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Loren paced around the room. She checked her phone but there were no texts. Where is she? What's taking so long?

A few days ago her roommate Angela had scored two back stage tickets to the Paramore concert for tonight. Loren almost died hearing the news. She'd had a major crush on lead singer Hayley Williams ever since she saw the tiny little thing dancing on stage with Taylor Swift. To make matters worse though her roommate was going to take her boring boyfriend instead of Loren.

Solved that little problem though, didn't I? Loren smiled, remembering the way Angela's boyfriend moaned as she sucked his cock dry. All of the sudden he 'had to work and couldn't go'. Enter Loren.

Her phone buzzed, drawing her attention. A text from Angela. She was out front.

Hours later Loren and Angela were swarmed in a pile of bodies. They were near the front row but it was still hard to move without someone bumping or grinding against you. Loren didn't mind though. Not when Hayley Williams came strutting across the stage. The singer was wearing a short, black little skirt that showed off her legs. She gave a shout out to the crowd then began to bounce on the heels of her feet as the music began.

For two hours the feisty red head bounced around, shaking her hips and tossing her hair. The only time she stopped was when she sat on the edge of a black trunk near the front of the stage while staring into the crowd. The singer crossed her legs, giving Loren and those in the front row a perfect view of her thighs. Loren wanted to jump on the stage and devour the tease. If the show didn't kill her the face to face with the singer surely would.

By the time the final song was over Loren could hardly stand her knees were so weak. She leaned on her roommate as the song ended, watching Hayley bow and blow kisses to the crowd. A few minutes later Loren and her roommate were escorted back stage for the meet and greet. Ten minutes passed. Then fifteen. Almost half an hour later Loren's roommate grew impatient and wanted to leave but Loren wouldn't have it. Finally, a guy approached and escorted them to a private room. The room looked like an old dressing room that had been converted into a break room. Two mini fridges sat in the corner, a couch next to it. The man asked them to sit and then the apologies came. 'Hayley was feeling ill after the show.' 'She had a sore throat and with them traveling tomorrow for another show she needed her rest.' Loren was devastated and a little angry. What pissed her off even more though was her roommate rejecting the free tickets to the next show. The man was even offering to pay their travel expenses. Angela asked to use the restroom so the man escorted her, leaving Loren alone.

Thirsty, Loren walked over and opened one of the mini fridges but it was empty. She wanted to scream. Frustrated, she left the room in search of a vending machine. She passed a couple of people while roaming the halls but no one stopped her. After a few minutes she gave up and decided to just find her roommate so they could leave.

At least you got to see Hayley live, she thought. The image of Hayley dancing on stage, shaking her cute little ass replayed in Loren's mind. The girl had so much energy. Loren sighed. No doubt the singer left thousands of fans dreaming about her tonight.

Loren continued down the hallway when she heard a muffled noise. She stopped and peered around but didn't see anyone. Then she heard it again, this time louder. It was coming from the door to her left. She inched closer and saw that the door was cracked open just a little. Inside, a girl was lying on her back on top of a table, her face turned away from the door. The girl's top was halfway down to her waist, exposing her chest. She was breathing heavily, a soft moan escaping her every few moments. Loren felt her own breath catch at the sight. She reached out quietly with a hand to balance herself against the wall.

The girl shuddered again, eliciting a cry that carried. Loren suddenly felt very exposed standing in the hallway. Anyone walking by would not only hear the noise but would see her standing there like a peeping tom.

Loren started to ease away from the door when the girl's head rolled over. Loren froze. The girl's eyes were closed but the face was undeniable proof. Hayley Williams let out a sigh, and mumbled something. A voice replied with something but Loren couldn't hear it. Another noise followed, a soft click like a door being shut, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered at that moment except the knowledge that she had just seen Hayley Williams, lead singer for Paramore, have an orgasm not ten feet from her.

The image of Hayley on stage showing off her legs intermingled with the image of Hayley withering on the table flashed through Loren's head. She closed her eyes, her hand sliding between her legs as a moan escaped her. The sound of her own voice shocked Loren but not as much as opening her eyes to see Hayley staring back at her from the table.

They stared at each other for only a couple of seconds. Then it was over. Loren straightened at the same time Hayley shot off the table and out of her view. Every instinct screamed at Loren to flee but her legs wouldn't move. A few seconds later the door shot open. Hayley was pushing her top back up but not before giving Loren one last peek, "Who are you?" the singer gasped.

When Loren didn't give an immediate response Hayley reached out and pulled her into the room. Loren stumbled but regained her balance. Hayley peered down the hallway outside before shutting the door. When the singer turned around Loren noticed for the first time just how short the girl was. Loren had at least a good six or seven inches on the red headed singer.

"How long were you standing there?" Hayley asked. There was a little fire behind the singer's tone.

"I-I was just walking down the hall and heard..." Loren trailed off, her face burning in embarrassment. The only consolation was the singer seemed just as embarrassed, arms crossed while shuffling her feet.

After a few moments Hayley buried her face in her hands and let out a groan of frustration. Then stared up at the ceiling, her head resting against the door behind her. Of all the things Loren expected to come out of the singer's mouth next laughter wasn't one of them. Loren didn't know how to react at first but found herself letting out a nervous laugh as well.

Once the laughter stopped Hayley pushed herself away from the door, "You want something to drink?" she asked.

Loren hesitated, seeing the open path to the doorway now. Part of her wanted to run but she ignored it. The mention of something to drink reignited her thirst, "Please," she replied.

Hayley passed her a bottle of water that Loren took and greedily sucked down. It was some sort of vitamin water but Loren was so thirsty she didn't care. When she came up for air Loren noticed that Hayley was staring at her. Not just staring. Is she checking me out?

Hayley brought her own bottle to her lips and took a long sip, keeping eye contact with Loren the entire time. It reminded Loren of the moment Hayley saw her through the door. Something inside of Loren fluttered and she shivered.

Hayley took another sip, the corner of her lips turning into a smirk. It made Loren both nervous and excited at the same time. "So, what's your name?" Hayley asked.

"Loren," she replied. Her throat felt suddenly dry again. She took another gulp of water.

"Came for the show?"

Loren chocked, almost coughing up the water. Hayley smiled at the reaction. Loren caught her breath just as Hayley walked up to her, "You enjoy it?" the singer asked, her voice low.

Loren nodded, too afraid to say anything and break the moment. Hayley took the water bottle from Loren, sat it down and then took hold of Loren's hand, leading her across the room. There was a couch against the far wall. Hayley guided her towards it and sat her down. Then, without warning, straddled Loren's lap, putting them face to face. The singer was so small that she fit perfectly. Hayley leaned forward, her face inches away from Loren's, and whispered, "Would you like an encore performance?"

Before Loren could respond Hayley's lips met hers. Loren had a moment of hesitant surprise but fell into it quickly. Gentle at first, the kiss deepened as she tasted the singer for the first time. Loren tried to lean forward but Hayley wouldn't have it, forcing her back down without breaking the kiss. Instead, Loren slid her hands down, needling Hayley's nipples through the fabric of her shirt. Hayley broke the kiss, leaned back and slid the top down to expose her chest. Then she leaned up in Loren's lap, reached out and took hold of the back of Loren's head. She stayed like that, breathing hard while staring at the blond beneath her. Loren took the hint, leaning forward and taking one of Hayley's nipples into her mouth, eliciting a moan from the singer.

The red head sighed above her, closing her eyes and roaming her fingers through Loren's hair. It gave Loren the confidence to slide her hands down and do what she could only dream about before. Those legs. Just as soft as she had imagined when she saw Hayley come out on stage. Loren ran her hands up them, feeling every inch until she reached the singer's skirt. The same skirt she had worn on stage. Feeling daring, Loren slid her hands underneath the skirt and was rewarded with a hitch in Hayley's breathing followed by a low moan. The victory was momentary though as Hayley slid off her lap and stood.

The singer took hold of Loren's legs, removing her boots. The pants came next. Loren slid her shirt over her head and removed her bra. She looked up to see Hayley topless as well. She barely had time to take in the sight before being shoved onto the couch, this time on her back. Hayley slid on top of her and devoured her mouth with another kiss. Loren gasped when she felt the singer's hands playing with her nipples. Hayley kissed her way down Loren's neck, still teasing the blond's nipples. Not only was Hayley hitting all her spots but she could feel the singer's legs sliding up and down her own.

"Please," Loren breathed.

Hayley leaned up, gently kissing her lips, "Please what?"

"Fuck me."

"Close your eyes," Hayley said.

Loren obliged, shivering when she felt the singer's momentum slide down towards her stomach. She wanted to peek so bad just to see the little red head between her legs. It was the exact moment that Hayley tongued her wet panties making Loren gasp.

"Oh fuck, get them off," Loren all but screamed.

Hayley ran her tongue over them again just to show her who was in charge. Loren arched forward, moaning at the singer's teasing. Then reached back, grabbing hold of the arm of the couch to steady herself as she lifted her ass up. Hayley took advantage, cupping Loren's ass while giving her another tonguing that made the blonde almost explode. Loren was moaning and begging the singer now. Hayley finally took pity on her, sliding the panties off. Loren felt the cool air between her legs and then came when the singer's tongue ran all the way up her clit before engulfing it in a kiss.

Loren had just enough time to come down from her release when she felt something slide inside her. Moaning, Loren looked down to see Hayley's hand wrapped around a large pink dildo. It was at least nine inches long and a thicker than the one she had at home. Hayley gazed up at Loren and slid the entire length of it inside her causing Loren to gasp. Then Hayley leaned down and licked her clit. Loren came hard, her nails digging into the arm of the couch behind her. After a few moments she fell back, breathing hard after her release.

Loren would've done anything for the singer at that moment. Which is apparently what the singer knew, seeing the mischievous glint in her eye. Hayley got up from the couch and pulled Loren with her, still holding the pink toy in her other hand. Loren's knees were like mush but she managed to stand and be led to the table a few feet away. The same table she had watched the singer climax from while peeking through the door. Hayley let go of Loren's hand, slowly backed up and climbed onto the table with an invitation in her eyes. Hayley lifted her bare legs up and spread them just enough to give Loren a peek underneath her skirt. As Loren suspected the singer was bare underneath. Hayley raised an eyebrow at Loren as if to say come and get it.

Loren had been with a few girls in her time and enjoyed it but she'd never felt the intense need like she was feeling now. She wanted fuck the little red headed singer into the ground and make her scream for more. Determined, Loren stepped up to the table, took hold of the singer's legs and pulled her forward. Hayley let out surprised yelp but kept eye contact with her. Loren slid one hand down the length of the singer's leg all the way underneath her skirt. Hayley's breathing was heavy, making her breasts look delicious in dim light above them. Then she gasped, letting out a moan as Loren slid a finger inside her. Then two.

Hayley's head fell back on the table. She was biting her lip, on the edge ready to explode. Loren surprised her, sliding the toy between the singer's legs and over her clit. Hayley came hard, legs tensing as she rode out the release. Loren watched, knowing the image would be forever burned into her mind.

Hayley let out a sigh that turned into a gasp when Loren slid the toy inside her. Hayley's eyes were so big, her mouth open in a silent O that made Loren just want to fuck her that much harder. Hayley came again, crying out Loren's name this time, making the blonde want her even more. She crawled up onto the table and engulfed one of the singer's breasts in her mouth. Hayley grabbed her head and brought it up to her face, giving her a hungry kiss. When they broke apart both girls layed there for a few moments, catching their breath. Hayley was the first one to speak.

"Well, what do you think?"

Loren looked up and started to respond when she noticed that Hayley was looking behind them. Loren turned to see a man standing in the middle of the room. That was surprising enough by itself but the fact he was naked and stroking his cock was even more so. Loren tried to get off the table but Hayley held her tight, "Don't worry, that's Ian," she whispered, "He's one of my body guards." She said it with a lick of her lips, still staring at the man.

Loren turned her head to see that there was a door behind the guy. It was open, showing what appeared to be a bathroom. Loren looked the man up and down. He was well built, not big but definitely big enough to handle most threats. Her eyes lingered watching him stroke his cock.

"I think he wants to play," Hayley said.

The singer slid down letting Loren get off the table. She watched Hayley walk over to Ian and take hold of his cock. Kneel down, and engulf it into her mouth. He let out a groan as Hayley worked him over. Loren leaned back against the table for support, her hand sliding between her legs as she watched Hayley take him all the way down her throat. Hayley stayed there for a few seconds before pulling back, his cock popping out of her mouth. Loren rubbed herself harder. The guy groaned, his head falling back at the same moment Loren came.

Hayley moaned around the cock, before releasing it and staring up at the guy, "I think our girl feels left out."

Ian looked up at Loren. He stared at her like she was his. Hayley stood up, walked over to Loren and guided her onto the table. Then she crawled up Loren until she was laying on top of her. She kissed the blonde gently on the side of her mouth, "Would you like Ian to fuck you Loren?" she asked. She leaned over, planting kisses down the blond's neck, "You want his cock inside you?"

"Yes," Loren breathed.

Ian was closer than she thought because the moment she said it Loren felt him take hold of her legs, pull her down and slide his cock inside her. She let out a gasp of surprise that was silenced by Hayley's lips on hers. Loren moaned through the kiss as her pussy was taken by Ian.

Hayley broke the kiss and looked over her shoulder at the man behind them, "You like fucking Loren don't you Ian? That tight little pussy just begging for it isn't it?"

Loren moaned like a slut in heat. The combination of hearing Hayley talk dirty along with Ian pounding her pussy made her come hard. She rode out the release with a sigh. Ian slid his cock out of her and then Hayley gasped above her. Loren looked up to see Hayley staring back at Ian, "You gonna fuck us both huh? Mmm... we're going to milk that cock of yours dry. Oh fuck!" Hayley screamed, burying her head into Loren's chest. Ian was pounding Hayley so hard they were both pushed forward with almost every thrust. Loren felt the singer shudder as she rode out another wave but Ian just kept pounding away.

"I'm gonna cum," Ian said.

Hayley panted, "Give it to us. Give us your cum."

Ian slid out of Hayley and walked over to the other side of the table. He stood over Loren stroking his cock in front of both their faces. Loren reached up, took hold of his cock in her hand and stroked him. A few moments later he grunted, his first shot of cum hitting Hayley directly on the cheek. His next shot hit her between the eyes and dripped down onto Loren's face. Hayley opened her mouth for the next shot. Ian released three more thick, creamy shots. Two into the singer's mouth, the last right on Loren's chest. Loren pulled his cock down and into her mouth. Ian jerked, giving
her the last few drops he had before she let him go.

"Mmm..." Hayley moaned, swallowing Ian's cum. She scooped up the cum that had hit Loren's chest and brought it up to the blonde's mouth. Loren took the red head's finger into her mouth and sucked it dry.

"Thanks Ian," Hayley said with a smile, still staring at Loren, "You're the best."

Thirty minutes later Loren finally managed to get dress. Ian had left earlier but every time Loren tried to get dressed Hayley would start something again.

"I'm always so horny after a show," the singer explained. But Paramore had another show tomorrow. Plus, Loren knew she had to find her roommate.

How long have I been gone anyway? she thought.

At the door, Hayley gave Loren her personal number and a long kiss goodbye. A few minutes later Loren found Angela coming out of a door down the hallway. She looked a little flush and her hair was messed, "There you are," Angela said, patting her hair.

The door Angela had came from opened a moment later. A guy peeked out and was about to say something when he saw Loren. It was the same guy who had apologized to them, the guy who had led Angela to the restroom. He was shirtless. Loren smiled seeing her roommate's embarrassment.

"Uh, you forgot these," he said, handing her a white envelope. It was the envelope with the free tickets he had offered them earlier.

Angela took it, then grabbed hold of Loren's arm, "Let's go!"

Loren laughed all the way to the car.

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Ana fucked on stage

Our good friends Paula and Charles had invited us to dinner outside.My sweet wife was delighted; she loved teasing Charles, since she knew that him had the hots on her. Worst of all, I also knew it…We enjoyed a delicious meal and some drinks after dinner, before going to a near bar for more drinks. We danced and swapped wives.After few pieces, Paula asked me to go back to our table. Since there, I could see my sensual wife dancing sexily with Charles; she was swaying her nice hips to the music...

1 year ago
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Sue becomes a cum slut

Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn't...

2 years ago
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Amanda The Cum Slut

Michael Jones enjoyed his life.  He was married to a remarkably interesting woman.  What made her interesting was her love for lovemaking.  She was a confident woman who was in tune with her body.When they met, they had sex the first night.  She told him that she was not a slut she just enjoyed sex.  Michael thought he hit the lottery.  The women he usually met were a bit skittish when it came to sex.Amanda his wife was beyond skittish.  In fact, she loved sex period.  She loved sex with men,...

Wife Lovers
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Gangbang cum slut

Not my own but hope you like :)I want to tell you about how I became who I am today. I neverintended for things to turn out this way but it's too late tochange now. I am who I am! I still feel like the events of thatSaturday night happened to someone else. I was so drunk. It waslike I was an observer, rather than a participant. If it hadn'tbeen for the physical evidence and my very sore fanny the nextday, I would have almost thought it was just a dream.My name is Sara. Without an "H"! It always...

3 years ago
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My Big Shot On Stage

We were just about to go on stage for the final scene of the final performance of _____. It was a community theatre piece, written by my co-star, Jackson. It was a two-hander, just me and him onstage for about an hour. He played a crooked cop determined to put my character – a troubled but mostly-innocent young man -- behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit.There was a short break while Jason, the stagehand, changed the set. In the dark of the wings, I heard Simon’s voice softly through a...

Gay Male
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First Time on Stage

The music was pounding faster and faster in time to her own heartbeat. Standing off to the side of the stage, Vickie was waiting her turn, feeling nervous and a little scared, but excited—very excited at the thought of all the men in the club watching her take off her clothes. And she loved the idea of making every one of them want her in the worst—or best—way possible.As a Girl Scout, babysitter, and honor roll student, everyone knew her as a nice girl—and she is nice—but she also had a wild...

4 years ago
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Calista Four Stage Two

Calista Four, Stage Two By: Malissa Madison During the next week I had been given Duty time Chores on top of my off duty chores. I also met the other five officer's apprentices onboard. I was throwing myself into my work with added vigor hoping Momma wouldn't ask me about Stage Two again. I'd been thinking a lot about it and also about Patricia's behavior, and in my mind I linked the two together. I was sitting on my bunk in just me pantys when Momma finally decided to ask why...

2 years ago
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Emma Takes The Stage

The club resounded with music, the low lighting allowing Emma to watch the other club goers dancing. The girls' short skirts swished, revealing skimpy underwear and even no underwear. It thrilled her to no end when she was lucky enough to catch a girl bending down, her hips swaying off to the music as she knowingly or unknowingly showed off her ample ass and thighs. It was one of the reasons she chose to hang back and sip on her vodka and tonic over spending the entire night dancing. Emma was a...

2 years ago
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On Stage at an Erotic Convention

I don’t usually put myself on stage at public events, but since a few of my friends are a lot more outgoing than me, they keep dragging me with them on occasion. Novella is one such friend. The unassuming librarian already organized a reading for me and hooked me up with interviewers, so when an erotic fair started, she tried hard to get us there in one form or another. Her idea was some form of public discussion about “porn in public”, something about what it means to be an openly sexual...

2 years ago
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Stage Fright

Gwendy's frown was ever-present as she made her way down to the front row of the theatre. She'd stepped on the wrong toes, and her chickenshit editor had relocated her to the entertainment beat, where she couldn't do any harm to his "insurance" rates. Now she was stuck covering Amateur Night at Chandra's, a 21-and-up club known for erotic "hypnotists," sexy magician acts, raunchy comedians and waitresses in bunny uniforms. Her camerawoman, Pat, panned across the crowd to show who was...

4 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 16 Terryrsquos Story 06 ndash Exit Stage Left

August – October – Year 3 The lights came down and the host walked to the microphone. Behind him Bobby Cee, our drummer, walked out and took his place behind his kit. Leon James, the bass player was standing in the wings. Gery Zobbert, the keyboard player, was behind him. Ryan was behind him and I was behind Ryan. “Hello Woods!” The Host yelled into the mic. The crowd roared. “The Eagle and Budweiser welcome you to tonight’s show. We want to welcome our first band. All the way from the...

4 years ago
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a Adventures 4 Worthless cumcovered gangbang cinemaslut

After that heavy torture thing last time I said to my slut, that well have a nice relaxed gang bang in a cinema in our town. I put an invitation on the website of the sex cinema and wrote the following text: We plan a gang bang on Saturday from 8 pm open end. Feel free to cum as often as you want and bring lots of friends with you. My slutslave is Romanian, slim, 25, brown haired and tanned and has a great slim body. Her small sluttish perky boobs are waiting for your hands and your cum. She s...

1 year ago
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Reddit Cumsluts, aka r/CumSluts! Have you ever heard about I feel like an idiot asking this, but recently I met a dude who did not really know this place, and boy was I surprised. I feel like everyone who lives in this day and age should have at least head about this place and the fact that it literally has a little bit of everything to offer… I mean, where the fuck are you from if you do not know Reddit?Reddit is amazing, and it has lots of subsections to offer!With the size of...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit GWcumsluts, aka r/GWcumsluts! Anyone reading this and doesn’t know what Reddit is about? Where the fuck have you been, and what have you been doing with your miserable life? I swear this is the last time I’m explaining Reddit to y’all horny fucks. It is one of the largest online platforms where porn lovers converge to browse, interact, and talk about practically all porn fantasies. Reddit has many topic-specific platforms, known as subreddits. If you know what you are looking for,...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Amateur Cumsluts

Reddit AmateurCumsluts, aka r/AmateurCumsluts! When we look at some of the subs out there, it always looks like they concentrate on the fucking, and don’t give enough credit to the finisher. I think that the finisher is the most important part of any sexual encounter, and that’s why I always make sure to be creative when it comes to creaming the babes who I fuck. Listen, if you aren’t in a position where you can fuck babes all day long like me, then you might want to watch them get creamed...

Reddit NSFW List
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Asian Cumsluts

Do you know what a cumslut is? You must know. Cumsluts are chicks who can’t survive without cum. To them, hot cum is like water. I mean, you can find these babes all over the place, but I’m pretty sure that you’ve seen a few of them in porn before. Usually, though, these are American and European babes. What I really want to know is if you can find cumsluts in, oh, I don’t know, Asia? Believe it or not, there seems to be a special subreddit on that is only for that and nothing else....

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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My sister My Cum Slut

My sister, My Cum SlutThis story is a complete work of fiction. All characters are over the age of 18. How did this all start you ask? How did my sister become my cum slut? Well, it all started when I was 24. My younger sister, Kristen, was 19. We had never been super close, but we had some mutual friends and we got along well. I had begun to notice how sexy my little sister had grown up to be. She was shy and never had many boyfriends. I knew she wasn't a virgin, but I also knew she was never...

2 years ago
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Husband to Cumdump

I’d never felt worse in my life. My wife had admitted to cheating on me, and at the end of a horrible week trying to reconcile things with her she told me she wanted a divorce and was going to stay with her parents. "I can't wear this anymore," she said as she slipped off her wedding ring and set it on the table by the entryway. Then she was gone.That was two days ago. I was depressed and suicidal, and had started drinking early in the day. As the hours went by my swirling mix of emotions...

3 years ago
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Curiosity Made the Cum Slut

So a short time later i put on my Guy Fawkes mask, which wasn't really anywhere near being original but had to do for now. I set up my cam to show my masked face and upper body. I wasn't one of those guys which showed them self jerking right in the beginning. In my experience most hot girls just clicked that away and those who stayed watching were easy ones - no fun without challenge. I started the recording of my chat and began connecting to random partners. The first one was a bored...

1 year ago
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My Male CumSlut

Amanda just woke up from one of the kinkiest dreams she’d ever had. She sighed and said, “Wow, what a dream, it either means I need to go shopping for a hot pink bra, matching panty, garter belt, hose and heels. On the other hand, Skip, my new friend (who is a cross dresser) needs to buy one for our hot intimate cam-chats. Better yet, buy us both a matching set. When she first met him online, she said to herself, “Oh shit, not another guy who loves to wear woman’s clothing. He is probably an...

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Curly Head Takes The Stage

Well.. here he was again, at the same old titty bar he was at last week and the week before. Shit, thinking about it he realized he'd been coming here once a week for the past six months, always after the gym on Thursday or Friday night. He rarely got anymore sex at home and when he did it was pretty bland. He'd watched enough porn and read enough erotic stories to know there had to more than bland once a month perfunctory sex. So he didn't feel one bit bad about his weekly visits. He really...

Straight Sex
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My Cum Slut

My Cum SlutPart 1I come home from work and tell you that I have plans for you tonight. I ask you if you’re hungry for cum, a lot of cum. Your eyes get big, and you say, “Oh yes! I love cum. I always want cum, you know your cum is the best.” You come close to me, breasts rubbing my chest as you cup my big balls and then slowly stroke my large cock. I laugh and tell you that I know that and that you’re the best Cum Slut any man could want. I rake my hand through your hair and pull your full lips...

1 year ago
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The after party plans by the trained cum slut

When we got to the party, Susan was the center of attention for a few seconds. She looked great in her high heels and tight dress. Most men tried to undress her with their eyes during those few seconds. She saw that she became center of attention and that made her smile ear to ear. The party was boring, but Susan got tipsy, and I noticed that she was leaning and rubbing against me all the time. It made me think about what I would do to her when we get back home. A little later, we slow...

3 years ago
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Kissing The CumGuzzling Party Slut

10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park. 9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park. 8. Me and some mates took turns spunking into our friend's sister's dirty panties. >7. Snogged a woman at a party after two guy's had spunked in her mouth.

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My Life As a Cumdump

My Life As a Cumdump - Part 1 of 4I finally decided to write down my experiences as a cumpdump and share them with everyone here. I have been reading for a while, and it’s only fair to share, and I also hope my experiences, good and bad, can help someone who are new to this, and know that you and I – we are not alone.Yes, I am definitely a pussyboi cumdump, but I am an owned cumdump. Matt is younger than me, and lives in the same apartment complex. Maybe I am just a faggot for him to use, a cum...

1 year ago
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My Cum Slut

Part 1I come home from work and tell you that I have plans for you tonight. I ask you if you’re hungry for cum, a lot of cum. Your eyes get big, and you say, “Oh yes! I love cum. I always want cum, you know your cum is the best.” You come close to me, breasts rubbing my chest as you cup my big balls and then slowly stroke my large cock. I laugh and tell you that I know that and that you’re the best Cum Slut any man could want. I rake my hand through your hair and pull your full lips back to...

4 years ago
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Trophy Wife to Cum Slut

The four women and their husbands were all in their early forties or late thirties, all were in very good shape. Sally had one daughter, Bridget. Carol had no children. Barbara had three kids and Peg one daughter. There was one thing that bound the little group together. It was their love for sex with men other than their husbands. This had led them to the forming of the BC Club (Black cock Club) because they all had a curiosity about black cock, the husbands didn’t really give a shit what...

3 years ago
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Hot new dominant wife we both have boyfriends my new title cuckold cum slut

Hot new dominant wife, we both have boyfriends, my new title... cuckold, cum slut I am 30 years old, married 6 months ago and have only had sex with my wife twice, what ever did I do to deserve this. Let me explain my life before my wife and the position I am in now. I had been single for 30 years, having fun with my buddies and on occasion would run across a girl at our local watering hole have some recreational sex. Life was good, then one day while hanging out in the local pub...

1 year ago
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A Secretary Cum Slut

Tonight I was all alone in the office. Since the past week, I decided to do overtime to earn a little more. I was nineteen years old and was working hard to be an independent girl. I was feeling tired, but I had to work more. As there was noone in the office to keep an eye on me, I decided to take a few minutes rest. I got up from the chair and went to the washroom to freshen up. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I looked tired but still fuckable. I always find myself quite sexy...

Office Sex
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Mail Stripper Fucked on Stage

[This a sequel to "Pants off at Rugby Club Interview" and "Fucked on Beach by Rugby Team" If you want them give me a shout] I had just been accepted for the post of "Technician" to accompany a Rugby team who were about to go on an extensive tour of the Middle East. I had been recommended by a neighbouring team who had got to know me rather intimately on a beach campsite. The acceptance came during an interview with four team members including Bob the Captain and Alex a medical student. The...

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The Proud Cum Slut

I love it when his cock stretches me. Any part of me. My cunt, my arse, or, as it’s doing now, my throat.It’s that feeling of being full that turns me on so much. That delightfully submissive feeling that I get when I know my body is internally transforming just so it can accommodate his cock. Stretching and straining to fit his thick shaft, wherever it is he chooses to put it.And I love his cum. I adore it. I dare say, on some occasions, that I need it.I love that indescribable feeling of it...

Oral Sex
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Meeting the family 2the continuing story of Danielle Cummings

THE CONTINUING STORY OF DANIELLE CUMMINGS BEING A HIGH SCHOOL GIRL ISNT ALWAYS FUN Danielle Cummings was a 16 year old high school sophomore in a shore town in New Jersey. She was also transgender. She had always been a somewhat effeminate boy, preferring to play with the neighborhood girls and participate in the same things they did. When she was younger, this meant jumprope, jacks, hopscotch, dolls and tea parties. She wasn't allowed to wear dresses {in public} but in all other...

2 years ago
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Sex Club Stage 1 strip club

SEX CLUBStage 1 (Strip Club)Dave was a porn addict. He just couldn’t stop watching porn. He would watch it for up to five hours every evening. He was a 55 year old divorcee and had been living on his own for ten years. He wasn’t the most personable of men, he was slightly overweight and pretty shabbily dressed. His communication skills were not good. He knew all these things so he was content with an evening watching his favourite porn sites on his computer.He knew all the genres, all the...

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