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“Oh shit,” Rachel Parker exclaimed as the twenty-five-year old redhead recognized the well dressed older woman standing at the corner bus stop, not ten feet from the building she had just exited.

Her outburst had been louder than she’d realized as both of her companions turned in her direction. Mary Ann Bradley, standing to Rachel’s left, had been a friend since high school while Brenda Phillips, on Mary’s left, had only met the two of them at another club a few weeks before. Realizing that, whatever the reason, her comment was directed to something ahead of them, they shifted their attention in that direction.

“Fuck!” Mary said in a much lower tone, echoing Rachel’s reaction, as she recognized the woman, now close enough to display a similar recognition.

“Oh my goodness, Rachel, it is you,” Belladonna Giordano said as she closed the distance between her and the three girls. “I was sure when I first saw you standing there that I had to be mistaken, but I can’t say how happy I am to have been right.”

Normally, Rachel would’ve had no problem with running into Belle Giordano, no matter how unexpectedly. After all, up until nine months ago the forty-two-year old was on track to become her mother-in-law, and throughout the two years that Rachel had dated Anthony Giordano she and Belle had enjoyed more cordial relations than she did with her own mother.

That situation was exemplified by the different way Belle and her own mother had reacted to the couple’s breakup, only three days before the wedding, when it came out that “the asshole”, as Rachel would now forever think of him, had been cheating on her. Elizabeth Parker’s counsel had been to forgive his little transgression because, after all, men were men and good ones were hard to find.

Getting a blow job by, or even screwing, one of the hookers his best man had hired for the bachelor party was a little transgression, Rachel had shot back at her mother in an angry tone she had never used before. What Anthony had been doing was fucking his former high school girlfriend, Karen Miller, who he’d run into a few months before at his grandfather’s garage. Moreover, he had been doing it right up until two weeks before the planned nuptials

Belle, on the other hand, had been the first one to refer to her son as “that asshole” and had immediately taken her almost daughter’s side, agreeing with her that the wedding be called off. She had divorced her own husband for similar behavior a few years after Anthony had been born and had zero tolerance for such behavior.

No, running into Belle Giordano wasn’t the problem. The problem was that she had run into her just as Rachel and her friends were coming out of Cherry Pie, one of the best lesbian clubs in the city. Going there tonight had been Brenda’s idea and as luck, or lack of it, would have it; Belle had to have seen them. It just didn’t seem possible that she couldn’t have since she was looking right at her as they came out the door.

Yet, as she kissed Rachel on the cheek, the statuesque brunette didn’t seem to have any reaction to it at all. In fact, she was just going on about how much she had missed spending time with Rachel.

“I’ve missed you too, Mrs. Giordano,” Rachel finally replied with a surge of relief as she accepted the fact that the impossible was indeed possible.

“Oh, it’s Mrs. Giordano now, is it?” Belle asked, taking a step backward to better see the young woman.

“I’m sorry, Belle,” Rachel apologized, “I’ve missed you too.”

“And are you going to introduce me to your friends?” Belle asked.

Introductions were quickly made and Belle smiled at Mary Ann and Brenda, remarking that she knew Mary Ann, didn’t she? When the younger woman replied that yes she did, Belle made a further remark that she really had to make the time to have her eyeglass prescription checked.

“It’s getting so I can’t see what’s ten feet in front of me at times,” Belle laughed, “or at least clear enough to really recognize it.”

“Let’s hear it for bad eyesight,” Mary Ann whispered to Rachel in a very low voice.

“So where are you all off to tonight?” Belle asked after explaining that she was meeting a friend and going to the late night showing of her favorite old movie at a theatre on the next block.

“Oh we had no specific plans,” Rachel quickly said, “just a girls’ night out.”

“Well you all have fun,” Belle said, adding that she’d love to come along but knew they didn’t need an old lady like her slowing them down. “It’s been a long time since I had a girls’ night out,” she laughed.

“You’re hardly old,” Rachel insisted, a sentiment both of the other girls echoed.

“Well I really must run,” Belle said, “Julie will be waiting at the theatre and wondering what’s become of me. But before I go, I want you to promise that you’ll come to dinner next week, and I won’t take no for an answer.”

“All right,” Rachel gave in, “how about Thursday night?”

“That would be fine,” Belle agreed, “say about seven?”

“I’ll be there,” Rachel said as she leaned forward and kissed Belle on her cheek.

Belle took a further moment to say goodbye to Mary Ann and Brenda, saying again how delighted she had been to meet them. Then she turned and hurried down the street toward the old Rialto Theatre.

“Wow, that was close,” Mary Ann said once Belle was across the street and far out of earshot.

“You’re telling me,” Rachel laughed.

“I don’t get it,” Brenda said, feeling she was missing something.

“Well, let’s just say that not all of us are out of the closet,” Mary Ann explained.

“I still can’t believe that she didn’t see us coming out of the club,” Rachel said.

“So what if she did,” Brenda asked. “It’s not as if she would’ve known what kind of club it was, would she?”

Both Mary Ann and Rachel turned around and took a long look at the “Cherry Pie.” It really didn’t look any different from any other club they had been to. In fact, except for the decorative lettering, and the picture of a pie with a slice cut out, on the smoky front window, there was nothing to identify it at all. The short line of girls waiting outside to get in really didn’t say much either since you could find similar lines at many straight clubs too.

“I guess we were just being a little paranoid,” Rachel concluded.

“Or feeling a little guilty,” Brenda suggested.

“I guess that too,” Rachel agreed, if somewhat reluctantly.

“God, that’s why I’m glad I’m not in the closet anymore,” Brenda laughed. “Life is too short to spend your time worrying if someone is going to find out that you’re a dyke.”

“Half-dyke,” Mary Ann said with a grin. “Some of us still drive stick on occasion.”

“So, are you going to have dinner with the old lady?” Brenda asked Rachel, not wanting to have that particular argument with Mary Ann again.

“Sure, why not. I have honestly missed her,” Rachel answered, then added in a stronger tone, “and I meant it when I said she wasn’t old. She has more energy than any two of us.”

“Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it,” Brenda replied, “In fact, I thought she was still pretty good looking, nice tits too. If she had decided to come along with us, I might’ve even tried giving her a tumble.”

“Brenda!” Rachel exclaimed in a shocked tone, unable to imagine what Mrs. Giordano’s reaction might’ve been to being approached by her friend.

“Hey, it was just a thought,” Brenda laughed. “You know what they say about good women and fine wine, they both get better with age.”

“Let’s just end this here and head on to the Pink Pussycat like we planned,” Mary Ann interjected. “It’s obvious that Brenda here is in serious need of a good fuck, and it wouldn’t do you or I any harm either.”

All three of them laughed in agreement and started out for the other club, which was about five blocks north.

Leaving work six days later, Rachel decided to stop off at the liquor store on the corner and pick up a nice bottle or two of wine to take with her to Mrs. Giordano’s. Anthony’s mother had called her earlier in the day to confirm their dinner date and to assure her, in case she had been worried, that her son wouldn’t show up unexpectedly.

“Actually, Anthony moved out not long after the wedding that wasn’t,” Belle had said. “He’s been living over at his grandparents’ until he can afford a place of his own. The two of us didn’t see eye to eye about a number of things and we both thought it best.”

It was one small bit of consolation, at least to Rachel, that “the asshole” had been left with the cost of the wedding reception even though no one actually went to it. The caterers, band and photographer still had to be paid, having signed contracts that had passed the date he could get any kind of refund. In addition, without the money he expected to get as gifts, all of it had to come out of his own pocket.

Faced with several thousand dollars in bills, he’d actually had the nerve to suggest that Rachel cover half the cost. She in turn had suggested that he ask Karen Miller for half, since she was the reason there hadn’t been a wedding. Unfortunately for Anthony, she had already moved on to another hard cock and wasn’t returning his calls.

With two bottles of wine that she was sure would go well with what Belle was making for dinner, Rachel boarded the cross town bus and headed over to the Riverside section. She worked later than she planned and hadn’t had time to change, but she was sure Mrs. Giordano would understand. The last thing she had wanted to go to dinner in was the black skirt and white blouse she wore as a hostess at Papa Giovanni’s.

The bus left Rachel off two blocks from the Giordanos’ so she found herself ringing the doorbell at five past seven. Almost as if she had been waiting by the door, Belle answered the chimes before the echo had a chance to fade.

“I’m so sorry I’m late,” Rachel said as soon as the door was fully open. “Things were crazy at the restaurant and my relief was late and...”

“No need to apologize, my dear,” Belle assured her with a warm smile. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re right on time,” she added as she led her dinner guest into the foyer.

“And I’m sorry that I didn’t have time to change,” Rachel continued as she followed Belle out into the kitchen with the bottles of wine, thankfully noting that the older woman was also dressed on the casual side, with a soft blue blouse atop a pair of dark slacks.

“Perfectly understandable,” Belle said as she took a large bucket out from under the cabinet and filled it with ice. “Work does come first. Besides, I think you look really cute in that outfit,” she laughed.

Rachel replied with a smile as she took the two bottles out of the bag and put them into the bucket of ice. The smell of lamb chops in the broiler filled the kitchen and she remembered the best thing about nights at the Giordanos’. One thing you could say about Belle was that she really knew how to cook. A few years ago, she had started a small but highly successful catering service, and Rachel had often thought that if she ever wanted to open a restaurant, Belle could’ve given Mario Giovanni a run for his money.

“Now if we’re lucky, these will be chilled by the time everything else is done,” Belle said as she checked on each aspect of their meal. “If not, I already have a bottle in the fridge that we can open first.”

It turned out that they did need to use the one from the refrigerator, but that in no way detracted from Rachel’s enjoyment of the meal. The over dinner conversation was pretty commonplace, more a matter of just catching up with what had been happening in each other’s life since the break-up of Rachel and Anthony. It wasn’t until the dishes had been cleared and they’d retired to the living room couch with the first bottle of Rachel’s wine that their discussion became more personal.

“So,” Belle said as she stretched out her legs, kicking off her shoes so that she could slide her legs up onto the cushion, “are you seeing anyone?”

“No, not really,” Rachel replied, following Belle’s example and making herself more comfortable. “I guess I’m just not ready yet to get into anything serious.”

“That’s understandable,” Belle said as she took a drink from her wine glass. “In fact, I think you’re probably better off being like that for a while. I never said it before because I didn’t think it was my place to interfere, but I thought you were way too young to be getting married.”

“Really?” Rachel said in surprise.

“You have your whole life ahead of you,” Belle went on, “and if at some point you want to follow the traditional wife and possibly mother route, there will be plenty of time for that. But I think that someone as young and beautiful as yourself should take the time to see what’s out there, to enjoy life before you get yourself tied down.”

“That’s funny,” Rachel said.

“Why is that?” Belle asked.

“Because that’s exactly the opposite of what my mother still tells me,” Rachel replied. “That there are only so many good men out there and that I should latch onto one before they’re all gone.”

“Well, men aren’t the world,” Belle said as she refilled her glass.

“What?” Rachel asked, not sure what she had meant.

“Oh nothing,” Belle said, discarding her remark with a wave of her hand as simply thinking out loud, then changed the subject to how Rachel was making out at Papa Giovanni’s.

“I’m doing okay,” Rachel answered, “but it has become sort of a dead end.”

“How so?”

“Well, it’s fine being a hostess,” Rachel said, “but I’d really like to get more involved in running the restaurant. I’ve been taking some business classes at the community college and I really think I could contribute something in that area.”

“So have you talked about that with Mario?” Belle asked as she refilled Rachel’s glass.

“Twice,” Rachel answered as she took a slip from the now filled glass, “but as long as he has two unmarried daughters working there, he really doesn’t need anyone else in the back office.”

“I see,” Belle said. She remembered Maria and Sophia Giovanni well and was quite ready to accept that the two of them were going to be unmarried for a very long time. It wasn’t a nice thing to say, but the truth was that the only way a ring was going on either of their fingers was if a percentage of the restaurant went with it.

“Have you thought of looking elsewhere?” Belle asked after a moment’s pause.

“I’ve actually gone on a half dozen interviews,” Rachel said, “but the end result is always the same. I don’t have any real experience and no one is going to hire me without it.”

“Catch-22,” Belle observed. “You can’t get hired without experience but you can’t get experience if you don’t get hired.”

“At least not until I get my associate’s degree,” the redhead clarified, “but at the rate I’m going that’s going to take another two years at least. With the hours I work at Papa Giovanni’s, I can only take one or two classes at a time.”

“I see,” Belle commented, thinking that she might have a solution to Rachel’s problem but that now wasn’t the time to bring it up. Not when she had other things on her mind.

The phone on the end table rang, providing a break in the conversation. Belle excused herself for a few minutes while she went back out into the kitchen to take the call in private. Closing her eyes as she rested her head on the couch’s high back, Rachel remembered how much she’d missed spending afternoons and evenings with Belle. In a way, they had been the best part of her relationship with Anthony.

Of course this wasn’t the first time that thought had occurred to her. During the weeks after she and Anthony had broken up, Rachel had often asked herself that if she hadn’t enjoyed being part of his family so much, would their relationship have lasted as long as it did. Even before the Karen revelation, Rachel had been having second thoughts about the marriage. She had chalked it up to cold feet, but the nagging thought that she might be making a mistake never really went away.

“Sorry that took so long,” Belle said as she came back into the room. “I have a catering job on Sunday and the client just wanted to confirm some last minute details.”

“That’s okay,” Rachel replied as Belle took back her place on the other end of the sofa. “It must be nice being your own boss.”

“It is,” Belle agreed, “if only for the reason that you get to set your own hours, allowing time for other interests as well.”

“Yes, that’s definitely an advantage,” Rachel said, thinking how her own life was ruled by the big assignment board in Papa Giovanni’s kitchen.

“It was nice seeing Mary Ann the other night, she’s a lovely girl,” Belle said, again changing the subject. “She always seemed very nice.”

“She is,” Rachel said. “We’ve been friends a long time.”

“And that other girl, Brenda was her name, right,” Belle asked. “Have you known her long too?”

“Actually, Mary Ann and I just met her a few weeks ago at a club,” Rachel said, bringing her glass up to enjoy more of the wine. “We all just seemed to hit it off and became almost instant friends.”

“I see,” Belle said while Rachel took her drink. “Was that at “Cherry Pie” or another club?”

Caught in mid swallow, it was all Rachel could do not to spit out the wine in her mouth. As it was, it took a few long seconds before she could stop choking from having the wine go down the wrong way.

“The what?” she sputtered.

“Cherry Pie, the club the three of you were coming out of the other night,” Belle repeated. “You seemed a little embarrassed about it at the time so I thought it best to act like I hadn’t noticed.”

“Oh God,” Rachel gasped, thinking herself pretty foolish to have bought the poor eyesight excuse. Then again, she had accepted it because she wanted to believe it. “Mrs. Giordano, Belle,” she corrected herself, “I swear to you, I’m not, I mean I was never...”

“Rachel, take a deep breath,” Belle said in a calm tone.

“Belle, I swear, I’m not...” Rachel started to say after taking that breath, then paused as she realized that she was reacting defensively without any regard for whether she was speaking truthfully or not. She had never lied to the woman sitting across from her and she wasn’t about to start now.

“It’s okay Rachel,” Belle said in the same reassuring voice, “take your time and say what you want to say. I promise that, whatever it is, it will be okay.”

“I was about to say that I’m not a lesbian,” Rachel said, pausing for a few extra moments before going on, “but that wouldn’t really be the truth, at least not the whole truth. I guess I’ve always been attracted to other women, but I like men too, at least sometimes.”

“So you’re bisexual,” Belle said, her tone carrying no more surprise than if she’d accused Rachel of not being a natural redhead.

“I guess so, I mean I think so,” Rachel replied, then added in a much more determined voice, “but I want you to believe that I did love Anthony, I really did, and when we were together I never cheated on him with another man or woman.”

“Well, then you were a lot more committed to the relationship than he ever was,” Belle said, “but then again you were always a lot more mature than Anthony.”

Rachel showed surprise that Belle would make an observation like that about her own son.

“Don’t look so surprised,” Belle said, “I’m only speaking the truth. Do you remember when you were planning the wedding and I offered to take care of the catering? If not to do it myself then to at least make all the arrangements. Anthony wouldn’t hear of it and had to do it all on his own, just to prove his independence. In the end, that cost him a lot.”

“I remember,” Rachel said, the smallest of smiles on her face.

“Mary Ann and Brenda, are they like you too?” Belle asked, her question seeming to carry a lot more weight than simple curiosity.

“Mary Ann is,” Rachel answered. “I mean she likes both guys and girls. Brenda is totally into women only.”

“I see and have you and they... ?” Belle further asked, the full extent of the question not needing to be said.

“Mary Ann and I,” Rachel started to answer, pausing to think that this was a discussion she could never imagine having with her own mother. “Mary Ann and I used to, I guess you could call it experimenting, back in high school. We were never really a couple, you know girlfriends not just girlfriends,” she added, trying to explain what she really didn’t know how to explain.

“Have you ever had a lover?” Belle asked, her use of the word leaving no doubt she wasn’t talking about a man.

“Two,” Rachel said, surprising herself with her honesty. “One before I met Anthony, and one after. The first one lasted about six months, the second less than six weeks.”

“She caught you on the rebound, huh,” Belle smiled.

“I can’t believe I’m having this discussion,” Rachel finally said, adding her earlier thought that she couldn’t have imagined having it with her mother, or that Belle didn’t seem to be shocked by what she’d already told her.

“Well, I’m not your mother,” Belle grinned, “and I don’t shock easily.”

Belle waited a beat, then went on.

“Have you stopped to consider for a moment, how it was that I knew what kind of club the three of you were coming out of that night?” she asked. “It’s not like they have a big neon light outside flashing ‘lesbian bar’.”

The look on Rachel’s face said she hadn’t.

“Well, I could say that I knew exactly what the Cherry Pie was because I’m friends with the owner and did a few catering jobs for private parties there,” Belle answered. “And if anyone else asked, that’s the answer they would’ve gotten. The truth, however, would be that I knew what kind of place it was long before that, because I’d been there several times as a customer.”

It took a moment for the implications of that admission to sink in. Then Rachel asked the obvious question if Belle was also bisexual.

“Actually, I’m more like your friend, Brenda,” Belle said without hesitation. “I’ve never had any interest in men, at least not sexually. Men can be great friends, but I’ve never felt the need for one in my bed.”

“I don’t understand,” Rachel said, the confusion in her voice quite evident. “You were married, you have a son.”

“And that, is a story and a half,” Belle said, adding that Rachel should open up that last bottle and sit back to hear a tale, one that didn’t involve a fateful trip but a walk down the aisle for two people who were as unlike as could be.

It only took Rachel a minute to open the bottle and fill both glasses, after which Belle began her story.

“I met Stephen Giordano back in high school,” she began as she picked up her glass again. “He was a junior and I was a freshman. As I’m sure it still was in your day, the two groups hardly mixed. In our case, it was different, but I’m getting ahead of myself.”

“Stephen was the All-American boy back then,” she explained. “Top of his class in almost every subject, as well as lettering in both baseball and track. His parents had great dreams for him, among which was setting him up in the family business. Even back then they already owned two garages and were planning a third. Also of prime importance to his grandparents was for him to eventually find a suitable bride and continue the family line. The latter seemed much more important to the family judging from their reaction the first time he brought me home to meet them.”

Even though her own family consisted only of her parents and a little brother, Rachel could easily imagine the family structure and priorities Belle described.

“I think Nanna Giordano starting planning our wedding that first night at dinner, never mind that I was barely thirteen and we’d only been on a few dates so far,” Belle said. “Still, her persistence paid off and only three years later we walked down the isle according to plan.”

“I don’t understand,” Rachel interrupted. “If you never liked men, why would you marry one?”

“Well, I said it all went according to plan, but I didn’t say exactly whose plan it was, did I?” Belle grinned.

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Teenage girls tend to travel in packs, and black teenage girls even more so. So this one was something of a loner, to be out shopping in a mostly-white neighborhood on a warm Saturday afternoon. Or window-shopping at least, since she did not seem to have bought anything. I was sitting in the 900 block of 36th, on the bench at the bus stop. Not that I was actually waiting for the bus; I just didn't feel like going home yet, a bus had just gone by, and I knew another wasn't due...

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Internation Relations

For the love of my life… I wake up in the morning, and you’re not next to me. It’s kind of weird, because normally I have to wake up and go to work before you stir. Even though you are normally sleeping, I appreciate the opportunity to put my arms around you… Rub myself against you… Thrust my nose into your hair and smell how delicious it is. My fingertips crave your nipples. The palms of my hand are addicted to cupping your breasts. I am addicted to you. Waking up in the morning and doing...

4 years ago
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Employee Relations

This is my first attempt at publishing any of my writing. This is also my first attempt at writing anything of an erotic nature. Comments and helpful criticism are greatly appreciated. This story is not quite completed, but I would like some feedback before publishing the rest. Thank you, Angel. * I was always attracted to the preppy, athletic look. I had this requirement growing up that all the men I dated had to be at least four inches taller than me, meaning they had to be at least six...

3 years ago
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Fiona helps with neighbourly relations

Introduction: Losing the race yesterday means fiona has to be punished maybe a day of being humilated and used by the neighbours will make her try harder in the next race Id woke up the next morning at around half nine and Fiona and Alice were still flat out beside me, probably still worn out from all of the previous days fucking so I left them to sleep whilst I made myself a cup of tea and wondered how I could punish Fiona for losing yesterday. Thinking about it I actually thought giving her...

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International relations

 I thrust hard into Jutta as her body tensed for her final climax. Her impeccable hair and makeup contrasting with the lust in her half-closed blue eyes pushed me onward, upward, and inward as I caressed her erect nipples and small breasts through her silk blouse and lacy brassiere. I thrust harder, knowing the stage she was at, and without fail it pushed her to the edge. Her eyes closed, blue irises replaced by light green and blue shaded lids, and then her head fell back as wave after wave of...

College Sex
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Psi Relations

When i woke up i didn't know where i was. I couldn't really see that well, it was too bright, the light stung my eyes. I heard voices but they sounded far away and muffled. There was an annoying electronic chirping and the low hum of an air pump. It was chilly but not exactly cold and at some point someone came in and washed me down with warm water and a sponge. It slowly dawned on me that i must be in a hospital and by the time the thought crystalized night had fallen. My eyes adjusted easier...

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Family Relations

"Jared! Wake your brother up and get down here. I have some good news for you." My mom, Tina, yells to me from downstairs. I go into my twin brother's room, which used to be our sister's room, to find him lying on his bed with the covers kicked off, naked. Seeing him lying there makes my cock hard as I remember sucking each other's cocks when we were younger and sleeping in the same bed. I gently shake him and tell him that mom wants to talk to us about something. He groggily gets up and makes...

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Congratulations! For winning the Gundamium Sensual Summer Contest. You were chosen by our company president based on your written entry. As the winner you are now to partipate in our new program: to design the perfect partner. Before we begin, we'll just need to figure out if your a man or woman, what exactly you're looking for in your partner: your partner's race, what type of partner you would like, breast/chest size, vagina/penis size, and outfit that they're wearing when they meet you. So,...

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Blood Relations

My name is Mayumi Shimazu. I am a chauffeur working for the Takeda family. They are a wealthy family known for their famous jewelry that all the beautiful women wear, and the man behind all of it was Tadakazu Takeda. His son, Kazunari Takeda, is a handsome actor who was featured in commericals for the jewelry, and had a beautiful wife. Her name was Shiori Takeda, and her maiden name was Naoe. She was a geisha and a master of the way of tea, and had a stunning, voluptuous figure. Her breasts...

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Pandoras Executive Relations

It was a normal, busy Friday, just after lunchtime at Pandora’s real estate firm. She was working away in her office when her boss’s secretary suddenly dashed into her office. “Pandora,” she said. Pandora looked up at the woman now standing in the doorway of her office. “Mr. Smith would like to have a word with you.” Pandora paused for a moment, and responded. “Please tell him I will be there in a minute.” She wondered what Mr. Smith needed; he rarely spoke to Pandora. Justin Smith was the CEO...

Office Sex
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Neighborly Relations

Carolyn had unpacked the last box when the doorbell rang. Pushing her hair back with a huff, she wondered who would be ringing the bell on her first day in her new house. Probably the neighborhood busy body, wanting to be the first to get the scoop, she thought sourly. She looked briefly in the newly-hung hall mirror on her way to the door, noting with dismay her rumpled t-shirt and less-than-pristine shorts. Well, people who popped over unannounced shouldn't expect perfection. Reminding...

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International Relations

My oldest son, Alexei announced his intention to us over breakfast. He wanted to be an international exchange student. I took it in as I ate my fried eggs and toast. I, too, spent time as doing what he has mentioned.My name is Oleg Ursu. I was born and raised in the eastern European nation of Moldova. I live with my wife, Valentina, and three c***dren in the city of Comrat. I am a general practice physician. I swallowed a gulp of my tea as I recalled my youth. I speak Romanian, Russian, English...

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StudentTeacher Relations

I'd been in your class all year. I sat in the desk in the very back, the one covered in doodles and partially chewed gum. I never really paid attention, and you could tell. I just sat there, daydreaming. History was a dull subject to me anyways. Yet, there was always something about you that intrigued me, something that led me to stay after class and ask for extra credit assignments to make up for my poor test grades. You were strictly against extra credit, but for some reason I was an...

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Money Has No Relations

Hello all, hope you are having a good time. To the people who don’t know me, my name is Karthik. You can read my previous encounters with twins whom I made my sluts. Now coming to this story. It is a story about me and my wife’s friend whom I had an encounter with. Her name is Sandhya (name changed), a friend to my wife who used to call me brother. She has a cute face along with tiny assets. She is 5’3″ and has a stats of 32-28-34. Now coming to the story. I am residing in Khammam due to my...

4 years ago
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I find these events so hard to believe. I was there, obviously. I remember it all. But it was a night of such high emotions, stress, and so forth all mixed together. So I had to write it out anonymously, just so I could actually believe it happened. Hopefully when I am done, and I tell this tale, I can read it a few times. I'll let it sink in, then probably delete it, once I realize how wrong it was, and that it should never happen again.But just a little about my situation previous to the...

3 years ago
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Rob and Jane Part 3 Public Relations

After Rob and Jane's wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn't stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...

Quickie Sex
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Secret relations

Hi! This is Pabby here again with my another experience. Enjoy it and reply me to tell me how was it and do u want something more? If any girls or couple wants to contact me plz mail me at This is a true story of mine that unfolded a year ago. I was a new aspirant to the world of sex & seduction, was never indulged in erotic sex, other than a few hip-hops. I was 23 then, a final year college lad with good rappo among the gals at the campus. Ours was a joint family, my dad was the eldest & I...

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Strange Relations

Chapter 1 Kathleen Saunders smiled to herself as she saw her son's car pulling into the driveway, wet with anticipation and longing she watched him getting out and bending for his bag in the back seat. Apart from a change of clothes, she knew there'd be a few things in there for her, things that they'd both enjoy and no longer would they have to pretend in front of her husband! She was wearing all his favourite things under the black suit, black seamed stockings fastened to the straps of...

2 years ago
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Employee Relations

It was getting late - about 8pm. My secretary was working on the expense reports for February, marking up the receipts and entering them into the computer. When he finished each one, there would be a quiet thump as he stamped them with the "Done" stamp. It was taking longer than I had hoped and I was already done with my work. I decided to have some fun. Wandering over to his desk, I cleared off a space on the left side and slid up onto it, in a seated position, facing him. He looked at...

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Client Relations

Rick always knew it was time to catalog his sins when Lamaze appeared over his shoulder in the minutes before the market closed. Lamaze, whose real name was Edgardo Fuente, never moved from his desk unless he felt it was absolutely necessary. When Rick first started working at Coleman-Bradford, Lamaze was already fat. The intervening years of sedentary prosperity had taken him past fat to corpulence until even the simple act of hauling himself out of his chair and walking to the trading floor...

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The Omega PathChapter 22 Promises and Lost Relations

Symbols flared from the center of the hypersigil, and a new glowing line snaked from the nexus to the duality glyph. Lady Zamora extended a single finger and followed the fiery tendril through the intersecting patterns, interpreting the design. "He cleaves the afterworlds," she murmured to herself. "Splitting Heaven and Hell. The two Nephilim confront him. Purgatory calls." She counted the ticks on the line, picked up her phone, and dialed. "My lady," Tombspawn's cold voice answered....

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WednesdaysChapter 23 Client Relations

"Listen, Sheldon," Sylvia said, "I've got a problem." They were at Sylvia's office, going over plans for the new building. She went to the door and closed it. "What's up?" Sheldon asked. "You remember what I said the day we met? I don't date clients?" "Yes. And I was kind of surprised — pleasantly — that you changed your mind. You're pretty decisive." "Yeah. Well, I've made another decision. It's over and I shouldn't have broken my rule." Sheldon was surprised. "What...

2 years ago
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State of ChaosChapter 24 Public Relations

Anita went searching for Tony on Monday morning when he didn't show up for breakfast. He was sitting on the couch, playing a furious acoustic piece on his Ovation. It was obvious that if he'd slept at all it hadn't been much. He had a smile on his face. He looked up at her as she approached and slowly wound down the song he had been playing. He was done now anyway. "Morning little one," he said, setting down the guitar. "Tony! We need to leave in like twenty minutes or I'll be late....

4 years ago
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Remys SeductionChapter 3 Unusual Relations

Julian Thames wasn’t about to trust a slave to make decisions about how he’d handle his new acquisitions. Bethany seemed a bit eager to damage little Miss Remy. Julian wouldn’t even trust his slaves with his real name as if by some magic that trust would grant them power of some kind. The fake name that he had given her, “Sirius” meant burning in Greek. He had decided that he was to be the flame burning away all of her past self. But she didn’t catch that. Nor could she be expected to, but...

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The CatalystChapter 10 Helpful Relations

[“Be there in just a minute!” We said.] We cleaned up and walked over to where Ed was grilling the ribs. The girls went in to talk to Gracie. Ed was excited about his pool, then told us to look for a ‘reward’ from Paul when the guys come to finish the installation. We asked when his pool was going to get installed. “Well, Paul said his guy was digging a pool on Tuesday, and might dig mine on Wednesday, depending on the weather forecast. I guess there’s a chance of severe thunderstorms on...

3 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIV 3 Symbolic Relations

Dr. Kinmon, Mr. Higgs' old friend, had a nice, neat, orderly office with several green plants growing by the two windows. After Higgs and he shook hands and finished the old ritual "It's been a long time," "How's the wife," and arguing that their kids were driving them more nuts that the other, Dr. Kinmon waited for us to tell him what our visit was about. "Arron... You remember when we spent days studying the pictures of the Egyptian hieroglyphics in the library?" "Of course I...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 2 Symbolic Relations

Dr. Kinmon, Dr. Higgs’s old friend, had a nice, neat, orderly office with several green plants growing by the two windows. After Higgs and he shook hands and finished the old ritual, “It’s been a long time,” “How’s the wife,” and arguing that their kids were driving them more nuts than the other, Dr. Kinmon waited for us to tell him what our visit was about. Dr. Higgs started with, “Arron, do you remember when we spent days studying the pictures of the Egyptian hieroglyphics in the...

2 years ago
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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 2 Employee Relations

(Luke’s Story) mc, mf, impreg. “Did you see the look on that boy’s face when his whore barreled out of the changing room?” “Yeah! He was just standing there with his dick hanging out like a dumb ass.” Luke Bradley listened to his co-workers Penny and Ashley as they idly mocked the two fleeing exhibitionists. Working with the public had exposed the twenty-two-year-old to a lot of strange behavior. However, to his knowledge, this was the first time someone had actually had sex in one of the...

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A Peril at IshtarChapter 35 Naval Relations

The fighting outside seemed to die down after Ruth was so violently thrown back from our door. The AI reported that all small arms and explosives had been stripped from the armory and that only the morgue and battle armor were still secure. I had recommended that the AI find a way to disable the battle armor only to be informed by the AI that a rogue power surge had already fried a part of the armor electronics rendering it useless until repaired. We were pleased to hear that Ruth and Manuel...

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A Fresh StartChapter 56 International Relations

We dropped on Honduras at 0700 on Monday 7 September 1981. At the time, it seemed as if a combat drop would be preferable to hanging around either the battalion or Marilyn. I had made a mistake when I went into ROTC lo those many years ago. No, the Army wasn’t going into combat for quite a while. That didn’t mean I might not get deployed somewhere. The Sandinistas had taken over in Nicaragua, and were making themselves into a real pain in the rear for everybody in the region, and especially...

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BreederChapter 5 Friendly Neighborhood Relations

Rick walked down the hall from shower to the kitchen. He felt really good. This is quite amazing considering all he'd been through in the last 36 hours. Not only had he found out that he is part of an alien plan to populate the earth with a sort of master race. He'd not only found out that his mother, Laura, and sister, Janet, were part of the experiment but he'd spent hours fucking both of them. Plus he was literally given the girl he lusted over for 10 years in the form of Tracy, the...

2 years ago
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BreederChapter 7 Guest Relations

Rick walked into the living room to see how the festivities were progressing. He was still enjoying the satisfaction of leaving 3 beautiful women, especially a mother and daughter, begging for his cock. So far his evening of experimentation and conquest was going well. Feeling more than a little arrogant Rick thought that he'd see if he could really push things. He noticed first that Tracy had the Russians Anna and Nikola occupied. He also noticed that she was happily brushing her hands...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Relations

Note : This story is completely fictional! CHAPTER ONE Nineteen year-old Elizabeth (Lizzy) Monroe pulled up to the driveway of the two story home she lived in with her parents in suburban Denver, Colorado. Her parents were both hard-working professional types and weren’t home much to spend time with her. Her dad was a doctor, her mom a successful real estate agent. Their careers afforded them the best life had to offer, but, unfortunately, the cyclical nature of having to live to support these...

1 year ago
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Customer Relations

Delivering pizza wasn't much of a job, but it helped keep me in school, and it did give me the opportunity to meet some very interesting people. Such was the case with Lance Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert was one of my most frequent, and better tipping customers. Judging by the way he eyed me up and down when I made his deliveries, I was almost certain he had a crush on me, which I found flattering as hell given the fact that he was such a great looking guy. Gilbert looked to be in his mid to late...

1 year ago
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Landlord Tenant Relations

Nicole looked nervously at the front entrance to her apartment. She had walked around the building 3 times deciding how best to avoid Bob Harrison the dirty fat smelly landlord as she was 2 months behind in her rent. It had only been 6 months since she moved into Jesrsey, New York and she was already regretting her decision to leave home in favour of attending college in the Big Apple. She had thought that her savings would last her at least 8 months before she had to look for a part-time job,...

Group Sex
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 43 Defining Dual Relationships

December 26, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota When we got to the room, I got two of the complimentary bottles of water from the fridge, and handed one to Mary. We sat down on the couch, and put our stocking feet up on the coffee table. “So what’s bugging you?” I asked. “As I said, work is great. I’m really enjoying the research and I get to participate in a lot of interesting cases, such as yours.” “But...” “My social life sucks. And I’m not just talking dating, but friends, too. When I...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 76 Relationships

May 9, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Hi Tiger!” Jessica called out from the great room. I went in and saw my wives, Bethany, Abbie, Matthew, Michael, and Birgit watching TV. “I’ll take the kids,” Abbie said. “It’s close to bedtime, anyway.” I hugged them and then my wives and I went to the ‘Indian’ room. “So?” Kara asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. “She’ll be here for dinner tomorrow.” “That’s not an answer, Tiger,” Jessica laughed. “That is an answer! I suppose if you want to know,...

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An Unusual BeginningChapter 7 New Relationships

I awoke tightly enveloped in Samantha's much smaller body. I was very hard but the feeling of freely having been able to sleep with Sam and being able to hold her in my own bed, was enough to keep me content. My mother crept into the room. She was wearing the baby doll nightie that she was fond of wearing. It was very sheer and just dropped at the front from Mom's remarkable breasts to about mid way down her pussy. It had a fluffy sort of material at the bottom to weigh it down but even...

3 years ago
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Our Relation

our relationHello to all ISS readers! I am Rahul from Nagpur (Maharashtra). My English is week, so here I just tried to explain the incident happened with me. This story happened before 1yr when I was 25 yr old. Since c***dhood, I am so shy type boy so I always got hard to find any girl-friend. After completing my education I got job in Mumbai with good salary. It was now a six month of my job and I missing my dear mom so much. So I requested my boss to grant me a leave....

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our relation

Our Relation Hello to all ISS readers! I am Rahul from Nagpur (Maharashtra). My English is week, so here I just tried to explain the incident happened with me. This story happened before 1yr when I was 25 yr old. Since childhood, I am so shy type boy so I always got hard to find any girl-friend. After completing my education I got job in Mumbai with good salary. It was now a six month of my job and I missing my dear mom so much. So I requested my boss to grant me a leave. He accepted and I...

2 years ago
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My Family Sexual Relationships

Hii ISS friends. This is Ravi of age 21. I am from Madras. I am studying btech 4th year. I have well built body. Please excuse me for any mistakes. I have seen lot of stories here so its my time to write mine. Those who are looking for short story please leave. Its a slow and long story. So maintain patience. My family consist of 4members my dad mom sister and me. My dad is a businessman. He lives in Bangalore. He visits us on weekends or Holidays. My mom name is Radha of age 35. She is damn...


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