SamChapter 14A free porn video

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Sue buttoned up her blouse, but she let me continue to pet her pussy while Neeka drove us to the mall. By the time we got there, she had had another two milder orgasms and she was smiling so widely that we could see every tooth in her head. She didn't even put up much of a fight when I refused to give her panties back to her, insisting instead that she go commando until she could get something that would let her show off her muscular ass without panty-lines.

"OK, you win. It needs to cool off anyway. It was so hot a little while ago it should be steaming!" she said, running a brush through her short auburn hair. The three of us tried to primp as well as we could before getting out of the car so it wouldn't be terribly obvious what we had been up to.

Sue didn't wear makeup, but her hair was a mess. As usual, my makeup needed no touch-up, but I wiped my juicy face clean with a moist towelette from Neeka's glove compartment and I pretended to add some blush from her compact for the sake of credibility and so Sue wouldn't feel rushed. Neeka combed out her red tresses so they cascaded over her freckled shoulders. We three were going to be a beauty pageant on parade while we shopped.

"It sure was!" I agreed. "But you needed it."

"I sure did. I can't remember the last orgasm I had, but none have been that good. Now, I feel so wonderfully relaxed! I must have needed that really, really badly."

"I think you have a few more coming."

"Are you going to give them to me?"

"We'll see. You had fun, didn't you? What did you like the best?"

"You pretending to arrest me. I thought it was for real at first. You made me so scared. Then you made me so wet I forgot about being scared. Then you made me have an orgasm and I forgot everything. Did we really do that in the parking lot at school?"

"Yeah. You had the car rocking real good. People were looking in and knocking on the windows and everything!"

"You tease! Oh, Sam! This is so much fun! I haven't felt like this in a long time. Thank you! Thank you too, Neeka."

"Always happy to make a new friend, Sue. But I'll be glad when Sam gets her driver's license. Then I get a chance to ride in back and have fun!"

"You have a badge, but not a driver's license? You're a funny kind of policeman. That is a real badge, isn't it?"

"It sure is. But it's just for emergencies. Sue, I'm going to tell you something that you have to promise me you will keep to yourself, OK?"

"I promise." She even made the cross-your-heart-hope-to-die gesture that I hadn't seen since I was 9. She was so terribly cute that I wanted to hug her. She was having a great time escaping from her 'Coach' persona and reverting back to the happier days of her life. I still didn't know what happened to her to make her need this, but she was obviously so happy now that I thought we should indulge her as long as possible.

"OK, I'm not a 'real' cop. I'm not running a sting for child molesters, like you thought. I'm not investigating anyone at school. I'm what you'd call a Special Agent and this is my cover."

"You mean like a secret identity?"

"Damn," I thought, to Neeka and to myself. "She caught onto that awful quick."

"She saw you vault the car," Neeka answered back, silently. "She saw the police car jump a couple of times, but she doesn't know it was because you picked it up. She didn't ask me a thing, she just waited patiently for you to come back."

"Kind of," I agreed. "But I'd have to be a Superhero to need one of those!" We all giggled at that. At least two of us were forcing it. I wasn't too sure about the third. "All I can tell you without breaking my cover is that I am more than I appear to be and I have special status with local law enforcement agencies. I'm afraid I really shouldn't be any more specific than that. For your own good, you see."

'Oh! I get it," she said. "You do undercover work! Because no one would suspect you in a million years, you can go places and do things that the police can't."


"It must be very dangerous work."

"Sometimes. But it can be very rewarding, too."

"I guess that explains some of the things I noticed about you in my class. You seemed to be holding back on many of the exercises. You're stronger than you look."

"Yes. I am more than I appear to be. But isn't everyone?"

"Perhaps. It would be nice to think so, at least. Don't worry. I will keep your secrets, Sam."

Her use of the plural made me think that she had already been doing just that. If so, Sue was already a true friend.

Neeka helped us out of the cramped backseat and we walked up the ramp to the mall entrance. On the way Neeka made a suggestion.

"Sue, you need some heels. Those running shoes don't do a thing for your legs."

"Oh, I don't wear heels. I don't have single pair in my closet."

"You should," I said. "You have a really killer pair of legs. You need to show them off more. Heels will certainly help. So would a shorter skirt. That one is almost past your knees."

"OK, but not too short. I don't like them so short I can't sit down in them."

"Well how about some shorts? You'd look great in shorts."

"That might be OK. Let's see what we can find."

My first stop was a pay phone near the food court where I called home to let Bambi know where I was. As I stood with my hand on the phone, I thought about how I would never have been anywhere near the mall without Yvette to chaperone me, if I had somehow made it here by myself, I would never in a million years have thought of calling her to let her know where I was. It was silly, but my hands were shaking so bad I could barely dial the stupid phone. I was so conditioned that for me to call home now felt like an escaped prisoner calling the police to report her whereabouts.

I jumped when she answered the phone almost immediately. She must have been sitting right next to it to have got to it that fast.

"Reynolds residence."

"Hi, Mom. It's me." I had an impulse to explain who 'me' was.

"Hi, honey. I'm glad you called. I was beginning to wonder if you had got sidetracked on the way home." 'Sidetracked' being another word for 'kidnapped' in my case.

"I'm sorry if I worried you. I'm fine. Neeka and I are taking a friend shopping for some clothes. We'll be home before supper, I promise."

"That's fine, honey. You have a nice time. Have Monique call if you get... delayed."

"I sure will. Oh, Mom? I just found the credit card in my wallet. Thanks. Thanks so much!" I think some of my original exuberance crept back into my voice.

"Well, you're certainly welcome. Let me know if the line of credit is too low. I had them set it at $7500 to start."

For a moment, I was stunned. I pulled my bag to me protectively. Mom was going to get the nicest present I could find.

"Oh, I think that will be fine. I can't imagine what I could possibly spend... I promise I'll use it wisely."

"I know you will, honey. I trust you."

Those three words were the most precious thing she could possibly given me. I knew I would never be able to repay Bambi for everything she had done for me if I tried hard every day for the rest of my life. Tears welled up in my eyes and I sniffed.

"Are you OK?" she asked. "You're not catching a spring cold are you?"

"No, Mom. Really, I'm fine. I'm just really happy right now. I love you."

"I love you too, honey. You have fun and let me know if you will be late."

"I will. Bye now."


Not 'get yourself home this instant'. Not 'be home by 5pm or else'. Not even 'who is the friend you are with'. Just 'have fun and let me know'. Freedom is truly a precious thing, and trust is worth all the gold cards and lines of credit in the world, I realized as I hung up the phone.

Since it was after school, the mall was full of kids just hanging out. As expected, we attracted some attention. There were several turned heads and the occasional whistle as we made our way to Eva's Boutique, a store that specialized in girls' underwear and lingerie. There were more than a few dirty looks from girls used to lesser competition and also a few admiring looks from some others, too.

One girl even smiled at me 'that way'. I did my best to look pleased and to smile back. Her girlfriend saw our exchange and pulled her aside as we passed. I caught some of the conversation.

"What's she got that I haven't got?"

"Be serious. You've got the same thing. She just has more of it."

"Those are NOT real!"

If I'd heard that once, I'd heard it a hundred times at school before I got Sandra Smith to authenticate them on behalf of everyone. It annoyed me, but it didn't make me mad. People choose to believe things that bolster their own egos. If you have to make that happen by putting down others, it says something about you. I thought it was interesting that I had never once heard a boy make that comment. I'm sure that boys don't award points for degree-of-difficulty. I think they just appreciate how you look without wondering how you managed it, or if you 'cheated'.

In Eva's we helped Sue pick out some underwear that she could wear and not have panty lines mess up the view of her marvelous behind. It took some persuading, but Neeka and I finally convinced her that it was a crying shame to have spent all that time working on her body not to show it off properly. She still balked at the g-strings we wanted her to get, but she did go for a couple of pairs of simple low-cut bikinis, some spandex thongs in a variety of colors, and a pair of lacy boy-shorts that were very sheer.

I think the last ones were aimed at me. I realized I was going to have to see her in her sweats with her cap and whistle and wonder if she had on that very sexy pair of transparent shorts underneath it all. I suggested as much to her, and the smile she gave me said that if she hadn't been planning that before, she certainly was now.

Our next stop was the big department store that anchored the mall on the west end. Sue and Neeka were both about 5' 8", but Sue's tight rear put her more on the small end of the scale and she and I looked through some shorts while the more hippy member of our group looked at the other racks.

While Sue pawed through a selection of shorts that would be a little loose on me, I looked wistfully at some very nice blouses that just didn't seem to come in my size. The salesgirl who tried to help took one look at me and shook her head sadly while her eyes remained fixed on my chest. She consulted with an older clerk who made sure that no other customers or store personnel were in earshot before she suggested another establishment I might try.

"Now I'm not sure of the name, but it's just a couple of blocks away. It's expensive, but I've heard nothing but good things from the, ah, fuller-figured women who shop there."

"You mean Mr. Morton's shop? As a matter of fact, I have quite a few things from there. You're right. He's excellent. Some of your things look just as nice, though and I was hoping you might have some of them in my size."

The news that I was a good customer of Morton's and that I found this store's merchandise to be of comparable quality meant that we were treated like royalty the entire time we were there. The senior clerk never left us for a second and even checked us out personally once Sue and Neeka had made their selections.

Once we were back in the mall, Sue said, "Well, I've never had such good service before! How did you do that?"

"I told them who made most of my clothes. That convinced them that I was a customer they wanted to please, even if they couldn't fit me. They think I might give them some good word of mouth."

"I think I want to go shopping with you all the time. They wouldn't have been impressed hear that most of my clothes came from SportsTown. Where do we go next?"

"Shoes. You pick me out some good running shoes and I'll pick you out some heels."

Sue knew more about running shoes than I ever knew there was to know. She specified the exact brand and style I needed and explained how to put them on, how tightly to tie them, and how to take care of them after I had run in them. The first pair I tried on felt like they were weightless and that they had been custom-made for me.

We had a bit more of a problem with her heels. She had almost as much trouble in anything that did not have a rubber sole as I had in the tall mules I had tried to wear. Eventually she accepted a pair with an ankle-strap that would keep them on her feet even if she were to try to walk out of them.

When we had Sue a complete outfit, we went back to the department store, where they graciously allowed us to use their fitting room to do the conversion. As it turned out, the clerk was able to sell us a few accessories to go along with what we had already. She even booked Sue for a make-over in the cosmetics department immediately afterwards.

The clothes made a huge difference. The short-shorts fit perfectly and their khaki color made them seem to disappear against her tan. The white, almost-sheer blouse showed off her boobs very well without exposing too much skin and the heels made the muscles in her legs bunch and her butt roll in a way that would mess with the head of any male she passed.

The cosmetics took five years off her age and accented her soft brown eyes to give her beauty another focal point. The cosmetics clerk made a nice commission on the things Sue bought after a group of college guys walking past stopped to admire the result and tried to get her to come to a frat party. The fact that they made the same proposal to all three of us didn't matter in the slightest to her. It was the first time in years that she had been approached like that and she loved it. She even took note of the time and place for the party and told them that she'd check her schedule.

After the college guys had left, I asked her, "You're not seriously thinking of going, are you? Do you know what those parties are like for the girls who go without dates?"

"No, what?"

"They will make you drunk, get you naked and before you know it, you'll be having sex with all of them, right there in the living room."

Sue turned several shades of red while she thought about that. She seemed to find the idea very interesting and quite stimulating. I didn't do any more to try to talk her out of it. If she wanted to be a party-girl, that was her choice. I was on the side of the frat boys, anyway. I wanted to get her naked and hot in my living room, too.

"Do you have anything to wear to the party if you decide to go?"

"No. I don't have anything other than the dark-brown dress I wore to the faculty mixer they had at the start of the school year. It has half-sleeves and comes down to mid-calf."

"That may not be suitable for this party," I told her. "You need something a lot sexier if you will be doing some serious partying."

"Let's try the Gilded Lily," Neeka suggested. "They have party dresses."

The Gilded Lily was way off the beaten track, up a side passage that looked like it led to the loading docks. It was next to a shop that sold electronic games and the area looked like a hangout for boys a few years younger than Neeka and me. We paraded into the shop without paying them much attention, but that didn't stop them from paying attention to us. We heard several of them comment on us as we passed by.

"Holy gazongas! Bill! Lookit them titties!"

"I think I'm in love!"

"Check out that ass!"

"And those legs! Man, that's some fine stuff."

"Aw chill, dude. They're too old for you. They're 16 or 17, easy."

Once in the relative privacy of the store, Sue touched my arm and whispered, "Were they talking about me?"

"Well, the 'titties' fan must have meant me, but I think the 'ass' and 'legs' comments were all about you. The age crack was for all of us, dammit."

"Should I be flattered or insulted?"

"I'm not happy about the age thing, myself. Usually, I get taken for younger a lot because I'm so short. This time I seem to be too old. How does it make you feel to hear boys with more hormones than blood in their veins say things like that about you?"

"It makes me want to go back out there and strut up and down. Maybe they'll say some more nice things. This is all so new to me."

"New? Why?"

"Well, when I was their age, I was... overweight. No... I was fat! I was ugly, too — acne aggravated by a diet of chocolate. No one would have anything to do with me. The only comments I heard back then were hurtful and mean."

"When did you lose the weight?"

"Not until I got out of high school. I spent the summer in a fat-farm and dropped a lot of it. When I came down here to go to college, I kept on working out. I spent so much time in the gym and the on the track that I just fell into a PhysEd major without even thinking about it. After I graduated, the department head got me the job at the high school and I've been there for the last couple of years."

"What about dating?"

"Before college, I was never asked out. Not even by other ugly boys. In college, I spent all my time working out to keep from getting fat again and I just never met anyone. I think I may be a lesbian."

"Why? Because you like me?"

"Unhunh." She blushed, but under her tan, it wasn't obvious.

"Sue, you're not a lesbian. I know two real lesbians, and you're not like either of them. I like boys quite a bit. Neeka here is very involved with my brother, and... well, remember when I told you about how good a big cock would feel?"

"Oooo, yes!"

"See? You're as normal as we are."

Neeka turned her face away and suddenly became very interested in a rack of dresses behind her. I could hear her laughing like a hyena inside my head at the idea that we were 'normal'.

Now I had my explanation of why Sue Simpson was still a virgin and why she needed to relive her teen years. She was just making up for things she missed. I was relieved that it wasn't anything worse than that. I'd had enough exposure to abnormal psychology for the week, and it was only Monday.

I felt much better once I knew that all she needed was to have some understanding friends and the opportunity to have fun. There are worse things than a self-image that's a dozen years behind your physical age.

Actually, Sue's physical age was pretty irrelevant, and not just to me. She had made her body into such a masterpiece of muscular curves and taut sinews that she could have been any age from 16 to 36, or even older. She was a timeless work of art. Now it was time to take off the drape and let the world see the sculpture.

We pulled several dresses off the rack and sent her into the changing room to try them on. She came out and modeled each one in turn. Neeka and I tried to give her our opinion of how they looked, but it quickly became clear that she was going more by the reactions of her admirers peering in through the storefront windows. After the first couple of dresses she even walked halfway to the door to give them a better view. She looked just like a model going down a runway at a fashion show. She would walk out, pose, walk to the middle of the store, pose, turn, and walk back.

Every time she did it, everyone in the store would stop and watch. After a couple of times, people just stood and waited for the next showing. I thought the store manager would ask her to stop, but as more girls started to trickle into the store and flip open their cells phones to tell their friends about the event, he just ran around moving racks out of the way to provide a better view from the mall.

By the time Sue had tried on the last dress, the store was packed and girls were lined up five deep at the cash register buying dresses that they hoped would look half as good on them as it had on Sue. We had a hard time returning the things she had tried on and rejected to the racks, they were being snatched out of our hands almost as soon as Sue handed them out of the changing room.

When the manager saw Sue approach the end of the line with her selections - a white knit dress with a weave that was just a fishnet in certain areas, and a form-fitting shiny black dress with a halter front and no back down to the curve of her butt — he stepped out from behind the register to meet her.

"Please," he said, ripping the price tags off of both dresses, "take them with my compliments. No charge."

"Well, thank you very much," Sue said. "But really, I can't accept..."

"Don't be silly," he said, "you have brought in more business in an hour than I had all last week. Tell you what. If you come back Saturday afternoon at two and model for an hour, you can have two more dresses at no charge. You have the kind of body that makes anything you wear look like a million dollars."

"All right. Sure! I'd love to. Two o'clock Saturday then."

We pushed through the crowd to get out of the store. When we came out into the mall, we were greeted to a round of applause and whistling by the group of boys. This time the comments were less crude, but just as flattering.

"I swear, I saw her on TV in a commercial for perfume."

Same as Sam
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BBC daddy cocksucker at ABS

Last week I was traveling the interstate and come upon an adult video store. I pulled off and parked. There were several cars on the parking lot. I entered and paid my ticket to theaters and arcade. Entering I heard both sounds of video sex and real sex. I made my way to the very back where the booths were. I noticed a black guy probably 30 standing halfway seen at the edge of wall. He was clean cut. He was looking. I entered booth and dropped my dress pants to the floor and got on my knees. I...

2 years ago
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Goldy Locks and the three Behrs Part 2

Unbeknownst to the sleeping thief, the owners of the cabin were on their way home. Two burly men and one sultry brunette occupied the humble abode. All of them beautiful and tall. Each of them different in their own rites.  Max, the self proclaimed leader of the pack, led the group back from the emergency call in town. You see, all three lovelies had an equal partnership in the local construction company, but it was Max’s strong leadership skills that made the company successful. Rugged, but...

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Being Deflowered By Her

When I started college, I thought it was going to be like all the films and TV shows you see. How wrong was I! My freshmen year I was so busy, I don’t think I had a moment to even rest. Between classes and working a part time job, it seemed to be non-stop for me. I didn’t mind though, I do enjoy being busy. This was just a new level of busy. I don’t know how others do it and have a social life. I made a few friends in classes, but never really did much outside of grabbing coffees with them....

4 years ago
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Ever see another man fuck your wife senseless

Continuing with sharing my ex wife for all those years, I just love to relive those oh so hot times, some of the things we experienced are tattooed in my mind. Writing about what took place, I find and sharing those times, is the best way to relive the events. If you have read my other stories the following took place with our long term regular James. James had some serious stamina and staying power and could fuck my wife for ages on those get together's. I loved watching as he fucked her good...

3 years ago
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Remember the time i seduced my teacher pt 2

So here i am. An untouched girl who has had dick on her tongue and hands on her ass and im about to fuck my PE teacher who is 14 years my senior.My body feels hot and sweaty, but i have this cool and chilling sensation running through my body at the same time.Im about to lose my virginity to this man. I had always wanted to fuck him but now im a little scared :3. Maybe i should have thought about what i was doing.But its to late. He's very eager to fuck me and i have no feeling to resist.He...

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Daddys reawakening Chap 13

Introduction: Wow its been a while. Work got the best of me, and I havent really had time to write. I promise there will be more to come, but they will be infrequent. —– This story is pure fiction. All characters depicted are 18+.. Chapter 13 – Aunt Jackies friend My weekend with Shannon had been amazing. We engaged in all sorts of exciting sexual exploits, but after she was called in to a late night meeting Sunday, I decided to head home. I wasnt expected back until after work Monday, I had...

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Going For My Prize

It was a warm day, and a cool breeze was blowing across the bay towards your apartment. You are on your balcony stretched out on a lounge chair enjoying the warming rays of the sun. With your computer in your lap, you are typing away at your next erotic story. I enter your apartment and move out onto the balcony, you look so hot without a shirt, wearing only sunglasses, and board shorts. I can't help but want to disturb your quiet time, just like you had done to me that morning when I was still...

Oral Sex
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Danni loves Tommy

Tommy was sitting in the bar for at least an hour when she finally arrived, she sat down next to him kissed his cheek, patted his leg and offered him her hand. He looked away as if someone had offended him and he was trying to avoid hitting them his veins popping out of his neck. She nuzzled up against him, rubbing his forearm with her fingertips gently, she leaned in to whisper in his ear three simple words he always loved to hear, “I want cock.”“Danni don’t tease me you know I hate when you...

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claire part 1

As she pulled into the mall parking garage, Claire's thoughts turned to the ad she had seen in the local newspaper--OPENING FRIDAY!!! BOUDOIR LINGERIE!!! Claire had been taken by the ad immediately, and she really could use some new bras and panties. Even though she and Frank had been married for eight years Claire had managed to stay in good shape, and for a thirty three year old she still could turn a man's head, and the only real change in her body was her chest size. When she graduated...

3 years ago
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Die unbestechliche Staatsanwltin

Nora, die 32jährige, 1,65m große, wohlproportionierte Staatsanwältin hatte es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht den größten Drogendealer Hamburgs endlich in den Knast zu bringen. Und sie war sich sicher ihn diesmal zu bekommen. Es hatten sich schon einige Kolleginnen und Kollegen daran versucht, einige hatten einfach aufgegeben, andere waren korrupt und hatten sich abgesetzt, wieder andere waren einfach verschwunden. Doch Nora war sich sicher, sie würde ihn überführen, denn sie hatte Fotos und...

2 years ago
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Pizza Man

PIZZA MAN a JEP story Chapter 1 : She Should Have Given Him What He Wanted! Ed had been watching his newest waitress closely for quite some time. Ed wasthe manager of the local Pizza House. At thirty-five, he was the oldest managerin the pizza chain. It was an unspoken understanding in his place that he gotto fuck all of the waitresses. They were all quite young, in their early twenties,and they had succumbed to him quite easily. It was as though being fucked byEd was an added tip. Carol...

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For Friends and Family Part 10 Going Public

For Friends and Family Part 10 - Going Public The trip in the ambulance seemed to go on for an age, Amy was periodically being sick, well trying to be but just dry heaving; the paramedic said, "How much mustard and water did you give her?" Desperately thinking I replied, "About a pint - I think, why did I do wrong?" He grinned and said with a chuckle, "No you what you did was right, it's just that usually you only give a cup full! You were determined to clean her out wasn't...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Paisley Rae Naked Photos

After taking a nude picture of her professor, Paisley Rae realizes he’s a lot hotter naked than in clothes and decides that having sex with him to get into her sorority isn’t as ‘gross’ as she initially thought. In the middle of his living room, Paisley evolves from a timid student into a confident, horny woman – surprising both herself and her professor with her sexual prowess. She is more than excited to offer up her tight, wet hole for her professor’s...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Lyra Lockhart Newbie Lyra Lockhart Loves Fucking

Lyra Lockhart is completely new to the industry; this was her 3rd shoot ever!! She loves to show off that sexy body in her black lace lingerie but really likes how your cock comes to attention once it comes off! She runs her hands all over her natural tits and spreads her shaved pussy open for Codey Steele to enjoy! She moans out and wants that cock bad and soon she is on her knees sucking and then they get down and fuck showing Lyra some new moves; like piledriver, before giving her a...

4 years ago
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Money buys everything

Introduction: For money, a mother agrees to lead her son into having sex with her, to satisfy her boss dark desire to watch incestuous sex before his eyes. But is it really only for money? The moment Audrey finally parked her car in front of Carls house, her whole body shivered. That was her last chance to change her mind. If she rang the doorbell and entered his place, would be too late. She looked at the rear view mirror inside her car. Alex, her son, was peacefully playing with his portable...

3 years ago
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Star ChamberChapter 11 Battle Damage

“Shall we have a meeting?” Kevin Humphreys asked the hundreds that were gathered. Jenny had given John a hug just after Dar took the bag of black boxes for Vid and the Russian Space Program, “What are you smiling about?” “I think the two Presidents may have bonded.” John smiled as he looked in Jenny’s eyes. “I agree, that’s worth smiling about.” Jenny gave John a kiss. Reverend Jacob approached John and Jenny, “I’m calling for volunteers to fly home and see how much damage we got. From...

1 year ago
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My Moroccan lover part Five

My Moroccan lover part fiveAfter cleaning Farid s cock and he was satisfied I stood up , my whole body hurt, especially my cunt was burning, but the jizz inside was dripping out sometimes, had an healing effect on my mind and in my lower body. Quick sweety we are thirsty said Mohammed. Yes Sir….i went to the fridge got them both a cold beer.The sun was already cumming was day already…we had fucked and had seks the whole night.Can I go shower Mohammed Sir?..Nooo said Mohammed, you...

1 year ago
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My Adorable Mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! When I was young I always fascinated about my beautiful mom. She is really beautiful even now at 50 and during that time she was marvellous. When I was quite young, she use to call me to scrub her back while bathing. I always do it willingly and happily as it allow me to have the glimpse of her beautiful back and her butts even though sex was never in my mind at that age. I have quite fair complexion but she was extremely fair and her skin has milky...

2 years ago
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Gulp Girl with the Zeppelin Tattoos

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers We were in a large bathroom at a house party. Our lips were locked, our bodies were conjoined in a powerful embrace that is felt, explicitly only by lovers. We were like two clouds, crashing together, creating thunders. Both of us were filled with terrible, heart breaking, intense emotions and we needed a release. When we crashed, it rained; not above us, but inside us. Together, we let the burden go. I cupped her ass and pulled her closer. She had her head...

3 years ago
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The business end of a Business Trip

Em was a girl at work who was rather reserved. She was blonde and about 25 and not very experienced in sex, but had a body that I could tell was very sexy. I would normally not care about this, except she and I had to take a business trip together. She was in the room next to me – invited me over one evening and after we had a few drinks, she started telling me about her stupid ex. She even started in telling me how he wanted to have sex, and when he did, never got her to climax. That seemed...

2 years ago
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Just a red thong

Hubby had invited some guests to spend a couple days at home.They were two old friends from a former office.Both guys were living now in California and were there at Savannah on a boring business trip. They were younger than Victor, handsome black guys.On Sunday they all were free from work and we spent a nice sunny day at our back yard, enjoying a barbeque, nice red wine and the pool.The next afternoon I came from my office and found out Victor and his friends were at the golf club; all of...

4 years ago
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How a Good Gurl Earns It

Now it’s your turn to do your work, sissy. Throughout our session, you’ll be working hard and worked into a frenzy. Sweat will drip down your whole body and you will earn every blissful wave of sissy pleasure. It is so overwhelming you will lose all sense of self and connection to reality. Let’s start from the ground and work our way up, shall we? First, you are wearing stunning high heels. Not the usual doing the dishes or vacuuming the floor 4 inch Heels in Pink but real bedroom 6.5 inch...

3 years ago
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Text from hijabi gf after meeting up with stalker

Babe I need to tell u something. The other day when I talked about Kasim, we actually met and I may aswell just tell u everything what happened. He just sent me pics of certain things from that day which made me re live it all and make me feel really guilty where I have to just say it and stop being an idiot and hiding it. ... So I told him I lwhere my student accomodation was. He came right away and I took him into common room to talk. We talked in the social room and then he started saying...

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Just Deserts

(Yes I know the difference between desert and dessert) *In life we build and we destroy, know the difference* (Memories) It was the worst night of her life. She was sandwich between two men she didn’t know, taking it up her pussy and her ass as they grunted and heaved her upright on her knees. She had one man’s penis rammed down her throat while she furiously, desperately gave another one a hand job. The thing was she knew four more were circling out there, waiting their turn, or turn again,...

1 year ago
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Go Ahead Touch It Sissy Now Suck It Femdom

"Touch it sissy," my wife Julie said sternly when she saw the indecision on my face.We had been swinging for more than a year but we were a soft swap couple. I had no desire to watch my sexy wife with another man and she did not want to watch me fuck another woman. We started swinging because Julie was a bisexual exhibitionist and I was a voyeur who loved girl/girl situations. In addition to being swingers we also enjoyed the BDSM lifestyle at least recreationally.We had been to several...

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Poolside Pleasure

as they arrived to the swimming pool they noticed that it was empty and no one was there. "looks like we got the pool to ourselves" Riley said. "looks like it" Zak said as they got out. as they got to the pool zak began taking off his clothes. both riley and ashley couldn't help but stare at zak as he took off his shirt and his shorts. "damn hes so hot" Riley said. Ashley couldnt help but stare and blush at the sight of her friend. Zak got into the pool and swam around a little bit....

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a visit to the doctors

My wife told me about this lat night (it's 100% true, she was almost crying when she described what happened) so I suggested she write it down, which she did today. Here's what she wrote:If my school file said anything about this – and I’ve no way of knowing if it did – it would have recorded that I as “sexually active” from a young age. My first proper sexual experience was on the back seat of a car with a friend of my father’s when I was just 14. He’d taken me shopping, bought me a suspender...

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wifes best freind

this hapend a rew years ago it was sat b4 christmas my wife invited her best mate round 4 a drink she was singal parent id nown her 4 years and nothing ever hapend between us sue was about size 16 not at all like my wife who is small and petetbut sue was 30 ten years younger than my wife we had a few drinks and normally chatin away when mal my wife said stay the night 2 sue and half hour later her son was in bede bess later on i went 2 toilet and as i came out sue came up staires i said how...

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My Hot Latina Girlfriend True StoryPlease Comme

My Hot Latina Fuck Buddy When I was 23 I met a Hot Sexy Young 19 year old Latina and We Fucked like a****ls ! The first time I brought her to my place she was a little Tipsy because she said it was the first time she had been with another guy other than her boyfriend- He was her first and only and was away in Chicago (she didn't say where but eventually I found out he was in Jail). We kissed and played with each other but when I took her in the bedroom she got sick and ran to the...

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How I Spent My Summer

Author's note: As with all my stories, this is a fantasy and should be read and understood as such. I would never encourage or condone the type of behaviour described, even though it is non-violent, and would not like to think that any reader believes otherwise. Some of you may find this story long, as much of my work tends to be. I try to create a believable character, within the constraints of an admittedly unlikely fantasy... that a character can be put through gender changes...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 27 Return of the Prodigal

The journey from the College of Correction and Redemption back to the Convent was again in a closed carriage under the cover of darkness. She was met at the door by the Reverend Mother herself and escorted straight to the infirmary. "You will stay here," the older woman ordered, "Until your child is born. Then, and only then, will you be allowed back into the company of decent nuns." "Reverend Mother..." Waving away Sister Lucia's attempts to ask questions, she continued, "As to...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Veronica Leal My Stepsister Wants To Get Smashed

Veronica Leal is just getting into masturbating when she receives a phone call from her new stepfather. Her stepdad confesses that his son, who Veronica has always been told was in a special school, is just getting out of juvie now. He’ll be around soon, so Veronica needs to figure out how to protect herself. Veronica assures her stepdad she’ll be fine even as she gets a huge grin at all the fun she knows she’s about to have with her newfound bad boy stepbro. Later, Veronica arrives home from...

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Sarah Gets Her Romantic Wedding Night Part 3

So we got married Saturday, August 30,1969 at high noon, completed the reception at a local public house and eventually found ourselves in the honeymoon suite of a main London West End Hotel Sarah had pre booked as part of her wedding present to me, part she,d already given me that being her virginity as like her best mate Heidi she did not wish to have a painful wedding night but a thoroughly enjoyable one to always remember and had ensured by the timing of her periods that we wouldn,t be...

3 years ago
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Long Days Journey Into SusanChapter 3

“From now on, it’s gonna be different. We’re gonna find a little heaven on Earth. I don’t care what it is that you did when you lived in Ft. Worth.” -Cornell Hurd Band, “I Don’t Care What It Is That You Did When You Lived In Ft. Worth” Julie texted back. “OMG, Susan, that was fucking hot, and I’m so fucking happy you’ve agreed! (I knew what Troy was going to talk to you about, and I was worried as hell. Luckily, Claire was here to help me relax. :P ) When he texted me you were on board,...

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Wife finds out I want a BBC

It wouldn't stop. The impure thoughts wouldn't go away. Whenever he tried to ignore it, it always returned. It made him feel crazy in the head. He knew it was wrong, but his imagination continued to be more of an inconvenience in the real world.Joshua had nothing to do on a Saturday morning. Florence, his wife, had already left the house to visit her friend's place. The twenty-nine-year-old husband was now alone in the master bedroom, and he wished that he would be somewhere else other than his...

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Gotta love a bomb threat, it got us out of school at ten. If it hadn't been so cold outside I would have headed for the mall to hang out but instead I just went home figuring to play some video games. I hadn't seen Becky on the bus so I thought I'd be home all alone but I was wrong. Becky could be bossy sometimes and I didn't want to deal with her telling me what to do all day so I though I'd just sneak up to my room. Entering the back door I could hear her typing away on the computer. I...

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I Love Fucking Married White WomenPT2

On Friday Mary set the time for her and Jerome to get together for the first time. They agreed that he would follow her in his car to the road behind her house. He would then park his car on the strip mall lot and get into her car. That way she could pull directly into her house garage. Once the door to the garage closed they would exit the car and move into the house. He would leave the same way. That way no one would know she had a man, especially a black man, in her car or her house or her...

2 years ago
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Going Down UnderChapter 1

I was happy to leave a record-nasty winter in the northern US. When I boarded the plane in January at my tiny local airport, the temperature was -5F with a wind chill of -17. Eighteen inches of snow had fallen the day before. I walked across the tarmac in my Eddie Bauer subzero parka and gloves so thick they would put Neil Armstrong to shame. When I stepped off the plane in Brisbane into 90F temperature, I don’t think anyone had ever seen such garb in person. I got situated in the...

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The Humiliation of my WifeChapter 2

In the days that followed that fateful night, I slowly began implementing some new rules and changing some things about my wife to suit my purposes. The first order of business was the way in which my wife attempted to dress herself. I immediately went through her belongings and threw anything out that was even remotely baggy or unrevealing. This didn't leave much for her to wear, so we went shopping for some new clothing. Much to her chagrin, I began choosing clothing that was a size too...

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