Foreign Exchange Yet another Dental Care sequel
- 3 years ago
- 50
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I had done my A-levels and like many of my friends I was still debating whether to head straight to university or take a gap year when the letter arrived. I’d been offered a full scholarship at an American university. I was ecstatic. I’d almost forgotten the audition pieces I’d written for the creative writing course that I was so desperate to do and now I was offered a chance to get an English degree for free.
The thought of moving to America for 4 years was a bit daunting. The campus of the university I would attend was bigger than the little mining village in the north of England where I’d spent all 18 years of my life until then. My parents encouraged me to go though. They knew that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, a chance to do something that nobody in our family had ever done and a chance for me to discover the world. It was simply too good an opportunity to miss so I soon found myself on a plane across the Atlantic.
In order to save as much money as possible on my airline ticket I ended up having to stop one night in Chicago. I stayed at a motel near the airport and didn’t have a chance to see the city as I was too tired from my long flight. The next morning I felt a lot fresher and by the time I got off my morning flight to the place that would be my home for the next 4 years I was wide awake and eager to take in everything.
As I’d picked up my suitcases I went looking for a representative from the university. He was dressed in jeans and a casual shirt and leaning against the counter of a car hire firm, holding the sign nonchalantly. I walked up to him and was struck by how tall he was, probably 6’6′.
‘Hi,’ I said and shook his hand. ‘I’m Rose Taylor.’
‘Pleasure to meet you, Miss Rose Taylor,’ he said with that sexy drawl that I would become so accustomed to. ‘I’m Professor Danner from the English faculty and I’m here to pick up the international scholarship students.’
‘Oh,’ I replied and looked around. ‘How many of us are there?’
‘Normally there’s half a dozen,’ he said with a wry smile. ‘This year we only accepted 2 applications and the other one pulled out so it’s just you.’
‘Oh, I see,’ I bit my lip nervously. I’d been told that I’d be attending a one week orientation course with the foreign students to get us used to the American educational system and get us prepared for the start of the semester. ‘So what happens with the course then?’
‘I guess it’ll just be you and me, unless the replacement for the other student manages to sort out his travel arrangements within the next couple of days.’
Right… Well, this Professor Danner seemed OK. I wheeled my trolley out to the minibus and he picked up my suitcases as though they didn’t weigh a thing. He seemed quite young for a professor. In my imagination professors were ancient men with pipes, dressed in tweed, not tall, blonde, muscular cowboy look-alikes. He pointed out some landmarks as we drove and we soon arrived at what looked like a ranch.
‘This isn’t the university?’ I said insecurely.
‘Yes and no, the university owns this ranch and it’s used for all kinds of events. We always hold the student orientation courses here because the foreign students get a kick out of being at an American ranch, and also because campus accommodation isn’t available for freshmen until next week.’
‘So are there others here now?’ I asked nervously.
‘No, just the English faculty. The other faculties are doing their own thing.’
He showed me in and let me pick which room I wanted. He then proceeded to explain what the next week would be like. The accommodation was completely self catering so he suggested we take turns cooking and then the days would be spent doing a little bit of sight-seeing, a lot of form-filling and generally getting me acclimatised. The first afternoon went by quickly and as a consolation for not getting the social interaction with other students that I had expected, Professor Danner took me to a steakhouse for dinner. The next day continued where we left off and it went by very quickly.
That evening I volunteered to cook spaghetti for our dinner and we were just about to sit down when Professor Danner stopped, looked at me and looked a bit sheepish.
‘I’m gonna get fired if anyone finds out, but I do like a good wine with Italian food. What’s the legal age for drinking in England?’
‘So do your parents let you drink?’
‘My mum spent her childhood in France. She’s been serving me wine with my food since I was 12 years old.’
‘So they wouldn’t kill me if I offered you a glass of wine?’
‘They’d probably kill you if you drank wine without sharing it with me,’ I laughed.
We had a pleasant meal and afterwards Professor Danner cleaned up while I took my glass of wine out on the veranda and enjoyed what was left of the sunset. I couldn’t believe I was there. I looked out across those wide open spaces, the landscape was so different from what I was used to. Soon Professor Danner came out and joined me.
‘Professor Danner,’ I turned to speak to him. ‘Have you lived around here your entire life?’
‘Please, Rose, I know I’m Professor Danner while we’re at school, but I’m only 30 years old. Call me Todd.’
‘OK, Todd,’ I felt a bit embarrassed to call my professor by his first name.
‘And yes, I’ve lived in this county my entire life. I’ve travelled a lot, but I’m always happy to return here.’
‘It’s beautiful. Very different from what I’m used to, but stunningly beautiful.’
‘I’m glad you like it.’
Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was the rising moon. That night we talked for hours about the most intimate and personal matters. I found out that Todd had initially gone to college to play football until he realised his love for the English language. I found out that Todd had been engaged and left at the altar at his Christmas wedding the previous year. I found out that he took his grandma out on a ‘date’ once a month. I told him about growing up in a poor pit village where everybody struggled to make ends meet. I told him about the boyfriend I’d had in the prep-school I’d attended on scholarship, who dropped me like a hot potato when he realised that I wouldn’t let him do what he wanted to do with me. I even told him about feeling ugly as a child, being tall and lanky and having freckles and bright red hair.
‘I can’t imagine why that red hair would make you feel ugly,’ he smiled at me. ‘In the right light it’s like a fire, it gives you an air of something untouchable, like a goddess from an ancient myth.’
Our eyes locked. His cool blue eyes looked into my green and for a moment it was if we were the only people on earth. All too soon the magic was broken as he cleared his throat.
‘Right,’ he said and put his hands in his pockets. ‘It’s 2 a.m., I think it’s time for bed.’
He opened the door for me and then told me to sleep tight and he’d see me in the morning. Once I was in bed I couldn’t sleep. His words from before echoed in my head. Did Todd mean that he found me beautiful? Did his words mean that he found me desirable even? I saw his face before me. His tanned skin, his strong jaw, and those blonde locks that kept falling across his forehead. For the first time in my life I realised that I was sexually attracted to a man and the man was my own professor.
I spent a restless night alone in my room. No matter how much I tossed and turned I couldn’t get to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I imagined Todd kissing me, touching me, making love to me. I was still a virgin, I knew very little about sex, but I knew that the aching feeling in my gut was an ache for Todd to fill me and complete me as a woman and I nearly cried because I knew it could never happen.
The shower the next morning did little to wake me up and to my surprise, Todd looked even worse than me when I ran into him in the kitchen.
‘Morning Rose,’ he mumbled. ‘
Sleep well?’
‘Not really.’
‘Me neither, Must’ve been the wine.’
‘What do you say we get started while we’re having breakfast? The sooner we finish the more time for an afternoon nap.’
I agreed and we got straight into the thick of things. We were careful to keep the dining table between us as long as we worked, but when we took a break for lunch we kept bumping into each other. Every time I felt his body next to mine it was as though a shockwave of heat went straight to my pleasure centre and I could feel myself getting moist. Todd looked uncomfortable too, almost jumpy. He quickly stepped back when our bodies made contact and he avoided my eyes.
The last task of the day involved looking at a big display. I sat on the sofa and Todd placed the display on the table. As I started pointing things out and asking questions he sat next to me to see where I was looking. We both made sure there was plenty of space between us. When he’d answered my last question Todd looked at me.
‘Any other questions?’
‘No, that’s it.’
‘Then I’ll put this away and we have a 4-hour break before it’s time to think about dinner again.’
‘Let me help you.’
I shouldn’t have said that. We both went for the same corner and our heads collided. Todd grabbed me to stop me from falling and suddenly we were standing there, his arms around me, both of us panting. I could feel my nipples stiffen despite the heat from Todd’s chest. I slowly looked up and our eyes met. I don’t know how long we stood there for. Our inner demons were fighting a war. We both knew it was wrong, but in the end we both gave in to our feelings.
Todd lowered his head until his lips were an inch from mine and I could feel his breath against my skin. I tilted my head slightly and he accepted it as the invitation it was. His lips devoured mine and his tongue soon invaded my mouth, playing with my tongue, teasing me. His arms wrapped around me and he held me tight with his hands caressing my back. I let my arms wrap around his neck, holding his face close to mine and soon my fingers were nested in his hair.
No man had ever kissed me like that and I knew instinctively that it wasn’t going to be enough. As I felt him harden against my stomach I moved tighter against him. I wanted him to know that I could feel his erection and wanted him to act on it, but I didn’t quite know what to do.
Far too soon he broke the kiss. We stood in each other’s arms, gasping for air. His lips were as swollen as I imagined mine to be and his stiff penis was burrowed between us.
‘Rose,’ he finally said and pulled away, turning around to adjust himself. ‘I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.’
‘But I wanted you to.’
‘You’re only 18 and I took advantage of you. I’m your professor.’
‘I may be only 18, but I know what I feel and I’ve never felt like this. My whole body is on fire for you.’
‘Please, sweet Rose, I’d only end up hurting you. You’re so young and innocent. You should find a boy closer to your age and make this journey of discovery together.’
‘But I don’t want a boy closer to my age. No boy I’ve ever met has ever had this effect on me. I want you Todd.’
‘But you will meet a boy like that and then you’ll wish you’d never met me.’
‘I could never wish that. Who knows what tomorrow, next week, even next year will bring? All I know is that here and now it’s you and me. I may be a virgin, but I could feel that you wanted me as much as I want you.’
‘I want you more than you can ever imagine.’
‘Then take me. Please Todd. I can’t think of anyone better to make me a woman.’
‘But a relationship between us will never work. I’d be fired and you’d be expelled if the school found out.’
‘Then let’s make the most of the time we have together.’
‘Oh Rose, my darling sweet Rose…’
Todd picked me up in his arms and carried me to his bedroom where he laid me on a double bed. I watched him undress, slightly embarrassed since it was the first time I’d ever seen a naked man, in awe of the size of his magnificent cock and slightly scared of how it would ever fit inside me. Then he smiled and lay next to me. He kissed me lightly as his hands started caressing my clothes off me and soon we were both naked in each other’s arms. He held me close as his lips closed in on one of my breasts. I looked down and marvelled at the difference between our bodies. I was pale, 5’9′ tall with soft curves and firm C-cup breasts. He had a deep tan and his body was hard with muscles. He had a few soft curls on his chest and crowning his cock that stood proud from his narrow hips.
‘You taste so good,’ he whispered against my nipple before he moved down. Soon he was between my thighs and parted them wide, opening up my pussy to his gaze. He smiled with a fire in his eyes before he moved forward and gave me the most intimate kiss I’d ever received. I’d heard girls talk about receiving oral sex and I’d always thought it sounded horrific. It was no such thing. It was the most beautiful feeling I’d ever experienced. Todd’s tongue invaded my virgin pussy and he lapped up my juices like a cat. He then moved up and wrapped his lips around my clit, sucking it and teasing it with his tongue while sliding first one, then two fingers inside me.
My hips writhed with pleasure and I moaned out loud. He had to rest his arms on my thighs to stop me from escaping his sweet administrations. Finally my body couldn’t take the sensuous torture any longer and I cried out with passion as my body trembled. My orgasm consumed my entire being and I could feel my juices squirting into Todd’s hand. When the pleasure waves finally subsided he pulled his fingers out and I watched him lick his hand dry.
He then kissed his way back up, stopping for a long time at my breasts, teasing them, tasting them, before he once more let his tongue invade my mouth. We embraced and kissed for a long time. I could feel the wet tip of his cock against my stomach and a fire stirred in my pussy. I wanted more. I wanted Todd to be inside me.
‘Todd’, I panted against his lips. ‘Please… I want you.’
‘Are you sure? I will hurt you.’
‘I might hurt, but I trust that you’ll never hurt me.’
‘Oh sweetheart. Hang on.’
He let me go and opened a drawer in the nightstand and pulled out a small pack. He opened it and pulled the condom out and placed it against the tip of his cock.
‘Rose, my sweet, I would love it if you’d put this on.’
I reached for his cock and marvelled at its smooth texture. It was so hot and so hard, yet smoother than anything I’d ever felt on a man’s body. Todd helped me and guided my hand as I covered him with the thin sheath of rubber. He then pulled me into his arms again and put his hand between my thighs. He entered me with a finger and pulled it out again.
‘Darling, you’re not as wet as you were before. Are you sure you want this.’
‘I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. I think I’ll explode if I don’t get to feel you inside me soon.’
He chuckled at my response and started teasing my clit with his finger. Soon I could feel my juices flowing and he was satisfied that I did indeed want him. He rolled me over on my back and parted my legs with his knees, settling between them. His cock rested against my narrow opening and he leaned forward and kissed me.
‘It’s not too late to back out.’
I wrapped my legs around him, urging him in. I felt the pressure of his thick cock against me and then an excruciating moment of pain as he impaled me on his shaft. He kept himself burrowed deep inside me as he started kissing my tears away. He caressed my breasts and kissed every inch of my face until the pain had ebbed away and I lifted my hips in response to our union.
Soon I felt him sliding out of me, followed by a fast thrust back inside me, slamming his pubic bone against my clit. I gasped for air as the pl
easure of what was happening consumed me. I wrapped my legs tighter around him, urging him to go deeper inside me. His hips moved faster and harder. The sound of our love making filled the room and I’d never heard anything so erotic. Soon I could hardly breathe. I knew that I was close.
‘Tooooooooooooooooodddddd,’ I moaned. ‘I’m cumming.’
‘Oh, Roooooooooooose,’ he panted. ‘Cum, baby, cum and let me cum with you.’
I let my body convulse under his. My pussy gripped his cock hard and his groan grew louder until he exploded inside me. Our cries of ecstasy must have been heard for miles, if there had been anyone out there to hear them.
Afterwards we lay in each other’s arms, sweaty and happy. He kissed me lightly as we drifted off to sleep. I felt fulfilled as a woman and I doubted any other man would ever make me feel that way.
That night we made love again. The following few days rushed past as we made love in every room of the house. Todd introduced me to several new positions and we even had an erotic hour in the shower. The only time we stopped was when we ran out of condoms and Todd had to make an emergency trip to town. By the end of the week we knew that what we had was real and we had to find a way of being together.
The following four years were wonderful, but awful. It was incredibly difficult to be so much in love and yet never allowed to share our love with our friends. I snuck over to his apartment as often as I dared and a few times we even made love in his office. Over the years a few people found out, but fortunately they were close enough friends to stay silent when they realised that what we had wasn’t just a fling. We were committed to each other.
We spent New Year’s Eve in my senior year together and Todd got on his knee and proposed to me. I’d already invented a boyfriend back in England so my classmates were happy for me when they saw my ring. One girl even wondered out loud if that ring was going to stop Professor Danner from looking at me in that funny way he sometimes did. Maybe we hadn’t been so discreet after all.
After my graduation we felt free to show our love in the open. Todd then had to face a disciplinary hearing, but after the school were satisfied that we were a committed couple and I’d earned my grades fairly they let him off with a slap on the wrist. I was working as a freelance writer when Todd took me across to England for a Christmas wedding that year. It was the first time my parents had met him and they both approved of him, despite the fact that he was the reason their daughter was never going to return home again.
Our son was born 9 months after our wedding and two years later we had twin daughters. Another two years later we had another son. I’ve spent the last few years raising our children, but now that our youngest has started school I’m starting to write again. Todd is now the head of the English department and a very respected professor. I’m so proud of him and I love him so very much. We live in a house that’s quite isolated and ever so often we send the kids to Todd’s parents and we make love with the same hunger and fervour as that first night, and I still imagine that our orgasms can be heard for miles.
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Maryland’s Heritage Introduction: This is being written in response to something an anonymous commenter included regarding my story titled ‘Wife Gets What She wants’. He said he had friends who all referred to Maryland as a ‘Yankee State’. I wanted to address that remark. Well I am a Yankee in the ‘American’ sense, but I’m not precisely a Yankee, and neither are most Marylanders, at least in the more historic use of the word. I doubt if the anonymous commenter ever reads this, but like so...
I grew up as part of the largest group of parasitic, society-sucking losers on the face of the earth. We're talking about a group of people that has pervaded every city, every town, and every rural area of these great United States since the Mayflower came ashore at Plymouth Rock. We're talking about the people who made the trailer park what it is today, the people who keep the generic beer companies on the stock exchange, the people who fund every state lottery and bingo hall, the people...
“Down two. Fifteen meters,” Todd Walton, the landing pilot on ‘Selene’ said calmly over the radio. The image on the screen showed a split view of the landing radar display and the image outside the spacecraft as it neared the lunar surface. I gripped the edge of the desk and watched the telemetry display on my own console. With the nearly one-and-a-half second transmission lag, there was little real-time advice any of us at Learmonth could give them. We all watched intently, trying to will...
Ishwar Lal had left his wife, Urmila in charge of everything. Not that he didn’t trust Punjun, but how is a boy supposed to have everything he’d need without wasting a lot of time? After all, this was a crucial year in their lives. Punjun had just turned 18 and decided to take a gap year to prepare for competitions. He had done well enough in school, even made the merit list in his district, but found himself well below the required level of college entrance exams. Despite the urge to blame...
IncestThis story is a follow-up to 'Millionaire Sissy', a story I wrote several years ago. If you want to read it, it's here: investments I made with the money I won in the lottery, turned out so well that I could make my next move. The building of Little Big Land, an indoor playground for AB's, DL's, and diapered sissies. With help of my well-endowed staff, AB-friends with architectural skills and our dirty little...
In His Own Sex LandByJackpotHere are all the usual disclaimers. You must be over 18 to read this! This story is pure fiction! Any Resemblance to names or persons in real life is purely coincidental. These characters are fiction. You have been warned! This is for adults only!(This is one of the rare stories I wrote at the request of a reader. The ideas were fleshed out and the writing followed. It contains altered dialogue suggested by a Mistress. Any resemblance to characters or places is...
We were gathered in the backroom of F&J's Pizza Parlor, Ltd. celebrating the shipment of our first solar cars to our Auckland dealership. Jim C, Frank, our families, and I decided to host a party for our key personnel and select members of the media. Frank was just finishing a review of what Jim C's Products, Ltd. had accomplished since we had created the corporation. One of the main points in his presentation was the successful restructure of the US operation under Evan Strophe in...
Jane and Samuel were away in the Highlands of Scotland. They went there for their first weekend away. Since that memorable weekend they visited the Highlands a few times each year. Their home for the weekend was a beautiful old log cabin on a Loch at Glen Coe. The cabin sat in a glacial valley. The two high mountains on either side were snow capped and the views were amazing. It was early spring, the new plants and leaves were just beginning to bud. The weather was warmer but there was a...
“Lauryn “Her mom said standing above her bed Lauryn’s head hidden under the covers. “We are going down to the pool before we go to into the park would you like to come?” “Maybe” Lauryn grunted. “Ok well hurry down” her mother said sweetly. Lauryn’s parents had no clue. No clue that she wasn’t there sweet little girl anymore. Hell she had two boyfriends. Well one good boy-boy friend so she could keep up her good girl fa?e and her bad boy fuck buddy Carl. She missed her fuck buddy right...
Angela Blade Chronicles Chapter 2: Switzerland When we left Angela Blade she was learning to cope with life as a three-year-old girl after being a male FBI agent. Not wanting to have to go live with her grandparents in Saudi Arabia a Muslim country. Trying to be a good girl and the daughter of a mafia kingpin. As we begin this chapter the Blade family is getting ready to fly to Switzerland. But daddy I thought we were staying here in Australia for the...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Thirteen: Portland Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come...
In the stories CHYOA: Lady-Land Edition and Life in Lady-Land we explored what a world where everyone is female might look like. However what of it's history and mythology? As a quick introduction for people unfamiliar with previous entries in this series: One-hundred percent of humanity is and always has been female. In spite science having no explanation as to how, lesbian sex can cause pregnancy IF neither partner is pregnant and orgasm is caused by direct skin-to-genital contact.
Fantasy"There's been many and more boats missing ... but the weather's been good." "Who's been getting the blame?" "Sea Witches," claimed the rescued. "Believed it, I did ... before the giants sailed close and boarded us from the opposite side ... then she come swimming under the boat. 'Stay put.' she said. 'We'll have you AND your boat out of here in a few, ' she said. And she did. "Thought we were goners, Harbormaster. "We heard scrabbling at the bow and then she at the stern....
Tamara 2098 Whatever it was that had defined Tamara's Jewish identity over the years, it wasn't her religious faith. Nor had it been her need to belong to the Jewish community. Her identity was more intangible. It was the sense of a shared tradition and what had been until recently a shared nationality. She'd never troubled herself about her Jewish heritage when she'd actually lived in Israel. It was only after she'd abandoned the nation of her birth to radioactive dust and vengeful...
Where can I start with this one?, aka Sweet State, is a website that features a massive browser-based RPG-style game known as you guessed it – Hot Candy Land. Your mission in this game is to be the most dominant pimp and porn caster/actor in ‘Pornwood’, a fictional version of real-life Hollywood. You start off by moving into a shitty dorm with nothing but 200$ in your pocket and slowly rise through the ranks of pimps, Pornwood casters, and various people and organizations...
Best Porn GamesJim C, Sam, Frank, Kirk, and I discussed the trip to New Zealand on Monday. We defined the specific objectives of the trip and what information we expected to acquire during our stay. All five of us had valid passports and there was an agreement between the US and New Zealand governments that allowed us entry as short-term visitors without a visa. By Friday, we were ready to go. We would be island hopping and our total flight time would be close to 16 hours, so our pilot, Bob Simon, and...
Frank and his wives went back to running the Chocolateen Corporation, while my wives and I continued the effort of preparing to move to New Zealand. Frank and I were right; our wives hated the idea of engineering events that would lead to the media invading our lives. They accepted the idea as a necessity, and only agreed to go along with it when we told them we would be involved in deciding what would be engineered and how the media would be enticed into taking action. I talked with Paul...
The Martian Land By Brad Miller "Why do we have to go to Mars anyway dad?" Sarah whined. "Because honey it's my job. NASA chose us as the first family to colonize on Mars. Then, if it's safe, more and more people will move up to Mars and we'll eventually leave Earth all together!" Mr. Miller explained to his 16 year old daughter. "So we're just a couple of Guinea Pigs? Is that what you're saying?" "No, it's not like that. Here, think of it this way. We are the first family to...
Hello friends. My name is Sam and I am a Pakistani living in Auckland, New Zealand. So I will share my sexual experiences with you in Auckland. Please keep your feedback coming like you did for my earlier stories. My email is Now coming to the story. After arriving in New Zealand I got a job in a good company. The first 4 weeks consisted of training. We were 4 people hired and three of them were girls so I was the only guy amongst them. One of the girls was Mona who gave me a boner instantly...
Portions of this story may be used in short critical reviews. Reproduction, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. *** WARNING: This story contains coarse language, descriptions of activities that may be forbidden by law(s), and adult situations. It is intended for a mature audience only. All references to actual people, places or things were employed intentionally and for satirical or artistic purposes. *** This story contains the abbreviated...
Teaching Experience at St. Benedict College, in Bangkok, Thailand BACKGROUND: Originally, I’d been in business, as an insurance underwriter, but left that occupation when my company was decimated by the “Great Recession” of 2008. The following year my wife and I divorced after a short, unhappy, childless marriage. I decided to change careers. Reinvent myself. Do something more rewarding. Having taught English in Europe, during a backpacking stint after college, and having loved it, I...
Notes: 1- Continuing my futurology experiment, I describe what is going to happen to the fertile fields of central Brazil (the so called " cerrado") after people disappears. 2- The storm belt is no invention of mine. Currently, from time to time, a continuous band of clouds form carrying water vapor from the amazon lowlands towards southeast Brazil, these are called "convergence zones", you probably are aware of the sad happenings in the mountains near the city of Rio the Janeiro, who...
As we strolled along the dock holding hands, I looked at my wife Natalie. Despite the fact that we were approaching fifty, she was still as beautiful to me as ever. I guess we needed to do more things together to re-kindle the flames of love into a roaring fire again, but the embers were still alive. I looked back at the parking lot to assure myself that my other great love, my 2013 Mustang Boss 302 was still okay. Then I grabbed Natalie's hand and we started walking along the docks. Besides...
Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come from the city. There were probably bandits occupying the city, but we...
Prologue: This is a romance and my first attempt at writing fiction. It started off as a story idea for Earth Day but writing it and deciding to post it held it up for a while. Many thanks primarily to Dinsmore and also Techsan for patience and expert help and advice with edits and writing. As per usual, the characters are invented and bear no intentional resemblance to actual persons alive or deceased. All intercourse is consensual and between individuals over the age of eighteen. This is a...
A Foreign LandA story by Simone Locke ([email protected])FORWARD:After a long absence, here I go with another story that I hope you'll enjoy.I hit a dry spot while writing my last story "The Princess Game". I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why it ended so suddenly at the end. The truth is, my inspiration dried up as I wrote the next segment, and I thought I'd put something out rather than nothing.It's now two years and 15 failed books later. For all my attempts, I could write nothing...
I was awake. It would have to be now. I'd be thinking it, planning it, and I had to move. I couldn't let things stand. But it wasn't so easy: I couldn't just jump out of bed - not with all of them. So I began to slowly extricate myself from the tangle of womanly limbs. So sleek, so soft ... NO! NO!! I wouldn't think about how gorgeous they all were. That way would cause me to surrender, and continue to wallow in the soft, deceptive delight of their luscious flesh. I moved, and a platinum...
2008 3 August for the first time since 2001, I was back in the Netherlands, for my work.The world again nigeria from Netherlands and have the sneek week sneek.maar in any hotel or camping was inhabited plaats.mijn friend for life Also in sneek, would he be able vragen.het is 9am morning as I did for the door with him sta.ik lay him out and he says yes, but where am sleeping difficult heefd a girlfriend with his girlfriend uitgenodicht daughter sleeping on the couch . his home is just klein.ik...
I. Giant, multicolored sails litter the rolling turquoise waves of the Pacific. From this distance, they’re like flecks of paper mache swaying back and forth in the wind, waving little goodbyes as they drift farther and farther out. There’s a hard metallic clank as the hatch locks into place. “All set,” a twanging southern voice calls out. In the mirror, a slim shape in a tank top and a straw Stetson gives a thumbs-up, a radiant smile etched on a heart shaped face. Abigail has this weird...
HardcorePortland A sweet story of two transsexuals, one of whom is pregnant By Melissa Tawn CHAPTER 1. ME The day I had my sexual reassignment surgery it rained. It also rained the day before and the day after. That was no big deal. Portland, Oregon, is one of the rainiest cities in the United States and 1993 was considered a particularly wet year. The natives like to joke that if the sun ever shines in Oregon, you don't tan ? you rust. I believe them. Anyway, on a very wet...