Calista Four, Stage One free porn video

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Calista Four, Stage One By: Malissa Madison "Get out of bed and do your chores," reminded the woman who had invaded my life. At first I tried to blame her for everything that had happened to me, but the truth was none of it was really her fault. She was just carrying out the sentence handed down by the Ship's Captain. Now though, I realize how much of a blessing it had been rather than the punishment it was intended to be. I got out of bed and slipped out of the frilly pink nitie that did nothing to hide my body, this was only stage two of the sentence. And already I could see the changes beginning. But how had I really ended up here? I started toward the shower as I thought about it. It all started three years ago, when my parents whom I am sure really did love me, they just didn't show it enough to register my birth, had passed away. I was thirteen at the time, living with them on a remote colony building project on Calista Four, a small mining planet. When they perished in a mining accident I was left homeless, with no identity and no one to take responsibility for me. I started by steeling food at first, then other things, going from lockup to lockup. The company had determined the best thing to do was to notify the home planet and wait for answers, since my parents had used an unauthorized method to attain my birth. I was born in the family laboratory they had pieced together for the purpose. None of my DNA matched any of theirs either, that was the main reason I'd been denied any inheritance. And add to that the fact I'd never had any of my schooling registered. I'd never been to school, but I'd been taught to read, as well as the other necessary educations required by law. Which I used to my advantage at every turn to get out of lockup. Then I made the biggest mistake. I stole an ore carrier, and used it to reach the freighter, 'Silver Light' in orbit. I was hoping no one would discover it before the freighter left. No such luck, you can't hide something that huge. Not when every gram of weight is accounted for. The company sent a crew to retrieve the carrier, but when I was finally found they refused the cost of retrieving me. "It's your problem now," they told the Captain. So here I was a sixteen year old stow away on a star freighter, the officers court had convened and determined what to do with me. I remembered hearing the first mates words after they threatened to space me. "Captain Clark, you know as first officer I'm authorized to have a child with me, to rear and train." "First Officer Dalton, that clause in your contract specifies that you may have a 'Daughter' aboard with you to apprentice as a ships Navigation Officer. Are you prepared to see this child through the changes needed to fulfill that portion of the contract?" asked the legal officer. I watched her swallow hard before answering. "Yes, I think so." "Richards, is there a Transition kit in medical?" the captain had asked the Medical Officer. "We only have the first stage, Sir. But we're due to pick up the other stages when we reach Helconia Prime in ten months." The chief medical officer replied. "Very well then. Alice, you have ten months to complete stage one, if she isn't showing signs of becoming a viable member of the crew by then we'll leave her with the Authorities on Helconia." Alice Dalton was listed in the ships log as my Adoptive Mother, they listed my name in the log as Calista Four Dalton. When I tried to protest she'd placed one finger quickly over my lips. "Boy, I just saved your scrawny hide from being pushed out of an airlock. And you are going to do everything I say, no arguments. I have no intentions of getting myself spaced for any of your misbehavior, is that clear Calista?" "My name is Robert, not Calista. That's a girl's name." I puffed out my chest in protest. Grabbing a handful of my shoulder length hair she forced me to look into her eyes. "You listen to me if you want to live. You are going to follow me to the ships Med Lab, and we are going to start Stage One." I wasn't sure what Stage One was, but I didn't think I was going to like it any, still it had to be better than getting thrown out of an open airlock. Cowed and feeling beaten I followed silently to the Med Lab. Dr Richards was already there waiting for us. He started off with a full physical, which seemed to cause him a bit of concern. "Alice," he said looking at the CAT scan results. "I think you're going to want to keep a very close eye on this one." "Why doc?" she'd asked. "Do you anticipate problems with the Stage One Transition?" "No the development and everything else will go as it's supposed to. It's her hyperactive tendencies that are showing in the scans. She might take a bit to adjust to Stage One though." She smiled looking at the pictures of my brain. "Doc have you ever done a cross comparison of mine and the other Nav Officers Scans?" "No I haven't," he admitted. Looking up from a report on my DNA and Chromosomal structuring. Alice typed some commands into the computer terminal and suddenly there were three more sets of scans on the screen. The only thing I could see different were the names at the bottom. "Calista, do you know where your parents got the DNA they used to create you?" asked Roberts. "What makes you think I was created?" I asked defensively. Touching the little dimple at the base of my skull under my hair line Alice said, "This is from a Laboratory Invetro link." I started to cry softly knowing what was going to come next. I would be listed as a Sub-Human. My other parents warned me about letting people know I wasn't a natural born human. Instead she pulled me into her arms. "Sweetie, it's ok. Trust me." tears streaming from my eyes I lifted my head to look at her. "I, my parents made me keep my hair long to hide it, now you know I'm a freak." "Calista Four Dalton, I don't ever want to hear those words come from your mouth again," I could see hurt and anger there in her eyes for just a brief moment before her hand took mine gently. She guided it to back of her own neck and I gasped when my finger touched the same scar. "Looks like we have a new Navigator's Apprentice, in more ways than one," she smiled at me. "Doc let me see that print out." She pointed to the one he was currently reading. "Crap, they did it, they altered your Chromosomes to create a boy," both Alice and Dr Roberts said simultaneously. I was worried now. "What does that mean?" I was crying again. "Oh Sweetie, it's not bad. It just explains why you are so sensitive. You were developing as a girl, so they altered your gender. See they gave you a 'Y' Chromosome so you would develop into a boy instead of a girl." Explained Doc. "Stage one should work faster for you, given the extra 'X' Chromosome." He looked at Alice, "Congratulations, It looks like you'll have a pretty young girl in no time." turning to me he said, "Ok Sugar, time for the first shot. Now drop those drawers and lean over." I felt a cool sensation and then warmth spreading out through me from my left buttocks. "I'm giving her a Cabin rest order for the next week, until her Hormones begin to level out." Looking at me he said, "Go with your Momma now and let her find you something less boyish to wear." I was led to the ships storage, where she pulled out several packages after inputting her codes. Next I was directed to stand bare footed on a metal scan plate. She typed in, 'Navigation Apprentice, Dalton, Calista F.' the plate glowed warmly then printed out a little slip of paper. She led me to the next section. "Here you go sweetie," she handed me a pair of boots like hers. Knee length with a three inch heel, and glossy black. Then she pulled two more packages from another bin. "Ok now strip everything off," she directed me. "We can't have you being confused as one of the civilians onboard." I did as I was told, and she opened the first package. I couldn't believe she was expecting me to wear this stuff. It was bright pink. But then I pulled the little pantys on and felt them fitting themselves to my body. I giggled as they stretched and moved. Suddenly she reached in the front and pushed what little bit I had toward the back of my crotch and let them readjust again. Then she handed me the next package, I was almost mortified. It was a bra, a very feminine bright pink, frilly bra. She had to show me how to work the clasp in front, but then it too began form fitting to my upper body. "This is the part you're going to like Calista." She took out a smaller packet, containing four tiny discs. "Let's see you're how old? Sixteen?" I nodded. "Yes Momma," she prompted. "Y, yes Momma, I'm sixteen," I confirmed. "I was a B cup when I was sixteen," she giggled taking the second pair of discs out of the container. When she pressed them to the separate halves of the clasp it began to adjust again, swelling out to what I assumed was appropriate for a B Cup in cleavage. Next she handed me the top of the uniform, I put it on feeling it adjust the same as the rest of my new clothes. I was trying not to smile as I saw the way it changed my appearance. She giggled excitedly, "Now for the skirt." I was expecting it to adjust too, but it just hung there about my thighs, the only thing that adjusted was the waist band. I frowned, "Is that all it does?" "Is that all it does, Momma?" she corrected me. "Yes it's a skirt it's supposed to hang like that, now get your boots on so we can report to the Bridge." It took me a bit of getting used to but by the time we got to the common section I was able to keep up. As we passed through I heard several passengers comment about how they'd like to tap the Navigator and her Apprentice. "Calista, while we're on the Bridge don't touch anything, but feel free to look around." The door remained closed and she placed her hand on the flat screen beside it, it whisked open to admit us. "Navigator Dalton on the Bridge," someone said. I looked around to see a short redhead. "Alice are you sure it's wise to have, umm, her on the Bridge?" "Sylvia, this is my Daughter Calista." I turned to the younger woman extending my hand. "Oh," she took in my uniform and saw the insignia on the lapel. "Wow, I hope you're Right about this." "Sylvia, be nice or I'll tell her your little secret," my new Momma said. Navigator Turner responded by covering the back of her neck with her hand. "I'm a free person now Alice, just like you are." "And just like my Daughter," she said. "I just dropped in to check the coordinates." "Stage one really worked fast," she whispered. "It's a form fit bra," answered Alice, my new Momma. "Calista, come and look over the work station. You'll be studying here next week." I was watching the lights on the computer as they blinked rapidly, then the astral charts as they flowed across the screen. I picked out Calista Four, and then recognized Helconia Prime. Not thinking I reached out and traced a curved line between the two. "Course input data not authorized." The computer blared at me, as everyone turned to look at me. I was ready to cry from embarrassment. "It's ok, I've got everything under control," Momma said. "Now sweetie, can you show me where that course track was wrong?" Half terrified I reached out toward the screen, afraid to touch it. "There, that Star is too close to the trajectory path. It looks like a Class Five, and the gravity would be too great for us in hyperspace." I wasn't really sure how I knew the answer. Looking at Sylvia she asked, "Do you agree?" "Absolutely, that's why I calculated to drop out here, and do a space fold." She tapped a point on the screen where there was a break in the line. "Lucky guess for a little snot nosed kid," said someone behind me and I started to cry. "Ensign Johnson, return to your post," Momma said angrily. "You are not to be in the Navigation section. I thought we had this discussion twice already." She wrapped her arms around me. "It's ok Calista, he's just jealous because he washed out of Navigation School." I snuffed back my tears, "I'm sorry I don't know why I keep crying. I just," and I started again. "Sylvia, I'm going to take her to our quarters, it's been a long day and Stage One is kicking in." I was led to a section of rooms not far from the Bridge. She placed her hand on the panel causing the door to slide back admitting us into the room. Her room was huge for being ships quarters. I found it consisted of three rooms linked together. The center room was the common area. The one on each side were sleeping rooms with personal storage and showers. As First Officer her Quarters were nearly the same size as the Captains. "Wow, all this is yours?" I had to ask. "No, it's ours. The captains is across the hall. There are two sets of quarters like this onboard, ours and the Captains." She placed my hand on the central computer screen. "Mona, scan please. Grant access to Dalton, Calista Four, Navigator's Apprentice. List her as my daughter." The computer confirmed the new commands and access to the rooms. She led me to the food dispenser, you have your menu here, and you may eat here during the day. But for evening meals you will dine in the mess hall at the Officers table. I'll come get you until you get used to the ships schedule. But for now I think a cup of cocoa and a good rest." After drinking my cocoa I was led to my personal room. I was feeling overwhelmed and she saw it. "Here, take off your uniform and hang it up here." When I stood in just pantys and bra she opened a little drawer at the base of the bed. "Here is your sleepwear. I don't ever want to catch you sleeping in your uniform, understood?" "Yes Ma'am," I answered. "Well if you're more comfortable with Ma'am I'm happy. When you are on duty that's the way you will need to address me. Maybe by the time we get to Stage Two you'll be comfortable with Momma in private." She kissed my forehead and tucked me into bed. I don't know how long I lay there dreaming. I was on the bridge, she was standing behind me. The computer was spitting out mounds of data as fast I could read it. "Give me the coordinates now," demanded the Senior Navigator on duty. I fired off the set that I had calculated in my head from the data. Suddenly the light around me blurred into oblivion. "Hermana Minor, entry confirmed." As soon as it was confirmed the next set of jump numbers began coming in. it went like that until finally I woke up covered in sweat. "Calista? Are you ok?" she was looking down at me, a worried look on her face. Suddenly my chest both tingled and itched. "Into the shower Fuzzy Head. When did you activate the sleep trainer?" she asked gathering her hair up on top of her head to get ready for her own shower. Seeing her all I could think of was how beautiful she was. How I want to be like her, strong, sexy, self assured. "Is that what that was? I thought I was having dreams, I was so scared. But you kept demanding one solution after the next." "So tell me, how many times did we crash, or fly into a sun?" her amused smile was disarming. "Uh, is that possible in the training mode?" I asked. "What, you didn't crash? No suns, no near misses? The way you're covered in sweat I'd think you had at least one mishap. It won't advance to the next until you get it right you know." "I did almost collide with another Star Freighter," I admitted. "But I put in a correction when the alarms went off." "And where did you end up?" she asked gently looking at the trainer log. "I, you woke me up before we dropped out." "Well then I guess you're ready for a tour on the bridge after dinner," she was standing naked in front of me still pinning up her hair. "Well hurry up and get in the shower." I was having trouble trying to remove my bra when I finally remembered it hooked in the front. I stepped under the spray and felt myself tingling all over as I began to scrub myself with the shower mitt. My chest felt strange, and my hips a bit wider. Then I was looking in the mirror and my jaw dropped open. I had very pronounced budding breasts. I couldn't help it, I reached up caressing them, squeezing them. I let out a little giggle, I was doing all the things I'd wanted to do to Tracy Longstien, that she wouldn't let me do. I had my eyes closed relishing the feeling, when I felt another pair of hands caressing me from behind. "Shhh, let Momma massage some cream into them for you. They'll feel much better I promise." I leaned back into her as the cream was massaged gently, lovingly into my new breasts. "The more you play with them the bigger and faster they will grow," she told me. "Now get dressed, hurry we don't have much time." This time I was able to dress myself easily. And now I saw First Officer Dalton in a skirt for the first time. She sat on a chair and a little table extended out from the wall. "Calista, come let Momma show you how to fix your eyes," she patted the seat next to her. I watched as she did her makeup the old fashioned way. "Wouldn't it be faster and easier to do it with a styling wand?" I asked. I'd seen other women, my real mother, use the little color pad stylus' to add color and other things to their eyes and lips. "That's the lazy way Calista. And no daughter of mine is going to take short cuts. If you do it here, you'll do it on the bridge, and we can't have that, now can we?" "Uhhh, no Momma, I would never take a short cut on the bridge." I said. I saw a little shiver of excitement wash over her features as she hugged me tight. "Now I'll do it for you this first time, so pay attention. This will be one of your chores until we get you into the ships routine." Ten minutes later I stood looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't recognize myself as being a boy if I tried to. She cleared her throat behind me. "Turn around Sweetie let Momma have a look." She looked me up and down then frowned a moment. "Parental control, Alice Dalton," she said as she reached out and touched the hem of my skirt. It rapidly readjusted to the tip of her finger, much shorter now, yet still covering my panty covered bottom. "Oh I almost forgot," she handed me something. I opened the little present. "That's your own PDA, it has your financial account as well as your records and will help you interface with the ships systems." I was nervous as I fastened it around my left wrist the way she wore hers. I couldn't believe how small it was. I followed her out into the corridor and we headed for the officers table in the galley. I noticed quite a few crew members staring at me, and overheard a few comments. "I wonder if that's her Kitten." "I bet she's just as wild in the sack as our first officer." "Holy shit look at those legs." "Momma?" "Pay no attention to them Sweetie, you are an Officers Apprentice." as we reached the table a young man stood and quickly held both our chairs for us. "Thank you Patrick, is your father dining with us this evening?" My Momma asked. "Unfortunately," he turned his attention to me. "So you're the new stow away." "Patrick, Your Manners Please," the Captain had joined us finally. "Sorry Dad, just sizing up the new tail is all. She looks a bit scrawny for a nipple neck if you ask me though." "No one asked you, you may be excused." The captain glared at him until he stood and left the room. As we ate the conversation was light, tending to be mostly routine issues. "So Calista, you seem to be adjusting well so far, how do you like being apprenticed to our first officer?" I was asked. "So far everyone's been nice to me Sir." I said. "Everyone but Patrick, I'm hoping you can be a good influence on him. But I'm not holding out any hopes. If he gives you any trouble don't hesitate to report it." "Yes Sir," I replied. "Alice, I'll be in my quarters if there are any issues that pop up. I'm trying to get a rendezvous with the Braxton." "Has it come to that Sir?" Momma asked. "You know very well he failed his last exam. It's time his mother dealt with him." "Sir, you're doing the right thing." Momma said. "Yes, well at least I gave him a shot. So how long do you think before Calista here is ready to start the simulations," he changed the subject. "She'll be joining me on the Bridge for the third watch. She already started the sleep simulations though." "Oh the basics, that's good." "No Sir, not the basics. Somehow the Hermana Minor scenario got uploaded. She didn't even know she was using the sleep trainer." "I'm so sorry, Sweetie. At least it was only a simulation," he began. "Sir, she got the jump right the first time." suddenly the Galley was dead silent. "That's why I'm bringing her on watch with me already. I want her to run simulations on Ethel where I can monitor. And I'll let her play with the calculations for the next jump to see how close she gets us." It was two days before our first real jump. And I was anticipating spending them in grueling study sessions. I followed Momma to the Bridge, and everyone on watch seemed happy to see me. She noticed the empty chair. "So where is our Apprentice Star Pilot?" "Absent Ma'am. He never showed up and he hasn't answered any of his calls." "Thank you Sylvia, I trust everything is on the glide?" "Yes Ma'am. So how's Calista doing?" Sylvia asked. Momma motioned me forward onto the Bridge. "I'm going to have her run a few calculations before I give her a list of chores." Sylvia spoke to the computer. "First officer on watch," then she said. "The bridge is yours Ma'am. Mind if I stay and watch?" "Pull up a chair, Calista take a seat and say hello to Ethel." Momma told me. When I started to sit in the observers chair though she motioned me into the Navigators seat. "Hello Calista, are you ready to resume your last training session?" asked the computer before I had a chance to even introduce myself. "Umm, sure." I said. "Hermana Minor level four resuming." Suddenly the star scope flashed an image of stars in front of me. "Oh shit," I breathed as I frantically started searching the charts. Then as I finally figured it out I breathed a sigh of relief. The simulation had brought us out on the other side of our target system nearer our next jump point. "Ethel pause," Momma said. I looked up to see her smiling. "Well Sylvia, what do you think?" "I think she's ready for Nav School. But why did you start her on the simulator so soon, how did you know?" "I'm just about to find out. That's why I wanted her next session to be here on the Bridge." Momma told Sylvia. "Ethel, please show the authorizations for the sleep training." "Authorization and training schedule input by Clark, Patrick, Captain's Apprentice." I saw Momma turn white with anger. "That little Bastard. Ethel, review all Navigation sleep training sessions, how many times has Patrick authorized and selected the scenarios?" The list was displayed on the screen. She pressed a button on the ship wide intercom. "I want Patrick Clark located ASAP. He is to report to the bridge." The Navigators call light lit up. "Excuse me Sweetie," she traded seats with me. "Yes Captain?" her voice still dripped with venom. "What's he done this time?" "He's hacked into the Navigation training modules. Our last two Apprentices have failed because he set them up for it. He was the one who turned it on, when Calista was asleep." "I can understand your anger," he said. "You were ready to Space her for being a stowaway. How about someone who sabotages the training of other officers and Apprentices?" "All hands, locate Patrick Clark and escort him to the Brigg," the captain announced. Momma crossed the Bridge to the pilots post. "Robert, when your relief gets here see me in the conference room." A minute later his relief arrived. "Robert I've had second thoughts about using the conference room. We'll have our meeting here." "Ma'am?" "I'm reinstating you as a Nav Apprentice. I'll schedule you with Sylvia for your watches. I'm just sorry I didn't catch this before now." "Did she really start off on Level Four?" asked Ensign Johnson. "Apparently so, I'll expect you to work hard and try to catch up. But we'll begin your training over from the start. No one will see the other records." "What's going to happen to Patrick?" he finally asked. "We won't know until after the Captain's Mast," Momma said, mentioning the Ships legal system. "Incoming communication from the Braxton," advised the Communications Officer. "I wonder how Mommies Little Brat is going to fare." Twenty minutes later the Captain called, "Alice, could I see you and Calista in the conference room please?" As we arrived I recognized all the senior officers were there. The communications screen showed a view of the Braxton's Officer Staff as well. "Bring in the Accused," he said. "Andrew, who's the new Apprentice with Dalton," asked the Woman in a ships Captains uniform. Lucile, may I present Calista, Alice's new Daughter," he said. I blushed, "Pleased to meet you Ma'am." "We'll see Dear," she returned her attention to the Captain. "Well let's get this over with." Cpt Clark made a motion and his son was brought in. "Mother you have to do something, they're accusing me of," he never got a chance to finish. "Shut up Patrick, I've already reviewed the evidence. Were you anyone else both your father and I would put you out an airlock." He swallowed hard. "We've decided however that since you are prone to little tantrums and acting like a little bitch that you will be given a choice." I saw the hope in his eyes return. "Doctor Richards has one more Stage one kit aboard. You will undergo the treatment, and when the Silver Light retrieves the Mail Drone you will receive Stage Two. And Son? I expect to find a Respectful, Obedient Daughter when I see you on Helconia in ten months." She never mentioned the rest of the choices. She waited while everyone else filed out of the rooms on both ships. "Alice, Calista? Please wait." "So Calista, I see Alice has a very pretty daughter now. Are you happy with your new life?" "Yes Ma'am, I am Glad they decided to let me begin Stage One, but I have to wait until we reach Helconia to get Stage Two." I smiled. "Then I am happy that I included a second Stage Two package in the mail for you." "Thank you Ma'am," the tears began flowing. "Dry your eyes Sweetie, we can't have junior crewmen seeing a lady cry now." It was two weeks later that I was summoned to the bridge. Momma followed behind me to see what was going on. "Ah, just the two people I wanted to see," the Captain said. "The Mail drone is here, and I thought we might let Calista do the intercept coordinates." He motioned to the Navigators chair. I was nervous as I calculated and put in the course deviation to allow us to intercept the Mail drone in passing. As they felt the ship begin altering course the Pilot said, "Sir we have no sufficient speed change that will allow us to slow enough to recover the drone." The drone was scheduled to be recovered into Starboard cargo bay thirty four. I was biting my nails while Momma reviewed the data. "Calista, please explain your plot corrections." "At eighty Kilometers we lock on with the forward tractor beam for fifteen seconds. Then open the Cargo bay airlock. Our movement will act to pull it inside, it has magnetic grapplers to hold it to the deck plates until the Airlock is secured." "See, efficient and less costly." My Momma smiled. "You know if we miss we'll have to use a weeks' worth of fuel to circle back?" the Captain asked. Her hand gently on my shoulder Momma replied, "I trust her judgment in this. If we miss you can deduct the fuel from my pay." I don't know who was more nervous, Myself, Momma, or the Captain. But as the drone came into view, and the beam locked on for the prescribed time, cutting off as the drone began to move, I felt Momma's fingers caressing the dimple. "You're doing just fine." Three minutes later we heard from the recovery crew. "Drone recovered Sir. And nobody had to suite up either. I'd like to buy whoever is responsible for that maneuver a drink." "I intend to do just that, crewman. Tell your people that was courtesy of our new Navigations Apprentice," the Captain said. "You mean that Stowaway is actually paying off? I didn't think he'd amount to anything." A moment later he said. "I have two, Stage Two Packets and a Stage Three, for the med lab." As I got up to leave the Captain stopped us. "Alice, have Nav Apprentice Dalton Sign the course change log please." He was smiling. As I put in my information I saw Momma smiling at me, I'd just completed my first real course change. In our quarters Momma told me she was so proud of me, and that she wasn't worried for my sake. "What do you mean Momma?" I asked. "Patricia is not adjusting to Stage one very well. The process was designed to turn Bad Boys into Good Girls." I giggled, "I guess it was a real success for me then wasn't it Momma?" "It certainly was. But I'm afraid in Patricia's case she's going from a very bad boy to an evil girl. Doc wants to give her Stage two right away." I'd not seen Patrick/Patricia in the last two weeks, now I wondered what was happening. I knew she wasn't allowed to wear a ships uniform anymore. "She's been confined to quarters," Momma said anticipating my question. "Are you ready to see Doc for your weekly checkup?" she changed the subject. "Yes Momma, just as soon as I finish my chores," I hurried and did my makeup. Then straightened up my room and made my bed. I could always just push the cleaning button, but as Momma said, 'That would be cheating'. "Calista, wouldn't you prefer to wear trousers instead of a skirt?" she asked me as we walked toward the Med Lab. I noticed that Momma was wearing one today too. "No Momma, I'm your Daughter now and I want everyone to see how pretty your daughter is," I giggled. "In that case young lady I think I need to get you something else," she stopped leaving me to wonder and imagine what it might be. But instead we stepped into the Med Lab and Doc as always insisted I strip naked for the exam. Once he began though Momma said, "I'll be right back." I was removing my bra when the two discs fell out of the clasp halves, I scrambled to retrieve them. "That never happened before," I said embarrassed. He cupped my breasts gently. "Well I'd say it's because they aren't needed anymore." I suddenly realized he was right. The form fit had been self-adjusting to my growth, allowing me to maintain a full B cup appearance. The door whisked open and Momma stepped back inside carrying a little box. She sat patiently as he completed the exam. I was worried because I still had the little nub of a penis though. "Honey, that won't change until Stage Three. I'm sorry I know you want to be a real girl for your Momma. But at least you aren't turning into a slut like Patricia." She bit her lip realizing we'd never discussed sex or the effects the Stage Transitions had on people. "Anyway, here I thought since you are enjoying the skirt uniforms so much you might like to wear the optional foot gear." Lifting the lid I saw the prettiest four inch heel, pumps I'd ever seen. I was positively giddy as I hurried and dressed to try them on. They both laughed and cheered as I pranced around the room in them. I hugged her tightly, "Thank you Momma, I love them." "Alice, can I give her my present now?" Doc asked. I was nervous as I sat waiting. I felt a little sting at each earlobe, but then he held a mirror up in front of me. He'd pierced my ears, two little silver beads sparkled in the light. "You'll want this, I'm sure." He presented me with a little stylus. And a tiny memory chip. Momma took the chip and pushed it into the slot on my PDA. "Go ahead Sweetie tap the screen with the tip." My PDA projected a 3D hologram of several sets of earrings from dangly to dainty near invisible. "Just touch the ones you want to try," I was coaxed. Touching a pair of images that looked like two inch long diamond tear drops I was amazed to feel the weight on my ears change. Now I was confused, Momma wouldn't allow me to use stylus makeup. Again she anticipated me question. "Makeup no, but jewelry is more difficult to ship. It also costs more in weight allowance. Besides I'm spoiling you now, and they are a gift from Doc." I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tight, then pecked his cheek. I giggled seeing my lip gloss on his cheek. Leaning forward she said, that's another reason I insist on real makeup, it's easier for people to see when you show your affection." I knew stylus makeup wouldn't transfer. As we made our way back through the passenger lounge I spotted Patricia, she was sitting on the lap of one of the passengers, grinding her bottom around in teasing him. As I watched she pulled her top open exposing her bare breasts, pushing them into his face. "Excuse me Sweetie," she quickly crossed the room and grabbed Patricia by the arm dragging her backward off the passengers lap. Whirling around, she spat at Momma. "Leave me alone Bitch. You aren't my mother. You're just the nipple necked slut that occasionally fucks my father." I heard the slap, and felt the sting of pain in my hand. "Don't you ever insult my Momma like that again." I heard my own voice. Suddenly we were surrounded by ships security. "She struck me, I want her arrested right now," demanded Patricia. "You aren't in any position to demand anything young lady," Momma said. "I believe you were instructed to report to the Med Lab." "We'll see she gets there Ma'am," said one. The other took my hand gently in hers. "Did you hurt your hand, umm, Ma'am?" she asked me. I felt butterflies in my tummy, and blushed. "No, I'm fine." she kissed the palm of my hand and I got queasy, goose flesh popping out on my arms. "Well you be careful, we can't have a Navigator hurting herself now can we?" When Momma and I got to our quarters she stared into my eyes. "Calista, are you ok? You look a bit strange." "M, Momma my tummy feels funny, and I was kinda dizzy but I'm ok," I answered. "I just, she kissed my hand Momma," I blushed. "Oh my, Sweetie haven't you ever kissed another girl before?" she asked me. "I, I kissed you and I kissed Doc on the cheek," I was honest about it. "Oh dear, you've never been in love before have you. Never had a special friend? Someone you dreamed and fantasized about while you masturbated?" "I, Momma what's Masturbating," I blushed, embarrassed at not knowing what it meant. "Sweetie, is there someone you enjoy watching, looking at them and imagining what they might look like naked or feel like to touch?" she asked me. "I, I dream about you Momma. About taking showers with you and," I looked down hiding my face. "I got tingly when you showed me how to massage my breasts to make them feel better. And I always close my eyes and pretend it's you. And," I couldn't go on, I couldn't tell her about making a mess in my pantys. "Do you feel that way when Doc touches you like that?" her finger tips gently lifted my chin to look into my eyes. "No Momma," I was honest. "But sometimes I think about Navigator Turner." I sat there letting her hold my chin on her fingertips, nervous and afraid she was going to tell me my feelings were all wrong. I mean girls were supposed to like boys not girls right? Instead she said, "Calista, there is nothing wrong with your feelings." "But I, I want you to touch me again like you did that first time you showed me how to massage my breasts. Isn't that wrong? Aren't I supposed to want to be touched like that by boys, not girls?" I hesitated, "I mean I always heard that from people on the planet. They got real mad whenever David and Joey got caught. And they said it was wrong. I don't want to be wrong Momma, please make me be right." I didn't even realize I was crying until her thumb wiped away a tear before her lips kissed away the ones on my other cheek. "Sweetie, you aren't wrong. Those were a bunch of religious fanatics who are too afraid of their own feelings to let someone else feel loved and special." She gathered me into her arms, "I look at you every day and have to fight the urge to cover you in kisses. To teach you how wonderful girl to girl sex is, I stand and watch you sleeping sometimes and rub myself afraid that you're going to wake up and not understand that I love you more than just as a daughter." My lower lip trembled. "Will you teach me Momma? Please?" "Shhhh," she kissed my forehead, the tip of my nose, my lips, and I melted into her arms. I felt her hand slide up my back behind my shoulders as she eased me back on the sofa in the common room. Her head twisted slightly and I felt her lips parting, as her tongue traced across my own lips. I tingled everywhere as I let my lips open inviting her tongue inside. My own tongue curling around hers as I let myself go with the feelings. Suddenly there was an annoying buzzing coming from the door, we ignored it at first. "Alice, it's me, is Calista alright?" asked Navigator Turner somewhere in my clouded mind. "QM Tech Sergeant Turner was concerned about her." I felt Momma's hand lift away from my thigh as she waved toward the door, some where I heard it hiss open then closed again. "Oh my, are we interrupting, Sylvia should we go?" I heard a low breathy reply, "Oh damn Vicky it's too late for that now." Momma had drawn her fingertip down the front of my uniform and it had parted to expose my bra covered breasts. Suddenly I had three pairs of lips kissing and nibbling at my flesh. It was probably two hours later as we were crowded into Momma's little shower that I found out the truth about Vicky and Sylvia. "Thank you for dragging me in the door Momma," said Vicky. As we stood drying each other off I paid special attention to Vicky's Nub, and the little slit below it. I looked up into her eyes, the question already on my lips though I was sure I knew the answer. I'd seen her records in Docs office sitting under the Stage Three kit. I just hadn't known it was hers. "Do you like me this way Calista? With a little nub still?" she asked. "Vicky, is, is this Stage Two?" I wanted to know. "Yes it is, I can't wait till you get your stage two shot. Then I'll have my third stage. And won't have this anymore," she caressed the short length of remaining male flesh. "But, you won't be the same without that." "I'll still have it silly, it'll just be a lot smaller and look just like our Momma's do, and it'll become a real clit." she explained. "M, maybe you won't want me once you're a real girl," I looked down at the floor insecure about my growing feelings. Momma and Sylvia had left us alone to talk and I looked toward them for answers. "Sweetie, you can have your stage two shot any time between next week, and when we get to Helconia. And Vicky can do the same," Sylvia said. "Or she can decide she wants to stay the way she is." Cupping my face between her hands Vicky kissed my lips, "For you, I'll wait. And if you truly love me, I'll stay like this for you." "No I love you but I can't ask you to give up something you want just to make me feel special." "Oh Calista, you have no idea how special you make me feel." The two of us moved to my private room together. And we lay on my bed talking for hours. Vicky was eighteen, two years older than I was. Her parents were married and contrary to common belief it was possible for a created human to have a child. Vicky had been fertilized Invetro, then her mother had carried her to term. It was after graduating from the QM Academy on Helconia that she had decided she wanted to become a girl. And then using her own wages, she was paying for the Three Stage Transition. Though her parents insisted on helping out with the costs. I heard the door chime then I heard a male voice in the common room. "Sylvia, I'm worried about Vicky, she's not in her quarters and it's almost time for Dinner." "Shhh, Jeffry, She's in the other room. They've been talking for quite a while." Sylvia said. "I think it's doing them both a lot of good," My Momma confided to him. "Calista was very confused and I think maybe Vicky was too, though probably about different things." "Maybe we should rearrange the duty schedules so they have more time together," Sylvia suggested. "Yes well, Calista has duty in five more hours. And I really don't see how the Captain is going to let her train under anyone else," stated Momma. "She might be a bit tired, but I can shift Vicky's schedule to match Calista's," we heard her father say. "We'll try it for a week, just to see if this is going to be one of those quick first time affairs or if there's something to it," Agreed Sylvia. "I'll go to her quarters and get her a clean uniform for dinner. Maybe they'll both actually get some sleep." Pulling on her pantys Vicky quickly slipped out of bed then ran into the common room. "Thank you Daddy, Momma I'll try to get some sleep, I promise." "You'll need it sweetie, you'll be on Brigg detail guarding the illustrious Patricia Clark." "I'll bring you a clean uniform and fresh undies," promised her Momma. "They grow up too fast." We actually managed to get some sleep, and I felt sorry for Vicky, she wasn't getting much sleep at all. As an officer Apprentice I was allowed to sit at either the Officers table or the Non-commissioned officers table. I think a lot of people took notice when Vicky and I sat together. "Damn, she's a licker not a sticker." Someone commented. I didn't let it bother me. I was just happy to be with Vicky. When we reported to the Bridge Momma signed the log, then checked the charts and course. "Ensign Johnson, you have the Nav Station while I complete my duty officers tour. Calista, come along, time to start learning more about being an officer on this ship." I followed her quickly. It was the first time I'd ever followed her on her duty rounds. Usually she left me to run simulations on Ethel. We started at the farthest point first and worked our way forward. Engineering was huge, taking up a good portion of the ship with the drive engines. "Ginger, I've brought Calista with me today." I was officially introduced to Engineer Carlson. "She's going to be learning her official duties, give her a one up over the rest of her class when she gets to the Academy." "The, Momma, the Academy?" I was shocked to learn that she was actually going to send me to the Academy. "Yes when you're ready, don't worry. I'm sure you'll do us all proud." First Class Navigators were just one step below Ships Captains in rank. That was why Momma was the First officer, she was the senior Navigator. I just hope you're ready by the time we get to Helconia, I'd hate to see you here without Vicky since she is going to be attending the Quarter Masters, Master at Arms course when we arrive." I knew that I was going to need a knowledge of engineering applications as well as Star Drive Theory. I reviewed the charts and graphs again as Momma went over them, then after she initialed her approval she looked to me then nodded toward the engineering log. "Just put 'C.D. Nav. Ap." Supplied Ginger Carlson who added G.C. Eng. After my initials. And so it went as we completed the tour of each section. When we got back to the Bridge she said, "You have the Navigation training down. I want you to start on engineering next." I was wide eyed, this was way more than I'd ever hoped for. I began studying the engineering applications and principals, and lost track of time. "Calista, time for mid shift rounds," she announced. "Yes Ma'am," I smiled and stood up stretching then waited for her to do the same. "Well, go ahead. You know what you're doing. If you have any problems you know how to call the Bridge." Wow, talk about an ego booster. I was already being trusted with Rounds. It wasn't until I reached the Brigg that I realized how much of a test it really was. I could see in Vicky's eyes just how much she wanted me and knew I was feeling the same. But we both knew, Duty came first. I initialed the log, then gave her a quick kiss and hurried on to the next section. When I returned to the Bridge she was smiling. "I got three complaints about the deficiencies you noted in the logs young lady." "Ma'am, they were blatant violations. I had no choice. Besides you'd already given them verbal warnings on our first tour." "Which is why I'm endorsing your enrollment in the Academy," said the Captains voice from the command deck, as the lights came on over his console. "Go ahead, finish the last entry. Then I'd like to see you both up here." I completed my report then Momma followed me up to the command deck, "I don't know what it's about sweetie. All I know is he got a communique from Fleet and he's been there waiting ever since." I was startled when he stood up and insisted that I sit in his chair. "Go ahead, get a feel for it," he encouraged. "Please don't tease her," Momma said more sternly than I'd ever heard her before. "Alice, I'm not teasing. I just got her full training scores back from Helconia along with the final DNA analysis. We now know whose DNA flows through her veins." I found I was actually holding my breath waiting, "Lt Commander Janet Riggs. Before her last mission she left as was her custom, unfertilized Ovum. That was stolen shortly after her ship was lost." Even I had heard of the famous Space explorer. I heard several gasps from the rest of the Bridge crew on duty. "Interestingly enough, Calista's DNA is a 100% match with the last sample taken from Commander Riggs before her departure." "They used her DNA sample to fertilize the egg," Momma stated the obvious. "So you see it's no wonder she is able to master every scenario and all the training seemingly by instinct. Helconia wants her to study the Riggs Drive and see if she can correct the problems they're having during Combat Hyper Jumps." "The drive engines aren't shielded enough," I blurted out without knowing why. "They need to enclose the entire Engineering section to prevent interference from the combat sections, filtering in through the internal atmosphere." Now I realized more than just the two senior officers were staring at me. He'd been on open link with Helconia command the entire time. "We never thought of that, we just added shielding to the outer hull of the engines. Thank you young Lady," said the Admiral at the other end. "Clark, if she chooses we'd love to have her on our side of the Academy. But either way she can use the unused Riggs nomination for any courses she needs." "Momma, what does that Mean?" I was feeling scared and overwhelmed. "It means that given your special circumstances, you will not be listed anywhere as a construct. Am I correct Admiral Lansing?" "No, I mean yes. Though she has the scar she will be listed as a full human." "What about my Momma?" I asked. "Your Momma," Captain Clark intoned. "Is already listed as such in the ships logs." "And the rest of them onboard?" "Will have their Cr?che marking removed upon arrival at Helconia," assured the Admiral. The next two weeks saw me sleep training, as well as using the regular training modes. "Calista? Doc wants to know if you're ready for Stage Two yet." I had to giggle, I'd completely forgotten about it, wanting to see how much I already knew by instinct. "Momma, yes please," I responded. "Then get out of bed and do your chores."

Same as Calista Four, Stage One Videos

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Ana fucked on stage

Our good friends Paula and Charles had invited us to dinner outside.My sweet wife was delighted; she loved teasing Charles, since she knew that him had the hots on her. Worst of all, I also knew it…We enjoyed a delicious meal and some drinks after dinner, before going to a near bar for more drinks. We danced and swapped wives.After few pieces, Paula asked me to go back to our table. Since there, I could see my sensual wife dancing sexily with Charles; she was swaying her nice hips to the music...

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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

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My Big Shot On Stage

We were just about to go on stage for the final scene of the final performance of _____. It was a community theatre piece, written by my co-star, Jackson. It was a two-hander, just me and him onstage for about an hour. He played a crooked cop determined to put my character – a troubled but mostly-innocent young man -- behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit.There was a short break while Jason, the stagehand, changed the set. In the dark of the wings, I heard Simon’s voice softly through a...

Gay Male
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First Time on Stage

The music was pounding faster and faster in time to her own heartbeat. Standing off to the side of the stage, Vickie was waiting her turn, feeling nervous and a little scared, but excited—very excited at the thought of all the men in the club watching her take off her clothes. And she loved the idea of making every one of them want her in the worst—or best—way possible.As a Girl Scout, babysitter, and honor roll student, everyone knew her as a nice girl—and she is nice—but she also had a wild...

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Emma Takes The Stage

The club resounded with music, the low lighting allowing Emma to watch the other club goers dancing. The girls' short skirts swished, revealing skimpy underwear and even no underwear. It thrilled her to no end when she was lucky enough to catch a girl bending down, her hips swaying off to the music as she knowingly or unknowingly showed off her ample ass and thighs. It was one of the reasons she chose to hang back and sip on her vodka and tonic over spending the entire night dancing. Emma was a...

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On Stage at an Erotic Convention

I don’t usually put myself on stage at public events, but since a few of my friends are a lot more outgoing than me, they keep dragging me with them on occasion. Novella is one such friend. The unassuming librarian already organized a reading for me and hooked me up with interviewers, so when an erotic fair started, she tried hard to get us there in one form or another. Her idea was some form of public discussion about “porn in public”, something about what it means to be an openly sexual...

1 year ago
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Stage Fright

Gwendy's frown was ever-present as she made her way down to the front row of the theatre. She'd stepped on the wrong toes, and her chickenshit editor had relocated her to the entertainment beat, where she couldn't do any harm to his "insurance" rates. Now she was stuck covering Amateur Night at Chandra's, a 21-and-up club known for erotic "hypnotists," sexy magician acts, raunchy comedians and waitresses in bunny uniforms. Her camerawoman, Pat, panned across the crowd to show who was...

4 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 16 Terryrsquos Story 06 ndash Exit Stage Left

August – October – Year 3 The lights came down and the host walked to the microphone. Behind him Bobby Cee, our drummer, walked out and took his place behind his kit. Leon James, the bass player was standing in the wings. Gery Zobbert, the keyboard player, was behind him. Ryan was behind him and I was behind Ryan. “Hello Woods!” The Host yelled into the mic. The crowd roared. “The Eagle and Budweiser welcome you to tonight’s show. We want to welcome our first band. All the way from the...

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To Break a Wishbone

To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....

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I Love You Stephanie Mahoney

I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self. I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married. My parents were in a...

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Curly Head Takes The Stage

Well.. here he was again, at the same old titty bar he was at last week and the week before. Shit, thinking about it he realized he'd been coming here once a week for the past six months, always after the gym on Thursday or Friday night. He rarely got anymore sex at home and when he did it was pretty bland. He'd watched enough porn and read enough erotic stories to know there had to more than bland once a month perfunctory sex. So he didn't feel one bit bad about his weekly visits. He really...

Straight Sex
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Shift Happens Lionel

Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...

1 year ago
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Mail Stripper Fucked on Stage

[This a sequel to "Pants off at Rugby Club Interview" and "Fucked on Beach by Rugby Team" If you want them give me a shout] I had just been accepted for the post of "Technician" to accompany a Rugby team who were about to go on an extensive tour of the Middle East. I had been recommended by a neighbouring team who had got to know me rather intimately on a beach campsite. The acceptance came during an interview with four team members including Bob the Captain and Alex a medical student. The...

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Sex Club Stage 1 strip club

SEX CLUBStage 1 (Strip Club)Dave was a porn addict. He just couldn’t stop watching porn. He would watch it for up to five hours every evening. He was a 55 year old divorcee and had been living on his own for ten years. He wasn’t the most personable of men, he was slightly overweight and pretty shabbily dressed. His communication skills were not good. He knew all these things so he was content with an evening watching his favourite porn sites on his computer.He knew all the genres, all the...

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GoddessChapter 12 The Rape of Persephone

THE TRILL CAME TOO LATE for me to save Persephone. Early that morning I'd opened my eyes to see Hebe, her face inches away, her smile an open invitation. In answer I rolled onto her and settled myself in the cradle of her hips and entered her with a single stroke. She grunted and locked her legs around my butt. "Don't wait for me, Sam," she whispered. "I'm right on the edge." She was. After I finished I slid down and used my tongue to give her a little vibrato of my own. She shoved...

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Earth Tremor on Stage

It was a long time before the whole story came out. The story, oft-clad in rumour and half-truth, of a minor disaster on a little-known stage. It was a story that became a cause célèbre for the proponents of Health & Safety. It is true that Questions Were Asked about the curious earth tremor. It is true that the dancer, Michael Michaelov (whom I knew as Mick), was directly involved. It is true that the Ballet was composed following revelations about the cruelty in one of Stalin’s Gulags. As...

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Stage Play Lovers

“I had the screenwriters put in a love scene, kissing, necking, lovemaking, all the fun stuff.” “No, I won’t fucking do it, this play wasn’t written with intimate scenes, why the last minute changes with gratuitous sex?” I was talking to the director and producer of the off Broadway play we were rehearsing. I played the title character in the production which started in two days and now they decided to change the ending. “Because gratuitous sex sells. The story ends with the two...

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Kays Unforgettable Night on the Stage

Kay shared with me something that happened over the weekend. She then asked me if I could re-tell it in writing in a way that would let people know what she experienced. So I tried to put myself in her ... body, and this is what I wrote. She says it I got it almost perfect!Ladies, especially: Did I get it right? Let me know with your comments!!I just sat there staring. Everyone else in the room dissolved into oblivion. I had drunk too much, the music was loud, and the flickering lights…...

4 years ago
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Nude on Stage

My wife Rebecca and I have been married seven years. Rebecca works for a contract software firm and is involved in a local theater group. She had done some acting in college and really enjoys being on stage, and I have to admit she is very good. Rebecca often plays the leading lady or one of the other main female characters as well as working on the sets and costumes. The plays the troupe produces are mostly the classics and last for three or four months with weekend performances only. They...

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A Cure for Stage Fright

Jimmy was fidgeting at his make-up table in his dressing room backstage. It had been a year since his last appearance on stage, and this new production was going to be his most prominent role yet.Alex, his faithful assistant, was putting the finishing touches to his wig and his costume.A knock at the door as the ASM called out, "Twenty minutes till curtain up, places please for the opening scene."Jimmy twitched restlessly in the chair and stared at his reflection in the mirror. The damned cold...

Gay Male
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Josie in Tombstone

After all the noise and smoke and killings of 1881, Tombstone, Arizona began attracting scribes the way a buffalo corpse attracts vultures and flies. It seemed as if every newspaper back East had to have an eyewitness account of the big shootout between the Earps and the Clantons. These overly romantic seekers of Truth and Beauty inevitably ended up sitting across from Big Minnie, buying her drink after drink at the Bird Cage Theater and scribbling furiously in their journals. Minnie had a way...

1 year ago
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Sunny Leone

Sunny Leone porn, sex, and nudes! Pornstar Sunny Leone is one of few Indian actresses whose career has been very successful. She has also succeeded in founding her mainstream with plenty of works in Desi porn. She has also managed to convince a few of her friends to upload content on her site. Walk with and let’s find out what Leone has in store for us.To start with ThePornDude was very impressed with the fabulous layout, the colors, sexy pictures of Leone on the background and colorful...

Premium Indian Porn Sites
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Fucked by George Clooney

I awoke in a lavishly appointed bedroom with talk windows overlooking the ocean. The sand was white, the water was a gorgeous deep blue, and the coconut palms were waving in the gentle breeze.But, where am I? How did I get here and why am I here? All I remember is being in my own bed in Brentwood. Now I’m here!Then there was a brief knock at the door and in walked George Clooney! I had swooned over him for years and now here he was in this room…alone with me!"Hi, Arianna. I'm George Clooney,"...

2 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 38 On Stage With a Boner

As Tom stepped up towards the podium he gave a little jump when the microphone and sound system produced another set of those awful squeals and pops. “Why do those things ALWAYS have to do that?” Tom thought silently to himself. Tom stood back a little bit from that microphone - in total silence. He looked to the back corner of the auditorium where a geeky looking guy with glasses and a black t-shirt waved his hands back and forth over an array of knobs and buttons. The geeky looking guy...

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Stage Fright on Opening Night

We had been in class for three months and we had finally gotten our chance to present a play of our own outside the campus theatre. We had been rehearsing this particular play for the past week and we thought we are ready to present it to a new audience. Now, this isn't a play anyone will have ever heard of, which made it a lot easier for us all to make the characters our own. It was written by one of our classmates, named John, and while he isn't the best actor in the world, he is a brilliant...

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Cancan Part One The Stage

CANCAN By Transfemme Part One: The Stage I suppose it must have come as something of a shock for the boy next door. He and his family had moved in only a few days before, and when his mother sent him over to borrow a cup of sugar, the last thing he expected to see was a pair of firm, young bottom-cheeks staring him in the face. I still giggle every time I think about it. You see, I was dancing the cancan. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but I've...

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All The Worlds A Stage

"All The World's A Stage" By Julie O Edited By Itinerant Chapter 1 "Well, how bad is it?" growled Rose Bellamy as she looked up from her desk. Even though she was used to her boss's bad temper, Lori White braced herself as she entered Rose's office. "I just got a call from the...

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Why Me FChapter 4 Stages

{date:2020-05-18a} “You’re looking well,” Eric said Sunday when she got in the car. It was probably an empty compliment. She was wearing her usual winter coat, and it covered her dress. Even though he was wearing his parka, she knew he had on a suit and tie. He always did. “Thanks. You always look nice. I feel like I’m underdressed when I’m with you. Do you own anything but suits?” “Yeah. I even own a couple of pairs of jeans, which isn’t to say that I could fit in them. But think for a...

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