Frank and Mary Beth
- 2 years ago
- 33
- 0
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Mary Beth, a twenty nine year old petite brunette with a divorce pending, had planned on spending the weekend alone at her rural home, performing some long overdue house cleaning.
Those plans were disrupted when Mary Beth arrived home at 8:00 PM on a Friday in December. It was currently 9:00PM, and Mary Beth was lying naked, faced down and spread eagled on the king size bed in her bedroom. Each arm and leg was attached with a separate steel handcuff or leg iron, to the frame of the bed. A ball gag prevented her from speaking, and a leather blindfold from seeing.
To further compound her agony a vibrating dildo still hummed away, inserted into her cunt, and held in place by a painfully tight chain, which encircled her waist and was looped underneath her crotch.
Mary Beth, a high school English teacher, had stopped for a fish fry after school, then at a supermarket. She noticed nothing amiss as her SUV pulled into her driveway. After unlocking the side door she made two trips to the vehicle, to carry in all the groceries.
She then proceeded to her second floor bedroom and removed her green leather coat. Her attire consisted of a tight white ribbed turtleneck sweater, black slacks and mid length knee high boots.
Then it happened. The ski masked stranger appeared in the bedroom doorway, carrying what appeared to be a stun gun. Quivering in fear she was able to utter ?who are you and what do you want?.
The strangers answer was terse ?I’m going to use you sexually, then rob your house?.
His next command was to strip naked in front of him. The intimidating tone of his voice, coupled with the fact that he was at least six foot three and two hundred pounds, induced Mary Beth to comply.
?Please don’t rape me?, she pleaded. The stranger’s response was to slap her hard across the face with his free hand. ?The first rule is you will not speak without permission and if you do, what I do to you will be much more painful than what I just did?, he added.
Once Mary Beth was naked, the stranger used a pair of steel handcuffs to secure her wrists behind her. A blindfold was put on at this time, and she was ball gagged as well. Even though the blindfold prevented her from seeing it, she quickly realized what the purpose of it was.
The stranger then produced a length of yellow rope and tied it as a noose around her neck. Mary Beth was afraid she would be strangled, but quickly learned the stranger had a more novel use for the rope.
The free end of the rope, with a leather handle, was left dangling down Mary Beth’s back, enabling him to use it as a leash. ?We’re going to take a tour of your house?, he chuckled. Rather than simply extend the end of the rope from the neck, he would use a much more painful and humiliating method.
Next a five inch butt plug was inserted into Mary Beth’s ass, causing her to grimace in pain. She could not see the smile on his face, as he explained the purpose of the device was to inflict even more pain, as she was led around her house on the rope leash.
However the stranger had other toys to use on Mary Beth. He stepped out of the room briefly, and returned carrying a duffel bag which contained the toys. The first was a whitehead gag, a metallic device which forces the mouth to remain open. For the time being that was set aside on a night stand.
The next item was a set of leather ankle cuffs. Mary Beth was made to sit on the bed, while the stranger attached each cuff, then connected them with a six inch chain. She was now hobbled and would have difficulty walking, running was impossible. Her blindfold was temporarily removed.
Using the leash rope looped under her crotch, the stranger ordered her to walk about and into various rooms on the second floor, at times forcing her to hop due to being hobbled. Twice she lost her balance and fell, with the stranger yanking roughly on the rope to bring her back on her feet.
The only purpose it served was to further humiliate and cause pain to Mary Beth, something the stranger found immensely gratifying. The rope digging into both her anals and cunt was especially painful.
With the leash tour completed, Mary Beth was returned to her bedroom and made to lie on her stomach on the bed. The rope leash, leather ankle cuffs, and the steel cuffs connecting her wrists to the rear were removed, but promptly replaced with the spread eagled arrangement, consisting of two pairs of steel handcuffs and leg irons, one attached to each end of the bedframe. The blindfold was put back on.
The stranger had taken care to attach the restraints in such manner that they wouldn’t cause any serious physical injury. However he knew from experience that women with small wrists could often slip out of a handcuff. To prevent that from happening he wrapped several lengths of black duct tape around the five fingers of each wrist. No way could the cuffs be slipped. Even if Mary Beth had a handcuff key, it would have been of no use.
At this point the butt plug was removed, and a dildo vibrator was inserted in Mary Beth’s cunt and set for a low speed. To keep it from falling out, and to increase her discomfort, a chain was fastened tightly around her waist, then padlocked. The free end of the chain was looped underneath her crotch, and fastened even tighter, before padlocked to the opposite side of the waist chain.
The stranger stood back to admire his work. Going against his better judgement, he used his cell camera to take several shots of the naked and shackled beauty. His only regret was that he would only have limited use of her sexually.
It had been necessary for him to break into Mary Beth’s home before her arrival, in a manner which she would not detect. This had been done successfully. The slavers were not scheduled to arrive for nearly two hours and the stranger would enjoy every minute that he was alone with her. Restraining, humiliating and forced sex with women were visceral to him.
His mind drifted back to one of his previous missions, with a different organization. The last female he had procured for enslavement had also been taken from her home. However it wasn’t necessary to wait for two transporters to arrive.
His m.o. had been similar to the current one. Using the pretense of burglary, he had forced his victim to strip, and she was spread eagled with handcuffs, on her back to her bed. For fifteen minutes he had his way with her before breaking the news that she was being abducted for slavery. She was a copious squirter with multiple and uncontrollable orgasms, the most enjoyable fuck of his life.
He never forgot her impassioned plea for mercy, muffled as it was by the oversized ball gag she was swearing. As he was wearing a mask, she never fully appreciated the joy he was experiencing.
The stranger had always yearned to be a slave trainer, rather than merely an abductor. He knew that once the two female slave trainers arrived that no physical contact would be permitted between Mary Beth and himself. She would be hooded and restrained in the rear of the van.
About fifteen minutes after departure the stranger would be dropped off at a plaza where he had left his own vehicle. The two slavers would continue to transport Mary Beth to her holding cell, the location of which he was not aware. He would be well compensated for his efforts, but he still longed to be a part of training the slave.
On his previous mission, after being adequately shackled, the victim was led out of her house with a choke rope, and placed into a cage in the rear of a van in the driveway. He drove for two hours before turning her over to another slaver team. A moderate dose of chloroform was used to keep her heavily sedated during transport.
For safety purposes the oversized ball gag was replaced with one having a plastic mouthpiece, held in place by straps. It was along the lines of a medical airway, his captive could not close her mouth or utter any intelligible sounds, but an open airway was a precaution that had to be taken when someone is semiconscious or unconscious.
The stranger again focused on Mary Beth. She knew that it would be impossible to avoid an orgasm at some point, her only hope was that the stranger would not observe it. As if reading her mind the stranger stated ?I could deny you permission to cum but I understand that inevitably you will and it will be a pleasure to witness it?.
She was left restrained for about half an hour, with no idea what the stranger had planned for her. He could be heard entering and leaving the bedroom, again she had no idea as to what he was doing, although her suspicion was that he was searching for items to steal.
Being blindfolded was especially agonizing for Mary Beth. The stranger had generously not used an oversized ball gag, otherwise her jaw would be quite sore. Mary Beth sensed she could slip the ball gag off, but was mindful of the stranger’s warning that she would be gagged with her panties should this happen.
During the period the vibrator continued to hum away. It even had the unintended effect of easing the pain of the crotch chain. The stranger used a tight crotch tie on all of his victims, usually inserting a non-vibrating dildo, to assure maximal discomfort. He enjoyed this, especially knowing that the victim was less likely to have an orgasm without the vibrations.
Mary Beth knew she could not hold off an orgasm much longer, and this was obvious to the stranger from her moans and writhings. Finally she climaxed and let loose with a sound of primal intensity. ?You really do enjoy bondage sex?, remarked the stranger.
Then the stranger dropped a bombshell. Mary Beth’s estranged husband, Paul, was not about to be ruined financially by the pending divorce. It had been arranged for Mary Beth to be sold to two lesbian slavers, and shipped somewhere south of the border.
The two slavers would arrive in about sixty minutes. Mary Beth would be transported by van to a holding facility, from where she would eventually be flown to her new home. Paul had taken elaborate precautions to establish an alibi, and her disappearance would never be solved.
Mary Beth was devastated by the news. She desperately attempted to plead with the stranger, who simply ignored the muffled sounds. A few minutes later he announced that Mary Beth would be using her mouth to pleasure his cock, adding that it was probably the last time a real cock would be inserted into any of her ports.
Another of the stranger’s sadistic tendencies was to instill psychological fear as to the victim’s future. ?You’ll probably be branded with a hot iron by your new owner and if you don’t give adequate sex you’ll be made to work at hard labor, such as in a mine? he stated.
Actually the stranger had no idea of what lie ahead for Mary Beth. The operation was very secretive, members knew little about its structure or the identities of those in the hierarchy.
The stranger then had a brief conversation with someone on his cell phone. It was with one of the slavers, but the only part Mary Beth could hear was ?she is ready to go, be here on time?.
It was nearing 9:00PM when the nefarious stranger decided to have a bit of oral sex with his latest victim. He preferred coital sex, but the slavers for whom he worked frowned upon this. Mary Beth was left blindfolded but the ball gag was removed and replaced with the steel gag.
Although she could not see the device, she immediately realized its purpose. Mary Beth’s husband had always been critical of her tepid enthusiasm for fellatio. Now she had no choice than to accept the stranger’s cock and to make him climax.
The stranger was not impressed with Mary Beth’s performance. It ended after he thrust his cock back and forth several times, until it finally ejaculated, with Mary Beth forced to swallow the ejaculate.
?If I had my way you would suck my cock for hours until you got it right, but I don’t have the time. I’m certain your new owner will teach you the proper method of performing oral sex upon other females?, he added. The stranger did remove the painful steel gag, replacing it with a larger ball gag.
Mary Beth desperately wanted to talk with her captor, but the ball gag effectively suppressed any intelligible conversation. This was to the liking of the stranger, who was turned on more by the erotic sounds produced by her gag, than listening to her pleas for mercy.
The stranger admired the beauty of his restrained captive. He wished he had more time to use her sexually, plus a bit of torture, but the lesbian slavers he was working for had instructed him to do neither. Hopefully they wouldn’t find out about the oral sex, but if they did too bad.
After what seemed like hours, but was only about thirty minutes, Mary Beth heard the sound of a vehicle pulling into the driveway, followed by the closing of doors. The masked man was downstairs to greet the slavers. Still blindfolded, Mary Beth quivered in fear as she heard footsteps coming up the staircase.
Once again her blindfold was removed, enabling her to get a look at the two female slavers, both weighing at least two hundred pounds, and wearing ski masks, as did the male. One of the two female slavers, Elana, appeared to be in charge and did all the talking.
Despite being unseasonably cold outside, Mary Beth would be allowed to wear only booties. The two wrist cuffs were removed and the ankle cuffs were removed, so that after Mary Beth put on her booties she would be wearing a single set of leg irons.
It was the policy of the organization that all captures be fully nude at all times. Being permitted to wear clothes was a privilege that had to be earned, Since most of them were confined for only two or three days, before being delivered to their new owner, few ever wore clothes. Blankets were generally provided, but the slave was always required to be nude when a handler was present.
?My crotch is itching and you’re going to stop it for me?, quipped Elena. Still naked Mary Beth’s gag was removed and she was ordered to lie face down on her bed. Elana pulled down the sweat pants she was wearing and sat against the headboard of the bed, her legs spread open.
?You know what to do?, snapped Elana as she pulled her captive’s head up to her crotch. Elana made her orally pleasure her cunt for nearly ten minutes. Mary Beth was so traumatized by what had transpired so far, that forced lesbian sex seemed like the least of her concerns.
The masked male was perturbed but this was concealed by the ski mask he was wearing. His main concern was the longer the van remained parked in the driveway, the greater the chance it might be seen by a passerby. He also didn’t appreciate being warned not to have sex with the captive, even though he had violated the order, while Elana was doing just that.
Finally Elana had enough oral sex. The other female slaver put Mary Beth’s booties on for her on her, after which her wrists were again cuffed behind her using the steel cuffs. The painful crotch rope and vibrator remained in place, but by this time the vibrator was barely humming due to low batteries.
The two female slavers led Mary Beth down the stairs, stopping at the door. At this point a leather hood was put on over her head and zipped shut. The only opening in the hood was a slit for the nose.
Mary Beth was then led to a van parked in the driveway and put in the rear. Even with her vision totally obscured by the hood, she sensed it was a van. She was immediately placed in a wooden cage with iron bars, with only sufficient room to sit, not stand.
Her handcuffs, leg irons, gag, and hood were not removed. The van promptly pulled out of the driveway, with the female slaver in charge, Elana, remaining in the back of the van. The other female drove, with the masked man sitting in the front seat passenger position.
Mary Beth’s anguish intensified. While the blindfold enabled her to have some sense of what was going on about her, the hood totally deprived her vision. Elana then began a monolog as to what Mary Beth could expect.
Elana spoke with a distinctive accent, she was in fact a Russian immigrant. ?I am your new owner and when you are permitted to talk you will address me as Mistress?. Technically Elana was not her owner, her role was to keep Mary Beth confined until a purchase was consummated with an owner, as well as limited obedience training.
?You will be taken and placed in a holding cell until another owner can be found for you and it will be a female. In the meantime you will be trained to serve women, and I will be in charge. If you not obey you will find out just how Mistress make you obey and it cause you much pain. We have about sixty minutes until we get to your cell, you will be kept hooded and chained until then?. Elana then directed the driver to crank up the radio volume and that was the end of the monolog with Mary Beth.
Visions of permanent enslavement continued to wreak mental havoc upon Mary Beth for the duration of the trip. She could hear conversation amongst the trio but with the loud music could not comprehend what was being said.
Finally the van journey came to an end. The holding facility was a decrepit two story house in a rural area, with a basement cell. It was the ideal location to confine someone, as no other buildings were nearby, and highway traffic was minimal.
Mary Beth was removed from the cage by the two females and led inside, with her hood preventing a view of the exterior of the house. Once inside the hood was removed and she was led to the basement, the masked male having been dropped off a few miles back by the two female slavers. It was the beginning of a new life for Mary Beth.
The stranger eagerly looked forward to another bondage job the next day. It didn’t involve abduction, but rather the punishment of a cheating wife, in the presence of her husband. The wife would not be informed of her punishment until the stranger arrived. She was expected to struggle a bit, but would easily be subdued.
The basement contained an authentic windowless jail cell, consisting of iron bars and designed for one person. It was furnished with a decrepit mattress, a toilet, with illumination provided by a single overhead light. The basement windows outside the cell were taped shut, with the only other light being at the top of the staircase.
Mary Beth’s handcuffs, crotch chain, dildo and leg irons were removed, along with the dreaded ball gag.. Mary Beth was led into the holding cell and a padlocked leather collar was placed around her neck, to which was attached a seven foot steel chain, connected to a bolt on the concrete floor. It would barely permit her to stand and to reach the toilet bucket.
The cell door was locked and Mary Beth was left unattended, with the two slavers going upstairs. She never did see the face of the male, because of his hood and her being blindfolded. His voice was unforgettable and would haunt her forever.
About an hour later the two female slavers returned to the basement, this time neither of them masked. Both were in their early forties and each weighed at least two hundred pounds. Elana would do most of the talking.
Elana unlocked and entered the cell, holding a flogger in her hand. She quickly laid down the rules for Mary Beth’s training. Each time either of the slavers approached the cell and stated ?present?, Mary Beth would immediately assume a kneeling position on the mattress, with her hands locked behind her neck. She would respond by saying ?Slut is at your service mistress?, but would not speak further without permission.
To demonstrate the consequences of disobeying, Mary Beth was ordered to stand, while Elana delivered nearly twenty five lashes to her buttocks, back and breasts. ?These love strokes, if you disobey I will use a bull whip on you?, she added.
Mary Beth did not notice that the other slaver was holding a bull whip in her hand. When Elana finished with the cat of nine flogging, she took the bull whip and ordered her to kneel on all fours. She then delivered one stinging lash to Mary Beth’s buttocks, catching her by surprise and causing her to scream in pain. ?You like that?, roared Elana.
The two slavers exited the cell, locking the door and leaving Mary Beth unattended for nearly an hour. Mary Beth knew that the pain would persist and that Elana would use it on her in the future. The flogger was mild compared to the single lash from the bullwhip.
About an hour later the two slavers appeared at the cell door. Elana issued the command ?present?. Mary Beth, who had been sitting dejectedly, promptly assumed the required position, reciting ?Slut is at your service Mistress?.
?You make progress, now it time for Elana to introduce you to lesbian sex?. Elana was wearing black fishnets, but topless. A strap on device was attached to a leather strap encircled around her waist.
Upon entering the cell Elana attempted to ass fuck Mary Beth, who was ordered to kneel on all fours, restrained only by the collar and chain. She involuntarily flinched in pain as the strap on first entered, then sat down on the mattress, begging Elana to stop.
Elana was visibly angered by this response. ?You need to be hogtied and Elana do you so tight you won’t move?, she exclaimed.
The second slaver handed Elana several pieces of rope and she began the meticulous task of hog tying her slave. Elana was indeed proficient at this, and when furnished Mary Beth was tied with her wrists, elbows and ankles bound separately, then the elbows were connected to the ankles with another length of rope.
With her captive unable to resist, Elana commenced her strap on fucking, going out of her way to make it painful, ignoring Mary Beth’s impassioned pleas to stop. After nearly fifteen minutes of unrelenting penetrations, the torture came to a halt. For punishment Mary Beth would spend the next two hours hogtied, ball gagged and with her collar chained to the floor. Once again she was left unattended to languish in the cell.
Elana’s primary concern was arranging for the transfer of the slave to her buyer, as well as being paid the agreed upon price. The initial plan was to keep Mary Beth in her cell for two days, during which time she would be subjected to various punishments. It wasn’t that Mary Beth needed training, her new owner would see to that, but for Elana’s gratification.
Mary Beth’s prospective purchaser insisted upon seeing a photo of her. Reluctantly Elana agreed to arrange for a brief webcam showing. After leaving her hog tied and chained for two hours, Elana accompanied by her partner Lois, set up the necessary webcam in the cell.
As the prospective viewer watched, Mary Beth was first shown in her hog tied position for a brief period. Much to her relief Elana released her from the hog tie, leaving her still chained, then ordering her to stand and pose in various positions for the benefit of the video. Elana, who wore a ski mask during the video, conspicuously brandished the bull whip, prompting Mary Beth to obey each command.
Mary Beth fully expected that she would be forced to perform lesbian sex on video, for the benefit of the purchaser. Thankfully this did not occur, but what did occur was quite disheartening.
?Your new owner likes blondes so much you get haircut and I will be the barber?, Elana announced. Mary Beth was ordered to sit on the mattress, while Elana knelt next to her. In less than fifteen minutes, using scissors and an electric shaver, Mary Beth’s head was shaved completely bald.
In place of her shoulder length brown hair, Elana fitted Mary Beth with a whorish looking blond wig, which was then glued into place. Mary Beth was once again made to stand and pose in various positions. Elana had little to say, other than dictating her position.
The degrading webcam was of nearly thirty minutes duration before it stopped. Elana, who seemed elated by both her cosmetology and video skills, announced to her partner they were going upstairs and get stoned.
The captive slave was once again left unattended in the cell, restrained only by the chain connecting her collar to the floor. At least she was spared the uncomfortable hog tie and gag, and not tortured or forced to perform any further sexual acts. She was given a blanket for warmth.
Elana, with her female partner Lois, lounged on the couch for nearly an hour, by which time they were stoned from marijuana. Ordinarily they slept in separate bedrooms. ?Let’s bring the bitch upstairs and let her sleep with me, she can be chained to the bed, no way can she escape?, requested Lois.
This elicited a vehement reaction from Elana. ?No way, the bitch stay in the cell and don’t ask to fuck her in the cell?, she exclaimed. Resentment had been brewing for some time between Lois and Elana, and would now come to a head.
Lois and Elana, sometimes together, at other times by themselves, would occasionally pick up lesbians at a bar and bring them to the house for the night. Lois was perturbed as even when she made the pickup alone, Elana took charge. Recently she had embarrassed her by keeping the guest sub in her room for the night, leaving Lois chained in her own bed room.
At this point Lois protested quite vocally and demanded to use Mary Beth sexually. Elana’s swift response was a vicious backhand slap across her face. She then produced a long dog leash, wrapped it around Lois’s neck, and used it to drag her to her own bedroom.
Lois put up a fight, but Elana yanked on the chain sending her tumbling to the floor. A shot of pepper spray followed and Lois gave up her fight. Elana kept an eight foot steel chain attached to Lois’s bedpost, and had no difficulty wrapping the free end around her neck and padlocking it ?You learn respect, four lashes with bull whip ?, announced Elana.
Ignoring pleas for mercy, Elana delivered the first two lashes to her bare back, after ordering her to kneel on the bed. The last two lashes were delivered to her boobs. All the lashes were delivered with consummate precision, reflecting extensive experience.
Elana then used a second padlock to shorten the bed chain to four feet, which prevented Lois from standing up. ?You stay there the night?, commanded Elana as she left the room, closing the door behind. Lois’s chain was left at four feet, assuring a most uncomfortable night.
Despite being stoned it was back to business for Elana. The prospective slave buyer had failed to return a call. Elana seethed with anger, taking into account the risk involved in a mission of this magnitude.
Mary Beth was a marketable quality. The prospective buyer was a wealthy lesbian American expatriate living in Mexico. Elana was becoming concerned that the buyer was reneging on the deal, leaving her in a precarious situation. Finding and transferring a slave to a foreign buyer was difficult enough, but selling her into American slavery was unthinkable, as sooner or later she would be found.
The possibility always existed that Paul, Mary Beth’s husband, would somehow admit to someone that he had arranged the abduction. Fortunately Paul was not aware of Elana’s identity, he had dealt with the masked man and knew little about him, nor did the masked man know much about Elana.
Elana was becoming fed up with Lois. At 45 years old and two hundred twenty pounds, she had no chance of being sold on the market. Lois could not be released, as she was aware of Elana’s role in the abduction. Once Mary Beth was disposed of Elana seriously considered confining her permanently in the basement holding cell, or training as a pony girl.
Elana decided to call it a night and get some sleep. Mary Beth, chained in the basement holding cell, would get some sleep, while Lois, chained even more restrictively to her bed, would get even less.
At 6:00AM the cell rang, awakening Elana. It was a male calling on behalf of the prospective buyer. His terse message was he and a partner would be arriving at 8:00AM to take delivery of Mary Beth. She was to be left in her cell and the two slavers would prepare her for shipment themselves.
Elana decided to leave Lois chained in the bed until Mary Beth had departed, at which point Lois would be transferred to the cell. Lois was not happy when informed of this, and expressed her contempt for Elana in no uncertain terms.
?You much too comfortable?, replied Elana, who then put a leather cuff on each of Lois’s ankles. Using two separate chains each leg was pulled up over her head, and secured with a padlock to the opposite sides of the frame at the head of the bed. With the four foot neck chain and her legs spread wide and chained, Lois was virtually immobilized.
At 8:00AM the slaver van pulled into Elana’s drive. The slavers were a middle aged male and female, with the male carrying a black bag. The male tersely announced that Mary Beth would be branded before transport. With further conversation held to a minimum, they entered Elana’s home where each donned a ski mask.
Branding is a quick, but extremely painful method, of using a heated pencil to inscribe a number at a point on the body of a slave, in this case it would be the upper back just below the neck. Elana had longed to perform one herself, but the opportunity never arose. Realistically the two slavers were not about to let Elana brand Mary Beth, she would have to settle for watching.
Elana had already broken the news to Mary Beth of the impending arrival, who pleaded again for mercy, which was simply ignored. At this point the male slaver announced the branding. The slavers had brought no clothing for her to wear, she would be transported naked. She would remain collared and chained in the holding cell until the branding was complete.
At this point Mary Beth’s wrists and ankles were unrestrained, prompting her to briefly struggle against the branding, however the masked couple had done this many times before, and the resistance was futile.
The female slaver, who would do the branding, forced Mary Beth to lie face down on the mattress sitting upon her legs, while the male easily immobilized her arms with his powerful grip. No attempt was made to gag her, as the slavers preferred unfettered screaming.
Mary Beth screamed as the five numbers were inscribed on her upper back. It lasted about three minutes and the pain was excruciating. ?There now that wasn’t so bad was it?, cooed the female slaver.
At this point the male slaver used a hypodermic needle to inject a substance into her upper arm. He explained that it was a low dose of morphine, which would make the branding pain somewhat more bearable, and make Mary Beth quite groggy, but not to the point of unconsciousness.
The slavers had brought their own transport chains for Mary Beth, consisting of heavy metal shackles for both ankles and wrists, connected to a waist chain. Without further ado she was chained, led upstairs, where once again she was made to wear a leather blindfold, which would prevent her from seeing Elana’s house or the exterior of the transport van.
A wooden crate had been attached to the wall of the van. Mary Beth was placed inside through a door on the top, her blindfold removed, and the door was then padlocked. This would be the last glimpse of the United States she would ever have. It would not be necessary to gag Mary Beth, in addition to padded siding, a compressor pumped air into the crate, effectively muting the screams of anyone inside.
Mary Beth realized the futility of attempting to communicate with her captors. She was only told that the drive would take several hours and her new owner was awaiting her arrival.
The van departed within fifteen minutes of arrival. Mary Beth felt the sedating effect of the drug within seconds, but it did little to alleviate the branding pain. From experience the slavers knew that persons locked in a box, such as with Mary Beth, tended to experience severe anxiety reactions while hooded during transport. The morphine, in addition to the analgesic effect, also had a sedating effect.
The slavers were experienced transporters as well as trainers. In this case Mary Beth would be taken to a remote airstrip, then transferred to a small private plane, for the flight to Mexico. She would be reinjected with morphine to assure docility during the flight, and would remain chained.
As with the masked man who initially captured Mary Beth, the two slavers regretted not being able to take further liberties with her, but the prospective buyer wanted expedited delivery, and would be waiting when the aircraft landed in Mexico.
The plane was waiting at the landing strip when the slavers arrived by van. Mary Beth was left in the shackles she was wearing and quickly transferred to the plane. In addition to the pilot, two different female slavers were on the plane, her new owner would be waiting when the plane landed.
At the request of her new owner, Mary Beth was hooded and ball gagged before being put on the plane, and would remain that way for the one hour duration of the flight, as well as being shackled with the heavy transport chains. She would not get a look at her new owner until arriving at the compound.
Mary Beth would begin her rigorous training in sexual servitude upon her arrival at the compound. The owner, in addition to serving as her personal slave, planned to make Mary Beth available to certain visitors. Perhaps she would be sold to another slaver eventually, but life as Mary Beth had known it, was a thing of the past.
As the slavers drove off in their van, the twin engines of the plane were started. They did not witness the plane taking off, and would enjoy a one week vacation before their next job.
Following the departure of Mary Beth, Elana reached a decision on the future of Lois. She would be trained as a pet and would be confined indefinitely to a cage. Elana had long wanted to train a slave in such a manner and no one would notice the absence of Lois.
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
11:49 AM 6/02/2007The Abduction of Sandra Sully 11:49 AM 6/02/2007??? The Abduction of Sandra Sully This is my first attempt at writing a story so pleasetake it easy with your commentsthis story is pure fantasy and in no way should youact on this fantasy. If you would like to find out what happens in part to please email me [email protected] It was all over the fucking news Sandra sully from Sydney Australiahas gone missing, 4th day straight now as the search continues fearsFor...
THE ABDUCTION OF AMANDA TWO : TAKEN AND SOLD by madalina.CHAPTER ONE: THE ABDUCTION. Work at the hospital had been hectic lately but finally I was done taking my Nurse Amanda Noland badge off and sticking my work bit’s in the locker with a smile upon my lips I headed home ready for my two week vacation. once home I quickly prepared a quick dinner wanting to get changed and out before the shops shut hoping to pick up a few items for my vacation before I flew out tomorrow, I finished my dinner...
This is a true story of the abduction and rape of a very beautiful, intelligent, caring, child loving, business woman. This all started when I saw her profile and picture on a kinky dating site. I signed on the dating site after eight years separation from my wife that lives over a hundred miles from me. I have a job that does not allow me to be away for more than a few hours at a time. I live and work ten miles from the nearest town and go there once every three to four months for grocery...
He grinned with mischief as he read her reply to his questions on the BDSM Dungeon. The woman who called herself "AMF" was indeed very kinky. She liked to have someone force her to do stuff that she wanted to do, but also feared. She had fantasies where someone abducted her and made her service him and his friends. The Taskmaster thought that might prove useful to fulfilling his own desires. He knew that no one had abducted her before, because she had said as much online and that she...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiA black rapist named Sam has been watching and stalking Denise off and on for several weeks he has a special hi tech tracking device that has given him the ability to listen in on her cell phone conversations. This has let him know exactly when she is alone and at what point her husband will be gone and out of town! Denise is a 36 yr old dark headed woman 5' 7” tall with gigantic tits and a 36” ass. When in school she had played sports and for her age is still in great shape. They have no...
----------------------------------------------- Vickie could not stop thinking about her abduction and rape and getting wet every time she relived the experience. She did not report the incident to the police knowing that she could not give them a deion of the kidnapper and the fact that he did not hurt her in the slightest way. She smiled thinking that it had been the scariest, exhilarating, most exciting sexual experience of her life. She had never orgasmed so...
Chapter 1 ?Celina,,,Celina!? the voice of her boss shocking the young executive out of her day dream. ?Huh?? Celina looked up and found Sam staring at her over her desk quizzingly. ?Were you listening to me at all?? he asked clearly doubting that she had in fact paid an ounce if any bit of attention to a word he had been saying. ?Yes of course I was. I...was just thinking over what you were saying? she lied. ?Good. Then i want that report on my desk first thing in the morning? he shook his...
Katlin and Missy: Chapter 1 - Abduction ---------------------- A sharp pain in the neck awoke me. I couldn't concentrate, could hardly remember my own name, and it took a while for me to realize that I was cuffed hand and foot and attached face down on a large bed, naked. A fifteen year old girl has lots of fantasies about loosing her virginity. Some had included bondage. None had included the pain I was feeling in my wrists and ankles. The cuffs were padded. But they were...
THE CHANG ABDUCTION by BobH (c) 2013 The woman fidgeted nervously, wondering why she had been summoned by General Cairns. His presence and that of the man seated in the chair next to hers meant this was serious, whatever it was. The General was facing them both across the dark wood of his desk, face grim, his broad, muscular form barely constrained by the business suit that had replaced his uniform following his retirement as head of special forces. "I assume you've seen...
Hay i am yogesh mai iss ka regural patakh hu or aaj me apani real story batane ja raha hu. Pahale me apana intro karwata hu me 33years old hu meri hight 5.7’or weight jyada nahi 64kg he jo koi bhi ladaki apne upper le sakti hai waise mai dikhane me kafi smart hu aur mere tool ki lambai 7.5’ hai. Meri shadi ko 7 year ho gai hai aur hum husband wife ek sukhi jindgi jee rahe hai. Per meri biwi sex mai mera sath utna nahi deti hai jitna ki mai chahta hoo. To isi tarah jab 3 year meri shadi ko beet...
JESSICA’S ABDUCTIONChapter One Blindfolded with a tightly fitting black eye mask, a bright red rubber ?O? ring stretching her lips, a single black, leather bondage sleeve securing her arms painfully behind her back, a pair of black, six inch stiletto heels, Jessica otherwise, is completely naked. Somewhat groggy, she stands, chest thrust outward, on the small, elevated podium in the center of the foreboding chamber. The four men converged around the podium turn as the door opens...
I?Oh, hi. You must be here for the room? I?m Mary.??Uh-huh.? First impression: very rude. Sandy pushed through the door and straight past Mary. Dragging her mud-caked sneakers over the carpet, tossing her jacket into the corner, she entered Mary?s apartment and her life. ?You must be Sandy?? Mary continued, determined to hold on to civility. She liked keeping her place tidy. She picked up the jacket, got a hanger, and looked at the other girl?s ample frame, the sweaty t-shirt, torn jeans,...
--- Angel's Alien Abduction (mf, Mf, 1st, mc, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- Angel Deen opened her eyes to find herself lying on her back looking at a metal ceiling. She sat up quickly, noting not only that she was in a strange room she had never seen before, but that she was still wearing her cheerleader outfit...where had she been a few minutes ago? Practice? She couldn't remember. She stood up from the odd silver spongy mat she had been lying on and surveyed the...
"No one lives forever," said a voice in his ear. "Certainly not us," said another, on the other side. Two figures, both women, appeared in the mirror behind him, though Friedrich knew that if he turned around he would not see them. They were only ever in the mirror. Friedrich sighed and sat down. The room was dark, and filthy, and full of dust. The windows and doors were barricaded, and everything smelled of decay. How long had he been here? He barely remembered now. He was dying...
“Will you hurry up with that down there? My bedroom is a real mess, I can’t get a good night’s sleep like that.” “Yes Sandy, I’m almost done.” Sandy was sitting at the kitchen table, and Mary was on her knees wiping up a puddle of coke from the floor. After several hours of cleaning and washing for Sandy, she was almost resigned to her new situation. Just enough, anyway, to have begun worrying about practical matters. Space. Money. Food. How did Sandy expect they would live? Had the girl...
FetishShirley was only 16 years old but had developed into an extremely beautiful, extremely shapely and extremely voluptuous school girl. She was about 5' 5" tall with a fabulous figure. She had a beautiful face, sultry eyes, rosy cheeks and full succulent lips, with her blonde hair cascading down in gentle curves. Shirley's full shapely smooth thighs, narrow waist and flat tummy increased her sex appeal. The most amazing but magnificent feature was her bosom. Only 16 but she had inherited her...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Sandy had moved in on Sunday. Monday morning, Mary started keeping secrets. They multiplied fast, and she got better at lying even faster. She was almost proud of it. Mary told her mother her budget wasn’t working out after all. Mum was incredibly sweet about it. She wouldn’t hear Mary apologize or put herself down. Paying your way through college was hard these days, much harder than it had been in her time, she said. Dad and she were happy to help out as much as they could. Yes, of course...
FetishMary and the door-to-door salesman For the past five years, I've been married to a beautiful woman, several years younger than myself. Mary has the kind of face and figure men dream about. She is now thirty-six years old, stands five feet five inches, and weighs about 135 pounds. Her measurements are a stunning 37-28-38. Her tits are firm and full, with very large nipples and she has wide well-rounded hips that have a seductive sway when she walks. Mary is a perfect lady, well dressed and well...
Mary couldn’t get Jane’s face out of her mind. “Can’t you go any faster?” Sandy called out. Mary didn’t think she could, but she tried. She was dragging Sandy’s third and final pair of suitcases up the stairs. The third floor would have been no problem with the elevator; but Sandy wanted her to walk. Of course, Mary walked. Sandy giggled. Breathing heavily, Mary pulled the large brown suitcase through the door and into the bedroom. The green one was waiting outside. She looked around. Huge...
FetishHuman sex had a special fascination for them, the BEMs. By Oediplex 8==3~ This is a true story. I don't expect you to believe it, however. My mother and I were abducted by aliens from outer space. They were not little green men. They were BEMs, Bug Eyed Monsters, though actually they treated us quite humanely. My mom is letting me write this story, since in this genre and on this site, anyone who reads it will naturally think it's fiction. But I wanted to tell the real story. ...
It has been almost two years since Traci was taken to a remote building by her kidnapper. He had tied, whipped, caned, vibrated, and fucked her in all her holes. She thinks often of the pain and pleasure he forced on her using and abusing her. Each time she relives the experience with her unknown abductor she gets wet and masturbates to very hard orgasms. She has dated and had sex many times since the last time he used her but nothing from any of her dates gave her the pleasure she felt...
At 15, John felt a bit different from the other guys at school. Now well into his sophomore year in high school, he expected to graduate at 17 and head off to college, but then something changed. Not really changing his graduation date or college, exactly, but something that would merely change his entire life. He met a girl. Not just any girl, but a 15-year-old 5 foot, 95-pound blond, blue-eyed girl. Cheerleader, of course, and entirely out of his league, at least he thought so. He was 5’...
Comments about the lead-in aren’t needed because I think you will find the rest of this part of the story hot enough even for those who like it out there in Never, Never, Land. Any other comments are more than welcome especially any from the ladies out there. ENJOY. Vanion PS: If any reader exceedingly likes a particular part of the story, drop me a PM with any ideas you might like to see included in part 3. BY THE WAY: To the idiot who was so emphatic as to the spelling of...
CHAPTER ONE Crawling lethargically from her hot, stuffy kennel, Mary emerged into thefierce Californian afternoon sunlight and cowered instinctively as the sun'srays fell upon her back like the heat from a furnace. She had suffered agoniesfrom sunburn in the first weeks of her captivity, but now the generous coatingof dirt she'd acquired protected her fair skin from its worst effects. At theend of her chain she squatted to urinate, the liquid vanishing immediatelyinto the parched, hard-packed...
I sat in my car in the parking lot of the convenience store for quite a while. I had long since finished the wretched coffee that they offered, and I was lost in my thoughts. A wise man once said "never look a gift horse in the mouth," but that's exactly what I was doing. I had left my old surroundings only six days ago, and it was as if I had stepped through some portal into a parallel universe. I was living in a fantasy land of willing women and unlimited sex. I kept wondering when this...
"Oh, hi. You must be here for the room? I’m Mary.” “Uh-huh.” First impression: very rude. Sandy pushed through the door and straight past Mary. Dragging her mud-caked sneakers over the carpet, tossing her jacket into the corner, she entered Mary’s apartment and her life. “You must be Sandy?” Mary continued, determined to hold on to civility. She liked keeping her place tidy. She picked up the jacket, got a hanger, and looked at the other girl’s ample frame, the sweaty t-shirt, torn jeans,...
FetishAbductionShe stood at the window of her apartment bedroom, staring out into the night. Absently, she set her mug of fragrant, steaming tea on the windowsill with a quiet, precise clink. The darkened room at her back perfectly suited her pensive mood. She sensed a presence behind her. Probably L, she thought, and without turning, she asked, ?What do you want?? A subtle scent of some unknown perfume was her only warning, jolting her out of her reverie as a female voice whispered, ?You,? and a...
Jill Crokett: The True Story of My Abduction and Rape Jill Crokett: The True Story of My Abduction and Rape By Jill Crokett It is hard to talk about it. My therapists over the years have all said it would help to open up but I?ve never be able to, so I?ve decided to try writing about it and see if that has some therapeutic effect. We?ll see. Thirty years have gone by and it?s still like yesterday in my mind. I was barely nineteen, in the summer of 1976, and I felt as if I ruled the...
________________________________ Three of the Gentle Rapist victims have discovered who he is and he has taken one of them a second time, breaking his rule of not raping the same woman twice. Vickie, Julie and Tina wants him to keep taking and raping them forcing them to orgasm more, harder and longer than any man ever has. They like that he takes what he wants and makes them like it. It has been two days since the rapist kidnapped and raped Tina for the second...
First Abduction She heard a noise but kept walking. She was just being silly and scaring herself. She had just finished working and decided to walk home that night, as it was cool and slightly breezy. There, she heard it again! She laughed, probably a cat. She turned the corner and as she passed the alleyway, a hand came out and covered her mouth and yanked her into the alley. A soft hood was thrown over her head and she was shoved into a car. She was too startled to do anything but gasp...
Drive-thru Abduction Drive-thru AbductionPart 1by bondage_man69?????? I was out looking for a woman to kidnap and make my sex slave and I decided to stop at a popular fast food place for a burger and fries.? It was close to midnight and only the drive-thru? was open.? When I pulled up to the window to pay I was greeted by one of the most beautiful young women I have ever seen. I knew instantly I had to have her somehow.? She is 24, has blond hair that is wavy and comes down to her...
Tiffany's Abduction (inspired by Gary Roberts comix) Copyright 2003 by Powerone. The authorcan be contacted at [email protected]. The story of the abduction and rape ofTiffany one night from her apartment. Story Codes: M/F, rape, anal, humil, oral,bdsm, whip, mdom, span Iawoke up, not sure if it was a dream or not. I felt something in my mouth,some type of cloth. It was pulled tightly, pushing back my lips, stretchingmy mouth open. It must have been tied because I could not get it...
People that know him call him Cowboy. Unknown to them he is a serial rapist that abducts pretty, single, mature women rapes them taking what he wants and makes them like it. His victims call him Gentle Rapist. Vickie, Julie, Tina and Teri are four of his victims that have discovered his identity. They all agree that his abduction and rape of his victims is for their pleasure as much as his. They are trying to decide to leave things as they are hoping he will continue abducting them which...
ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Traci and her daughter spent a very uncomfortable night in bondage after being abducted from their home. Their abductor slept a little late after a very late night taking and using his victims. He abducted them from their home late Saturday night. He fucked Traci's throat and pussy and fucked Tammy's virgin ass before leaving them in very uncomfortable bondage with a vibrator on each of their cunts to retire to his comfortable bed in the main house. The girls spent a sleepless night until...
Ashley's Abduction It was a college bar, wild and crowded, and not the kindof place she would have picked. Guys were doing jello shots and beer bongsand the whole scene was loud and messy, even spilling out into the street.Natalie ran interference as she and Ashley worked their way towards the backthrough the Friday evening crowd, deftly fending off the guys who staggeredor stumbled into her, or the hands that reached out offering grotesquelycolored drinks in shot glasses. "You sure he's...
Author retains all rights to this original work of short fiction. ------------------------------------------------ Monday, June 20th, 8:15 AM - My apartment... I woke with a sour taste in my mouth, much like a rotting egg sort of thing from what I could smell of my breath. I knew I wasn't going to make it to work today feeling the way I did so I called my boss to say I was taking a sick day. I barely made it to the bathroom to piss, downed some antacid, and returned to bed. Now,...
By Beagle 9690 October 2006 I am a Correction Officer assigned to a maximum-security prison of some notoriety in Western New York. I have lived alone since my wife passed away five years ago. The term insurance that I carried on my wife paid off all debt, and added to my net worth. It did nothing to console my loneliness. My house is a large three-story brick farmhouse. Stately and mature black walnut trees surround it. I also had a large stands of oak and hard maple trees 400 yards...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
By Fermpera It is said, if statistics are to be believed, that homosexuality is in between 15 and 18 % of the human population of the planet. Some surveys in America say that 75% of the people think that incest is acceptable. Of this percentage 28% says it is acceptable all time and 49% under certain circumstances. The surveys also establish that in a incestual relationships 33% of the male has had sex with the mother, and 49 % with sister. Of the female 3% claimed to have had...
Mike was 19, living on his own. He was a medium built man, 5' 11" with dark curly that was shaved on both sides. He had a thin mustache, and wore wired frame glasses. He moved out of his mom's apartment when he turned 18. He needed to get away from his crack whore mom. For a short time, he was staying at his girlfriend's parents house, until their relationship fell through. Then, he moved in with one of his buddies who was looking for a roommate to help pay for rent and stuff. Later, his friend...
"Would you look at that?" Carl glances up at his father's words. Maggie and Beth are in the distance and they look like they're stripping naked. He pauses to watch. He can feel himself flushing but his dad was looking as well so he figured it was alright. They don't strip entirely though, just down to their underwear and then they lay down on a blanket Carl hadn't noticed they'd already spread out. He looks at his father hearing him huff out a laugh. "Guess the world is getting better when...
I had known Beth for only a few months. She was pretty by anyone’s standards, with nice legs, a firm behind, and somewhat small breasts (I believe bite-sized is the term they are commonly called) with bigger than average nipples. We didn’t make it until our fourth or fifth date, and I can’t say that the sex was spectacular. Don’t get me wrong, it was good, but until we went to a hunting lodge one weekend with Joan and Bill, two close friends, our sexual adventures were quite ordinary. We all...
I had known Beth for only a few months. She was pretty by anyone's standards, with nice legs, a firm behind, and somewhat small breasts (I believe bite-sized is the term they are commonly called) with bigger than average nipples. We didn't make it until our fourth or fifth date, and I can't say that the sex was spectacular. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but until we went to a hunting lodge one weekend with Joan and Bill, two close friends, our sexual adventures were quite ordinary.We all...
Introduction: A black rapest continues his abuse humiliation and rape of this beautiful woman The Abduction and Rape of Denise… Part 2 Denise is trying to think where she is being taken, but being naked bound and with a cloth bag over her head has no real idea where, or for that matter which way, after the first of several turns? The drive seems forever, but for her time means little! When the van finally comes to a stop, she can hear the drivers door open and can hear someone talking? This is...
This story literally came to me in a dream, and clung to my imagination like a bad cold until it was written. It examines what I believe is a unique perspective on the insidious appeal of the Medallion and the shattered confused lives it tends to leave behind. Frankly, some of it is from my own fantasies about what I'd do with the bauble, but isn't that what many of us put in our stories, pieces of ourselves? All rights of authorship and publication are reserved by the author, with...
Chapter 1: She's On the Prowl Beth Matthews had just finished cleaning off the supper table where she'd laid out the delicious meal she'd prepared for her family. Her husband Todd was out of town on a fishing trip so it had just been her and her two kids. Her high school age son, Larry, had left for a date and her younger boy, Randy, had gone to stay overnight with a friend of his. As Beth stood at the kitchen sink washing some of the dishes, she realized again that she was very horny. Her...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF MEGAN. I was watching the young bitches as they walked to school in groups or in pairs. I needed to get a bitch on her own so that I could force her into my car. Then I saw her, a bitch walking on her own, her high heels clicking on the pavement. She was young and pretty a gorgeous little redhead. She was wearing a short skirt and high heels that showed her sexy toes. She was just the sort of bitch I wanted to rape and torture. My cock went hard as I thought of all the...
General Mark McReynolds was nominated by President Matheson to be his new Vice President upon the resignation of the sitting Vice President. Mark was a young man of only 40, and his wife was only 30. He was selected, because the President felt that he was loyal and trustworthy. The Senators agreed and ratified his selection as the new Vice President. Mark was decidedly happy upon hearing of his conformation, and he turned to his wife and said, "Can you believe this? That man is so...
"Where?" Beth asked, holding her cell phone tightly against one ear and pressing her other ear closed with her fingers to block ambient noise. The man on the other end of the conversation was trying to give her directions."Turn left onto Lowman Road off Roy Road. Go down about a quarter mile and there is a dirt road on the right. It kinda looks like a driveway." He repeated."Am I going to be able to get in there in my Charger?" Beth asked."Yeah, just take it easy where there is a little hill in...
Authors Note: I quote in part from a review on one of my stories Painting The Rose. The review Stupid is as stupid does 01/20/09 By Anonymous in USA: ‘The sex was minimal, and for the most part, not there. Hence, some might not have liked it for its lack of vicarious luridness. This Story does not contain vicarious luridness. To Anonymous in USA: Thank You! I am a Correction Officer assigned to a maximum-security prison of some notoriety in Western New York. I have lived alone since my wife...
This is my fourth story. The 1st being a fantasy called "The well of my desires". The second a Sci-Fi set in the not so distant future "Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F". And the third "The chest and trunk" taking place in Victorian times. I have a few others planned including a follow up to Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F. I hope you enjoy this story. The abduction Hiking the back country of Colorado was a love of mine. It allowed me peace and quit, not to mention a way for me to be in touch...