- 3 years ago
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My wife walked out on me a year ago; not so much walked out, as drifted out; out of both mine, and my daughter Jessica's lives. She had slowly but steadily devoted more and more time to pursue her career and had made a rapid rise to higher and higher posts within the government and now she was stationed in Brussels at the EU-office. We hadn't divorced or anything and I think we still were in love, but the love had been put to a simmer while she worked. Her paycheck still found its way to our bank account, where it started to accumulate nicely. I didn't spend a lot of money and neither did she.
Jessica was also not interested in new clothes or entertainment. Like me, she was contented with a book.
Soon after her mother had taken a temporary move for her new job, Jessica had gotten into a nightly routine of lying on the couch with me while we read. Usually, the radio or the CD played some music and the room was dark except for the two lamps over our heads, and Jess would squeeze herself down between me, and the back of the couch. She said it was warm and cozy to lie like that and I too found it to be nice, having her so close.
Daughters are funny creatures in the respect that you know that they are females. One big difference between a daughter and any other female is that you can't fall in love with them, as you can with any other female. The daughter steals your heart the first time you hold her in your arms as a newborn. They are females, but not women. You know that they are women because you can see them mature, from flat-chested, flat-assed little girls to young women, where the hips start to swell, the butts bubble, and two lumps begin pushing at the fabric of their shirts, but still they are just - - daughters.
My relationship with my daughter was just like that. I knew she was a young woman, twelve years old. I saw her start to develop curves in the right places, but I just noted it in passing. I never admired a new curve as a course of sexuality. It was my daughter Jessica, nothing else.
One night, I distractedly started to stroke her calf and tickle her a little under her foot. Jessica isn't ticklish in any way, but she smiled a little as if she liked it, so from that day on, I added this new variant to our reading-time. What struck me as odd was that she had hair on her calves. Surprisingly rough in their texture. I had never noticed any form of body hair on her before.
About a month later, as I was stroking her calf as usual, Jess sort of sank down and turned over a little, and when she did that, my hand reached all the way up to her knee, without me meaning it to do so. She glanced up at me as soon as my hand made contact with the inside of her knee, and smiled a little secretive smile at me. I wondered what that was about. Then it hit me! My wife is very sensitive in that particular area - - sexually sensitive. It was always a part of our foreplay for me to lightly tease the inside of her knee - - and upward. Could it be that Jessica had inherited her mother's sensitiveness there? This was a thought of curiosity that flickered through my mind that I didn't pursue. After all, this was my own little daughter I was thinking about, and whatever she might mean to me, one thing was certain, she wasn't any sex object.
I let the palm of my hand rest on her knee and my fingers teased the inside of her thigh, just above her knee, softly. A little later, when I glanced at her, I saw that she had her eyes closed and her breathing seemed to be deep and heavy. I suddenly realized that she had fallen asleep! This wasn't any good news. She's almost impossible to wake up during the first hours of her sleep.
I looked at the clock on the wall behind me and saw that it was past nine, close to Jessica's bedtime, so I let her sleep on the couch another hour until it was time for myself to go to bed.
I lifted my daughter's lithe body and carried her to her own bed. I only removed her socks and unbuttoned her skirt at the waist, and then I spread a blanket over her, kissed her forehead and got myself ready for bed.
This pattern repeated itself regularly from that day. Finally, I suggested that she should get ready for bed before she lay down behind me. She would sleep better that way.
When she bounced down behind me with all the lack of grace a twelve-year-old girl can muster, I looked up and saw that she had her nightie on. She immediately scooted down and waited for me to do my usual tickling. I had thought about it though and decided against it.
"Tickle me!"
"Why? You only fall asleep on me."
"I know, but it's so nice to fall asleep like that," she giggled.
I sighed a little. I was unable to deny her something as small as this, so I let my fingers slowly and softly glide up her leg, from her calf up to her knee, where I again let it stay. This was the most comfortable position for me to have my arm.
Absentmindedly, as I became engulfed in my book, I started to stroke the inner side of her knee. I must have done this for about half an hour when I decided I wanted a beer. I came back with the beer and was about to lie down on the couch again, when I noticed that Jessica had sunk down, so that she now was lying fully on her back. Her head rested in a rather uncomfortable position against the armrest. I threw her a pillow and she smiled a 'thanks' to me.
At first, I lay on my side, swallowing the beer in big, eager gulps, but soon I again rolled over on my back. When I didn't start to tickle her again, Jessica resolutely took my hand and laid it on her knee and I resumed my tickling. However, her knee was now too low for me to get a comfortable position so, without thinking, I let my hand slide a little further up, to approximately mid-thigh. I noticed that her thighs weren't as slender as I had thought; they were fleshier then they looked; actually quite round and soft. The hair I had felt on her calf was absent this far up her leg and my fingers only touched the soft skin.
Jessica wriggled down a bit more and I looked at her and saw a very small smile on her lips. She had her eyes closed and she was breathing through her open mouth, the way she often does when she sleeps on her back.
As my fingers again swooped up, I could feel the material of her panties touch the back of them. Without me realizing it, my hand had slid up a little bit further. On the next swoop, the back of my fingers actually stroked along her pussy, except that I really had a hard time believing that it really was my own daughter's pussy I had touched. My hand wasn't all that high up and from what I could remember since her preteen days, her pussy had been the usual little girlie one. That is almost without any swelling. She had looked like a little boy lacking his cock.
I couldn't stop myself from looking up under her nightie, which had rode up to the same height as my hand and what I saw would have made my mouth water had it been on any woman other than my daughter. The fattest little pussy I had ever seen was hidden beneath the fabric of her white cotton panties. The place where her pussy pushed against the cotton was at least three centimeters further down than the groin. Her pussy must be so fat that it was hanging down from her crotch! Just out of curiosity, I had to let my fingers again brush that fat little pussy. It was so soft and warm. The heat lay like a blanket all over the crotch-area.
Our little game continued for about a month when Jessica one day asked if it would be OK if her friend Louisa and her brother Tom stayed with us for a couple of days. Their parents had won a weekend trip to a popular musical in London. They couldn't go because they couldn't get a baby-sitter for Louisa and her brother. That was when she suggested that maybe they could stay with Jessica for the three nights. I agreed, happy to be able to help someone out.
The two kids were driven over by their father whom I had met at teachers meetings on occasions but never got to know that well. He was constantly thanking me for baby-sitting their children. He and his wife hadn't been on a vacation by themselves since Louisa was born and were really looking forward to it. I assured him that it was quit all right. Finally, he left with the usual last minute 'Now you both behave, ' statements that parents always say when they leave their children in someone's care.
Tom wasn't much bother. He had taken a computer game along and installed it on my computer and then he was lost to the world. The girls disappeared up to Jessica's room and I didn't see any of them except for when Jessica danced through the room on her way to get something to drink. I told her to get some for Tom, as well; and some cookies for all of them.
At nine o'clock, I told Tom that it was time for bed, this was the time set by his parents. He obeyed without any complaint. He said good night and a little later I could hear him go to the bathroom and wash and then a little slam as he closed the door to the guest-room were he should sleep.
I left the girls alone since I figured that they would fall asleep when they were tired but about an hour later, I heard the steps of bare feet and when I looked up Jessica came down the stairs.
"Dad," she asked.
"Yes, honey?"
"Can you help me with Louisa?"
"What? What's the matter?" I asked worried that she had taken ill or something.
"She fell asleep on the floor and I can't get her up on the bed myself."
"Oh," I sighed in relief. "Of course."
I followed my daughter up the stairs and when I entered her room, I saw Louisa lying on her stomach, on the floor, on a blanket. She was facing the TV and it was obvious that they had been watching the TV from the floor. Jessica loved to do that when she watched MTV.
Before I turned to Louisa, I folded the blanket on the bed so I could get her under the covers. Then I bent down and carefully rolled her over on her back, I scooped my arms under her and lifted her. Somehow, her nightie had gotten caught in the process, and when I put her down it had bunched up around her waist revealing her smooth little girl-pussy for me! I stood there looking at the sweet sight for a long while and surprisingly Jessica didn't say anything. I woke up from my reverie and hastily pulled the nightie down, covering the enticing sight.
"So," I said and turned to my daughter. "Now you go to bed too, young lady."
"Dad?" she asked again as she lay in her bed.
"Yes what now?"
"Could you tickle me, please?"
"Oh, OK," I said after a while. I sat at the bedside but she stopped me.
"Lie down beside me. It's so nice to fall asleep with you close."
I did as she asked and put my hand on her knee. She took me by surprise when she took my hand and moved it higher up, to her thigh.
"It's much nicer when you do it there," she whispered. "Turn off the light, please."
I lay in the dark "tickling" my daughter's thigh. As usual, I started about on the middle of the leg and widened the stroking circle slowly. When I came to the part were I should touch her panties all I found was naked skin! Just like her little friend, my daughter too had shed her panties! I just had to feel that fat pussy, so quit by accident I let the back of my finger grace the contour of it. So smooth, so soft, so hot.
Again my daughter surprised me by taking my hand and placing it squarely on the fat mound of her little pussy. I froze instantly, not daring to move. I didn't want to frighten her so I just let my hand softly cup my daughter's high hill. She grunted a little and sort of bore her head down on the pillow and soon there after I could hear that she had fallen asleep. I lay their motionless, enjoying the feeling of that innocent, vulnerable bit of my daughter's body, which should be forbidden for a father to touch.
From that night forward, our 'tickling sessions' changed. Now my daughter insisted that I should hold her hairless little pussy in my hand while she fell asleep. That is to about a week later.
"Dad," she started. "Do you know what Louisa told me today?"
"No, honey. What did she tell you?"
"You know why she fell asleep on the floor that night? I showed her what you did to me so I should fall asleep."
"You did what?"
"Of course. We tell each other everything! Anyway. She have had Thomas, her brother to tickle her and two nights ago he tickled her... p-puss."
"She said it was much nicer than when he tickled her thigh."
'I bet, ' I thought to myself.
"Sooo, could you... you know... do that to me?"
"I don't know. It's not what one family member does to another."
"Louisa's brother does to her," Jessica protested. "Please?"
She knew, as well as I, that I couldn't refuse her anything, not before and certainly not now. I had tasted, rather touched, the gates of paradise and I didn't want to get banned from them ever, so with faked reluctance, I let my hand rest upon my daughter's little, fat pussy. I trailed it with a finger on each side of it, and with a third finger, I trailed the slit, from bottom to top, not hard enough to push the lips apart and invading her in any way. Just light enough to make her shiver, in anticipation and a little fear.
"Mmmm," she murmured, and at times, she sighed a little. I kept it up for more than half an hour, until her breath became deep and it was obvious that she had fallen asleep. I lay the rest of the night with my daughter's sweet pussy cupped in my hand.
Things escalated already the next day.
"Dad," Jessica again started as soon as we had gone to bed and I had started to tickle her pussy.
"Mhm," I feared what would come this time.
"Hi, I am new to the neighborhood and thought I would come and introduce myself," the pretty girl announced as soon as I had opened the door. "My name is Jessica and I live just next door there with my father." At the time I did not have a screen door so could clearly see this young girl as she could see me, a man in my mid-forties. "Well, hello, very nice to meet you. My name is Steve and I live here with my son. I'd call him to meet you, but he's in the shower." "That's okay,...
It all began several years ago. Now, before I get into my story, I’ll tell you a little about me – not the why, just the who – why may explain itself. I’m just a man. Nothing special about me, just in my middle sixties with a graying head and beard, glasses, and a bit of a pot belly. I retired before I hit sixty just because my body was tired of the physical demands of the job, and I had more than enough to be comfortable until Social Security kicked in. I’ve been married – once, and that...
What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...
What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...
Jessica picked up her drink as the bartender moved toward her. He was busily wiping the bar down with a damp towel. He smiled his thanks at her courtesy and continued on past her, cleaning as he went. While taking a sip of her brandy she curled a tress of her long blonde hair around her finger as she surveyed the room. She noted there were not many people here, just a few couples in booths and a couple of businessmen at a table. Perhaps the place would get busier later. She sighed and beckoned...
I saw her coming out of the shower naked one day. I had just woken up and my bedroom door was open. I know I had closed it when i went to sleep in the early hours that morning as I always did as I preferred to sleep naked..I was staying at a friend’s house whilst working on a contract in Richmond. Due to the nature of my job, I got in at about 5am, and went straight to bed. John would be away by 8am and I normally got up around lunchtime. Jessica and I would normally have lunch together and...
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first encounters, hot bodies, masculine men, body hair, beautiful daddies - you name it - it is all here.I love a nice story that gets the reader horny wet and needing relief to beat out a nice creamy load.What is nicer than a slow burn, first producing a twitch in your cock, a slow hardening and strain against your underwear as you imagine being a part of the unfolding description that is sending impulses from your brain to your cock. Hardening, pulsing and getting excited.A bead of precum...
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ExhibitionismMy son Andrew is big for his age. He is fourteen and in this day and age at that age the kids know all there is to know about sex. Some have already engaged in many sexual acts from what I read in the news paper. We have lived next door to the Carson's for nine years. Their daughter Carol has played with Andy since they were toddlers. So when Carol came over to visit one Saturday morning I thought nothing of it. When Carol came in the back door I asked how her mother was doing and was told...
During my many exploits on the African continent I witnessed a number of interracial occurrences. Those I can verify but I also heard many stories of pure black lust prior to my setting foot on that continent. Many were inconsequential but others were more intriguing. There is indeed a dark side of mankind that spreads it's tentacles throughout the world and Africa certainly has had it's share. Many countries of this continent have a very prominent history and have given much to the benefit of...
InterracialThey were dancing to some relatively serious belly-rubbing music, but Dave remained quite tame, or so it would seem. His hands were making their way slowly downward from Charlene’s waist and pushing her shirt upward, exposing more and more of her panties. As Dave’s hands, meeting only token resistance, snaked over Charlene’s panty covered butt, he quietly said, “If I hadn’t shown up when I did, I’m guessing the shirt would be gone by now.”Charlene was startled. She leaned back a bit, directing...
College SexHii everyone this is Manu(names changed) and i am 19 years old and i came to know about this site an year ago and i got addicted to it to an extent that i cant sleep without reading a few stories its very nice to know about the experiences of various people.And this my first time i would love to hear from you people if there are any mistakes.This is my true story with my girl friend but alas we broke up now …….Story might be a bit boring in the start but i hope you will love it guys Coming to...
The idea of sucking his mother's cunt had a distinct appeal for Ned Marshal. His prick was waiting to shoot another load, but he was willing to postpone it as long as he could do something as nice as eat his mother out. He slid down on the bed and started to kiss the inside of her thighs. Babs's legs, like the rest of her body, were just about perfect, not fat, just nice and soft and very, very kissable. He drew his tongue over the satiny skin, while his mother gave a gasp of delight. He...
Dear Diary: Jul 15 — I still don't know why Joe and/or Val hasn't let something slip about those e-mails but not a word. Joe showed up at my apartment on Sunday night while I was drowning my sorrow about being dumped by Bill with what was left of the rum he'd brought last week. He's like the Energizer Bunny for sure. He made love to me (or fucked me, whatever) for more than an hour again. Thank God he's been fixed. (I know I've said that a lot but especially now that I don't have Bill...
“Bye, Karen” “Bye, Karen” “Bye, guys. See you at the dorm.” “Hello Karen. Mind if I sit here?” “I’m sorry. I’ve forgotten your name.” “It’s Jeff. How you doin’?” “Jeff? ... Wait a minute. You’re the pervert from Davis Hall.” “Hardly a pervert. Now, if I’d been attracted to your elbow...” “What’s wrong with my elbow?” “Nothing. Quite a nice looking elbow, as elbows go. But being sexually attracted to your elbow would be a perversion. Being sexually attracted to your hips, on the other...
It started casually enough. It was early in the day. Work had just started. Warren Giles, the CEO and owner of ‘A Works Inc’ was walking down the long hall that led from the employees cafeteria to the offices. He was about to pass Janie Dieter. As she got to him, with a kind of smile plastered on her face, she sneezed. “Bless you!” he said, and Janie simply began to cry. It seemed that the sudden niceness of the blessing statement simply grated against all that had been happening, that she’d...
Hello friends.I’m today going to narrate the most sexy and horny story to you all. I’m Akhilesh Bajaj,my age is 24 and I’m currently doing M.E. from a very big college of Delhi. I’m very very fair and handsome with a great muscular body. Girls stares at me a lot and many of them just tries to become my friend. I’m most famous among all the girls. We are basically from Himachal, and as its cold and hilly region, all in our family are very very fair in color and beautiful too. My dad,...
IncestWe were over at my wife's brother's house, and they had recently put in a pool. It was supposed to rain that day, but miraculously cleared up. So as me and my wife, sat with her brother and his wife on the deck, they suggested we all try out the new pool. We had not brought any swim suits, so they went to their room to see what they had for us to borrow. A few minutes later they came out, having already changed themselves. My sister in law handed my wife a swim suit, and she headed to the...
It was our first night at the resort and we decided to get dressed up to go out to a club. My wife is dressed in a beautiful dress that ties around the neck. Her dress is very short and she isn’t wearing a bra or panties, just like I requested. My wife’s cleavage is impressive and the dress showed it off tremendously. The club was packed, the music was bumping and it was a great night to go dancing. After a few drinks, we headed to the dance floor to have some fun. We are pushed very close to...
Chapter Three – The Burrow Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, nc-cons, inc, magic Harry and Ron couldn’t stop smiling, even after the unfortunate and grisly attack the previous night by a group of Death Eaters. The Quidditch match had gone so well, with Ireland beating Bulgaria, and Krum catching the snitch. The unwarranted attack by a group of death eaters...
I woke up in the middle of the night having to go to the washroom but someone was leaning on my shoulder. I remembered where I was and figured out it was Wendy sleeping on me. I moved her head back on her seat and got up to walk back to the washroom. It took me a few minutes to get my pants undone with basically one hand, but I finally got them opened and went. I finished up, rinsed my hands the best I could and went back to the seat. I settled back in and my red head caretaker slid back over...
"So you the hot mama Ginger was tellin' me about." "Hot enough, I suppose," respnded Tracy. He was sitting at a desk in a back room of his favorite strip club. Tracy was standing in front of the desk where he could "inspect the merchandise," as Spiker put it. She had wavered back and forth as to whether she wanted to turn "pro," but an argument with Richard had tipped the balance and after the husband had left for work she had called Spiker and arranged a meet. "How good are...
Tina was a hot older women in her mid 30’s, she had huge tits and a big fat but sexy ass, she was dressed up in her naughty school outfit looking very sexy. She had gone along with her work friends to a nightclub that had a school disco event going on. Once inside everyone was dressed in school uniform, the club was packed to the max. Tina and her friends headed onto the crowded dance floor and began boogieing away to their classic old school songs. After a while a younger guy caught Tina’s...
So the comic book store owner that had been working my backside a lot had an offer for me. The pics of me he had taken he had shown to some of his friends and they were interested in meeting me. I told him I would love to meet them, but I'd need something in return. Don't get me wrong, nothing is quite like having a cock spurt hot frothy cum deep inside you. That's one of the best feelings ever, but if I can get something more out of it, I would.His offer was this. He hosted a card game...
Nathan Bronson is pretty into his stepmom to the point where he makes the questionable call to sneak into her room and start sniffing mommy’s undies while he jerks off. His stepsister Daisy Stone catches Nathan in the act. She tapes him for a while, but eventually confronts him. Nathan is horribly embarrassed and tries to put his dick away, but Daisy insists that he keeps on masturbating as she taunts him. Whipping out her small tits, she teases Nathan with a peek of what he can’t...