Chatting With Stephanie free porn video

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Chat Guest: Stephanie On Friday June 18, 1999 6PM PST Moderated by Wendy-J Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail her at: [email protected] She has posted nearly all her stories on Usenet. Wendy starts out... (*Wendy-J) Log file opened! (Janice) Break out the spare folding chairs. (*Wendy-J) Get it out of your systems now people! After an hour of inactivity the server will knock you out, so say something now! (Liz Bennett) Gobble. (Janice) Now? (katee) *Cough* (Janice) Right now? (Regal) Something now. (Stephanie) Hitting the booze already? (Anne-Mal) Gee nothing diet! (Tigger) Warm furry HUGS!!!! And POUNCES!!! (*Wendy-J) Here we go Ladies Gentlemen and furries! We in the Author's Chat room are pleased to bring to you the one the only STEPHANIE!!!! (Stephanie) Hiya all! (*Wendy-J) Do you have any opening remarks? (Stephanie) All I'd like to say is I'm honored to be here and I hope we all have a good time and that I can say something at least partially interesting for you folks. (sue) How do you get the scientific information for some of your stories, such as DNA? Do you do a lot of research or is it pure speculation? (Stephanie) I do read the occasional scientific magazine, but most of it I make up. I do try to avoid technobabble, as that just annoys me. (Janice) I've seen you refer to a novel several times in the introductions to your stories. How is that coming along? Do you plan to post it or send it to a "real" publisher? (Stephanie) There is one for 'real' publishers. I haven't got very far. (I recently completed the second chapter.) I keep rolling it over in my mind and while it won't be TG, I'll put just enough in to make it onto the GCFL, but it is something I really want to get done. It's about the effect Artificial Intelligence would have on society. (AI's being so much more powerful than us.) (Jean_Rea) Stephanie, what do you see as the results of all the Bio and Nano- tech research being done now in real life? (Stephanie) It holds many, many possibilities. It will undoubtedly affect the way (and maybe how long) we live our lives. I keep an eye on each new development, as I think its fascinating. We have to be cautious in the ways we develop it, but we shouldn't fear it. (Tigger) Have you ever regretted publishing a story, that you feel may have been put out too soon? (Stephanie) Looking back at my old stuff often makes me wince. The early parts of the first "DNA" are full of some really bad grammatical errors. My worst problem is that I often rush endings and so I think several of my stories have endings that really need work. That's why I rewrote the ending to "It's Hard to be a Man". (Tigger) Have you ever locked yourself into a story line and regretted that you posted the earlier parts on-line, because now you wanted to change it? (Stephanie) I actually like working from part to part with each bit 'locked in'. With most stories I have a general direction I'm going in, but it's not all laid out. I've planned "DNA III" out before hand and I'm writing it all before I publish any of it. I'm not sure if I really like doing it that way. I miss the feedback. (Janice) What's next in the pipeline from you? How soon can we expect to see the next installment in the "DNA" saga? (Stephanie) I'm halfway through the first draft of "DNA III" which I've been working on since Christmas. I had to take a break or go stark staring mad! I've done one story last month, "DNA - Snapshots" which I published yesterday and I'm doing a Star Trek story, which should be interesting for me, as I've never written for characters devised by other people. (Weirdoid) In "Hard to be a Man" I enjoyed your breaking of many of the so called "Rules of Transformation". I was half expecting him to turn back at the end. Are you planning any more stories that twist the theme as much as that one did? (Stephanie) I'm always looking for ways to do it differently otherwise it gets boring. I quite liked the way I did it in "Hard to be a Man", as you had the constant battle between feminine and masculine desires right out in the open. I definitely want to do more than just the straight(?!) TG story format! (Weirdoid) That's part of what I enjoyed about it. In most stories you have man, man becomes woman, man loves being woman and is stuck. In "Hard to be a Man" you actually showed a person who didn't like the changes and actually fought his feminine sides. A more real change portrayal in my opinion. Writing stories is difficult. I tried it on a comics fan fiction page (under a different alias) and half the people I heard from enjoyed it, the other half said it should be MiSTed (a pity it wasn't, I like MST3K!). The fun part is thinking up the ideas. (Mindy) You write long stories, "Hard to be a Man" at 284K, and short stuff down to 10K. Seems to me a short story is harder to write. Care to comment? (Stephanie) It's true. You have to say everything you want to say in a really small space and I tend to ramble. I did a story for a 'Celestial Reviews' competition that had to be under a hundred words. Hardest thing I ever wrote! (genni_s) Have you ever had a good idea for a TG story and then logged on to Fictionmania only to find some one else has used it first? (Stephanie) I don't know if I've ever had that experience, but I have read some fantastic stories and then said to myself 'I wish I'd thought of that'. (genni_s) Does that make you scrap your plan or make you work harder to make your story different, but use the same idea? (Stephanie) I'm always trying to make it different and I like to have something different each time. If the TG element is routine I might change the setting. "Miss-placed" for example was a sequel to Westworld. I was too lazy to research real facts about the Wild West so I used the Hollywood version which everyone knows. (genni_s) I enjoyed "Miss-placed". (Anne-Mal) Why did you write TG stories in the first place and what gave you the courage to post it on the web? (Stephanie) The Archivist was the person who opened my eyes to the TG community on the net back in 95, he used to post loads of TG stories like "Voodoo Doll" (My favorite) to One day I wrote the first part of "DNA" and posted it, the response was so good I haven't looked back! (Anne-Mal) You never answered why? (Stephanie) Why? I've always been fascinated by TG. I can't really explain it. Like many of us, I suspect it's something that has always been with us. (Anne-Mal) Okay, but why put it in words? Most of us lurk in silence. (Stephanie) I don't know. As I said, the first chapter of DNA was written in one go in a few hours and then posted. If I hadn't got much response it might have ended there. (Eric) I'm curious on your homepage you mention doing a new "DNA" and a story about a Princess and a Prince. Are the plots in your mind on or paper? (Stephanie) The "DNA" story I mention on my site is probably "DNA III". I haven't updated my page in far too long and the Prince and Princess story is just a few ideas I'm rolling around. I will write that one soon though. (Eric) What are your personal favorite characters? (Stephanie) I don't really have many favorites. For some reason I like Paul from the "DNA" series even though he is responsible for the position he finds himself in. But villains like Quince, also from "DNA II", are great fun to write. Evil is so much fun. (Tigger) What is the definitive Stephanie Theme? (Stephanie) Theme? Batman! (Only joking.) (Tigger) Seriously, what are you trying to tell us with your stories? (Stephanie) That accepting the masculine and feminine sides of yourself is best for you. (Tigger) You tell it well! (Stephanie) I try to avoid stories where characters turn into bimbos! (Though I have done that!) The worst story I ever wrote was the "Womanizer", an SRU story, in which was little more than bimboing some poor guy. I like to have my hero/ines have some backbone. Often they gain it during the course of their adventure. (sue) "DNA" seems to be one of the more cited TG stories in the genre. Any thoughts as to why that is such a popular story? (Stephanie) I've often wondered about that. It was hit from the word go and I still get more mail about it than the rest of my stuff put together. I suppose it must have struck a chord with a lot of people. It's my favorite of my stuff as well. Perhaps it was just in the right place at the right time. (Ellie) Jack Chalker says every writer has a natural story length that works best for them. What's yours? (Stephanie) As long as it needs to be. Apart from "DNA III", I've never planned anything out. It just takes as long as it takes. Each one of mine tends to get longer and longer. I'd have to say about 200-300K seems to be about right for me. (Ellie) How do you structure the plot for ones that long? (Stephanie) Some people can write up to a gig on one story, like the excellent "Fury" series, but that's beyond me. (Ellie) Do you work out your plots or just let your characters lead you to the end? (Stephanie) I work the plot out in my head usually and refine it as I write each part. "DNA III" was more carefully pre-planned, but I'm having a hard time sticking to what I wrote. :) I hate continuity! Really, I do. Having to make sure it works with stuff I mentioned in "DNA" I and II is the worst of it. (Ellie) Writing strong characters can be like herding cats, can't it? (Stephanie) Yes, definitely! I tell them to go one way and they say 'I wouldn't do that!' and you just have to write around them, because they've got a strong union. (Andy) Have you ever read any "mainstream" SF stories before "DNA"? (Stephanie) Jack L Chalker of course! "Midnight at the Well of Souls" was a real eye-opener for me as a ten-year old. (Andy) Have other nanotech-type stories changed any of your future chapters? (Stephanie) I read a lot of SF books and I've come across the nanotech idea many times so I suspect that has influenced me greatly. (SteveZ) I enjoyed "Hard to be a Man" as it was being sent out way back when. Is the original version still available anywhere, or just the revision? (Stephanie) I think Fictionmania has the original ending. The revision is mostly just an extra chapter added, so not much is lost from the original. (SteveZ) Does your website link to sites holding either version? (Stephanie) You can find all my stuff by searching on, as I always post my stories to . I've really got to update my website. It really is out of date! (Bashful) Many people consider what we write to be porno, do you agree? (Stephanie) I think we have gone beyond the just porno type stories. A lot of stories do have messages and ideas they want to get across, which elevate them above porno and perhaps above erotica. Certainly the most popular stories are more than just porno. My definition of erotica is intelligent porno. Simple porno tends to be too mechanical and dull to interest me. (Bashful) I try for that in my stories, a message, a romance if you will. (Stephanie) And there are some stories here that are TG, but aren't porno or even erotica. They just tell a really good story. (Tigger) One of the things that focuses my writing is a cadre of folks who read it before I publish it, just to make sure I keep to the story and don't take the easy way out. Do you work with other folks that read, proof or comment on your stuff in progress? (Stephanie) I've had proofreaders in the past and they really do help with a fresh set of eyes. Their suggestions help me improve the story. (Even if I don't follow their advice.) I don't have any at the moment, but I might hunt around for a few in the future. (Mindy) What advice would you give to a beginning writer? (Stephanie) Give up! (I don't want the competition) :) (*Wendy-J) Too glib dear! (Stephanie) Seriously. The only way to learn is to write and listen to the constructive criticism of others. It can hurt (I know!), but practice, practice, practice! (Anne-Mal) When you write a story, do you intend to give the audience more than just a good time? (Stephanie) I don't know if I've ever put any deep message in a story, but I am moving more and more in that direction. When I started writing, the TG element was all that mattered. I've moved on to trying to write good action/character stories and I do want to move on to the next level of exploring ideas and ramifications of new technology. "DNA - Snapshots" is an experiment in that direction. (*Wendy-J) What was the basis for the DNA series? What triggered it? (Stephanie) You're asking me to think back four years! I can't remember what I had for breakfast last week! (*Wendy-J) LOL (Stephanie) When I started the DNA Virus was little more than a magic drug that changed men into women. It's only later that I started adding a plot. I actually started writing over fifteen years ago. (*Wendy-J) 15 years! Wow! (Stephanie) It was a rambling incoherent sequel to "Midnight at the Well of Souls". I was still just a kid, not even in my teens. It was awful! :) (*Wendy-J) LOL! Well we like it fine now Steph, nice job! (Bashful) From such humble beginnings comes greatness! (Stephanie) But that's how you start. The desire to write was there long before I had heard of the net. The net was just a fantastically convenient medium to transmit my stories. (BeckyPoo) How do you feel about "shared Universes" and do you have any thoughts about opening up the DNA universe for others to write about? (Stephanie) I've thought about it and I'd like to do that at some point. As long as people stick to my rules. If you're going to play with my toys you better not break them! :) (BeckyPoo) *Smile* (Stephanie) The "DNA" universe has everything from TG to centaurs and other morphs, I'd love to see what other people would do with that setting. If anyone is interested let me know and we'll work something out. (Anne-Mal) So how much has the net changed your life? The ability to have an instant audience see your work must have an effect! (Stephanie) It's fantastic isn't it. I have conversations with people on other continents I'd never know existed without the net. The instant response really kept me writing in the early days and the whole on-line TG community is just amazing. I've been on the net five years and I still discover something new every day. I wouldn't be writing today without it! (Jean_Rea) I'm a Pastry Chef (in Paris right now) and ask this one all the time! :), So what is your favorite dessert and food? (Tigger) Have you ever had a story that just burned at you! That you HAD to write, and then when you got into it just went nowhere positive? If so, what did you do with it? (Stephanie) I've been fairly lucky and I haven't had many of those. I recently *had* to write an SRU story and I've been tinkering with it for weeks and it still won't work. (alan) Hello! I'm just a new fan to your fiction and "DNA" was my first (and favourite story!) when are you doing a third installment? (Stephanie) I'm halfway through "DNA III". It'll probably be out by Christmas. Probably. (alan) Great! Are many of the original characters going to appearing? (Stephanie) They're just about all there, which is part of the headache, since there is quite a few now. It'll probably be the last with the entire "DNA" cast. Future installments might just follow one or two characters. Though I haven't planned them at all yet. (regal) Any more of your really evil villains set to appear in "DNA III"? (Stephanie) Ah, now that would be telling, but I'm trying to go for something a little different from Quince. (BeckyPoo) What sort of planning do you do for a story? Do you outline or are your stories more "free-form"? (Stephanie) I outline them in my head and revise and revise as I write each part. Usually I don't do more than that. (PeterF) Are you tempted to turn "DNA" into a bigger sort of SRU situation? (Stephanie) I might open it up in a limited way, but it doesn't lend itself to the free-for-all that SRU does so well. (PeterF) Perhaps, but what about letting the concept grow "organically" either with you writing alone or others with you. (Stephanie) I want to control the direction of the "DNA" Universe, for the time being at least. (PeterF) I take your point. How about some of your other stories, are some sequels on the back burner like "DNA" is? (Stephanie) The only other sequel I am seriously considering is to "Bracelet of Love". I love the idea of the bracelet and I'm trying to work it into a dom/sub relationship, but with a twist. (*Wendy-J) Steph, it has been quite a while since I read "Hard To Be a Man". Can you remind me how he got changed? (Stephanie) The hero/ines girlfriend was an Irish witch in a previous life and she still had a subconscious grasp of her powers. She cursed him without realizing it. Ludicrous, isn't it! :) (*Wendy-J) Not hardly! And with that I will open the floor to all questions. Please remember this is Stephanie's night! (Tigger) Steph, I gotta run, but thank you for being here tonight, and thank you for showing me that a story can have TG elements and not just be stroke fiction, but be a good story! (Stephanie) Thanks for coming Tigger! (PeterF) Who are some of the other authors you admire? (Stephanie) Morpheus, Ed Gay, Bill Hart, Professor and loads more. I read as much as I can. (BeckyPoo) What "straight" or "mainstream" authors do you read? (Stephanie) I read far too much of that. Chalker, Brin, Niven, Varley and hundreds of unread novels on my bookcases. (BeckyPoo) I am having such a hard time finding any Chalker. =( (Stephanie) Chalker isn't as popular as he used to be. (Andy) Is the evil in your stories done more by truly "evil" people, or people who are just weak? (Stephanie) When I have villains they tend to be really evil. Though more often than not my stories just have a lot of confused people trying to make sense of their predicament. (PeterF) In other people's fiction, TG and otherwise, what kind of writing, characters and situations do you really like? (Stephanie) The characters have to seem right to me. I'm not much of a fan of stories where people are transformed mentally so they don't know they've been transformed. That's most of the fun for me. (BeckyPoo) Have you read any Edgar Rice Burroughs and are you looking forward to "Disney's Tarzan"? (Stephanie) I've never read Burroughs and I didn't even know Disney was doing "Tarzan". (Ellie) Try his "Mastermind of Mars", which involves a number of body swaps, even some TG! (Stephanie) I'll look out for that one. (BeckyPoo) Burroughs is wonderful fantasy writer! (Mindy) Have you ever written yourself into one of your stories, cameo or otherwise ? (Stephanie) I put a lot of myself into the characters, but I've not done a 'Hitchcock'. (T4425) In "Eight", you were in it. (Stephanie) I suppose "Eight" doesn't make much sense if you don't read "Celestial Reviews". There were two stories I wrote about a she-male called Stephanie that I wrote in the first pronoun, "Eight" and "Stephanie Between the Stars", the "Stars" being Kate Mulgrew and Nana Visitor. (Mindy) Do you want to be a she-male or are you one? (Stephanie) I'm not sure where that came from, because I've only ever been interested in being a full woman. (BeckyPoo) *Giggle* I knew I wouldn't be the only one! (Anne-Mal) Do you think that someone like Celeste is needed here? (Stephanie) She serves (or served I don't know if she is still going), a real purpose in encouraging new writers. Getting useful feedback is vitally important. (T4425) Celeste is back at the Review, though it's now posted to Alt.Sex.Stories.Text.Repository and ASSM will soon be back on line. (Stephanie) Excellent news! Good, it was really needed what with all the spam, I'll have to look those up! (Anne-Mal) You said you submitted a story for one of her contests. Did her feedback help? (Stephanie) I entered three of her contests. I actually won the first two that she ran! (Carol Collins) I wish to apologize to Stephanie for being late. We had relatives visiting and I could not break away. I would also like to state that your "Bracelet of Love" is still my favorite TG story. (BeckyPoo) I guess, I need to look up "Bracelet of Love" to refresh my memory! (Stephanie) Damn relatives. What can you do? :) "Bracelet of Love" is one of my favorites and I personally think it has the most erotic scenes of any of my stories in it. (sue) It's interesting how many people have stayed around. (Ellie) Why not? These chats are a great deal of fun. (Mindy) Do you still belong to TSA? (Stephanie) I'm still on the TSA list. I'm into equine transformations, as you might have guessed from the centaur stuff I've done. (Andy) Do you see any difference between magical transformations and SF, or have any preference yourself? (Stephanie) I tend to swing between SF and magical stories. Each has stuff to offer. If the technology is really advanced it's effectively magic. (PeterF) What other kinds of TG/TV/TS situations appeal to you? (Stephanie) I prefer the SF/magic stories most of the time, though a well- written TV story will interest me. I'm not that interested in the whole pain and humiliation scene. (PeterF) I'm interested in reading/finding stories in which the character "chooses" to become a woman, rather than have it forced on him. (anja) Personally I try to learn more about TV/CD themes. (Stephanie) I've never done a story where someone wants to be TG'd. The failed SRU story I mentioned was about someone who did want to become a woman, but I can't get that story to work. (Andy) Stories need conflict, if they WANT to change, where's the conflict? (Syela) Anyone who's out, knows the conflict is in transition. (Ellie) What about if the person's friends/family/spouse don't want him to change? (PeterF) The conflict may come because of a tremendous familial or social upheaval. (Stephanie) Unless their transformation drags someone else who doesn't want to change into changing. Then they want to change back but the person who starts the transformation doesn't. Now there's an idea. (PeterF) Stephanie, all this is by way of saying how much I admire your writing, not just the effort, which must be tremendous, but the results are so satisfying to us readers. (Stephanie) I aim to please! :) (*Wendy-J) You sure do, the audience couldn't wait to yammer! We had to hold em in check tonight! (Stephanie) Yeah, thanks Wendy for holding them in check! (Anne-Mal) Right! Thanks for showing up tonight, Steph! Thank you too Wendy! (*Wendy-J) Why Anne! Thanks Steph, really! (Stephanie) My pleasure! It's a great ego boost. (sue) Stephanie, thanks for mentioning The Archivist in an earlier response. For those of us who have been around for awhile, The Archivist was what Fictionmania is today (circa 1994-1995)! (Stephanie) That's very true. (T4425) Stephanie, thank you for your time and stories! (Stephanie) Thank you for reading them. (Mindy) Yes Bravo Stephanie! Thanks a ton for a job well done! (Andy) Thanks for the stories. *Hugs* (PeterF) Stephanie, I've got to run, but thanks to you for your wonderful stories, I love 'em! (SkyKing) Thanks Steph! By the way, loved your "It's Hard to Be A Man"! One of the best! (Liz Bennett) Ta very much, Steph! Don't trip over the chromosomes on the way out! (Ellie) 0[_]*[_]0 Cheers! (Stephanie) Hah! (*Wendy-J) |_|0 (Anne-Mal) Now the drinks come out! (Mindy) Stephanie; Wendy-J, Anne-Mal and myself got you a little gift for holding to nights chat. Girls you have the DNA shots ready! (Stephanie) Woohoo! (Liz Bennett) [*I* never got any gift!] (regal) Careful Steph, there might be side effects. :) (Andy) Lets hope so! *Grin* (Anne-Mal) Blonde or Red Head! (*Wendy-J) Roll up your sleeves! (Stephanie) Okay! (Liz Bennett) [gg's get no respect round here!] (Andy) *Hugs for Liz* (*Wendy-J) I have extras Liz! (Anne-Mal) You are already perfect Liz! (Liz Bennett) *Purrr* O! Ta very much. I am mollified. (*Wendy-J) And in it goes! Uh oh! MOM!!!! (Stephanie) What do you mean uh-oh?!?! (Anne-Mal) Hey, Wendy you gave her the wrong one! (*Wendy-J) That was the one for the cat!!!! (Andy) *Speed-dialing Animal Control* (BeckyPoo) *Giggle* (Stephanie) Never mind. At least I have a nice coat now. (Liz Bennett) Um, did anyone buy any kitty litter? (*Wendy-J) The cat has been doing a lot of carousing! Let me try again! (Andy) *Grin* (*Wendy-J) Uh oh, here we go again!!! (Mindy) Don't tell me Wendy you gave Stephanie the wrong shot of DNA again? (*Wendy-J) Um, well... (Anne-Mal) That wasn't the Eric sample was it? (*Wendy-J) Uh huh! (Mindy) God not that! (*Wendy-J) Sorry Steph! Really! Mom, am I in trouble again? (Stephanie) This always happens when you moderate! :) You're going to get a good spanking girl! (Mindy) Well I need to run and work on the site. Thanks again Stephanie! (Two Erics is too much!) (Stephanie) Seeya round Mindy! (Mindy) Wendy, let Anne shut the log off and see me when your done! (Liz Bennett) Or else! (regal) We could hold Wendy down and let Stephanie inject her. :) (Anne-Mal) Gee Mom! Always with the orders! (Carol Collins) Goodnight, one and all. Thank you. (Ellie) And so, Goodnight. (Anne-Mal) Do you have any closing remarks Stephanie? (Stephanie) Just thanks for a wonderful evening, I've really REALLY enjoyed it. (Liz Bennett) So did we! Watch out for that X chromosome! Y'need two, y'know! (Stephanie) What? Whereaahh! *Thud* (Anne-Mal) Gosh, never knew you were a magical doctor Liz! (Liz Bennett) What'd *I* do? (sue) Yes, Steph, a most enjoyable evening. Thanks for being the guest this week! (Stephanie) Seeya Liz! (sue) Thanks again, Steph. You really have a great writing style! (Stephanie) Seeya all later! (Andy) Fun dreams, Stephanie. (Liz Bennett) Dropping like flies.... - Stephanie just left. (Liz Bennett) Gosh! Decimated! Reduced in ranks! (regal) A few of us are still around, Liz. (Anne-Mal) Seems like 2hrs is a natural limit! (Liz Bennett) Yes, well, I am not long for this world either! (Anne-Mal) Night Liz! (Liz Bennett) Night, Anne of the shakes!

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The first time I saw Stephanie she really got my attention and the subsequent times I laid eyes on Stephanie she got even more of my attention. She was what you call a "well stacked young lady". I didn't know at the time what size breasts Stephanie was sporting on her chest, but she was one of the better endowed young women in her early 20s that I'd ever seen. Little did I know then that Stephanie was an E-cup and yet, to be very honest, even though her tits looked very nice and very sexy,...

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She sat at her desk in the real estate office, going over some papers froma recent sale. Everything looked good to her and once again, she got the peoplea loan and sold the house. She made a good commission from it and that justadded to her fortune. Stephanie was a very sexy, beautiful Asian girl of 25 years old. She hadbeen to college and earned her degree, then went on to real estate school toget her license to sell. She was very well off, since she sold a lot of propertiesand was well liked...

3 years ago
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Desperately Seeking Stephanie

Author's Note: This story is entirely fictional, and none of the characters or places exist in real life. Enjoy the story. Desperately Seeking Stephanie By Charlotte Dickles My head felt as though someone had hit the right side with a meat cleaver, and was now trying to force the two halves apart. Somewhere, someone was screaming to get an ambulance, please. I didn't know what had happened; I didn't really care. *** Sometime later: a minute? An hour? A week? I didn't know. It...

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Julie and Stephanie

Priapus When I awoke next morning, Julie was no longer by my side. She had collected her things and left sometime in the early morning. I recalled the night's revelries with a smile. I had been fantasizing about my trip to Bangkok for weeks before my departure. It wasn't the first trip, by any means. Business takes me frequently to Asia and affords an opportunity to enjoy some of the pleasures of the Orient. Bangkok is, of course, known for its free and easy sex. There are bars and pleasure...

3 years ago
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Introduction: In the several days following her own abduction and rape (which she coincidentally ended up enjoying) at the hands of her mother and her mothers boyfriend, Max, Katie had been coming up with a plan to allow the 3 of them to kidnap her bitch of a friend named Stephanie. She thought the best way to get Stephanie would be to invite her over to walk their dogs together and catch up, then they would drug her when she arrived so that they could take her to Maxs sex dungeon without any...

2 years ago
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Fun With Stephanie

This story is about a guy in a van picking up an oversexed girl and having fun with her. FUN WITH STEPHANIE by boompsee Deara Douche` was like any single mother with a hot-body daughter, she was tired from work, tired from trying to pay the bills, and tired from trying to keep her seventh grade daughter out of trouble. At thirteen years old, Stephanie Douche` liked the way men looked at her. I first saw her walking out of a trailer park wearing short-shorts,...

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"Steph, It's Katie. Wanna bring Shadow over tonight and we can take him and Toby for a walk, maybe get a coffee?" she said when her friend answered. "Sounds good, haven't seen you for ages. I'll see you around 6?" Steph replied "Ok cool, see you then" Katie said, hanging up the phone. She found herself grinning as she thought about the payback she would give to Steph. A few years ago, her friend had fucked Katie's crush - whom she was going to ask out that week. Even though...

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2 David and Stephanie

My name is David. I hate white people. I don’t mind fucking them. In fact, I love fucking white women. I want to exterminate the entire white race. Not through violence but by ending white genetic lines one womb at a time. One may consider it a David versus Goliath task. I try introducing the prettiest white females to the joys of interracial sex. I don’t think I’d ever trust a white female enough to fall in love. The only love I am concerned with is instilling a love for black cock in white...

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3 David Tonya Mo Stephanie

I left Stephanie there playing with her stretched pussy, leaking cum. She continued babbling thoughts of risky behavior to push the envelope. I went to the bathroom and urinated. Mo came in when I was shaking off the last of it. “We heard you,” he said, chuckling. “Thought you killed the bitch for a little while, Dave.” Yeah,” I said, “we heard you, too. Only earlier.” “My bitch sucks a mean dick,” Mo said. “I just told my slut black men have cocks. White boys have dicks.” “Whatever,” Mo...

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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Four Ms Rebecca Shares More About Meeting Stephanie

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark & Rebecca, Part Four - Ms. Rebecca Continues to Share the Events Surrounding Her Meeting and Getting to Know Stephanie NOTE to Review Writers: Thank you so much for the incredibly positive feedback. It is definitely motivating me to write more and write faster. Now to part four of our story. If you have specific suggests or would be willing to proofread the story before I publish it as an eBook, please write me at [email protected]. Thanks so...

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"Stephanie! What on earth do you think you are doing?!" I hear behind me. I jump, dropping my magazine to the floor. "Mr Dawson! What... What are you doing here? At this time?""What does that matter, Stephanie? What matters is what I have just witnessed you doing! You know that... Material is not allowed in my school! You're a whore, Stephanie!""Mr Dawson-""I'll be writing to your parents about this, Stephanie. Do you think your father will be proud to hear that you've been looking at naked...

3 years ago
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STEPHANIE by Michelle X. Hello. My name is Melissa. I have an unusual hobby. I turn men into women. Yes, you read that correctly. I turn men into women. And I don't mean helping men get dressed up as a woman for a costume party or something like that. I take unsuspecting men and actually turn them into complete females. By the time I'm done with a guy, I'll will have placed him in such a position that he lives his entire life as a woman and can do nothing about it. In...

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“Come on, Steph, we’ve got to get going,” her roommate, Amy, called to her through the door to her room. “Just a minute,” she called back, taking one last look at herself in the the full-length mirror as she buttoned up her white silk gloves. At 5’3” and 110 lbs, she was a slight girl, with a slim Asian figure. She felt her face warm as she looked at the costume she had chosen. Her neck was encircled by very simple, plain white silk chocker, offsetting her black hair and dark eyes beautifully....

3 years ago
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My Relationship with Stephanie

Note- Whether you believe it or not, this is defiantly a true story. This all happened around a couple years ago, in early 2007, and me and Stephanie are still together. (In fact she told me to write this, as we both love stories from this site) And we have many more to tell, if you can get through my primitive writing and you enjoy it, we would be delighted to write more. Also you should know that neither of us are that skilled in English literature; however we both like to read. If you...

2 years ago
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After school with Stephanie

Introduction: best friendsslutty teen needs to be watched Picking up Stephanie from school had been part of my daily routine for a while now. I couldnt help but think I was forgetting something during the summer months I didnt. She was a good kid, just always getting into something. So I told her dad Id give him a hand keeping an eye on her after all, he was my best friend. When school started back up, she texted me to pick her up towards the back of the school, less crowded and closer to her...

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The Hitchhiker Stephanie

It had been a long haul from New York to Detroit and as I was putting gas in the tank I was debating on whether to get another couple of hundred miles under my belt or find a motel and sack out. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice from behind me, "Excuse me sir" and I turned around to see a very attractive lady standing behind me. "I noticed the Colorado plates on your car and I wondered if you were going to or coming from." "Going to, I'm happy to say" I replied. "Would you like...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 15 Stephanie

May 14, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, I have the final contract from Jamie for you to sign,” Elyse said. “Were there any last-minute changes?” I asked. “Just a couple of wording changes which Dante’s lawyer asked for. Jamie was fine because they just clarified the terms. Nothing of substance changed. I have a red-lined copy for you to compare if you want.” “If it’s just lawyer stuff, I’ll leave that to the experts.” “It’s just lawyer stuff.” I took the contract from her, quickly...

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Stephen and Stephanie

As neighbors, Carol, Karen and I regularly met up on weekends during school term and more often during the holidays. We played many games together, and I happily joined in, despite their girly nature; I even played with dolls. Of course, the kids at school found out about this, and I was bullied mercilessly for being a sissy. I tried to explain that no boys were living nearby to play with, but in truth, I didn’t relate to macho boys while I was happy and comfortable with Carol and Karen. Our...

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I sat up and yawned, sunlight streaming in the window. I just finished a full ten hours of sleep, and I was fully refreshed. I got out of bed and walked down the stairs, poured myself some cereal, and slowly ate it. I was almost finished when I heard a knock at the door. Slightly annoyed, I walked over to the door and pulled it open. A young woman stood there on the steps, smiling radiantly. She was very pretty, very much like me, if I may say so. I have a beautiful face, C cups, and a firm...

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After school with Stephanie

Today she asked if she could tag along with me to the house, insisting her parents wouldn’t mind. She changed out of her school clothes and put on her cheer shorts and tied her tank top just long enough to cover her breasts. I was caught off guard and suggested we get outta the house. We took the truck 4 wheeling and she bounced around next to me. She knew I was turned on, and she slowly stripped down to just her bikini top and mini shorts. I was about to tell her to put her shirt back on, but...

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BLISS Introductions Isabelle Stephanie

Foreword: Last part was received well. I am considering rewriting Stephanie I because I'm not happy with how it flows. Leave some advice if you have ideas on how it could be rewritten. Sophia's Introduction is next, am part way through Bianca II. Isabelle I She was hungry. Not that that was anything new of course, she was often found herself with this familiar feeling in her stomach and chest. It spread through her like a familiar chill. Living on the streets was difficult and Isabelle...

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"Come on, Steph, we've got to get going," her roommate, Amy, called to her through the door to her room."Just a minute," she called back, taking one last look at herself in the the full-length mirror as she buttoned up her white silk gloves.  At 5'3" and 110 lbs, she was a slight girl, with a slim Asian figure.  She felt her face warm as she looked at the costume she had chosen.  Her neck was encircled by very simple, plain white silk chocker, offsetting her black hair and dark eyes...

1 year ago
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Me and Stephanie

Note : This story is completely fictional! “Oh god I’m so so so sorry. I should have knocked its just that my CD player was no and I never heard the shower” I pleaded with my sister. “Its just that, well, I really need the toilet and was wondering if I could borrow yours because your friends are using mine.” By this time I was beginning to blush because I could see the accusing look beaming from my sisters eyes. Standing there in her towel I could see what all the guys loved about her and why...

4 years ago
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Meating Stephanie

I got there around 10:00 A.M. and had everything set up in 15 minutes. The show didn't start until noon so I had some time to kill. The show was set up at one of the local schools. But it was one I had never been to, so I decided to walk around and check it out. It was rather boring really, all of the doors were locked except for a few that led to old class rooms. I was about to give up and go back to the go back to the gym when I saw someone at the end of the hall. It was a girl about...

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... pin drop silence. Ilona sat next to me and pulled my head over onto her lap and began to unlock and unlace my hood. "Excuse me, I need to use the washroom," said the candidate, whose identity I was about to learn. With excitement and a bit of anxiety I breathed in a comforting aroma of linen suit mixed with the dark mystery of Ilona's vagina mere inches and likely no more than two layers of cloth from my nose. To pull the hood off she had to push my face down onto that...

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Gangbang for Stephanie

This is a follow up to the story I wrote called “Cards With Friends.” It continues the adventures of Stephanie and her cuckold husband Jason. Please feel free to comment!

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Jill Stephanie

I see her from the food court by a stationary store in the big mall. She is fussing with her phone. I can't be sure, but I think she might be taking pictures. She is definitely watching me. I have been stealing glances at her since I first noticed her. She has the looks of a sexy librarian, Fortune 500 CEO and porno star all mixed together and dusted with powdered sugar. She waits until I pay and choose a table. She puts away her phone and walks directly toward me. For a moment I feel...

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Breakfast at Stephanies

  My eyes fluttered open and I rolled over to help some of the sensation flow back into my arm, as I had apparently been lying on it for the past few hours.   Yawning, I rubbed my tired eyes before peaking past my clenched fist to the body beside me. Stephanie was still fast asleep, her chest gently rising and falling with each breath as her arms cradled her pillow beneath her head.   I shifted into a more comfortable position and tried to go back to sleep, but my thoughts kept drifting back...

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Chatting Leads To Dating

Hi Friends, Good Evening. I am a fan of ISS for about an year and i decided to pen down my real time experience. For security purpose i am changing the names.This incident happened 3 years back. This story is a real story and there wont be any ooooo’s and aaaahhhhs. Its a romantic story and not a sexy story. I am Rajesh and i work as a Software Engg in Chennai. The girls name is Harini(changed). She was a college student and was waiting for a job. I got her through one of the social...

2 years ago
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Chatting With Family

I’m 41 years old, in good shape, and have a beautiful wife, Kelly, who is 36. She’s still got her long, dark hair and perfect lips, great eyes, and the ass of a 20 year old. Her tits are a small C cup, just perfect on her 5’6″ frame. I love our sex life, but every once in a while I like to crank one off to some of my favorite porn. I’ll surf through some of the hot group sex sites, or lesbians, or whatever, and chat with a few online friends about gangbangs and...

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I would love to meet you, just you and I together for the first time. I can already see it now – you see me walk up and immediately you begin blushing and a beautiful smile comes across your face. I’m almost breathless while watching you move towards me for our very first hug. I’m absolutely captivated by your beauty. You reach out and I pull you in close to me. Your body pressed up against mine feels perfect. I can feel the energy being passed between us and I don’t want to let go. ‘You’re...

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My pussy was throbbing by the time James pulled into my driveway. He was taking my virginity as a nineteenth birthday gift. I had on black leggings, a see through half-top, and my underwear was soaking wet. I was excited, my heart racing as I opened the door for him. ‘Hey babe,’ he smiled and kissed me. ‘At least wait until we’re in my room!’ I giggled and pulled him into my room upstairs, which had ‘STEPHANIE’ in huge letters across it, the bulge in his pants noticeable.  ‘So baby, on your...

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My pussy was throbbing by the time James pulled into my driveway. He was taking my virginity as a nineteenth birthday gift. I had on black leggings, a see through half-top, and my underwear was soaking wet. I was excited, my heart racing as I opened the door for him. "Hey babe," he smiled and kissed me. "At least wait until we're in my room!" I giggled and pulled him into my room upstairs, which had 'STEPHANIE' in huge letters across it, the bulge in his pants noticeable.  "So baby, on your...

First Time
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I would love to meet you, just you and I together for the first time. I can already see it now - you see me walk up and immediately you begin blushing and a beautiful smile comes across your face. I'm almost breathless while watching you move towards me for our very first hug. I'm absolutely captivated by your beauty. You reach out and I pull you in close to me. Your body pressed up against mine feels perfect. I can feel the energy being passed between us and I don't want to let go. "You're...

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Suddenly Stephanie

Stephen has had a long week as a handyman but it has been profitable. Stephen was looking forward to driving the 2 hours to Boulder to see the University of Colorado Buffalo football game. He was able to get home by 3:30 Friday afternoon which he wasn't able to see much of the last 10 days. Stephen was 5'9" and weighed 170 lbs had just a little longer than collar length brown hair, beard and brown eyes. He stepped out of his pickup when his neighbor Rochelle came over as fast as she...

4 years ago
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Chatting Threesome

Well today is the day that we decide we will meet we have been chatting for over a year and we decide we will actually meet and have an endeavor. I am so excited and get myself ready. I make sure I am completely waxed and that my pussy is looking her best. We have exchanged pictures and clips so I know exactly what I will be playing with and am so very excited. We decide that we will act out one of our fantasies together. We have been talking about having a threesome. I have also met a friend...

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Chatting bring mother and son together

I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Nikhil started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates over the...

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Chatting Threesome

My two on-line friends who I have been talking to for a year, decide we will meet and actually have an endeavor. I am so excited and get myself ready. I make sure I am completely waxed and that my pussy is looking her best. We have exchanged pictures and clips, so I know exactly what I will be playing with, and am so very excited. We decide that we will act out one of our fantasies together.I have also met a friend that I have been chatting with who is an expert at having threesomes with...

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Chatting with my stepsister

A while after watching my stepsister play with her cunt in her bed, I found myself chatting to her one afternoon while we were home alone. Our parents were out at a show and her and I were having a drink together. Our conversation soon went sexual for some reason and we both felt rather comfortable with each other to talk about our sexual experiences. She soon asked me if I have any fetishes and I replied yes and asked if she had any. She to said she does and asked if I could tell her mine...

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Chatting at the Office

Jessica always wore nice but conservative clothes to work.   They didn’t do much to show off what looked like an incredible body, but didn’t necessarily hide it either.   I’d walk by her desk several times a day jus to get a whiff of her perfume or a glance at her cleavage or her neck. We were civil to each other, even friendly, but we rarely went past that professional barrier.   I’d laugh and kid around or at least I’d try, and she didn’t seem to mind the occasional joke that was a bit off,...

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Chatting With A Stranger

The Internet is an amazing thing. It can take us anywhere in an instant. It can take us to amazing sensual heights, or to our darkest deepest fantasies. I suppose that's how my story started. I still can't decide whether it's an amazing sensual height, or if it's a deep dark fantasy. I guess I should start by telling you a little about myself. I'm 23 years old, white, five foot six inches tall. I have dirty blonde hair, and green eyes. I'm pretty busty, and feel somewhat sexy with my...

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Chatting with Brandy DeWinter

Chat Guest: Brandy DeWinter On Sunday August 15, 1999 11:30AM PST Moderated by Wendy-J Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Brandy at: [email protected] Only Wendy and I are here when we start... (Anne-Mal) Hi Sis! (*Wendy-J) Hey! (Anne-Mal) Feeling better? (*Wendy-J) I am alive and well! Chatting with our Guest of honor! She should be here momentarily. + Brandy has arrived. (Anne-Mal) Hi Brandy! (Brandy) Gee, there's already two more here than I...

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Chatting with Chrissy

Chat Night Guest: Chrissy On Friday September 24, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal Chrissy can be e-mailed at: [email protected] We begin by Chrissy showing why she is one of the friendliest authors here. (Chrissy) Hiya Anne! (*Anne-Mal) Hello! So how have you been? (Chrissy) Not too bad. I am now employed. *Big grin* (*Anne-Mal) Woo-Hoo! (Chrissy) So staying up late isn't so easy anymore! :) (*Anne-Mal) I guess that is good for you! (Bad for us!) (Chrissy) How...

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Chatting with the Professor

Chat Night Guest: The Professor On Friday September 24, 11PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can contact the Professor at: [email protected] (*Anne-Mal) Hello! (Sir_Lee) It seems I'm the first to arrive today! (*Anne-Mal) So far. Chrissy did have a chat a couple of hours ago. (Sir_Lee) Yes, but I can't hang out before 3:00 GMT, the phone rates kill me! (*Anne-Mal) Ah, your a European too! (Sir_Lee) Not really, I'm from South America. The phone rates here drop...

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Chatting with Amy Brett

Chat Night Guest: Amy Brett On Monday September 27, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Amy at: [email protected] (Morthien) Who is the guest tonight? (*Anne-Mal) Hi Morthien! Amy Brett. Julie get a copy of her chat log Bash? (Morthien) Lo Anne-Mal. Don't know her. I'd like to have a night but no one would show. (Bashful) Sure they would, when do you want to do one? (*Anne-Mal) I always show! (Except when I fall asleep!) (Morthien) It would just be...

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Chatting with Morpheus

Author's Chat Night Guest: Morpheus On Saturday June 26, 1999 2PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal (*Anne-Mal) Hello sue! (sue) Hi Anne! I just wanted to pop in. I hope when I return the chat will be continuing. (*Anne-Mal) Well we will see, Saturday afternoon may be a bad time. (sue) Well, perhaps the European folks will be continuing on. This is a good time for them. (*Anne-Mal) Mindy wants to do a chat on Saturday, but at 11am EDT! In the middle of July! (sue) I think that would...

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Chatting with Jack Chalker 2

Chat Guest: Jack Chalker On Sunday December 5, 1999 12:30PM PDT Edited by Anne-Mal + jchalker has arrived. (TgDon) *Trumpets blare* (Morgan) YAY! "Identity Matrix"! The best!!! (ninja660) Our guest has arrived! :) (TgDon) *Swords rise up in deference* (Sapphire) Hip, hip, hurray! (TgDon) *All rise* (DanielSan59) All Right! Welcome! (Lorna) YEAH! (ninja660) Greetings Jack! (*Julie) Welcome!! (*Bashful) Welcome Mr. Chalker! (Jean_Rea) Welcome Mr....

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Chatting with Jenny Adams

Chat Guest: Jenny Adams On Saturday October 16, 1999 6PM PST Moderated by Bashful Edited by Anne-Mal Jenny can be e-mailed at: [email protected] Jenny has a book called "Change of Life" published by Reluctant Press. Why does she use the name Jenny Adams? Simply put, when I began writing to submit to Reluctant Press, all the authors used female pen names. Since my real name and the name Jennifer start with the same letter, I took it. Then I started posting stories to the...

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Chatting with Pam of TGStories

Chat Night Guest: Pam of TGStories On Tuesday July 6, 1999 6PM PST You can e-mail Pam at: [email protected] Edited by Anne-Mal As always, we socialize a bit before the chat! (J) Is there something we can talk about? (GeorgiaCnf) Pam is probably downing a stiff drink before meeting the masses! :) (J) How well attended do you think this one will be? (Alex) A stiff drink before mass? (GeorgiaCnf) J, it's half an hour to go and the lecture theatre is filling rapidly!...

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Chatting Threesome

My two on-line friends who I have been talking to for a year, decide we will meet and actually have an endeavor. I am so excited and get myself ready. I make sure I am completely waxed and that my pussy is looking her best. We have exchanged pictures and clips, so I know exactly what I will be playing with, and am so very excited. We decide that we will act out one of our fantasies together. I have also met a friend that I have been chatting with who is an expert at having threesomes with...

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