The Naughty List Ch1 free porn video

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But he was cute, I was bored, and what harm could come from answering a short survey?

I was only at the mall because the weather had been crappy all week, and I was getting claustrophobic in my apartment with my roommate and her boyfriend making out like a pair of spring rabbits in heat. I'd tried to remind them that it was Christmas time, not Easter, but Jolie had been too busy giggling and screeching while Dirk chased her back into her bedroom.

The slamming of her door was the jolt I'd needed to get me out of my funk and convince me I needed to get out of there. But after two hours of jostling through holiday shoppers and creating a wish list I'd never be able to afford on my salary from my job as a front desk assistant at the gym, I'd decided it was time to head back home. But not before I grabbed a caramel latte from the coffee vendor in the food court.

I left the line with my drink and was heading back toward the north end of the mall when I was waylaid by a tall drink of water. Literally. It was a seven-foot tall cardboard cutout of a glass filled three-quarters-full standing next to a kiosk advertising home-delivery bottled water systems. I was flustered after noticing a guy—who looked very much like Ryan Gosling—staring at me from where he stood by the entrance to one of those preppy clothing stores with a clipboard in his hands. I lowered my head for just a moment and walked right into the side of the thing!

A small group of girls and guys walking past laughed and pointed. I brushed off their looks and glanced at my drink. Thankfully, the lid was still secured. When I looked up again, I was startled by the gorgeous blue eyes looking back at me with a mixture of mild concern and amusement.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Clipboard's eyes searched my body before sliding back up to my face. Then he smirked. "I'm sorry about that."

"I-I'm fine." I gave him a smile and shrugged. "It's just my ego, which was already deflated."

"I'd offer to buy you a drink as consolation, but..." He gestured to my hand.

I lifted my cup. "Thanks."

His smile widened, making his eyes shine brighter. "A raincheck maybe?"

"Uh...I don't even know your name."

He clutched the clipboard in his left hand closer to his chest and held out his right hand. "Chris."

"Nice to meet you." The last word was barely audible as his hand closed around mine. His grip was firm...warm...and it made strange but delicious shivers race through me. I bit back a groan when he let go. My breath was raspy when I added, "Holly."

"With an H, like the Christmas plant?"

"Yes." I refrained from rolling my eyes but lifted a strand of my hair. "I even have the red for the berries. My parents thought the name was fitting with my birthday in December."

I cringed internally. Stupid! Why are you telling a complete stranger something so personal?

"Hello, Holly. It's a pleasure to meet you. And happy birthday...early or belated."

"Uh...thanks." My cheeks were suddenly warm. I tugged at the collar of my sweater, but it didn't help. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Swallowed with difficulty. When I looked at him again, Chris was frowning.

"Are you sure you're okay? Do you want to sit down for a minute?"

"No, I'm fine. I was just on my way out."

"Oh, big plans tonight?"

"N-no. Nothing at all, really. I was just here to get away from my roommate and her boyfriend." I mentally slapped myself. Shut. Up. Idiot. Just wear a sign next time that says you're a lonely, single woman with nothing better to do than embarrass yourself at the mall.

"Then what's the rush to get out into the cold? Come, have a seat and catch your breath." Chris pointed to a table for two where the occupants were gathering their things. "Do you mind?"

" guess not."

"Quick, before someone else gets it." He placed his clipboard behind my back, using it to guide me. Once we were seated, he set the clipboard on the table. "It's crazy here, isn't it?"

"Well, it's only a week until Christmas. It's like this every year."

He shook his head. "Too many people for my tastes."

"And yet, you're here."

He tapped the clipboard. "I needed some extra cash."

"What's that?" I tilted my head to try to read the words on the pile of sheets under his finger.

"Consumer surveys."

"Is it like your annual household income and what kind of cleaning products you prefer?"


"I'd be glad to fill it out."

He crossed his arms on top of the pile of forms. "You don't have to. It's nice just talking to you."

"You said you needed the money. I'm sure that it's based on how many surveys you turn in."

"Well, yeah..."

"I have nothing better to do, anyway." I beckoned him with my fingers.

Chris pushed the clipboard toward me and handed me a pen from his pocket. "Thanks for doing this. Now I owe you twice."

We talked randomly about the holiday and the weather while I answered the questions. When I was done, I noticed the bottom of the sheet had a space for an email address.

"Why do you need to know an email if it's an anonymous survey?"

"You can be entered into a contest to win a thousand dollars."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously?"

He shrugged. "That's what they tell me."

"And just how many surveys have you filled out?"


I laughed. "I don't believe you."

"Employees are exempt from entering. Even the temporary ones."

"That must suck."

"Yeah, I could use an extra grand."

"Me, too." I filled in my email address and pushed the clipboard back to him. "If I win, how about I split it with you?"

"That's very generous of you. It'll be less after taxes, but I'd be a fool to say no." He pulled a blank form off the clipboard, flipped it over, and wrote his first name and email address. "So you know how to contact me when you win."


He chuckled. "Right. If."

We commented on the people passing us for a few minutes while I sipped on my latte. But after he checked his watch twice, I knew I should let him get back to work. Still, I'd enjoyed the time with him.

"I need to get going," I said, standing up. "It's been a pleasure, Chris."

"The pleasure was all mine, Holly. If I—" He laughed then shook his head.


"I was going to say, if I don't see you beforehand, have a merry Christmas. But..."

"Right. We will probably never see each other again."

He smiled warmly. "Well, you never know. Have a merry Christmas, Holly."

"You, too, Chris. You, too." I walked away still wearing my own smile.


Four days later before I got ready for bed, I noticed an email with the subject of "Consolation Prize." I almost deleted it as spam, but something about the address seemed familiar, so I opened it with a mental reminder not to click on any links in case a virus was attached. But then I laughed so hard, tears pricked the corners of my eyes.


Dear Holly I-Don't-Know-Your-Last-Name,

It is with much regret that I am writing to inform you that you have not won the grand prize of $1000.00 that we agreed to split, minus tax deductions. It's a huge bummer to me, because that means I'll still have to do stupid jobs—like standing around the mall for several hours in holiday mayhem—just so I can buy groceries.

I know it's probably not what you were asking Santa for, but if you're not too depressed about losing—and your ego has recovered from your run-in with the Culligan Man—I received $50 from the survey company for my troubles. I'd like to offer you a date with me as a consolation prize so I can buy you that drink I promised.

'Tis the season,

Chris, the Survey Guy

P.S. Don't make me beg. Please. My own ego is fragile these days.


I hovered my mouse over the button to reply and clicked. But once I was staring at the blank body of my response, I couldn't think of anything to write. At least not as clever as what he had composed. I settled with a quick answer that I'd be happy to accept the prize if he named the place and time, and then I clicked to send before I could change my mind.

The next morning, there was another email from Chris. It was even shorter than mine. He'd merely stated to meet at a popular uptown coffee shop that afternoon.

I couldn't keep my legs still at work. It was so unlike me to fidget with my pen or constantly restack the paperwork on the reception desk, but that's what I did. I kept reminding myself it was just coffee. He was just doing this because he was a nice guy, and maybe he'd felt guilty for making me look like I couldn't walk.

As the hours crept on and the front doors remained closed for the most part, I prayed more members would come into the gym to make the time go faster. But the fact that it had snowed overnight and it was the Friday before Christmas meant the activity on the floor was pretty thin. I'd arranged to take a lunch at the end of my shift and leave early for the day so I could meet Chris, though that just made me more antsy because my stomach started gurgling around noon. At least I think it was from hunger.

Once it was time to clock out, I found myself lingering in the bathroom stall. I wanted to see him again, right? We'd had a good conversation at the mall. He was easy on the eyes, and that one dimple that his left cheek revealed whenever he smiled only made him more attractive. Not to mention, he wanted to see me again. If he wasn't interested, he wouldn't have reached out. Right? So why was I a bundle of nerves?

Feeling a little more encouraged after my personal pep talk, I made my way to my car and scraped off the frost on the windshield while I waited for the engine to warm up. Fifteen minutes later, I was pulling into the parking lot of the strip mall and walking into the coffee shop. I looked around the noisy, bustling room but didn't see Chris. My layers of a sweater and a winter coat were suddenly too hot.

Oh, God, please don't stand me up!

I checked my watch and turned around to leave...only to stare into those bright, blue eyes.

"Hi, Holly."

I gasped since I'd nearly run into him and closed my eyes for a second. Still trying to get my breathing back under control, I smiled at him. "Hi, Chris. You really have to stop doing that."

"I'm sorry." He gave me a devastating smile and slowly lifted his hand.

Something inside me stirred when his fingers moved a strand of hair from one side of my head to the other then grazed my cheek while he tucked it behind my ear.

"Your hair is so soft. I love the shade, too."

"Uh, thanks."

"Of course." His dimple flirted subtly when he smiled. "Did you order yet?"

"I was waiting for you," I said, shaking my head. I shifted my gaze to the register where two people were in line. Then I noticed a group of six were just coming into the coffee shop.

"Why don't you find us a seat?"

I nodded and weaved my way through the crowded tables to the last empty one, a table for two, at the back of the room. Once I sat down, I realized I hadn't told him what I wanted. I stood with the intention to tell Chris, but the couple that had been in line ahead of him were heading right toward me. I unbuttoned my coat and sat again, staking my claim on the table. They paused, glanced around, then changed their path to the other side of the room. I watched them while they waited for three women to vacate a table for four before sitting down themselves. Sighing, I resolved that I would just have to get in line myself when Chris was done.

"One tall, caramel latte for you," he said a few minutes later, setting one cup in front of me, "and a tall, maple pecan latte for me."

I blinked up at him, my brain and mouth trying to work together.

Chris took the seat across from me. "You look puzzled."

"H-how did you know?" I finally managed.

"Facebook." He removed the lid on his cup and blew across the top of the frothy liquid inside.


"It was easy to find you with your email address." He attempted to take a sip of his drink, cringed, and then said, "You listed the drink in a post from last month as one of your must-haves if you could only take five things to a deserted island."

A shiver raced up my back although both of my hands were cupping my hot drink. I raised both eyebrows at him. "Stalker."

His eyes widened. "No! I just wanted to know more about you."

"Uh, huh."

"Look, I'm serious. I swear. I'm not some creepy guy stalking you."

"Yeah, that's exactly what a creepy, stalker guy would say. Gain my trust, and then attack when I least suspect it."

Chris chuckled. "You're just jealous that you didn't think of checking me out, too."

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out, so I snapped it shut again.

"Am I right?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and swallowed heavily. He actually had a point. Why hadn't I thought of looking him up? The worst that could have happened was he either didn't have Facebook or his profile was restricted to only friends. But now that I thought about it, maybe subconsciously, I hadn't tried to find him for fear that he had given me a fake email address just like some women do when they don't want to bother with particular guys. Yet, he had sent me the message that debunked that theory. So I could have—

"You're cute when you blush," he said, the rim of his cup hiding his smile when he blew on the contents again and tried another sip.

My cheeks grew even warmer after his admission. But then I thought of something. "Wait, your email last night said you didn't know my last name. If you looked me up on Facebook..."

His face turned red this time. "Busted! I just thought of doing it after you replied to my message."

I rolled my eyes at him and took a sip of my drink, relishing the smooth, creamy texture, careful not to burn my tongue.

"So, you like to fill out surveys."

I shook my head. "No, I —"

"Don't deny it. They're all over your profile."

"Oh, those aren't—"

"They're surveys. Like the one you filled out at the mall."

"I don't think—"

"Do they ask you questions that you provide mostly honest answers to so that others will know more about you?"

"Well, yes." My knees were bouncing again. I wanted to shrug off my coat due to the fact that I was sweating, but after his admission, I also wanted to be prepared to jump up and leave if the need arose.

"Holly, the only difference between those and the one you filled out for me is your name is attached to the ones online. Plus, I doubt there are consumer agencies that care that 'Alone' by Heart best fits your love life, or that you think Sam Elliott is fuckable."

I covered my eyes with my left hand. "Oh, my God! Now I'm going to die."

Chris chuckled. "Why are you embarrassed? You put it on the Internet."

"Please, just change the subject," I mumbled.

"Is it because I know? Is that what bothers you?"

It had been a long time since I'd wanted to crawl under a rock, Sunday's encounter with a life-size billboard at the mall notwithstanding. I refused to admit that he was right...again. But my silence only proved his point.

"Holly?" His voice was softer. "Your honesty is...refreshing."

I felt a tear in my eye for some reason. Why did I care so much that he had teased me?

"I wonder, are you as forthcoming in person?" There was a hint of concern in his voice, and his hand rested over my right that I still had wrapped around my cup. "I'd like to know the real Holly McGregor."

I sniffled, only half-paying attention to him.

"Look at me."

Although his tone remained quiet, it demanded that I obey. I lowered my left hand and blinked away the forming tears. His smile was gone. In its place was a slight frown, despite the light still shining in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Holly. I didn't mean to upset you."

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, but my exhale was shaky. "I guess I figured I'd be the one to tell you all about me, not some online profile."

"I have a feeling those answers barely scratch the surface of the who you really are."

A corner of my mouth turned up at that.

"But to even the playing field, the song that most represents my love life is 'I Want To Know What Love Is' by Foreigner, and I think Stevie Nicks is fuckable."

I laughed.

His smile was back. "Hey, she's hot."

"I hate to admit it, but she is. You're right again. God, will you please stop doing that? It's annoying."

Chris sipped his drink for a moment then grinned widely. "Like cheese and wine, some people only get better with age."

I rolled my eyes at him and lifted my own cup.

"So, now that we're here face-to-face, tell me about you, Holly."

"I don't know. I'm not that interesting. There's not much to—"

"That's okay, I'll just read your previous posts." He pulled out his cell phone.

"Stop! Okay, you win!"

He laughed and put the phone on the table. "Good, because that probably would have taken quite a long time to get through your history."

"Now you're just being mean."

"Note to self, Holly does not like to be teased."

I pressed my lips together and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Would it be easier if I put all my questions into a survey of my own?"

"That isn't—" A sudden, increasing melody made us both jump. I realized it was my phone. I had felt it buzzing in my pocket letting me know I had new texts, but the ringtone I couldn't ignore. "I'm sorry, I need to take this. It's my mom, and she only calls when it's important. I'm really sorry."

"By all means." Chris picked up his own phone and seemed to tune me out.

"Hi, Mom. I... What? Slow down. Oh, God. Are they sure? Can't they... Yes, I heard you. Yes, I'm writing it down," I said, reaching for my purse to get a pen. My hand shook as I scribbled some words on a napkin. "I-I'll get there as soon as I can, Mom."

As soon as she hung up, I dropped my phone on the tabletop and covered my eyes. This wasn't happening. I was dreaming, and I'd wake up any moment. Please, God, tell me I'm dreaming.


I jumped and looked up through blurry eyes to see Chris frowning at me with a furrowed brow. The din of the coffee shop rushed back in, drowning out my mom's words that kept repeating themselves. In those few short moments on the phone, I'd forgotten he was here. Where I was. And then in an instant, I accepted that this was in fact reality. I suddenly found it hard to breathe.

Chris reached out and covered my hand with his. "Holly, talk to me. What's wrong?"

Blinking away my tears, I managed to say, "My dad was in an accident. They don't know if he'll make it. Another guy ran a red light while turning and fishtailed on the snow, hitting my dad's car."

"Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

"No. I-I need to get to the hospital." I went to stand up and ended up knocking over my purse. It fell to the floor, some of the contents spilling out. "I'm so sorry to cut this short."

"Holly, stop."

I looked up from where I crouched on the tile floor while reaching for a wayward lipstick tube that rolled further under the table. "I-I have to go."

"Yes, I know. But take a moment to breathe. I'll pick up your things." His hands gently grasped my upper arms. He helped me stand then sit back down. He squatted in front of me and held my gaze, his hands clasping mine while he evenly said, "Deep breath in. Let it out slowly. Again. Good girl. Keep doing that."


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Bec Sarah Get Revenge CH1

Characters: Bec: 8 year old female, 140cm tall, 50kgs, mid back length blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, no breasts at the start of this story. Joe: Jane's 15 year old brother, 155cm tall, 65kgs, short brown hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, 14cm cock. Rob: Jane and Joe's Father, 45 years old, 180cm tall, 85kgs, short blonde hair, blue eyes, 16cm cock. Jane: Rob's Wife, 42 years old, 160cm tall, 60kgs, mid back length blond hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, 12DD breasts. Sarah: 8...

3 years ago
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Broken Bliss Ch1

Blowjob, Erotica, Incest, Male/Female Teens, Masturbation, Older Female/Males, Reluctance. I apologize for any confusion this may cause, but if you don't like any of those themes, turn back now. Otherwise, please enjoy. ===================================== I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of...

2 years ago
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Beastly passion ch1

Dallas, Texas….Date –Today (opening) Hungry, Ivory, teeth watches her with coal black eyes. Her trek from work to home always has its perils. Gang members, robbers and rapists prowl these late night streets. But tonight only he stirs. No hookers on the streets on a night like tonight. They all believe in what she is about to know first hand. Its not just an urban legend it is reality. He moves with silence and determination. He can smell her. Not her 200 dollar bottle of perfume, but her....

4 years ago
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Tattia the Transformatrix Ch1

Tattia was an anxious girl. She kept having fantasies about other women. She found other women attractive, but these fantasies were violent. She dreamed about doing terrible things to other women. This in and of itself was not all that disturbing. What she found most odd was that when she had these dreams she was in other bodies. It was almost as though she were searching for a form to take in order to do what she desired. In her bed Tattia tossed and turned. She was wearing a short silky...

2 years ago
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Mommys Help ch1

What a great turn out for a Friday night. I been on my third date with Clair, A very cute girl I met while working in my dads restaurant as a waiter. She is the all American girl, Fair skin, Blonde hair and a solid little body. This turned out to be a pleasant change, from my usual type, High maintenance Italian girls with Gucci bags and tons of jewelry on! This seems like a good time to introduce myself, my name is Philip, but everyone calls me Phil. I am a 23 year old student, but I...

2 years ago
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Living A Fantasy Ch1

Love and Kisses, Cathy Cook ---------------------------------------------------------- Jenny regained consciousness not knowing how she had gotten where she was. Her brain wasn’t working right but she was aware enough to know something was wrong. The fact that she was neither frightened nor nervous told her that she was drugged. This conclusion changed nothing. A few minutes later she began hearing a quiet buzzing. Curiosity about the noise caused her to look down between her tits...

4 years ago
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My little latina ch1

This is the second story I publish on the web. All comments are welcome but if any of the categories named don’t fit your taste then please don’t read it. If you read it anyway then don’t criticize me for writing about the things you dislike. Since English is neither my first nor second language all spelling and grammar corrections are more than gratefully accepted. I read the story “Camp” a couple of years back and since then the idea of psionics has intrigued me... Enjoy J....

1 year ago
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Babygirl Ch1

With my face buried in the pillow, muffling my voice as I scream, “I… ‘mmm… ccuuummmmiiinngg… Aaaahhhh.” A shattering shutter racks my body as I gush out my slightly viscous nectar into the fluffy towel waiting beneath me. Since the first time I came in my bed and had everyone except my sister, who knew the truth, thinking I had accidentally wet my bed in my sleep, a towel has been a part of my bedding. Like an earthquake with after shocks, the powerful orgasm gave way to ever...

1 year ago
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Angels Birthday tourture Ch1

Kary stood back and admired her handy work. Her personal pleasure slave was chained naked to the wall. Fresh blood fell from the new cuts on his chest. The blood flowed from the word “Angel” carved into his skin. In parts of the cuts the blood was smeared on his chest as well as Kary’s lips. The boy was moaning and groaning over the pleasure of the pain he received, begging for more threw the tight gag around his lips. She was giving him his 18th birthday present. From the moment...

3 years ago
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Archie Andrews gets Laid ch1

“Archie, chill. Midge loves it.” “But, she’s Moose’s girl!” Archie stopped and turned to Reggie on the sidewalk and said, “do you wanna get pummeled? If Moose caught you two together, what do you think he’d do? You’d get punched straight up to the moon!” Archie Andrews had walked in on his good friend Reggie Mantle and their classmate Midge Klump hooking up behind Pop’s the day before. Archie knew he had to confront Reggie about it. “Archie, you'd...

3 years ago
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How we became depraved ch1

It was quite clear from very early in our relationship that my wife and I were never going to remain faithful to one another, Dont get me wrong we love each other to pieces but we just love fucking too much and I had weakness for younger girls. Claire and I cheated on each other lots of times while we were dating but managed to keep it a secret until I caught her swallowing cock in the gents toilets of a bar we were drinking in one evening, I later found out that the more risky the sex the more...

1 year ago
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Beastly passion ch1

Introduction: Werewolfs beastly passion and animal lust Ok, I have never wrote before, all constructive criticism is very welcome just dont ass rape me with it. I chose Werewolves because of the sheer carnal passion I associate with the myth. This is just the opening and first chapter. If I get positive feed back on it I will keep writing. Thanks everyone Dallas, Texas&hellip,.Date Today (opening) Hungry, Ivory, teeth watches her with coal black eyes. Her trek from work to home always has its...

1 year ago
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Natasha Ch1

Natasha, age thirty, was born and raised on a farm in Nebraska. Today, she still resides near there with her husband Robert. Her five foot five figure isn’t the thin model type, but slightly heavier with the curves in all the right places. With a full firm breasts and large pink nipples that stand out an inch, when aroused, a slight puffy stomach, wide hips, and a pussy with thick blonde hair, large lips, and a big clit. When you look into her face you’ll see her flawless ivory colored...

3 years ago
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Rachel And Roxanne Ch1

Day 1, Sunday, April 21. Dear diary, Alice is a bitch. She's a cunt, a dick, a heel, and a shitty friend. And I'm talking Judas Iscariot level bad friend. Here's what happened: Since we live in different parts of the country, we agreed to meet on board. After all the hassle of travel and the security screening, I made my way down to our cabin. It's small, with twin beds and a tiny, cramped, bathroom, although with a shower. There's no window since we booked as cheaply as possible. After all, we...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Slaves Ch1

Chapter 1: Introduced to the Art Lenarta had been idly fingering herself on the bed, as Galifssae and Reesha walked the boy into the chambers. She smiled. She'd been trying to imagine how he'd look, and she was pleased to say that he was even prettier than she'd hoped.The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be.The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called.As he was walked further in, the boy's eyes went...

3 years ago
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Andys new life ch1

Andy was out running in the country lanes near his home. At 32 he had not yet married, but he’d had a number of girlfriends. He enjoyed running, besides it kept him in shape. He was pretty attractive and had an athletic body. As he rounded a corner he saw a young lady struggling with a puncture on her horsebox. “Can you help me please?” she asked. Andy went over to have a look at the situation, helping was the least that he could do. “The spare is in the horsebox, but it’s a bit heavy for me”...

2 years ago
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Sophies Secret Seduction Ch1

Sophie sat at her desk, bored, gazing out of the window. Her mobile pinged again, another tinder message, she opened her phone. Surprise, another middle aged bloke with a shitty chat up line. She stared off into space wondering why it seemed only on TV women her age had young guys chasing them. "Hey, how's it going" snapped her out her day dream.Sam, one of the new guys walked past, before she could stutter a reply he'd dissppeared around the corner with a wink.Oh my god she thought, had he...

3 years ago
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Thats What Good Boys Do CH1

That's What Good Boys Do Ch. 01 by Grassmonkeym I came home early from my summer job at the landscaping company, feeling tired, dirty, and, as usual, more than a little depressed. I was eighteen years old and still coming home to my mother's house each night. Not that she minded—we had lived together, just me and her, for most of my life. My first year away at school had been tough on her, and I knew she liked having me around, at least for the summer.What bothered me more, I guess, was that...

1 year ago
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Anna Saves the Company Ch1

Anna thought she had the perfect life, at 27 years of age she was young, beautiful and intelligent. Married to her husband of 2 yrs, they both had good jobs and made each other very happy. They weren't rich by any means but they both had good salaries and were particularly careful with their money. This however was about to be put in jeopardy, as the world braced itself for a recession. Anna was one of six office staff working for a small clothing firm. The company had taken off extremely fast...

3 years ago
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Links New Look Playing Princess Ch1

The pink door slowly creaked open, a small sliver of light illuminating the pitch-black room as a small head poked in. "Good... she's not here..." a young voice muttered to itself as its owner slipped into the room, switching the lights on. Link, or Young Link as he was sometimes known, grinned upon seeing the large, elaborate room. The huge, fluffy bed was perfectly made, the light from the chandelier above completely showing the pale blue wallpaper and multiple portraits on the...

2 years ago
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Mistress StepDaughter Ch1

Tim was 42, chubby, not that attractive, and had a very small penis. He had been married once for three years but his wife left him for her boss, and since had only dated casually. Then he met Cathy, the woman of his dreams! She was 38, chubby as well, great personality, and most importantly, didn't mind his tiny member! She too was divorced and she also had a daughter named Kassi. Tim and Cathy dated for a few months and decided they wanted to get married, so they had a quick wedding and Cathy...

1 year ago
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Jim The Cuckhold Ch1

Jim felt his whole world crashing down around him as he stared at the cum-stained panties he held in his hands. They were his wife's, but the cum staining the crotch wasn't.........nor was it his! He tried to think about what to do....... Jim and his wife Dana had been married for fifteen years, had two beautiful c***dren, and a nice home. A few years back, Jim was in an accident at work and hurt his back badly. Since then he hadn't been able to work, and was on painkillers, leaving him spaced...

2 years ago
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Sissy Butt Licker Ch1

I hook up with quite a few women I meet online. They all know how tiny my penis is, and they all know of my fetishes, and most of them just want a no strings attached encounter with a guy that's not looking for anything in return. Of course they would all prefer a hot young stud, but they settle for a gross, disgusting slob like myself because most of them are no better looking! The fact I'm willing to meet them and eat them out and leave, intrigues a lot of them! Now I get shot down more often...

2 years ago
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Butt Sniffing Ch1

I've had such a good response to my "Butt Sniffing At Wal Mart" story, I thought I'd share some more memerable bum smelling experiences! This chapter is about my earlier experiences. Like I said before, my ass smell fetish ties directly into my panty fetish, and every since the first time I smelt panties, I fell in love with the smell of butt! If you've read my first chapter of "My Fetish For Panties" then you'll know my first smell of ass was my friends sister. After that, I would try and...

2 years ago
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Hookers Ch1

I'd like to share with you now some of the experiences I've had with hookers! I was nineteen the first time I picked up a hooker and I still use their services to this day! I'm not going to bore you with every hooker I've been with and what we did! For the most part the majority of the time it's just a quick suck on my car and off they go! But I have had several experiences I think are worth sharing and hope you enjoy them! Like I said the first time I picked up a hooker I was nineteen. I had...

1 year ago
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My Fetish For Panties CH1

I LOVE dirty panties! Yes I have a panty fetish........BIG TIME!! I would like to share my experiences on xhamster here with like minded individuals or those who are just curious about panty fetishism. This is one of many chapters I would like to share, so I hope everyone enjoys! I would like to start from the begining, the first time I ever held a pair of dirty panties in my hands...........I was 8, and being an only c***d, never had the opportunity to check out girls undies before going over...

1 year ago
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Busty Adventures of Brittany Ch1

Brittany Clarkson was playing volleyball in gym class today with all of the other senior students. She was really the only one hitting and chasing after the ball for some reason. She had known the reason. It was because everyone else including the gym coach, Coach Phillip was gawking at her enormous sport bra cased tits.They would bounce and wobble and just about go all over the place. She thought the sport bra would hold them down but she was wrong. She never really paid any attention to...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Woman Ch1

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 1 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 11.05.2016 This is a work of fan fiction based upon work of John Entwhistle's novel " A Northern Tale" A story set in 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 1: Latimer was surprised to receive a phone call from Mr. Hawkins, although he had been with the internationally celebrated Management Consultancy of McIntyre for 3years after gaining his MBA from Manchester...

4 years ago
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Natasha Ch1

Natasha, age thirty, was born and raised on a farm in Nebraska. Today, she still resides near there with her husband Robert. Her five foot five figure isn’t the thin model type, but slightly heavier with the curves in all the right places. With a full firm breasts and large pink nipples that stand out an inch, when aroused, a slight puffy stomach, wide hips, and a pussy with thick blonde hair, large lips, and a big clit. When you look into her face you’ll see her flawless ivory colored...

3 years ago
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A shot in the dark Ch1

Robert and Trisha had been dating for some time and finally Robert proposal to Trisha. She happily accepted. Everyone was happy for the couple. Trisha's mom secretly thought her daughter would never get married because she was flat-chested. Robert's mom never thought he would get married because he was too nice and thin and short for a guy. About six months before the wedding they took a trip and got a nice hotel room. They made out passionately and soon they were naked. Robert...

3 years ago
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Book Store Stories Ch1

MY WEEKEND OF FREEDOMIt's Tuesday morning and I'm in my office at work. Well, not really "At Work". See, I sat here yesterday trying to do my job, but with the events of last weekend still fresh in my mind, I just could not concentrate. So now I'll write about it. Then, I might get back to work.I still can recall the salty taste of his cum.Last year when I saw that TV commercial, I thought, that was my life. I'm sure you remember the guy, the one with a half of a smile saying, I have a nice...

1 year ago
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Glory Hole Surprise Ch1

I love to suck cock when I'm horny, and on this particular day I'm quite turned on.It's late summer and school is starting up again soon. I've just turned eighteen and can't wait to start my senior year - so many football player dicks to suck! Never mind the male teachers. They hook up with students a lot more often than you think.Craving the taste of cock, I decide to pay a visit to my favorite place on earth: the gloryhole down the street. Yes, I live within walking distance of a gloryhole....

2 years ago
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Enjoying his Daughters Ch1

Jerry's wife had just left for the doctors, leaving him alone with his 16-year-old daughter Mindy at their house. She was tall for her age, almost as tall as her 17-year-old sister Laura who had left early for cheer leading practice. Laura had begun to fill out her cheer leading sweater rather nicely, but Mindy was just in the beginning stages of growing matching titties like her sister. Jerry liked it when his wife left, not because he didn't love her but because he loved to go online and...

4 years ago
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My Story Ch1

First of all, welcome! This is my first attempt at writing about my journey, and it has been a journey, into experiencing sex with hung, dominant black men. I have had a lot of inspiration from other authors on this site, namely Originalanonymous, Floridaguy2001 and Pantyboy4mistress. Thank you to all that you've done for me over the years. I will definitely welcome feedback from authors and readers alike because as it says in the title, this is only chapter 1 of a very fun and naughty...

1 year ago
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Covid Gloryhole Ch1

To make matters worse i lost my job but still had the payments to make on my new car. My parents helped me out but they’re struggling and I don’t want to have to sell it. I’d applied for hundreds of jobs and been rejected from hundreds of jobs. There was only one that I had instantly ruled out!! Sales assistant in a sex shop on the industrial park. As much as I needed money there was no way I was going to sell sex magazines and videos to dirty old men and have to look at them. The thought...

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