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I find these events so hard to believe. I was there, obviously. I remember it all. But it was a night of such high emotions, stress, and so forth all mixed together. So I had to write it out anonymously, just so I could actually believe it happened. Hopefully when I am done, and I tell this tale, I can read it a few times. I'll let it sink in, then probably delete it, once I realize how wrong it was, and that it should never happen again.

But just a little about my situation previous to the event. I really worked my butt off for three months prior in order to close a tax accounting contract that brought millions to my company, and a huge bonus to myself. I guess that was the start of my euphoria. I was on top of the world the night after I got my bonus. It was 2 days before Thanksgiving. My wife, and mother to my only daughter was out of town, as she had been so often to care for her aging father. She would be back to our house tomorrow evening, and to this day, 5 months later be totally unaware of what had happened under the roof we share. However, she does know of the accident that led up to this event. We are a family after all.

As I think back on all of this I have to stop and account for all of it carefully. These event that preceded, are a blur, because they happened so quickly and under a great deal of stress. I know this, so if I remember more of it later, I'll just fill in the blanks in my head. No need to re-write a story I'm just going to delete anyway.

November 23rd of last year, around 9:50 PM

I glanced up at the clock on the wall behind the TV noting yet another commercial, during my show. I honestly didn't realize what time it was until then. Then it occurred to me that my eighteen year old daughter should be here by now. She has been traveling home from college upstate since mid afternoon. The last I heard from her was about six, when she was halfway here. It is now nearly ten and she is overdue.

Picking up my phone, I halfway tuned into the last few minutes of my show as I called her. After several rings, her message service picked up. I hung up and tried again. During the third time I started to get a little nervous. The snowstorm has picked up considerably in the past few hours. But just as it was about to go to the answering service again, I heard her voice.

"Hi dad," Heather answered.

"Oh good you picked up," I said. "I was worried".

"Sorry," she giggled. "I had the radio on really loud."

"Are you getting close?" I asked.

"Actually yeah," she said. "Just turning onto James' lake road now. It was hard making the turn. The snow is like over a foot in the middle of the road on Baxter."

"Yeah it really came down," I said, starting to feel relieved.

"So like ten minutes", she said. "Any leftovers? I'm starving".

"Yeah, some chicken soup I made," I smiled.

"Oh yum," she giggled. "You know Dad, as much as I am enjoying school, it's good to come home for the holidays."

"It's so good to have you here," I said softly as I stepped out on the porch.

"Your the only k** I've got you know".

"Whoa," Heather said with an elongated tone.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"Oh nothing," she said. "That corner down near Perkin's beach, you know. It's kinda steep. I have to slow down."

"Oh I think I see you," I said as I looked down the road about a half a mile. "Slow down Heather".

"I am but it's slippery," she said.

"Put it in first, pump the brakes!" I exclaimed.

"Trying!" she exclaimed.

"Your going faster," I exclaimed.

"Not on purpose," she said nervously. "It's slippery. I can't slow down."

"Turn into the sk**," I said as I saw her little car start to move sideways at increasing speed.

"Ah dad!", she exclaimed, "putting the phone down!"

"Dammit," I exclaimed as I heard a bang from the phone presumably being tossed on the dashboard. "Heather!"

I watched in horror as the car slid off of the road sideways at the bottom of the hill. My heart raced as it slowed and looked as if it would come to a stop. Then it slid more and picked up speed, flipping onto its top, then righting itself again, slamming broadside, hard against a tree. The sound was deafening. Of course it wasn't from this distance, but just the thought of my daughter being hurt created those sound effects in my head.

"Heather!", I hollered into the phone as I ran back into the house.

Quickly I took my keys, and hurriedly grabbed my jacket. Running into the garage, I slammed the door open. Jumping in my truck as fast as I could, I cussed at the garage door taking so long to rise. Once it had, an eternity later, I pulled quickly out of the garage, sliding all over the driveway. Realizing how to fix the problem, I switched into four wheel drive, and sped off down the road in the direction of the wreck. I kept hollering into the phone through a connection that was still open. There was no answer. As I approached the scene, I lined the truck up with the position of my daughter's car and turned the high beams on. As I got out, I started calling her name. A nearby neighbor, Mr. George must have heard the noise and was running from his house across the street. His flashlight bobbed up and down as he ran through the deep snow.

"Sam help me!" I hollered. "It's Heather!"

"Oh no!" Sam George said with concern.

"Heather!" I hollered as I looked down over the embankment leading to the lake. "Sam, help me with this."

I instructed him how to release the wench cable slowly as I descended with it wrapped around my waist. It couldn't possibly go fast enough. Then I heard her. Her voice was as sweet and welcoming as any. A huge wave of relief filled me as I hollered back.

"Dad I'm stuck!" she said.

"I'm coming baby!" I hollered with a slight whimper.

As I reached the bottom, I looked in expecting to see a parent's nightmare. She looked back at me through the glass of a half smashed outside window. A small cut on her forehead was all the damage I saw. But then I nearly lost my lunch as I saw the tree limb sticking through the windshield just a few inches from her head. Half of her flip phone could be seen underneath it.

"Hang on!" I whimpered as I pulled on the door handle.

It would not budge. Heather pushed on it from the other side with no luck from the added effort. I started to get frustrated, wanting so bad to get my only daughter out of this and into my arms, for the biggest hug of her life. It was then that I heard sirens off in the distance. Mr. George must have made a call. Bless him. It's amazing how people come through for you in times of crisis. But that was only the beginning of this evening's adventures.

Two hours later...

"She's very lucky," an ER doctor said as he took me to see her sitting at an exam table.

"I know," I said softly.

"Go home," he said. "Have an extra special Thanksgiving this year."

"Thanks doc," I said and went over to hug my daughter.

I felt her shake a little and heard her cry openly into my shirt. I held her tight for as long as it would take, gently stroking her hair. I was not at all angry, just very relieved.

"Sorry daddy," she sobbed.

"Hey, lets just forget about it," I said, trying to hold back my own tears as I helped her off of the exam table.

"I wrecked my car," she sniffed.

"And your phone," I said as I smiled at her.

"Yeah," she said with a nervous laugh.

After a few more words from the doctor and a signature, I was taking my daughter home. As we reached the ER waiting room there was a familiar voice from the side.

"Need a ride?", Mr. George smiled.

"Yeah...yeah we do actually," I said.

"Here...your keys," he said as he handed my own keys to me, "You left it there, running when you went off with the ambulance. I was just gonna park it, but I couldn't get my rig out to come down here."

"Oh that's no problem," I smiled. "Thank you for coming to get us."

We drove home in relative silence. My daughter curled up beside me as we drove, with Mr. George on the other side. I began to think about how lucky we just were. How lucky this family is to have just avoided a tragedy. As we made the turn onto the lake road, Mr. George broke the silence.

"You know, the feller with the wrecker said he couldn't get the car out. He has to come back tomorrow with a chainsaw," he said.

"Oh, ok," I said.

"He said he'll take it to his yard where I guess your insurance company will come get it," Sam said.

"My car," Heather whimpered.

"Hey Heather feather," Sam said using a name he use to call her when she was a k**. "Your going home. Can't ask the good Lord for anything better."

"I know," she said, holding on to tears.

"That nice feller carried two bags up over the hill he got out of it," Sam said. "In the back right here."

"Oh?" she seemed to brighten up. "My stuff."

"And this," Sam said as he handed two separated halves of a flip phone to her.

"Oh," she said dryly as she took them. "Totaled my phone too. Weird it's still on...halfway."

I glanced over as she pulled the back of it off and the battery out, silencing it's last moment of life. As she pulled out the SIM card, I couldn't help getting a wave of uneasiness with those thoughts. It could have been worse. The things lost can be replaced. A short while later, Heather put her head back in the seat and seemed to doze off. I pulled into Sam's driveway and proceeded to plow it for him, the same way I do every storm, as a courtesy. We thanked each other, and I drove back down the road toward home. In order to get back in the driveway through the drifts, I had to do some plowing at home as well. As I approached the house, I decided to leave the plow facing outward to finish the job in the morning. Before I turned the truck off, I released the plow. It made a thump and shook the front of the truck as it rested on the driveway. The noise startled Heather and she awoke with a gasp. I reassured her that she was home and safe.

"I need a shower," Heather said softly as she started to take her bags upstairs.

"Me too," I said, noticing how sweaty I had gotten from all the excitement.

"Thank you daddy," she smiled.

"Night sweetie," I said with a weak smile.

She went up over the stairs, and a few minutes later I heard the shower start up. I set my keys and my phone on the counter and let out a large sigh. I rested against the sink and rubbed my face with my hands. Just as I did, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said quickly without looking.

"Hi, sorry did I wake you?" my wife asked.

"No, no, what's up?" I asked.

"With all the snow, I was just checking to see that Heather made it home ok," she said.

"Oh yeah, a while ago, sorry, should have called," I said nervously.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, I was just dozing and well you know how it is when you get a call in the middle of the night," I answered.

"Yeah, sorry. I just got this nervous feeling and had to call to be sure," she said.

"Yeah she's taking a shower now and probably heading to sleep soon," I said. "Want her to call you?"

"Oh no, I'm going to bed," she said. "I'll be there with dad tomorrow afternoon anyway."

"Ok," I said.

We both exchanged pleasantries and hung up. Myself or Heather would tell her about what happened when she got home. But with everyone safe, there was no reason to give her any anxiety about it now. I set the phone down and went upstairs to our bedroom to shower. I made it to the top of the stairs just in time to see Heather turn her light off.

"Night Heather," I said.

"Night daddy," she said with a somewhat defeated tone.

A hot shower did plenty to calm me but it had not done so completely. So I headed back downstairs. Looking at the clock on the microwave as I passed reading 2:25 AM, I went into the family room to wind down a little. Still being worked up a bit after what happened, I needed to just sit a while. I adjusted my bathrobe, which is all I put on after the shower. I sat on the couch and grabbed the remote.

The TV was still on from before the accident. Again I adjusted the thin silk robe that my wife had given me last year. I decided on wearing it, when I felt as if I might sweat right through regular clothes. My adrenaline was still running a little heavy. After settling on the late show, I dropped the remote beside me and stared at the box, somewhat paying attention. Honestly I just wanted the background noise, while I tried to get tired enough to sleep. A short while later it seemed to work and I felt myself dozing off. I just let it go, thinking that if I were to climb the stairs and go to bed, I might just lie there for hours. Slowly I fell asleep sitting up in the couch.

Perhaps it was the fright and stress, but I have never been physically active in my dreams. For a while it seemed as if I had changed that. I began to dream. First I was at the hospital with Heather. Then we were home. Then it seemed to jump ahead to later on when my wife came home. It's night time again. I hear a voice. It doesn't say my name, but it is talking to me. It's thanking me. I feel a weight on my leg. It's hard, a bit heavy and also feels ticklish like strands of hair.

Sitting now, watching TV with my wife. A head rests on my leg...that's it. There is a hand on my knee. It moves once in a while just a bit. I put my hand out and stroke long flowing hair. The hand slowly drags down my leg and seems to land on my foot, then off. I guess I'm relaxing her, rubbing her hair. But I am feeling a bit frisky. I stop stroking her hair and run my hand softly along her cheek, then to her neck. Reaching into the back of her shirt...oh wait she is moving. It's a loose thing. I guess a robe. I put my hands on her back and slowly run the tips of my fingers along her skin.

Enjoying her gentle warmth, I start to rise to the occasion. I felt the pressure building, so I pull my legs apart a bit to let it extend to the length it's supposed to be. Now it presses against the silk bathrobe, but I can feel my head poking through it just a bit. I hear a deep sigh, and what seems to be a few sniffs. The voice tells me I am the best and thanks me again. I trail one last sensual sc**** with my fingers down her back, then pull my hand out. Adjusting myself a bit, I let my now full erection peak through the robe. I was hoping she would notice. Long flowing hair tickling my head is driving me wild. There is the hand again on my knee. Well ok, I can do all the work for a while.

I think I spoke out loud telling her to relax. I said it again as I reached down and cupped her thin backside. I heard a murmur as I caressed it over a thin silk robe. Funny...I remember it being a little thinner. I mean the one she got for herself at the same time as mine. No matter. Reaching over to her waist, I tugged on the straps and pulled them apart. Then slowly sliding the robe off of one shoulder and out from around the rest of her, I heard a giggle.

I met her hand with mine as she was pulling the robe off of one of her arms. With my other hand, I pulled on my own robe strap, hoping she would notice. Her hand now rested on the inside of my knee. Enjoying her soft silky skin, I gently ran my fingers along her. I stopped a moment at a protruding nipple, and made circles on it with my finger. I heard a soft moan as I cupped her breast. She shifted a bit and laid slightly more on her back. As she did, her hand shot up my thigh about halfway on the inside, but quickly came back to my knee.

In her new position I was able to give her other breast some attention, and from some small moans, it was welcome. I wasn't stopping there though. I wanted to do much more. After all, because she has been gone, we haven't done this in a long time. I guess that is why I am so aroused.

I casually pressed my fingers along her skin until I had reached where her mound should be. There wasn't one. I pulled her leg apart with my hand quickly. She seemed to comply willingly. I began to explore, only to find that she had done something I had always wanted to try. I shave myself because I enjoy the feeling, but she has always been somewhat reluctant. She trips, but never goes bald. I know what I said and I didn't care. So hot...I love it.

I began to explore and felt myself get even more excited at my discovery. At last my suggestion was answered. I let my fingers explore and I touched upon her wetness. It seemed to drip out of her like it never had before. Exciting me even more, I rubbed her clitoris, to the result of soft begging moans. Still rubbing on them, I slowly put two fingers inside the warmest and most incredible feeling ever. She seemed much tighter as well. I wondered how she did that? I pleasured her happily.

Heather moved quickly to lie completely on her back. Then I heard a giggle, and I think she moaned. Just a moment later she shifted and a soft gentle hand closed itself around my erection. I uttered something, not so important as she stroked it gently with one hand, and pulled apart my robe with the other. Enjoying my own play, I began to pleasure her with my fingers again. In and out I went, until her moans became rhythmic. Very soon after, and much faster than usual, her legs tightened. I smiled as I heard her..."I'm cumming."

Perhaps it was the playfulness. But she sounded younger. I still wanted to play, but she began to shift. She seemed to face me now. Suddenly I felt her breath blow onto my exposed sack. Oh baby yeah...I hope I am not uttering this out loud in my sleep. Seconds later the soft and so incredible wetness of a thin tongue trailed from the bottom, all the way up to the head. I let out a gasp of pleasure as I still worked my fingers. Soon, soft lips pressed against the underside of my shaft, and moved up and down. I moaned with pleasure. 'Didn't know they got this big...damn'. Did she really say that? I felt her release again around my fingers, and so quickly like before. This woman is in fire tonight. As quickly as that ended I heard words again. This time it woke me up.

"Want me to suck your cock daddy?" she asked.

"Ye...your calling me...da...Oh holy shit!" I exclaimed.

I awoke suddenly, and pushed up on the couch. In doing so, Heather fell on to the floor on her back with a thud. I pulled myself up over the couch and fell over the other side.

"Bad dream!" I exclaimed.

"No daddy," Heather said, panting, "A dream come true."

"What?" I said as I peaked over the couch. "This is real, holy..."

Peaking over the side I looked at her as she rested her naked self against the chair next to the TV. I couldn't believe my eyes, and I looked away as I stood, closing my robe around me. I stared at her in surprise, but just at her face. She giggled back at me.

"You know I couldn't sleep and I just came down here so I could talk a while," she giggled. "Didn't expect to cum."

"Holy," I said as I stood in front of the TV and picked up her robe. "Put this on."

"I don't wanna," she smiled.

"I don't believe this. I just fingered my...daughter...," I said with a gasp.

"Don't forget, the whole licking your cock thing too," She smiled. "By the way...just's big."

"Heather stop!" I exclaimed.

"Dad, I was crying when I came down here," she said softly as she stood and tossed the robe aside. "I had a bad dream, and was scared. I thought you were being nice at first. But then you started...doing other things. So yeah it was like a dream I had about you once."

"Ah crap, I don't want to hear this!" I said.

"I don't know," Heather stuttered. "I just thought you wanted it. Thought you were...comforting me."

"Comforting that?" I asked.

"Yeah...but tell me one thing honestly....Did you enjoy it?" she asked.

"Ye...wait...that was before I realized it was you" I said.

"Oh come on. You must have been really out of it not to notice some differences," Heather said with a frown. "My breasts are smaller than mom's. I shave. My hair is longer."

And tight...fuck!" I exclaimed, realizing my mistake with words.

"Really?" Heather smiled. "Cool. Oh since we are on compliments...I honestly didn't know they got that big. I'm actually a bit intimidated. I mean I'm more than willing to have it."

"Stop!" I exclaimed.

I walked over to the other side of the room, and put my hand on a stack of books on a shelf. Letting out a big sigh, I said nothing and began to wish that I was still dreaming. Yes, I admit that. I was having a good dream, and wished so much that it was just that. But I couldn't forget about the feelings I had just had. It was wrong, but it was also so magical. I tried to forget so that the stiffness still pressing into my robe would go away.

"Daddy," I heard from very close behind me as a hand reached for my shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"It's...I know, I know," I whispered.

"Don't feel bad," she said.

"How can I not," I said. "I wanted you so bad...before I knew it was you."

"What about now?" she asked as I turned to face her still in the nude.

"Not appropriate," I said shaking my head.

"Just answer for the sake of...just answering," she smiled.

"Yeah...and that's exactly why I am going up to bed sleep this off," I said as I started to walk away.

Just then, those gentle hands from before, grabbed me and pulled me backward, almost knocking me over. I think from the added excitement of this already emotion filled night, I had little resistance left. When she pulled me around, and planted and lip locking kiss on me, I melted.

When she let go, she walked across the family room slowly to the other side. I looked her over. Her fit and slender form, a result of her years of high school and college track was undeniably fantastic. She ran her fingers through her long brown hair now ruffled from earlier activity. Over a foot shorter than me, her petite, and mildly muscular body is a treasure for anyone seeing it. As she turned, she looked into my eyes, beaming out obvious desire. It startled me. It made me feel guilty. Undeniably it is making my erection stay at full length. I know that if I try to walk away, I'm going to lose. I could not look away.

"This is so wrong," I said, standing near the kitchen doorway looking at her across the room. "So damn wrong."

"Yes it is," she whispered. "Damn us."

"Things like this aren't supposed to happen," I said.

"So we shouldn't have this time, even though we are both willing, and able to keep a secret?" she asked.

"How can I look at my own daughter with the feelings I have right now?" I asked.

"Lust? Guilty desire? Passion?" she asked. "I welcome it, Daddy."

"Do you?" I asked. "I know you had a few...encounters in high school, but do you really know what this all means?"

"Yeah I had a boyfriend for a while my senior year. You know the story. Pledged his love to get me to screw him. I know it was a mistake to trust him" Heather sighed.

"Yes it was" I said, "So is this."

"Oh?" she said with her hands on her hips and a grin on her face. "You say that to me while sporting the biggest hard on I have ever seen. Do you love me?"

"Of course," I said.

"I love you as my father. I feel it from you. I sense that you care about me," Heather said. "Can't I just have those feelings of love and ad them to something physical just once? I don't know what that feels like."

"I know" I sighed. "Obviously I am aroused. Honestly I can barely stand being this far away from you right now. But what about tomorrow?"

"It's another day" she said as she held out her hand and motioned for me to come over. "There will be some regret. But I need this, so badly, and so do you. Mom hasn't been home since August. Even then she was here for two days and gone again to help Grandpa."

I went over to her and we met in the middle of the floor in front of the TV. She put her arms around. We embraced. I buried my face into her neck. She pressed us together. I felt the warm skin of her abdomen, press my erection upward. She sighed with obvious interest. We kissed, then hugged each other tight. Any doubt I had was quickly waning. I came up with a spontaneous idea about picking her up and carrying her to her bedroom. But before I could act, she made the first move.

She stopped kissing me. For a moment her face looked serious. It was almost as if she had changed her mind. I didn't know what to think, and what I would of if she did walk away. But slowly she lowered herself until she rested on her knees in front of me. With one hand she reach out and stroked me once.

"Damn" she said with a grit in her teeth and a giggle.

Leaning her head forward, she lifted with her hand my shaft, and cupped her lips around my hairless sack. Her juicy tongue danced over it and she tasted me. Sticking her tongue out then looking up at me, she wiggled it along the entire shaft, until she reached the top. Repeating it several times, she seemed to fully enjoy it. I certainly did. Taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth, and put me inside a little, then a little more.

"Mwah!" she said as she pulled out and reacted. "I can barely get my lips around it."

"So nice of you to try," I smiled at her. "Promise we will forget this tomorrow."

Not answering, she Looked up at me with determination, and tried again. This time pushing it in with her eyes closed. I tilted my head back as she got nearly half of it in. Apparently getting use to the sensation, she began to bob her head in and out. Muffled moans vibrated my shaft as she sucked. I groaned with delight as she pleasured me. Suddenly I realized that she had been fingering herself with her other hand between her legs. I pulled away realizing that I wanted nothing more than to return the favor. I was hooked at this point and didn't care about the consequences.

"Well I told you, giving head really does something for me," she said after I noticed her hand. "It's really doing something for me right now."

"When did you tell me that?" I asked.

"Hmm maybe I didn't" she smiled.

She started to mumble a bit, telling me about her feelings on the matter and how when she had it in her mouth, her clitoris would start to react. She said it was hard to explain.

"I want to lick you" I said, interrupting her. "I want to know."

"What it feels like without the carpet?" Heather finished.

"Something like that" I smiled.

"Oh fantastic" she said as she laid down giggling. "Never had that. it is".

Her enthusiasm was intoxicating, but it seemed a little too accommodating. I started to feel like I understood her point of knowing what it felt like to love, and feel it at the same time. I smiled as her fingers played around, and she invited me to take action. I didn't waste any time.

Kneeling, then laying down with her forming a T, I immediately buried my face into her. She almost screeched at the sensation. But once my lips cupped around her clitoris, they turned to loud moans. Just a few seconds later, her hips bucked upward, hitting my nose. She moaned long wails. I couldn't understand how someone could be so easy to please. I didn't stop. Flicking my tongue over her spot, she started to lift her hips slowly, then suddenly screeched, and crashed to the floor.

"Damn your so orgasmic" I said.

"Sorry" she said panting.

"You have no idea how this turns me on" I said, continuing the action.

She grabbed my leg and started pulling it. I looked up at her and she looked at me lustfully licking her lips. Pulling on me forcefully I understood. I moved my legs around, but in doing so, I pulled her body on top of mine. With her delicious womanhood in front of me dripping with desire, I sucked and licked. I felt lips around my cock once again. As we pleasured each other, I started to explore. As my finger brushed over her other hole, she let out a sharp moan and bent her legs some more. I played with her puckered up hole with my fingers as I feasted. All the while she pleasured me as well. Once in a while her legs would tighten and she would release. It was utter and complete paradise. However, I started to feel a pain in my neck and stopped. I motioned for her to roll off of me.

"Neck hurts" I said.

"Oh ok, well can I make you cum?" she asked as she played with me.

"Well I..." I sighed. "I was kinda hoping that...hmm".

"Oh I get it" she smiled. "I never had cum in my mouth before, but I can try, for you. Or maybe on my face, like a movie I saw."

"No not what I meant" I said. "Wait, you would do that?"

"For what you've done for me?" she smiled, "I'd try. But what were you thinking about?"

"Well...I really don't want to ask. I mean I didn't know how far this would go and all" I said.

"Oh my God!" she said with a loud gasp. "Yes, yes please."

"What?" I smiled.

"Please fuck me!" she exclaimed. "Please!"

"Well I wouldn't normally put it like that, but" I said.

"We are not married, or in love daddy. We are not making love here, like in some traditional sense" she sighed. "This is lust. This is two people that cannot take their hands off each other and doing something foolish. You aren't carrying me over the threshold or something. This is primal and..."

She wasn't concerned about protection. I proceeded to give her a lecture about diseases and such, when she cut me off by pushing me down on the floor. I tried to get up, but she schooled me with the notion that she thought it was a bad idea. I decided that arguing was perhaps more painful than trying to get up and get the condom. She assured me again that she is protected and that she would not do it this way with anyone else. She climbed on top of me and straddled her legs on each side.

"Oh wow that's hot" I said with a grin as she rubbed my shaft on the outside of her wetness.

She looked into my eyes and I could see the nervous anticipation. She was determined but thought she would not be able to handle it. Her scent, warmth, and wetness became intoxicating. No matter what her next move was, I was going to make the best of it. I had decided at this point, she should make that move. If nothing else, it would make it easier to live with later.

"Oh whoa!" she said as she lifted me, and had barely just gotten the head in.

"You can do it" I whispered.

"Oh my....oh holy....fuck" she whispered as she managed to take me in. "Oh it's so incredible".

"Damn that's tight" I whispered.

Then she started to move. At first it was slow. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation. I had to leave my eyes open and look at her in all her hotness. I reached up and cupped her breasts and she moved faster. Her moans grew louder and more intense. Suddenly she stopped with a short scream as I felt her vaginal muscles pulse around me, strangling my rock hard cock. The feeling was intense as the pulses radiated through me. She started again. I felt a trickle of sweat drop onto my chest as she moaned with delight. The pulsating tightness again strangled me. She began to labor a bit, but didn't give up. I felt myself start to get closer and closer and tried my best not to end it. The feeling of her young, tightness was something I didn't want to end so quickly.

"Oh daddy so tired, but I want more, so badly" she whined.

Quickly I flipped her over, without even pulling out. As I laid on top of her, I entered her over and over, traditionally. Sucking her breasts only made her moan more. I had to stop fast to avoid ending it. She looked at me with a smile.

"I've cum so much daddy. It's so good, but getting tired" she panted, "Cum in me please."

"But..." I started.

"Please fill me" she moaned. "Let me feel it enter my body."

I started to thrust harder and harder as she moaned. Soon I came to the edge. I looked into my daughters eyes as she gave me a nod. I felt my own breath stop. I almost growled as it shot out of me like a bullet and filled the tightness that had surrounded me. She moaned and almost giggled a smile as she remarked on its warmth. Pulling her arms around me, she did not let go as we stopped and laid there for a moment.

"Wow" I grunted as I rolled off of her "That's all I can say."

"Oh you don't need to tell me" she giggled as she sat up with her back against the couch.

Such fire and passion only made me wish I could just go at it again right away. I crept over to the couch and laid down behind her, stroking her hair. Soon I dozed off so very tired. But I awoke a while later, tired, but satisfied. However, I knew I had a secret to keep.

After going upstairs and cleaning up a bit, I started to go into my room. This was when she pulled me into hers. She looked into my eyes with a smile.

"This is our night" she said, "It will probably be the only one, so one more time after some rest?"

"Seems you're the boss" I grinned.

"Let me taste you?" she asked politely.

"I don't know hon" I sighed. "Never done that before. I think that's not very nice to you".

"I've never done it either" she said. "But for some reason I just want to. Your safe daddy. You are concerned about me. That makes me want to try".

"We'll see" I said.

The next morning I got up to go back in to my own bed. We never did what she asked. I felt so strange about it. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. We also talked and I told her that it was such a wonderful time, but it should probably not happen again. She asked me to reconsider, explaining the wonderful times we could have together. Reluctantly she let it go after a while. We decided to never go down that road again. I couldn't help thinking that it had started more or less with going off a road.

However, damn us both, it did not last. New Years Eve, we had a party at the house. I got so piss drunk. I only remember the details a little, but my daughter told me what happened. She described it as the second best time she has ever had. Though she told me I had started it, she had finished it. She licked her lips when she mentioned it, and wouldn't say anything more.

The next day when she told me all of this, she tried to convince me that we both wanted it. I told her that it was not normal and that she needs to go to keep her priorities with school and starting her own life. Reluctantly she seemed to agree. Several months passed. A few mild advances by her went unanswered. But I kept thinking about how it felt being with her. In a moment of weakness the next spring we shared our last time together. Soon after, she met a guy in college. A year later they got engaged. I will never forget those experiences. Even the description she gave me of New Years Eve. I am proud of myself for eventually having some self control, but damn me I guess for having no regrets.

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Triple Dog Dare

Yvette would have fidgeted, but her current circumstances made that impossible. She was naked, fastened securely, face-in, to a saltier cross. She looked over her shoulder nervously at John. That wasn’t his real name, of course, but she had to call him something, and, though it was stereotypical, it worked for both of them. John had been a regular customer at Madame Decreaux’s brothel for over a year, and he had long since picked Yvette out as his favorite. The establishment catered to a wide...

2 years ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 25 Limits

Ki Jung finds the tea house without trouble. She enjoys herself more than she expected she would. Ki Jung meets several people around her own age range, learns to play Majong, enjoys some tea, and engages in some interesting discussions. The evening at the tea house is the first of many. The weekly trips to the tea house raised her spirits. It feels good to interact with others her own age. She even allows herself to be led to a semi-secluded area where she engaged in some good old fashioned...

3 years ago
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Cheating CheerleaderChapter 4

It was the following Saturday Shelbi grimaced as she bent down to slid up her skirt. It was one week since Kayla joined Tori and Shelbi in the boys' blackmail ambitions. The boy to girl ratio was now 2 to 1 but the boys were so constantly horny that it didn't help lessen the fucking Shelbi received each time the boys wanted her. She was only with Bradley last Wednesday and it was only for a couple of hours but he still came in her four times and she still felt sore, raw and tired when she...

4 years ago
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Seeing It Spurt

A lot of people write the story about the first time they had sex or the first threesome they ever had; you know, things like that. Well, this is about a first, too, but it was the first time I watched the semen shoot out of a boy's dick. Well, maybe not a life-changing event, but, for me, close to it at age sixteen. It all started when I was over at a friend's house. Taylor was about six months older than me so while we were in the same grade she turned sixteen well before I did. She also was...

2 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 14

Life had settled into a comfortable pattern for Jerry. When the weather had turned cold, he had purchased an electric heater that kept the living room warm enough to be comfortable. He was driving the Camaro to work, to the therapist, and on errands. Mondays were spent working on his truck and the bodywork was nearly finished. The only real major work to be finished was to paint it and to replace the bed of the truck. It was beginning to get a little too cold to work on it, but he felt...

2 years ago
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Eye for an Eye Part 1

Deb: What a night, last night was fantastic. Bringing in the New Year with my close friends was fantastic. To add to a great night, I managed to take this beauty home with me. Lying in front of me, this sexy brunette, with an ass to die for. She was hesitant last night, I told her we would do something in the morning. She was rather adornment she was straight, but we all know, so is spaghetti until it is wet. Ellie: I soon came to realize that, that wasn't my bed. But, how would I end up...

4 years ago
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The Trio Part 3

THE TRIO - Part 3 SARAH BUYS A SWIMSUIT After the talent show, mother had been making strong suggestions that she would like to see Sarah again. I had started music lessons with Mrs. Benson, and had a lesson that coming Sunday. Mrs. Benson had strongly hinted that she wanted to see me as Sarah. I had no serious objections to that suggestion, since I was enjoying dressing as Sarah. Therefore, I suggested that I change from George to Sarah right after church, and mom, dad and I...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Khloe Kapri He8217s Almost Too Big

The lovely Khloe Kapri makes her way back to the Hussie Pass set today, and we paired her up with the still 19-year-old Damion Dayski for this interracial update. Director Johnny Robins starts things off with the interview portion of the program, followed by Khloe stripping naked & somehow diddling herself with those rather long fingernails. Damion steps into the scene with some lube for Khloe’s perky breasts & luscious backside, which she then twerks for us. Khloe then begins to...


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