Foreign Exchange, Part 3 Of 3 free porn video

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I have had another opportunity to play with Andi, the hot Australian who
is staying with us while she studies in the states. If you haven't
read the first two parts of this story, you might want to check them
out for background information. If you're only interested in the
pleasure, read on. Enjoy! I love feedback!


Craig, friend of mine, needed me to stay at his apartment one weekend
and take care of his dog. Since I still live at home, I jumped at this
opportunity to get out of my parents' house, even for one weekend.
Honestly, when he first asked me to stay, my mind immediately conjured
up images of sleeping naked, masturbating all hours of the day, maybe
renting a little porn, or inviting a few friends over. I am just not
used to that kind of freedom!

I also thought I would mention this to Andi. I thought I would suggest
that she come on over, spend some time with me...away from my parents.
When I approached Andi, I asked her if she would like to have a sleep
over with me. I told her I would be apartment sitting, and I thought a
Girl's All-Nighter would be fun. Of course, my mind was also racing
with images of what I would like to do to her again. I almost laughed
out loud when she responded, "Ooh, so we can fuck and not worry about
who will be home, when?" lol, who knew that her mind was racing on
ahead of mine?

On the first day that I had to be at my friend's place, I made sure
there were plenty of candles, a bottle of cheap wine in the fridge, and
I even discovered Craig had all of his porn lined up neatly for the
choosing. I knew it wasn't going to be a matter of seducing her. In
fact, I figured when she came in the door, I was going to have a hard
time not attacking her immediately. I was expecting her a little after
8, so I had plenty of time to shower and splash on a little lavender
scented oil in all the right places....behind my ears, along my neck,
between my breasts and just inside my thighs...inches from where I
could already feel the moistness of anticipation. I also slipped into
my black thong. This little number was mostly string with a tiny bit
of lace to "hide" the pussy lips. I also dressed in short shorts and a
baggy sweatshirt, no bra and barefoot. I thought about wearing
something that screamed sex, but I was afraid she would walk in and
start giggling if I wore my SHORT skirt and spaghetti strapped tank. I
mean, we are in Minnesota, and summer hasn't arrived THAT quickly.

By the time 7:30 ticked past on the clock, I was pacing the floor, and I
kept sliding my hands up inside my sweatshirt to pinch my already hard
nipples. I thought about sitting down on the sofa, spreading my
thighs, slipping my fingers inside my shorts, and making myself cum
once before she arrived, but I figured it wouldn't matter if I came as
soon as she touched me again the first time, as we would still have the
whole night for more than one orgasm each.

Suddenly, the dog barked and started racing back and forth under the
living room window. I figured the little terrier had heard a car door.
Sure enough, not a few seconds later, there was a knock on the door.
My heart was racing as I opened the door, and there was Andi. I've
told you before that she is a fine little woman! Her long hair was
piled up on her head in a quick up-do, and she had also decided on a
sweatshirt and shorts. I found myself wondering if she was braless as
well. Her small B sized breasts were just noticeable beneath the word
"Sweets" which was scrolled across the chest of her sweatshirt. She
was also sporting a pretty good tan. She tans so much easier than I
do! She was wearing khaki sandals with a bit of a heel, but she kicked
them off as she came into the room. She smiled and laughed a little
nervously as I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. I motioned her to
the sofa and asked if she would like something to drink. She laughed
when I said I had some cheap wine in the fridge and said that would be

When I returned to the room, Andi was lounging with her feet up on the
sofa. I figured, why stay apart longer than necessary and after
handing over her drink, I lifted her legs by the ankles and slid in
underneath, letting her knees rest over my lap. Andi offered her glass
for a "clink," and we toasted to being alone with no time limits. We
sat and chatted a bit about how her classes were going, sipped our
wine, and giggled together when she mentioned the same Health teacher I
used to drool over when I was in high school. While we were talking, I
was caressing my hands over her calves and knees, letting my fingers
massage over her feet and between her toes, and back up her legs to her
thighs. Each time my hands went further up, caressing inside her
thighs and just up inside the bottom hem of her shorts.

Andi was starting to breathe a bit heavier and she set her glass down on
the end table. She gave me a pointed look and said, "Are you going to
kiss me again now, or do I have to come after you?" Is it just me? Or
do I detect some domination traits in this little hottie? Andi and I
both leaned forward and locked our lips in a slow passionate kiss. She
slid her tongue inside my mouth as her hands slid over the front of my
sweatshirt. Her hand stopped over one of my breasts and she giggled,
"You're not wearing a bra either?" I laughed and dumped her legs off
my lap, stood up and pulled my sweatshirt off over my head. My C tits
were firm, and my nipples were hard. Andi took my hand and pulled me
to stand between her knees. I gasped when the first thing to touch the
skin of my breast was the tip of her little pink tongue. She swirled
her tongue around my nipple and sucked it between her hot lips. I
moaned, and Andi sucked harder, her hand coming up to cup and fondle my
other breast. I watched her lips as they worked on my nipple, tugging
gently, her tongue flashing quickly over the tip inside her mouth. My
hands slid down her back and grasped the bottom of her sweatshirt.

Andi leaned back long enough for me to slide her sweatshirt off over her
head and toss it to the side. My hands traveled down her chest to palm
her perfect tits, and her mouth went back to my nipple. I couldn't
stop moaning, and as she sucked, her fingers unbuttoned and unzipped my
shorts and then slid around my back and inside my shorts squeezing over
my ass. I breathed, "Fuck, Andi, I am so wet right now! I've been wet
all day, thinking about this."

She looked up at me and grinned as she slid my shorts off my ass,
letting them drop to my ankles, "MMM, can I taste?" I nodded and
moaned, unable to say much more. She scooted to one end of the sofa
and had me sit next to her, leaning back against the other armrest.
Her fingers slid up my thighs and she rubbed firmly over my clit
through my thong. My hips automatically rose to try to grind into
her fingers. She moved one of my legs to dangle off the side of the
sofa, giving herself lots of room between my thighs. Her fingers slid
around the side of my thong and pulled it to the side. She moaned,
"Your thong is soaked! Did you cum already before I got here?"

I blushed and responded, "No, but I thought about it. You know how wet
I get!" Andi nodded and smiled. She leaned over and licked up my
inner thigh. I couldn't keep my eyes open, my whole body was already
screaming with electricity. As she licked closer, I moved further down
the sofa, forcing my pussy to her lips faster than she intended. She
and I both gasped and moaned at the same time as her tongue slid over
and between my pussy lips. I whispered, "Andi, I'm not going to last
long right now. Please......please slide your tongue inside me now!"

Andi didn't wait. She slid her tongue inside my hot pussy and started
fucking it and licking around my pussy walls. I called out and lifted
my hips, trying to pull her closer. My hands went to the back of her
head, forcing her face tight against my pussy. She moaned inside me
and licked up and over my clit, as she slid two fingers up and inside
my wet hole. I couldn't hold back any longer and started bucking my
hips against her face, moaning and swearing as I came for the first
time that night. Andi licked and sucked at my clit, keeping her
fingers pumping inside my cunt. My pussy clamped down on her fingers,
spasming and dripping. I whimpered and shuddered as I started to
focus again on her fingers. My heart was pounding and my lungs felt
like I just finished running a sprint. When I settled down, Andi
smiled up at me and licked her lips.

"Oh my god, Baby! Come here!" Andi moved up my body, pressing her tits
against mine and catching my lips under hers. I could taste myself
inside her hot mouth, and I moaned into the kiss. Between kisses I
gasped, "That was amazing, hun. We've got to get you out of your
shorts!" She giggled and continued to kiss me, lifting her torso above
me and letting me help her strip the rest of her clothes from her
smooth body. I chuckled when I noticed she had on a pair of familiar
pale yellow panties. I asked, "Andi, were you in my bedroom before you
came over here?" She laughed and told me she didn't think she had
anything sexy enough to wear for the occasion and she thought it would
be hot to wear a pair of mine. I admitted that I wouldn't look at
those panties the same again and moaned when I imagined them resting
against her young pussy.

Finally, we were both completely naked and our hands were sliding over
each other's skin, massaging and pinching lightly here and there. She
squealed when my fingers twisted a nipple slightly, and I grinned and
leaned over to lick over and moisten her now rock hard nipple. Mmmmm,
I continued to suck at and tug at her nipple as my hands slid over her
hips. When I looked up at her eyes, she had them closed and her head
was tipped back in pleasure. I couldn't resist licking up her chest,
over her collar bone and up the side of her neck, nibbling lightly at
her pulse. I smiled, and asked her if she'd like to take this into the
bedroom. She opened her eyes and kissed me deeply on the lips before
nodding. We both took another sip or two from our glasses and then
left them behind, walking close to each others bodies, brushing hips
and intertwining fingers as we made it into Craig's bedroom.

As we crawled onto the bed, Andi blushed and asked, "Does Craig know
what you had planned for this weekend?" I smiled and nodded. I told
her that I had kinda given him a teaser, told him I was going to be
using his bed for more than sleeping, and more than masturbating. "Oh
my god! What did he say??" she asked.

"He said he wished he had known ahead of time so he could set up a
camera," I giggled. She laughed and laid back on the bed. Her eyes
were begging me to come closer, so I laid my body over her's and
kissed her lips again. I could feel her trimmed bush brushing against
my pussy lips, so I rubbed my shaved pussy over her's, grinding into
her clit. She gasped and pressed her finger tips into my shoulder
blades. I have never wished so hard for a strap-on in my life! I
whispered, "Do you want me to fuck your pussy with my fingers, Andi?
Do you want to cum around my fingers?" Her response was a deep moan
and an arch of her body against mine. I smiled and rolled off her
body, keeping contact with her skin. I slid an arm under the back of
her neck and nuzzled close against her chest. My lips found her nipple
again, and I teased it with my tongue and teeth, tugging and twisting
gently. My fingers slipped over her belly, and pressed over her pelvis
firmly, sliding down to her clit. I slid two finger tips through her
light brown bush and down between her pussy lips. When she moaned and
arched up against me, I shook my head and said, "No, try to hold still.
Let me explore."

Her pussy was so silky, I let my two fingers press against her clit
again and then slid them down her slit, barely dipping into her moist
hole and then spread them as i pressed them further along her slit,
opening her moistness up to the room air. I continued to lick at her
nipple, and I could hear her heart thudding in her chest. I was
spreading her juices over her pussy lips, coating her lips. I cupped
my palm over her cunt and pressed down, massaging with my palm. Andi
gave a low moan, and I felt her hips shiver beneath my hand. I pulled
my fingers back up through her pussy lips and moaned over her nipple as
I slid my middle finger up into her pussy. She gasped, and I nodded as
I guessed her question. She started to pump her hips up to my finger,
and I could feel her pussy clenching down. I kept my finger still for
a bit, letting her pump against it as she wanted, then I rubbed my
thumb against her clit and started to shove my finger in and out of
her...on one of the thrusts, I slipped a second finger inside her pussy
with the first. Andi gasped and moaned loudly, so I continued to pump
my fingers inside her while my thumb circled her clit. By this time, I
had left her nipple, and I could feel my own breath coming back to me
as I breathed above her pelvis, watching my fingers slide in and out of
her pussy. The sight of her pussy lips spreading and pulling at my
fingers as I pumped them was more than I could handle, and I needed a

As my tongue flicked out and over her pussy lips, we both moaned deeply
and Andi began thrusting up against my hand harder and faster. I took
the hint and pumped my fingers as fast as I could inside her...each
time I pulled up and out, I spread my fingers slightly, pressing
against her pussy walls. Andi was moaning and whimpering, her head
rolling on the bed as I sucked her clit hard into my hot mouth.
Suddenly she gasped and called out "oh fuck fuck fuck, yes!" Her pussy
clenched down and spasmed around my fingers, and I held her body on the
bed with my chest and other arm as she bucked under me. I could feel
her cum flowing around my fingers, and I could hear it slurping as I
pumped my fingers furiously inside her throughout her orgasm. I
moaned over her clit and pressed my tongue firmly against it as she
bucked one last time. I lifted my head, but kept my fingers inside
her, motionless as she caught her breath. She opened her eyes and
sputtered, "Oh wow! Oh my god, Jaime. Thank you!"

I grinned and kissed her belly button and wiggled my fingers slightly
inside her. Her eyes widened and she gasped, "Oh fuck!" I started to
slide my fingers slowly inside her pussy again, taking my time,
pressing and curling inside of her.

I whispered, "Do you think you can cum again? I want to cum with you."

She moaned and nodded, "Yes, but it might be soon!" I grinned and moved
my body over hers, kneeling on either side of her head. I immediately
felt her lips and tongue slide over and suck at my pussy. I pulled my
fingers out of her moistness, sucked my fingers as clean as time would
allow and bent my head over her gorgeous cunt. I let my body weight
rest completely above her and felt her slowly sliding her tongue around
my moistness. I cupped my hands under and around her ass, holding her
tight against me and felt her hands cup up around my ass as well. I
smiled into her pussy as I noticed her tiny pink asshole grasping for
air, but chuckled to myself and decided that would be another time.

I was lapping at her pussy, cleaning her up from the last time when I
suddenly gasped, feeling two of her fingers slide inside my pussy. I
lifted my head and moaned, "Give me another finger, Babe, please!" I
felt her tongue press hard against my clit, and suddenly another finger
slid inside my pussy. I rolled my body above her and pressed my face
as hard against her pussy as I could, keeping my tongue stiff, I fucked
it down into her pussy. I felt her gasp against me and suddenly pulled
completely off her. She moaned and protested a bit, but I turned
around quickly and laid my body over her's again, taking her protest
away as I slid my soaked tongue deep into her mouth. I felt her suck
at my tongue, and I knocked my pussy against her's, grinding clit to
clit. Her hips bucked against mine and I repositioned one more time,
sitting up and leaning back, sliding my pussy tight up against her's,
intertwining our legs so we were basically facing each other and
holding our bodies up with our elbows, grinding wet pussy to wet pussy.

"Cum on babe. Cum for me again, let's mix our cum!" I gasped. I
lifted a hand and rubbed my fingers over first her clit and then my
own, switching between our two pleasure buds. Suddenly we were both
swearing again and bucking our hips against each other. I rubbed hard
over our clits and slid a finger between us, pumping it back and forth
between our pussies. Andi called out, and I stopped being able to
concentrate on anything other than my screaming pussy. We bucked and
ground harder and harder against each other as we both orgasmed yet
again. The idea of mixing our cum and cumming pussy to pussy with this
gorgeous 18 year old sent my mind reeling and my body jerked
uncontrollably against her. I moaned loudly, watching her tits bob as
she thrust against me, her back arch, and her lips parted as she panted
through orgasm. As our bodies started to slow down, we smiled at each
other and rolled our hips slowly, feeling our pussies slide easily over
each other.

I disentangled our legs and crawled up next to her again, lying on my
back. She rolled to her side and snuggled up against me, kissing my
neck and up to my lips. "Mmmm, baby, that was so amazing!"

I smiled, and agreed, "We have to make things worth while. It's not
like we can just hop into bed whenever we feel like it back at my

Andi giggled, "Do you think Craig is imagining us in his bed?"

I grinned, "Oh, I'm sure he is! Heh, maybe sometime we could let him
join us...then we'd have lots more access to his place, and we wouldn't
have to worry about my mom and dad."

Andi trailed a finger over my breast and swirled it around my nipple,
"Mmm, I'd be willing, as long as I could watch you with him also."

"God, Babe, you are too amazing." I sighed as we kissed one last time
and snuggled up to sleep.

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YOBS Student Exchange Programme

Date: 5/19/98 Rewritten 1/2/99 Ye Old Body Shoppe - Student Exchange Programme by Caleb Jones (Ye Old Body Shoppe universe created by Caleb Jones & Raven) The Student Exchange Programme Case 86: Billy Johnson / Gina Spinelli My childhood wasn't very comparable to all the other boys I knew growing up. Since well before puberty, I knew in my heart I should have been born female. It wasn't that I lusted after boys, or had urges to wear feminine...

3 years ago
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Ladds Exchange Mall Book 3

PETTICOATING ENCOURAGED LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL BOOK THREE BY JENNIFER SUE Saturday evening Helga Halteman paced back and forth as she surveyed the hard faces of her nephews as they sat in the living room. Her lover and co-worker Margo Spayd sat in her recliner, watching expectantly. Seated in a comfortable chair was the eldest, fourteen year old Eric. Beside him upon the sofa sat his thirteen year old cousin Marc, his twelve year old brother Wendal, and Marc's eleven...

2 years ago
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The Role Exchanger 4

This story was written as a serial story on my Yahoo group over a period of several months. The Role Exchanger 4 By Morpheus Part 1 The cramped office was filled with the sound from the air conditioner, a sick grinding sound which strongly suggested that the equipment was quickly nearing the end of its life. The man sitting behind the desk scowled in annoyance at the sound, silently cursing the noise which kept distracting him from his work. Of course he could just turn...

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The Role Exchanger

Just a heads up, this story is a bit odd and the TG elements in it are fairly light, but I do hope you enjoy it. And I wrote this story for my own amusement while playing around, so if you don't like it... too bad. The Role Exchanger By Morpheus The college courtyard provided a scene much like every other morning, being filled with a throng of students. Several dozen young men and women were scattered about, going about their normal routines as they awaited the start of...

4 years ago
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The Exchange Tower pt 2

Sally Brightwall looked at her fiancé’s boss and an immediate feeling of anxiety swept over her. Although he was smiling pleasantly, the dangerous glint in his eyes told her enough. "What do you want Stephan?" she asked coldly, already suspecting the answer. "If you think I'm gonna get on my knees and beg for forgiveness, forget it. I'll take my chances. When Peter finds out what you've done, he'll kick the shit out of you." Stephan looked disdained. He'd expected some resistance, in fact it...

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Lex Luthors RevengePsyche Exchange Device

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. Here is the first of hopefully many stories in the expanding PED universe. ROBO sent the suggestion for this story last night in response to the concluding chapter of the first arc, and I loved the idea. So here it is, for your reading enjoyment. Please let me know if you think this is a good way...

3 years ago
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An Exchange Student 3

An Exchange Student 3 By Paul Jutras In what was a normal school facing the start of winter, 14 year Paul had propped up his book in order to hide behind it. While everyone else was listening to the English teacher going over the previous night's chapter in the assigned assigned reading, Paul was giggling at the local town gossip rag. The paper had stories about things like a four-legged woman opening a dance studio and Martians threatening to attack the Earth. What was bad for...

4 years ago
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The Exchange Student

The Exchange Student By Robyn, the GIRL Wonder CHAPTER ONE: SATURDAY NOON ?Come along, Zoe, dear,? Renee taunted. ?Oh, yes...come on down, where we can all see you,? chimed in Tina. It was my sister Melissa, at the top of the stairs, that gave me a little push. ?Your public awaits, Miss LeMercier,? she giggled. There was nothing else I could do, you I obeyed. Here I was, a fourteen-year-old boy, with curled blonde hair, in white leatherette high heels, wearing flesh...

1 year ago
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Fair Exchange

Fair Exchange - A complete bridal story by Kate Assheton Emma is one of the most gorgeous girls you could ever hope to meet. Pretty, kind-hearted, a lovely figure, she was, in my eyes at least, the perfect woman. That is why I asked her to marry me and that is why, when she said yes, I was the happiest guy in the world. There was, in my eyes, only one thing wrong with Emma. Try as I might, I could never persuade her to wear a skirt or a dress. "No. Gary," she would say. "I am...

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Foreign Posting

I was always good in studies and in last three years, during divorce proceedings, have been trying to compete for some govt. Job and as they say, times they have a way of changing. The month I got the divorce I also got selected as Cultural officer in Ministry of External Affairs, I was posted in Kathmandu after initial training, my parents moved to Kathmandu along with me, but they had to return for nephew’s delivery, satisfied that I could take care of myself in a foreign country. I was...

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Foreign Arrest

Kelsey was a really pretty blond boy. He had always been adventurous and loved doing things that most other people would avoid. He liked his men tough and being manhandled was no problem for him. Kelsey had always been intrigued by Hispanic men and loved their rough approach to sex. Being used as a puta was like an elixir to him and he found the machination of these kinds of guys extremely satisfying.Having finally decided to go to the source of gratification, Kelsey decided to cross the border...

Gay Male
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Foreign Study

The odds against an American child growing up to be an NFL Quarterback or Victoria Secret model are on the order of 20 million to one. Most of us live at the median of the bell curve of human possibilities. Average looks. Average physique. Average intelligence. Average motivation. Average sex appeal. Not me. I belong to a subgroup that is blessed–or cursed, depending on your perspective–with above average intelligence and academic motivation. But being brainy has it’s price. In my case, it...

2 years ago
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Foreign Spices Part 2 of 3

Over the next couple of weeks, the trio of Nara, Rekha, and Revish travelled along the coast and into the hills of India. Revish was the perfect tour guide, knowledgeable and very proud of his country. They explored the countryside and towns and cities during the day and every night, no matter where they were, Revish always seemed to be able to find the liveliest action.They got along just fine. Revish offered all of his affection to Rekha but graciously kept Nara involved. Nara gave the couple...

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Foreign Spices Part 1 of 3

Two dark bodies moved on the bed in sensuous rhythm; hot skin over hot blood. Their silhouettes flickered and stretched along the red, streak painted walls, cast there by small lamps and rows of candles. Arms and legs clenched and slid up and down around one another but hardly ever apart, skin always in contact. The man rolled his hips, following the muted beat of heavy dance music emanating through the walls from the downstairs club. The woman, curled up, her legs wrapped around his waist and...

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Foreign Study

The odds against an American child growing up to be an NFL Quarterback or Victoria Secret model are on the order of 20 million to one. Most of us live at the median of the bell curve of human possibilities. Average looks. Average physique. Average intelligence. Average motivation. Average sex appeal. Not me. I belong to a subgroup that is blessed–or cursed, depending on your perspective–with above average intelligence and academic motivation. But being brainy has it's price. In my case, it...

1 year ago
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Foreign Life

Foreign Life By Garath Eighteen year old Jake looked outside through the window at the dark cloudy sky and sighed. Occasional bolts of lightning lit up his brown eyes when they flashed. His brown hair was parted to fall on both sides, covering his ears. He had some muscle on him, which was a result of his training. He was about six feet tall, and quite good looking. He wore a normal black shirt and blue jeans. But nothing about Jake was normal. He was currently sitting in a...

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Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs By Jennifer Stewart The Diplomat Charles had difficulty getting to sleep. He could not get the image of the pretty, 19 year old maid, Francine, sucking Uncle Raymond's huge brown penis and the streams of white liquid, which spurted from it onto Francine's tongue. He was fascinated and yet frightened. An innocent, he had never seen adults do anything more than kiss. Even when Uncle kissed Francine it was earthy and blatantly sexual rather than the chaste and...

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Foreign Life Part 3

Foreign Life 3 - by Garath A relaxing dip in the Hot Springs Sandra sighed as she sat in the attic on the hypothermic chamber of regeneration while looking at the falling rain. She was wearing a pink halter-top with blue jeans. It had been three days since the attack in the mall, and she had been alone for all three of them. Jim had been avoiding her lately, though she couldn't figure out why. Trish had been too busy helping her family with their store to drop by, and Jesse had...

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Foreign Life 4

Foreign Life 4: Magic in the Night Sandra looked out at the passing scenery as she road in the back seat of the Hover Car. She wore a simple black tank top that looked more like a midriff the way it showed off her belly and hugged her bosom. To match it, she wore a pair of tight, but not too tight shorts. Her footwear was a simple pair of black sneakers with white socks. Jim who was next to her, (much to her pleasure and embarrassment) was wearing a blue short sleeve shirt and a pair...

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Foreign Body

I can't believe that I finally made it to my senior year of high school. My name is Steven and I am 18 years of age, 5'10", medium build, brown hair, blue eyes, and a 7 inch dick. First period came around and I noticed as I sat in a chair that there was a new chick at the school. Turns out that she was a foreign exchange student named Gabriella. She was about 5'10" herself, with dark blonde hair, bright blue eyes, very fit (I could see her abs showing through her tummy shirt), an awesome round...

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The Role Exchanger 3

This story was written as a serial for my Yahoo group The Role Exchanger 3 By Morpheus Part 1 A glowing ball of blue light slowly moved through the atmosphere, guided by an alien intelligence as it sought out its next destination. Humans who knew of this strange being called it the Role Exchanger, though it didn't think of itself as such. In fact, the very idea of names was alien to this being. The Role Exchanger shifted direction and descended from the...

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Role Exchanger Need

The Hylands are walking home after a day out. Matt and Kelly Hyland are a very well to do married couple. They have been married for over five years. They are impeccably dressed. Matt who has taken over his father's business at only twenty nine years old is dressed in an extremely soft expertly tailored woolen blue suit. He is wearing a silk tie and an Italian made dress shirt. His shoes were also from Italy and made out of the finest leather. His clothing projected the power of...

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The Role Exchanger Looking good takes time

A mother and son caught the Role Exchanger's attention. Jayne Grier was a woman in her early forties. She was fighting a constant battle with time and her own genes. She had always been heavy but it had gotten worse as middle aged approached. Still she fought it as best she could. Since dieting hadn't helped she fought it with clothing. Terry was Jayne's son and at fifteen he could eat anything he wanted without gaining much weight. To be honest, both Jayne and Terry weighed pretty...

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The Role Exchanger 2

This story was written as a serial over the period of several months. The Role Exchanger 2 By Morpheus Part 1 It was a nice Saturday in the quiet suburban neighborhood, with the people who lived there going about their normal business. There was nothing to break the usual peace and calm... until now. There was a strange flickering in the very air as a glowing blue ball of light slowly moved across the sky above. Reality itself seemed to rippled around the alien entity... Then...

1 year ago
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500 And 1000 Notes Exchange Favour 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, I am Natasha, a housewife and I live in a posh locality in Mumbai. I have heard many youngsters calling me milf. It gives me immense pleasure to hear those kinds of comments. Anyways let me give you the details of my assets : I am 28 years old milf with curly hairs, fair complexion, round boobs and A-shape butt. I keep my genitals clean shaved because I want my partner in sex to enjoy my wet pussy to the best. I love to masturbate and rub my pussy especially in crowded places....

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Bhoomi Presents Her Virginity In Exchange To Save Her Job

Hi All, This is Akshay Ganna 36 year old back in action with my real life stories. I have a very good height of 6 feet and well-built gym body. Many girls ogle at me and desire, so I take that for the maximum of my advantage. I hope you enjoyed my other two story series “My Brother’s Bride” and “My Brother’s Bride’s Cousin Sister”. The story I am narrating now happened about 6 years back when I was then working as the project manager in an IT firm in Bangalore. I had a team of 20 boys and 15...

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The Exchange Student

Her thick moist lips tightened around my shaft as I exploded deep in her mouth while I worked frantically over her clit with the tip of my tongue to...... Ah yes there it was, her trade mark gush of lady jizz, I took in as much as I could trying to follow the movements of her convulsing body so as not to waste a drop. “Time to get ready for school B” Trina smiled. What a way to greet the day, surely I was the luckiest man alive. Trina and I showered, dressed and drove to school together. At...

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The names have been changed to protect the “not so innocent”. At the age of fourteen, I (Jake) was just coming into my own (My own hand that is). I was good looking I guess. A swimmer, I was long and muscular, and had that blond/straw hair that comes from spending endless hours in the pool. Having received height from my mother, and broad shoulders from my father, at 6’1” 185pounds, and 3.5%body fat, I was larger than most fully grown men but my experience was limited. I had messed around...

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Annie and the Exchange Student

Taking a sip of her herbal tea, Annie double-checks her things for school. Her berry-coloured lips twist as she goes through her mental checklist. Textbooks, notebooks, pens and her phone…yep, everything is in there. Slinging the satchel around her and settling it onto her shoulder, she adjusts her ponytail containing her thick brown curls and leaves her room, before knocking on the door next to hers. “David, are you ready?” she asks nervously. “Yep, two secs!” a deep, smooth yet muffled voice...

First Time
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Malaysia India Student Exchange

I was an exchange student from Malaysia to India at a private college in Bangalore, Karnataka. As I walked through the college entrance, I gasped at the many girls walking around in tight tops, their breasts moving voluptuously, getting me a slight hard-on. Some smiled at me, some frowned at me and some gave me that Ï will eat you up look”. I started sweating and my cock went back to its normal sleeping state. I made my way to the college admissions office. A lady was there in a tight...

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A hot exchange with an extraordinarily sexy and un

What follows in a wonderful exchange I had with a beautifully sexy xhamster woman. And by the if she should read this, I'd just like to tell her how much I enjoyed her messages:Her first xhamster message:I accepted your friend request, and after reading your profile decided to write you a message. My hair is not ‘frizzy’ but is long and dark. I have blue eyes. (no idea at all why I telling you this) I like to be used, especially my mouth although all sex is enjoyable, but to have a man...

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Tales of The Psyche Exchange Device

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! Tales of The Psyche Exchange...

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Exchange By Margaret Jeanette Ken and Mary Hitter were having supper. She was telling him about a new woman's wear store that had opened that day. She said they carried everything a woman could possibly need. Then she said, "Don't forget tomorrow night is when we go out with the Wilcox's, the Farmer's, and the Tolbrook's for supper and to see that country and western band afterwards." He told her he would be ready by five-thirty for the six o'clock meeting at the supper club. She...

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Brandy and the Exchange Student

By now most have read of the wonderful bond Brandy (my now 17 year old granddaughter) and I share. She and I have grown very close since that first day we touched, teased and I brought her to climax. She was a virgin at the time but wanted her G-pa to be her first lover which I ended up being in ways she had never imagined. Since then we’ve gotten together on several, though many less than we’d like, occasions for the sake of our loving bond and freewheeling sensual encounters. In fact she is...

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Exchange Island Odissey Part 1

Danny was a bit afraid of going to exchange island, a place where you spent time in the body of a random person. He knew what was possible and was afraid of the possibility of being swapped with a girl. Or even worse, of being fucked as a girl. It didn't help that his wife Sandra kept talking about it. She had a lesbian fantasy, but she didn't want to fuck anyone but Danny. So she told him they could go to exchange island and hope to be swapped into girls. Or at least for Danny to...

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