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Introduction: Blue finds out about the world… I awoke seconds before my alarm went off. I sat up with wide open eyes and an even wider smile, today was the day, my 17th birthday, the day I has been waiting for since I was 6. I practically leapt out of bed, opened the curtains and opened the door to my room, ignoring the TV I had left in accidentally overnight. I pranced to the stairs, sliding down the banisters and kicking open the door to the bathroom.

I pulled off my nightclothes, throwing them to the ground and climbing into the shower. As the warm water stroked my body, I put my mind towards the rest if my life. I finished as quickly as possible, wrapping a towel around my body and letting my blue hair fall just past my shoulders. I was so used to it being this colour now, I hadnt let it go back to normal after my Father had died 12 years ago. Me and my best friend Gary had been messing around with his Mothers hair product when we where 5, he had dyed his red and mine had gone blue. His father had yelled at us both and grounded him for a month. His father wasnt a very nice man, he spent half his time drinking and the other beating his wife and son.

Our hair had been like that during the accident when his mother and my father had been killed. Theyd been on a boat heading back from Lavender town after a reunion with some of their school friends. Nobody knew what had sunk the boat, some blamed it on the curse if the town, others said it was just an accident. I didnt really know what i thought, since I was 5 at the time.

As I walked up the stairs to my room my Mother stepped out of her room. Hey Ashleigh… She said groggily. Happy birthday hon… She embraced my with a hug that I responded to with a smile. Thanks mum! I beamed at her.

What you want for breakfast Ash? She asked. Youre the birthday girl so you decide.

Shes one of the only people to still call me by my real name, the other being Gary. Most people have taken to calling me Blue and Gary Red after our unnatural hair colours.

Ummm… do we have and Poketarts left? I asked.

She paused for a second. Ummm… Yeah. I think theres some frozen. Might take a whole to thaw out though.

I grinned. Thats OK. Thanks mum, youre the best! I headed back into my room and let my towel drop. I had ages until my breakfast would be ready, so I decided to play some video games and get dressed later.

Time flew by fast, and soon enough my mum called up the stairs to tell me that breakfast was almost ready. I opened my wardrobe and got dressed, choosing to wear a loose fitting t-shirt and tight jeans. I got to the bottom of the stairs just as breakfast was put onto the table.

Thanks mum! I said as I sat down and begun guzzling down the food in the most unladylike manor possible.

So, you all ready for your big day? She asked me.

I nodded vigorously, opting not to speak through my mouth full of food.

I finished quickly enough, and leapt down from the table with a quick ThanksmumIliveyoubye! Before heading to the hall way to put my shoes on.

Wait! My mother called after me. Youre birthday present! She handed me a pair of trainers, white with pink, black and yellow striped down them. I gasped. Are these…

She nodded. Running shoes!

I hugged her tightly. You shouldnt have! Really! How… How did you afford them!

She paused for a second, before smiling and kissing me on the forehead. Never you mind that Ash! You just get going to Garys.

I nodded, not thinking too much about her hesitation. I slipped on the shoes, and left the house with a quick wave.

You see, me and Gary havent been doing so well over the last few years. Weve known each other almost all our lives, and even share a birthday with him. But recently, hes been acting distant from me, and everyone else really. I suspect its something to do with his dad, but he wont talk to me about it. I got to his house and hesitated before knocking. His father opened the door, and looked me up and down for a few seconds before speaking. Who are you? He grunted. He stank of alcohol and sweat, and it took me a moment to realise he had no pants or trousers on. I quickly looked back up and away from his junk, my cheeks a light pink. He gave no reaction and continued to stare at me. I-Im Ashleigh. Garys friend. Is he in?

He stared at me blankly. You his bitch or some then?

I blushed even more. N-no! Nothing like that. Weve known each other since we were kids. I thought you wouldve know me…

He grunted. Reds up at his grandfathers place.

My heart sank slightly. Hed gone on ahead of me. Well… Thanks for your time, sir.

He closed the door and I started towards Oaks lab. Professor Oak was where everyone went to get their first Pokemon. While the old man was kind enough, he was forgetful, especially towards names. He was also Reds mothers father, but despite that he always forgot who he was.

When the lab was in sight, a sharp bang rang through the air, followed by smoke rising from the lab. I started sprinting towards the lab, and by the time I arrived Officer Jenny was already there, as well as Red who was supporting Oak with his shoulder while talking to Jenny.

Hey! Red! I called out as I approached. All three turned their heads to look at me. What happened? I asked, coming to a stop.

Robbery. Jenny said simply.

They took all the Pokemon. Red said bitterly.

Damn… Them… Oak muttered. He looked a bit shaken, but didnt look injured at all.

My heart fell to my feet. This day I had been looking forward to since I was a little kid… Never mind. At least no one was hurt.

Whats your name, Maam?Jenny asked me.

Blu- Ashleigh. But, um, everyone calls me Blue. Or Ash. I answered.

Ok… Blue. I take it you know these two?

Yeah. Me and Re- Gary grew up together, and Professor Oaks like a grandfather to me.

Well… This is a crime scene, so Im going to have to ask you all to ask. I have witness statements from the Professor and Gary here, but I may contact you for one, OK?

I nodded, and myself, Red and Oak started towards the town. After a brief moment of silence, Red spoke up. Sorry about going ahead of you, Ash. He said. I just wanted to get away from my dad, you know?

I understand. I replied. He answered me with his cock hanging out you know? I whispered into his ear. Red blushed, and didnt reply.

We soon got to my house, with my mother standing outside with a worried expression on her face. When she saw us, her frown lifted, and she hugged us all one by one, her hug lasting a bit longer than normal for Oak, I noticed.

Come inside, come inside! She said, bringing us all in. She sat us all around the kitchen table with a cup of tea each, before questioning us on robbery. Oak and Red answered most questions, as they had witnessed them. Not much else happened for the rest of the day. My mum apologised for my disappointing birthday, and Oak promised to make it up to me.

Soon enough, we all went to bed. Red had decided to stay here and help look after Oak. It also gave him an excuse to stay stay from his father, but I didnt bring it up. Oaks lab was also where he lived, so he couldnt return there until the police where done and some repairs had been made, so he was staying for a while as well.

Oak was staying in the guest room opposite my mums room, while Red said hed sleep in the sofa in my room, like he did when we were kids.

Oak insisted on cooking dinner, which turned out surprisingly well, and we all are without anything happening. We all then said goodnight to each other and headed off to bed. I didnt sleep well at first, after the events of the previous day. I was surprised to hear Red snoring away on the sofa. The sound brought back nostalgic memories of when we were kids, and almost everyday one of us would sleep over at the others house.

It was just before midnight when I first heard it. Slow, repetitive noises that sounded like someone taking deep breaths. I put it down to Red snoring weird, but after a few minutes it was louder, and sounded like a woman sobbing. Red was still snoring, so I crept out of bed and towards the door. I snuck down the hallway, towards my mothers room where the noises were coming from. The door was slightly ajar, so I pushed it open slightly more to reveal my mother lying flat on the bed, stark naked with her nipples hard and her back arched slightly. My mouth dropped as I saw Oak between her legs, his mouth buried deep into her sex.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I exclaimed, startling them both and causing them to look at me, both of there faces blushing red.

Oh! Ummm… Ash, honey, uh…

My mum started.

We were… Uh… Shit… Um… Oak tried to follow up.

Thats when Red, probably awoken by the shouting, walked around the corner. Whats going o- HOLY SHIT! He yelled, staring at the two. I slammed the door shut and marched down the hall, Red following me. Ash! What the fuck was that! He demanded.

I dont know! The most disgusting thing Ive ever seen! I walked into my room, shutting the door as soon as Red was in and turning on the light. I sat down on my bed and paused for a few seconds, my head in my hands. Slowly, but surely, I began to chuckle. Well… I didnt think today could get any worse but… It found a fucking way! I lied down on my bed, slowly laughing to myself. Red awkwardly turned off the light and walked over to his own bed.

The next morning I slept way past my alarm. I ended up waking up at about ten AM, and by the time I got downstairs everyone else was up and eating breakfast. Red was staring at Oak who, along with my mum, were looking awkward and uncomfortable.

Um… Good morning Ash… My mum said.

Y-yes. Good morning, Blue. Oak continued.

Red simply waved at me.

Good morning! I replied cheerfully. My mum and oak looked confused by my reaction. Even Red seemed a bit baffled.

After possibly the most awkward meal ever, Oak asked me and Red to come with him to the guest room. We obliged obediently, gathering around a small case in his room. He opened it up, revealing several Pokeballs Inside. I gasped. I thought…

Oak shook his head. The police found these around the back, they were late arrivals and hadnt been unboxed yet.

My heart leapt. Really? So we dont have to wait for a new shipment?

Oak shook his head. I couldve hugged him if I hadnt seen what was going on last night, so instead I turned to Red and gave him a high five.

Im sure you both know that the Pokemon in these balls are Squirtle, Charmander and Bulbasaur. All you have to do is choose which one you want.

Before I could open my mouth, Red spoke. You choose first. He said.

Ok… I turned to the three balls. I knew which one I wanted. Id been thinking about it for years.

Charmander! I said, placing my hand on the ball in the middle.

And Ill take Squirtle! Red said, taking the ball on the left.

Its decided then! Oak closed the case and pulled it off the table.

Ill trust you both can look after them well. Ill take this little Bulbasaur and raise him myself. Oh, I also have something else for you. He pulled out two small, red devices. These are Pokedexes. A little invention of mine. I ask for your help to fill then up. All you need to do is encounter a Pokemon, and the device will do the rest!

We took the Pokedexes gladly. Thanks Oak! I smiled at him.

Yeah. Thanks Gramps! Red said, as Oak left the room.

Later that day, we both had our bags packed and we were ready to leave.

Ill miss you Ash! Come back and visit often! My mum told me as we left.

Approaching the grass that had separated us from the rest of the world almost our entire lives, I took a deep breath.

You ready? Red asked.

I nodded. Yeah.

And with that, we stepped into the grass, and began our journey.

As we trudged along the pathway, I noticed Red being oddly silent.

Hey, Red, you okay? I asked him.

Well… Ive been thinking… Whats the point of us traveling together? If were supposed to fill the Pokedexes, we should go different ways.

I stopped for a second. Um… I guess your right…

He nodded. So… Um… Goodbye, I guess. See you in Viridian! And with that he headed off into the long grass. I sighed. He was right, of course but it was still sad we were going separately.

When I could see Viridian city in the distance I realised that all I had was my Charmander, so I would get my ass handed to me if I battled anyone. I stepped off the path and into the grass, making as much noise as possible to attract a Pokemon. It only took a few minutes for a Pidgey to fly out of the grass and straight at me.

I threw my Pokeball up into the air, releasing Charmander into the battle.

Charmander! Use Scratch! I yelled, and Charmander obeyed, knocking the Pidgey out if the air and ripping out some of its feathers. The Pidgey tackled into Charmander, knocking him down for a second. Charmander growled, making the Pidgey seem to cower slightly in fright.

Use ember! I yelled, and Charmander let a stream of small flames spread from his tail, burning the Pidgey.

I saw my chance, and threw a Pokeball towards it. The bird Pokemon was absorbed by the ball, which proceeded to roll for a few seconds on the floor before clicking loudly.

Fuck yeah! I shouted, punching the air.

Just then I heard a rustling behind me, and turned to see a man wearing a camera around his neck. Well well! Looks like we have ourselves a trainer!

He looked to be a few years older than me, maybe in his mid 20s.

He held up a Pokeball, throwing it down and releasing a Gyarados. Not wanting to refuse my first trainer battle, I told Charmander to face his new foe. Scratch him! I ordered, but when Charmander swiped at the Gyradose, it simply shrugged off the blow like it was nothing. I froze up. I really had bitten off more than I could chew. The Gyradose let loose a spiral of water than hit Charmander so hard he went unconscious. The Pidgey was in no condition to battle, and Charmander was defeated. I had lost.

I put Charmander back into his ball and sank to my knees. The man looked down at me, grinning.

Pay up, little bitch, I aint got all day!

I… I dont have anything! Im sorry! I cried.

He laughed. Well, I guess Ill just have to take these! He picked up my Pokeballs, laughing.

No! Please! Please, I… Ill repay you back some other way!

He smirked. And what would that be?

I… I dont know… There was no way I was losing my Pokemon.

His smirk grew to a full smile, and he whipped out some kind of a phone.

I gulped. Do you want…

Just pictures, my darling. Just something to remember your pretty face by. His voice was a mixture of lust and malicious intent. Take that shirt of yours off, its to hot in this weather! He laughed, and so I obliged. I slowly lifted my shirt up, revealing my breasts inside my bra. I blushed as he took several photos.

Now… Show us that ass! He growled.

I gulped and turned around, pulling my trousers down to my ankles. He took a few pictures of my butt, before ordering me to slip my panties down. He licked his lips and laughed. Ohhhh baby! What a GREAT little ass!

I pulled them down halfway, all the time the man taking photos.

Now turn around! He barked, so I twirled, and he snapped a few pictures of my smooth pussy.

He laughed and put the camera down. Nice. If you ever want to make some cash from photography, call me up. He left, and so I put my clothes back on. I made sure I had my Pokemon with me and scuttled quickly to Viridian city, making sure only to take the paths. It took me a minute to find a Pokemon centre.

When I showed my pair to nurse joy, she smiled and said shed have then fixed up in no time. I took a seat, thinking about the photographs and what the man would do. It was only a few minutes before I drifted peacefully off to sleep.

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Pokemon Rise of the pokemorphs

Giovanni frowned. "Report." "The experiment, she was a success, but we-a," the scientist wondered how he could put this. "You screwed up," said Giovanni. It was not a question. "No, no, no, well maybe a little," said the scientist. "It was all that VonEcchi's fault!" "Someone explain it to me, slowly." Giovanni commanded. One of the women came forward. "The experimental Catalyst Stones were being shipped from an outlying lab to here. Unfortunately the driver of the van crashed, was an idiot and...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Go footjob

Soo today around 12:45am i rode my bike up to a Pokemon Go Pokestop near my house. As i rode up, a chick rode up right behind me and we sat down to chat. She was meeting a dude friend up there and that she had just gotten off work as a waitress. She then started taking off her small black sketcher running shoes and exposed her feet, she saw me look at them and kinda put her shoes near me. Close enough to smell. 15 mins of chatting went by and she was really into me complimenting my hair and...

1 year ago
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Tgirls.xxx aka shemale.xxx! There are plenty of great tranny sites out there, but there are also those that fall way short. But when it comes to the hottest premium shemale porn, there is every reason for you to choose Tgirls.xxx. I wasn’t sure of what I was getting myself into the first time I saw the site, but once I landed on the tour page, I realized that Tgirls.xxx is part of the Grooby Production network that specializes in hot transsexual porn and exclusive content. Now, anyone familiar...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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NSFW.xxx has a lot going for it. For one thing, that’s the sleekest-looking domain name I’ve seen all day, streamlined yet vaguely futuristic. Pull up the site and you’ll find exactly the kind of next-gen layout deserving of the name, simple yet powerful in its presentation of amateur sluts, cartoon monster sex and gaping videos. I’m telling you, vertical columns are the wave of the future, and it won’t be long until the free tubes start copying sites like this one.Of course, the title and...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Longtime hentai fans have heard the name nHentai before, at least if they’ve been shaking their dicks at the Internet for years. Classic dirty manga sites like ExHentai and Pururin evolved into the original nHentai.net, and I reviewed all those sites here at ThePornDude. Collectively, they’ve reached millions of horny weeaboos over the years, and no doubt would have contributed to countless lost hours of productivity if your average anime fan ever left mom’s basement to get a job.At a glance,...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Comic Porn XXX

Comic Porn always makes for a good fap, no matter where you are or what you’re up to. I spanked off to a princess getting butt-fucked before I even got out of bed, and then enjoyed a furry foot fetish comic on my ride this morning. The Uber driver kicked me out half way, so I had to finish that crank session in the bushes beside the fat-lady gym. Now, I’m enjoying a grande latte while I pull up a 63-page Kim Possible futanari parody where everyone has a huge rack and a huge dick. Hopefully, I...

Porn Comics Sites
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When I first saw the link for OK.xxx, I figured it had to be one of two things. The site was either dedicated to the swingers of Oklahoma, or a platform where users can share the most mediocre scenes from their fap stash. It turned out to be neither. I clicked the link and suddenly found myself staring at a wall of big-name, big-studio porn scenes.OK.xxx is one of the biggest, newest free porn sites on the web. I say that without exaggeration, because it only took them a few months for them to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Incest Porn XXX

If you have been reading my articles for a while now, then you know how much I hate this incest trend going on. I have both a mother and sister, and the thought of fucking them is disgusting. I'd rather fuck a disabled midget with down syndrome than a family member. Unfortunately, not as many agree with me as I once thought.The Winds of IncestIncest took the porn world by storm a couple of years ago. When it first started, I figured it would be a short-lived genre that would recede back into...

Hall of Fame
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sex in gymxxx

GYM FUCKING XXX.....Se eblepa kathe meras to gymnasthrio pou erxosoyn......mmmmm...panta forages poly kollhta kolan gymnastikhs...afhnontas ra andrika blemmata na kanoun prostyses skepseis me ton kayto soy kormi..mmmm......................Htan deytera.....kai nkaname thn gumnastikh mas apenanti o allos apo ton allon........se mi stigmh synanththikan ta blemmata...mas.........mmmmm...auto htan...moy xamogelases me nohma...kai katalaba oti ayth h mera tha eixe....kaytoo...

1 year ago
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What’s up, you phenomenal cum machine!? I’ve got a question for you! If porn was a sport, which country is Michael Jordan? If you said anything other than Japan, you’re fucking clueless, or you must have been recovering from all the fucked up shit you used to watch that you forgot!As a conservative culture with reserved, respectful, and honorable citizens, Japan sits at the top of nations with the most fucking depraved perverts worldwide! I can hardly even think of countries with a more fucked...

Asian Porn Sites
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4 years ago
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Mr Y and Ms XXX

Note: This is my very first story and although English is not my fist language, i tried that anyway to reach a broader audience. i hope it works out in the end and the grammatical and spelling errors (no need to get started on the scientific errors) don?t distract too much. Mr. Y and Ms. XXX Ever heard of an alternating chromosomial hermaphrodite? No? Don?t worry about that, because there is only one known case on earth and in the whole history of mankind. I have the...

2 years ago
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XXX A two year anniversary update, just a kinda’ brief message from J LEWIS... My thirtieth story on the second anniversary (July 2, ‘08) of my very first tale posted on the BDSM Library site (And yes, all written in that time span) Well over a hundred thousand visits to my Author’s homepage and over a million hits on my list of tales (Even before a substantial amount was unfortunately lost when the site crashed in December of ’09, completely erasing the stats of eight stories, with an average...

2 years ago
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Club XXX

A/N If you like any of the content in the story please hit the like button, it really helps to motivate me to keep writing. Thanks and enjoy the story! Located in a rather rough neighborhood in the massive city, Club XXX fits in rather snugly with its dingy front and the 'Club XXX' sign flickering at random intervals, its neon red light illuminating the immediate surroundings. Staffed entirely by futas the club is a place like no other, a paradise for people of a certain inclination. Of...

3 years ago
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pokemon world ch 5

Caitlin called me over to her. She told me " I want to feel real sex. " She spread open her legs and held them up. I felt like crying becuase I couldn't stop myself, but I had to do what she wanted. Of course my cock had a mind of it's own, and it had to have her. I took off my towel to show her my already hard dick. The look on her face told me that she was begging for it. I started slipping the tip into her. She already had a pant when I did that and she was shaking. She was extremely...

2 years ago
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pokemon world ch 4

I had woken up early to some commotion out side. Some Lilypups were fighting over a newspaper. I took it and started reading about some store going out of buisness, then some team plasma assholes invasion towards south. I went to town to see if the cops would need any help. Biggest mistake of my life. The invasion had already started. People were acting like it was the apocolips. I should have followed them. Instead I was a dumbass and tried to help. I went to the station and some cops asked...

2 years ago
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Pokemon go fr Erwachsene

Den Tipp bekam ich von einer Freundin, die sich die App schon heruntergeladen hatte. Ich müßte lügen, wenn ich behaupten würde, ihre ersten Erfahrungsberichte hätten mich kaltgelassen, also lud ich mir auch diese vermeintlich geile App herunter und wartete geduldig, bis sich der Anmeldebildschirm auftat. Es wurde nicht viel über meine Person gefragt, umso mehr mußte ich detailiert anklicken, welche Vorlieben ich habe und was ich bereit bin zu nehmen und zu geben. Um mein Alter zu bestätigen...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Son Mom

** Remember to hit "Start Game" now to keep track of the so called "choices" you make ** You wake up and it takes a moment for your memories to bubble up from the depths of your sordid dreams. The air is different here and you blink at the island sunlight peeking through the window blinds. Ah yes, this is Alola. You moved here last night and basically fell asleep as soon as you got your room. New day. New life. Today a new adventure begins... but it's not going to be the adventure you were...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Ashs bangs em all

As they walked through the forest Ash stared at her ass. With every step she took Misty wiggled her sexy little ass before him. He couldn't stop thinking about the redheads sexy ass. And he knew he wasn't the only one thinking like that. Brock walked next to him also staring at the girl with the provocatingly short clothes. Tonight would be the night, tonight he would mount that little slut. As night had settled Ash looked through the slit of his tent seeing that Misty had already shut off her...

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Pokemon Story Ex

Choose your starting region. Your Staring Region will affect your adventure in many ways. Notably it will decide your possible starting areas as well as which characters you can start as.

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First of all, choose your character - Nicole is an average-height 18-year old girl. She has bouncy, D-cup tits, bright red lips, an ass to die for, blonde hair and is still a virgin. She's not into sex, but she's curious. She's bisexual. David is a tall 18-year old boy. He has a serious, good-looking face and a 9" dick. He is perverted and into sex. He is straight. If you choose Nicole, David will be the first character you meet from your Point of View. If you choose David, Nicole will be the...

4 years ago
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pokemon as you always wanted it

You wake up still kinda groggy and the first thing you notice as you open your eyes is that the room seems wrong. This is not your room! You get up and dress in the strange clothes that are on a neat pile ond the chair next to the bed. Atight black tank top and a knee length skirt, finished with high heeled boots. As you go downstairs you notice that it isn't just your room that has changes, the entire house is different. On a mirror on the walll you see that you haven't changed luckily, you're...

4 years ago
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Pokemon Psychic

All characters are 18 or older. I awoken today was April 1st it was time to start my Pokémon adventure, my name is Crimson and I am psychic. My Eevee was looking me while bouncing up and down, it was kind of creepy. Actually really creepy. I held out my arm, she climb up on it, used it as a ramp to get to my shoulder. Eevee was technically a wild Pokémon as you weren't allowed to catch Pokémon until you got your lincese and you couldn't get you license until you passed the test and then you had...

3 years ago
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Pokemon nudist adventures

Are story beings on the Melemele Island with a girl around 18 years old who is 5’9 with pale skin Fiery red hair with b cup breast and a firm medium ass wearing a black belly shirt and red shorts is Lilith. Next to her is her mother who’s around 30 with equally pale skin and red hair but with a more mature physique having d cup breasts and a large firm ass but wearing a red belly shirt and black short skirt and finally next to her is their meouth at 3’2 with a a cup chest and small ass wearing...

1 year ago
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Pokemon Ashs humiliating defeat

Ash and Ritchie are faceing eatch other as Misty watches from the side lines ok Ash Iam going to beat you and prove Iam the best Ritchie grins. Not a chance Ash smiles ok well if your so confident that you will why don’t we make it more interesting Ritchie smirks. Ok what do have I mind Ash asked. Ok the loser is stripped to there underwear and gets spanked by the winner then the loser has to give all there underwear to the winner and wear what ever underwear the loser says. Ash starts to blush...

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