Stephanie s SlaveryChapter 4 Stephanie submits
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I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self.
I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married.
My parents were in a phase that year, wanting to be out having a life, so Stephanie Mahoney and I spent a great deal of time together. She was patient and sweet to all my youthful advances. She would never give me the treasured kiss I desired, but was never mean in rejecting me.
In the drawer beside my bed I still have a photo album from that summer entitled the Jared Newman Loves Stephanie Mahoney Memory Book. Looking at the pictures, I can definitely see why I fell so hard, so fast. At the time, I didn’t see her perfect body or even have an idea of what a perfect body was, but that face. Raven black hair over porcelain skin, green eyes with lashes out to there, a light dusting of freckles over her nose, and her mouth. Poets would write sonnets about her mouth. Full lips, with the top just a little larger than the bottom framing even white teeth when she flashed her gorgeous smile.
Eventually my obsession diminished but never totally faded and I moved on with my life. A lifeguard at 11, my optometrist at 13, and an intern teacher when I was 15. All innocent crushes, but some sort of love.
I grew to have more success, but I never found love. I lost my virginity my first year of college and again wished it was with my first love. How could I when I fell truly and deeply in love with Stephanie Mahoney at 7?
I graduated high school with high honors (did I mention just how precocious I was) and won a full ride academic scholarship for college. I graduated with a degree in electrical engineering in three years and decided to enter the workforce in full stride. 21 years old and making a very comfortable six figure salary designing electrical systems for mines.
Working for a mining company allowed me to travel extensively, and I spent time in the Congo, Peru, Chile, Malaysia, China, and Vietnam. Our company branched in desalinization plants, and I spent a year and a half in Australia. By 26, I was making in the high six figures and was heading up entire projects by myself.
My company recently flew me to Cancun, Mexico where I had a meeting with an industrial company interested in setting up a plant 50 miles up the coast from Cancun. I decided to mix business with pleasure and overstayed my meeting to take some much overdue vacation time. When my vacation started, I moved over to a resort in the hotel zone and rented a jacuzzi suite for a week. My balcony had the jacuzzi, and I planned to soak and drink for most of the time I was there.
On my third day I decided to wander around and check out the hotel zone. I wandered through the market and bought a few trinkets for people at the office, then headed down the street to a restaurant with a Day of the Dead theme. It looked good and had every kind of tequila possible, so I popped in.
I was eating and something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. It might have been the bright color dress, or the laughter from the group, but most likely it was the black hair. I had no moment of hesitation where I doubted it, I just instantly knew I was looking at Stephanie Mahoney.
I stared in shock, both at seeing her and seeing she was even more beautiful 20 years later than she had been at 16. My eyes flew to her hand and saw she wore no ring, and as her entire group were women, I thought there was a chance she was single.
My mind raced, wondering how to approach her. She was my dream girl…er…woman, and for the first time in a long time, I was nervous. It had been a long time since talking to a woman gave me butterflies, but I had them.
I flagged the waiter down after I finished eating, and asked him in Spanish to deliver a round of drinks to her table and to give me the tab for their dinner. I asked him to tell the woman named Stephanie that Jared Newman said hello.
I sat nervously and waited, and when he approached the table with the drinks, I waited to see her reaction. At first all the ladies cheered at getting free drinks, then Stephanie’s head swiveled around the room. I assumed she would take a while to recognize the little boy she had taken care all grown up, but as soon as she saw me, her smile lit up her face and she came out of her seat towards me.
I stood and met her half way and she solved my question by embracing me immediately.
‘Jared! Oh my god! What in the world are you doing here? Traveling the world like always, huh?’
I laughed. ‘Yes, I am. Um, how do you know I travel all the time, and how in the world did you recognize me so fast?’
‘I’m friends with your mom on Facebook. She posts pictures of you and your travels all the time. I would have friended you, but she said you don’t have it.’
‘No. Never took the time. So, are you kind of a stalker now?’ I deadpanned. She swiped at me when she realized I was kidding.
‘You have to come meet my friends! They are dying to find out who the gorgeous man who bought us drinks is.’
I followed her over and she introduced me to Diane, Michelle, and Hannah. They all worked together for the same doctor, and each year he closed his office and sent the staff on a vacation. The waiter brought me a chair and I sat.
After a barrage of questions, I told them about my job, and how I had extended my work trip to take a vacation.
‘And how do you know our Stephanie?’ asked Michelle.
‘Stephanie was my very first love,’ I said. ‘I was seven, and for about a year, she babysat me a couple of times a week.’
‘Oooh, young love, huh?’ cooed Hannah.
‘Well, for me. Stephanie just tolerated my pining with good grace,’ I laughed.
‘I told him once he got a little older and could support me like the princess I am, I would marry him.’
‘Are you here to sweep her off her feet,’ laughed Diane.
‘The thought did cross my mind, but since I don’t have Facebook, I couldn’t check her relationship status,’ I said, glancing at Stephanie out of the corner of my eye.
‘Last time I checked it said single and looking, with just a hint of desperation,’ said Diane.
‘Enough, you’re embarrassing me,’ said Stephanie with a twinkle in her eye.
We sat and chatted and when their food came, I excused myself. They insisted I stay with them, so I went and got my drink and let the waiter know to bring my check and theirs to the new table and went back over.
‘Where are you staying?’ Stephanie asked.
‘Riu Palace Las Americas,’ I responded.
‘Is that the white one right down the road?’ she asked.
‘Yes, the one with the statues on top,’ I said.
‘We’re at the pinkish Riu right next door.’
‘If you ladies need an escort back, you’re right on the way,’ I said.
‘A gentleman through and through.’ said Diane.
The waiter brought both checks and I put enough cash in for both, and even though they all protested, they relented and let me buy their dinner. We walked out and started down the road to the hotels. The other three walked ahead and Stephanie and I stayed back and talked.
‘I really can’t believe we ran into each other here,’ said Stephanie.
‘Kind of strange really. I haven’t seen you probably since you graduated high school. Did you end up going to college?’
‘I went to Washington State. Got a business administration degree.’
‘Ever get married?’ I asked.
She laughed. ‘Yes I did. I met Todd in college. We graduated and I went to work in pharmaceutical sales and he went on to medical school. We
spent every penny I made so he could finish and about a year after his residency, he divorced me and moved in with another doctor from med school. Turns out they both relied on their spouses to get them through school, had an affair all during school, then got together later. That was almost 7 years ago and I haven’t been in a really serious relationship since.’
We walked on for a bit, me lost in my head and enjoying the warm ocean breeze. I glanced over at Stephanie and definitely liked what I saw. She was trim and beautiful, and the summer dress she was wearing clung to her in just the right way. All the feelings of my seven-year old self were there, but now I had a 27 year olds perspective of life and sex to add to those adolescent feelings of love.
‘And why have you never married, Mr. Newman?’
‘Would you believe me if I said its because I’ve never found anyone that measured up to you?’ I asked.
‘I would believe you might say that if you thought there was a chance of getting in my panties,’ she laughed.
‘I see you and my mom are closer than I thought,’ I said. ‘She thinks I’m a degenerate womanizer. So, you’re saying there is absolutely no chance of getting in your panties?’
‘Yes she does think that, and I’m not even going answer your question,’ she said with a chuckle.
‘In all honesty, I really haven’t met anyone to compare to you. Or more accurately, that compares to the sixteen year old you. I don’t know you now, so I can’t say if anyone measures up to you.’
‘You were always the sweetest little boy. It looks like you just might be the sweetest man, too.’
We arrived at her hotel and I said goodbye to the other ladies as they walked inside. Stephanie hung back, and looked at me as I stood fidgeting. I was seven again, smitten over the beautiful woman in front of me.
‘We are going to Isla Mujeres tomorrow,’ she said. ‘We leave from the dock we just passed back there at 9 in the morning. I would like you to come with us if you don’t have any plans.’
‘Are you sure your friends won’t mind?’
‘Are you kidding me? Those hussies would like nothing more than to spend the day in the company of an extremely handsome man, trust me.’
‘So, you think I’m extremely handsome?’ I asked with a raised eyebrow.
She pantomimed buttoning her lip. ‘Please come with us.’
‘I’ll see you in the morning.’
We hugged briefly and she gave me a peck on the cheek. I watched her walk inside, and before the door closed, she leaned back out. ‘Extremely handsome, Mr. Newman.’
I walked the remainder of the way to my hotel with a spring in my step and a smile on my face, happier with life than I had been in quite some time. I was a grown man and at least some part of Stephanie Mahoney found me attractive.
The next morning I arrived at the dock and waited near the sidewalk for the women to arrive. I saw them and realized Diane was not in the group. I said hello to them and exchanged another brief hug with Stephanie. We walked up to the booth and I bought the tickets for the ferry. They protested a bit, but I could tell they liked having someone fussing over them.
The boat ride over was fun as we sat on top with the wind blowing and the blue water racing under the ferry. I listened as the three women talked about what they wanted to do on the island, but offered no input. I was merely along for the ride.
Once we docked at the island, we streamed off and walked over to the small warren of shops fronting the main road. The women took off for the Señor Frog gift shop, so I walked down the road and found a golf cart rental place. I signed one out and drove back around and parked. When they came out, I waved them over.
‘Your chariot awaits.’
Stephanie hopped in front with me, while Hannah and Michelle climbed onto the rear facing seat. I drove out onto the road among the mopeds and golf carts competing with the little red taxis for space on the narrow road.
We drove for a while, stopping here and there to take pictures. I spotted a Modelorama, which had a drive-in area. They place was lined with coolers and we hopped out to get drinks and snacks. I grabbed a Leon beer for me, and paid out a ridiculously small amount for all the stuff.
Back in the cart, we headed to the sea turtle nursery and aquarium. It was kind of cool, but didn’t take long. I went over and sat on the rail as the women shopped in the gift store and watched them as they walked over.
Hannah was the youngest of the three, probably 25 or so, and was quite pretty. She had strawberry blonde curls, fair skin, with pretty blue eyes. Her figure was quite nice as well, with small breasts, a flat stomach, and a pretty, round butt. Her tank top and sweat shorts emphasized her assets.
Michelle was also very pretty, but she was much fuller figured. It would not be unfair to say she pretty overweight, but she carried it well, and had a fun-loving spirit that made her even more attractive. She was covered in Capri pants and a short sleeve shirt.
Even with Hannah present, Stephanie was the show-stopper. Even at 10 years older than Hannah, she was simply gorgeous. The black hair was cut in a shorter style shag, but still gleamed in the sun. Her eyes glowed green in the tropical sun, and the little sun dress she wore flattered her in every way. Her breasts were full, and the cleavage she was showing was intriguing, and the way the bottom hem danced around her at mid-thigh had me begging for a gust of wind.
‘Where to next, ladies?’
‘I’m famished,’ said Michelle. ‘Do you think it’s safe to eat over here?’
‘I talked to the rental guy and he suggested a place down the road from here. It’s a hotel and restaurant called Casa de Suenos. He said they have good food and everything is prepared like the big hotels in Cancun.’
‘Sounds good,’ said Hannah.
I drove down the road and after a bit saw the sign for the restaurant. We walked in over stones set in a shallow pool of water and the interior was amazing. We were greeted and let them know we were there for lunch.
‘Follow me,’ said the man, clearly an American.
We sat in a small room and ordered drinks and looked over the menu. After deciding, we placed our orders.
‘All of our food is prepared from scratch, so the wait is just a little bit. Feel free to use the pool and cool off while you wait. Towels are provided as well. ‘
The pool was gorgeous, tiled blue and infinity style. It looked down the hill over the ocean, and the view was to die for. Hannah immediately stripped off down to her swimsuit and waded in. Michelle, not having a suit sat on a lounger and watched as I stripped my shirt off and went in. I had worn board shorts just in case, and once I felt the water, I was glad I had.
I looked up at Stephanie, who turned around and pulled her dress over her head. As she did, she exposed the most incredible ass I had ever seen. She was wearing a black and white striped bikini, and the bottoms fit her perfectly.
She turned, and if anything, the front was definitely equal to the rear. It was evident she exercised, as she had a flat stomach with some ab definition, and her full breasts filled her top to perfection. I couldn’t help but stare at the fabric dipping between her thighs, wondering how she would look fully naked.
We swam for a while, and both women ended up dunking me under the water. It was a swarm as they attacked me, and there was ample skin on skin contact. Hannah had a wardrobe malfunction, and one perky rosy-tipped breast popped free. Though I wished it had been Stephanie, I didn’t mind the free show.
Lunch was good and afterwards, we hopped back on the cart and headed to the end of the island. They had an area set up for shopping around the ruins of the temple, and we took our time exploring.
‘I’m ready to shop,’ said Michelle.
‘Me, too,’ added Hannah.
We drove back
down the opposite coast and back into the little town. I found a parking spot and the women in back hopped out.
‘I’m going to have Jared take me to the beach,’ Stephanie said. ‘Let’s meet back at the dock at 4:30 to catch the ferry back.’
I drove on, and followed the signs to North Beach. It was another suggestion by the rental guy, and easy to find. For the price of a few beers, we ended up with two loungers under an umbrella with some beach towels.
We undressed again and stretched back to drink a beer as we watched the people pass by on their way to the ocean.
‘You ready for a swim,’ I asked.
‘Let’s go.’
I followed her down to the water, watching the little bounce with each step. She waded in and I caught up with her as we hit waist deep. The water was crystal clear and blue over the white sand, and she looked like a goddess in the tropical water.
‘Did my ass meet with your approval?’
‘What?’ I played as stupid as I could.
‘Jared, I’m a grown woman. I know when a man checks out my ass. I’m not offended, I just want to know what you think.’
I smiled at her openness. ‘I’m busted. You want the truth or do you wanna hear what I think you want to hear?’
‘Smart man. Let’s be brave and go with the truth.’
‘It’s one and the same, really. You have a perfect ass. Absolutely spectacular. I have no idea what the world at large thinks of it, but to me, it should be bronzed and hung in a museum.’
She giggled. ‘I would think you’re blowing smoke, but for some reason, I don’t think that was a ploy to get in my panties.’
I was facing out to sea, while she was facing the beach. ‘Don’t look now,’ she said, ‘but there a couple of very nice ladies your age walking by with no tops on.’
‘Oh, did I forget to mention this is one of the only legal topless beaches on the Mayan coast?’
‘Yes, you did. Aren’t you going to sneak a peek?’
‘Why? I like the view here just fine.’
‘My panty radar just went off,’ she said.
‘It might should have that time,’ I said.
She just laughed and sank under the water. She came up about 20 yards away. I swam under and spotted her, coming up just short of bumping into her.
‘I’m ready for another beer,’ she said. ‘How about you?’
We waded out and I went up to the beach bar and got us a bucket of beer and headed back over to the umbrellas. She had pulled her lounger into the sun, and was laying on her stomach with her top untied. I sat the bucket in the sand and opened two with the attached opener. ‘Here’s your beer,’ I said, holding it out to her.
She turned her head and smiled at me, not raising up at all. ‘Okay, I’ll just set it right here next to you,’ I said. I took a long drink of the cold beer and exhaled, satisfied with a great day.
Stephanie managed to raise up and sit with her arm holding her top in place while grabbing the beer in her free hand. She took a long pull and the motion sent her top perilously close to falling down. The sight of her full, womanly breasts hanging free, covered only by the thin fabric of her suit made me instantly hard, a fact I shifted in my seat to hide.
‘Am I teasing you?’ she asked.
‘Not at all,’ I said with a grin. ‘You are very innocently drinking a beer while trying to preserve your modesty. In no way do I construe your actions as anything other than that.’
‘Oh, good. I felt bad for a minute and was just going to cut all pretenses and drop the top, but since I’m not teasing I’ll just continue to preserve my delicate modesty.’
I knew she was teasing, and instead of being offended, I liked it quite a lot. If she was teasing me, she was interested, and interested was good in my book. I made a show of not looking at her, and instead turned my focus to the white sand and the crystal clear blue water in front of me.
‘It’s time for a swim,’ I announced. ‘It’s hot out here.’ I managed to tuck away my still swollen self and amble to the water and wade in before diving under and swimming a long way in the cool water. I came up and stood in the chest deep water.
‘I’m sorry, Jared,’ I heard behind me. ‘I didn’t mean to be like that with you. It wasn’t fair of me.’
I turned and smiled at her. ‘You are perfect just the way you are. You didn’t bother me, I promise. I was hot and needed to cool off, in multiple ways.’
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Stephanie LeClair stuck her ass up in the air trying to push the hard cock that was ramming her at a breathtaking pace, even deeper into her suddenly insatiable pussy. Her husband Daniel, was the one repeatedly pounding her like the man he was when she had met him fifteen years ago. He had even gone as far as to surprise her by sticking his thumb in her ass as he thrust. That had elicited a guttural moan escaping her mouth much to her own surprise as she usually discouraged him from...
MILFStephanie was a new engineer, was on her first business trip, and her blowjobs were amazing!Ten years ago, I was working for a small high-tech company in San Francisco. We did business all over the state, but couldn’t afford to fly on business trips, so we had to use a rental car and drive.Stephanie was a newly-hired engineer and was excited about being allowed to go on her first business trip. And I was excited that she was coming along, too, because she was so hot! I just wished that the...
The Making of Stephanie : Pt 3 SIX Through a fog, Stephanie hears a door close. She looks over at Jackie, who is stirring,"Hi, lover," she says, And kisses her. They are lying in the cum soaked bed, arms and legs intertwined. They both look up as Sophie comes into the room. Her hands on her hips, one heel twisting on the carpet," Well well, look what we have here," she giggles. "I hope you two had a lot of fun. You certainly have made a mess of...
Stephanie licked her lips as she looked at them. "I have a surprise for you, too, " she said quietly to Kelly. "Ohhhhh, I like the sound of that," Kelly purred. "What is it?" Stephanie felt her cheeks grow warm when she thought about showing her surprise to Kelly. She couldn't quite believe she had done this. "Um, well, I went to one of those adult stores and bought something. I brought it home and washed it, and it's in this towel, " she said with a touch of embarrassment,...
In college, Kelly had done a lot of sexual experimentation. She loved sex and decided early on that she didn't need to seal her marital vows as a virgin. She had had a number of relationships with men which she mostly enjoyed. She was once briefly engaged, but it hadn't worked out when divergent career goals interfered. Beyond that, she had a brief but intense relationship with a female classmate. The memory of the sensual exhilaration of a woman's touch excited her to this very day. She...
About an hour after she officially closed, there was a knock at the office door. She could barely contain her excitement as she opened the door for D, his wife, and their dog. "Hello, I'm Stephanie, I run the kennels and facilitate the breedings," she said, offering her hand. "I'm Janice," replied D's wife. "D says you run a very professional operation here. So, why the after hours meeting?" She asked, somewhat skeptically. As Stephanie led the bitch out to the kennel, she...
Popping Stephanie's Cherry It happened when I got a text from Stephanie that Vanessa her mom my ex girlfriend had to go pick up her brother as he got in trouble in school and she was running late. I replied "to late I am almost at their house". "She is going to be there awhile it will be just you and me then" Stephanie replies. "Okay I don't mind waiting plus we have never talked before it would be fun to get to know you since your mom and I are bf and gf "I replied. "Yeah I guess it would be...
The Making of Stephanie - Part 4 Some three months later... Stephanie and Jackie stand facing each other in Sophie and Jackie's pretty pink kitchen. Both wearing only panties, girly little testicles and penises nicely tucked. Very feminine outlines are inside those panties, Stephanie's lacy white, Jackie's powder pink. Pert, lovely soft breasts show bare in the late morning sunshine as it streams through open windows. Feminine, shapely bottoms and hips fill those...
Stephanie walked in the front door of her house, her uniform soaking wet from the rain. She shivered as she dropped her back pack on the floor and walked across the floor, her mary jane heels clicking across the floor.“Steph is that you?” her mother called from the kitchen.“Yeah Ma.” she chimed as she skipped into the kitchen.“Oh sweetheart, you’re soaking wet! Why don’t you go change, get ready for dinner and then come back down. Oh and let your father know it’s almost ready. He should be in...
It's the Friday night of WrestleMania weekend in Texas, and while most everyone else involved with the WWE has wrestling on the brain, Stephanie McMahon does not.Steph has always been the "adventurous" type, after all, and nothing seemed like a better idea to her than going out to a local honky tonk and seeing what nightlife in Texas is really all about."Yes Hunter. We have a sitter for the k**s. Mom's going to do it. I'll meet back up with you at the hotel," Stephanie tells her husband Triple...
Stephen and Stephanie Now the idea of crossdressing had appealed to Steve for a few years, he wouldn't deny it, but actually doing it for real, no he hadn't got the nerve. A surreptitious wearing of bra and panties, yes once or twice, but for nothing more than a different masturbation thrill. The full works, no he wouldn't know where to start. It wasn't even like he was gay or even bi, it was just a thing that fascinated him. He'd thought about asking one of his Mistress...
June 1981, Milford, Ohio ‘If you end up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.’ -Frank Zappa I heard the phone ringing, but didn’t move, I just stared at it. I was stunned. Jennifer had just told me that she wasn’t going to IIT. She had just tossed all our plans out the window, and she hadn’t even discussed it with me! I had counted on her and she...
It was going to be the weekend from hell. I knew it the moment my mother called me to give me the news. "Stephanie is engaged! We're having an engagement party for her this weekend. So you HAVE to come. I know you hate family functions, but you must be here!" My mother's tone was stern. She was usually a sweet and lively woman, but when she demanded we do something, we better damn well do it! I yawned. She'd woke me up at six that morning. I hated when people called me so early. I...
I had been dating Stephanie for about 2 months when things made a drastic change I had been dating Stephanie for about 2 months when things made a drastic change.? Our relationship was going very good, but as far as making out we had not gone beyond kissing.? We went out to eat once a week and spent the other evenings together.? We would alternate who cooked, and we usually went to the park each evening for a walk.? We truly enjoyed being together. It was a Tuesday evening when...
[ An homage to Jan B. and her husband Mike, who over the years produced so many great videos of interracial sex, and who probably helped inspire so many single women, and married couples, to slip into the interracial/cuckolding lifestyle. ]Stephanie and Jimmy had been married for just over two years when she contacted Jan about her curiosity about experiencing sex with a black man---even though she'd married Jimmy, she admitted that she'd always thought it would be exciting to at least fuck a...
The Making of Stephanie : Pt 1 by Dannie G ONE Monica and Stephen met at a frat party one Saturday night, and instantly hit it off. Monica was a Pharmacy student and Stephen was a local boy,an odd jobs kind of guy who would work for friends doing flooring, mechanics, light electrical. Things like that. He made a half way decent living at it. Monica was the kind of girl who liked cute guys, not the athletic, muscle-y type. She always saw them as...
* Discovery *The first time I set eyes on her, she was wearing the sluttiest underwear one can imagine. Totally oblivious to my presence, she was admiring her scantily clad body in the full-length mirror on the wall. The lingerie was black, my favourite colour, sheer in texture and cut to a design that left little to the imagination. Black leather, ankle boots adorned her feet and complimented the black hold ups she was wearing. She was admiring herself in a full-length mirror and hadn't seen...
CrossdressingBecoming Stephanie's Toilet.It was some shock when my father passed away, but he left me means enough to keep the house to live in, and finish my education properly, so in time I'd probably come around.Then there was of course my "stepmother" I liked to call her that, eventhough she was actually my governante. But Stephanie was much fond of my father I knew, from the times he showed himself in the house, they stayed up late in the evening when he was home, because few days later he was gone...
"Steve?" My mum calls me from downstairs. "We're heading out now. Don't forget you've got that job interview later on today!" "I won't forget," I shout back from under my bed covers. "Well you'll need to hurry up and get dressed for it!" Mum yells back before heading out of the front door. "You don't know how right you are," I mumble as I get out of bed and stare at the dishevelled youth in my mirror. Staring back at me is a skinny nineteen year old boy with long, scruffy brown...
Mary lived alone in her rented flat, and this suited her. She had had relationships with other students at college, even with one of the professors there, but none had lasted longer than 3 weeks. She didn’t really know what she wanted from a relationship, but she knew that none of the men in her life had so far been able to satisfy her fully. Consequently, she immersed herself completely in her first teaching post. The students liked Mary. She was very attractive. She was 5’ 8”, had...
June 1981, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, Stephanie and I woke up at our usual time. She pulled me out of the room and we swam our laps naked. Afterwards, we showered together, making sure we were clean all over, then dressed in shorts and t-shirts and ate breakfast. We cleaned up the kitchen and I checked to make sure we had all the things we needed for Stephanie’s sundae treat. Once I confirmed that, we went to sit in the living room to wait for her friends. “We really need to use the...
Before going to sleep the night before, I forgot to untie the two sluts and as a result both woke up at 7.30 am with severe cramping in their arms and wrists. Seeing any form of apology as a sign of weakness, I shrugged my shoulders and informed them that it must have been the way they had turned during the night. I now released them and ordered Stephanie to go make me a cup of tea and a couple of toast. Reluctantly she climbed out of bed and I could tell she hated the idea of leaving Serena...
FetishWell after dating Christy for whole year thing seem to have slack off between the two of us. She was spending more and more of her time helping her parents with raising her little brother. This was starting to effect our relationship or at least I thought so and fact in senior year in high school I opt to go full time at A R Burton How did this war start well it all started when I stupidly wrote Christy a heart full letter basically pouring my feelings out to her which I guess she took the...
She walked to one of the pens where one of her more aggressive canine lovers was housed and grabbed him by the collar and led him into a pen with another dog. Once inside, she got on her hands and knees, presenting them a bitch ready to be fucked. The dog who resided in the pen walked up behind her and started licking her well fucked pussy. Stephanie moaned with lust as the broad tongue drug across her swollen lips. After a couple minutes of licking her abused cunt, the large mastiff...
Stephanie and I had gone to dinner as it was Wednesday night and that was our “subs night out” day. Stephanie is Lisa’s sub and I (Ellen) am Monica’s sub. We had our usual great time, Steph is a really sweet girl and we get along VERY well. We are part time lovers but we both prefer a nice stiff cock plunging in and out of us. A couple of weeks ago, Lisa brought Steph over to my house to watch as I was tightly bound and fucked by Jason, Brad and Mistress. As it turned out she got so...
August 1981, Milford, Ohio “I told Stephanie everything,” Jennifer said. “All the stuff you and I talked about last night and this morning, plus we talked about some things from our own relationship in the past and how it caused serious problems for the three of us.” “I’m sorry, Big Brother,” my sister said, obviously chagrined. “I know I’ve apologized before, but I need to say it again. I stuck my nose in things I shouldn’t have and created a huge mess for you. I hurt both of you badly....
The first time I saw Stephanie she really got my attention and the subsequent times I laid eyes on Stephanie she got even more of my attention. She was what you call a "well stacked young lady". I didn't know at the time what size breasts Stephanie was sporting on her chest, but she was one of the better endowed young women in her early 20s that I'd ever seen. Little did I know then that Stephanie was an E-cup and yet, to be very honest, even though her tits looked very nice and very sexy,...
Sweet Stephanie is my most sexy seductive colleague and almost a co-author as our series intimately intertwineSweet Stephanie is a buxom blonde: beautiful big breasts, tall tasty teasing warm wanton woman friend of mine:Sweet Stephanie shows off in the sea in Summers: Stephanie has her...
Plans change and we climb the tree again.Just Stephanie and meI found her in the living room with the pizza menu and phone, I suspect she knew what she wanted already."Shall I order or do you want something in particular?""No, you go ahead, I don't mind what I have." she dialed and in no time our order was placed with a promise that it would be with us in no more than 30 minutes. I went to the kitchen and found some paper napkins for us, which I brought back to the living room.Just as I arrived...
"Mr. Roberts?" I didn't even have to look up from my paperwork. I knew that voice all too well. Good thing she couldn’t see my pants. "Ms. Robinson," he said in an only-slightly annoyed tone -- not even bothering to lift my eyes from my work. "To what do I owe the honor?" "I came by to check my grade, but they weren't posted." Although I certainly was in no mood for delays, I knew he had to look up. In my office was Stephanie Robinson. In my 17 years of teaching, she was, hands...
The Hamilton High late December homecoming game and dance, and the related after event parties, was always the big event of the upcoming 1new year, every year, kind of a pre-prom I guess one might say. I was taking Stephanie Ward, my girlfriend of the past year. We were both seniors and were even talking about getting engaged and hitched after high school. The plan was for us to get engaged, me join the army and learn a trade, and for her to go to nursing school. And, upon my return, we'd...
"I should get going," I sigh as I watch the clock tick over to 9pm. "Flatmates get kinda paranoid about leaving the front door unlocked this late..." "Well, that makes me feel all the better about you travelling on the tube this late," mum sighs as I grab my backpack and head to the front door. "Are you SURE you don't want to stay over tonight, Steve?" I sigh again as I catch a glance of my make-up free, unshaven face in the hallway mirror. "Nah... Need to be up early tomorrow," I...