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A Foreign Land

A story by Simone Locke ([email protected])


After a long absence, here I go with another story that I hope you'll enjoy.

I hit a dry spot while writing my last story "The Princess Game".  I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why it ended so suddenly at the end.  The truth is, my inspiration dried up as I wrote the next segment, and I thought I'd put something out rather than nothing.

It's now two years and 15 failed books later.  For all my attempts, I could write nothing decent without that inspiration that finally captured my soul as it had before.  "A Foreign Land" is the fruit of that infusion of the heart.

I hope you like it, because I don't know when the inspiration will strike again!


Patricia took a deep breath.

This was going to turn into a huge fight, she just knew it.  She opened the door and stepped into a whirlwind of activity.  Interns, professors, and techies scurried about this way and that, building, repairing, or maintaining the metal beast that resided deep in the bowels of the facility.

She caught hold of Michael as he rushed past.  "Have you seen Mr Kline anywhere?"

"Can't say I have, Patty... Patricia."

Great.  Now even Michael was saying it.  "Patty" was such a demeaning bastardization of the name.  Jack knew she hated it, but he called her "Patty" anyway.  He was one of those assholes who just didn't know when to quit.

A distant voice: "Hey Jack!"

"Not now, Michael."

"Hot Legs is lookin for ya!"

Figures.  Those two always stuck together.  She started dodging between the loose cables and equipment that littered the floor.  There was at least a hundred thousand worth of gear lying about just waiting to get stepped on and broken.

"You!" came Jack's voice.  "I need you to keep a close watch on this."  She made her way towards his voice.

"Easy as pie!  You watch these numbers, and you call for help if they go out of range.  If this one goes below 5 or over 40, the whole place goes boom, so don't slack off!"

"Mr Kline!" she called, catching a glimpse of him as he went around the other side of the machine.

"Jack!" came another man's voice.

"Not now, dammit!"

"Accelerator two's busted again!"

"Hell, I just fixed it an hour ago!"

"Yeah well it's saying something about a code 518 or something..."

"That's the heat exchanger.  Have Doug take a look at it!"

"I already did.  He said he doesn't know what's wrong."

She followed behind, minding the endless cables that had turned the room into an electric jungle.

"Mr. Kline, may I please have a word with you?" she shouted, coming around the corner.

Jack was lying on the ground, unscrewing a metal plate.  "I'll be with you in a minute, Patty!"  He poked his head inside, then swore.  "I'll just disable the sensor for it.  We won't need it for the test."

"Mr Kline..."

"I'll just be a minute, honey." he said sweetly, and reached his hand inside.  She heard a crunching noise.

"Breaking things again?"  Patty was standing over him, glowering.  "You do realize that this will go in my report."

"Go right ahead, Patty.  I'll just put in MY report that this little operation saved us an hour of downtime for the low, low cost of a $50 component."

She glared at him.

"But enough pillow talk." he continued, "What's on your mind this time, Patty?"

"It's this purchase order for 15 kilograms of platinum."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Mr Kline, do you have any idea how much platinum costs?"

"Sure I do!  Why do you think I only ordered 15 kilos?"

This was why he was so infuriating!  "And you need this platinum because...?"

"I need it for the reasons I listed in the requirements document.  Look, Patty, this ain't a happy meal we're making here.  Quality counts if you want results."

"I'd hardly call moving a baseball 10 feet results." she said sarcastically.

"I know you wouldn't.  That's why I'm the scientist and you're the bean counter." he replied evenly.  "Now if you'll excuse me, some of us have work to do."  He turned around and strode casually towards an intern who was waving his hands wildly.

Ooooh!  He just made her so damn mad!

Patricia looked up at the towering machine.  It was much bigger - and much more expensive - than the previous prototype.  He'd had over a year to build it, and yet it still looked like a high school kid's electronics project.  Wires sprouted from it in every direction, clipped onto exposed connectors here and there.  One false step would probably bring the whole thing crashing down on their heads.

She stepped up onto the platform in the center,  where the lonely garbage can sat.  Filled with 500 apples, it was to be the first large scale experiment in transporting organic matter.

She hadn't mentioned it to anyone down below, but this place was in real financial trouble.  If this experiment failed, it could very well spell the end of the company altogether.  Just once, it would be nice to work somewhere with a sense of fiscal responsibility.  If she had her way, her first step would be to fire Jack Kline!

A siren whooped.  Suddenly everyone was in a panic.  "Everybody out!" shouted Jack.  "Emergency shutdown in 20 seconds!  EVERYBODY GET OUT!"

Patricia wheeled around and tried to run, tripped, and snagged her blouse on a jutting piece of metal.  She hung there, trying fruitlessly to free herself.  "Oh god!  I'm going to die!" she thought, as she kicked and struggled to get free.

Jack climbed up the side of the machine, shouting at her.  She couldn't hear what he was saying, and kept struggling.  His arms wrapped around her waist, and he began to pull.

Then something happened.

She was free.

She was falling.

The world was falling.

Everything was white and black, dark and light at the same time.

Time.... Time was stopped.  Was it stopped?  The stars stretched on for infinity... It hurt!  Oh it hurt so much!  She tried to scream...


The world swam back into focus.

Patricia was lying down.  An insect was buzzing near her face.  She waved it away.

She was outside!  How long had she been unconscious?  She stood up, and a sharp pain in her ankle sent her stumbling to her knees again.  She hoped it wasn't a sprain.

She looked around at the empty lot.  By the size of the wild grass, it had been this way for some time.  The street itself was devoid of life, weaving its way between equally empty and decrepit houses.

Now that's odd...  The garbage can was five feet away.  It had toppled over, spilling the apples onto the ground.  Jack was also nearby, still unconscious.

"Mr Kline!" she called.  "Jack!"

"I'm awake!"  he scrambled into a sitting position, looking around in wonder.  "What the hell?"

"We're outside." she said.

"Brilliant observation, Patty.  The question is..." he suddenly stared, wide eyed, at the apples.  "Oh... my... god... IT WORKED!"

"What worked?"

Jack was on his feet, dancing a ridiculous jig.  "It worked!  It worked!"  He turned to her.  "Don't you realize what this means?"

She stared at him blankly.

"No more cars!  No more airplanes!  We don't even need a space shuttle anymore!  Just step in the machine and POOF! You're there!  We've got a fucking teleporter!"

A teleporter.  A working teleporter!  They were rich!  Her worthless stock was suddenly worth millions!  She could hardly contain herself.  "A working teleporter!" she cried, and jumped to her feet.  With a hiss of pain, she fell to her knees again.

"Are you ok?"  Jack came over to her.

"Yeah.  I think I twisted it when we fell."

Jack looked around.  "I wonder how far we went?  I don't really recognize this place."  He turned to her and grinned.  "Still, I guess we're lucky it was dry land!"

He pulled out his phone, pushed a few buttons, and shook his head.  "Can't get a signal from here.  How about you?"

"I left my phone on my desk." she said.

"Well, we're not too far from the city center.  Think you can hobble along?"  He held out his hand.

Where did all this gallantry come from all of a sudden?  Still, she was in no position to refuse.  They made their way slowly down the street.

It took a full hour to reach the first of the tall buildings.  She'd been so preoccupied with her ankle that she hadn't noticed how out-of-place everything seemed.  The cars were all old, like they were in one of those nostalgia movies.  Masses of wires threaded along telephone poles, almost 15 to each.  And the clothes people were wearing...

Patricia looked more closely at the people.  What the... That woman...  Oh my god!  "Jack..."

Jack was engrossed in his phone.  "We've gotta be in the town center by now.  Why's there no goddam signal?"


Someone bumped into her, sending her sprawling onto the ground.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry!" said the man.  She took his hand as he helped her up.  "I wasn't really watching where I was going.  Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine." she replied.

"Say." said Jack.  "You don't happen to know where the nearest phone is, do you?"


"Telephone.  You know, big box, you put coins in and call someone?" he said, that familiar sarcasm creeping into his voice.

"Jack..." she warned.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean, sir."

"Jack, look around you!" she hissed.

He seemed to finally realize his surroundings.

"What the..."

"If you want, there's a police box around the corner there.  I'm sure they can help you."

"Uhh, thanks." said Patricia, pushing on Jack to move on.

"You guys aren't from around here, are you?"

"No, we're just passing through."  she said hurriedly.

"You know, you almost look like..."  His eyes suddenly went wide as his face turned red.

"You... You're a woman!"

"Last time I checked, yes." she said, getting annoyed.

"In pants!"


"Police!" he cried suddenly, and turned around running.  "Poliiiiice!"

Jack grabbed her hand and dragged her along into a nearby alley.  They crouched behind a large bin, waiting for the excitement to die down.

"I just don't understand why he ran away like that.  He seemed angry just to see me!"

"Maybe he's met you before." said Jack dryly.

She punched him in the shoulder.  "Ow!"

"Be serious, Jack!  Look at the cars, all the wires!  The way people dress!  It's like an old movie!  You don't think..."

"Time travel?"  He snorted.  "Ain't no such thing, darlin!"

"Then how do you explain all this?"

"I chalk it up to a big prank." he said.

"By whom?"

He was silent.  "I don't know.  But there's no way it's time travel!"

She stared out at the street, watching the ancient cars go by.  "It's a pretty elaborate prank, don't you think?  Must have cost a lot."

"Yeah, you'd know all about the cost, wouldn't you?"

"Hey!  I just want to see a fiscally responsible company, not some cowboy operation that spends itself into oblivion!"

"Then what the hell did you join with us for?" he snapped.

"I thought I could make a difference." she said weakly.

"Well you did, babe." he said, motioning around himself.  "You made a whole world of difference!"

The tears came unbidden.  Stranded and alone, she broke down.

"Hey... hey now don't start crying!" he said, startled.  "Hey come on!  It's just some prank, remember?"

"No it's not!" she cried shrilly.

"Hey come on..."  She felt his arm resting awkwardly on her shoulder.  She curled into him, not caring if it made him uncomfortable.  She needed something familiar, and she needed to cry.

When she pulled back gain, he smiled.  "Better?"

She nodded.

"Listen," he said, "I want to go scout around.  Check things out a bit.  Can you wait here for me?"

"No, don't!" she said suddenly, grabbing his arm.

"Patty...  Patricia.  We don't know why that guy freaked out, but it happened when he got a good look at you.  We got away, but we might not be so lucky next time."

"I... I don't want to be alone." she said miserably.

"I know." he said, "But we can't do anything until I find out what's going on.  He put his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes.  "Can you do this, please?  I don't want to risk you being caught.  You'll be safer if you stay hidden."

She hesitated, then nodded.

"Good.  I'll wander for a half hour, then come back.  Take this."  He handed her his phone.  "At least the clock still works.  I'll be back before 2:00"

She watched him go, wondering if he'd make it back alive.

He returned an hour later, his face grim.

"What?  What happened?"

He sighed.  "I don't know where to begin..."

"It's time travel, isn't it?" she said flatly.  "We're trapped in the past".

"No, we're not.  Time hasn't changed."  He looked at her.  "Have you ever heard of string theory?"

She shook her head.

"Well, it's basically a way of looking at the universe as fixed length 'strings' or actions rather than particles."  He saw her blank look and tried again.  "Ok, look.  The important thing is, string theory lets us work in higher dimensions.  You have length, width, breadth, time, and then a bunch of other dimensions on top of that."


"So... In order to teleport an object, you need to fiddle with it in a higher dimension.  To us, it would appear that it popped out of existence in one point, and appeared in another."

"So we time traveled." she said.

"No, even worse.  We reality-traveled."


"We're in a parallel universe.  The way it goes is that for every location in time, there is an infinite number of possibilities.  These possibilities make up the other universes.  Somehow the reality dimension in the stasis field shifted during teleport."

"I don't understand!  What does that mean?"

"It means we're stuck here unless we can find another machine to send us back."

"But everything looks okay, I mean if you were in 1920..."

"Yes, because we didn't drift that far out of our own reality.  The cars look about the same size as in our reality.  They also speak English, although the dialect is quite different in some areas.  But their progress has been stunted in this universe.  The telephone, which they call 'transvoc', or 'TV', was developed less than 10 years ago.  Their electrical systems are very primitive;  They've only just started using fuses.  I doubt they even have vacuum tubes.  I was hoping to get a look at their hospitals, but then there came another problem..."   He looked grim once again.

"What?" she asked worriedly.

"The women..."

"What about them?".

He looked at her, with pity in his eyes.  "In this reality, they're all slaves."

"No..." she said, panic rising again.  "No!  I want to go home!  This is all a sick joke!  I want to go home!" Patricia shrieked.


"No!  You stay away from me you goddam pervert!"

"Patricia I swear to you I'm not making this up!"

She started to back away from him.

"Look.  I... Give me my phone.  I can take pictures and show them to you if you like!"

She looked at his phone in her hands, and threw it at him.  "Stay the fuck away from me!"

"Quiet down there!" came an angry voice from above.

"Listen." he said, palms outstretched.  "I'm going now.  Just... Just stay here and I'll show you when I get back, okay?" he stammered.  "Just don't go running off.  Please?"

She made no reply, but stood her ground.  His shoulders sank as he turned and left.

This wasn't happening.  This couldn't be happening!  It was all just a bad nightmare.  She'd hit her head in the fall and was hallucinating!  She hugged her legs, rocking slowly.


Patricia woke to the sound of footsteps.  She'd cried herself to sleep earlier, huddled in a crevice in the wall.

She didn't want to believe him.  She didn't want to believe her eyes back then, before bumping into that man...  A woman, naked except for that... thing... she wore, as a man led her by a leash.

"Patricia!" came an urgent whisper.  "Patricia!  Are you here?"

She poked her head out, and waved him in urgently.

"I took some photos." he said, sitting down beside her.

"I knew." she said, staring at the ground.  "I saw a slave before we ran into that guy."

She turned to him.  "Oh, Jack!  What am I going to do?"

"Ordinarily, I'd say we should just get out of the city.  But we need money.  Their bank notes are different, and nobody's even heard of a credit card.  We're essentially broke.  We need to find food and shelter, and clothes too.  At least gold is worth something here."  He looked at her.

She looked down at her hands.  She wore two gold rings, one set with an aquamarine, and another rather ostentatious piece studded with diamonds.  It had been her grandmother's, and she only wore it to impress people at the office.

She took them off and handed them to him.

"What about the earrings?" he asked, then looked ashamed.  "Sorry.  I'm just trying to keep us alive."

"They're cubic zirconium." she said.

"I'm betting that nobody's heard of it here."

She took them off and handed them over as well.

He looked at them and nodded.  "Stay out of sight.  I'll be back soon."

He was gone for quite awhile, and the sun was nearly setting by the time he came back.

"Here.  Put these on." he said, tossing her a set of clothes.  He wore something similar.  "I got them at a thrift shop.  Not very stylish, but the price was right."

He stepped out of the alley while she changed.  "You'll have to put your hair up and wear a hat." he said.

"Why not just cut it short?"

"I tried cutting someone's hair once.  It wasn't a pretty sight.  We can't risk a barber, either."

They sat down again, and he fished around in a paper bag he was holding.  "I got us some dinner."  It was a simple meal, consisting of bread, sausage, and some cheese, but they both wolfed it down.  "I found something else out." he said as they ate, "We're currently living in the American Commonwealth."

"American what?"

"Commonwealth.  It comprises all of North and Central America, up to the great lakes."

"What?  No USA?"

"Nope.  In this reality, there was no American revolution.  They remained a British colony until 1952, when they seceded peacefully.  There's even a Prime Minister."

"What about the president?"

"Ain't no such thing."

"So do they use British Pounds?"

"American Pounds.  At .71 GBP to 1 ACP.  Oh, and this is New Glasgow, apparently one of the larger cities, situated along the coast of what would be South Carolina."

"But the teleporter was in Oregon!"

"Yeah.  Another glitch, it seems.  Any further and we'd have reappeared in the Atlantic somewhere.  Still, it's better than showing up in solid rock."  He yawned.  "We should sleep here tonight.  I found a hostel not far from here, but it's full tonight.  We also need another cash source if we're going to stay there long."

They got ready to sleep.  He'd prepared for that as well, with two heavy blankets.  It wasn't very comfortable sleeping on the stone alleyway, and the night was chilly, but at least the blankets were warm.

She lay awake for some time.  "Jack?"


"Will we ever get back?"

"Sure, we will."

"But you said it was primitive here."

"Yeah, but I know how to build another machine."  He didn't sound very convinced of it.



"Please don't leave me."  She was crying again.

"I'm not gonna leave you.  We'll stick this one out together.  OK?"

"Ok." she sniffled.

The next morning, they rolled up their blankets and hid them behind the bin.  Jack took her straight to the hostel.  She wanted to explore a bit, but he vetoed the plan.  "Any exposure is bad.  You'll fool someone at 20 feet, but I doubt you can fool anyone at 5 feet for long."  She kept her face down, and stared away from everyone as Jack negotiated a room.

"I want no noise, and no alcohol, y'hear?" said the crotchety old man at the counter.

"Yes, sir." said Jack, ushering Patricia down the hall.  Her ankle was feeling better today, and she was able to walk almost normally.

Once inside the tiny room, he locked the door and sighed as he sat heavily on one of the cots.

"Well, we made it!" she said happily.


"You don't sound too happy."

"I'm just realizing how dangerous this is." he said with another sigh.

"What do you mean?  Hardly anyone even looked at us!"

"This time." he said.  "But every time you're seen, there's another chance you'll be discovered."  He looked at her.  "You're going to have to stay inside all the time.  You'll get cabin fever something awful.  Can you do it?  If it gets to be too much, we'll think of something else."

"I'll try." she said.


Jack was gone the entire day.  Patricia remained in the room, sleeping or staring at the walls.  There were no books to read, and nowhere to go.  "This is worse than prison!" she thought to herself bitterly.

As the day wore on, she started to feel hungry.  She hadn't eaten since the night before, and it made her irritable.

A knock came at the door.  "Room search!" said a gruff voice from outside.  She kept very still.  A key rattled in the lock.  She leapt up and ran for the door, which slammed into her, knocking her down.

"There, I tol' ya someone was in dere!" said the small man to the larger.  "Why didncha open up, mate?" he said, giving her a kick.

"I was..." she said, then quickly switched to a lower voice.  "I was sleepin'" she said, trying to sound uncouth.

"Well sleepin don't pay the bills, boy!"  The larger one laughed.  A low, belly laugh that betrayed the intelligence of a floorboard.  "You ain't got now alkeehol in here, do ya boy?"

"No." she said.

"No contraband?"


"Don't gimme no lip boy!  You ain't got no devil weed?"


He looked disappointed, but tossed the mattresses just the same.  "Y'know there's a fee for this service."

"My friend's got all our money right now." she said quickly.

"Friend, eh?"  The two grinned at each other.  "Well tell your 'friend' that there's a 10p fee for room search service.  For two people that's 20p but since I'm such a nice guy, I'll let it go for 15p.  You got that, boy?"

"Yeah." she said, staring at the floor.

"That's a good boy.  As it stands now, yer late on yer first payment.  I'll let it slide this time, but don't be late tomorra!"  The dumb one laughed again as they filed out of the room.  She sat on the floor, shivering.

When Jack returned after dark with some more food, she told him what had happened.  His face turned grey.  "And they just left after that?"


"You're sure they didn't look at you?"

"They did, but I kept my head down.  I doubt they suspect anything.  What are we going to do?"

"Pay them, of course!  And hope they don't try to up the ante!  Actually, I have an idea..."  He left for awhile, and came back with a pack of cigarettes.  "Give him his money, then tell him that you found these under the bed.  Hopefully we can keep the goodwill up until we get enough cash together for a better place.  Incidentally, I got a job today."

"Really?  Where?"

"It's at a textile factory, sweeping floors.  The pay's bad, but it's better than nothing.  Plus, it's all under the table."

"So you'll be gone every day then."

"Every day except Sunday."

She was silent for some time.

"I know you're bored all day." he said.  "I'll try to find some books somewhere."

"Won't that eat into the money?"

"Yeah, but it's better than going insane, now isn't it?"

She smiled.  "Thanks."

"Hey, we're in this together, right?"

"I know it'd be easier if you just went on your own."  Oh god, now I've done it.  The floodgates opened once again.

"Hey!  I'm not gonna leave you, alright?"

She couldn't help herself.  She sobbed, shaking uncontrollably.  He sat on her bunk and put his arm around her.  "I'm not leaving you." he said again.  She leaned against him until the tears faded.

The next morning, the "room search" guys came back, as promised.  She gave them 30p, along with the cigarettes that she'd "found" under the bed.  "Looks like we miss'd it de oder day." he said with a sly grin.  "Good to see yer keepin a sharp eye out, boy!"  They seemed more amicable after that, especially since she always managed to find some more contraband every day in the most unlikely places.

Jack also managed to scrounge up a few books, for which she was eternally grateful.

The week was almost at an end, and soon they'd have their day together.  She decided to take a bath before he came home.  He'd warned her against it, and she'd taken sponge baths all week.  But surely it was alright!  The door to the bath had a lock, and the place was unusually quiet since everyone went out drinking before the sabbath.  She poked her head out into the hall.  Deserted.  Quickly, she scurried into the room at the end and closed the door.

The woes of the past week seemed to melt away as she luxuriated in the hot bath.  It's amazing how such a simple thing can mean so much!  She'd almost forgotten where she was when the unthinkable happened.  The door opened suddenly, and a man walked in.  He was just as startled as she was, and fell backwards as she screamed and pulled herself out of the tub.

Run, dammit!

She sprinted down the corridor.  "Jack!" she screamed.  She tumbled down the stairs, knocking two lodgers out of the way as she ran, naked and wet, into the street.  Cars screeched to a halt and honked as she streaked past, down the road, and into the alley.  Quickly, she pulled out the blankets and threw them over herself, hoping that nobody had seen.  There was some commotion out in the street, but it soon passed.  She remained very still, shivering under her cover.

Footsteps!  She held very still.

"Patricia!" came an urgent voice.  The blanket was pulled back.  She screamed, then realized it was Jack.

"I didn't think it would last." he said, as they huddled out of sight.  "There's just too much that could go wrong!"

After a long silence, he spoke again.  "There is one other way to hide you." he said.  "It's almost foolproof, but you probably won't like it."

"What?" she asked.

"Umm.. well.."

"What?" she demanded.

"Well, we could disguise you as a... slave."

There was an awkward silence, and then he started to babble.  "It's safer than what we've done so far, and once I get enough money for better privacy..."  his voice trailed off.

"Do you want me to do it?" she asked.

"What?  Well it's not that I WANT you to... it's..."

"If you think it's the best way, I'll do it." she said.

"It's just for a little while... Oh, and, um, you'll have to stay in... um... a kennel."

"A kennel!?  What the hell does that mean?  I'm not a dog!"

"Patricia, please!  I'm not too keen on it either, but..."

"But it's easy to suggest it since it's not you who has to stay in one!"

"Patricia, I know it sounds bad, but it's a lot better than..."

"Than what?"

"Never mind.  Forget I said it."

"Now you've really got me worried.  Better than what?"

He sighed.  "In this world, if a woman wears men's clothing, she's put to death."

"What!?  What kind of stupid law is that?"

"It doesn't matter how stupid it is, it's the law.  That's why that man freaked out at us last week!  If the cops had come, you'd be dead, and I'd be in jail."

"But... But that's insane!"

"Insane or not, it's the reality we're facing right now.  I'm willing to give it another try with the disguises, but it's a serious risk."

She mulled it over.  "So I'd be paraded about naked?"

"Women are allowed very little clothing, if any at all."

"In a collar?"

"They have to be properly secured while in public."

"Jeez, you're starting to sound like you approve of it!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean saying things like 'properly secured'.  It's just a euphemism for chained up!"

"I'm sorry." he said.  "It's not an easy thing to talk about."

She stared at her feet.

"We don't have to decide tonight." he said.  "Tomorrow's my day off, so we can just stay right here if you want."

She wrapped herself tightly in the blankets and turned away.  Jack propped himself up against the wall.  Soon, she drifted into an uneasy sleep.


When she woke the next morning, she was alone.

"Jack?" she called.  No answer.

Had something happened?  Had he left her?  She suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable, alone and naked save for the two blankets.  There was nowhere to go, nowhere to get money or food.  "Oh god, did he leave me?" she thought as panic set in.

Footsteps.  Someone was coming!  She hid under the blankets.

The man stopped near her and sat down.  Was it Jack?  She didn't dare try to look.  She remained there in silence, too afraid to move despite the growing pain from lying against the hard ground.

Had he gone?  No, she would have heard him.  Maybe she'd imagined it?  She carefully turned over.

"You awake?"

She screamed.

"Hey! It's me!"

She looked over the blanket to see him staring down at her.

"Oh god, I don't know how long I can take this!" she thought.  She forced a smile and sat up.

"You were still asleep, so I figured I'd get some breakfast."  It was bread, sausage, and cheese again.  Jack made no mention of last night's conversation.

Their bellies full, they leaned against the wall.  She pulled the blankets close around her to stave off the morning chill.



"Do you really think it's the best way?"


"The kennel thing.  Is that the best way?"

"It's the best way I can think of right now." he said.

They both stared out at the street.  "Then I'll do it."

Patricia started having second thoughts as he laid out the metal restraints.  "Those look pretty heavy." she said uncertainly.

"They're the lightest I could find." he said.  "I went to four different shops around town.  This is the best to be had here."

Her resolve had begun to wane shortly after he went shopping this morning.  Now it was at an all-time low.  "I'm not sure if I can go through with this..."

He sighed, and sank to the ground.

"I wish you'd have said something before I spent half a day running all over town.  These things really ate into our funds."

"I'm sorry... I just..."

"Look.  You're either going to, or you're not." he said irritably.  "If you're not, I can try to return them and maybe get some of the money back... I dunno..."


"Yes or no, Patty!" he snapped.

She was taken aback.  "Is that a threat, Jack?"

His face softened, and he dropped his eyes.  "No.  Sorry."  He started to wrap up the implements.  "I'm just tired and frustrated at our situation.  I didn't mean to take it out on you.  We'll find some other way."

"Wait.  This isn't easy for me, you know."

"I know.  Frankly, I'm not sure if I'd go through with it if our roles were reversed."

The thought of him... being...  She burst out laughing.


"Just the thought of you being led around by a leash!"

He chuckled.  "Yeah, that'd be weird, wouldn't it?"

"And this isn't?"


"Let's do it" she said, and turned her back to him.  She hesitated as she lowered the blanket.  She was going to be paraded around naked!  Steeling her resolve, she let the blanket fall from her shoulders.  The morning breeze swept across her naked skin.  "Well?"

"Uh... yeah..." he said.  "Ok, hands behind your back."

She did so and felt the cold metal slide along her arms.  The device was made up of a metal collar attached to a shaft.  Halfway down were two metal loops that her arms fed through, and a pair of manacles at the bottom.  She shivered as the cold metal touched her neck.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's just a bit cold."


She felt the collar close around her neck, and click as it locked into place.

He took her wrist and fitted it inside the manacle.  Click!  Now the other.  Click!  With her arms pinned behind her back, she felt incredibly vulnerable.  He could do anything to her!  A thrill ran down her spine.

"Ok, that's the main part.  Now the mouth piece..."

She felt her cheeks burn as he came around and saw her exposed.  If he was aroused, it didn't show through the look of grim determination on his face.  He held a metal u-shape with a hard black ball in the middle.  She opened her mouth and let him push it in.  It was heavy in her mouth, and filled it completely.  He went behind her and fiddled with something, until the gag was securely in place.  "How's that?" he asked.

"Heighs eirr." she mumbled.

"Too tight?"

She shook her head.

"Ok.  You're not allowed to speak or make any noise once we're out there, so let me know now."

She shook her head again.

"Ok, you'll have to stand up for the belt-thing."

"haqhigi el."


She shook her head again.  How could he not know what a chastity belt was?

He fitted it around her waist, the metal strip running from her crotch up behind her.  "uooo.  uh uh!  uh uh!"


"arau!  agha wei!"  she twisted her hips.

"Huh?  Oh!  Other way?"


He reversed it, so that the protector ran up the front.  Then locked it in place from behind with a padlock.

"How's that?" he asked.

She moved around a bit.  It was heavy, but bearable.  A dribble of drool ran down her chin.  She tried to suck it back in and close her mouth more tightly around the gag.  He brushed it away with his hand.  Oh god this was so humiliating!

"Ok, I got you some shoes, too."

Shoes?  They were a pair of 3-inch jobbies that only a prostitute would wear.

She tried to sit down, when something pulled fiercely against her pubic hair.


"What?  What's wrong?" he said worriedly.

"Ich pughh uh haigh".  She looked down and tried futilely to point.

"Oh!  Come to think of it, every woman I've seen has that part shaved.  Guess we'll have to do the same."

He pushed on her shoes.  Of course, they locked into place with a thick leather strap and padlock.  He helped her to her feet again.

"You look kinda wobbly.  We'll go slowly."  He looked her up and down and she just died inside.  "You ready?"

She nodded quickly.

"Ok.  Remember, don't say anything at all, or we'll have trouble."

How could she say anything with this gag in her mouth?  She was drooling uncontrollably now.  It glistened as it ran down her exposed breasts.  He gave a reassuring smile as he attached her leash, then led her out into the street.

She stared down at her feet, trying to concentrate on walking in heels rather than her exposure to the people around her.  Her legs wobbled with every step, and it didn't help that her arms were bound behind her back.  The leash started to pull herder on her collar.


Jack turned around and gave her a warning look, then put his finger to his lips.   He did slow down, though.  They passed from sidewalk to sidewalk.  When a car honked suddenly, she almost jumped out of her skin.  Jack waved his apologies to the irate driver and tugged at her leash as she stumbled after him.

"Remember:  Not a word." he whispered.  She looked up from her feet to see the door open as he ushered her through.  There were two men in front of them, each with a similarly bound woman.  The women stared in silence at the ground as the men negotiated.  She did the same.

"Yes, sir!  What can I help you with?"

"I'd like her shaved, please." said Jack.

"Holy moley!" said the proprietor.  "That's a hell o' a mop she got there, begging yer pardon, sir!"

"Yeah, I don't usually take her out much.  You know how it is."

"Weeell... If you leave 'er here I can do 'er at 3 o'clock or so."

3:00?  That's two hours from now!

"Isn't there any way you can do it now?" asked Jack.

"Sorry, sir!  Sunday's our busiest day."

"Well, maybe I'll come back later then."

"Wouldn't advise it, sir.  We's the only licensed groomers this side of town besides MacArthur's, and I knows for a fact that he been booked solid this week.  You could try for an unlicensed place if you're really in a hurry, but I wouldn't advise it."

"Why not?"

"Well, uh, you know... They, uh, tend to act indecent with peoples property, if you know what I mean, sir.  Beggin yer pardon, sir."

"I see.  And this place is different?"

"Of course, sir!" he said with a wounded look.  "It's a licensed shop, sir!"  He pointed to a framed paper on the wall, written with too many flourishing letters.

Oh god, please don't leave me alone here!  "uun."

Both the shopkeeper and Jack stared at her.

"I do hope she's trained, sir..." said the man slowly.

"Oh, yes.  She just has some gas today." said Jack hurriedly.

"Sorry to hear that, sir." said the shopkeeper, eying her suspiciously.

"So it has to be 3:00 then?" said Jack, returning to the subject.

"Yes, sir.  Canna do it before then."

"Fine.  How much is it?"

"85p, sir!"

Jack stopped.  "Did you say 85?"

"Sir!  This is a licensed shop, sir!  I also have reason to fear for my staff, sir, seein' as she got no tattoo.  But as you've said, sir, she been trained, so I'm willin' ta give you the benefit of the doubt.  Beggin yer pardon, sir."

"Yes." said Jack, eying the man, "Thank you so much."

"If you like, sir," pressed the man, "I'm also licensed to give her a tattoo, provided she's properly trained, of course!"

"Oh, she's properly trained, all right." said Jack coolly.

"So you say, sir, but I, as I said, run a professional licensed operation, sir.  I'm afraid I'd havta ask a bit of o' premium to, ah, cover legal duties."

Jack sighed.  "And how much will this cost?"

"Well let's see.. Ink costs, plus chair time and legal expenses, paper... About 2 quid?"

Jack slammed the coins down on the desk.  "Fine!" he said, and turned to go.

"Oh sir!  One more thing, sir!"

Jack wheeled around.

"Your key, sir.  Can't shave 'er without the key!"

Jack, with a look of alarm, began to feel through his pockets.  Then, he remembered, and took a keyring out of the bag he'd been carrying.  He tossed them to the shopkeeper and left.

The groomer stared at her, looking her up and down.  She stared at her feet.

"Well, aren'tcha the bashful one!"  A hand grabbed her by the breast and pulled her forward.  "You're quite the handful, aren'tcha?"  He whistled as he pulled her, stumbling, down the hall, then opened a door.  She stumbled and fell as he pushed her in and closed the door behind her.

It was a small, bare room, save for the occupants.  Four women lay curled on the floor, meekly awaiting their turn.  There was a half-full water dish in one corner, and a foul smelling basin in the other.  She was thirsty from saliva loss, but she couldn't bring herself to drink from a dog dish.  Instead, she sat down, leaning against the wall.  That soon became uncomfortable, as the metal bar connected to her manacles pushed the collar up, digging it into her neck.  She eventually abandoned the idea, and lay on the floor like the others.

The time passed slowly, and she began to fret.  What if something happened to Jack?  Would she be left under the hand of this disgusting man?  She was property now.  She had no say in what happened to her.  For the first time, she was really afraid.  She tried to curl up, but her bonds would not allow it.  She lay on her side, awaiting her own fate.

One-by-one, the other women were taken out.  Two more came in and lay on the floor.  She watched one go to the water dish and drink sloppily through her gag.  The door opened, and the shopkeeper strode in.  "Get up!" he said, kicking her.  She struggled to get up, fell back down twice, then managed to sit up.

Carefully, she tried to balance her way up, her feet wobbling.  He pushed her back down.  "You'll go barefoot.  You need a wash anyway." he said, and unlocked her shoes.  He grabbed her collar and dragged her painfully to her feet.  She stumbled after him across the hall into a shower stall.

He removed her chastity belt, then fetched a nearby brush and turned the water on.  She yelped as a stream if ice cold water poured down on her.  SMACK!  The brush impacted painfully with her ass.  "QUIET!" he shouted.

He dipped the long-handled brush into a bucket.  The bristles were hard, and scraped her everywhere as he brushed her down from head to toe.  Spinning her around, he did her backside as well.  He then soaped his hand up and pulled her to him, rubbing it in her crotch, poking at her anus, pushing into her vagina.  She was crying, but if she made a sound, he didn't notice.  He gave her another once-over with the brush.  Her skin felt raw.

"Right!" he said, pulling her out.  He took and old rag and began to dry her off, giving extra attention to her breasts.  "I bet yer master likes 'em perky." he said as he fondled her.  "So do I." he said with a grin.  His grin suddenly faltered.  "But this is a licensed shop." he said finally.  "Come!" he said, and strode out of the room and into the main parlor.  She followed closely behind.

She almost made the mistake of breathing a sigh of relief as he removed her manacle/collar restraint.  Her arms ached from such a long confinement.  "On the chair." he ordered.

She obeyed, pliantly allowing him to push her back and apply the restraints.  She soon sat, legs spread wide, and arms above her head, unable to move an inch.  He laid a hot, damp towel on her pussy and over har armpits, then took what looked like a mug and began stirring its contents.

Removing the towels from her armpits, he lathered them up and took out a straight razor.  She tensed up.  "Don't go squirming around now.  That's how you getcherself cut."  He moved in.  She held her breath as she felt the blade run across her skin.  She didn't even like safety razors.  This just made her feel sick to the stomach.  He worked with expert precision, and soon her armpits were clean-shaven. He then moved on to the worst part.

She was helpless to stop him as he lathered up her pubic hair, then brought the razor into play.  She fought the urge to vomit as the blade cut a clean path, leaving exposed skin behind.  Carefully, he removed all trace of hair, feeling along her skin with his rough fingers as he checked for any missed spots.  She could have just died from the humiliation.  Satisfied, he turned the chair so that her side was towards him.

She could see him fiddling with something cylindrical, which he brought to her thigh.  A sudden sharp pain caused her to jump.  Smack!  He slapped her thigh.  "Hold still!"

The sensation resumed.  It would have been okay if he'd just moved on, but he seemed to be poking the same area over and over again.  She clamped down on the gag and endured what seemed an eternity of torment.

"Is she done?"

It was Jack, standing in the doorway.  A gush of relief flowed through her.

"Almost done, sir!" said the man.  She put on a brave face as he finished up, then applied a sticky substance and a gauze bandage.  "Wash it lightly with soap tomorrow morning, and try to keep it from getting dirty." he said, as he released her from the chair and reapplied her bonds.  Her arms protested as they were contorted back into their prison.  Her shoes were locked into place, and then he presented her to owner.  The shopkeeper pointed to her vagina.  "Good?"

"Yes, thanks."  The man locked her chastity belt on, and handed Jack the keys.  Jack turned to go.

"I'm assuming, sir, that you'll be needing licensing papers as well?"

He stopped.  "Yeah." he said slowly.

"I figured as much, so I took the liber'y o' preparing some for yea."

"Thanks...  And how much will this cost?"

"Oh, nothing, sir!  It's part o' the licensing service!  It's just that most people already have their paperwork done, you see.  If ye'll just put yer name here and her name here..."

He wrote his name on one section, and then "Patty" on the other.  The man looked them over, then stamped them.  "Here ye are, sir!  Good as gold!  She's licensed now, so ye'll pay a much lower fee anywhere ye go, but be careful not to lose yer papers this time."

"Yeah." said Jack.  "Yeah, I'll be more careful with them this time."  They left the store, leaving the smiling shopkeeper behind.

She hobbled after him as he led her by the leash once again.  When they reached a quieter area, he spoke to her.  "You're not allowed inside restaurants or stores, so I'm going to get some food at the market instead.  I found out a lot of stuff today."  As they approached another busy street and he fell silent again.

Eventually, they stopped in front of a store with a big white sign bearing the ever-original name "Henry's Market".  There were five hitching posts out front, three of them occupied.  She'd seen some earlier when they'd been walking, and felt sorry for the poor women chained to them.  Now she would join them.

Jack surreptitiously inspected one of the other women, then placed Patricia up against the post.  There were various bolts at neck level.  He chose one and passed a padlock between it and her collar.  He located two small quick-release clips at the base, and attached them to the small metal D-rings on the backs of her shoes.  Giving her a slight nod, he went inside.

Her collar was riding up, forcing her head straight.  She couldn't avoid seeing the leering stares of passers-by.  She felt so degraded!  Jack seemed to be adjusting okay, she thought, but what kind of life was there for her?

She caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye.  Two young boys were creeping closer.  The larger of the two took a quick look around, then waved to his accomplice.  Both scurried up to her feet.  The larger one drew out a popsicle stick.


She tried to move out of the way as he brought it towards the slot in her chastity belt.  He reached in behind and jabbed it painfully into her anus.

She yelped, but quickly choked it off.  Was it alright to make noise in this situation?  She didn't want to risk it.  The boy smiled, then brought the stick back to her pussy, carefully pushing it inside her.

She wanted to die.

He began pulling it out, then pushing it in again, while the other boy stifled a giggle.  She felt every inch as he violated her with impunity.  Tears filled her eyes.

"Hey you kids!" a man shouted.  The bigger boy dropped the stick and ran for it, with his accomplice close on his heels.  "Next time I catch you, you'll get the hiding of your lives!" the man shouted futilely.  She stared down at the stick that had penetrated her, and her eyes blurred again.  What have I become?

By the time Jack returned, she'd managed to stop crying.  He took a look at her and stopped.  "What's wrong?" he asked, alarmed.  How could he even ask that?  Everything was wrong.  She was standing, naked and bound to a post, and had just been sodomized by a kid!  The tears came again, but she fought them down.  He quickly released her from her standing prison.  "Let's find some place private."

He led her towards a boardwalk some distance away.  She walked barefoot along the beach until they found a less populated spot.  Jack gave a quick look around, then unlocked her gag.  As he tried to pull it out, she realized that her mouth wouldn't open!  "Ah cah geh ahch!" she cried.

Jack, puzzled, started pulling harder, until her jaw painfully opened enough for it to scrape past her teeth.  That hurt like hell!  She tried moving her stiff jaw around.

She'd expected him to finish the job, but instead he sat back and started rooting through the bag of groceries.  "Umm.. my arms?"

"Can't do that here.  Someone will notice."  He was avoiding looking at her.  "Actually, it's illegal to remove your gag in public too, but they tend to not enforce that so much on the beach."

"Then let's go back to the alley." she said.

"That's not safe, either." he said.  We've been very lucky so far.  I found out earlier that they have a big problem with muggers at night."

"So how long do I have to stay like this, then?  It fucking hurts, Jack!"

"You'll get used to it."

She stared at him, dumbfounded.  He seemed to catch himself.  "Uh, I mean..."

"Oh, I got your meaning all right.  Are you happy to have your own slave now, Jack?  Or would you prefer 'Master'?"

"No, I didn't mean it that way..."

"Then how did you mean it, Master?  I'm confused cause I'm just a stupid fucking girl!"

"Keep your voice down!" he hissed.

"Oh, right, keep my voice down.  I'll me a good little slave, Master!"

"Dammit!"  He put his hand over her mouth, and they both struggled until she fell

backwards in the sand, his hand held over her mouth.

"Pull yourself the fuck together!"  He looked around himself.  "Shit!  Cops!"  He grabbed the gag, now covered with sand, and shoved it violently into her mouth.  Terrified, she accepted it, and he quickly locked it into place.  He then hauled her up into a sitting position.

"What's going on here, then?"

"Uhh nothing, officer.  She just fell over."

"Didn't look like that to me." said one of them.  "Looked a lot like making out in public."

"No, sir!" said Jack matter-of-factly.

"I sure hope not."  said the other cop.  "Be a shame to have her confiscated."

"I'll keep that in mind." said Jack sweetly.

They waited in silence until the cops were out of sight.  Jack looked about again, then removed her gag.

"I'm sorry." she said, tears streaming down her face.

"No, I shouldn't have said what I said.  You've got it worse than anybody could.  I'm amazed you kept it together for so long!"

"Oh Jack!"  She fell towards him, and he caught her, pulling her close.

"I was s-so scared!" she blubbered.  "I started thinking... what if you just left me and.."

"Hey don't talk like that!  We already settled this, didn't we?  I'm not going to leave you!"  He held her and she cried.  Cried away the shame, the humiliation, the hurts, until she was just little Patricia, resting in strong arms.  After awhile, she sat up again.

"Feeling better?" asked Jack, wiping her tears away.


"Good, cause I'm starving."

"So am I." she grinned.

He gave her some of the milk to wash the sand out of her mouth, then started cutting up some cured ham and bread and apples into small pieces, which he fed to her.  About a quarter of it fell on the ground because they were giggling so much over the ridiculousness of it all.

In a way, being completely exposed to Jack made her feel freer with him than with anyone else.  There was nothing left to hide from him.  He took her as she was.

Their repast finished, he washed her gag in the surf and put it back in place, filling her mouth with the sea's saltiness.

They headed back into the heart of the city, until they came to a kennel.  She stared up at the sign over the door, wishing she didn't have to go inside.  If only there were some way to stay with Jack tonight...  The thought of being alone scared her to death.  She kept herself collected as Jack negotiated her incarceration.  As she was led away, she looked back at him.  He seemed more lost than she was.

Her handler removed her bonds and placed them in a box.  He then led her to a tiled area.  "Down." he ordered, as he put on some rubber boots.  She squatted, waiting.  He came over, and gently pushed her forward, until she was on all fours.  He then repositioned her to the center.

This time, she was washed using a soapy sponge.  He was very meticulous, careful not to get soap in her eyes, careful to get the hard spots underneath her chastity belt.  Once finished, he toweled her off and led her to the furnace.  "Dry your hair." he said, and left.

She did as best she could, but her hair was long and didn't dry easily.  When he came back, he led her to another long room, filled with about 20 small cages, most of them occupied.  One of them, open, had a wooden sign marked "Patty".  "Inside." he said.  She crawled inside, and the door slammed shut behind her.

It felt good to have her arms free again, although they hadn't removed her chastity belt.  The cage itself was small; barely high enough to crouch in, and she couldn't stretch out very easily.  She took a drink from her water bowl.  Fortunately, she didn't have to wear a gag in here.

Next, she looked at the basin in the other corner. It was tricky to get into position, but she finally got it, breathing a sigh of relief as she squatted and filled the basin.  There was a smaller container of water next to it, which she used to clean up with before lying down again.

Exhausted, she soon drifted off to sleep.


She was woken the next morning by an employee.  "Wake up, Patty!  Time for your breakfast!"  She looked up sleepily as he slid a dish through a low opening in the bars.  It looked like dog food, and didn't smell much better.  She looked around at the other girls, who were happily eating, face planted in the bowl.  She did the same.

The taste was barely tolerable.  She'd only managed to get a few bites down before some got up her nose, and the smell filled her nostrils, making her nauseous.  She ate anyway, knowing it was all she'd get.  A neatly folded, wet rag was sitting nearby, which she used to clean her face.  She then made use of the basin once more.

The other girls around her were finishing up their morning routine, then laying back down again.  That's it?  Just eat and sleep in this tiny cage?  This was going to be worse than the hostel!  She wanted so desperately to talk to one of the other girls; she had so many questions to ask.

She waited for one of them to look her way, and whispered:  "Hey.  How long have you been here?"  The girl gave her a puzzled look, then lay down.  Patricia tried again with another girl, and got the same result.

It made sense, really.  She hadn't seen any free women or girls of any age at all.  They were probably taught to be slaves right from the start.  This wasn't right!  Parallel universe or no, slavery isn't right!  There had to be some way to get through to these poor souls...

Nothing to do.... Nothing to do...  Patricia lay in her cage, contemplating her life.  Why had she and Jack fought so much before?  He seemed completely different from the irresponsible jerk she thought she knew.  Maybe they'd just gotten off on the wrong foot?

People thought she was cold, but that wasn't her.  She needed that persona or people wouldn't listen to her.  She wanted to help; to give people that boost they needed to succeed.  Auditing seemed a good way to push people onto the right track. In retrospect, maybe she should have done something else.  She'd have avoided all the stress, for one.  Maybe gotten married.  And she certainly wouldn't have ended up here, alone and naked; a slave in a cage.

Was there even any hope of getting back?  How could you build a teleporter using 80 year old technology?  She dozed.

The cage rattled as her door opened.  "Out." said the voice.  She crawled out and followed the man into another room.  Without a word, he began to put her into her outdoor bonds.  Four other women stood by waiting.  Her muscles began to ache again as they were forced back into their contorted positions.  Her jaw muscles protested, but finally accepted the gag, and soon it was locked into place.  The man took the 5 leashes and led the girls outside.

They toured around the city, a small pack of naked flesh for the enjoyment of passers-by.  She was still wobbly, but she managed to keep up with the rest.

They toured through most of the local parks, and were given "roaming time", where they could go anywhere they wanted so long as they remained within eye contact.

The walk lasted about an hour, after which they were herded back into their cages, where all but Particia slept until lunch was served (it was pretty much the same thing as breakfast).  She dozed a little, and soon it was time for another walk.

The afternoon followed pretty much the same route, only this time the kids were out of school.  They would sneak up, slap her on the ass, then run away laughing.  The more adventurous boys would tweak a nipple if they could get close enough, all while her caretaker screamed bloody murder at them.  Patricia almost broke down crying from the humiliation, but she choked back her tears.  She had to endure it for Jack's sake.

Later, she lay in her cage, wiling away the hours.  Perhaps eventually she'd get used to it, and be able to sleep as much as the other girls.  Now, however, the boredom was unbearable.

"Hi, Patty."  Jack!  She almost forgot herself and said it out loud.  Instead, she turned to him and smiled.  The caretaker unlocked the cage and she crawled out to meet Jack.

"Let's get you out of here." he said, and they went to fetch her outdoor bonds.

"So how was the kennel?" asked Jack, after feeding her a few morsels.

"Boooooooring!" she complained.

"What do you do all day?"

"I lay in that tiny cage!"

"What?  That's it?"

"Well, they take us for walks twice a day."  She decided not to tell him about the kids.

"How long's that for?"

"I dunno.. an hour maybe?"

"What if I got you some more books?"

"I doubt that would fly." she said glumly.  "Slaves don't read.  I'm beginning to wonder if they can even speak."

"I've never heard one speak, myself."

They both sat in the sand, eating their meal.  "I found out why this world's so fucked up." he said finally.

She looked at him questioningly.

"Plague." he said.


"Some kind of plague that hits every 150-160 years.  It can incubate in humans for up to two weeks.  It then attacks the uterus, rendering the woman sterile, and usually kills her in the process."

"And that brought the world to this?" she said, shaking her metal bonds.

"In a way, yes.  It's highly contagious, and can be carried by male or female, although males show no symptoms.  It has a 90% sterility rate, and a 75% death rate."


"So, think of the implications!  Now 75% of males are without a mate.  That's 3 of every 4 men!  Of the remaining women, more than half are sterile!"  He leaned forward.  "Think about it.  What happens when nature decides that only 1 in 4 men can have a mate?"

"War." she said softly.

"Yes, war!  Terrible war!  But that's only the beginning!  With 3/4 of the women gone, you'd have to conquer a territory three times your size to bring things back into balance.  To accomplish that would be nothing short of miraculous.  Cities that had their women carried off were essentially dead.  There'd be nothing left for the survivors but to turn to banditry."

"And that still doesn't deal with the 99% of cities that don't equalize their male/female ratio.  Even if they could reach 50% - which they couldn't - the civil unrest would tear the society apart!"  He looked off to the sea.  "In a way, this was inevitable.  Women quickly became possessions, and were taken by men whether they liked it or not.  Men feared for their woman, that she'd be raped and bear another's child, or that she'd be kidnapped."

"However, if a society were to institutionalize a system whereby women were bound and chaste at all times while outdoors, with hitching posts to thwart would-be thieves, a balance would be reached between the haves and the have-nots."

"In what way?" she asked.

"With a 1:10 ratio of police to citizen, you can keep any populace under control that isn't overtly rebellious.  So long as they institutionalized it between outbreaks, it would be possible to maintain after the disaster strikes.  Everyone would know what to expect.  Everyone would have an even chance of losing a mate.  It's not a nice solution, but it's the one they came up with to deal with the wrath of nature, and it works well enough that society doesn't collapse."

"For the men." she said.

"For the women, too!  Tell me, would you rather be bound to one man, your 'master' if you will, or would you rather live in fear of rape and kidnapping all your life?  Because it's a very real threat!  There aren't any nations that I could find that didn't adopt a similar strategy, and are at the same time doing well today."

"So it's either be raped by one man or raped by many, then."

"What?  No! I just said..."

"The woman doesn't have a choice, right?"

"Well, no..."

"Well, what would you call that, other than rape then?"

"Let me counter that with another question:  Would you rather live in a society where you can count on your personal safety, and you can count on there always being food and shelter and such?  Or would you rather live in a war zone?  Because that's what's happened to any societies who didn't adopt this system."

She mulled this over.  "So when's the next plague due?"

"They just had one 40 years ago, so we don't have anything to worry about.  There's also an industrial boom going on right now, which brings me to another matter:  Their patent system is not much different from our own.  It's more restrictive, but I think I can swing it.  I've already got a few drafts written up."

"For what?"

"The Vacuum tube for one."

"What?  You didn't invent that!"

"Says who?  I know how they work.  I know how they're built!"

"But you didn't INVENT it!  You're stealing somebody else's idea!"

"How can I be?  Who's to say they'll even be invented here!  Besides, it's not like I'm traveling into the past to steal.  It's still the present!  Fair game!"

"No it's not!  You're taking away the invention from someone who could be developing it right now for all we know!  What about him?"

"In the reality where we didn't show up, he'd invent it."

"And here?"

"I'll invent it.  Look, Patty..."


"Patricia will you listen to me please?"

She watched him levelly.

"Now you may not agree with my ethics.  To tell you the truth, I'm not so comfortable with it myself, but right now, as technology stands today, we have no hope of building a teleporter.  Now I'm all for letting nature take its course, but if our own society is a gage, it'll take EIGHTY YEARS for technology to progress to the point where we can go back.  In 80 years, we'll both be dead, in which case we might as well give up now and live our lives as best we can."

She thought about this.  "But you're only going to take enough inventions to make a teleporter, right?"

"Patricia, do you have any idea how many inventions, and their predecessors, went into building that thing?  I'm going to have to take almost every invention of the past century to get it built."

As Patricia lay in her cage, she thought about what he'd said.

If it took 80 years naturally, how quickly could Jack modernize the world?  A year?  5 years?  20?  How long would she have to be a slave?

The next day passed without incident, as did the one after.  Pretty soon she lost track.  Jack took her out every night, and explained his plans to her over dinner.  She tried to be happy for him, but it was so lonely being cooped up all day, with only an hour or two of freedom at dinnertime.

Soon, he was busy on Sundays as well, "Wheeling and dealing" as he put it.  They fought sometimes, and she said things she regretted later, but he never missed a single night with her.

Then one day he didn't show up.  The kennel staff were just as surprised as she was, and made a hasty effort to prepare her dog food dinner.  She was so worried that she didn't sleep that night.  Had he been hurt?  Was he alive?  She cried a lot, and refused to go for a walk the next day.  The caretaker eventually gave up and went without her.

Jack arrived at dinnertime.  He bound her up without a word, then escorted her to their dinner spot.  "I'm sorry about yesterday." he began.  "I've got some good news."

"Where were you yesterday?"

"I was building some goodwill." he said.  "We..."

"Building some goodwill?  I thought you might be hurt, or worse!"  She could feel her rage and frustration bubbling to the surface.

"Yes, I'm sorry but I thought this would be worth it."

"Worth it!?  I was scared half to death!"

"Patricia, I found us a place to stay."

She stared at him, dumbstruck.

"It's with a colleague of mine." he said hurriedly.  "We'll share the expenses so I'll be able to afford it, but there's just one catch."  He looked at her for reassurance.  "You'll.. uh... have to share a cage with his girl Cindy."

"What?"  This was so ridiculous.

"Listen, it may sound a bit weird, but it's actually quite common here.  You're not expected to do lesbo stuff or anything."

"I should hope not!" she huffed.

"It's just... I figured this would get you out of the kennel.  You said it's boring in there, right?"

"And what about this friend of yours?  Do I have to service him?"

He looked shocked.  "No!"

"What if he asks you to share?"

"He won't!  That's just not done."

"How fortunate we live in a moral society." she said dryly.

"Hey, I just thought that it would be a step up from being cooped up in that tiny cage all the time.  We'd be able to see each other more and..."

"Why, Mr Kline!  I'm almost inclined to think you've fallen for li'l ol' me!"

He turned beet red, then turned away.  "I just thought it'd be a good idea is all."

She watched the surf rolling over the sand.  "When would we move in?"

"This Sunday, if you want."

They chatted about this and that, then packed up and returned to the kennel.  Jack accompanied her to her little cage.  She leaned close to him and whispered "Let's do it."

Jack smiled and nodded.  "There's still some details to take care of." he whispered back.  "I won't be able to see you until Sunday."

The next three days were tortuously slow.  She spent her days imagining what the new place might be like.  Was it a big place?  It would have to be to house a big cage.  Was it close to the ocean?  What kind of girl would Cindy be?

She ate her meals and went on her walks, but ultimately her mind was on the upcoming move.


Jack arrived on Sunday, as promised, with another man.  He was in his thirties, fairly heavyset with big, bushy eyebrows.  His face was soft, and he had natural rosy cheeks that made it look like he laughed alot.  He looked her up and down admiringly.  She stared at the floor, as was proper for her.

Once she was bound up, they hailed a cab.  Patricia sat between the two men, and the seat pushed her connector rod so that the collar dug in painfully.  "She is very nice one!" he commented.  "Where did you get her, or you mind for me to asking?"  She couldn't place his accent, but he definitely wasn't local.

"It's kind of a long story." said Jack.  "I might tell you someday if you get me drunk enough."

The other man laughed a bellyfull.  "In that case, we must drink tonight to celebrate!"  They ignored her and talked business until the cab finally stopped.

"I'll get it, Jacky boy!" his friend exclaimed, and doled out a few coins for the cabbie.

The place was roomy, but not nearly as glamorous as she'd imagined it.  Still, it was a giant step up from before.  The furniture was old, probably inherited.  There was a dining room, a kitchen (which she never saw), two bedrooms, and the main room, which housed the cage.

The cage itself covered about a third of the space.  It was big enough to stand in, and had two mats on either side, with a water dish and stool basin in between.  Cindy awaited them, with her head bowed low and her ass in the air.

"Let's hope they like each other." said Jack's friend, as he opened the cage.  Patricia went in, and sat on the mat opposite Cindy's.  They both stared at each other.  "Well, only time will tell, as they say!" he said, and slammed the door.  Cindy's stare did not waver.  Patricia smiled reassuringly.  Cindy's face betrayed no emotion.  After some more staring, she lay down on her mat, facing away from Patricia.

The men talked, laughed, drank, completely ignoring the two caged girls.  We might as well be furniture, she thought.  Then again, in a sense, they were.

As the night wore on, the two got drunker and louder.  Jack's friend got up and walked towards the cage.  Cindy immediately assumed her submissive position.  Patricia, unsure what to do, mimicked her cell mate.  "Come, Cindy!"

Cindy stood up, and followed him to the chair he'd been lounging in.  He dropped his trousers and sat down.  Cindy kneeled between his open legs and lifted his rigid cock.  Patricia watched as Cindy's mouth engulfed it completely.  The man sighed, then looked over to Jack.  "There is no need to be shy.  This is your house, after all!"

"Oh!  Uh...  Well..."

"Do you see me beink shy?" he said, indicating the very busy Cindy.  "Go!  Your woman is waitink for you!"

"Well I..."

"Go!  Go!" he said, waving his hands impatiently.

Jack got up and strode nervously to the cage.  "Patty!  Come!"  He looked at her imploringly.  Obediently, she got up and stood before him, not meeting his eyes.

They went back to his chair.  His hands went to his belt, then dropped away, then went back again.  Quickly, he fumbled it open and dropped his pants.  Li'l Jack stood rigidly at attention.  Patricia laid her hands on his chest, and gently pushed until he fell back in his chair.  He may be unskilled, but she wasn't.

She lowered her face to within an inch of his penis, looked up at him and smiled.  He looked terrified.  Maybe he was a virgin?  Lots of those engineering types were...  Time for some fun.

She reached out with her tongue and lifted the tip, then dropped it, letting it bounce lazily.  Moving forward, she gently caressed the sweet spot under the tip, then took him, throbbing, into her mouth.  Ever so lightly, her lips clasped about his shaft.  She pulled back, caressing him from underneath.

She took him deeper this time, hearing his sharp intake of breath as she applied more suction, and began a slow, steady rhythm.  She could taste the precum as it escaped his captive phallus.  He was in her hands now.

By rights, she should have teased him, made him suffer a bit, but she was feeling pretty hot herself, and wouldn't be able to remain quiet for long.  Opening wide, she took him deep, feeling him pass her throat before the gag reflex kicked in.  Deep went his trembling shaft as she took him in again and again, sucking hard now, faster, FASTER! HARDER!

Release!  His seed poured into her waiting mouth.  She kept the rhythm strong, then slowed as he finished his ejaculation.  With a few light strokes to clean up, she released him, waiting demurely on her knees.

The look of awestruck disbelief was priceless.  Patricia stifled a giggle and stared at her knees.  "Is something wrong, Jack my friend?"

"Huh?"  Jack looked around.  "Uhh.. no...  Just haven't done that for awhile."

He chuckled.  "Me and Cindy, we do this almost every night."  He drained the last of his glass and gave it to Cindy.  Obediently, she went to the liquor cabinet and prepared another.  "So!  How did you arrive to here?" he asked, waving his arm around himself.  "New York is bigger, ya?  Plenty opportunity in New York!"

"Can't stand the winter." said Jack.

"Bravo!  Very true!  I do not like the cold also."  He leaned towards Jack.  "In my hometown, for winter, you cannot even take a piss outdoors without your balls to fall off.  Me, I like to piss outside, so either I become woman, or I come to Commonwealth!"  At this, he slapped his knee as he roared with laughter.

He drained his glass again.  "We should be going to sleep.  Tomorrow is a big meetink!"  He waved at Cindy, who returned to her cage and lay down.  "Good night, Jack!" he slapped Jack on the back, then staggered to his room.

"Gnight, Alex." said Jack.

Patricia got up and entered the cage, closing the door behind her.  Jack stared after her, then turned and went to his room.

Patricia tossed about on her mat.  The ever elusive sleep kept a safe distance from her.  Frustrated, she got up and took a drink from the water bowl.  Sitting on the mat hugging her knees, she watched the sliver of moonlight that came through the window.  It was probably just anxiety from being in a new place.  Cindy slept soundly, her body curled up tightly.

Footsteps.  She peered through the bars as a figure approached.  Jack!  He pushed his key into the lock and opened the door, then grabbed her by the arm and hauled her out.

She gasped as he pushed her down on all fours, then began fumbling with her belt.  Breathing heavily, he pulled at it spasmodically, then fiddled with it some more until finally it came free.  Patricia lowered her head and shoulders to the ground as he dropped down behind her, his face a silhouette in the moonlight.

She felt a poke, and pushed her ass back instinctively.  She was wet.  She was ready.

He pushed into her eagerly, painfully.  She gasped, and pulled to alleviate the pressure.  Back out, then in deeper.  He was inside her now.  Out again, and she cried out as he slammed home.

He began a slow and steady rhythm.  She could feel every inch of him as he invaded her.  She welcomed him; she'd been waiting for him.  As he picked up the pace, she couldn't contain herself any longer.  A moan escaped her lips.

He slammed into her viciously now, grunting like a brute.  He was a primal beast.  He was her master!  He held her in his iron grip as he invaded her.

Oh god oh god oh god oh GOD!  She screamed as it hit her, reverberating through her body.  Panting, his seed filled her.  She was a vessel, to be filled by her man.  She screamed again as he slammed in, deeper than ever, releasing one final burst before collapsing on the floor.

She remained as she was, feeling the fuzziness slowly fade away, until it was just the two of them on the moonlit floor.  He looked at her and smiled.  She smiled back.  Not a word was spoken between them.

Patricia never heard them leave the next morning.  When she woke up, Cindy was still sleeping.  There was a bowl next to each of them, containing something that looked like brown stew.  She took a small taste.  It was actually quite good; much better than the gruel at the kennel.  She ate up, then washed her face with the waiting camp washcloth.

Cindy stirred, then sat up, staring at Patricia.  "Good morning!" said Patricia.

Cindy said nothing, and dipped her face into her feeding dish.  Patricia watched her eat.  Calmly and methodically, she licked up every morsel, glancing at Patricia from time to time.  Her meal finished, she washed her face and placed the folded cloth neatly beside the dish.

"Good?" asked Patricia.  Cindy stared at her, as she kneeled on her mat.

"Is it good?" she asked again, pantomiming the act of eating.  Cindy's expression didn't change.  Her face was blank, devoid of emotion.

"Do you understand?"

No response.  Only the steady, unnerving stare.  Patty sighed and lay down, facing away from her cell mate.

"guu." came a tiny voice.  She turned around.  Cindy was still watching her.

"Yes.  Good."  Said Patricia.  Cindy remained as impassive as ever.

Patricia was surprised when two men entered the apartment some time later.

She watched apprehensively as they came straight to the cage and opened it.   Cindy bounded to her feet to meet them.  "Come!" said one of the men, indicating to Patricia.  She got up and followed them.

Both girls were placed into their outdoor bonds and walked out to the street.  There, they were manhandled into a waiting truck.  There were 8 other women, all attached by the collar to the walls of the truck.  Patricia and Cindy were maneuvered against the wall, and secured standing in place.

The sudden jolt as the truck pulled out made Patricia lose her balance.  Her knees buckled, and she dropped straight down as collar slammed tight against her throat, painfully cutting of the air.  She quickly regained her footing, and stood up, coughing and retching.  The other girls watched her impassively, as Cindy had done.  All seemed perfectly content with their fate.

She managed to survive the rest of the drive with only minor difficulties, keeping her legs apart to help balance against the sudden turns the truck made.  When it finally stopped, the doors opened and men hopped into the back, unhooking and lifting the girls to the ground.

They were led, single file, into another room, where their bonds and shoes were removed, leaving them naked save for their belts.  As an inner door slid open, Cindy grabbed Patricia's hand and dragged her excitedly inside.

Patricia wasn't sure whether to call it a nursery or a loonie bin.  It was a gigantic warehouse, padded from top to bottom.  Various toys made of soft material littered the soft floor.

Patricia watched, bemused, as the nine girls, laughing and squealing, fell to a game of chase.  One girl would hold a red scarf, and try to avoid being touched by any of the others.  The first to touch her was given the scarf, and then the game would start over again.  "They're just like children." she thought.

Cindy came up to her, holding out the scarf.  Patricia shook her head.  Cindy took her hand and placed the scarf in it.  "No, thanks." said Patricia, handing it back.  Cindy looked at her, then turned and joined the others.

It was amazing the amount of energy they had.  10 minutes of this and Patricia would be wheezing for a time out.  More girls arrived, and soon the place was a cacophony of squeals and giggles.  Not a word was spoken, however.

Patricia sat along the sidelines and fiddled aimlessly with a plush toy.  From time to time, someone would come to her, wanting her to join a game, but she just shook her head.  "No, thanks."  This was all so surreal...  Their entire lives seemed to be dedicated to mindless play, and sexual service.

The lunch bell chimed, and they were all herded into a long hallway.  Along the wall was a row of bowls, with a wet cloth beside each.  Patricia followed the pack, until she stood before her bowl.  "Eat your food!" a voice said, startling her.  A man behind her was pointing to her bowl.  Ordinarily, she'd come back with a snappy comment.  Instead, she knelt down and buried her face in the bowl, like a good little doggie.

The afternoon was much of the same.  Patricia opted out, choosing instead to lie down and ignore the world, a skill she'd picked up during her month in the kennel.

Alex and Jack arrived home together, laughing and clapping each other on the back.  Upon seeing her, Jack turned to his friend.  "Hey Alex.  I hope you don't mind... I'd like to take my girl out for a walk."

"Sure, no problem!  I'll hold dinner off for another hour."

They sat at their regular spot.  "So, how was your first day at daycare?" he asked.

"That was sooo weird!  I don't even know how to describe it!"

He laughed.  "Like a trip down memory lane?"

"Not even!  There's just something wrong with grown women playing like that."

"It gives them their exercise.  What do you think of Cindy?"

"I dunno..." she said after a pause.  "It's like... at home she's so serious... never smiles.  But today she was smiling and laughing all day."

"Of course!" said Jack.  "Work is work, and play is play."

"I guess so...  So how's your work going?" she asked.

"Pretty good.  I sold the vacuum tube patent."

"You SOLD it?  To whom?"

"To the company.  Why do you think they're trying to make me comfortable?"

"But I thought you needed those patents to build the teleporter!"

"I do, but I can't build it with paper alone.  Somebody has to manufacture the things, and that takes money and infrastructure."

"So what's to stop them from dumping you once they start?"

"Nothing.  Other than fear."

"What do you mean?"

"They know I've got more up my sleeve; they just don't know what.  That's why they sent me Alex."

"They sent him to you?  I thought you were friends or something!"

"Hardly!  He's a spy, after all!"

"What?  How do you know?"

"Because he smells like a spy."  He smiled at her knowingly.

"Oh, you can't really hold it against him.  They've had his balls in a vice since day one.  They're after my balls now."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Stay a few steps ahead of them for as long as I can.  But if it all goes to shit, you're my ace in the hole."

"Me?  What can I do?"

"Well, for starters you can talk.  They won't be expecting that."

She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach.  "Umm.. I've kinda been talking already, actually."

"WHAT?  To who?"

"To Cindy, and a couple of times to some girls at the nursery - whatever you call it."

"Daycare.  Did any men hear you?"

"I don't think so.  I only spoke to Cindy after you two went to bed.  She mimicked me, though."

"What did you say to her."


"That's it?"

She nodded.

"Well, if she says it again, just ignore her.  We can't have anyone suspecting you.  You'll need to do whatever it takes to blend in from now on.  If all goes well, I can get you in as a display girl."

"What's a display girl?"

"Basically someone to look pretty for the big shots.  But the important thing is you'll be in every board meeting."

"To spy on them."

"Exactly.  The more I know about what's going on behind closed doors, the more likely I'll be able to gut the company."

"Gut it? why?"

"Because I can't let them keep that patent.  It'll be pretty much worthless once I invent the transistor, but they've got some shysters that could put Lucifer on ice, and I can't afford those kinds of delays."

"So what am I looking for?"

"Anything we can use.  Dirt, mostly, but also any strategies they might come up with."

He looked at his watch.  "It's getting late.  We should go back."  He locked her gag back into place.  "This won't happen for another couple of months yet, so don't worry too much about it.  Just concentrate on blending in."  She nodded, and they both got up to leave.

Blend in she did, joining the rest of the girls in their reindeer games.  It was exhausting at first, but she soon found a source of energy she never knew she had.  She slept much better at night, too.

Evenings were spent at Jack's feet as he and Alex discussed business or politics (often one and the same).  She was the model slave, fixing his drinks (though in reality he drank very little), and keeping Little Jack happy.

They both practiced a code that Jack had come up with to let them communicate using gestures, sometimes as subtle as looking at a particular object in the room or yawning a certain way.  They'd both keep track of what had been said and then compare results during one of their walks.

Cindy never spoke a word since the once, and that suited Patricia just fine.  She seemed more expressive too... Or was it just that Patricia had learned to read her better?

It was a bit of a shock when Cindy first tried to sleep next to her at night.  She seemed so fragile that Patricia didn't have the heart to refuse.  They'd since many nights curled up next to each other, and Patricia found it comforting.

Cindy herself rarely displayed emotion of her own when not in the daycare, but was very deeply affected by anyone around her.  Negative emotions had the deepest effect, and those were usually the nights when she'd crawl over to Patricia's mat.  But you wouldn't ever see it, unless you knew what to look for.  To most people, she was simply a slave that was very eager to please.

Things had gotten into such a routine that she'd almost forgotten the dangerous game Jack was playing, until one day came home alone, looking distraught.  He brought out her restraints, then opened the cage.  "Patty!  Come!" he said curtly.

He led her through town, away from the beach, turning into side streets, apparently at random.  Eventually, they came to a road in an abandoned neighborhood.  The decrepit houses cast ominous shadows in the evening sun.

He stopped to look around, nodded, then led her into an overgrown lot.  A garbage can sat on its side, half filled with rotten apples.  The garbage can!  This was where they first came to this crazy world!

He removed all of her bonds, then lay her in the tall grass.  "This is as private of a place as I could think of." he said.  "Things have gone bad, Patty.  I might be able to salvage it, but it'll be very risky."

"What?  What happened?"

"They called my bluff.  I'd planned on playing them against one of their bigger suppliers, but they found out somehow, and cut ties to avoid embarrassment.  They can't pin this on me, but they probably have a damn good idea who it was."

"So you're still in the clear, then."

"Yes and no...  I could cut and run with a hefty chunk of cash, but I'd lose my reputation in the industry.  Nobody would deal with me after that.  I'd never be able to build the teleporter."

He looked at her.  "We'd be stranded here forever."

She'd be a slave the rest of her life...  "But there is something you can do, right?"

"There is...  I could sell you."

Her jaw dropped.

"My thoughts exactly." he said.

"What possible good could that do?"

"For them, it would do a world of good.  They'd finally have my balls in a vice."

"And I'd be their slave!"


"And then what?"

"And then they'd let down their guard.  They know I'd do whatever it takes to get you back.  If I fuck them, they keep you."

"So how does that help us?"

"It puts me back on track to fuck them.  I've got a few plans laid to take over the company; all I need is a catalyst.  This is where you come in.  Get some dirt on someone.  Anyone on the board of directors will do.  They're already distrustful of each other, so it won't take much to divide them."

"And if the plan fails?"

"If it fails, you're their slave and I'm in even deeper shit."

She looked thoughtful.  "You're sure there's no other way?"

"They'll be watching me like a hawk.  I won't even be able to take a dump without them knowing how much toilet paper I used.  But the beauty of it is, they can't even entertain the thought that you and I can communicate.  Actually, it's even better than that.  They'll see me looking at you all the time and take it as a sign of weakness."  He drew her close.  "But I'll call the whole thing off if you're not comfortable with it."

"Jack... I..."

"I'm not gonna lose you, Patty.  I'll keep working towards getting us home so long as there is hope."

She stared into his eyes, running her fingers through his hair.  He leaned forward and kissed her; a deep kiss of the lost reunited.  The love they made that day was deeper than the carnal pleasures they'd enjoyed from time to time before.  Their bodies coupled in a oneness that could not be divided, and they pledged to one another as only lovers could.

She watched the early stars as he entered her, wondering if it might be the last time.


They came for Patricia the next morning.  She and Cindy had just finished breakfast when the door opened and two men strode in.  They took her, but pushed Cindy back when she tried to follow.  Patricia looked at her, wishing she could say something.  "I'm sorry." she gestured unconsciously as the men bound her up.

She rode in a company car, flanked by the two men, and was then quickly ushered through the lobby, into a crowded elevator.  They all watched her, standing naked, bound, and helpless.  She could feel their hungry eyes crawling over her, wishing for the slightest opportunity.

At the top floor, she was taken down a short hall, into an ostentatiously decorated office.  Soft, plush carpet covered the floor.  The walls were decorated with various animal heads; trophies of his past conquests?  Or poseur trinkets bought to impress?

"Leave her there." said a voice.  He sat easy, behind a great oaken desk.  A gold-embossed name plate read "Victor Howl".  He eyed her silently, then stood from his chair and sauntered over.  A rather imposing figure, he filled out his three piece suit a little too much.  A thin band of black hair wisped its way across his otherwise glistening scalp in a vain attempt to cover what should already have been obvious to everyone.  His face was hard, his eyes commanding.

"So this is his little bitch..."  He looked her up and down.  "You may go."  The two men vanished.

He undid her gag and stuffed his fingers deep in her mouth, exploring.  He pinched and pulled at her tongue, then stuck his fingers deep into her throat.  She choked and pulled back, but he grabbed her quickly by the hair, pulling her forward as he pushed deeper.  "Not very skilled, are you?" he said calmly as she retched.  "I wonder what he sees in you?"

He continued his exploration, fondling and squeezing her breasts.  His thumbs rubbed across her nipples, tempting them, coaxing them.  She wanted to run away.  She wanted to get away from him, but there would be no escape for her.  He spun her around roughly and began to remove her bonds.  His hands dug into her ass, spreading it wide.  She closed her eyes and endured it.  Then, the unthinkable happened: Her chastity belt fell from her hips.

For the past 6 months, Jack had been the sole carrier of that key.  Nobody else had ever removed her belt, until today.  She suddenly felt deathly afraid.  "Get down." he said, pushing her on all fours.  She felt a wide strip of leather wrap around her neck and lock into place.  It made it difficult to move her head very far.

"You stay on the ground at all times." he said to her, then went to his chair and sat down.  "Come!" he ordered.  She crawled up to him kneeled.  He slid down his pants, revealing his stiff member from underneath.  "Well?"

She leaned forward and took his penis in her mouth.  Without her chastity belt, she felt more vulnerable and naked than she'd ever felt in her life.  It was silly, but she'd really felt protected with it on all this time.

The door opened.  Patricia looked around to see Jack enter the room.  "Oh god please no!" she thought.  A firm hand fell upon her head and twisted it back to the work at hand.  Burning with humiliation, she resumed sucking him.

"You called for me, sir?"

"Ah, Jack!  You came at the perfect time!"

Patricia closed her eyes as they filled with tears.

"I want you to start on our little project right away.  Alex is downstairs getting things ready."

Patricia had a thought, and started sucking hard and fast.  Smack!  She almost fell over as he slapped her.  "Slow down, you stupid bitch!"  He turned back to Jack.  "All the details should be worked out by now.  You don't see any problems, do you?"

There was a long pause, with the only sound coming from her mouth on the bastard's cock.  "No, sir." said Jack.

"Good!  Good!" he said.  "Well, I won't keep you then."

"Thank you, sir." said Jack.  She heard the door close.  "YOU need to learn your proper place." said Victor, jerking her face up to look in his hard eyes.

She rarely saw Jack after that.  Most of her day was spent under this man's desk, sucking him off.  He made sure to put her in the boardroom cage whenever Jack was going to be present, but he mostly kept her in a small cage in his office while he was out.

Every now and then, he'd forget her in the boardroom, and those were the days she looked for.  Usually, it would involve long hours alone, but every now and again, someone would come in for a quick conversation, or small group meeting.  She took careful note of everything they said, and passed it nonverbally to Jack whenever he was around.

It took awhile, but she eventually pieced together an economic picture of the company.  They were swimming in government cash, and each of them had his own pet slush fund, which he dipped into like a candy jar.  Highly illegal, for sure, but the best one was from Olafson, one of the higher mucky-mucks.  He'd just bought a rather expensive house and charged it to one of the projects.  She even had a file number, which she passed to Jack as soon as she was able.

It wasn't long until the unthinkable happened.  She'd been placed in the boardroom cage in anticipation of Jack's arrival, and was remembering the last few "private" meetings she'd witnessed for anything important to pass to him.

As Jack entered the room, Victor called to him.  "Jack!  No need to sit down.  We'll be brief."  He steepled his hands and leaned forward.  "The board took a vote earlier today, and we've decided that you would be of better service to the company without the distractions that come with board membership."

"You mean you're kicking me off the board." he said flatly.

"Putting it crudely, yes."

"And what, might I ask, brought about this decision?"

"This is hardly the time and place to drag up all the sundry details, Jack." he said piously.  "Suffice it to say that certain details were brought to our attention regarding misappropriation of funds.  Now I'm sure you're aware that under the company charter, anyone found guilty of wrongdoing in this area would forfeit their shares, not to mention our duty to report it to the appropriate authorities."

"I see." said Jack.  "And I'm assuming that were I to give up my shares voluntarily, the matter would take on a lower priority?"

"Well I can't speak for everyone, of course, but we are very busy with other things at the moment.  Any time saving measures would be immensely helpful."

Jack stared straight ahead, knuckles turning white from his clenched fists.  "I'll clean off my desk, then."

"Oh?" asked the bastard innocently.  "I'm terribly sorry to see you go, Jack, but do keep in touch."

Jack glanced at her, his face crimson rage, then turned and left.

Patricia curled up into a ball, feeling sick to the stomach.  The voices in the meeting droned on, registering as insignificant noises in her shattered world.  Jack was gone.  Jack was gone!  She was another man's property.

She was moved later that day to Victor's house.  The estate covered several acres, and the house itself could hold an entire barracks.  She never saw much of it, as she was quickly led into a room, stripped of her bonds, and then unceremoniously dumped into a cage.

The room itself had no windows; only a tiny sliver of light penetrated through the crack under the door.  She lay there, feeling numb all over.  She wallowed in it, wrapping herself up in the unfeeling shell.  If she could just stay like this forever, maybe it would be bearable.


She must have fallen asleep, because she didn't hear him enter the room.  A key rattled in the lock, and the cage swung open.  "Out."

Patricia ignored him, remaining curled in a fetal position.  He grabbed her by the hair and yanked fiercely.  "I said out!"  As she was half-dragged out onto the floor, she tried to stand and got a knee to the stomach.  "Did I tell you to stand up?"  She kneeled low, touching her nose to the ground.  "That's better!" he said.  "Stay on the ground unless I say otherwise."

He attached a leash to her collar and dragged her out into the hallway.  She scrambled after him as he led her upstairs, into a large chamber.  It was decorated as badly as his office, and most of the furniture was covered with sheets.  A huge fireplace adorned one end like a blackened, gaping mouth.

"On your back." he growled, knocking her over with his foot.  She waited on her back as he left the room, too terrified to move.

A faint tinkling of bells could be heard in the distance.  She listened as it grew steadily louder, until Victor appeared in the doorway, holding a leash.

The girl could only be described as a black haired beauty.  She bore a stunning, exotic face, and that perfect figure that most only dreamed of having.  And... Oh my god!  There were bells hanging from her nipples!  They chimed merrily as she crawled into the room behind Victor.  "Go ahead, Kiki."

She crawled to Patricia, then suddenly plunged her face between Patricia's legs.  Patricia screamed, and kicked at her, knocking her over.  "Oi!" Victor came charging at her.  She had almost made it to her feet, but he was too fast.  Soon, she was curled up on the floor, retching.

He grabbed her by the hair and twisted her face towards his.  "What the fuck are you doing, you stupid girl!"  She saw stars.  She was lying on the ground again.

"Get on your fucking back, slut!"  He kicked her, and she tumbled onto her back.  Kiki crawled to her again.  "No!" she screamed, and scrambled away.

"Kiki!" snapped Victor.  Kiki faced him and bowed low to the ground.  "Both of you stay put!"  He stormed out of the room.  Her stomach hurt from where he'd punched her.  She lay on her side, watching Kiki.

He returned carrying a coil of rope.  No... not rope...  A whip!  It uncoiled from his hand and lay on the floor.  "Now," he said, "this is where you learn to obey."

The whip pulled back, then whistled through the air.  Snap!  She screamed as the tip stung her flesh, and backed away from him.  He wound up again, and the leather snake struck another blow.  Snap!  Her thigh exploded in pain.  She was backed into a corner now, and the whip pulled back for another strike.  She held out her hands.  Snap!  Her fingers went numb.  She howled, then curled into a ball, shrieking as the whip mercilessly assaulted her tender flesh.

When he'd finished, she was a sobbing wreck of a woman, her naked body covered in red welts.  He grabbed a handful of hair and dragged her back into the center of the room.

Pushing her on her back, he kicked her limbs until she spread herself open.  He nodded at Kiki, who advanced upon her.  Patricia screamed and kicked at her.  "You are a stubborn one, aren't you?" he seethed.

She bit, scratched, and screamed as she was dragged by the hair, down the hall and into another room.  A cage stood in one corner, about 10 feet square and 4 feet high.  He forced her on top of it, then took out some handcuffs.  Now, lying spread-eagle and bound hand and foot to the cage, she was utterly defenseless.

"I just don't understand how he could have trained you so poorly." he commented, as he fished around in a nearby box.  Finding what he was looking for, he stood over her, brandishing a quarter-inch cane.  "Now," he said, running the cane along her helpless flesh, "You'll learn some discipline."

He lifted the cane.  Swish!  She yelped as searing pain erupted along her stomach.  Swish!  More pain, on her thigh.  Swish!  "Ghaaa!" she screamed.

The cane lifted again.  "Oh please no!" she screamed.  The cane hesitated.  Victor's face, filled with confusion, quickly spread into a smile.  "Well, this is an interesting surprise.  I knew he had to have some reason to keep you."

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" screamed Patricia.

"Oh?  You've got quite the potty mouth there.  Tell me, girl, do you value your tits?"  The cane ran along her skin, resting lightly on her exposed breasts.

"No... please..."

"Most girls value them."  The cane rubbed along her nipples.  "They're particularly sensitive, aren't they?"

"Please don't!"

His smile grew wider, into a scarecrow grimace.  "You've caused me a lot of trouble tonight, Patty.  It wouldn't be right to let you get away without punishment."  His eyes burned like flame.  He could see into her soul.  Her fears were all laid bare to him.

The cane slid along her flesh again.  "No!  Please!"  She felt it slide between her legs, rubbing playfully.  "It's your choice, Patty.  Your tits or your cunt."

"Nooo!" she wailed.

Swish!  She convulsed as pain erupted in her stomach.  "Don't fuck with me, girl!  Tits or cunt.  You have 5 seconds to choose and then I do both.  1... 2... 3... 4..."

"Tits!" she yelled, choking back a sob.

He smiled again.  "You like it on your tits, do you?"  The cane slid out of her pussy and ran up to her breasts again.  He lifted the cane suddenly.  She braced for the impact.  The cane rested lightly across her nipples.  She let out a shuddering sob.

"I'm wondering how badly you want me to do your tits." he said casually.

She screamed.  Swish!  Her thighs were aflame!  "Quit your whining!" he snapped.  "Now personally, I don't believe you have a preference one way or the other, so I think i'd better do both."

"No, please!" she choked.

"Unless you can convince me to do one, I'm doing both."

"Please, Master!"

"Master?  Master... I like it!  Did Jack teach you that?"  The thought of Jack brought a fresh batch of tears.

"Ok, I'm doing both." he said.  The cane left her skin.

"Please, Master!  Whip my tits please!"

Victor hesitated.  "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Master!  Please whip my tits!"

The cane ran along the curve of her breasts.  "Would you like me to whip them hard?"

She swallowed.  "Yes, Master!"

"Well okay, then."

The cane rose into the air.  "Keep your eyes on the cane." he instructed.  "I want you to count the strokes for me.  You got that, girl?"

"Yes, Master."  She could hardly see through the tears.  Swish!  Pain!  Unbearable pain!  Her entire body convulsed as she let out a blood curdling scream.

"How many was that?" he asked, as she panted.

"... one..." she whispered between breaths.

"What?  I didn't hear you."

"One!" she shouted.  He nodded.  Swish!  "Aaaaahaaa!"  She held her breath as her stomach knotted.  "How many?"

"Two!" she said finally.

Swish!  The room suddenly looked dark.  Something hit her across the face.  "Don't go passing out on me, now!  How many was that?"

"Th-th-three!" she sobbed.

"Only three and already you're reduced to this?" he asked incredulously.  "Well I guess I can't blame you for his negligence.  Two more and we're done for the night."  She breathed heavily, trying not to faint again.  "What do you say?" he asked patronizingly.

"Th-thank you, Master!"

He nodded.  "Last two!"  Swish!  The world greyed as she fought to remain conscious.

"Four!" she gasped.

The cane rose mercilessly.  She shut her eyes.  It tapped lightly on top of her breasts.  "Five!" exclaimed Victor.  She let out a long, shuddering breath.  "Don't ever say I have no mercy." said Victor causally as he tossed the cane back into the box.

"Thank you, Master." she said, and fainted.

"Wake up, Patty!  Time for work!"  Patty opened her eyes and squinted from the brightness.  It was morning, and she was still chained to the cage.  Her body ached all over.  Symmetric squares of sunlight shone in from the high windows above, giving the room a cheery look.

Victor unlocked her cuffs and lifted her onto her hands and knees.  Kiki stirred in the cage, but didn't wake up.  "Come!" he ordered, and left the room.  She followed behind him.  Vicious red welts criss-crossed her breasts, thighs, and stomach.

He led her into a small room downstairs, where two bowls, containing food and water, were laid.  "Hurry up and eat." he said, and went about his business.  She wasn't feeling hungry, but ate anyway, then washed her face.

"Did you shit?" he asked, peering in the doorway.  She shook her head.  "Suit yourself." he said.  He brought out a new chastity belt.  Unlike her last one, this belt had a band of metal running from front to back, blocking all openings.  Her eyes widened as she saw the two dildoes mounted on the inside.  "Turn around." he said, as he applied lubricant.

She felt the probing shaft against her ass, and clenched instinctively, a shiver running through her.  Smack!  "Open up!" he ordered impatiently.  It pushed more insistently.  She tried to relax.  Smack!  "I won't tell you again."

She felt the shaft move in slightly as he twisted it this way and that, until it passed her final defense, and slid in, stretching her painfully.  He pushed it in and out a few times; the other dildo rubbed tantalizingly against her pussy.  Finally, there was increased pressure as the second dildo invaded her.  She squealed as it went all the way in.  Victor locked the belt in place.

The dildoes stimulated her constantly as she crawled to the front door.  Victor locked her in her outdoor bonds, then led her to the car.

The driver held open a door.  "She's riding in the trunk." said Victor, taking a seat.  The driver closed the door, then took her around behind the car.

The dildoes pushed and pulled every time the car accelerated or turned.  She tried to ignore it, and the pain from her wounds.  Was this to be her life now?  Slave to a sadist, doomed to any twisted pleasure he thought up?  Oh Jack, where are are you?  She wept bitterly.

But her humiliation had only just begun.

Once at the office, Victor had some men fetch a hitching post and place it in the main hall.  There, she was mounted, wearing a sign that read "Disobedient".  Passers-by would fondle her, slap her, pinch her, humiliate her.  All the while, her holes were filled by that horrible belt.

As the day wore on, she began to feel pressure in her bowels.  At first she could ignore it, but eventually the pain was excruciating.  She tried to expel the shit that was piling up, but the dildo had already stretched her to the limit.  She started to whimper, and received jeers and slaps in retribution.  In the end, she suffered in silence.

By the time they got home, she was ready to explode.  And when Victor removed her belt, she did.  She received five strokes on her pussy, and was put on display the next day with a new sign: "Shit on the floor".

And so began her life as Victor's slave.  Some days, she would get by without punishment.  On those days, she stayed under his desk, sucking him off as he did his work.  Most days, however, were spent on display, sporting new welts from the previous night's punishment.

The employees made up games for her, including flicking spitballs in her hair and face, smearing increasingly disgusting things on her, tying up her breasts until they turned purple, and clipping things to her nipples.

She learned to obey Victor without hesitation, no matter how sadistic, degrading or disgusting the order.  She was his slave, after all; his tool to use as he pleased.  She was forbidden to speak unless they were alone together, and even the slightest noise she made, no matter what the torment she was receiving, was met with severe punishment.

She learned her lesson well: As long as she did as she was told, her life would be more bearable.


Patty and Kiki lay in 69 position, licking and stimulating one another.  Victor stood over them, whacking off and spilling his seed on Kiki's back.  Patty's butt was sore from the lashing she'd endured the day before, and she tried desperately to keep it from touching the ground.

Victor sighed and sank into his chair.  Patty knew better than to stop, as did Kiki.  "I'm glad you two get along so well." he said pleasantly.  "Hey!  I know!  Let's have a contest.  Whoever gets the other to cum first gets to whip them!"

He shot to his feet.  "Don't go anywhere!" he said as he bounded from the room.   Patty and Kiki continued their sexual intercourse.

There was a crash from downstairs.  "Police!  Freeze!"  There was a short commotion, followed by the sound of boots rushing up the stairs.  More crashes.  Two men entered the room, guns drawn.  "Sir!  We've got two girls here!"

Kiki stopped to look at them.  Patty continued her work.  More men piled into the room.  "Sergent!" said one of them.

"Yes, sir!"

"Get a truck for these two." he ordered.

"Sir!"  the man dashed out of the room.

He came over and lifted Kiki off of her partner.  She immediately knelt and bowed low.  Patty did the same.

"Anything else?" the man asked.

"Nothing else, sir!  All clean."

"Good.  Confiscate these and let's go."

Kiki and Patty were bound, then loaded into a truck.  It felt good to be in a normal chastity belt again.  They were driven into town, then locked into cages similar to the one she'd lived in at the kennel.

The next day, it was kennel life again.  Of all the horrible things she'd suffered at Victor's hands, the food had been good.  She almost gagged as the old familiar taste of kennel chow filled her mouth.

Most of her time was spent at a daycare, and she frolicked with the other girls more out of habit than anything else.  Her wounds healed, but the memories remained...

"619948.  Yep, that's the one!"  Her cage opened.  "Come!"  She stood before three strange men.  "Over there." said the one carrying a clipboard.  One of the men ushered her to a growing line of women at one end of the room.

She was bound, but not gagged.  A man came around and removed their chastity belts.  "What's going on?" she thought.

They were led into a giant hall, and each was hitched to a post at 8 foot intervals.  A man wrote "619948" in thick letters and taped it to the post above her head.

Once all the girls were in place, the great doors opened, and the hall flooded with people.  They poked and prodded her, feeling her breasts, peering in her mouth and sticking fingers in her pussy.

"I dunno, Mike.  What do you think?"

"Put her as a maybe.  She comes later anyway."

They were inspecting the merchandise.  She was going to be sold!  Fate had dealt her a cruel blow.  All her hopes and dreams lay dashed upon the floor.  She'd been a slave for three years now.  It was time to accept her lot in life.

When the hall had emptied, she was returned to her cage.  What would her new master be like?  He couldn't be any worse than Victor... Could he?  The cage opened again.  "Come!"

She followed the man up a flight of stairs, and down a narrow passageway.  The door opened to bright lights.  She was on a stage of some sort.  "And next we have number 619948!  Number 619948!"

A man stood on the stage with her, shouting at an auditorium full of what must be thousands.  "Age 24, Five foot three, 122 pounds, 34C/D-25-33."  Stage fright took over, and she tried vainly to cover herself.

The auctioneer slapped her hands down and positioned her center stage.  "Looks like she's a bit nervous, folks!"  A chuckle ran through the crowd.

"As you can see, she's quite a beauty.  Good hips, good teeth."  He pried her mouth open.  "Wow!  How about that, folks!"  A cheer rose from the crowd.

"Let's start the bidding at 1000."

Paddles shot up all over.  "Ok, too low.  Let's try 1500!"

All but three went down.

"1700." said the auctioneer.  All went down.

"1700.  Do I have 1700?"

A paddle went up.  "1700  I have 1700!  Can I get 1800?"

"1800! that gentlemen over there.  How about 1900?"

After a short pause, another paddle went up.  "1900!  Do I hear 2000?  2000 to the same gentleman as before!"

Another paddle went up.  "2100! to the gentleman in the stairs!  Do I.. 2200!  Looks like this gentleman really wants this one, folks!"

"2300 to the gentleman on the stairs again!"

The first man's paddle shot up again.  "2400!  Looks like we have a bidding war, folks!"

"2500!  Are you willing to go higher, sir?"

"2600!  Folks, it's rare to see one go for so much.  Maybe they know something you don't know?"

A paddle raised on the far left.  "2700 to that gentleman over there!"

"2800 to our enthusiastic gentleman on the right!"

A murmur ran through the crowd.  "2800! I have 2800!  Is anyone willing to bid 2900?"

"Anyone?  2900!  Do I have 2900?"  The crowd was silent.

"2800 going once!"

"2800 going twice!"

Her stomach was all knotted up, and she felt nauseous.

"Sold for 2800 to number 26!"

The crowd erupted in chatter as the man worked his way to the stairs.  He looked a lot like...  No, it couldn't be!  She fainted.


She awoke in a cage.  Her bonds were gone.  Not even a chastity belt.  She looked around herself.  Another house.  Another room.  Another cage, although this one was much bigger than any she'd lived in before.

Footsteps.  Her stomach knotted as she prepared to meet her new master.  "Ahh good!  You're awake."

No... It can't be!

"What's the matter?  Cat got your tongue?" asked Jack as he strode casually towards the cage.  "It's okay.  We're alone now.  You can talk."

"Jack?" she whispered.

"The one and only!"

He unlocked the cage and took her by the hand.  "Jack?  Is it really you?"

"Of course!  You didn't think I'd let you slip out of my hands twice, did you?"

"Oh Jack!"  She clutched onto him and sobbed.

Jack had been very busy these past couple of years.  Upon being fired, he immediately started his own rival company, but kept a low profile while he worked on getting Victor.

"Olaffson was the key." said Jack.  "Once he knew what I had on him, he became very helpful in securing embezzlement charges against his boss.  I have my ace in the hole to thank for that!"

With Victor out of the way, he began legal proceedings against the company for patent infringement.  By the time the dust settled, the company was nothing more than an empty shell.

"Finding you was the hard part.  They won't say who is going up beforehand at police auctions.  I thought maybe I'd missed you, and almost gave up hope.  I just can't figure out why they took so long to put you on the block!"

She could.  She'd been covered head-to-toe with welts and bruises when they confiscated her.  She thought about telling him, but held her tongue.  Maybe someday she would, but not now.

Life soon returned to normal.  Patty still had to live in a cage because of the house servants, but Jack made sure to maximize their alone time so that she could roam free.  They slept together occasionally, but on most nights, he'd be working late, and so she'd stay in the cage.  The teleporter had become an obsession, and even when he was home, his mind would be elsewhere, plotting the next takeover, commandeering the next technology that he needed to complete his machine.

Quite often, she'd be woken by a key rattling in the lock of her cage.  Jack, after a long, frustrating day, would seize her, drag her out onto the floor, and proceed to fuck her until he collapsed.

He'd apologized profusely at first, but it was actually a secret fantasy of hers to be taken like that...  Though they'd both been really embarrassed about the whole affair, it had since developed into their little game, and she'd always keep an ear open for the sound of his footsteps as he came in the deep of night to take her.

Her first day back at daycare had brought a little shock.  As she was playing, another girl grabbed her hand.  There stood Cindy, smiling and laughing, as she always did during playtime.  She was the last person Patty had ever expected to see, but Jack had made good on his advice not to hold the past against Alex.  As a matter of fact, his first action after taking over the company had been to erase Alex's dirty little secret (the details of which he would not even tell her).  Alex's loyalty was unquestionable.  He knew Jack was up to something, "But it is your game!" he would always say.

Jack arranged to have Cindy stay over when he knew he wouldn't be home.  He and Alex worked together most of the time, and Cindy would get lonely with the long hours they spent away.  And so, she and Cindy would sleep in her cage, curled up together.  Despite this world, she felt at home.  She felt free.


"Patty!" shouted Jack as he burst into the room.  He quickly unlocked the cage and brought her to her feet.  "I did it!"

"Did what?"

"The teleporter!  I built it!  It's finished!"

Her heart leapt.  "Really?  It's finished?"

"Yup!" he said proudly.

"We can go home?"

"You can go home!"

She stopped.  "You mean 'we' can go home."

He didn't respond.


"Patty," he said slowly, "there's something I didn't have the heart to tell you before."

"You're not going?"

"The technology here is still very primitive, even with my enhancements.  The calculations I had the computer do before, I had to do all manually this time.  If I'd had the computer, I'd have finished a year ago."

"But it does work, right?"

"Oh yes, it works.  I even know what caused the reality jump, so I can teleport you right back to where you started (four years later, of course)."

"You mean 'us'..."

"No, I mean 'you'."

She stared at him.

"We don't have computers yet.  Even if we had them now, it'd take years to develop the software to run something like this, and if we wait that long, I'll lose my backing."  He took her by the shoulders.  "I have to run the machine manually, Patty.  If I leave he controls even for a second, it could send you anywhere."


"Listen, Patty.  I know how hard you've had it here.  I couldn't forgive myself if I doomed you to this place.  I'll survive.  This world's just coming into its oil age.  I have a lot of influence now.  I can change this world for the better before they screw it up."

"But you can come after, right?  Build the computer and come through..."

He shook his head.  "This is the only ride.  I've pulled a lot of strings to get full use of the power grid next Saturday.  They're expecting a miracle invention from me, but they'll get shit.  There's no way I'll let anybody have something so dangerous.  I can get back into good graces, I'll never be able to do something like that again."


She tried to look excited for his sake after that, but it was breaking her heart.  She reverted to sitting on the sidelines at daycare, and burst into tears whenever Cindy tried to play with her.  Soon, Cindy was also depressed, which made Patty feel even worse.

Jack avoided her a lot.  He still spoke to her, and they had their alone time, but he was always vague and evasive.  He wouldn't look in her eyes anymore, and he didn't hold her the same.  Or maybe it was she who was avoiding him?  She never really tried to look in his eyes either; it was too painful to know they'd be separated forever.

Finally, the big day came.  They both tried to look excited, and gave half-hearted chit-chat as he bound her up for the last time.

They drove to a large warehouse, and he led her inside.  He removed her gag and bonds, letting them fall heavily on the ground.  "Turn around."  Her chastity belt clattered on the floor, now useless.

"I have something for you." he said.  She turned around to see a pile of neatly folded clothes in his hands.  Her business clothes!  He'd kept them!

The feeling of cloth against her skin was strange... Oddly familiar, but it just felt wrong.  She fidgeted, hitching things up and down, but never feeling comfortable.

The machine itself was an awesome sight.  It was at least three times the size of the previous one, and almost touched the warehouse ceiling.  Jack led her to a small platform in the center.

"I guess this is goodbye." he said, looking at his hands.  "I'm not any good at this." his voice cracked.  They held each other, then kissed deeply.  She tried to wipe the tears away, but they just wouldn't stop.

Jack broke away, and disappeared around the corner.  "Are you ready?" he called.

Of course not!  "Yes!" she called, her voice barely under control.

The machine emitted a whining sound, growing louder and louder until it hurt her ears.



"10 seconds!"

This was it!  She was going home!  Oh god why did she want to cry?  There was nothing for her here but a life at someone's beck and call!  She had a career over there!  She had friends and family!

"5 seconds!  Goodbye, Patty!"

She tried to respond, but it choked in her throat.

4... 3... 2... 1...

The center chamber was surrounded by a bright glow as it charged up.  There was s sudden rush of air as the contents of the chamber were thrown violently across space and reality.  The whine died down gradually, until the machine stood nobly silent, its task complete.


A loud hiss, a flash of light.  Half the city's circuits would be blown by now.  Jack shut the machine down and stood there, arms limp.

She was gone.

It was better this way.  All she had to look forward to here was a slave's life.

He engaged a secondary circuit, watching the machine as it shuddered, its internal components frying.  Nobody would have the teleporter.  He'd spent two years building this thing, yet for some reason he felt nothing as he perpetrated its destruction.

There'd be hell to pay come tomorrow as he explained to some very powerful people why their machine would never be.  Still, that had all been part of the plan from the start.  He smiled, taking one last look at the flames licking through the top of the teleporter before climbing down the ladder.

"What the hell?"  He rubbed his eyes.

Patty, naked, kneeled upon the ground before him, her head bowed low.  "I thought Master could use an ace in the hole." she said.

Jack lifted his girl to her feet and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her deeply.  "Stupid girl..." he chided.  "Do you realize how much money you just wasted?"

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Foreigner Fucking My Mom

Hi, guys, I’m Ravi from Chennai.24 years of age currently working in a software company.This is a real life story which happened three months ago and it’s real just want to share this after going through this site.Just wanted to let you al know that this stuff happens to us. This started three months ago. I have no idea what to do. I live in Chennai with my mom who is 48 years old. My dad works abroad in the Gulf. Recently, a guy Named Bill a Foreigner, came for work purposes. He is training...

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Lena and Landon

Lena Brooks and Landon Parker sat proudly at the graduation of Walter, Lena's son. His fellow classmates envied him since he was receiving double Masters degree's at his young teen age. It was no surprise to Lena nor his uncle Landon when he gave them a nod in his acceptance speech. They too were "gifted" she a recognized Environmentalist, Climatologist and Speaker. Landon a Mechanical/Nuclear Engineer for Military Special Projects before going independent. "Wally" as they called him rushed to...

4 years ago
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Foreign Posting

I had been going through a very rough patch in those years, my husband of three years had eloped with some foreigner and was now a Canadian Citizen, and a very Stress full and nasty divorce was in process.I was always good in studies and in last three years, during divorce proceedings, have been trying to compete for some govt. Job and as they say, times they have a way of changing.The month I got the divorce I also got selected as Cultural officer in Ministry of External Affairs, I was posted...

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Foreign Posting

I was always good in studies and in last three years, during divorce proceedings, have been trying to compete for some govt. Job and as they say, times they have a way of changing. The month I got the divorce I also got selected as Cultural officer in Ministry of External Affairs, I was posted in Kathmandu after initial training, my parents moved to Kathmandu along with me, but they had to return for nephew’s delivery, satisfied that I could take care of myself in a foreign country. I was...

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Foreign Arrest

Kelsey was a really pretty blond boy. He had always been adventurous and loved doing things that most other people would avoid. He liked his men tough and being manhandled was no problem for him. Kelsey had always been intrigued by Hispanic men and loved their rough approach to sex. Being used as a puta was like an elixir to him and he found the machination of these kinds of guys extremely satisfying.Having finally decided to go to the source of gratification, Kelsey decided to cross the border...

Gay Male
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Foreign Study

The odds against an American child growing up to be an NFL Quarterback or Victoria Secret model are on the order of 20 million to one. Most of us live at the median of the bell curve of human possibilities. Average looks. Average physique. Average intelligence. Average motivation. Average sex appeal. Not me. I belong to a subgroup that is blessed–or cursed, depending on your perspective–with above average intelligence and academic motivation. But being brainy has it’s price. In my case, it...

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Foreign Spices Part 2 of 3

Over the next couple of weeks, the trio of Nara, Rekha, and Revish travelled along the coast and into the hills of India. Revish was the perfect tour guide, knowledgeable and very proud of his country. They explored the countryside and towns and cities during the day and every night, no matter where they were, Revish always seemed to be able to find the liveliest action.They got along just fine. Revish offered all of his affection to Rekha but graciously kept Nara involved. Nara gave the couple...

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Foreign Spices Part 1 of 3

Two dark bodies moved on the bed in sensuous rhythm; hot skin over hot blood. Their silhouettes flickered and stretched along the red, streak painted walls, cast there by small lamps and rows of candles. Arms and legs clenched and slid up and down around one another but hardly ever apart, skin always in contact. The man rolled his hips, following the muted beat of heavy dance music emanating through the walls from the downstairs club. The woman, curled up, her legs wrapped around his waist and...

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Foreign Exchange Part 2 of 3

Here is the next note about Andi, our 18 year old foreign exchangestudent, that I sent to my online friend. If you haven't read the first part to this story, I would advise you to go back and do so first...ENJOY! ;) ******* It's unbelievable, but I finally fucked Andi!! I'll try to give yousome specifics...I was kind of out of it during the whole thing. The sensations and pleasure were so much and so unbelievable. I think because it felt kind of other worldly. ;) The week leading up to was very...

3 years ago
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Foreign Study

The odds against an American child growing up to be an NFL Quarterback or Victoria Secret model are on the order of 20 million to one. Most of us live at the median of the bell curve of human possibilities. Average looks. Average physique. Average intelligence. Average motivation. Average sex appeal. Not me. I belong to a subgroup that is blessed–or cursed, depending on your perspective–with above average intelligence and academic motivation. But being brainy has it's price. In my case, it...

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Foreign Life

Foreign Life By Garath Eighteen year old Jake looked outside through the window at the dark cloudy sky and sighed. Occasional bolts of lightning lit up his brown eyes when they flashed. His brown hair was parted to fall on both sides, covering his ears. He had some muscle on him, which was a result of his training. He was about six feet tall, and quite good looking. He wore a normal black shirt and blue jeans. But nothing about Jake was normal. He was currently sitting in a...

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Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs By Jennifer Stewart The Diplomat Charles had difficulty getting to sleep. He could not get the image of the pretty, 19 year old maid, Francine, sucking Uncle Raymond's huge brown penis and the streams of white liquid, which spurted from it onto Francine's tongue. He was fascinated and yet frightened. An innocent, he had never seen adults do anything more than kiss. Even when Uncle kissed Francine it was earthy and blatantly sexual rather than the chaste and...

3 years ago
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Foreign Life Part 3

Foreign Life 3 - by Garath A relaxing dip in the Hot Springs Sandra sighed as she sat in the attic on the hypothermic chamber of regeneration while looking at the falling rain. She was wearing a pink halter-top with blue jeans. It had been three days since the attack in the mall, and she had been alone for all three of them. Jim had been avoiding her lately, though she couldn't figure out why. Trish had been too busy helping her family with their store to drop by, and Jesse had...

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Foreign Life 4

Foreign Life 4: Magic in the Night Sandra looked out at the passing scenery as she road in the back seat of the Hover Car. She wore a simple black tank top that looked more like a midriff the way it showed off her belly and hugged her bosom. To match it, she wore a pair of tight, but not too tight shorts. Her footwear was a simple pair of black sneakers with white socks. Jim who was next to her, (much to her pleasure and embarrassment) was wearing a blue short sleeve shirt and a pair...

2 years ago
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Foreign Exchange

My name is Peter and I teach Political Science and Economics to senior high school students who have more money and technology than some Third World countries. It is hard to explain to them about Capitalism or Communism while they are texting their friends about old "Professor Pete". Recently I was drinking with a friend who is a journalist for our major daily paper and he got me to write a few pieces about the upcoming APEC conference to use as fillers in the paper. The whole city was in...

1 year ago
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Foreign Body

I can't believe that I finally made it to my senior year of high school. My name is Steven and I am 18 years of age, 5'10", medium build, brown hair, blue eyes, and a 7 inch dick. First period came around and I noticed as I sat in a chair that there was a new chick at the school. Turns out that she was a foreign exchange student named Gabriella. She was about 5'10" herself, with dark blonde hair, bright blue eyes, very fit (I could see her abs showing through her tummy shirt), an awesome round...

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Journeys West Chapter 20 Yolanda

Chapter 20 - Yolanda By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Mary Sue stood in the doorway of the library's special archives, hands on her hips. Before her stood the rows of shelves that had been in the basement when she had arrived. One of the first things she had done after taking over as the temporary librarian was to get a group of teenaged boys in to move the boxes stored in the basement up to where they would be better protected. She had then spent several...

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Allan In Wonderful Land

Allan In Wonderful Land Disclaimer: Any characters, events or whatever depicted in this story and the real world is purely coincidental. That very thought is too silly an too scary to contemplate. As to it's maybe copying a certain story by the author, Lewis Carroll, so what? This is a satire, a parody and just a silly comedic story, so get over with it and yourself at the same time. The use of the word, "fanny," in this story does not indicate a particular part of the female anatomy...

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Welcome To Fictionmania Land

Hi here is my contest entry and my Valentine to the group and it's authors. I hope you will see this as the tribute it is meant to be and try to find all the TG refernces made in it. Welcome To Fictionmania Land by Cabinessence (Fictionmania Contest Entry) I have always been more of a stay at home guy rather than a social animal. I'd much rather spend quiet evenings just hanging around the dorm than going out partying as many of the other guys who lived in my dorm did....

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Foreigner Ke Sath Sex

Hi dosto mera naam Renuka hai. Umar 34 saal hai mai regular story reader hoon. Maine bohat sari story padhi hai kafi achhi bhi lagi. Kafi dino se mai soch rahi thi ki mai bhi apni kahani likhu par dar rahi thi kaise likhu lekin aaj himmat ho gayi aur likh rahi hoon. Ye kahani 2 saal pahle ki hai. Mai ek widow hoon mere pati ki death 2.5 saal pahle huyi thi. Meri do ladkiya hai ek 10 aur ek 7 saal ki. Jab unki death huyi to mai housewife thi ghar ka sara bojh unpar tha unki achanak death ne ghar...

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Mizuryu Kei Land

Welcome to Mizuryu Kei Land, the wonderful adult theme park based entirely around sex! Here, you can go to unwind, have fun, and let loose from your everyday selves. From games, to rides, to cultural events, to competitions and contests, you can always find something to do at Mizuryu Kei Land! The rules of the land are pretty simple, and they are easy to follow! Firstly, stay clean! While it’s understandable that you’re going to get lots of sweat and sexual fluids on you during your stay in...

Group Sex
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My Weekend Alone With Uncle Roland

I had just finished up at work when my cell phone rang. "Sophia, come over this weekend," the voice said. "Hello to you, too? Mom, Its a 10 hour drive, if I come out it's for more then the weekend," I replied. "Fine, your room is ready, see you soon." The line went dead. Guess I was going to California. I drove home, packed some bags and hopped into my car. I drove for about an hour and half before I pulled up to a gas station. I went in picked up a few snacks and some water and headed back to...

4 years ago
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Foreigner Ke Sath Ek Hasin Raat

Hi everybody this is my first story in ISS my name is Aryan name changed and I live in Udaipur doing B. Tech in 3rd year and I am round about 6 feet tall having muscular body and fair looking guy not wasting so much time and I come to my story. Udaipur ek tourist place hai jaha me study karta hu do hafte pehle ki baat hai jab me apne dosto ke saath movie dekhne gaya celebration mall movie dekhne ke baad hum log mall me hi ghumne lage tabhi meri nazar do foreigner ladkiyo par padi kya lag rahi...

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In This Land

In this Land by Arcie Emm You may wish to read the prior Manny and Maude stories: 1. Mirror Mirror 2. On the Wall "Are you sure you don't need you to come, Maude? It's my job." "No, no, Manny, really I think it is better that I visit Baroness Asudem on my own. It's not that I don't enjoy your company, what with Andy being such a poor conversationalist, but a visit to the Baroness is often quite hard on her guests. Literally." "Huh?" "Well, see, Baroness Asudem is a...

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Foreign Woman takes Me

Am a 30 year old male and live in bangalore. This is a true story that happened a few years back when I was still working in the hospitality industry. I was working in a very reputed hotel chain in Agra as a manager. The city was not very happening, the work was long hours and my social life nearly non existent as I was new to the city and was there on a temporary assignment. I decided to go out and catch a drink and dinner one evening. I walked into another 5 star hotel, headed to the bar. I...

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Maryland My Maryland

Maryland’s Heritage Introduction: This is being written in response to something an anonymous commenter included regarding my story titled ‘Wife Gets What She wants’. He said he had friends who all referred to Maryland as a ‘Yankee State’. I wanted to address that remark. Well I am a Yankee in the ‘American’ sense, but I’m not precisely a Yankee, and neither are most Marylanders, at least in the more historic use of the word. I doubt if the anonymous commenter ever reads this, but like so...

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Going to Disneyland

I grew up as part of the largest group of parasitic, society-sucking losers on the face of the earth. We're talking about a group of people that has pervaded every city, every town, and every rural area of these great United States since the Mayflower came ashore at Plymouth Rock. We're talking about the people who made the trailer park what it is today, the people who keep the generic beer companies on the stock exchange, the people who fund every state lottery and bingo hall, the people...

3 years ago
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A New PastChapter 51 Landings

“Down two. Fifteen meters,” Todd Walton, the landing pilot on ‘Selene’ said calmly over the radio. The image on the screen showed a split view of the landing radar display and the image outside the spacecraft as it neared the lunar surface. I gripped the edge of the desk and watched the telemetry display on my own console. With the nearly one-and-a-half second transmission lag, there was little real-time advice any of us at Learmonth could give them. We all watched intently, trying to will...

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Fun With Mom And Landlady

Ishwar Lal had left his wife, Urmila in charge of everything. Not that he didn’t trust Punjun, but how is a boy supposed to have everything he’d need without wasting a lot of time? After all, this was a crucial year in their lives. Punjun had just turned 18 and decided to take a gap year to prepare for competitions. He had done well enough in school, even made the merit list in his district, but found himself well below the required level of college entrance exams. Despite the urge to blame...

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Little Big Land

This story is a follow-up to 'Millionaire Sissy', a story I wrote several years ago. If you want to read it, it's here: https://bbcharlotte.tumblr.com/post/170939905717/story-time-millionaire-sissy.The investments I made with the money I won in the lottery, turned out so well that I could make my next move. The building of Little Big Land, an indoor playground for AB's, DL's, and diapered sissies. With help of my well-endowed staff, AB-friends with architectural skills and our dirty little...

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In His Own Sex Land

In His Own Sex LandByJackpotHere are all the usual disclaimers.  You must be over 18 to read this!  This story is pure fiction!  Any Resemblance to names or persons in real life is purely coincidental. These characters are fiction.  You have been warned! This is for adults only!(This is one of the rare stories I wrote at the request of a reader.  The ideas were fleshed out and the writing followed.  It contains altered dialogue suggested by a Mistress. Any resemblance to characters or places is...

4 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 7 Business in New Zealand

We were gathered in the backroom of F&J's Pizza Parlor, Ltd. celebrating the shipment of our first solar cars to our Auckland dealership. Jim C, Frank, our families, and I decided to host a party for our key personnel and select members of the media. Frank was just finishing a review of what Jim C's Products, Ltd. had accomplished since we had created the corporation. One of the main points in his presentation was the successful restructure of the US operation under Evan Strophe in...

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Mmm In the Highlands

Jane and Samuel were away in the Highlands of Scotland. They went there for their first weekend away. Since that memorable weekend they visited the Highlands a few times each year. Their home for the weekend was a beautiful old log cabin on a Loch at Glen Coe. The cabin sat in a glacial valley. The two high mountains on either side were snow capped and the views were amazing. It was early spring, the new plants and leaves were just beginning to bud. The weather was warmer but there was a...

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Lauryn Goes to Disneyland

“Lauryn “Her mom said standing above her bed Lauryn’s head hidden under the covers. “We are going down to the pool before we go to into the park would you like to come?” “Maybe” Lauryn grunted. “Ok well hurry down” her mother said sweetly. Lauryn’s parents had no clue. No clue that she wasn’t there sweet little girl anymore. Hell she had two boyfriends. Well one good boy-boy friend so she could keep up her good girl fa?e and her bad boy fuck buddy Carl. She missed her fuck buddy right...

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Angela Blade Chronicles Chapter 2 Switzerland

Angela Blade Chronicles Chapter 2: Switzerland When we left Angela Blade she was learning to cope with life as a three-year-old girl after being a male FBI agent. Not wanting to have to go live with her grandparents in Saudi Arabia a Muslim country. Trying to be a good girl and the daughter of a mafia kingpin. As we begin this chapter the Blade family is getting ready to fly to Switzerland. But daddy I thought we were staying here in Australia for the...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 13 Portland

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Thirteen: Portland Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come...

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Legends of LadyLand

In the stories CHYOA: Lady-Land Edition and Life in Lady-Land we explored what a world where everyone is female might look like. However what of it's history and mythology? As a quick introduction for people unfamiliar with previous entries in this series: One-hundred percent of humanity is and always has been female. In spite science having no explanation as to how, lesbian sex can cause pregnancy IF neither partner is pregnant and orgasm is caused by direct skin-to-genital contact.

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Loris and MorgChapter 12 Windshift Main Man Land

"There's been many and more boats missing ... but the weather's been good." "Who's been getting the blame?" "Sea Witches," claimed the rescued. "Believed it, I did ... before the giants sailed close and boarded us from the opposite side ... then she come swimming under the boat. 'Stay put.' she said. 'We'll have you AND your boat out of here in a few, ' she said. And she did. "Thought we were goners, Harbormaster. "We heard scrabbling at the bow and then she at the stern....

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No FutureChapter 73 Promised Land

Tamara 2098 Whatever it was that had defined Tamara's Jewish identity over the years, it wasn't her religious faith. Nor had it been her need to belong to the Jewish community. Her identity was more intangible. It was the sense of a shared tradition and what had been until recently a shared nationality. She'd never troubled herself about her Jewish heritage when she'd actually lived in Israel. It was only after she'd abandoned the nation of her birth to radioactive dust and vengeful...

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Hot Candy Land

Where can I start with this one? HotCandyLand.com, aka Sweet State, is a website that features a massive browser-based RPG-style game known as you guessed it – Hot Candy Land. Your mission in this game is to be the most dominant pimp and porn caster/actor in ‘Pornwood’, a fictional version of real-life Hollywood. You start off by moving into a shitty dorm with nothing but 200$ in your pocket and slowly rise through the ranks of pimps, Pornwood casters, and various people and organizations...

Best Porn Games
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 4 Visiting New Zealand

Jim C, Sam, Frank, Kirk, and I discussed the trip to New Zealand on Monday. We defined the specific objectives of the trip and what information we expected to acquire during our stay. All five of us had valid passports and there was an agreement between the US and New Zealand governments that allowed us entry as short-term visitors without a visa. By Friday, we were ready to go. We would be island hopping and our total flight time would be close to 16 hours, so our pilot, Bob Simon, and...

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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 5 Moving to New Zealand

Frank and his wives went back to running the Chocolateen Corporation, while my wives and I continued the effort of preparing to move to New Zealand. Frank and I were right; our wives hated the idea of engineering events that would lead to the media invading our lives. They accepted the idea as a necessity, and only agreed to go along with it when we told them we would be involved in deciding what would be engineered and how the media would be enticed into taking action. I talked with Paul...

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The Martian Land

The Martian Land By Brad Miller "Why do we have to go to Mars anyway dad?" Sarah whined. "Because honey it's my job. NASA chose us as the first family to colonize on Mars. Then, if it's safe, more and more people will move up to Mars and we'll eventually leave Earth all together!" Mr. Miller explained to his 16 year old daughter. "So we're just a couple of Guinea Pigs? Is that what you're saying?" "No, it's not like that. Here, think of it this way. We are the first family to...

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Pakistani Fucked Mona Darling In Auckland

Hello friends. My name is Sam and I am a Pakistani living in Auckland, New Zealand. So I will share my sexual experiences with you in Auckland. Please keep your feedback coming like you did for my earlier stories. My email is Now coming to the story. After arriving in New Zealand I got a job in a good company. The first 4 weeks consisted of training. We were 4 people hired and three of them were girls so I was the only guy amongst them. One of the girls was Mona who gave me a boner instantly...

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Slow Plane To Auckland

Portions of this story may be used in short critical reviews. Reproduction, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. *** WARNING: This story contains coarse language, descriptions of activities that may be forbidden by law(s), and adult situations. It is intended for a mature audience only. All references to actual people, places or things were employed intentionally and for satirical or artistic purposes. *** This story contains the abbreviated...

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Teaching Experience at St Benedict College Bangkok Thailand

Teaching Experience at St. Benedict College, in Bangkok, Thailand BACKGROUND: Originally, I’d been in business, as an insurance underwriter, but left that occupation when my company was decimated by the “Great Recession” of 2008. The following year my wife and I divorced after a short, unhappy, childless marriage. I decided to change careers. Reinvent myself. Do something more rewarding. Having taught English in Europe, during a backpacking stint after college, and having loved it, I...

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The Journey Episode 7 Wasteland

Notes: 1- Continuing my futurology experiment, I describe what is going to happen to the fertile fields of central Brazil (the so called " cerrado") after people disappears. 2- The storm belt is no invention of mine. Currently, from time to time, a continuous band of clouds form carrying water vapor from the amazon lowlands towards southeast Brazil, these are called "convergence zones", you probably are aware of the sad happenings in the mountains near the city of Rio the Janeiro, who...

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Gill Igg and Is Land

As we strolled along the dock holding hands, I looked at my wife Natalie. Despite the fact that we were approaching fifty, she was still as beautiful to me as ever. I guess we needed to do more things together to re-kindle the flames of love into a roaring fire again, but the embers were still alive. I looked back at the parking lot to assure myself that my other great love, my 2013 Mustang Boss 302 was still okay. Then I grabbed Natalie's hand and we started walking along the docks. Besides...

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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 13 Portland

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come from the city. There were probably bandits occupying the city, but we...

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Back to the Land

Prologue: This is a romance and my first attempt at writing fiction. It started off as a story idea for Earth Day but writing it and deciding to post it held it up for a while. Many thanks primarily to Dinsmore and also Techsan for patience and expert help and advice with edits and writing. As per usual, the characters are invented and bear no intentional resemblance to actual persons alive or deceased. All intercourse is consensual and between individuals over the age of eighteen. This is a...

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Body Shifters Universe Nowomansland

I was awake. It would have to be now. I'd be thinking it, planning it, and I had to move. I couldn't let things stand. But it wasn't so easy: I couldn't just jump out of bed - not with all of them. So I began to slowly extricate myself from the tangle of womanly limbs. So sleek, so soft ... NO! NO!! I wouldn't think about how gorgeous they all were. That way would cause me to surrender, and continue to wallow in the soft, deceptive delight of their luscious flesh. I moved, and a platinum...

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so I meet the sex goddess of Netherlands

2008 3 August for the first time since 2001, I was back in the Netherlands, for my work.The world again nigeria from Netherlands and have the sneek week sneek.maar in any hotel or camping was inhabited plaats.mijn friend for life Also in sneek, would he be able vragen.het is 9am morning as I did for the door with him sta.ik lay him out and he says yes, but where am sleeping difficult heefd a girlfriend with his girlfriend uitgenodicht daughter sleeping on the couch . his home is just klein.ik...

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A Scarred Wonderland

I. Giant, multicolored sails litter the rolling turquoise waves of the Pacific. From this distance, they’re like flecks of paper mache swaying back and forth in the wind, waving little goodbyes as they drift farther and farther out. There’s a hard metallic clank as the hatch locks into place. “All set,” a twanging southern voice calls out. In the mirror, a slim shape in a tank top and a straw Stetson gives a thumbs-up, a radiant smile etched on a heart shaped face. Abigail has this weird...

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Portland A sweet story of two transsexuals, one of whom is pregnant By Melissa Tawn CHAPTER 1. ME The day I had my sexual reassignment surgery it rained. It also rained the day before and the day after. That was no big deal. Portland, Oregon, is one of the rainiest cities in the United States and 1993 was considered a particularly wet year. The natives like to joke that if the sun ever shines in Oregon, you don't tan ? you rust. I believe them. Anyway, on a very wet...

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The Sparrows of Thailand

The sparrows of Thailand are like sparrows anywhere: small, gray, and flitting… but surrounded by blue parrots, iguanas, and infinite neon butterflies. They hang around the restaurants and ‘steal’ scraps of food. I remember happily watching one make off with a bit of fresh spinach once. I believe sparrows are only native to the British Isles and spread as a result of imperialism… a term I use neither positively nor negatively but descriptively. The restaurants around Phetchaburi Rajabhat...

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