WanderingPart 4: Beth free porn video

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I sat in my car in the parking lot of the convenience store for quite a while. I had long since finished the wretched coffee that they offered, and I was lost in my thoughts. A wise man once said "never look a gift horse in the mouth," but that's exactly what I was doing. I had left my old surroundings only six days ago, and it was as if I had stepped through some portal into a parallel universe. I was living in a fantasy land of willing women and unlimited sex. I kept wondering when this was all going to come to a crashing halt and I would be returned to my mundane existence. The magic that had enhanced my short, new life seemed to continue without any assistance from me. I began to think I didn't really didn't need to do anything but hang on for the "ride."

When little kids misbehave, parents often give them what they refer to as a "time-out," a little private time alone to think about their behavior. I was pretty sure I needed a time-out. I certainly needed to think about my behavior. I also needed to try and figure out just who Leighton Philip Stephenson had become. I was certainly not the man who married Jocelyn Campbell ten years earlier. I may have been the guy who had the responsible and generally interesting job as an insurance investigator. I wasn't a virgin when I married Jocelyn, but I certainly didn't have the skills and know-how that I had picked up in the past six days.

When our marriage petered out and was put to a merciful end, I made the biggest decision of my life. I quit my job, "cashed in my chips," took a sabbatical from my old life, and went looking for a new one. In my back pocket I had a job offer from Orca Investigations that would be at least as interesting as my old job and probably more so. My old friend, Pete Dennison, had been pestering me to join them, but because he understood my need to escape for a while, his boss was holding the offer open indefinitely. You just can't lose when you have friends like Pete.

But back to my problem. Now I realize not every guy would think of the last six days of my life as a problem. In fact, they would probably think I was paranoid, or at least mildly psychotic for complaining about what had occurred. But the truth is, my life during this past six days bore no resemblance to my life for the previous thirty-four years.

I had lived a pretty plain-vanilla existence and I acted as any normal working husband would. I got up, shit, shaved, showered, had breakfast, brushed my teeth, drove to work, came home had dinner, watched some TV or read a book and went to bed. Once or twice a week I would make love to my wife, and other than the weekends, that was pretty much my every day life.

When I broke that bond with my routine, everything changed. Maybe it hadn't all happened this week, but the really weird stuff had. My encounters with Constance, Glynnis, Sophia, and Anna were sequential and almost, it seemed, inevitable. It was as if they had been preordained. Now, I know it sounds goofy, but that's how it appeared to me.

So to save my sanity and try to find an answer to this conundrum, I was going to abstain from interaction with females for at least a few days. I hadn't decided on how many, but I thought it would be more than two. I also decided I would start to keep a diary of my travels and adventures. It would be a way of recounting this strange voyage, while giving me something to keep me occupied at the same time. Decision made, I headed for my next destination point, Fairmont Hot Springs.

The Mountain Meadows B & B was an Alpine style home with three guest suites in the loft, each with an ensuite. When I phoned that morning, there was one room available and I immediately booked it. I was a bit surprised at how busy they were, but I remembered that the area was known for corporate retreats. Nestled right in the heart of the Rockies, the skiing would last considerably longer than nearer the coast.

I arrived in mid-afternoon and checked in with the hostess, Sandra Melling. As usual, this was a family business, and while they preferred I didn't check in until four o'clock, I was given a break since the room was ready and they were almost finished with their chores. I dropped my bag and laptop in my room, surveyed the facilities, grabbed my digital camera, and left to explore the area.

It was a fairly cloudy day and the mountains were somewhat obscured with a low overcast, but it was easy to see the attraction of the area. The Rockies are majestic at any time, and the magnitude of the rock faces and upheavals from so many millions of years ago is always spectacular. I felt pretty insignificant in these surroundings.

I drove around the little town and found a couple of likely restaurants. I had booked my room for three nights in anticipation of my hiatus from hedonism. The town was pretty small, and I hoped I could find enough things to fill my time. Just before five, I headed back for Mountain Meadows to start my diary and record some thoughts. It didn't take long to get going, and when I looked up at the clock on the wall it was almost seven. I took a break and headed off toward town. I ate by myself, pen and notebook by my side to record any thoughts or remembrances of these past few weeks, and more importantly, the last six days.

I was oblivious of my surroundings in the restaurant. I was seated by a young lady of nondescript features and my waitress was equally forgettable. Good! I wasn't distracted, and neither they nor I were likely to fall under whatever spell had been cast. I finished my meal and as I was savoring the remains of a nice Chilean red, I looked around at the other patrons. Besides the nearby young woman, there were two older couples at different tables, another table of four younger people, and that was it. There was nothing to command my attention. I finished the wine and signaled the waitress for the check and prepared to leave. Then, as I looked up, an absolutely stunning young woman walked in, looked around, saw me, nodded and smiled.

As Jack Nicholson so aptly put it, "I was just inches from a clean getaway." I sat frozen in place. I felt powerless to move; certainly to leave. She was a dazzling redhead of about thirty years and she was tall. Very tall. Her hair was long and very curly, her face was that perfect oval shape every woman wishes for, and there was a lovely sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her long, aquiline nose and the tops of her cheeks. She was lean, yet still very voluptuous. A nice hip flare that was accented by a tight, long, grey wool skirt, while her more-than-adequate breasts were snugly confined in a dark forest-green sweater. A wide black belt and black low heels were the only accents on this beauty and they were more than enough. On top of all that, she looked vaguely familiar.

She was by herself and she sat at a table that was directly in front of me, giving me a complete view of her in profile. It was now a battle of wills. Could I simply pay the bill and leave, or would I be tempted to introduce myself and see what effect my new powers would have on her. Incredibly, my waitress chose that very moment to bring my bill and stand directly in front of me, blocking my view of the mystery woman. Damn! Well, it was the excuse I needed. I pulled out some bills, left a reasonable tip and walked to the exit. I turned briefly to look back at her one more time, sighed, and left. I had managed a small but important victory.

I returned to my room in the loft and opened my laptop. I reread my musings from the afternoon and thought for a moment about where to continue. There was so much to say, and the only path to take was to record it all and edit from there. I set to it and by ten I had fifteen pages of notes, comments, remembrances, and observations. Mountain Meadows was equipped with wireless and I surfed around for a few minutes, gathering the news and checking my e-mail. I signed off for the night and went to bed. I was asleep in seconds.

I awoke with the realization that it was Saturday morning and my one week anniversary was upon me. I had finally put one night behind me that had been free of sexual involvement with a woman. One down, two to go. Go ahead, laugh! Everyone has to have a goal in life. Mine was to avoid having sex for three nights in a row. Doesn't sound like much, does it? Well, we'll see.

I joined the other three guests for breakfast, and as usual lately, I ate more than I was accustomed to. The food was great and irresistible, so I didn't resist. I went back to my room and resumed my diary where I had left off the night before. I banged out my thoughts on the almost silent keyboard for an hour or so and then hit save, picked up my jacket and headed out to the car.

I slipped into the seat, started the engine and then just sat there. I had no idea where to go so I pulled out my topographical map of B.C. and had a look at where I was and what was nearby. I found a back road up a valley to what appeared to be an open area, and since the weather was good I decided to try my luck up there and do a bit of hiking. After all, I needed the exercise. I'd had enough breakfast to last me until supper time, so there was no need for anything but water and I could pick that up along the way.

When I got to the end of the narrow, rough road, I was surprised to see a mid-size SUV parked off in an open area of grass, so I parked my Outback nearby. I grabbed a couple of water bottles and started to walk up the incline of the meadow. There was no one in sight, but since it was a big meadow, that wasn't surprising. I walked for a half hour or so, stopping now and then to take some pictures of the marvelous scenery.

It wasn't a few minutes later that I came over a rise and spotted a figure ahead of me. At first I couldn't tell if it was coming or going, but soon I realized it wasn't moving at all. As I got closer, there was something familiar about this person, and a couple of minutes later I was sure of what it was. I was also sure of whom it was. The tall redhead was standing in a field of alpine flowers and looked to be making notes on a pad. I was pretty sure it was the woman from the restaurant, and as I got closer, that was confirmed. I realized she wasn't making notes, but sketching with a pencil. I made enough noise so that I didn't startle her and continued to approach.

She looked up in surprise as I came toward her from the side. That same big smile broke out on her face as she apparently recognized me as well.

"Hi," I said with a smile.

"Hi ... you're a long way from home," she said casually.

I wasn't sure what exactly she meant. My old home was certainly a long way away. Other than last night, I didn't have any sense that I had met her before. I was confused.

"I'm sorry ... have we met before?"

"I'm not surprised you don't remember, Lee." She held out her hand and I took it. "I'm Beth Jorgenson. I'm Brian Tennyson's P.A."

"Oh, Beth ... of course. I apologize for not recognizing you." Brian Tennyson was my former employer's executive vice president. I saw him seldom in the course of my work, and would have only seen Beth Jorgenson in passing.

"No apology necessary," she smiled as she casually examined me. "You're a bit of a celebrity around the office."

"How so?"

"You quit a great job just before they were about to promote you to department head. You just told them you needed some time and space and that you likely wouldn't be back," she said with a rueful smile. "Not many guys have the guts to do that."

"Well ... there were special circumstances," I suggested.

"You mean your wife?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.


"I'm sorry, that was thoughtless and inconsiderate of me," she said.

"Not a problem. It was a bloodless parting."

"And then you vanished."

"Well, I don't know about vanished. You found me," I chuckled.

"True. When I saw you at the restaurant last night, I was surprised. I thought you might have headed for some glamour spot like Las Vegas or the Riviera."

"Why would you think that?" I was curious about what she was thinking.

"A handsome, available young man with great prospects, looking to forget? Maybe it's what I would do in the same circumstances."

"Uhhhmmm." It was as non-committal as I could be. I was beginning to sense that strange feeling again. Where was this encounter heading? She was such a commanding presence. She was very tall, perhaps two or three inches taller than me, but she was undoubtedly very feminine. Was she coming on to me? Was it starting all over again?

"Cat got your tongue?"

"Yeah ... I guess."

"Well ... I'm used to it. I usually intimidate the men I meet."

"It's not intimidation," I said bluntly, and perhaps with a bit more force than I had intended.

"Oh ... so ... what is it then?" She challenged me without hesitation.

"Long story ... no ... that's not right. Short story ... six days long."

"Good. Short stories are easy to remember." She was grinning during this banter.

"Sorry ... not for public consumption." I turned away, looking to change the topic. "You were sketching. Is it your hobby?" I asked, turning back to her.

"Yes. I sketch, and then I paint."

"Here, or at a studio?"

"Here ... if the weather allows. Otherwise, I take a picture and use that to help my memory."

"You've walked a long way for a painting."

"I didn't realize how far. I just kept moving until I thought I was in the right place to get the image I wanted. I guess I was dazzled by the scenery and forgot where I was."

"Well ... I'm here to help. What can I get you?"

"Nothing ... except ... Uhhhmmm ... I could use a drink of water," she said, eyeing my two bottles.

"Of course. Please help yourself." I passed one of the bottles to her. When her hand touched mine, I felt that tingling feeling again. Shit! Here we go again!

"Why are you so ... wary of me?" she asked out of the blue.

"Same short story ... same reason for no answer."

"Bullshit!" she spat without venom. She had my undivided attention.

"What's the matter, never heard a woman swear before?"

"Nope ... I mean yes ... I've heard women swear before. I'm just wondering what the big deal is."

"I think I intimidate you. You think I'm too big or too pushy or too ... something," she said, not looking at me as she resumed sketching.

I laughed out loud. "Lady, I'm an investigator. I see the seedy side of life way more often than you would realize. I am definitely not intimidated."

"Not the same," she said simply, continuing with her sketch. "Some men are overwhelmed by some women. It's an ego and comfort thing. Trust me ... this I know."

"Well ... for the record ... you don't frighten me or intimidate me," I stated flatly. "You can take that to the bank."

"OK ... so let's say I believe you. Why don't we get together tonight for a drink?" She was still concentrating on her sketch.

I hesitated and turned toward me. "See ... I told you so."

"No ... No ... tonight's fine. I'm sorry. I can't explain why, but I'm being very cautious right now." It wasn't a lie. It just wasn't all the truth.

"The divorce?" She had gone back to her sketch.

"Something like that."

"Cheer up, Lee. You'll get over it. The statistics are in your favor." She said it with a smile in her voice.

I was pretty sure I was sunk. My plan for three days of celibacy looked pretty dim. She was coming on strong and she wasn't in the mood to take no for an answer. On the other hand, she was gorgeous. I had often fantasized about tall women and here one was being delivered to me. It was that "gift horse" thing again. Ah, what the hell. Who was it going to harm?

"So ... how long are you up here for?" I asked.

"A week. It's one of my vacation weeks and Brian is away on business, so I get a week of peace."

A week with this woman would be a challenge. "Where are you staying?"

"I've got a time share that I use for a month each year. This is week two."

"It's a lovely area. I can see why you'd like it."

"What are you doing for dinner?" she asked. Nothing like being direct and to the point, I thought.

"Ahhhh ... nothing special. I'm here on my own."

"Good ... why don't you let me feed you?"

Well, I thought in resignation, I might as well just surrender. "That's very kind of you. I'd love to join you," I said without really realizing my double entendre.

I thought I heard her snort, but I wasn't sure. "I'm just about done. We can walk back to our cars together if you like."


She packed up her little kit and put it in a small backpack and slung it over her shoulder. She was wearing a light cotton t-shirt in pale green with an art design on the front. Her lovely breasts made sure I couldn't see all of the design. Her shorts were snug and the long, perfectly tapered legs that fell from her fabulous hips were on full display. She had a slight tan from somewhere. Although today was an unusually warm day for this time of year, the tan wouldn't have come from here.

We strolled together down the meadow toward the cars. She seemed to be happy to be close to me and I didn't discourage her. I was going to bask in the company of this woman just as I had relished the company of the others I had met this past week. If I couldn't control it, I might as well just surrender and enjoy it. If it was a fantasy, it was my fantasy, and a damn fine one at that.

When we reached the cars, she told me where her condo was and suggested I come over at seven. I smiled my agreement and said I would see her then. As I slipped into my car, I realized I hadn't touched her other than the brief handshake when we met. I had a suspicion that would be corrected this evening. I began to imagine just what this woman would look like naked and in my arms. I had reason to believe I would find out tonight.

When I arrived at Beth's just before seven, I was surprised at how nice her condo was. It was clearly a cut above the ordinary. I wondered how she could afford something this elegant. From our conversation this afternoon, I got the impression she didn't have anyone as a steady boyfriend.

When she opened the door, I'm sure my jaw dropped. She was wearing a low cut, black top sprinkled with small reflecting bits that would be dazzling if it weren't for the competition from her cleavage. Her skirt was the same tightly packaged gray wool from the previous evening. She was barefoot, and I wondered if that was for me or just for comfort. She looked fantastic. The hair, the eyes, the freckles, the breasts, and the long legs. It was damned unfair. She had her share of looks and a few others' share as well. I was getting that swell feeling in my pants. You know the one -- the one that sometimes you try to hide and other times you try to show.

She wore that lovely smile and I felt very welcome. I followed her into the living room and my opinion of the outside was reinforced by the inside. This was one classy place. The finest in modern furnishings, hardwood floors decorated with what appeared to be Persian rugs, decor featuring crystal and various objet d'art, as well as paintings hung in strategic places. In other words, high rent! This didn't seem to be the playground for a personal assistant, but what did I know. This was out of my league.

"I'm impressed. This is quite the spectacular place. Not what I would have expected," I said in admiration.

"Well, it's not mine. I just get to use it. It belongs to a guy who has the hots for me," she laughed.

"So, what's the problem? I thought you intimidated men."

"Well ... this is different. He's married and he won't be leaving her anytime soon. It's her money," she said in a nonchalant tone.

"Ah hah! Just as I thought, a kept woman," I laughed.

She laughed with me. It was obviously not a sensitive issue with her. "Well, we all have our failings, Lee."

"I'm having real trouble with the idea that you intimidate men, and that it interferes with your relationships with men. You are a very beautiful woman and I can't believe you haven't got a boatload of guys banging on your door."

"Well, I wish it were so, but it isn't. Maybe I'm hard to handle. Maybe my standards are too high. Maybe I'm just unlucky. Who knows?"

Well, never let it be said that I wasn't interested. "So, I guess you have to decide whether I can meet your standards or whether you just got lucky," I said with my newly acquired self-confidence.

"Not so fast, buster. We haven't had dinner yet," she smirked.

"Point taken. Lead me to your kitchen."

She strolled -- and I do mean strolled -- into the kitchen area and it was just as elegant and modern as the rest of the condo. A restaurant-sized stove and oven, a meat-locker-sized refrigerator/freezer and everything in stainless steel. There was food on the island and food on the counter and she was serious about cooking dinner. I surveyed the fixings and determined that this was no ordinary meat and potatoes dinner. I spotted some fresh, hand-peeled shrimp, a loin of lamb and the some sort of special rice dish. There were fresh green beans and assorted other vegetables on a separate plate. I smiled to myself, knowing that I was going to be well looked after.

I was right, of course. There was no reason to doubt it. It's just the way things had been ordained in the past week. I was getting an erection just thinking of how well things were progressing. Beth was spectacular and I was bulletproof. What was left to chance? Nothing!

So, imagine my surprise when we had dinner, some wine, a lovely light dessert, a long, interesting conversation about a variety of topics and then ... she said it was time for me to say goodnight! What the hell? This isn't the normal script. I have to go? Well, considering all the other crazy things that had happened in the past week, why should I be surprised? I accepted my fate reluctantly, but acted like a man and kissed her cheek, thanked her profusely for the wonderful dinner, and said I hoped to see her again.

I drove back to my B & B in a state of mild shock. Perhaps I was being unrealistic. Perhaps this past week had given me delusions of grandeur. Perhaps I had screwed up with Beth. I didn't think so, and she didn't seem to indicate anything was amiss, but I wasn't so sure. What about all that byplay in the afternoon and at the condo? As I let myself into my room, I realized I didn't have her phone number. I knew where she was and I knew she would be there until next weekend, but that might be a bit awkward. Hmmm? This was a switch.

I slept fitfully that night. I had dreams about a naked Beth and a number of positions I could imagine myself being in as I made love to her. Unfortunately, they were just dreams. I recognized that I was committed to seducing her, or at least letting her seduce me. Whatever worked! So much for my celibacy. Screw that! I wanted Beth and I was going to let my new-found powers take over.

I had my usual good appetite the next morning and once again, I overindulged at breakfast. I was tempted to head back up to the meadow and see if Beth was there. It was a reasonable possibility with another sunny, spring day ahead. I decided against it however. I had only one more night to achieve my temporary celibacy goal, and Beth would be here for the rest of the week. I had checked with the hostess, and my room would be available until Thursday if I wanted to extend my stay. I told her I would let her know tomorrow morning.

I decided on a day trip up the highway to Radium Hot Springs. Despite the fact that it was an overly-popular tourist spot, I had fond memories of Radium from my childhood. It was a regular stop for our family on our way back from visiting the grandparents in Calgary. It was only a few minutes drive from Fairmont, and I set off at mid-morning. I spent the rest of the morning wandering around the old haunt, had a light snack for lunch, enjoyed a glass of wine in the early spring sunshine, and finally, just after three o'clock, got back into my car and turned back toward Fairmont.

I would be passing the road to the meadow where Beth had been sketching, and I toyed with the idea of checking to see if she was there. It was a mental coin toss, and by the time I approached the cut-off to the old road I had decided on heads; I would check the place out. I drove up the rough track slowly and I wasn't really surprised that her SUV was parked in the same spot as yesterday. I got out, considered my options, looked at my watch, shrugged my shoulders, and began walking up the incline toward where she was yesterday.

I didn't have very far to walk. She was just over the rise of the first hill, and this time she was sitting on a small stool and had an easel in front of her. She was obviously painting in the scene she had sketched yesterday. Again, I didn't want to startle her, so I moved out wide to give her some warning that I was near. She must have picked me up fairly quickly as I saw her head turn and look toward me. She was wearing a wide brimmed straw hat and a different shorts and t-shirt outfit from yesterday. She looked just as dazzling today as she did then.

She waved in recognition and then turned back to her painting as I walked toward her.

"I wondered if you'd come looking for me."

"It was a coin toss."

"Who won?"

"I did, of course," I chuckled.

"Figures." She hadn't looked away from her painting the entire time I had been there and she was concentrating on something, making sure it was just right. I looked at what she had done so far and it looked very good and very professional. I decided to remain quiet while she worked.

"I brought my own water this time. Would you like some?" she asked.

"Thanks, I'm fine for now."

"So I guess this means you really aren't intimidated by me."

"I guess."

"Wanna do dinner again?"

"Sure ... why not?"

"Wanna fool around later?"

"Sure ... why not?" I repeated. She had this way with words; an economical and to-the-point way.

"Can you cook?" She still hadn't turned away from her painting.



"Are you going to be here for a while yet?"

"Nope. Light's going and I'm getting stiff. I'll be done in two minutes."

"I'll stick around and give you a hand with your gear."


We walked together down the slope of the meadow toward our vehicles, chatting about our day.

"Do you paint only landscapes?" I asked.

"Pretty much. I'm not very good at human forms. They are very complex and I don't seem to be able to get them just right for my own satisfaction."

"I remember being in a modern art gallery a while back. There was a painting; quite bold colors and very much impressionistic. It wasn't a large canvas, but there was a form ... a woman's form. It was just three or four lines on the canvas, but it was the unmistakable outline of a beautiful woman. No face, no arms, just a form. I've never forgotten it."

"If I could paint like that, I would have been in that gallery too. It's what separates real artists from hobbyists like me."

"I like your work ... or at least what I've seen of it," I said quickly.

"A half finished canvas isn't much to see."

"What I could see ... I was impressed. You have talent ... but I get the impression you don't like to take chances," I said carefully.

"What makes you say that?"

"Your subjects ... no danger ... no risk ... pleasant pictures of pleasant scenes," I said. "I hope that doesn't offend you."

She stopped and turned to me. "So ... in your opinion, what should I be painting?"

"Things that frighten you. Things that challenge you. Things that threaten you. Things that are difficult?" I was speaking with more boldness than I felt.

"You've got some pretty strong opinions."

"Yeah ... sorry. I'm used to seeing a lot of artwork. My father is an artist ... or at least he was."


"Early onset Parkinson's Disease."

"Oh ... I'm sorry. What kind of art did he produce?"

"He was an illustrator. Mostly black on white, with brush."

She looked at me and then a puzzled look came over her. "Is your father Gordon Stephenson?"


"He's brilliant. I love his work. I have two of his prints in my home," she gushed. "You must be very proud."

"Yes. I admire his talent. Unfortunately, it isn't hereditary."

"Yeah ... I know. My mother is a musician. I haven't got a musical bone in my body."

"Ah ... art ... music ... they come under the heading of special talents. They are all gifts to be nurtured and developed," I said pompously.

"Very deep ... very perceptive. I've decided. You can stay." She was laughing at me.

"Thanks ... so long as you understand that I just gave you a classic example of bullshit baffles brains."

"Yeah ... but it was high quality bullshit," she laughed again.

"Can't fool you ... can I?"

"Oh hell ... keep trying ... that's the fun of it."

It was a light and fun conversation that we were both enjoying. This was a bright and very alive woman. Her physical presence and charm were obvious, but her mind was always working, and based on our conversation last night, and the bit of byplay this afternoon, she could hold her own in any company. She was a worthy opponent and a treat to be with.

Same as Wandering
Part 4: Beth Videos

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Elizabeth To Beth

Authors Note: I quote in part from a review on one of my stories Painting The Rose. The review Stupid is as stupid does 01/20/09 By Anonymous in USA: ‘The sex was minimal, and for the most part, not there. Hence, some might not have liked it for its lack of vicarious luridness. This Story does not contain vicarious luridness. To Anonymous in USA: Thank You! I am a Correction Officer assigned to a maximum-security prison of some notoriety in Western New York. I have lived alone since my wife...

2 years ago
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Walking Dead Carl fucks maggie and beth

"Would you look at that?" Carl glances up at his father's words. Maggie and Beth are in the distance and they look like they're stripping naked. He pauses to watch. He can feel himself flushing but his dad was looking as well so he figured it was alright. They don't strip entirely though, just down to their underwear and then they lay down on a blanket Carl hadn't noticed they'd already spread out. He looks at his father hearing him huff out a laugh. "Guess the world is getting better when...

4 years ago
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AF Leslie and Beth

This story literally came to me in a dream, and clung to my imagination like a bad cold until it was written. It examines what I believe is a unique perspective on the insidious appeal of the Medallion and the shattered confused lives it tends to leave behind. Frankly, some of it is from my own fantasies about what I'd do with the bauble, but isn't that what many of us put in our stories, pieces of ourselves? All rights of authorship and publication are reserved by the author, with...

3 years ago
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Such good friends Chapter 1Beth

Chapter one--BETH Beth, Jen and Megan were the best of friends and knew each other since kindergarten. Now sophomores, they were envied or lusted after, depending on one’s gender. Beth was a cheerleader, brunette and had the largest boobs. Jen was tall, blonde and was the star middle hitter on the volleyball team. Megan was tiny, only 4’-10” tall and barely 90 pounds. She had flaming red hair and average-sized boobs, but on her small frame, they looked very large. She was a promising...

4 years ago
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Taking Beth

My name is Richard. I'm 42 and a pretty heavy (sort of overweight), so I never had much luck getting laid (unless I paid for it). I had always gotten off on the idea of Rape. The idea of completely controlling some young sexy girl turned me on making her my personal slut. I loved reading rape stories. I would often pretend they were my stories. One night I was home alone drinking. After a few hours of reading my favorite stories I decided that tonight was the night I would finally...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Siter Beth

On an ordinary Monday, I came home from school exhausted, and decided to relax myself with some masturbation. I went up to my room, not bothering to shut the door becuase Beth wouldn't be home for another hour. I dropped my pants to the floor and lay down on my bed stroking my cock up and down. While I was stroking my cock, I was imagining that I was fucking our new english teach Ms. Thomson. She was in her first year of teaching, and was only 25 years old. She had long blonde hair,...

1 year ago
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Please just lie to me Beth

For only the second time, a story from a guy! I got so excited talking with him about this. If there were not an ocean between us I would take this man for my own sight unseen. The poor guy is crying during our chats. Written 1st person. Dwayne is a true friend for what seems a lifetime. Since college anyway. My wife Beth, of 11 years, is also a takeaway from college. We all know each other very well. It's nothing new for Dwayne to park himself at my place as lodging whenever business has him...

2 years ago
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A Visit from Beth

I left home 5 years earlier and managed to get a job as a fireman in Reno. My sister who is six years younger than me came to visit because she wanted to try life without our parents looking over her shoulder every time she breathed. She told me that even being alone for the 300 mile drive from there to here was liberating. I rent a small apartment and she was welcome as the morning sun in my place. The first night she stayed she crashed on my fold out couch. She was sleeping soundly when I...

4 years ago
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Mary Beth

I suppose it would be fair to say that I asked for it. It wasn't as if I hadn't been given an early warning, but still, it came as a surprise. I met Mary Beth at the beginning of our junior year at college. Even though she was not the kind of girl I was normally attracted to there was just something about her that drew me to her. The girls I normally fell for were tall, trim athletic typed and Mary Beth was just the opposite of that. Barely over five feet she weighed 130 lbs. and was what...

2 years ago
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Marrying Beth

I suppose it would be fair to say that I asked for it. It wasn't as if I hadn't been given an early warning, but still, it came as a surprise. I met Mary Beth at the beginning of our junior year at college. Even though she was not the kind of girl I was normally attracted to there was just something about her that drew me to her. The girls I normally fell for were tall, trim athletic typed and Mary Beth was just the opposite of that. Barely over five feet she weighed 130 lbs. and was what...

3 years ago
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Tina Beth

"It was Friday night and Beth’s friend Tina was sleeping over, They were a little drunk on the beer Beth’s older sister had left them when she went out earlier, they were on the couch watching porno and giggling when Beth’s sister walked in with Him, He was big and had long hair and tattoos! They laughed when they saw the young girls were watching a porno on the T V. “You two little girls need to go to bed now!” Her sister ordered. The big man just grinned at them with his hand moving...

4 years ago
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Beth excused herself and went to the bathroom, where she cleaned up and returned. She had taken the time to fix herself up, straightening out her sweater, refastening her bra, and pulling her skirt back into place. I started to get up, but she knelt beside me for a briefly and whispered in my ear, “You’re not done yet.” Her breath smelled of mouthwash.I turned over on my back, wearing only my shirt, my cock at half- staff. She smiled as she cradled my head in her right arm. “I’m not done yet,”...

4 years ago
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Saturday morning, I went over to see how the construction had been going. When I got there, Katie was up, and gave me the grand tour. The work was far from done, but the sliders were in place, and the framework was all done. The roof was up, and all that really needed to be done was the interior and electrical work. It was really looking great. As I turned to go back to the living room, Beth was standing there in a long tee shirt. I couldnt help but notice she had fantastic legs, and her arms...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Beth

My name is West, and I am now 20 years old, though this story takes place when I was younger. I am 5’11’’ and reasonably well built because of years of both tennis and football. I have really dark brown hair and blue eyes. My athletic talent made me popular, and my resulting body allowed me to get almost any girl… except the one I wanted most: my Younger cousin Bethannie, or Beth as we call her, who is perfect. She is beautiful; she stands at 5’5’’ with brown hair and hazel eyes which usually...

3 years ago
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Fucking my cousin Beth

My name is West, and I am now 20 years old, though this story takes place when I was younger. I am 5’11’’ and reasonably well built because of years of both tennis and football. I have really dark brown hair and blue eyes. My athletic talent made me popular, and my resulting body allowed me to get almost any girl… except the one I wanted most: my Younger cousin Bethannie, or Beth as we call her, who is perfect. She is beautiful; she stands at 5’5’’ with brown hair and hazel eyes which usually...

4 years ago
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Alex and Beth

Alex hurriedly jumped out of the shower when he heard his cell phone ringing in the other room. Clumsily trying to wrap a towel around his dripping body, he stumbled over casually strewn clothing in his attempt to get to the buzzing phone. Nearly falling over a pair of shoes, he grabbed the phone off of the dresser. "Hello?" he answered, rather breathily. "Hello?" he repeated, after taking a breath. "Alex?" a female voice asked on the other end. "Is that you?" "Yeah, it's me....

3 years ago
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I wanted Beth

My wife and I became acquainted with Beth at a local game room, where a person can sit down, spend fifty dollars, and come out with five dollars worth of merchandise. It's a nice, clean facility, with a minimum age limit of twenty one, which limits noise, and undesirable language, from the younger set. Granted, many sexual remarks are made, as well as good-natured insults, but very little is said that would offend anybody, to the point of hurt feelings. Beth was not especially...

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Unwrapping Beth

Unwrapping Beth by Cal Y. Pygia She sat in the chair, facing forward. I sat upon her thighs, facing her. Both of us were topless, having shed our blouses and bras. My hands spread over her breasts, my fingers squeezing the sleek, firm-soft globes, my bright-red nails making deep indentations in her ivory flesh. At the same time, she mirrored my actions, her own fingers kneading my breasts as if the full, high mounds were dough or clay that she could shape to her own purpose and...

3 years ago
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Working with Beth

“So, what are we looking for?” I asked. “Northern-Italian or Mediterranean? But not pizza.” I agreed and our quest began. On the corner of 64th Street, we both noticed Felice 64 across the street. Beth asked me to check out the menu saying she’d be right back. I didn’t notice the reason for her detour and she was back before I finished perusing the menu. Felice was interesting, but too pricey for our business-expense budget. At 62nd, we decided to turn back toward York Avenue and if...

3 years ago
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Uncle Steve asks me to Impregnate Aunt Beth

I slowly woke up not wanting to rush my brain as it tried to make sense of the new day. I could still see the small tidbits of the dream I was just having. It was a mangled mix of the movie I had been watching the night before and people that I saw everyday. "It's Saturday," I said to myself while I did my morning stretch. I had to be at work at noon, plenty of time. In the kitchen my mother was already well ahead with the breakfast and the whole family was getting ready for the bounty my...

3 years ago
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For Beth

Beth is happily married to Allan. They often fantasize about various sex scenarios and sometimes they act out these fantasies. What follows is one of those fantasies. The plan is for Beth to enter a club alone. Allan will be at the bar, watching. Allan chooses to take a stool next to and Adonis, just the type that Beth often fantasizes about. Beth takes a seat alone at a small table in the corner. She orders a virgin Pina Colada. She can later pretend to loosen up as if under the influence of...

4 years ago
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For Beth

Beth is happily married to Allan. They often fantasize about various sex scenarios and sometimes they act out these fantasies. What follows is one of those fantasies. The plan is for Beth to enter a club alone. Allan will be at the bar, watching. Allan chooses to take a stool next to and Adonis, just the type that Beth often fantasizes about. Beth takes a seat alone at a small table in the corner. She orders a virgin Pina Colada. She can later pretend to loosen up as if under the influence of...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Triptych InterviewsBeth

Saturday, July 16 (After Chapter 2 of Triptych) BETH: Hello? aroslav: Hi Beth. This is aroslav. Is this a good time to talk? BETH: Oh. Yeah. Tony said you'd call. I've got a few minutes. aroslav: Sorry we have to do this by phone. It must be eight o'clock there in Nebraska, right? BETH: Yeah. What time is it there? aroslav: 1968. BETH: Funny. aroslav: We're two hours different. It six here. BETH: So what did you want to know? aroslav: Well, I'm interviewing the people who are...

2 years ago
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Becoming Beth

BECOMING BETH By Betty Noone CHAPTER ONE. THE EARLY DAYS Before I married my beautiful wife of fifteen years, I confessed to her that I occasionally had the desire to dress as a woman. At the age of 24, I had my own apartment before I wed, and had just a few articles for me to dress up in. One pair of panties, a bra, and a house-dress, commonly called a duster. I used pancake concealer to hide my beard and a little lipstick. I did not have a wig, but used a cotton...

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A Visit From Beth

I hadn’t seen my sister in several months and we were getting caught up. Since I moved from home we’ve only seen each other twice a year but now that she had graduated from community college she had time to visit. She was on her second night of a one week stay. I left home 5 years earlier and managed to get a job as a fireman in Las Vegas. My baby sister who is six years younger than me came to visit because she wanted to try life without our parents looking over her shoulder every time she...

1 year ago
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The following story is true. Only the names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there were any.Bethby theduck1930Beth is an anomaly. How she got into the picture is really odd. My wife met her and god only knows how. Might have been during one of her bowling events, or maybe a local bar.Anyway, I had a service station selling gas, tires, batteries, accessories, and of course service like oil and lubrication services. Now that was a lot of labor let me tell you. I was...

2 years ago
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Lily and Beth

An attempt to make a true story into eroticism…This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site.I’ll begin with the fights.My neighbour’s daughter, Beth (heavy build, late 30s, brunette hair always tied back from her forehead in a chavvy ponytail) was going through a very messy divorce. She’d moved back in next door with her daughter, Lily, but her ex was a regular visitor. Most of these visits were loud, shouty, and...

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My Morning With Beth

It was a Saturday morning, and my wife was away, so I was doing what I do whenever she is not home - searching for porn. It was early - only 7 AM - but it is never too early to jerk off. I was wearing what I sleep in - jogging shorts made of a quick drying fabric and a tee shirt of the same material. My penis was already tingling. It was time to retrieve the newspaper, so I headed to the door, looked around to see if anyone was watching; they weren’t, or at least I didn’t see them, so I went...

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The Pleasures of Beth

This story is the beginning of an erotic novel that I was encouraged to write by a friend of mine. Many of the events in the story actually took place, although a few are figments of her libidinous imagination, and mine. Beth is a real person, but her name has been changed as she would be recognizable otherwise. Some of this is a fantasy, but an awful lot is not. Enjoy! * * * * * I – By way of introduction Beth is standing alone in her washroom. Water drips from her body as she dries herself...

3 years ago
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© copyright 2003 Thanks Christa, The last five years of my life have been pretty much shit. When I married my wife she was a total babe, now she has gained over a hundred pounds and adding more each day. It's getting to the point where she just asks me to bring more food to her. She won't get up to help herself. My daughter, Beth and I had a thing between us for years. She loved turning me on. It first started when she was around fifteen or so. She would never lock the bathroom door...

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Tireless Beth

The people in the prison slowly drift outside to welcome Maggie and Glenn back, some even with tears in their eyes. As everyone hugs and celebrates, Rick makes his way back to his cell in block C. He sits down in bed, exhausted from a gut-wrenching all-night operation. "Has life really become this shit? A non-stop rescue mission? Every day a new life-threatening problem, every day we lose someone." - He was sick of it, so fucking sick of it. Shaking his head, Rick feels the stench emanating...

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ConundrumChapter 5 Tracking Beth

Now that the plans were in place and he was being active, Matt felt a lot better. He was being pro-active rather than reactive, always better for his mental state. He was interested to see what Beth would tell him about being away from home again. He found it difficult to reconcile the woman he knew and had married, with the woman who would allow herself to be manipulated into betrayal. Hendy had tried to explain the apparent dichotomy. "Hypnosis has a peculiar effect. The suggestions that...

3 years ago
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Scott and Beth

I had met Scott a couple of times and had spoken to Beth on the phone as she watched me jack off on camera. Strangers we hardly were. However, the last time Scott and I had gotten together didn’t turn out quite as I had hoped. I intended to change this soon.After getting back from being gone for 6 months, I was extremely horny. I also was still desiring something that I hadn’t yet had. Unfortunately, I was still an anal virgin. I had played with toys, but that was not the same. I was...

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A few years bacock my wife Jen was talking to her sister Beth about k**s and discovered her sisters husband had a vasectomy reversal that was unsuccessful and the count was too low. This meant she would not be able to have any k**s with him and would have to get a donor. Nothing more was really said about it and I didnt really care. Her sister was a year older then her and was like my wife, drop dead gorgeous. Beth stood five foot one inch and weighed 95 lbs with shoulder length brown...

1 year ago
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SkinnyDipping with Beth

Dan and I work for the same company - he is a manager, and I am a lower level production supervisor. For about a year, Dan had been having several of us guys over to his place Friday evenings for poker - he has a nice secluded place with a pool out at the edge of town near Phoenix. Dan has been married for about 3 years to a real sweetheart of a gal named Beth - a petite gal about 5'4" and perhaps 110 lbs. She is very athletic and well built - and has a very nicely shaped ass. We are all in our...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare With Beth

It started out as an online game of truth or dare. It was fun to tell him all about her secrets, her fantasies, her experiences, her desires and lusts. Beth has already revealed the “truth” about her first time (she was 14), the secret kiss she shared with her best friend after soccer practice one day, and the time she went down on her boyfriend while he was driving along the freeway after a concert one night. She was now looking at the one word on her screen that she was about to send in...

1 year ago
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Just heard Brians first was with Cousin Beth

Last night we had 3 pregnant girls and men together for a nice dinner.Zoe and I are showing big time. Kristen not at all, yet.Somehow we are all mixed up and Zoe calls us to order with the command "Lets go sit on our baby daddys lap." Which was evil cause she knows. Poor Osei is all alone while Kristen and I are sharing Ken. Evil. Need to ask her why she did that.Talk gets to sex and first times. So I've always been curious about Brian's first. After he started talking I told him I had...

2 years ago
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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 13 Gina Meets Beth

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 13 Gina meets Beth. You may want to read some of my previous story "Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister" to get some background on the characters in this chapter ****** "Be careful there. I am the one everyone should be worried about fainting.We have only a couple of minutes to be alone. My name is Beth and Thomas sent me to help you.My husband, Aaron has meetings with church leaders this afternoon. I will give you the address where we are...

2 years ago
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True Massage Parlor Story Chapter 2 Fucking Beth

On one visit I had a girl who was not great in the looks department but she was really nice. Part of my new MO was to ask when the last time they came was so I asked her. She said it had been a while so I felt her clit with my fingers and got her off pretty quickly. After I made her cum I watched in the mirror as she took my raging cock in her mouth. I felt like I was watching myself in a porn movie. That was a lot of fun but I’m going to save that for later because in this chapter I need...

1 year ago
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The story of Beth

One particular women, Beth, I was sexually involved with was open to all kinds of things. Our relationship, if you want to call it a relationship was strictly sexual. We never went out. Sometimes I would sleep over at her apartment. When we did get together, she always asked me what I wanted to do. Our first sexual encounters were plain old vanilla sex. Missionary fucking and blow jobs. One day I thought, can I push the envelope. I was fucking her doggie style and looking down at...

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Katie Beth

Katie knocked on the door of her best friend Beth's dorm room. Katie heard bare feet walking across the floor towards the door and then the door creaked open just a few inches. Beth peeked her head through and then seeing her friend swung it open and allowed her in. Katie watched her naked friends ass sway as she walked to her bed and laid down. Katie immediately felt the sweltering heat as she entered the room as she closed the door behind her. "How the fuck did you get the only dorm without...

4 years ago
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My time with Beth

This happened a few years ago during a Halloween get together. It was one of the first sexual experiences i had, so i thought it was really hot at the time.I went to my friends house that friday afternoon with a few other friends. Me and my friends aren't the "cool" k**s at school so there was only one girl, Beth, there. Shes a decent looking girl, somewhat small boobs kinda short but she had a nice round ass. As usual i was really horny, i kept making sexual jokes about her behind her back to...

3 years ago
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Filling in For Beth

Chapter 1 "Daddy, may I get bangs please?" Rachael asked in a voice both too whiny and too proper for her 12 years. She slid an open magazine across the marble counter top toward her dad. That's where it started. The picture showed a beautiful women with long wavy hair, the same brown hair as Rachael's except for the short, straight cut bangs, kind of a Bettie Page look in front, and an unnatural fullness and glossy shine. The look would suit Rachael's face, I thought. She wore a...

2 years ago
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Owning Beth

I work as a secretary for a large investment firm in New York. My name is Beth and I’m thirty four. Been married to a wonderful guy for six years. One of the girls, at work, wanted to celebrate  her birthday. . She invited me and some of the other girls, for a drink at the little bar not far from our office after work. I'd intended to have one drink then make my excuse and leave but, for the first time in a long time, I felt relaxed. I was having a good time.I excused myself and walked outside...

3 years ago
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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 14 Beth

WHEN BETH CAME out from Frank's hotel, she was just a little disappointed. Sure, she had really enjoyed the evening, but felt that she hadn't quite persuaded Frank that she should be his travelling companion and she really did want to be. She was actually quite attracted to him, even though he was about 20 years older than her. She had always preferred older men and what she hadn't told Frank was that the two affairs she had enjoyed at university were actually both with older men, one had...

2 years ago
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Fucking Beth

the parents had togo away for the weekend and needed a sitter, ben and beth both asked for me. I wasnt even there first choice but after enough pressure from the kids they reluctantly asked me to look after them. pretending i wasnt that bothered i said yes.They left friday night, werecoming back sunday evening. i thought about takingmy time with beth, not rushing into anything. fuck it, i never had any self control. i encouraged ben to take his oportunity and get out of the house and go see his...

4 years ago
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2nd Story Beth

I enjoyed my first story submission so much, I thought it right to share another experience. I hope those who read it will enjoy as much as I do writing it.I met Beth when she was assigned to me as an administrative professional in my volunteer position. There was no initial attraction - strictly business. It did not take long, however, to sense the connection. She was as passionate about her task as I was mine. We talked about that occasionally, and looked forward to our joint assignment.The...

2 years ago
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My 2nd Submission Beth

I enjoyed my first story submission so much, I thought it right to share another experience. I hope those who read it will enjoy as much as I do writing it.I met Beth when she was assigned to me as an administrative professional in my volunteer position. There was no initial attraction - strictly business. It did not take long, however, to sense the connection. She was as passionate about her task as I was mine. We talked about that occasionally, and looked forward to our joint assignment.The...

4 years ago
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Filling In For Beth

"Filling In For Beth - Prologue" by CassandraB (c) 2017 - Prologue - "Your daughter is lovely," a high, whiny voice says with a sniff, drawing my attention away from the text I'm reading. My youngest, Suzy, is away at a weekend soccer camp, hence my inattention to the festivities. The texts so far are reassuring. She's meeting new girls and having fun. I push back my hair and raise my eyes slowly, taking in the legs, the curvaceous body then the face...

3 years ago
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"Ok, sweetie. I love you too. Bye." You, hang up the phone with a sigh. You're girlfriend had just called to tell you that her flight home fro Dallas had been cancelled due to heavy rain settling over Texas. She had been out of town on business for the last four days, and it sounded like she wouldn't be home for another few days. The two of you had been dating for the last 8 months, and had just recently moved in together. She was everything you ever wanted in a woman. She was 5'4, with blonde...

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Oh Beth it's like a dream come true for me. Your husband is out of town and now he is not guarding you day and night. I enter your house at your invitation, after dark and through the back door. Your son is in his room and we quietly go in to your's. Turning you to face me I kiss you and pull you tightly to me I thrust my crotch against yours. You moan and I begin to undress you. Your blouse and then your bra. bending to kiss your breasts I find the nipples already hard. You have been...

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