Landon Loves Stephanie free porn video

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It was going to be the weekend from hell. I knew it the moment my mother called me to give me the news.

"Stephanie is engaged! We're having an engagement party for her this weekend. So you HAVE to come. I know you hate family functions, but you must be here!"

My mother's tone was stern. She was usually a sweet and lively woman, but when she demanded we do something, we better damn well do it!

I yawned. She'd woke me up at six that morning. I hated when people called me so early. I always forgot to turn off my phone. On a morning like this I wish I could have remembered.

"I guess I can make it," I said as I raised my body up slowly. My bones were aching from having played basketball last night with the guys.

"You GUESS? No sir, you'll be here. It's your sister's engagement party! She'd want you to be there."

I flopped back down on the bed. Didn't my mother know how heartbreaking this news was?

"Ok mom, I'll be there. Mom, can you not call me so early?"

"It's six, you should be awake and getting ready to go to class!"

I groaned. "I don't' have class until nine mom."

"Well then, get up to study. When I was going to college..."

I shouldn't have said anything about waking me up early. Now she was going to go on about when she was in college how she'd get up at five every morning to go exercise, study and have a good and healthy breakfast. I'd heard those stories over and over again.

"Ok mom. Uh huh. Yes mom," I simply replied to her.

"So remember, be here at least by Thursday night because I know you don't have class on Fridays. Stephanie will be here Friday."

"So why do I have to show up Thursday?"

"Landon! Just show up!"

I held the phone away from my ear. My mom could really get loud when she wanted to. "Ok, ok. I'll be there."

"Ok honey. See you then!" She sent me a kiss over the phone and hung up. It was strange how quickly she could change her tone.

I lay in bed for a moment. I knew I couldn't go back to sleep now. The news about Stephanie's engagement had really gotten to me. She'd been dating Caleb, who in my opinion was a really good guy. They met over two years ago when Stephanie and her long time friend Jamie opened up their own clothing boutique. Caleb walked in looking to buy something for his sister Lana. He says when he saw Stephanie; it was love at first sight. He asked Stephanie for her opinion on several dresses for Lana and soon they began talking. He asked her out and since then, they've been together. Caleb is a car mechanic who also runs his own business. He's hardworking, kind and very caring. He loves my older sister, but I can bet he could never love her as much as I do.

I close my eyes for a moment and try to recall when this infatuation with Stephanie began. Stephanie is five years older than me. She and I were close as we grew up. Sure, we'd fight like every bother and sister does. We'd get on each other's nerves, but deep down we loved each other.

I can't pin point when it was that I began developing this huge crush on my sister. Maybe it was the fact that my friends always harped on how hot she was. Maybe it was the way she hugged me on special occasions like holidays or my birthday. Maybe it was how she always watched out for me. She'd give me advice on school, girls, and life in general. Maybe it was the way she made my heart race when she wore certain clothing. Or maybe it was just all of her. Her smile, her laugh, her charming personality. Stephanie was everything I'd want in a female. She was smart, caring, fun and beautiful.

Her hair, which had never been dyed, was long, straight, sleek and chocolate brown color. Her eyes, hazel just like mine. Her lips pouty usually coated in lip gloss. Her eyelashes, miles long and her light olive complexion completed her total beauty.

The years went by and I fell more in love with my sister. Now here I was at 22 years old, finishing up my last year in college and still crushing on my sister. I rarely dated, and not because I couldn't get a date, it's just that none of the girls compared to my big sis.

I couldn't believe she was getting married. I don't know, call me strange, but it almost felt as if she was cheating on me. I knew I shouldn't have felt that way. I mean it's not like Stephanie ever led me on or teased me sexually. My sister was just my sister. Nothing incestuous going on between us. Nothing at all. And that pissed me off even more.

I arrived Thursday night just like my mom had ordered me to. I lived only an hour away from home on campus so it hadn't been a long drive or anything. I walked in quietly and my parents sat on the couch watching Nick at Nite. Mr. Ed was on I think. Or maybe it was I love Lucy. Who cares!

"Landon! Glad you got to make it!" My mom stood up and hugged me. She kissed my cheek leaving a trail of saliva. I wiped it off politely and hugged my dad who stood behind my mom.

"Landon! How's school going?" My dad asked in his usual boisterous voice.

"It's going good. I got one semester to go and I'll be a professional slacker."

My dad frowned. "That's not funny. My hard earned money is going towards your education."

My dad could never take a joke. I guess he figured my degree in Art could take me so many places.

"I have your bed ready for you upstairs. Go on up and unpack. We've already had dinner so you can just heat it up if you're hungry," my mom said to me.

I nodded. "Good deal." I went upstairs to my old bedroom. It was always the same. My mom never threw anything out. I still had MAD magazines on my bookshelf along with several comic books and Stephen King, Dean Koontz and Jack Ketchum books. My old drawings were still hanging on my wall. Even my horror DVD movies were neatly stacked next to my old DVD player. I threw my overnight back on the floor and threw myself on the bed. I could smell the cleanliness of Gain on my sheets. I stared up at the ceiling and for a moment I was taken back in time...

I was sixteen and Stephanie was moving out. She was going to grad school. She'd stayed living at home until age 21 simply because she refused to let our father pay for her school. At the time our father had lost his job and we were barely making ends meet. Our parents had a savings for her but she wanted them to use it for the family instead. She worked part time and went to school full time her first four years of college. Now she'd had some money saved up and finally decided to get a little help from our parents.

She had packed her bags that day and came into my room to say goodbye. I cried. I knew I'd miss her like crazy but at the time I didn't understand why I was crying so damn much. She hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. She said she'd only be an hour away. She said I could go visit. She said she'd always be there for me.

I understood she had to leave. I just didn't want her to go. Once she was gone, it was as if a part of me was missing. The house was quiet. I no longer woke up to her singing along with No Doubt. I no longer smelled her perfume in the hallway. I got depressed that year. I think I've been miserable ever since.

The next morning what woke me up was all the commotion downstairs. My father's loud voice, my mother's squealing and ... Stephanie's sweet laugh.

I quickly raised my body out of bed and went to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and then took a quick shower. I wanted to get ready as fast as I could so I could go see my beautiful big sis. Too late. As I rushed out the bathroom, Stephanie stood there in the hallway smiling at me. It would have been ok, except Caleb with right behind her.

"Well! I see my brother's here," She laughed. Such a sexy, sweet laugh.

I felt myself turning red. I only had a towel wrapped around me. "Hey sis," I said. My voice sounded as if someone was choking me.

She leaned over and gave me a hug. I took in her feminine scent. I held her, wanting to kiss her. "How are you?" she asked fixing her eyes on mine.

I shrugged. "I'm doing ok. So you guys getting married huh?"

Caleb nodded happily. He would. That asshole. "We sure are. Nice to see you buddy." He extended his hand out to me. I wanted to hate Caleb. I really did. I just couldn't. He treated my big sis with the utmost respect and the way he looked at her, I could tell he loved her. It was sort of the way I think I looked at her. Just hope HE didn't notice!

"Well congrats to you both. When's the wedding?"

In another lifetime, I was hoping to hear Stephanie say.

"Two months," she blurted out cheerfully.

My heart sank. Caleb looked content. Stephanie was in love. I was just her little brother. Nothing else.

"That's kind of quick don't you think? I mean I heard you two just got engaged."

Stephanie gave Caleb a blissful smile. "I know but Caleb and I have been together for a while now and we think it's time. We already live together so why wait anymore right? Besides, it's going to be a small ceremony. I don't want a huge wedding. Mom and dad said I could have it here at the house."

"I'd make you my best man buddy but my best friend Chris from San Diego is going to be able to make it," Caleb said. As if I really cared to be the best man. I'd rather be the groom.

"Hey no problem. I hate being in weddings anyway," I said.

Stephanie looked hurt. "Even mine?"

I paused. "Well ... I thought you said no big wedding. I thought that meant no bridesmaids or ushers."

She giggled. "True but it's still a WEDDING. You can't expect me not to have at least one bridesmaid and one usher."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Who are the bridesmaids?" I asked.

"Well, you'll be with Lana, Caleb's sister. Jamie's going to be my maid of honor."

I had dreaded that. Lana was pretty, but she could talk. I mean really talk. It's like she had Energizer batteries that kept her going and going.

I faked a smile. "Ok, sounds good."

"Well, we'll meet you downstairs for breakfast. You better go get dressed," Stephanie said and with that, she grabbed Caleb's hand and they walked down the hallway. I waited until they disappeared before I took a breath. I always found it hard to breathe when Stephanie was around.

After I got dressed, I went downstairs. My mom had made a huge breakfast like she always did when we had company. French Toast, Eggs, Bacon, fruit and biscuits. I hadn't had a good decent breakfast in a long time. Everyone was already eating by the time I got there.

I went to grab a cup and poured me some coffee. Everyone was busy talking about the wedding that it seemed no one even noticed I was in the kitchen. I served myself some eggs and bacon and grabbed some French toast. I took a seat next to my sister. She sipped her orange juice and looked over at me.

"Hey," she said softly.

"Landon!" My father's loud voice startled everyone at the table.

"Dad! Do you have to be so loud?" Stephanie asked.

"Landon here is almost graduating and he has no clue what he's going to do after college. I tried to encourage him to get a real job like you two but he wants to study art. What the hell are you going to do with a damn art degree?"

I was losing my appetite.

"You could work at an art gallery and make pretty decent bucks. You could do your own comic strip. You could be an illustrator. You could be a painter. Dad, don't you have any faith in your son?" Stephanie spoke up for me.

Dad looked uncomfortable. He slowly sipped his coffee. "I do. It's just that ... oh never mind. I just want what's best for my children is that so bad?" I swear his voice made the whole room shake.

"That's not bad daddy. It's just that you need to give him a break. He loves art. Why not study something you love? I believe he's going to be something big in life," she looked at me and winked. My heart melted.

"So ... have you bought a dress yet honey?" My mom asked my sister. She was good at changing subjects. I secretly thanked her for that.

"I have. It's simple but gorgeous. I won't go into much detail about it in front of my future husband," Stephanie playfully jabbed Caleb. Caleb laughed. I wanted to just get out of the kitchen.

After breakfast, my mom and Stephanie went into town to shop for some shoes and for my mom's dress. I was stuck at home with my father and Caleb. It was Caleb's idea to play some basketball. I was never good at sports. Why in the hell did he have to drag me into playing basketball? My father was all up for it. He had been a basketball player in high school.

We gathered outside by the garage where the old basketball hoop was hooked onto the garage door. My father had put it up there ages ago and he and Stephanie would play sometimes.

We played for what seemed to be an eternity. I barely made two baskets while Caleb and my dad made one after another.

"It's ok Landon. You did pretty good, I must say," my father said loud enough for the neighborhood to hear him. He slapped my back as a friendly gesture. I almost fell.

We went to the backyard to cool off. My father went to get some beer for us. Caleb slumped down on the lawn chair. "Phew! That was hell of a game." He was sweating.

"Yeah I guess," I replied dryly.

He frowned. "I can't believe you don't like playing basketball. It's such a great sport! I love it. Stephanie and I play each other every now and then. Sometimes she kicks my ass." He laughed, alone.

"But hey, it's cool if you it isn't your thing you know. I saw some of the drawings you did a while back. I must say bro, you are a hell of an artist. I liked the medieval drawings. The Dragon drawings were nice too but the ones I really liked were the futuristic looking ones."

"Yeah I call those 'The end is near' because that's how I envision the future," I said. I was finally glad to be off the subject of basketball.

"Yeah Stephanie brags about your drawings all the time." Caleb leaned back on his chair more. His put his sunglasses on and laid back. My father came out with the cold beers. Drinking would be good for me at a stressful time like this.

I couldn't believe Stephanie had bragged about my drawings. That only boosted my ego. Stephanie had always liked my drawings. I used to show them to her first before I ever showed anyone else. I did suddenly recall one incident where she saw certain drawings she wasn't supposed to see.

I had been drawing a female. Yeah she looked a lot like Stephanie. Ok, so it was Stephanie. Anyway, it was just before I left for college. I was drawing these really erotic drawings of Stephanie. Some she wore very little clothing. Some she wore NO clothing. The only thing though, aside from drawing her, I also drew myself. I made myself looking thinner and more muscular than I really was of course. I couldn't draw my beautiful sister with some ugly schmuck like me. I drew her and I kissing, and touching and making love.

The drawings were quite erotic I must say. I was getting hard just drawing them and decided I could live my fantasy out through my drawings. Being the dumb ass I can sometimes be, I had them laying out on my bed. I went to use the restroom thinking no one was going to my room. By the time I came out, Stephanie sat on my bed eyeing all the drawings. I froze in my steps. I could see her entire face flushed. She looked up and saw me and quickly gathered the drawings back together.

"Um ... yeah ... um nice drawings," she stammered.

I didn't know what to say. I felt nervous. I felt nauseous. "Uh sorry. You weren't supposed to see those." I said rushing to grab the drawings.

She bit on her lower lip for a moment. Silence was killing me. She knew it was her. She had to have known. The male on the drawing was me. Everything looked like me minus the body of course.

"The drawings were ... interesting," Stephanie said softly. "Don't tell me you want to do erotic drawings now."

I nodded. "Nah. These were just ... just for fun."

Silence again.

"Well," she finally spoke. She got up and I realized she couldn't look at me. "They were still ... nice. Very well drawn."

I blushed. "Thanks." I also feared that she wouldn't ask me if it was her in the drawings.

Thankfully she didn't. She quietly walked out my room and closed my door. I thought she'd never speak to me again, but luckily I was wrong. She knew it was her, yet she didn't get upset or grossed out it seemed. She simply shook it off and went on with her life while I continued to secretly love her.

"Well, there are plenty of houses for sale around these neighborhoods. I've seen plenty of the 'for sale' signs." My fathers piercing voice snapped me out of my flashback.

"We'd like to get a house. I'm tired of apartment living. It's ok for a while but then you figure you're paying all that money for something that you'll never own. I figure getting a house would be better. Stephanie agrees. She says she wants a house in case we..." Caleb paused and looked at me. I don't know why he did but he did. "In case we have children."

My father almost spit out his beer. "Children! I course you two are going to have children! I better get some grandkids. I'm not getting any younger."

"Yes sir. We definitely want a few rugrats of our own," Caleb said proudly. He looked over at me, "I bet you can't wait to be an uncle huh Landon?"

I shrugged. I quickly drank my beer. I needed to get drunk, fast!

After a torturous afternoon with my dad and Caleb, I went up to my room to listen to some music and draw. I needed to find some kind of escape from all the talk about marriage and children and buying a house. I was glad Caleb was staring his life but did it have to be with my sister? Couldn't he have found someone else?

The Foo Figher's "Everlong" played quietly in my stereo as I draw more medieval drawings.

I heard the knock on my door and recognized it was Stephanie's knock. She always knocked three times quickly. I stopped drawing. "Come in."

She wore short khaki shorts and a black tube top. Her hair was pinned up. "I knew I'd find you here," she said sweetly walking in and closing the door halfway. She walked over to my bed and looked at my unfinished drawing.

"What you drawing?" She asked.

"Just something. Nothing special." I closed my sketchbook. "'Did you enjoy your shopping?"

"Yeah it was tiring but I had fun. I bought me my wedding shoes. They are clear you know kind of like Cinderella," she laughed. She made me smile. "I also bought me some hair accessories and of course my dress. It's simple but elegant, an ivory Chiffon, spaghetti strap dress. I have to have it altered to fit me perfectly so I can't show you yet."

"I'm sure you'll look beautiful."

Stephanie blushed. "Thanks. Oh and be sure to come on back in about two weeks to have your tux fitted."

I groaned.

"Yeah I know but hey, you love me right?"

More than you'll ever know, I wanted to say. "Of course ... sis," the "s" word sounded hesitant.

"Well good! Then you'll do it for me. It'll just be one night of being uncomfortable I promise."

I agreed to do it. I'd do anything for her.

That Friday night, Caleb's sister Lana was coming to stay with us. She went to school in a nearby town as well. She was my age and was majoring in education. She said she wanted to teach junior high. The thought of teaching junior high kids was quite frightening to me.

Lana got to the house right after dinner. My parents were still in the kitchen with Stephanie and Caleb. I was watching old X-Files reruns in the living room when I heard the doorbell.

Lana stood there dressed in a blue jean skirt and a black tank top. She looked pretty, I had to admit. Her hair had gotten a lot longer. It was now past her shoulders. She had light brown hair with golden highlights.

"Hey Landon," she said and leaned in to give me a hug.

I hugged her back and could smell Ralph Lauren's "romance" on her. I knew that because that's usually the perfume Stephanie put on.

"Hey Lana. Come on in."

I step aside and let her walk in. She carried only a small overnight bag and her purse. Once inside the house I announced Lana's arrival. Everyone walked to the living room to greet her.

Stephanie hugged her future sister-in-law and Caleb gave his sister a huge hug almost lifting her off the ground.

"Caleb! Put me down!" Lana cried out while laughing.

Caleb set his sister back down. She was really short compared to him. She was just a bit shorter than Stephanie. I might have guessed around 5'1" or so.

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My Relationship with Stephanie

Note- Whether you believe it or not, this is defiantly a true story. This all happened around a couple years ago, in early 2007, and me and Stephanie are still together. (In fact she told me to write this, as we both love stories from this site) And we have many more to tell, if you can get through my primitive writing and you enjoy it, we would be delighted to write more. Also you should know that neither of us are that skilled in English literature; however we both like to read. If you...

3 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Stephanie

It had been a long haul from New York to Detroit and as I was putting gas in the tank I was debating on whether to get another couple of hundred miles under my belt or find a motel and sack out. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice from behind me, "Excuse me sir" and I turned around to see a very attractive lady standing behind me. "I noticed the Colorado plates on your car and I wondered if you were going to or coming from." "Going to, I'm happy to say" I replied. "Would you like...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 15 Stephanie

May 14, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, I have the final contract from Jamie for you to sign,” Elyse said. “Were there any last-minute changes?” I asked. “Just a couple of wording changes which Dante’s lawyer asked for. Jamie was fine because they just clarified the terms. Nothing of substance changed. I have a red-lined copy for you to compare if you want.” “If it’s just lawyer stuff, I’ll leave that to the experts.” “It’s just lawyer stuff.” I took the contract from her, quickly...

3 years ago
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After school with Stephanie

Introduction: best friendsslutty teen needs to be watched Picking up Stephanie from school had been part of my daily routine for a while now. I couldnt help but think I was forgetting something during the summer months I didnt. She was a good kid, just always getting into something. So I told her dad Id give him a hand keeping an eye on her after all, he was my best friend. When school started back up, she texted me to pick her up towards the back of the school, less crowded and closer to her...

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Stephen and Stephanie

As neighbors, Carol, Karen and I regularly met up on weekends during school term and more often during the holidays. We played many games together, and I happily joined in, despite their girly nature; I even played with dolls. Of course, the kids at school found out about this, and I was bullied mercilessly for being a sissy. I tried to explain that no boys were living nearby to play with, but in truth, I didn’t relate to macho boys while I was happy and comfortable with Carol and Karen. Our...

1 year ago
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I sat up and yawned, sunlight streaming in the window. I just finished a full ten hours of sleep, and I was fully refreshed. I got out of bed and walked down the stairs, poured myself some cereal, and slowly ate it. I was almost finished when I heard a knock at the door. Slightly annoyed, I walked over to the door and pulled it open. A young woman stood there on the steps, smiling radiantly. She was very pretty, very much like me, if I may say so. I have a beautiful face, C cups, and a firm...

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BLISS Introductions Isabelle Stephanie

Foreword: Last part was received well. I am considering rewriting Stephanie I because I'm not happy with how it flows. Leave some advice if you have ideas on how it could be rewritten. Sophia's Introduction is next, am part way through Bianca II. Isabelle I She was hungry. Not that that was anything new of course, she was often found herself with this familiar feeling in her stomach and chest. It spread through her like a familiar chill. Living on the streets was difficult and Isabelle...

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After school with Stephanie

Today she asked if she could tag along with me to the house, insisting her parents wouldn’t mind. She changed out of her school clothes and put on her cheer shorts and tied her tank top just long enough to cover her breasts. I was caught off guard and suggested we get outta the house. We took the truck 4 wheeling and she bounced around next to me. She knew I was turned on, and she slowly stripped down to just her bikini top and mini shorts. I was about to tell her to put her shirt back on, but...

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"Come on, Steph, we've got to get going," her roommate, Amy, called to her through the door to her room."Just a minute," she called back, taking one last look at herself in the the full-length mirror as she buttoned up her white silk gloves.  At 5'3" and 110 lbs, she was a slight girl, with a slim Asian figure.  She felt her face warm as she looked at the costume she had chosen.  Her neck was encircled by very simple, plain white silk chocker, offsetting her black hair and dark eyes...

1 year ago
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Me and Stephanie

Note : This story is completely fictional! “Oh god I’m so so so sorry. I should have knocked its just that my CD player was no and I never heard the shower” I pleaded with my sister. “Its just that, well, I really need the toilet and was wondering if I could borrow yours because your friends are using mine.” By this time I was beginning to blush because I could see the accusing look beaming from my sisters eyes. Standing there in her towel I could see what all the guys loved about her and why...

4 years ago
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Meating Stephanie

I got there around 10:00 A.M. and had everything set up in 15 minutes. The show didn't start until noon so I had some time to kill. The show was set up at one of the local schools. But it was one I had never been to, so I decided to walk around and check it out. It was rather boring really, all of the doors were locked except for a few that led to old class rooms. I was about to give up and go back to the go back to the gym when I saw someone at the end of the hall. It was a girl about...

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Gangbang for Stephanie

This is a follow up to the story I wrote called “Cards With Friends.” It continues the adventures of Stephanie and her cuckold husband Jason. Please feel free to comment!

3 years ago
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Jill Stephanie

I see her from the food court by a stationary store in the big mall. She is fussing with her phone. I can't be sure, but I think she might be taking pictures. She is definitely watching me. I have been stealing glances at her since I first noticed her. She has the looks of a sexy librarian, Fortune 500 CEO and porno star all mixed together and dusted with powdered sugar. She waits until I pay and choose a table. She puts away her phone and walks directly toward me. For a moment I feel...

4 years ago
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Breakfast at Stephanies

  My eyes fluttered open and I rolled over to help some of the sensation flow back into my arm, as I had apparently been lying on it for the past few hours.   Yawning, I rubbed my tired eyes before peaking past my clenched fist to the body beside me. Stephanie was still fast asleep, her chest gently rising and falling with each breath as her arms cradled her pillow beneath her head.   I shifted into a more comfortable position and tried to go back to sleep, but my thoughts kept drifting back...

4 years ago
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I would love to meet you, just you and I together for the first time. I can already see it now – you see me walk up and immediately you begin blushing and a beautiful smile comes across your face. I’m almost breathless while watching you move towards me for our very first hug. I’m absolutely captivated by your beauty. You reach out and I pull you in close to me. Your body pressed up against mine feels perfect. I can feel the energy being passed between us and I don’t want to let go. ‘You’re...

2 years ago
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My pussy was throbbing by the time James pulled into my driveway. He was taking my virginity as a nineteenth birthday gift. I had on black leggings, a see through half-top, and my underwear was soaking wet. I was excited, my heart racing as I opened the door for him. ‘Hey babe,’ he smiled and kissed me. ‘At least wait until we’re in my room!’ I giggled and pulled him into my room upstairs, which had ‘STEPHANIE’ in huge letters across it, the bulge in his pants noticeable.  ‘So baby, on your...

2 years ago
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My pussy was throbbing by the time James pulled into my driveway. He was taking my virginity as a nineteenth birthday gift. I had on black leggings, a see through half-top, and my underwear was soaking wet. I was excited, my heart racing as I opened the door for him. "Hey babe," he smiled and kissed me. "At least wait until we're in my room!" I giggled and pulled him into my room upstairs, which had 'STEPHANIE' in huge letters across it, the bulge in his pants noticeable.  "So baby, on your...

First Time
3 years ago
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I would love to meet you, just you and I together for the first time. I can already see it now - you see me walk up and immediately you begin blushing and a beautiful smile comes across your face. I'm almost breathless while watching you move towards me for our very first hug. I'm absolutely captivated by your beauty. You reach out and I pull you in close to me. Your body pressed up against mine feels perfect. I can feel the energy being passed between us and I don't want to let go. "You're...

2 years ago
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Suddenly Stephanie

Stephen has had a long week as a handyman but it has been profitable. Stephen was looking forward to driving the 2 hours to Boulder to see the University of Colorado Buffalo football game. He was able to get home by 3:30 Friday afternoon which he wasn't able to see much of the last 10 days. Stephen was 5'9" and weighed 170 lbs had just a little longer than collar length brown hair, beard and brown eyes. He stepped out of his pickup when his neighbor Rochelle came over as fast as she...

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... pin drop silence. Ilona sat next to me and pulled my head over onto her lap and began to unlock and unlace my hood. "Excuse me, I need to use the washroom," said the candidate, whose identity I was about to learn. With excitement and a bit of anxiety I breathed in a comforting aroma of linen suit mixed with the dark mystery of Ilona's vagina mere inches and likely no more than two layers of cloth from my nose. To pull the hood off she had to push my face down onto that...

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Protective husband four loves part five

I repeat myself looking from Jewels to Sara. “You have made me the happiest I've ever been.” Jewels giggles and says. “Are you happy enough to cook dinner for us?" I give them a quick kiss and reply. “I am always happy enough to spoil my loves.” I smile brightly, walked to the bathroom and quickly wash my hands before going to the kitchen. Once inside the kitchen I remove five stakes from the freezer and place them on the counter to defrost. I start looking through the other...

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Swetha Loves Her Life Part 1

Hi, I am Swetha from Kerala and settled in Bangalore. I am here sharing my sex story, profile, my complete history and what I want in future with an expectation that I may find my prince who really really loves me and accepts what I am. I tried to find suitable alliances from matrimony websites and nothing worked out, few meetings happened and after I explained a few bits they ran away. Honestly, I don’t want to cheat anyone that I am a virgin. Please read the complete summary until the end and...

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She Loves It All

She loves every bit of his cock. She loves it in her hands, her mouth, her pussy, and in her ass. Her favorite place is in her mouth. Sucking on it makes her hornier then anything else. Her hot tight pussy gets soaking wet while she sucks him. When he talks dirty to her she tends to suck faster and faster. She loves to suck his cock.  He loves having his cock sucked by her. It drives him nuts. He loves to feel her soft lips on the shaft and her wet hot mouth wrapped around its hard mass. He...

3 years ago
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She Loves It All

She loves every bit of his cock. She loves it in her hands, her mouth, her pussy, and in her ass. Her favorite place is in her mouth. Sucking on it makes her hornier then anything else. Her hot tight pussy gets soaking wet while she sucks him. When he talks dirty to her she tends to suck faster and faster. She loves to suck his cock.  He loves having his cock sucked by her. It drives him nuts. He loves to feel her soft lips on the shaft and her wet hot mouth wrapped around its hard mass. He...

Oral Sex
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Pretty Petite Stephany

She was really very attractive and even though she didn’t feel that way, her innocence was alluring, and that sexy smile, made me smile too. I had been attracted to her since I first saw her and her outgoing personality was probably the main reason, and now that she was in my class, I was even more attracted to her. She had a sexy look and a really friendly demeanor, but I really needed to be careful. Like I said, Stephany was dark skinned, which was very attractive to me but it was obvious...

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Sweet Sexy Little Stephany

I had been attracted to her since I first saw her and her outgoing personality was probably the main reason, but now that she was in my class and being she was a little older, I was even more attracted to her. She still had a sexy look and a really friendly demeanor, but I still felt I needed to be careful. Like I said, Stephany was dark skinned, which I thought was very attractive but it seemed she didn’t like it, because one day in class, when I overheard her say to a classmate, “I wish my...

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Marcia my wife loves threesomes with another man so I arrange to have Santa visit

My wife Marcia loves threesomes. Cock and more cock, the feel of male bodies and strong male hands all over her combined with deep insistent kisses are what make Marcia squirm. Since we’re swingers she’s been with a few women. Lots of women in couples are bi. Some so much we think that is all they are after in the Lifestyle. Not Marcia. She loves cock, plain and simple. Marcia is the best wife and lover a man could ask for so when Christmas rolled around I just had to come up with a...

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A true story about a white wife who loves to date black men

I just got off the phone with one of my black boyfriends when I heard my husband’s car pull into the driveway. I was talking to James for the past hour and my pussy was still wet in anticipation of our date later this evening. James always makes my pussy wet when we talk on the phone. My husband sat down for dinner while I hurried in to take a shower. I stood under the hot water allowing the hot water stimulate my already aroused nipples. I’m fairly well endowed and the water was...

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My Husband Loves My Lactating Breasts

My husband and I were trying to have a family. We’d been married for a year. Surprisingly, only after the first attempt, I became pregnant. When I took the pregnancy test and it confirmed a positive result, I was so excited. My husband was working out on our elliptical machine, and I carried out the pee stick showing I was pregnant. He was so happy and picked me up and gave me many kisses. My husband had told me that the sight of pregnant women makes him very aroused. He couldn’t wait for me...

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Hannah Loves Cum Part I

Hannah loves cum. She would walk door to door at the apartment complex next to where she lived asking the men of each household to cum in cups. Or course she would help every now and then, giving up her pussy or giving a handjob. She rarely gave blowjobs because she always give into swallowing which meant less cum for later.Hannah manages to collect about 20oz of cum every weekend. She usually uses the cum she collects throughout the next week, but she also saves cum by freezing some every...

2 years ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 30 Sandra Proves How Much She Loves Her Son And Daughter

POV Sandra We all went into the bedroom, shut the door, and I yanked Pete right to me. "How do you feel about having two wives?" I giggled, before a gap where I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to lighten the mood. Are you okay, son?" "Yes, Mom, but it’s kind of been that way for a while now. You're not a mistress. Gia knows all about you, and she does it with you too." "Fair enough, but I want you to always treat her as your number one, Pete. You and I have had...

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An Aussie Girl Who Loves An American True Story

I buy my ticket and finally, with anticipation, I get to Florida, Tampa Bay to be exact and check myself into the hotel and then I finally start realizing that this is stupid, I can’t believe I’ve done this, he could already be in a relationship, be married, who knows, but most importantly, I wondered, how do I lure him into the bar downstairs and surprise him. Either way, I had to see him. I convince the receptionist at the front desk to help me and she loves the whole set up, thinks its...

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Harry Potter Loves You Part 9

Part 9 and there was Three Harry woke feeling his wives, wives I have two wives, he smiled, laying next him, his eyes closed. Hermione snuggled up to him, her leg over his, Ginny on his other side pressing into him, their heads on his chest and shoulder, their breasts against him, he could feel their breaths on his skin, their heart beats, Hermiones wetness on his thigh, Ginnys hand gently holding his erect manhood. He laid there thinking of how his life had turned around it the last years. ...

1 year ago
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She Loves Black

They say She Loves Black, and I think you know exactly what they mean by that. They aren’t talking about a girl’s preference for dark clothing or goth-girl makeup, nor is it a reference to Metallica’s ’91 classic album, though I’d bet a couple of the tatted girls know all the words to Enter Sandman. Now, while those with cleaner minds may wonder about the catchy and clever title, all you perverts catch the reference immediately: this one’s going to be about white girls who love Big Black...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Little Lola Loves Lollipops

Little Lola is a delightful little girl with such a sweet tooth. She is my young step daughter. The poor little girl never had a stable father figure in her life until I came along. Her mom, my wife Gina, is a stripper, a drug addict, a slut, and an unfit mother, but I love her. I am a chemist with a regular job in the research and development division of one of the major pharmaceutical companies. I am also a Libertarian. I don’t think the government should interfere in matters relating to...

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My Lost Loves pt conclusion

Although this can stand alone, I would suggest reading 1, and 2 before reading 3. My Lost Loves, Chapter 3 My body convulsed as another bolt of excruciating torture shot through my chest. I was losing ground and I knew it. My only hope was to get to my phone in the house. I could feel the cold breezes getting stronger as daylight was slipping away. My left side was numb. I used all the strength I could conjure up to twist my body onto my stomach. I looked up, the ten feet between...

3 years ago
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Protective Husband Four Loves part three

This is the continuation of the Winfield saga. Robert has a troubling discovery he needs to speak with Jewels about. Morgan his 14-year-old daughter, who has never been pregnant, is lactating. Robert knows there are some serious conditions that could cause this, and he fears for his loves health. Once I recovered I look about the room and all my loves are here with me. I whisper “Jewels, I need to speak to you.” Jewels rising and turns to me, looking over Sara she rests on her...

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