Pokemon A/Z: A Taste Of Defeat Ch.1 free porn video

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This will hopefully be the first chapter in a long story of a you girls journey through the Kanto region. It's inspired by the games Fire Red/Leaf Green and will no doubt be full of references to them. Being the first chapter it has a somewhat slow start, though it ends with our heroine having her first sexual experience in a rather intense way. No doubt as this story progresses it will lean more toward pokephillia and ever escalating kinks and taboos. So read at your own discretion.

N.B. This is also my first attempt at writing erotica of any kind. So any advice or suggestions in the comments would be more than appreciated.


-Professor Ironbark



On a cold spring morning, the sun rises over the sleepy little hamlet known as Pallet Town. A quaint collection of houses and stores nestled among the forests and grasslands on the western border of the Kanto region. Overlooking the community on the southern edge of town was Oak's Pokemon Lab. Famed for both the research it did, and the many successful Pokemon Trainers that had begun their journeys with Professor Oak's guidance. The most notable of which had been a young boy named Red who had gone on to become Pokemon League Champion little more than four years ago.



April rolled over in bed pulling the covers over her head and burrowing further into her pillow, doing her best to ignore the furry intruder. “Persian…” the classy cat pokemon continued it's bothersome assault by leaping up on the bed and nudging April with it large head. “Mmph, go away Sable. The alarm hasn't even gone off yet…” mumbled the lump of blankets as it tried to squirm to the edge of the bed in an attempt to escape its attacker. Sable pounced. April, her pillow, blankets, and the persistent Persian all tumbled to the floor.

“Urgh, ok.. I'm up, I'm up" the now awake and somewhat grumpy teen exclaimed as she attempted to untangle herself from her bedding. April stood up, her nightie twisted and bunched, and her raven hair falling over her face in a mess.

Through the mop of hair obscuring her vision, April's hazel eyes locked on to the pokemon now sitting neatly and patiently by the door to her bedroom. “What's the matter girl? Mom not feed you this morning?”.

The large tan cat just turned to face her nightstand. April followed it's gaze scanning the collection of junk next to her bed when she saw it. The alarm clock. It was 10am!

“huh!? I overslept!” April, now panicked, immediately began getting ready for the day. And it was a big day. Today she would begin her journey as a pokemon trainer.

Every year Professor Oak chooses three young teens to begin their journey with a special pokemon. And this year, she was one of them. She had been so excited last night that she had stayed up late planning, packing, and goofing off in excitement. She spent time tossing her plush pokeball at the eevee and pikachu dolls that sat on her bookshelf, trying to perfect her throw. She even spent time talking to the posters of Lance and the Cerulean Sisters on her wall, pretending she was challenging them to a battle. April must've fallen asleep well after midnight and had been so busy debating which of the three starters she wanted most, she forgot to set her alarm.

She'd gotten ready in what felt like record time under the patient and expectant gaze of Sable, her mom's Persian. One last check in the mirror.

Her dark hair had been brushed, and now fell neatly just past her shoulders, and her messy fringe framed her face perfectly. The light freckles across her nose and cheeks stood out against her pale skin in the artificial light of the bedroom. April had bothered to do some light make up as well, she preferred a more modest natural look. Just a touch of mascara to make her golden hazel eyes really pop, and a bit of lip gloss with a soft tinge of pink to it.

Getting dressed had taken no time at all, as she'd prepared her outfit the night before. The perfect outfit to compliment her nubile and somewhat waifish body.

She had on her most comfortable pair of walking shoes, the once black canvas had faded to more of a charcoal after years of being well used and well loved.

Knee high socks, white with a cute pink stripe accenting the top of them. She loved the way her legs looked more athletic under the thin fabric, and the contrast from the stark white socks helped give her near alabaster skin the illusion of a tan.

A cute pair of blue denim shorts with frayed edges sat precariously on her hips, only just covered her underwear. They left very little to the imagination and really drew the eye down toward her smooth thighs.

Her once loose grey t-shirt with a pokeball logo on it now hugged tightly against her chest. Just in the last year April's breasts had really begun to fill out. She had to get her mom to take her bra shopping in Viridian city and was surprised to find out she needed a 30C. To be honest, she was a little self conscious of them. She'd noticed the looks she'd been getting from some of the boys around town. Which is why she had put on a black denim midriff jacket. It wasn't really warm enough for it so she rolled up the sleeves to her elbows, but it kind of downplayed just how large and perky her chest had become so she wasn't about to take it off.

“Looking good!” April said to her reflection, with a pouting glance and a slightly dorky but flirtatious finger gun. She went to grab her canvas satchel bag from the back of her desk chair and flung open the curtains. The sun was already high in the sky, so she took only the briefest moment to appreciate the all too familiar view from her bedroom window one last time, sliding the window all the way up to feel the late morning breeze on her skin.

Down on the road below she noticed her neighbors out the front of their house. It was Daisy Oak, berating her little brother Zane for not being more like Blue. Blue had been able to become the Pokemon Champion, albeit briefly, and Zane was always living in his brother's shadow. Maybe that's why he was such mean guy, mused April.

Zane and April were the same age, and he'd bullied her for many years growing up. Maybe because she was a bit clumsy, or maybe because she was timid, but he always managed to find something about her to make fun of. And it had only gotten worse lately. Probably because he was annoyed that April was also getting a partner pokemon from his Grandfather Professor Oak. He always went on about wanting a strong rival to help him become like his brother, but when he found out April would be starting her journey at the same time as him, he really doubled down on his mocking comments and sarcastic attitude.

She watched as Zane headed off down the road toward the Pokemon Lab, lost in thought and enjoying the warm sunshine on her face. “Persian, Per.” Sable’s interjection Snapped April out of her trance. “You're right girl, I have to get to the Lab quick or I won't get first pick!” April ruffled the Pokemon between its round black ears and rushed downstairs.

April had gone to watch Oak's new trainer ceremony every year since she could remember, always hoping that one day it would be her. So she new the first arrival first choice rule that Professor Oak had. There was no way she would be late when this time it'd finally be her starting her own adventure. As April jumped down the last few steps and dashed for the front door with Sable hot on her heels she heard her Mom call out from the Kitchen. “Better run sweetheart! I'll see you after the ceremony… Oh, and say Hi to Sam for me!” She left Sable in the front yard and headed down the street.

Yeah right, thought April. Like I'd ever call the Professor by his first name. It still weirded her out when her mom did that. But to be fair they had been dating for almost a year now, and April had come to see him as a father figure of sorts. But he was, and will always be, Professor Oak. Not, she grimaced with discomfort at the thought… Sam.

April was so lost in thought as she rounded the corner of the road that led up to the Pokemon Lab, that she slammed right into the back of somebody and fell to the ground. “Hey watch it you damn klutz!” chided Zane as he turned back to see April's crumpled figure on the cobbled road. “Jeez you look pathetic on the ground there. You know that, right?” his smug grin looming down on her from above his popped collar. April just froze, blushing and awkward. “Look, we both know that you belong down there in the dirt. But aren't you gonna get up? We gotta get to Grandpa's Lab.” Zane mocked as he began heading up the hill. “Ah, yeah… of course. Sorry.” Muttered April as she picked herself up and quickened her pace to catch up to the single worst person she could've literally bumped into.

She noticed that Zane didn’t seem to be in a hurry. “Um, why are you walking so slow? Don't you want first pick?” April asked. “I could get there an hour late and Gramps would still give me first choice of Pokemon coz we're family" Zane retorted. “Oh, I guess he would.” April conceded. She hadn't even thought of that. And now she felt twice as embarrassed about charging headfirst into her new rival when there was no real point in rushing to begin with. So April just stayed quiet as she kept pace with Zane on the road to Oak's Lab.

As the Lab came into view in front of them April noticed a decent sized crowd had already gathered at the gates. Maybe a third of Pallet town had come out to see them off. The crowd noticed the two soon-to-be pokemon trainers approaching and began to part to let them through. Through the sea of people April noticed a young boy in a cap about her age already standing on the front steps tapping his foot impatiently. She didn't recognize him. Must be from Viridian or someplace else, she thought. Her eyes scanned the crowd and noticed a young girl staring up at her with starry eyes. Her mind immediately filled with all the times she had been that girl, staring at the trainers with equal parts admiration and envy. She steeled her nerves, an took her place standing next to Zane and the other boy as the doors to the lab swung open in front of them. This was it.

“Hello there! Glad to meet you! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Oak. People affectionately refer to me as the Pokemon Professor. This world is inhabited far and wide by creatures called Pokemon. For some people, Pokemon are pets. Others use them for battling. As for myself…” Professor Oak continued his speech to the 3 new trainers and the crowd watching behind them. All the while April couldn't help but mouth the words along with him having heard the same speech every year, her excitement building. When Oak had concluded his inspirational monologue the crowd applauded and the three young teens stepped into the lab.

One of the Professor's aides closed the door behind them and Oak led them to through to a room containing 3 pokeballs each on it's own pedestal. “I'm sure you all know how this works.” The Professor began. “In each of these pokeballs is a rare pokemon bred especially for young trainers such as yourselves. The tiny grass type pokemon, Bulbasaur. The cute but powerful water type pokemon, Squirtle. And the unruly but formidable fire pokemon, Charmander.”

April, was basically bursting with excitement, last night she was torn between all three. But had finally decided on Squirtle. She always wanted to be a sexy and devastatingly awesome trainer like the Cerulean Sisters. Plus Squirtle was super cute! But knowing she was the last one here she was sure she would be happy with whichever one was left.

First the quiet boy approached the pedestals. “I choose squirtle" a surprisingly authorative voice declared from beneath his firmly lowered cap. Damn, well… that's ok April thought. Who was a better fit for her? Charmander or Bulbasaur. Suddenly her train of thought was derailed by Zane going off.

“Hey! Gramps! No fair! What about me?” Zane blurted out at Professor Oak.

“Be patient, Zane. You can have one too. But for that outburst I think perhaps April can choose next.” Chastised Oak with just hint of derision in his tone. Zane turned to April and gave her a murderous look that sent a shiver down her spine.

April turned back to the Professor. “Are you sure?” she asked hesitantly. “Of course kiddo, we're both gentleman here. Aren't we Zane?” Beamed the Professor. His grandson however said nothing and just stared at his shoes. April suspected getting to choose before her rival had less to do with him acting out than it did the fact the Professor was boning her mom. But she didn't mind if that was the case.

“Ok then, I choose Bulbasaur!” April announced with glee. Bulbasaur was definitely cuter than Charmander, and having a grass type would be good for when she decided to take on the Cerulean Sisters. The thought of beating her idols in a gym battle had her smiling like an idiot as she took the pokeball from its pedestal. “I'll take this one then!” Said Zane in a suprisingly upbeat tone considering how much he was sulking not a moment ago.

The three brand new pokemon trainers released their new companions from their pokeballs. With a flash of red light, there in front of April sat the seed pokemon, Bulbasaur. It stared up at her from beneath the bulb on it's back locking it's wide red eyes on hers. “Hey there Bulbasaur, I'm your new friend April. We're going to go on an adventure together. Does that sound good to you?” she said as she knelt down and reached out her hand to greet her new partner. “Bulba?” the young pokemon lent forward and nudged her hand before giving it a lick. “I think he likes you.” Oak said, smiling down at the pair. “You know, some trainers like to give their pokemon nicknames. It helps strengthen the bond between trainer and pokemon.”

“How about it Bulbasaur, you want me to give you a nickname?” asked April. Bulbasaur nodded intently. “hmmmm, ok. How about… Sora?” “Saur!” chimed Bulbasaur as it leaped into April's lap. “Ok, Sora. I'll try to be the best trainer I can for you.” April giggled playfully as her new pokemon twisted in circles nuzzling under her jacket.

April lifted her partner pokemon up and turned to leave the lab. She had to show her mom her new pokemon right away, and introduce him to Sable. Just as she began to head passed the many bookshelves lining the lab she heard a shout from behind her. “Wait, April! Let's check out our pokemon. My Charmander could definitely use some battle experience. And you and your little toad will be easy pickings for our first fight.” Zane yelled across the lab.

“Oh, for Pete's sake… so pushy as always. If you two want to have a pokemon battle at least go out into the gardens. I don't want you messing up my lab equipment.” Chided Oak as he slid open the backdoor and ushered the two young teens and their pokemon outside.

April had never actually been out the back of Oak’s lab before. ‘Garden’ was a mild way to put it. It was like a pokemon paradise. There was a waterfall and pond with a whole family of Polywag and Polywhirl playing around. A Ryhorn snoozing under the shade of an equally slumberous Exeggutor. And a whole herd of Taurus out grazing in the field. April was so completely lost in awe that she hadn't noticed Zane heading off into the forest.

“Hey! Are you actually stupid or just slow? Come on, let's find a good spot to battle, so me and my Charmander can leave this boring ass town on a win.” The haughty teen called out as he slipped out of sight behind some trees. “Come on Sora, let's show him whose stupid.” Bulbasaur nodded and growled in anticipation of the battle to come as April rushed once again to catch up to her rival.

As She pushed through branches and underbrush April stumbled out into a clearing. “Good to see you didn't chicken out, ready to finally see what a loser you actually are" Zane taunted. “We'll see who the loser is... Go Sora!” “Go Charmander!” and with that April's first ever pokemon battle began.

April realised immediately that she wasn't at all cut out to beat her rival. He was shouting orders and giving commands that she couldn't even think of. The Charmander was running circles around her Bulbasaur. Laying in scratch after scratch. At one point when she managed to muster up the confidence to call out for a tackle, her opponent just dodged to the side leaving Sora to dive headlong into a tree trunk. “Hah! Your dumb pokemon is as clumsy as you are.” Mocked Zane. “while it's still dazed, finish it off with one last scratch Charmander!” and it did.

The battle was over. April hung her head low as she recalled her fainted pokemon. “Yeah! Am I great or what?” cheered Zane to himself. “Now cough up.”

“Huh?” April looked up confused. “Money you idiot. If you win a pokemon battle you earn prize money from the loser. So cough up.” Zane explained in a belittling tone. “Oh, umm.” April fumbled around in her satchel. “I don't have any on me.” She sighed as she looked back down at her feet. “Geez, you really are useless…” Zane shook his head and turned to walk off.

But then he stopped and turned back around. “There might be another way you can settle your debt.” Zane smirked with a devilish look in his eyes. “You don't want to be a loser who can't even own up to her own defeat do you?” he mocked as he walked toward his sad and sorry looking rival. “Hey, I'm not a loser. You just fought dirty, I’ll settle my debt to you.” April shot back, having had enough of his bad attitude. Not realizing she had taken the bait.

“Good girl.” He whispered, now standing right in front of her. That was creepy. He planted a firm hand on her chest and squeezed with enough force to make April jump back.

“What? I thought you wanted to settle your debt?” teased Zane as he began pacing around her like a predator circles it’s prey. “And you can pay with your body… I hate to admit it. But you've got a pretty nice set of tits and those shorts are just screaming fuck me.”

April felt trapped, and confused. She did lose, so trainer rules meant that she had to pay him. But like this? April was no stranger to sex. She had been curious enough to go on some websites late at night. Not to mention regrettably overhearing her mom and the Professor more than a couple times. But she didn't think her first experience would be like this. And with Zane of all people… Also did he just give her a compliment?

“You… um… how do you want me to pay?” April managed to stammer out. “You can start by stripping off” her rival ordered. “Don't worry, there's nobody here but us.”

“ok" her voice was quiet with defeat. She didn't want to be in debt to this asshole, so she resolved to do as he asked. She shuffled her shoulders and let her jacket slide down her arms to the ground behind her.

“Damn! You really trying to hide those puppies.”

April did her best to ignore his comment and slid her T-shirt over her head and let it join her jacket in the grass. Her pale skin was shimmering under the soft light that filtered through the leaves. She took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves, which only served to make her breasts strain against the lace bra that was already becoming to small for her.

“Bra next loser.”

April silently obeyed orders as she reached behind her and unhooked her bra, letting it fall away. “Mmm fuck. I was right about your rack. Shame it's wasted on a stupid klutz like you" Zane mocked as he reached out to cop a feel. April shivered at his aggressive touch. His warm hands traced across both her breasts, and, as he began to pull his hand away he gave one of them a firm and sudden slap, causing April to cry out, more in shock than pain.

Zane laughed “keep going, shorts and panties both at once. You can leave your shoes on if you like.” April obeyed to her own disbelief. Here she was, outside in the woods stripping naked for her childhood bully, while he continued to tease and torment her. And worst of all, she could feel herself getting turned on. Why was she feeling horny? What was wrong with her?

April slid her thumbs inside the front of her underwear and ran them along her hips to her side. With one swift push both her shorts and knickers were around her ankles. Now she could feel the breeze on her pussy and her legs were quivering. She wasn't sure if it was the chill wind, the nerves, or her own arousal that made them feel weak.

“Old enough for a slutty pair of tits but still not a hair on that cunt of yours, huh loser?”

Did he really have to keep up this talk. She could feel how flushed And hot her cheeks were. Yet again, was it embarrassment or arousal. Fuck this is confusing. “I asked you a question slut.” Zane’s tone now more commanding than ever pulled April back out of her own head.

Her rival grabbed April by the shoulders and pushed her backwards, her feet got caught in her shorts and she began to fall backwards but Zane caught her and pinned her against a tree. His other hand grabbed her jaw and held her face up so they were eye to eye with their noses were almost touching.

“Fuck I love the way you look when you lose. I should've put you in your place years ago.”

His hand left her shoulder and began to run slowly along her collarbone, then down between the valley of her perky tits, down along her flat stomach, down to the hot mound between her legs till it found its mark.

“Oh?” April knew how wet she was and now Zane did too. She could feel his middle finger slide straight inside her as his palm pushed against her clit. She shuddered, this time she knew it was in pleasure.

“Looks like I’m not the only one here who enjoys it when you lose to me.”

He hissed as he began to slowly slide his finger in and out of April's guilty pussy. Even if she wouldn't admit how pleasurable submission could be, her body had already done that for her.

“On your knees loser"

Another command given as he pushed her down. Now naked and kneeling in front of her childhood bully she found her face inches from a surprisingly large bulge.

“Take out my cock, slut.”

April nervously began to undo Zane’s pants. She had never seen a cock in real life before. But had spent more than few nights pleasuring herself to images of them on the PC in her room. Her hands slid the zipper down. Without even realizing it she had opened her mouth and her tongue seemed beg for a taste of what was to come.

Zane however, was paying very close attention to the way this eager little minx was acting. Maybe having a weak rival would prove to be more fun after all.

April's delicate fingers gripped the waistband of his boxer and pulled down. Her rival’s cock sprung forth, rock hard and eager to be released from the restricting fabric. 7 inches of pubescent manhood literally slapped April across the face. Her response was somewhere between a gasp and a moan.

“What do you have to do now loser?” asked Zane teasingly.

“I have to suck your cock?” asked April, intentionally affecting a doe-eyed innocence. Zane smirked and swung his thick cock in front of the poor girl like a Hypno, noting that her eyes were transfixed.

“I have to suck your cock, what? Bitch.” He asked still watching her eyes follow his dick. “I have to suck your cock till you cum in my mouth?” April asked, legitimately confused by the question. Zane chuckled. “Yes my little pokeslut, but the correct answer was, “I have to suck your cock, ‘Champion’.”

“Oh” said April in a dazed tone, still transfixed by the throbbing member mere inches from her hungry mouth.

“I guess ‘Sir’ would do too. You just have to remember your place is beneath me.” He continued. “Understand bitch?” the question demanding an answer as he wrapped a hand around his erection and pressed the head of his cock against April's mouth. “Yes Sir" she whimpered. Her lips kissing the tip of his dick on the ‘r' of sir.

Realizing how submissive she felt from uttering that phrase, and that her first kiss had been with her rival's penis, April began to give in to her lust. Her tongue began to dance along the underside of his cock head as she subconsciously began grinding her hips.

Not missing a beat nor willing to pass up the chance to fuck with this girls mind as well as her body. Zane pulled his cock away from her hungry mouth, provoking an adorable honest look of confusion laced with disappointment from his utterly defeated rival.

“Not just yet. I want you to burn this into your memory. This is where you belong right? In the dirt at my feet.” He punctuated the last word with a solid slap across April's face, leaving a glowing red handprint. “So? Where do you belong?” Zane’s question seeking to test the poor girls mentality.

“In the dirt naked at your feet, Sir.” April conceded, her eyes watering from the slap and her pussy soaking from the humiliation. Pleased with her response with it's dirty little addition, Zane was ready to claim his prize.

“Suck it’s loser”

Finally! Thought April. She had never been this horny in her life. Her first real cock. God she wanted to taste it so bad. So without hesitation she opened wide and slid her lips over the head of her childhood bully's dick. And it felt right. The thickness stretching out her jaw. The heat in her mouth. The musky scent of his manhood filling her senses. She sucked eagerly for a while attempting to imitate what the girls did in the videos she used to watch late at night. All the while squirming around from her own arousal while her rival continued to degrade her further.

“Come on you dumb slut, suck my cock like your life depended on it. This is all you're good for. You'll never make it as a pokemon trainer, if you can't even lose properly!” Her rival's words getting further into her head than she knew they should. He was right, I at least have to lose properly. April's rebellious flame leading her sex addled brain to less than normal conclusion.

Greedily now April began to try to ‘deepthroat’ him. Like she had seen on those adult sites. But there was just too much cock and she was a small girl with an inexperienced throat. She gagged, but Zane grabbed the back of her head and held her down, impaling the poor girl. He laughed as he felt her squirm and try to pull away. But still he held her there. April couldn't breath, she began to panic. She tried to scream but this only gave her rival an opening to force his cock down her throat. Her nose pressed into his pubes. His balls against her chin. April started to go weak, her vision began to fade.

Then Zane pulled his cock free from her.

Gasping, coughing and spluttering April slumped forward. Grateful for the chance to breath again. “What a good pokeslut. If you lose to me enough times in battle maybe I can train your throat.” April's pussy quivered at that comment, like a thunderbolt of pleasure had been sent through her. Why did she like the sound of that? What was wrong with her?

“Back to work loser, you still haven't given me my prize" Zane ordered.

“Yes Champion.” April replied, the submission clear in both her voice and glazed expression. She wrapped her lips back around his cock and began blowing him with renewed vigor. Fuck it tasted good to be put in her place. She wrapped one hand around the base of his shaft. The taste of submission. Her other hand slid down between her legs and began rubbing her clit like a girl possessed. The taste of cock. She was so close to having an orgasm, enjoying her new place beneath her rival, her new place on her knees, her new place as a pokeslut….

April wasn't sure who came first. All she knew was that as she was coming down from her orgasm she had a mouth full of her rivals cum.

“Swallow Loser".

She did.

Fuck it tasted good. The taste of defeat.

“April? Zane? Are you kids still battling?” Oak's voice called out from the direction of the lab. Zane started doing up his pants as he replied. “Nah Gramps. I mopped the floor with her so bad she ran off crying. I've just been out here celebrating with Charmander.” Zane looked down at April, still naked, lying in a messy heap on the grass, some of his cum still on her chin. He scoffed.

Yeah, a weak rival would be fine… “Smell you later!” he mocked quietly as he left April to clean herself up.

To be continued


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After we all washed up she told me that was realy tiring and that there was no way she could handle three cocks at the same time. I told her it was ok you dont have to. She told me thanks then I asked how come her sister didnt hear us. She told me she went to town to hang out with her friends. I went to hang out with Adam at his house while Mika took a nap. It sure is easier to hang out with someone that you know better then people who are seceretive. We got some of our pokemon (he only has a...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Mega Masters

In The Magical World Of Pokemon Exist Babes and Pokemon, Babes To Fuck, Pokemon To Battle. Pick A Region, Choose Your Season, and Star From There, Be It OG Kanto, Semi-Boring/Flaccid Cock Johto, Erect In Hoenn, Semi-Erect In Sinnoh, Growing Erection In Unova, Boner In Kalos, Or Mega Boner In Alola. The Choices and Pokemon Are Only Limited By Your Sexual Imagination. Enjoy!!!!!!!!

4 years ago
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Pokemon The Switch

Note this is not my story the original story is from an author called Tsunami_Shocker all reviews will be sent to her after i check them first for any foul language. Thank you and enjoy "The Switch." The Switch By Tsunami_Shocker Ash woke with a start. It had been 3 years since he had begun his Pokemon journey and he was now a gym leader, thanks to Brock. But one thing had been bothering him. He kept having these same dreams every single night. The ones where he was...

2 years ago
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Pokemon ENF

Image credited to Anew (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/22290507) The Pokemon world is a vast landscape filled with all kinds of creatures throughout its lands, waters, skies and cities. Each one of them have unique skills and abilities that make the impossible possible. Many people dedicate their lives to Pokemon; professors to study them, trainers to train them, nurses to heal them, etc. But considering the vast amount of encounters with Pokemon, not every interaction would finish in a...

4 years ago
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Pokemon Sexlock

So the rules of the Sexlock is as follows: You are only allowed to catch the first Pokemon on the route. You must nickname your pokemon If your pokemon faints you can continue to use it, but in the story it is fucked by the one that beat it. If you lose a battle you are fucked by the trainer(s) that beat you and the last pokemon they used. If you lose to the criminal team of your game it is a bad end for your story, you can continue the story from your last post when you manage to...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Ashs humiliating defeat

Ash and Ritchie are faceing eatch other as Misty watches from the side lines ok Ash Iam going to beat you and prove Iam the best Ritchie grins. Not a chance Ash smiles ok well if your so confident that you will why don’t we make it more interesting Ritchie smirks. Ok what do have I mind Ash asked. Ok the loser is stripped to there underwear and gets spanked by the winner then the loser has to give all there underwear to the winner and wear what ever underwear the loser says. Ash starts to blush...

3 years ago
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Pokemon Master or Bust

(You can use the Chapter Select option below to jump to particular parts of the story, or get a list of smut scenes.) “Have a nice day…” you mumble, your cheek resting against the pillow while your body lies limp in your bed. The woman on top of you, having just finished fucking you senseless with a strapon, rolls over and starts getting dressed. Before you’ve even finished catching your breath, she’s walking out the door with a spring in her step. “Thanks for another fuck, Emilia!” she shouts...

3 years ago
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Pokemon Grunt

Things had been rough lately. It wasn't all one thing, though plenty of them were enough to put you down in the dumps, it was the combination of all the things together. You were having a hard time keeping your life together and all this stupid world seemed to care about was pokemon and training to fight with them. What about goddamn health care huh!? Sure the fucking pokemon got healed right up at every building with a red roof but humans? Nope. There was maybe one hospital in the entire...

4 years ago
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Pokemon League Party

Parfum Palace, the Kalos Region. While your travels have brought you around the various continents, you've never encountered architecture quite like this building. It wasn't as humongous as most of the Leagues you'd been to, nor did it leave a particularly deep impression - especially the places that had teleporter mazes. But what Parfum Palace lacked, it made up for in the sheer beauty it exuded. As you emerge from the tree-lined corridor of Kalos Route 6, you gaze at the massive mansion...

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Pokemon A Dangerous World

Well... Today's the day. You're ready to take revenge upon the beasts who demolished your old life - your young innocence. Two custom made revolvers, three vials of very potent poison, general purpose All-Heals, five smoke grenades and a long-barrel shotgun complete your ensemble. Sitting there, in the burned out shell of your old house, you can't help but fall into the memories of that terrible night... Six years ago... Flames burned the night sky red as your father harshly pulled you...

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pokemon world ch 1

When we got done with our chores we headed out to a small forest and let our pokemon out to play. We sat and watched them for a while. We are both virgins I guess we were just never ready. After a while we started kissing. Kissing wasnt unusual for us and this was a passionate kiss, we were basically just shoving our toungues into eachothers mouths. Let me say that one of the main reasons we have had sex is becuase I apreciate women so I wouldnt dare try anything she wasnt ready for....

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Pokemon TripleX Version

Hello, and welcome to the world of Pokemon! In this story, you take control of a new Pokemon trainer on their journey! You'll experience fun, challenges, and things you'd see in porn!

3 years ago
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Pokemon My Sister Gardevoir

Vor 13 Jahren.. Als Kind lebte Emilia zusammen mit ihrem Vater hoch oben auf einem Berg in einer gemütlichen, kleinen Hütte. Ihre Mutter starb als sie gerade einmal das Laufen gelernt hatte und so störte sie sich nicht wirklich daran, dass nur sie und ihr Vater zusammen dort lebten- sie konnte sich ja nicht mal mehr an ihre Mutter erinnern. Nur die wenigen Fotos die Papa von ihr hatte erinnerten sie daran, dass sie überhaupt eine Mutter hatte. Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter musste ihr Vater...

2 years ago
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Getting ready for work ch1

Ch1"I'm so ready to get off," I thought to myself as I was winding down my day at work. Anyone who is a supervisor will tell you that people can get on your fucking nerves. The day had started off well, I woke up dick rock hard as usual. For a guy quickly approaching forty , I was pretty proud of this. My sex drive was through the roof. I rolled over and gently started rubbing my soundly sleeping wife's nipples. I had learned over the years that if you hit them real lightly back and forth they...

3 years ago
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Getting Ready for Work ch1

Ch1"I'm so ready to get off," I thought to myself as I was winding down my day at work. Anyone who is a supervisor will tell you that people can get on your fucking nerves. The day had started off well, I woke up dick rock hard as usual. For a guy quickly approaching forty , I was pretty proud of this. My sex drive was through the roof. I rolled over and gently started rubbing my soundly sleeping wife's nipples. I had learned over the years that if you hit them real lightly back and forth they...

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Str8 Guy Seduced By A Tranny ch1

Str8 Guy Seduced By A Tranny (ch1)For a str8 friend here at xHamster... who is a fan of my writing and when I told him I would write a story with him in it... I'm not sure he knew what he was getting into..Chapter 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To say I was nervous was a bit of an understatement... but I was also very, very excited. This was my first time putting it out there in a big way. Back home, I had gone out a few times and was completely passable... I guess I should explain more... I am...

3 years ago
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Pokemon Sex Chapter 1 May and Max

“AAAAAAH!” she screamed, “GET OUT OF HERE!!!” A boy in a green shirt and thick glasses ran away from her yelling and covering his eyes. The reason for his disgust was evident; lying on the ground, with a young man lying on top of her and forcing his cock into her pussy, was his sister May. “Oh Ash,” she’d been moaning, “oh more, please. Deeper!” Then she’d seen him, Max, staring in disgust and bewilderment at the tangled two-some. Every word cut into him like a razor. His sweet, idiotic...

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Pokemon trainer

You wake up and walk over to your full body mirror to see a guy looking back at you with sharp blue eyes, high cheek bones, shaggy white hair, a charming smile, ripped abs, tan skin, and a 12" cock. You look over to your alarm clock to see it's 12:00? "Oh shit I'm late!" you explain out loud You hurry to put on a pair of jeans, a baggie white t-shirt, and your backpack. You run out the door, and you run down to Professor Oaks lab. You check your watch to see that you still have thirty...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Journey

It finally arrived, someone managed to acquire a version of Pokemon with all 150 catchable in one game (also including mew) and you obtained a copy. There were very few made prior to the multiple games version and they were thought destroyed. How did you manage to get one? Well....

4 years ago
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Pokemon Sun Moon

You woke up to the Slow Licks of your Mothers Glameow. ''Alright that's enough Glam Glam I'm Awake. Is mom up yet?'' ''Glameow Glam.'' She says as she nods her head before licking her paw. ''Is Larvitar Okay?'' Glameow goes silent. ''Bad dreams again huh?'' Still silent. ''As much as I should have breakfast I'm worried about Larvitar, Glameow go ans tell mom that I'll prepare a mix of Berry's for Larvitar immediately. '' ''Glam.'' Glameow stalks out of your room but stops at the door giving you...

2 years ago
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Pokemon sex version

Hello, I am Professer Maple of the Miolana region. This region contains all the known pokemon. Some people keep them as pets, but most battle with them. When trainers fight, the loser must do whatever the winner asks of them. So without further ado are you a boy or a girl?

2 years ago
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Pokemon the right way

Welcome to the world of pokemon! A land full of adventure and mystries... and creatures who happen to have the ability to kill if the mood so took them. ANY WAY, your journey is about to begin but first things first... which region are you in any way?

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Pokemon Fantasy

It's the day that you finally get your first Pokemon! Excited at the prospect, you couldn't go to sleep at all last night, but you're not tired at all due to adrenaline keeping you moving. As the clock hit 7 AM, you decided you couldn't take it anymore and went downstairs to eat breakfast. As you enter the kitchen, you see a surprising sight - your mother on the counter, jabbing fingers into her pussy and moaning. Instantly, your dick turns hard. Your mother is 32-year old, and still looking...

4 years ago
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Pokemon Rise of the pokemorphs

Giovanni frowned. "Report." "The experiment, she was a success, but we-a," the scientist wondered how he could put this. "You screwed up," said Giovanni. It was not a question. "No, no, no, well maybe a little," said the scientist. "It was all that VonEcchi's fault!" "Someone explain it to me, slowly." Giovanni commanded. One of the women came forward. "The experimental Catalyst Stones were being shipped from an outlying lab to here. Unfortunately the driver of the van crashed, was an idiot and...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Go footjob

Soo today around 12:45am i rode my bike up to a Pokemon Go Pokestop near my house. As i rode up, a chick rode up right behind me and we sat down to chat. She was meeting a dude friend up there and that she had just gotten off work as a waitress. She then started taking off her small black sketcher running shoes and exposed her feet, she saw me look at them and kinda put her shoes near me. Close enough to smell. 15 mins of chatting went by and she was really into me complimenting my hair and...

3 years ago
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My Bucket List CH1

Chapter 1 The worst day of my life! Sitting in this small neighborhood bar sipping on my second rum and coke in the back booth. I start to look around seeing a hand full of people drinking various drinks, beer, wine and my favorite rum and coke. Seeing the waitress coming who just place my second one down is young maybe 23, 5’2” nice face but a little heavy on the ass side. The bar tender female dyke type with black leather vest, dark skin shaved head and nice pair of tits 34c. The place...

2 years ago
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Slaves Ch1

The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be! The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called. As he was walked further in, the boy's eyes went to the metal pole sticking out of the floor ever to the side, a cock-shaped part at the end, with shackles on both sides on the floor and hanging from above. His eyes widened further as he then saw the whips hanging from the walls. Lenarta grinned. He truly was...

2 years ago
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My Wife becomes a slut ch1

Me and Sasha have always been into watching porn together when we would be laying in bed about to fuck. It was about four years ago that we decided to try out the cuckold thing we had watched a lot of pron about wife sharing and swinging and Sasha had brought her friend Lisa into the bedroom a few times so it was only fair I let her bring in a guy this time around. So ne and Sasha put an ad online and we had a heap of interest but only a handful were what we were looking for. Sasha is a very...

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The naughty list Ch1

But he was cute, I was bored, and what harm could come from answering a short survey? I was only at the mall because the weather had been crappy all week, and I was getting claustrophobic in my apartment with my roommate and her boyfriend making out like a pair of spring rabbits in heat. I'd tried to remind them that it was Christmas time, not Easter, but Jolie had been too busy giggling and screeching while Dirk chased her back into her bedroom. The slamming of her door was the jolt I'd...

2 years ago
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Goblins Rise Ch1

I have never been prone to blackouts, and anyway the time on my phone was what I would have expected. I wasn't getting any signal though. Not even GPS. All there was, was the chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects. I started walking. I've read enough fantasy novels to know when I have been pulled into an alternate world. I'm probably the chosen one or some tripe. I'm likely to run across a wizened old man any moment. Either way I will die out in the wilderness. I have no survival...

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Growing Up CH1

First I'll explain myself. It was one more year ‘till I got my learner’s permit. I was a freshman, not masculine, slim arms and hips, narrow shoulders. I grew long dark brown hair that I kept hidden mostly under a cap or a beanie and sometimes in a ponytail so nobody really noticed how long it was. Brown eyes. I was pale, long legs, a few inches over 5 feet, fresh white skin with ruddy cheeks, (the zit demon had skipped me over). Hairless arms and nearly hairless legs, just a very light...

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Puritan Whores Ch1

Right now though I sit in front of my computer. One of the few things not yet packed for the move. I have a box of tissues and a bottle of lotion nearby. On the screen two women were humiliated and abused. I loved that kind of rough porn. Women being violated. The illusion of it anyway. I wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone in real life. Not without consent. The video was a parody of a popular fantasy show. The two women, one mature the other barely out of her teens, had their hands...

2 years ago
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Roommate Shift Ch1

A second year college student, the shorter Cynthia ran the tips of her fingers up the bare arms of the older woman from behind. Pressing her body close, and breathing in the taller Asian woman’s scent. A shiver runs through Estley’s body as Cynthia kisses her neck from behind. She delighted in the feel of the shorter girl’s soft double-D breasts pressing into her back. She could feel the lace of Cynthia’s bra through her own silk blouse. Kisses turn to nibbles as the six foot Asian woman...

5 years ago
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The Anonymous The Curious ch1

"I'm sorry sweetie. I haven't been able to concentrate much lately." "Sounds like you need to get laid," she quipped. "Mmmph," was all I could say to verbalize my agreement. My wife was an amazing woman. She had the smarts, the sense of humor, the endless kindness; all of it. In fact, the only part of our relationship that wasn't enviable was our sex life. We had our daughter in our thirties. While this afforded us a better financial situation and greater patience than we...

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The Song Bird CH1

The day had been tiring and my mind was pleasantly contemplating a cup of tea, a shower and an evening meal as I drove the last few miles to the hotel. My usual hotel could not accommodate me on this trip so perforce I had to book another, slightly more expensive hotel. I drove a lot in my work, covering some thirty-five to forty thousand miles a year; and had done so for the last fifteen years without accident. Therefore, without boasting too much I considered myself a reasonably good...

3 years ago
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How to train your fratboy Ch1

He had aaaall night. Brad ran his thumb over the girl's chin, and down her neck, scratching her roughly with his thumbnail, using pain to keep her from passing out entirely, encountering the starched collar of her shirt. He pushed the button through the hole and her collar eagerly popped open for him. "uhhh no... please" the cunt muttered, a tear escaping the corner of her eye. His hard-on raged at the sight of it. "mmmm" he purred. "I love it when they cry". The second button...

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meatlocker ch1

and I could see you looking at my cock. It is not spectacularly long, about seven and a half inches, but it is VERY thick, around three and a half inches, which means that wherever I stick it when hard has to stretch out to a circumference of nearly eleven inches. You have that look of nervous excitement that I look for in new meat to train, so I turn towards you and show you my cock in its fullness. ...

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Bec Sarah Get Revenge CH1

Characters: Bec: 8 year old female, 140cm tall, 50kgs, mid back length blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, no breasts at the start of this story. Joe: Jane's 15 year old brother, 155cm tall, 65kgs, short brown hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, 14cm cock. Rob: Jane and Joe's Father, 45 years old, 180cm tall, 85kgs, short blonde hair, blue eyes, 16cm cock. Jane: Rob's Wife, 42 years old, 160cm tall, 60kgs, mid back length blond hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, 12DD breasts. Sarah: 8...

4 years ago
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The Invisible Man Ch1

Eric felt nothing when she looked at him, nothing when she looked through him and nothing when she looked right past him. There was a time when such a manifestation of his insignificance would cause sadness and frustration to well up within him. He felt such emotions no longer, that empty space inside him had long turned cold and indifferent. As she approached the front door, the woman reached inside her handbag for her keys and made to unlock the door. The breeze ruffled her long blond...

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Broken Bliss Ch1

Blowjob, Erotica, Incest, Male/Female Teens, Masturbation, Older Female/Males, Reluctance. I apologize for any confusion this may cause, but if you don't like any of those themes, turn back now. Otherwise, please enjoy. ===================================== I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of...

3 years ago
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Beastly passion ch1

Dallas, Texas….Date –Today (opening) Hungry, Ivory, teeth watches her with coal black eyes. Her trek from work to home always has its perils. Gang members, robbers and rapists prowl these late night streets. But tonight only he stirs. No hookers on the streets on a night like tonight. They all believe in what she is about to know first hand. Its not just an urban legend it is reality. He moves with silence and determination. He can smell her. Not her 200 dollar bottle of perfume, but her....

4 years ago
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Tattia the Transformatrix Ch1

Tattia was an anxious girl. She kept having fantasies about other women. She found other women attractive, but these fantasies were violent. She dreamed about doing terrible things to other women. This in and of itself was not all that disturbing. What she found most odd was that when she had these dreams she was in other bodies. It was almost as though she were searching for a form to take in order to do what she desired. In her bed Tattia tossed and turned. She was wearing a short silky...

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Mommys Help ch1

What a great turn out for a Friday night. I been on my third date with Clair, A very cute girl I met while working in my dads restaurant as a waiter. She is the all American girl, Fair skin, Blonde hair and a solid little body. This turned out to be a pleasant change, from my usual type, High maintenance Italian girls with Gucci bags and tons of jewelry on! This seems like a good time to introduce myself, my name is Philip, but everyone calls me Phil. I am a 23 year old student, but I...

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Living A Fantasy Ch1

Love and Kisses, Cathy Cook ---------------------------------------------------------- Jenny regained consciousness not knowing how she had gotten where she was. Her brain wasn’t working right but she was aware enough to know something was wrong. The fact that she was neither frightened nor nervous told her that she was drugged. This conclusion changed nothing. A few minutes later she began hearing a quiet buzzing. Curiosity about the noise caused her to look down between her tits...

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My little latina ch1

This is the second story I publish on the web. All comments are welcome but if any of the categories named don’t fit your taste then please don’t read it. If you read it anyway then don’t criticize me for writing about the things you dislike. Since English is neither my first nor second language all spelling and grammar corrections are more than gratefully accepted. I read the story “Camp” a couple of years back and since then the idea of psionics has intrigued me... Enjoy J....

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Babygirl Ch1

With my face buried in the pillow, muffling my voice as I scream, “I… ‘mmm… ccuuummmmiiinngg… Aaaahhhh.” A shattering shutter racks my body as I gush out my slightly viscous nectar into the fluffy towel waiting beneath me. Since the first time I came in my bed and had everyone except my sister, who knew the truth, thinking I had accidentally wet my bed in my sleep, a towel has been a part of my bedding. Like an earthquake with after shocks, the powerful orgasm gave way to ever...

2 years ago
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Angels Birthday tourture Ch1

Kary stood back and admired her handy work. Her personal pleasure slave was chained naked to the wall. Fresh blood fell from the new cuts on his chest. The blood flowed from the word “Angel” carved into his skin. In parts of the cuts the blood was smeared on his chest as well as Kary’s lips. The boy was moaning and groaning over the pleasure of the pain he received, begging for more threw the tight gag around his lips. She was giving him his 18th birthday present. From the moment...

4 years ago
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Archie Andrews gets Laid ch1

“Archie, chill. Midge loves it.” “But, she’s Moose’s girl!” Archie stopped and turned to Reggie on the sidewalk and said, “do you wanna get pummeled? If Moose caught you two together, what do you think he’d do? You’d get punched straight up to the moon!” Archie Andrews had walked in on his good friend Reggie Mantle and their classmate Midge Klump hooking up behind Pop’s the day before. Archie knew he had to confront Reggie about it. “Archie, you'd...

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