Voices II -- Outcasts free porn video

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Voices-- The Outcasts Author's Note: This is not a sequel to Voices, but shows how the changes in that story impacted a different group of characters. The original story was told from the perspective of a girl who was a member of a secret society of witches who decided to cause all the men and women in the world to trade secondary sex characteristics. It is available on Fictionmania. We were at a concert when it happened. It was in an old warehouse in the boarded up crap town we lived in out in Iowa. Speed metal. None of that pussy emo. Not for me, Cassady, and Ty, my boyfriend. Not for any of the freaks at school. The band sucked. But in the best way possible. A bunch of stoners and drop outs. They played loud and hard. Heads shaved. Tattoos covering every inch of their bodies. We were dancing, the air smelled sweetly of grass and booze and sex. "I wanna kill some jocks," the singer growled. "I wanna bring down Ragnarock... I... " and then the strangest thing happened. His voice suddenly changed from a deep, animal growl, into a high, squeaky screech, like Minnie Mouse on the rag. He stopped singing. Shook his head. "This is the end of...." We stopped dancing. The band stopped and gathered on the stage. "What the hell?" Stone said, in a soft, high-pitched voice. I laughed, thinking he was joking, but when I turned to him I saw the shock on his face. "My voice!" He chirped. And all around the room I heard the same thing from all the guys, all suddenly sounding like little girls. The singer came to the mic. "I don't know what's going on," he said in his little voice. "None of us really do. But what we do know is this- - nothing is going to stop us from rocking!" And with that, the drummer slammed out a wild beat on his kit, the guitars blasted in and we all shrieked, sounding like a bunch of pre-teen girls at a Taylor Swift concert. After the concert, Ty and I sat in his car, smoking grass. He kept clearing his throat. "What the hell?" He kept saying. "This is bullshit." I can't explain it, but for some reason I found him sexier than ever. I kissed him. Kissed him again. "I like it," I said. He just grunted and stuck his hand up my shirt. It was the same everywhere. My step father. Teachers at school. All the other boys. It was so strange hearing those cute little voices coming out of them. And it made me.... it... I couldn't explain it, but then I was talking to my friend Cassie, and she said, "It makes them all seem to cute and adorable, doesn't it? It makes we want to protect them." The next week we went to the football game. We never watched the game. We just went behind the bleachers and smoked and snuck booze while ducking all the dickish teachers who came around to try and hassle us. It was all just a ritual leading up to the point where Ty would end up fighting someone. That was when it happened. "Why don't you shut up?" Ty said to Kevin. "Why don't you make me?" We all started forming a circle around them. I looked at Cassie, who smiled, knowingly. The tough talk sounded like a comedy routine coming out of them now in those little girl voices. Ty shoved Kevin. Kevin threw down the plastic cup he'd been drinking out of, and after two quick punches they grappled, but as they wrestled we all watched, amazed, as their bodies began to... shrink... each becoming more and more slender, Ty's arms, which had been roped with muscle, grew thin and round, his pants started to fall off. Kevin grabbed at his own pants and Ty took the opportunity to deliver an awkward punch to his head, but his little fist seemed to have no power, and Kevin, pissed, punched him in the gut, equally without force. They both looked shocked and ashamed, but then charged at each other, shrieking in girlish fury. Then Cassie stepped in. "Knock it out." She effortlessly shoved Kevin to the ground, then put Ty in an arm lock and forced him to his knees. "Let me go!" Ty squealed. I could feel myself growing stronger. More powerful. But I just watched. It never occurred to me to rush in and protect Ty from another girl, at least not yet. Plus, and I didn't fully understand this until later, I was kind of getting off on seeing Ty dominated like that by little Cassie. "Tell me your my bitch," Cassie said. "Fuck you," Ty said, but Cassie twisted harder and he screamed. "Okay. Okay. I'm your bitch!" Cassie let him go, and I ran to him and put my arms around him. He was crying. I put my arm around his waist and led him away, to someplace private. He hugged me and put his head on my shoulder. He felt strange in my arms. His body so thin. "Stop," I whispered. "Hush. It's okay." "I just got beat up by a girl," he said. "It's not okay." But I kissed his tears away. Later, we sat in the car down by the reservoir, smoking a joint. I had driven. Ty had been too upset. We were listening to a CD, not talking, both trying to get used to this strange new reality. The next week was brutal for Ty. He had always been a little bit of a bully. Constantly picking fights. Now, the girlfriends of all the guys he's ever beaten up were seeking him out at school. They didn't usually hit him or start fights. They would just block his path, yell at him, grab his wrists and push him against a wall just to show them how weak he was, while their boyfriends looked on, laughing. His little sister also had her fun. He'd always been mean to her, mostly because she was a little bitch, and now she was paying him back, wrestling him to the ground, pushing him. Taking his things. One day I came to his house and found him in his room wearing a pink floral dress and crying, his mascara running down his face. "Ann," he said, covering his face in shame. "She beat me up and made me wear this. She says from now on when I am at home I have to wear a dress and make- up." I went downstairs and took care of Ann. I was three years older than her, stronger and taller. She backed down, though it wouldn't matter in a little while. In any case, she then taunted Ty for needing his girlfriend to protect him. It was the same at school. Ty clung to me, usually holding my hand as I walked him to class. I got in a couple fights, and soon word got around not to mess with Ty's girlfriend. He was humiliated, and it all took a toll. Everything about him became more... girly. Instead of, "we're going into town. Come on," he would say, "Um, can we go into town? I think it might be fun?" Half of everything he said came out as a question. And it especially changed when we made out. I was the aggressor, making all the moves. Ty struggled prettily, but surrendered, sighing softly as I made out with him, pushing him onto his back, pinning his slender wrists over his head. We went out into the cornfields one night and made love. I kissed him and teased him, and climbed on top and took him while he squealed and moaned just like a girl, and as I rode him, the strangest thing happened-- his hair just seemed to grow, flowing out around him in thick, black waves, framing his face so prettily as he lay on his back, eyes closed, lost in please. I finished and rolled off, and Ty drifted off to sleep, like he usually did. I looked at him there, his long black hair glossy in the moonlight, and decided I liked this latest change. Ty woke later. Sat up and was surprised at the mass of thick waves and curls that now hung halfway down his back. "Now what?" He said. He reached up with his slender arms and ran his hands through his hair, pulling it back over his shoulders. I watched. Smirking. "What?" He said. "You just look so sexy when you do that," I answered. "Shut up!" He said, playfully slapping my shoulder. I sat up and gently took a lock of his hair in my fingers. With my other hand I brushed his bangs from his eyes. "I love your hair," I said. Ty's eyes grew soft. We kissed some more. After, he started rummaging through my purse. "What are you looking for?" "A brush," he said, pulling my brush from the bag. I watched, blissfully, as my boyfriend sat with his knees pulled up to his chest, contentedly brushing his long black hair beneath the moon and stars. He was humming a song. I searched for the melody and realized it was Beyonce. Not that I would ever admit to knowing such a song to the rest of the stoners, but it was a good song, and so sweet that Ty was humming it. The next day, he came over to my house, plopped down in front of my vanity and perkily said, "show me what to do with all this hair!" I am hardly the girl to really show someone a whole bunch about hair, but I could show him how to braid it, so I did. I never thought I would bond with Ty over hair styling tips, but it was a sweet, intimate afternoon, with me carefully braiding his hair, and then pulling it down and letting him try, the whole time his face lit up with feminine pleasure and excitement. I showed him a French braid, too, and then we tied his hair back in a ponytail with one of my scrunchies, and climbed into bed to make out, Ty giggling prettily as we kissed. I guess the whole, like, world or whatever was totally flipping out over what was happening, but we were never really into the news. We just saw it where it was happening in our lives. My step dad had hair down to his waist, and it was two days before he dyed it all blonde to cover the gray. All the guy teachers at school now had long hair, pinned up in sensible professional styles, and boys, including Ty, were fascinated with websites and magazines about hair styles, and what was trendy and pretty. I got sick of listening to him talk about different stars and their new hairstyles sometimes. And then something else happened. I woke up to find out I was six feet tall. I'd been 5 feet, 6 inches. I went downstairs and found my mom was about the same height, while good ole step dad was now a tiny little 5' 4". "Everyone?" I said, though I figured I knew the answer. "Everyone," my mother answered, putting an arm around Step-dad's shoulder and kissing him on the head. "You look cute," I said to him. He smiled bitterly. "Thanks." I wonder now that I didn't wonder more then. It was all so impossible, and yet each time there was shock and surprise, but also just a calm kind of acceptance. It was like my brain was saying-- of course all the guys are small and weak and have long hair-- that's the way it was supposed to be. So, we all just went with it as best we could. For example, you would think all of these little boys would have stayed home, cowering in their rooms, but they all came to school, all blushing and ashamed and humiliated, but they came. And, much to my surprise, many of them came wearing girl's clothes. Not dresses or skirts. Yet. But girl's jeans. And in some cases even shirts, though the most androgynous ones they could find. Others were still in their old clothes, or clothes that had belonged to their little brothers. The ones in the old clothes looked silly-- like little kids playing dress up in clothes that now hung like sacks from their diminutive bodies, pants and sleeves rolled up. The only boys who really weren't affected were those poor little guys who still hadn't gone through puberty. They looked about the same but for their hair. I waited for Ty over where he always got off the bus, and when he stepped gingerly down I saw him looking apprehensively around, his dark glossy bangs in his eyes. He looked like he was five feet tall now. Just. As soon as he saw me, he got a big smile of relief and ran over, throwing himself in my arms. He was wearing his old clothes, of course. But he looked totally like a girl now. A skinny girl, but a girl. "Ty," I said, brushing his hair back from his eyes, leaning down to kiss him on the forehead. "What's that all about?" He clung to me, and it was good to hold him in my arms, so small and dainty. "Look at me," he said. "I've been turned into a child." "You probably would get carded trying to get into a PG-13 movie now," I said. Later that week, he did. "Shut up," he said. And then I did what girls all over campus were doing, impulsively. I picked my little boy friend up and threw him over my shoulder. Ty shrieked. "Put me down! Stop it." He threw pretty little punches at my back, but I carried him all the way to class and then set him gently at the door. "Thanks for adding to my humiliation," he said with a pout. I gave him a little chuck under the chin. "You loved it." "Like hell," he answered, but his ears and nose were pink, and I could see how thrilled he had been. Gradually, more and more males started to wear girl's clothes as the week progressed. I couldn't help but tease my step-dad a little the first time I saw him in one of my mom's skirts. Ty resisted. He told me his sister had offered him some stuff, "but I am never going to start getting that girly, no matter how much I change. She'd love that." I didn't say anything. I just smiled and waited for what my instincts told me was inevitable. I could see him checking out what the other guys were wearing, looking wistfully when some guy passed in a cute pair of boots, or a really pretty blouse. I was surprised later, when we were making out, to find that his tats had vanished. Or rather been replaced. Skulls and dragons had given way to flowers and hearts. We were sitting around outside during lunch break one day, and Cassie came walking up with Kevin. He was clinging to her arm, his face framed with brown curls, wearing a wool, tartan skirt, knee length high-heel boots that hugged his slender calves, a white blouse and the cutest little jacket. "Ohhhhh," Ty said, greeting Kevin with a hug. "I love your outfit! And those earrings!" Kevin did a half-curtsey, and said, "thanks!" Cassie smirked at me, and when Ty looked back I could see the shock and shame on his face at his reaction. "You should dress prettier," Kevin said, trying to be helpful. Ty was wearing some of his old, too big clothes. "Yes," Cassie said, " you should." Ty looked at me. He often looked at me, taking cues from me on how he should react. I took his soft little hand in mine and pulled him onto my lap. "Ty is just fine as he is." He kissed me gratefully and slit his eyes at Cassie. In biology class, Mr. Smith was standing in front of the room talking about primary and secondary sex characteristics. I don't know if he planned it all along, or if things had just made him feel the need. He'd been one of the football coaches-- a big, burly guy with a barrel chest and huge biceps. The girls had all been in love with him. Now, he was about 5' 5" in his heels. He stood in front of the class with his blonde hair pinned up, bangs and curls surrounding his face, earrings flashing, a tight little black skirt and a black turtleneck that emphasized his long, slender neck. Frosty pink lipstick that matched his nails. I could kick his ass now, I thought, looking at his puny arms. But I would rather just fuck him. "So," he continued, "while things like height, hair and muscle mass can be associated with a certain sex, they are not primary sex characteristic. In other words, as far as our biology goes, men are still men, and women are still women." "I like your skirt," a girl said from somewhere behind me. "Oh," he thanks, smoothing the front, "thanks! My wife...." then he stopped, realizing it had been a joke. The class laughed, while he stood there blushing prettily. By Saturday night I decided to take charge. Ty and I were supposed to go to another show at the dungeon, so when I picked him up, I told him I had forgotten something. I led him to my room, where I had laid out his outfit for the night on my bed. "No way," he said. "No!" He argued. He pouted. What was left of the male in him screamed and wanted to run. But I won out. Ty put on the black lace panties. He put on the black taffeta skirt. He put on the red and black, embroidered bustier, the garters and the stockings. And then he sat as I did his make-up, turning him into the hottest little metal boy in town. When he was done, I led him by the hand to my full length mirror. His mouth fell open. He stared. And then a big, pretty smile spread across his glossy red lips as he threw his arms around me and gave me a hug. He turned back and looked at the mirror again, putting a hand on his hip and another to his cheek. "I look... wow! Thanks." "I put my arms around his waist and lifted him off his feet. "Let's rock," I said. Later, after we'd made out for... I don't even know how long.... Ty was touching up his lipstick in the vanity mirror. He'd been showered with compliments all night, and gotten so much attention from all the other girls I was a little jealous. He looked at me and smiled. I'd done his eyes with dark eye shadow and heavy mascara and eye-liner, and they really popped in the dim light from the dashboard. "I've been wanting to, you know." "What?" "Dress like the other boys. Wear prettier things. But I just couldn't." "Because your sister would make fun of you?" "Because you never dressed sexy. You were always in jeans and t- shirts. I thought you would think I was a woose." I should have. I should have thought of him as a woosie the first time he ran to me and wanted me to protect him from a girl who was going to beat him up. Or, for that manner, when he started talking like a anime chick. But, I didn't. I just wanted him to be the sweet, sexy feminine boy he was meant to be. And I told him so. I walked him to his door. He took my hands. "Kevin and I are going shopping tomorrow." "Maybe you should wait," I said. "Why?" "There might be more changes." "What more changes could there be? About the only thing left would be..." and again there was that pretty look of surprise as it hit him. "Boobs," I finished, glancing down at his slender, hairless chest. He crossed his arms defensively over his chest as if they were already there. "You don't really think..." "I kinda do," I said, then kissed him. "Goodnight." Was it a premonition? A lucky guess? It felt to me like a truth. Like something that was going to happen as sure as the sun would rise. And so it was only a partial surprise and delight to me when I woke up, went downstairs and saw my poor little step-father standing at the counter, the outline of his bra visible beneath his blouse, little pert A-cups on his chest. Not surprised, but disappointed. I was hoping the jerk-off would sprout a pair of DDs. It became known as Coat Day. All the boys showed up, hiding their pretty clothes under baggy old jackets. The girls had a field day, teasing them, reaching under their coats to snap their bras, all in all hassling them. And another delicious little factoid spread through the school like wildfire: dads with young babies were not breast feeding. That would be a boy's job from now on. Or at least one we could share. And that led to a whole new round of teasing. Of course, I couldn't wait to get Ty back to my bedroom. I bullied him into taking off his blouse, and we made out for awhile with him just in his little white training bra. Several times, I reached up and squeezed one of his new boobs, and he squealed and slapped my hand away, or put it back down on his smooth, rounded thigh. Before too long, I sat and watched as he reached back and undid his bra, letting the straps slide from his shoulders and looking away bashfully as his perky young breasts swayed free. I felt a rush like I never expected and whispered, hoarsely, "you are so sexy." Ty smiled and leaned forward for a kiss, accepting this latest change, he took one of my hands and placed it on his naked breast. I caressed it. Squeezed it. Played with his nipples. He sighed softly, his eyes closed, earrings flashing as he threw his head back and gasped. For a time, it seemed like that would be it, as the boys gradually got over their shyness, and started to walk around campus without hiding their little breasts. But then they started to blossom. Those little girl boobies swelled, becoming B and C cups, and in a few cases even Ds. Meanwhile, their hips fleshed out, nice and wide and round, and their legs took on an even softer, rounded appearance, even as their faces grew prettier and more feminine. I saw the former captain of the football team walking across campus one day in his cheerleader's outfit, a tight sweater showing off his full breasts, the little pleated skirt his slender, tone, tan legs. He had platinum blonde hair and was all made up in glossy bubblegum pinks, looking for all the world like a real-life Barbie doll. Ty ended up with a perfect pair of C cups, a size bigger than mine. And my step-dad? He got the DDs I had wished for him, and then I almost regretted it as he never stopped complaining about backaches. And so it went as the school year ended and summer began. We got used to the new order of things. Men adjusted to being pretty and vulnerable, emotional and insecure. Women got used to being big and strong and taking care of the sweet little men in their lives. And then, almost as suddenly as it had started, it all ended. Gradually, almost all the guys returned to normal. So did all the girls. I did say almost. Ty and I didn't. Ty was shocked, confused, angry and embarrassed at first, scared even, as all his guys friends put away their purses and their dresses, their lipstick and their blush, and went back to being men-- big, tall, strong men. But there was Ty as the summer ended, a pink and white summer dress clinging to his curves, a white straw hat and a matching purse dangling from his slender arm as was walked along the beach. "Why are we stuck like this?" he said. "Why?" "I don't know, sweety," I said, putting an arm over his smooth, slender shoulders, comforting him. "But let's just make the best of it." And we did.

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What Girls are Made For

What Girls are Made ForPart One        Mae lay naked on the bed next to her favourite teddy bears. She had just finished taking a bath and was supposed to be getting dressed, but instead she snuggled her wet body into her duvet and watched the drips of water run from her skin onto the cover.        She picked up a picture book her Daddy had given her a few days earlier. It had pictures of girls, just like mae, doing things with men. Some of the girls were tied up, and others were kneeling on...

2 years ago
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Night of the Sex ZombiesChapter 3

The next day at sunrise all the zombies collapsed where they were, littering the streets and buildings with bodies. The dead, were gradually moved by the vastly reduced emergency services and city crews. The living, but dead to the world, were moved to makeshift shelters. There, they could be secured and questioned when they awoke. Still, there were so many, that unless they were in the road, or out in the open, they weren't picked up. Many others were simply locked in whatever buildings...

3 years ago
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Den of IniquityChapter 7

It was like I'd been punched in the stomach. Of all the things Josephine could have said, I wasn't expecting that. My jaw dropped and for a moment I was practically speechless as I lay on my back on her bed. All I could do was mumble an apology as I scrambled to my feet, telling her I really had to get going. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked. It hadn't seemed to register with her that I might think she and Sylvia being sisters was strange. Frankly, that suited me fine. Zipping up...

3 years ago
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Tidal Pool Violation Part 1

So looking forward to getting away from everything modern she had picked a special hotel that advertised itself as having the most secluded private beaches. She jumped into the first taxi available, told the driver the name of her hotel, but also asked if they could make a stop at a surf shop so she could buy some nice towels and lotion. She bought the last big towel the shop had and also picked up a bottle of lotion that had a strong hint of banana and coconut. She quickly checked into...

3 years ago
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Jakes Dream Come TrueChapter 30

Beep ... hiss ... beep ... hiss... I gradually came to my senses. There was light streaming through the window of the hospital room. It looked very much like the one I had woken up in ... a lifetime ago. I didn't understand. The last thing I knew, I was hundreds of yards from shore and slipping under the waves. There was no way I wasn't drowned. I heard a noise and turned my head to see Samantha, reading what looked like the history book we had used back in high school. She must have...

3 years ago
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How my girlfriend turned me gay The End

He did stay that night, and the three nights after that. He left the house only to work, I left it only to get more groceries and lay in supplies of beer and wine. We were naked most of the time, and I lost count of how many times we had sex. A few times I topped him, but mostly he topped me, although we often just sucked or jacked each other. We did it in the bed, in the shower, on the floor in front of the fire. Once we grabbed sleeping bags and stole out of the house naked -- it was cold but...

Gay Male
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In The Deep End

I reached below and cupped his heavy balls, he groaned. "I'm coming, Penny! Oh my god, I'm coming!" I felt his cock thrust one last time, then the heat of his sperm flooded my pussy. That did it for me as well. I felt myself gush, his rapid thrusts against my cervix had turned me into quivering jelly. In The Deep End" Hi, sis! Where's Trevor? He's not answering his phone." Penny laughed aloud and said, "About 25 thousand feet right now on his way to Spain". “It seems as if the company he...

2 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysCantara

In the morning, Mark went to his office to go through his daily reports. The only item that caught his attention was that there were hundreds of unknown ships approaching Cantara, which was on the far side of the sensor network. Mark asked, “Is that the Rifters?“ “I think so, I do recognize a few of the ships from when they were around Trayak.” “How far is Cantara from here?“ “A long way! Cantara was one of the most remote planets the Federation ever found, even with our upgraded FTL...

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sexy indian grannys affair

this is the story of how i fucked my grandmother (my mother's mother). she was married very young, i think when she was around 14 yrs. those days they were married young. my mom was born when my granny was 17!! my mother got married when she was 22 and i was born a year later. the incident happened during my 12th, i was 17 at that time my granny was 57 but she looked like she was 40 because of the regular work they did when they were young. my granny and granpa had a farm and some cows...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 12 November 22

-- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2007, THANKSGIVING DAY -- 1:24 AM “Ngh-ngh-ngh...” “Fuckme-fuckme-fuckme...” “Ngh-ngh-ngh...” “Oh fuckme so close ... That’s it! That’s... Ungh!... Ungh!“ “Ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh!” “That’s! Fuck! Eeeeeee-Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Gaaawwwwwwnnnnngggghhhh...” The tension in my lover’s naked, sweaty body abruptly slackened, her arms collapsing to let her head and chest fall down to the mattress as the relief of orgasm swept through her. But I maintained my grip on her...

3 years ago
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Comic Con Con 5

Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 5 "You still tired?" Melissa softly touched his hair. "Did you sleep well?" "Is it morning already?" sighed Benny, looking up at her sitting next to him on the bed in the dark. "It's past lunch time silly. I already worked at the conference all morning while I let you rest and figured I'd check on you," said Melissa, leaning down and kissing him. "But you can still sleep in another hour or so before we have to get out...

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Aliens Ch 06B


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A Series Of Incest 8211 Part II

Hi guys, I’m here with my second incident. I’m really very sorry, I lost track of my previous mail Id and changed to Please excuse. In the last part I explained you how I experienced first sex with Vadina. Here in this part, I’ll explain you how I got close to my Aunty (Kalyani). During my 10+2 I had sex with Vadina and then she got married and left to US. I was 19 then and doing my +2. Then after 10+2 I was planning to join some engineering college and had a lot of holidays until I get the...

4 years ago
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Pasayten PeteChapter 21 Transitions

"My name is Michael Peterson. My friends call me Mike. I've lived in the valley for many years, but it's a remote area and other than a few close friends I pretty much stay to myself." Mike sipped his second cup of coffee, leaning back and thinking to himself that Madeline Jacobs baked a fine pie. He'd savored that slice. Good home cooking never escaped his appreciation. Like most elderly bachelors, Mike cooked to survive but he didn't often take time to turn out a gourmet meal....

1 year ago
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Drilled Jennifer White Jennifer Has An Epiphany And Loves Anal Now

Jennifer White is so happy that her boyfriend Small Hands is back from tour. She missed that cock of his in her and can not wait to fuck him. Small Hands while away got to do anal and now that is all he wants! Jennifer decides her love for him is strong so if he wants to fuck her ass, then she will let him fuck her ass! She never knew just how great it would be though! Feeling his large hard cock drill into her tight ass sends so many sensations through her body that she will just be having a...

2 years ago
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Schoolgirls First TimeChapter 7

Pam was ready to fuck again, but Derek pulled her up off the bed. He didn't carry her over the threshold this time, but marched her through the bedroom door and back into the living room. Jeff was sitting on the couch with his legs spread wide while Cissy, kneeling in front of him on the floor, licked his hairy balls as he masturbated. He grinned up at Derek. "She's just like a kitten, man. She licks and licks and licks." "Check the time," Derek said. Jeff glanced at the clock on the...

1 year ago
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Late night landing crossing Part Two

Jane stood there in the doorway. She had a red face and her dressing gown on. The lamp was on beside my bed so I could see her and, as she crossed the room to me, she asked if we could talk for a minute. She was on my bed before I could say anything, sitting there cross-legged below me.I could see a little bit of her pussy hair as she sat down and her boobs showed through the not-fully-closed dressing gown. I could smell her sex too. She had come here straight from a fcuking and hadn’t tried to...

2 years ago
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Always hard the beginning Chapter 11

September 1958Rosemary’s BabyThat was all Anthony had to hear. Her pleading voice brought the anxious k** to her opened legs in seconds. As Vic moved aside, he took a few seconds to whisper into the k**’s ear. Because of the erotic daze she was in, he told him not to speak a word. Any talking might just bring his mother out of the stupor they needed to achieve their combined goal. “Just get your cock into her,” he said and the k** nodded. From not far away, Vic saw Anthony’s hands grasp a...

3 years ago
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Journey In Chennai Express 8211 8220Part II8221

We would have reached Kuppam around 2.45 am. I quickly put my satisfied gun inside and we pretended as nothing happened. The person sitting in front of this lady got up and started to go when the lady in the 30 asked the lady next to me to share her seat together. This lady with whom I had the session, quickly said let this gentleman sit, poor him has been standing for last two hours or so. This kind words somehow got me excited or may be the excitement was on the prospects of sitting next to...

1 year ago
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Curiosity Vol1 4CCG

Volume 1: Curiosity By John Morrison Creator of “The Adventures of John and Holly” With an anonymous collaborator Chapter 1: Curiosity Killed the Pussy October, Freshman year The sun rose, turning the room a light yellow. The girls slept through the morning sun. Cynthia awoke later. “Hey Julie, you...

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Aunties Niece

Auntie's Niece By Carol Francine Saunders Many years ago, when I was age 15 and visiting my Aunt Jean, I had worked up the nerve to ask her to dress me in my cousin Sally's clothes. I had always been especially fond of Aunt Jean. I enjoyed spending two weeks with her each summer. She seemed so easy to talk with, much easier than her sister, my mother. Aunt Jean was divorced from her husband. She and Sally had lived together until last year when Sally moved away...

2 years ago
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Bra and Knickers part 1

When I lost my job and couldn't find another, it became clear that we could not keep up the mortgage payments on my wife Alice's salary alone. That's how we came to be living with her mother. It had seemed a good move at the time. She was comfortably well off, living on alimony from her ex. She spent many of her days visiting her lady friends. I was left to do the housework - cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking... It wasn't what I had expected married life to be. Probably I was a bit...

1 year ago
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A friend in need of help Part 2

After the school year was over we all were happy to get out of high school and looked forward to collage. Me and a couple of my friends (including Jasmine) decided to attend collage at the same time. During our break I ended up getting a 2 story hotel room with 1 bathroom, a living room and kitchen, dining room and one gigantic master bedroom. Me and Jasmine had always talked about being roommates and now we were. We were able to pay for it without much struggle since I was now promoted to a...

3 years ago
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Lunch Break part three

If you had asked me before lunch what my deepest, darkest fantasy was, I would have told you it was to have my big-titted wife and her younger pretty little sister in the sack in a threesome... that was an hour ago, that was a lifetime ago.Now, I was in a stranger's house, a black man, with a HUGE BLACK COCK, 10 or 12 inches up in my no longer virgin ass. It didn't hurt anymore, his spit and precum were enough, plus I was pushing back on him, and it helped me relax. I am a sergeant in the...

1 year ago
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Family Revelations Part 2

Introduction: The sisters birth is explained Part 2: How can you be my father? She asked me. I layed there next to her, my cum dripping from her tight young pussy, trying to think of where to begin. I started with the wedding. My dad and her mom were married when I was 15. They had gone on their honeymoon, and when they came back, it was time for my summer stay with my father. I was there for only a few days when he got called away on an emergency at his job. He had to fly to the Midwest, to...

2 years ago
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by Naschmi May 2020“You got to help me out here!” Alexander pleaded.“Helping you out is the last thing I have to do. Consider yourself lucky that I even took this call. Should have blocked you a long time ago!” There was no chance, Lillian thought.“Come on! Don’t be like that! I'm really desperate. My landlord threw me out. Suddenly she’s afraid of Europeans. I might carry the virus, she says.” “You’re saying she found out that there is something toxic about you? Welcome to the club! She’s a...

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Davey by Caroline J Bradley © 2007 Updated 2020 Chapter 1 Day 1 - first steps "Davey, come on, get up." Davey's eyes opened slowly, who the hell...Caroline..oh yes.. His slow waking was the normal habit borne of long late nights, no real job and no real drive. Hang on, his brain, kicked in again... Caroline, what... He remembered last night and the unusual call from his twin sister, Barbara; he'd agreed to meet her in exchange for a meal and a beer or two. They were...

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Vacation With Teens Episode 3 The Camping Site

This is a new story of our little series called "Vacation With Teens", which is a true story and actually happened. While the writer (Hailie) still decided to include some fiction just to make the story even more enjoyable.You can find the earlier episodes by going to our profile and check out the "Sex Stories" section.Before you read this story, here are the girls from this episode.EmiliaJoanaAlexandraIvanaEpisode 3 - The Camping SiteShe was the first to spot them. "Over there." Emilia said....

3 years ago
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We meet again

We meet again Time had passed by a few days since we were at the Lake, and my husband  had showed me the film, and although the light was poor I liked what I saw, and was pleased with the results and that everybody was happy. There was just one thing I forgot to tell him, and that was that I had arranged to see the last man who had fucked me again, and that he had rang  and said ‘could he see me tonight’. He was delighted with me and hoped that he could see me again. I had to say that I would...

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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 10

That night I was sitting in my room trying to get the last few paragraphs of a book report that was due the following morning. With my social life so improved, I was finding it more difficult to get everything done on time. I wasn't complaining though, I was a lot happier with the new situation. I was happier, that is, until Walter called home unexpectedly with the news that he had been in a big fight at the University, had then been arrested by the campus police, turned over to the local...

2 years ago
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Crystal Blue Eyes

This is my first story so go easy on me, but any pointer for future are welcome, She sits back into the hot water, surrounded by the bubbles and the sweet smells of lotus flower and orange filling her nose, she allows herself to relax back in to the water further and rest her head. Her hands gently glide over her body, as she washes the stress of the day away, she hated her job in a delivery department of a manufacturing company, and she wasn’t sure why she was still there. She shakes her...

4 years ago
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Art CriticChapter 10 Color

My eyes. I don’t know if I was getting used to seeing my black and black world or if I’d simply lost hope of truly regaining ‘normal’ vision. As spring approached, I saw more and more color. Living things have color. I saw a brilliant red cardinal pecking at a green leaf. They were redder and greener than I remembered. I saw daffodils and tulips getting ready to bloom. And people. Nearly everyone I met was clearly visible, though some were a little more muted than others. Life was color...

3 years ago
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Monicas Birthday Turns Into An Unexpected Orgy

Oh my, what a day! I’m still recovering from the ravishing that my fuck buddy, Paul, gave me at my birthday party yesterday. That naughty bastard fucked me so damned hard! I guess he must have been hungry, because he’d missed me so much. He had used me right in front of all my friends, too. It was nasty, really nasty, but I have to admit that as dirty as it made me feel, I really enjoyed it. My body’s aching now, though. I was just happy that my husband hadn’t been there. He’d stepped out to...

1 year ago
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The Campground

Fifteen year old Stephanie Cramer was excited about her trip to her Aunt Joan's house and was really looking forward to visiting with her cousin Stephanie. Her Uncle Ray and Aunt Joan ran a campground deep in the forest and had acres of secluded land. She liked to go out walking with her cousin Melissa in the back woods. Her Uncle Ray was out of town doing long haul trucking during the off season so he wasn't going to be there. It would just be the girls, the few neighbors that lived...

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Oh God What Have We DoneChapter 5 Remembering a moment of rest

Moira was studying alone in the College library one afternoon. She was in her fourth year, at the end of her school career, and working as an intern in the hospital Emergency Room, with the classrooms, library, laboratories, and other areas where she spent the last four years behind her. She had reached her goal, despite her father having made it clear to the other professors that she wasn't to be given any preferential treatment for being his daughter. Of course, should she need assistance...

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How I Had Three Sisters

She would host team parties at her house and loved a good drink, always making sure everyone was enjoying one too. I was kind of new to drinking any kind of alcohol and she delighted in getting me drunk enough to make the room spin. Instead of having me drive home drunk, she had me stay the night at her place after the party ended and everyone else left. I thought I'd be fine just sleeping it off on the sofa with a blanket, but when she turned off the heat to the house, it got quite cold...

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Return to EdenChapter 4

They'd been afforded extended leave for family visits, as had others of the Gardener crew, but once those were done all of the returning voyagers found themselves pressed by the SES to sit for extended interviews by the news media, especially the holographic pundits. The Service wanted to maximize the impact of their success, and what better way than to dragoon their explorers—especially the ones who had in mind to return to the planet, and thus needed agency favor—into public relations...

1 year ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 9 Taking Fire

Saturday May 24, 1 AM Driving To Work Takes A Detour Falling into a routine - even one that is unconscious - is dangerous in my business, and I guess I had done exactly that. If I did not see it I guessed nobody else would. WRONG! I realized after the fact that I tended to come to work taking a particular expressway exit and a set of streets for the last few blocks of my trip. Also, lately I did not rotate as many vehicles as I liked to use. The pickup truck I was in was not the worst...

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