The Naughty List Chapter 4 free porn video

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Chris pressed his lips to my forehead and rubbed my back. "Since we're being open here, before we go any further, I think it's a good time to address something important."

"Okay..." I started to lift my gaze and got as far as his mouth.

"Holly, are you a good girl?" he said seriously, as though my answer was the most crucial decision of my life thus far. Then I saw a shadow of his dimple. "Or a naughty girl?"

I ducked my head again Oh. My. God. My face probably looked like Rudolph's fucking nose!


Even when I'd finally recovered from my shock and found my voice, I couldn't look at him. I had an inkling about what he was referring to. Yet, I decided to play naïve. "I-I'm not sure what you mean."

"You read the list," Chris said, his finger lazily trailing a path down my arm. "I'm curious how you answered the questions. If they matched up to any of mine."

A shiver ran through me. "Where did you even find something like that?"

"On a fetish website that I subscribe to."

My head snapped up to stare at him. "A what?"

"Fetish website. It's where people like me hang out."

I let out a small squeak and tried to push him away. "P-people like you? I don't—"

"Shh. Listen." He kissed me softly, his hand stroking my hip now. His voice was lower...seductive...when he said, "I like to bring my partner absolute pleasure, not pain. Never pain."

I stilled. "H-how?"

"With my body. Sometimes with just words. Or the aid of some toys."

"L-like handcuffs...and blindfolds?" I gulped, remembering those and other questions from the bottom of the list.

"Exactly. When a woman surrenders control, she allows herself to experience pleasures she has only dreamt about. It gives a whole new meaning to the word 'intense.'" He pulled back and looked down into my eyes for the longest time. "I would like to give you a demonstration of what I mean. Do you trust me?"

I hesitated, and Chris added, "But you should know that if you say yes, I intend to touch you. Tease you. Give you extreme pleasure. And ultimately, I will make love to you."

Before I could start hashing out the pros and cons with my conscience, I slowly nodded, whispering, "Yes."

He deserved a chance. After what he'd done for me in the short time we'd known each other, I owed him at least that. And I owed it to myself. To prove he wasn't like the other guys I'd known.

"Good." He kissed me softly then pulled the covers off us both. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed, patting and smoothing his hand on the mattress beside him. "Come here."

I was on my hands and knees before I understood what he probably intended. I froze mid-crawl, two thoughts registering in my head. First, the hungry look in his eyes while he watched me made me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet. And second, he was going to spank me.

I was comfortable in my own skin despite some physical imperfections—every woman has ways they wish they were different or better, even the skinny ones. I kept myself toned at the gym, a convenience and a perk of working there. I imagined him seeing the curves of my naked, fit body posed as though stalking prey, my messy, red locks hanging like opened curtains presenting my breasts, which were just about a good handful, nothing more. I did not miss the way the tip of his tongue darted out and licked his upper lip, his lower lip briefly rolling into his mouth when his tongue retracted.

My breath caught at the second thought. He said he did not like to cause pain. I said I trusted him. Surely he would stop if I said he was hurting me? I could not deny that my curiosity was piqued, along with my arousal.

After a couple of deep breaths, I was moving again. I refused to look at his cock when he helped me lay across his lap. I didn't need that distraction. But I became more nervous when it tapped my belly as I settled into the most comfortable position.

I also noticed a slightly hard and cool sensation that I started to ask about, but his hand rested on my exposed ass, creating yet another distraction. He caressed lightly, his other hand on the middle of my back. A moan escaped before I could stop it.

"Say 'red' if you need me to stop, okay? It's called a safeword. It's for your security."

I swallowed heavily. I could do this. I wanted to at least try. "Yes."

His own moan met my ears at the same time as the words of the latest song on my laptop, which I'd forgotten was still playing. ZZ Top crooned "Rough Boy" while Chris Berry splayed his fingers out across my right butt cheek, massaging lightly.

A slight shudder made me arch my hips, raising my ass toward his touch when he lifted his hand before he laid it down on my left cheek. Then there were more soft caresses. More nerves sparking to life before shooting directly toward my core.

My arms were folded on the bed, my forehead resting on them. My breasts pressed against the mattress, Chris's thighs firm and warm under me. I was lost in the moment...the rhythm of the song, the gentle touches from him.

His first smack made me cry out, although I knew it was coming eventually. It hadn't been hard, and it hadn't hurt. It was just...startling. I was prepared when the second one came on the opposite butt cheek. And I sighed when he brushed his hand across both points of contact.

"Doing okay, Holly?"

I nodded and moaned again when his hand slid a little lower. But I choked out another cry when his hand hit the new spot a little harder. This time, there was a tingle, like after you smack your arm to kill a mosquito. Despite my muscle mass, the skin there was tender.

Had he been testing out the padding of my ass for the most vulnerable area? Another swat on my other cheek in the same low spot told me the answer was yes. And among all the emotions running through my head, I acknowledged that my pussy muscles were clenching. Spanking was actually turning me on? Who would have—

"Oh!" I squealed when his hand hit the middle of my ass hard, across both butt cheeks, making my whole body jerk. Without thinking, I reached back, grasping his wrist.

He smoothed his hand over the spot. "Too much? If you want to stop, just say the safeword."

I froze, his wrist still clutched in my fingers. Slowly, I released him. "No. I just wasn't expecting it."

But after I'd reached back again on the next two swats, I heard him sigh.


"No, I-I want to do this." Tears brimmed my eyes. My mind was bombarded with emotions. Confusion, because I didn't expect to be turned on. Desire for what lay on the other side of what he was doing to me. Frustration that I couldn't just let go and let him be in control. And strangely, there was the fear that I would disappoint him. But it was just basic instinct to stop someone from hitting you. "I'm sorry, Chris. I don't... I'm not... I want..."

He returned to smoothing his hand over the areas where I could feel my skin had heated up. Then he paused. "We can stop. Or... What if I bound your hands? Would you consent to that? It might help."

My breathing grew shallower while I considered his suggestion.

He must have sensed my uneasiness because he added, "You can still tell me to stop at any time."

"O-okay. Y-yes."

I felt his body move and looked back to see him leaning away from me. He sat up, removing his belt from the last loopholes on his jeans that were laying at the foot of the bed. I concentrated on breathing steadily when he reached over me and laced the leather strap around my wrists before threading the buckle end of the belt through the slats on my headboard and fastening it tightly around one slat.

"Don't pull too hard. It's not the item I would use, but I don't have an ideal binding at the moment."

I snapped my head around to stare at him.

"You'll be fine. Just remember, say 'red' if you want to stop."

I blinked at him.

"Breathe, Holly. In and out slowly. Again. Good. Keep doing that."

My next breath was shaky. I could see the desire flickering in his eyes like a flame. I would hang on for as long as possible. For him.

"I want you to sing 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town.' Okay?"

My smile was wary. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. It'll be fun."

"For you or for me?"

Chris just chuckled.

I turned to stare at my hands. At the way he'd bound them. A flutter of excitement passed through me at the thought of being at his mercy. Then I remembered his words...that he said he wanted me to get pleasure from this. That in order to do so, I needed to relinquish control to him. I'd said I trusted him. It was the moment of truth.

"I promise to be gentle." With each word, his hand stroked across my ass. Then he snickered. "Unless you mess up."

Was he serious?

I closed my eyes, concentrating on the music in the background. His right hand moved over my nether region, and his other hand held my back, his fingers slightly curling onto my side, probably so I didn't roll off his lap. My breathing evened out. I clenched then released my hands. The belt wasn't tight, but the presence of something on my wrists—restricting movement—made my pussy throb. Interesting...

You can do this, girl. It's a simple song. Just stay focused.

With a deep breath, I started. "You better watch out, you better not cry. Better not pout. I'm telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town."

"You're doing such a good job, Holly." His fingers played at the cleft between my cheeks, pressing slightly before returning to stroking back and forth. When they went lower and grazed over my pussy lips, making me pant, he moaned. "Mmm. You're wet, honey. Good girl."

Yeah, tell me about it.

"Keep singing."

"H-he's making a list. A-and checking it twice." I closed my eyes and swallowed heavily.

I guess my pause was too long because the force of his hand was a little heavier when he patted my butt again.

"Uh...He's going to find out who's naughty or nice. Santa Claus is coming to town."

Damnit! What was the next line?

My mind just would not focus with competing music playing...with his lighter pats again on various places of my ass. I whimpered when he removed his hand completely. And when it came down hard a moment later, I cried out, my arms jerking on the belt.


"Nope. Try again."

"I-I am!"

After a second smack, the heat intensified on my backside.

"H-he..." Shit! Come on. Oh, wait! Yes! "He sees you when you're sleeping."

"Very good." His hand smoothed over the spot that tingled, which made it throb.

"He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake."

His hand slipped down again between my legs, and I rocked against his legs with a mewl.

"Oh, you better watch out. You better not cry." I was licking my lips between every couple of words at that point. "You better not pout. I'm telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town."

I let out a deep breath. Good God. I'd done it.

I waited for him to release my hands and let me up. But he kept stroking and patting, although I noticed the force was a little heavier throughout now.



"I-I sang the song."

"Mm hmm. Yes, you did, Holly."


"Oh, do you want me to stop?"

I gulped. Did I?

"You know what to say if you want me to stop before I'm ready."

I licked my lips. This wasn't so bad. I wasn't uncomfortable.

Chris continued the smacks, alternating cheeks, the area of contact, and the amount of force he used. Surprisingly, the more he spanked me, the more my body relaxed. And the more aroused I became. Especially when his cock pressed harder against me from below. My nipples became tender, rubbing against the bed whenever my body jerked from the blows.

But the longer we went, the more I was tempted to use the safeword. I almost did. Twice. My ass was stinging, but I pressed past the slight pain, focusing on the growing, pulsing sensations in my pussy that warned of an imminent orgasm.

I wondered if he could actually make me come this way, too. Suddenly, he spread his knees, his arm across my back tightening. My own legs fell open. I was about to ask him what was going on when the palm of his hand landed flat across my pussy lips. I screamed, jerking harder on my restraints.


"No! No! Don't stop!"

It was right there. I licked my lips while I panted desperately.

He didn't seem to need any more encouragement. His hand hit the same spot again, eliciting another sharp cry. Another swat. But this time, I whimpered. Why was it being so elusive?

"Harder!" Then I gasped, realizing I'd said the thought aloud. Before I could retract it, Chris landed a whopper directly over my pussy.

I cried out louder, the tears in my eyes spilling down over my hot cheeks when he hit again. I was still certain I was going to be disappointed when he did a succession of rapid smacks on each ass cheek then my pussy again. On his third round, my entire body went taut before a wail was ripped from my lungs. Then I was thrashing like a fish flung out of the water and onto the beach.


"Shh, shh," Chris whispered in my ear, his hands releasing the belt binding my wrists.

I moaned at the feeling of my ass touching the bed and adjusted to lay on my left side. Tender didn't even begin to describe what I felt back there. I imagined I wouldn't be able to sit for at least a day. The thought made me choke back a sob.

"I've got you, Holly." He sat down next me, his left hip in the curve of my bent legs.

A tremor rippled through me when he stroked my hip then moved up to massage my breast. His other hand caressed my cheek.

He kissed my forehead. "That was amazing. Thank you. My hand stings like hell, but it was worth it. I had not expected that reaction from you. You were absolutely wonderful. It's a great start."

I wanted to ask him to elaborate, but the thought died on my lips when his hand left my breast and his fingers slid between my legs...up into me. My jaw dropped, my breath catching somewhere in my throat. I gripped his shoulder, my body twisting at the waist so I could spread my legs open, my ass be damned.

"Mmm. Very nice. Do you like to touch yourself, Holly?"

My answer was more of a gurgle because his fingers had found and were rubbing my G-spot.

"Do you come hard? Do you think of someone touching you like this?" His thumb lightly strummed my clit. "Or do you prefer it a little rougher?"

I clenched my eyes shut—dug my nails into his skin—when he thrust faster, the heel of his hand slamming into my pubic bone. He'd latched onto that impulsive admission in my sleep and uncovered a part of me I hadn't even realized existed. With other guys, I had always cringed at dirty talk during sex. But rough sex? Bondage? Spanking? I'd never experienced any of that. Apparently, I did have some naughty tendencies.

Chris kept talking...asking me questions—his own version of the list. His deep voice was erotic, hypnotizing. In the distance, I heard the constant base of an obscure song, my heart beating in time with the rhythm. Soon, my hips joined in, undulating to the beat.

When his hand changed speed or position, I whimpered, unsure if I wanted him to stop and go back or continue forward. The crest would swell within me, then I'd dip—sometimes farther than others—before being lifted again. Up and down. Rise and fall. Over and over again, like a rollercoaster. I rode the waves in a mixture of content and frustration until I lost all sense of myself, releasing my death grip on his shoulders, my hands flopping to the bed.

"There you go, Holly," his voice registered in my head. "So beautiful."

And just like that, bliss spread throughout my body. I had the vague knowledge that I was arching my back...rolling my head...crying out. That his ministrations became more centered, prolonging my sensation of floating. Through it all, his voice coaxed me to surrender completely to him. He told me he wanted to give me a Christmas gift like I'd never received before. I just had to say the word.

"Yes, please," I heard myself mumble between moans of ecstasy.

Slowly, gently, he eased his hand away, drawing raspy whimpers from my lungs. Then he was lying on top of me, one hand caressing my face so that I turned my cheek to press against his warm palm. His lips grazed my forehead, eyes, and nose before settling on my lips. It was light at first, but then his tongue joined in, making love to my mouth.

One hand twined in my hair, preventing me from turning away. His other moved between our bodies. There was a brief, cool awareness and some pressure before I was being filled in the most incredible way. Stretching me little-by-little as he rocked back and forth.

His moans filled my head. I pulled up my knees and spread my legs wider. I was wondering how long he was when something else hard and cool rubbed against my entrance—three times in succession, in fact, with a brief absence in between. It was something bumpy, reminding me of when I used to use the handle of a toothbrush to masturbate before I'd discovered vibrators, the ridges creating friction against my sensitive ring. That was nothing compared to this. And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, something pressed against my G-spot. The combination sent delicious waves of pleasure rippling through my abdomen, my arms grappling at his but failing to get a grip.

"Oh, fuck!"

Chris chuckled then groaned into my mouth. His cock slid all the way out then back in again several times, multiplying the sensations. Each time, his thrusts were slow and deep. And each time, my resulting sounds grew louder.

I swallowed, trying to find my voice. A sudden orgasm made me cry out and thrash beneath him.

Holy shit! He was fucking right, again. Best. Christmas. Present. Ever!

When I started to settle down and my brain was no longer hazy, I felt his mouth on my breast, his tongue swirling around my nipple.

I blinked down at the top of his head. An aftershock made my body tremble. It was then that I registered his cock throbbing inside me. Still moving in and out in gentle but deliberate motions. Reigniting the fire that had started to die down.

He looked up at me suddenly, the heat in his eyes sending a shudder straight to my core. "Can you come again, Holly?"

My head started to shake in the negative. But my whole body arched—a scream catching in my throat—when his fingers played over my clit. All while he continued stroking within me.

I lost track of how long that one lasted. One moment, I was staring at the ceiling, the weight of his body pressing down on my lower body. The next, I was curled into his warm embrace with a sense of emptiness inside. Then my hand was wrapped around his cock, his hand over mine. I heard his grunts. Knew that he was stroking himself off with my aid.

The strange rigidness of the underside of his cock pressed into my palm. I wanted to ask him what caused it, but the sudden warmth spreading over my hip distracted me. Then he was holding me tighter, pressing his lips to mine. Rolling me onto my back and covering my body with his, his spent cock resting between my legs.

When we'd both recovered, I managed to form some words, although less eloquently than I'd planned. "What the hell was that?"

Chris chuckled. "You submitting all control to me. Letting me give you ultimate pleasure."

My throat was slightly sore when I swallowed. "No...your fucking cock."

He moaned and rolled off to lay beside me. Taking my hand in his again, he placed mine on his cock. "Open your eyes, Holly."

I blinked slowly then looked down to see the light glinting off metal in several places between our hands. The second to last question on the list suddenly popped into my head. My eyes grew wide when I glanced up at him. "Oh, my God! Doesn't that hurt?"


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Leaning into Kal, I said, “I think you can do this better than Claire could, but you know I can’t tell Claire that and you can’t either, ever! You promise me? Pinkie Swear?” She put out her Pinkie, attaching hers to mine. I heard her say, “Pinkie Swear, Charles.” I looked over and saw a delicious smile on Claire’s face as K started to try the cut time tempo. She was hesitating. “Look at me, Princess? This song is called, ‘Hold On’ so you can hold on to me and I know you can do this. Try it...

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I came back down dressed for the spa, Sarah was already in, so I checked and asked, “You do have a suit on, right Sarah?” She stood up and had on a beautiful one-piece swimsuit, that had the American Flag on it, but there was a mesh portion over the bosom area that flashed a bit more ‘skin’ than I had been expecting. I got in and turned my back to her saying, “Be gentle, Mrs. Robinson,” which caused her to laugh a bit. Just as she was starting to rub my shoulders, everybody came through the...

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We laughed all the way down to the kitchen. I pulled the chair out for Claire and we went about our business. I made her a salad and brought it to her, then made us each a cheeseburger and grabbed some chips and took it to the table. Lastly I poured us a couple glasses of water and realized I was the only person moving at all. The ladies seemed perplexed over Claire’s ‘ensemble,’ but nobody actually said anything. Claire looked up and said, “Are Charles and I the only ones having lunch...

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MILF Real Estate Agent Becomes a Whore for Listings Part 1

The real estate business can be very lucrative, but most agents aren’t that successful. I got some good, although morally flawed, advice when I started my career in real estate, that helped me to be very successful. Looking back now, two years later, my husband, Mark, has accepted our somewhat perverse lifestyle, for the obvious monetary rewards that it provides.My name is Shari, and I grew up in a religious, upper middle-class family in the Jacksonville, Florida area. After completing my...

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Excusing myself from the ladies for a moment, I went back upstairs to take a shower and shake the ‘Claire-webs’ from my mind. I quickly got dressed and went to, (real!) to see which steps I wanted to add to our various routines and there was a knock on my bedroom door. Rather than my usual ‘come in,’ I asked, “Who is it?” “It’s Claire, Charles ... Annie and my mom said I should come up and talk to you. We need to talk.” “Just a minute — All right?” I was feverishly...

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Last year, being thirteen-year-olds meant we danced on Tuesday, but this year (2013) since we both will be tuning 14 in late July, we’re probably moving to Thursday nights. However, we got a letter from Jimmy with the upcoming Cotillion schedule. Things have changed considerably; Monday is now 17/18-year-olds, Tuesday 13/14-year-olds, Wednesday 11/12-year-olds, Thursday 15/16-year-olds, Friday is the 9/10-year-olds, and Saturday at ten am, will be the 7/8-year-olds. This was explained by an...

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“Back to the Countdown, all right?” I hopefully asked. That settled them all down, at least a little. Claire said, “You were at 14, Charles.” “Thanks honey,” I said with a kiss. “Number 14;” 955,000 Sarah “Marilyn Monroe” pose “What’s that mean?” Kalista asked. I said, “There was an actress in the 40s, 50s and early 60s named Marilyn Monroe, Kalista. She exuded sexuality and one of her many famous pictures was with her bent over in a low-cut all-white dress, with her ‘girls’ pushed...

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Calista Four Kaidran Quadrant

Calista Four, Kaidran Quadrant By: Malissa Madison 4/7/2013 Churl remained as close as possible to Calista, his body language emitting both extreme joy as well as Sorrow. Before him on the bridge of the Equinox stood one who was in name the same as his lost love. And yet she seemed so indifferent to his presence. Could she not see how much he already loved her, and what of their kit at home with his parents on Helconia Prime? Alice Dalton studied the Kaidran, who was studying...

2 years ago
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“Yes, a Terrible Tango routine,” I said. “Must find just the right music,” as I started rummaging through our music collection. “What about ‘Hernando’s Hideaway,’ Charles? We have practiced to it a couple of times?” Claire suggested. “No, Claire ... it’s a great song to Tango to, but I want something that works for only you and me ... so nobody else will dare dance to it, after we do.” “Aren’t we getting a little full of ourselves, Charles?” mom asked. “No Mom, the music is important;...

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Things were breaking up and our group quickly surrounded us, as we exchanged hugs and kisses. I looked around and didn’t see Kalista anywhere, at least not until she was in the air, on her way to me and I caught her. I won’t be able to hold her much longer, she has gotten taller and thus, heavier; I certainly wouldn’t say that to her face. She went for the deep kiss, but Annie and Sarah were there in time, to stop it from happening. After signing autographs for over half an hour, Annie...

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After we got home, I changed into a swimsuit and practically jumped into the spa. Being that everyone else was of a like mind, within a half hour, I was joined by my entire C.A.S.K of ladies. Kalista came up to me and asked, in an alarmingly sexual tone, “Whatcha doin, Loverboy,” and she sat down on my lap, spreading herself out in a leisurely manner. “Well, Special K, you sexy lump of clay, you, I was looking at the final leg of our US SST tour.” I had my laptop on a stool...

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When they saw us walk up to their ticket windows, there was a scream from within, and they called their supervisor who gave us all free passes for the day. Ever-present Sarah showed me she had autographing pens with her. First thing we did was to take the Behind the Scenes Tour that showed off their zoological support area, and Jonathan, our guide, made a prideful point of mentioning all of the endangered species they had at their park. After the Tour was over, our guide, Jonathan stayed...

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We all laughed for the next hundred miles or so as we headed towards our, 31st City Salt Lake City One Night SLC Marriott City Center We arrived in Salt Lake City about three am. Sarah had gotten us a large suite with two queens and a rollaway. We’re performing at the Salt Palace the day after tomorrow. We were emotionally drained from the last six hours of things happening, so Kalista got in the rollaway, provided I give her a goodnight kiss, which I did, and I crawled into bed with my...

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“I am so excited,” Annie said. “How do you calm down when you get this excited.” Michael knew, so he walked over to her and gave her a nice kiss, possibly the best kiss they had yet shared. She touched her lips and seemed calmer. “He certainly takes after his father,” Kallie said. “Charles did that to Sarah once, and she was never the same again.” “Five minutes please,” our tech girl announced through my headset. I passed that along to the gang. Turning to my wife, I said, “Ready for...

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“MOTHER!” She was on a roll, so Sarah kept going, “Sorry Claire, but the truth is the truth. Most girls your age are getting ready to go to high school and plan to sleep with every boy they meet, until they find the one to bring home to Mom and Dad. You, however—hit the mother lode; he’s cute, he’s smart, he treats you like he’s known you for a dozen years, but it’s been barely over a year and a half, from when you first met.” “I know I didn’t originally understand what was going on with...

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FIFTEEN YEARS LATER (2032) “Charles?” K said, now 28. “Yes, Princess?” I responded, now 33. “Everybody’s gone, leaving us alone.” “Where did they all go to?” I asked. “Claire, Annie and Sarah with Rose and Michael, along with Ken and his brood, went to check on the newest Charles & Claire Dance Studio in Pittsburgh. On their way back they were going to Columbus for the day, to check on the studio that Brian and Susan, and their family, are in charge of.” “That leaves us all alone,...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The naughty list Ch1

But he was cute, I was bored, and what harm could come from answering a short survey? I was only at the mall because the weather had been crappy all week, and I was getting claustrophobic in my apartment with my roommate and her boyfriend making out like a pair of spring rabbits in heat. I'd tried to remind them that it was Christmas time, not Easter, but Jolie had been too busy giggling and screeching while Dirk chased her back into her bedroom. The slamming of her door was the jolt I'd...

4 years ago
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Calista Four Stage Two

Calista Four, Stage Two By: Malissa Madison During the next week I had been given Duty time Chores on top of my off duty chores. I also met the other five officer's apprentices onboard. I was throwing myself into my work with added vigor hoping Momma wouldn't ask me about Stage Two again. I'd been thinking a lot about it and also about Patricia's behavior, and in my mind I linked the two together. I was sitting on my bunk in just me pantys when Momma finally decided to ask why...

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My girls all came up to me wondering exactly what I was going to say. As usual, I said that I didn’t know yet, I’d planned to wing it. The cameraman was getting instructions through his earpiece and I got Claire and Kalista on either side me. He backed up a bit and gave me a 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1. The reporter handed me her mike, and I said, straight into the TV camera in front of me, “Ladies and Gentlemen, and kids of all ages, from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Welcome to the Columbus Mall, in...

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By the time I looked it up, Claire had gone back into our room, Kalista was looking for a suit and the ladies went back to their room to change. “Charles, I may need you to put some sunscreen on me, later?” Kalista said swishing her hips as she went into her bathroom. She knows how to turn me on! I got up and saw my fiancée walking out of our bathroom, with a delicious red bikini on. “Come on X Man, we want to get there before they leave for the day,” Claire said. As quickly as I could, I...

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Breaking the mood, Sarah said, “He’s not the greatest dancer ever, but he’s darn close. Thank you for stopping by,” she added, rubbing my back saying, “She’s not too far from the truth, Charles?” I leaned into Sarah and cried for a bit. Fed, showered, and dressed - we showed up early for our second Carnegie Hall Performance, these folks paid $2,500 each to see us, so we really needed to be jazzed and ready. Walking up to Michael, I saw he’d actually put on the T-shirt we got him. “Hey...

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The Announcer came on: “Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls; school’s out and guess who’s back joining us? Charles & Claire!” A wonderful round of applause came up from the crowd, the returning kids smiled at us, the new kids glared at us. “But they are last today, so let’s get started.” He went on to announce the first competitors and it began. Things were moving along, I felt a bit more nervous than usual. Claire came up to me and said, “Charles, remember we’re waltzing today, this...

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“I plan to ask her to marry me at graduation, not to marry me at graduation. I know many teenagers as well as older folks seem to think two or three months is plenty of time to be engaged. I hope to be engaged for two full years so when we turn twenty, that year’s McArthur Family BBQ could become our Wedding Day.” “I know you usually hold it in June, Sarah, but that year it could be the Sunday between my and Claire’s birthday’s in July. Could that be planned? Maybe you can get that dunk tank...

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About three hours later, we’d gone through our new routines, polishing them all up a bit—also going over every routine we’d won a trophy using. Some of those were quite fun, since we hadn’t performed them in such a long while. “LUNCH!” The three of us all came in to see a layout of food that was amazing; we had lasagna or meatloaf to choose from. Also, there were Pan-fried home-made French fries, which is a specialty of the ladies, and the usual Salad Bar, but it had more things to choose...

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We got home and Sammi, with her daughters’ help, got out the photographic equipment. Michael and Rose helped set it all up, under her direction. My son may have a crush on Samantha! Sarah was on the Internet, looking at something, as Kalista and I went up to change. We got into our matching red outfits we’d purchased while in San Francisco for IGB event. After our pictures were taken, Rose and Michael wanted to have theirs taken, so I told them to change into something they dance in, while...

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2nd City Grand Rapids, MI Radisson Hotel Here, we performed at the DeVos Place Convention Center in the DeVos Performance Hall, which seats 2,400 people. Mr. Bublé told me we got in here because Harry Connick Jr cancelled, and we got the date. The irony of that is that the two of them have reasonably similar singing styles as well as they sing a lot of the same old crooners’ tunes. From there, we schlepped to, 3rd City Detroit, MI Holiday Inn Woodhaven 4th City Akron, OH Sheraton Suites...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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“Let’s get back to the hotel everybody,” Annie said. “Michael, when do we leave for Russia?” “In three days, we fly from here to Novosibirsk, Russia, about 2,950 miles, then on to Moscow, an additional 1,730-mile leg, after that to St. Petersburg, our final Russian stop,” Michael said. “Good, I might just sleep for the next two days Michael,” I said. Claire leaned in close and said, “Not without me, you won’t?” The realization of the previous evening, hit me when I woke up. I had my arms...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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At that point, Sarah and I had scheduled seven days off to recharge and refresh in Dallas, only three hours away at the Cooper Hotel & Conference Center. The place was awesome. I even scheduled a Swedish Massage for everybody in our group - each in their own rooms, which costs extra, but we’re all worth it. While in Dallas, we went off to Six Flags Over Texas, only thirty minutes away from our hotel. We even got Annie and Sarah to go on some of the rides. The place was pretty cool. While...

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I found Michael already there getting ready to begin his physical routine. “Michael, the day you spent with Rose ‘talking’ what did you talk about? Did the subject of me come up?” “Why?” he asked. “Just had a problem with Kallie, involving Rose ... so?” “She asked me if she thought you would ... no ... dad, I can’t say those words out loud!” “Come on Michael, we have always been upfront with each other.” “She’s still a virgin, dad!” “Really? I thought you two had at least, attempted...

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“Kallie?” I said pulling her to where we could talk and not be heard. “Yes dear,” she replied giving me again that smile that radiates love. “I found an ALS Research Center in San Francisco. They are expecting records from your doctor regarding your preliminary diagnosis. I have emailed you their information and would love it if you took care of doing that in the next 24 to 48 hours,” I asked. “It isn’t that important, Charles,” she said. “It is to me, please, Special K, do it for me,...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites

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