Foreign Life free porn video

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Foreign Life By Garath Eighteen year old Jake looked outside through the window at the dark cloudy sky and sighed. Occasional bolts of lightning lit up his brown eyes when they flashed. His brown hair was parted to fall on both sides, covering his ears. He had some muscle on him, which was a result of his training. He was about six feet tall, and quite good looking. He wore a normal black shirt and blue jeans. But nothing about Jake was normal. He was currently sitting in a laboratory built by his friend and mentor Dr. Zizu. Jake was propped up on hypothermic chamber of regeneration gazing out the window at two young girls his own age. One had beautiful long black hair and the other had equally long and beautiful blond hair. Each had offered to take him to the reunion dance tonight at Canyons Middle School, but he let them go with the boys they had really wanted to go with. The two girls were his childhood friends Jesse and Trish. They had only offered to take him because they knew his secret. A secret that was known all over town. Jake was a Bio-Android. He was designed and created by Dr. Zizu. Dr. Zizu never considered himself Jake's father, and Jake never thought him to be either. Jake was stronger than any normal human and was able to manipulate energy to serve his own purposes. The entire town knew this. The ENTIRE town. Meaning everyone was afraid of him. He had three friends not counting his creator. There were Jesse and Trish, who were still talking on the other side of the street, unaware of his watchful eyes. His other friend, and best friend next to Dr. Zizu, was a boy named Jim. Jim was the type of guy who was very shy and shunned fights. He had mussed short black hair and blue eyes. Jim, like Jake himself, was very kind and often teased. However, Jake himself was never teased to his face since everyone knew he could kill them without even trying. But they said things behind his back and when they thought he couldn't hear. He let them say what they wanted. He knew what he was. Even though he was able to make friends with a couple of girls, they would never think of going beyond friendship. They were afraid of what he was. They didn't think he knew that, but he could see it in their eyes whenever he'd use a power. Only Jim didn't care about what he was. Jim only saw a friend and thought it must be neat to have so much power. Jake wished that there were more people like Jim in his life. Preferably a girl. Yet not everything about Jake was a joy to himself. He knew how it was to be rejected and shunned. Since it was how his whole life was like. Yet he always wondered why the doctor had made him male instead of female. Were males stronger than females? He sometimes wondered how the other sex fared in this world. Yet he didn't know if he should feel this way or not. He was male right? Shouldn't that be enough? Jake honestly didn't know. So he had asked Dr. Zizu last week about this question. According to the doctor, he had wanted to make a female as well as Jake. Giving Jake a sister. Yet he didn't exactly know what he did to give Jake his human brain in the first place. True he had a normal human brain. But the doctor is only partly aware of what took place to make it. Not something he ever talked about. After the town found out about Jake, Dr. Zizu decided not to try another Bio-Android anyway. It was just too much trouble to recreate the brain design. Plus he was ashamed at the way Jake was treated. However when the doctor found out about Jake's desire to know about the other sex, he told him to wait while he made a program that should satisfy him. Jake had no idea what the doctor was up too, but decided to let it pass. He continued to watch his two friends as he pondered this. At that moment a large black dog came running up the street, at the two girls. Jesse and Trish were so startled that Jake knew they'd never make it away in time. He raised one hand and flicked a finger between the dog and his friends. A small bolt of lightning came down, striking and obliterating the sidewalk, causing the dog to run away howling in fear. Jesse and Trish looked at the scene with awe and then quickly looked up to the window Jake was staring out of and waved their thanks. With Jake's superior vision, he could see the fear in their eyes, even as he waved back. Helping those in need was the only reason the people in this town put up with him. He walked away from the window noticing the girls were trying to walk away casually. Trying to appear to be simply heading on, rather than wanting to get away from the area due to his power's evidence. He had grown used to this and shrugged it off. He didn't even know why Dr. Zizu had created him in the first place with such powers. The doctor had made him to be a companion, since Dr. Zizu got very lonely. But his powers seemed only to be there because the doctor wanted to see what gifts he could give his friend. Jake wasn't upset at his gifts, but he could see how his life might have been without them. He was almost human, yet not. He could eat, taste, sleep, feel, and even reproduce just like humans. Yet he could see farther and better than any human alive. He could even change his vision from anything, infra red to X-ray. He didn't need to eat or sleep as much as a normal human, and then there were his powers and strength. He walked to his room and began to decide what he'd wear for the dance. He had just finished High School and a thing the town's Middle School always did a week after graduation was hold a dance for all it's old students. So the teachers there could see how much the students have changed and the students could see how much times have changed. He didn't feel much like going. Since you were suppose to bring a date. Plus the fact that Jim already said he wasn't going. But Dr. Zizu had pushed him to go. So Jake decided to honor the doctor's wish. Although why the doctor wanted him to go so badly was beyond him. He was just rummaging through his closet when their robotic servant Igor came in. "The doctor would like to see you Jake," He said, his robotic mouth smiling. Igor was about a foot taller than Jake and blocky. Igor was just a bunch of gray blocks stacked up together to resemble a person. Igor was made of some type of moldable clay substance so he could reform himself to anything he wished. (Also so he could get through doors.) He had two eyebrows, dots for eyes, and a line for a mouth, all red, painted on his head for a face. Dr. Zizu had created him to aid himself and Jake when they were in need. Another thing that Igor could do that Jake didn't know why, was the ability to "merge" with Jake, into a powerful fighting machine. Jake didn't see the need. The doctor always loved the "Mad Scientist" jokes Jake would throw at him, thus "Igor" was the name chosen. "All right, I'm coming." Jake said. He wondered what the doctor wanted now? He decided the only way to find out was to follow Igor, so off he went. He was lead to the basement where the doctor had his main lab. Entering, he saw the doctor standing in front of a large cloth covered object with a big smile on his face. Dr. Zizu had two puffy hair bunches poking out on each side of his head. He was bald the rest of the way, and had a short white beard. He wore his spectacles and his normal long lab coat, black pants and black boots. Great, Jake thought, he invented, or made another something. The question was what? He smiled at the doctor's glee and asked the question he knew the doctor was waiting for. "So what's behind the cloth Albert?" He said using the doctor's first name. The Dr. Albert Zizu preferred to be called Dr. Zizu by all but close friends and family. Thus he and Jim were the only two people who could call him that. Albert's smile widened as he began to tell Jake of his latest achievement. "This here my boy, is the answer to your problems!" He said proudly. Jake was quickly confused. What problems? The only problems he had besides being feared, was what to wear tonight. Could it be an automatic dresser? That would be a waste of parts. He couldn't have found a way to make him more normal. What could it be? Suddenly it came to him. It must be the thing about wanting to know how females worked! Yeah that's it! But what was it? "You said how wanted to be female. Sure you didn't phrase it like that, but I could tell. This is your answer! With this, you will be able to see and feel everything a female does!" He said drawing the cloth away. Jake gasped. Standing in a small clear tube was a sleeping girl about his own age. She had short black hair that was parted to the sides and seemed to curl towards the middle. She had on a black V-cut sleeveless shirt that showed off her breasts. Which Jake, embarrassed, noticed were probably size D. She had a short white skirt on, revealing her smooth fine legs. On her feet were small black shoes. Her body was slender and curved. She wasn't just beautiful, but stunning as well. Jake had never seen someone quite like her. "Who? Who is she?" Jake asked still amazed at what stood before him. "You," Dr. Zizu replied. Jake was taken aback by this response. "WHAT?! But how?! She's..." He stammered. Albert's eyes lit up once more and his smile widened. "She is a full Bio-Android, capable of all the things you are. However she has no mind. She has a brain. It's the same as yours. In fact EXACTLY like yours." He said. Then his face turned serious. "Listen to what I say closely Jake. When the uh, "accident" occurred during your brain sculpting it also produced the cells that flow through your body. Making it impossible to create another like you," Then his face brightened again, "However, that didn't mean I couldn't remake your body if I wished! So here you are! A female body for you to try out!" Jake was quite taken and confused by all that Albert had just told him. I get to be female!! He thought excitedly. Then wondered if he should be excited. "Me? Female? A girl?" Jake said, overwhelmed. Albert laughed. "Yes my boy! You'll be able to do all things they can! Have periods, feel their hormones, even pregnancy! Eat, sleep, use the rest room, have sex! Say, maybe you can get your friend Jim to take you to the dance!" He said winking. Jake felt really uncomfortable at that. He just couldn't believe it! Then the thought of the stares he might get and the attention was a little frightening. Maybe it would be good to bring Jim along to act as his date. Or "her" date, he remembered. This was all a little too much for him. But he couldn't wait to try it out! "Yeah okay," He said, not liking the smile he got from both Albert and Igor at that remark. He walked over to a phone and dialed his friend's number. He couldn't even begin to guess what Jim would think when he found out why he was being called over! The phone rang for a few times on the other line before Jim picked it up. "Hello?" Came Jim's voice. "Hey Jim, it's me Jake! I need you to come over right away!" Jake said, not being able to keep the excitement out of his own voice. "Huh? Why? This isn't some plan to drag me to the dance is it?" Jim replied. "I'd love to have you go, but this is so I can show you something! You've seen the stuff in my house before, but this! This is truly something!" Jake said. "Really?" Jim responded. Jake could hear his voice brighten with interest, "Well, anyone else I'd say was lying, but I know you. You're just lucky I can't resist these types of things! I'll be right over." Jim hung up the phone after that. Jake hung his own end up and smiled. Wouldn't it be a surprise to Jim! *** A half an hour later, Jim was being ushered into the basement. He was about the same height as Jake, probably an inch shorter. He wore pretty much the same thing as Jake too, with the exception that his pants were black as well. Jake could tell he wanted to know what was going on. He hadn't bothered to cover the tube again, but Igor and Dr. Zizu were standing in front of it blocking it from being seen. Jake finished leading Jim down into the lab and turned to him smiling. Jim was tired of not knowing what was going on and finally stopped being patient. "So what's going on?" He asked. Jake smiled at him. He seemed VERY excited about something, but what could it be? Jim wondered. As he watched he saw the doctor and robot step aside to reveal the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She appeared to be sleeping. Jake's smile got even wider and he stepped into a glass tube that was the same type the strange mystery girl was in. "This will blow your mind!" Jake said, before Jim could ask about the strange girl. Dr. Zizu pushed a button that closed the tube around Jake. Jake stood in the same manner as the beautiful girl and closed his eyes. Dr. Zizu then tapped a few buttons on a nearby panel and two metal tabs shot out of the back tube wall on each side of Jake's head. He then noticed the same happened to the girl. Albert seemed to savor the moment before he pushed a finale command on the panel. Electric shocks began to hit his friend Jake's head, from the metal tabs as his body began to shake violently. It traveled along wire that was attached to the other tube. The shocks then began to emit from the metal tabs on the sides of the girl and shock her head. Yet her body didn't move at all. Then as he continued to watch, she slowly began to shake. First softly, then more violently. He noticed after a bit that his friends body was becoming as still as the girls had been. Soon it was over and the body of his friend became as lifeless as the female's had been. The beautiful girl however let out a moan and opened her eyes, revealing them to be blue. She looked down at her self with a mix of excitement, nervousness and fear on her face. She cupped her two breasts and then proceeded to check out what lay underneath her skirt. She lifted her hand afterwards and just stared at it. She then turned her attention to Jim and said in a angelic voice that made him weak in the knees, "Jim? Do you know who I am?" Jim knew. He knew who this girl was and who she used to be. He wouldn't have believed it if it hadn't been for all the things that happened with Dr. Zizu and Jake. Not believed it, yet knew it to be true. Somehow his friend, his best friend Jake, had become this vision of loveliness before him. He swallowed and nervously answered him, Er, her. "Jake?" He said embarrassed at the smile she gave him at his own nervousness. However he saw the nervousness hadn't left her eyes either. He continued his sentence. "This is what you wanted to show me? Why? What does all this mean?" Jake blushed. "Well, you said you didn't want to go to the dance, but..." Her face darkened, "Will you take me?" She said, her eyes full of wonder and hope. "Of course!" Jim answered without thinking. Then realized what he had just agreed to, "I mean! All right Jake! I mean!" Dr. Zizu laughed, while Igor smiled. Jake appeared to darken even more. "You know, you can't call me Jake when I'm like this. How about. Sandra?" She suggested. Jim nodded. "Yeah, that's a great name, but I still don't get.." Jim began. "I never really noticed it before, but I always wanted to be a girl. Just to see how it was. Albert here built me this body to check out what it would be like. I want to go to the dance, but am afraid of what the guys will do. So can you go as my date? It will only be for this one night!" Sandra said pleadingly. "Well okay," Jim said. He didn't want to admit it, but the body his friend now had was very appealing to him. He'd love to do more than just go to the dance with her! But it was his friend Jake in that body! Shouldn't that make him "not" want to kiss, caress, and make sweet love to that.. Jim shook the thoughts from his head. For some reason, it only made him want it more. Jim was afraid of that, but hoped he could keep it bottled up. A few moments later and they were on their way. *** Unknown to both Jim and Sandra, something was watching the house. Something with red eyes that gazed from the depths of a black swirling portal. It had been a long time since any of it's kind was allowed access to this place. It gazed at it's target with wicked glee. Soon, nothing would be left of the lab or their rival's "male" body. It laughed in spite of itself. She didn't even know she had enemies. *** About a half an hour later, Sandra and Jim walked onto the campus of Canyon Middle School. Sandra was feeling very uncomfortable and (to her embarrassment) excited at all the looks she had received by the males they passed. Unknowingly she had grabbed Jim's hand, getting nervous at her new situation. Jim felt pleasure and guilt at the sensation her hand holding his own was giving him. To make things worse, or better, she soon began to press closer and closer to him. Until she was pressed firmly up against him. He felt himself getting aroused at the mere sensation. He wondered what Sandra was thinking? Sandra wasn't aware of what she was doing until they arrived at their destination. She quickly pushed away, shocked at her own actions. She felt a wave of sadness at the broken connection and a stronger sense of longing to do it again. She blushed slightly at this. Trying to get her mind off of the situation at hand, she began to glance around the campus. It had been years since she had set foot on these school grounds. Four years in fact, and everything looked so different and old to her. She could hardly believe she used to walk these halls. As she continued to look around, she felt Jim poke her. Turning to look at him he motioned in another direction. Looking that way, she saw Jesse, Trish, and their dates across the field. She also noticed the looks she began to get again, and once again began to edge closer to Jim. "Hey babe! How about hanging with me for the dance?" A guy said from behind her. Turning, she saw it to be Triver. Triver was the "Big Shot" of the campus, or used to be before they graduated. He never treated anyone whom he considered to be "lower" than him, with anything but cruelty. Sandra didn't want to get stuck with HIM for the night so she immediately latched onto Jim, leaning her head on his shoulder and giving Triver a smile that said "sorry". Triver's mood darkened at that but he didn't do anything except turn and walk away muttering. He probably wanted to beat the crap out of Jim and TAKE her as his date. He never was one to deal well with not getting what he wanted. Yet there was no way he'd attack Jim. Sandra knew that everyone only left Jim alone (except for teasing) because of the fact that if anyone hurt Jim "Jake" would hurt them. Not even Triver was that daring. After Triver was out of sight, Jesse and Trish spotted them and began to draw nearer, recognizing Jim with their dates tagging happily along. Sandra suddenly realized she was still locked on to Jim, as well as having her head still on his shoulder. She quickly found the sensation this gave her was VERY appealing and found her body didn't want to break away and she couldn't convince it otherwise. Jim noticed that Sandra wasn't breaking away, even after Triver had left. This made him VERY happy. He couldn't help it. This was his friend, true, but he couldn't stop liking, no LOVING, the feeling of having this pretty girl with him. He had to accept what was happening. His friend was one hundred percent female, and despite the fact that he knew it was his friend in that lovely body. His hormones didn't give a damn. The two girls and their dates came over at that moment. They had started to head towards Jim when they saw him earlier. But who was this new girl? Trish and Jesse wondered. They both knew that Jim was never a very social type. Jesse felt a bit of envy at this other girl. She had looks, and not just slightly above average. She was gorgeous. Trish wondered why Jim was here and not Jake. Jake and Jim were almost always together. "Hey Jim! That's quite a catch you've got there, no offense." Jesse said, aiming the last comment at Sandra. "None taken," Sandra said, even more embarrassed at the comments she was getting as well as the looks. "Yeah!" Jesse's date agreed quickly. Sandra knew him from school. Or when she still went to school. His name was Paul. He was, or had been, a lead football player at their old school. He had brown hair and eyes, a massive build, and some good looks. He was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans with black shoes and socks. Jesse gave him a glare for his comment. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" She snapped. Paul quickly realized his error. "Uh! No, Nothing!!" He quickly said. Jesse only relaxed so she could ask Sandra another question. However Trish beat her to it. "So what's your name? I don't remember seeing you here before. Did you go to this school?" Trish asked. "My name is Sandra, and yeah I went here at one time." She answered. She didn't want them to know who she REALLY was just yet. She hoped to go through the entire evening without being found out. She also hoped to "mingle" with them, and find out what females talked about. "Did you go to our high school as well?" Trish's date asked. His name was Zeek. He had been on the school's wrestling team. He had sandy blond hair, and green eyes. He didn't have that much of a build, but it was still something. He had on a black shirt and pants. He wore white socks with brown shoes. Sandra saw how they both stood so well with their dates, Jesse and Trish. She glanced at her own "date". Jim's unruly black hair made him look cute. His blue eyes made her pause in her think of the blue sea. He saw her and nervously smiled. She paused in her breath at the sight of it. She then realized what she was doing. It became suddenly VERY clear just how much of a girl "she" had become. She was truly experiencing everything a girl did. She would have to talk to Albert about that when she got home. She looked back at Zeek to notice he was staring quite intensely at her breasts. Making her blush a bit. Trish also noticed Zeek's object of sight. Enraged she reached into a purse that somehow just appeared to all Sandra could make out. She continued to hunt around a bit before bringing out a small device that appeared to be a flashlight. Yet when she pushed the button, a HUGE bat popped out of it. She then used it to promptly clobber Zeek into the ground. "Enough already! You don't want to PESTER the poor girl!!!" Trish shouted. Paul, who had also been gazing at Sandra's breasts, quickly moved his gaze to Jesse's own breasts before she could check his line of vision. Jesse did look at Paul as soon as she saw Zeek get pounded. When she saw where Paul was looking, she turned away blushing. Paul let out a sigh of relief; careful to make sure she didn't catch that either. Unfortunately, Trish decided that Zeek's question was a valid one. "However, I'm sure I would have seen you on campus if you went to our school. Did you?" She asked. Sandra didn't like where this was going. "You might say that," She said. "But why didn't we.." Jesse began. "Hey, the dance is starting. We should get there now if we want to make it on time." Jim said suddenly. Good old Jim! "Oh no! Come on Paul!" Jesse exclaimed, running for the place the dance was being held, dragging Paul along with her. Trish quickly grabbed Zeek off of the ground and ran after Jesse towards the cafeteria, which is where the dance was. Sandra turned to Jim and just shrugged. Jim did the same and offered his arm. Sandra hesitated for a moment and then took it, remembering the warm feeling being close to him gave her. They decided to take this time to look around the old campus. It seemed hard for Sandra to believe she had once walked these halls nearly everyday. Everything seemed so familiar and old. A bit small as well. She looked at Jim and wondered what he thought of walking these grounds again. Of course he didn't have the extra weirdness of being a girl to go along with it. Jim felt pretty much the same as Sandra did. Yet it felt even weirder to have a girl by his side while walking through it since he never had any female friends at all, unless you count Jesse and Trish who never really called him a "friend". It felt even weirder yet to know that this bomb-shell, although it wasn't a term he liked to use, female had been his friend only a little over a half an hour ago. He looked at her again and felt himself get a bit excited at the beauty. He quickly stifled the feeling. This was his friend, good looks or not. They entered the dance floor and saw Jesse and Trish dancing with their dates. Jesse and Paul were gazing into each other's eyes like there was no one else in the room. Trish and Zeek were doing the same. It was currently a "slow" dance that required you to be "close" to your partner. Sandra didn't know if she wanted to chance that, but began to think differently when she saw Jim's own nervousness and the looks the guys who didn't have partners were giving her. Then when Triver came in, she knew she didn't want to deal with them at all. Grabbing hold of Jim, she stepped onto the dance floor. They started a bit far apart, but then began to get closer and closer to each other as they continued to dance. They ended up so close that Jim could feel Sandra's breasts against his chest. This caused his "private" to get hard real fast. He gulped when he felt his excitement. He only hoped Sandra wouldn't get angry at him for it. Sandra was far from angry at the moment. In fact she was a bit aroused herself. She felt Jim's "private" brush up against her thigh and when it touched her own "private" she felt a shiver of pure pleasure course through her and felt her nipples harden with anticipation. Both she and Jim darkened at this. At this moment Triver came up and tried to cut between them. "Cutting through geek," Triver said. But Sandra pushed him away being careful not to give away her true strength. "Not in your life Triver, now get before I call Jake." She said. Triver glared at her. "How do you know me?" He asked. "Not your concern, now don't make me repeat it again, get!" She said more fiercely. Triver looked like he wanted to ask how she knew Jake. But probably figured that everyone must know Jake. He stood there for a few moments longer before deciding that leaving was his best option. Sandra and Jim went back to dancing after that. It wasn't long before they remembered what had happened between them before Triver came, and they both went back to being aroused. Their "privates" met once again and they couldn't help but stare at each other with longing. Sandra's mind began to scream, but only faintly. This is wrong! You're a guy not a girl! You can't feel this way! But as soon as it had come, it left. It seems that Albert had changed a few aspects of her mind as well. She'd have to ask him about that too. Jim had similar screams in his own head. This is your friend! Your BEST friend! You can't feel this way! But he couldn't help himself. Soon they began to close the distance between their faces. Before either of them knew it they closed their eyes and touched their lips in a kiss. It sent sensations that Sandra didn't even know could be felt. Jim also couldn't believe how much joy he got from the simple kiss. They continued to stand like that, connected in a deep, passionate kiss. Neither of them knew exactly when, but their kiss was suddenly broken apart by a loud "BOOM". Without thinking, Sandra ran out the door in the direction of the sound. It was Jake's job to protect the town, and he didn't seem to remember he wasn't Jake anymore. He was now the beautiful Sandra. Jim began to run after her. He didn't even know if Sandra retained the powers she had as Jake. As Jim ran out the door, Jesse, Trish, Paul, and Zeek ran after them. Unknown to Jim. Sandra ran around a corner that would eventually lead to the field when she saw where the blast had taken place. The classrooms stretched out on her left and turned to form a neat corner that continued the rooms a few meters more. In the exact corner was where the library stood in the school. The door had been blasted open from the inside. Books were scattered all over the walkway and yard while dust and smoke spilled from the entrance, blocking anything on the inside from view. "So, you came." A voice said still and calm from the inside. Sandra tensed into a battle pose. "Who's there!" She demanded. Her question was followed by laughter from whoever stood out of view. The smoke and dust finally cleared to reveal a guy of about six feet, one inch. He wore all black and had black hair that curled up in front resembling a pair of demon horns. The most noticeable thing about him, however, were his glowing red eyes. He smiled evilly and held up a single hand, palm outstretched. "I am called Zark. It's a pleasure to meet you Bio-Android. NOW DIE!" He yelled shooting a blast of pink energy at her. Sandra in turn, energized her wrist and used it to deflect the blast unaware that nearly the entire school was watching the fight. Zark with his hand still raised chuckled. "You're as good as we expected! But you can't be allowed the chance to stop us. Your defeat is certain, especially now that you're trapped in the female body!" Zark said as he suddenly jumped straight up into the air and brought his arms with fists balled to his sides like he was skiing. He then raised them up sending twin slashes of pink energy along the ground towards Sandra. Sandra tensed and jumped just as they reached her. She cleared the blasts with inches remaining and landed with ease. "You have some good attacks. But try this one on for size!" She yelled while cupping her hands together. A blue ball of energy began to form in them sending small bursts off as it gained power. She pushed both hands forward at the still air born Zark. A blast of lightning erupted from her hands and knocked Zark into the roof of the building. Seconds later the entire area where Zark had hit blew up in a huge pink blast. Zark was floating in the mist of the explosion. Eyes seeming to glow even more. "So you're not as weak as you appear. I was foolish to think females were any less dangerous than males. No matter, you still won't win!!" He screamed. He raised his hands and begins to build power of his own. The ball formed as he did reached twice his size before it stopped. He smiled again and yelled. Beams of energy lanced out the sphere heading straight at Sandra. She jumped to one side as one of the beams struck the ground where she had been standing. When the beam impacted a pillar of energy fired straight into the sky. Sandra quickly jumped back the way she had come from to avoid yet another pillar. Then jumped again backward to avoid another. Then yet again to avoid another. She continued to jump just narrowly avoiding the pillars as they strike. I can't keep this up! She thinks to herself. Finally, she jumps from a pillar impact only to jump into another. She is quickly caught up in the blast. Her clothes incinerate as the energy tears at her. She screamed as the pain wracks her body. Zark only smiles. Now that he trapped her in one spot he could keep her in pain! Ten beams all hit the ground under her in the same instant. She screamed in unholy pain as cuts appeared all over her body. Jim could only watch as his friend was slowly being beaten to death. She screamed again and again as she slowly lost her life. Even a Bio-Android couldn't take that much punishment! Sandra couldn't think of anyway out of the trap. She was slowly being killed and had no way of preventing it. I guess I'll even experience death the way females do... She thought as she felt another wave of pain hit her. Suddenly Jim ran forward. While at the same time dozens of yellow energy blasts began to pelt Zark, causing his ball of energy to explode. He was hurled into the ground while Sandra began to fall. Jim made it just in time to catch her. He took one look at her naked body and PING! His private goes. Jim was annoyed, but was more concerned to know if Sandra was even still alive. Sandra quickly opened her eyes and activated her self-repair system when she felt someone catch her. She saw Jim holding her while his skin went a very DARK shade of red. She suddenly remembered she was completely naked and matched his color. But who stopped Zark's blasts? She looked towards the area of the blasts to see Igor running up. He handed her some clothes and she used super speed to quickly dress. Luckily, Jim blocked the other's sight of her nakedness. Zark quickly shot back out of his hole and prepared another attack. Before he could act Sandra jumped forward to wrap her right hand with energy. "Web Entanglement!" She shouted while punching the ground right before the hole and below Zark. Blue energy jutted upward and wrapped around him, trapping him in place. Igor morphed himself into a large cannon and aimed himself at Zark. Large amounts of yellow energy began to build up within the barrel. Zark saw this and tried to use his own power in an attempt to break free of the web. It began to dissolve, slowly, but it was going. However it didn't give out fast enough to save him. BLAM!!! A powerful blast of energy rocketed from the Igor cannon, crashing into Zark and sending him flying into space. Igor morphed back into his normal self and walked towards Sandra. Jesse and Trish had already run up to her when she had landed, after her web attack and finally made it to her. Jesse was the first to launch into questions. "You're a Bio-Android? Did Dr. Zizu create you?" She asked. Sandra sighed. It looked like it was time to let them know who she really was. "Yes he did," She replied. Trish asked the next question. "Are you Jake's sister?" She asked. Here we go! Sandra thought. "I AM Jake," She answered. This caused both girls to stare at her with wide eyes and open mouths. "WA-WHAT?!?!" They both shouted in union. "Long story," She said. "Jake? That's you? Cool!" They said. Sandra was taken aback by this reaction. She looked at the two girls more closely. She suddenly realized that the look of fear was nowhere to be seen. Instead there was a look of amazement and wonder. She was about to ask them a few questions of her own when Igor stopped her. "Sandra, you must come back to the house now!" He said urgently. His face had a look of deep concern and pity on it. Sandra didn't like this one bit. She knew something bad had happened. But the look of pity she got when he looked at her frightened her greatly. What had happened that made him look at her like that? She didn't think she'd like the answer. "Okay," She told Igor who morphed into a car to get Sandra there faster. She and Jim jumped in readying themselves for a quick trip. Before Igor could take off however, Jesse and Trish intercepted them. "We want to come," They said with looks of concern in their eyes. Igor nodded, which was a strange sight to see, and extended to include back seats. The girls hopped in, and they took off in a blaze of speed. Leaving Paul and Zeek standing dateless and very confused. *** When they got to the house, Sandra saw Albert standing outside waiting for them. She also saw curls of thick black coming out of the house. A fire! So that's why Igor was upset. But where had the fire occurred? And why had she received that look of pity from Igor when he first looked at her? She felt her spirits drop and fear rise even more when she saw Dr. Zizu give her a pitiful look as well. What happened?! Her mind screamed, WHAT HAPPENED!?! "What's going on!?" She screamed frantically at the doctor. "Why do you all keep looking at me like that!?!" Albert sighed with expressions of sadness, regret, and pity in his eyes. He took a deep breath and began. Jim and the other's listened closely with the exception of Igor, who already knew. "Jake, or I suppose I should say Sandra. As it will be from now on." FROM NOW ON?!?! "I have dreadful news to deliver. My, that is your.." He sighed once more, tears in his eyes as he forced himself to continue. "The basement lab has been destroyed. Everything that was in it is gone." He said at last. No, No, NO, NO, NO!! "Then my body.." She said weakly. Igor began to cry at this point, and he was more robot than human. "Gone." Albert said. Jim couldn't believe what he was hearing. What could have done this? Jesse was the one to ask. "What did this?" She asked. "A member of the Dark Zone." Dr. Zizu replied. "A WHAT?!" Trish said. Dr. Zizu turned to Sandra. "Allow me to tell you of that accident Sandra," He said. Sandra didn't like the way Albert had said his name. His voice had been full of sorrow and guilt. "When I tried to create you, I used a new form of energy to systematically create your cells and brain. The energy I used came from a place called the Dark Zone, which I had discovered a long time ago while working in the lab one night. I didn't know things lived in that place until that night. When they tried to break out, they caused a chain reaction that sent my computers wild. I saved the information to the memory banks and quickly closed the portal. You were created shortly after. Yet I'm still not sure exactly what gave you life. My own attempt to recreate the process was Igor. I used the information in the computer again, when I made your new body. But now, with that info gone, I can't even build you another male body." He stopped and just looked at Sandra with sorrow and guilt once more. "I'm so sorry, If I had just.." He began trailing off. "No, don't," Sandra said. Trying to comfort him. "I wanted to be female, and you gave that to me. Maybe it was fated for me to stay that way." Albert brightened a little at that, but still felt rather bad. "I'm sorry Jake," Jesse said. "Me too," Trish added. "Jake.." Jim said. Sandra held up her hand. "It's Sandra now," She said. "And please, not tonight. Jesse, Trish, Jim, do you think you can stay here with me tonight? I'll need your help later." "Sure Ja, uh Sandra. I'll call my mom." Jesse replied. "I'll let my family know where I'll be as well," Trish replied. "I usually stay over when I come this late anyway." Jim replied. "Thanks guys. I just want to rest tonight. In the morning we will deal with this, okay?" Sandra said. The rest nodded in agreement. All six of them walked into the house for the night. Authors Notes: Here is a story I hadn't expected to write. I had a dream where I was approached by some scientist and offered a chance to be a girl. I took it and became the girl that Jake became in this story. She basically looks like Amy or Sailor Mercury (From Sailor moon) but with black hair. Just like Jake looks kinda like Trunks (From DragonBall Z) just with brown hair. I dreamt going to the school thing. Which in my dream was my elementary school, so that's what I modeled it in the story after. I dreamt that "something" was out to get me and my old body got destroyed. Somewhere in my dream was Igor and the fact that only my male form could merge with him. All in all a very weird dream. I didn't even have a title for this when I wrote it. I sent it to friends and the title that appears is what was chosen. As always, I love feedback. I don't get any of this and would appreciate it if you could find the time to do so. Criticism is okay. I will even take flames. (Though I probably won't answer them.) So how was it? You may reach me at: [email protected] This story is not clamed by anyone but me, so don't use this without my permission. It's so weird reading an anime type story without a disclaimer huh? It's mine! Hands off, everyone! Oh that feels so good!

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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

4 years ago
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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...

2 years ago
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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

4 years ago
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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

3 years ago
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The Lifeguard

 I was 22 years old and I out of work, in the last year of college, I had to find a job to get me through the summer. The YMCA had a busy summer k**s' camp, and they needed someone with lifeguard and first-aid experience to supervise the pool. It was the typical, run-of the mill lifeguard gig… keep down horse-play, nurse a minor sc**** here or there and prevent injuries and other liabilities. It didn't pay much, but it had a perk: it gave me the chance to look at gorgeous k**s wearing...

2 years ago
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Desert Wildlife

Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...

3 years ago
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In his small but immaculate barracks room Marine First Sergeant Jake Weeks took off his uniform for the last time. In his mirror he saw a man who was more at home in a uniform than jeans and a pullover shirt. Tall and lithe with cropped grey hair, blue eyes and leathery tough skin, he looked exactly what he was: a warrior. Or at least what he was up until today. He had spent the afternoon in the NCO club laughing and joking with old friends and avoiding the question of what he was going to...

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‘Well, that ended badly.’ Peter mumbled to himself. He tried to get to his feet. He was sitting on the floor of his living room trying to sort out just what had happened. But his alcohol clouded mind and his stinging cheek made coherent thought a little difficult. He had acted like a prick and he knew it. He made another attempt at standing up but his pant-legs were bunched around his ankles and one foot slid out from under him again. ‘Fuck it.’ He growled. And lay back onto the floor, his...

4 years ago
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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I’d just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

2 years ago
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Interview mit PORNOLIFE

PORNOLIFE: Wann hast Du deine ersten Sex-Erfahrungen gemacht? Andrea: In der Schule lernte ich viel, aber Sex lernte ich von den Jungs. PORNOLIFE: was bedeutete dies für dich? Andrea: Das Lusterlebnis war bestimmend für mein Selbstvertrauen. Ich war begehrt und deshalb stolz auf das, was ich als junge Fickstute tat. PORNOLIFE: Und nach der Schule? Andrea: Ich hatte weiterhin sexuelle Beziehungen zu den Jungs und deren Familien aus dem Maghreb, wo ich wurde zur Hure abgerichtet wurde. PORNOLIFE:...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

4 years ago
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You recently moved to the big city to find a job, since unemployment is very common where you come from. Another aspect was, that you wanted to try out new stuff. Sexual stuff. But word in the small town spreads fast and you did not want to shame your Family. You like it rough, and none of your small town friends could really satisfy you. So here you are. Your name is Lena, 20 years old. You are 1,62cm short, have blonde curly hair, a slim body with nice 80c breasts and a cute small ass. It’s...

2 years ago
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Sissy dreamlife

Hello little sissy. Do you still remember me? You don’t do you poor thing. Allow me to refresh your memory. Last night I saw you at a bar you looked so shy and a little awkward so I approached you. We talked for a little while and I immediately came to the conclusion that you would make a great sissy, so I d**gged your drink. No stop that little sissy you won’t make it out the bondage you should embrace it, it is what you are meant to be. You must have so many questions. But since I don’t like...

3 years ago
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The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...

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