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My wife walked out on me a year ago; not so much walked out, as drifted out; out of both mine, and my daughter Jessica's lives. She had slowly but steadily devoted more and more time to pursue her career and had made a rapid rise to higher and higher posts within the government and now she was stationed in Brussels at the EU-office. We hadn't divorced or anything and I think we still were in love, but the love had been put to a simmer while she worked. Her paycheck still found its way to our bank account, where it started to accumulate nicely. I didn't spend a lot of money and neither did she.

Jessica was also not interested in new clothes or entertainment. Like me, she was contented with a book.

Soon after her mother had taken a temporary move for her new job, Jessica had gotten into a nightly routine of lying on the couch with me while we read. Usually, the radio or the CD played some music and the room was dark except for the two lamps over our heads, and Jess would squeeze herself down between me, and the back of the couch. She said it was warm and cozy to lie like that and I too found it to be nice, having her so close.

Daughters are funny creatures in the respect that you know that they are females. One big difference between a daughter and any other female is that you can't fall in love with them, as you can with any other female. The daughter steals your heart the first time you hold her in your arms as a newborn. They are females, but not women. You know that they are women because you can see them mature, from flat-chested, flat-assed little girls to young women, where the hips start to swell, the butts bubble, and two lumps begin pushing at the fabric of their shirts, but still they are just - - daughters.

My relationship with my daughter was just like that. I knew she was a young woman, twelve years old. I saw her start to develop curves in the right places, but I just noted it in passing. I never admired a new curve as a course of sexuality. It was my daughter Jessica, nothing else.

One night, I distractedly started to stroke her calf and tickle her a little under her foot. Jessica isn't ticklish in any way, but she smiled a little as if she liked it, so from that day on, I added this new variant to our reading-time. What struck me as odd was that she had hair on her calves. Surprisingly rough in their texture. I had never noticed any form of body hair on her before.

About a month later, as I was stroking her calf as usual, Jess sort of sank down and turned over a little, and when she did that, my hand reached all the way up to her knee, without me meaning it to do so. She glanced up at me as soon as my hand made contact with the inside of her knee, and smiled a little secretive smile at me. I wondered what that was about. Then it hit me! My wife is very sensitive in that particular area - - sexually sensitive. It was always a part of our foreplay for me to lightly tease the inside of her knee - - and upward. Could it be that Jessica had inherited her mother's sensitiveness there? This was a thought of curiosity that flickered through my mind that I didn't pursue. After all, this was my own little daughter I was thinking about, and whatever she might mean to me, one thing was certain, she wasn't any sex object.

I let the palm of my hand rest on her knee and my fingers teased the inside of her thigh, just above her knee, softly. A little later, when I glanced at her, I saw that she had her eyes closed and her breathing seemed to be deep and heavy. I suddenly realized that she had fallen asleep! This wasn't any good news. She's almost impossible to wake up during the first hours of her sleep.

I looked at the clock on the wall behind me and saw that it was past nine, close to Jessica's bedtime, so I let her sleep on the couch another hour until it was time for myself to go to bed.

I lifted my daughter's lithe body and carried her to her own bed. I only removed her socks and unbuttoned her skirt at the waist, and then I spread a blanket over her, kissed her forehead and got myself ready for bed.

This pattern repeated itself regularly from that day. Finally, I suggested that she should get ready for bed before she lay down behind me. She would sleep better that way.

When she bounced down behind me with all the lack of grace a twelve-year-old girl can muster, I looked up and saw that she had her nightie on. She immediately scooted down and waited for me to do my usual tickling. I had thought about it though and decided against it.



"Tickle me!"

"Why? You only fall asleep on me."

"I know, but it's so nice to fall asleep like that," she giggled.

I sighed a little. I was unable to deny her something as small as this, so I let my fingers slowly and softly glide up her leg, from her calf up to her knee, where I again let it stay. This was the most comfortable position for me to have my arm.

Absentmindedly, as I became engulfed in my book, I started to stroke the inner side of her knee. I must have done this for about half an hour when I decided I wanted a beer. I came back with the beer and was about to lie down on the couch again, when I noticed that Jessica had sunk down, so that she now was lying fully on her back. Her head rested in a rather uncomfortable position against the armrest. I threw her a pillow and she smiled a 'thanks' to me.

At first, I lay on my side, swallowing the beer in big, eager gulps, but soon I again rolled over on my back. When I didn't start to tickle her again, Jessica resolutely took my hand and laid it on her knee and I resumed my tickling. However, her knee was now too low for me to get a comfortable position so, without thinking, I let my hand slide a little further up, to approximately mid-thigh. I noticed that her thighs weren't as slender as I had thought; they were fleshier then they looked; actually quite round and soft. The hair I had felt on her calf was absent this far up her leg and my fingers only touched the soft skin.

Jessica wriggled down a bit more and I looked at her and saw a very small smile on her lips. She had her eyes closed and she was breathing through her open mouth, the way she often does when she sleeps on her back.

As my fingers again swooped up, I could feel the material of her panties touch the back of them. Without me realizing it, my hand had slid up a little bit further. On the next swoop, the back of my fingers actually stroked along her pussy, except that I really had a hard time believing that it really was my own daughter's pussy I had touched. My hand wasn't all that high up and from what I could remember since her preteen days, her pussy had been the usual little girlie one. That is almost without any swelling. She had looked like a little boy lacking his cock.

I couldn't stop myself from looking up under her nightie, which had rode up to the same height as my hand and what I saw would have made my mouth water had it been on any woman other than my daughter. The fattest little pussy I had ever seen was hidden beneath the fabric of her white cotton panties. The place where her pussy pushed against the cotton was at least three centimeters further down than the groin. Her pussy must be so fat that it was hanging down from her crotch! Just out of curiosity, I had to let my fingers again brush that fat little pussy. It was so soft and warm. The heat lay like a blanket all over the crotch-area.

Our little game continued for about a month when Jessica one day asked if it would be OK if her friend Louisa and her brother Tom stayed with us for a couple of days. Their parents had won a weekend trip to a popular musical in London. They couldn't go because they couldn't get a baby-sitter for Louisa and her brother. That was when she suggested that maybe they could stay with Jessica for the three nights. I agreed, happy to be able to help someone out.

The two kids were driven over by their father whom I had met at teachers meetings on occasions but never got to know that well. He was constantly thanking me for baby-sitting their children. He and his wife hadn't been on a vacation by themselves since Louisa was born and were really looking forward to it. I assured him that it was quit all right. Finally, he left with the usual last minute 'Now you both behave, ' statements that parents always say when they leave their children in someone's care.

Tom wasn't much bother. He had taken a computer game along and installed it on my computer and then he was lost to the world. The girls disappeared up to Jessica's room and I didn't see any of them except for when Jessica danced through the room on her way to get something to drink. I told her to get some for Tom, as well; and some cookies for all of them.

At nine o'clock, I told Tom that it was time for bed, this was the time set by his parents. He obeyed without any complaint. He said good night and a little later I could hear him go to the bathroom and wash and then a little slam as he closed the door to the guest-room were he should sleep.

I left the girls alone since I figured that they would fall asleep when they were tired but about an hour later, I heard the steps of bare feet and when I looked up Jessica came down the stairs.

"Dad," she asked.

"Yes, honey?"

"Can you help me with Louisa?"

"What? What's the matter?" I asked worried that she had taken ill or something.

"She fell asleep on the floor and I can't get her up on the bed myself."

"Oh," I sighed in relief. "Of course."

I followed my daughter up the stairs and when I entered her room, I saw Louisa lying on her stomach, on the floor, on a blanket. She was facing the TV and it was obvious that they had been watching the TV from the floor. Jessica loved to do that when she watched MTV.

Before I turned to Louisa, I folded the blanket on the bed so I could get her under the covers. Then I bent down and carefully rolled her over on her back, I scooped my arms under her and lifted her. Somehow, her nightie had gotten caught in the process, and when I put her down it had bunched up around her waist revealing her smooth little girl-pussy for me! I stood there looking at the sweet sight for a long while and surprisingly Jessica didn't say anything. I woke up from my reverie and hastily pulled the nightie down, covering the enticing sight.

"So," I said and turned to my daughter. "Now you go to bed too, young lady."

"Dad?" she asked again as she lay in her bed.

"Yes what now?"

"Could you tickle me, please?"

"Oh, OK," I said after a while. I sat at the bedside but she stopped me.

"Lie down beside me. It's so nice to fall asleep with you close."

I did as she asked and put my hand on her knee. She took me by surprise when she took my hand and moved it higher up, to her thigh.

"It's much nicer when you do it there," she whispered. "Turn off the light, please."

I lay in the dark "tickling" my daughter's thigh. As usual, I started about on the middle of the leg and widened the stroking circle slowly. When I came to the part were I should touch her panties all I found was naked skin! Just like her little friend, my daughter too had shed her panties! I just had to feel that fat pussy, so quit by accident I let the back of my finger grace the contour of it. So smooth, so soft, so hot.

Again my daughter surprised me by taking my hand and placing it squarely on the fat mound of her little pussy. I froze instantly, not daring to move. I didn't want to frighten her so I just let my hand softly cup my daughter's high hill. She grunted a little and sort of bore her head down on the pillow and soon there after I could hear that she had fallen asleep. I lay their motionless, enjoying the feeling of that innocent, vulnerable bit of my daughter's body, which should be forbidden for a father to touch.

From that night forward, our 'tickling sessions' changed. Now my daughter insisted that I should hold her hairless little pussy in my hand while she fell asleep. That is to about a week later.

"Dad," she started. "Do you know what Louisa told me today?"

"No, honey. What did she tell you?"

"You know why she fell asleep on the floor that night? I showed her what you did to me so I should fall asleep."

"You did what?"

"Of course. We tell each other everything! Anyway. She have had Thomas, her brother to tickle her and two nights ago he tickled her... p-puss."


"She said it was much nicer than when he tickled her thigh."

'I bet, ' I thought to myself.

"Sooo, could you... you know... do that to me?"

"I don't know. It's not what one family member does to another."

"Louisa's brother does to her," Jessica protested. "Please?"

She knew, as well as I, that I couldn't refuse her anything, not before and certainly not now. I had tasted, rather touched, the gates of paradise and I didn't want to get banned from them ever, so with faked reluctance, I let my hand rest upon my daughter's little, fat pussy. I trailed it with a finger on each side of it, and with a third finger, I trailed the slit, from bottom to top, not hard enough to push the lips apart and invading her in any way. Just light enough to make her shiver, in anticipation and a little fear.

"Mmmm," she murmured, and at times, she sighed a little. I kept it up for more than half an hour, until her breath became deep and it was obvious that she had fallen asleep. I lay the rest of the night with my daughter's sweet pussy cupped in my hand.

Things escalated already the next day.

"Dad," Jessica again started as soon as we had gone to bed and I had started to tickle her pussy.

"Mhm," I feared what would come this time.

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He takes a moment to appreciate her beauty before he lowers himself down to her neck, kissing her softly, tenderly, making a little trail of kisses slowly down her neck, over her shoulder, into her generous cleavage. He kisses, licks and nibbles a slow spiral across her left breast, feeling her heart speed to a thunderous gallop as his fingertips caress her right, lips and hand reaching the nipple at the same time, fingers and teeth pinching gently but firmly, tugging the full orbs playfully...

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Betli Must Be PlayedChapter 2 The Robber Ulti

Paul: Pablo and I became very excited about John's invitation and when my girlfriend worked in the mall Saturdays or Sundays, we organized the Robber Ulti training. John's wife Heather was a dyed blond haired, blue eyed and tall woman with D cup breasts. They had a three-year old son, and a two-year old daughter. Pablo took his new wife, Gina to John's house. Gina came from an Italian origin family and she was of an average height, black haired, brown-eyed, young woman with C cup breasts,...

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From Jenny to Mei Ch 22

People react to extraordinary experiences in different ways. Some respond with shock, reflexively hiding from the encounter, some seek a reoccurrence, whereas others might search for a religious or medical explanation. But when Mei Chun got fucked senseless she simply left her body and mind behind and voyaged in a self-less, transcendental state. At the moment, in room four-twelve of the San Francisco Mandarin Oriental, she, or rather her body, was being gently rolled by the fluid movements...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 32 Gestures

December 18, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Don’t you want to give this to Jocelyn directly?” Mrs. Mills asked. “Want to? Sure. But she made it clear she doesn’t want to see me. I’m half-expecting her to return the gift unopened.” “Not if I have anything to say about it!” she replied firmly. “Please don’t force the issue,” I pleaded. “Whatever is wrong with Jocelyn isn’t going to change because you pressure her. In fact, that might actually make things worse. “I’m not sure they could be worse...

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Botany Collection By Me And My College Friend

This is a true story and this had happened way back in 1995 when I was studying in college. We were doing our graduation in Biology and one of our lecturer had indulge us the habit of collecting various specimen in Botany. We had a gang of 4 boys and one girl and we used to move around in surrounding village in bicycle in search of good specimen. One day, we have seen a big water body which would be good habitat of Volvox (one kind of algae), but the problem was the water was not clear, though...

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Mazaa hi mazaa

Ye takreeban june ke shuroo ki baat hai. Tab mere exams khatam ho chuke the. Meri English madam bohat hi sexy hai us ke perfect breasts hain. Aur wo kapde bhi ese pehnti keh us ke jism ka kuch hissa nazar aata. Jese hi class main aati us ke nipples khade hote the. Tight kameez pehnti aur bra bhi nipples ke khade hone ki waja se tight rehte. Nipples apna nishan us par bana lete. Phir padhai to phad hi main jani thi. Kher main roz us ke saath apne app ko imagine karta. Un ka naam madam shagufta...

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Computer Games1

Mandy replied with a customary snarl borne of frustration and helplessness. The reason for her dark mood had been set in motion six months back when, totally out of the blue, her mother announced that boyfriend Alan had asked her to move in with him. "Mum, you can't leave me here on my own," Mandy had protested, knowing full well that Alan's house was some 250 miles away in coastal Devon. Carol's subsequent hesitancy spoke volumes. "Erm, look honey, I'm putting the house on the...

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Weekend fishing trip with the neighbor

It was summer and our neighbor, Mr. Anders, took me on a weekend fishing trip. It was not unusual. He had been taking me on weekend fishing trips for years since my father was away during the summer months. Mr. Anders was something like 45 years old. I was the age of consent. When Mr. Anders and I got to the lake we set up our tent and went to the lake side to start fishing. It was hot and the fish were not biting. Mr. Anders suggested we go swimming. I told him I did not bring my swim...

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Special Encounter

Special Encounter, an erotic story as told by photo model Julie Starr.Julie: Okay, so this wasn't my first bi-sexual encounter, (remind me to tell you about that one some other time though, hehe) but this one was surprisingly exceptional for a variety of reasons, as you will see.I am a happily bi-sexual girl and thoroughly enjoy the best of both worlds. This story was an experience that was one of those wonderful adventures you remember for a long long time. It has already brought a smile to my...

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The Birthday Party Aftermath 1 The New Slut

Aftermath Number 1: to "The Birthday Party"The New SlutIt was nearly 4 PM before Cathy got home. Derick was waiting for her in the den. As soon as she walked in, he jumped up, took her in his arms and kissed her warmly, then more passionately."I was really worried about you, but you look fine. Welcome home!" Derick kissed her again, and Cathy returned his kiss."I'm so sorry, Honey. I know I told you that I would be home around midnight last night, but I had gotten so drunk that I was just too...

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BlendersChapter 21

Erin flew five years into the future. Chicago was even more crowded than before. The traffic congestion choked all the freeways and Lake Shore Drive. People were getting upset with the slow movement of their cars as it was go a few feet, stop, wait, go a few more feet, stop, and wait again. She flew up and down Michigan Avenue to see a few new stores, some protesters in front of a store specializing in fur coats, and crowded sidewalks. It was wall to wall people. She hovered over a newspaper...

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Our Love of Basketball turned into our love for each other

I don’t know when it changed between me and Emily. I’m Ashley, the star 5’1 point guard for the UConn Huskies. I was a part of the 2021 freshman class that was expected to take the temporary tumble the Huskies program was undergoing and turning it back into a college basketball power.Emily, our 5’9 center had been there for 3 years, and this year was her senior and final year. Normally, the Uconn Ladies were like the men’s Kentucky Wildcats, sending prospect after prospect to the first round of...

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Private Lulu Love The Apartment

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to new girl Lulu Love, a gorgeous blonde who has come to Bucharest in Private Gold, Romanian Romance, ready to unpack and settle into her new apartment. However, upon arrival Lulu finds stud Stefan Steel already living there and to her surprise the two immediately hit it off as they go on to enjoy a long night of fun Private style. Watch the sexy Lulu in action as she reveals her beautiful tattooed body with a game of strip poker before offering up...

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College Memories

I sighed as I read the text from Selena. She was running late, and wouldn't be here for a little while longer. I was starting to get a bit uncomfortable, being by far the oldest guy at the bar. The semester at the local college was over, and it wasn't particularly crowded for a Friday night, but there were still plenty of people around. The late May air was warm, and the poorly ventilated room was getting a bit stifling. It wasn't that this place was unfamiliar; if anything, The Thirsty...

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Unexpected Visitor in the Shower

Six thirty in the morning is a lonely time on a college campus. I was at the student recreation center, going for my morning run around the track. Good thing we could get in with our student IDs early in the morning, since it’s the only time I have when I can get to the gym regularly. As I ran around the track, trying to keep track of my laps and time, I pushed myself. I had already done my lifting this morning, and running felt good, stretching my muscles, pushing myself. I loved coming this...

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The Dirty DoctorsChapter 2

When you wake up, you will be fucking back hard and fast, you will crave another climax, you will desire to climax one more time or die trying to climax. I will wake you up, and you will scream for me to keep fucking you harder, and harder. You will only come when I say the word "NOW." You will remember that all this is, is a sex education class on just how you can be a whore, so you can be the perfect wife for Peter. I am a Doctor, so this is very normal for a doctor to teach his patience...

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SleepwalkerChapter 7 A Quiet Night at Home

I really wanted to talk to Allison about the things that Bob and I had discussed. The only problem was she wasn't there. I found a note saying that she and Shannon had gone to the mall to catch a matinee and that she would be home for dinner. So much for that idea. Then I realized it wasn't such a big deal. After all, we had all night to talk, and other things. I changed and took my homework out on the back patio. The next hour and a half was spent relaxing in the sun. Just me, some tunes...

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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 8

Everyone gathered around the wooden table in the private dining room they’d used the day before. Corec waited while Ellerie described the proposal. He and Treya occasionally interjected comments when they thought of something important. Boktar had paced around the room while Ellerie was speaking. When she was done, he asked Corec, “What’s this Varsin fellow like? Can we trust him?” “I guess you could say I’ve been working for him for years, but only in the sense that he’s in charge of...

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Bobby Gets Educated Part II

It dawned on me the next morning that I was no longer a virgin. Since it was with my cousin, Amanda, I couldn’t risk ever telling anyone about it. To be 13 years old with a 15 year old lover, and be able to tell no one, really sucked! My sister, Michelle, and her friend, Kelly, must have been the first to wake in the morning. When I first opened my eyes and tried to focus, their sleeping bags were already rolled-up and in the corner of the play room. Looking the other way, my cousin Tom was...

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The first time I fucked Lynn Shell

A true story by Dan AllenThe first time I saw Lynn she had walked into our office wearing tight black shorts that revealed her butt cheeks and a white bikini top that barley contained her small but well-rounded tits. She stood 5?1 and had a well formed body. I was in the back room working out on the punching bag when she walked through the door and my cock was bulging through my shorts wanting to salute the cute Latina who had just arrived. “May I help you I asked?” She smiled and said “I want...

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ProdigyChapter 5

"For my lady Juliet," said Phillipe smiling confidently as he handed her the rose. "I heard you had the lead in the school play." She ushered him in quickly, not wanting the neighbors to know she was having a male visitor. Amber's parents had agreed to Amber staying on Friday and Saturday night, but Taylor had not even asked about Amber staying tonight -- tonight she wanted Phillipe all to herself. She was taken aback by his bringing her the rose. No boy had ever done that before. She...

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The Six Pills of DominationEpilogue

"Doctor," Maria said as I got up from the piano. She knew it was a good idea to catch me before the flood. The cell phone's ringing made her sigh with annoyance. "Alicia's in your office," she said shaking her head. "You can only give her fifteen minutes because the Thompsons are here to discuss their son's procedure tomorrow. The parents are scaring the shit out of that little boy, David." "He could die," I said. "You're the best, David," she said with a catch in her...

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Thangai Pundaiyil Thenai Suvaithen

En peyar Vimal, en vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Enaku veetil pen paarthu kondu irukiraargal, enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar ananthi vayathu 22 aagugirathu. En thangai parka azhagaga sexiyaaga irupaal, aval mulai perithaaga sexiyaaga irukum. Engal veetil adikadi mutton kari eduthu seivaargal. Naangal kari athigamaaga sapiduvathaal sunniyil vinthu irunthu konde irukum. Naan adikadi kai pazhakam seithu konde irupen, en thangai athu pondu thaan oru naal padukayil paduthu kondu irukum pozhuthu...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 83

Regan groaned as she came to full alertness. She felt Andy kissing her shoulders as he cuddled up to her back. She pushed her butt back toward the erection she felt resting against it - just as she she'd done to initiate things the night before. She and Andy had made love one more time before falling asleep. The second time had been more sensual than the first - something Regan wasn't certain was possible. The couple had spent almost an hour kissing and touching each other. Eventually,...

2 years ago
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Public flashing

Now that I don’t live in London I only meet up with my fuck buddy a couple of times a year, and depending why I am in London we sometimes will just meet for a drink, and nothing else. Last week I was in London for 2 days of business, but unfortunately the night I was staying over in London my Fuck buddy was not available to meet me after 7pm as she had another ‘date’. We agreed to meet up for a drink at 5pm at a pub near to my hotel, and an easy tube stop for her to get off, have a drink, and...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 22

"Ben!" Amber screamed. "Well! Fancy seein' you way out here!" "Hey, Amber," he said with a smile, and then he immediately turned his attention to Tyler. "Hi, Violet." "Oh," Tyler said, trying to regain his breath. He could feel blood rushing to his cheeks, and he could pointedly sense each individual item of clothing he had on, especially the garter belt. "Hey, Ben." "Well, don't act too excited to see me," Ben said jokingly. "I'm... well, no," Tyler stammered. "I mean, yeah, I'm...

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