My First Abduction free porn video

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Thursday, when Jennifer, my submissive, and I got homefrom work she started Thursday, when Jennifer, my submissive, and I got homefrom work she started to tell me about how she had anotherbad day in a series of bad days this week. We had dinner andtalked about the fact that we had nothing to do this weekendand how she wished she could just relax this weekend. I tooknote of this and decided that she would have that time. Thenext morning I got dressed for work, sending her off witha kiss and told her I was sure her weekend would be one shewould enjoy. When she was gone, I moved my car around thecorner and called out of work. Now I needed to get everythingready. First thing I did was call a nice hotel that has suitesand hot tubs, making reservations for two nights. NextI went up to our bedroom and packed clothing we would needfor the weekend. Realizing I would need more than she did,I packed a few nighties and only one change of clothing forher, but I packed three changes of clothing for myself,knowing I may have to run out to pick things up we might need.I then spent the next few hours making sure laundry and cleaningwere done so when we do make it home, all we would have to dois enjoy the last of weekend. I got done around 11ish so Ipacked the car with our play bags, cooler and clothing.Then I ran out to the store and filled up the cooler with everythingI thought we might need. After checking into the hotel,I go and check out the room, finding it much to my liking.They have a nice big California king size bed, workablekitchen and LARGE hot tub. I then call work and ask a friendto conference call Jennifer for me. When I got her on thephone, I told her I was taking her out to dinner and a niceevening. She asked me what time I would be home so she knewhow much time she has to get ready. I explained I was aheadof today's work load and I would pick her up at work, so shecould leave her car there and we would pick it up later. Ialmost let myself slip into laughter a few times, but keptmyself composed through the call. I now had just 2 hoursbefore I had to pick her up from work. I spent my time makingthe room perfect for the Kidnapee. I moved all the toys intoplaces where I had ready access. Calling a place we loveto eat, I asked for a nice table away from the busy areas.I was told it would be ready for us at 5:30 , so then I relaxedand waited for the time I had run and pick up Jennifer.When 4:45pm rolled around I left the room to go get Jennifer.I arrived a few minutes late, which was part of my plan. Shewas upset with me as I expected her to be. We drove in almostsilence to the restaurant I had called. When we pulled inshe smiled, saying at least I got this part right. I bit mytongue knowing I would have to keep my secret going. TheHostess played it well and told me all she had was a tableWAY in the back. I order a bottle of nice wine and we had dinnerwith very pleasant conversation. The time for us to orderdessert had come and Jennifer had changed her attitudetowards this evening and her day. So it was time for me tospring part of my plan on her. Leaning closer to her, I askedher if she is ready for a good weekend. Jennifer smiled brightlyand said she was and was ready for anything. I told her toprove it to me. She hesitated and asked me how? I told herto get up and go into the bathroom and remove her pantiesand bring them back to me. When she left the table, I motionedfor the waitress to come over and instructed her to bringour desserts when she saw Jennifer arriving back at thetable. About 5 minutes passed and Jennifer made her wayback to our table with her panties in her hands. Just as Jennifersat down the waitress showed up with desserts and startedto hand them to us. Jennifer's face was filled with shockand dismay. She slid herself under the table and reachedout for her dessert. As soon as the waitress left, she lookedat me with a mixture of anger and humiliation. I got out ofit by telling her I needed to see how ready she was to do this.She blushed and told me that she must be ready and she thinksshe needed a towel. I took the panties and placed them inmy pocket and we finished our desserts and moved to the car.


We walk out to the car which is in a dark corner of a publicparking lot. After we get to the car, we exchange a long passionatekiss, as my hand slowly explores the soft curves of her body.After I catch my breath, I tell her I have plans for her. Shelooks at me with questions in her eyes. I explain as I gotto the trunk of the car and bring out a package. Handing herthe package I step to the side so she can put it on the hoodof the car and open it. Turning and looking at me with surprisein her eyes and on her face, she asks me why not to wait untilwe get home for the cuffs? I point to the note and cell phone.She picks up the note and reads loud enough for me to hearit. You are to call Bill and Judy and read them the rest ofthis note. Bill and Judy are our friends who know what wedo. She looks at me and starts to speak. Before the wordscome out I tell her to do as she is told and she will not be harmed.She shakes and says yes Sir. She calls and Judy answers.?Judy this is Jennifer, I am okay but I am being kidnapped.I will contact you later with the demands of my captor.?Judy says she understands and will be waiting for the phonecall. At that point I take the phone and hang up. Jenniferlooks at and says it was like Judy did not care or was not worried.Little did she know I had called and told them of my plan,and they loved the idea of what I was doing. I then instructedher to put the glasses on and then the cuffs. She looked atthe wrap around style sunglasses and gave me a puzzled look.I told her ?You are out of chances, either you follow theinstructions or you will pay the price". Puttingthe glasses on she smiled and said, "Oh you blackedthem out, I should have known". Then she slips thecuff on, trying to be sneaky at first, wanting them in front,but I caught that and spun her around and cuffed her handsbehind her. I reached into the box and pulled out 3? clearmedical tape tearing a couple of strips off. I whisper toher that she now gets to try the gag she wanted to. She licksher lips as I kiss her softly. She whispers please as I reachinto my pocket and pull out her panties. I place them to hernose and she sighs as she smells them. I roll them up intoa small ball and place them in her waiting mouth. I placethe strips of tape over her mouth and kiss the tape like Iam kissing her. I then go into her purse and get out her lipstickand trace her lips. Tucking her into the car, I put her seatbelt on. I tell her the reason I was late is because the placeis a little far away. I take off driving, just heading outonto the interstate knowing I can find back roads back tothe hotel. After driving about 5 minutes I check the roadseeing no one on the road, I reach over and slide my hand upher skirt exposing her to anyone who can see into the car.I start to play with her mind by pretending I am talking tosomeone. As I pass a truck I blow my horn and he blew his hornback. She swings her head like she is trying to see if someoneis looking, but with the blacked out glasses soon gave itup. To tease her more, I start to softly massage her innerthigh. I hear a moan escape the gag and she parts her legsmore allowing me to get to her oh so wet pussy. I fight theurge to look at her while I am driving but I do rub my hand upand down over her pussy. She moans more and slides down inher seat. We get to the hotel about an hour later. The roomis on the first floor but in the back of hotel, knowing theydon't put many people there to make it look fuller then itis. I park us across the lot from the room. I go around andopen Jennifer's door and place a long jacket on her. Shetries to fix her skirt thinking anyone can see but I makesure she cannot, by pulling it all the way up. She tries tocomplain but she cannot with that gag in. I take no chanceand take her right to the room as fast as she can.

I open the door and move Jennifer inside. I place her in achair and tell her not to move. I close and lock the door andturn the light down in the main room. I tell Jennifer to standup and as I get the keys out to take the cuffs off, I slowlytake off the sunglasses and cover her eyes. Once her eyeshave adjusted to the light, I move my hand. I take a seat onthe recliner that is near the door and window. I tell herto stand back up and strip for me. She stands slowly and startsto undress. I shake my head in a discouraging manner.

She tried to speak but the gag stops her. Jennifer reachesfor the tape but I ask her if I told her she can remove that?She shakes her head no, and slowly and sensually startsto strip as she was told to.

Watching Jennifer, I cannot help but notice again how prettyshe is. I tell her that I must be lucky to have such a sexy captive.I can see she blushes and tries to turn away. I correct herfor that and tell her to always face me until she is told todo so. She corrects herself quickly and finishes her strip-tease.I tell her to sit in the chair on the other side of the roomby the bathroom, and cuff her hands under the arm of the chair.Jennifer moves with no wasted movements and cuffs her handsin the prescribed manner. She watches as I pick up her clothingand fold it up as I put it in the rooms safe. Watching me shutand locking the safe, Jennifer tries to ask me something.I explain she would not need them as she is my captive andshe will not need to be dressed until my ransom is met. I goand get out a collar and hobblers and a ball gag and movedthe phone closer to her. I then placed a call to our friends?I have Jennifer and you will meet my ransom or she will payfor it. You will not contact the police or the FBI or by thetime they find her it will be too late". I am doing thisso our friends can get the phone number of where we are withouther knowing it. Bill asks to speak to her. I carefully removethe tape from her mouth and then take out her panties. "Youtell him you are okay and nothing else. If you do, you willbe flogged for 10 minutes. Do you understand?" Shelicks her lips and speaks to Bill, ?Bill it is Jennifer andI am fine. He has only stripped me of my clothing but I am fine.?I pull the phone away and hang up. I quickly gag her and thenI start with the hobblers on her ankles, then I connect theones to her wrists. I stood her up to put on the collar andleash. Then I forced Jennifer over to the bed where I madeher kneel with her head on the bed. I began to flog her assfor not following directions. For ten minutes, she countedeach and every time the falls struck her cute ass. Jennifercried with both pain and pleasure as between every otherswat I would caress her ass and her now soaking pussy. Watchingher, I took her to brink of pleasure and I stopped makingher twist and wiggle all over. Now that I was done with theflogging, I went and got a silk blindfold out and coveredher eyes with it. Taking out some ice, I cooled her ass withthat as well as between her aching thighs. She moaned andstarted to shake. I stopped with the ice and sat her backin the chair she came from. I then pulled up another chairand sat across from her. "Jennifer these are the rulesfor the weekend, you will do as you're told when you are toldor pay the price. You will not leave this room, which I thinkI made it hard for you to do that. You will make the calls thatI tell you and tell them what I tell you to tell them. IF theycan find us you will be released from the kidnapping. Youare my captive, which means you are mine to do with as I please.If you try to escape and fail, you will pay for that. I willlet you shower and use the hot tub but you will remain gaggedwhile you are in my line of sight. You will remain bound whileyou are in the bed and be hobbled the rest of the time unlessI choose to tie you in a different manner. I will do the cookingand the dishes since I don't think you will be able to withthe hobblers. Do you understand all this I have set forward?If so nod head once for yes and if not, shake your head oncefor no. If it is not agreeable then shake head three timesno". Jennifer nodded head yes once. I smiled at herand took the gag out. She did say she had few questions, andwould I answer them? I nodded yes with a smile, knowing shewould ask something. She asked if, when she went to the bathroom,she could do it with hobblers, promising she would not tryanything. Knowing she was thinking of a window to get awayI said sure then I informed her that was not a problem as longas I got to change her gag to the locking ball gag we had. Jenniferagreed and asked if she could go now. I placed the lockingball gag in place and took off hobbler and put ankle shackleson her in spite of her protest. She went into the bathroomand came out a minute later. I commented that was fast, asI took out the ball gag. She can tell me about how she had anotherbad day in a series of bad days this week. We had dinner andtalked about the fact that we had nothing to do this weekendand how she wished she could just relax this weekend. I tooknote of this and decided that she would have that time. Thenext morning I got dressed for work, sending her off witha kiss and told her I was sure her weekend would be one shewould enjoy. When she was gone, I moved my car around thecorner and called out of work. Now I needed to get everythingready. First thing I did was call a nice hotel that has suitesand hot tubs, making reservations for two nights. NextI went up to our bedroom and packed clothing we would needfor the weekend. Realizing I would need more than she did,I packed a few nighties and only one change of clothing forher, but I packed three changes of clothing for myself,knowing I may have to run out to pick things up we might need.I then spent the next few hours making sure laundry and cleaningwere done so when we do make it home, all we would have to dois enjoy the last of weekend. I got done around 11ish so Ipacked the car with our play bags, cooler and clothing.Then I ran out to the store and filled up the cooler with everythingI thought we might need. After checking into the hotel,I go and check out the room, finding it much to my liking.They have a nice big California king size bed, workablekitchen and LARGE hot tub. I then call work and ask a friendto conference call Jennifer for me. When I got her on thephone, I told her I was taking her out to dinner and a niceevening. She asked me what time I would be home so she knewhow much time she has to get ready. I explained I was aheadof today's work load and I would pick her up at work, so shecould leave her car there and we would pick it up later. Ialmost let myself slip into laughter a few times, but keptmyself composed through the call. I now had just 2 hoursbefore I had to pick her up from work. I spent my time makingthe room perfect for the Kidnapee. I moved all the toys intoplaces where I had ready access. Calling a place we loveto eat, I asked for a nice table away from the busy areas.I was told it would be ready for us at 5:30 , so then I relaxedand waited for the time I had run and pick up Jennifer.When 4:45pm rolled around I left the room to go get Jennifer.I arrived a few minutes late, which was part of my plan. Shewas upset with me as I expected her to be. We drove in almostsilence to the restaurant I had called. When we pulled inshe smiled, saying at least I got this part right. I bit mytongue knowing I would have to keep my secret going. TheHostess played it well and told me all she had was a tableWAY in the back. I order a bottle of nice wine and we had dinnerwith very pleasant conversation. The time for us to orderdessert had come and Jennifer had changed her attitudetowards this evening and her day. So it was time for me tospring part of my plan on her. Leaning closer to her, I askedher if she is ready for a good weekend. Jennifer smiled brightlyand said she was and was ready for anything. I told her toprove it to me. She hesitated and asked me how? I told herto get up and go into the bathroom and remove her pantiesand bring them back to me. When she left the table, I motionedfor the waitress to come over and instructed her to bringour desserts when she saw Jennifer arriving back at thetable. About 5 minutes passed and Jennifer made her wayback to our table with her panties in her hands. Just as Jennifersat down the waitress showed up with desserts and startedto hand them to us. Jennifer's face was filled with shockand dismay. She slid herself under the table and reachedout for her dessert. As soon as the waitress left, she lookedat me with a mixture of anger and humiliation. I got out ofit by telling her I needed to see how ready she was to do this.She blushed and told me that she must be ready and she thinksshe needed a towel. I took the panties and placed them inmy pocket and we finished our desserts and moved to the car.


We walk out to the car which is in a dark corner of a publicparking lot. After we get to the car, we exchange a long passionatekiss, as my hand slowly explores the soft curves of her body.After I catch my breath, I tell her I have plans for her. Shelooks at me with questions in her eyes. I explain as I gotto the trunk of the car and bring out a package. Handing herthe package I step to the side so she can put it on the hoodof the car and open it. Turning and looking at me with surprisein her eyes and on her face, she asks me why not to wait untilwe get home for the cuffs? I point to the note and cell phone.She picks up the note and reads loud enough for me to hearit. You are to call Bill and Judy and read them the rest ofthis note. Bill and Judy are our friends who know what wedo. She looks at me and starts to speak. Before the wordscome out I tell her to do as she is told and she will not be harmed.She shakes and says yes Sir. She calls and Judy answers.?Judy this is Jennifer, I am okay but I am being kidnapped.I will contact you later with the demands of my captor.?Judy says she understands and will be waiting for the phonecall. At that point I take the phone and hang up. Jenniferlooks at and says it was like Judy did not care or was not worried.Little did she know I had called and told them of my plan,and they loved the idea of what I was doing. I then instructedher to put the glasses on and then the cuffs. She looked atthe wrap around style sunglasses and gave me a puzzled look.I told her ?You are out of chances, either you follow theinstructions or you will pay the price". Puttingthe glasses on she smiled and said, "Oh you blackedthem out, I should have known". Then she slips thecuff on, trying to be sneaky at first, wanting them in front,but I caught that and spun her around and cuffed her handsbehind her. I reached into the box and pulled out 3? clearmedical tape tearing a couple of strips off. I whisper toher that she now gets to try the gag she wanted to. She licksher lips as I kiss her softly. She whispers please as I reachinto my pocket and pull out her panties. I place them to hernose and she sighs as she smells them. I roll them up intoa small ball and place them in her waiting mouth. I placethe strips of tape over her mouth and kiss the tape like Iam kissing her. I then go into her purse and get out her lipstickand trace her lips. Tucking her into the car, I put her seatbelt on. I tell her the reason I was late is because the placeis a little far away. I take off driving, just heading outonto the interstate knowing I can find back roads back tothe hotel. After driving about 5 minutes I check the roadseeing no one on the road, I reach over and slide my hand upher skirt exposing her to anyone who can see into the car.I start to play with her mind by pretending I am talking tosomeone. As I pass a truck I blow my horn and he blew his hornback. She swings her head like she is trying to see if someoneis looking, but with the blacked out glasses soon gave itup. To tease her more, I start to softly massage her innerthigh. I hear a moan escape the gag and she parts her legsmore allowing me to get to her oh so wet pussy. I fight theurge to look at her while I am driving but I do rub my hand upand down over her pussy. She moans more and slides down inher seat. We get to the hotel about an hour later. The roomis on the first floor but in the back of hotel, knowing theydon't put many people there to make it look fuller then itis. I park us across the lot from the room. I go around andopen Jennifer's door and place a long jacket on her. Shetries to fix her skirt thinking anyone can see but I makesure she cannot, by pulling it all the way up. She tries tocomplain but she cannot with that gag in. I take no chanceand take her right to the room as fast as she can.

I open the door and move Jennifer inside. I place her in achair and tell her not to move. I close and lock the door andturn the light down in the main room. I tell Jennifer to standup and as I get the keys out to take the cuffs off, I slowlytake off the sunglasses and cover her eyes. Once her eyeshave adjusted to the light, I move my hand. I take a seat onthe recliner that is near the door and window. I tell herto stand back up and strip for me. She stands slowly and startsto undress. I shake my head in a discouraging manner.

She tried to speak but the gag stops her. Jennifer reachesfor the tape but I ask her if I told her she can remove that?She shakes her head no, and slowly and sensually startsto strip as she was told to.

Watching Jennifer, I cannot help but notice again how prettyshe is. I tell her that I must be lucky to have such a sexy captive.I can see she blushes and tries to turn away. I correct herfor that and tell her to always face me until she is told todo so. She corrects herself quickly and finishes her strip-tease.I tell her to sit in the chair on the other side of the roomby the bathroom, and cuff her hands under the arm of the chair.Jennifer moves with no wasted movements and cuffs her handsin the prescribed manner. She watches as I pick up her clothingand fold it up as I put it in the rooms safe. Watching me shutand locking the safe, Jennifer tries to ask me something.I explain she would not need them as she is my captive andshe will not need to be dressed until my ransom is met. I goand get out a collar and hobblers and a ball gag and movedthe phone closer to her. I then placed a call to our friends?I have Jennifer and you will meet my ransom or she will payfor it. You will not contact the police or the FBI or by thetime they find her it will be too late". I am doing thisso our friends can get the phone number of where we are withouther knowing it. Bill asks to speak to her. I carefully removethe tape from her mouth and then take out her panties. "Youtell him you are okay and nothing else. If you do, you willbe flogged for 10 minutes. Do you understand?" Shelicks her lips and speaks to Bill, ?Bill it is Jennifer andI am fine. He has only stripped me of my clothing but I am fine.?I pull the phone away and hang up. I quickly gag her and thenI start with the hobblers on her ankles, then I connect theones to her wrists. I stood her up to put on the collar andleash. Then I forced Jennifer over to the bed where I madeher kneel with her head on the bed. I began to flog her assfor not following directions. For ten minutes, she countedeach and every time the falls struck her cute ass. Jennifercried with both pain and pleasure as between every otherswat I would caress her ass and her now soaking pussy. Watchingher, I took her to brink of pleasure and I stopped makingher twist and wiggle all over. Now that I was done with theflogging, I went and got a silk blindfold out and coveredher eyes with it. Taking out some ice, I cooled her ass withthat as well as between her aching thighs. She moaned andstarted to shake. I stopped with the ice and sat her backin the chair she came from. I then pulled up another chairand sat across from her. "Jennifer these are the rulesfor the weekend, you will do as you're told when you are toldor pay the price. You will not leave this room, which I thinkI made it hard for you to do that. You will make the calls thatI tell you and tell them what I tell you to tell them. IF theycan find us you will be released from the kidnapping. Youare my captive, which means you are mine to do with as I please.If you try to escape and fail, you will pay for that. I willlet you shower and use the hot tub but you will remain gaggedwhile you are in my line of sight. You will remain bound whileyou are in the bed and be hobbled the rest of the time unlessI choose to tie you in a different manner. I will do the cookingand the dishes since I don't think you will be able to withthe hobblers. Do you understand all this I have set forward?If so nod head once for yes and if not, shake your head oncefor no. If it is not agreeable then shake head three timesno". Jennifer nodded head yes once. I smiled at herand took the gag out. She did say she had few questions, andwould I answer them? I nodded yes with a smile, knowing shewould ask something. She asked if, when she went to the bathroom,she could do it with hobblers, promising she would not tryanything. Knowing she was thinking of a window to get awayI said sure then I informed her that was not a problem as longas I got to change her gag to the locking ball gag we had. Jenniferagreed and asked if she could go now. I placed the lockingball gag in place and took off hobbler and put ankle shackleson her in spite of her protest. She went into the bathroomand came out a minute later. I commented that was fast, asI took out the ball gag. She called me a smart ass. I looked at her nicelyand asked what she meant. She toldme there was no window in the bathroom and I must have knownthat or I would not have let her do that. I smiled and saidof course I knew.I have checked the place out. She pouted and said I cheatedas I put the hobblers back on her. I then put her leash backon her and walked her over to the bed. I checked the time andnoticed it was almost 11pm , surprising how time flies whenyou are having fun.

I turned back to Jennifer and asked "So I cheated?Well, I guess I have to make you see things my way, won'tI." With that I took out a ring gag knowing she dislikesthat type and gagged her. I rolled her over and made her geton all 4s the best she could. Then I told her since the lasttime was 10 minutes I guess this time must be 15 minutes.I heard her pleas, but I did not answer. I went where someof the toys are stashed away, pulled out the riding cropand a V-cut flogger. Placing them next to her on the bed,I then grabbed a blindfold and put it on her. I can now hearher sobbing and pleading for me not use the crop or "thatthing", as she called the flogger. I pulled them outonly to get to the blindfold, my intent being good old fashionspanking. But now I had to play on her fear, picking up thecrop and "testing" it on the bed right next toher, WHACK. She jumped about a foot off the bed and squirmedon the bed. I placed the crop right on her ass and told herto stop moving. She pouted "yes Sir" throughthe gag and stopped moving except the shaking she was doing.Knowing how much force I can bring with either the crop orthe flogger, she was shaking nervously. I threw the cropon the bed in front of her, letting her know I had changedmy mind about using that. I picked up the flogger made a fewair passes to either side of cute bottom, and then droppedit on the floor. Leaning on the bed so my mouth was right byher ear, so she could feel my words, as well as hearing them;I said "Jennifer, you will count each strike to yourbottom. You miss one and we start all over- lose count andthe clock starts again. It is now 11:07 your time startsat 11:10 ." As soon as the clocked changed, I laid thefirst hit with my hand. She gasped for air then sighed, knowingthe punishment would be with my hand for now. She counted1 and thanked me for being so kind. I then placed 3 quick shotsand traced with my finger from the small of her back to herwaiting pussy. She counted 2, 3, 4, and GASPED, when thethumb crossed her swollen area. With my right hand I placedtwo more shots to the lower section of her cheeks, lettingmy left hand rest where it was. She groaned out 5 and 6. I playedthis little game, switching between cheeks and movingmy left hand up and down, for almost 10 minutes. At that pointshe lost track of the count, I leaned in and asked her whatnumber we are on and she mumbled "something like 26.?.She was close at 24, I told her as I checked the clock."It is now 11:19 we will start at 11:20". I again placedthe first shot right as the clocked changed. She moanedONE so loud I was shocked. She was so weak and in need of releaseshe let her head fall to the pillows in front of her. I putmy hand in to her hair and pulled her head off the pillow holdingit there as I whispered to her, "you are stay like this".She nodded yes, and stayed where I placed her. I then turnedmy attention to her oh so red cheeks and decided I would slowthe pace. With my left hand I explored Jennifer's tits.Kneading and playing with her nipples, I slowed the paceof her spanking to one about every 30 to 45 seconds. Usingthe time between spanks I would slip my hand, mostly my thumb,down to her pussy and making small circles changing directionseach time I spanked her. I knew it was killing Jennifer soI would let her get to brink and then stop her by applyingice to her cute red ass. She was moaning and groaning so muchI could tell she needed to cum. I checked the time and listenedto her count and she was on target and the 15 minutes whereall but up. With my left hand I undid the ring gag and askedher if she thought she deserved to cum. She moaned, thenanswered, "Sir only if you wish me to cum do I deserveit." I looked at her and smiled. She then asked if shecould some how please or pleasure me enough to make me thinkshe deserved the right to cum. I playfully asked her whatshe had in mind. With that, Jennifer asked if she could showme. I told her she could but she better not try anything orthe price will be worse than before.She smiled and as she groped for me she grabbed my shirt andworked her down my body to belt. She undid the zipper of pantsI was wearing. She reached in and pulled me out of pants.She licked her lips and said "Someone else is enjoyingthis I see". With that, she started to lick and suckon me like she was trying to melt me. Once my head stoppedspinning enough, I reached between her legs and slowlyslipped in one finger then another. She was rocking andriding my fingers to the point I could hardly keep my handstill. With in a few minutes she exploded and was doing herbest to see I would too. When I came she held on to me and letit all come to her. She fell to the bed trying to catch herbreath. I sat next to her while I got my bearings. With thatI took hobblers and her blindfold. I then went over to thehot tub and ran the water, getting it good and warm. She askedme to take her to sink so she can rinse her mouth. I carriedher to the sink and then placed her into the tub and climbin behind her bathing her ever so softly. She sighed andwhispered if she had to be kidnapped she was glad it was someonelike me. After about 20 minutes in the tub I dried her offand carried her back to the bed. She was sleeping while Iput her ankle shackle on. She did not even stir while I puton the handcuffs. I connected a chain locking at both endsto the bed. Sitting in the bed next to her I smiled watchingher sleep, hoping she had forgotten the week before.

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. Jennifer, whoalways was an early riser, was sitting on the floor nextto me watching TV. I rolled over and lifted her chin, lookinginto her eyes. "Why are you out of bed?" She toldme she was not tired, thought she must have slept well, andshe did not want to wake me by tossing and turning so she goton floor. She told me she wished she could have tried to fixbreakfast but the chain was not long enough. I remindedher that she was not going to be cooking. She knelt next tome and asked if she could to show me how grateful she was forme not hurting her last night. She said "I am willingto please you in anyway just to keep my safety, if that meanscooking and cleaning or anything else then so be it"a big smile crossed her face. Her hands, which were on herknees, were now on my knees and working their way up my legs.I smiled and unlocked the chain from her ankle cuffs andtold her she could fix breakfast, BUT she better be on herbest behavior. She agreed and as she started to stand up,I placed my hand on her shoulder stopping her from standing.Jennifer lowered her eyes asking "What does Sir wishfor breakfast?" I told her she could prepare whatevershe could find in kitchen. I knew what she liked so had I stockedit to her advantage. She tried to stand again and once again,I stopped her. "You will not go near a window or thedoor... if you do you will pay for it". She said sheunderstood and tried to stand again. For the final timeI stopped her, this time I produced the ball gag, much toher dismay. I put it into her mouth and closed it behind her.Smacking her ass sending her on her way to the kitchen, shegiggled making her way to the kitchen. She started the coffeefirst. She then look around the kitchen for the fixings,I was half watching her and half letting my mind go to thingsI wanted to do with her the rest of the day. I looked up andnoticed she had come back into the room and now was startingto kneel at my feet. I asked her if everything was okay, shelowered her cheek onto my knee, stroking her cheek againstmy thigh. She looked up and through the gag I could hear hersaying thank you, looking back at the kitchen and lookingup at me. Smiling I said ?you are very welcome?, helpingher stand and smacking her ass again. She went into the kitchenand this time, coming back out with a cup of coffee, she kneltand presented it up to me. This took me by surprise as I havenever asked her to do this nor did I expect her to do it. Witha smile that had to be ear to ear I took the coffee, liftedher chin with the free hand and kissed her gagged mouth,slowly letting my tongue trace her lips. She moaned andleaned in toward me. I helped her to her feet and while shecollected her thoughts, I slid my hand between her legsand started sliding it up and down. She started to shakeand I stopped as soon as I noticed that. "You may nowgo back to the kitchen and start breakfast". She lookedat me with wide eyes, almost pleading with me to finish whatI started.I pointed back toward the kitchen and mouthed Go. She turnedand headed back to the kitchen, grumbling about that. Shemade some eggs and bacon with OJ and while things cookedshe came out and set the table. I watched her setting thetable and bringing out the food. At this point I undid thecuff, locking the cuff onto the chair. I then took out herball gag massaging her jaws, then kissing her while I gentlypulled her head back with a handful of her hair. We ate withlittle to no words being spoken. Once breakfast was done,I got up and told her if she needs help I would help her. Shesaid no, she would be able to handle them. With that I putpicked up her ball gag and walked around the table. She startedto plead with me not to put it back in. I told her unless sheis in arms reach of me she will remain gagged. With a frownshe acknowledged and opened her mouth. Once again I strappedon the gag and she made her way to do the dishes. She washedthe dishes and then came back into the room where I was sittingon the couch. Kneeling at my feet she mumbled to me askingif I would not un-gag her. I did and explained to her it wastime for to make her call. Jennifer asked me what phone call.Handing her the phone I told her to call Bill and Judy andshe was to read the note. Handing her the note she dialedour friends. When Judy picked up the phone, she startedto read the note. ?Judy this is Jennifer, I am okay so far.My Captor says I will remain that way as long as you followthe instructions I am going to give you.? Judy replies,"okay Jennifer, shoot". Jennifer then finishedreading the note ?You are to get to the book store and buy?Screw the Roses Give me the thorns? Leaving the receiptat the phone booth on 2nd and Patterson Aves, at 1pm . It isnow 10am that gives you 3 hours to get that done and once theyhave that I will call again. Please do as you are instructed,they say I will pay if you don't.? When I heard that, I hungup the phone. "Very good girl, you did as you are told.For that I will not put your gag in right now. But I will needto lock you back down so I may shower and change". Frowningshe agrees and walks towards the chair, but I redirect her.She looked at me with shock as I told her to get up on the bed.Placing her on the bed I pulled her favorite vibrator out,and with a length of rope, I tied it between her legs. I thentied her on her knees but made sure that the ropes went tothe four corners on the bed. I next blindfolded her and passionatelykissed her and told her I was going to shower. Reaching backI kicked on the vibrator to a variable setting and walkedtoward the shower, shedding my clothing as I went. I tooka nice 15 minute shower and another 10 minutes shave andfinished in the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom,I could see she was trying to work the vibe closer to her achingpussy. Needing to put a stop to that, I snuck up on her andturned it off. She growled ?figures it would go off now.?,?Yes go figure it would turn off now? I said from behind her.She squealed in shock that I was standing there. I told hersince she was trying to get pleasure I would have to see shegot it. Taking off the rope and vibrator, I knelt on the bedbehind her and began to lick and nibble at her now soakingpussy. Moans of joy escaped her lips as I slid my finger intoher. She rocked against my fingers and began to beg for meto take her. At this point I was more than happy to, gettingup on my knees so I can get into her. I slowly worked myselfinside her and we rocked to the motion of what we were feelingfor each other. When we came I released her from her bondsand she fell into my arms. We laid there for an hour. ThenI told her I had to get ready to go pick up the ransom. I gotdressed then sat next to her on the bed and told her she willhave to stay there and wait for my return. She sat up and grabbedfor me, asking why she could not come with me to get it. Shepromised to behave herself and sit in the car not sayinga word. I told her that was the problem as I would have to tieand gag her up then take her out in public I could not riskanyone seeing her. I then adjusted her blindfold and toldher to lie down on the bed spread eagle. I tied her anklesthen I put her gag back in much to her dismay. I softly laidher back on the bed and then tied her arms to the bed. Standingback I took a photo of Jennifer, just for her and me. I coveredher up with the covers and put the DND sign on the door. I caughtone of the maids as she was passing. I slipped her 5 bucks to knock on thedoor and say "housekeeping", wait a few seconds and say "sorry".The maid wanted to know why, I told her it was because my girlfriendloved to run around naked, and I was trying to teach her alesson on not doing that. The maid laughed and rattled herkeys in front of the door. "House keeping" shespoke aloud in broken English. She rattled her keys a fewmore seconds and then she spoke to the door, "I am sorryI did not see the DND sign on door handle". She was laughinginto a towel while I was laughing into my jacket. I thankedher and handed her another $5 as I made my way to pick up the"ransom". I walked across the street to a coffeeshop and sat down where I could see the door. About 5 minuteslater Bill and Judy showed up. We got our coffee and talkedabout what she is up to. I told them about what I have doneso far and we talked about the book. Then I told Judy to goto the room and pretend she was the maid. Judy said hell noas she did not want to be there if Jennifer gets away. Afterabout another 10 minutes I said be well and made my way backto the room. Stopping the maid, I asked if I could have thevacuum to clean my room and the towels. She told me that wasnot normal but she did it anyway, for $10. I asked her to sayhouse keeping again and she did, trying not to laugh. I openedthe door and walked in. I went directly to the bathroom whereI put clean towels away and took out old ones. Then I startedto run the vacuum, going about the whole room, while watchingthe bed and the bump under the covers trying to move to getout without moving too much. I just let the vacuum run whileI watched the bed. Jennifer told me once the thought of gettingor getting while in bondage just drove her to the edge. Wonderinghow far I should play I threw some of the extra towels on thebed, aiming right at her waist. I saw the bed rustle a littlebit. I figured I might as well go all the way here and playon her fear/desire. I went to the bed and un-tucked the footof the bed feeling the rope. I tugged on them then slippedmy hand up the ropes to her foot. I stopped when she startedto move a lot more now. In one motion, I then ripped the coversoff the bed and pretended to gasp. She then started to pullon the ropes and tried to talk though the gag. Waiting a fewseconds, one for effect and the other to watch her, I knelton the floor and reached over and removed her gag. Jenniferstarted to speak but had a slight case of dry mouth. I pickedup the water on the dresser and put the straw to her mouth,she drank down half the glass. She then started to speakagain saying, "My boyfriend and I enjoy this. Pleasedon't worry; I am more than willing here. He should be homeany minute and you will see." Suppressing the needto laugh, I took out a feather duster and placed it on herbelly. Jennifer struggled a little against the bonds holdingher. I then moved it up to her nipples crossing back and forth,just dusting the very tips of her nipples. Moaning she asked,almost pleading for me to stop. I did long enough to put thevacuum outside the door so the maid could have it back. Ikind of slammed the door and locked it, she tried to look,but I had chosen that blindfold knowing it would not allowher any sight. I then walked over and knelt on the bed. I tookthe feather duster and started to trace her body. Pleasto stop mixed with moans of pleasure and filled the room.I moved to the foot of the bed, licking from her left ankleup to her left knee with the tip of my tongue. She twistedagainst her restraints and then moaned louder that I wason my way back. I moved right up and put my lips over pussy,which at this time had soaked the bed. I nibble softly andas she let out a little yelp I asked, "How do you knowI am not here". Going right back to her pussy as my lastwords tapered off. I sucked her into my mouth, and then thrustmy tongue into her before she could realize what my wordsmeant. She went ridged all the sudden and let out a screamas she reached to the climax, "You jackass, I ..."is all she could get out as she began to speak the words withoutsound passing her lips. I kept at her for another 5 minutesbefore she went limp again. At that point I undid the ankleshackles connecting them together. I slid onto the bedand up next to her, reaching under her arms, and she commentedthat she would have to kill me for that. I undid her arms anywayand locked them together. Laying on the bed next to her shesaid she did not know what to think but she knew one thing.She did not want that to ever happen for real.Jennifer told me while I was laying there that she was goingcrazy, with urges, to scream, or moan, or to pass out fromfear and pleasure. "I wanting to tell you it was mebut I knew you said you wanted to try that". She saidnow that she had experienced it, she knows what would gothrough her mind. I took the covers and covered Jenniferand I, letting her rest. When I knew she was asleep I turnedon the TV and muted it. I was just surfing the channels whileI thought about the next thing I would put her through whenI saw there was a football game on at 6pm . Now I am not intocollege football, but I did have an idea how to make it fun.The clock said 3:15 pm , that left me 2:45 for her to rest andfor me to refine the plan and get her ready for it. I laid inthe bed with her just running my hands thought her hair whileI worked out the details. At 4:30pm I slipped out of the bedand went into the kitchen and made up a simple dinner of pangrilled chicken, with veggies. So by 5pm I woke her up andserved her in bed, since she was still tied up. At that pointI informed her that she had 45 minutes of freedom, afterwhich I had plans for her. Jennifer looked at me, saying"Yes Sir" and noting the evil grin I had on myface. She finished eating and I helped her to the bathroom.I told her to get cleaned up and when she was done to let meknow. She finished quickly knowing I would not wait toolong. I carried her to the sitting area, where I had removedthe cushions from the couch, arranging them on the floor.I went and got out two of the spreader bars and hand her kneelover a foot rest I had in middle of the cushions. Crossingthe spreader I connect left ankle to right wrist and viseversa. I then gagged Jennifer with a bite style gag, knowingshe would be able to make some sounds with that in. I thenwent to a drawer and pulled out our double vibrating egg.She moaned when I showed them to her and, through the gag,she asked what I was going to do. I knelt in front of her puttinglube on one of them, winking at her as I said, and ?You guesswhat I then moved in behind her and worked into her ass slowlyand carefully working in and out little bit each time. ThenI slipped my finger into her exposed pussy, stroking inand out as I worked the egg into her ass. Then I replaced myfinger with the other egg. She grumbled at that change,as I moved back in front of her. She stared up at me as I beganthe next part of my plan. "Jennifer, you are to, laughing,say home or away". She said "Away". I said,"Okay, your team is the away team of this college footballgame that is coming on very shortly. This is how it will work.When your team has the ball, I will turn the eggs on and letthem run, turning them off for commercials or time outs".She perked up hearing that part of the plan, but her headlowered when she heard about the other side of this. I continued,"Now I will be sitting behind you and when the hometeam has the ball, I will smack your cute bottom each timethey move the ball forward. Now if home team intercepts/fumbles,or on punts and kicks offs, I will smack you once for eachten yard they go. If the away team intercepts/fumbles,or is getting a punt or kick off, I will turn the eggs on untilthey score or are stopped. For the twists you will not beable to see the game nor will you hear it as I will have it muted".She keeps speaking though the gag that it was not fair. Itold her that, as my Kidnapee, fair was not something shehad to concern herself with. Knowing that would get hergoat, I slipped a silk blindfold over her eyes and got a sodaand chips for the game. The game was much in her favor, theaway team taking the opening kick off some 30 yards and playinga run and gun offense. Jennifer got about 5 minutes beforethey scored the kickoff the home team took a knee in the endzone for a touchback so that was a waste. They moved the ball20 yards letting me give her a couple smacks, and then theyhad to punt. The minute the away team caught the ball, I turnedthe eggs back on and they were on for almost another 7 minutesbefore they got a field goal out of it. The game was very onesided to the away team after the first half, so she got a lotof time with eggs on and very few smacks. When the game wasover I took her gag out and she just shouted FUCK ME PLEASE!!I unzipped my pants in front of her and let the tip of my cockbrush her lips, she tried to chase it but could not seem tofind it. I let her find it a minute later, she licked the heada few times, and then she swallowed me. Letting her suckme for a second or two I pulled out and moved in behind her,asking her which one to take out.This time she asked, "Sir please just let me feel youinside me". The egg from her pussy almost shot outwith a light tug on it so I replaced the egg with my cock. Shemoaned and started to rock back and forth on the foot resttrying to get me deeper inside her. She was shaking as I enteredher, when I turned the egg on that was in her ass she screamedand locked her body up. No way I was stopping so I kept up aslow and steady pace, changing it every now and then by goingin deeper or longer . She started to shake again and thistime asked if she could cum again. I told her she could, thinkingto myself that she never asked that before. She grabbedone of the cushions and tried to get it to her mouth as shescreamed into it. She came hard this time and when she didit made me explode inside her. Making her screams turn intomoans and she slowed her rocking down to just ever so slightmovements. I could tell she was spent so I just let myselfslip out, which caused a groan and then silence. I untiedher and carried her to the bed, placed her in the center onthe bed, and took out her gag. She began to lick her lips;I lifted a glass with water to her mouth she sipped from itletting it rest in her mouth each time before swallowingit. She said she was done with the water but I was not beingfair, as I could not be getting as much pleasure as she was.I told her I was getting enough pleasure, from the pleasureI have taken from her and in her pleasure. She smiled andplaced her head on my chest. We settled in and slept the restof the night, I woke in the morning with her sitting at thefoot of the bed watching TV. The room was clean and the bagswere packed, I could smell coffee but as soon as I startedto move she jumped up and ran off to the kitchen. I laughedwhen I noticed she had her ankle shackles on, and I did notput them on last night. She brought me back coffee, turnedand went back into kitchen. Five minutes later, she returnedwith an egg sandwich on french toast. She kneeled and offeredthem up to me, asking if she could be set free. I told her thatshe had to call Bill and Judy to find out if they got the ransomfirst. She called them not thinking it was 7am , Bill answeredand laughed at her saying he got it. She told me they had it,so she was free right? I told her I wanted proof they had it,so I told her to ask Bill to open the book and tell her whatwas on the first page. Bill told her and was right, so I toldher she was free, with that she smiled and lay down on thebed until I was done eating. She took the dishes away andran in and POUNCED on me. She kissed me deeply, when our lipsparted she told me that this weekend was the nicest thinganyone had ever done for her. Then, with a little attitude,she said "BUT I WILL GET EVEN!? But that is a story foranother time.

Same as My First Abduction Videos

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Tammy and Alexs Abduction

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Family Abduction

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My Abduction

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Amys Abduction

Andy looked depressed when I picked him up on the way to work. Normally he was an outgoing person, but today he was quiet and moody making the short drive a very long one. It wasn’t until lunch time that I was able to coax him from his shell to learn his beloved twin sister had been committed to the mental hospital outside of town. I had met Amy at several family functions over the past several years and she, unlike her brother Andy, was shy and reserved. Unremarkable in appearance, Amy hid...

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Brendas alien abduction

She drove her BMW convertible to the beach about eleven just as the sea fog was receding from the land. She spread her blanket out at her favorite spot and rubbed on her tanning lotion. The surf was predicted to be low that day so she did not even bring her board. She lay on her stomach looking at the water and untied her top string so as not to have a tan line there. She took out the novel that she brought with her and split her time between looking at the ocean, her book and the...

4 years ago
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Mackenzie pleasured by Aliens after Abduction

If you knew me back in high school, then you would know that I am not the crazy type. I never seen or heard things that were not there. Indeed, I am about the non-craziest person you might know but the event I had experienced on that fateful night was certainly real. I know that you might not believe me but I know what I saw and I cannot forget the things that were done to me. My friends knew me as Mackenzie and I was a twenty year old college student with a down to earth kind of mind. Most...

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Alien Abduction

Introduction: This is my first story. Please let me know what you think. I was captured from my home sometime during the night. I woke startled to see that I was naked inside a room. It appeared to be a bedroom, and it even had a bathroom with a shower. But the metal door to the room remained locked. I sat up in bed when the door opened. A shadowy figure entered the room. As he moved into the light, I could see it was a tall and bizarre looking figure. He was an alien that stood about seven...

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Your stereo is blaring as you cruise down the highway. You weren't sure Nessie, your dad's old Buick, would successfully get you all the way to school, let alone back again. Another year was tough. Whoever thinks art school is all about pretty pictures has never had a six hour drawing studio. You had always been a weird scrawny kid, but at art school everyone is weird, so you developed some more confidence. You even filled out some. The music lowers and your phone pings. The message was from...

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Alien Abduction

A dull humming noise woke you. Where the hell were you? Last thing you remember, you were walking home from the pub, after some drinks, OK lots of drinks, with your friends. You seem to recall pissing in a phone box when suddenly, a bright light hit and you passed out. Now, your head is pounding and, worryingly, have no idea where you are. You sit up from where you were lying and look around. You seem to be in a very warm, bright, white room, which was hurting your still bleary eyes. There was...

4 years ago
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Alien Abduction

Its a Saturday night, you're on your way to the house party of one of your best friends. Your already stoned as fuck, too stoned to think about being pulled over by the cops. The girl your supposed to be taking care of that night is sitting next to you. Her parents won't trust her after a few of her older "friends" basically forced her to throw a party the last time they were out of town. You don't agree with her parents distrust. Mia is one of the most trustworthy and responsible people you...

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Alien Abduction

You lay in bed after a long day at school and homework. College was going to be more difficult than you first imagined but you're grateful your parents had the money to send you in the first place. You are the first person in your family to attend college because of the poverty you've been forced to live in your entire life. You live in a small two bedroom apartment with your parents and older sister who you've had to share a room with since you were born. Your parents both work very low paying...

Mind Control
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Sisterhood of Sin 22 The Abduction

"It's okay if you fuck him, Barbie. I let him know that. You'll be with him more than I will for a while, and it's clear that there's a special bond between you." "That's not going to happen, Cate. This special bond is mutual respect, not something you should feel threatened by. Besides, he'll be drained dry by the students." "I didn't offer only his cock, Barbie. If his ass becomes irresistible, take it, I'm not threatened by it." "Well, that's a kind offer, but I'm not going to risk wearing...

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Alien Abduction

Sofia was out in the woods on a late-night run. She enjoyed running late, she could be alone in the woods, which had a trail that was lit for runners during the night. She was wearing tight yoga-pants and a matching sport bra. She got a lot of looks from men being dressed like that, especially having those double-D breasts. She had long blond hair and big blue eyes. She enjoyed the attention, at same time she wanted to make it seem like she was above seeking attention from men. As she was...

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I planned my own abduction

Late night Library fantasy. It all started with my late-night visits to Liverpool Central Library.  I use the place at least once a week as I’m studying as a mature student. My preferred time is late, usually after midnight. It’s the best time to go as it’s pretty quiet & you be sure that the only other users are serious geeks who, like myself try to avoid being disturbed. Anyway, back to my fantasy?.. One evening, I’d dropped into the library & chosen my preferred corner, the older part with...

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Calistas Abduction

Callista's Ordeal 1 The street was a tunnel of darkness. Under the big lilac bushes that overhungthe sidewalk it was darker still, making little caves of inky blackness inwhich nothing could be seen. I watched her as she walked from one of thesedeep shadows to another, disappearing and then reappearing under the feebleglow of the few street lights. She was coming back from the library, righton schedule, six minutes after closing time. She walked with her head high, her pace steady, neither...

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Choose Your Own Abduction

The heavy wooden door creaks slightly as you push it open, and you step inside the Princess' chambers. A breeze from the open window causes the candle in your hand to dance, pushing and pulling its dim sphere of light about you. You try to focus in the dark, plant every step carefully. Except you know this room well from years of sneaking in here, and you're soon moving more on instinct than by sight alone. The night is so still that as you near her bed, your rapid breathing sounds like it...

2 years ago
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Angels Alien Abduction

Angel Deen opened her eyes to find herself lying on her back looking at a metal ceiling. She sat up quickly, noting not only that she was in a strange room she had never seen before, but that she was still wearing her cheerleader outfit ... where had she been a few minutes ago? Practice? She couldn’t remember. She stood up from the odd silver spongy mat she had been lying on and surveyed the room ... silver colored metal walls, about 20 feet square ... a single door and no...

4 years ago
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Alien Abduction

Warning: My stories include lesbian themed rape and torture. This isn’t BSDM practicing “safe, sane, and consensual” It is rape. It is torture. There are few happy endings here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! I do not condone rape or torture ... except for fictional characters in fictional stories. Arrival - Ri’xon The acrid smell of fried electronics fills the air. Damn government contractors! Greedy bastards cut every corner, just to save a credit. My ears drop as I survey the damage. The...

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My Abduction

I had decided to go to the park, it was such a beautiful day outside, and I saw no point wasting it by sitting inside. On my way out the door, I noticed a car parked on the other side of my house with three men inside. I really paid no attention to them, people were always parking on the street, and I figured they were waiting for someone at the house they were parked by. I hopped into my car and drove to the flower gardens. I spent a lot of time there, looking at the different species of...

4 years ago
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Home Abduction

"Bye mom, bye dad," Brittany said as she stood outside on her lawn. Her parents' Ford Explorer pulled out of the driveway. "Don't forget to unplug all the appliances before you leave," her mom reminded. "I will mom, bye! Have a safe drive!" Brittany turned, her long blonde hair waving across her face as she went inside her house. She did not notice as a figure darted underneath the closing garage door. Kevin hid behind a Blue Corolla as he listened to see if he had been...

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Tiffanys Abduction

© Copyright 2003 I awoke up, not sure if it was a dream or not. I felt something in my mouth, some type of cloth. It was pulled tightly, pushing back my lips, stretching my mouth open. It must have been tied because I could not get it out. I could feel drool running down my chin, my mouth dry. I tried to lift my arm but couldn't. That is when I realized that I was not along and something was wrong. My name is Tiffany. I live in an apartment with six other girls, all sophomores at the...

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My Seed My Wife My ChildChapter 1 Abduction

Carriage rides always did lure me to sleep; at least on the Kings roads which were kept smooth. I yawned behind my gloved hand, hardly lady like, but there was no one here to see but me. I settled my head back and relaxed, letting my head sway with the carriage and thought of what awaited my arrival. My sister was due to give birth within the fortnight, I was to aid her in any small manner I could, her husband having left with the King. My sister Gwen had been married only a short time and...

1 year ago
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The Girl in a Country Song Ch4 The Abduction

Jessie was overcome with joy realizing she had finally made it to the end of her work week. She had imagined and worked hard for this weekend, for so long. A couple of romantic days… Jessie was overcome with joy realizing she had finally made it to the end of her work week. She had imagined and worked hard for this weekend, for so long. A couple of romantic days and nights with her man, and lover Lukah. As a hard working woman and mother, she deserved some down time. It was her ex's...

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Abducted By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis: A boy missing for decades, returns. The girl he borrowed the dress from for Halloween is an old woman now, but she remembers. She remembers everything. The dress, slip, panties, even the doll, and it sent shivers down her spine. "Impossible!" she whispered looking at the boy in her dress. Players: Sheriff Andrews, Ms. Abby Vanderhoven, Susan Sharp - dispatch, Mark Carson, (Rose and Matt - Mark's parents), Penny - the doll, Buck...

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myfirst experience

She is disable and lived in her room and cannot move. My aunt also live in same village but at some distance on the other side of the village.She has four daughter's and uncle was died when the her youngest daughter(sadia) was 3 years old.Since then she was taking care of them.Her daughter's name were summaya(1st),sidra(2nd),nuvera(3rd) & sadia.Nuvera lives with grandma and take care of her. She was 17(now 19) at that time and is the prettiest in her sisters with 5'4'' tall, long black...

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First BGG! It will come as no shock to my readers that I love fucking pussy. It's one of the few things that I enjoy more than masturbating. I know you guys can't empathize, but the feeling of a tight pussy sliding up and down on your cock is incredible. There's nothing like it. I only wish you could experience the joy I feel every day, just once.Better Than Pussy?But hold on one god damn minute. Believe it or not, there is something I love even more than fucking pussy: fucking two pussies at...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Dedicated to a lovely young lady that would have graduated in 1960 with a first initial of "J" First and most important, this is a totally true story. Because it is true, there is little sex and what there is, has not been embellished to the best of my knowledge. One almost always remembers their "Firsts." Their first kiss, first date, first love, first sex and first crush. This is a story of all the above and more. I have always been a shy person. All through my freshman and sophomore...

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Janet and Jay were devoted lovers but one fateful day Janet.... Abducted by Janet Baker Ah, life is good. Six months ago I had my SRS surgery and I've been living as the woman I am. For many years I knew that I was a woman but born into a male body. In my teens I started hormone therapy, started living as a female teen, and when I reached the accepted age for SRS I underwent the procedure. Month followed month of recovery, with much dilation and some pain, but it was all worth it. I...

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Stockholm Syndrome Part 1 Abducted

Stockholm Syndrome Part 1 Abducted. As I walked to my car in the parking garage next to my office in Downtown Boston, three well-dressed men walked up, and blocked my path; the one in the middle said, "Mr. Terence Morris?" I nodded in the affirmative. He replied, "Would you please come with us?" I said, "No I won't, I don't know who the hell are you? And why should I accompany you anywhere?" He replied, "Who we are is not important; our instructions are to bring you to a...

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Kate Abducted

Kate Abducted - Part 1 ======================"Kate you're fired!" yelled a voice across the call centre startling Kate who'd just slipped back into the room after a slightly longer than allowed cigarette break."But Steve!" she exclaimed, shuffling towards her desk, "It makes my voice more sexy.""That's the fourth break you've had this morning, three too many!  You're out!" he shouted, striding angrily across the room and blocking Sarah's path.Kate surveyed the room for allies but saw only the...

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Janet and Jay were devoted lovers but one fateful day Janet?.Abducted by Janet BakerAh, life is good. Six months ago I had my SRS surgery and I've been living as the woman I am. For many years I knew that I was a woman but born into a male body. In my teens I started hormone therapy, started living as a female teen, and when I reached the accepted age for SRS I underwent the procedure. Month followed month of recovery, with much dilation and some pain, but it was all worth it. I emerged as a...

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Mom and I had made good time on our drive from Silicon Valley to the Sierra, and had arrived at the secluded campground just on the California side of Lake Tahoe with plenty of daylight left. Our tent was up and our sleeping bags were rolled out, our cooking gear and our food supplies were squared away, and we'd built a small fire just as the last blush of sunset was fading into the jagged black outline of trees against sky. We were the only people in the campground, and the silence and...

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"I need to find someone to take me camping," she said while standing in my cubicle. We'd just been talking about how much we enjoyed camping and the outdoors and I'd been showing her some of my nature photos. I can't even remember what brought it all up, but it was fun to open up with a coworker like that. I like to feel the intimacy that comes from opening up to others and having them accept me. It's even better when we have similar interests and I can feel that rapport growing almost...

5 years ago
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M. was just as surprised as me that W. had agreed to get together. Neither one of us thought it would actually happen since we started corresponding three months ago. But there we were at the local pub having drinks. The conversation flowed easily, much to my great relief. After an hour or so (and 3 drinks knocked back in quick succession) W. says, “Alright, let’s go.”The walk back to the house was quieter, as if we are all lost in our own thoughts. When we got inside and out of our coats...

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firsts time Im seen as cd crossdresser

From a young age I liked dressing up in womens lingerie and clothing.... as I got older I grew up over weight a little and more so the older I got..... by the time I was I was in my late teens I had nice size breasts....nice enough to fill a bra. So worked up the courage to buy some lingerie online and when I received it in the mail I was so excited. I couldn't wait to try everything on.... I had brought a white lace bra, matching panties and white suspenders and stockings.....I tried them...

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Firsts Ch 02

Ch. 02: Gabriel Author’s Note: Sorry this took so long! Hopefully the next chapter won’t be as long in coming. Thank you for all the wonderful feedback, I’m so glad you guys like my story. Check my profile page for updates. As always, all comments are welcome. All characters are 18+ at the time of any sexual acts. Huge thanks to coloryourworld, azraeyl, and alwaysup4u2004 for their essential editing help. This chapter was written from Gabriel’s POV, and repeats some of the previous chapter,...

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Firsts Ch 07

Author’s Note: So here we are, the last chapter. I’m sorry it took me more than a year to get this thing out, thanks for bearing with me. I’m planning on continuing the Ramirez family’s story, maybe even next, but I’ll wait until I’ve managed to write a fair amount before posting. Thanks to warrior_wolf and coloryourworld for editing for me, and another massive thanks to Tangledinyou for being there when I needed a friend. Also a huge thanks to everyone who’s read, reviewed and/or given...

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