels until one finally came. Grumbling to herself, stating she would one day buy a house and be done with all this escalator nonsense she barely noticed when the lift stopped at the 14th floor. That was when she first saw him.

She had never seen him before. He was 5’10, with short dark hair, high cheek bones, well defined jaw and a strong masculine presence dressed out in a casual polo shirt and jeans. He was tanned, clean shaven with an athletic build that a woman could appreciate as he clearly was one of those guys who knew exactly how to maximize his appearance in a discrete yet confident manner. Celina felt her heart skip a tiny beat as he gazed at her, smiled and said a polite hello as he pressed the close button on the lift door. She murmured back a hasty greeting and smiled shyly at the stranger. The lift door opened at the ground floor and he held the door open for Celina to exit. She nodded her head in thanks and proceeded to walk to her car. She glanced back and watched as he got on a sleek powerful looking, black motorcycle and sped away. For the first time in ages Celina found herself suddenly wondering intently about a guy. She stared down at her clothes feeling in the moment annoyance at herself and for whatever reason, cursed herself for picking such a simple, unexciting ensemble that day.

Work was hell that day. Paying the price for her day dreaming, she had handed Sam what he perceived to be a proposal that was not according to the specifications he had handed to her the day before. Threatening to make her work double overtime was bad enough but practically yelling at her in front of her colleagues made her feel embarrassed and even more inadequate. Cursing his name under her breath, Celina proceeded to redo the supposedly ‘haphazard, careless and shoddy’ piece of work. Who the fuck even talks like that anymore? She wondered. She was even more determined to quit than ever before. It was only over lunch that her colleague related to her as she was complaining about Sam’s harshness and inadequacies as a manager that he was on the verge of getting a divorce and that his wife was taking him to court for everything that he had. Celina’s soft heart lightened at that news and resolved to be nicer to him regardless of his moods and harshness towards her. She returned to work and stayed back later than usual to rectify everything according to his specifications. She decided to give it a shot at cutting him a break then perhaps he would reciprocate.  She left late, submitting her work and as cheerfully as she could manufacture wished Sam a hurried yet polite goodbye complete with her most sincere smile. He merely grunted and nodded as Celina left work her sympathies dissolving any animosity that she had for him.

Tired out, she made her way home after yet another uneventful day. Gazing down at her mobile phone, she noticed a text from Eric which merely said ?How was your day today?? Sighing at the sheer monotony and boredom of the message, Celina put her phone away resolving to answer at a later time, locked her car and walked towards the lift. She had just got in and the doors were closing when a hand reached in and stopped the doors from shutting. Reaching for the open button, our heroine was left startled to see the same guy she had met in the morning enter the lift. He smiled and said ?Thanks. I didn’t want to wait for the next one. The lifts here are so goddamn slow?. ?Um..sure no problem? Celina muttered unsure of quite what to say, once more taken aback by his good looks and seemingly assured nature. She couldn’t remember ever meeting a guy who immediately took her breath away and she found herself asking a million questions about a man who she so far had only met for a minute at the most. The doors closed and the lift began its ascent to the 14th floor. He turned to her and said ?I’m Nicholas by the way. In case we bump into each other often?. His charm and friendly smile took her by surprise and just as she opened her mouth to introduce herself in turn, the lift stopped abruptly, the sudden vibrations and impact causing Celina to jerk forward almost slamming her small frame into the wall where Nicholas had his back to. Before the impact, he grabbed her and stopped her from hitting herself. He held her up by the shoulders, the look of concern evident in his eyes. The lift had stopped somewhere in between the 8th and 9th floor. The power had gone out and the emergency lights had come on, bathing the elevator space in a blue light. Great. Celina thought. The day just could not get any worse. I’m stuck in a lift after a rubbish day, with the best looking man I have met in what seems like decades and I am dressed like I’m about to visit the post office. Fantastic. He immediately pressed the alarm button and the intercom came on informing them that the power had gone off and the lift technician had stepped out on a family emergency. The voice however assured them that they would get them out as soon as the generators kicked in. Nicholas sighed and turned to Celina. You still haven’t introduced yourself he smiled at her. She blushed and told him her name. They sat down and for some reason, laughed at their predicament. She was surprised at herself. She was not in a good mood and yet being with this stranger somehow alleviated her mood and she found herself engaged in and easy and flowing conversation with him. The more she found out about him, her attraction grew. He was a police detective and had just moved in a few days ago, having been transferred from out of state. He was 30 years old and was basically a stranger to the city, unsure of whether he would like it here. However, he had been assigned a tough case in the narcotics field, dealing with the most dangerous individuals in the crime world. He told her about some of his experiences and to her, was a man who took his work and his responsibilities very seriously. No doubt about it. She was impressed. She in turn, told him about her work which she shyly admitted paled in comparison in terms of excitement yet he listened intently and was keenly interested in what she had to say. He made her laugh and they both were definitely enjoying each other’s company despite the circumstances. By the time the lift began moving again, Celina and Nicholas were looking awkwardly at each other, both clearly intending and hoping to continue the conversation.

Look, I have some wine I was going to drink tonight and I am really enjoying talking to you. All of a sudden having a drink alone seems to be quite pointless. Would you like to join me at my place for a drink? He asked her simply and directly. Celina was unsure of how to answer. She wanted to, yet she was uncertain of being alone with a stranger even though he was a policeman and seemed like a good person. Yet, she wanted some excitement and telling herself that she didn’t do this sort of thing every day anyways, she nodded and agreed.

His apartment was neat and tidy, furnished with only the necessities. He opened the door to the balcony where a single wooden chair was available. Celina smiled as he motioned for her to wait, emerging moments later with two glasses and a bottle of red wine. The night was cool and Celina felt relaxed as he poured and proceeded to engage in conversation about her hobbies and what there was to do for a single young male in the big city. She smiled and laughed freely as he asked about her love life and she could tell he was pleased and relieved to know she was a single girl. As the evening wore on and the bottle was emptying she could feel him edging closer to her as they stood out there under the night sky. Under normal circumstances Celina would feel the need to retract and stick to her tried and trusted habit of keeping proximity distant until at least a few dates. Yet, she wanted him. He had magnetism and an air about him that she felt she could trust. She was certain that she would like to see him again after this. As she allowed her mind to drift as she pondered about these matters, she felt his hand brushing her hair back as the wind cascaded down upon her face pushing her fringe in her eyes. His hand brushed against her soft cheeks and Celina’s instincts told her to pull back, yet her body remained in place, she knew what was coming.

He kissed her tenderly, softly almost carefully at first as if Celina were a fragile piece of porcelain, his lips tentatively exploring Celina’s smooth full lips. She responded, her hand reaching to his shoulder and drawing herself closer to him. Encouraged by her acceptance, he kissed her deeply, savouring the petite girl’s mouth, gathering her in his arms. The moment seemed perfect to her. Her eyes shut; she forgot everything about her day, about the weeks and months of waiting for a moment like this to come. When their lips finally parted, he smiled and led her indoors. Nervously she allowed herself to follow him towards his bedroom where the lights were dimmed, lending credence to that very instance in time where Celina allowed her inhibitions to escape her and she stood there a little timidly, as he shut the door and once more drew her into his arms in an embrace, this time far more urgently. They kissed passionately as if they had been waiting for a long time to be with each other. She couldn’t explain it to herself why this was being allowed to happen on her part but simply shook it off and wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the kissing and the way his hands were beginning to run over her clothed body. With her hand in his, he beckoned for her to stand at the edge of the bed, where he sat down with Celina standing in front of him, her hands at her sides still unsure how far she wanted this to go. Yet, when he reached for her jeans button, she offered no protest. Nicholas gazed up at her with a quiet, determined longing in his eyes for the lovely girl in front of him. He undid her button and slowly unzipped her jeans. As he pulled them down her slim, smooth legs she cursed as she realized she had today worn a simple pair of cotton panties, nowhere near as attractive as the purple pair she wore on her date with Eric. Not that it seemed to matter to him. Tantalizing emotions rushed through Celina as he ran his hands up and down her bare legs. Her blouse was next to go as he stood up and pulled it over her head revealing Celina in her simple bra and panties. His mouth ran over her now bare shoulders and she held his head in her hands as he kissed her neck and face. He reached behind and in a swift moment, her bra was an afterthought, her small firm, breasts appearing with her nipples now erect. Nicholas was quick to react to them, his tongue and mouth running over Celina’s breasts causing her body to shiver at the little shocks now running up and down her spine. He undressed himself to his underwear and gently yet quickly lay Celina down on the comfortable brown sheets of his large bed. He was muscular and his body was tough and well defined, confirming her impression that she could not resist him even if she tried hard. She could feel his strength and power in the way he handled her and that fuelled her desire for him even more. She reached out for him and he obliged, lying down slowly on top of her to kiss and fondle her very nearly naked body. He delighted in licking her bare skin, down from her shoulders to her breasts to her waist where he breathed in her scent, his fingers reaching for the waistband of her panties, the one final piece of clothing the now sexually charged girl had on. He looked up at her as if awaiting her consent and she met his gaze with a deliberate nod. With that, he slowly, very slowly peeled her damp panties down her legs. He marvelled at her beauty, at her nakedness, her body was indeed splendid. Petite yet shapely, he had never seen such perfect curves and as her chest rose up with each breath, he thought how sexy her nipples were as they stood up hard and responsive to his touch. Her pussy was a picture of pure innocence, the hair perfectly forming around it. She jerked slightly as he played with the hair on her crotch, drawing her legs close in slight uncertainty. With that he moved upwards, kissing her stomach and taking the time to suck her nipples, nibbling them gently to her delight. He kissed her reassuringly and caressed her forehead. With that she relaxed and allowed her legs to part slightly. With that, Nicholas knew that Celina was ready.

He sat up on his knees looking down upon the naked girl before him. His fingers ran over the lips of her pussy to find it was enticingly wet. Her body shuddering in anticipation, he removed his underwear and placed his hard erect cock at the mouth of the gorgeous girl’s vagina. She closed her eyes. Uhhhh...UH.. was her cry as he entered her. Waves of pleasure washed over Celina as he moved in and out of her slick pussy with an urgency she had been craving for for so long. His muscular frame lay upon her with his arms reaching for the bed posts enabling him to fuck her harder and harder. Ahhh ahhh ahh... were her self-muted cries as he pleasured her body, she was determined not to allow him to hear her moan out loud on the very first time they made love. She bit her lips only to have them parted by his tongue urgently seeking out hers. She was in ecstasy as his stiff dick penetrated in and out of her hairy wet pussy. She hadn’t been fucked in so long that she could not contain herself any longer. He was moving in and out of her faster and faster. Her world spun and her flesh felt hot against his as his body rubbed against hers. With a loud sudden gasp, she came. Releasing all her pent up tensions, she unwrapped her legs from around his waist and sank deep into his bed sheets. She drew breath and felt herself drifting away as he kissed her cheek and she felt the warmth that came with him pulling the blankets over her bare body. Months of sexual frustration ended as the satisfied girl let sleep engulf her.

Chapter 3

Celina awoke the next morning to the sound of running water. She rubbed her eyes and drowsily turned over to find herself alone in Nicholas’s bed. Her vision cleared and she noticed that he had risen and she could hear him washing his face in the conjoined bathroom. She lay still and her mind wandered back to the events from the previous night. The pleasure she had felt and the sudden self consciousness that came with waking up in a stranger’s bed the morning after. She felt nervous about what was to come after their very first night together. Where would they go from here? What was he looking for? All those questions seemed to subside as he re-entered the room, lay down beside her and kissed her good morning pleasantly. She felt at ease as he drew her close and whispered playfully in her ears, asking her what she wanted for breakfast as a true gentleman should in that sort of situation. Celina groaned and told him she had to go or risk being late for work. She stated the need to go upstairs, have a shower and a change of clothes. He grinned and gathered her in his arms, lifting her slight body off the bed and into the bathroom. Despite her best playful protests, she found herself standing underneath a warm shower with Nicholas, his strong yet gentle hands massaging the soap all over her wonderful naked body. She felt so good, so relaxed as his fingers teased and worked into the folds of her pussy lips, the soap and warm water boosting the experience, her mind and body giving into her sexual desires for the second time in as many days. Her back faced him as he fingered her expertly while fondling her breasts at the same time giving her tiny shocks of delightful pleasure. Feeling the need to elevate her participation, she turned to face him and lust overtook the lovely young lady as she kissed him urgently on the mouth, she gradually lowered herself, exploring his chest and stomach with her full lips and tongue. Celina reached for his cock and masturbated him, causing him to groan and hold her more forcefully, the increasing pleasure she was causing giving him more and more reason to lust after the attractive Celina. She decided against going any further than that, as she wanted to keep him waiting for what she could offer in the future. She jerked him off hard till the soap washed off both their bodies. Satisfied Celina reached up and kissed him and simply said, Enough..... For now. He smiled, clearly impressed and even more intrigued by the lovely little girl now reaching for a towel to dry off herself. When she went to work that day, Celina walked with an air of a girl without a care in the world. Light on her feet and cheerful, she played the whole scene at his apartment over and over in her head. She couldn’t wait for more.

If Celina was thrilled by the whole incident, Nicholas (Nick) was in sheer heaven. He watched her leave with a longing in his being for her to return immediately. She was simply the most enticing female he had ever been with and the feeling of being intimate with her was incomparable to any other. She alone made it worthwhile to move away from his home state and relocate. Up until a few days ago, he had been staying at the police headquarters which in all honesty left him depressed and uninspired. Fortunately those days were now over. He reported for duty, unable to fully concentrate, however he eventually found his work ethic as he had been faced with a case of unrivalled danger and importance in the local crime scene. He was leading an elite task force into the arrest of a shadowy gang code-named ‘Anyone’ that specialized in the trafficking of high end designer drugs. They were particularly elusive due to their infiltration of a corrupt government that closed an eye to their dealings due to their connections with the cream of society who chose to indulge in these illicit affairs. They would stop at nothing to attain a profit and make their sales including acts of murder, kidnap and blackmail. Nick knew that in order for him to be successful, one of the rules dictated that he could not connect himself to another person; therefore the identity of his family was kept a closely guarded secret. Close ties with anyone could very well leave him vulnerable. Work each day for him meant mingling with all elements of the criminal world, scrounging for leads and information that might lead him to the arrest of top level management of Anyone. Their very name lent the impression that it could well be anyone that passed you on the street that was a member of the outfit. Nick was determined to get close to members as the destruction of this elusive gang could make and cement his career for good.

For weeks he had been sending capable members of his unit deep undercover in the Underworld, their dedication even leading them to indulge in drugs themselves as they made purchases and tried to connect the dots in terms of the sellers and where they attained their merchandise from. Frustratingly enough, whenever they got even remotely close to uncovering a lead, they would turn up missing. The gangsters were too smart, too well connected to fall for the detective’s strategies. He knew he would have to be more proactive. Anyone did not know him. There was no record of Nick in the local police files. He suggested utilizing the facade of a rich, young socialite who merely wanted to score off the most expensive drugs. His unit chief, desperate for any form of success agreed. Nick was to pose as one of the richest and most spend crazy members of the upper class. He was given an unlimited budget and the keys to a gorgeous Aston Martin DB9 to strengthen his case. The ruse was unknown even to his team to avoid compromise. Nick began by building his reputation as the son of an extremely wealthy entrepreneur who loved cars, drink, loose women and had a taste for heroin and ecstasy. Night after night he partied at the seediest joints, careful to ensure that all his purchases did not go unnoticed. He reckoned they would find him sooner than he ever could them. He put his body through the hardest excesses imaginable and kept coming back for more. Yet every time he seemed to be getting somewhere, the door slammed in his face. Until, he met Carrie.

She was only 19 but seemed to have the world at her feet. She was a pretty long, legged girl with full breasts and a liking for vodka. She noticed him for a week before she finally approached him. His masculinity and charisma immediately drawing her attention the moment he walked through the doors of the club Sounds. She observed him and noticed he bought pretty much the same stuff that she favoured. Being 19 she needed someone to help attain her these expensive items and why not a good looking wealthy party goer who could afford such luxuries?

She approached him and slipped a drink into his hands with a smile that could capture the will of many a willing man. He coolly stared her down and his keen instincts immediately marked her out as someone who knew more than she was letting on. Conversation ensued, pills were consumed, a dance was had, before they both ended up alone at a vacant table at the club. Could I grab a cigarette off you? He asked. She nodded and motioned towards her bag lying next to him. He opened her bag and noticed a packet of red pills lying beside the cigarette pack. Where did you get this? He asked. She went silent and shrugged. I want these. I know they are impossible to get. He pursued asking her how much she had to pay for them. Carrie told him that her boyfriend had got them for her and that she didn’t have to pay so she didn’t know how much they would cost. He ran off a story about how he would go to any lengths to get these types of pills and pay as much as her boyfriend would want. She seemed a little suspicious at first but his charm as usual caused her to pick up the phone and whisper a hasty message to someone.

Come with me. We’ll take your car. She told him. They got into his car and Carrie guided him on a long drive out of town to what seemed to be an abandoned farm house. He knew he had to be careful and on his guard. He had to go unarmed for fear of being searched and identified as a cop however. If they wanted him dead, he would be. Only his ability to act could save him. They pulled up in the pitch darkness and she told him they had to wait in the car till her phone rang. He obliged and they waited for a good 5 minutes. Up in the 2nd floor of the farm house, shady characters peered at the spectacular grey DB9 below. Cops don’t drive cars like that. Feds are too fucking cheap to provide shit like that, one said to another. Let’s hear this rich bastard out then, came the reply. The phone rang and Carrie and Nick got out of the car. Out of the darkness, two men stepped out with guns in their hands, both large, heavily built men of Chinese origin. Both had intricate tattoos covering their arms and both had masses of facial hair. One waved Carrie away and pointed the gun at Nick. Calmly Nick explained who his disguised identity was and the large sum of money he was willing to part with for only the best merchandise available. The trick was to buy in batches and make payment in instalments. Greed would dictate that they two men would take up the offer. The guns were lowered and Nick got his first batch and the crooks, theirs. Nick’s smooth talk and calm under pressure ensured he did not follow his deceased team members into shallow graves only god knows where. Carrie was impressed. He did not seem like a cop and he was rich and reckless. Exactly what she wanted in her men.

Nick was encouraged. For the next few weeks, he kept up the facade of being a buyer and each time he would come back for even more as a real junkie would. Carrie was his link to the sellers and they repeated the same procedure each time Nick informed he wanted to make a purchase. He was getting to be such a persistent and regular customer that at times, Carrie would bring the two men who introduced themselves as Rick and Han to Sounds, where Nick would indulge them in heavy drinking binges and treated them as he would his own brothers. Many conversations later, Nick had his big break through. Rick suggested Nick meeting his boss, one of the key importers who was looking for funding to help continue and expand their operations. Nick pretended to be uninterested and unconvinced but Rick persisted and insisted they at least meet. Nick eventually agreed on the grounds that Rick and Han had faith in him. The meeting was set. Nick was to be introduced to a man who until now had only been a shadow. His name was Zsaz.

The very same day that the beautiful Celina left his apartment for the very first time, Nick prepared to meet Carrie and Han to finalize the meeting details. Carrie showed up at their usual meeting spot and together they met up with Han. The meeting was to take place in an abandoned warehouse down in a quiet part of town where the homeless gathered for shelter. They ran through the rules which included him being alone and bringing an open cheque book. In return, he would get an unlimited supply of merchandise in return for his support of their cause. In addition he would also receive a cut on any future sales directly impacted by his investment.  Needless to say, Nick agreed. Carrie insisted after the meeting that he drive her back. She wanted him. The moment Han drove off, Carrie was all over him. She flung herself onto his lap and kissed him aggressively, her large breasts on full view, escaping from her loosely buttoned top. She grasped desperately for his zipper and grabbed his cock, her head moving downwards quickly to envelop his dick in her gaping mouth. He felt the heat of her orifice and the flicking of her tongue. She was good. His mind on the other hand, immediately shot to thoughts of the passion and desire for Celina that he had last night and that morning. Instantaneously he pushed Carrie’s head away and shoved her back to her seat. Apologizing that he could not do this with her on the grounds that she had a boyfriend, he zipped up and told her he wanted to be friends. Enraged she slapped him hard and clearly stung by the rejection she got out of the car, slamming the door shut and stormed off into the distance with Nick scratching his head in disbelief as he drove away with only thoughts of meeting Zsas the day after in his mind.

The next day involved meticulous preparation. Steps had been taken to stake out the meeting point and secure hiding spots for special tactics and weapons were pinpointed. 15 hours before game time, the squad was in position ready to execute the takedown of a high ranking member of Anyone. Nick geared up, this time concealing his weapon in his briefcase containing his cheque book as well as a vast amount of cash to throw off anyone who decided to search the case prior to the operation. He travelled to the factory with Rick and Han who both had been promised a large pay off for securing this rich investor Nick was playing. When they arrived he noted that the place was heavily guarded by tough looking men with machine guns. Zsaz was already there. The entrance to the factory drew open to reveal a table with a single individual sitting behind it. He was short, smartly dressed, with an obvious tan on his weathered 40 odd year old face. His hair was greying and he looked coarse and merciless with a demanding demeanour that made up his personality. He didn’t bother to get up. Instead he motioned for Nick to sit down. He kept silent and gestured for the negotiations to begin. Rick and Han briefed Nick in detail on what was expected. Nick merely nodded and produced his cheque book and signed a vast sum which Zsaz was clearly pleased by. He gazed at the cheque, nodded and simply said Fuck with me and it’s all over for you. Or else, you’ll make a massive profit on this investment and we can do business anytime. Got it? At this, Nick pressed a button on his mobile phone signalling his team to move in silently. He reached over to his heavy briefcase filled with cash as if to present it as a gift to his business partner. Zsaz’s greedy eyes lit up at the prospect of such a significant gesture. Instead without warning, he drew his hand gun and shot Rick and Han between their temples instantly! Nick pointed the gun at Zsaz and instructed him to get up and place his hands behind his back. The shocked leader appeared flustered at first then reminded Nick of his guards outside. Nick calmly dialled his phone and the main door drew open to reveal the door guards sprawled lifeless on the ground, sniped down by Nick’s crack team of shooters. The place was then overrun by the authorities as they secured the area. This was a triumph for Nick and a credit to the danger he had placed himself in for a long period of time. As Zsaz was taken away to be questioned and very possibly locked up for life, he turned to Nick and said chillingly, I might be losing my freedom, but you’re about to lose something else. Are you really that good? You were careless these past two days. Remember. Fuck with me and what did I say? It’s all over for you. As he was led away, a member of Nick’s team came up to him and said, Fuck him. It’s just desperate bullshit. He’s got nothing. Enjoy your win cap. Nick nodded, but somehow he couldn’t be sure it was really over.

Chapter 4

The next few weeks were blissful. Nick had got a promotion as well as a pay rise and he was on top of the world. He lavished gifts upon Celina and took her out as often as he could. Celina could not remember being so happy, she was wined and dined, spoilt and treated like the most important girl in existence. Simply because that was what she was increasingly becoming to the young detective. He never wanted to talk about his work with her though, which was something of a mystery to her. She had enquired a few times but the answers he gave her were short as if he wanted to protect her from what really went on during his work shifts. She had no idea what his cases were or even how he got the promotion. Despite that she was happy and he talked freely about everything else under the sun and she knew that it was better for the sake of the relationship if she allowed him his privacy and if she did not ask too many questions.  He was thrilling and spontaneous and made her feel alive. He would take her on long rides on his powerful black motorcycle to quiet places where they would drink wine or beer and make out endlessly, both so lost in the lust they were feeling for each other. She would spend almost every night at his place where clothes were not a necessity, he would take her anytime, anywhere he felt like it and she willingly submitted to him as the sex was powerful, stimulating and gave her a thrill she had never felt before in her entire life. It was exciting, he had so much energy and passion for her that Celina would place herself completely under his control and let Nick guide her to places she had never been before sexually. Being a law enforcement agent, his stamina was unparalleled and she herself being highly charged would playfully initiate their love making. She once had a brief insight into how far she could go in terms of being coy and yet to not be looking for sex. The petite girl decided to put on something extremely sexy one evening to greet Nick at the door. She put on her sexiest lacy black bra and panties complete with fishnet stockings and a pair of high black heels. Her panties were particularly sexy as it was almost transparent complete with a little bow in front. She stood to view herself in the mirror and smiled brushing her flowing dark hair behind her as she went to wait for him at the door to the apartment. When he arrived she was posing seductively with one arm raised, leaning against the grill just in front of the door he had to unlock to enter. Nick smiled and was immediately aroused, but when he reached out to her urgently with the lust of a teenager in his eyes, she withdrew and naughtily wagged her finger at him. Not tonight babe..I just wanted you to see me like this and know you can’t have me. To her amazement, he seemed quietly angry, she quickly thought that perhaps he was not a man that one could say no to and was especially not someone to be toyed with. He reached out swiftly and grabbed her arm, and without warning, a handcuff clicked onto her wrist. Before she could even react or speak, he slipped the other cuff through the door of the grill and cuffed her other wrist immediately rendering her chained to the grill with her front facing the outside corridor. Nick?!! What are you doing? Someone will walk by and see me like this! Uncuff me! The half-naked girl sharply spoke. Without a word, he lowered his trousers and underwear to reveal his erect cock. She gasped as he slowly lowered her panties to her knees, spread her legs and entered the helpless Celina from behind. With her hands cuffed in front of her she was powerless to resist. Uhhhh ohhhh ohhh she moaned as silently as she could desperately looking out for anybody who might pass by to see her getting fucked from behind by the powerful man who was ramming her doggy style as hard as he could, almost as if he was trying to make her scream out in pleasure as loud as she could. Oh my god, this feels so good...she thought as his dick moved in and out of her slick pussy. Celina was bent over as if in a prison with the bars in front of her. He fucked her as if to remind her that if he was to be seduced, she would have to give him what he wanted all the time without question. All of a sudden, the sound of the lift arriving at their floor could be heard, sending waves of panic through Celina’s mind. Nick! She turned and said urgently. He swiftly reached for the front door and pushed it close, thereby ending any chance of anyone watching the young couple in action. Celina heaved a sigh of relief as Nick withdrew from her and removed one cuff to slide it through the grill releasing her. However, he drew her hands behind her and locked both wrists together. Standing back to admire her, he motioned for her to join him at the living room couch. Obediently she walked slowly over and stood over him as he sat down making himself comfortable. He gazed up at her questioning face and told her simply, You don’t say no to me when you decide to dress like that. Understand? Celina almost remorsefully nodded her head. Good. Nick said, nodding his head, motioning to her what he wanted next. Celina, her arms still handcuffed behind her back, knelt down and took his still hard cock in her eager mouth and proceeded to give him the best blowjob she could muster without her hands. Nick sighed and stroked her head, and praised his lovely girl for the pleasure she was giving him as her mouth and tongue worked skilfully on his dick.

Day after day the couple would awake in each other’s arms, naked from the previous nights love making and ready to start anew when the morning broke. He was crazy about her and she in turn gave everything she had to give to the new found relationship. They would go out in public, catch a movie, visit restaurants and indulge in everything that new couples would. Strangely though, Celina had a strange sensation lingering over her. She couldn’t help but feel that wherever she went, she was being watched. She felt as if eyes were constantly on her, analyzing every move she made but whenever she looked around, she could see nothing. Her paranoia was worrying yet she felt secure because she had Nick with her and she knew he would protect her no matter what. She felt tempted to tell him of her concerns yet decided not to burden him, after all it could be just nothing and she was just being more jumpy than usual for whatever reason. She delighted in confiding with her close friends about her happiness in being with Nick and they in turn were happy that she had found someone who she was so consumed with and who treated her well. One day, after a chat session with her friends at the mall, Celina excused herself in order to make it back in time as Nick had promised to have dinner on the table waiting for her. She walked through the crowd at the mall’s ground floor centre court and she got the same feeling once more, that she was the object of intense observation. This time, she quickly looked around and upon looking up towards the 2nd floor, she noticed a familiar figure, leaning over the banister gazing at her. It was Eric. She had long forgotten about him and she instinctively raised her arms to wave a hello. Chillingly, in response all she got was a still and cold gaze. She stared at him in confusion and decided that he must be somewhat bitter about her never returning his calls or messages after their unmemorable last date. She shook her head at him and decided to ignore him. She walked off towards the exit, with a chill running up and down her spine at the look the previously benign and timid Eric had given her. Shaking it off as simply the reaction of a spurned date, she headed home to Nick. Even on the drive home, she felt as if she were being followed. From the mall right until 20km from her apartment, she swore that she could see in the corner of her eye, a van or MPV constantly making the same turns that she was. Every time she stopped at a light and looked back however, she noticed that it would somehow vanish. What’s wrong with me? Am I getting too caught up in Nick’s work as a cop that i start seeing things that aren’t there? She thought. Those thoughts and suspicions would always vanish though, the minute she parked her car at her apartment and entered the lift, once more feeling secure and untouchable.

Things were definitely on the up for Celina and even work was looking up. She had gotten her pay raise and there were whispers that she was about to be promoted to a more senior role in the company. She credited it all to her uplift in spirits that had served to motivate her to pay more attention to her tasks albeit in the hope that she could leave early and return to whatever Nick had in store for her on any given evening. Sam was particularly nice to her and he even gave her room for minor errors whereas before he would have penalized her just for a loose grammatical mistake in a report as if she had just deleted the company’s entire database or something as serious. In his mind, now that Sam was no longer caught up in the distractions of divorce and the headaches his ex-wife had been giving him, he could suddenly see that Celina was truly beautiful, as if he had just laid eyes upon her and now just like any man, he was partial to a lovely looking girl and could not bring himself to give her a hard time about anything at all. It was to her advantage that he could finally see that she was simply too fragile and pretty for any man to resist and added to the fact that she was a really good employee as well, he realized that in the past he had been a jerk and resolved to change.

A big account was to be pitched for as it turned out and Sam insisted that Celina be put in charge of it. She was grateful for the opportunity and took it as a challenge to be met. Long hours of hard work were put into the presentation and when the day arrived for it to be presented to the potential client, Celina was the one to do it. During rehearsals, in front of the directors and colleagues, she earned rave reviews for the bright, introspective and progressive pitch she had worked hard on. The account was in the bag, the company felt and they were all extremely confident. When they entered the presentation room at the client’s office, Celina took note of how there were only two personnel they were to present to. One was a young, skinny 30 odd year old lady by the name of Rachel who looked as if she was in dire need of some sunlight. Her director was a middle aged serious looking man named Tim who didn’t appear as if a smile had ever formed on his strict, rigid face. He was broad shouldered and his stare was akin to that of a vulture, analytical and conniving. She immediately disliked him. The presentation went well of course, she was so well prepared and Sam nodded his instant approval once she had concluded the final slide. Rachel seemed particularly impressed and smiled at Celina giving her the boost she needed after a nerve wrecking presentation. Tim on his part, betrayed none of his intentions. A quick nod at the presenter and he proceeded to request that Sam see him privately to discuss the outcome. Tim and Sam then left the room to adjourn to Tim’s private office leaving the two ladies alone to engage in awkward obligatory chatter.

Sam felt it was unusual for Tim to request privacy and he felt it necessary to be on his guard. When he asked Tim for feedback on the pitch, Tim merely held up his hand and what he said completely took Sam by surprise due to his forwardness and lack of civility. I’m not going to lie to you Sam. That presentation was really very good. Probably the best I have seen so far out of all the agencies. However, some do come close and they are asking for a lot less money. I do want to give it to you though. But on one condition, I want something more. Bear in mind Sam, that a lot of money is on the table here, an amount that would completely dwarf anything your existing clients are paying you now. I can give that to you as the final say is all mine. I want you to give me something though. Sam uneasily, fearing the worst, asked what it was. Your presenter. Celina. She’s stunning and I want her. I am not going to give up this account to you if she doesn’t give herself up to me. Do you understand what I am saying Sam? Sam was outraged. She isn’t mine to give Tim! This is beyond unethical and completely inappropriate. You can’t just go around making demands like that! Tim scoffed, Yes I can. You have no proof that this conversation ever took place and I say it again. If I don’t get her, you lose the potentially massive pay check I would send your way. So it’s your decision Sam. Think about it. If you don’t get back to me by tomorrow, I will take my business elsewhere. It’s a shame Sam. I think your presentation was damn good and it would be a waste if you don’t get paid for it. Now get out of my office. Stunned, Sam walked out of the office and beckoned for Celina to come with him as they gathered their things and left the building. What happened? Celina enquired eager to know. I haven’t decided yet, Sam replied as they drove off refusing to elaborate any further.  That evening, thoughts weighed heavily on Sam’s mind. That particular retainer would ensure an enormous bonus for him and would help him out a lot with regards to the divorce settlement his ex-wife was demanding of him. Yet he could not foresee a scenario where Celina would agree freely to such a sickening agreement no matter what the profit attainable. He just could not decide and he hated himself for it.

The next day, he still could not make up his mind. He was so angst ridden that he took the day off to think about it. Upon his return to work, he told an enquiring Celina that he had requested for a week’s extension over whether the deal could go through. He declined to reveal anything else much to her annoyance.

Chapter 4 Continued

A week passed and no word was spoken about the status of the presentation Celina had worked so hard on. She was getting impatient and she also had no real outlet to release any of her frustrations as Nick had gone out of town on a training exercise. Nevertheless, she kept herself busy at work and by going out to indulge in shopping trips, purchasing new exciting clothing in anticipation of Nick’s return. He always enjoyed admiring her in new dresses etc and marvelled at the way she never failed to accentuate her best features with selective items of clothing. It also had been a while since her nerves had acted up as she no longer felt as if she was being followed or observed. At least she could put that to rest. Her run of luck seemed to be extending as Sam informed her that one of the company’s executive directors had taken notice of her good work and had requested a lunch meeting with her to discuss her future prospects. Delighted, Celina took particular care the morning of the meeting to dress as professionally as possible. She selected a well ironed, business suit. A neat knee length black skirt complemented a tailored black jacket covering a smart white blouse that made her look exactly the part of a sexy, young, executive designed to go places. Black stockings and heels completed the ensemble and underneath it all, Celina put on a lovely lacey white thong and bra set that made her wish Nick was in town to savour the sight of her in. The lunch went superbly. Tina the E.D informed her that she was to be promoted to the position of Assistant Manager, right below Sam himself. She told her to keep up the good work and that she would be keeping a keen eye on her development. Celina was extremely motivated and encouraged by that as she worked her charm on Tina who definitely enjoyed the company of the young employee so much so that she invited her to accompany her on her weekend spa trips so they could continue their conversation. Back at the office, Celina made sure she thanked Sam who surprisingly only returned her profuse thanks with a weary half smile and nod. Waving his lack of enthusiasm off as merely due to stress etc, she went back to her daily tasks determined to celebrate that night one way or another. After all she had worked this hard; therefore she owed it to herself to enjoy life a little didn’t she?

That evening, she worked particularly late and felt ready to go home, shower, call her friends and celebrate her good fortune. She was the last to leave at 9pm, locked up and took the lift down. The light in the lift was not functioning well, she noticed as it kept flickering on and off. When it arrived at the basement, the doors opened to reveal a surrounding that was even more dimly lit than usual. Must be a short somewhere she thought, as she exited and proceeded to walk towards her car. The parking lot was mostly empty and the security guards were nowhere in sight. She heard footsteps around although she could not see anyone. Her own steps hurried as her heartbeat elevated. Something was not quite right here she thought. She fumbled through her bag for her car keys, eager to get in and drive off as soon as she could. Dammit, where are those stupid keys? She thought as she walked and rummaged through her cluttered hand bag at the same time. She passed through pillar upon pillar tattooed with graffiti as well as the assigned parking space numbers. Finally she found her car keys just as she reached her parking spot. As she pressed on the electronic lock, bringing her car’s lights to life, she noticed two men in black ski masks approaching in front of her emerging from an exit just 20 feet away from her spot. They walked towards her at pace in a menacing fashion that caused Celina to freeze just for a moment, her mind urgently telling her body to react and quickly enter her vehicle. In that brief instance where Celina was caught between making a quick decision and reacting to it, a gloved hand emerged from behind, encasing her mouth and drawing her close to a body that reined her in with its free hand immobilising her! Mmmmphhh!!! Mmmphhh!!! were her muffled cries as she struggled with all her might to get free from the strong figure whom she still could not see holding her wriggling body in an iron grip. She tried desperately to bite the hand which was suppressing her cries but the leather was too thick. Her arms were rendered completely useless and her legs flailed in vain, kicking out strongly against the body of her own car, trying to use momentum to push her assailant backwards. The two men she had spotted were now upon her as well, one of them grabbing hold of her legs and holding them together, further restricting the attacked girl’s movements. Panic washed all over her psyche. Desperate to calm herself down and assess the situation, she stopped struggling, her thoughts turning to how she could alert the guards to her situation. She was now being carried, a hand still firmly wrapped around her mouth, suppressing any potential cry for aid, her legs were being held together, she desperately tried to move her head around to judge her surroundings. By not struggling, she could see more clearly and as her eyes turned to the left, she saw uniforms approaching! The familiar sight of the guards in uniform filled her with a sudden hope as she anticipated help arriving as they approached. Yet as they reached a point where they would be close enough to attack her assailants, they stopped. They stopped and merely gazed at the girl who was being held tightly against her will. Dread filled her as the reality of her entire predicament struck her. They are in on it. These bastards are in on it! She thought, her mind now telling her to resume her resistance. As she fought in vain, the third guy had produced some rope and was now binding her legs together. Her hard kicking gave them some difficulty and in the process, her black tights tore around the thigh of her left leg, tantalizingly leaving her smooth thigh bare and exposed. Her best efforts however were no match for the two strong men as they overpowered her leg strength and held them together as the ropes coiled around them. Her ankles and knees were tightly bound and ropes were now being wrapped around her arms and wrists. There was nothing Celina could do. She was absolutely helpless. The figure behind her suddenly released his hold on her mouth and instinctively she opened her mouth to scream, one last call for help before whatever in store for her could happen. Before a sound could escape from her momentarily freed mouth, a thick cloth was stuffed between Celina’s lips and forced down as far as it could go. A rope was then wrapped around her head, holding the cloth into place. Fear was the only emotion she could feel now. Now only one man was required to hold the bound girl in place as the others turned their backs and started gesturing wildly in another direction. The gag was causing Celina to struggle for oxygen, further weakening her and reducing her ability to fight anymore. She bit down on it furiously trying to expel it from her mouth. Regardless it was now pointless as the binds were tight and unyielding against her slender limbs. She had never felt as helpless as she did right now. The identities of her captors were hidden behind their masks and Celina had no visible clue as to why this was happening to her. Her heart raced at an insane pace as she tried hard to at least collapse to the ground, to make life more difficult for these three men and potentially allow for time for someone to come to her aid. The presence of the figure behind her holding her up made this unfortunately impossible. The sound of screeching tyres filled the car park and Celina’s fears grew as a speeding black, tinted van approached the three men and their tightly bound captive. It pulled up to an abrupt halt right in front of them, the door on the side of the van drew open and another masked figure quickly got out and opened the trunk of the vehicle to which Celina was ushered to. Neither her muffled pleas nor her soft pleading eyes met with any effect on the masked men or indeed the security guards who eerily just gathered around and gazed at the scene that was on going in front of them. The image of them was the last thing Celina saw at that time as a black hood was produced by one of her captors, placed over her head and noosed tightly around it. Her entire world went black as she felt herself being lifted into the back of the van and placed into a compartment of some sort that was then latched shut. Her movements were restricted and she could barely hear or even draw complete breaths much less see anything at all. The four men then closed the van’s trunk, one of them picked up Celina’s car keys which had fallen during the scuffle and started up her car. Another beckoned to the guards and passed them a bag full of money which was produced from the backseat of the black van. After exchanging understanding glances, the two parties separated, Celina’s car racing up the basement exit, followed by the black van which held the lovely Celina bound and gagged in a small compartment in the trunk awaiting her fate.

Chapter 5

Celina lay still in pitch darkness. She lay on her side, rolled up in a tight curl with her hands bound tightly behind her back, her knees and ankles fastened tightly to either limb. The compartment could not have been more than 5 feet in length and 3 feet wide. It was maddeningly hot and stuffy with the terrified girl wondering if she would even survive the trip to the van’s impending destination. She chewed and desperately tried to manoeuvre the gag in her mouth to breathe easier. It proved impossible and every time the van hit a pothole, she was thrown and battered hard against the walls of her confinement. She prayed hard that they would at least reach wherever they were going soonest so that she may be let out of the tiny compartment. Her thoughts immediately turned to Nick and she found hope in the fact that the sharp and alert man would realize that something was wrong when she didn’t come home and could not be reached on her cell phone. He would surely come for her. She was perspiring in the heat and her clothes were beginning to stick to her cramping, inactive body. The discomfort she was feeling was beginning to become unbearable and it felt like forever since she had been grabbed and stuffed into the van’s trunk. Each instant that the van came to a stop was one that she hoped would lead to the trunk opening. How could this happen? What do these people want and who are they? Why did they target me of all people? The questions raced through her mind as she shivered in fear despite the heat at what lay in store for her.

It occurred to Celina that she had been careless in recent times. She had always been cautious and careful especially lately as more and more stories in the news had surfaced about beautiful young women going missing, never to surface once more. The authorities had been baffled such was the high complexity and degree of expertise demonstrated by the syndicates who orchestrated these kidnappings that once the girls disappeared, they were never to be found again. Our heroine cursed herself as she realised that it might have been due to the fact that she was going out with such a high profile and respected cop, that she had become complacent and almost deemed herself invulnerable against such criminal activities.

After several false dawns, the van at last drew to a halt; she heard and felt the van’s doors opening and slamming shut.  Footsteps on gravel could be heard approaching as the engine was shut off. The latch on the compartment clicked open and at long last, a wave of fresh air washed into the small space onto the hot, prone figure of the bound captive. A strong set of arms reached underneath her body, scooping her up and she was then all too easily thrown over his right shoulder. She weakly tried to offer some resistance but he firmly wrapped his powerful arm around her still tied up thighs and she was carried off with frightening ease. Although she could not see, with the black hood still noosed around her head, she was being carried into an abandoned block of apartments in one of the shadiest parts of the city. The area was surrounded by drug addicts and homeless thieves who would not bat an eyelid at the sight of a kidnapped young lady being carried into the heart of the apartment blocks in the middle of the night. The apartment blocks were completely pitch dark, lighted only by bonfires light by the addicts to keep themselves warm. Electricity had long been cut off to this isolated part of the city. Only stray dogs and the slum dwelling members of society resided in the units. Even the police would refuse to come here as the residents were dangerous and were best left alone unless they ventured into populated areas of the city and caused problems for civilians. They passed through numerous corridors before entering a lift which took them up 30 floors. Celina weakly tried to offer some protest but the arm around her bound thighs was sturdy and held her firmly in place. They got off and walked past pathways of unoccupied apartment units. The front runner of the pack who was lighting the way with a flash light then approached a seemingly blank wall at the end of a corridor. He reached into a small crack in the wall only wide enough for a man’s hand to fit through and tugged on a lever. A door sized space suddenly emerged slightly out of the wall and he with some difficulty reached in and pulled the crack open revealing a hidden flight of stairs that was lighted unlike the rest of the building. Celina was brought up the short steps to a hidden apartment that was so well concealed that even the longest residing addict had not the slightest clue about. The entrance of the unit was inconspicuous enough; a well furnished living room welcomed the kidnappers and their prize as they emerged from the stairwell. A generator ran the electricity for this unit, with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a kitchen visibly connected to the living area. A television set, high speed broadband and large sofas created a perfect living environment for these men who had clearly planned long and well for the kidnapping of Celina. They had created the perfect set up for their nefarious purpose proven by the additional room where she was then brought to. One of the bedrooms at the very backend of the apartment had an iron door hidden by a large curtain. The men drew the curtain aside and entered a key code into a keypad that operated the door. It sprang open and the man who had Celina slung over his shoulder entered the room where she was to be housed for the duration of her abduction.

It was not as brightly lit as the other rooms before. However it was the largest room of all with a wide open empty space in the middle. The wood floor extended to four separate corners that all had their own characteristics. On the back left side was a large super king sized bed that was supported by four strong wooden posts. A wardrobe was situated next to the bed, its doors open, fully furnished with attire that Celina would later discover. The right back side was a carpeted area that had two large studio lights hanging over it. In between them was a professional’s video camcorder. Chillingly arm and leg irons were attached to the walls of that section of the room. Diagonally facing the bed was an open bathroom. The highlight of it was clear glass walls encompassing what was a wide shower space. The front left side was furnished with two comfortable looking sofas as well as a luxurious Persian carpet. Celina would later notice that in the middle of the room were hanging chains, suspended from beams in the ceiling. Celina was brought down off the man’s shoulder and placed in a standing up position in the middle of the room, supported on her feet by a pair of hands steadying her shoulders as the other three encircled her, gazing at their kidnapped prize. It was the first time they had a chance to truly look at her since they grabbed her where previously it had been about sticking to the plan and concentrating on acquiring and securing her. Now they could fully appreciate the sight of the girl they had gone through such great pains to abduct with lust and rushes of maddening temptation seeping through their psyches. She stood before them, at their mercy, each of them exchanging looks with one another as to what their next move would be. Celina’s arm and wrist bonds were undone, the blood immediately rushing back to her numb limbs. Her relief at that was short lived however, as her jacket was roughly slipped off and her arms were raised above her head, the chains clamping down tightly around her wrists suspending her from the ceiling. She was positioned in the centre of the room; her wrists clamped together, arms above her head with her feet mercifully supporting her body on the ground. The noose tight around the black hood covering her head was gradually loosened and her eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden burst of albeit dim light as the hood was removed by her captors. She blinked numerous times as her eye sight cleared and the full severity of her situation dawned upon her as she surveyed her surroundings for the very first time. Her focus settled on the four men standing before her, their identities still hidden by their masks. She attempted to plead with them yet again to let her go and to question what the hell was going on but the cloth frustrated her every attempt to do so. Her mouth and throat were terribly dry but they demonstrated no intent on solving that particular problem on her behalf. One of them fumbled around in his pockets and produced a shining pair of sewing scissors. Celina’s eyes grew wide with panic and she kicked up an almighty fight, her body thrashing around, legs flailing as he approached her menacingly with the sharp tool. Her chains however hurt her wrists as her legs kicked out, the lack of support causing them to bite into her tender flesh.  Another guy merely knelt down and held her legs down thereby keeping her suspended body relatively still. Celina screamed into her gag in vain as her blouse was quickly shredded to pieces and torn off her upper body. The kidnapper knelt down, reached up and unfastened the clasp of her skirt, unzipped it and it fell limply off from around her waist to be removed at her ankles and tossed aside.  She felt a shiver that ran up her legs through to her spine as his hands stroked her stocking clad legs right up to her ass. The feeling of strong hands rubbing against the material was driving her insane. It was a strange situation to be in as her heart was thumping a million miles an hour in fear, yet there was a sense of anticipation to what would happen next. His hands were at the waistband of her stockings, they bunched them up together to meet in the middle and slowly the sound of nylon tearing filled the quiet of the room as they were very slowly and deliberately torn off her waist, splitting at the base of her ass and separating at her legs. She was left half naked, in her sexy white lacy bra and thong set. The guys stepped back to admire her still thrashing body, now almost fully exposed for them to feast their eyes upon. She truly was a work of art. Her underwear set a soft tone against her delicate skin complimenting her sensuous curves and adding a touch of refinement to her makeup. Celina fought hard against the iron manacles which clanked and jangled as she writhed and desperately sought to pull her arms and legs out of the chains, finding herself in pain as she did so. Exhausted, she gave up her fight and stood before the four men realizing how pointless it was to resist as she could not break loose no matter what. Three of them adjourned to the coaches, seating themselves and staring at the developments before them. The guy who had cut off her blouse encircled her, her eyes trailing him as he embraced her from behind. Cold chills ran down her spine as he buried his lips into her neck, kissing her gently, ignoring her muffled pleas. His hands traced up and down her curves, meticulously and softly pinching her exposed butt cheeks, clearly enjoying her delightful, young, fit body. She felt his rough hands running over her stomach and playing with the waist band of her panties. She shut her eyes, determined to remain strong and not give them the satisfaction of witnessing her breaking down or show signs of weakness. That strength was almost broken as the clasp of her bra suddenly gave way with a quick twist of his fingers. The hooks were removed, the straps gave way and the cups fell off her chest, revealing her perky breasts with their dark nipples stiffened by his wandering hands on her body. Strong fingers groped her breasts and tweaked her nipples, Celina was helpless to do anything about it as he explored her body with the other three looking on, their own respective desires growing by the second as the beautiful bound girl flinched repeatedly as her molester fondled her breasts and buttocks. One of the seated men, made a downward gesture with his hand and with that Celina knew what was next. Silky lace ran against feminine skin as her thong snaked its way slowly down her slim legs, revealing her hairy, yet neatly trimmed pussy to the audience. Mmmm fantastic.... came his approval as he played with her pubic hair, fully enjoying himself. Non of them in their wildest imaginations could have imagined that girl could look so attractive, sensual and fascinating all at once with a full layer of hair covering her crotch and cascading downwards to her pussy lips. She was unique and although small in size, was fit and built beautifully with strong proportionate legs and butt. Her main tormentor couldn’t stop twirling at her pussy hair, marvelling at its softness and how it added to her charm. Celina was at a loss. She drew deep breaths desperately trying to calm herself in the face of her predicament, she raged at herself as she felt her body betraying her, his touch felt good all over. She kept her eyes closed as he had his way with her stopping short of fingering her pussy although she felt sure this was only the tip of the iceberg and more was to come surely. In a way she was thankful she was gagged as she nearly gasped out loud as he grabbed her soft, smooth breasts from behind and kissed the back of her neck aggressively, his lust for her almost getting the better of him. He ran his hand from her chin up to her forehead, pulling her hair back in the process, forcing her eyes open and lifting her head up so she could see the other three men rising from their seated positions and Celina’s heart pumped harder than it ever had before as the three men approached her. Three sets of hands excitedly fondled, caressed and groped her naked body as the dejected girl had no choice but to allow the assault. She winced and groaned as she felt uncontrollable mouths sucking at her nipples as hard as they had ever been sucked. Rough tongues grazed over her nipples sending shocks and sharp tingles throughout her body. Her soft flesh was their plaything as she hung helplessly, rooted to the spot. She closed her eyes as her body was subjected to the most degrading act up to this point in her young life, her breasts and buttocks especially were paid the most attention to for what seemed like an eternity.

Chapter 6

Nick knew something was wrong. His instincts seldom lied to him and he found himself being worried sick over his girl friend not contacting him all throughout the night. He was fine with that, he gave her all the space she would need and figured she was just having a well-deserved good time with her friends and was spending the night elsewhere. But it was now almost afternoon and he had not heard from her at all. He visited her apartment unit and saw that everything was in place, untouched, the bed had not been slept in. He called just about every friend of hers he knew and they told him that she had not turned up and not answered her phone throughout the evening. Her car was also missing from the basement. His mind raced as Zsazs words echoed over and over again, the threat as he was being led away causing him to fear the worse. Nick cursed himself. He had not offered her enough protection and had not been cautious enough. Part of it was also due to him believing that no one would dare touch his girl. His arrogance in this case had come back to bite him and bite him hard. But who would have snatched her? All of Zsaz’s associates that he knew of had been incarcerated. He knew that he would have to look for Celina himself. If he called in for help from the force, there was a chance the perpetrators would panic and Celina would vanish forever. He knew they were good. Whoever the kidnappers were, they had insider knowledge into Celina and his lives and not just the front he had put up while he was undercover. Nick knew quick action had to be taken. From his apartment, he grabbed his gear. A 54 magnum special was holstered to his waist, 38.0 special into the ankle strap and a 5 inch outdoor edition knife securely fastened to the other side of his belt. Grabbing his phone, a digital camera and the keys to his motorbike, he left their apartment block, speeding down the highway towards Celina’s workplace.

Parking his bike in her vacant spot, he noted that it was unlikely she had been here that day for work. He noted to himself that the parking lot was dark, dingy, not in accordance with safety laws requiring for adequate lighting and security especially with working women at risk. In addition to that, the security guards upon his arrival looked uninterested, too content and disconnected to whatever was going on around them. They gazed at newspapers or yawned listlessly staring into space. Idiots, he thought as he caught the elevator up to Celina’s office. The receptionist/secretary let him in as he flashed his badge through the glass door. He informed her he was looking for Celina. Celina? I would like to know! She was due in early this morning for a briefing! That girl is seriously slacking! An angry, annoyingly whiny male voice rang from a cubicle. Nick walked towards the voice and was met with an angry looking short man sitting behind a cluttered desk with a plate labelled ‘Manager’. What kinda insecure prick has to announce he is the manager to his staff every single day? Nick thought. He proceeded to question Sam about Celina and was told that she had not been seen since everyone left and she had locked up yesterday evening, without even telling anyone where she would leave the key if she had no intention of turning up. His angry nature however subsided after being informed that she had disappeared. He displayed what was as far as Nick could tell; genuine concern over her disappearance. He however seemed hesitant when Nick questioned if anyone had any reason or desire to harm Celina. His response was a stammered No I don’t think so. He noted that and told Sam to call him if anything came up with regards to the missing beauty. Nick revisited the parking lot and questioned the security guards as a group initially and the response he got was nothing of use. Some couldn’t or didn’t want to speak in English and the one who spoke some BM nervously stammered in broken language that no one had seen anything. They were intimidated by Nick’s badge and he made it a point to display his holstered weapon to them. He knew instantly that they knew something. Nick proceeded to the security office and demanded to be shown the CCTV tapes from last evening. They were cooperative and allowed him to review tapes from 7pm right up to 9pm, where Nick noted that Celina’s car was still in its place when the tape suddenly stopped. The guard told him that the tape had run out of space but they had of course, reloaded it soon after. They loaded in the tape and it was brought forward to 9.09pm where he saw that Celina’s car had disappeared from its spot. Too much of a coincidence, he told himself. Now the cartel or group who he know knew had definitely taken Celina were not stupid. They were disappearing and were leaving the security guards to take the fall. Nick had enough. He turned around and slammed his fist straight into the guards face! The guard cried out in pain and slumped against the wall in the small video reviewing room. Nick locked the door to keep out the other guards and thrust his knee straight into the guards throat..The impact was ferocious but calculated. Quick and sharp enough to stun him and cause loss of breath but no more. To the guard however, he thought he was going to die. Nick sat down in the chair and whipped out his Magnum and pointed it at the guard who was doubled over on the ground in pain, choking his lungs out, gasping for air. He waited for him to regain his wind and smiled fiercely at the guard who looked at him in terror at the sight of a shining gun in his face. Now, you are going to tell me exactly what happened in the time between 9pm and 9.09pm..You can either go to jail or end up dead. It’s really up to you. If I don’t find the girl who was taken yesterday, you are going to die anyway. So if I were you, I would tell me and we could see if we could afford you some luxuries in prison. The guard knew he would be at the very least, beaten within an inch of his life if he didn’t confess. A few minutes later, he related the story to Nick, about how masked men had come up to them and offered 5 of the on-duty guards RM10,000 each to look the other way and blank out the tape when they saw Celina emerge from the lift in the evening. He didn’t know who they were, neither their names. Nick scowled furiously at him Not good enough. You should have learnt you would have to cover your own sorry ass when you agree to comply with a felony. He raised his gun again and released the safety, the sound ominous and threatening. NO NO NO! The security guard shouted, covering his face with his hands. I give you tape. There is one more. One more tape! That’s all. Then no more! He rummaged in the back of a bottom drawer of the desk and passed Nick a tape. Nick nodded and with a voice that could have frightened the most hardened criminal, he warned that if it wasn’t enough, he would visit him again. Nick was aware he had to apprehend them but he couldn’t let it be announced to his unit that it was because of Celina’s kidnapping. There always could be someone hiding in the grass who had conspired against the young couple. Fortunately Nick had detected the smell of grass when he first entered the parking lot and a quick rummage through the record cabinets in the room confirmed that. There was enough pot in there to put these jokers away for a long time. A radio-in, a quick pick-up later and the guards were rounded up and confined to lock-up. Safe and sound if Nick should need to revisit them again. With that, Nick dashed off to HQ to review the tape.

The footage was grainy and a little dark due to the lack of lighting but it allowed Nick to view from different camera angles what had happened. He fast forwarded to 9pm as the cameras alternated locations within that perimeter between where Celina would exit the lift, her car and from the opposing lift where he could see two masked characters popping their heads in and out of a door clearly awaiting for her to emerge. His heart beat hard and fast as he watched the scene unfold from multiple different camera vantages. He realised why the guards had been so stupid as to keep the tape and not get rid of any evidence which would definitely implicate them. He felt a deep sense of guilt as he gazed at the sight of the men, who were muscular and fully dressed in black, careful to avoid revealing anything about themselves to the camera or any passer bys, grab hold of the struggling Celina who clearly was caught with no time to react in self-defense at all. The guilt in him stemmed from the fact that he was aroused as Celina was struggling and being tied up tight. He swallowed hard as cloth was jammed into her mouth and a black hood encircled around her head. Nick cursed himself for not paying enough attention to how vulnerable she was and how his job put her life at risk. In addition, she was beautiful which added on to the risk factor. A girl like her would be very much in demand on any black market. He imagined her muffled cries and it fuelled him with more motivation to get her back safe by his side. The van had no licence plates and was a standard issue. Fully tinted, there were about a hundred vehicles in the city that were of the same make. Used most often for the transport of money or other high-value items. The key was the men themselves. He had to assume that Zsaz’s threat was real and that these men were connected to the drug underworld. The cartel had obviously not counted on the guards keeping a recording on account that watching Celina’s kidnap was a turn-on. That was their first mistake. He knew there was a reason why they covered themselves up from head to toe so carefully. His mind worked as he watched his girlfriend being lifted and placed securely in the trunk of the van. Its door slammed shut, one of the men had entered her car and followed the black van out of the parking lot. Nick’s predecessor in this town had given him a full breakdown of the known suspects and their hangouts. Photos in the unit library featured blocks of out-of-town abandoned condo units, frequented by drug addicts. He pored over them, his memory and instincts leading to images of muscular, heavily tattooed South Americans conducting deals with the condos squatters, feeding them with drugs in exchange for yet unknown benefits. He scrolled through the images on his work pc, looking for an indication of any clue no matter how obscure. His next stop was obvious to him. He just prayed that if she had been taken there, he was not too late. His bike roared to life and Nick was soon heading out towards the outskirts of town, the engine revving as hard as it ever had.


The air was dry and hot. Sweat dripped onto the concrete floor off the motionless girl’s body which had been suspended for hours. For her, time seemed to stand still; she had long given up trying to ward off the numbness in her arms and the rest of her limbs. She having been stripped naked and taken liberties with knew it was evident that whatever was planned for her, she had no power to stop it. In a way, her nakedness seemed deliberate in the sense that not only was it for perverse reasons but also to make her feel even more helpless and vulnerable to anything her captors desired with her. Escape was nigh impossible as far as she could tell. Her consciousness was waning and her mouth and throat yearned for water. Even in her weakened state, her thoughts were alive with images of Nick bursting in and releasing her from her bonds. Her thoughts were interrupted as the door creaked upon and despite her most fervent hopes, it was two masked individuals instead of the policeman. She gazed at them weakly as they approached, her sight; blurry from lack of sunlight and overall nourishment. Celina groaned into her cloth gag as one gripped her by her armpits, supporting her body in its standing posture as the other removed the chains. As the chains were removed, she tried to lash out with her freed arms but they would not respond. Her limbs were weak from the numbness and were almost useless. She would have collapsed if released. Her gag was removed of which she was thankful for. She wanted to speak, to plead, to ask what was happening and more importantly why. But her voice was gone. The dryness had paralyzed her throat and she could only cough and wheeze desperate for water. The only thing she could seem to feel was the man’s touch. His hands; as they grazed her breasts lightly as he dragged her limp frame towards the shower in one of the corners. Through the haze and fogginess of her eyesight, she panicked to see the other Mask undressing as she was held by the glass door of the stand-up shower. He took everything off except his mask and briefs. As he approached her she gasped at the sight of him. He was extremely muscular, clearly a well-rounded body builder with tattoos of snakes, dragons and digits encircling his legs, arms, chest and back. She was terrified by the sight of the visuals as she had a phobia of reptiles and she felt even smaller than she really was as he grabbed her by the waist and they both entered the shower together with the other mask standing outside watching. He propped her up against him, her back leaning on his front as he turned the dial releasing ice-cold water down on both. As the water hit her, she felt a shock at the chill but instinctively opened her mouth to let the water run down her parched throat. Drinking her fill, she almost forgot his presence until he turned off the dial and turned her to face him. Her vision was clearing up as her eyes had been washed and he seemed even bigger than she had thought. Harsh, uncompromising eyes gazed at her, filling her with fear that left her rooted to the spot. Celina’s arms suddenly felt like they had been unlocked, one quickly raising up to cover her breasts and the other down between her legs, shielding her pussy. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that the other guy had also undressed down to his boxers and entered the shower. She turned to face him and with this, the other Mask clamped his arms around hers from behind making it impossible for her to move. She couldn’t kick out as the space was too narrow; instead her returning voice filled the room with a sudden sharp scream that was quickly hushed with an iron hand grabbing her jaw, a menacing growl commanding her to be quiet. Recoiling in pain, she quietened down, frightened by what would happen to her if she didn’t cooperate. The front Mask reached to a hanging basket in the shower for bath gel which he worked up in a thick lather in his hands. Rough hands met velvety smooth skin as he massaged the gel into Celina’s front, his hands running firmly over her breasts, stomach and neck. The back Mask firmly held the kidnapped girl’s arms in a tight clamp as her wet smooth body rubbed against his rock solid front. Chillingly his compatriot’s eyes were fixated on Celina’s own as if gauging her response to the deliberate motions of his hands cascading over her upper front. She couldn’t hold back at this point as tears streamed down her face. She tried to look away as he cleansed her but every now n then a hand to her jaw drew attention back to his eyes. He was moving lower now. He knelt down to work on her hips and legs. The restraining arms adjusted appropriately and his hands were now firmly massaging Celina’s tits and firmed nipples as her body was now encased in a thick lather of soap. Celina’s experiences with men in the past would not be described as extensive and to all of a sudden be trapped in a shower against her will with two large men was just insane to her. They were clearly out to enjoy themselves and she could feel a stiffness encased in cloth rubbing against her back. Celina’s sense of violation was now ever-growing and in truth, the rough, strong hands massaging her sore, numb body felt extremely good although she would die before admitting it. She felt it was so detached that they never spoke much if at all directly to her. As if she was but an instrument. A tool for a larger purpose. Her thoughts were yet again interrupted, this time by a tingling sensation from her groin as the front Mask was now lathering her pussy. He started slow. He shampooed her thick pubic hair, twirling and tugging lightly at it, taking his time until she began to feel his fingers lightly running over her outer pussy lips. She stiffened up all over, determined that if he went further she would kick no matter what the consequences to her.  As she made this resolution, a knock was heard on the glass door from another individual standing outside the door. We have to go. Now.

The urgency of the message was not lost on anyone. The water was turned on to its highest pressure, her body manoeuvred into positions to wash off the soap. The two hurriedly led the stark nude, dripping wet girl out of the shower and with the third guy aiming a pistol in at her, they towelled her down manically. Please..whats happening? Please let me go! Ummphhh!!!! Celina’s attempted pleas were halted by a thick leather strap wrapping itself around her mouth, firmly suppressing her attempts at reason. Another quick strap was wrapped around her eyes, once more plunging everything into pitch blackness. The captive was shrouded under a black cloth which extended slightly past her waist and she was led out by urgent hands, guiding her through another maze of corridors towards a destination unknown to her.

The buildings structure was amazingly complex. Every precaution had been taken, should they be discovered, a contingency was created for everything. The original hideout where Celina had been housed would prove difficult enough to locate but she was brought to a hidden car park where the black vans were kept on standby ready for a hasty getaway. The area was dark and secluded, joined to the outside by spiralling tunnels for the vans to speed off to the outside world. CCTVs reflected the on-goings on the outside and the captors noted the foreign motorcycle that had parked itself in an alley between two apartment blocks, its rider, handgun cocked in hand moving purposefully through the courtyards. The van doors opened and Celina was laid down on the floor, her hands and feet secured together by handcuffs, the chains clinking each time she made a move. Should the need arise, she would be spirited away from this place and further away from would be rescuers. These men were professionals, they believed it was extremely unlikely that the hideout would be found, but no risks would be taken. She was too valuable to be lost.


Nick couldn’t be certain that this was the right place; just a hunch and intuition told him that it was certainly possible she was being held here. There were so many apartment buildings though, it was going to take ages to search through them by himself. Whatever it was, he was at a serious disadvantage. He scouted the muddy, dirty ground and noticed tyre tracks leading towards 3 blocks and ending at a tiled courtyard in the middle of the blocks. The tracks stopped there, having been washed away by recent downpours. The tracks could belong to anyone really, from random drug pushers to perhaps the kidnappers themselves. The apartments rose high in levels, looming high over him, a daunting task lay ahead of him. He had decided against calling in for back-up, one lone stranger in the area might not set off alarms, but a squadron of policemen would which might jeopardize the life of his lost girlfriend. He would not risk it. She could be in any of the units surrounding him, light peeking through cracks in the boarded up windows, filling him with a degree of hope.

He was so lost in trying to logic out which block would be the best place to start, that he failed to notice a gathering crowd behind him of hunched over, mangy characters, some wearing hoods, some too dirty and covered in filth to be recognizable. Sensing motion, he turned sharply gun in hand to be met with the sight of around 15 angry, drugged up looking men.

What you doin here? Don’t you know nobody allowed here? This our site man!

One of them spat out the words at Nick. His presence here was unwelcome as they had noted the badge on the side of his motorcycle which identified him as a member of the police force.

Look. I don’t want any trouble. I’m looking for a girl that may have been taken here. Could you guys take a look at this picture and tell me if you’ve seen her. I will make it worth your while alright. Cash. Straight up.

Nick knew bargaining was the only real way of speaking to deadbeats like these. If cash was waved in their face, they would talk no matter what. He was sure of that.

Cops aint allowed here fucker. Don’t you know the deal in place between us and the likes of you? We don’t sell in the city and you leave us be in this here place. Nobody supposed to disturb us here. You take your badge and get the fuck out of here!

With that a few of them reached into their jackets and drew their own artillery. The tension in the air was cutting but Nick wasn’t about to give up. He tried to explain the situation to them but they seemed unmoved and undeterred by the offer of money. Which was strange he noted. Either way, he was confident these clowns would not have the guts or stupidity to attack a cop.

Either way, I need to have a look around fellas. I’m not here to make trouble for you, this isn’t a bust or anything that involves you. If you would excuse me, I need to have a look around.

Nick turned his back on them partially and walked towards an apartment entrance. Out of the blackness of its doorway, stepped two characters blocking his way inside.

Step aside. He warned them menacingly.

They were undeterred; one strode up to him and shoved him in the chest. Get the hell outta here. This here’s our turf. Nobody but us here. Nobody we let be here but us!

He was heavily outnumbered, Nick knew that. However he wanted to know just how far these clowns were willing to go to stop him from entering the units. He threw a quick punch at the one in his face, his fist slamming into his opponent’s eye, causing him to fall back in pain. He heard the sound of gun safetys being removed and he spun around aiming his own gun at them. His look told them he would fire without hesitation, which unnerved them and he could see they were more likely to back down rather than fire upon a professional like himself. Still, he hadn’t counted on this level of aggression from a usually cowardly lot of addicts who would usually not have the gall to approach a cop in the manner these lot did. While these thoughts momentarily ran through his mind, Nick heard a loud bang, followed by an explosion of pain in his right calf causing him to buckle over with support from his right leg giving away under the weight of his body. He had been shot. He glanced back at the apartment entrance and saw a character slinking back into the darkness, withdrawing what looked like a high-caliber shotgun and disappearing into the darkness engulfing the halls. Nick knew he was at risk now. Injured and outnumbered heavily, he had to retreat. Like vultures, the addicts were closing in on him, their minds only on money and weapons he might be carrying. Quickly Nick reached for his belt and removed a grenade from its holster. Removing the pin with his teeth, in almost one-fluid motion he rolled away and flung the grenade into the ground in front of the approaching mob. The deafening explosion when the grenade hit the ground caused the sand and concrete to fly upwards in all directions causing the mob to disperse and run for cover.

In a world of pain, Nick struggled to his feet, teeth grit as he stumbled to his bike somehow mustering the strength to get on and with all his might, started its engine. He had got the knowledge he wanted from this visit, but had no choice but to leave if he wanted to stand a chance of coming back, now knowing what he was up against. As his bike sped off, wary eyes focused on the CCTV in the hidden car park turned towards the girl lying on the floor of the van. Speed dial on her mobile was engaged. We have to speed this whole thing up. We have maybe half a day to put this all into place. Come over and check her out today. I’ll see you later.

Turning to her companion, Carrie said; Get her ready. He’s on his way.

The hulking figure nodded and said; Alright. But I want an hour with her first. Jeff and I aren’t going through all this trouble just for the money.

Noting the blazing intent in his eyes, Carrie nodded; As long as she’s prepared when he arrives.


Celina was disoriented. She had been carried around like nothing more than a little rag doll, now being moved from the vehicle floor to eventually being placed down on what was obvious to her as a large soft bed. She deduced she was back in her holding room, the threat whatever it had been had passed and she had been returned to where she had been housed for the majority of her kidnapping. She felt the cuffs being removed only to be fastened to the posts of the bed, two new ones were slapped on her wrist and ankle and also secured against the respective four posts. Her blindfold was removed and she stared up at the ceiling not sure if she wanted to regain her sight once more as her heartbeat once more quickened in pace. She was spread-eagled on the large bed, sexily helpless, unable to defend herself and more exposed than she had ever been before. Her legs were spread wide apart, unable to draw themselves shut with her gorgeous pink pussy on display to the world. The two men who had bathed her were standing over the bed, one on each side gazing down at Celina who blinked impassively at them, almost wishing them away in her mind. They were both undressed completely, one of them sitting down beside her, stroking her hair and face gently coaxing her to have a look at his mobile phone. She heard the sound of an angry mob and her blinking ceased as she saw what appeared to be her Nick surrounded by shady looking characters. A loud sound of gun fire caused her to jerk upwards in shock and she saw Nick fall to the ground, with blood streaming from his leg. All her thoughts about how vulnerable and naked she was vanished as thoughts of his well-being flooded her mind. She was desperate to know how he was, straining her head to view more of the video. However, to her dismay, the video was stopped at the moment he fell, leaving the ensuing events to her own imagination. Withdrawing the phone, he stooped over to kiss her sweet face tenderly, going over her cheeks and forehead, he reached behind her head to unclasp the leather gag, whispering in her ear. She was told that her cooperation from this moment on was expected and not a choice on whether she wanted to or not. Nick’s welfare depended on it and should she ever want to see him and know what had become of her fallen would-be-rescuer, she would comply with anything and everything put to her. A chill ran through her spine as he whispered into her ear, nibbling it playfully as his hands ran over her breasts, squeezing them lightly. His mouth grazed over her cheeks to hers, sucking and kissing her soft lips as her breathing intensified, she could smell the scent of the soap he used to bathe her earlier still fresh on his body. For a moment she turned away angrily in defiance. Firmly he grabbed her face as his companion sat down on her other side, they forced her to watch the video clip once more. She paused in contemplation and relaxed, her fate was sealed, she cared too much about Nick to put him in harm’s way. Her softened gaze told them she understood. It was better in a small way that they had kept their masks on, the only gaps for their eyes, nose and mouth. Being unable to gaze at a visible human face throughout her ordeal somehow made it easier to convince herself that this whole predicament she was in was not real. She shut her eyes as he kissed her lips once more, his stubble rubbing against her face as he did so. Refusing to kiss back didn’t mean she couldn’t taste the aftertaste of alcohol, present on his breath. He enjoyed the sweetness of her mouth, his teeth lightly grasping her lips, his tongue invading her mouth to taste hers. While this was happening, Celina felt the cuffs on her ankles and subsequently her wrists removed. Freedom in captivity was the best way to describe it, as he pulled her to sit upright. Their bodies were rock hard, muscular leading her to deduce that they had been in the military perhaps. Matching tattoos on their arms, some sort of swastika appeared menacing and confirmed them as part of a larger network of some sort. Their cocks were erect and powerful looking causing her eyes to widen, she noted that they were bigger than she had ever seen in her young life. The men’s movements hungry and deliberate, it was skin on skin as one moved behind her and positioned himself behind her, fondling her breasts and kissing her slender shoulders and neck. Celina couldn’t believe she was in bed with two guys who were so easily and unremorsefully molesting her. She could barely move her arms and legs out of fear, she was almost paralysed, the only sensation came from the little shocks and spasms her body felt as hungry mouths fed on her naked body. The one in front of her kissed her lips and face ,moving down to her nipples and stomach, breathing in the natural feminine scent of her skin. A hand grasped her chin from behind, causing her face to turn sideways as her neck was nibbled and licked upon with increasing urgency. His excitement was clear to be felt as her back rubbed up against the stiffness of his hard cock, her hair was ruffled and her head massaged and manipulated wherever the strong hand directed. Her legs swept against the soft sheets of the bed as they were spread apart, a keen mouth met soft, damp pussy lips, Celina’s hips jerked upwards as she felt a tongue urgently running over her pussy as it was sucked, licked with no deliberate method, just primal instincts driving the man on as Celina’s body was flooded with unwanted sexual pleasure. No. No. This is crazy. This is crazy! She thought as she felt his arms wrap under her knees and thighs, fully spreading her legs upwards and apart as he feasted on the beautiful girl’s enticingly hairy sex. Strong hands massaged her breasts, one moving over to grasp her wrists, forcing it behind her back, she felt his smooth rock hard dick in the palm of her right hand as it was forced to open and grasp its shaft. The rocking motion of her body caused by her hips being jerked back and forth for her pussy to meet the guys mouth inadvertedly made her masturbate the one who had her left breast firmly in hand.  She had been determined not to make a sound but she gasped out loud as a finger was inserted into her wet pussy, moving in and out giving her the combined sensation of being orally pleasured while being masturbated. He enjoyed the velvety feel of her insides as she gasped and moaned as quietly as she could. The man behind her was in ecstasy as she jerked him off, her small hand giving him so much pleasure that he only found himself wanting more and more. The licking and fingering ceased and a hand placed on her waist directed her to turn around. Celina released her hold on the hard cock and turned herself gingerly, self conscious as she found herself on her knees with her butt facing upwards and a man’s dick directly in her face. Strong hands pulled her butt cheeks apart, the same tongue ran up and down the crack of her ass, licking her pussy up to her now exposed anus. Small electric waves of sexual pleasure washed over her again and again as he tongued her most private spots causing her to stifle breaths of satisfaction. She looked up at the face of the man in front and could see that his eyes commanded her to give him a similar fashion of pleasure. A firm hand behind her neck pulled her to his waiting cock, 7 inches at least in length entering her mouth, pushing aside her tongue which tasted his salty pre-cum much to her disdain.  Her head bobbed up and down and she shut her eyes as the hard smooth tool invaded her pretty mouth again and again causing her to breathe solely through her nose. A slight, yet firm tap to her cheek made her increase her efforts in sucking and licking his cock. He groaned with great pleasure as the beautiful captive was forced to give him the best blow job he ever had in his life. She couldn’t believe what was happening. Time seemed to stop and the world was so still, as if there had been nothing before this and would be nothing after this for her. All she felt were the sheets and the bodies of the two men blackmailing her into wanton sexual acts for nothing but their own gain. She was now so detached that she didn’t realize she was actually running her tongue up his dick and down to his balls. She groaned as the licking on her pussy and ass stopped and he positioned himself at her hips, rubbing and squeezing her beautiful butt cheeks. She knew what was coming. The head of his stiff dick met with her pussy lips and with a thrust of his hips, he entered her. Celina stopped sucking and threw her head back to scream in protest, only to be met with a forced kiss to her mouth causing her to shut up. He fucked her hard and fast, his hips consistently meeting her butt, hands firmly around her waist, he felt the heat and wetness of her pussy on his cock, enjoying every second of it. As he looked down on her, he marvelled at her slender frame, curves the way her hair fell around her neck as she gazed down, her hands now grasping the sheets firmly for leverage as she was fucked from behind. Her head was forced back onto the other’s cock, forced to suck him off as he awaited his turn to be inside her.

While this was going on, Carrie sat in a dark corner of the room, video recorder in hand as she watched the scene unfolding before her, how the three parties moaned and groaned in pleasure and protest as their bodies entwined. She could see why Nick was crazy about Celina. She was indeed gorgeous, Carrie noted with hatred and jealousy as she watched the men move Celina into a position where she was to ride one of them and suck the other off at the same time. She watched how the men were getting more and more deliberate as they sank their teeth into Celina’s breasts and butt careful not to hurt her and applying just enough pressure to get loud sighs from the now resigned captive. Their bodies glistened with sweat and the men took great pleasure in tweaking Celina’s dark hard nipples as they turned her on her back and entered her while gazing down at her beautiful face which was a vision of a girl who was caught between her love for her injured boyfriend, her desire and instinct to fight and the pleasure she was receiving from these two as they thrust their hardness in and out of her slick pussy. They were considerably large men relative to her slight frame and she felt their weight on her body as they fucked her in turn, making her feel helpless and unable to resist. She felt one of them shudder and he withdrew from her urgently as he climaxed. The other turned her around to fuck her doggy style again but he positioned her so she could see Carrie approaching her with the video cam aimed at her sweaty, flushed face, hair cascading around it giving her a wild and amazingly sexy look. Celina stared intently at Carrie, fiercely gazing into her eyes, the look of desired vengeance written over her face as the man suddenly lay down hard on her back, causing Celina to fall flat on the bed quickly came on her back and ass. Celina buried her face into the sheet, panting hard, drained from her exertions and the ordeal. She prayed it was all over but knew realistically that perhaps this was only the first with more to come.

Chapter 7

The deserted apartments usually bore no purpose for outside visits, however in light of recent events, it had suddenly had morphed into a venue of abuzz with activity. Celina’s imprisonment had given birth to a flurry of visits, from her kidnappers to Nick and his failed attempt at recovering her. Now a new character had reason to arrive on the scene also filled with a purpose that could only be described as nefarious yet to him, it was merely his job. He was a man driven entirely by profit and pursued ventures no matter how dark or detrimental to the victim as merely a business opportunity. Wai’s dark tinted Mercedes Benz pulled up to the block housing his latest cash cow and only as one familiar with the place, made his way indoors through the maze of tunnels. He was a cold, emotionless person with the look of an accountant who spent his days crunching numbers, soulless and unmovable. Stick thin and dressed in a plain brown suit, he appeared as a normal unassuming man going about his daily business in a private equity firm one would have guessed. He had received a call from Carrie, who never would contact him unless there was something worth spending his time upon. Therefore he dropped everything and in good faith knew there was a hefty sum to be made at this latest opportunity presented to him.

Her latest ordeal had Celina’s head spinning. Nothing seemed real to her anymore. She was in a daze and couldn’t quite comprehend what had just happened to her. Her two assailants having had their way with her, had once more taken great pleasure in washing her up and in her current state of psychological shock, allowed it all to happen this time with no resistance at all. Food and drink was offered to her and running on pure self preservation, she ate and drank as much as she could, unsure when would be the next time she would be provided with much needed nourishment. When she was done, she was once more bound, gagged and left lying on the bed where she had been exploited sexually.

Carrie greeted Wai with the enthusiasm of someone who had much to gain by the other’s visit. Impassively he exchanged her greeting with a nod and sat down on the couch in front of the television, obviously with only business in mind. Noting this, Carrie sat down beside him and proceeded to work the DVD player with a click of a button on her remote control. He had seen this scene unfold countless of times in the past. Abducted women, almost always under the age of 30, beautiful and helpless on-screen completely unaware of their ‘audition’ of sorts in front of him, the judge, jury and executioner who would decide on what the near future would have in store for them once the recording had reached its end. He had become almost immune to this so much so that they were but objects of trade to him. The decision in his mind on what to do with them would come easy and almost instantaneously. Carrie and her like would shuffle in their seats, eager to know his thoughts and what impact they would have on their own financial well-being. This time it was different. Wai sat up in his seat and watched intently as the girl on screen scrapped against the bed sheets, her body slim yet curvaceous, her lips and eyes desperately sexy, with the two men she was forced to be with clearly desperately fulfilling their long-standing lust for her. She was different to say the least. Beautiful yes, but definitely with much more to her than her physical self. He knew immediately what would be the best business option as far as benefiting himself and Carrie. Turning to Carrie he said in a hushed tone, ?I’ll leave in 30 minutes. Have her packed and brought to my car by then. The Dark Room starts in 3 hours. We’ll settle on a price in the meantime.? Carrie’s face lit up with a knowing smile that betrayed any intent of hiding her satisfaction. She gave immediate instructions to her crew and watched as Wai opened his laptop and dialled up a secure line to an offshore account and clicked on the wire transfer option. He selected Carrie’s details and without hesitation keyed in a 7 digit figure beginning with 3 and ending with 6 zeroes. She poured him a drink and nodded as he proceeded to confirmation of the transaction. As they relaxed and drank, the package was being prepared meticulously with speed that could only come with practice. She was groomed, make-up was applied and she was dressed in an outfit that Carrie had identified as perfect for Celina’s latest outing against her personal will. She felt so small and unable to protect herself that she let it all happen, waiting for a glimmer of an opportunity to spring herself free. Smart girl that she was, she knew that by offering as little resistance initially, eventually someone would let their guard down thereby enabling her to seize her chance at freedom. That moment was not now. Handcuffs and a leather mouth gag were applied but this time rather than ride in the trunk; she was led to the backseat of the luxurious Mercedes where she would be seated next to Wai who nodded in approval at how she was to be presented at the Dark Room. Carrie stroked Celina’s hair and said her goodbyes in a manner that made Celina’s blood boil with hatred. She would pay one day, Celina thought. Wai observed this all with a sense of irony in his mind at Carrie’s carefree antics. ?There are plans for you as well Carrie. Not today but soon. You will know why when that day comes?. With that thought in mind, the tinted windows rolled up as the car sped away.

Chapter 8

It was a long drive. Celina sat with her arms cuffed behind her back, gazing out the window as she watched the car whisking past the dilapidated side of town and onto the highway which led down south. The seats were luxuriously comfortable but she couldn’t relax or bring herself to sink back, such was her state of fear and anticipation of what the bloody hell was to come next. Tinted windows meant no one could see even if she kicked up a huge fuss and made an attempt at escape. Wai paid no attention to her and she did her best to avoid looking at him. He was constantly on his laptop and texting on his mobile phone. She couldn’t see the driver either as he was hidden by a one-way looking glass. An hour passed and they were still on the highway, on the fast lane, causing cars in front to get out of the speeding Mercedes’s path. She noted that they were heading close to the seaside, the trading port in particular. It was getting dark out; she caught a glance at Wai’s watch and noted it was 8pm at night. 30 minutes passed and they turned off to an exit which led to a small town with little activity, yet bore home to activities by the unscrupulous rich. Drugs, illegal gambling and trading of black market goods; so expensive those afforded by only men rich enough to pay off officials multiple times over could frequent the town. For a place seemingly desolate and dark, supercars and even a few helipads highlighted it, giving undeniable glamour and intrigue to even such an off path location. The car entered a back alley way and pulled up at the back entrance of a red brick building with a security code locked door its sole entrance. Wai reached into his suitcase and pulled out a folded cloak which he proceeded to wrap around Celina. He pulled the hood over her head, thereby completely encasing her in the black material, hiding her body and her face from clear sight. Wai got out of the car and gestured to his bodyguard who guided the shrouded captive from the car and towards the entrance where Wai keyed in his own pass code to obtain access to the highly secured building. Celina was blind and confused immediately knew she was at a night outlet by the sound of trance music pounding, reverberating through the hallway that she was led through by a hand around her shoulder. She stumbled along on her high heels almost losing her balance on countless occasions on the carpeted narrow stairs leading upwards. Her senses were alive as she identified the combination of scents dominated by cigarettes, whiskey and weed in her nostrils. They entered a lift which took them a short 3 levels down to the basement. Celina could tell that Wai was leading the way as he constantly urged his bodyguard onwards impatiently. Things were happening so fast she could barely capture a moment to catch her breath it seemed. Which was clearly how kidnappers operated, she thought. Disorienting their victims and never giving them a moment to have clarity of thought which might lead to their escape. This was their world and she was unfortunate to have fallen victim to cold, experienced professionals. Celina was led into a small room adorned only with a large monitor screen, two couches and five concrete steps which led up to a black drawn curtain. She was sat down, still cloaked and in complete darkness, her breathing intensifying as she wondered why she was in a club. She could sense activity all around her, in addition to Wai and his bodyguard, at least two other persons were in the room. They whispered in hushed tones culminating in two of them seating themselves beside her, crowding her and restricting her movements. The hood of the cloak was thrown off her head, she was met with the unwelcome sight of Wai with what looked like a needle in his hand! Celina immediately was engulfed by a feeling of pure panic, she jerked forward trying to get to her feet but the two men beside her were ready for that. They held her back by her arms as the whereabouts of the fourth individual became clear to her by the set of hands which grabbed her head from behind, firmly tilting it to one side. She was immobilized, screaming bloody murder into her gag as Wai put one hand on the left side of her jaw. Positioning the needle at the large vein in her neck, he quickly injected her with the formula inside. After two minutes, her screaming and struggling ceased. She felt her blood pressure dropping, her eyes growing hazy, she was conscious but numb. Her heart rate had slowed down, her mind unable to focus on any coherent thoughts. She could now only make out shapes, shadows and dim lights, she knew whatever she had been drugged with was definitely potent yet she could not seem to pass out. At this point they didn’t even need to hold her as they removed her gag knowing she was too much in a drugged state to even say anything in a whisper much less a scream. She tried to consciously move her arms but even that was impossible as her entire motor system seemed to fail her. Satisfied with the effect of the drugs, by Wai’s instruction, the bodyguard brought her to her feet and led the swaying, unsteady girl up the short flight of steps and past the now open black curtain.


Red House. One of those clubs only whispered about in the circles of the criminally rich and their privileged associates. The main reason it was situated so far out of the main city was that it was not subject to the same restrictions and red tape bullshit that financially crippled so many of the establishments located in the country’s capital. Here the rich were promised exclusivity, privacy and the chance to escape reality through a world of designer drugs, high-class escorts, illegal alcohol and a chance to network with the most powerful individuals in the political and organized criminal world. The local authorities were kept well tucked in the pockets of the establishment’s management and there was little to no chance of a weekend night ever getting ruined by overzealous cops. The main area was amazingly modern, with large plasma screens which moved and rotated according to the whim of the resident DJ who kept his audience entertained with bursts of creative sonic pallets complemented with a steady flow of house-famous cocktails from the biggest bar in the continent. VIP lounges were by invite only and frequented by royalty, crooked members of the police force, parliamentary figures and the odd celebrity. Mysteriously a pass code locked door, complete with retinal identification scanner was constantly guarded by armed military men who on occasion had to use their trained methods of dissuasion to deflect interest in what lay behind the heavy, iron door.

Tonight, that door was opened. Curious frequent guests deliberately made their way towards the opening which on rare occasions presented a glimpse of a purple and neon green LED lit passageway which owing to the lighting betrayed little of what lay beyond that corridor. They were kept out by ten security personnel who each easily measured 6 foot 3 inches in height at the very least. They only made way for ten individuals that night. All middle aged, dressed in expensive suits each with dark glasses on and were accompanied by a single bodyguard. As the last one entered, the door was shut behind them, eliminating the sounds of drunken persons protesting on why they were not allowed to enter despite waving around large bribes to security who were unwavered and undeterred in their task by the stupid amounts of cash offered for access to somewhere they knew nothing about. At the end of the passageway, the ten men and their aides were met with a corridor which split into two paths leading right and left. On each side were five doors which they were guided into. A theatre like atmosphere greeted them as they took their place in a small booth with a single armchair and a stool in the corner being the only furniture. Twenty five feet away from each booth was a small stage, with ten small individual platforms hidden behind a black curtain. Each member of the audience was presented with champagne, caviar and cigars. Their armchairs were equipped with IPads attached to its side tables. As the men sat down and made themselves comfortable, they noted their booths were only five feet at the most away from each other, yet such was the style of lighting that they could not see each other’s faces.

Ten minutes after they had seated themselves, a digitized voice made itself heard over the loudspeaker. Gentlemen, welcome to the Dark Room and thank you for attending tonight. We don’t want to keep you waiting any longer and you each know what the process will be tonight. It will be an open auction with no limit bids. If you will turn your attention to your IPads, we have made it as simple as possible to make a purchase. Simply key in your desired bid and click enter each time you wish to bid or counterbid. Feel free to use the zoom cam facility to make a more discerned purchase decision. If you need anything, click on the attendee option and you will be served. Turn your attentions to the lighted platform where there will be ten options for selection tonight. Let us begin.

If there was any confusion over what the function of the Dark Room was to those who might have been in attendance for the first time it was cleared as the furthest left platform lit up, its curtain automatically opened, a spotlight shining on the form of a sedated looking blonde European girl dressed in only a skimpy, simple pair of lavender bra and panties. Her arms were chained above her head, her shackles serving as a means to keep her standing upright to be displayed to the audience. Ipads were reached for by a third of the guests as the voice over the loudspeaker provided insight into her background and opening bid price which was revealed to be a standardized 1 million US dollars for 9 out of the 10 girls available for purchase that evening.  1.2 million dollars was the winning bid from a prominent Japanese businessman in attendance. Behind the stage, Wai observed proceedings on the monitor smiling slightly to himself at the prospect of a very profitable evening ahead judging by the instantaneous reaction to the very first offering. Subsequently platforms 2, 3 and 4 attracted keen interest in the form of a Lebanese, Korean and Indian offerings respectively. As they indulged in drink, the guests were becoming bolder with their bids increasing them by the hundreds of thousands escalating to an evening high purchase with the exotic Lebanese girl going for 4.5 million dollars. The purchaser, a man with thin lips and a vulture like gaze sat back in his seat pleased with his night’s expenditure. Pricey perhaps, but he had his tastes and was not about to be outbid for something he had his sights on. The previous bidder at 4.3 million sat back dejectedly cursing his hesitation in upping the bid before it closed and the sale was confirmed. His eyes however, lit up by the time the announcer finished his next introduction.

Gentlemen, thank you for your support thus far. Some of you have been here on many occasions before and we do like to reward you by offering something new, different and entirely rare. For this particular feature, we are starting the bidding at 3.8 million dollars. Please if you will, turn your attention to platform number 5.

Eager eyes focused intently as the curtain was opened and the spotlight shone on platform 5. Loud, excited gasps were clearly heard as a gorgeous Chinese girl was unveiled her arms chained in the same fashion as the European. She was dressed in a stunning blood red corset, with black lace trimmings around the waist area and groin. Elegant gold abstract designs highlighted the material underneath the breast cups and around her curves. Fishnet stockings added to her allure, displaying her fit, taut legs which were supported on the ground by sexy 6 inch blood red heels matching the corset. Her hair was long and silky black framing her shapely shoulders. Ipads were engaged, the zoom feature was used by all 10 guests who noted her pouty red lips and soft eyes which could only make out shapes amidst the bright light which shone viciously into her line of sight, blinding her. The man with the thin lips literally stood up in shock. He simply could not believe what he was witnessing. Was she actually here? Was it her? He cursed himself for making the previous purchase immediately. The zoom feature confirmed that it was her. One way or another, this was his chance to have her and he was not going to lose it. He quickly engaged the automated chat feature option and reached out to the politician who he had outbid in the last round.

Our fifth feature of the night and the most expensive. From the capital, this lovely Chinese we present is named Celina. Such a rarity will never come around again we can assure our esteemed guests this as it was a highly improbable acquisition on our part and is now on offer exclusively for you. Bids are open as of right now gentlemen.

Celina hung out there tantalisingly on display as the bids flew in. She could hear the announcer but the words were getting jumbled and mixed up as she could not keep her focus long enough to listen to proceedings. The politician was determined not to lose out this round. Initial bids flew in at 4 and up to 7 million. He tabled an 8 million dollar bid to groans of disappointment from the others who did not have that kind of money to spend at one go. He recoiled however when he received a personal message on his IPad. An offer was made to sell him the Lebanese girl with a time with Celina at his leisure on the table should he withdraw his bid for the luscious Chinese girl on offer right now. He hesitated before agreeing that it made good sense for him financially as well as giving him the flexibility of potentially hustling the businessman out of ownership of Celina in the duration he would be allowed to have her. He withdrew his bid much to the relief of the businessman.

Any further bids? We have 7 million dollars on the table for the signing of Celina’s documentation leading to full ownership. Going once. Going twice. No further bids. Congratulations to Mr. Shaw on this purchase. We will be having a short intermission now in between offerings 6 to 10. If you wish to leave, you may meet with Mr. Wai in your booths to iron out details and wishlists pertaining to your purchases.

Tim Shaw sat back in his chair breathing a sigh of deep relief. He had made purchases on many occasions in the past, some of which he had sold on to make a profit but in this case, it was the first time he felt really invested in this particular buy. An expensive stroke of luck nonetheless but one he simply had to. A gulp of whiskey, he eyed up Celina as she was unchained from the platform and brought backstage to be prepped according to the specifications which he was about to detail to Wai. The Lebanese was to go with the politician but it didn’t matter to him one bit. He had what he wanted and no one could have her without his consent.

Chapter 9

In this time and age, it is incredible how fast word can spread. The trafficking of young, beautiful women was amongst the most protected and exclusive segment of the criminal element. Somehow, someway it was linked to other elements of the crime world almost symbiotically. Drugs, gambling and money laundering somehow were all linked in an intricate and complex chain of the black market. Nick of all people would know of this and he knew that a clue, any scrap that could possibly have ties to the syndicate which had taken his girl away from him would have to be pounced on and hence could not be ignored.

It was through the initial cracks of this chain that the word that Shaw had acquired a highly prized asset got around. Girls of Celina's quality were rare indeed, any girl could somehow be a model like beauty however she, as all who had met her could attest; was in a class of her own. The patronage of Dark Room, those who could not attend that night's proceedings were aware, alerted to Shaw's good fortune. Images, videos were circulating and Shaw himself knew that he had to take extra care in this instance. Purchase of women before Celina had always been simple and escaping detection by the authorities was simple if one had the right contacts and friends in high places. A great sum of unlimited funds always helped too and he knew all that would have to come in to play for him to ensure Celina would never be found by Nick or otherwise. A policemen's wife or girlfriend were lucrative and highly sought after yet incredibly difficult, nigh impossible to acquire due also to the danger after they had been taken. However, tonight was an exception. Shaw relaxed in his seat as he read message after message on his untracable mobile phone. Business partners, casual acquaintances, even royalty had been privy to images of Celina's stage debut and the offers were streaming in. Shaw knew he had to entertain certain members of that club in terms of their offers as failure to do so could mean betrayal and even his vast fortunes could not help him here. As he pondered all this, his purchase had been prepared and was ready to be placed in his vehicle and transported to a location known only to himself and his most trusted staff members.

One of the best kept secrets of Red House was its tunnel parking entrance, reserved specially for Dark Room clientele. Just 10 parking bays were made available,each close to the only exit and convenient for a quick get away to the highway to town which quickly branched out to 5 seperate exit routes. Shaw emerged from the exit to be greeted by his bodyguard who promptly opened the car door of a limousine with liscence plates that were recognizable to the most senior of police and army personnel as a respected and revered member of local politics and the global business scene. He got in and was met with a sight that pleased him to his core. His specifications as always had been met with the utmost detail so as to keep him and his deep pockets as a frequent and happy customer. The layout of the limo was as such that there were seats on either side of the car as well as the back seat where Shaw sat mostly. Up to 9 individuals could fill all the seats and do business on the 4 foot long table which was the centrepiece of the passenger area. That night, that table was decorated with the bound feminine body of Shaw's most recent acquisition. As per request she was laid on the table, arms on either side encased in thick black leather cuffs which were connected by a chain which ran underneath the table. Thus she could only raise her hands by just an inch before the chains held them down below table level. Her fish net stocking clad legs were spread and chained just above knee level with her calves hanging over the edge, her groin protruding invitingly at the table end which faced the back seat passenger. The alluring and intoxicating scent of her perfume filled the confined space, especially being enjoyed by Shaw, his driver and body guard who were both doing their utmost to maintain focus on the road ahead of them and resist the temptation to look back at Celina. Her own sight was restricted by a leather blindfold and her alluring long hair had been done up into a neat bun as per Shaw's instructions. The final touch was a scarlet ball gag inserted in her mouth and held in place with its own neat belt clasp around her head. As Celina was being prepared prior to being brought into the limo, her consciousness and awareness had begun to return and she now could visually and physically comprehend what was going on. Still too weak to offer resistance, she recalled the awkwardness as her sweet mouth was forced open, the ball inserted and her teeth clamping down on it. A first for her, she could tell this was even more effective at restricting her vocal chords and also probably was the most sexually stimulating option from a visual stand point as far as gagging went. Thru the misty haze in her mind, she recalled the attendants examining and adjusting her corset's waist area for some reason or other. She had been sat down, held up and her head kept in place as the bun was skillfully and quickly done up to enhance her captors desire for her to fulfill a thematic role of a classic chinese beauty. Unbeknown to her Shaw had other intentions for her. Lust, asthetics and personal satisfaction were not the only purposes Celina was set to serve as the limo's next point of rendezvous was about to reveal.

Until then, Shaw set about to make the journey more enjoyable at least for himself. Now completely out of her drugged state, Celina was ascertaining her environment and once more searching for loopholes for escape. She could tell she was in a moving vehicle once more as she had become accustomed to since her prior abduction. What was different in this case to her was that she was laid out admittedly quite comfortably on a plush carpeted platform, for once there was no strain on her joints which she was thankful for. She could go completely limp and not feel binds biting into her tender flesh as she mostly had experienced thus far. Celina was also vividly able to picture the make-out of her attire and although she couldnt be sure of the aesthetics of it, she knew it was a very sexy corset which actually felt immensely comfortable as the inner linings were made of fine silk. She could feel her face flush with embarassment and anxiety as her movements inadvertedly caused the material to press and rub nicely against her flesh especially around her nipples, pussy and ass. She tested her arm and leg restraints perhaps a little optimistically and naivelly believing that there would be any give in them which would lead to release. What she didnt realize was, her audience member was treated to the image of her sexily squirming in a helpless fashion dressed in that terrifically sexy corset. The designs seemed to move in unison with her struggling, chains clinking quietly in response. Shaw sat back and enjoyed a glass of champagne which complimented the scenario in which he felt powerful, in control and she on the other hand totally and utterly under the control of another party. He drank in the sight and smell of her as well as smiling at the sound of her muffled, grunts against the ball-gag, a sign of her on-going and ultimately futile exertions.

Exhausted and breathing heavily, Celina let her head fall back on to the table but it jerked back up again at the feel of two hands running up and down her legs. She felt the light press of masculine hands against the stockings, up towards her upper thighs where the material ended and her bare skin stood between stockings and the downward 'v' of the corset. Her lower back thrust upwards suddenly in pure reaction to the feel of fingers lightly cascading between her legs. Shaw was now seated beside her as he ran his hands over her corset admiring the fine detail around the breast cups, squeezing them gently as her breathing intesified, his hands gliding over her exposed neckline, stroking her face and hair lightly as she turned away in protest. Her cries of dissent once more suppressed and useless. He admired the smoothness of her shoulders and slight arms, the sensation of her skin always something he had been longing for since that day he had first met her. He told himself, somehow he knew one day she would be his and that day had come. Red and black really suits her, he thought as he reached into the cups of her corset and fondled her breasts, causing Celina to thrash furiously for a while until once more she sank back, tired out as he sat himself at the back seat. When she finally calmed down and her hard breathing arrested, she found her present ordeal was only half way over. An intercom conversation between her new owner and his driver, reported that there was still 30 minutes till arrival at their next destination. In that time, the slight chinese beauty came to realize the fuss the attendants at Dark Room had made over her corset's groin area. She felt Shaw fiddling with a tiny button at the waist line, releasing it and unfolding the layer of material downward which exposed her entire pussy and ass to her audience in front of her. More so than any man who had been with her, he took his time as well, to enjoy the ample tuft of pubic hair sexily adorning her pussy. Perhaps because he had all the time in the world to do so. Lightly tugging and twirling at the hair, he smiled as her entire body stiffened in anticipation and fear. She had the sensation of being paralyzed at the way he was able to enjoy the privacy and intimacy of her body at his own whim and the cold hard fact that there was nothing she could do about it. The silence was broken as she grunted loudly as began fingering her, massaging her pussy lips methodically, he held her waist down as his hot breath could be felt on her lower regions, tongue lightly flicking at her velvety pussy. The pinkness and smell of her sex was like the high of a drug hit for an addict, he himself could not believe how good she tasted as she gasped and twitched as his tongue entered her pussy, swirling around inside of her. He orally pleasured his captive to the point she felt as if she could cum, even though she wanted so badly in defiance to do anything but cum. In her mind, she thought;I'm tied up. I'm helpless and there is nothing I can do, who would blame me if i do? She hated herself for thinking so. Blind and mute, her senses were intensified and at their highest point without the suppression of drugs. Just as she felt as if she would cum, Shaw stopped. With a few swipes of tissue, he dried her up and refastened the flap, once more concealing her pussy. She lay prone, a million thoughts running through her head, unsure if she should have feelings of frustration or relief. With a smile that betrayed as if he could read her thoughts, Shaw poured himself another drink as the limo finally pulled into an under construction stadium where 6 other vehicles formed a semi-circle awaiting their arrival in the center of the arena.

Chapter 10

Eager eyes watched as Shaw's limo drew to a stop in front of them. The men promptly opened their doors, got out and convened at the back door of the long car. These individuals, men who routinely made up the headlines in the dailies business and political sections were here as part of that intricate web that linked the nation's underworld and allowed it to function and run in a manner that filled a good many pockets and kept men like Wai in business. Shaw wound down the window and signalled for them to get in. They entered and adorned its seats with luxury brands and greed for profit and power. Lustful eyes fixated on the prize who was still panting heavily, breasts rising and falling rapidly, perspiration peppering the table. Celina whimpered as at least four seperate men admiringly inspected the smoothness of her skin and the cut of her body with their hands, only to be commandingly stopped by Shaw who playfully declared a price on her head should any of them wish to further their 'relationship' with their 'guest'. Till then they would be free to enjoy her from a visual standpoint. Mumbles of disappointment and irritation promptly filled the air at this declaration. Celina listening intently swore that she could claim to recognize at least two of the new men's voices and wished she could lose the blindfold at the very least. Her frustration in her own mind completely spilt over as someone or other held her head still, while another cut off her hearing with thick ear plugs. She was now blind, deaf and dumb. The conversation amongst men was now moving towards matters which a certain narcotics police division chief expressed a disatisfaction with the now slow flow of drugs into the country, seeing as its chief importer and distributer was behind bars. Such was the level of power behind his arrest and his incarceration that even the narcotics chief could not influence matters in a way that would see him back on the street and the chief's wallet stocked full of kickbacks and bribes. The minister of trade and shipping on the other hand, was also made poorer by that development. As a result, Shaw's on-ground operations of protection and supply of ammunition to gang members for their interclan wars over narcotics was slowed down greatly. Steps had been made to counter this, however a certain police detective was now holding an iron-fist as far as controlling how far the illicit trade could operate in recent times. Shaw subsequently sought to allay fears of a permanent downward spiral of the trade. He confidently assured his accomplices that the key to the end of all these complications lay on the table in front of them. To do this, he required a message delivered in an untracable manner to Detective Nicholas to make him understand once and for all that this city's best interests was not being served without the man called Zsaz being free to roam the streets. That message made clear to all, filled them with purpose as they dispersed, with one of them duly snatching a still image of the girl who just had become even more expensive to all than a mere 7 million dollars. That one man, was the only one who was not someone of social stature, but could be recognizable to Celina only if he wore a black ski mask and approached her once more in a shady parking lot with evil intent. That night itself, he finally saw an end to the whole purpose of kidnapping the detective's girlfriend with a nice little profit to him and his crew, thanks to Shaw.


The next few days for Celina were uncomfortable to say the least. Events had her wishing she was not quite as stubborn and headstrong as a person as she always set out to be. It was however, in her nature being attractively dedicated to whichever cause she deemed worth being affiliated with. It was this strength which had led Sam to believe in her and eventually realize she was an asset in the workplace because of her attitude. In this case however, it served as a tremendous disadvantage. She had been brought to one of Shaw's country homes in the remote hills far out of state. Guards patrolled the estate and it seemed more like the home of a Colombian dictator than a local businessman. Celina was given a choice by Shaw's bodyguard. Upon arrival the terms and conditions of her treatment and overall wellfare were very bluntly laid out for her. She could cooperate with everything and anything ordered to her and be made as comfortable as possible or she simply could just choose not to be cooperative. Obstinately she spat in his face and told him in no uncertain terms to drop dead and to release her at that instant. The result of that had seen her dragged to a white room devoid of furniture except for a TV set and a DVD player present. The only other object was a covered box shaped item in the middle of the room. A last offer to change her mind was subsequently refused but not before the cloth covering the item was removed. It was a 7 foot in height and 7 foot in length cage. Celina was forced into the structure and made to bend over so that her hands grasped the opposite end of the cage facing the TV. They were bound tightly to the bottom first rung of the cage with her feet fastened to the floor so she was crouched over in a really uncomfortable position. She could in no way really move and was basically being forced to face the TV only. The bodyguard subsequently despite her protests unfastened her corset and roughly tore away her stockings so she was now stark naked and bent over. He then switched on the TV and ran the DVD player. She now knew what its purpose was for, as she had no choice but to watch hours of pornography at a time. She felt as if she was placed there to be brain-washed. When the reel ended, it was subsequently replaced over the course of the next few days. She still had not seen Shaw but knew that the man in charge was present when her blindfold went back on. She was only released to eat and to use the bathroom 3 times a day and used that brief opportunity to stretch and iron out the kinks in her cramped body. The real torture had been in watching the reels non-stop. Relentless sex scenes of all manners were played, making Celina fight off the urge to be sexually pleasured herself. Insanely, she had managed to sleep in such an odd position, which she was aware, due to the the water they were giving her to drink, laced with drugs and apphrodisiacs almost certainly as the torture of not being able to at least satisfy herself would be come unbearable at most times. Her hands however were unable to reach anywhere near to her pussy, and after 3 days, Celina could take no more. In truth, Shaw's lackeys were astonished at her strength of resolve. They had expected the captive to last at most, one day under such circumstances. Perhaps with that in mind, one of them decided for the need to be sure that she was now willing to be compliant. He loosened her wrist bonds and asked her once more if she understood her need to submit completely. She nodded meekly in response. 'Prove it", he told her as he unzipped his fly and revealed his dick to her, pushing it through the bars at her mouth. Desperate for relief, she took his soft dick in her mouth and sucked deep till it hardened inside her mouth. Determined to be released from her enclosure, Celina did her best to please him as he looked down in satisfaction at her pretty face moving up and down on his dick. She was amazing, he thought. Her mouth was hot, wet and she gave a blowjob with real urgency and no little skill. From behind the bars and on her knees, Celina knew she could make him finish quickly even without the use of her hands. The sooner he did, the sooner she could hopefully be out of that excruciating position. He didn't last long but she withdrew and turned away before he could cum in her mouth. He was irked by that although he had to admit, she had shown she was ready to end her prolonged ordeal inside that cage. They released her from her bonds and carried her weak, cramped body to lie on a bed in another room where she was attended to in relative comfort. Still she did not regret her decision to put up an initial fight. Shaw and his accomplices however had grown weary of waiting for her spirit to be broken but finally it seemed, could put their plan under way.


The recovery period was agonizing for Nick. Wounded and frustrated, also with each day passing by he was losing hope more and more. If there was a reason for his girlfriend’s kidnap that related to him and his occupation, surely it would have surfaced? His grief and immense anger at placing her in harm’s way was overwhelming him so much so that he had decided to throw caution to the wind and report the matter to his superior. To his great surprise, he had been met with a dismissive attitude from management who declared their regret and claimed all eyes would be kept open however resources were too stretched to devote a team towards recovering one lone girl. His modus operandi of working as a solo artist in the force in this case was doing him no favours. His was a position designed to distance and keep people away from the dangers that accompanied his work. Privately he felt his superiors disapproved of him getting close to anyone and deemed his problems to be his own. He forced himself and his body to extremes, willing it to recovery so he may return to the trail where he may find Celina and retrieve her. He never expected a breadcrumb such as the one he received via encrypted email, late one night as he was scouring databases for clues, anything that might help his cause.

Simply entitled ‘For Detective Nick Private & Confidential’, he opened the email which contained a large high-res media file attached to it. While downloading the file he read through the brief message contained in the email.

Obviously by now you have exhausted all your options in terms of searching for what you have lost in recent times. On our end, we have had trouble attaining our goals as well. Mutual benefit can be achieved should both parties come to an agreement. We are highly driven towards pursuing certain accomplishments, but believe that you may need additional motivation to help us with this. We hope Detective, that you enjoy the attachment as much as we have and currently are. We would appreciate your deep consideration towards the message at the end of the viewing material.

A sense of anticipation fuelled with dread and fear swelled up inside of Nick as he opened the downloaded attachment in his media player, turned up the volume and sat back shaking with anticipation in his seat. The opening scene let him know exactly where events would unfold in the 90 minute video clip. Aboard a splendid yacht, the camera panned circularly to demonstrate the open waters, a bright sunny day with cloudless skies and the sun’s rays shimmering off the waves of the calm blue sea. The boats main deck was spacious, with luxurious deck chairs a few feet from the railings and two open Jacuzzis separated by a walkway in between the stern and the cabin opening. Five men emerged from the cabin, all wearing masquerade masks which covered everything except their mouths to conceal their identities and white cotton bath robes. They took their seats on the deck chairs with the camera carefully documenting proceedings as they reclined facing the cabin. An African attendant appears to consult with one of the men, receiving his instructions and disappearing out of the scene after nodding his understanding at his boss’s instructions. For about 2 minutes, the men chatted between themselves and Nick took note that aside from their masks, they were not that careful about concealing personal details about them which might reveal their identities especially to a qualified investigator such as him. Besides that, it wouldn’t be hard at all to locate a yacht of that description. It was obvious; they were confident whatever the case they would not be persecuted for their crimes at any time. This arrogance led Nick to fear the worst. The focus of the men turned to the entrance of the cabin where the attendant reappeared, this time with a chain in his hand which extended five feet over his shoulder and ended at a black studded leather collar at the neck of Nick’s girlfriend who emerged from the yacht’s inside being dragged along by the chain, into the light of day. Four of the men got off their seats to welcome and get a better look at the arriving beauty into their midst. Delighted laughs and compliments greeted the arrival of the video clips star attraction who looked stunning dressed in a body hugging pink suede dress which began with straps at her shoulders and ended at her upper thighs. Her wrists were cuffed behind her back by leather binds and her ball gag had been returned between her red lips. She was led by the attendant into their midst slowly as she balanced herself on 4 inch heels which matched the colour of her dress. Nick swallowed hard. He had not seen Celina in so long and now he had to witness a scene where his property was at the mercy of strange men aboard a yacht which could be anywhere in the world. She was truly beautiful, her hair cascading over her shoulders, lightly blowing in the wind and her skin appearing to be slightly bronzed which implied she might have been out at sea for a few days at least. The men were taking turns to admire their on-board entertainment, she was standing beside their seats, her chain leash having been handed over to the attendants boss who was spinning her around slowly to be enjoyed by each guest. Their eager hands ran over her dress’s soft material, admiring the contour of her curvaceous body, they stroked her thighs and kissed her face, neck and shoulders lightly. Nick’s fists clenched in a fit of growing rage as Celina closed her eyes and attempted to turn away each time a pair of lips met her face, her slight grunts of protest clearly heard over the approving murmurs of her audience. She was met with embraces until she was finally guided into a seating position beside the man who was clearly in charge of proceedings. The men enjoyed champagne as they awaited their turn to be handed control of the girl’s leash which allowed her to be turned and guided any which way he desired. Shaw was now whispering in Celina’s ear, clearly giving her instructions as he massaged her shoulders and stroked her hair, basking in the glory of how well received his acquisition had been. Her face betrayed the look of resignation and she tamely nodded her compliance with his wishes. Worth every penny, he thought as he reached behind her neck and unfastened the clasp of the gag removing it from between her lips. Her wrists were then released from their bonds, she immediately began rubbing some feeling back into them. Even out of bondage and free from her gag, she still bore the look of a girl who had lost her free will as represented by the collar around her neck, identifying her as a captured person, owned by her masters. The sound of heels clicking on the wooden deck were loudest as her beautifully structured, tight legs carried her over to where the attendant was now standing with a bottle of champagne on a tray. Slightly awkwardly she brought it to each seated guest and filled up their glasses in turn which took ample time as they grabbed the opportunity to touch and shower compliments onto her, for at that moment she could have been the sexiest waitress any man had ever encountered. Celina bore a look despite it all of pride and never spoke a word in response to them, her stubborn defiance still maintained much to Nick’s relief. He was burning with anger and jealousy as even he had never seen his girlfriend in such stunning apparel. Every time one of their hands ran over her tight butt, squeezing it lightly he felt as if he might smash the video screen at any moment. However he was not even a quarter way through it. Cigars were lighted in the light of a lovely afternoon sun beating down on the deck, which made Celina appear even more attractive. Her skin glowed in the environment as she was now reclining next to one man who had guided her down next to him, as he kissed her neck and face tenderly while he enjoyed her feminine scent, inviting her to share in his drink. Shaw turned to her and in her commanding voice, instructed her to; Show the guests a little more about yourself now. She looked over at him with an almost pleading look in response only to be replied with a stern, now. She got up and took her place in the middle of the hemisphere of deck chairs so each guest could get a great view of her entire body. With the sound of encouragement from them, Celina heaved a deep sigh and reached to the neck of the back of her dress and slowly unzipped it downwards. Her hesitation unwittingly lending to the sexiness of the scenario as the dress lost its tautness as the zip reached its base, only held in place by her left arm which reached across the top, desperately trying to conceal herself from an undressed state. Eventually however, she slowly removed the straps from her shoulders and allowed the dress to fall to the floor. The eyes of the men including Nick, grew wide in amazement at what was revealed in front of them at that moment. Celina was now only wearing an almost indescribable work of art in the form of a snow leopard bikini which appeared to be made of actual fur. The bottom was not held together by a mere string but a ring of gold which held it up across her slender waist. In her heels and with the wind blowing in her hair she looked nothing short of amazing. The camera panned in a circular fashion to show off her front and back, which showed that the bottom was a mere thong with a wide triangle at top of her ass crack. Her butt accentuated by her wearing heels, was firm and tight begging to be explored by any heterosexual male. Proudly Shaw walked over behind her and framed her body with his touch, paying special attention to the soft bikini material, as if he was presenting her officially to his guests. He reattached the chain to her collar, removed his robe, revealing the physique of a fit and strong individual in his late 40’s or early 50’s as Nick noted. His girlfriend was now being led over to one of the Jacuzzis where Shaw entered first down a few steps, carefully guiding her into the water. Seated in the shallow area where the water reached up to just under Celina’s breasts, they were joined by two other of the men, one taking his place beside her so she was in between him and Shaw and the other just opposite her. Celina grimaced as they felt up her entire upper body, running over her breast cups enjoying the feel of her smooth fair skin on her tummy and back. The other man next to her then reached over much to Nick’s dismay and pulled her face to him, pressing his mouth against hers in a full kiss as he made her turn over with her front to him, his arms around her back and neck, exploring the sweetness of her mouth fully. She could offer nothing in protest. There is something about a girl, no matter how strong she might be in will, Nick thought. Put her in a bikini with a collar around her neck and the result is her mentality automatically becomes that of a submissive. Celina was finally allowed off from across the man’s lap and back to her original position in between him and Shaw, wiping her lips in disgust only to discover that predictably, her audience’s desires were growing by the moment. This scenario was different for Celina. True she had been previously tied up and raped but as terrible as that was, in that moment she felt like nothing more than a toy for the rich. A mere piece of expensive entertainment to be enjoyed whenever, wherever without fear of repercussion on their part. While these thoughts were running through her mind, with the camera rolling for Nick’s benefit, her company had proceeded to slightly loosen the straps of her bikini top which allowed the cups to be drawn down to reveal her breasts to all with her dark nipples standing out in the hot afternoon sun. Nick felt guilty as his personal urges uncontrollably were taking over as he watched the hands and then mouths of the two men grasping and sucking at her supple breasts. Celina’s eyes were shut, she was cursing her body again. The feeling of her sensitive nipples getting sucked together and the perfectly tempered hot water bubbling against her stressed body meant she had to hide how good this was beginning to feel. If she could only get past the fact that this all was taking place against her will of course. Nick’s angry eyes were glued to the screen as he watched her body being fondled, her lips kissed and the men so enjoying themselves. After a while, the two men got out to be replaced by the two others who had been waiting patiently with drink and cigars in hand at their seats for their turn. Perhaps spurred on by their impatience, these two were even more vigorous with their attentions to Celina. She let loose a sharp squeal as one of them picked her up and drew her over his lap with her back to him in a quick and sudden movement. The camera got a full close up view of her body from waist up as he grasped her tender breasts under the wet snow leopard bikini top. He massaged them roughly while kissing and biting her back causing her body to squirm under his firm and strong control of her movements. Nick swore to himself that he would kill that particular man first. Slowly but surely. Breathing heavily and with hot water cascading down her body, Celina was placed in between the other man and the one opposite her who in turn had their ways with her. The man on her left hooked his arm underneath her opposite arm, drawing her close to his body. His left hand reached up to her jaw and brought his lips to hers, revelling in the experience entirely. As he kissed her, Nick noticed that Celina’s hips were thrusting forward, first slightly and then more and more, creating waves in the water. The bastard is fingering her. Nick fumed. Celina winced and moaned slightly as the man’s right hand had reached into her bikini bottom and placed itself on her wet pubic hair with his middle finger toying with her pussy lips. The feeling of her hot body against his was intoxicating to him, his left arm firmly locking over her body restricting her attempts at struggling free. All eyes were on them as he enjoyed fingering her until his hand tired and he let her free. At this point, Celina thought it might be over and desperately tried to get out of the water via the stairs. As she moved to do so, she was pulled back by the other man who had yet to have his own turn with her who grabbed the chain and forced her back into the water with a splash much to the amusement of the others. Disoriented and with water running into her eyes, Celina was laid down by the two men just outside the jacuzzi such she that was out of the water from waist up with her legs dangling over the edge, held up by them. Her buttocks faced the sky enticingly which they both proceeded to squeeze and manipulate, their hungry mouths nibbling and licking at her perfect ass. She was held in place by their strong arms grasping her legs firmly as the camera zoomed in to show how her fleshy yet tight ass was groped and licked. Fantastic shots on how the thong actually helped display her bottom in its full glory yet how it managed to hide her most private parts underneath were a turn on itself. Her skin was so soft and smooth that the two men felt they never wanted to stop. Celina lay on the hot ground, desperately struggling to be free but to no avail. The strong attentions on her ass ended as Shaw approached and took hold of the chain, pulling on it which drew the dripping wet girl to her feet gasping and trying to gather her wits. He stared at the camera in a deliberate fashion with her in the frame in what was an obvious attempt to send a message to Nick. Nick knew there would be a follow-up to this. As long as she was in danger, he needed to see what they wanted instead of behaving rashly in a manner which might harm her. Shaw nodded to the attendant who was waiting with a towel to wrap around Celina. She looked almost grateful for it as he took the leash from his boss and led to disappear into the darkness of the ships cabin. The video then reached its end as Nick sat down to gather his racing thoughts inadvertently feeling his yet to be recovered leg.

He needed instructions. At this point he would do whatever it took to free his girl from the desperate situation she was in. He couldn’t imagine how scared and violated the frail, young girl was at that moment in time. As Nick was pondering intently on how he could get in touch with her assailants and demonstrate his willingness to comply with any ransom demands for her, his speakers rang out with a notification of a new file in his email inbox. Another video file was downloaded and opened immediately to reveal a scene in what was undoubtedly within the yachts cabin. Luxury wouldn’t begin to describe or do justice as a word to the room that was revealed before Nick’s eyes. Plush carpeted beige floors which bore the weight of a magnificent king sized bed with satin sheets and soft feathery pillows and a polar bear type comforter. The walls were adorned with fine art as well as an immense home theatre system as became apparent by the panning video camera which circled the room to allow a full view of its magnificence. To the left of the bed, seated on a regal looking armchair with gold cushions and an oak frame was Celina still clothed only by her snow leopard bikini. Her arms were tied at the wrists, fastened behind the chair, her ankles bound to each chair leg and her mouth gagged with a piece of cloth secured by a red ribbon tied around her jaw which was secured around the armchairs head thereby keeping her head still looking straight ahead. The camera zoomed in to focus on her from feet up, showing how her body rose and fell with each anxious breath she took. Her face bore the look of a tired, dishevelled beauty with her eyes half open, inadvertently giving her a sexy submissive appearance which was making Nick’s own urges grow. He longed to have her back, to keep her safe and also because he missed having her body in his own bed. Shaw with his mask still on then entered the frame and began stroking the seated girl’s hair while standing beside her and facing the camera to address the one-man audience.

Detective Nick. Right now, I can’t imagine the frustration and anger you must be going through. If I were you and I had property like Celina taken away from me, there wouldn’t be anything that I would not do to get her back. She is after all; one of the most beautiful girls that a guy could hope to have isn’t she?

He reached for her jaw, stooped over, drawing her face towards his as he lovingly kissed her soft cheeks as the camera zoomed in to capture Celina wincing and closing her eyes in disgust, unable to pull her restrained head away from her captor’s attentions as he affectionately pressed his lips against her fair gorgeous face.

To be honest, the fact that we acquired her seemed to be more than a stroke of luck for us. I mean she is about to prove extremely useful to a vast number of people who have had their fortunes reduced because of your work. Before you got posted to your current portfolio, things were good. The money was flowing in and there was system where everybody got what they wanted. The addicts get their drugs, the authorities their bribes and for us, we got to make a good living by supplying to an always prevalent demand. You see, no one needs for that order to be disrupted. But you are a persistent one aren’t you? You would never give up hunting down so-called criminals for the sake of getting your job done. Those days my friend, are over. See, cops should never get attached. It’s dangerous for the other party isn’t it? Puts them at risk. But then again, I can see why you would take a risk for a prize such as this.

Now behind the arm-chair, Shaw undid Celina’s bikini top, and fondled her bare tits as the camera once more zoomed to get a full close up shots of her breasts being molested. Celina struggled in her binds, determined to let Nick know there was some fight in her and she was not submitting to her assailants meekly at all. The sounds she was making now though were extremely sexy to a man. Nick watched and trembled as Celina grunted her defiance through the cloth gag while Shaw cupped and fondled her, her body a delight to touch and squeeze as it wriggled in a hopeless attempt at self defence.

Her body is so soft and smooth isn’t it? If I were you I would miss her so much. She has provided so much entertainment and we are nowhere near tired of entertaining our little guest on your behalf. I particularly love her all-natural outlook right here.

With that his hands cascaded down from squeezing her breasts to her hips, slowly pulling down the bikini bottom to her knees exposing her sweet pussy and the thick curls of pubic hair that had become her trademark to all who had seen Celina fully naked.

Does she keep this for you? I usually like my women shaved but she makes keeping it like this seem so sexy and a massive turn-on for me and my associates.

He played with her pussy hair lovingly as if it were now his favourite toy as she helplessly struggled, unwittingly aiding the turn-on factor for the video. Her skin to Nick looked so soft and velvety in the lighting that he longed to have her back and reclaim her body as his own.

You know Detective, for us it would be ok as well if we didn’t negotiate for what you would call a ransom demand for her return to you. After all, why would I let such a fine young girl out of my grasp? She could make me a huge return after all just by offering her at auctions around the globe. I am tempted to keep dear Celina right by my side and have her entertain me every day on that bed over there where I am sure she would be comfortable. But then again, that wouldn’t be fair to my associates who have seen their pockets lightened by your diligent police work. So here’s the deal. Whatever we have tried to get a certain Mr. Zsaz out of prison has not worked. I think you with your skills and contacts would stand a better chance? Here’s what you will do. You are going to by whatever means necessary, release him from his imprisonment and deliver him safely back to us at a venue we will disclose to you later on. If not, well obviously you will never get to play with the hair on your girlfriend’s cunt ever again nor have these pretty lips suck your dick again. She would be too busy entertaining us. You have one week or we will never release her to you. We’ll be in touch Detective to monitor your progress. Good luck.

The camera once more zoomed in to focus on just the Celina and Shaw’s faces, side by side as he told Celina to say hello to her boyfriend through the camera. Through her gagged lips, only mumbles and groans escaped her mouth but her sweet, panicked eyes pleaded with Nick to save her as Shaw once more kissed her face and reiterated to Nick as the video ended; One week.

Chapter 11

The cameraman had exited the room, leaving Celina and Shaw alone. Shaw, to her surprise then proceeded to undo her restrains and removed her gag leaving her naked but unbound. He; wearing only a bathrobe then poured two glasses of expensive red wine, took a sip from one and handed the other to the seated girl who was still stunned at how casual and unafraid he was at releasing her and being in a room alone without aids or bodyguards to ensure her compliance and that there was no danger to their boss. She accepted the glass and sipped a little, savouring its taste and hoping the wine would calm her nerves a little at least. He lay down upright on the bed and explained to her that if all went well, Nick would deliver Zsaz to them and she would go free in exchange. Simple and straightforward it seemed. However, if he did not comply within a week chances are she would remain with Shaw and his crew for the foreseeable future. In addition, if Nick tried anything foolish such as alerting authorities that were not under Shaw’s payroll, he would be shot. His operatives; Shaw informed Celina were tracking Nick’s movements still and could at anytime kill him. Shaw’s reminder to Celina about how vulnerable a position she had left her boyfriend in caused her to immediately beg Shaw not to harm Nick and that she was confident he would deliver his bargain. To ensure his safety, would his girlfriend comply with all of Shaw’s wishes until Zsaz was free? Hesitating, Celina nodded meekly. Pleased, he motioned for her to join him on the bed. Celina finished her wine in a gulp and timidly approached the bed, climbing on right next to him. Show me how compliant you intend to be my dear. Shaw smiled at the naked girl who was on all fours on the bed beside him. She drew a deep breath and reached for his robes string, unknotting and then opening it to reveal his naked body and his semi-erect cock. He lay there with his hands behind his head content in seeing what she would do on her own accord. His breathing intensified as she placed her hands on his chest and began stroking his upper body. For his age, he was fit and muscular she realized as she placed her mouth on his chest, giving light gentle kisses which increased his already uncontrollable sexual urges especially as her tongue cascaded on his own nipples, gently nibbling and sucking at them. Her eyes closed, she imagined that she was with Nick as she lightly massaged his shoulders and pecs as her tongue busied itself running downwards towards his naval. The feel and look of her nude body hovering over his was something special he thought. He reached up to massage her head and shoulders as he admired the way her breasts hung down as she continued to work her way downwards towards his groin. Her tongue felt hotter and hotter as she licked his stomach, her right hand reaching to his balls, grasping them, cupping them, driving Shaw insane. He spread his legs as Celina’s light kisses extended to his balls, her hot breath on them causing his cock to become fully erect without her ever having to touch it even. He grabbed the kidnapped girl’s head as she began intensifying her attentions to them, now sucking and more urgently licking at them. Her right hand grasped the shaft of his cock, masturbating him slowly at first then faster and faster. He gasped as her lips suddenly engulfed his dick head causing him to spasm a little, the feel of her hot, wet mouth bobbing up and down the shaft and sucking at the head was the stuff of pure adult fantasy to him. He looked down and was treated to the sight of her tongue gliding up and down his cock as her other hand massaged his balls lightly. She was so skilful, he thought. Raping her against her will was a turn on for sure, but having her almost willingly service him sexually was even better. His sexual capability was better than most; she thought. Most men would have cum by now with her giving them a blowjob but he was nowhere near. She now had her hands on his thighs supporting her upper body as she quickened the pace as her head bobbed up and down his now fully erect and stiff as hell dick. She grunted as she tried hard to make him cum with just her mouth, the sounds of her restricted breathing exciting Shaw even further. He threw his head back as he enjoyed the experience of her tongue flicking on his dick head and the pure ecstasy of the sensation he got when Celina went down as far as she could go, taking the shaft deep into her mouth to consume him, his thoughts filled with only lust for the 5 foot shapely Chinese angel who so desperately poured her attention on his rock hard cock. With a tap on her shoulder and motioning for her to come up to him led Celina to cautiously abandon her attempts to make him cum and crawl up towards the head of the bed where he grabbed the back of her head and drew her in for a deep kiss, his tongue invading her mouth and entwining with hers as her body sank down horizontally on top of his, so for the first time her breasts and pussy pressed against his body, he kissed her passionately and she let herself go limp, allowing him to enjoy the softness of her moist, tender lips against his own and her firm young body against his. Celina tried hard to keep her eyes shut but was forced to use her hands to support the weight of her own body by placing them on his chest and shoulders and he revelled in the touch of those soft hands on him. Embracing her fully he rolled over so that she was now on her back, lying on those soft sheets with his weight pressed on her, pining her down in a helpless state as he kissed her mouth and face aggressively, her groans of dissent completely ignored. As he kissed her neck and groped her breasts, she wriggled and struggled and in response he grasped her elbows firmly and pressed them downwards, immobilizing her hands and arms with her legs unable to flail as his lower body weight pinned them down as well. As his mouth sucked hard on her nipples, she began to protest a little but the protests grew to loud pleading for him to stop as he drew her legs apart to expose her pussy, his intent to fuck her increasingly frightening her and she felt as if she had to fight seeing as for once she was in a one on one situation where she was unrestrained. Her increasing struggles and pleas lent cause for his temper to let loose and his patience to wane as without warning he drew a hand gun from under one of the pillows and pointed it at her! He was in no mood to tolerate petulance or disobedience from his expensive acquisition and let her know in no uncertain terms that her failure to comply would result in her getting shot and Nick to share her fate thereafter. She froze in terror, unable to reply until he forced the barrel of the gun into her mouth! The cold, hard steel invading her mouth caused her to experience a fear like never before in her life as she felt she was staring at certain death right in the face. His expression was cold and unyielding as her wide eyed terror consumed her but her will to preserve the life of Nick and her own enabled her to nod meekly to signify her obedience from here on out. Never in her life would Celina ever had thought she would be naked all alone with a strange man, she playing the role of a captive sex slave and he that of the commanding master whose needs and orders had to be fulfilled by her in every way. Climbing off her with the gun still pointing at her, he ordered her to place her hand between her own legs and show him how she would finger herself when she was alone and her own urges were hot on her mind. Celina swallowed hard but her shaking hand found its way to her pussy, her middle finger rubbing over her clit slowly at first but upon his order, quickening its pace as she reminded herself what it was like to experience self inflicted pleasure. Shaw took in the sight, watching how her finger rotated and stroked her hairy pussy until he could no longer control the desire to position himself between her legs, his hard cock appearing to be bursting with anticipation of entering her. It was a glorious sight as she allowed her slim legs to remain spread, the pinkness of her pussy, glistening with her own juices as Shaw placed his dick at the mouth of it before slowly pushing his way inside of her. Her immediate reaction as she felt the hardness and thickness of it enter her was to gasp loudly until that gasp was silenced by his mouth on hers as his weight once more bore down on her, his hips thrusting slowly at first then quicker and quicker as Shaw lost himself in the sheer pleasure of Celina’s pussy and her legs wrapped around his hips. Celina turned her face away from the feel of his hot breath on her cheeks to see that he had placed the gun right next to them, within her reach. Her thoughts reached an end as if he could read them as he grabbed the gun and placed it further away from her limited reach. With a smirk he forced her arms above her head, giving him more leverage to pull and out of her. Celina moaned as he fucked her, finally giving in to her fate and the resignation allowing her to pay more attention to the feeling of a dick in her frustratingly wet pussy. The feeling of a naked man on top of her was disturbing and indescribable to her. She tried her best to eradicate all thoughts and feelings towards her situation. Utter indifference was her only mode of self defence now. But her own body always seemed to betray her as the sex felt good, the bed was so soft and comfortable and the wine had loosened her own inhibitions a little at least. Shaw was in heaven. Her body was beautiful and supple, with perfect nipples which hardened at his touch. He flipped her over on to her back and raised her buttocks up so she was in a doggy style position on her knees. Celina flinched as tingles ran through her spine as his tongue delighted in running itself between the crack of her ass licking at her pussy and asshole. She shuddered as his wet tongue ran up and down, alternating between her two holes. Shaw smiled as he listened to her moans and grunting as he massaged her full buttocks with his hands as his mouth busied itself, tasting her sweetness as she buried her face in one of the luxurious pillows, still unsure how she should feel at this blatant violation of her body. Inevitably she felt him raise up to his knees and with a quick thrust he was inside her once more, his hands on her hips as he rocked her body to the rhythm of his motion as his hips collided with her ass fucking her hard, faster and faster. She was unable to restrain her moans at this as loud sexual cries escaped from her lips. She glanced around and witnessed his strong frame flexing and straining, his hands grasping at her naked body, slapping her butt every now and then the result a shrill cry from the captive who was powerless to prevent proceedings. He’s too strong, she thought. How could she fight this? She once more sank down on the bed this time on her stomach as he lay on top of her back, cock moving in and out of her furiously causing her body to spasm, her hands gripping the sheets tightly, her body flinching and twisting in vain. The heat of the moment caused both parties bodies to glisten with perspiration and Celina’s thoughts were now a million miles away from thoughts of resistance as Shaw enjoyed the feel of his hips and groin on her firm, young smooth butt. With a loud grunt he suddenly exited her and flipped her over, she found his cock at her face, the order was for her to open her mouth. Celina hesitated and almost shook her head before the gun once more appeared out of nowhere, held in Shaw’s left hand pointing menacingly at her face. Celina tried to control her fear as she closed her eyes and parted her lips. Hot, thick, salty cum shot into her mouth, filling it and weighing down her tongue with almost every drop save one conspired to fill up her sweet young mouth. The remaining drop found its way on to her nipple, but she was forced to scoop it and return it to its intended target. She swallowed. Shaw exhausted in his exertions but clearly satisfied, lay back down in the bed for a moment beside the now motionless girl. He kissed her face and stroked her hair, once more embracing her and drawing her close to him. Dazed and confused, Celina did not even fully realize until the handcuffs clicked in place, with caution driving Shaw to fasten her wrists to the bed post before allowing her to rest beside him on his bed. Celina could only at that moment pray that Nick succeeded in liberating Zsaz and restoring hope in her to escape this horror she found herself in. Until then she couldn’t help but wonder and dread the next days to come before her prayers might be answered.

Chapter 12

It was a perfectly normal, bright and uneventful day for the guard at the maximum security level prison as he waved in a group of attendants who checked in dutifully each day to attend to mundane and menial tasks involving sanitation and hygiene at the dreaded place which housed only the most dangerous offenders of society’s laws and codes. Equipment in hand, they went about their tasks with no fuss and no profile at all. One individual however had on that day decided to take on more than one chore in his work schedule. Backing in the dumpster truck right at the building’s back entrance, he alighted smoothly with only a tool box in hand and entered the building. No one seemed to notice that for a garbage truck guy, he was wearing the uniform of one who would take care of the laundry facility at the prison. Entering the power station that controlled the prison’s electricity supply was easy. No one went there unless there was a problem. A few minutes inside saw him attach a small explosive device to one of the electric control boxes and a quick tap on his wrist watch button saw the device activated and timed.  A quick text to confirm he was on time for his specific job and he proceeded to walk through the corridors which led past the prison cells which were at that moment empty as the in mates had all been herded to the cafeteria for breakfast. One inmate however was on a different schedule from the others and would be found alone in the showers. A recent history of extreme violence and disorderly behaviour had seen prisoner #121 sent down to solitary confinement for a duration of 2 weeks and as such he would be found by himself most of the time. The laundry man took a short detour to the storage room where he found a large garbage bin container on wheels which also doubled as a cleaner’s mobile wagon. Donning a sanitary mask and hair net, he entered the shower facility where a single armed guard was standing watch as 121 bathed, shrouded in steam rising to the ceiling air ducts. Nick regretted what he had to do, but approaching the guard silently from behind, he drew a military grade taser and shocked him into unconsciousness. The guard silently slumped down, caught by Nick who proceeded to lift the poor man into the bin and shut it. There were no cameras in the shower facility of course as the room was steamed up and only one exit stood between the showers and the corridor back to the cells. Nick knew he had to move quickly. He had memorized the guard’s shifts, breakfast time and also when the other cleaners would come by. Everything worked on clockwork at a prison and for a cop who knew the prison guards personally it wasn’t too hard to gather intel on what it took to infiltrate the prison with the help of two guards, friends of his who were keeping on alert, one at the cafeteria, one who guarded the solitary confinement unit and the other guarding the back of the building. Explaining Celina’s predicament and assuring them he would assume sole responsibility for breaking a felon out of jail was good enough for them to allow their friend to do what he had to do. They would get found out for certain but such was their loyalty to Nick that they were certain a few months in detention themselves would be a small price to pay as long as Celina was returned safe. Zsaz was behind the semi transparent shower door, unaware of what was going on outside. Nick positioned himself beside the door and as the drug dealer exited, he sharply tasered him in the neck, immediately causing him to be rendered unconscious. Nick hurriedly hand cuffed him before placing him into the bin with the guard. A quick tap on his wrist watch, suddenly saw that phase of the buildings power shut down right on cue. That would mean all cameras would temporarily shut down, at least until the generator kicked in which wouldn’t be for a few minutes yet. Nick calmly wheeled them out and made a detour to the solitary confinement unit. Unloading the security guard into Zsaz cell led to Nick ensuring that he was rendered incapacitated even after regaining consciousness with another pair of cuffs. Feeling guilty yet undeterred, he left an apology note to the guard for what it was worth anyway. Swiftly, he wheeled the bin to the back exit and after confirming that his friend had diverted attention away from his truck, he threw Zsaz’s unconscious frame into the garbage container of the truck and shut it close. More than what this piece of crap deserves anyway, Nick thought to himself. This jail break would be surprisingly easy to an observer yet only so to a man with Nick’s skills and contacts. Done efficiently and with minimal fuss, he promised himself he would personally address this places security flaws after this was over as he drove out of the venue waving to the security guards in the process.

It had taken him two weeks of planning to piece together this operation to perfection. Yet that period of time seemed like an eternity as his motivation was increased yet his concentration constantly distracted by picture messages sent to his phone from an unknown temporary and therefore untraceable source. Images of Celina bound, sometimes naked, sometimes in the skimpiest of outfits yet always in compromising positions were sent up to 5 times a day to ensure that the detective would not waver in his efforts to free the very man he had personally apprehended and brought to justice. He now had to deliver him to his accomplices and to do that, he had to drive a long distance into uncertainty, to be guided via updates on his phone about where to go and what to do. Nick however was determined that at least he would not make Zsaz’s journey with him pleasant. A few miles from the prison, he drove up a hill overlooking a lake and got down from the truck. Walking down a small dirt road he uncovered his own pre-placed car hidden by a few branches and leaves, he then proceeded to drive it up to the truck. By this time Zsaz was stirring but a needle injected to his neck vein ensured he would keep his mouth shut for a few hours yet. Nick was not prepared to deal with a fully conscious criminal beside him, at least not until he knew what was in store beyond his own plans. He loaded his cargo into his own car boot, covered him up with a sheet and slammed it shut. Again with no sympathy or pretence of civility for an animal in his mind anyway. The cliff was overlooking the lake below some 50 feet below and after making sure no one was in the vicinity, Nick disposed of the garbage truck. A brick to the accelerator and a quick retreat himself, saw the 5 ton machine disappear with a roar over the cliff and splashing violently into the water below. Watching it sink to the bottom with a grim face, Nick started his car and sped off into the direction leading south towards the state border.

Chapter 13

Shaw’s guests were being extremely well entertained on board his luxury yacht. Their every whim was satisfied such was the nature of business in which Shaw took a share of profits in almost all their illicit business operations. There was simply no competitor in the market for his services, which reflected and underlined the importance of his contribution towards their massive yearly gains from the narcotics trade. As the journey continued on the open waters, there was no shortage of indulgences for the men on board. Tonight as they awaited arrival at a destination completely unknown to the loveliest on-board ‘guest’, a game of poker was their choice to pass the time and engage in each other’s company. Held in the fully stocked yacht’s bar room, the five men sat around an oval table, hundreds of thousands of dollars potentially changing hands that night. They chatted and enjoyed cigars, whiskey and food from a buffet table against the backdrop of transparent glass windows which were framed by engraved oak walls and a transparent slide door which led to the open side deck area. All in all, the setting was a classic, exclusive old world gambling den for the wealthy on a beautiful clear night with stars lighting up the sky above the travelling yacht. At that point in time, the trade minister was ahead in winnings, having had a great run of luck of a few three of a kinds and straights much to the chagrin of the other players who all hated losing, being leaders in their own industries themselves.

Shaw himself was a little distracted. He was growing impatient at how long he and his guests were being made to wait to be graced by Celina’s presence in their midst. It was his attendant’s duty to ensure that she was prepared and ready at his beck and call. Tonight he had left instructions for her to enter the scene two hours after the game had started, partly to provide them all with a visual treat and also to add spice to an already high stakes game. As he was about to page the African and berate him for tardiness, the slide door opened and his man-servant entered with the now familiar chain in his hand. All the men’s attentions turned towards the deck entrance as she emerged from the darkness of the outside guided along by the chain attached to a brand new black collar with real gold studs around her slender neck. Wearing an expensive Chinese silk robe, with intricate designs and a pink sash at the waist, her long hair, free flowing, enhancing her profile as a delicate and classic Asian beauty. Her lips looked luscious and gentle, with a light shade of red adorning them. Demure and quiet, tonight there was no need for a gag, only a set of new fur cuffs which felt much gentler and softer on her wrists yet no less secure in binding her. Shaw never told his guests ahead of time of when he would bring Celina into the picture thus far throughout the trip. He preferred to add anticipation and longing to the mix such was his love of power and control in this case when his guests would be allowed to share in the pleasure of Celina’s presence. Indeed there were days when he would not allow anyone to share her company which was a source of great annoyance amongst the rest. Tonight, however they were all glad that she had entered the fray. As lovely as the robe made her look, they were all certain there was something underneath to rival the snow leopard bikini so well-received and enjoyed by them a few days ago. The poker table was right in the middle of four oak pillars, all of them with iron hooks fastened 6 feet up. Celina now stood before the men once more, each wondering what was to come next. Their attentions were brought back to the table and the game by the host who announced slyly that the next hand to win would have Celina ‘closest’ to them for the rest of the game. The minister was so keen to win that hand that he raised massively before the flop, so much so that the rest backed out, sure that he had a great hand to start with. To his delight, she was brought over to him and positioned on his lap which drew envious looks from the other guests. Proudly, much to Celina’s disgust, he stroked her hair and kissed her on her cheek, taking the opportunity to embrace her while fully enjoying taking in the scent of her perfume. The next few hands were unsurprisingly terrible for him however as there was no way he could concentrate on the game with her on his lap. To Celina he was disgusting. Fat, bald and just a lecherous old man all in all. Spoke volumes of the state of politics, she thought as she grimaced and shifted uncomfortably at his every touch. Eventually it dawned upon him that his fortunes were dwindling due to the lack of concentration on his part and with a laugh he requested reluctantly for Celina to be separated from him, at least for the duration of the game. With a grin and nod in response, Shaw motioned sharply to his aid. The African led Celina over to the pillar closest to the minister, removing the chain from the collar, attaching it to the wrist cuffs and raising her arms over her head, fastening the chain to the iron hook. As uncomfortable as it was to her, it was preferable to being on the fat, old man’s lap and she quietly accepted her new position which placed her as a welcome and distracting background view to all. She took note of the proceedings noticing that the police chief and another guest, a wealthy Singaporean businessman who she recognized from regular clips from the business news were ahead of the pack and vying for the ultimate pot which now stood at something like a million dollars. After a few more hands, there inevitably was a brief break in play where the men were meant to take bathroom breaks or get some fresh air. However at this point, the four men took the opportunity to turn all their attentions to the chained girl who winced and protested silently at their touches and kisses, sometimes unable to turn her face away as they pressed their lips upon her own, she kept her lips tightly shut to prevent eager tongues from entering her mouth. The minister who was perhaps the most turned on, having her ass on his lap a few minutes earlier eagerly took his time kissing and hugging her. His hands reached to the pink sash and with a quick glance at the seated Shaw which was met with an approving nod, he unknotted it and opened up the robe to reveal what she had underneath.

If you thought Celina couldn’t get any more beautiful, you would have been dead wrong especially at that moment. On that night, she fit in with the theme of high-end luxury, sophistication with a little touch of danger perfectly. A pink satin corset with garters, thong and stockings was Shaw’s choice of attire for his captive. Perfectly framing her figure, it had sexy floral lace trimmings at the top of the bra cups, supported by the corset itself which had criss-cross knots drawing it together in the middle with vertical lines which accentuated her curvaceous body. The panties mirrored the bra with floral prints and lace at forming the ‘v’ at the bottom. Garters held up transparent stockings and coupled with a pair of diamond hanging earrings and matching bracelet, Celina looked like a gift for a pharaoh. Her tanned skin against the pink material looked simply wonderful and the men were once more delighted. As they admired her, the African was busy snapping pictures of her of which were to be sent to Nick to ensure his continued compliance to their cause. Compliments as well as ill received touches rained upon her as they now suggested that the winner of tonight’s poker game would have the pleasure of spending the night with the corset draped prize chained in front of them. Good naturedly, Shaw agreed. He himself stood a great chance of winning anyways, he thought. After all, he had selected the attire with the intent of enjoying its wearer that very night and he felt confident. If not, it would be another gesture of good will towards these men who helped ensure his standing near the very top of the illicit market operation in the region.

An hour passed, as Celina’s arms began to grow numb from being strung up in that fashion the game was down to three men. They were Shaw, the minister and the police chief with the host being down on chips and the other two almost even. The chief and Shaw were engaged of a game of one v one as the minister had folded on the flop. A pair of two’s and a king was on the flop, with Shaw’s eyes lighting up at this. He had a king of hearts and was confident. He decided to check to draw his opponent in and this was successful. A ten followed on the turn and the chief surprisingly raised the bet at this. Thinking he was trying his luck, Shaw called and raised all in on the river as a king of spades landed. The chief surprisingly called and Shaw was sure he had a ten and a five but to his dismay, the chief had the remaining two’s in hand and had played the round perfectly. Annoyed he had to concede. With Shaw’s money in hand, the chief proceeded to bully the minister into submission and thus the money and the main prize in her sexy attire was his for the night. Furious, the minister attempted to buy her off him as he was so intent on securing her after having been ‘teased’ earlier. Unsurprisingly the chief refused of course. Celina gasped in fear as she knew him to be a temperamental and frightening individual. What he would have in store for her, she couldn’t dare imagine. The African wandered over to him and nodded at the instructions he received. He then unfastened Celina’s chains and after obeying Shaw’s orders to give each man a good night kiss on the cheek, she was led out once more to prepare for a night with Nick’s superior.


Commissioner Hayden was to put it lightly, a demanding man. From Arizona, Texas he was an imposing figure with hard, rough lines on his face. 6 foot 3 inches with broad shoulders, a goatee and a crew cut, he was someone no one wanted to mess with. Truth be told, most knew he was most as corrupt a cop as they came, but well connected and he did crack down on crimes that didn’t directly line his own pockets. Somehow or other throughout his career he had gotten away with numerous complaints of police brutality on his part, simply because he was an expert and merciless extractor of information. Ironically he was the one who had transferred Nick to his precinct, a move to demonstrate to the public that he was intent on eradicating narcotics. Of course he had counted on being able to buy Nick off and maintain his own image; however he realized to his annoyance that the man was incorruptible. Therefore he had to find other means of keeping such a dangerous character under control.

That means of course was waiting for him in his room that night. A few more drinks with his companions and after warding off all their requests to either buy his prize off him or to even join in his spoils; he proceeded back to his quarters, eager to learn if the African had managed to fulfil his requests. His room was possibly the least fanciful, simple with no real luxury yet was the largest and thus it offered flexibility in what could be moved in and out of the room. In truth it was actually a large store room that had been converted into a bedroom a few weeks after Celina’s abduction. The walls were plain dark red brick with a built in fireplace offering light to the room. The floor was concrete and in the dim lighting, the setting seemed like more of a dungeon than a bedroom. Shaw had deliberately converted the room into its current form as he like most members of the underworld were familiar with Hayden’s tastes. It was eerie to say the least, wooden pillars stood supporting beams in the ceiling where items would previously have been hung from. Even the door was made of 3 foot thick steel and was the only exit available as there were no windows. Thus it was virtually soundproof. The only furniture was the king sized bed, a rectangular table, a black sofa and a wooden footstool which matched the sofa in length. On each corner of the stool were iron manacles and tonight they acted as Celina’s restraints with her wrists and ankles locked securely by them. She was crouched over in an enticing doggy style position, her butt in the air and her knees and elbows supporting her body. She was still in the gorgeous pink corset, her hair had been done up in a bun so as not to cover her pretty face and between her teeth, locked in her mouth was a metal ring fastened by a strap around her head. It kept her mouth open yet restricted any form of speech by her. One of the many gags she had experienced thus far throughout her ordeal. She couldn’t describe how she felt at that moment if she had a million words. It was like an out of body experience. She was a sex slave to these men, manoeuvred into these compromising positions and unable to defend herself at all. She felt exposed, naked with her skin even more sensitive to human touches than ever before and worst of all it was as if her captors knew her body and its intimacies more in depth than anyone or even she herself had ever done. The fire caused the temperature in the room to rise and Celina felt her own sweat running down from her back, shoulders and legs dripping down onto the stool. The material of her garments dampening and beginning to cling to her skin as she tested her iron manacles to no avail. Before the African had left the room, he had taken the time to photograph her again, for Nicks benefit of course. She was facing the steel door and as it opened she cringed as Hayden entered the room and gazed at her, mesmerized by the helpless submissive that was crouched on all fours before him. Desperately she shook her head, trying to stop the drops of sweat from running into her eyes as he approached her slowly after latching the door shut. She was alone with this dangerous man, far more intimidating and overpowering than Shaw who had at least tried to make attempts at being persuasive and even intimate at times. She watched him intently as he loosened his trousers, stepping out of them and tossing them onto the sofa as he took steps towards her. He unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a pale body with auburn chest hair. Typical American red neck was how he could be described. To Celina, he was like a nightmare come to life. Massive sized, larger than life as he stood before her and circled her like a vulture would its prey. She was so small next to him. He placed his hands on her back and traced her body from her neck down, over the silky and expensive corset material down to her buttocks which he lingered for a while, teasing the little thong string. As a Caucasian male it was always a great source of pride to secure an Asian female as they were exotic, demure, softer to touch and seemingly so delicate and in a way that was almost clich?, submissive. Stereotypes ran deep in most cultures and to his kind, it was almost right in a way to feel dominant over an Oriental girl. Hayden had had many such women but to him, the one that was secured to his stool, stood out in so many ways. Simply beautiful, he thought as he knelt down to look at her in the face. She gazed at his cold, hard face with all the lines and the scary goatee so frightening and realized there was no pity, no compassion in his hard, blank eyes. She attempted to plead with him for reason but the ring gag made it impossible for her to move her tongue and all that escaped from her mouth were incoherent mumbles and grunts. He let her try to speak for a while, actually amused and smiling wickedly at her open mouth with her pouty lips even more pronounced as they stretched over the metal ring. She gave up quickly and hung her head in utter defeat. He patronizingly patted her on her head and walked over to a clothes hanger by the door, reaching under a jacket and emerged with a whip in hand. She recognized it as a horse whip and began panicking, struggling and screaming through her gag, completely desperate to be spared what was to come. She could barely even move despite her powerful thrashing as he again knelt in front of her face. Are you going to make it easy for both of us tonight? Understand you have to do whatever I want without question? He asked her sharply. In her mind, she was enraged and her hatred for him got the better of her in this instance. Her response as a result, despite the gag was universally understood as a simple and angry Fuck you. Fucking American, she thought. Who the hell do these people think they are? Hayden smirked, shook his head and rose to position himself behind her. She couldn’t see him now but what he could see was her firm, full and delicious butt cheeks with her pink thong only covering her ass crack. Her butt stood up high as she felt his coarse hands fondling and squeezing them. Suddenly she heard a swish through the air, her eyes automatically drew firmly shut as pain shot through her butt up towards her spine, causing her body to spasm wildly as the whip lashed down on her bare skin. A loud shriek came from her mouth and another was quick to follow as her attacker rained down another strike on her butt. Tears welled up in her eyes and screams rang out as Hayden’s strong arm guided quick and painful blows to her thong covered ass. She thrashed pointlessly as she lost count how many times she was struck. Eventually he stopped and faced her once more. As her tears and gasps of pain subsided he reached over and held her jaw up. Enough? The response was a slow, deliberate nod of the head. Ready to comply? Nod. Good, he said as he set aside the whip to her relief. Her perfectly formed ass was now red after the whipping and she felt as if it had gone completely numb and devoid of any feeling for the time being at least.   He moved behind her, the fact she couldn’t see him was terrifying as she couldn’t imagine what he was going to do to her next. Strong shivers ran through Celina’s spine as she felt his hot breath between her butt cheeks, an eager mouth tonguing her asshole, he seemed to really enjoy it as his hands spread apart her still aching cheeks. Celina’s open mouth released sounds of pleasure as Hayden’s tongue entered her ass, licking and sucking voraciously while his fingers kneaded and massaged her cheeks. Celina squealed as she felt his finger position at her asshole, wet with saliva and her own sweat, slowly it entered her tight hole, our heroine desperately attempting to move her hips away from the assault on her hole. She was so tired that she could not even squeeze her cheeks together to ward off his invasion of her ass and pussy which was being licked and sucked simultaneously. Celina groaned loudly as he smacked her butt hard, enjoying the way it vibrated and jiggled sexily when his palm met her flesh. Hayden moved up in front of her, she looked up at him with her mouth gaping wide open with the ring gag firmly in place, she saw a huge white dick right at her face. It was impossible to move or turn away as he grasped her head, entering her mouth, fucking her pretty face, gagging her as his cock reached the back of her throat. Drool flowed to the ground as she was unable to control even that. He revelled in exploring and violating her mouth, enjoying the way it felt on her tongue, in her cheeks and the sounds she was making in the process. He gazed down at her, lovely little lady with her bun in her hair, gasping uncontrollably as her mouth was fucked, his cock growing even harder with each stroke. He withdrew from her mouth, and exited her view for a while before returning with a dog collar and leash in hand, which he fastened to her neck. In the corset and metal studded pink collar, she oozed kink and the sense of being dominated to the extreme. He positioned himself at her pussy, leash tugging firmly at her collar as he entered her from behind, her eyes wide open as she felt all 7 odd inches of him entering her sex. He had no intention of ever being gentle with her as Celina received the hardest fucking she had ever had from behind, every tug of the leash pulling on her dog collar choking her in the process. As he held the leash back after each tug, her breath was restricted so much that all she could feel was his cock ramming at her pussy, his hips slamming against her buttocks, she was being introduced to asphyxiation in the extreme and she felt a sense of hopelessness coupled with the stimulation of her sex. It was another out of body experience being fucked against her will by a vicious white man who had her in tight bondage. She wished she could at least flop down as being on her knees so long was starting to really hurt, yet she couldn’t communicate that due to the gag. Not that he would care anyway, she thought. He fucked her harder and faster than she had ever been fucked, the room filled with the sound of her squeals and moans as he finally tired and pulled out, leaving her gasping away, her head hanging yet unable to rest on the stool. Hayden appeared in front of her with a dildo in his hand, Celina’s eyes widened again as she vainly shook her head in desperate protest. He smiled and forced the tool into her mouth, moistening it with her own saliva before moving behind her and snugly inserting it into her glistening, hairy pussy. The damn thing vibrated in her, sending currents through her violated sex, he sat down with a bottle of water on the bed, watching her squirm and shiver as the dildo did its job of providing him with a rest and visual stimulation. A sudden knock on his door produced a curse from him as he rose to see who was stupid enough to disturb him at that time. He opened it slightly to be greeted by the sheepish, hopeful smile of the minister who had in his hands, a bottle of expensive whiskey and two cigars in the other. He had been pacing the whole night, desperately envious of Hayden and had been working up the courage to interrupt him in the hope he might get what he wanted as well tonight. Hayden was in a good mood however and decided that a bit of company wouldn’t be a bad thing necessarily. The minister entered the room, and bellowed his approval at the sight of Celina on her hands and knees on the stool, in that corset he had so admired earlier. She was now even more fearful and disgusted than ever at the unwelcome sight of this disgusting man now entering the scene. The two men sat down to enjoy their drink and smoke while watching Celina twitch and shake as the vibration from the dildo seemed to get stronger and stronger. She could hear her delighted audience discussing what had been done to her and what else they could possibly do for their own pleasure. The minister got up and knelt down in front of her, smiling lecherously, gazing in to her eyes while complimenting her on her beauty. He kissed her face, loving the way he could look into her gaping mouth as she twitched tiredly, no defence could be offered by her at all. He stood up, patting her on her head as if she were a dog, his hands running over her corset, down to her butt he grasped the dildo and much to her dismay began fucking her hard with it! His left hand hard at work, he used his right to undo the hooks of her corset, letting it fall to the stool to expose her sweaty upper half, beads of perspiration dripping down from her nipples. Hayden approached and began fondling her breasts roughly before taking the dildo from the minister who now undressed and decided to force a blowjob from Celina, who was now being re-entered from behind by Hayden. Her hot body now rocked back and forth between being fucked from behind, to having her mouth mercilessly fucked. The men took turns alternating between her front and back, and when they could no longer hold back their urge to release, untied her from the stool before throwing her on to the bed, taking turns all night to ravage the helpless struggling China doll who completely lost count of how many times she was entered before dawn arrived and she was returned completely broken to her quarters.

Chapter 14

Politicians are a breed of human being that one usually associates with plots, schemes, acts of self-service and possibly their best trait is to know exactly how to bide time and make a move when the moment dictates. The minister of trade aboard the ship knew his opportunity was almost at hand. Manu veering and putting pieces together for his own benefit was his specialty and as he sat and drank with his associates the night Shaw had excused himself to spend some time alone with Celina, he told himself to be patient. It was his moves that helped to put the Detective in a position to spring Zsaz from his imprisonment and word would not be far away of his success at that particular task. He thought of the lovely girl appearing in front of them in her bikini and his cock stiffened at the prospect of being the one to remove her bikini bottom and experience her for himself. They would all get their turn, he was sure. It definitely wasn’t easy transporting a kidnap victim from border to border but by travelling by yacht, they could be sure to avoid the risks of road and air travel where security checks were abundant and even with his contacts, he might struggle to ensure that they escape the authorities. The ship would be docking the following morning itself and the port had its level of security that they had to bypass. A quick SMS to his colleague in the defence ministry and he felt sure that customs would be another mere formality.

Celina knew she would be moved once more. That morning she was roughly awakened from restless sleep by the African and brought to the ship’s cargo storage facility. Surrounded by containers and wooden boxes, she was instructed fiercely to quickly put on a simple black bra and G string thong which she accepted as it was preferable to being constantly naked and exposed. When she had put them on, a small piece of cloth was inserted in her mouth and a simple strip of duct tape was strapped across her mouth, completely stifling any sound from her. Nothing fancy this time. Her attire and bondage were simple and basic as nylon rope was secured around her body and wrapped around her arms and wrists binding her very tightly. Her ankles were tied together and connected to her wrists so tightly that they touched. Incredibly tight so much so that she could not even move a single inch. A black hood was placed over her head with just two small holes around her nostrils for some air to pass through. The African lifted her prone body up and placed her into a four by four wooden crate which was filled with straw which acted as cushioning for her. It was scratchy against her skin but she knew she had to get used to it as she could not move her hands to scratch or anything. The African had obviously done this before. He produced a few two by fours and a nail gun and one by one he nailed each piece of wood to the crates side platforms thereby encasing the prisoner inside. Atop the new wooden roof of the crate, he placed a few steel pipes atop it and fastened them around the box with rope. To a normal person, the obvious contents inside were construction materials.

The yacht anchored at the pier of the foreign land and the men posing as holiday makers disembarked, quickly produced their passports and subsequently were ushered to their limousines. The ship’s cargo was brought down, crates of licensed alcohol and tobacco among other luxury items were hastily opened by the port’s customs officials and stamped approval of entry thereafter. When one official reached a particular crate and requested for it to be opened, the African quickly produced an envelope. The official subtly opened it and found a few dollar notes, a piece of paper with an address and wrapped inside it was a Polaroid. He set aside the address in his chest pocket and flipped the photo on its upside. He smiled slightly at the image of a beautiful girl dressed in a blood red corset with black lace trimmings and gold designs; chained with her arms above her head against a stage backdrop. This image had been taken by Wai as a stock photo at the Dark Room, for use in future transactions. The official glanced at the crate, imagining its precious content inside it as he stamped the side of the box knowing he would be paying the address a visit in the near future most certainly. The cargo was then loaded onto army trucks and driven off into the jungle, down the same road travelled by the aforementioned limousines.

The island was a well known midway point amongst the underworld for trading in illicit items and a safe venue for foreign underworld businessmen to get together and convene in a secure and remote location. The trade minister’s colleague in the department of defense had, for a good decade now used it as a base for the training of crack marine secret op soldiers. What made them so good was basically they were mercenaries, killers armed with the best unsanctioned military equipment which was so far ahead of the technological scale that they were unapproved for fear of their scope for damage. The island provided the ideal place for the import of such equipment as well as for the recruitment of such men. The government knew about the existence of the island, yet remained silent as these marines served a vital purpose in shadow operations. The limos sped past a landscape of padi fields, oil palm plantations and dense jungle where dirt roads had been dug up for vehicles to pass. Their destination was a remote army barracks where the training of new recruits took place. Housing 100 marines at one go plus weapons which were carefully stockpiled and kept under close watch, the camp was an intimidating and highly secured one. Electric fences and closely guarded barrier gates kept the public out and the trainees contained within. As they passed the entrance after the necessary identification checks were performed, the men noted how rough the conditions were for the marines as they were made to carry out their daily routines of going through arduous field training sessions which required intense focus and physical capabilities. Those who were unable to complete tasks were made to engage in hand to hand combat with each other, with the loser made to perform the session task twice until they managed to complete it. Housed in barracks with the bare minimum to survive, these were some of the hardest and toughest men in the world who were made to hone their survival instincts and train till their bodies gave up on them. The only time they were allowed to leave the camp was for long runs in the jungle or for guerrilla simulation sessions in the dense areas on the island. To these men, the camp consisted of their barracks, the armoury, the canteen, training fields and a closely guarded warehouse right at the back of the camp where they would frequent when given permission by their general. The contents of the warehouse were basically their sole source of pleasure and motivation, not to mention a means of a reward for those who had performed to exemplary standards in the field. Their drills that morning were interrupted by the sight of black stretch limos pulling into the compound and making their way direct to the rear warehouse, pulling into the steel drawn remote controlled entrance followed shortly thereafter by a trio of lorries bearing wooden crates. The men of influence were greeted inside the wide open unloading bay by the Minister of Defence, the commanding general of the unit and a few security personnel in charge of unloading the wares. Pleasantries were exchanged as well as orders to the staff to unload the large amounts of alcohol, illicit cigarettes as well as where to place amounts respectively for ease of distribution later on. One particular crate however came with instructions for specifically two trusted aides of the general to immediately move under tight scrutiny to the second floor of the warehouse to a restricted area. These two men were the only ones aside from the just arrived entourage, the minister and the general who were made aware of its precious content. As the entourage sat with the latter individuals to sample the liquor, cigars and indulge in business talk, the two set about carrying out their instructed task to transport the crate upstairs.

Chapter 14 Continued.

My partner and I had been through this routine many times in the past. We were the only two privy to the General’s personal dealings and as such knew full well what to do with the special crates that came along every so often. We exited the service elevator to the 2nd floor of the warehouse and keyed in the entrance code to a vault like door which opened to reveal a corridor with a row of prison cells, 15 on either side, steel doors securely locked to house prisoners all of whom were female. As we walked past them, their weary eyes raised to the familiar sight of yet another new arrival to the join the ranks of the General’s private collection. An ordinary citizen of the world paying a visit to this facility would have been astounded and shocked at the true identities of the personnel who spent their days behind these bars while awaiting their fates which lay at the feet of the General and The Defense Minister. Many a film, music, sports female personality who were amongst the most beautiful women in the world had passed through and fro from the vault in the period when these two men had been in power. Wives and girlfriends of their enemies had also fallen victim to their dark dealings and once a girl had left this place, none of them ever heard from them again. I glanced at them as we marched past noting the different ethnics of each; South American, Eastern European, Caucasian, Arabic and an African as well making up the numbers. Their cells were all identical, with a single bed, basin and a toilet the only manner of facilities provided in the 8 by 8 foot enclosures. Their clothing consisted of only bra and panties provided by the general. 29 cells were occupied with the empty one being right at the end of the corridor. Lieutenant James and I entered through the open steel bar door and laid the crate on the floor. Expertly with the aid of a crowbar, we proceeded to pry open the lid to reveal the sight of our latest guest, a petite Chinese girl who lay prone on the straw. She was unconscious, as most were when they arrived due most likely to the rough ride during their transport from the docks to our camp. I prepared the bed as James lifted her out of her crate and gently laid her down on to the mattress. Light, slender yet curvy and fit, he commented to me as I struggled to remain disciplined to my task at hand. As we removed her hood and untied her, we noted to each other how lovely she was and how fitting it was that we added an Oriental girl to the ranks. By now we knew well enough to remain professional and not take advantage of the situation as the punishment for overstepping boundaries with captives was severe. As hard as it was not to peek under her black undergarments, we resisted and contented ourselves with touching her smooth skin as we placed her hands over her head and handcuffing her to the steel bed frame. We left her gag on and her legs untied as we exited and left to await further instructions as well as for her to regain consciousness. As we drew the cell door shut, I took a final glance at her, at how tempting she looked lying prone and helpless, hands chained above her head. The CCTV in each respective cell would now be monitored and when she awoke, she would surely find herself with a visit from The General himself who was always keen to personally inspect each new arrival.

Our brief was more or less always the same. Upon arrival, each girl was basically given the same treatment she had just undergone from us before they were introduced to him. The General was no fool. He knew that his troops would be aware each time a new girl arrived and he knew full well that occasionally they had to be allowed to ‘meet’ them during night hours. James and I were the only ones who knew that he was aware that the soldiers were given entrance to the 2nd floor by the two of us of course. He also allowed us to receive kickbacks from the men who believed that they were bribing us without the General being in the know of their midnight activities. Our leader purposefully gave permission for this in order for morale to remain high and so his trusted lieutenants could earn a little extra on the side. However in this case, we were under strict instruction that no army personnel be allowed to have contact with the newly arrived Chinese girl under any circumstance. This was strange of course but obviously she was special in a way which made her even more intriguing to any man on base. I returned to my shift in the monitoring room where all corners of the camp were surveyed including the cells which had 30 cameras focused on each girl. As I noticed the Chinese regaining her senses, I texted my boss as per his prior instructions to me. She was just coming round, unsure, confused and was gingerly testing the extent of her restraints. I zoomed in on her pretty face, revealing her squinting eyes which were attempting to adjust to the lighting after hours in darkness. Those soft eyes suddenly widened at the sound of her cell door being drawn open. I zoomed out to focus on the whole room and watched her sexy little body shift around the mattress with uncertainty and obvious fear as my boss and the minister entered the cell. They stood over her for a while, gazing down upon her as she stared up at them her chest rapidly rising as panic set in when the General sat down on her mattress, stooping over to whisper something in her ear. I gulped with my focus intently on the screen as he ran his hands over her upper half, over the cups of her bra, down to her stomach and back up again, lifting the cups up to reveal her perky little breasts which I had so been tempted to uncover earlier. She struggled helplessly , shaking her head from side to side as the Minister looked on as The General sucked her nipples gently for a while before folding the cups over her tits once more. He got up and stroked her hair before both exited the cell closing it behind them. I swallowed hard, my cock rock hard as I watched her draw her legs in, in a protective position. For all the good that will do her, I thought as I wondered what he had said to her.


It was not really debatable that James and I had the hardest jobs on the facility. In addition to the intense, rigorous training we were put through to ensure we were up to the standards required of an elite dark ops marine, we also were tasked with looking after the 30 girls imprisoned under the sanction of the two most powerful men in the country. From the moment of their arrival to their respective departures were had to ensure that they were fed, bathed and kept in relative good health. Preparing them for the general’s own activities in his personal time was also a job handed to us. They were as much as possible to be kept apart from each other as interaction might obviously lead to complications should they share too much to the wrong parties when they left our watch. The language barriers obviously helped therefore they more often than not would be unable to converse in depth anyway. Nevertheless, they were fed in their cells, bathed separately and when allowed out in the cordoned off yard of the warehouse; they were always under intense guard. It was a difficult job and we knew the General closed an eye when the rest of the marines would approach us with heavy bribes for time with any one of the prisoners. Usually after midnight this would involve us smuggling out one of the girls from their cells and bringing them to the marine’s barracks with the stipulation that they were not to be physically bruised or scarred in any way that would lead us to being indicted. This way the men were kept satisfied and we were allowed to line our pockets which according to us, was our just reward for the role we had to fulfil day after day.

Word had quickly gotten around camp about the new arrival and the marines were of course anxious as always for an introduction and approached us about securing a visit from her. Several times we turned them down and related our strict directives that this one was off limits and no amount of money could sway us as the penalty for insubordination would be extremely severe. As with most men who were mostly deprived of earthly pleasures, the answer no would not be one taken without a fight. Ten high ranking marines already commissioned with black ops missions came to us with an offer of 100 grand each if we met their demands plus with the promise that what transpired would never be uncovered by anyone. The intimidation factor I must admit played a part in us eventually agreeing to a deal. These were the elite members of the unit and known only to us, had secured a large amount of personal wealth on their missions. 100 grand each plus the promise of admission and protection by this elite squad was too good to resist.

Past midnight, James and I were stationed at our posts in the CCTV room. The lights had been dimmed, the keys to the warehouse back entrance handed to one of the ten marines as usual and the entrance code to the 2nd floor vault had been revealed to them. Everything was prepared as usual and for the girls who had been there longest, they would know immediately what was to happen on nights when the lights were dimmed. The only question on their minds was how many of them and which of them would be taken. From our vantage point, we could see everything as it unfolded. Five marines entered silently and stealthily through the corridors, up the lift and as they entered the vault, proceeded all the way to the rear of the containment facility. Zooming in the camera we could see Celina fast asleep under her covers as her cell was unlocked and silently drawn open. We could see that the marines were prepared as always with their respective tools in hand as one of them stood over the sleeping girl before sharply whipping aside her covers causing her to rise suddenly from her slumber in shock. One marine was quickly behind her clasping his hand around her mouth while another drew her wrists behind her back to lock it in handcuffs. Two others pulled her ankles together and they were quickly cuffed as well. A ball gag was handed to the one who kept her silent and it didn’t take too much effort to force that into her mouth and clasping it behind her head. She was now nicely immobile, squealing into her gag while writhing around sexily in her black bra and panties as the marines took a quick moment to step back and appreciate their evening’s entertainment. One grabbed her by her legs while the other scooped her up by her arms and together they carried her out of her cell, past the anxious looking captives and towards the escalator with the others securing the exits behind them. I was shivering in anticipation and excitement as the scene unfolded before me and I decided to abandon my post to watch in person as to what happened next.

I made my way down to the ground floor of the warehouse where there was a wide open space with the other five members of the outfit standing around a large king sized mattress which lay on the ground. The two men emerged from the dark corridor leading to the elevator carrying a still struggling and protesting Celina in with the other three following close behind. With great ease they lay her down on the mattress before stepping back momentarily to convene with their colleagues. I had not before seen them so excited, possibly because they had not yet been presented with a Chinese beauty what more one who was so petite, young and sultry looking. In my eyes she was one of the finest women who had passed through these unfortunate halls. Her body firm, her ass luscious accentuated by the tight thong not to mention her pretty face which appeared just begging to be kissed. She gazed up and around at the 10 muscular, over powering soldiers who were now undressing before her. She clearly looked intimidated by their raw physicality and her eyes widened as their underwear was removed to uncover already rock hard cocks. She had never seen so many at one time before and this made her previous episode when she was held captive in the junkie apartments and forced into a threesome seem an insignificant experience by comparison. They had all formed a circle around her as one man knelt down to uncuff her leg and wrist manacles thereby freeing her. She was commanded to stand up and very shakily, Celina rose to her feet with her arms wrapped around herself as she pivoted slowly to survey her surroundings which were unfortunately blocked out by the circle of naked powerful men who seemed to draw closer with each breath she took. There was nowhere to run and I stood outside the circle a few feet away engrossed in the scenario where the little Chinese beauty was about to be gang banged by a bunch of hungry, deprived soldiers. Loud, frightening orders were given to her to remove her bra and panties which were obeyed as one marine motioned threateningly at her. Celina with her gag still firmly between her teeth reached behind and shakily unclasped her bra before handing it over to an outstretched hand. A beautiful set of breasts were unveiled, smooth and perky in the dim lighting. My own cock was already stiff as hell as I watched her hands reach to the band of her thong and rolling it down her sexy legs revealing a superbly hairy pussy. The marines were all ready, dicks in hands stroking themselves, drinking in the sight of Celina herself removing what little stood in their way of extreme sexual pleasure. She must have felt miniscule and helpless as they were all 6 foot plus and at least 220 pounds of muscle, towering over her. Her gag was unstrapped which allowed her to unhinge her jaw and breathe through her mouth at least for now. A hand was placed on her head and gently pushed her down to her knees. Three men, one in front of her and two at her side crowded her and she appeared resigned to her fate as her hands rose up on either side to grasp two hard dicks in each, masturbating them slowly at first, her pace quickened when a hand guided her chin upwards, unhinging her jaw in the process. The marine in front of her gasped in sheer ecstasy as his 7 inch cock entered her hot mouth, he was fully appreciating the welcoming heat and wetness of Celina’s unwilling sexy mouth with her pouty lips forced to wrap around his smooth member. It was a sight I would never forget, this pretty little thing on her knees, trying in vain to protest as her mouth was invaded and her hands forced to jerk off two dicks at the same time. Another marine knelt behind her while all this was going on to fondle her breasts, kiss her bare neck, shoulders and back at the same time. I swear she felt something as his other hand reached down between her legs to finger her furiously causing Celina to jerk and spasm, under control of course while she was forced to service three men at one time. The sound of a finger against an increasingly wet pussy was driving every man in the room wild with lust as Celina writhed on her knees, the sounds of her protests or pleasure muffled by the object in her mouth which was replaced with another as another marine took his turn standing in front of the kneeling girl. She was then guided on to the mattress where she was pushed down on to her knees so her fine ass faced the ceiling. A man lay down in front of her and her head was grasped and forced down so her lips and tongue met his balls. I watched as he issued her with sharp, stern and loud orders which led to her tongue running over his testicles and up his cock shaft much to his delight. The other men were kneeling down behind her ass, spanking it which made her yelp, the sensual sound of her ass being smacked filling the scene as did the sight of her quivering sexy buttocks cause much satisfaction. Her body was so curvy, her ass being spread apart to reveal her slick pink pussy and tight asshole which were now both being licked, sucked and thoroughly enjoyed by the marines who took turns tonguing her from behind. Inevitably of course the sounds of her protesting wildly escalated as a marine positioned himself behind her, cock in hand, the other hand on her ass as he guided himself into her hot, wet sex drawing shrieks from her which were soon muffled by a cock moving in and out of her mouth. I came closer to the action to watch as Celina was fucked doggy style while giving a blowjob at the same time. He rode her hard and when he tired, another replaced him right away to enjoy her heat and wetness. She was flipped over, on her back and a hard, rock solid body pressed on top of her entering her pussy from the front, her legs spread and high up in the air as he thrust in and out of her. Kissing her wincing face, he moved her arms above her head so that she could receive two more dicks in her hands as she resisted his attempts to invade her mouth with his tongue. Her eyes were drawn shut as she groaned in disgust as his lips ran over her face, showering her with unwanted kisses. He was enjoying her smooth, soft body and by fucking her front, he delighted in the feel of her hard nipples rubbing against his chest as he drew in and out of her. She was forced to ride one of the marines as well and if she did not move her hips exuberantly enough, a quick slap to her cheek gave her a little bit of encouragement to continue. I watched as her superb body contracted with each forward and back motion as her mouth and hands were constantly kept occupied. They were all revelling in the dark haired, fair skinned girl’s presence with the night kept alive by moans of pleasure, protests in vain and the sound of sweaty bodies pressed and moving against each other.

Beautiful Celina couldn’t resist as a hand on her neck forced her head forward causing her sweet pink tongue out of her mouth which met a marine’s large dick head. He thrust deep into her mouth, reaching the back of her throat, causing her to gag wildly, her drool encasing his cock and falling to the mattress as she struggled for air. Yet the men still remorselessly continued pressing her to suck and put her pretty mouth to good use. Strong hands on her hips easily moved her petite frame up and down his cock, her wetness making it easy and incredibly enjoyable to make her ride him. I felt myself on the verge of cumming, my hand on my cock as I watched a hand grasping Celina’s jaw, forcing her mouth open as the marine came into her open mouth, spreading hot white cum over her face making her gasp and choke as the liquid got into her mouth and nose. It was an insanely erotic thing to watch a captive made to swallow a stranger’s cum as the other men started to follow suit, unable to control their own desires to climax on the body of the sexy Chinese girl who now was lying on her stomach as they took turns to cum on her back and delectable ass.

The men who had finished stood around watching their comrades kneel over Celina as they finished one by one. I knew I had to take her back to her holding cell soon as it was almost dawn and the marines had to withdraw to avoid discovery by senior command. As the last guy came on a defeated and broken Celina, I started to move out of the sidelines to collect her. As I took my first step, a sharp whistle like sound rang out through the warehouse causing me to stop dead in my tracks. I looked ahead and a slow motion scene seemed to unfold as one of the marines heads seemed to explode in a mess of blood and shattered skin! It took me seconds to guess what was going on as one by one the marines fell, unable to run away even as they grasped what was happening. Sniper! I thought, as I dived for cover behind some crates close to where Celina now lay with her hands in her head, frightened as hell as she witnessed her rapists receiving headshots and dying instantly in puddles of dark red blood. It happened so fast, it ended as quickly as the last man fell. The fact that I was still alive meant that standing in the sidelines had probably led to my presence not being accounted for. I peeked out from cracks in the crates and looked up at the rafters and saw a figure completely in black with a sniper in hand making his way down the fire escape stairs and seemed to be approaching the still crouching panicked Celina. My mind raced, already I would be in deep trouble for allowing marines to fuck Celina but assuming that I survived, if I lost her as well, I was aware that I could be shot dead for negligence and failure to act. I had to ensure that she remained in our hands. I had to make my move. I reached for my army knife and prepared to do what I felt I must.

Nick cautiously entered the scene. He had counted ten of these bastards who had ravaged his girl friend and he was sure they were all dead, after all that was the whole point of ensuring all received head shots. He could see his naked girl crouching in fear on the mattress and concern overwhelmed him as he called out to her, running at speed with only her safety in mind. He had finally tracked her down and days of preparation to invade the camp in secrecy had led to him successfully and silently gain access into the grounds and night vision goggles had given him the awareness of where activity was taking place at this time of the night. Closer inspection and an instinct to scout out certain facilities had rewarded him with coming across Celina albeit while she was being taken by ten men. As she heard his calls, a look of long lost hope and relief started to unfold on her face. She weakly and fearfully started to get up on her feet as Nick approached within 20 feet of reclaiming her and getting her closer to safety. Nick was cut short in his tracks as I swiftly emerged from behind the crates and behind her, grabbing her quickly with an arm around her bare body drawing her into a locked embrace with my knife placed across her throat. I could see her rescuer stop with a look of anger in his face which scared me although would do nothing to dampen my resolve to ensure she was going nowhere. If anything he was madder at himself for not being aware of my presence in the scene. He had counted ten men and my decision to remain hidden and not run had probably saved my life. I shouted at him to drop his weapons and raised my knife to Celina’s jugular to demonstrate my resolve. She struggled a little but was really too weak and tired to offer much resistance as I held her tightly against my body. Nick knew he had no choice. He placed down his sniper, lost a knife and two handguns from holsters strapped to his body. Upon my instruction he raised his hands on his head. I had already sounded the alarm on my walkie-talkie and within moments the building was filled with security personnel who grabbed Nick, and to Celina’s dismay struck him hard on the head causing him to fall to his knees. He was handcuffed and taken away to desperate protests from his girlfriend. As they were leading the captured hero away, the general emerged with a look on his face like thunder. Many questions had to be answered, about what took place that night and I knew that my partner and I were to be severely punished. The death of ten crack marines was no small issue but the repercussions of tonight’s events would have to be revealed later as I was instructed to clean Celina up and place her back in her cell. I lead the naked, shuddering and dismayed girl out with security escorting us as well. A complete sweep of the camp would be performed and an inquest as to how this intruder was able to access secure grounds.

Interlude 1

Sam was extremely confused and bewildered by what exactly had transpired in the case of his staff’s sudden disappearance. Even more perplexing was the fact that there was no missing person’s report circulating in any form of media. Aside from her boyfriend obviously looking into the matter, there was an alarming lack of attention to this occurrence. So much so that he had gone to the police himself to lodge a report but was informed that there was no presiding investigator on this and that Nick and his girlfriend must have run off somewhere as both had been off the radar for awhile. He was informed that the detective must have the situation well in hand and there was no need for any concern. Sam was completely dismissed and his worry all the more increased. Unknown to any employee of the company, he had a master key to every lock including the desk drawers of every staff member. After hours, he unlocked Celina’s desk drawers with the view of conducting his own investigation into the matter. Hoping to find any clue of sorts, he rummaged through her personals which included a few family photographs, insurance documents, income slips and a few cans of beer. Nothing that might help, he thought. The bottom drawer was a little stuck but with a sharp jerk he managed to pull the whole thing out. As he did a tin box rattled out of the drawer, forcing its cover open as it hit the ground. A set of keys fell out containing keys that were obviously for her car and quite possibly spare keys to her apartment. That evening itself, Sam made his way over to where she had been residing. Convincing the guards that he was her brother by providing her full address and waving a set of keys around, he was simply allowed into the compound without any trouble at all. Fumbling awkwardly with the keys at her door and grill at her apartment, Sam was relieved to discover that all the keys were the right ones and let him in. He switched on the lights and gazed around at the 2000sq ft accommodation. It was neat and tidy without any sign of untoward incident occurring. Nothing out of the ordinary in terms of the mail she had been receiving. Her personal laptop lay on the living room table and quivering ever so slightly at his sudden foray into investigative work, he started it up. Celina obviously had all the hallmarks of a girl that believed in the security of her personal space as there was no password and he quickly checked into her personal inbox, unsure exactly what he might be looking for. Finding nothing of interest, he proceeded to her bedroom where he nervously entered, feeling like an intruder into a woman’s most personal space, his thoughts flashing to the notion that this was where the beauty slept, where she got dressed and undressed every day, where she had sex, where she pleasured herself. Unsure what his own motive was at this point for being there, he opened up her chest of drawers, swallowing hard as he laid eyes on a few pairs of skimpy, beautiful lingerie, of different makes and colours, a wide array of sexy thongs, corsets, g strings. Sam swallowed hard, images of Celina dressed in each and every piece of alluring lingerie flashing through his mind. He could never have imagined that under her tight dresses which she wore every day to work, would be such sexy pieces of underwear covering her breasts, ass and pussy. As he felt himself getting hard and excited, suddenly his phone started buzzing, startling him and causing him to drop one of her pairs of panties to the ground. It was Shaw. Nervously he picked up and was greeted by the slightly growly tones of the tycoon.

?Where are you right now Sam??

?....I ..I..I’m at..?, he stammered.

?You are somewhere you shouldn’t be aren’t you? I imagine you have plenty of questions that need answering and I feel that I have an obligation to somewhat reward you as I have gotten something that I wanted, therefore since I am a generous man, I will share perhaps a little something that you have been wanting as well. Come on downstairs in 20 minutes and take or leave the girl’s lingerie if you wish. It will be worth your while. Oh and Sam? Don’t call anyone in that time because I would know. See you soon.?

With that the line went dead. Sam sat down on the bed in sheer shock, not quite certain what had just happened or what he was about to go through. Composing himself, he washed his face in her bathroom and after a certain amount of thought, placed two lacy thongs of hers into his pocket before doing his best to replace everything in their original position. He headed downstairs to discover two tall men in suits standing beside a black MPV parked in front of his car. He was instructed to get in and out of sheer curiosity and nervous excitement, he got into the backseat. Neither of the men spoke to him throughout the journey to an abandoned airfield. A helicopter was awaiting him preceded by an hour and a half ride to one of the Shaw owned hotels in the neighbouring state. Barely believing this scenario was happening to him, he disembarked on the helipad on the roof to be led to a penthouse suite where he was seated in the lounge with a spread of fine foods and wine at his disposal. A simple, middle class man, he felt out of place yet intrigued and excited by the sudden lavish settings he found himself in. One of his hosts informed him that there was a video call for him. Facing the television screen, he found himself face to face with Shaw himself.

?Sam, you have got to be wondering what the fuck is going on at this point. I myself would simply ask you to relax and consider what I have to offer you. You wanted my account? Fair and square I will tell you that I am giving it to you. No strings attached and I will even put in a word to your directors that you were the one whose persistence delivered the millions which come with my business. A promotion and a raise is guaranteed but is that enough? Hmm..I doubt so. My associate should now be handing you a case. Inside it is nothing short of 500 thousand US Dollars. That should be enough to cover your alimony and give you a nice starting amount to buy yourself a new luxury home or sports car or whatever the fuck it is that makes you happy. Why am I being so generous? Well simply because I have gotten what I wanted and all that I ask is that you don’t go looking for what I have anymore. Do you understand??

Sam’s face was as pale as a ghost as he gazed upon the open case of the biggest amount of cold hard cash he had ever seen in his life. He now knew what Shaw had attained and his silence was being bought. He was silent for a few moments, processing his response before making his decision.

?Do you really have what you want? All that you are giving me so generously is so I walk away quietly? I am inclined to accept definitely but I need closure too. I want to see what you have acquired so I can at least know what happened exactly.?

Shaw laughed evilly at this statement, amused at this middle managers attempt to squeeze a little more out of the deal. Having the power to grant wishes was something that he valued greatly and he decided to play the role of benevolent criminal in this case.

?I got to where I am in life because I have a knack for predicting what lesser men want. So just sit tight for a few minutes and you will get your ‘closure’ as you call it. Whatever you wish to do with the next few hours is up to you. But Sam, if you go back on your word to me after all I am doing for you, I will kill you. It is that simple. Enjoy yourself and I don’t expect to see your face after this again.?

With that the video conference was ended and shivering in anticipation and adrenaline, Sam sat back and had a drink as he heard the sound of yet another helicopter landing on the strip a few floors above him.

A few minutes later, the sound of a key card being swiped was heard and four men dressed like military personnel entered guiding along a slight, handcuffed female with a black hood over her head. She was dressed professionally in office attire, a pair of tight black slacks, three inch heels and a white shirt with grey stripes on it. Her muffled grunts could be heard out loud as she was roughly guided by two hands on both her arms towards Sam who was seated on a three seater couch.  Without much regard, she was placed beside him, her body twisting in both directions as she tried to get her bearings. One of the men looked at Sam who was staring at her with his eyes and mouth wide open and said ?You have two hours, after which your guest needs to be returned to us so I would make the most of your time. Have fun?. With that every other person exited the room except one who stood in the corner with his arms folded to ensure all Sam did was indeed to have his fun and nothing else. Sam looked over the hooded girl seated next to him. Was she really his Celina? The body shape suggested so and he recognized that her captors had purposely dressed her up in an outfit he would be used to seeing her in. He gazed at her heaving chest, acknowledging her obvious fear and panic after all she must have gone through since her disappearance. He had to know if it was indeed her. But if she recognized him and got free, it was all over for him and he would join her captors in facing justice. On the other hand, she looked so enticing and he would never get the chance in his life to be as close to her as he did now. Only one way to find out, he thought. Sam reached for her hood only to have her recoil back into the corner of the couch in fear, her breathing becoming laboured in her panic. He cornered her, pressing her body down with his weight as he grasped the hood with both hands, fearfully yet eagerly pulling it over her head. Her face uncovered, he was relieved to find her with a blindfold covering her eyes as well as a black ball gag lodged in her mouth. It indeed was Celina. He never imagined in his wildest dreams he would see her like this. Her long hair had been done up in a pony tail, her lips stretched over the gag, her lovely cheeks red with the strain. She would never know it was him if he kept the blindfold on. He reached for her face, stroking it, running his hands through her hair as she tossed her head from side to side in protest. She still had some fight in her after everything. He respected her for that and her sheer feistiness was conversely one of her qualities that turned men on. The more she fought, the hotter she seemed and the poor girl did not realize that. He kissed her cheeks and neck, breathing in her sweet scent. He was filled with conflict on what to do next. She was beautiful but this would mean crossing a line he had never intended on crossing. He had set out to find her and find out what happened to her, not to add to her plight. Yet, she was so hot. He passed a glance at the guard standing in the corner who looked back at him with indifference. No one would know and no one would judge him, he thought as he reached for her shirt buttons. She squirmed and protested in vain as he slowly unbuttoned her shirt from the top to reveal a transparent half cup, white laced push up bra which perked up her small breasts and revealed her dark nipples beneath the material. Wow, he thought as he pulled back her shirt behind her shoulders, his hands fondling her bra clad breasts and her smooth flat stomach. He was impressed by her figure already. She was so tense and rigid as he grabbed her underneath her arms and pulled her off the couch, deciding that that line he was crossing was inconsequential at this point. The only thing he felt was desire and lust. He led her struggling figure into the bedroom and tossed her onto the king sized bed. She lay there after tossing around a bit, awaiting her fate, once more at the hands of yet another lust filled male. Sam stood over her and started undressing himself. He realized with her arms cuffed behind her, it would be hard to get her shirt and bra off. A trip to the bathroom uncovered a pair of sewing scissors which he first used to shred her shirt in half after rolling her onto her stomach and pining her down by sitting on her legs. She started to scream into her gag as she felt his hand reach underneath her slacks to unclasp and unzip it. He decided to leave her bra on seeing that it just looked so fucking sexy and felt incredible against her soft, smooth skin. His mind raced back to all the instances he and the rest of the men at her workplace had stared longingly at her firm, round tight looking buttocks. Truly they all agreed she had the finest ass any of them had ever seen and thinking of squeezing it could make any of them hard in an instance. She threw her head back as he pulled down her trousers to reveal her thong covered beautiful ass. The crotch was also transparent as he would discover when he flipped her on to her back and he marvelled at her unshaved, hairy pussy. Prior to that he obsessed over her butt, squeezing, kissing and licking at it wildly as she thrashed around as much as she could. He was a heavy man and there was no way in hell she could get him off her. In that moment, his mind flashed back to all the times he had been annoyed at her, when she had defied him or looked at him with disdain. Who the fuck did she think she was, he had thought. I am her superior and there were so many times she showed me a lack of respect! These thoughts fuelled his actions as he got up off her for a while and reached for his trousers. His camera on his phone was accessed and Celina protested helplessly as she heard the shutter sound go off multiple times. If this was the only time I am getting with this girl, I am going to remember it, he thought. His belt came off next. The guard in the lounge area raised his eyebrows as he heard the sound of leather meeting flesh and the ever-growing squeals of their captive ringing out through the penthouse. Sam panted and grew even more aggressive as her beautiful butt quivered with each hard stroke. He stopped and lay on her back to briefly rest and he could see the blindfold getting stained with tears as she gasped heavily into her gag, looking as if the fight had gone out of her. He spent time kissing her back and neck, hands massaging her tender, smooth flesh. He was half considering removing her blindfold and showing her who it was that was violating her but his lack of courage and his caution stopped him. He was burying his face into her heaving chest, licking and kissing her front as his hands pulled down her bra to caress and fondle her bare breasts, his mouth enveloping them, sucking and licking hard as her nipples began to stiffen. She was by far the most beautiful woman he had ever been with and he intended to enjoy her. Celina groaned and cried out loud as she felt his right hand go under her buttocks, reaching into her thong to finger her ass crack, furiously enjoying the feel of her soft velvety pussy, his thumb thrusting into her as his middle finger toyed and encircled her tight asshole. Sam’s cock was the hardest it had ever been in his life and she could feel it against her bare thighs, knowing it would inevitably end up inside her moistening sex. Her legs were pinned down as her sexy thong was pulled down and her legs were spread out wide by his hands. She could feel his hot breath against her pussy lips and her hips jerked upwards as his tongue aggressively tasted her pussy and her ass with the wetness of his saliva lubricating her for what was next. He enjoyed her sweetness and the smell of her pussy with his tongue thrusting in and out of her gorgeous pink insides. Celina let out a sharp squeal as his middle finger aggressively entered her asshole, thrusting in and out of her virgin ass with Sam thoroughly enjoying its tightness and smoothness. She knew she would be fucked as hard as she had ever been as the urgency which this unknown man was displaying towards her naked body almost implied he had wanted her for far longer than the hour or so she had spent under his control. True enough his weight pressed down on her front, his hot breath all over her face, Celina gasped as his cock entered into her. Sam cried out in ecstasy as he fucked his young staff member, her pussy so hot and slick, it felt as if it was sucking his cock with each thrust. He was so enjoying her body as it was so much more attractive than it even looked which he had not thought was possible. She was so helpless, pinned beneath his plump body, bathed in his perspiration as his eager mouth kissed her stretched lips and cheeks. He flipped her over once more on to her stomach and raised her butt into the air, placing her on her knees as his mouth sucked fanatically at her pussy lips and his tongue desperately tried to enter her asshole. Celina’s weight was all on her face and knees as she struggled in vain to lie back down. It proved impossible as he held her up and entered her from behind to fuck her doggy style for what seemed like forever. She felt his waist banging roughly and furiously against her ass cheeks with his arms holding her waist up. Celina moaned loudly as the sound of his body slamming against her rear filled her ears. She felt nothing more than a helpless sex slave yet again and the thought of giving up on ever finding her freedom again filled her mind as Sam was hell bent on maximizing his enjoyment with his lovely staff member. If only she knew, he thought as he collapsed on her back, fucking her hard until Celina’s eyes opened wide under her blindfold as she felt his cock stiffen further in her pussy, his thrust slowed down and he ejaculated his heavy load deep into her. Oh my god, she thought as she was filled with his cum. Sam lay down motionless on her for awhile before getting up and snapping a few more photos of his conquest. Celina lay on the sheets, expressionless with Sam’s cum still dripping from her pussy, down her thighs and on to the bed. Sam revelled in the moment. Whatever guilt he had was gone as he sat next to her, stroking her hair for a while before giving her a kiss goodbye. He smirked a little to himself in his new found perversion, thinking that for the first time, he truly felt like her boss. A quick smack to her luscious butt and Sam exited the room, almost precisely on the two hour mark leaving the little beauty to be picked up by her owners.

Interlude 2

?12AM on a Friday night/Saturday morning? Sabrina sighed to herself as her chauffeured driven car pulled up at her driveway. She thanked her driver and bodyguard as she exited and keyed in the entrance code to her front door. ?Way too early for a soon to be graduating 21 year old banking intern to be going home? she mumbled as she got in. Her overtly paranoid parents could still be heard in the living room debating about what more her father could do as the deputy prime minister of the nation to reduce the fiscal deficit. Either that or some other dire topic along those lines. She tiptoed quietly past them and up the stairs to her bedroom. Still wide awake, she felt the need to take a sleeping pill to help her doze off, seeing that as the daughter to the soon to be running-for-president, she was inclined to rise at 7 am the next morning to accompany her mother to a fund raiser. Being such public figures, it was no wonder why her parents were strict in imposing their curfew on their only daughter. With the election coming up, there was an air of caution with every action the family took either in their personal or professional lives.

She stepped into her bathroom and slipped her black dress over her head, to reveal a superb voluptuous young body, her mocha coloured skin slightly lighter and creamier than her matching set of basic brown bra and panties. She reached for her makeup remover, the reflection in the mirror stared back at a beautiful face with large eyes, high cheekbones framed by long slightly curly and wavy raven black hair. 5’5 in height and athletically built, she was a desirable young woman who in spite of her beauty, never took herself too seriously in the face of modelling contract offers and a long list of suitors. The unclasping of her D cup bra unveiled a set of fantastically full, round breasts with large brown nipples that stood out. She rolled her panties down her firm ass and fit thighs and stepped into a long, hot shower before drying herself off and getting ready for bed. Her attire was simply a lacy purple set of bra and thong panties which were covered up by a silk dark blue kimono like robe which helped to keep her warm at night under the sheets.

Safe and snug under the covers, Sabrina felt the pill kicking in as she gradually dozed off. As her eyes were three ways shut, she saw light streaming in from her room door slowly. Just mom and dad checking in on me, she thought as she tried to raise her heavy eye lids which actually revealed her body guard entering her room. ?Was something wrong? Jim would only enter the main residential area if there was a problem? she thought as she rose herself slowly. The realization that something indeed was very wrong dawned on her like an alarm bell as she saw three other men behind him entering her room! She tried to get up off her bed in her groggy, sleeping induced state but in a flash they were on her. Jim was on top of her pinning her down on her back with his weight. Before she could even scream, cloth was quickly inserted in her mouth and it was taped down. It all happened so quickly as she was flipped over, her wrists were bound together by a strong, plastic seal. Sabrina was held up into a sitting position as a leather hood was placed over her head and zipped tightly into place, fitting perfectly around her entire head. They dragged her off the bed and to her feet, in the process her robe came undone and fell, hanging loosely around her shoulders thereby revealing her near popping out breasts clad in the sexy purple lace with the matching panties for the men’s viewing pleasure. They shouted orders for her to be calm and not to fight as they led her down the stairs, past the living room pausing to allow her parents, who were tightly bound and gagged on the floor to take in the sight of their half naked daughter being abducted right out of their very own home. Jim had betrayed them. He had led them into their home and taken away what was most precious to them. To add insult to injury, he would be the one to liaise with them on demands for her possible safe return. Jim led the men to the household garage, pausing to check on his former colleagues who were lying dead in the dirt in defence of the DPM’s household. He started up the tinted MPV as two men got in the back with the terrified, blind and mute Sabrina made to sit between them as the car sped away from the estate.

Chapter 15

Poor Celina was in distress. So much so her recent ordeal at the hotel was not even registering on her mind. That happened so quickly after Nick was captured that she didn’t even have time to process the incidence which had almost led to her freedom. She was so worried for Nick and so angry at herself for being so vulnerable. For a moment when the soldiers fell she was sure that he was going to get them out of there and the nightmare would end. If only she had been more alert to her surroundings and had seen her keeper approaching her. They would have been free, she felt that was certain. She cursed herself as she paced back and forth in her cell for two days, asking the guards where Nick was and what had happened to him. She was met with only maddening silence much to her frustration. She did not sleep or eat during that time, all the while wondering what was next. As it turns out, she was about to discover one of the reasons why these black ops kept beautiful young women like herself in their custody. 10 guards entered the facility and lined themselves outside 10 cell doors which sprang open. I followed them in and instructed the girls in these cells including Celina to step outside. The 9 other girls knew the drill; they had been there for a while. Celina however was still adamant about questioning the guards and forcefully tried to get the guard at her cell to tell her what was going on. Immediately he backhanded her across the face, causing her to fall to the ground clutching her cheek. He roughly shook her to her feet and instructed her to keep her mouth shut. She complied. We lined the girls up and escorted them to the showers where they were told to clean up in plain sight of the guards who needed no encouragement to watch the girls bathing. While showering, Celina looked around and noted how docile and obedient the other girls were. All young and beautiful, she could only guess where they were from respectively. Clearly some of them were of South American, European, African and the Middle East origins. When they were done drying themselves, we marched them back down to the warehouse where we lined them up in a row, fastened chains to their wrists down to their ankles and linked each girl together so they had to always walk in a line together. With Celina the most petite amongst them right in the front, they would be easy to move and there was no way ten girls linked together could run off at any time. We duct taped their mouths once more as a lorry backed up towards us for us to load the girls up in the back. Right before Celina got in the lorry, she noticed a black MPV pulling into the compound. It stopped, the doors opened with two men getting out of the back dragging out a struggling hooded girl in only her purple lace bra and panties and guiding her to where Celina and the other girls had been housed. The girls were loaded in with armed guards sitting at the rear of the lorry as the large vehicle started up and made its way out of the barracks to an unknown location.


Running one of the elite mercenary camps in the world brings about its own complexities. Hiding its illicit activities from the outside world was one but equipping its personnel with food and the best weaponry was another. Staying one step ahead of the militaries around the world implied that contact with the underground world of modern arms dealing was vital. The problem was outbidding rival black operations group for the most up-to-date equipment and ensuring that the suppliers were kept happy to continually work with us. I was tasked with striking up the right deals with these men who could obviously call their own shots as far as money was concerned. Fortunately the general was extremely far sighted and knew how men operate. Marrying our activities together was the perfect way to ensure that our squad was the most elite, the best of the best and we were all profitable as a whole.

As the lorry carried on its journey through the jungle, I glanced over at our cargo. Cases of millions of dollars lay on the floor at the feet of the chained women who stared hopelessly into blank space. Completely naked, there would be no need for clothes where they were going. After two hours on the road, we came to a river bank where a few tents had been set up as a temporary settlement.  The lorry came to a halt beside a tent where a commando and I got out and entered the tent with two guards remaining in the lorry and three others standing guard outside. We had done this quite a few times before and knew what to expect. The arms dealers were already inside. Four of them seated at a rectangular table where two chairs were laid out on the opposite for us. The leader of the cartel was missing however. We were informed that he had been replaced, which in their business meant he was already dead. This posed problems for us. We were dealing with a new head therefore there were bound to be complications in terms of negotiating a deal. The four men opposite us were familiar to us. Two Mexicans, a Colombian and an Argentine who fortunately all spoke English. Just the middle men but dangerous and savvy men who never shied away from getting their hands dirty. They wore camouflage gear with sunglasses and cigarettes permanently in their mouths. Sun burnt by the hot jungle sun, they informed us that their head would be viewing the proceedings with a one way camera on their laptop on the table and would deliver instructions to them virtually. We nodded. The first order of the day was to go through a list of weapons that we might want. We were taken through a presentation of which we were to mark our interest in selected items and then talk money from there. In about an hour we had identified the must haves. Grade A items that were not even on the radar of any countries in the world. We had a budget of 10 million US dollars and were confident we could offer enough. Everything was going smoothly, no tension in the air until the cartel leader apparently informed his men that there was another offer of 15 million dollars coming from another area. Standard procedure we thought. This is where we were to play our ace in the hole. I immediately texted the guards in the lorry and instructed them to lead the chained and gagged girls into the tent. The sound of iron manacles clanking together filled the space as the girls entered and were lined up in front of the 4 men and the laptop. The South Americans seemed pleased. The usual deal was for us to leave the girls for a week at the meeting spot and retrieve them thereafter. The terms were simple. The cartel was free to do as they liked as long as no girls lost limbs or were killed. No other mercenary group in the world offered what we did as we controlled the supply of high quality women who were seen as unattainable to other sex traffickers. That coupled with the money ensured we were always ahead of the curve. Simple terms. That is until the leader threw in a curve ball. He demanded that we provide him with two girls for a month as he was to have to travel a great distance and would be in need of company. I thought about it for a while. We needed these suppliers and yet to face the uncertainty of losing two out of our ten finest girls was dangerous. Who knows what would happen to them in that month? I decided to meet him in the middle and agreed to the terms as long as I could choose which two he would take. He agreed. I motioned to the guard to bring the girls closer to the laptop. I selected the African and the Middle Eastern who incidentally hailed from Lebanon. Exotic, slim, both with wavy hair and fine features, they had also been with us the longest thus I figured if anything happened it wouldn’t be too great a loss. He agreed upon the Lebanese but pointed out the petite Chinese at the front as the one he really wanted. I swallowed hard. Celina was out of the question I told him. She could stay here for the week as per the normal arrangement but no more than that. Imagine my dismay when he decided to call off the deal as a whole if she was not sent to him for a month. Cursing this greedy bastard under my breath, I made a call to the General who reluctantly provided me with further terms. Two F 52 jets for the price of one if Celina was to be ‘loaned’ to him. The terms were met; the deal was signed with 50% of the fee provided to the cartel with the rest sent out upon receipt of the weapons and the return of the girls. The girls were taken outside where a make shift ‘goal post’ had been built. Their chains were separated, only to be raised above their heads where they were to be serve as eye candy while the men shared food and drink which is customary after a deal had been signed. Throughout the evening, the cartel members would stand beside the girls, groping them and enjoying their smooth skin as they hung helplessly from the posts, their naked bodies luscious in the light of the camp fire. As we were about to leave, our truck loaded with some of the purchased weapons, I gazed back around the campfire where some men had unchained the girls and were bringing them to their respective tents. At the bank, I saw a motor boat being started and the four South Americans carrying the naked forms of the Lebanese and Celina on-board for a journey up-river. In Celina’s mind she was being taken further away from Nick and further away from hopes of rescue.



Nick’s predicament was not about to be resolved in any way or manner. Since he was now a captive at the behest of the General and his band of mercenaries, they decided he should be made use of in the best way possible. Imprisoned in a cell, he sat and fumed in vain at his ineffectiveness. For two days he waited without word until five soldiers appeared at his door, armed to the teeth with instructions for him to get up and follow them. He arose to be escorted to another room in the barracks which was shrouded at first in darkness until the sound of a switch was heard and light from a large spotlight filled the room with the focus being a large bed in the centre with a beautiful young girl, bound, gagged and blindfolded lying on it. He surveyed the room and his fears were realized when he caught the sight of a video camera on a tripod focusing on the girl. His captive’s intentions were clear and more so as he was instructed to undress and lie down next to the girl with the penalty for his refusal delivered to him in the form of never seeing his Celina alive again. He had no choice but to obey as he undressed and lay beside the girl awaiting his next instructions.


Celina and the Lebanese girl’s journey up the river lasted for hours with both beauties throwing up many times as the boat zipped quickly up-river against the current and manoeuvring past rocks. It didn’t help that they were tied up and left on the floor of the little boats which meant they were unable to get their equilibriums sorted. The arms dealers were casually seated around, yet still were alert and clutching their weapons as if primed for any attacks. When the boat finally docked, Celina and her companion who she later learnt went by the name Lynn, were raised roughly to their feet and escorted off the boat onto a makeshift pier. They both felt horribly sick, stomachs churning, desperate just to lie down and regain their bearings. Despite that it was obvious to them that they had been brought to a little fishing village. The smell of fish hung in the air causing Lynn to retch once more while Celina held her breath as she surveyed the small huts used to store the catches and the sunburnt fishermen emptying nets who seemed indifferent to the sight of two naked foreigners being led along the pier by armed men. Mercifully the girls learnt they were not to stay in the village as they realized they were being escorted to a large black SUV waiting at the end of the pier. The trunk opened and they groaned as the men brought out two oversized suitcases, placed them on the ground and opened them up. Celina and Lynn were both ordered to their dismay to get into them. Lynn was first as Celina watched how she was made to step into the case, fold her knees up to her breasts and how she cried out in dismay as it was shut with her cramped inside. Our heroine was next as her petite stature served a little better than the Lebanese with Celina fitting better into the large case. Everything went dark and she protected her head as her case was lifted and roughly placed into the trunk beside the other suitcase. Much like when she was first kidnapped from the parking basement, Celina was forced to endure a rough bumpy ride in extreme cramped quarters with her stomach still hopelessly churning from the ride on the river. After a two hour ride, the vehicle entered a small city sitting in the shadow of the tallest mountain in the country. Despite a population of 300,000, the city was bustling with activity due to tourism mainly as it boasted the best mountain resort with annual rave activities attracting party goers at peak periods. Celina was so light headed due to the lack of oxygen but could not seem to pass out due to the wild bumps and sudden jerks which caused her to keep bumping against the walls of her confinement. She could hardly string thoughts together and felt that she truly might just die before these animals opened the case. Her experience worsened as the SUV stopped at the foot of the mountain where a cable car was waiting to take the men and their luggage up to the resort. Celina could actually sense the sudden change in altitude as her already thin air seemed to be disappearing as she gasped uncontrollably for air yet she was too weak to hit against her case in protest. She was forced to put up with it until at long last the case was sprung open with a wave of cold fresh air washing over her naked body, the sudden glare of natural light through a large glass window pane blinding her. She gasped and sucked in as much air as she could, immediately feeling better. She was so dizzy with everything a blur to her, she couldn’t move her limbs as they were all way past being numb but she felt one of the men lifting her out of the case and placing her into a bathtub where an altitude sickness pill was placed in her mouth and washed down with a more than welcome drink of water. Celina was then left to recover her senses in the heated bathroom for about two hours. When the sweet thing awoke, she felt much better and could finally see and breathe normally. She was still in the tub, in a large well-lit bathroom with marble floorings and walls. Immediately she was aware she was in an upper-scale hotel as the fixtures were all titanium, clean and modern. A sense of alarm swept her as she heard a girl sobbing in the same bathroom. Celina pulled herself out of the tub and gazed in horror at the opposite corner at the sight of Lynn being whipped with a belt in a stand-up shower by an older woman who was dressed in her undergarments. Hot water flowed over them from the ceiling shower head as Lynn cowered in the corner of the large glass contained facility with the woman mercilessly raining blows on her back and legs. She was frightening and intense, which made Celina wonder what Lynn had done to incur her wrath. Disobedience was the most likely crime as she screamed at the Lebanese to get up and dry herself. Sobbing and shaking, the girl complied as the woman opened the door and passed the girl who was now wrapped up in a towel to another matronly looking woman with instructions to take her next door and get her ready. Fear gripped little Celina as the woman approached her with orders to step out of the tub and get into the shower. She complied, gazing at the woman who was obviously Chinese in descent; she must have been about 50 years of age, judging by the lines on her face and the streaks of grey in her short, wet hair. She bore the appearance of a woman that could have been Celina’s own mother in age and with an authoritative, stern demeanour, she was not to be disobeyed. Her face was still handsome but her body was impressively toned and fit with her bra-encased breasts yet to really sag and her stomach fit and tight. She had long legs and easily towered over Celina at 5’9. Her rough hands grasped her charges wrist and pulled her into the shower in an urgent and extremely impatient manner. In truth, Celina wasn’t sure why Lynn had protested at all. The hot water was so welcome as it helped her to relax a little and relax her sore muscles. She was handed soap which she gratefully accepted. The woman stood back and watched the sexy Chinese cleanse herself willingly. She smirked as she realised that this one was probably resigned to whatever fate was in store for her and would not be too much trouble. Celina had her back to her as she suddenly felt the rough hands of the middle aged woman on her shoulders moving around to massage her breasts. Her bra and panties had been discarded and the younger girl could feel a set of nipples pressing against her back as the woman embraced Celina, her hands busily lathering up the soap on Celina’s breasts and stomach. She froze as she felt her lips on her cheek, hungrily kissing her face and neck. She didn’t know how to react as she hadn’t been even touched by another woman since she was a little girl. She couldn’t help but submit to the friction and the firmness of the massage she was being given, not to mention the kisses raining down on her face, neck and shoulders which in quite a bizarre nature, felt reassuring. Celina’s nipples were hardening as they were caressed. She moaned a little until the massaging ceased and a tongue teasingly flicked at her ear with the woman whispering ?Good girl. You’re going to be nice and obedient aren’t you? You’ll have no trouble if you are baby?. Celina merely gave the slightest of nods in response as the water was turned off and she was passed a towel and hair dryer as her ‘matron’ as it were proceeded to dry herself.

Celina and Lynn were being prepared for the evening’s activities with a bunch of other older women attending to them. They were given food and water after their showers which were very welcome to them, seeing as they had vomited so many times on the way to their current location. Colour returned to their cheeks and the dizziness subsided after a hot meal of bread, soup and a little roast chicken. They ate wrapped in their towels and when they were done, both were motioned to be seated at make-up tables where their hair, nails and make up were done up expertly by the commanding matrons. Both looked lovely as their eyes, lips and cheeks respectively were treated to expensive cosmetics. Celina’s lips in particular were a radiant shade of red, sweet perfume applied to her neck and underarms, her hair brushed straight and long. She glanced over at Lynn who had been handed a black corset with grey trimmings which suited her tall model like frame complemented with a grey g string thong and stockings. She looked beautiful, Celina thought. Her dress was a knee length black strapless one that was simple yet with her silver heels on she was a head turner in every sense. Her curly hair was done up in a wavy, exotic fashion and in short she was a classic Middle Eastern beauty in every sense when the women were done with her. Celina’s attire was a sexy dark blue lace thong with a strapless matching bra. The thong hung off her hips in an alluring ‘V’ shape with the lace feeling soft and seductive on her skin. Her dress was a one-strapped suede purple one that ended an inch above her knees. She put on matching coloured and suede 4 inch heels to complete the ensemble. Both girls looked absolutely perfect. They both were made to sit and wait for a while until a couple of hours later at 10pm, the door opened and the four Latino men entered, all nicely dressed in shirts and slacks, a complete change from the rugged, sun burnt look they usually bore. They harshly commanded the girls to get to their feet and walked in an intimidating fashion around them, inspecting their appearances and clearly satisfied and pleased with the work the matrons had done on them. One of them produced two steel chains and fastened them around both their waists. The reason for this was simply to mark these two out as captives brought over for a specific purpose, meaning no random stranger could approach them without the permission of their handlers. They were then made to follow the men, walking behind two while the other two followed behind the girls who walked side by side, exchanging fearful glances with each other as they were marched out the hallway, past the lobby and towards a long carpeted passageway which lead them to a side entrance of the world famous indoor rave destination. With each step they took they could hear the sound of electronic music growing louder and louder. A large bouncer stepped aside and opened the door for them to enter. It truly was a magnificent venue, the girls staring in awe at the massive open club space in front of them. The entire venue was actually a one way transparent dome that allowed party goers to witness the snow falling on the high ceiling and all around them. Matched with the impressive laser lights it truly was a sight to behold, a combination of natural beauty and a futuristic styled club. The stage area was massive, able to house 4 different deejays, with massive screens panning the scene and two long bars at either side with high stools and ottomans placed nicely around for sitting purposes. Celina and Lynn gasped at the sight of over 300 people from all over the world, dancing and drinking expensive champagne and vodka, all dressed to the nines. Suddenly two of the men grasped Celina’s shoulders from behind and guided her towards one side of the club, with Lynn being led towards the other side. They walked past the extravagant bar and towards the side of the stage area where a concealed, curtained VVIP area was revealed. The two girls would understand shortly that they had been brought there to entertain high level clients of the arms dealers. As with the mercenaries, girls like Celina were best used as ‘deal sweeteners’. This was their true value and as with past civilizations, women were seen as assets to be governed and controlled to the desire of men. Celina was brought into a private room with lush sofas, an endless flow of champagne, private karaoke sets and a platform for pole dancing. She was met with the sight of a fully uniformed North Korean man, who the Latinos addressed as ‘Captain’. He was lean and stern looking with narrow eyes and a serious disposition as one would imagine a North Korean soldier to be. A man in his forties, in his dark green, heavily badged military outfit complete with marching boots. Seated with him were four young boys, one of them being his son, all of which clearly were no older than 18 or 19 years of age.  The Captain greeted them in halting English, expressing his delight to see them and their ‘gift’ which he would inspect properly later after he had conducted business with them. He rose and approached Celina, standing right in front of her gazing down, he grasped her chin and inspected her pretty face. ?Chinese?? he asked. Frozen by his commanding, stern look, she merely nodded. She started shivering in fear as he reached for his belt and drew his army knife, tracing the sharp, serrated weapon along her neck. Her eyes grew wide as the cold steel lightly traced down her arms and back up to her jugular again. ?Don’t be scared pretty Chinese? he murmured, smiling wickedly as he returned his knife into its sheath. Embracing her, her lips parted as he tenderly kissed her red lips thoroughly enjoying himself, his hands lightly squeezing her gorgeous buttocks. ?Welcome,? he said as his lips met hers once more. Celina was incredibly intimidated by his demeanour which seemed cold, devious and measured at the same time. He turned to the youngsters who all bore eager, impatient expressions and said in Korean. ?Take her outside for awhile and have some fun. I will send for her when I’m done here. Go.? The boys got up and the tallest of the group grabbed Celina by her arm and hurried her out of the room to join the crowd of people gathered on the dance floor.


Stepping outside the room Celina realised that everyone was staring at them, probably used to the sight of girls like her at the club being forced into similar predicaments. The chain around her waist singled her out as one of those unfortunates. She was being herded by the four boys over to the bar where she was positioned in the middle of them. She didn’t understand a word they were saying as they conversed in their own tongue. The one who could speak passable English took on the task of ordering at the counter. She felt the weight of the plumpest of the crew on her back, his arms encircling her, his face burying in her hair, breathing in her scent as his hands explored her suede covered body. She realised that these kids probably had never been with a girl before and a captive like her was the perfect way for them to be introduced to what females could offer them. Their over eagerness was being translated to busy hands which ran over her bare arms, one of them grasping her cheek and drawing her in for a kiss, missing her lips as she turned away in disgust. She was desperate to get away, to be used by a bunch of teenagers for their amusement was degradation at its utmost. The boys were laughing to themselves, clearly commenting on their newest plaything as savoured two bottles of whiskey which they were drinking way too fast out of glasses filled with ice.  The fat ones hands were especially wild as he clearly had no regard for the rest of the crowd who might have been watching, Celina’s thighs were being caressed under her dress as he clumsily groped her butt cheeks, exclaiming excitedly out loud while doing so, clearly impressed with the tautness of her ass. The smooth feel of a young woman’s butt had been alien to him up to this point and he encouraged his friends to have a feel as well, as Celina struggled in vain to stop them. Fuelled by hormones and alcohol, there was no chance of these boys stopping however. One of them grabbed her by the waist and tried to get her to sway to the beat of the music with him but was met with a fierce glare and arms that tried to shove him away. He laughed and grabbed the older girl by the waist, drawing her in for a forced kiss on the lips which she kept at bay by tightening her lips. He then grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the counter and placed it at her mouth, forcing her to open as her head was held back by his fat friend aiding him to pour the burning liquid down her throat. She didn’t expect it, and much to their amusement began to cough wildly, having already ingested quite a large amount. The whiskey spilt over her neck, running down her dress and bra. Even the bartender was interested in the scene unfolding in front of him and she heard him over the beat of loud music, encouraging the boys to explore more ways to exploit their beautiful companion. A group of men had gathered around the bar as well, all eyes were on the boys and Celina wondering what would happen next. Celina was growing tired, fending off their advances as they took turns to kiss her face, neck and arms. They groped her through her dress which was starting to get soaked thoroughly as they continuously forced the bottle to her mouth, making sure she swallowed as much as she possibly could. The whiskey burned down her throat, she was already beginning to feel intoxicated as she was not the strongest of drinkers and had a particular weakness where spirits were concerned. She could feel her head starting to spin as her protestations further weakened, her arms no longer able to keep even the smallest of the group at bay as he messily kissed and bit her neck, no doubt causing marks to occur. She was being propped up by their bodies which insisted on pressing up close to her, even to a bunch of teens she felt small and helpless, gazing around aimlessly at the anonymous faces who stared at her more out of curiosity and perversion rather than sympathy. Wild tongues invaded her mouth, French kissing her sloppily, she nearly gagged at the taste and smell of the whiskey on their breaths. Her lipstick was already smeared and she looked lost and bewildered. She gazed up at the big screen of the stage and to her dismay, she was the subject of interest on that night. All 300 plus guests could watch as she was groped, molested and eventually stripped. She was in the arms of one of the boys who had his tongue hell bent on exploring every inch of her mouth when she felt her dress losing its shape. She gazed up at the screen and squealed as the fat one slowly unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the ground around her ankles. There she stood, semi-nude in front of a large crowd, her blue lace underwear clad body up on the screen as the teenagers delighted in the smooth skin of her waist, back and belly. Not one man’s eyes were not on her as at the encouragement of the bartender, she was lifted up on to the bar table, her legs dangling off the edge. She was made to lie down as her bra was pulled down off her breasts to reveal her dark nipples to the hungry young boys as well as the rest of the club. Celina desperately tried to get up, but strong hands held her down by her legs and arms which were drawn up over her head, pushing her tits up to be squeezed roughly by the boys who were having the time of their lives. She screamed but no one could really hear her over the beat of the music. It was an erotic scene, with the club lights, fog and the flash of cameras taking pictures and videos of Celina’s desperation by random members of the public who were all incredibly turned on themselves. The bartender was the one who seemed the most lost in the excitement as he popped open a bottle of champagne, and poured the ice cold liquid all over Celina’s bare top, showering her breasts in Cristal. Her body jerked upwards and thrashed as the cold champagne hit her skin only to be warmed by the boy’s mouths that aggressively licked and sucked up the drink from her body, paying special attention to suck her nipples which were incredibly hard by now. The bartender at the request of the boys poured the expensive drink into her mouth, forcing her to swallow as to not would be to choke. She was drunk but not enough to not feel hands around the waist band of her panties, the thong being pulled down her legs. The inexperienced teenagers were being coerced by some members of the crowd to do so, with the barman pouring yet more champagne between her legs over her hairy pussy. Her legs were spread at the edge of the bar top. Cameras zoomed in as one of the boys hungrily lapped up the liquid over her pussy lips, causing her to cry out loud in horror at the humiliation of being publicly violated. She cried out again when she looked up at the screen at the sight of her own naked body, dripping wet and spread out on a public bar top, legs spread and a boy orally raping her for the world to see. His friend, carried away by the high of dominating a girl to such a degree, soaked her panties in Cristal and inserted it into her mouth, thereby allowing her to suck the champagne from her own underwear. The men in the crowd actually cheered at the sight of this, wishing they were the ones able to use Celina in such a manner. Their cheering turned to boos as two soldiers emerged from the Captain’s room and informed the lust filled young teens that Captain had requested for her immediate return. The boy’s reluctantly stopped what they were doing as the now rag doll like Celina was carried back by the soldiers past the protesting club visitors back to her new master’s domain.

Chapter 16

The Captain was very pleased with his brand new acquisition. So much so that he had prepared a special room for her which had all the amenities she could wish for. A large spacious bedroom with a private bathroom and large wardrobe demonstrated to her that he wished to keep her there for quite some time. She was unchained, unbound, free to roam around the large mansion at her leisure with guards ensuring she would not be able to escape anyhow. Her first day there allowed her time to herself in her new room. She could not at this point careless about the fact she was being monitored at all times via cameras in both rooms which feed directly was sent to the Captain’s private bedroom as well as his mobile phone. She gladly bathed herself and rested her tired, sore body with a good long sleep that was uninterrupted until dinner time. The wardrobe consisted mainly of short sexy dresses, mini-skirts, bikinis, sexy lingerie, all in her petite sizes. She selected a basic pair of black cotton bra and g-string and covered herself up with a short lilac dress with matching heels. The only drawback to her room was there was no door lock which allowed anyone access to her at anytime they desired. As she brushed her lovely dark hair, the Captain entered the room freezing her in her tracks. He approached her from behind, her eyes fixed on him watching him through her mirror as he locked his arms around her waist and greeted her with a tender kiss to her neck and cheek, breathing her sweet scent in. He was actually quite handsome, Celina realized. A strong , lean and masculine personality he dominated any room he walked in and she couldn’t help but think that of all her captors or ‘hosts’ to this point, he was the least despicable. Holding her gently by the hand, he led her out of her room, through a few corridors, down some stairs to the dining room where dinner for two was awaiting them. Throughout dinner he was charming, talking freely to her in his passable English, he held her hand, kissing it occasionally. He truly appeared to be extremely happy with her and she could see he was trying to indulge her as much as possible, treating her not as a captive but almost as a real partner would have. She felt obliged to be pleasant and cracked a nervous smile at him every now and then as she tried to distinguish between all her horrible experiences to this point and the courtesy being demonstrated to her at this point. After they finished he showed her more of the house, culminating with a drink outside on a large balcony overlooking the sprawling grounds which came with a swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball court and large driveways. Once more he gently held her in a semi-embrace drawing her in for tender kisses on her luscious lips which he clearly delighted in. He was gentle, clean and had a non-threatening demeanour. She closed her eyes and found herself kissing back, nodding her head to his sentences whether she fully understood his meaning or not. When they finished their drink, he ushered her upstairs to his massive master bedroom which was dimly light, windows open, an entirely romantic situation if she were not a prisoner. He opened a drawer and took out a jewellery box, of which he removed a beautiful sparkling diamond necklace. Placing it around her neck, he stepped back to admire her. Perfect, he said. Confused Celina merely stammered a thank you, to which his response was to kiss her fully on her lips. She felt his strong arms wrap around her small frame, his hands caressing her. She shut her eyes and something in her told her to let go, to just see what happened. She had no choice after all. She was just a slave. What was the point in fighting? He was being good to her and for the first time in her captivity, she felt unthreatened. She kissed back. She kissed him hard, her tongue finding its way into his mouth. Her lips pressed against his face as her arms returned his embrace. The zip on her dress found itself being pulled down as the garment fell to the floor around her ankles. Kissing passionately, he moved the sweet Chinese girl to his bed, before they sank into the sheets, her bra was unhooked, her panties removed, their lips still locked together. She was impressed with his tight and taught body as she voluntarily removed his shirt, slacks and pulled his boxers down to reveal a good sized erect cock standing at attention to her. I will see where this goes, she thought. Perhaps an advantage can be gained by currying favour with this man. He pressed her body down on the bed with the weight of his own, fully enjoying her soft, smooth delectable body. His mouth expertly explored her body, sending shivers and spasms through her before he entered her slick, wet and willing pussy. They fucked passionately as if they had been doing it for a long time. He thrust in and out of her purposefully causing her to feel the pleasure of sex fully for the first time since she had been taken. Her arms hooked around his upper body as her legs did the same around his waist, accepting his cock inside her she felt something she never thought she would again. With a loud scream, Celina came. She had an orgasm for the first time, as he allowed himself to cum inside her upon feeling her do so. She sank back into his bed, gasping, drenched in both their perspiration. With a kiss to her lips he allowed her to rest, Celina fell asleep in his arms, not quite sure what had just happened. I am a slave, she thought. How can I allow myself to feel so good? With that thought in mind, she drifted off.

The next few weeks seemed as if the days repeated themselves. He would make love to her every night and during the day when he was around, he would dine with her, drink with her and shower her with expensive gifts. Clothes, jewellery, entertainment for her room, he seemed hell bent on spoiling her. She had no idea why he was being so indulgent with her but she accepted it, this experience being so much better than her recent sufferings. Part of her felt extremely guilty for being so submissive but she put this down to her instinct to survive. Yet something in her made her almost want to please him. One morning she arose before him, her urges taking over her, she reached to his groin to stroke the sleeping man’s cock before placing it in her mouth, sucking and licking his hardening shaft as he awoke in pleasure to find his lovely captive giving him the blowjob of his life. That same day, he took her out to the city, heavily guarded by body guards of course to purchase an obscenely expensive Cartier watch for her. That evening they lounged at the pool side by side on deck chairs, Celina in a gorgeous two piece bikini with blue and white stripes. It was then that she noticed to her disgust, the Captain’s son and his friends returning home. They approached the girl and his father, greeting the older man politely of course and exchanging words with him. Throughout, Celina felt their eyes on her, hungrily leering at her sexy body. Threatened yet confident, she arose and lay down beside the father on his deck chair, cuddling up to him as the boys were leaving the scene. His son smiled evilly at her, unnoticed by his father yet seen by Celina, he licked his lips at her before departing. The next morning at breakfast, Celina found herself waiting for her owner at the table, when his disgusting son entered the dining hall with a sadistic grin on his face. She froze as he came behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders and uttering something in Korean before his hands began to caress her neckline, moving slowly down to fondle her breasts. Mercifully before he could do so, his father emerged and upon seeing what his son was doing, he strode up to him and with a powerful swing of his fist, the young boy found himself on the ground clutching his face, with his father yelling at him in Korean. Although she could not comprehend, Celina was sure he was stating that she was not to be disturbed and that she was his and his alone. Enraged, the boy slunk away into the recesses of the home swearing loudly. At that, she was sure she was now untouchable, so long as the Captain was around.  That night as they lay in bed she felt confident enough to ask him for a lock to be placed on her own bedroom door, with only him having the key of course. He generously agreed to it, much to her relief. The day came when she actually found herself requiring the lock. The Captain was called away on duty for two weeks, before leaving he of course left explicit instructions for the servants to serve his lady’s every need as well as warning his son to leave her well and alone. Lust and disobedience of course set in and Celina found herself being accosted by the boy and one of his friends as she was walking along the corridor to her room from the dining hall. They grabbed her and groped her body roughly, as she fought mightily for freedom. With a strong swing of her leg, she caught the son square between the legs causing him to double over in extreme pain. Free of their grasp she ran to her room, locking the door behind her, leaving the boys to hammer on the door, shouting expletives at her. For the next 3 days Celina refused to leave her room, with the servants bringing her food. She would not leave until the Captain returned and she could report this incident to him.

One morning as the servants brought her breakfast tray in, she noticed a USB stick placed next to her coffee cup with a note attached. It read,? You would really want to see this Ms. Celina Ong?.  Filled with dread she inserted the stick into her Smart Television set. The video file was opened with the sight of the son and four of his friends at the door to an apartment. With evil grins, they gathered around in view of the camera with one boy taking centre stage as he spoke the best English.  ?Hello Ms. Celina. Do you think you are safe behind that door in your room? We were thinking we really want you to come out or for us to go in and be in with you but you won’t let us will you? I think you will change your mind now after seeing what we have behind this door. Are you curious? Come let us show you and I think you will be very happy to keep us company from now on.? Celina watched nervously as the boys opened the door to reveal the living room to the apartment. In the middle of the room, a person was bound to a chair with a hood over their head. The boys approached her with the camera following suit and she could now see it was a woman dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans and a black t-shirt. ?Are you ready Celina?? the boy asked as the rest chuckled around him. The son reached to the hood and dismay engulfed Celina as it was removed and the woman’s identity was revealed. Sitting there looking ragged and faint with a cloth stuffed in her mouth and tape over it, was her own mother. ?No.? Celina thought. ?Open the door baby. Now?, said the boy.


Celina’s mind and heart began to race uncontrollably. What had happened? How did these little bastards get their hands on my mother? Is this how they intend to get me to submit to them? Animals! She was filled with hatred and anger yet concern and worry for her mom. She couldn’t risk it. She had to get to her and make sure she was unharmed. Very slowly Celina unlocked her door and let it swing open. Loud cheers emerged down the hallway that got closer with each passing second. Celina stepped back and sat down on her bed. The English speaking boy, who she came to know as Seong and two others appeared at her doorway, staring triumphantly at her. She sighed as they approached her, Seong kneeling down in front of her with the other two sitting down, flanking her on her bed. He explained to her that by now she had no choice but to come with them if she wanted to see her mother again. Stroking her hair and cheeks, the other two just smiled wickedly at her. After a minute to gather herself, Celina meekly nodded her head. Grasping her by the arms, the other two ushered her out of her room, down the hallway and stairs to where a Porsche Cayenne awaited. Seong got in the driver’s seat while the other two sat in the back with Celina in the middle. She was very plainly dressed with a white t-shirt and short green hot pants exposing most of her legs, of which the two boys delighted in stroking and feeling up her smooth thighs. She shivered in anticipation for what was in store for her next. After forty minutes, they pulled up to an old military airfield on the outskirts of town. Abandoned for years, it was now used by the Captain’s son and his friends to chop up or sell stolen luxury cars. Driving into a hangar, one of the boys produced a set of handcuffs which he used to secure the little beauty’s hands behind her back. Helping her out the car, they led her to an office room where the shutters were drawn from the inside. Upon opening the door, Celina let out a scream when she saw her mother in the same chair she had appeared in, in the video sans the hood. The older lady let out a muffled cry as she saw her long missing daughter being brought into the room. Standing behind her was the Captain’s son, sneering as usual, anticipating the fun he would have now that his object of desire had been brought to him with his father nowhere nearby.   The two boys held Celina back as she attempted to run to her mom, one of them clamping his hand around her mouth silencing her instantly. Celina continued to struggle as her eyes widened with rage as JR (captain’s son) stroked her mom’s hair and massaged her shoulders, taunting the younger woman who desperately tried to get to her. When she stopped struggling, JR approached her and instructed his friend to translate his words. ?Well my little lovely, it looks like you will have to cooperate with us after all? Now that my father is not here you don’t have anyone who can protect you. When he’s back I will bet you will not utter a word as well right? This is seeing as we now have leverage in the form of your still very lovely mother too!? Her mouth being released, Celina drew a deep breath and spat in JR’s face! ?You little bastard! Let her go and take her home now! She has nothing to do with this! What’s wrong with you, you sick little creep! When your father gets back, he’s going to hear about this and I bet you are going to get much more than one slap for this! Let us both go now!? Her rage spilling over, our little heroine could no longer control her words. Straight after her words were translated, Celina cried out as JR drew his hand back and struck her hard across her face! Gag her, he told his friends. Seong produced a ball gag and proceeded to force it between our still stunned beauty’s mouth as her arms were held back by the two others. She cried out violently into her gag as Seong and JR walked over to where her mother was tied in the middle of the room. The older lady screamed into her cloth gag as they untied her bonds that secured her to her chair, only to raise her to her feet and secure her to wrist manacles attached to the wall. Standing upright with her arms raised above her head, Seong held her legs as JR slowly unbuttoned her jeans buttons and while staring at Celina, pulled the zipper down. Her jeans were pulled down and off her ankles as JR reached up and tore her black t-shirt down the middle! Ripping the cloth away, Celina’s mom now was left in nothing but her skin coloured bra and panties with slight lace trimmings covering her mature yet still appealing and sexy body. Her sun-kissed skin tone, soaked in perspiration added her allure in the dim yellow light of the room. The two boys nodded at each other in approval as their eyes ran wild all over her half naked frame. It was clear to see where Celina had got her looks from as her mom’s body revealed that in her youth she must have been very attractive indeed and even in her 50’s the young boys found her quite the catch. Celina stopped fighting and calmed down a bit. Smiling with approval, JR instructed her to get undressed. Shivering with fear and concern for her mother, Celina haltingly removed her shorts and top to reveal herself in red and black lingerie.  JR motioned for her to approach him and as she did he drew her close to him, removing her ball gag. Kiss me good, he ordered her. With her mother looking on, Celina had no choice but to give him a long, wet and passionate kiss. Seong stroked the older lady’s hair and confirmed their worst fears. For each other’s sake, you two are going to have a long couple of days ahead of you. Believe me we are going to have a great time.

Now my little sweet Celina, I might leave mommy’s bra and panties on if you take the initiative of pleasing me right now. I am going to leave it up to you baby. You can do anything you want just to keep us from stripping that hot bitch of a mom of yours. JR sat down and grinned at her as Celina contemplated what she should do next. She didn’t want to be responsible for whatever happened to her restrained mother who was breathing heavily into her gag with Seong’s hands freely caressing her body. Celina swallowed her pride as she straddled JR, her bra clad perky little breasts in his face. She held his face and kissed him on the lips, face and neck, his hands on her hips enjoying her sudden act of compliance.  She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, pulling it off herself thrusting her pointy nipples in his face as his young eager mouth opened to sloppily lick and nibble at her lovely brown, dark sexy buds. She could not help but sigh a bit as he did so as she pulled his shirt over his head, her hands massaging and stroking his chest and shoulders as she French kissed him. Celina’s mom watched in utter shock and horror at how her daughter was forced to degrade herself to the level of almost a common prostitute whose sole purpose in life was in the pleasure of depraved men. Celina reached for JR’s pant button and zipper, skilfully unbuttoning and unzipping with her one hand, immediately grabbing his hard cock, jerking it off as he started to moan. His friends watched enviously as he grabbed her breasts, roughly squeezing and enveloping them, his wet tongue fervently slobbering away at them. Celina heard her mom gasp out loudly, as she looked up at the sight of Seong who at this point was having a hard time controlling his urges, fondling Mrs Ong’s breasts, his hands having reached into her bra, his mouth kissing her face as she grimaced and struggled to be free of his grasp. Celina almost got up to run over to her mom, to somehow stop her from being molested but JR grabbed her arms and warned her to continue what she was doing, as according to their deal, Mrs Ong’s underwear remained on her body. Seong looked teasingly over at the young girl, his fingers playing with the straps of her bra. He took his fingers off them as Celina stood up and reluctantly pulled her own panties down revealing her lovely hairy bush to the boys. She got to her knees and while looking up submissively at JR, pulled down his pants and underwear. He groaned as she spread his legs and her sexy pink tongue teasingly ran over his balls and shaft causing his cock to become fully erect right before her face. She was beyond humiliated now as she opened wide to take it into her wet and willing mouth, giving him the best blowjob he had ever experienced. Her only mission was to somehow save her mom from the fate she had been suffering for so many months. Ten minutes passed as he finally could no longer hold back, grabbing her head and thrusting it down, making her gag on his shaft as he shot a huge load down her throat causing her to choke and cough uncontrollably, falling backwards on to her butt with her mouth full of hot, sticky cum dripping down on to her breasts. The naked girl wiped her mouth with her hands, completely and utterly shamed in front of her own mother. Seong continued tormenting her with his hands fiddling with the waistband of Mrs Ong’s panties, threatening to pull them down. No! Celina shouted. She motioned for Seong to take JR’s seat which had been vacated as the satisfied boy had gotten up to towel himself off. Seong sat down, eager to receive the same treatment as his friend. Celina stripped him, straddled him and made him promise to leave her mom alone. She placed his hard cock at her pussy, sitting down on it as he groaned out loud, enjoying the pleasure of his throbbing dick being welcomed into her hot, wet sex. Celina began riding him hard, thrusting her little tits in his face, his hands firmly gripping her beautiful buttocks as she moved her hips like she never had before.  Her gorgeous little sexy body felt so good on his bare skin, her sweat helping create a frictionless and smooth experience. He would not last long as her beauty and skill were too much to handle for a young boy like him. Celina screamed out loud as she felt his hot cum being shot up her pussy. The little beauty got off, her mouth and pussy covered in semen, she felt embarrassed as she looked at her mom who was gazing at her with pity and fear in her own eyes. Her muffled cries as her daughter worked on the boys only served to turn the other two watching kids on. They had moved towards her to kiss and caress her lovely skin as they all watched Celina servicing Seong. Celina was starting to realize that no matter what she did, it was inevitable. Her mother and she were at their mercy completely. There was really nothing she could do to prevent them from doing whatever they wanted. For all she knew, her mom had already been fucked in the same manner she had. She sat there resigned on the floor, the look on her face telling the boys that she would cause no further trouble and would resist no more. They unchained her mother, setting her free, instantly causing the older woman to remove her own gag and dash over to her naked daughter, grabbing her in her arms sobbing incredulously. They held each other as both began to cry, partly at their horrible predicament but also at the joy of finally being reunited albeit in the worst of circumstances. The boys allowed them to exchange words between their sobs for a while before producing two sets of handcuffs which found their way onto both sets of feminine wrists, drawn behind their backs. Splitting into pairs the boys led Celina and her mother to separate rooms, the two desperately calling out to each other; their respective cries grew farther apart as they were separated once more.

Two days ago

The past few months had been hell for Celina’s family. No one had any idea what had happened to their precious little girl. Her mother and father had done everything in their power to find out where she could have disappeared to. Police reports, lost and found foundations, getting help from government bodies had proven completely futile. She had vanished into thin air. Beside themselves in despair, they could only wait and pray fervently for her safe return. On this day Mrs. Ong was going through her usual daily routine when she received a vague text message declaring that Celina was alive and well and her cooperation was required if she wanted to see her in person. She was not to tell a single living soul and especially not the authorities. Mrs Ong was to take a plane ride to a nearby state. She disembarked from the plane where a black SUV was waiting on the tarmac with two big black men standing beside it. Shaking like a leaf, her nerves completely frazzled she immediately belted out a series of questions concerning her daughter, her whereabouts and what was to happen next. Without saying a word they grabbed her by her arms and ushered her into the back seat where she sat in between them. One simply put his finger to his lips, signalling for her to be silent. Intimidated she remained quiet for a few minutes as the car pulled away from the airport, before resuming her loud interrogation as to her current situation. She was feisty, like her daughter, they thought. Full of spirit and spunk, it was obvious she had to be broken down and trained just like Celina was. Sandwiched in between them, Mrs Ong felt so small and helpless. They were so muscular and large sized, both well over 6 feet tall and strong as oxen. She had never before been in the presence of black men before and recoiled as one of them placed their hand on her knee and began stroking her thigh through her jeans. Have you ever been with a black man before Mrs Ong? Have you ever seen a black man’s cock? One of them asked as he put his arm around her and pulled her close to him so her head was now leaning against his chest as his other hand continued to stroke her thigh. Enraged she threw a fit and struggled to be released from his grasp, screaming out Chinese expletives at them, fully intent on demonstrating she was not to be treated in this manner. Her struggles were entirely in vain as it only took one of them to subdue her, almost laughingly embracing the struggling wildcat whose efforts to be released from his grasp were futile. 

Present Day

Celina’s non-stop pleading and negotiating for the safe release of her mother was falling on deaf ears. In the hour since they had been taken to separate rooms, she had been ordered to bathe and wash herself clean and to keep her mouth shut. Her efforts to retain her drying towel around her body proved pointless as it was immediately taken away from her. Seong and his friend then ushered her to the room where her mom was being kept. Celina nearly cried again as she saw her mother’s naked body spread eagled on a king sized bed. She too had been stripped and washed clean and now chains pulled her limbs apart, fully stretching her body. A red ball gag restricted her cries and screams to mere muffles. The fight had not gone out of her and for that her daughter feared for Mrs Ong. All the boys were naked, standing around the two women, themselves both in a state of what would be perennial undress on their parts. Celina had not ever before seen her mom fully naked and could not help but gaze at her body which was really still quite amazingly fit and tight. Her breasts were big, melon-like full mounds with large, puffy dark nipples very much the same colour as Celina’s own. The way they heaved with each deep breath she pulled in was very sexy indeed. Her spread legs revealed a surprisingly neatly trimmed pussy, well-shaped so that one could see her clitoris which hung a little loose yet looked enticing all the same. Her slightly curly hair framed her gagged face just nicely, aside from a few wrinkles she could still pass for a woman in her mid forties. She looked so scared lying there, Celina thought her mind filled with guilt for being the reason her mom was being subjected to this. Facing the bed was a large 80 inch smart TV with a large web camera on top of it. A live sex chat page was open with multiple site visitors posting real-time messages. Celina gazed at the screen and realized the main focus on the web chat room specially opened by the boys was mother and daughter live sex action. A voting system was being implemented whereby the viewers got to choose from a number of options for what they wanted to see. Celina was made to face the camera and show off her body to what seemed like a hundred eager strange men on the web. As she was forced to flaunt her breasts, ass and pussy, comments flew in immediately complimenting her on her beauty and fit body which they could not wait to see being put to work.  Despite the countless men who had seen her naked up to this point, she still felt self conscious not knowing who out there was watching them. The focus then was turned to her mom who was still shuffling and shifting on the bed, desperately trying to find a way to get loose, not realizing that her motions only served to excite and fill the watching men with even more lust. The first vote count came in and the result was Celina’s mom being flipped over onto her stomach so her big, shapely, round butt faced the ceiling. Her asshole was on full view to everyone in the room with her legs being pulled apart to their maximum. Celina blushed as she tried not to stare at her mother’s spread asshole and pussy. Grunting wildly, Mrs Ong still desperately tried to draw her legs together, to no avail. JR sat down on the bed and ran his hands up and down her struggling naked body, from her back down to her ass which he delighted in squeezing and groping, smacking it hard, causing her lovely flesh to jiggle much to the amusement of the audience. Do you remember the last time mommy spanked you Celina? Did she do it a lot and did it hurt? I bet you swore at her in your mind and told yourself how would she feel like if she was on the receiving end? He asked Celina, with Seong handing her a whip which caused her to step back and shake her head, refusing to take it. You know what your audience wants you to do right baby? Mommy needs some disciplining. She still has a lot of fight in her and baby needs to spank all that fight right out of mommy ok? Do it Celina. She shook her head once more. Sighing, Seong took a step back before motioning to the other boys who grabbed Celina and bent her struggling, protesting frame over the bed so her ass faced the camera. Celina screamed in pain as the sound of a whip being swung crackled in the air before instantly landing on her tender ass! Five quick strokes rained down on her quivering buttocks causing tears to flow freely from her eyes. MMFFFF...MFFFFFF..MPPPMMMPPHHHH!!!! Celina’s mom cried out, attracting Celina’s attention, she was allowed to raise her head up and gaze at her mother’s face. Mrs Ong’s head nodded profusely signalling to her little girl that she had to obey them and she was ready to cooperate. The sight of her baby getting whipped was too much for a mother to bear. In between tears and sobs, still reeling at the pain her ass was feeling, Celina accepted the whip into her own hands. Mrs Ong squealed out in pain as Celina was forced to whip her own mother’s bare buttocks which were turning redder and redder with each passing stroke. The boys shouted at the younger girl to increase her efforts and strike harder as her mother struggled and screamed even before the whip met her ass each time. The webchat erupted with applause and approval, fully encouraging proceedings as men eagerly voted for what they wanted to see next. Show mommy’s ass some love baby. Give it some nice kisses and show her ass you are sorry. JR commanded. Celina crawled up on to the bed and gazed at her mother’s bruised buttocks, gingerly stroking it and rubbing the bruises as if to try her best to soothe the pain she must be feeling at that moment. The camera captured two angles, one from the back and the side as the audience sat back and enjoyed the sight of Celina planting light kisses and licks on her mother’s ass while caressing it with her strong hands. She has a really nice ass, Celina thought as she gently squeezed it at the request of one of the boys. This was beyond awkward and sick but she had to do this, she assured herself. At the boy’s instruction, Celina’s mom groaned and tightened her ass cheeks as she felt her daughters tongue move between them, lapping at her crack, teasing her asshole and pussy. They boy’s applauded and cheered as Celina’s mouth began to work with more urgency, her eyes closed focused on the task at hand. Mrs Ong never had felt the sensation of someone licking her asshole before and it was insane that the first would be her own daughter. It felt good. Celina began sucking and licking aggressively much to the audience’s pleasure. She ran her tongue up and down her mom’s ass crack, her fingers suddenly springing into action, teasing her mom’s asshole as she lapped at her pussy.  Celina’s mom’s ass suddenly began moving guided by her hips as she groaned into her ball gag, helpless to stop her little girl from violating her. Celina began moving up from her mom’s butt to her back, kissing her way upwards until she managed to kiss her mom’s cheek before whispering in her ear, expressing her sorrow and regret about this. Tears flowed down Mrs Ong’s cheeks as her daughter was pulled back in preparation for their audiences next vote.

Celina was handed a blue dildo that had been just lubricated by one of the boys. She was directed to sit on her mom’s back facing the camera. Celina looked up at the screen to receive her instructions and proceeded to switch on the high powered vibrating tool. Leaning forward she began to run the instrument over the older woman’s crack, over her pussy lips and anus causing her to wriggle furiously not quite sure what was being done to her now. Celina glanced up at what her audience was typing and proceeded to position the dildo at her mom’s pussy lips before slowly inserting it inside. She heard her mom moan loudly as she began rapidly fucking her own mother as gently as she could. Celina’s tongue became active again as she once more was made to lick and tongue fuck her mother’s gaping asshole. Mrs Ong released gurgled sexy noises as drool escaped her mouth around her ball gag, the sensation absolutely driving the recently sex starved woman insane. She had never ever experienced anything remotely close to this. She had always been a woman who appreciated sex but she had never in her wildest dreams, imagined this happening to her. The boys stood around the bed, their cocks in their hands, jerking off furiously at the scene unfolding in front of them. Celina looked so damn slutty as she worked her wrist diligently, her sexy tongue flicking and lapping at mommy’s asshole. JR patted the little slut on the head and bent over to whisper something in her ear. Celina obediently got off her mother’s back, walked to the camera and placed one hand on her breast with the other inserting the dildo into her own mouth. Her audience praised her as she sexily sucked her mom’s pussy juice off the vibrator as she massaged her own breasts. She was humiliated but her internet audience was growing by the second, with at least 200 random men watching her from all around the world. While she entertained them, Mrs Ong had been freed of her bondage and was now lying on her back, gasping for air and perhaps some sense of what was happening after she had been pleasured by her daughter. She was made to lie down with boys sitting either side of her, stroking and fondling her nude body. Celina was instructed to return to the bed, with Seong’s open arms receiving her, drawing her soft body to his in an embrace that led to a passionate French kiss. Both mother and daughter were positioned on their knees on the floor, facing sideways to the bed one on either side. JR sat with another guy on one side with Mrs Ong  and Seong and the other with Celina on the opposite end.  The rule as dictated by the audience was that Celina and her mom were to compete with each other on who could make their guys cum faster. The winning party would therefore be whipped thereby sparing their loved one from the pain. Celina sighed but at least felt confident that she would be sparing her mom from being hurt badly once more. She began to suck and lick the already hard Seong who held her head tightly, guiding her up and down his hard cock. Celina wanted to finish him off quickly so she could work on the other guy. She glanced up and was shocked and startled to see her mom vigorously jerking and sucking JR off with her right hand on his cock and her left hand on the other guy’s dick! JR himself was pleasantly surprised at the older woman’s deft touch and skill, as he gazed down at a beautiful sight of Mrs Ong really taking him deep into her mouth, her eyes firmly fixed on his as her big breasts bounced up and down enticingly along with the motion of her head. JR moaned loudly as he felt her hot saliva wetting his shaft, her tongue flicking at his cock head as she gave him a fantastic hand job. His partner was revelling in the handjob he was getting as well as he could barely contain himself, praying that he would not cum before it was his turn to be inside her mouth. JR stroked her hair, praising her with the feeling that he was quite literally having the best blowjob he had ever received by a woman who could be his own mother in terms of age. Celina watched in awe as she unconsciously reached up to follow her mom’s example of warming the other guy up as she continued pulling out all the stops to get Seong to cum with her hot mouth. She paused again as she heard JR groan loudly, his hands squeezing her mother’s head down on to his cock as he blew a big, hot load into her mouth! Mrs Ong took a deep breath and allowed his cum to fill up her mouth, until he collapsed back down on to the bed. Without any hesitation at all, she turned her attention to the standing boy in front of her and quickly began sucking him off. Celina grabbed Seong’s balls gently, desperate to respond as she cupped and lightly squeezed them with her mouth fully enveloped around his shaft. She was quickly rewarded with him withdrawing from her mouth and spraying his hot semen all over her face. She quickly wiped her face with the blanket and proceeded to take her second guy into her mouth. The poor guy only got about a minutes worth of attention as Mrs Ong quickly had managed to make hers cum. After the handjob she had given him, she only needed to tongue his cock head for a few minutes before he too blew his cum all over her face and hair. Mrs Ong sank back on to her knees gasping for breath, wiping her face with her bare hands. Celina groaned in despair, unable to believe that she had been unable to spare her mom from the beating she was about to receive. They were barely able to collect themselves before Celina received her next set of instructions. Mrs Ong gasped in surprise as her daughter approached her and embraced her in her arms and showering her with a barrage of kisses and licks across her face, neck and lips. Their next task was to clean the boy’s cum off each other with their mouths. Celina gently kissed her mom’s soft lips, her arms wrapped around her body, both mother and daughter for the first time feeling each other’s nudity front on. Her mom was at first slow to respond, but quickly knew she had to comply or else her own beating might be even more severe. She lovingly licked and sucked at her daughters face, cleaning her as best as she could, as Celina for the first time, held her mother’s lovely round breasts in her hands, lapping up cum that had dripped down her chest. It was a beautiful sight, not only were the pair making out, they were cleaning off the semen of their rapists from each other’s bodies. 

JR clearly extremely pleased and turned on by the hot sight unfolding in front of them, told the women that should they continue exceeding expectations with their performance, perhaps they would be so kind as to spare Mrs Ong from her punishment. Desperate to help her mother, the younger girl seemed to be charged with a second wind as her gorgeous pouty lips engulfed her mom’s large dark nipples, feeling them stiffen between her lips. Mrs Ong groaned and held her daughter’s head in her hands as she guiltily enjoyed the surges of delightful tingles from her nipples to her big breasts. The boys were so turned on that they had all sat around the bed, with one of them lifting Celina’s butt high so she was on her knees as her mother lay back, having her breasts fondled by Celina and JR as well who was squeezing her mounds loving how full and ripe they felt in his hands. Celina moaned as she felt her ass cheeks spread and a tongue licking up and down her crack. Seong positioned himself on his knees at Mrs Ong’s face, guiding her mouth to his cock, encouraging the beautiful woman to pleasure him. She instinctively accepted his young cock, greedily sucking at it with the vigour of a much younger girl. She had lost none of her enjoyment for sex and she was only starting to realize it. The boy licking Celina’s asshole could not contain himself anymore and she bore the brunt of his sizable cock suddenly ramming into her pussy that had been moistened by his saliva and her own juices. She cried out loud as he fucked her had doggy style right in front of her mother’s face which itself was being made to take Seong deep into her mouth. Mother watched as daughter was moaning and being fucked like a dog as Celina tried her best to look away from her, humiliated by what was happening to herself and the fact that her mom was sucking away at a young boy’s cock. Both would never be able to look at each other the same from this day onward. They were being degraded and humiliated by their captors, labelled as sluts, slaves, horny Asian bitches and all other profanities which they both felt unable to deny at this moment. The truth is, Celina’s mom had never been given the level of attention that she was receiving till that point in time. She lay back, resigned to her fate watching her daughter getting raped before both girls were raised up and positioned facing each other on their knees with their beautiful asses both up in the air, Seong and JR respectively ramming their cocks in to Celina and Mrs Ong. Both women cried out as a their actions were being recorded, doggy fucked with the sound of hips slamming into feminine behinds filling the room. Celina gazed into her mother’s eyes and attempted to tell her how sorry she was to be the cause of their misfortune, as her mom tried to respond she was immediately stopped by a pair of ball gags suddenly being forced into each woman’s mouths instantly muffling them as they were being fucked.  Celina’s eyes widened in horror as her mom’s round ass was smacked by JR a few times in a row causing Mrs Ong to scream into her gag in pain as her butt jiggled and reddened in response to the abuse. Her big breasts swaying erotically in front of Celina were mesmeric, Celina just could not take her eyes off them. Mrs Ong squealed as she suddenly had an orgasm for the first time in years, she sank down in front of Celina unable to get up for a while. She had not been fucked like this for a long time and simply couldn’t last. JR lay on top of her and fucked her until she felt her pussy being filled with his hot cum. Celina too could not believe she was on the verge of cumming, until with a few hard and fast thrusts into her pussy, she too felt the release that all women crave for. She lay beside her mother, panting and gasping into her gag as she felt hot cum being released all over her fine ass. They were quite the sight, mother and daughter, both brought to a climax almost simultaneously.

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Ashleys Abduction

Ashley's Abduction It was a college bar, wild and crowded, and not the kindof place she would have picked. Guys were doing jello shots and beer bongsand the whole scene was loud and messy, even spilling out into the street.Natalie ran interference as she and Ashley worked their way towards the backthrough the Friday evening crowd, deftly fending off the guys who staggeredor stumbled into her, or the hands that reached out offering grotesquelycolored drinks in shot glasses. "You sure he's...

1 year ago
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Transference Abduction

Author retains all rights to this original work of short fiction. ------------------------------------------------ Monday, June 20th, 8:15 AM - My apartment... I woke with a sour taste in my mouth, much like a rotting egg sort of thing from what I could smell of my breath. I knew I wasn't going to make it to work today feeling the way I did so I called my boss to say I was taking a sick day. I barely made it to the bathroom to piss, downed some antacid, and returned to bed. Now,...

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The Abduction

This is my fourth story. The 1st being a fantasy called "The well of my desires". The second a Sci-Fi set in the not so distant future "Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F". And the third "The chest and trunk" taking place in Victorian times. I have a few others planned including a follow up to Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F. I hope you enjoy this story. The abduction Hiking the back country of Colorado was a love of mine. It allowed me peace and quit, not to mention a way for me to be in touch...

4 years ago
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Abduction... that never happens. People go missing all the time. Jerry had seen it so often on the news that stories of disappearances or abductions didn't even register. He always thought that happened in bigger cities to people with skeletons in their closets. Jerry was twenty, mild mannered and didn't have an enemy in the world. That kind of shit didn't happen to him. So regaining consciousness in a small padded cell didn't make much sense to him. His movement was severely...

4 years ago
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Human Toilet Abduction

Human Toilet AbductionIt was well after 2 am when I finished work at the club and after waiting for almost 45 minutes to get a cab home because my car was at the mechanics I finally gave up and decided to walk home.  It was dark and cold so my step quickened.  All I wanted to do was get home, take a long hot shower, maybe check out some porn on the internet while I fucked myself with my thickest dildo riding up and down the super thick shaft on my office chair while I went to some of my most...

2 years ago
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Angels Abduction

Angel's abduction By RockbohunkAngel was a local freelance photographer working for a local paper. She was doing a story of natural wildlife and decided to do her shoot up in the Blue hills, about 20 miles from her house. Angel was walking on the nature path, about a mile from the road when a man wearing a ski mask grabbed her and wrestled her to the ground. Angel screamed, but no one could hear her, she was just too deep in the woods. The man forced her left arm behind her back and...

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Mahi always enjoyed the atmosphere of The Ice Dragon. Unlike most modern bars, it was pleasantly quiet, with the voices of excellent jazz singers and the sound of small combos playing softly. Mahi’s Indian mother and massively mixed-race father were jazz and classical music buffs. Mahi grew to appreciate complex and sophisticated music. She dismissed rock, and especially rap, as crude and simplistic. Mahi’s jumbled genetic background had gifted her with dark skin, straight black hair, brown...

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Vickies Abduction

Vickie is a very beautiful woman in her fifties looking more like a thirty year old. She unknowingly gets the attention of a local stalker rapist as she shops at the local super market. He kidnaps her and rapes her as she worries about him killing her. Her thoughts were to survive what ever he does to her. ______________________________________________________________ I was doing my monthly grocery shopping at the local super market when I spotted her. I pushed my shopping cart past her in...

1 year ago
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They came from space Abduction

Alien AbductionI was walking my long walk home, it was later than usual and I was in a hurry to get home, certain areas I was walking towards have a history of being a bit dangerous and I knew better than to be out late at night in this area, I walked through one of the more quiet areas, and looked into a nearby field, through the fence I could see what looked like a person, laying down, it was late and I couldnt just leave them there without making sure they was okay so I found a small gap in...

2 years ago
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Jennys Abduction

CHAPTER 1  CHAPTER 1 The blond was being held down by the fat woman, who was holding her hair forcing the pretty but debased young blonde to watch the video that showed herself being humped from behind by the big mastiff dog while 2 black men came across her thick red lips, mouth and face, filling her with sperm. Her eyes rolled around not believing what she was seeing, nor remembering anything that happened due to the drugs she had been given. But she could now understand why she had...

1 year ago
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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 20 Abduction

Ty woke to hear Willow vomiting into the privy. In spite of his worry about her, he had to smile in delight. Well, she did warn him. It was just as well they were getting married in two weeks. She came back out, and he lifted the blanket so she could crawl back in with him. Willow snuggled back into his embrace, and he kissed her neck and hugged her then rubbed her belly. “No need to be so damn smug, you beastly man,” she grumbled. “I love you, Willow and you will be an awesome mother. I...

2 years ago
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An Alien Abduction

Introduction: Rebecca wakes up in a strange place and soon discovers shes been abducted by aliens…with one interest it would seem. She awoke in a dark gray room. The lighting was dim, almost dark. She looked around herself slowly. Her head was throbbing, feeling like her skull was going to be split in two. Every tiny movement of her neck sent shooting paints through her entire head. She pulled herself up slowly, looking around at her surroundings. She was in an all gray room, quite small, with...

2 years ago
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Mackenzie pleasured by Aliens after Abduction

If you knew me back in high school, then you would know that I am not the crazy type. I never seen or heard things that were not there. Indeed, I am about the non-craziest person you might know but the event I had experienced on that fateful night was certainly real. I know that you might not believe me but I know what I saw and I cannot forget the things that were done to me. My friends knew me as Mackenzie and I was a twenty year old college student with a down to earth kind of mind. Most...

3 years ago
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Space Abduction

Mike is a black man from Chicago. He studies medicine and he met Ludmila at a fraternity?s party and they fell in love almost immediately! He?s an athletic 23 y.o man, finely muscled, 5?9 and with a friendly face and short hair. This night he wears black jeans with a white shirt and a suit jacket. He?s really proud about his girlfriend. Ludmila is a white girl from France who came to the USA to study art and photography. She is 19 y.o, 5?25 with a nice face, long black hair and beautiful brown...

4 years ago
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Tammy and Alexs Abduction

It had only been intended as a fun night out on the town, my husband's first attempt at going out dressed as his persona Tammy. He had revealed to me very early in our relationship that he liked to dress up in women's clothing. I have to admit, while most women might be horrified by the prospect, I was bit intrigued and even a little turned on. In college I had explored my lesbian side, and it seemed like with Tammy I'd get the best of both worlds. It had been by my encouragement that...

3 years ago
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sHe sat and watched and waited for the young lady to leave the office and go home. Every time he saw her the anger raged within him. He had been doing this for over a month. Ever since he was released from the federal institution. He had served seven years for numerous criminal offences culminating in armed robbery. He blamed the young lady for all his problems. In high school she refused to go on a date with him. All his troubles were her fault and he was going to get even. He knew where she...

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Family Abduction

I am basically a fat loser and have no friends at school. There is one other kid I talk to and I pretty much hate him too. I spend most of my time playing video games on my Xbox that my parents were too fucking cheep to buy me so I had to get money and buy it on my own. The joke is that I stole most of the money from my moms purse and my dads wallet without them knowing it. Fucking retards. I also jerkoff a lot and look at porn on the computer. I am board with normal porn so I try to...

2 years ago
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My Abduction

He took me by the arm, escorted me over to my car and said, get in and drive where I tell you to. He opened the door to the car and shoved me in. Then walked around to the passenger side and climbed in before I knew what was really happening. The reality had not set in as of yet. He said, start the car bitch and drive. So I started the car and started driving. He had me drive out of town and turn onto a deserted country road. He made me drive for what seemed like hours, it had only been about...

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Amys Abduction

Andy looked depressed when I picked him up on the way to work. Normally he was an outgoing person, but today he was quiet and moody making the short drive a very long one. It wasn’t until lunch time that I was able to coax him from his shell to learn his beloved twin sister had been committed to the mental hospital outside of town. I had met Amy at several family functions over the past several years and she, unlike her brother Andy, was shy and reserved. Unremarkable in appearance, Amy hid...

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Brendas alien abduction

She drove her BMW convertible to the beach about eleven just as the sea fog was receding from the land. She spread her blanket out at her favorite spot and rubbed on her tanning lotion. The surf was predicted to be low that day so she did not even bring her board. She lay on her stomach looking at the water and untied her top string so as not to have a tan line there. She took out the novel that she brought with her and split her time between looking at the ocean, her book and the...

3 years ago
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Mackenzie pleasured by Aliens after Abduction

If you knew me back in high school, then you would know that I am not the crazy type. I never seen or heard things that were not there. Indeed, I am about the non-craziest person you might know but the event I had experienced on that fateful night was certainly real. I know that you might not believe me but I know what I saw and I cannot forget the things that were done to me. My friends knew me as Mackenzie and I was a twenty year old college student with a down to earth kind of mind. Most...

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Alien Abduction

Introduction: This is my first story. Please let me know what you think. I was captured from my home sometime during the night. I woke startled to see that I was naked inside a room. It appeared to be a bedroom, and it even had a bathroom with a shower. But the metal door to the room remained locked. I sat up in bed when the door opened. A shadowy figure entered the room. As he moved into the light, I could see it was a tall and bizarre looking figure. He was an alien that stood about seven...

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Your stereo is blaring as you cruise down the highway. You weren't sure Nessie, your dad's old Buick, would successfully get you all the way to school, let alone back again. Another year was tough. Whoever thinks art school is all about pretty pictures has never had a six hour drawing studio. You had always been a weird scrawny kid, but at art school everyone is weird, so you developed some more confidence. You even filled out some. The music lowers and your phone pings. The message was from...

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Alien Abduction

A dull humming noise woke you. Where the hell were you? Last thing you remember, you were walking home from the pub, after some drinks, OK lots of drinks, with your friends. You seem to recall pissing in a phone box when suddenly, a bright light hit and you passed out. Now, your head is pounding and, worryingly, have no idea where you are. You sit up from where you were lying and look around. You seem to be in a very warm, bright, white room, which was hurting your still bleary eyes. There was...

4 years ago
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Alien Abduction

Its a Saturday night, you're on your way to the house party of one of your best friends. Your already stoned as fuck, too stoned to think about being pulled over by the cops. The girl your supposed to be taking care of that night is sitting next to you. Her parents won't trust her after a few of her older "friends" basically forced her to throw a party the last time they were out of town. You don't agree with her parents distrust. Mia is one of the most trustworthy and responsible people you...

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Alien Abduction

You lay in bed after a long day at school and homework. College was going to be more difficult than you first imagined but you're grateful your parents had the money to send you in the first place. You are the first person in your family to attend college because of the poverty you've been forced to live in your entire life. You live in a small two bedroom apartment with your parents and older sister who you've had to share a room with since you were born. Your parents both work very low paying...

Mind Control
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Sisterhood of Sin 22 The Abduction

"It's okay if you fuck him, Barbie. I let him know that. You'll be with him more than I will for a while, and it's clear that there's a special bond between you." "That's not going to happen, Cate. This special bond is mutual respect, not something you should feel threatened by. Besides, he'll be drained dry by the students." "I didn't offer only his cock, Barbie. If his ass becomes irresistible, take it, I'm not threatened by it." "Well, that's a kind offer, but I'm not going to risk wearing...

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Alien Abduction

Sofia was out in the woods on a late-night run. She enjoyed running late, she could be alone in the woods, which had a trail that was lit for runners during the night. She was wearing tight yoga-pants and a matching sport bra. She got a lot of looks from men being dressed like that, especially having those double-D breasts. She had long blond hair and big blue eyes. She enjoyed the attention, at same time she wanted to make it seem like she was above seeking attention from men. As she was...

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I planned my own abduction

Late night Library fantasy. It all started with my late-night visits to Liverpool Central Library.  I use the place at least once a week as I’m studying as a mature student. My preferred time is late, usually after midnight. It’s the best time to go as it’s pretty quiet & you be sure that the only other users are serious geeks who, like myself try to avoid being disturbed. Anyway, back to my fantasy?.. One evening, I’d dropped into the library & chosen my preferred corner, the older part with...

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My First Abduction

Thursday, when Jennifer, my submissive, and I got homefrom work she started Thursday, when Jennifer, my submissive, and I got homefrom work she started to tell me about how she had anotherbad day in a series of bad days this week. We had dinner andtalked about the fact that we had nothing to do this weekendand how she wished she could just relax this weekend. I tooknote of this and decided that she would have that time. Thenext morning I got dressed for work, sending her off witha kiss and told...

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Calistas Abduction

Callista's Ordeal 1 The street was a tunnel of darkness. Under the big lilac bushes that overhungthe sidewalk it was darker still, making little caves of inky blackness inwhich nothing could be seen. I watched her as she walked from one of thesedeep shadows to another, disappearing and then reappearing under the feebleglow of the few street lights. She was coming back from the library, righton schedule, six minutes after closing time. She walked with her head high, her pace steady, neither...

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Choose Your Own Abduction

The heavy wooden door creaks slightly as you push it open, and you step inside the Princess' chambers. A breeze from the open window causes the candle in your hand to dance, pushing and pulling its dim sphere of light about you. You try to focus in the dark, plant every step carefully. Except you know this room well from years of sneaking in here, and you're soon moving more on instinct than by sight alone. The night is so still that as you near her bed, your rapid breathing sounds like it...

1 year ago
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Angels Alien Abduction

Angel Deen opened her eyes to find herself lying on her back looking at a metal ceiling. She sat up quickly, noting not only that she was in a strange room she had never seen before, but that she was still wearing her cheerleader outfit ... where had she been a few minutes ago? Practice? She couldn’t remember. She stood up from the odd silver spongy mat she had been lying on and surveyed the room ... silver colored metal walls, about 20 feet square ... a single door and no...

4 years ago
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Alien Abduction

Warning: My stories include lesbian themed rape and torture. This isn’t BSDM practicing “safe, sane, and consensual” It is rape. It is torture. There are few happy endings here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! I do not condone rape or torture ... except for fictional characters in fictional stories. Arrival - Ri’xon The acrid smell of fried electronics fills the air. Damn government contractors! Greedy bastards cut every corner, just to save a credit. My ears drop as I survey the damage. The...

2 years ago
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My Abduction

I had decided to go to the park, it was such a beautiful day outside, and I saw no point wasting it by sitting inside. On my way out the door, I noticed a car parked on the other side of my house with three men inside. I really paid no attention to them, people were always parking on the street, and I figured they were waiting for someone at the house they were parked by. I hopped into my car and drove to the flower gardens. I spent a lot of time there, looking at the different species of...

4 years ago
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Home Abduction

"Bye mom, bye dad," Brittany said as she stood outside on her lawn. Her parents' Ford Explorer pulled out of the driveway. "Don't forget to unplug all the appliances before you leave," her mom reminded. "I will mom, bye! Have a safe drive!" Brittany turned, her long blonde hair waving across her face as she went inside her house. She did not notice as a figure darted underneath the closing garage door. Kevin hid behind a Blue Corolla as he listened to see if he had been...

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Tiffanys Abduction

© Copyright 2003 I awoke up, not sure if it was a dream or not. I felt something in my mouth, some type of cloth. It was pulled tightly, pushing back my lips, stretching my mouth open. It must have been tied because I could not get it out. I could feel drool running down my chin, my mouth dry. I tried to lift my arm but couldn't. That is when I realized that I was not along and something was wrong. My name is Tiffany. I live in an apartment with six other girls, all sophomores at the...

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My Seed My Wife My ChildChapter 1 Abduction

Carriage rides always did lure me to sleep; at least on the Kings roads which were kept smooth. I yawned behind my gloved hand, hardly lady like, but there was no one here to see but me. I settled my head back and relaxed, letting my head sway with the carriage and thought of what awaited my arrival. My sister was due to give birth within the fortnight, I was to aid her in any small manner I could, her husband having left with the King. My sister Gwen had been married only a short time and...

1 year ago
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The Girl in a Country Song Ch4 The Abduction

Jessie was overcome with joy realizing she had finally made it to the end of her work week. She had imagined and worked hard for this weekend, for so long. A couple of romantic days… Jessie was overcome with joy realizing she had finally made it to the end of her work week. She had imagined and worked hard for this weekend, for so long. A couple of romantic days and nights with her man, and lover Lukah. As a hard working woman and mother, she deserved some down time. It was her ex's...

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Celina ki waasna

Quite nasty to write a story abt my Sex experience Which happened on 22nd May’06 Oops I aint said ny thing abt me : well me 23 year Old, graduate n a free-lance into sum management Stuff. Am 6’ tall, fair n a li’ll gud lukin guy. Back to da story it start through sms to phone call to Bed… I met dis lady through another friend of mine @ Prasad’s. Let us name the lady Celina (for security reason’s) Abt her: she’ mst b 5’5, south andhralitte color. Nt Tht gud lukin structure but ok kind of. I...

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Abducted By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis: A boy missing for decades, returns. The girl he borrowed the dress from for Halloween is an old woman now, but she remembers. She remembers everything. The dress, slip, panties, even the doll, and it sent shivers down her spine. "Impossible!" she whispered looking at the boy in her dress. Players: Sheriff Andrews, Ms. Abby Vanderhoven, Susan Sharp - dispatch, Mark Carson, (Rose and Matt - Mark's parents), Penny - the doll, Buck...

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Janet and Jay were devoted lovers but one fateful day Janet.... Abducted by Janet Baker Ah, life is good. Six months ago I had my SRS surgery and I've been living as the woman I am. For many years I knew that I was a woman but born into a male body. In my teens I started hormone therapy, started living as a female teen, and when I reached the accepted age for SRS I underwent the procedure. Month followed month of recovery, with much dilation and some pain, but it was all worth it. I...

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Stockholm Syndrome Part 1 Abducted

Stockholm Syndrome Part 1 Abducted. As I walked to my car in the parking garage next to my office in Downtown Boston, three well-dressed men walked up, and blocked my path; the one in the middle said, "Mr. Terence Morris?" I nodded in the affirmative. He replied, "Would you please come with us?" I said, "No I won't, I don't know who the hell are you? And why should I accompany you anywhere?" He replied, "Who we are is not important; our instructions are to bring you to a...

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Kate Abducted

Kate Abducted - Part 1 ======================"Kate you're fired!" yelled a voice across the call centre startling Kate who'd just slipped back into the room after a slightly longer than allowed cigarette break."But Steve!" she exclaimed, shuffling towards her desk, "It makes my voice more sexy.""That's the fourth break you've had this morning, three too many!  You're out!" he shouted, striding angrily across the room and blocking Sarah's path.Kate surveyed the room for allies but saw only the...

2 years ago
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Janet and Jay were devoted lovers but one fateful day Janet?.Abducted by Janet BakerAh, life is good. Six months ago I had my SRS surgery and I've been living as the woman I am. For many years I knew that I was a woman but born into a male body. In my teens I started hormone therapy, started living as a female teen, and when I reached the accepted age for SRS I underwent the procedure. Month followed month of recovery, with much dilation and some pain, but it was all worth it. I emerged as a...

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Mom and I had made good time on our drive from Silicon Valley to the Sierra, and had arrived at the secluded campground just on the California side of Lake Tahoe with plenty of daylight left. Our tent was up and our sleeping bags were rolled out, our cooking gear and our food supplies were squared away, and we'd built a small fire just as the last blush of sunset was fading into the jagged black outline of trees against sky. We were the only people in the campground, and the silence and...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend and Boyfriend Abducted

The attractive brunette had a dark brown ponytail, chestnut-brown eyes with hints of caramel tones around the irises, and a delicate nose fitted perfectly to her elegantly chiseled face. The third-year college student’s pale body sported medium-sized breasts with large areolae of lightest pink. The girl’s closely shaved pubic area left her sex especially bare and exposed. She was slender, perhaps a little on the bony side, but not without some muscle; she’d been playing track and field since...

1 year ago
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Miss Universe Abducted

Now she tried to move her legs or arms. To her surprise she realized that not only could she barely move them, but she was completely naked and tied to a bed. Spread-eagled, she looked down and saw her ankles firmly bound with black tape to the foot of the bed. Her wrists were cuffed to the headboard, chafing her delicate skin. She looked around the bare concrete room with its cinder block walls and just a few dim bulbs overhead for lighting. A large full length mirror across from her seemed...

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I awoke in a cold cell, the cement floor feeling like ice on my naked skin. Shivering I curled into a tight fetal position, trying to keep some of the warmth from completely abandoning my body. My senses seemed dulled, my body intently concentrating on breathing and moving the blood through my body. It was all I cared about anymore, just staying alive. I had no idea where I was, or why exactly I was there. All I knew is that there was no escape. The sound of a door opening. The pat, pat of...

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September 30, 2019 - Daddy Jake invited me to his place for dinner. His wife was out of town and he wanted to have a romantic date at his place.Daddy Jake: "Baby, I want you to come over. She is gone for 2 weeks and I just want to treat you like a princess"Lola: "Oh, daddy. But all I am is a whore."Daddy Jake: "I know baby, and I love it. You are my whore princess"Lola: "I love daddy's cock INside me"Daddy Jake: "Good. You will get it baby. I just want a romantic dinner first, before I take you...

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This story, unlike my other story, A Trip to the Adult Theater goes wrong, is totally fiction. This one is loosely based on a long held fantasy of mine. Something like this has been one of my biggest fantasies for many years. This is my attempt to share my fantasy with all of you.James looked to be the typical mid south gentleman in his early 60's. He was about 6 feet in height, had a slight beer belly and was balding in back James was divorced for some 6 years and lived alone on the out skirts...

2 years ago
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Arriving at the airport, her hair let down draping over her soft shoulders, wearing a long fitting blue dress, with a slit mid way up the thigh, and black velvet high-heeled shoes on her feet. Her makeup done just perfect. After gathering her luggage, she makes her way out to the taxi stand waiting for Him, waiting for His driver to come take her to Him. Waiting I shift nervously, wondering what He has in store for her for the weekend. Wondering if it is going to be a weekend of extreme...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 3

The rest of Meghan Kelley's special report started to depress me, so I changed the channel. Everything except the obscure channels that I never watch - no matter what - were covering the assassination twenty-four seven. CNN was airing a special on the "Life and Times of President John Gray," and speculating on how well or poorly Dryden would perform now that he was President. TNT was showing clips of my speeches, along with commentary from some people who claimed to be 'intimates' of...

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Chace McCartson Part VI Second publishing attempt

Introduction: Chace has three slaves now, each one with their own particularity. One has entered this world kidnapped, taken from home. Other had entered by her pure wish to satisfy him. The last one was bought to suffer. Hey guys. Its a really long time without posting and I know that. I dont even know if I still have readers out there. Anyway, theres the sixth part of the story. Enjoy. Here goes some considerations: – Even if there are some good conventional sex scenes and possibly a good...

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