A Fresh StartChapter 145: Foreign Relations free porn video

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Foreign trips are a mix of smoke and mirrors and public relations. What they usually aren’t is anything substantive. Nobody flies halfway around the planet to meet with the high and mighty without everybody knowing what is going to happen ahead of time. So why do them at all? For one reason, just like in any other form of business, it’s usually helpful to actually meet the guy you’re doing business with and look him in the eye. At the minimum you can start to get a sense of the other person.

We were scheduled for eight days in mid-November, visiting London, Paris, Moscow, and Tel-Aviv. Figure two days in each spot, and travel at night. I was not expecting miracles, but this could be interesting. I was the new kid, untested and untried, the billionaire playboy who had somehow managed to be in the right place at the right time when the real President died. Expectations were low. I think the State Department would be happy if I simply managed to use the right spoon and fork at the various state dinners we would be attending.

I was traveling with the Secretary of State, and he was a well-known commodity on the world stage. He had become very high profile back during the Gulf War and had managed to avoid stepping on his dick in the ten years since then. In most foreign capitals he was much better known than I was. Marilyn and I were both going, and the kids were staying home. Colin’s wife, Alma, was also traveling with us.

I was current on what our history was with each country, including what had been planned under President Bush. That didn’t mean I agreed with his plans. I was less than thrilled with his antagonistic view and tone concerning Russia. There were a bunch of people who longed for the good old days of the Cold War, when we only had one enemy, the dirty Commies. They were evil people you could point to and say were bad. Since a lot of the more hard-core neo-conservatives dated back to the Reagan and Bush 41 years, when the ‘Evil Empire’ was given its nickname, they still thought that way. It was easy to point at Russia; it wasn’t so easy to point at radical Islamic terrorists.

I had argued this out with both Bush and Cheney. We had spent fifty years in a European-centric world view. Certainly, the army I had served in was all about fighting the Soviets. The Russians were going to flood the Fulda Gap with T-72s and BMPs, and the 82nd was going to be dropped in to stop them. That was the theory, in any case. In reality, for fifty years the Russians never attacked in Europe, and the 82nd went everywhere but Europe! However, World War II had ended in 1945, and fifty-six years later, we still had armored units facing Eastern Europe, even though the Soviet Union had collapsed twelve years earlier. Worse, nobody seemed to think this was a strange idea! The Russians couldn’t successfully invade their refrigerator right now, let alone a foreign country. Their tanks were rusting to pieces in the fields, they didn’t have the money to pay for gas to fly their planes, and their ships and subs were being slowly sold to other countries, at least the ones that hadn’t rusted out to the point they sank at the docks.

It wasn’t helping that Vladimir Putin was taking a more international stand than his predecessor. Boris Yeltsin had been almost exclusively focused on internal Kremlin politics and policies. Putin had a much firmer hold on power in Russia and was able to focus on foreign affairs. He had a very good grasp on the fact that Russia was in the crosshairs of more than a few Islamic radicals, and it was a lot easier for them to get to Russia than it was to get to America. They had been fighting in Chechnya and Dagestan for most of the last decade. Meanwhile the neocons were yapping about the need to strengthen NATO by admitting former Soviet Bloc client states and moving anti-ballistic missiles and armed forces closer to the Russian borders. If nothing else, I needed to ratchet down the nonsense. We could start by at least being a lot politer to each other.

Powell didn’t agree with me completely. He still had a European focus, though that had changed somewhat. Like me, however, he was not possessed of an overwhelming desire to get pushy with the Russians. I had a much more realpolitik view of the world. I had to live with the world as it really was and didn’t have a burning desire to replace it with something else, especially something that wouldn’t work. I remembered how on my first trip through, the Bush crew had allied themselves with the Republic of Georgia, and then looked like they were pulling their puds when the Russians invaded in 2008 and gave them a quick spanking. The entire world knew we weren’t going to have a nuclear confrontation over Georgia, but we certainly managed to look stupid during the process. The harsh truth was that most of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus were in the Russian sphere of influence, just like the Western Hemisphere was in ours. There was no need to get pissy about it.

So, the plan was to visit England and France and meet and greet the powers that be, go on to Moscow and tone down the rhetoric with Putin, and then head to Israel. Sharon had invited me twice so far. He was on the front lines, so to speak, and dealt with the crazies daily. I wanted to ramp up our intelligence capabilities, and he wanted some money for weapons and for us to shut up about settlements and other shit. We basically just needed to do business, and I had spent a number of years doing business. We could get along.

Great Britain and France were the first two stops. In some ways they were the easiest and most ornamental. Tony Blair was the British Prime Minister, and I was now his third American President to deal with. He was Labour Party, which was closer in sympathies to the Democrats than the Republicans, but they ran a Parliamentary system in any case. Most importantly, unless the Americans got stupid and crazy (and sometimes even if they did), the British would back us up.

The French were a different matter. There was a real love-hate relationship there, and they tended to do things their own way and be rude about it in the process. Jacques Chirac was the President, and I was his third American President as well. In some ways I didn’t really need to go to Paris, but Marilyn made some comments about visiting there when she was in high school, and we had never gone before. Maybe I could get a few minutes and take her to see the Eiffel Tower.

This was really our first trip to anyplace exotic for political reasons. Marilyn and I had flown together around the country during the election and before, when I was in business. As the Vice President I was mostly sent to the drearier parts of the planet as punishment for being outspoken, and Marilyn stayed home for those trips. I offered to let her stay home rather than meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace, and was promptly asked, “If I divorce you, do I get to keep the White House?” Frank and Ari both heard her ask that and both just about rolled on the floor laughing.

It’s a seven-hour flight from D.C. to London, but you are also traveling east five time zones, so it takes twelve hours to get there. Before we left, I saw John McCain, now officially sworn in as Vice President, and asked him not to start any nuclear wars without me. He gave me an evil laugh and sent me off. We left Andrews on Wednesday, November 7, at 8:30 PM, and landed at Heathrow the next morning at 8:30 AM on Thursday the 8 th. One nice feature was that the President and First Lady have their own suite in the nose of the plane. Colin and Alma would catch a few winks in some nice first-class seats that leaned way back, but it still wasn’t the same as a bed. I teased Marilyn about that. We hadn’t fooled around on an airplane since I began using security details back when I got into Congress. I don’t think we slept more than five or six hours, but it beat an airliner seat all to hell. We were even able to take showers and clean up before changing for landing.

It was more than a little weird leaving Air Force One at Heathrow. The only other time I had flown in the plane was as the Acting President when I flew to New York right after 9-11. There had been zero pomp and circumstance involved, and I had traveled with just a few people. We had an emergency and decorum be damned. We flew in, went down the stairs, and moved out.

Now it was nothing but pomp and circumstance! According to the briefing paper I was given, Prince Charles was standing in for his mother the Queen and would greet us at the airport. I would review some ceremonial troops, and then we would be taken to the Hyatt Regency London, where we were staying. We would freshen up and settle in, and then Marilyn and I would split up. I would meet with Prime Minister Blair while Marilyn was taken on a tour of London and a visit to an elementary school. Somebody had figured out that my wife had a degree in teaching, even if she had never taught a day in her life.

The one thing I really wished we had kept when we threw the Brits out all those years ago was a separate Head of State. In Britain the Queen was the Head of State, while the Prime Minister was the Head of Government. This is very common in parliamentary systems. The Queen gets a nice paycheck and deals with all the ceremony. The Prime Minister doesn’t have to do that stuff. I was constantly switching back and forth between running a country and shaking hands. It was not uncommon to leave a budget meeting to congratulate the top selling Girl Scout cookie salesperson who had won a trip to Washington, go back to a different budget meeting, get yanked out to meet and greet the Wisconsin Dairy Princess, and then head off to meet the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

It’s a major pain in the tail. I know it’s important, but it really makes you lose focus, and takes an immense amount of time. In Britain, it lets them do something with all those otherwise unemployed princes and princesses.

Marilyn had looked over at me while our trip was being reviewed prior to our leaving Washington, and asked, “Just what am I going to do on this trip?”

I shrugged and replied, “Something First Lady-ish, I guess. Whatever you do, try not to get me in trouble.”

“You’re no help!”

I wasn’t overly sympathetic. “So, you really didn’t want to visit Buckingham Palace and meet the Queen? I mean, we can always send you home...”

“Will you behave? I never said that!”

I shrugged some more. “I wonder what Charlie and the girls would do over here. Think they might get into any trouble?”

“We’d probably end up with another War of 1812! Maybe that wouldn’t be so good,” she laughed.

“So, don’t piss anybody off. Just smile and say how everything is wonderful. Sort of like I had to do when campaigning,” I told her.

“Just as long as nobody serves us lutefisk. Your sister told me about that. Even Stormy wouldn’t eat that!”

I had to laugh. “Could you imagine Stormy rampaging through Buckingham Palace? God help those poor little Corgis the Queen likes!” Marilyn had to laugh at that vision, too.

So, while Marilyn and everybody else went out the back door, I went out the front, smiling and waving at everybody and went down the stairs. At the bottom I met up with Prince Charles, who shook my hand and led me over to a small podium. Beyond that was a double line of smart looking troops, with a red carpet between them, heading over to the limousine. Off to the side, out of sight of the cameras, were a pair of C-5 Galaxys that had brought in the support. First the Prince made a short speech welcoming me to the United Kingdom, and then I returned the favor, saying thank you and how I looked forward to getting to know the British people better. I simply read something the State Department trotted out every time we did this. I would do the same thing at every stop, and simply change the name of the country I was visiting.

It really was a lot like campaigning for office.

Afterwards I marched down the line of troops, the prince at my side, and being trailed by a colonel. Nothing was out of place, not that I expected it to be, and I commented positively to the colonel. Then it was time to head out. The prince got in his Rolls Royce limo and headed back to the Palace, and Colin, Alma, Marilyn, and I got into the Presidential Cadillac and went to the Hyatt Regency. The Ambassador and his wife would meet us there and accompany Colin and me to meet the Prime Minister.

Marilyn teased me and asked, “So, were the troops up to snuff enough for you?”

I chuckled at that. “You’d probably better ask Colin that one. I never made it past captain, and he was a four-star general.” Colin smiled and chuckled too and nodded in response. “Still, they seemed okay. They’re ceremonial troops. They are supposed to look clean and shiny. You never know how good they are until the bullets start flying.”

Colin commented, “That’s true enough, but the British are better at that than most. I’m no expert on British medals, but a few of those men have seen action. I’d say they were good troops.”

I nodded in agreement. Turning to my wife, I said, “The real test is when they are out in the field. If the troops are dirty but their guns are clean it’s usually a much better sign than the reverse.”

“Worst of all is when the troops are dirty, and the guns are dirty! You see that, just get out of there before somebody does something stupid!” added the Secretary of State. I nodded in agreement.

Marilyn looked over at Colin’s wife and said, “He’s been out of the Army almost twenty years and he still thinks he’s a paratrooper!”

Alma sympathized. “Colin’s the exact same way.” Both Colin and I snorted at this, and she added, “You two boys are retired now. You can stop acting like little boys playing soldier now.”

The Hyatt Regency is a very nice hotel, and I think we were renting damn near every room in the place. For certain we were renting several entire floors. For security reasons, the Secret Service had rooms above and below our suite. Add in the Powells, the guy with the football, Josh Bolten, Ari Fleischer, and the traveling staff, security, and communications - we probably had an entourage of a hundred people or more. We would repeat the process three more times before heading home again.

Ambassador Farish and his wife greeted us and ushered us into our suite. He was a Republican businessman and contributor with no previous State Department experience, but he seemed adequate to the task. I assumed he had employees at the embassy who did the real work involved. I couldn’t recall ever meeting the man, but he was a Texas friend of George’s and we moved in different business circles.

I was still piecing together a coherent strategy on foreign relations, and my advisers were shooting holes in it left and right. Vice President McCain didn’t completely agree with me on what I was working towards. That was fine with me, because they might just be smarter than me. I certainly hoped so! Maybe I could learn something from them. What I was working towards was some form of containment towards radical Islamics.

The predominant form of foreign policy that America had was formulated shortly after the end of the Second World War, when the true nature of communism and Soviet expansionism became obvious, was containment. Originally articulated by George Kennan, it envisioned that western governments, led by the United States, would enter into alliances that would keep Soviet influence limited to where it was, and prevent it from going further. This was the Cold War and lasted for roughly fifty years until the Soviet Union collapsed. It wasn’t pretty. It was fairly messy, and the Cold War had a disturbing tendency to heat up at times, like in Korea and Viet Nam. Regardless, we managed to stabilize the world and keep from going to nuclear war, and to ultimately win.

The biggest threat to civilization now wasn’t communism, but radical Islamic fundamentalism. Al Qaeda wasn’t so much a specific group of nut jobs as much as it was a philosophy. Why couldn’t we in the West figure out a way to contain the nut jobs? For years we had been backing one local strongman after another, to keep the peace. They would take our money and weapons and either use them to start a war, use them on their own population, or use them against us. It might be cold blooded but why bother with trying to keep the peace? If they didn’t bother us, why should we care how many of each other they killed? In effect, cut them off from the rest of the world. Buy their oil, don’t sell them weapons, don’t support them with charity and donations, and don’t let their fundamentalists loose.

There were problems with doing this, of course, and every country had different answers and problems, both in the West and in the Muslim world. The country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia, considered itself an Asian country, not an Arab country, and their entire outlook was considerably different than the countries in the Middle East. The fundamentalists varied from country to country and some countries had them locked down better than others.

The Western European countries had their own issues. Muslims were a much higher percentage of the population in many European countries than in America, running five to ten percent in some countries. They generally hadn’t done well assimilating into the local culture and were not appreciated. France had Algerians, Italy had Libyans and Tunisians, Germany had Turkish nationals, some were there illegally, some were on work visas, some had overstayed their visas. It was very messy. Furthermore, it was very easy to say that we shouldn’t sell Muslim countries weapons, but weapons manufacturing was a very high profit business and very competitive. France was going to sell the Arabs planes and ships and such, no matter what they might promise publicly.

On the other hand, some form of containment had some real benefits, both in terms of lives lost and dollars spent. The locals might not like us occasionally bombing them when they started getting too big for their britches, but they really didn’t like us when we landed on their doorstep. Forget about picking sides in the local version of a civil war! The Sunnis hated the Shiites, the moderates hated the radicals, the Muslims hated the Christians and the Jews, but everybody hated foreign invaders! Unless you embraced Genghis Khan’s solution to the problem when the Tartars rebelled against him, in which he lined the entire Tartar nation up in a row and slit the throats of everybody over the height of a cart handle, you would never get anybody to go along with you.

This was the total antithesis of the neocons’ battle cry. We needed to go into these countries forcibly, throw out the dictators, hand them the Constitution (suitably translated, of course), and install free elections and a two-party democratic system. Never mind that nobody in most of these places understood the idea of an election. Never mind that forty percent of the population in some countries was illiterate and couldn’t even read a ballot, let alone understand it. Never mind that women were still considered property and that in some of these shitholes they still had slavery in place. America was a burning flame of freedom, and if some of these places got singed, so be it! Once one of them fell in a quick and glorious and cheap campaign, the neighbors would immediately understand the wonders that we had brought and overthrow their leaders to get in on the freedom.

We spent ten years, tens of thousands of casualties, and trillions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and all we did was piss off a huge part of the world. We certainly didn’t bring democracy to these places; both ended up in civil war. My thought? They hate us already! We don’t need to invade them to piss them off. They’re already pissed at us. Let the bastards rot. It’s cheaper.

I knew it was more complicated than that. We couldn’t embargo dozens of countries. We would still get drawn into fights, much like we had to just do in Afghanistan, and what we were still doing with Saddam Hussein in Iraq. We were going to need to keep armed forces around the world. However, the mix and locations needed to change. Our military was one that was designed to face off against the Soviet Union. It was very high tech and very expensive - much too expensive to use against raghead assholes. We didn’t need invisible fighters and bombers, but we did need tankers and cargo planes. We didn’t need multi-billion-dollar destroyers, but we did need some corvettes and frigates to do convoy duty and antipiracy patrols. We didn’t need self-propelled push-button one-man howitzers, but we did need commandos and high-quality infantry.

Force locations were in the same fix. Why were we defending the German border when the Iron Curtain had rusted to pieces? Why were we involved in Bosnia when it was right next door to NATO? We needed to pivot our forces from Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. We needed new alliances, and to reformulate old ones.

It was complicated and sophisticated, not an approach suitable for sound bites and political grandstanding. Worse, while I understood the costs of a failed approach, having seen it originally, I knew that others wouldn’t believe me. Besides, what if I was wrong? No matter how smart I was, if terrorists managed to make another spectacular strike, the nation would put boots on the ground somewhere, and I wouldn’t be able to stop it. We were going to have to play smarter than ever before.

I discussed these ideas with both Tony Blair and, a few days later in Paris, Jacques Chirac. The results were predictable. Britain thought I had a good idea. France would give it some thought, but they were smarter than us (and everybody else, too.) Neither wanted to invade anybody, though both had capabilities to do so, at least nearby in Africa and in Europe. Both lied through their teeth about limiting arms sales.

Otherwise, the trips to Britain and France were successful. Neither Marilyn nor I insulted anybody or spilled soup on the Queen. We said nice things about the British and the French and didn’t stick our noses in any sort of local politics. We took boat rides on the Thames and the Seine and got to see the Eiffel Tower. There was a huge amount of residual sympathy from the devastation of 9-11, and since we had stopped our campaign in Afghanistan before we left home, that wasn’t an issue. France was surprisingly sophisticated regarding that since they had done similar things with the French Foreign Legion over the years. Yes, there really is a French Foreign Legion, and they are as tough a bunch of bastards as you are likely to find. I had seen a few of their officers once while I was in the 82 nd when they were doing some cross training and familiarization. The Frogs used them as expendable mercenaries in all sorts of shitholes.

So, anyway, London and Paris went okay. In a lot of ways, it was simply a chance for the old pros to get to meet the new kid on the block. He was different than the last kid who lived in that house across the street, but he looked like he would be there awhile. Even if we didn’t solve the problems of the world, I thought we had accomplished something, and Colin Powell indicated that I hadn’t stepped on my crank. And besides, if I ever started thinking that living in the White House was like living in a museum, all I needed to remember was that little side trip through Buckingham Palace. There are some fascinating things that never make it into the usual tour itinerary! Amazing place!

Russia was a more interesting trip. Vladimir Putin was Russia’s latest strong man, and even though they had nominally embraced democracy, it was a thin embrace. All the pre-trip briefings had stressed that it was a nation of contradictions. They rejected communism but preferred a strong ruler. The Russian Mafia vied with billionaire oligarchs to control the economy, so you had a kleptocracy challenging a plutocracy. Parts of the country were modern, parts were Third World, and the only reason anybody feared them was that they had nukes. I remember how my parents visited there on my first time through, and my dad came back and told me about the trip. His comment? “Why in the world were we afraid of them for fifty years? They’re broke!”

Part of Putin’s political calculus was to use foreign affairs to deflect the public’s attention from domestic problems, a surprisingly common tactic around the world. In this he was aided by the fact that the Russian economy was just starting to rebuild after the economic collapse of the ‘90s. Both he and Russia were feeling stronger.

So far, Bush had simply been tossing around ideas and talking about the need to ‘rein in’ Russia, but we hadn’t really done anything yet. We had brought Poland, Hungary, and the Czechs into NATO during the Clinton years, but so far, we had just been talking about bringing in the rest of Eastern Europe. I knew once we did that, the Russians would begin treating us as hostile again, which would only be exacerbated when we started moving Patriot anti-missile batteries towards the Russian border. I could see no possible reason to piss them off just for the sake of pissing them off.

Colin did have some good ideas. We’d had a meeting in early October, after we had decided on the trip. “Okay, so you are planning on caving in on NATO and the anti-missile issue.” I opened my mouth to protest, but he held up a hand to stop me. “That’s what it’s going to look like. What do you want in return? We need some specific points to ask about, and at least get a discussion going. What do you want from the Russians?”

When he put it that away, it made sense. We were going to do some negotiating, so we needed to figure out what the bid and offer prices were going to be. “Cooperation on anti-terrorism, for one thing, and not just some speeches. We are going to be setting up some form of counter-terrorism intelligence center, and I am going to want active cooperation with them. We send a request, they respond, and vice versa. If they want to send people to help, we will return the favor. I want real cooperation. This is what is going to be the problem for most of the next century.”

Colin nodded. “What else?”

Pushy bastard! “They need to play nicer with their neighbors, at least their European ones. I don’t care what they do on the backside of nowhere, but they can’t be as pushy with the Baltic States and the Ukraine. I know it’s complicated, but if they ratchet their shit down, so will we. They also really need to cut any ties with Hugo Chavez. They stay out of our back yard, and we can stay out of theirs.”

“They are going to claim that is interference in their internal politics.” Again, he held up his hand to slow me down. “I know it’s not, but that will be their response. Okay, so we need to firm up some of these ideas and get specific. I’ve never heard that you were a big poker player...” I shook my head at that, and he continued, “ ... but I know you are used to making deals. We need to make a deal with them.” We worked on that prior to the trip.

The schedule in Russia was that we left Paris late and landed in Moscow very early. It’s only a three-and-a-half-hour flight, and Moscow is only two hours ahead of Paris. We left at 10:00 PM and arrived 3:30 AM and headed directly to the Moscow Ritz Carlton. International travel was beginning to wear on us, and we all got some sleep before heading to the Kremlin mid-morning. The formal state dinner was actually for the next evening. We would be in discussions with Putin and Kasyanov all day, and then take in the ballet at the Bolshoi that night, more meetings tomorrow, and then the fancy dinner.

According to my State Department briefing, Putin spoke Russian and fluent German, which was probably why a big chunk of his KGB career had been spent in Germany. Supposedly he was taking English lessons, although to what extent he was fluent was questionable. We would be using translators. So be it. My Russian was limited to da, nyet, sookin sin, and yob tvou mat! That worked out to yes, no, son of a bitch, and go fuck your mother. (It’s amazing the junk you pick up and store in your memory.) I didn’t figure to use the last two phrases anywhere in public, and Marilyn would probably smack me if I used them around her, especially since I would have to translate them for her.

We met at 11:00 AM for a small photo session, to be followed by lunch, after which we would have a working session. During the photo session you sit there, side by side, and smile and don’t say anything more important than “Do you get a lot of snow here?” The answer is “A whole shitload!” or something to that effect. Whatever you do, don’t say anything meaningful while the cameras and recorders are running. More than one American President has stepped on his dick by saying something private and having it run on the air that evening. I kept asking about the weather until everybody had left, and we were able to get down to business.

Putin started off by having his Prime Minister, Mikhail Kasyanov, review a litany of complaints about George Bush’s speeches and actions related to NATO. He argued with the NATO expansion with Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic (even though that had been done by the Democrats under Clinton) and argued strenuously against any continued expansion into the Baltics or further east. Secretary of State Powell and I kept our mouths shut and listened. The complaints were nothing new.

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A devil wrapped in flame, Shishio disappeared into the fire laughing. What was the meaning of that last laugh? No one undestood... And so-- (They stand staring at the blackened stones.) Sanosuke: Not a trace left... He really just burned away. (looking at Kenshin) You won. Kenshin (bowing his head): No... (Houji falls to his knees.) Houji: He didn't lose! He did not lose! Lord Shishio cannot lose! (Screaming, he runs from the platform.) Aoshi: He's gone mad... (Yumi's watch drops...

2 years ago
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BethChapter 145

February 11, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, We had nothing to do today other than our weekly housekeeping duties, so ate a leisurely breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, then attended to those various chores. Even though the house is large and two of the bathrooms are huge, with so many of us, we finished the weekly cleaning around 1 and were waiting only on the last loads of laundry in the two dryers. We gathered on the fresh sheet and comforter we’d recently placed on our bed. As we had been doing...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 145 My Body Gets a Guard

Friday, April 29, 2005 We'd gone to sleep about 11:30pm, so I awoke about 3:45am. Study was enjoyable, as usual. The new computer system is cool, but my enjoyment is mostly because math is such a fun subject. The college courses are a little bit challenging, but only a little. Enough to keep me focused and interested, but never enough to make me sweat. If I hit a problem where the solution isn't included in the material I'm studying, it usually doesn't take me long to work it out from...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 145

'This one is compliments of chuck' Why at 65 yrs, I don't belong on face book, Should I Really Join Facebook? (Priceless) Read it all the way through! It's a good laugh! AND really quite true!! A good laugh for people in the over 70 group!!! When I bought my Blackberry, I thought about the 30-year business I ran with 1800 employees, all without a cell phone that plays music, takes videos, pictures and communicates with Facebook and Twitter. I signed up under duress for Twitter and...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 145

We were up early even though the interviews did not start until 9. At breakfast we decided to change things up a little. Since all the employees at this location would report to Lorrie and Marcy we thought they should do the interviews, with Randy and Jenna sitting in. Jenny and I were going to the big office store 20 miles away. We were going to take the prints of the rental space as a guide and buy the office furniture. The advertisement for the office store said they had everything in...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 145

Diana parked in front of the art supply store. Hope, sitting in the second seat with Ann, started to open her door, but Ann put out a restraining hand. "Let Security do their thing first." "Are we really in that much danger?" Diana spoke up from the driver's seat. "We didn't go into details when we told you about the attack, and no, we don't expect it to happen again, but we didn't expect that attack, either. And, yeah, it's an irritant having to have Security everywhere we go,...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 145

The inevitable phone call came from Vondi. Laura was very excited to receive it. She had once engaged in some very hot fucking with two girls from the sex business-Sandra and Shawn-but that had been almost two years earlier. Even the memory of it could still excite her. And the evening with Shavon and Vondi had been one of the most sexually thrilling in her recent memory. Vondi did have a beautiful body, as well as a certain kind of wantonness, very different from Shavon's sweet open...

4 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 145 We Will Rock You

Susan was busy cleaning the kitchen when she heard the front door open and close. "Honey, I'm home!" Suzanne shouted. That was a bit of a joke to herself, acting as if she were the father in some 1950s sitcom of domestic suburban bliss coming home after a long day of work. Susan rushed to the front foyer and gave Suzanne a big smile followed by an even bigger kiss on the lips. She loved the way Suzanne was dressed in a formal yet sexy way, as usual, and was wearing seductive perfume,...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 145

From a friend of J & G. A sailor drops anchor in a port and heads into the nearest pub. Everyone in the pub is whispering and pointing at him because of his odd shaped body; he has a very muscular body, but a very tiny head on his shoulders. As he orders his drink, he tells the bartender “I’ll explain. I get this in every port and town I visit. I caught a mermaid and she granted me three wishes if I would release her back into the sea. So I told her I wanted a yacht. Sure enough, she...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 145 Exfiltration

Without saying a word, the man in the machine caused the bay doors to open right as some sort of airplane came in making almost no sound at all. Time to go. Our ride is here. Amelia tried not to show surprise. She couldn’t pull it off. This wasn’t anything she had seen of this nature before. We loaded our gear aboard, including the mini-gun, boarded and it soon left as silently as it arrived. Up in the cockpit we found it was run by a pair of mean looking pilots, who just happened to be...

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Runaway TrainChapter 145

I stood in the wings at the small amphitheater and waited. Hiding had been a problem. There were a lot of people backstage and a lot of performers that were close to Liz. The Milestone Achievement in Songwriting award was the last one handed out and, by coincidence, the songs that preceded and followed the award had been written or co-written by my girlfriend. I had deftly avoided Conny and Melissa before their performance but eluding Chelsea Rome had proven a bit more difficult. It was...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 145

Two and a half hours later I was walking in the sand towards the bonfire on the beach. Two little boys met me, each carrying a beer for me and talking a mile a minute. There was a slight nice warm breeze - it was still seventy degrees. The coordinators were getting everyone assigned to their cottages and transportation to get them there before dark. Each building would have one golf cart and one Gator. There was a hotel phone in each cottage to the main building where they could request...

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Double TearsChapter 145

“We raised our glasses and drank. It didn’t taste good but it tasted necessary.” —Nathan Everett, Municipal Blondes I SWAM UP into consciousness and tried to will myself back to the land of bliss. I wasn’t ready to meet what was waiting for me. My first conscious thought was simply, “Pey.” She wasn’t yet eleven years old and she was gone. I’d known her only two and a half years and she was gone. She wasn’t finished with fifth grade and she was gone. If I ever found those bastard powers...

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There and BackChapter 145 Barrier to Entry

All of our forces had lined up in ranks, five across, in front of the opening leading further underground. There weren’t as many as I’d hoped, between the injuries and those left to guard our rear. The soldiers themselves seemed tense, as though their numbers were weighing on their minds as well. We’d been subjected to hours of stress punctuated by periods of intense combat; though the Wardens faced the worst of the fighting, it had to be affecting the soldiers, many of whom were probably...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 145

Despite what had been decided earlier, the only real interaction between individual performers wound up being restricted to the 30-second contests. When the hardcore portion started it turned pretty tame. There were four boy-girl couplings and four all-girl couplings. Ashley didn't even lend a hand to Lex at the end. "Well, that went pretty well," Sarah said in the car on the way home. "I really should have thought about the end though. That could have been a mess." "It turned out...

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Crystal Rush 145000

A lot of hate is thrown on boredom, but without boredom, where would humanity be? Boredom has been the impetus behind many of man's most significant accomplishments. Along with sex, it's one of our primary guiding motivations.From Boredom to WhoredomNothing is worse than sitting around with nothing to do. Why do you think we all masturbate so fucking much. It's the easiest solution to having nothing to do. Boredom can even lead a bitch to discover porn, and that's precisely what happened to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Jodi West 2900 145000

Most of us fuckers on these porn sites have a thing for chicks over fifty. They call it fine as wine, and for many of us, it started with Stifler's mom from American Pie. However, so many women in their prime are in their fifties. Take Jodi West, for example, she's one of the greatest stars in porn to ever exist, and her best work is as a slutty milf. With her entrepreneurial spirit, she's built several businesses in porn as well as received several nominations. With the amount of pussy...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Sex with two foreign delegates

This is Saranya meeting you after a long time. I would like to share a great group experience with two foreign delegates. I believe you all remember that I am working as a receptionist-cum-secretary to the M D in a Construction company. My boss Aashish has marble and granite company also. One day my boss called me to his cabin and asked me, “Saranya I believe you are aware of those two foreign delegates coming here to have business deal with us? I said “Yes Sir, I am aware of that and two...

2 years ago
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Foreign Exchange

“How has it been going, son?” his father said.‘Rather well, dad. You and mom were right. Getting away from home has helped. I’m more relaxed and I’ve made some new friends, real friends. Not those who like me for who or what I am,” he replied.“Being the son of a college professor and detective isn’t so bad, is it,” his mother chimed in.He laughed. “Calling yourself a college professor and dad a detective is stretching the truth. Here, I’m viewed as the son of some wealthy Italian parents.”“You...

College Sex
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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 2 A Somewhat Friendly Chat

Pulling up at the McCreary's house, Josh steeled himself for what he had to do and the likely difficulties involved. Combing his hair, he tried to make himself more presentable. Josh had always been intimidated by Becky's father, Jonathan McCreary (who always insisted on Josh calling him by his full name). As a retired military man, he was a difficult task master and he'd ridden Josh hard, measuring him against an imaginary role he couldn't match. This was not going to be an easy...

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 49 Foreign Shores

Diane 2043 "It doesn't matter however much I enjoy making love with you," said Diane, "it still feels wrong." "Because we're both women?" wondered Lakeisha who was spread out on the sheets beside the vicar. "Because I'm in love with Doris," Diane replied. "It's not as if you're living together, is it?" said Lakeisha. "Didn't you enjoy making love it just now? The moistness between your thighs tells me you did." "Doris and I are lovers," said Diane. "We've even...

1 year ago
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Foreign exchange sweeties make for a perfect high school year

Note : This story is completely fictional! Being a 42 year old single guy, never married and no kids didn't stop me from beating the system for the prize of three high school foreign exchange students from three different countries. I had done a little research into the likelihood of actually sponsoring three foreign exchange girls for a year and it appeared that it was not only easy, but actually encouraged. The process was somewhat of a nuisance with all the background checks and passport...

2 years ago
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The Foreigner

The ForeignerHe looks kind of cute, sitting a bit to the side from the busy road, studying his map. Next to him on the floor, is his rucksack. -She says Hi, can I help you?+ She looks stunning. Her eyes are captivating. -Where do you want to go?+-I want to see the museum+, he says. She shows him on his map. She is close to him, her perfume is intoxicating. He soaks it in all too easy. -You travel alone?+ -Yes+, he says. -You need to be careful, there are many thieves here who try to take...

3 years ago
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Foreign Posting

Introduction: Indian woman on foreign posting having fun with locals I had been going through a very rough patch in those years, my husband of three years had eloped with some foreigner and was now a Canadian Citizen, and a very Stress full and nasty divorce was in process. I was always good in studies and in last three years, during divorce proceedings, have been trying to compete for some govt. Job and as they say, times they have a way of changing. The month I got the divorce I also got...

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Gang Banged By My Foreign Boss And His Son

Hello, I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmedabad, I am Gujarati, I am 24 years old. I am sharing my 7th sex story which recently happened with my foreign boss and his son. Please share your feedbacks at parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com. Let me describe myself, I have done MBA and I am from a wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. So, let me start narrating my recent incident happened with my...

3 years ago
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In a Foreign Land

I had done my A-levels and like many of my friends I was still debating whether to head straight to university or take a gap year when the letter arrived. I’d been offered a full scholarship at an American university. I was ecstatic. I’d almost forgotten the audition pieces I’d written for the creative writing course that I was so desperate to do and now I was offered a chance to get an English degree for free. The thought of moving to America for 4 years was a bit daunting. The campus of the...

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The Foreign Exchange Student Ch 1

Introduction: Hi guys, this is my first story on this site. I hope you like it! Emile had gotten off the plane a couple of hours ago, but was already quite exhausted from his long flight to an unfamiliar country. Just seven hours ago, he was sitting comfortably in his bedroom in Marseille, France. Typically he was a laid-back and casual type of guy, but traveling across the country as part of a foreign exchange program had gotten him pretty nervous. He had been assigned to the Hill family as...

5 years ago
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Emily becomes acquainted with her foreign exchange brother

Emily came home exhausted from college.  She has discovered that communicating all day in a formal classroom setting in a foreign language is exhausting.  She closed the door shut and yelled, “Hello, anyone home?”Silence.“Well, I guess I can take a nice long, hot shower and relax.”Emily went up to her bedroom and quickly undressed.  She went into the open shower and turned on the hot water.  Emily really loved standing under the hot water.  It was so relaxing as she ran her fingers across her...

First Time
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Foreign Exchange

Chicago 1999. I’m 19, Sandra 18. Sandra is a foreign exchange student from Germany, we met while both visiting Chicago for a group gathering of the host and foreign students. She was tall, 5’ 10’’ dirty blonde hair, light blue eyes, full lips. Her lightly tanned skin was accented with tan lines, highlighting her firm perfectly shaped B-cups. A flat tight stomach with a small mole just above her bellybutton. Long toned legs and a nice round ass, tight and firm from cross-country running. Me, 6’...

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The Foreign Student

You know it’s going to be one of those days when you have to hurry and rush around straight from the word go in the morning. I’m Jet, I’m forty five, five foot six inches tall, black hair (what’s left of it), brown eyes and slim to medium build. What else do you want to know? Ah yes, I live alone, divorced for six years and I’m a college lecturer in mathematics, I think that’s it. Oh, most of the students I teach are foreign, mainly European. As I said, I had to rush around; I was trying to...

3 years ago
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Foreign Exchange Part 1 of 3

Another one of my early stories...please enjoy, and COMMENT...it gets me hot, REALLY!! :P*****************************A brief background: I'm 21, still live at home, and a sexually activebi-woman. My parents continue to believe I'm their little innocent angel. If only they knew. Anyway, this year, we've taken on a foreign student from Australia. She is staying with us while she goes to school. She's 18 and so hot! She's about 5'2" (2" taller than my height), with deep green eyes, sandy brown...

2 years ago
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Some Corner of a Foreign Field

“If I should die, think only this of me, That there’s some corner of a foreign field. That is forever England.” Rupert Brooke (1887-1915) 29th August 1944.Michelle paused cautiously at the edge of the copse and listened. She could hear hasty, muffled...

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Boarding House With Foreign Students 8211 Part V

CONTINUED FROM PART 4… “Now is the time to go to their camp…..and tomorrow we will go to another place closour to our college….now get going to sleep” Every one goes to their Camps…I then took Mahboob and went to see all the Camps ARE PROPERLY LOCKED….then Mahboob went to his Camp where Daniel is waiting for him….and I went to my camp….where Raheel is waiting for me. THEN…OKAY WE ARE IN NEXT PART……. So I went in my Camp….where Raheel…already goes to bed….and starts snoring….so I locked...

Gay Male
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A Foreign Land

A Foreign LandA story by Simone Locke ([email protected])FORWARD:After a long absence, here I go with another story that I hope you'll enjoy.I hit a dry spot while writing my last story "The Princess Game".  I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why it ended so suddenly at the end.  The truth is, my inspiration dried up as I wrote the next segment, and I thought I'd put something out rather than nothing.It's now two years and 15 failed books later.  For all my attempts, I could write nothing...

4 years ago
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Visiting the Foreign Guest

A sequel to Entertaining a Foreign Guest This is a sequel to 'Entertaining a Foreign Guest' and will make more sense if it is read after the initial story. It has been written at the request of a few fans, although the result might not necessarily be how some of them might have envisaged. "Guess what, Grant" an excited Jan asked me as I came through the front door at the end of a busy day at work. Kissing my wife first and then our two young children, I asked tiredly "can't, so why...

3 years ago
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My Job Interview at the Foreign OfficeChapter 2

This is the anniversary of my initial employment as a full-time employee of the Foreign Office staff. I was much encouraged by the fact that now I was fully covered under all of the many perks of full-time employment as a permanent employee and not just a probationary one as most office staff would remind me from time to time as I navigated my way through the bureaucratic morass that littered the landscape with little prigs and clueless bitches with no concept of how things worked in the...

4 years ago
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My Job Interview at the Foreign OfficeChapter 3

I had been on the job at the Foreign Office for almost two years when my domestic life fell apart when my husband decided to divorce me only two weeks before I went into the hospital for my first delivery. I remember crying onto Diane’s boyfriend’s shoulder feeling rotten over the whole marriage situation because I knew down deep inside I wasn’t cut out for the housewife routine and I knew I had failed my test as a wife. Adding to my misery was the doctor telling me that their testing showed...

3 years ago
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No FutureChapter 47 Foreign Shores

Molly & Mark 2072 It had taken a long time for Mark and Molly to get used to living in Dagenham. It was a definite climbdown from North West London and it still wasn't a change in circumstances they were comfortable with. However, at least they'd both found jobs: not particularly good ones compared to what they had before but the compensation was they didn't have to squeeze themselves together all day long into the cramped space of a studio flat. The novelty and delight of spending...

1 year ago
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fucked boyfriend in front of his foreign clients work from home

A sensual event when silk fucks Nick and juices out his big cock, hard in front of his clients I have always been needed by many men, maybe because I have a body that attracts all.I met Nick (my present boyfriend) on Facebook when he asked me a question "why did you not call me after our last meeting".We met and fucked each other a lot of times, but the one incident I wanted to first share with you guys is this one.All my sex stories have happened and that's how I am inspired to write about it....

2 years ago
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Foreigner Fucking My Mom

Hi, guys, I’m Ravi from Chennai.24 years of age currently working in a software company.This is a real life story which happened three months ago and it’s real just want to share this after going through this site.Just wanted to let you al know that this stuff happens to us. This started three months ago. I have no idea what to do. I live in Chennai with my mom who is 48 years old. My dad works abroad in the Gulf. Recently, a guy Named Bill a Foreigner, came for work purposes. He is training...

4 years ago
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South of Bikini Newfound Relations

South of Bikini Episode 3 "Newfound Relations" 1320 hours, Palmyra Atoll, April 3rd, 1944 "Skipper, Admiral Demmit asked me to give you this." My Ex-O said as I reached the bottom of the Bridge ladder. After fixing my skirt and tucking in the loose tail of my blouse, I took the proffered letter from Jack. We had just cleared the Atoll's lagoon/harbor and set course for Hawaii. The note was hand written by the Admiral...

2 years ago
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Verry Incestuous Relations

Introduction: Cindys twin teenage boys dedicate themselves to seducing their gorgeous mother, her breathtaking sister and her luciously ripe bodied cousin with randy results VERY INCESTUOUS RELATIONS CHAPTER 1 BOYS WILL BE (NAUGHTY) BOYS – DRINK UP COUSIN: After breakfast Margie sent her husband off on his regular week long sales trip. When his car had disappeared out of sight she went back inside to plan out her week. For the last month, she had been promising her mothers sister, Cindy,...

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South of Bikini 3 Renewed Relations

Alexandra Fleming awakes to witness her daughter Cassandra's gift has arrived. Several previously mentioned paradoxes reach finality. Episode 2 "Renewed Relations" Sanford Fleming house, Long Beach, California, 0630hrs, April 23rd, 1953 "Momma." That same dream had crept into my sleep again. Why did it constantly seek to ruin any full night's sleep I desperately needed? "Momma." The soft sheets, fluffy pillow, and warm blanket made me not want to answer the small...

4 years ago
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Foreign Posting

I had been going through a very rough patch in those years, my husband of three years had eloped with some foreigner and was now a Canadian Citizen, and a very Stress full and nasty divorce was in process.I was always good in studies and in last three years, during divorce proceedings, have been trying to compete for some govt. Job and as they say, times they have a way of changing.The month I got the divorce I also got selected as Cultural officer in Ministry of External Affairs, I was posted...

3 years ago
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White Foreigner Seduces A Young Indian Stud

Introduced in virtual world and got fucked in real world, white foreigner seduces a young stud Hi readers and writers Here is my real experience which I am going to share. Sept 13th 2014, 03:30 am Hitech city, Hyderabad. I was checking an online advertisement website looking for guitars when I got a message in chat saying “hi nightly owl”. I cleanly ignored it thinking as one of an automated advertisements which haunts every time.Again I got a message saying Dev: hi this is Dev Prithvi:...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Getting Lucky With A Foreigner

Hi ISS readers, thank you so much for your emails and comments on my previous stories. It was about a week ago, when my husband had to visit his parents for some work, and he asked me to stay at my friends’ house after I was fucked right in front of him (please read the story: Gang Banged in front of husband) he was out for 3 days, and I stayed with my friend Mita, who happened to live in an apartment close to ours all alone. She being an investment banker had hectic working hours, and that...

2 years ago
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Reeti Saxena 8211 Sex With A Foreigner By Our Village Lake

Hello dear readers, my name is Reeti Saxena. I am originally from a  village in Bihar which has a small village lake. But I have come to Mumbai to become an actress or even a Bollywood star if luck favors me. I am very determined to achieve this goal, and I will achieve it with all means necessary. While I am writing this story, I am 24 years old, born on the sixth of September. For my whole life till now I have been a very naughty girl. I dare you to find a hot and slutty girl like me. Despite...

4 years ago
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Beach Booze Foreigners Sex 8211 All About Goa

Greetings, This is my first story I am posting on ISS please pardon me for any mistakes. I am jotting down true incident that happened with us on our trip to most happening place of India, Goa. Myself Ashy, Monty, Harry, Chandu went to Goa to De-cafe ourselves from hustle and bustle of our jobs and city life and reached Goa. It was noon when we reached our hotel and sun was beaming hot on our head as we were welcomed by a beautiful lady who garlanded us with flowers and provided a drink to cool...

2 years ago
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Lisa Performs Customers Relations

Lisa Performs Customer Relations Bob owned an efficient and profitable company in a large country town north and west of the city. He and I had done business together for a couple of years now. I sold and he bought my company’s products. We knew a little bit of personal information about each other, that he was a widower, that I was a contentedly married wife and mother, and that our respective c***dren were grown up. I usually overnighted in the local motel. Occasionally we had a meal...

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