To Grandmother s House I Went
- 4 years ago
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Kathryn giggled playfully as Hayden's hands cupped her pert buttocks through the short dress adorning her teenage body. "Why can't you wear that?" Greg asked his partner as the four teenagers meandered down the dark road in the November chill. "Your..."
"Don't even think of finishing that sentence," Fiona interrupted. "And Kat, are you cold or not?" The girl had done her best to hide her discomfort in the cold evening, while wearing completely inappropriate clothes, but her shivering was evident.
"I'm fine," the brunette room-mate lied and squeezed her date's hand. "And..."
" ... You were shivering like a virgin at an orgy," Fiona interrupted. "And if Hayden or Greg were gentlemen they'd offer you their coats."
After a scoffed annoyance from both the men – they were enjoying Kathryn's inappropriately short dress – Fiona insisted and Hayden offered his date his coat. "It's my fault, I should have brought mine," Kathryn replied as she gratefully accepted the thick garment and blew her new partner a kiss. "I'll make it up to you."
"Yeah, I did promise you an empty house." Hayden held out his hand for his date to take, causing Fiona to mutter discreetly under her breath. "Local tradesman awards bash. They love all that civic shit."
The walk to the promised empty house only took a few minutes and Hayden removed his coat from the playful brunette seconds after stepping over the thresh-hold. Kathyrn sniggered with unconstrained glee as her young man ogled her shamelessly; her tight red dress finished a few inches below her waistline, and Hayden's gentle petting of her buttocks, lifted it.
"Leave the poor girl alone," Fiona giggled. "And go get us a drink!"
"No, don't leave me alone," Kathryn snapped with playful aggression. "And I'll help you with the drinks!"
Fiona shook her head but Greg pulled her closer towards him. "I didn't see you complaining about us getting together after an hour or two."
"No, but she is besotted with him," Fiona whispered. "I've never been besotted with anyone." Greg tilted his head with a cheeky look and took Fiona's coat from her shoulders. "No, I haven't. I mean, I like you and I love being naked and looking good but cold weather requires warm clothes. There's a time and a place for looking like a strumpet."
"Which you are not averse to," Greg reminded her and kissed his date on the lips before she could respond. Fiona growled at her boyfriend and muttered under her breath.
Kathryn was not as keen to leave Hayden's house as Fiona was, despite the time, and after a couple of drinks begged her date to take her on a tour of his house, causing Fiona to grumble.
Fiona shook her head as Greg advanced on his partner the moment Hayden skipped out of the room with a playful Kathryn. "Don't even think about it."
"Not now Greg," Fiona hissed under her breath. "I'm not in the mood." Greg grumbled, and ran his hand up her knee, touching her thigh with a pleading look in his eye, and Fiona yawned. "I'm tired. And you get more than enough."
Greg and Fiona had twenty minutes to talk about Phyllus until their friends loudly re-entered the room. Fiona shook her head as she noticed her room-mate's dress hitched and Greg raised an eyebrow at Kathryn's glazed eyes.
"Time to get back to the school," Fiona said firmly as she looked at Kathryn.
"Can't we have just..."
"No," Fiona interrupted and grabbed the hand of her friend.
"Hayden has said we can play..."
"It's late," Fiona snapped and, after a little protest, dragged her friend away from the house.
"I just wanted a little fun," Kathryn moaned wistfully as they meandered down the street.
"You had a little fun," she replied and smirked. "We'll be late back! And seriously," Fiona moaned as they stepped into the country lane. "Next time, remember to bring your own coat!"
"Why?" Kathryn said with a barely-stifled giggle. "Hayden has to come up and see me tomorrow to collect his." She pulled the black woollen garment closer to her skin and winked at her friend. "Oh don't be so surprised. I have a guy coming to see me. It's not just you that needs male attention, you know."
Fiona sighed. "Sneaky."
"Jealous?" Kathryn giggled.
"A bit. But at the weekend I am at Greg's Christmas Ball!"
"Nice," Kathryn muttered and then looked at her friend, idly sauntering down the road with her. "Hayden said that it's fun."
"Oh, it will be," Fiona promised with a mischievous grin. "I am so in the mood for some serious naughtiness," she added. "I've had a crappy term and want to end it on a serious high."
Fiona nodded conspiratorially towards the brunette girl as she crossed the small courtyard and sat down on the wooden bench, watching as the students milled around an exit. Her eyes darted around the building, ensuring that no-one was watching her, until she was joined a few minutes later. "You have it?" Fiona asked as she looked away from the girl who rubbed her face.
"Do you have my money?"
"Yep. But I want to the camera first and want those pictures developed."
"How long will that take? A week?"
"I can't exactly send the film off to a normal place. It needs going to my friend in Carlisle." The brunette swore and Fiona looked at her, out of the corner of her eye. "If you've done your job properly."
"I've done what was agreed," she promised. "But you aren't having it back until I get my money."
Fiona turned to face her and watched as the younger girl writhed under her angry stare. "You'll get your cash when, and only when, I know you've not fucked it up," she hissed. "Now give it here before we get seen." The brunette hesitated and Fiona glared at her.
"You better pay up," she demanded as she passed the small package back to Fiona. "Or I'll..."
"You'll shut the fuck up and don't threaten me," Fiona finished for her as she got up from the bench to walk back to her bedroom.
Fiona rubbed her hands together. "Hurry up," she cried, shouting up the stairs towards her boyfriend. She turned to the grinning face of Greg's mother who picked up the keys to the familial car. "They say it's girls that take hours to get ready, he spent an hour in that bathroom."
"I was having a shower and a shave and..."
"You have bum-fluff. It takes seconds to shave it off." Greg blushed and she glared at him. "Come on. You still haven't got your shoes on or anything."
"We've got fifteen minutes," he replied as Fiona straightened her black evening dress that hugged her body. "And it doesn't matter if we are five minutes late."
"Sure it does," his mother added and Fiona turned to face her.
"Thanks for letting me stay for a few days," she told the middle-aged woman.
"It's not a problem," she replied. "You really are no trouble."
Greg snorted. "But it's still good of you. I've never had a boyfriend where the parents were so chilled about it. It makes it easy for us if we don't have to sneak around." She gave a wry grin and pulled her coat over her shoulders.
"Well you are both eighteen," came the response and Fiona nodded, before chastising her date for the umpteenth time: he had left his tuxedo jacket in his room. "And we think you are very good for him," his mother whispered in her ear. Fiona giggled.
The local college's Christmas Ball was held in opulent surroundings at a neighbouring manor house, and over 400 students had paid a sizeable sum to hire the estate for the evening for them, and their "plus ones."
Greg and Fiona were one of the first couples to arrive and Fiona had to tug her black dress to a semi-respectable length as she got out of the car. "Haven't you got anything longer?" Greg moaned as he took her arm.
"No," she lied and kissed him on the cheek. "This is your night but I sort of guessed you'd want me to be as sexy as possible."
"I don't want you wandering off with anyone else."
"That's not going to happen," Fiona promised him and looked at him wide-eyed. "Come on, you love it really." She smiled at him and giggled. "I promise you, every single guy here is going to dress up, spend a small fortune on their date, be attentive and romantic and go out of their way to hope that their girl will give them something. Sure, they'll all get a kiss on the cheeks, most will get a kiss on the lips, some might get a handjob if their lucky. A few, some very lucky few, will get laid. All that effort. Now, I think both sides are doing it wrong. You will be getting laid tonight, because I want to, but I will climax or else you don't. If everyone did this, then nights like tonight would be so much more enjoyable for everyone. Less stress for all."
Greg sniggered and held open the door to the impressive building. The lady at the front desk ticked off Greg's name from her sheet and passed the two lovers a wrist band each, before directing them to the banqueting hall. The couple were placed on a table that consisted of people who were not in Greg's friendship group and the bespectacled man moaned that two of the guys used to bully him when he was much younger.
Fiona took great delight in talking liberally about sex when they arrived and throughout the meal, happily recounting snippets of the orgy and threesome that Greg had been part of with her, and then suggesting, quite explicitly, that sex would definitely happen later in the evening for her lucky boyfriend.
She noticed a degree of jealousy from the male members of the table towards Greg and herself, and full-on hostility from the female members, but it was not Fiona's circle of friends, and she was clearly not concerned. Fiona dominated the conversation on the ten-person table as they ate their five-course meal. She recounted many of the lustful stories of her youth, and made up a few tales of lesbian debauchery when talking about her exclusive school.
"Of course," she added. "Some girls don't like sex and that's fine." She shrugged and smiled at her partner, with a gleeful look. "I mean, I've got to have it every day or so, so I'm quite demanding. And it has to be a big cock like Greg's but then I'm a bit of a slut. I know I'm extreme and proper girls shouldn't put it about like me." She took a sip of her non-alcoholic wine and sighed. "There aren't many girls that I know who would even screw after a ball like this. Thing is," she said and looked towards Phillippa, the busty brunette sitting next to her. "Thing is, boys brag. You screw your guy tonight and when they talk tomorrow, everyone will know about it. It's no good getting them to promise 'cause they will. I don't care, I get called a 'slut' or a 'prossie' and I don't care. But I should care. 'Cause when you meet that guy of your dreams, the prince will care if you've got a reputation. Me, I'm going to inherit the family millions no matter what," she lied and coughed. "So I don't care."
"I don't want to be called a slut," Phillippa muttered, and Fiona wriggled in her seat.
"Good," she replied and looked across as the room started to empty, and move towards the dancing hall. "Then I'd suggest you keep your knickers on." The girl pursed her lips and Fiona smiled at them. She took Greg's hand as she got up and looked at him. "Have we got time for a quickie in the bogs or is there just time for a blowjob?" Greg blushed, and pulled Fiona away from the table.
"What was all that about?" He hissed, under his breath.
"You said they bullied you," Fiona replied with a smirk. "I might as well have put chastity belts on their girlfriends. They ain't getting laid tonight and they know you will. Hell they know, you've had threesomes and been at sex parties and all sorts. You've got everything they want at the moment, and they can't have it. It'll piss them off."
"Well now everyone is going to call you a slut, and they are going to say that I am going out with a slut."
"So," Fiona snapped. "Let 'em. Everyone at my school thinks I am a slut ... does it matter if a few more do?"
Greg sniffed. "Yeah, well, it's not nice to have my girlfriend talked about like that. Someone who I am very fond of and..."
"Well when they do, just ask when the last time they went to a threesome was, or the last time they got a blowjob. Sluts are fun."
"I don't think you're a slut."
Fiona shrugged. "If having a sex life is slutty then I'm a slut. But I don't care. Now, I asked you a question. Have we got time for a quickie?"
"Not here. We'll get caught."
"Oh Gregory, you are so boring at times." She pulled Greg towards the door and into a small corridor. He grumbled and she glanced behind her, before pulling her date into the mens' toilets.
A couple of students were at the urinal talking as Fiona walked brazenly passed them before entering the large stall and shutting the door.
Greg shook his head and whispered to his date who was fumbling with his trousers. "Fiona, this is not a great idea." She shushed him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, kissing him on the lips. He resisted for a moment, but her hands, unfastening his trousers, were not being restrained and his hands cupped her arse. She slid her knickers down to the floor and allowed Greg to push her up against the flimsy cubicle wall. She pushed her head up to allow Greg to kiss her neck and sighed loudly as he did.
Her hands reached inside his boxer shorts, and groped his member. She looked into his excited eyes and licked her lips, freeing his shaft from its cotton housing and sliding down the smooth wall of the cubicle before gently pumping Greg's veiny cock to its full length.
Greg sighed and she leaned forward to take the full length of her boyfriend's shaft between her glistening red lips. He gasped loudly as her mouth gripped his cock and her fingers pulling back the skin to expose the glans to her lustful intentions. He moaned as she slid her tongue over his erect cock, and excited pulses of lustful energy emanated from his loins.
Fiona mewed as her right hand pressed against her crotch and her fingers rotated against her pearl, while her left hand gently pumped her boyfriend's shaft as her tongue swept underneath his glans. Greg smiled down at her, and she kissed his cock as she withdrew and pressed against the partition. It creaked ominously as she straightened her legs and kissed her partner on the lips.
Greg's hands found her wetness and probed her folds gently. She sighed and groaned. She licked her lips and whimpered as he slid his fingers against her moist clitoris and accepted his tongue as he kissed her. "Are you a slut then?" Greg whispered. She mewled and he pressed against her clit harder.
Her lover moved her other hand to her breasts and squeezed her nipple through the thin fabric. She gasped and cupped his rear, pressing him towards her and causing the partition to creak louder and more menacingly.
"You OK in there?" A voice cried out.
"Fine," Fiona squealed, in an unmistakably female voice. There was silence for a few moments and some hushed giggling, but Fiona looked at Greg and pushed him backwards. His movement was restricted as his boxer shorts and trousers were around his ankles and he fell against the other side of the toilet, crying out.
Fiona pushed him onto the toilet and gently lowered herself onto Greg's erect cock, jutting prominently from his body. He bit his lip as her tight wetness kissed his erect member and she rocked gently back and forth to slide the full length of his cock into her. "That's good," she mewed, a little too loudly and began to move up and down on her boyfriend.
With each thrust, their panting became faster and the groans louder. Greg squeezed Fiona's ass as she rode her partner, and she kissed him as her lustful body bounced on top of his tumescent cock.
Her pace quickened, and her rotating hips sent sparks of delirium from their excited loins. She sighed and groaned, panting furiously and squealing loudly. She muttered underneath her breath and closed her eyes. Greg's hands probed her erect nipples and she slid a finger down her belly to probe her engorged clit.
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Frank and Sandra were lovers, and they were to be married soon. However, Sandra and Frank must search for their dream home. Frank was driving in his car with Sandra beside him, they were excited; their expectations high that they would find their dream home. "Wow, I can't believe we are out of college and finally going to get married," says Sandra. "I know. I can't believe we are going to find our dream home," says Frank. Suddenly, Sandra begins to feel a tingling in her stomach, she's getting...
FetishSunday morning. Like every Sunday morning for the past six months, I find myself at my desk at my office. Make hay while the sun shines, some people say, so I can’t complain about being busy. It’s a quiet day, no phones, no faxes and I don’t even look at my e-mail. It’s a day to catch up on all the things I can’t get to during the week, when I find myself pulled in a hundred different directions all at once. Productive, but deep down it wasn’t my first choice of where I wanted to be. It was...
TabooTwo women stood in the kitchen looking into the living room. On the coffee table stood their latest purchase from their favorite sex shop, a board game still shiny with plastic wrap. The blond turned her head away from the game and bent gently to retrieve something from the refrigerator. Her perfect silhouette was contained within a deep purple dress that included a corset-like front and white trimmings. The skirt portion jutted from her hips in a downward diagonal that cut off abruptly above...
LesbianThey say in this generation, dating is almost nonexistent. Which I almost agree with. This is because we are blunt and we know what we want. However, I don’t even know what the hell to call my relationship with Daisy. Is she my girlfriend? Are we fuck buddies? I do know one thing. I love when she calls me “Daddy.”It was mid-afternoon on a Saturday when she called me via FaceTime. “Hey, daddy,” She said.“What’s up, baby girl?" I responded.“Getting ready for work, you?"I cursed to myself. I...
MoneyBy June 2018, I had a slight reputation amongst a few women at my store. I didn’t mind, but the past year had been very adventurous thanks to Ashleigh. It was the anniversary week of Ashleigh and I’s first night together, and I was working in the online pickup department. They were short-staffed that week, and I was helping for a few days.One of the ‘pickers’ (picked the items ordered off the shelves) over in the department was Shelby. She was cousins with Victoria (from Victoria: I’m 19 Now),...
ThreesomesI felt the bed move early the next morning and dragged my eyes open to see who was joining me. Tabitha was just finishing disrobing. She crawled under the covers to cuddle before informing me as to her purpose in waking me up. "Carlisle and I are having a dinner party tonight. It is a very small gathering to introduce people to Daniel's new boss, and we hoped you'd like to come over and meet some of our friends. There will be one or two people of real influence at our little mixer. Don't...
Hi,this Ritesh(name changed) i am 27 years old fair color , height of 5.” lives in Hyderabad Lets come to the story straight first.Mein hyderbad me rehta hun or yahi meri ek didi rehti hain aur unki do betiyan hain ek ka naam hain suhani jo ki 23 years ki hain and height around 5.2″feet ki hain uska color ekdum fair hain and boobs bhi bade bade hai figure 36-30-36 and doosri chotowali ka naam babli hain uski age 21 height 21 years ek dum slim and hot hain.Ye ab se 5-6 years purani baat hain jab...
Pegging and rods After a long but fun night out at the bar, Alex and Donna were staggering their way home through the freshly fallen snow. It was a very cold night and Donna wished they had taken the car. Once inside the warm inviting living room both Alex and Donna breathed a sigh of relief. Beers in hand, they settled down for a relaxing night. "You know" said Donna "I'm getting a little warm now, I think I'll go get into my PJs" and off she went to go upstairs...she added “you can always...
Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 5Continued from.. Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 1 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 2 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 3 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 4Grabbing the food tray, I head out to serve my uncle and his friends.. 4 hot men (Steve, John,...
This story starts with a key, as the title suggests. Duh. For some reason the previous owners of the house I’m currently living in had a shed built in the back yard – not one of those flimsy aluminum things you see at every Lowe’s or Home Depot but an honest to God stick-built structure with a lockable door, shingled roof and even a window. If this were New York City I could rent the thing out for a thousand a month. It occurred to me one day that if I lost the key, which I was currently...
Hi dosto mera Naam Yogesh hai aur me Indore me room par kiraye se akela rehta hun. Me indore me ek coaching me padta hun jahan kai ladkiya aati hai jinko dekhkar hi muth marne ka dil kare usi coaching me ladki padti thi jiska naam purva tha vo kafi sexy thi 36 26 34 par vo bahut bhaav khati thi ladko se vo bahut kam baat karti thi kai ladke us par line marte the jin me mai bhi tha jab maine us se baat karne ki koshish ki thi usne mujhse saaf keh diya ki me uske liye koi khwaab nahi dekhu par...
Chapter 4: Absence Makes Our Lust Grow Hotter “This evening I need to pack for my cross-country business trip,” I continued my Sept. 23 email reply to Eric. “I’m going to leave for the airport about 6:30 tomorrow morning. We’ll be apart for just 6 days, until my return on Sunday the 28th. But after FINALLY getting to touch those special parts of each other, those 6 days are going to seem like 6 years to me! “Hope to hear from you tonight. Then, I’ll go to sleep with sweet dreams of us....
As the doors closed behind them and before he could begin, Kari jumped in, saying, "Mark! You have to quit worrying about me so much. You know that you have wanted to be part of J.A.M. aluminum for a while now. This business is what you live for. And I don't want you to miss out on reaching any of your goals in life because you are worried about me in this EPOD program!" "Let me finish!" she placed the fingers of her left hand up to his lips, as he was about to interrupt. "I have to...
When I was 18 I was dating a guy, Tim, who was very open sexually. He had always expressed an interest in trying anal sex. I on the other hand was very hesitant because Tim had a very large cock, about 10 inches long and very thick. Well one day we were lying in my bed. Both of us were pretty silent and admiring each others bodies through our clothes. Out of no where Tim asked, “Are you ready?” It wasn’t difficult for me to figure out what he was talking about. I’m sure he could tell by the...
First TimeApologies to regular readers for the delay. ... Although quite naturally missing her young baby child Peter, Catherine Dixon was at least content in the knowledge her son was by now in the strong caring hands of the otherwise fearsome Olga up at the Manor House of Peter Harris, the grandfather of her youngest son and now apparently half a world away, after having left the running of his ‘Business’ in the hands of his teenage son David Harris, along with Sean Brady. Sean Brady, whom...
Subject: 'Jemima's Tale Part 2'{Jemimaheart}(MM tv anal con)[1!1] Jemima's Tale Part 2 - A true story by [email protected] +++++ Part 1 - Lustful thoughts The week after I lost my virginity passed slowly, and I mean REALLY slowly. I couldn't concentrate at work, couldn't relax at home, couldn't keep my mind on anything much at all except to retreat into my thoughts and try and relive that first, incredible, moment when I finally gave myself to another man. I made some...
A.J. Chegwidden sat there in the chair in his JAG office, his uniform pants were unzipped and he had pulled his already semi-aroused cock out of the fly of his pants and now he was stroking himself as he sat there alone with only his thoughts and his recent experiences to fuel his masturbation session. He couldn't believe all that had occurred in the last few weeks within his JAG staff. He thought he knew everything that had gone on -- admirals always did -- but little did he realize all the...
This is a continuation from my previous stories in the Anjan series (links on top) so read them first. Comments welcome at “So? Either of you know what a clit is?” Anjan and I looked at each other, half smiling, half worried. We both knew in theory everything about a woman’s pussy – we had zero experience with it. “Um… We know what it is and all, akka. But…” Anjan began when Janani interjected, “But you gayboys are virgins, eh?” Well, your tongues showed their skills off on my body, lets see...
‘God’s gift’ ‘If you want a job done properly,’ I muttered to myself, ‘don’t give it to Connie.’ This was about half-past eleven the next morning, when I found myself in the back streets near Hanover Square, having just emerged from a meeting in a client’s office. It was one of the appointments I had asked Connie to rearrange while I was on compassionate leave, and the reason for my irritation was that she had done something I had specifically warned her against, namely arranging two external...
After that we let Becky recover, then the next day, the Sunday, we fucked her all morning again, and Sally managed to drag out of her the admissions to another half dozen rapes that she’d inflicted on innocent young girls. The victims were all quite similar: small or slight and naive girls whose bodies were just maturing but who had no experience of sex. The athletic Becky had overpowered them and forced them to orgasm. She’d started to use the photos to blackmail them into keeping quiet,...
THINGS MOTHERS DO FOR THEIR DAUGHTERS Olivia Miller is a single mother raising twolovely daughters the best way she knew how. She has struggled working two differentjobs to make ends meet and give the two girls a good home life since her husbanwalked out on them over twelve years ago, althouugh she tried datingonce and during the few weeks of courtship she did have one occation to havesexual relations with the man but just like the many years with her...
This first chapter tells how our hero meets his new girlfriend and how he gets her to tell him her dirty little secret. Obviously this is a fantasy story so don’t try this at home. It will get highly illegal. Enjoy!! Meeting my new girlfriend My name is Drake. I am 32 years old, 6’3” 245lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, and generally considered as a hansom guy. Growing up playing sports and a hard work ethic ensured I stayed at top physical condition. When I was 17 I married...
Hi, my name’s Abhay and thanks ISS for publishing my sex stories. I’m an average guy, I’ve described myself earlier in my stories so I wouldn’t waste my time doing that now my current fiancé who was previously my girlfriend her name’s Anushka she’s a fair girl of 5 feet 6 inches in height, slim, having dimensions of 32,26,36. She’s a fun-loving & open-minded person though this happened when we finished our college both of us had got jobs we wanted to celebrate. My girlfriend Anushka was now...
Hello Friends This is Saumya par log mujhe Simmi bulate hai. mai 31 years old hu. meri marriege ho chuki hai 3 years pahle. Par abtak hamne baby plan nahi kiya hai. So we are still enjoy our marriage life. I am 5’ 3’’ tall and my complexion is milky white. My figure is 36-26-36 and weight is 50kgm only. My hubby loves me very much because I am very much pretty & broad minded girl. Jo bhi mujhe dekhta tha tariff kiye bagair nahi rahta tha. Last year ki bat hai mujhe apne mom-dad ke marriage...
“Really? Melted diamonds?” “Yes, the pressure and the carbon and the heat have created an interesting phenomenon.” I sat there still and quietly thinking ... for a long time. “Mick?” Angel sounded concerned as she drew out my name. “Ship?” “Yes, Mick.” “Can you get some of that melted diamond?” “Yes, I have the ability to take samples of any surface material.” “Ship, it would be wonderful if you could get some of that melted diamond and form it into a ring for Angel.” Angel spun on...
( wrote for fun, like a lot of my short stories) When I stepped off the bus I could hear it. That soft sound of a saxophone, the low groan from the upright base, that metal on metal of a snare drum. All the rest hide under those three but when I listen I can just hear their ghosts drifting in the magnolia scented breeze. I walked toward the sound of the music of course. That’s what the use to say of the true heroes. They always went towards the sounds of the guns. Well, I’m no hero but I’ll...