Fiona helps with neighbourly relations
- 2 years ago
- 34
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Introduction: Losing the race yesterday means fiona has to be punished maybe a day of being humilated and used by the neighbours will make her try harder in the next race Id woke up the next morning at around half nine and Fiona and Alice were still flat out beside me, probably still worn out from all of the previous days fucking so I left them to sleep whilst I made myself a cup of tea and wondered how I could punish Fiona for losing yesterday.
Thinking about it I actually thought giving her any sort of punishment would be a tad harsh as it was in fact her that had used great initiative to bring back the rest of the men at once, Alice by way of luck and good fortune managed to steal victory. But rules were rules so I had to do something or else Fiona and Alice would think it was acceptable to lose in tasks I set them and I couldnt have that.
I was really struggling to think of something for Fiona to do as over the last few months Id made her do so many humiliating things I was sure by now she was used to it, although still apprehensive as to where my silly requests would have her end up.
Fiona I shouted from in the living room and about three minutes later after shed came round a little she appeared in the doorway naked.
Yes she said rubbing her eyes as she gradually began to wake properly.
I need some sugar milk for another cup of tea so I want you to pop across to next door and ask for some
Ok let me just get my dressing gown
I dont think so you stupid bitch, remember you lost yesterday so today will be about punishment, I tell you what Ill let you go and put some knickers on and thats all
She looked at me for a moment and knew I was being deadly serious so went into the bedroom before returning to show me that she was only wearing a pair of thin blue knickers. I followed her to the door and watched her step out into the cold concrete landing her nipples instantly growing hard as the cold early morning air blew up from the stairs beside her and across her body. She shivered twice and looked at me again hoping that I was joking.
Again she was greeted with my blank expression and knew that I was still serious.
Our little flat was on the third floor of five floors the bottom two floors had three one bed flats on each then from our floor upwards the floors had two, two bedroomed apartments. So our entire block had twelve places available and all of them at the moment were full at the moment. Most of the one bed flats were occupied by council tenants and the turnover seemed to be pretty high, the six below us at the minute were your usual non-working kind for one reason or another. There was one couple with a child below our floor and the other two flats below were being lived in by two elderly women with what seemed like health problems and were here before we arrived. All of the bottom three flats were being lived in by single men between the ages of maybe twenty four and sixty odd.
The old chap was a decent enough bloke who Id said hi to a couple of times as for the other two who were both younger the only time I saw them is when they were staggering in pissed in the morning or going out late at night. There was always a strong smell of weed coming from their respective flats that had the whole stairwell stinking at times.
Opposite us was a middle aged man called Barry he lived alone but had his kid every other week and he seemed to keep himself to himself.
The flat directly above was another council occupied flat by a young couple in their early teens who were expecting a child so the boyfriend was constantly at work, opposite them lived a strange man of around thirty five he had a constant stream of people to his flat at all hours and had him down as a bit of a dealer.
On the top floor was another single male of about fifty Id seen him around the local pubs a few times after hed finished work and found out he was on a tarmac crew so always started early. Opposite him were two lads of around my age who did nothing but booze smoke drugs and throw the odd party neither worked nor seemed to want to work but generally we got no trouble from the current people living around us.
The general state of the place was not to bad but often the stairwell would stink of piss if people on their way by at night decided to us it as a toilet on their way home. The lads on the top floor were guilty of causing most of the mess above us from their parties and their guests spitting and pissing in the corners on their way down.
Go up to number ten and ask him, hes usually up early
She began climbing the stairs and I followed behind looking at her lovely arse in the thin blue knickers that stretched and pulled taught so that her skin was just visible beneath. As she turned to go up the next flight I watched as her fantastic big boobs bounced uncontrollably in front of her and I imagined that Fiona wished she was able to wear a bra. Her nipples had grown a few millimetres in the cold and stuck out like hard little cubes.
I waited on the floor flight below on the corner just out of sight of the blokes door and waited for Fiona to knock, she seemed to hesitate for a moment before lifting her hand and giving the wooden door a gentle tap.
Silly bitch I thought shes knocking like that on purpose so that he wouldnt hear.
Silence fell in the stairwell foe over thirty seconds so I said loud enough for her to hear Knock louder you silly bitch
Shed given the door three hard knocks and I was certain this time the bloke would hear. It was a Saturday morning so unless he was at work I was confident a man that gets up regularly at six or seven am would have a body clock setting that made him be up early on a Saturday also.
I then heard a floor board or two creak above and then a key turn followed by a chain slide across, the door creaked open moments later and silence again fell, only this time I imagined the silence to be very awkward right where Fiona was standing as the men would be in now doubt surveying the very nearly naked neighbour in front of him.
Well&hellip,&hellip,..what can I do for you at this time love ? he said in a rough voice with a definite hint of cheekiness.
Hi Im from number seven before she could continue he butted in.
I know where your from its not hard to notice a fine women around, what brings you to my door at this time in what seems to be a state of undress?
Im sorry Ive ran out of milk and wondered if I could borrow a cup until later?
I think I can manage that considering you asked so nicely with that I heard the door creak to and rattle as it bumped against the locking mechanism but stay ajar.
I took the moment to climb a stair or two and saw Fiona nervously waiting in front of his door with her legs crossed the left over the right hiding her gusset and the outline of her magnificent pussy. Her right arm was also over the front of her chest hiding her big cold nipples and dark areola from his view.
OI I called up in a loud whispered voice if thats possible and she turned towards me. Drop your fucking arm and uncross your legs you sneaky bitch I heard a creak and glared at her until she quickly did as she was told and I stepped back out of sight as the door swung open.
Ah now thats a better greeting than before the bloke said, Fionas breasts now fully exposed to him. It looks to me as though youre a little bit cold&hellip,&hellip,.oh and damp too&hellip,&hellip,maybe you should just take this so you can get a nice warm drink inside you
Thank you Ill return your cup and milk when Ive been shop is that ok?
Oh thats just fine Ill be out at the pub from eleven till one so make it around two if you like
Ok thanks again Fiona said turning away and coming towards the stairs but she was halted by the man calling towards her.
I look forward to seeing ALL of you again later before slamming his door with a bang.
I wondered whether Fiona had noticed the emphasis on the word ALL as I had done, I assumed so because she wasnt a stupid woman. As she came down the stairs towards me I also saw why hed made reference to being damp as well as cold. The front of her thin blue knickers was doing little to hide the small dark damp spot right between her legs around her pussy.
You are a filthy whore Fiona getting off on this a little bit arent you?
A little I cant help it, Im sorry
Dont be sorry Fiona it just proves to me what a horny whore you are
Once we were back in the flat I shut the door and took the mug of milk from her and tipped it in the sink
Dont be silly Fiona did you actually think I needed some milk? Like I say today is going to be a little bit of punishment for losing yesterday and that means youll do what I ask ok?
Anyway I need some bread for toast but we dont seem to have that either
Its in the&hellip,.. she stopped herself as she knew full well that I knew it was there she also knew that Id be sending her off to another flat to get some.
Why dont you pop across and see Barry hes bound to have bread as I think his kid is coming tonight
Before she left I told her to keep her tits on display and make sure that her legs are uncrossed so that the moist patch was visible to Barry, then just as I was about to open the door to let her cross the hall I slammed it closed and pushed her up against the wall and kicked her legs open a little. I then pushed my hand in to the top of her knickers and drove two fingers up inside her wet hole with great ease.
I then proceeded to roughly finger fuck her hard and fast until she buried her head in my shoulder and clamped her thighs together on my had and fingers before her orgasm ripped through her soaking my fingers and had as well as her inner thighs. I pulled my hand out quickly and pulled her knickers back into place from around her knees. With the flat of my palm I mashed the thin blue material of her gusset in to her wet lips and hole holding it there for about a minute as I sucked each of her nipples making them hard.
Right go get me some bread
I opened the door and had a look at her sodden dark fronted knickers and hard nipples before pushing her out in to the hall and shutting the door. I then watched through the spy hole as she crossed the landing and knocked on Barries door.
Three hard knocks this time showing that she maybe not so nervous even if her knickers were soaked and nipples were hard.
Barry opened his door and almost spat out his mouthful of tea from the cup hed just gulped. Barry stood almost six foot and I could see through the peep hole that his eyes were somewhere between Fionas tits and wet knickers, Barry broke the awkward silence when he asked Fiona if she was ok.
Yes Im fine she replied shuffling on her feet so that they were now slightly wider than before. Barry didnt try to hide the fact that he was looking between her legs and continued to do so until Fiona spoke again and his gaze eventually travelled up her body over her breasts until he was looking at her face. Would it be possible to borrow some bread until later, Ill return it once Ive been to the shop&hellip,.please she said again hoping on to her right foot this time making her boobs jiggle. Again instantly catching Barries attention and making him stutter his words.
Um um&hellip,.yes &hellip,&hellip,yes of course. Let me go and get some he disappeared and returned moments later with a full loaf.
Oh a full loaf wasnt necessary Fiona said
Its fine but can you make sure you return the favour by tonight as my kids coming over
Not a problem Ill return it later, thank you she said softly before turning and heading towards our door. Still watching Barry he watched her all the way across and adjusted his cock in his tracksuit bottoms before shutting his door. Fionas charms had certainly got Barries blood rushing to his cock and not his brain.
We stayed in the flat then until about half twelve when I went and fetched Fiona her dressing gown and threw it at her with enough change for a loaf of bread. Alice by this time had surfaced as was lying on the sofa watching TV.
Go and get that loaf for Barry because upstairs will want his milk back soon as well
You want me to go in that?
I cant believe your even asking Fiona, just go and fetch it
Now the local shop is literally across the road and she was in actual fact back within five minutes and for once I didnt send her there with an ulterior motive, we just needed some bread to give Barry.
As the clock clicked round towards time that Fiona had to return the milk by I told her to go and find the bra that matched her knickers which she did and then I just told her to but her dressing gown on and leave it open a little exposing her bra. Once she was ready I got her fill his mug with milk and then we went to leave our flat.
What youre going to do Fiona is show the man how grateful we are for borrowing a cup of milk do you understand?
Yes I understand she wasnt stupid she knew what I meant
I followed her up the flights of steps but didnt wait this time around the corner out of sight, this time I joined Fiona at the blokes door as I had full intentions on helping it on to the next level if it was to go that way.
Knock the door
Three hard bangs just like before only this time there wasnt much of a wait until the door open as funnily enough the man seemed very keen to greet his visitor, what he wasnt bargaining on was me being there and he stopped in his tracks as he looked from Fionas chest to me.
I just gave him a little wink and Fiona started to speak.
Hi heres you mug full of milk just like I promised
Thank you he said looking from Fiona to me and back to Fiona.
Id like to show our appreciation somehow if thats ok as were very grateful for the milk as she said this she was untying her gown which eventually fell open revealing her body only in bra and knickers
Ok&hellip, he said staring at Fiona
I reached up and eased the gown off her shoulders letting it fall around her feet, I was then able to pop the clasp on her bra and help that from her shoulders until that to fell at her feet between her and our neighbour. His eyes didnt move from her breasts.
Show him how grateful we are Fiona, we dont want the neighbours thinking were ungrateful do we?
No I guess not
Unaided she dropped to her knees in front of the man and reached out towards his zipper.
Maybe we should step inside
Ok its up to you I said
He stepped back several paces and Fiona crawled into his musty smelling flat, I followed shutting the door behind me as we stopped in the hallway.
Heres fine I said as Fiona again went towards the mans zipper and pulled it downwards before using both hands to open his button.
Once open she was easily able to pull them down and push them in a heap around his ankles, the man wiggled his foot and stepped from his jeans kicking them aside. Fiona then did exactly the same with his green y fronted pants which he too stepped from and kicked over to his jeans.
Fiona was now presented with a semi erect average looking cock covered with a bush of pubes around the top. His cock had been cut and his very large helmet seemed to be swelling constantly as his shaft rose, stiffening and thickening all the time.
His helmet was now about level with Fionas eye line and less than five inches away, she used her right hand to grasp his cock and lifted it moving her head forward she stuck out her tongue and ran it up the length of the underside until the tip of her tongue came to the bottom of his helmet. The man had pushed his dick forward and was supporting himself with his hands on the small of his back at this point.
Fiona then circled the circumference of his huge dome before poking her tongue into the japs eye of his dick.
AH oh fuck he gasped the sensation obviously doing the job for him.
Watching intently from the door my own cock began stirring as I watched my whore pleasing another man for the umpteenth time. Fionas lips parted like they have many times over the last few years and she lowered her mouth around yet another strange penis, she was such an expert at sucking cock and the man certainly knew it as she continued moving her head forward until her face was buried deep in his pubic bush.
She held him there a moment letting his dick bump the back of her throat so that he knew she was getting him as deep as possible before moving her head backwards pulling her lips along the length of his shaft like a cock withdrawing from a tight wet pussy. The man was moaning with his head tipped back and his eyes closed as Fiona again gave his sensitive helmet a bit of treatment before starting of a steady sucking motion, pushing about three inches of helmet and shaft into her mouth whilst using her right had to grip his cock at the base in his pubes giving it a little twist as she sucked him.
My dick was absolutely solid and straining against my shorts so I pushed them down and knelt on the floor behind and eased her knickers off. I lifted her up a little so that I could part her legs and kneel in behind her and line my thick dick up at her soaking wet entrance.
I pushed forward letting my helmet part her pink lips and invade her hole which made her lift off the mans cock and moan out loudly. I looked up at the man who feeling Fionas mouth leave his dick looked down and on seeing me buried inside Fiona he smirked and grasped her head forcing his dick back down her throat this time with him dictating the pace.
We then both hammered Fiona from both ends for what seemed like around ten minutes but in reality was maybe slightly less, when our neighbour declared that he was going to come.
Im going to come, where can I come? he asked me as I still pounded her cunt from behind.
Where do you want to come? I asked not breaking stroke as I felt my open spunk boiling up in my balls
In her mouth, I want her to swallow my load he said through grunts and pants as he tried his hardest not to blow until hed got confirmation that she was going to swallow his load.
You here that Fiona he wants you to swallow all his load you got that?
Ump humph she mumbled from a mouth full of ready to explode dick
Let her have it then I said smiling up to him just as he screwed up his face and pushed his cock to the back of Fionas throat holding her there until his dick stopped twitching and he was able to remove it, completely clean and empty of sperm.
Oh my he whispered pushing himself back and letting Fiona fall on to her hands making it easier for me to grip her hips and really drive my cock home as I fucked her towards a massive orgasm.
She bucked and her cunt gripped my cock as her orgasm took hold, a split second later after her walls tightened on my cock it pulsed and exploded inside her my cream filling her womb. I pulled out letting some spunk ooze from her and drop on to the mans grubby carpet, I was sure he wouldnt be to bothered about it though.
Right get dressed you slut I said slapping her arse hard making her yelp
Once wed dressed I made Fiona the neighbour for the milk and that we were very grateful obviously he was very forthcoming in offering his milk and any other groceries we may need. We left his flat with a spunky mess in his hall and a massive smile on our neighbours face now we only had the bread to return to Barry but that could wait an hour or so as his kid never arrived till six o clock anyway.
Alice was totally oblivious to what was going on and didnt even ask why we were going out again an hour later with the bread in our hand. Fiona was still in the same blue lingerie only the knickers were even more soiled now as my spunk had been leaking into them over the last hour before leaving the flat I told Fiona to leave the gown as I didnt think that would be necessary considering we were only across the way.
Same again Fiona make sure you show him how grateful you are
The door opened almost instantly which took Fiona by surprise as did it catch Barry by surprise seeing me stood behind the lingerie clothed Fiona.
Hi were just returning your bread from earlier
Oh thanks it could of waited I found another loaf
Barries eyes were wandering all over Fionas body and he again didnt really hide the fact even though I was standing there.
I also want to show how grateful we are as its nice that neighbours can help each other out
Before he had time to speak Fiona was down on her knees in front of Barry and was pulling the tops of his tracksuit bottoms down.
Whoa whoa whoa he said retreating in to his flat his steps small because of the tracksuit bottoms around his feet. Come in here
Hed shuffled in to his lounge which was similar to ours except he had a bigger TV and a very nice corner sofa. Fiona had stood up and walked in after Barry following him all the way into the lounge and this is where Barry had grabbed her and pulled her towards him and gave her a deep long kiss whilst pulling her bra down exposing her boobs and hard nipples. Barry was much more dominant and vocal towards Fiona than the neighbour upstairs so I just sat on the sofa for a while and watched.
What was all that about this morning coming over with these big titties out and a wet cunt as he said this he roughly yanked the front of her thin knickers down causing them to rip a little and become loose and baggy. He pushed her forward and did the same at the back with both hands ripping her knickers almost in half before standing her back up and as she did the ruined knickers fell from her.
You think you can send your slag over here for bread with a wet pussy? What are you a couple of swingers?
You could say we lead an adventurous sex life Barry
Adventurous sex life I see
He then turned her to face me and he was stood to the right hand side of her but slightly behind her right shoulder and was pulling her nipples one after the other quite hard making them become hard and stand out like little bullets.
Open your legs he said to Fiona to which she instantly complied and opened her legs to about shoulder width apart.
Barry then let his right hand run down her smooth pale skin and over her neatly shaven pubic region until his hand folded in between her legs and his fingers were lost in her already cum sticky wet pussy. Barry mashed his hand in to her hole three or four times and then pulled his hand out holding it up and showing his sticky three fingers.
Looks to me like youve not long used her pussy? he said looking at me on the sofa, a huge lump unable to be hidden straining at my shorts.
About an hour ago yes I said stroking my dick from the outside of my shorts.
A freshly used cunt doesnt bother me he said pushing three fingers back inside her an instantly began finger fucking Fiona very hard and very rough almost lifting her on to her tip toes as he drove his digits home. He also used the palm of his hand to grind between her lips and rub her now extremely sensitive clit. Barry was rubbing her clit harder and harder the more Fiona began to moan and yelp and it wasnt long before I heard the deep long moan Id heard so many times before just before she came.
She bucked her pelvis forward on to Barries fingers jamming his fingers as deep as possible in to her hole and tipped her head back and closed her eyes, Barries hand was almost invisible between her thighs that were now clamped shut as her perfect cunt walls gripped and constricted around his fingers like it was a big pulsing cock.
Once shed stopped and her body relaxed letting her thighs part Barries hand fell from her cunt along with a steady drip of sweet smelling pussy aroma.
Oh my&hellip,.you really are a horny old bitch aint you? he didnt want an answer to his question he was merely stating the obvious and wasted little time in pushing her too her knees in front of him and without warning pulled his boxers down and feed his long thin cock straight down her throat.
He was a good eight inches long and I guessed that he didnt stop until six inches were in her mouth and his helmet smashed her tonsils making her gag. He quickly pulled his dick out letting Fiona let a stream of saliva run out over her chin between her massive breasts before he told her to suck him real good.
Fiona went about repeating a near exact replica of the expert suck job shed preformed an hour or so earlier on the upstairs neighbour only this time she had eight inches to play with and was able to give Barries shaft a bit more of a wank as she moved her mouth up and down his thin shaft.this time though Barry wasnt going to be content coming down her throat and he made that clear by picking her up after about eight minutes and leading her over to his big sofa.
Once hed got her on her hands and knees on the sofa he told her to put her head right down and arse right up in the air.
Now reach round and pull them pussy lips open for me he said stroking his cock as Fiona reached round and spread her sticky swollen lips. Her hole looked so inviting it was untrue and at this point I had to pull down my shorts and begin masturbating myself. Barry stepped a bit closer until his pink helmet touched the insides of her spread lips and rested at her moist entrance. He held it there. Ask me for my cock he said to Fiona
Please give me your cock she said from leaning on the sofa with her head cocked left looking at me.
That didnt sound very convincing maybe youre not that grateful after all
Please Barry, fuck me with your long cock until I come, Barry please fuck me please
Thats a bit more convincing he said as he began to ease himself into Fiona parting her lips a little more as his long thin cock began to disappear in to her womb. Fiona pulled her hands away but Barry told her to get them back and keep her lips spread while he used her.
I looked Fiona in the eyes as she began to wince and grimace each time Barry withdrew and powered himself back deep inside her, he seemed to have a lot of stamina and managed to keep up his hectic fucking pace for a good ten minutes before pulling out and stepping back.
Turn round on to your back and spread your legs
Again Fiona complied and presented herself to him like a piece of meat and again without asking she asked Barry to fill her cunt as she was close it coming again and wanted to cover his cock. He wasted little time in driving his cock balls deep in Fiona and lifted her legs over his shoulders and then eased her towards the edge of the sofa. From his position now he was able to get his eight inches as deep as possible.
Fiona absolutely loved this position and I knew that shed be coating his cock within minutes and she didnt disappoint as I predicted and with a loud squeal she gripped Barries head with her calfs and had a huge orgasm that made her toes curl and body shake. Once shed finished she released his poor squashed head and spread her legs wide and pulled them back towards herself by hooking an arm behind each knee really opening up her hole that was still full of Barries long cock.
But now shes opened her herself when Barry withdrew her juices were clearly visible running from her soaking wet folds down across her hairless arsehole and dripping into a dark patch that was forming on Barries nice fabric sofa. He continued to show great if not incredible stamina as he never let up once and pounded Fiona into yet another noisier long orgasm and from the way she was screaming Id be surprised if other residents couldnt hear.
Once Fiona had covered his cock it yet more sticky pussy juice he pulled out and surveyed the damage hed caused to her extremely red and inflamed cunt. Her lips had probably doubled in size and her clit looked so engorged and red it looked as though it was on fire. Glistening juices were all over her lips and thighs and the pool on Barries sofa was now the size of a pint glass top.
Barry then stepped forward again holding his cock at the base and aimed it towards Fionas waiting entrance only just before his helmet was about to part her swollen lips again he aimed his cock downwards and pushed it straight in to Fionas arsehole. This caught her totally by surprise and she let him know by screaming loudly and calling him a fucking bastard, her outburst did nothing to deter Barry though who just continued to push forward sinking his cock in to her rectum until his pubic bone ground in to her pussy. Once hed fully entered her he stopped and smiled.
You got yourself a proper fucking whore here aint ya? he said not even bothering to look at me over his shoulder. He pulled half of his cock out and drove it back down deep in to Fionas rectum making her grunt and say fuck each time his groin smashed her pussy. He did this five or six times before addressing me again without breaking stride.
I assumed fucking your birds arse wouldnt be a problem thats why I didnt ask
You assumed correct was all I said as I sat stroking my cock as I watched from behind him as he repeatedly hammered his long eight inch cock in to Fionas tightest hole again I was extremely impressed that he hadnt lost his load yet.
I continued to watch for a good ten minutes as Fiona was fucked mercilessly by Barry who was able to make her come another time before her grunted and clenched his arse cheeks together in front of me and I knew that his throbbing tool would be pulsating inside her rectum spewing load after load of hot semen deep inside her rectum.
As he pulled out and stepped away we both watched as her arse hole voluntarily contorted until Barries spunk began oozing out in thick white strands all over the fabric sofa. Once it seemed as though all of his spunk was out he pulled her up and told her to get dressed. My cock was fit to burst but it seemed Barry was eager for us to leave and upon looking at the clock I could see why, his son would be her in an hour and he needed to clean up.
Come on hurry up you fucking whore he said walking down his hall and opening his door. I pulled my shorts up over my erect dick and walked over to Fiona and grabbed her arm ushering her towards the door. Shes only managed to get her knickers on so we were soon out in the hallway with me sporting a huge bulge in my shorts and Fiona half naked with sodden smelling knickers on and the obvious aroma of sex ad sperm lingering in the air. Be sure to drop by again said Barry with a massive grin on his face his hand round his shrinking cock which he wiggled in his hand before slamming the door.
As soon as he had I pulled Fiona over to our door and pushed her on to her knees in the hallway.
My dicks bursting do what you do best and milk it on your face
She didnt need asking and quickly pulled down my shorts letting my cock spring out hitting her on the cheek, she didnt had time to push my shorts right down and got straight to work on giving me a wet blowjob. I could tell that she was in a hurry as Im sure she didnt want to get caught sucking my cock in the hallway.
Her expert mouth and fast wanking action soon had me losing my load and like id requested she positioned her head under my helmet and made sure that every stream of my seed landed flush in her face until her pretty face was covered in my cream.
I stepped back and picked her bra and dressing gown up off the floor before pulling my shorts back up over my cock. Looking down at Fiona all covered in sperm I smiled and then opened our flat door and went inside slamming it behind me and turning the latch, leaving a spunk covered semi naked Fiona outside&hellip,..locked out. I heard a tap on the door and looked through the spy hole, Fiona was there with her legs crossed and her breasts covered, she could do little about the face full of spunk she was sporting though and that was even now hanging in strands from her chin and cheeks.
I opened the door.
Thisll teach you for losing the race yesterday I said shutting the door in her face again.
More stories to follow shortly
Fiona was going shopping. She had just closed her front garden gate when she turned to see Kathy and Michelle walking towards her with large grins on their faces. Kathy and Michelle were neighbours of Fiona. They shared a flat three doors away on the same street. Fiona had met them for the first time two days ago at Mary’s hen party. Both girls were twenty years old, much younger than forty one year old Fiona but they had enjoyed embarrassing and humiliating her, as did the other women at the...
Fiona was going shopping. She had just closed her front garden gate when she turned to see Kathy and Michelle walking towards her with large grins on their faces. Kathy and Michelle were neighbours of Fiona. They shared a flat three doors away on the same street. Fiona had met them for the first time two days ago at Mary's hen party. Both girls were twenty years old, much younger than forty one year old Fiona but they had enjoyed embarrassing and humiliating her, as did the other women at the...
Breaking with the norm Fiona decided to venture out dressed in some smart but sexy day gear and take a trip to the local sex shop…Fiona was looking at the rather large dildo’s on the shelf...picking them up one after the other and putting them down again with a sigh of disappointment …….scunching her lips and face to indicate some kind of uncertainty.A very polished attractive assistant was stood behind the counter and Fiona could see she was casting a look her way every now and again but...
"So how is it?" "It's fine," Fiona snapped. "Stop fussing. And you've asked me this a dozen times. Kathryn's fine, I've been interviewed by the police again and have another chat booked next week." "Chat?" "Well whatever. Kathryn's made me go." She put her hands on his hips and pulled him towards her but Greg resisted. "What's wrong now?" "It's ... too soon." "What's too soon?" "This," he muttered. "You were attacked last week and ... well, you...
"You OK?" Fiona asked as Kathryn groaned. She took a gulp of the water on her bedside table and stretched. "Hangover." "Not surprised with what you drank," Fiona grumbled. She sat down on Kathryn's bed and smiled at her. "What do you remember from last night?" "Went out on a date with Billy. Got pissed but he tried to touch me up so went with you to the toilets where I escaped into the mud, but you chickened out, so we ran off and Billy chased us up to a guy I've never met...
Fiona and I were looking for something fun and different to do, so we decided to try either a private club or a house party. It turned out that particular Friday night there was a house party going on, so we hopped in the car and drove an hour and a half to a town in a nearby state. We had never been to an “on-premises” event, where people can interact and engage in consenting activities right there on premises. We went with no particular expectations other than to just have fun, because we...
"Holidays," Fiona replied gleefully as she finished her glass of wine. "We can stay at the school for the half-term but I'm going up on the train late tomorrow afternoon." Her eyes sparkled mischievously. "But I checked out today so they think I've gone 'ome." Her eyes lingered on her boyfriend in the centre of the group of his friends and she passed him the empty glass with a pleading look. "And I'll have another please!" Greg groaned, but picked up the tray on the coffee table...
Introduction: The staff finally realise their manager is a total whore Fiona positioned herself on the floor like instructed, around about 5ft from the office door. I carried on telling Fiona to plough her cunt with the big black rubber cock. From the position of the webcam on the filing cabinet I had a perfect view. Thats it Fiona pull on your hard nipples as well slut, yeah thats it really moan, moan as you fuck your cunt. Thats it slut moan as loud as possible, let the others hear you...
“That’s it Fiona pull on your hard nipples as well slut, yeah that’s it really moan, moan as you fuck your cunt. That’s it slut moan as loud as possible, let the others hear you acting like a whore”. Fiona pulled her nipples and plunged the black rubber cock deep into her wanton pussy. “AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH, fuuuuccckkkk, OHHHHH AAARRRGGGHHH” “That’s it slut I’m sure your colleagues just heard you Cumming, yes Fiona I can see movement through the glass, fuck yourself harder cum...
It happened on June the 30th 2005, Alices 19th birthday. Id got up around 10am, absolutely exhausted from my previous days hard graft then fucking Fiona until late last night. I was seriously pleased I had the day off, it was Alices birthday and I knew that shed booked the day off. My plan was to spend the day fucking Alice all over the house whilst everyone else was at work. I needed a cup of tea to wake me up so headed to the kitchen. Stood pouring a tea at the worktop was Alice, she was...
Kathryn giggled playfully as Hayden's hands cupped her pert buttocks through the short dress adorning her teenage body. "Why can't you wear that?" Greg asked his partner as the four teenagers meandered down the dark road in the November chill. "Your..." "Don't even think of finishing that sentence," Fiona interrupted. "And Kat, are you cold or not?" The girl had done her best to hide her discomfort in the cold evening, while wearing completely inappropriate clothes, but her...
I was out on the town one Friday night with my friend, Fiona. We were 18 years old and it was early in the evening so we drank white wine and talked about boys and sex. Fiona has glasses and short blond hair and is a little shorter than me with her 160 cm, quite big tits and big nice ass. She says she has never had an orgasm with a boy."Oh," I said"Have you ever had an orgasm with a girl then?" I asked jokingly.Fiona blushed and said,"No… but I want to try.""Maybe we should try sometime?" I...
"Oh," I said "Have you ever had an orgasm with a girl then?" I asked jokingly. Fiona blushed and said, "No… but I want to try." "Maybe we should try sometime?" I answered. "Do you think we can?" said Fiona, widening her eyes. "Maybe. You are very lovely." Throughout the evening we drank more and danced. Fiona kissed me on the mouth a couple of times while we were on the dance floor. I was getting horny at her. We got quite drunk and took a taxi home together, but went home...
Introduction: Fiona has no idea that the cock that uses her holes tonight is the same cock that fucked her daughter the night before……neither does the farmer know that his had his cock up a mother and daughter on different nights The problem Id had over the last week or so is that fucking 3 women, all in the same household, a tiresome exercise. The only thing that made it achievable is the fact that my missus the eldest of the two daughters worked away a lot of the time. Since I began fucking...
Introduction: Fiona soon realises being the office whore is a full time job The following weeks for Fiona where totally different to her normal working life. After she became the office whore with my help and encouragement, in a humiliating and degrading way which Ive previously written about, her working life was never to be the same at this company. This instalment from the family of whores describes Fionas first month as the office whore. On the first day of the week Fiona arrived as normal...
"I fancy going out," Fiona announced to her room-mate as she got up from her desk. Jenny hesitated as Fiona held out the designer coat and looked at her with wide eyes. "What?" "With me?" "Yeah," Fiona snorted and rolled her eyes. "It's not even term-time, that starts tomorrow. Come on, let's get out." "We aren't allowed out." "Well we sort of are," Fiona responded sanctimoniously. "Of sorts. Come on, please! Just a breath of fresh air." She watched Jenny who hesitated...
On the first day of the week Fiona arrived as normal around about 7.45am, as the manager she was always the first into the department, with the blokes all drifting in from 8am till 8:30 start time. Fiona had told me that morning whilst sucking my cock that she felt nervous and apprehensive about what might happen, especially after last week’s events. I picked her out some lacy French knickers and matching bra set, god she looked sexy for a mature woman, curves in all the right places. A...
"Well I am guessing you didn't screw him," Greg told her as they walked down the tree-lined drive. "I saw cum on his Y-Fronts so I reckon you gave him a blow job." "You know I am not fond of them. You getting them on a weekly basis puts you top of my league of partners," Fiona snapped. "No, I did not give him a blow job. I gave him a hand-job." "Why?" Greg asked aggressively. "He's the school nerd. Scared of girls." "I thought that was you," she teased. "Oh no, I changed...
I admit fucking Alice was out of this world, her tight cunt and sweet mouth, awesome, and the fact that she too was now being manipulated into fucking strangers for me had made me regrettably overlook my sexy whore mother in law. I had to change this and as my girlfriend was away for two weeks and Alice was helping out in the pub till late I had time to get my cock up Fiona. Alice cleared off to work and I sat in the front room on the sofa next to Fiona. The clock was ticking round to 7pm...
Introduction: The manager is a whore….part 1 Fucking Fiona was great, fucking Fiona with my mate daz was even better. Watching Fiona, my mother in law 39yrs of age bucking around on my mates cock whilst trying to cram as much of my thick shaft down her throat was a truly awesome sight. Id been fucking Fiona with daz for about 8 weeks now and wed had some great shags, but it was a fantasy of mine to see Fiona take on many more cocks. She meant nothing to me other than my sex toy of a mother in...
When I ran the idea past my man Julian he was very eager. “Tell me all about Fiona, what does she look like?” “About our age, fortyish. She and I were lovers once, incredible pair of tits on a size 12 body.” Some of my girlfriends claim she has a ‘liberal attitude to sexuality’ while others claim she is ‘gender fluid’. “I want you naked on the bed on your back for Fiona,” I tell Julian just before Fiona is due. “I want both of us to spoil her and satiate her sexually, remember she hasn’t had...
When I ran the idea past my man Julian he was very eager. “Tell me all about Fiona, what does she look like?” “About our age, fortyish. She and I were lovers once, incredible pair of tits on a size 12 body.” Some of my girlfriends claim she has a ‘liberal attitude to sexuality’ while others claim she is ‘gender fluid’. “I want you naked on the bed on your back for Fiona,” I tell Julian just before Fiona is due. “I want both of us to spoil her and satiate her sexually, remember she hasn’t had...
Fiona was daydreaming. She was, actually, loading laundry into her washing machine on a hot, September morning. However she shivered as she imagined being naked from the waist down and draping herself across a female lap. Fiona became aroused as she pictured a female hand descending on her unprotected buttocks with a sharp slap which left, briefly, a pink imprint on her ass. Fiona stopped loading the washing machine for a moment and slid her hand under her short, red skirt and down the front...
Introduction: fiona the slut get a double dose of dick and unleashes the inner whore FIONA TAKES ON 2 If youve read my previous stories youll know by now that my mother in law, Fiona is a cock hungry slut. The last story I wrote contained details of me fucking her tight asshole for the first time. What an amazing fuck that was. Now I want to jump forward nearly 5 months. Id been fucking Fiona regularly now for the last 5 months. Wed had many a session in the house but also in our cars in...
Id ben waiting at home thinking about fiona all day. Id raided her panty draw and wanked myself off 4 or 5 times reliving the amazing events of the morning. I was hoping that fiona arrived home at her normal time of 5 o clock, thisd give me nearly half an hour with her alone to see if this mornings events were a once in a lifetime fuck, or weather fiona really was as desperate for cock, as she had been this morning. As she was the clock ticked round toward 5 i thought about how id acted with...
If you’ve read my previous stories you’ll know by now that my mother in law, Fiona is a cock hungry slut. The last story I wrote contained details of me fucking her tight asshole for the first time. What an amazing fuck that was. Now I want to jump forward nearly 5 months. I’d been fucking Fiona regularly now for the last 5 months. We’d had many a session in the house but also in our cars in secluded parts of the countryside where we lived. Yes sometimes it was very risky, but...
Fiona knocked stoutly on the door and waited; there was silence and she took out her key and slid it into the lock. "Boo!" A voice called from behind her and Fiona turned to see a tall brunette girl, soaking wet and dressed in a towel. "I've been expecting you. Been expecting you all day." "Yeah I've been at the Police Station," Fiona muttered and Kathryn just shrugged as Fiona opened the door. "Wasn't saying anything," she murmured and licked her lips. "I went down with the...
Fiona swirled the whisky in the glass and looked up at her boyfriend in the doorway of the lounge. "Go to the Police," Greg repeated and Fiona crossed her arms. "If you say that again I shall go h—," the awkward girl started and scowled. "I shall go somewhere else." "Dad thinks I should just call them and get them to take a statement." "I can't prove any of it," Fiona replied. "I know them. They will all get together and say that I put on a little show for them. I bet they have...
Over the months of our secret wild affair I’d been making Fiona attend work on a daily basis wearing come soaked knickers and bras, that I filled full of fresh spunk minutes before she left. Fiona gradually got used to this and would often tell me when we were alone later at night that she’d have to use the ladies at work, and frig her wet pussy off. She explained that it made her cunt tingle as she sat in important meetings with her come filled knickers on. Fiona was adamant that the...
I'm really not sure why this happened. I am sure that I have never given anyone any reason to think that I am a wuss, but somehow at least two people came to the conclusion that I was on the wimpy side and that conclusion had some dire results for them. I am a pretty average guy and I have (or had) a pretty average life. A good job that paid all the bills with a little left over to pack into savings. A lovely wife and three great kids, a dog named "Dawg" and a cat named "Flowers." The...
1 Fiona was excited. She had a knot in the pit of her stomach with anticipation. Rarely did she have the opportunity to indulge herself but this afternoon was one such occasion. She had read from the rota that she was not required in her overseeing role at the DIY store where she worked. It was a pleasant surprise. She had written on the calendar that she was working, a mistake which favoured her for a change. At home and alone, Fiona had switched on the computer. Before the welcome screens...
It was four years on from the momentous night when Fiona had been stripped and spanked by her daughter, Jenny and three of her eighteen year old school friends. ( see Mother and the Girls).All that time ago Fiona had asked Jenny to arrange her greatest fantasy. The fantasy was to be dominated by younger women who would seek to embarrass her. Photographs of Fiona being divested of her maid's clothing and being spanked had been taken by Mary, one of the school friends. After that evening...
Introduction: Names & places changed for privacy purposes, On my way back from the shops one morning I happened to notice a sign on a lamppost advertising the race for life where women run a mile in aid of breast cancer. Now this gave me an idea as not a lot had been happening since our move since the tramp incident and I thought that Fiona and Alice were getting away a bit lightly. I pondered what I would do for the rest of the afternoon and evening and decided that in the morning Id begin my...
Three weeks later... Fiona snapped. "What is wrong with you? You've barely touched me." "I've got a gardening tool up my ... well it's not very comfortable!" "Well you should have got your parents out for the day. Send them to the cinema or something. We could have been at your house instead!" Greg snorted derisively. "It's so easy for you." His naked lover turned to face him, pushing the long blonde hair from her face and scowling angrily. There was little room in the...
I pondered what I would do for the rest of the afternoon and evening and decided that in the morning I’d begin my little game that I had in mind. Friday morning started early as my alarm woke me up from my sleep between Fiona and Alice and I nudged them both to wake them up. I told them to do us a big breakfast as they’d likely be busy and probably not have much time to eat. Once I’d polished off a huge full English and they’d cleaned the table and washed the pots I sat them down on the...
Love. It's a funny thing isn't it? I mean, everyone wants it and it has the power to bring happiness into the life of even the most downtrodden among us. The flip side of the same coin is that loss of love has the power to plunge the happiest, most influential person deeply into despair. I am an example of neither. I am an ordinary teenager and I've never been in love. At least not yet. My name is Jeremy. I am 15 years old, almost 16, and live in Calgary with my mom. My dad died before I...
Fiona and her two loversRob and I had only been chatting to Steve for a few weeks but straight away we got on really well and it was really only a matter of time before we met. Rob and I both fancied Steve and he fancied both of us. We regularly played with each other while we looked at the photos and videos Steve had made for us where we saw him tributing both of us. In addition both Rob and I wanked ourselves privately without the other one knowing although we both admitted it afterwards.We...
"Has he gone now?" Jenny spat, as she burst into her room. The half-naked Fiona opened her arms and gestured around her. "Can you see him?" Jenny's eyes narrowed for a moment, as Fiona opened the wardrobe door. "He's not in there, and he's not..." She trailed off as Jenny stormed passed her. "An hour, I was out for. An hour. And in that time you have to sneak another guy back into our room. You've got issues Fiona." Fiona snorted and reached for her jeans. "Fuck off! I...
The morning after her lovely surf copulation with the nice gentleman from the end of the beach, Fiona decided it was time for her to attend to her brother-in-law Reggie before he became too obnoxious and difficult. Her sister Iris was still in bed and Reggie was in the kitchen when she came down the stairs wearing a beach towel over her bikini swimsuit. She could see the lout leering at her from the other side of the table. Fiona turned away and opened the refrigerator bending all the way...
"See you found your necklace," Fiona said as Jenny entered their shared bedroom. Her room-mate sheepishly averted her eyes and rubbed her brow. "Yeah. I left it in my trouser pocket. I forgot I took it off in Angelina's room. Mum found it when she did the washing." "Yeah ... well. I told you it wasn't me or Greg." "I never said it was you," the dark brown-haired girl snapped. There was silence for a few moments and she licked her lips. "Sorry." "So you bloody should...
She sat under the concealing air blower like some alien visitor receiving a thought transplant for human interaction. Fiona was wearing her Capri pants with the zebra pattern that she were certain accentuated the still just slightly drooping cheeks of her bum. This was the first time she had been in this particular beauty parlor. Her favorite one, the one on High Street was closed because the building was being torn down to make way for some high-priced apartments. Her usual beautician,...
Fiona S. was a good friend of mine. We would meet up in the pubs and clubs around town and, usually, get bladdered together. She was 11 years younger than me and almost a foot taller. She was definitely a BBW! She also had an unfortunate reputation for being an easy lay, a reputation that was not totally undeserved, even I had had to step around her outside the pub whilst she was giving some guy or other a blow-job or wank. On this night back in July,1994, I was 33yo, Fiona S. 22yo. We had been...
Fiona S. was a good friend of mine. We would meet up in the pubs and clubs around town and, usually, get bladdered together. She was 11 years younger than me and almost a foot taller. She was definitely a BBW! She also had an unfortunate reputation for being an easy lay, a reputation that was not totally undeserved, even I had had to step around her outside the pub whilst she was giving some guy or other a blow-job or wank.On this night back in July,1994, I was 33yo, Fiona S. 22yo. We had been...
Fiona S. was a good friend of mine. We would meet up in the pubs and clubs around town and, usually, get bladdered together. She was 11 years younger than me and almost a foot taller. She was definitely a BBW! She also had an unfortunate reputation for being an easy lay, a reputation that was not totally undeserved, even I had had to step around her outside the pub whilst she was giving some guy or other a blow-job or wank. On this night back in July,1994, I was 33yo, Fiona S. 22yo. We had been...
This happened when my wife was a fairly inexperienced nurse in a private hospital in England where we live. She had been acting up in a senior role and was in charge of a number of patients, Fiona was enjoying her opportunity to show how well she could cope with more responsibility and we were hoping it would lead to promotion and more money, something we desperately needed as my then fledgling business was barely breaking even. One night after a particularly busy shift she came home and burst...
The four nights of Fiona's sister's absence left her with a very loose and satisfied pussy and a much-reddened pucker hole. Her brother-in-law Reggie was a complete jerk but he did have redeeming qualities like his ability to stay hard for a very long time. It was the complete reversal of her dear departed husband who generally erupted prematurely after 30 seconds of unexciting penetration. She was, in a sense, relieved to see her sister return from her nursing duties and immediately start...
This year, Fiona decided to take her winter vacation in Brighton. She had always adored the atmosphere in Brighton and the place never failed to bring back those happy memories of her younger years. Ever since her fun and games on the French Riviera, she had been keeping a very low profile in her hometown and kept to a routine of bake sales and church attendance that she hoped would restore her reputation in the circles that mattered the most to her at this stage of her life. At least her...
Be careful what you hope for it might just come true.I have regularly encouraged my wife Fiona's fantasies about her sister Kerry's husband Stewart. Now Stewart is Kerry's second cousin so the marriage always had an air of the forbidden about it which certainly tittilated me and possibly Fiona.A brief but sensual moment in our youth bonded Kerry and me however this youthful groping never developed but remained an unspoken bond. I have no idea what happened in Fiona and Stewart's past but when I...
When she had expressed an interest in the photo shoot, Fiona had specified that she was willing to go topless, but no further; her panties were to stay firmly in place. She had done topless shots in the past before working in the topless bar where I’d met her, but now she needed a bit more cash and so was willing to do a few more shoots. As she was nearing thirty she was finding it a little difficult to compete with girls in their late teens and early twenties, so she said she was interested...
(This is the 4th in a series of short stories about Fiona Murphy, a 65 year old widow who has blossomed into an erotic sexpot shortly after the demise of her spouse of some 45 years. She has graduated from the use of various sex-toys to jump-start her long neglected sex-life into naughty encounters with available males including workmen, wayward husbands, and even her much despised brother-in-law. She never could stand Reggie, but his huge cock overcame her dislike and she became his shagging...
Fiona could not help but think that Doris and Amy were like a pair of incorrigible schoolgirls not acting like the adults they really were. On one hand, she had to admit their constant foolishness did make her feel a lot younger than her 65 years, but the giggling and the silly pranks were starting to get on her nerves. She longed for a respite with some mature thoughts not centered on necessities hidden under French knickers tucked safely away between her legs. Fiona was beginning to think...
Fiona was my first girlfriend, back in the 1980s when Dire Straits, INXS, Midnight Oil, Tears for Fears and The Smiths were on the airwaves; and when women didn’t shave their pubic hair. Like me she was a country girl and like me she had been sent to a boarding school in Sydney. I had known her for a couple of years before we first got together – she was a friend of my best friend’s older sister. I was still at school at the time, but she had done her HSC and was in her second year at the...
It was just another boring cocktail party until she walked in. I saw her look around with a "Why in the hell am I here" look on her face and then our eyes met. I'll swear to my dying day that a spark jumped between us. She made her way toward the makeshift bar and I excused myself from the group I'd been talking with and headed for her. I moved next to her at the bar and before she had a chance to order herself a drink I said: "You don't want to be here any more than I do. May I suggest...
FIONA VISITS THE PYRAMIDS Now that her time was really her own, and she could decide just how naughty she should be and what she really wanted to do most of all, Fiona elected to make the trip to Cairo that she had dreamed about for almost 30 years. Some of her friends and relatives advised her that a 65 year old widow should not be traveling alone especially in a country that was reputed to have some serious problems with tourist safety issues. She was determined to have her trip to the...
It was only after long thought and careful deliberation that Fiona decided she needed some professional assistance in making her appear a bit younger in order to attract the young studs she so desperately needed to fill her lonely lifestyle. She had been doing quite well in that department ever since the unexpected departure of her long-time disinterested spouse. However, she knew that her ability to attract men was a matter of circumstances and luck that all conspired to give her...
It was another hot summer day. I was dispatched to the orchard to pick lemons for the dessert but as I approached I noticed James, my wife's nephew removing his pants and underpants. I hid behind the sprawling and heavily laden fig tree to avoid embarrassment.I continued to watch as James lay on his back in the sun and proceeded to masturbate using what appeared to be women's panties as an aid. I have a view looking at him from the feet up. As James was furiously involved in rubbing his cock he...