Friendly Neighborhood Perverts
- 2 years ago
- 21
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Rick walked down the hall from shower to the kitchen. He felt really good. This is quite amazing considering all he'd been through in the last 36 hours. Not only had he found out that he is part of an alien plan to populate the earth with a sort of master race. He'd not only found out that his mother, Laura, and sister, Janet, were part of the experiment but he'd spent hours fucking both of them. Plus he was literally given the girl he lusted over for 10 years in the form of Tracy, the ultra sexy ex-cheerleader known for being a total cock tease.
In addition he had been through a sexual workout that would have put an athlete to the test. His body was undergoing massive internal and external changes. His hormonal and pheromone output was through the roof, his brain was re-arranging as he started to develop his dormant mind control powers. On the outside his body was firming and toning and most noticeably his cock had grown from a pretty normal 6 inch erect penis to an 11 inch monster pulsing hormone and pheromone rich fluids that turn any women into willing sexual objects.
All in all, things were looking pretty good for Rick as he walked into the kitchen and dining area of the house. Standing at the counter was Tracy, her still damp blonde hair flowing down her back. She was dressed only in a short silk robe that showed off her movie star physique. Rick walked up, put his arms around her and slid his soft penis against the bottom of her barely covered ass. Instinctually she pushed back against him and snuggled into his arms.
"Now enough of that you two." Laura teased. "We all have a lot of work to do and we can't get it done if we're all covered in cum!"
Laura was dressed only in a long tight white T-shirt that beautifully showed off her large and firm D-cup breasts. She had the kind of body that Playboy spent days of airbrushing to create and the face of an angel with her green eyes framed by luxurious brown hair. This morning was sitting at the table enjoying her customary cup of coffee.
"Aw come on, why not?" Rick asked pouting for effect and working Tracy into a small hot flash. Rick sensed a challenge, and it sounded like a good challenge.
"Jon has arranged a small party of people from the 'Company' so you can test out your new skills." Laura explained watching Rick's effects on Tracy with some interest. " We need to get this place ready, order the food, and get looking pretty. You have to save some of those hormones."
Sitting next to Laura was Rick's younger sister Janet. With the perfect mix of an athletic body and sensual curves she was also a genetic mutation like Rick.
"Yeah, and besides, it won't be as easy to get into our pants unless we let you now that you don't have some weird alien sex mutant and all those alien mind toys around." Janet added feeling a little bratty this morning.
These three women, along with Rick, made up what was known as a breeding cluster. It was their job to get Rick to fuck and impregnate as many women as possible, and for them to fuck and spread the genetic mutation through the population. They were one of only several hundred similar clusters around the world.
"Gee, maybe I ought to test the plumbing out, make sure everything's working." Rick said, a slightly dangerous tone entering into his voice. His cock started to rise to the occasion, thickening against Tracy's already wet pussy. Rick closed his eyes and started to relax and stretch out his mind. He concentrated on arousing each woman in the room.
"C'mon guys, we don't have time for this-oh..." Laura started to say but was cut off by a wave of arousal. Her body started to become warm. Despite herself her mind kept filling with images of sex and huge cocks. Her mouth began to salivate at the thought.
Tracy let out a loud whimper as his mental wave reached her next. Dropping her coffee on the counter she immediately slid her hand between her legs to massage Rick's growing rod against her aching pussy.
"All right, you so you have those two dripping, but what about me? I'm not so easy a nut to..." Janet challenged with a grin before being interrupted by Laura.
"Wait, don't do this now... she was just teasing..." Laura pleaded while she still had enough control over herself.
"No, let's try this her way, let's just see who cums first." Rick smiled stepping away from Tracy. Taking her hand he led her around to the table. The pert blonde moaned with the loss of Rick's phallus and promptly dug her fingers into her sopping pussy as she followed.
Stepping around the corner Rick revealed his semi erect cock to the seated women. Both Laura and Janet were surprised at the organ's new size. Rick's cock hung a solid ten thick inches long, marbled with thick veins, and swung between his legs as he slowly walked to the table. Neither woman was able to take her eyes off its slow motion back and forth. Laura, already aroused, began to massage her breasts as her breathing deepened. Her eyes became glossy; a slight smile crossed her lips.
"Mmmm... why don't you bring that over here where I can taste it." Laura said in a seductive tone as she pushed her full round breasts together pinching her hard nipples.
"Mom!" Janet yelled. "How can you act like that? Stop it!"
"Baby, I'm sorry, but I can't help it" Laura replied in a cool calm voice as she took the long cock in her hand. "It's so beautiful, long, hard... and you know what it does for me... I need it..." Laura swallowed the head of Rick's cock. " Mmmm, that's it..." Laura cooed as the hormonal effect of Rick's secreting organ hit home straight to the pleasure centers of her brain. "Oh yeah that's it..." Turning to Tracy "Don't you feel it? The need burning inside your head... and your cunt?"
Janet was indeed feeling the effects, although she was too preoccupied with her own rage watching her mother sucking on that monster cock. Her eyes began to glaze over as she watched her mother slide her lips up and down the dripping wet monster sized cock.
"Now it's your turn." Rick said. Jolted out of her fascination Janet looked up at Rick. He concentrated as hard as he could to break through Janet's defenses. Suddenly Janet's eyes fluttered and started to roll back. With a sudden moan she stretched her body out. A warm flush spread across her cheeks as she slowly exhaled like she was enjoying a big hit off the strongest joint in history.
Tracy stood behind Rick, feeding his hard tool into Laura's mouth. While Rick was enjoying Laura's experienced mouth on his cock, he was also watching his effects on Janet. He watched as her eyes focused on her mother and his cock. Rick knew he had Janet when her mouth slipped opened and a small trickle of saliva started dripping out.
"What do you think now sis?" Rick asked with a big grin.
"I want your cock... bad..." Janet said slowly, breathing heavily. "Why do you let Mom have all the fun?"
"Well, I'll tell you what..." Rick said with a wicked grin. "I still need to have my cornflakes this morning, so how about you get down on your knees and you can suck my cock while I eat."
"Yes, anything, I'm sorry I teased you, just please let me have some... Please..." Janet conceded, "God I'm so horny..."
"Now, while I'm making my breakfast why don't you help out these two lovely, and very horny, women..." Rick gestured to Tracy, who was stroking the base of Rick's cock and massaging his balls. "And eat some pussy..." Gently Rick put his hand under Laura's chin and lifted it up from his rock hard erection. "... You'd like that wouldn't you?"
Laura turned to look over at Janet, her eyes filled with heat as she stared at the young girl. "Yes... oooh yes..."
Janet started to shake, her breath coming faster and faster. She was going to orgasm. "I... I... can't... she's my mother for fucks sake!" Janet yelled as her climax overcame her. Her eyes never leaving Rick's wet cock bobbing just in front of Laura's smiling lips.
"I'll tell you what..." Rick said graciously. Rick gently guided Laura to a standing position in front of Janet. Then he guided Tracy over beside her. "You start on Tracy and when you're ready you can start on Mom. When I get back, I'll let you suck on my cock if you do a good job on both ladies."
Slowly Janet sank to her knees in front of the women. Tracy, already wild with passion, was rubbing her wet pussy. As soon as Janet's mouth touched her she let out a squeal of delight. Laura watched with a strange mix of pride and desire.
By the time Rick had made a bowl of cereal and returned both Laura and Tracy had succumb to several loud orgasms. Tracy was happily sucking away on a delirious Laura's clit when Rick sat down behind her. "Hey... how about a little attention over here?"
Janet turned to face Rick's huge member as it sat straight out in front of him. Through heavily lidded eyes Janet looked up." I thought you'd never ask..." She slurred as she reached forward to grab his cock and slide it into her waiting mouth. While enjoying the feeling of her hands and mouth sliding along his organ Rick sat back to watch Laura and Tracy sink to the floor in a passionate embrace, each woman fingering the other to climax over and over again. Rick sat back to enjoy his blowjob confident that he didn't need any alien presence to exercise control.
After ten minutes of one of the best blowjobs he'd ever had (let's face it, until the other day he'd only had a few) he decided to have a little fun. While Janet was sucking on his rod he decided to plant a little suggestion in her mind. "Sis, whenever I say the words 'little sister' I want you to have an orgasm." Thinking of potential problems he decided to add a rider. "If you are in the presence of the family you will have a crashing orgasm but if you are with an outsider you will be able to control yourself just enough not to make a scene. Do you understand?"
His younger sister looked up from her brother's cock and said with a smile "You shit! I'm gonna get you for that!"
"Whatever you say 'Little Sister"
Janet's eyes went wide for a second before she screamed. "Ohgodohgodohgod... yesyesyesyesyeeeees!" she cried as wave after wave of intense pleasure hit her. The young athletic girl fell backwards writhing on the floor. Her one hand jammed in her convulsing pussy and the other in her mouth making her babbling incomprehensible.
When Janet had regained some of her composure she sat up. Her hair was in complete disarray; her pussy and thighs were drenched with her own juices and her eyes shone against her flush skin. "That was amazing, that was the most intense orgasm I have ever had. Now can I fuck that pole of yours?"
"Sorry Sis, I have some other work to do today, besides, I have a present for all three of you." Gesturing for Tracy to kneel and take his cock in her mouth.
"Uh-oh" She said kneeling "what nasty surprise do you have for me?"
"Just suck on my cock and you'll find out" Rick replied smiling. He was quite enjoying the whole control over women/sexual slave thing. Tracy took his fat cockhead into her mouth and started to work on it. In a grandiose tone, one befitting a royal announcement, Rick gave Tracy her suggestion. "You, my fine blond bombshell, will become fascinated with pussy's and cocks, particularly other peoples. In private you will do almost anything to be in contact with my cock or one of their pussies. In public you will be more circumspect but you will be dying to play with yourself, or touch someone else."
"Hmm, doesn't sound all that different from the way I always am now!" Tracy said brightly.
"Oh, it won't be different..." Rick explained. "Just amplified about 100 times. Now what shall we do with you Mother dearest?" Rick shooed Tracy away and held out his hand for Laura. "Come down here and let's see what we can figure out."
"I have a better idea... you've had enough mouths on your cock for the time being, what you need is a hot..." Laura took a step towards Rick. "Wet..." She crossed one leg over his, straddling him. "Tight..." Laura took Rick's rock hard erection in her hand. Pressed it against her slit and slowly lowered herself onto his cock." Pussy." She completed with a grin.
Rick leaned back and groaned as Laura slid down the length of his cock. "Very good... ah... now what should I stick you with?" Rick mused between his own groans of satisfaction. "I have it! Laura... what's your best attribute?"
"Why my mind of course!" Laura said as she lifted herself up so that just the tip Rick's cock remained in her. Then she slid herself all the way down burying his rod inside her. Sensing her impending orgasm Laura began to grind back and forth on the 10 inch monster filling her pussy.
"That's true, your mind is your best feature and followed by your eyes I think..." Rick looked into the beautiful green eyes that stared back at him in rapture. "But I was thinking something a little more prominent... and fun!"
Laura stuck her large chest under Rick's chin. Her large breasts felt wonderful against his chest. "I wonder what you're talking about?" Laura joked with mock innocence.
"How about this... I love your big tits, pretty much every guy loves your big tits, hell, I even see a lot of women admiring them. They have to be your most outstanding physical feature. I just want you to love them as much as I do!" Rick explained. "From now on you love your breasts, you want to show them off, you want people to catch glimpses of them. Your nipples are now as sensitive and arousing as your clit."
Rick watched in amazement, Laura's nipples grew hard, sticking out through her T-shirt. Laura looked down at them as well, her breathing increasing as the sensations drove her over the edge. "Oh fuck! Yes! Oh, these are wonderful..." Laura screamed pinching her nipples hard. "You're... going... to... make... me... cum..." Laura slammed down on Rick's cock, her legs shaking in orgasm, her trembling arms holding him tight. "Oh baby." She whispered, "You feel so good... but you can't cum in me."
"I can't?"
"Well, you can, there's nothing I'd like better, but I want your cum for something else." Laura shakily climbed off Rick's rock hard cock.
The cock stood hard against Rick's belly, pulsing with his heartbeat. A small trickle of fluid continually flowed out of the fat dark head. Rick looked over at Tracy and Janet. Both girls were standing watching with anticipation. True to his programming Tracy stood behind Janet, her hand massaging the young girl's pussy. Both girls were breathing heavy and needed no encouragement take Laura's place. Both girls knelt in front of Rick, taking turns licking and sucking his cock until he was ready to explode.
"Here! Cum in this!" Laura called bringing a measuring cup from the kitchen.
Laura held the cup between Rick's legs as the other two girls pumped his spewing cock into it. When he was done Laura held up the measuring cup to show that Rick had produced just over a cup of white liquid.
"You wanted to measure it?" Rick asked sarcastically as Tracy licked his slowly softening cock clean.
"No silly..." Laura said as she dipped a finger into the cup. "I'm making special drinks for tonight, and this is the special ingredient!" Laura fed her cum filled finger to her daughter, who sucked it clean, before dipping her finger back for herself.
"Remind me to skip the punch tonight then." Rick smiled as he stood up, pulling his cock from Tracy's mouth. "I'm going to get changed and have a visit next door. I think I might be able to work out a deal with Kim next door for some employment." As he was leaving the room he added, "By the way, as soon as I leave the room you three will forget about the programming I've given you, it'll still be in effect, but you won't be aware of it."
The three women watched as he started to leave the room, their expressions going blank for a moment. As soon as he left the room they started moving along with their planned day again. Each girl felt a little odd though. Every time Janet thought of her brother she felt a warm sensation, almost like the afterglow from an orgasm. The more she thought about him, the wetter she got. Tracy couldn't help but think of Rick's beautiful big cock. But she also kept watching the other girls, wanting to slide her fingers inside their pussies. She kept catching herself playing with her own pussy. Finally Laura felt really good about herself, specifically her wonderful full breasts. She admired the way they looked inside her tight T-Shirt, the way her stiff nipples pushed out against the cotton. Every time she would move her wonderful nipples would rub against the material, or her fingers, or one of the other girls and send jolts of pleasure through her. All three girls spent the afternoon with big smiles on their faces.
Rick walked across the back patio towards the fence shared with their neighbors. Beside their nicely appointed home there was a huge house, almost a mansion, that a rich German investor had built on two adjoining lots. The huge property included a well-appointed garden and huge swimming pool.
The businessman, Verner, live there with his second wife Kim, his daughter Tina and several servants. Verner was often out of town on business leaving his wife and daughter to their own devices.
Tina was a university student studying engineering. She was tall and attractive in sort of a Polynesian way taking the best features from her German father and Hawaiian mother.
Apparently Verner had a penchant for Asian women because his second wife, Kim, was from the Philippines. She was a short woman with smooth dark skin. Kim was slim, with a swimmer's body that really showed off a tiny bikini, sporting the addition of a large set of augmented breasts. The breasts, although large for her frame, fit nicely with her muscular frame.
Bored with staying at home all the time, Kim started her own business a few years ago. Really just an excuse for her and her rich friends to get together, have some drinks, have some fun and flirt with the help, Kim opened up a spa called Utopia. In the 3 years since it opened Utopia Spa is a favorite with the well to do from all over the world. This seemed like a perfect opportunity for Rick's new talents.
Rick walked up to the split rail fence that separated the two properties. Kim was laying in the shade by the pool sporting her new bikini. Her long black hair was tied back in a neat ponytail. It's amazing how much such a tiny piece of fabric costs, but what an effect it was having on Rick. Just standing there his cock was sliding down his thigh against his surfer shorts.
Lying on her lounger Kim was starting to stir. Rick watched as a wave of goose bumps covered her skin then subsided. Kim stretched, showing off her terrific body as she arched her back. Settling back down she slid her hand under the tight fabric and gently stroked her pussy.
Rick coughed, unable to stand and just watch. Kim startled and quickly pulled her wet hand from her pussy. "Hey Mrs. Steinhaus, sorry to, ah, bother you." Kim gracefully turned to sit cross-legged on the edge of the chaise lounge. She was still very aroused; it showed in her eyes and the way she sat so straight to show off her physique.
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If you've read my other stories, you know that I'm a bi-sexual guy who loves shemales as well as guys. Well, this story happened after Kelly had been living with me for about 6 months. I had been a through a nasty divorce, lost pretty much everything and then came into a large sum of money in one of my business deals so I bought a house in a nice, middle class neighborhood in SoCal. It is a two story, 4 bedroom with a big backyard that had a pool already when I bought it. I had a jacuzzi...
He was just a fella from the neighborhood. In his low 20’s, kind of awkward, but a good looking guy. I remember when he was a little k** just being a “pain in the ass”, doing all kind of stupid stuff. He was a little older than my youngest daughter who he always had a crush on. She loved him like a brother and still does, but it went no further than that. His parents broke up about 5 years ago and they all left the neighborhood upon the sale of their home. I think that he feels that this is...
New Neighborhood, Part 2After fucking like mad people for 2 hours now... Sam and Me, We reached Mark's party pretty late after the amazing fuck session we just finished in my bedroom. Everyone from the neighborhood was there dresses as total porn stars.. All guys in their satin boxers and girls in their teddies or bras and thongs.. Thank god I didn't wear the teddy.. My C-sting and 1/4th cup bra and sheer pullover so stood out.. I could feel eyes on me as soon as Sam and me walked in. The party...
Hie,this is Prameet srivastava from kanpur.This story is about my neighborhood aunt bubbli singh..Bubbli aunty was very conservative lady..She has dark complex but very attractive figure…She has huge boobs..She looks like bipasha basu…She is tall…Everybody wants to bang her at least once… She used to like me as I was very very good in my study…She was a very good lady till year 2010… Then their family left our neighborhood and settled in delhi… Slowly with the time,we lost contact of her. I...
Thoughts If I hadn't already had Bill as my owner, I might have pursued Mr. X and offered myself fully to him. He gives me so much of what I truly want and need. It's a special thing when a self-aware fembot offers herself to a human. The terms Love, Honor, and Obey, as well as For Better or For Worse, have singular meanings for us. Such a decision is always a carefully considered one. One which is virtually never revoked afterwards by the fembot. Even with my current ownership record,...
Sunday morning was living up to its name, with the sunshine streaming in Gary’s bedroom window, so he tried to turn over, away from the sun, but found that his arm was pinned down by something, something warm and soft, and that smelled really good. He cracked an eye open, and saw the beauty of Leanne sleeping next to him. He wriggled around a little, just enough to turn onto his side, and wrapped his arms around her again. He kissed her softly just behind her ear, and got a small moan from...
The day was hot, about 80 degrees, and everywhere in the neighborhood you looked you saw tank tops or tshirts and shorts. Working in the back yard I heard voices from Kevin's own yard beyond the high fence. Knowing that if I went upstairs I could look down into their yard, invading their privacy, but after seeing what I had seen earlier I didn't care. Getting a pepsi from the fridge I went upstairs and looked out the window. On the deck, lying on a lounge chair in the bright sun, was...
To start off my name is Tara. I'm a 5'6" blonde, 32, and very happily married. My husband is a great man, and I love him dearly, but lately our sex life has left much to be desired. About six months ago we moved into a new house in a very nice neighborhood in the suburbs. A couple weeks after we moved in my husband Bill and I were doing some cleaning around the house when the doorbell rang. Bill said he would answer and did just that. A couple minutes later he calls "Honey! Come here for a...
Group SexThis is the first story. If you want to take a walk through wonderful city of Milftown, this is where you have to start from. We are introduced to some of the main characters: The busty bombshell Ingrid Mitchell, her 20 years old well endowed daughter Lorna and the nosy neighborhood boy Ralph. All characters are over 18 years of age! The Neighborhood Milf – part 1 This is the first story. If you want to take a walk through wonderful Milftown, this is where you have to start from. We are...
MILFLogan and I were at my house. I had asked Logan over to help me with something. "My email became corrupted and I lost all my pics and vids of Kelly," I said. "Could you login to your email and copy them down to my computer?" "That will take some time." "It's my cameras that gave us all this." "Alright." As he was on my computer he said, "I'm lining up another fuck party. A week from this Friday." "Cool! I still need to figure out where to spend my money," I said. "I...
Introduction: Cindys twin teenage boys dedicate themselves to seducing their gorgeous mother, her breathtaking sister and her luciously ripe bodied cousin with randy results VERY INCESTUOUS RELATIONS CHAPTER 1 BOYS WILL BE (NAUGHTY) BOYS – DRINK UP COUSIN: After breakfast Margie sent her husband off on his regular week long sales trip. When his car had disappeared out of sight she went back inside to plan out her week. For the last month, she had been promising her mothers sister, Cindy,...
Alexandra Fleming awakes to witness her daughter Cassandra's gift has arrived. Several previously mentioned paradoxes reach finality. Episode 2 "Renewed Relations" Sanford Fleming house, Long Beach, California, 0630hrs, April 23rd, 1953 "Momma." That same dream had crept into my sleep again. Why did it constantly seek to ruin any full night's sleep I desperately needed? "Momma." The soft sheets, fluffy pillow, and warm blanket made me not want to answer the small...
My name is Mike, I am a 30 year old emergency room physician, just your average guy standing 5'7 and 170 lbs with average looks and a charming personality, but I pack a 10 inch long 5 inch diameter cock. That's one of things my wife loved about me, the way it stuffed her tiny pink cunt and stretched her little pink ass. My wife had a daughter Hayleigh, from a previous relationship but I loved her like she was my own.When my wife died in a car crash about 3 years ago, my stepdaughter Hayleigh...
By the time I had settled in my new place, it was late in the evening. Luckily, I had only one box left in the back of my car and then I was done. The box which had all my books. As I made my way up the stairs with my books, I began trying to get the key out of my pocket. I tried holding the box with one hand but ended up dropping the whole thing."Need some help?" a woman's voice asked.I looked up to see her standing there. Nice tan legs, tight black pants and a pink button-up blouse that...
MILFBefore class on Monday, Logan said, urgently, "We need to talk during lunch. It's about this afternoon." We always ate lunch together. I wondered what was up. I arrived at our regular lunch table first. "What's going on?" I asked. "Is there a problem? "No. I've been thinking. Today we take this thing we have with Kelly to the next level." "What's that?" "We're going to make money off her." "Money? How?" I was perplexed. "We're going to rent her to other...
Lisa Performs Customer Relations Bob owned an efficient and profitable company in a large country town north and west of the city. He and I had done business together for a couple of years now. I sold and he bought my company’s products. We knew a little bit of personal information about each other, that he was a widower, that I was a contentedly married wife and mother, and that our respective c***dren were grown up. I usually overnighted in the local motel. Occasionally we had a meal...
STUDENT/TEACHER RELATIONS It was turning out to be quite the lovely day. The sun was shining brightly, only becoming obscured as the occasional white, fluffy cloud drifted in front of its rays. My sunglasses on, I walked at a nice, leisurely pace. I was quite familiar with where I was going, having become pretty sure of the college campus's layout from frequent trips to it. I glanced at my watch, pleased to see that it was only half past twelve; I had plenty of time to make my...
Mark Kinsey woke to a few moments’ disorientation. This was not his bed, or his room, and his sheets did not normally feel like naked women. Then the previous day’s events hit him in a rush. He had been picked up! There had been a small riot at the Macy’s during the pickup. He had ended up with five concubines including three Vietnamese-American women: a mother, Mai Williams, and her two daughters, June, nineteen and May, sixteen. Eight-year-old Tranh was with them as well. Sandra Jenson was...
“Oh shit,” Rachel Parker exclaimed as the twenty-five-year old redhead recognized the well dressed older woman standing at the corner bus stop, not ten feet from the building she had just exited. Her outburst had been louder than she’d realized as both of her companions turned in her direction. Mary Ann Bradley, standing to Rachel’s left, had been a friend since high school while Brenda Phillips, on Mary’s left, had only met the two of them at another club a few weeks before. Realizing that,...
“My Queen and King,” the royal herald announced in a loud, trembling voice. His brown eyes were wild and his milky skin even paler than usual. Shaking noticeably, his eyes kept flashing back to the six robed figures standing close to him. It was as if he wanted to be sure they were real and was terribly afraid they’d disappear when he glanced away. Or maybe, that they’d consume him if he weren’t watching diligently. The figures were passingly strange. They were all tall, each of them at...
This is where she comes in, not exactly what I had in mind, but she was very attractive. Jenny was the new woman that had moved in with her family. At first I didn’t really think anything of her because I had never really seen her in person. My neighborhood pretty much kept to themselves and never really had any get to gathers. So a couple months passed and my sophomore year in high school had just ended. It was now summer time, the usual sleeping in, eating junk food, going outside and...
Shortly after we moved in, we went roving around our clothing-optional neighborhood. We just knew there would be gorgeous young naked chicks on every corner begging for us to satisfy their lustful needs. Think again. In a clothing optional environment, most people should opt for clothing. Honestly. There were few people our age, whether male or female, clothed or naked, living, dead, or anywhere in between. The neighbor’s on one side were a middle-aged couple who had consumed about three too...
We were four recent, white (and broke) college grads who met when we all started work as IT consultants in a middling-sized firm downtown. Josh, Paul, Randy and I (I’m Bill) saved money by finding a house to rent together. The place would never win any architectural awards, and we decided the plumbing was probably out of the 19 th century. Four bedrooms, three baths, a backyard with a patio, and, as they say, location, location, location. It came with a neighborhood to die for. The whole thing...
You are finally out in the real world. Your career choice of freelance web designer for being risky has a lot of benefits, Such as hours, pay and of course you run your own life. Your senior project was so good you college bought it from you and was willing to pay you a stipend for maintaining the site. With that money you were able put down a down payment on this house and afford the mortgage. The neighborhood is a quite middle class neighborhood named "Everhard". This is the town you went to...
"Welcome to the Neighborhood, "says a beautiful woman sitting at what appears to a normal suburban kitchen table. She looks like a normal Middle class wife, long blond hair with black roots starting to show. No make up and her glasses on top of her head. "I know you are sitting there with your adult family... that's right your children have turned 18 and now ready to really join what we called "The Life". I know that there is a lot of questions floating out there so I will answer a few of them...
TeenAs the sun sets on another day you prepare to set out to keep your neighborhood secure. You're a member of the neighborhood watch!
BDSMYou are new to the neighborhood and have just settled in as you sit on the couch when you hear the doorbell ring. You get up from the couch and peer out the window. A young lady that stands about 5'2" with red short hair and glasses on stands on the doorstep. You open the door and see that the woman has a beautiful figure with a really nice ass. The woman introduces herself..." Hello my name is Erin. I would like to welcome you to the neighborhood. If you would like I would love to invite...
I’ve decided to include one of my online friends to my list of Neighborhood Milfs. A virtual neighbor, so to speak. Lillian is someone I met through xhamster. The blue-eyed beauty with short, frosted hair has similar interests as myself, and I enjoy chatting with her. She said she came out of her shell late in life also, and is having some of the best sex of her life. Lillian is quite a bit more outgoing than I am, showing off her body in live webcam shows once a week. She seems to be very...