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In this Land by Arcie Emm You may wish to read the prior Manny and Maude stories: 1. Mirror Mirror 2. On the Wall "Are you sure you don't need you to come, Maude? It's my job." "No, no, Manny, really I think it is better that I visit Baroness Asudem on my own. It's not that I don't enjoy your company, what with Andy being such a poor conversationalist, but a visit to the Baroness is often quite hard on her guests. Literally." "Huh?" "Well, see, Baroness Asudem is a gorgon, looking at her turns a person into stone. Which is really too bad, she has a remarkable figure, admittedly not quite as remarkable as yours, but she still wears clothes magnificently. True, having snakes for hair is somewhat offputting, but that`s why I am able to sell her so many pretty hats." Having settled, over the last few weeks, upon the manly strategy of trying to ignore his transformation, hoping Maude was right in her belief she could turn him back into himself, Manny was more than able to ignore her casual mention of his appearance. Instead he asked, "If looking at her turns a person to stone, how do you do it?" "Well I had some gorgles made up. Obscenely expensive, but when wearing them I have no fear of being turned into a statue and I have more than made back my investment." "Do you have a second pair?" "Oh goodness me, no. The first pair left Lirial and I on a cabbage diet for an entire winter, and a harsh winter at that, one where we could hardly go out doors. The cabin did become horrificially unbearable at times, causing us to choose the freezing cold in an attempt to air the place out. I often wonder if it was that winter started Lirial on the path to evil witchdom, I know it almost did so for me." "It just seems like I am shirking my duties." "Manny, you haven't had a day off since you started working for me. As your employers, I say you will not be shirking your duties." Riding along in a wagon, days on end, was far from the toughest work he had ever done. But, none-the-less he had no reason not to agree and said, "Very well." "Besides, the only danger within the Baroness's domain is Asudem herself. And I would not bet on either of our chances, alone or together, against her." Proof of Maude's words came as they rounded a bend in the road, wending its way through the Really Big Mountains range, and spotted a party of five adventurers near the entrance of a path splitting away on its own. If he were to make a guess, he would say it was a typical adventuring party with a warrior, priest, wizard, archer, and thief. The simplest solution to confirming this guess would have been to ask them; however, each was statuefied in what appeared to be a state of attack. Manny also learned that the Baroness had an interesting sense of humour, for on a boulder marking the path someone, presumably the gorgon herself, had painted a sign, Asudem's House O'Lawn Ornaments. Reaching the point of turn off, Maude brought her cart to a stop, so that Manny could hop out, a quick flick of his wings allowing him to settle upon the high heels of his armoured boots with barely a wobble. Taking his spear from its rest, he removed his shield and pack from behind the seat, allowing Maude to cluck at Andy and continue on her way. As the wagon curved out of sight, Manny found himself wondering how he would entertain himself for the rest of the day. It wasn't like there was any civilization nearby, just rock and some evergreens valiantly trying to survive in whatever dirt they could find. In the end, he decided to find the camp, where Maude had told him they would meet. By then, maybe he would have a better idea of what he wanted to do. *** Since being turned into a pixie (or a bigxie as Maude called him now that he was human sized) his wings had made some tasks more difficult, one such was shouldering into his backpack. Fortunately he worked for an excellent seamstrist, one who had modified his old pack to hang comfortably between his wings. However, this hindrance was more than offset by his ability to leap into the air and fly wherever he wished. In this instance, his leap did not take him too high, because he found it more difficult to fly in the mountains. So barely higher than he now stood, even when perched upon his ridiculous heels, Manny flew along the road. Traveling much faster than the plodding auroch who pulled the wagon, it only took an hour before he spotted a flat spot and a recognizable cabin. Not that he had seen this particular one, but it was no different than numerous others they had passed during their journey. Apparently the Land Beyond was rather underpopulated in comparison to the human lands he had visited. Communities were rare and inns between those communities were even rarer, since travelers themselves were uncommon. But serving a similar function were Wayfarer posts, established and maintained by a flock of rarely seen harpies. Instead, guests dropped their payment into a glowing sphere, which held it safely until the next caretaker passed. She had also warned that, though unwatched, the harpies knew what happened in their cabins and had the ability to bar access to undesirables. Landing in front of the building, Manny cautiously approached the door. Despite Maude`s assurance, he could not quite believe that bandits wouldn`t find a post a perfect spot to waylay travelers. Once more she was proven correct, as entry found things quiet, nobody else inside. Shrugging out of his pack he dug inside for a snack. That was the one problem with flying, it always left him famished. But where such a state used to have him looking for a piece of jerky, now he dug up a stick of hard candy, nearly the size of the hilt of his sword. To say the transformation had given him a sweet tooth was akin to saying a lion likes raw meat, for nothing satisfied quite like sugar and honey. Still it was not his entire diet, which is why he dug deeper in his pack to find a small bag containing his hooks and fishing twine. He had noticed a creek behind the cabin and planned to find a fishing pool. Thus equipped, he stowed the pack in a chest at the end of a bed, slid his button shield underneath, and made for the door with his spear, fishing gear, and the treat. Outside, he found it warmer than before and considered leaving his overrobe behind. Even with slits above his knees in the front, back, and sides, he found it cumbersome when flying. The robe was another of Maude's creations. Arriving in the first village, after Pretty Tree Forrest, Manny had inspired quite the sensation. Unsurprising when he remembered his own first sighting of the pixies he mirrored, nor did his bordello inspired armour help. Extremely uncomfortable, it had been all the two could do to make it to their inn room. There Manny had begged Maude to craft him a robe to wear over his armour, one with a hood. Rather taken back by his reception, Maude had eagerly acceded. Leaving the next morning, Manny found himself wishing that he had been more detailed in his pleas. He had visualized a robe like those worn by the Riders of Pruneland, which were dark grey, billowy things. Instead Maude, being Maude, made something to flatter his figure and match the rest of what he wore. Again proving her expertise at the tailoring craft, Manny knew he had no room for complaint. Thus he had found himself pulling on the shimmering white, woolen robe with cuffs, hem, slits, and hood trimmed in pink ribbon the colour of his armour. Maude had even embroidered small pink roses, to match those on his shield and hem, at the point of the four slits in the robe's skirts. The sensations Manny had caused since donning the robe were just as noticeable, but muted in comparison. After all, it still left his pink veined wings free to serve their purpose. And secondly, any breeze made the fine wool mold itself to his curves or expose a thigh-high, stilettoed boot. Yet with the hood pulled over his head, most people, in particular most men, did not stare at him with brainless lust. Now their stares engaged their minds, as they curiously wondering if what was hidden was true to what was hinted or if they would find something like a gorgon underneath. On this day the robe was unneeded. So he reentered the cabin and stowed it with his backpack. Enjoying the freedom of wearing only his armour, Manny soon flew along the winding creek, looking for a fishing spot. He found a pool where it next met the road, a stone bridge having been built to cross it. Settling on a sunny ledge, off to the side, Manny sat with his feet dangling over the edge, his hook in the water attached to the twine knotted around his wrist, and sucked on the stick of candy. The fishing proved poor, but relaxing as the sun beat down upon him and the stone ledge, basking him in its warmth. Drifting in and out of wakefulness, the natural balance of a pixie was the only thing that kept him from a cold bath. It was in such a state that he dreamed a curious song. Fee Fi, Fee Fo, No more work with the hoe!! We won't weed weed weed weed weed weed, In the field the whole day through. No weed weed weed weed weed weed It's what we hate to do. "Hey, ho, laddios, will you lookie at that ledge. See the pretty butterfly?" "Holy boingoes, check her out." Jerking awake, Manny spotted seven men gawking at him from the bridge. A second glance showed that not a one would be taller than his hips, yet by the beards on all but one he doubted them to be children. Suddenly, he guessed they were dwarfs. He was not impressed. Unlike the warriors of fable, these guys were pudgy little fellows who looked like the should be holding down benches at the local tavern. "How goes the fishing, Missy?" Asked a grey bearded one, standing in the middle of the pack, whose voice identified him as the first speaker. "Not so good. Not even a bite." "Never had any luck myself. Don't think there are none fish in this here pond. So, Missy, what are doing out here all on your lonesome?" Something in the dwarf's manner placed Manny on guard, but he felt safe on his ledge, the pool serving as a moat. "I'm a wagon train guard, we're camped at the Wayfarers post." "Are you now? Is it a big train?" Instead of answering, Manny looked towards the most weasily looking member of the bunch who was grinning, pointing towards him, and whispering to another of the dwarfs, one who leant against the railing as if it was the only thing holding him up. Suddenly realizing where the dwarf pointed, Manny pulled at his short kilt and brought his legs together to sit in a more lady like fashion. The accusatory look of hurt appearing upon the weasel's face, proving the maneuver wise. "Big enough." "Is that so?" Turning to look at the unbearded dwarf, one with the week chin and holding a hand to his chest, he asked, "Well is she, Boney?" "How am I supposed to know, Bossy?" "With your wonder schnoz. After all, it's what told us she were out here." "It don't tell me that, Bossy. Why don't you just ask her?" Growing nervous at their strange behavior, Manny retrieved his fishing line and stowed it away in its bag, before climbing to his feet. "Ask me what?" Turning a rather nasty leer in the bigxie's direction, Bossy asked, "So be you a virgin?" "WHAT!" "A virgin. You see, this cave we was hoping to use as our hidey hole is the home of some type of monster. So I were thinking that if we was to give it a virgin saccerfice it wouldn't bother us." "'m not going to be your sacrifice, virgin or otherwise." Before the main dwarf could say anything, the weasel said, "Look at her. Bossy. All getted up sexy like. There's no way she's a virgin." "Shut up, Pervy. I'm talking to the saccerfice, not to you." "I'm not your sacrifice." Manny said. "There's a monster in the cave?" The dwarf with the longest beard asked."Why didn't you tell me? You know I'm sceered of monsters." "That's why we didn't tell you, Dummy. Now you be quiet so that I can make the monster less sceery." "Okay, Bossy." "So, Missy, do we have a deal?" "Of course we don't have a deal." "Well, I was thinking, what with you dying of a fatal disease, you would want to work out a deal. Something like you help us out with our problem and we send five gold coins to your family." "Like I would trust you to send it...wait...I don't have a fatal disease." "Sure you does, you came down with monster sacrifitist." This caused six of the dwarfs to break out in laughter, only the one who was afraid of monsters not joining in. Instead he said, "I don't get it." Manny also did not see the humour in the situation, vehemently stating, "You are crazy and I am leaving!" Breaking off his laughter, Bossy said, "You're not going to make this easy, are you? Get her, Boys." This time it was Manny's turn to laugh. "What are you gonna do, swim out here?" "I was talking to them." Looking upwards, at where Bossy pointed, Manny saw three red bearded dwarfs, their eyes gleaming crazily, standing on a ledge above him. He only had time to say, "Ahh crap, not more triplets." Before the net hit him, its weighted edges pulling him down in a heap. Still he tried to fight when the three scaled down to join him, but that was short lived, for one bonked him on the head with a club. *** Coming too was not a pleasant experience for Manny. The knock on the head made him want to throw up. But worse, he was cold, unable to see, and could not move. As his senses began to return, he started solving these problems. First, he realized that the reason he could not move, was because someone had tied him, standing, to a stake. Second, he figured out that he could not see, because he was in a pitch black room. Third, he threw up, leaning his head as far out as possible, hoping to not splatter himself. With these issues dealt with, his mind uncomfortably focussed upon his last problem, being cold. Temporarily he wished that he had not left his robe at the cabin, before guessing that it would have been removed, just like his armour. Hopefully not, but probably, by Pervy. Grimacing at the thought, his next shiver occurred for something other than the cold. At least he still wore his underthings. Though it seemed strange that they would leave him dressed, even this much. Then he remembered, he was the virgin sacrifice. How better to be presented in the role than clad in silken underthings. All the stories said that was how it was to be done. He was perfectly suited for the role of the gorgeous virgin, well at least in his current incarnation. As a male, despite limited success with women, he had benefited a time or two from being part of an army who was having a victory party after winning a war. Morals always seemed to slip in that situation and at least for a day or two, women would see him as the conquering hero, rather than a big galoot. Yet he wondered if he was actually a virgin in this form. Not that he had been with a man, the very thought made his queasy stomach more-so. But Maude had carried through with her threat, when leaving Tree Tinka, to purchase him a snake. She had then badgered him daily until he had reluctantly and nervously given in. After that night, the badgering was no longer needed, nor was the reluctance anything other than feigned, but it still made him nervous. It felt wrong, though a very good kind of wrong. Tearing his mind away from this train of thoughts, he reminded himself he was not an appropriate sacrifice, of any sort. This led his mind to wonder what sort of monster was about to eat him, then to hoping there was no monster. The dwarfs hadn't seemed particularly smart, maybe they were mistaken. And if the dwarfs weren't that smart, what did it make him? He spent some time cursing himself for a fool. Hard to forgive himself for being so confident before falling for such a simple trick. He should have flown away as soon as he realized something was wrong. Gods, how embarrassing it was to die as a oversized pixie, dressed like a courtesan, in some dark hole. He wondered if Maude would ever find out what happened. Though an unknown disappearance held some allure, though he did feel bad that his parents know where or why he disappeared. For a time, he let his terror at his situation take over. He did not shout nor cry, but his shivering was caused by more than the cold and he did let a few whimpers escape. But even that was chased away by the cold, the dark, and the soreness in his shoulders, from having his arms tied behind the stake. All that seemed left was to accept his fate. As he began to do so, his mind brushed aside fantasies of escape or rescue, wishing only that the monster would hurry up and arrive. He was tired of waiting. Then he heard a sound. A faint sound, like the whispering of wind. Again, silence returned. Stretching... And then the sound again. Psss-sss-psss-psss. Almost it seemed he should understand what it was, but his mind could not penetrate the mystery. Sssss-psss-ssss-tssss. It became a niggly itch in his ears. One that he would not be able to reach, even if his hands were not tied. Finally he had enough and shouted, "Just get it over with!" The shout had the opposite affect. Seemingly scaring away whatever approached, leaving him alone. Not an unusual thing with predators, but it would return and he would become its tasty treat with that return. This time the silence lasted even longer and his mind seemed to shut down, protecting him from his desperate thoughts. Almost he slept, though in the uncomfortable position it was never true sleep. Until once more the sound penetrated his wall. This time it seemed much closer. Frantically Manny looked around and spotted something, two faint glows that flickered and disappeared. His eyes on that spot, he noticed it again and again, counting more and more of the glows. Four, six, eight, ten of them. Slowly they floated forward, growing brighter . Finally he saw they were eyes, big glowing eyes. Immediately his mind tried to recall what type of monster had multiple eyes and lived in caves. A cyclops! No, no, they only had one eye, not many. A beholder. That was it, but he knew little about them. He had no idea in what horrible way one would kill him. He was blinded by a bolt of light. Only after blinking his eyes to clear away the sparkling before them did he see that the light came from a mining lantern, its door now opened. However, his focus was upon the monster who held the lantern. More specifically, the one monster holding it and the four others huddled beside it. "Dwarfs? More dwarfs?" "We're not d'wharfs, we're gnomes," said the one holding the lantern. "Gnomadic gnomes," said a second. "We're not gnomadic gnomes anymore," said a third, in disagreement. "Not since we settled in these caves thirty years ago," said a fourth. "Yep, we're back to being gnameless gnomes," said the last. "You're the monster scaring the dwarfs?" "Oh no," the first said. "But we work for him and he asked us to bring you to him." "I'll fight you every step of the way." "Don't do that. Besides he's gnice." "He is?" "Very. He would have greeted you himself, but he's bus, looking after his young'ins right now." Thinking that it would be good to be free of his bindings and that he could take the five meek gnomes if a chance arose, Manny said, "Very well then, I'd like to see your boss. But first you need to untie me." "Promise to not do anything gnasty?" "I promise." The gnome stared at him for a few moments, trying to determine if he believed the captive. Finally he took a hesitant step forward, saying, "Okay, but remember only big, meanie-heads break their promise. And big meanie heads are bad." "Agreed." With his promise, though given with crossed fingers, the gnomes moved forward en masse to work on the knots which tied him to the stake. "Ewww, what did I just step in?" *** The fire needed to be bigger, Manny thought as he sat hugging his knees to his chest, the silken toes of his hose barely far enough away to not catch fire. He had asked his hosts to make it larger, but they apparently felt one extra chunk of coal was good enough. Now they sat, huddled together on the other side of the fire, silently watching him with wide eyes. It was not the lustful stares to which he still had not grown used to, instead it was a fearful, nervous look. But just as uncomfortable, particularly every attempt to start a conversation ended with a simple response. Finally he decided to utilize something from the book Maude was forcing him to read, Elmadine Fergoro's So You've Been Turned Into a Woman (27 Things You Must Know). That lesson being, 'if he doesn't seem interested, then get him to talk about himself'. " said you're nameless, why don't you have names?" The one who had carried the lantern, answered, "We're not growed up, gnomes don't take gnames until we're growed." "You don't? How do you talk to each other?" "Why do you gneed gnames to talk to each other?" "Well, I guess you don't." "Course gnot, you just look at someone and they know you're talking too them." "Ohh, I see. So if your not grown up, how have you been here for thirty years and why do you have beards?" "There's more to being growed up than looking growed up. There's wisdom." "And knowledge about yourself," said the one with the bald head. "And knowledge about the world," said the one with the yellow beard. Sounding a like a learned mantra to Manny, he asked, "How do you go about gaining this wisdom and knowledge?" Lantern Gnome answered, "Why you go gnomading, of course. Leave the Gnomeland and venture out to find your fortune and gname. However, we're taking a break, since we got tired of walking." "And I had a really gnasty blister on my heal," the largest said. "We all told you gnot to wear wet socks. So here we were, resting, when who should appear but Mic." "Mic?" "He's the monster you were so worried about," Bald Head said. "But he's a lot gnicer than most gnon-monsters, lots gnicer than those gno- goodnick d'wharfs who wanted to turn you into a monster snack. He offered us work and we've been here ever since, though we've been talking about moving on." The last sounded like an unsuccessful attempt at self-convincing, but Manny politely let it pass. Instead he said, "Speaking of those dwarfs, they look a lot like gnomes." Lantern Gnome answered, "Of course the do, silly, they're growed up gnomes." "I thought you said weren't dwarfs?" "We're gnot, you can't become a d'wharf until you're growed." "Huh?" "Do you want me to explain?" "Please." Manny said, his confusion distracting him from his shaking. "Sigh, very well. See we spend the first 200 or so years of our life in the Gnomeland, learning to mine and to craft and to farm and all types of other things. Round about then, the curiosity starts setting in, about the rest of the Land Beyond. Then a group of friends will decide it is time to head out gnomading, like we did. Gnow there isn't an exact route to take, but since the Gnomeland is in the Eastern Mountains, you gnaturally head West. Along the way it's gnot unusual to take breaks, like we're doing, but sooner or later you find yourself back on the road to the West. But you can't go on like that forever." "You can't?" "Course gnot. At some point you come to the Endless Sea. Your trip would be rather short if you kept going. It is at that point, that we are to reflect on our life, on what we want to be, and the uselessness of wandering aimlessly away from Gnomeland when we could be back home making little gnomes." "If you already know that, why don't you turn around and go home now?" "That'd be cheating. Everybody would know you weren't ready to be growed up if you shirked your gnomish heritage. Better to follow through and become a gno-goodnick gang like the Monster Snack Servers, then to gnot go all the way to the Endless Sea." "Oh, sorry. So anyways, once you've reached the seas, you turn around and head home?" "Gno, gno, you first reflect on your life and in so doing, you will give yourself a Gnom d'Wharf." "What?" "Your gname. Gno longer are you a gnameless gnome gnor a gnomadic gnome, gnow you're all growed up." Still not grasping the gnomish logic behind this seemingly meaningless endeavor, Manny said, "Why do you call it a Gnom d'Wharf? Do you reflect while standing out on a dock or something?" Yellow Beard muttered, "Grrr, stinky elves." Lantern Gnome made a calming gesture to his fellow, before saying, "Gno, we just do it on the shore?" "Shouldn't it be Gnom d'Shore?" "Well actually wharf means the shore of the sea." "I don't think so, it's a dock that extends out into the water that allows boats to be loaded and unloaded." This was too much for Yellow Beard, who burst out and said, "It does too mean shore, its just that those thieves, the elves, got the definition changed. They saw that we had our Western trek, decided it looked fun, and decided they wanted to do it too. Soon they were riding to the sea on their fancy horses, gnot learning anything from the journey, except that their crap don't stink when they're high above it. But was that good enough? Gneoooo, they had to one up us. They went and built a ship and all of them sail out to an island on the horizon, further West than we go. Course they had to build a dock for their ship and sure enough they called it a wharf. Gnow, because everybody thinks elves are so wonderful and that gnomes are gnothing, our definition has become obsolete." By this point of the rant, Yellow Beard had reached fine form, flailing his arms about and shouting. Gnow, sorry I mean, now, he stood up to prance about and flap his hands beside his head, as he said, in the smarmiest of voices, "Oooh, look at us, we're the elves. Doesn't everybody just love us? Why look at how respectful we are to the past, journeying West to pay homage to our ancestors. Oh, the gnomes do it too, poor things I think they just get lost and don't realize they're going the wrong way until they run into the sea. Oooh, it's so great being an elf. Look at me, I'm so tall and pretty and look at my shiny long hair, doesn't it just show off my pointed ears so perfectly." This last, had the smallest gnome pulling on Yellow Beard's pant leg, finally causing that worthy to look down and snarl, "What?" Casting a quick look at Manny, Small Gnome jumped to his feet to stand on his tip-toes and whisper, loud enough for Manny to hear, in his companion's ear. "Look at her, she's an elf." Instantly a sickly look appeared on Yellow Beard's face. "Umm, at least that's what I heard those gno-goodnick Monster Snack Servers say, Your Ladyelfship." "I'm not an elf." Manny's statement was met by five looks of nervous disbelief. "Look, I have wings, elves don't have wings, do they?" The five looked questioningly amongst each other, before Lantern Gnome asked, rather than said, "Gnooo?" "Of course they don't." "What are you?" "I guess you could say I'm a bigxie?" "A what?" "A big pixie." "I didn't know there was such a thing." "That's fair, I didn't know the difference between dwarfs and gnomes." They did not respond to this point, instead he saw them looking at something over his head. Spinning about, knowing their employer had arrived, his eyes grew almost as large as theirs at what he saw. "Heya, Doll. I have to hand it to Bossy and his Idiot Posse, useless as they are at anything else, they sure know how to pick out an excellent sacrifice." *** It was Manny's turn to stare. Never once, while tied to the stake in the dark cave, had his speculation led him to believe that the monster in the cave would be a man-sized walking and talking mushroom. Manny had since learned that Mic was a myconid and despite his initial words, seemed as nice as the gnomes had said. Having spoken, he noticed Manny`s shivering state, and had turned into the polite host. Soon his gnomish henchmen had the fire blazing, found a blanket (that Manny appreciated despite his belief it had not been washed since the gnomes left the Gnomeland), and seen that he was fed (admittedly the lichen was the blandest thing he had ever eaten and left him longing for a stick of candy). Now the one time sacrifice felt more comfortable in his surroundings. So much so that he found himself babbling his life story, particularly his strange experiences since arriving in the Land Beyond. Scratching his chin, that is if he had a chin, Mic said, "You've had an interesting time of it, haven't you? I'm sure you will find it much more relaxing to settle down and become my consort." "What! No. I can't be your consort!" "But you were given to me, for what other purpose than to be my consort." "I don't want to be your consort," Manny said, even admitting to himself he sounded quite whiny. But he didn't blame himself, it had been a rather trying day. "Is it because I'm a spore, spore farmer, who can only offer lichen stew?" "No, it's you're a myconid and I'm a bigxie. And I'm not really a bigxie either, I'm really a human. And male at that." "Come on, Doll, if you just give me a chance, you'll find out that I'm really a fun guy." Manny just gawked, his jaw moving, but no sound issuing forth. Watching his guest, Mic finally broke out in laughter. "You should see your face, Doll. I'm really sorry, I know that was horrible, but its been rattling around in my head for years and this was my first chance to use it. Really I agree with you, gorgeous though you may be, I'm not really into the whole interspecies kink. Besides, no matter who you think you should be, you're currently a creature of the woods. Living inside a mountain wouldn't be good for you." Slumping in relief at these words, in a rather small voice, Manny asked, "So you'll let me go?" "I'm sure I'm going to come off as a cad for this, but...I'll let you go under one condition." "What?" Manny asked, his nerves beginning to jitter once more. "Rid my mountain of those gnome squatters, Bossy and his gang. They've have been messing with the harmony in my caves and its been affecting my spores." "What do you think, I'm going to do? There's ten of them and only one of me." "You're an adventurer, adventurers always find their way around such problems." "This isn't some storybook. Besides, I've got nothing to wear." "Honestly, Doll, they're pretty pathetic villains, the type who give incompetents a bad name." "If they're so incompetent, Mic, why don't you deal with them?" "Now why didn't I think of that? I don't know, maybe because I'm a giant fricken mushroom? Could that be it?" "There's no need to get snippy." "Snippy? Why I'll...ahh, you're right, Doll, it's not your fault. I've just been stressed recently, these dwarfs have gotten on my nerves and right before seeding too. Besides who am I kidding, I don't have it in me to keep you here against your will." Manny instinctively began to flinch away from the most devastating of attacks. "And I'm sure you have more important things to do, rather then help out some old, spore farmer." And there it was, a solid guilt trip right between the eyes. An attack from which he had little defense, particularly with his built in grudges against Bossy and the boys. No, that was not correct. Manny realized he had one defense mechanism left, he could hide behind someone else. Even better that someone else was not here to gainsay him. "I'd like to help out, Mic. Really I would, but I'm not free to do whatever I want. See, I'm supposed to be meeting my employer, who happens to be a powerful witch, at the Wayfarers post. She is likely quite vexed at me for keeping her waiting." "She sounds quite fearsome, maybe she could help with my problem? What type of witch is she? A firecaster? A stormcaller? Maybe a cursemistress?" This was why Manny no longer gambled, his bluffs were always called and once called, he always folded like a cheap camp stool. "Ummm...she's a seamstrist." "A seamstrist?" "A very good seamstrist," Manny said in protest. "Why how fortuitous," Mic said. "Maybe she can help me with a problem I've had even longer than the dwarfs. I've been hoping to replace the rags my gnomes wear." "Don't want gnew clothes." "I like my rags." "Now, now, Lads. You know very well that our contract states I am to feed, house, and garb you. I'm not going to tempt fate anymore by shirking that part of responsibilities when I have an opportunity to rectify the situation." "mumble-mumble-mumble." "That's not very polite, is it? Now come along, you're getting new duds whether you want them or not. Oh, you should come too, Doll. Unless you would prefer to find the way out of mountain on your own." Manny only screwed his eyes shut, hoping that when he opened them, it would find him waking up from a crazy dream at his parent's home. Worse luck, opening hem showed a fading light as the myconid and his employees began to turn a corner. Throwing aside the blanket, he jumped up, and raced to join the troop. Fluttering along at the rear, he ignored the gnomish mumbles, being wrapped up in uttering a few of his own. *** No way could Manny have been able find his way out of the mountain on his own, as Mic led them through a bewildering array of tunnels and caves that had him lost soon after the light of the fire disappeared. Fortunately one or another of the gnomes was constantly asking, "how much longer," so he did not feel alone in being lost. Yet the myconid knew where he was going and after who knows how long, Manny saw the glow of sunlight coming from the direction in which they marched. Exiting the final cave, into the sunlight, it was all Manny could do to fight instincts he did not know he had and jump twirling into the air to perform a pixie dance of joy. In the next moment, he noticed something strange, the sun was low in the Eastern sky. Which prompted him to ask, "How long was I inside?" "Since yesterday afternoon," Mic answered. "We spotted Bossy's boys down in the caves around then, but didn't have any idea why they were there until much later." "Oh no, I wonder if Maude went on without me?" It did not take long before Manny began to feel guilty about his lack of faith in his employer, for as they climbed down a mountain goat path, he spotted the Wayfarers post in the distance. Specifically, he saw Maude's wagon and Andy, who looked much smaller than his usual massive size. His guilt grew complete when their approach caused the auroch his bellow its greeting, in what Manny interpreted to be a happy tone, which brought the curious witch out of the cabin. Immediately upon seeing him, a huge smile of relief and happiness appeared on Maude's face. Not quite at a run, she trotted towards the newcomers, wrapped Manny in a quick hug, and asked, "Where have you been? I was worried sick. When I didn't find you here, I tracked you to the pool by the bridge and found your spear, but not you. What happened?" Deciding to ignore her ability to track him to the pool, when he had flown there, Maddy answered, "Well I went to the pool, hoping to catch some fish for our supper. While there I was surprised by some dwarfs who captured me." "Dwarfs?" Maude asked, dangerously looking past Manny at his companions. "We're gnot d'wharfs," one of the gnomes said in a squeaky voice. "No, not the gnomes. I guess you could say they rescued me." "Gnomes, they look like dwarfs. What's the difference?" "Well..." "Oh, never mind. That's not important now. Why did dwarfs capture you and why is a myconid with you? Did he have something to do with it?" "Who, Mic? No, no, see there are dwarfs squatting in Mic's cave who think he's a monster. Why do they think that Mic?" "Well, when they're sleeping I sneak up to their area and howl madly. I was hoping it would drive them away," the myconid answered. "Oh, that makes sense. So anyways, Maude, these dwarfs found me at the fishing hole where, because I was overconfident, thinking I could fly away at anytime, they captured me to use as a virgin sacrifice for the monster." Maude's eyes opened wide at this, then the corners of her mouth began to curl upwards, causing Manny's blush to grow more noticeable. "I take it that's why you're only wearing your underthings." Her guard nodded mutely. Smiling at this, Maude turned her attention to the myconid. "Did you not find Manny a worthwhile sacrifice, Sir Myconid?" "Maude!" "Oh yes, Madame Witch, she was most worthy. She even tried to convince me that she would be an excellent consort..." "Mic!" "...however, I told her that it would not work. What with her being a creature of the woods and me being a creature of the caves. Instead, I proposed that she help me by ridding me of those meddlesome dwarfs, but she said she needed to talk to her employer first." Swinging a frustrated look between the two jokesters, Manny shook his head in mock disgust, his knee length braid barely missing one of the gnomes. Then he flitted towards the cabin, harrumphing his opinion, and stating, "I need some candy." He was arm deep in his pack when everybody else traipsed into the cabin. "I know its kind of funny now, but it wasn't funny while I was tied to the stake waiting for something horrible to happen. In fact, thinking about it makes me mad, really mad. They tried to take my life and they took my armour. Sure it makes me look like a play toy, but it's mine and I want it back. I want to take those little buggers out." "Of course you do," Maude said. "That's perfectly reasonable. And I agree, they need to be taken out." "You do?" "Yes, I do. It's obvious that they are hoping to set themselves up as bandits and prey upon people traveling along the road. The only question is whether or not we can handle them on our own." "Maybe. They did not strike me as fighters, but much will depend upon their lair. That's why I was thinking, if you think it would be okay, that I could change into Tinka and go scouting." "You said you didn't want to be changed again, at least not until we can change you back to your real self." "I know I said that, but..." "It won't work," Mic said, interrupting Manny's justification. "It won't?" Manny asked. "You said that one of the gnomes smelled you earlier, wouldn't he be able to do so again?" "Well I'll be smaller and I'll take a bath." "That may work, but how are you going to see?" "Crap, I can't very well carry a torch while scouting can I?" Mic said, "Not likely; however, you don't need to scout Yeti Caves, since my gnomes have already done so themselves." "You have? Wait, there's yeti in the cave, that will make it much more difficult." "Of course there are no yeti, everybody knows they're imaginary. No I just call it that, because it would be a perfect set of caves for yeti if they did exist. It also works well for a bunch of dwarfs who don't really like each, since they can spread out in different areas and only deal with each when Bossy calls them all together. Tell her." This last order was directed at the gnomes. Surprisingly it was the smallest gnome who stepped forward and said, "Well, Your Bigxieship, Mic is right in that they don't like each other and that's why they're spread out within Yeti Caves. On entry, the first one you'll run into is the weasely one you were talking about, Pervy. Gnone of them like him, since he's always telling the sickest stories and laughing at his own jokes, so Bossy made him the Gatekeeper and..." *** Not being embarrassed at his morning's appearance proved how much Manny had adapted to his life in the Land Beyond. Based upon the scouting report of Pervy, they learned he was nearly as paranoid as he was horny, which resulted in his having built a barricade at the entrance tunnel and manning it with the dwarfs's lone crossbow. It had not taken a tactical genius to determine the wisdom of exploiting his horniness to overcome his paranoia. For that they needed bait. Even Manny had not expected that role to be played by anyone other than himself. Of course, amongst Pervy's many flaws, they did not think him to be a complete moron; therefore, Manny's bigxie form would not work, since being a species of one made the coincidental possibility of a second bigxie showing up, rather improbable. However, that was not the only form available to him. With Maude's magic mirror, he could quickly become The Grandwitch Grunhilda or the seamstrist's daughter, Lirial, both beauties in their own right. In the end they had chosen Lirial. An unhappy choice for Maude, after all what mother wants to see her daughter as bait, even if it's not her daughter. Yet this was outweighed by being scared spitless of the grandwitch, neither of them was any more likely to renege on their promise to the Grunhilda, not to assume her form, then wed a mammoth. Still trying to convince herself of their choice, even as she fiddled with the braids in Manny's straw coloured hair, shaped into a harvest queen's crown, Maude said, "Really this is the right choice, as Grunhilda you would surely have intimidated the little fellow into hunkering down behind his barrier. Whereas, you would be able to tempt a dead priest, never mind an over horny and undersexed dwarf." Manny only sighed his agreement. What he now accepted as his normal form (for now) was all va-va-voom, while Lirial was the adorable innocent. Although that innocence was rather diminished by the pixieish day dress Maude had fashioned for him. True, the ivory silk was at least one order of opacity more than the material she used in their dresses, but it still left his body perfectly silhouetted by the rising sun. Truly he personified nice and naughty. "Yeah, I wouldn't hold out long against someone looking like this, nor would most fellows I know. Well, I better get started, the gnome said Pervy was the only early riser in the bunch, so hopefully I can deal with him, before he is reinforced." "Okay, I'll wait here with the mirror and your weapons. We'll be ready to change you to yourself once you've dealt with this one." "Very well," Manny said and began walking towards the cave. Crossing the bridge, where he had been captured two days earlier, he spotted his destination. As reported, a number of logs had been stacked before the cave entrance, more than enough to make him hesitant at rushing it, even with a shield. Instead he stopped just out of crossbow range, put on the alluring smile Maude had made him practice and waited. And waited. And waited some more. Finally he broke character to stoop down, pick up a rock, and heave it weakly towards the barrier. Falling well short, it still made a satisfying clatter as it bounced along the road. "Wha...who...what was that? Who's there." Hesitantly at first, a weasely face peeked over the logs, then in a burst Pervy was standing upright, his crossbow at his side, a leer on his face. "Holy cripes. Am I still dreaming?" Manny did not answer, he just smiled, before turning to walk back towards the bridge, swaying in that way that came so naturally. After a few steps, he turned to look back at the dwarf, a questioning look (also well practiced) on his face and made a come hither gesture. After this, he sped up, though not noticeably, listening to hear if he was followed. Seemingly even Pervy was not horny enough to be drawn out by such an obvious ruse, but then... "Hey wait! Woah, woah, Gorgeous, don't be leaving. Cripes, wait for me." Not turning, Manny was just about across the bridge when he heard the patter of running feet. "Not that I don't mind following, Honeycheeks, but where we heading?" Pointing towards a large boulder, Manny hoped Maude was ready to help him waylay the dwarf. However, those plans were forgotten at the next words from his follower. "So, Honeycheeks, you gonna need me to help you out of your dress? I'm real good at it, why just a couple days ago I helped this hot, blonde winged chick out of hers. But she was nothing com..." Pervy did not get a chance to finish his sentence, for something inside Manny had snapped at this confirmation of his indignity. Balling his hand into a tiny fist, he spun on a heel, swung from his hip, and decked the dwarf right between the eyes. Now Lirial's form did not have the brute strength of Manny's natural body, nor the unnatural strength of a pixie, but Pervy was hardly bigger than a six year old, so he went flying, knocked out. Manny did not see the result of his fistiwork. Instead he grabbed his hand with the other, clenched it to his chest, and started hopping around. "Ouch ouch ouch ouch ch ch." Rushing around from behind the boulder, Maude demanded, "What happened?" "I think he broke my hand." "With his face? Here let me look at it. See if can open and close it a few time. Oh, its not too bad, go and dunk it in the creek for a few minutes while I tie Pervy up." By the time Maude finished securing the dwarf, Manny's hand was wet and sore, but he didn't think there was a problem that a bit of time wouldn't handle. Returning to Maude and their victim, he stooped to help carry him behind the boulder, when he stopped and stared. "Umm, Maude, where did you get these restraints?" Where Manny had expected rope, Pervy's hands were actually cuffed together, behind his back, by studded black leather shackles. So were the dwarfs feet, the two sets of shackles joined together by a chain. Manny doubted their intended purpose was actually to hold prisoners. "I make them. A number of my clients are always in search of such things, but find most to be very poor quality. Whereas, they know any that I make won't be breaking at inopportune times." "Who?" "Oh, I couldn't say. Seamstrist client confidentiality is too sacred a trust. Now help me with the dwarf, we need to continue on with our plan." The still unconscious dwarf safely stowed, Manny found himself back in front of the mirror, being bigxiefied. It was mostly a relief, to return to form. Not only was the soreness in his hand gone, but he felt a vibrancy, a feeling of solidness and strength, almost like his true self, that was not there when he was in the fragile form of Lirial. There was only one problem, his clothes. With the possibility of battle in his near future, he couldn`t stay in his underthings; therefore, Maude had made him new clothes. At Manny`s request, they matched the uniform that the seamstrist had dressed him in, their first day together, with trousers, tunic, and solid walking boots. Like everything the witch made, they were perfectly sized for her guard. Despite this, Manny thought they fit horribly. The clothes were hot and itchy and dull, while the boots made him fill short. He surprisingly missed Tinka`s gaudy armour and wanted it back. However, he had no intention to say so to Maude. Not after all the times he had complained about that armour to her. He distracted himself by performing the Beige Baron's recommended stretches, to spread his warrior spirit throughout his body. Manny placed his thimble helm upon his head, strapped his button shield to his left arm, and picked up his needle spear in his right arm. "Let's go." *** Believing their opportunity for surprise, would be small, the two cautiously entered the mouth of the cave. Manny leading with his shield held high, while Maude followed with a lit torch and a bag full of shackles. Creeping forward, Manny quietly asked, "How far did the gnome say it was before we run into the next pair?" Almost mimicking the gnomes voice, Maude repeated what he had said. "After Pervy, you will gnext, in about thirty kilometres, come to Drunky the Alchemist's lab, where he is trying to turn potatoes into gold. There, you'll also find his assistant, Lazy, who just sits around gnapping all day. I wanna be an assistant when I grow up." "Umm...Maude, what's a kilometre?" "A gnomish measurement for distance. I believe it how far a metrepede can travel in one thousand seconds." "How far is that?" "Who knows, only a gnome would think to measure distance in such a way." They found a metrepede did not travel overly fast, for not too far into the cave they were almost blinded by a wall of alcoholic fumes. Drunky the Alchemist had been successful, not in creating gold, but in his actual goal. Further proof, 100% proof, came as they waded through the fumes and heard the dueling of unharmonious snoring. Looking at Maude, Manny sped up, flying through an opening off the main passage into a hollow. There he found a slapdash still and the dwarf who had used the bridge to hold him up and one other. Neither was a threat, both either being asleep or passed out, but Manny wanted to keep it that way. So, with only a small twinge of consciousness, he rapped each upon the head, which put them in a deeper, snoreless sleep. Grimacing at the thwacks Manny had administered, Maude reached into her back and pulled out two more sets of shackles, which she handed one after another to her guard so that he could secure the prisoners. Just as they were finishing, the two were surprised by a voice from the entrance. "Hey, you're already here. Hiya, Virgin Saccerfice, who's your friend?" Manny just gaped at this interruption; however, Maude, being more fleet of mind, answered, "I'm Maude, who are you?" "Hiya, Maude, I'm Dummy. Boney told Bossy that he smelled Virgin Saccerfice and Bossy told me to tell everybody to get ready to greet her. I already told Gougey, Pokey, and Choppy, then I came here to tell Drunky and Lazy, where are...oh there they are. Why are they tied up?" "Well..." "I bet it was Pervy, seems like his type of joke. He has cuffs like those that he's always showing off. I didn't know he had two sets, but I'm not surprised. Speaking of Pervy, did you tell him that you were here?" Maude answered, "In a manner of speaking." "Oh, good, I don't like talking to Pervy by myself, he makes fun of me. So since I don't have to go talk to him, I can ask if you dealt with the monster, Virgin Saccerfice?" " me Manny" "Okay, Manny, that's a strange name. Why'd you call yourself that? You're not a man, you're a girl. Or do you want to be man? I could understand that." "It's what my parent's named me." "Other people name you? That's weird. Though I guess others named me, people were always calling me Dummy and I had gotten used to it, so what's a guy to do. It's not like Boney, now there's a funny story. See he planned to name himself Nosey, cause of how good he is at smelling. However, when he arrived at the wharf his piles were really acting up while he waited beside the water for Lou, that's the Name Master, to arrive. When Lou did arrive, Boney hissed out Nosey through clenched teeth; however, Lou heard Boney. Before Boney realized the mistake, his name had been entered in the Book of Names and it was too late to change. But don't tell him I told ya, its another sore subject with him. What were we talking about?" "Umm..." Again Maude was more helpful in her answer. "The monster." "Oh right, the monster. Did you deal with the monster, Manny? I've been so worried since Bossy told us about it, that I haven't slept a wink." "What was I supposed to do?" "I don't know, stab it with your spear?" "How was I supposed to do that when I was tied up and I didn't have me spear?" "Well I was kind of wondering myself. But when you asked to be tied up, I knew that you were so confident about dealing with the monster that I needn't worry. Sorry that I still did, I should have shared your confidence." "I didn't ask to be tied up." "You didn't?" "No!" "Then why did we tie you up?" Dummy asked, a look of confusion on his face. "Because..." Maude interjected, to say, "Let me handle this, Manny. So, Dummy, do you know what a virgin sacrifice is?" "I thought it was Manny's name." "No, a virgin sacrifice is usually a young lady who is given to a monster to be eaten, in the hopes that the monster will spare everybody else." "Really?" Dummy asked, his face showing his shock." "Really." "That's horrible." With these words the dwarf rushed towards Manny, wrapping his arm's around the guard's leg, staring up at him with sad eyes, said, "I'm so sorry, Manny. I didn't know. I knew they were meanie heads, but not that big of meanie heads. I would have helped you if I had known. Course I would have failed, but I would of." Extremely uncomfortable with the dwarf clinging to his leg, Manny gave it a shake. Unsuccessful at freeing himself, Manny looked beseechingly at Maude. The witch took pity on him, moving over to peel the dwarf away and tell him. "We believe you, Dummy." "I wanna go home, back to the farm. I like weeding, I really do. Bossy said there would be cake if I followed him. There's been no cake." "We'll see that you get back to the farm. But first we have to deal with Bossy, will you wait here for us?" Sniffling, Dummy said, "Okay. Hurry though, I don't want the monster to get me." *** Leaving the contrite dwarf behind, Manny waited a few moments before asking, "Can we trust him?" "I do. Don't you?" "Yeah, I guess. He's not the first sucker to get wrapped up with the wrong bunch. And this next batch are who they meant when they defined bad bunch." "Agreed. Anybody who would take the names Gougey, Pokey, and Choppy are probably not all that interested in making the world a better place. We better be careful." Floating along Manny made no sound. Nor did Maude make that much more. Therefore, they were able to hear the murmuring of voices ahead of them. Gesturing for his companion to wait, Manny drifted forward, until the light from her torch was just a pin prick. However, by this time he could see a larger flame in the distance. Continuing forwards, he saw it came from a roaring fire in a grotto, which also held the maniacal threesome who had netted him two days earlier. Apparently they could also see him, for the one on the left held up a cleaver and said, "Stop right there or I'll chop you." The one on the right held up a carving fork and said, "Come no closer or I'll poke you." "Actually, come closer. I wanna gouge you." The middle one said holding up his... "What the heck is that thing?" Manny asked, pointing his spear at what the middle dwarf held. "It's a fooon." "A what?" "A fooon. You know, part fork and part spoon." "Wouldn't it make more sense to call it..." "Don't say it." The fooon wielder shouted in interruption, spittle flying. "Mock not the deadliest weapon known, nor me, Gougey, the premier wielder of the fooon in the Land Beyond." "I always thought the deadliest weapon was a carving fork." "See I told ya." "Shut up, she's mocking you. Mocking all of us, the Deadly Three." "She is, is she. I really wanna poke her, Gougey." "Yeah, let me get into chopping range, Gougey." "Shall we, brothers?" At this question, the three each rushed forward, each shouting a war cry of either poke, chop, or gouge. Admittedly, rushing dwarfs are not the quickest of foot, Manny had ample time to lower his shield and intercept their attack. Thunk! Thwap! Snick! Not really wanting to kill the lunatics, Manny did not take any of the opportunities presented as the randomly hacked and gouged at his shield, used to protect his legs and midsection. However, they were energetic little buggers and Manny began to worry that they would break through his defense. This worry was immediately followed by recognizing that he no longer was a member of the Beige Baron's shield wall, he had other options besides standing fast. Such as springing into the air, well above the heads of his enemies. "No fair!" "Cheater!" "Oooooh, I really, really wanna gouge her." It was a stalemate. Manny felt he could end it at any time, energetic though they were, the dwarfs were unskilled fighters and bore some of the most useless weapons he had ever seen. The problem was, his spear was not much better for his intentions. He really needed a good club, if he wished to capture them alive. At this point the three dwarfs had quit hopping into the air, swinging their weapons hopelessly at the bigxie above them. Bringing their heads together they tried to concoct a plan. This led to an argument between Gougey and Choppy. "If you think it's such a great idea, you or Pokey can do it." Choppy said. "Pokey can't do it, his shoulder's no good." "Pokey wasn't the only option." Gougey glared at his brother, who just glared right back. Finally the first growled, "Very well. Well what are you waiting for? Chicken?" At this taunt, Choppy hung his cleaver from his belt, before marching behind his brother. In turn, Gougey crouched down so that Choppy could climb onto his shoulders. They both turned their glares on the third brother, who sighed and moved to join them. With much grunting and cursing, they were able to Pokey on top of Choppy's shoulders, at which point the fork wielder said, "I'm still not high enough." "Stand on my shoulders." "I don't like heights." "And I don't like carrying my two fat ass brothers on my shoulders, but you don't hear me complaining. Do you?" "This is stupid, but if you insist." It was, Manny admitted to himself, an impressive feat of strength by Gougey. However, it was a pretty pathetic implementation of the tumbler's art. He knew it would take hours of practice for the three to find proper balance and for Pokey to not wobble precariously atop his perch. They presented a target Manny could not pass up, he darted forward. Seeing this, Pokey stuck his arm out, pointed his carving knife at his onrushing foe and yelled, "Poooooooke!" If he had kept his eyes open, he would have seen that Manny was not intending to joust with him. So Pokey completely missed seeing the bigxie sweep past, holding his spear out horizontally. Instead he only realized what was happening when he folded around the spear, as it slapped across the stomach and knocked him from his perch. "Ooomph!" Splat! Scrambling off Gougey's shoulders, Choppy hurried to his fallen brother's side. In turn, Gougey shouted a number of dire threats at Manny, before turning to his brothers to ask, "How is he?" "Well no thanks to your brilliant plan, but I thinks he's just winded." "Why don't you come up with something better?" Their glares were back in full force, but then Choppy's eyes lit up in inspiration and he said, "Rocks." No sooner did the word leave his mouth then he dashed towards a pile near the grotto's wall. Manny knew the danger if the dwarfs started chucking rocks at him, particularly if the two spread out. So once more he darted forward, this time like a wasp attacking a pixie. Leading with a thrust of his shield, Manny crashed into the dwarf and despite appearances, he currently was far from being the fragile Lirial. Choppy responded by saying, "eaooouugh" and collapsing to the ground. There was no time to check the dwarf's condition. Manny's attack had exposed his back to his third opponent. So leaping into the air, he twirled to search for Gougey, raising his shield in hopes of deflecting any projection hurled in his direction. There! His eyes opening wide in shock, Manny saw that Gougey had interpreted rocks differently than his brother. Not for him were they to be used as missiles. Instead, Gougey had ran up a ramp, along a ledge, and projected himself into the air towards Manny. "Gouououououge!" About half way, the horrible truth penetrated the dwarf's enraged mind. "Ahhh, crap." Having heard the sound of fighting, Maude had hustled forward to help. She arrived just in time to see the gnomes noble leap of faith and the ignoble result. She spoke for both Manny and herself, when she said, "Goodness gracious, that looked like it hurt." *** Manny and Maude felt no twinges of conscience as they shackled the moaning threesome, though they had confirmed that none of dwarfs were seriously hurt. They took a moment for a drink and to go over the small gnome's scouting report on the final batch of dwarfs, which consisted of Dummy (though he was now out of the picture), Boney, Bossy, and the ominously named, Alan. If the report was to be believed, Alan was the scariest of the bunch, even the triplets were afraid of him. However, the gnome had been unable to explain what made him so scary, having overheard the dwarfs calling him both a fighter and a magician. Nervous about the ambiguous information, Manny once more asked, "Are you sure there isn't anything you can do? Some offensive or defensive skills?" "Sorry, Manny, they didn't teach anything like that at Seamstrist school. Sure, the older students passed on the regular practical jokes, things like tying someone's boot laces together, choking them with their collar, and belt breaking to make people's pants fall down. But those are not that serious of spells. Besides, if I knew anything more, why would I need a guard?" "I guess there is nothing for it to blunder forward?" "Some would say that is how I have lead my entire life," Maude said, a wistful smile appearing on her face. "Me too, I suppose. And I guess it has mostly worked, I'm still in one piece, a completely different piece, but one none-the-less. No reason to change now. So shall we blunder onwards?" "After you." The next cavern, larger than the previous one, found their final opponents waiting. Bossy and Boney, Manny recognized immediately; however, his focus went to the third dwarf. Looking at him now, Manny wondered how he had not noticed him on the bridge, for Alan looked more the part of a villain than even the crazy red heads. Dressed all in black, Alan's slicked back hair was the same colour, as was his beard, which had been trimmed, unlike the dwarfish norm, into a pointed goatee. However, it was the eyes, hooded beneath dark brows, that gave Manny pause. They looked so very cold, enough to make him shiver. A shiver that did not escape Bossy. The bandit leader laughed and said, "Fool, why did you not escape when you had the chance. You may have evaded the monster, but you'll learn we are much worse. Ain't that right, Alan." This brought a sneer to the henchmen's face, though Manny's voice barely rose as he bravely said, "I'm not afraid, I kicked your red- headed goons's asses and we'll happily do the same to yours." "Get her Alan." At these words, Manny crouched down, behind his shield, thrusting his spear forward. But Alan was not an opponent like the rest he had faced in the Land Beyond. Not for him was the bull headed charge, instead his sneer changed into a smirk, as he took a pair of black leather gloves, folded into his black leather belt, and slowly put them on, pressing between each pair of fingers to ensure there were no wrinkles to the snug fit. "So, Blondie, what is your choice. Would you have me into slice you into pieces or burn you in fire." Receiving no response to his taunt, Alan said, "Ahh, you wish me to choose, isn't that nice of you?" With these words, Alan walked towards a table and swept away the cloth that covered it. Neither Manny nor Maude could contain their gasp at the instruments of death displayed upon it; swords of multiple lengths and widths, maces, hammers, axes, dagger, wands, and staves. Many of these Alan gently caressed or fondled, turning questioning looks towards Manny and holding some up questioningly. Finally Manny had enough of the act and said, "Just pick one. I'll fight you with whatever." "Oh, so kind of you to leave the choice to. I no, maybe this...too about...yes perfect. I choose, to surrender." "What?" Manny asked, in shock. "What!" Bossy shouted, in outrage. "But, but, aren't you the dangerous one?" Maude asked. "Yeah." Boney agreed. "Well not really. See its how I look, everybody thinks I comb my hair and trim my beard way this way, but that's just how it grows. And when

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Allan In Wonderful Land

Allan In Wonderful Land Disclaimer: Any characters, events or whatever depicted in this story and the real world is purely coincidental. That very thought is too silly an too scary to contemplate. As to it's maybe copying a certain story by the author, Lewis Carroll, so what? This is a satire, a parody and just a silly comedic story, so get over with it and yourself at the same time. The use of the word, "fanny," in this story does not indicate a particular part of the female anatomy...

2 years ago
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Welcome To Fictionmania Land

Hi here is my contest entry and my Valentine to the group and it's authors. I hope you will see this as the tribute it is meant to be and try to find all the TG refernces made in it. Welcome To Fictionmania Land by Cabinessence (Fictionmania Contest Entry) I have always been more of a stay at home guy rather than a social animal. I'd much rather spend quiet evenings just hanging around the dorm than going out partying as many of the other guys who lived in my dorm did....

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Mizuryu Kei Land

Welcome to Mizuryu Kei Land, the wonderful adult theme park based entirely around sex! Here, you can go to unwind, have fun, and let loose from your everyday selves. From games, to rides, to cultural events, to competitions and contests, you can always find something to do at Mizuryu Kei Land! The rules of the land are pretty simple, and they are easy to follow! Firstly, stay clean! While it’s understandable that you’re going to get lots of sweat and sexual fluids on you during your stay in...

Group Sex
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My Weekend Alone With Uncle Roland

I had just finished up at work when my cell phone rang. "Sophia, come over this weekend," the voice said. "Hello to you, too? Mom, Its a 10 hour drive, if I come out it's for more then the weekend," I replied. "Fine, your room is ready, see you soon." The line went dead. Guess I was going to California. I drove home, packed some bags and hopped into my car. I drove for about an hour and half before I pulled up to a gas station. I went in picked up a few snacks and some water and headed back to...

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Maryland My Maryland

Maryland’s Heritage Introduction: This is being written in response to something an anonymous commenter included regarding my story titled ‘Wife Gets What She wants’. He said he had friends who all referred to Maryland as a ‘Yankee State’. I wanted to address that remark. Well I am a Yankee in the ‘American’ sense, but I’m not precisely a Yankee, and neither are most Marylanders, at least in the more historic use of the word. I doubt if the anonymous commenter ever reads this, but like so...

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Going to Disneyland

I grew up as part of the largest group of parasitic, society-sucking losers on the face of the earth. We're talking about a group of people that has pervaded every city, every town, and every rural area of these great United States since the Mayflower came ashore at Plymouth Rock. We're talking about the people who made the trailer park what it is today, the people who keep the generic beer companies on the stock exchange, the people who fund every state lottery and bingo hall, the people...

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A New PastChapter 51 Landings

“Down two. Fifteen meters,” Todd Walton, the landing pilot on ‘Selene’ said calmly over the radio. The image on the screen showed a split view of the landing radar display and the image outside the spacecraft as it neared the lunar surface. I gripped the edge of the desk and watched the telemetry display on my own console. With the nearly one-and-a-half second transmission lag, there was little real-time advice any of us at Learmonth could give them. We all watched intently, trying to will...

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Fun With Mom And Landlady

Ishwar Lal had left his wife, Urmila in charge of everything. Not that he didn’t trust Punjun, but how is a boy supposed to have everything he’d need without wasting a lot of time? After all, this was a crucial year in their lives. Punjun had just turned 18 and decided to take a gap year to prepare for competitions. He had done well enough in school, even made the merit list in his district, but found himself well below the required level of college entrance exams. Despite the urge to blame...

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Little Big Land

This story is a follow-up to 'Millionaire Sissy', a story I wrote several years ago. If you want to read it, it's here: investments I made with the money I won in the lottery, turned out so well that I could make my next move. The building of Little Big Land, an indoor playground for AB's, DL's, and diapered sissies. With help of my well-endowed staff, AB-friends with architectural skills and our dirty little...

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In His Own Sex Land

In His Own Sex LandByJackpotHere are all the usual disclaimers.  You must be over 18 to read this!  This story is pure fiction!  Any Resemblance to names or persons in real life is purely coincidental. These characters are fiction.  You have been warned! This is for adults only!(This is one of the rare stories I wrote at the request of a reader.  The ideas were fleshed out and the writing followed.  It contains altered dialogue suggested by a Mistress. Any resemblance to characters or places is...

4 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 7 Business in New Zealand

We were gathered in the backroom of F&J's Pizza Parlor, Ltd. celebrating the shipment of our first solar cars to our Auckland dealership. Jim C, Frank, our families, and I decided to host a party for our key personnel and select members of the media. Frank was just finishing a review of what Jim C's Products, Ltd. had accomplished since we had created the corporation. One of the main points in his presentation was the successful restructure of the US operation under Evan Strophe in...

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Mmm In the Highlands

Jane and Samuel were away in the Highlands of Scotland. They went there for their first weekend away. Since that memorable weekend they visited the Highlands a few times each year. Their home for the weekend was a beautiful old log cabin on a Loch at Glen Coe. The cabin sat in a glacial valley. The two high mountains on either side were snow capped and the views were amazing. It was early spring, the new plants and leaves were just beginning to bud. The weather was warmer but there was a...

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Lauryn Goes to Disneyland

“Lauryn “Her mom said standing above her bed Lauryn’s head hidden under the covers. “We are going down to the pool before we go to into the park would you like to come?” “Maybe” Lauryn grunted. “Ok well hurry down” her mother said sweetly. Lauryn’s parents had no clue. No clue that she wasn’t there sweet little girl anymore. Hell she had two boyfriends. Well one good boy-boy friend so she could keep up her good girl fa?e and her bad boy fuck buddy Carl. She missed her fuck buddy right...

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Angela Blade Chronicles Chapter 2 Switzerland

Angela Blade Chronicles Chapter 2: Switzerland When we left Angela Blade she was learning to cope with life as a three-year-old girl after being a male FBI agent. Not wanting to have to go live with her grandparents in Saudi Arabia a Muslim country. Trying to be a good girl and the daughter of a mafia kingpin. As we begin this chapter the Blade family is getting ready to fly to Switzerland. But daddy I thought we were staying here in Australia for the...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 13 Portland

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Thirteen: Portland Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come...

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Legends of LadyLand

In the stories CHYOA: Lady-Land Edition and Life in Lady-Land we explored what a world where everyone is female might look like. However what of it's history and mythology? As a quick introduction for people unfamiliar with previous entries in this series: One-hundred percent of humanity is and always has been female. In spite science having no explanation as to how, lesbian sex can cause pregnancy IF neither partner is pregnant and orgasm is caused by direct skin-to-genital contact.

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Loris and MorgChapter 12 Windshift Main Man Land

"There's been many and more boats missing ... but the weather's been good." "Who's been getting the blame?" "Sea Witches," claimed the rescued. "Believed it, I did ... before the giants sailed close and boarded us from the opposite side ... then she come swimming under the boat. 'Stay put.' she said. 'We'll have you AND your boat out of here in a few, ' she said. And she did. "Thought we were goners, Harbormaster. "We heard scrabbling at the bow and then she at the stern....

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No FutureChapter 73 Promised Land

Tamara 2098 Whatever it was that had defined Tamara's Jewish identity over the years, it wasn't her religious faith. Nor had it been her need to belong to the Jewish community. Her identity was more intangible. It was the sense of a shared tradition and what had been until recently a shared nationality. She'd never troubled herself about her Jewish heritage when she'd actually lived in Israel. It was only after she'd abandoned the nation of her birth to radioactive dust and vengeful...

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Hot Candy Land

Where can I start with this one?, aka Sweet State, is a website that features a massive browser-based RPG-style game known as you guessed it – Hot Candy Land. Your mission in this game is to be the most dominant pimp and porn caster/actor in ‘Pornwood’, a fictional version of real-life Hollywood. You start off by moving into a shitty dorm with nothing but 200$ in your pocket and slowly rise through the ranks of pimps, Pornwood casters, and various people and organizations...

Best Porn Games
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 4 Visiting New Zealand

Jim C, Sam, Frank, Kirk, and I discussed the trip to New Zealand on Monday. We defined the specific objectives of the trip and what information we expected to acquire during our stay. All five of us had valid passports and there was an agreement between the US and New Zealand governments that allowed us entry as short-term visitors without a visa. By Friday, we were ready to go. We would be island hopping and our total flight time would be close to 16 hours, so our pilot, Bob Simon, and...

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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 5 Moving to New Zealand

Frank and his wives went back to running the Chocolateen Corporation, while my wives and I continued the effort of preparing to move to New Zealand. Frank and I were right; our wives hated the idea of engineering events that would lead to the media invading our lives. They accepted the idea as a necessity, and only agreed to go along with it when we told them we would be involved in deciding what would be engineered and how the media would be enticed into taking action. I talked with Paul...

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The Martian Land

The Martian Land By Brad Miller "Why do we have to go to Mars anyway dad?" Sarah whined. "Because honey it's my job. NASA chose us as the first family to colonize on Mars. Then, if it's safe, more and more people will move up to Mars and we'll eventually leave Earth all together!" Mr. Miller explained to his 16 year old daughter. "So we're just a couple of Guinea Pigs? Is that what you're saying?" "No, it's not like that. Here, think of it this way. We are the first family to...

5 years ago
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Pakistani Fucked Mona Darling In Auckland

Hello friends. My name is Sam and I am a Pakistani living in Auckland, New Zealand. So I will share my sexual experiences with you in Auckland. Please keep your feedback coming like you did for my earlier stories. My email is Now coming to the story. After arriving in New Zealand I got a job in a good company. The first 4 weeks consisted of training. We were 4 people hired and three of them were girls so I was the only guy amongst them. One of the girls was Mona who gave me a boner instantly...

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Slow Plane To Auckland

Portions of this story may be used in short critical reviews. Reproduction, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. *** WARNING: This story contains coarse language, descriptions of activities that may be forbidden by law(s), and adult situations. It is intended for a mature audience only. All references to actual people, places or things were employed intentionally and for satirical or artistic purposes. *** This story contains the abbreviated...

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Teaching Experience at St Benedict College Bangkok Thailand

Teaching Experience at St. Benedict College, in Bangkok, Thailand BACKGROUND: Originally, I’d been in business, as an insurance underwriter, but left that occupation when my company was decimated by the “Great Recession” of 2008. The following year my wife and I divorced after a short, unhappy, childless marriage. I decided to change careers. Reinvent myself. Do something more rewarding. Having taught English in Europe, during a backpacking stint after college, and having loved it, I...

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The Journey Episode 7 Wasteland

Notes: 1- Continuing my futurology experiment, I describe what is going to happen to the fertile fields of central Brazil (the so called " cerrado") after people disappears. 2- The storm belt is no invention of mine. Currently, from time to time, a continuous band of clouds form carrying water vapor from the amazon lowlands towards southeast Brazil, these are called "convergence zones", you probably are aware of the sad happenings in the mountains near the city of Rio the Janeiro, who...

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Gill Igg and Is Land

As we strolled along the dock holding hands, I looked at my wife Natalie. Despite the fact that we were approaching fifty, she was still as beautiful to me as ever. I guess we needed to do more things together to re-kindle the flames of love into a roaring fire again, but the embers were still alive. I looked back at the parking lot to assure myself that my other great love, my 2013 Mustang Boss 302 was still okay. Then I grabbed Natalie's hand and we started walking along the docks. Besides...

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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 13 Portland

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come from the city. There were probably bandits occupying the city, but we...

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Back to the Land

Prologue: This is a romance and my first attempt at writing fiction. It started off as a story idea for Earth Day but writing it and deciding to post it held it up for a while. Many thanks primarily to Dinsmore and also Techsan for patience and expert help and advice with edits and writing. As per usual, the characters are invented and bear no intentional resemblance to actual persons alive or deceased. All intercourse is consensual and between individuals over the age of eighteen. This is a...

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A Foreign Land

A Foreign LandA story by Simone Locke ([email protected])FORWARD:After a long absence, here I go with another story that I hope you'll enjoy.I hit a dry spot while writing my last story "The Princess Game".  I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why it ended so suddenly at the end.  The truth is, my inspiration dried up as I wrote the next segment, and I thought I'd put something out rather than nothing.It's now two years and 15 failed books later.  For all my attempts, I could write nothing...

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Body Shifters Universe Nowomansland

I was awake. It would have to be now. I'd be thinking it, planning it, and I had to move. I couldn't let things stand. But it wasn't so easy: I couldn't just jump out of bed - not with all of them. So I began to slowly extricate myself from the tangle of womanly limbs. So sleek, so soft ... NO! NO!! I wouldn't think about how gorgeous they all were. That way would cause me to surrender, and continue to wallow in the soft, deceptive delight of their luscious flesh. I moved, and a platinum...

4 years ago
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so I meet the sex goddess of Netherlands

2008 3 August for the first time since 2001, I was back in the Netherlands, for my work.The world again nigeria from Netherlands and have the sneek week sneek.maar in any hotel or camping was inhabited plaats.mijn friend for life Also in sneek, would he be able vragen.het is 9am morning as I did for the door with him sta.ik lay him out and he says yes, but where am sleeping difficult heefd a girlfriend with his girlfriend uitgenodicht daughter sleeping on the couch . his home is just klein.ik...

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A Scarred Wonderland

I. Giant, multicolored sails litter the rolling turquoise waves of the Pacific. From this distance, they’re like flecks of paper mache swaying back and forth in the wind, waving little goodbyes as they drift farther and farther out. There’s a hard metallic clank as the hatch locks into place. “All set,” a twanging southern voice calls out. In the mirror, a slim shape in a tank top and a straw Stetson gives a thumbs-up, a radiant smile etched on a heart shaped face. Abigail has this weird...

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Portland A sweet story of two transsexuals, one of whom is pregnant By Melissa Tawn CHAPTER 1. ME The day I had my sexual reassignment surgery it rained. It also rained the day before and the day after. That was no big deal. Portland, Oregon, is one of the rainiest cities in the United States and 1993 was considered a particularly wet year. The natives like to joke that if the sun ever shines in Oregon, you don't tan ? you rust. I believe them. Anyway, on a very wet...

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The Sparrows of Thailand

The sparrows of Thailand are like sparrows anywhere: small, gray, and flitting… but surrounded by blue parrots, iguanas, and infinite neon butterflies. They hang around the restaurants and ‘steal’ scraps of food. I remember happily watching one make off with a bit of fresh spinach once. I believe sparrows are only native to the British Isles and spread as a result of imperialism… a term I use neither positively nor negatively but descriptively. The restaurants around Phetchaburi Rajabhat...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon at Disneyland

Me and John had been fucking around behind my other-half’s back for three years. I’d carve a pumpkin for him for Halloween and we’d fuck. I’d bring him a basket on Easter morning and we’d fuck. I’d string a tree with lights, decorate it and on Christmas Eve before opening our presents to each other, we’d fuck. For three years, I’d bake him a birthday cake. After he blew out all the candles, we’d fuck.For me, at least, the time passed really fast. We were like two little boys, but in grown men’s...

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Honeymoon at Disneyland

Me and John had been fucking around behind my other-half’s back for three years. I’d carve a pumpkin for him for Halloween and we’d fuck. I’d bring him a basket on Easter morning and we’d fuck. I’d string a tree with lights, decorate it and on Christmas Eve before opening our presents to each other, we’d fuck. For three years, I’d bake him a birthday cake. After he blew out all the candles, we’d fuck.For me, at least, the time passed really fast. We were like two little boys, but in grown men’s...

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Alice in Wonderland

ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND BY Missy Crystal Chapter 1. Coming Out. "Who are YOU?" said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, "I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then." - Lewis Caroll, Alice in Wonderland It was Friday. I left work early. Today was the day. I had rehearsed it dozens of...

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A Quest In The Wasteland

The year is 2277, approximately 200 years after The Great War that led to the creation of the aberration that is the Wasteland: the remains of the United States after nuclear war. The Capital Wasteland lies over where Washington D.C once stood, the ruins of the once great city now filled with nuclear beasts, scavenging survivalists and warring factions venturing for technology. There are all sorts of things happening in the Wasteland, big and small. People are venturing out to rescue the future...

5 years ago
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Bondage in the urban wasteland

It wasn't easy to find the right spot - but I looked and looked - it had to be perfect: industrial, abandoned, out in the open, yet secluded. Finally, after three days of driving endlessly through the wasteland of closed factories, chemical plants and cavernous assembly lines at the edges of our metropolis, I found it: a drainage ditch stretching itself from an old tannery long since abandoned. At the head of the ditch, which was about eight feet deep, was a series of iron railings and several...

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Maria Befriends LadyBoy In THAILAND

They had been together 5 years, most of them happy. Maria was a tall woman, 5'10 without shoes. Brunette hair to her shoulders, dark brown eyes and slim figure. She was rapidly approaching her 35th Birthday, with a failed marriage behind her; she had recently started seeing a man she worked with. Her partner, Glenn who was 45, had also been married and had left his wife for this tall, attractive woman. He was slim and about the same height as Maria. He thought that they would grow old together,...

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Thistle street middlesbrough escort

6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...

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Escort Ireland

EscortIreland! Looking for Iris escorts from Cork, Dublin, Limerick, Galway,... at Escort-Ireland? Are there any sexier women in the world than Irish women? Maybe not. I mean, sure, Latinas are up there, too. As are Japanese girls. Okay, let’s be honest, every nationality has beautiful women, it’s true, and no one is better than the other. They all just have different flavors. Both literally and figuratively, if you know what I mean. And if you don’t know what I mean, do the whole world a favor...

Escort Sites
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The Landlady

THE LANDLADY by BobH (c) 2011 -1- "How do I look?" I asked Cate. "You look just fine," she replied. "Honestly, Mike, I don't know why you're fretting so much." "Hey, it's not every day a guy gets to meet his girlfriend's Dad and I want to make a good first impression." "I'm sure he'll love you as much as I do," she said, coming over and adjusting my tie before...

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The Dream Comes True In Thailand

Hi everyone. My name is Sayantan and this is my 2nd story here. The first story was “Reverse groping on a Metro train” for which I did receive a lot of positive comments on Discuss. But since I had neglected to mention my email, I did not receive any feedback from you wonderful (and sex crazed readers). So here’s my mail id Please send any feedback here. Before I begin the story let me just warn you its pretty LONG. I felt I had to explain the back story to paint the picture of how exactly an...

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Holiday MemoriesPart 2 Thailand

You may remember my young girlfriend and I from my story about our holiday in Ibiza in the Spanish Balearic Islands last year. Sure you do. I'm Craig and she is Laurie. Well we're both now 25 and though she is not a particularly promiscuous girl, we had a whale of a time in Spain. Trouble is, she went back to being nun-like as soon as we got back. I had thought that after our wonderful experiences with the guys we met in Ibiza, we would be swinging like mad on our return but she said it was...

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A Month in the Highlands

????????????????? A Month in the Highlands - Chapter 6??????????????????????? ???????????????? ????? I awoke to darkness and pain. My surroundings had dramatically changed, but my scrambled brain had no idea precisely where I was. According to the vibration and smell of exhaust fumes, I was in an automobile, probably in the trunk. Although not bound in any way, there was no freedom of movement. It took me some time to realize that I was inside of a kind of sack. Moving my hands over...

4 years ago
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Justin and Orlando

 The feel of Orlando's cock under my hand was my first taste of sex with another person. Sex with myself had been a no-go since I first began to yearn for it. The 'Supercollege,' the elite post-sixteen establishment which cost my parents half a million a year, was more like boot camp than the sixth form college it was supposed to be. It rang with masters' vitriolic denunciations of boys caught 'laying lascivious hands upon themselves'. My fellow prefects in the upper sixth emulated the...

Gay Male
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No Mans Land

Deepak Mehta a flourishing business man was under stress as he was c***dless. His vast empire grew by day. As he stepped into 40th year he was a worried man as he had no c***d to take care of his business. Constantly he took advice from eminent personalities but failed. He could not marry another woman as the business he handled belonged to his wife. His wife, Kaveri a charming lady in her thirties was constantly looked down by her in-laws. This affected both of them and it had reached such a...

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Canyon Land

This true story happened in my middle teen years back in the early eighties. Before internet and satellite TV. A time when an older woman could fuck a younger man and it would not blasted all over the news. We had to go outside. I had my group of friends and as we entered puberty together we started to pay attention to girls and ladies. One woman stands out. She was called Canyon Land also known as Shelly Canyon. I don't know her real last name nor do I know her husband. She lived around the...

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Erotic City The Path to No Mans Land

Over five hundred years ago, the Andromeda galaxy collided with the Milky Way, causing the near destruction of the human race. A series of tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornados ripped the Earth to pieces. Those who were unable to get to the shelters perished in the cataclysmic natural disasters. The small number of humans who managed to seek refuge underground struggled to exist in the dark caverns miles below the irradiated surface. In order to adapt, several genetic mutations...

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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 20 Hostile Land

The radio crackled to life and Yuri's voice asked, "Was that you laughing Ryan? I heard it clear over here. What's so funny?" Still laughing but not quite as loud Ryan answered, "I'll tell you tomorrow when it's light but for now let's just say that things are a little amusing over here but under control." Neona crawled out of bed got dressed and went to relieve Ryan from watch. She walked across the deck and as Ryan stood up she kissed him, "You're a shit you know," she said...

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My Summer in Wonderland

INTRODUCTION This is the first of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering. My Summer in Wonderland By: Zylux It was a summer vacation filled with adventure, discovery, and wonder. The time was the late 1950's. The place was a resort island in the Pacific Northwest accessible by car ferry. The island was large...

1 year ago
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Alices Marriage in Wonderland

Alice chased after an anthropomorphic rabbit because he dropped his gloves in apprehension. Little did she know that he was actually leading her to the queen of lesbians. The queen, named Amoret, convinced Alice that she was her rightful mate. The rest, that followed, turned out well for her. Cast of Characters: Major Characters: Alice: Protagonist. Amoret: Lesbian queen of Castle Sappho Islands, Wonderland. Minor Characters: White rabbit: An anthropomorphic rabbit and Amoret’s servant....

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A Mothers Revenge in Oakland

For those that are fans of the Transgender fiction and want to read about the fantasies that come to our mind, here is, this story. For those who like to defend the Grammar rules of the English Language, I just said, please patience you don't have to read, write and speak in four languages, I do. I hope you enjoy the first chapter; while I try to write a second one, feel free to tell me your opinion. I am not a Noel Stratfield, but I am trying. A Mother's Revenge in...

2 years ago
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His Dominant Landlady

Eighteen year old James Morgan was sitting across the desk from an attractive middle aged lady who was explaining to him that there was no accommodation in the Halls of Residence at the University of the Arts in South London. James had been delayed on his return to England after holidaying with his parents by striking French farmers and fisherman who had blockaded both the Channel Tunnel and the ports until their demands were met. Mrs. Heather Talbot was explaining that this year saw an above...

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How I Fucked My Sexy Horny Landlady

Well! let me go straight to the story. This is a story of how I got to fuck my landlady who was seeking a young and energetic dick. A few years back I enrolled for engineering in one of the colleges of Bengaluru. I didn’t get hostel at that college. So I had to stay as a PG in a house in Hebbal. There were only 3 people living in that house at that time: landlord, the landlady, and his son. His son was in the 11th standard. They also had a daughter who was studying CA in Delhi. Aunty, the...

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My Favorite Aunt and The Divorcee Landlady

My favorite Aunt and the Divorcee Landlady By Julie D Like most trannies it all started with a favorite aunt and progressed through a series of experiences such as sexy landladies. I have been an avid reader of FM for the last two years since I got a PC. I was told about the site from a fellow TV in one the London clubs I used to go to as Julie. I go into the site most days to see if their are any interesting stories as some are very rewarding when you are alone and feeling...

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