The Secret Cheerleader VoteChapter 6: Stephanie free porn video

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“You WHAT?” Bella exclaimed. “When?”

Bella was shocked at what Stephanie had just said. She slept with Zane? Stephanie had been dating the same guy since freshman year. They’d had a few little episodes where they broke up for a month or so, but they always would get back together. For her to just randomly sleep with Zane was totally unbelievable.

“Last week” Stephanie answered.

“I was trying to corner him and find out what the hell his deal is and things just, happened.”

“And so you slept with him? What the hell did he say? And what the hell is Anthony gonna say?” Bella asked.

“Fuck Anthony” she said. “He’s being such a dick lately it serves him right if I start seeing someone else”

“Seeing??? Now you’re seeing him?” Bella asked, again, shocked.

“Okay not SEEING, just fucking” Stephanie answered with a little laugh.

“You were right though” Stephanie continued. “Zane really does seem to have control of all the votes. The seniors will probably all vote for whoever he asks them to. Maybe not who he asks them to vote FOR, but definitely who he asks them to vote against. So, I figured what the hell, it couldn’t hurt to have him on my side.”

Once again, Bella could barely even think.


He had gotten to Stephanie. The sweet, pure, ever faithful Stephanie. The feeling of defeat that had been washing over her since that party just ballooned into a massive thundercloud above her head.

“So, what does he have against me then? What the hell did I ever do to him?” Bella asked.

In the last week Bella had learned that Zane had threatened Nikki with the same deal he’d given her, have sex with him or get kicked off the squad. She’d also learned he’d already been sleeping with half the squad, while getting very cozy with the other half, and now, even Stephanie had slept with him just to keep her spot. Despite all of that, her question was, “What does he have against ME” because obviously, this was all about Bella. It always was.

Stephanie answered “You didn’t do nothing. It’s not about you. He’s a guy, he just wants to sleep with all the cheerleaders so he can brag to his friends. He’s a fucking perv. That’s all”

“That’s just sick” Bella replied.

“Yeah well, I guess it’s a guy fantasy. Like having a threesome with twins, or that kind of bullshit. Anyway, he seems to have found a way to make it happen, AND to make half the girls on the squad think it’s THEIR idea to jump in bed with him.” Stephanie laughed as she said it.

“You sure seem pretty happy about it” Bella shot back at her, surprised to hear her laughing about it.

“What, it’s a clever scam. You gotta give him credit.” She answered, still with a little giggle in her voice.

“Besides, he was actually pretty good!” she added, with a wink.

Bella let out an exasperated sigh. She couldn’t believe that Stephanie had fallen for this. AND cheated on her boyfriend to do it. And LIKED it! Then she thought back to that day in the bedroom. He really was very ... slow, and ... tender ... and sweet ... and she HAD been getting caught up in the moment ... right up until he laid his ultimatum on her. What a dick.

The fact that Stephanie had actually cheated on her boyfriend of almost three years barely even cracked into Bella’s train of thought, other than surprise that she would even consider doing it. She was supposedly one of Bella’s best friends, but Bella clearly never even thought to ask her what the hell was going on with her. It was exactly what Stephanie had expected.

Stephanie’s lie

Stephanie had not in fact slept with Zane. Yet. She had figured out that Bella was lying about the whole episode and wanted the real story. So, she lied herself. Stephanie was smart. She actually was as clever as Bella thought herself to be, she almost had this whole thing figured out, at least a version that made sense to her. By saying that Zane did the same thing to her, and she had succumbed to his blackmail, they could exchange stories. They continued to talk and Bella finally told her the truth about what had happened. The whole, honest truth. She had gone in there hoping to gain Zane’s favor somehow, but with no plan at all on how to do it. She had never even considered what she would have to do to accomplish that.

Stephanie said that her story was much the same as Bella’s, except that the first thing she did was make him put his phone in a drawer on the other side of the room, there was no way she was letting Zane take nude pics of her, and definitely no video! She enjoyed that little dig, watching Bella cringe. For some reason Bella thought it made sense at the time, but it sure didn’t now. She still hadn’t even seen the video. She never knew he was taking video. Stephanie couldn’t stop thinking about that video either, and not because of Bella.

Stephanie was surprised to hear Bella say that she had actually been enjoying what Zane was doing. He really knew how to work his fingers and his tongue. She was lying back letting the feelings just wash over her when she suddenly realized how the situation had gone so far out of her control. She couldn’t believe he had gotten her to that point. That’s when she knew she had to get out of there fast, and that’s what she intended to do. The next thing she knew, his dick was in her mouth and blasting a load of cum down her throat. She still couldn’t remember how the hell he managed THAT?

Stephanie was fascinated by Bella’s real story. This was a lot different from what she told her and Nikki that first time. It sounded to her like Zane was simply taking advantage of finding himself in bed with Bella, naked. If she were him, she probably would have done the same. Except for the whole threatening her unless she fucked him part.

Stephanie left still thinking about Bella’s story. Still thinking about Zane.

Lunch with Zane

The next day, Stephanie once again caught Zane before the lunch period began.

“Hey Zane! Come sit with me!” she said, back to her bright and cheerful personality.

Zane considered for a moment. Anything Stephanie or Nikki did was suspect, simply because of their closeness to Bella. This couldn’t be good. Zane liked Stephanie though, so he cautiously accepted her invitation and the two of them picked a quiet table off to themselves.

After a bit of small talk about school and life in general, Stephanie drilled down to what she really wanted to know.

“Did you really threaten to get Nikki kicked off the squad, just like Bella, if she doesn’t have sex with you?” she asked.

Zane dropped his head and let out a heavy sigh.

“Which one of them told you that?” he asked and paused. “First of all, I never threatened Bella with anything. She made that up. And I didn’t threaten Nikki either, all I said was, maybe I should make you the same offer, I never said what that offer was”

“Yeah, have sex with you or get kicked off the squad” Stephanie said.

“I never said that. I just said, the same offer, Nikki and Bella decided what that offer was on their own” Zane replied.

“Why?” Stephanie asked.

Zane answered “Did you see the way she was acting for the last week? Following me around making crude remarks anytime I tried to have a conversation with anyone. Practically calling all of the other girls sluts for even talking to me. She was just being a cunt, and she needed to shut the fuck up. Everyone is starting to hate her, and if you don’t believe me, get to practice early and then see what happens to the conversation when she shows up. It’ll be dead silence.”

“So, you’re not just trying to get her into bed?” She asked.

“Nikki? No. I’m not. I was just trying to get her to cut the shit and keep her from making all her friends hate her.” He answered.

Stephanie paused for a moment, then she said.

“You should just go with it and fuck her anyway” she said. “She deserves it.”

Zane was taken aback. Did Stephanie actually just say that? She seemed to be very amused by the whole thing. What the hell was happening here?

“What?” He asked.

“Just fuck her. If she’s stupid enough to believe all of Bella’s freaking drama and think you can follow through with it, then just fuck her. Why not? You’ll never get a better chance.” she answered.

Zane sat there staring at her in disbelief. Stephanie just laughed, enjoying his confusion. She was having fun now.

After a moment Zane asked

“Okay, who are you, and what have you done with Stephanie? Shouldn’t you be yelling at me and telling me to leave your friends alone?”

“Pffft, some friends. All they ever think about is themselves. If they’re too stupid to figure out they’re being played then I’m not gonna do it for them. I say screw it, take advantage of it and fuck em both”

Zane just sat there with his mouth open staring at her. He didn’t know what to think.

Stephanie also just sat for a moment, smiling and thinking to herself. She’d had a moment of insight when she was talking with Bella, these girls were not her friends. Not real friends. Sure, they had lots of fun times together, but when it came right down to it, none of them knew what was really going on in each other’s lives. When it came down to the real drama it was always me me me. She made some decisions that night, and now she felt even better about all of them. A great big satisfied smirk lit up her face.

Out of the blue, Stephanie looked up from her lunch and said “Hey, will you go out with me?”

This stopped Zane mid-chew. “Huh?” Now he was more surprised than ever.

Stephanie said “Go out with me. On a date. You’re single right? I wanna go on a date with you” and she put on her biggest smile.

Zane finished chewing, swallowed hard, and said “Don’t you have a boyfriend? Since like, grade school?”

“Fuck him, he’s an ass. We’re over. I wanna date someone fun for a change. C’mon go out with me” she said, again with that big smile.

“You know I’m dating Julia now right?” he asked.

“Seriously? Since when? Didn’t you do her already?” she said.

“Excuse me?” he asked.

“Well you know, since you boned her at that party shouldn’t you be moving on to the next girl by now? I wanna be next.” She answered.

Exasperated yet again, Zane replied “Jeez I don’t know where you get your information, but nobody ‘boned’ anyone. Nothing happened at that party except that we had some time alone together. Since then we have been on exactly two dates and our clothes have remained on the whole time, no sex, no ‘boning’, just dates, simple and innocent. You seem to think I’m some sort of man whore just going around fucking anything I can get my...” and he stopped mid-sentence, obviously a bit frustrated.

He completely missed the end of that sentence.

Stephanie just laughed at him. She paused for a moment, thought about it, and then said “Are you exclusive then? Or are you still fucking Natalie in your car every morning? Does Julia know about that? Should she?”

Zane’s mouth dropped. “What? All I’ve done with Natalie is give her a ride to school. Nobody’s fucking anybody.”

“Oh please, people have seen you doing it, everybody knows all about it” she said.

“Well, everyone but me. Trust me, if I was fucking Natalie every morning, I’d be going out with Natalie” Zane said. “just rides, no fucking”

“Yeah, okay ... Maybe I should just tell Julia about it anyway, just in case she hasn’t heard” Stephanie responded, that smile turning into an evil grin.

“Are you trying to blackmail a date out of me?” Zane asked.

“Why not, blackmail seems to be all the rage lately” she answered.

Zane stopped to think for a moment. Stephanie was right, he wasn’t exclusive with Julia, yet, although he wanted to be. He was totally smitten with her. And no, he wasn’t fucking Natalie every morning, a couple times a week yes, but not every morning. This whole thing just felt like a trap to him. This was so NOT Stephanie. Last week she was burning mad at him for blackmailing Bella, now she thinks he should just fuck her. AND Nikki. AND she wants to go on a date with him herself, because all of a sudden her and her boyfriend are over? What the hell is going on?

“Okay, when did you have in mind?” he asked.

“Friday” Stephanie replied enthusiastically.

“Nope. I’m going out with Julia Friday. Sorry” he answered.

“Okay then, Saturday” She said.

“Hello, you guys have a competition on Saturday, remember?” he answered.

“Oh, yeah” she said. “Okay Sunday. OOOH that’ll give us the whole day, sweet! we can take our time and really have some fun! Does that work? Or are you chicken?” she said.

Zane didn’t know what the hell was going on. He hesitated as he tried to work out her angle, but couldn’t see any reason not to go on a date with her.

“Okay, sure” He said.

“Oh goodie!!” she exclaimed. Then she jumped up and leaned over to plant a little kiss on his cheek.

“It’s a date!” she said, as she gathered her things and bounded off to her next class.

Zane was left sitting there in stunned silence. What the hell had just happened?

Stephanie had barely cleared the cafeteria doors before Carly and Julie came scrambling over and pulled up a couple of seats right next to him.

“WHAT ... THE HELL ... WAS THAT?” Carly asked.

Zane thought about it for a minute and answered, slowly “I ... have no idea ... but apparently I have a date with Stephanie on Sunday”

The two girls were as surprised as he was and proceeded to grill him for another five minutes. He couldn’t really tell them much other than exactly what had just happened. They immediately thought that there must be some kind of “counter plan” going on. Zane asked if they knew if Stephanie had broken up with her boyfriend. The answer was, not that anybody knew of.


Sunday rolled around and Stephanie drove over to Zane’s house to pick him up for their date. She had insisted that since she asked him out, it was her date. She made the plans, she paid, and she drove. Zane was amused by this so he just went with it. Whatever you like crazy girl. He still had no idea what she was up to.

To his surprise, they went on a simple, ordinary date, just like he had with any other girl. First, they went to the trampoline warehouse. Stephanie figured a gymnast and a cheerleader could have a great time there, and she wasn’t wrong. Once Zane let his suspicions go about her motives, they had a lot of fun.

After a couple hours of bouncing and jumping and Zane showing off his gymnastic skills, they headed off to lunch at the usual local hotspot. A few people from school saw them and stopped by to say hello and pry into their business, surprised to find Stephanie with a guy other than her boyfriend. Stephanie smiled at all of them and completely ignored any questions they asked about it. They all walked away with curious looks on their faces and, most likely, starting their own rumors before they were ten feet away.

They had their lunch. They talked, they laughed, and they had some great conversation. Not a single word was said about Bella, or Nikki, or Carly, or Anthony, or cheerleaders, or secret votes. It was all about Stephanie, and Zane. They just had a good time. After lunch they stopped in the mall and played games at the video arcade and won enough tickets to get Stephanie some hideous little stuffed animal. It was cheap, and it was ugly, and Stephanie clung to it like a ten-year-old girl who’s just won the giant, life sized teddy bear. Zane still didn’t understand it, but Stephanie was smiling and giggling and very happy, which made Zane happy too. It was infectious.

After a morning of fun and games they stopped back at Zane’s house planning to call it a day. At least that’s what Zane thought. Stephanie still had some other ideas, she had some plans for this part as well. When they arrived, Stephanie asked if he was going to show her around his house, which of course, he did.

They went inside, Zane introduced Stephanie to his parents, who absolutely loved her. How could they not? Then a quick tour through the house and they ended up out by the pool. Stephanie got all excited by the pool and eagerly started shouting

“OOOOH let’s go swimming!!”

Zane laughed and answered back “Sure ... do you happen to have a swimsuit with you?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled him close, and seductively said “Maybe we don’t NEED swimsuits!”

Okay, straying into strange territory again. The Stephanie he had been with all morning, that was the Stephanie he knew. This Stephanie who is suggesting they get naked in his pool in the middle of the afternoon, that wasn’t the Stephanie he knew.

Zane was too wrapped up in thinking that she had some ulterior motive to think that maybe she just wanted to get naked with him.

He answered, “We’re not skinny dipping with my parents home.”

“Awwwwwwwwwwww” Stephanie answered with a pout.

Zane laughed again. He asked “Do you want to see if we can find something for you to wear? Julie might have left one of her suits in the changing booth”

“Julie?” she asked.

“Yeah, you know Julie. Cheerleader. Senior. She’s on the same squad as you. She lives right there” Zane said, pointing to the house next door.

Same as The Secret Cheerleader Vote
Chapter 6: Stephanie Videos

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Fun With Stephanie

This story is about a guy in a van picking up an oversexed girl and having fun with her. FUN WITH STEPHANIE by boompsee Deara Douche` was like any single mother with a hot-body daughter, she was tired from work, tired from trying to pay the bills, and tired from trying to keep her seventh grade daughter out of trouble. At thirteen years old, Stephanie Douche` liked the way men looked at her. I first saw her walking out of a trailer park wearing short-shorts,...

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2 David and Stephanie

My name is David. I hate white people. I don’t mind fucking them. In fact, I love fucking white women. I want to exterminate the entire white race. Not through violence but by ending white genetic lines one womb at a time. One may consider it a David versus Goliath task. I try introducing the prettiest white females to the joys of interracial sex. I don’t think I’d ever trust a white female enough to fall in love. The only love I am concerned with is instilling a love for black cock in white...

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3 David Tonya Mo Stephanie

I left Stephanie there playing with her stretched pussy, leaking cum. She continued babbling thoughts of risky behavior to push the envelope. I went to the bathroom and urinated. Mo came in when I was shaking off the last of it. “We heard you,” he said, chuckling. “Thought you killed the bitch for a little while, Dave.” Yeah,” I said, “we heard you, too. Only earlier.” “My bitch sucks a mean dick,” Mo said. “I just told my slut black men have cocks. White boys have dicks.” “Whatever,” Mo...

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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Four Ms Rebecca Shares More About Meeting Stephanie

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark & Rebecca, Part Four - Ms. Rebecca Continues to Share the Events Surrounding Her Meeting and Getting to Know Stephanie NOTE to Review Writers: Thank you so much for the incredibly positive feedback. It is definitely motivating me to write more and write faster. Now to part four of our story. If you have specific suggests or would be willing to proofread the story before I publish it as an eBook, please write me at [email protected]. Thanks so...

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"Stephanie! What on earth do you think you are doing?!" I hear behind me. I jump, dropping my magazine to the floor. "Mr Dawson! What... What are you doing here? At this time?""What does that matter, Stephanie? What matters is what I have just witnessed you doing! You know that... Material is not allowed in my school! You're a whore, Stephanie!""Mr Dawson-""I'll be writing to your parents about this, Stephanie. Do you think your father will be proud to hear that you've been looking at naked...

3 years ago
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STEPHANIE by Michelle X. Hello. My name is Melissa. I have an unusual hobby. I turn men into women. Yes, you read that correctly. I turn men into women. And I don't mean helping men get dressed up as a woman for a costume party or something like that. I take unsuspecting men and actually turn them into complete females. By the time I'm done with a guy, I'll will have placed him in such a position that he lives his entire life as a woman and can do nothing about it. In...

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The Secret Cheerleader VoteChapter 9 Captains

Captains Zane reflected on the events that had taken place the night before. Bella had finally surrendered herself to him. She had thought she would be able to just have sex with him and get everything she wanted. Instead, she had surrendered herself to him totally. More importantly, she had surrendered to him recording everything, so she was essentially his slave now. His pet. His toy, to play with however he chose. As a result of that surrender, she also became the “property” of the rest...

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“Come on, Steph, we’ve got to get going,” her roommate, Amy, called to her through the door to her room. “Just a minute,” she called back, taking one last look at herself in the the full-length mirror as she buttoned up her white silk gloves. At 5’3” and 110 lbs, she was a slight girl, with a slim Asian figure. She felt her face warm as she looked at the costume she had chosen. Her neck was encircled by very simple, plain white silk chocker, offsetting her black hair and dark eyes beautifully....

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Secret Diary of a Cheerleader Chapter 2

-Monday May 12th Got me a new poster of Branden Casey. That guy is such a beaut! He so needs to get in my bed. I would show him some cheerleading skills that you don’t get in the handbook. I had my work cut out. It was only two weeks before the UGA prizes were to be awarded and I had one last tactical manoeuvre before votes were cast. Then there’s all the revision for end of year exams. If that wasn’t enough, I had to wash my Dad’s car. What did his last servant die of? Serves me right for...

College Sex
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The Hitchhiker Stephanie

It had been a long haul from New York to Detroit and as I was putting gas in the tank I was debating on whether to get another couple of hundred miles under my belt or find a motel and sack out. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice from behind me, "Excuse me sir" and I turned around to see a very attractive lady standing behind me. "I noticed the Colorado plates on your car and I wondered if you were going to or coming from." "Going to, I'm happy to say" I replied. "Would you like...

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My Relationship with Stephanie

Note- Whether you believe it or not, this is defiantly a true story. This all happened around a couple years ago, in early 2007, and me and Stephanie are still together. (In fact she told me to write this, as we both love stories from this site) And we have many more to tell, if you can get through my primitive writing and you enjoy it, we would be delighted to write more. Also you should know that neither of us are that skilled in English literature; however we both like to read. If you...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 15 Stephanie

May 14, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, I have the final contract from Jamie for you to sign,” Elyse said. “Were there any last-minute changes?” I asked. “Just a couple of wording changes which Dante’s lawyer asked for. Jamie was fine because they just clarified the terms. Nothing of substance changed. I have a red-lined copy for you to compare if you want.” “If it’s just lawyer stuff, I’ll leave that to the experts.” “It’s just lawyer stuff.” I took the contract from her, quickly...

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The Secret Cheerleader Vote 7

On Monday morning, Zane let Stephanie know that he was going to tell the others she was now in on the Secret Vote plot. She had to agree to the same conditions, anything Zane said, she had to go along with, and she had to do anything she could to encourage any girl on the squad to sleep with him. He in turn promised to still keep Stephanie’s secret, even from the seniors. Before school started, Zane found Carly and very quickly filled her in. Stephanie had figured out the whole scam, and Zane...

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After school with Stephanie

Introduction: best friendsslutty teen needs to be watched Picking up Stephanie from school had been part of my daily routine for a while now. I couldnt help but think I was forgetting something during the summer months I didnt. She was a good kid, just always getting into something. So I told her dad Id give him a hand keeping an eye on her after all, he was my best friend. When school started back up, she texted me to pick her up towards the back of the school, less crowded and closer to her...

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The Young Cherry Cheerleader

Introduction: Not my story, just reposting it YOUNG CHERRY CHEERLEADER CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson walked home from school that day. The young freshman enjoyed the crisp September afternoon as she strolled down the sidewalk on the half-mile trip home. It was Friday, and her friend, Heather Bradley, had invited her on Thursday to come home with her on Friday. The two girls were planning to change into their J.V. cheerleading uniforms at Heathers home, have dinner at a local burger joint and then...

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The Young Cherry Cheerleader

CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson walked home from school that day. The young freshman enjoyed the crisp September afternoon as she strolled down the sidewalk on the half-mile trip home. It was Friday, and her friend, Heather Bradley, had invited her on Thursday to come home with her on Friday. The two girls were planning to change into their J.V. cheerleading uniforms at Heather's home, have dinner at a local burger joint and then go to watch the first varsity football game...

2 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 04

As it turned out, my girlfriend, Becca, had something big planned for me early that morning. I was sleeping in my bed when she woke me up at just past Midnight. As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed that something was different. Everything was black. I reached for my face and felt it. Becca had wrapped a blindfold around my eyes, blocking my vision entirely. I heard her giggle as I struggled to peek underneath the blindfold that was wrapped tightly around my...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 04

It was Saturday. However, this wasn't just an ordinary Saturday. It was my twenty-second birthday. As it turned out, my girlfriend, Becca, had something big planned for me early that morning. I was sleeping in my bed when she woke me up at just past midnight. As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed that something was different. Everything was black. I reached for my face and felt it. Becca had wrapped a blindfold around my eyes, blocking my vision entirely. I heard her giggle as I...

Group Sex
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 04

It was Saturday. However, this wasn't just an ordinary Saturday. It was my 22nd birthday. As it turned out, my girlfriend, Becca, had something big planned for me early that morning. I was sleeping in my bed when she woke me up at just past Midnight. As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed that something was different. Everything was black. I reached for my face and felt it. Becca had wrapped a blindfold around my eyes, blocking my vision entirely. I heard her giggle as I struggled...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 05

I lay in Becca's bed, breathing softly as I masturbated. I pressed Becca's cheerleader panties against my stiff cock as I satisfied myself in her bed. I pumped my cock furiously into her panties as I watched a video of a threesome that I had with Becca and Amber. Becca and Amber were both in their cheerleader uniforms. Their miniskirts were pulled up while their little cheerleader panties had been pulled down and were wrapped around their ankles. I was fucking Becca...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 05

It was a typical Friday evening. I lay in Becca’s bed, breathing softly as I masturbated. I pressed Becca’s cheerleader panties against my stiff cock as I satisfied myself in her bed. I pumped my cock furiously into her panties as I watched a video of a threesome that I had with Becca and Amber. Becca and Amber were both in their cheerleader uniforms. Their miniskirts were pulled up while their little cheerleader panties had been pulled down and were wrapped around their ankles. I was...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 05

It was a typical Friday evening. I lay in Becca's bed, breathing softly as I masturbated, pressing Becca's cheerleader panties against my stiff cock as I satisfied myself in her bed. I pumped my cock furiously into her panties, as I watched a video of a threesome that I had with Becca and Amber. Becca and Amber were both in their cheerleader uniforms. Their miniskirts were pulled up while their little cheerleader panties had been pulled down and were wrapped around their ankles. I was...

Group Sex
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 05

It was a typical Friday evening. I lay in Becca's bed, breathing softly as I masturbated. I pressed Becca's cheerleader panties against my stiff cock as I satisfied myself in her bed. I pumped my cock furiously into her panties as I watched a video of a threesome that I had with Becca and Amber. Becca and Amber were both in their cheerleader uniforms. Their miniskirts were pulled up while their little cheerleader panties had been pulled down and were wrapped around their ankles. I was...

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The Young Cherry Cheerleader Pt 3 The Young Cherry Cheerleader Cums of Age

Introduction: Again, not my story, just reposting THE YOUNG CHERRY CHEERLEADER CUMS OF AGE CHAPTER 1 As Jennifer Wilson rolled out of bed on that Friday morning in early December to get ready for school, she did so with unusual enthusiasm. It was her sixteenth birthday age of consent in her home state. Her best friend, Angie Walker, had pointed out the significance of the event. It meant that she could now legally have sex with anybody she wanted. All of those men, who had backed away...

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Stephen and Stephanie

As neighbors, Carol, Karen and I regularly met up on weekends during school term and more often during the holidays. We played many games together, and I happily joined in, despite their girly nature; I even played with dolls. Of course, the kids at school found out about this, and I was bullied mercilessly for being a sissy. I tried to explain that no boys were living nearby to play with, but in truth, I didn’t relate to macho boys while I was happy and comfortable with Carol and Karen. Our...

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I sat up and yawned, sunlight streaming in the window. I just finished a full ten hours of sleep, and I was fully refreshed. I got out of bed and walked down the stairs, poured myself some cereal, and slowly ate it. I was almost finished when I heard a knock at the door. Slightly annoyed, I walked over to the door and pulled it open. A young woman stood there on the steps, smiling radiantly. She was very pretty, very much like me, if I may say so. I have a beautiful face, C cups, and a firm...

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The Young Cherry Cheerleader Pt 3 The Young Cherry Cheerleader Cums of Age

CHAPTER 1 As Jennifer Wilson rolled out of bed on that Friday morning in early December to get ready for school, she did so with unusual enthusiasm. It was her sixteenth birthday – "age of consent" in her home state. Her best friend, Angie Walker, had pointed out the significance of the event. It meant that she could now legally have sex with anybody she wanted. All of those men, who had backed away from the thought of having sex...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 08

I tossed the damp panties aside and walked over to my desk. I sat down in the chair, grabbed my laptop, and turned the computer on. I opened my email and looked at the new mail that had arrived. I had only one new email, but it was the email that I had been eager to receive. The erotic story from Becca had arrived. Becca was still in Orlando. However, she promised that she would send me a story that contained her adventures and the naughty things that she was doing while she was...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 08

Sunlight poured through my windows and into my bedroom as I woke up on a typical Saturday morning. I pulled the blanket off my naked body and removed Becca's blue spankies from my crotch as I climbed out of my bed. The briefs were still covered in my cum from the previous night. I tossed the damp panties aside and walked over to my desk. I sat down in the chair, grabbed my laptop, and turned the computer on. I opened my email and looked at the new mail that had arrived. I had only one new...

Group Sex
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 08

Sunlight poured through my windows and into my bedroom as I woke up on a typical Saturday morning. I pulled the blanket off my naked body and removed Becca's blue spankies from my crotch as I climbed out of my bed. The briefs were still covered in my cum from the previous night. I tossed the damp panties aside and walked over to my desk. I sat down in the chair, grabbed my laptop, and turned the computer on. I opened my email and looked at the new mail that had arrived. I had only one new...

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Cheerleader has fun with her cute stepbrother

At that moment, I wanted my stepbrother to go down on me right there. I wanted him to rip apart my cheerleader bloomers and feast on my moist pussy. Then I wanted him to stick that cock in me, fuck me hard, and fill my pussy up with his warm white cum. I opened my eyes as I awoke. Sunlight poured in through my bedroom window. I smiled. It was Saturday, my favorite day of the week. I was able to sleep in, I didn’t have to go to any classes, and I was free to go out and have some...

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