Best Neighborhood Ever
- 2 years ago
- 27
- 0
Those days you lived in a shoebox. You often thought about moving to a bigger, nicer apartment in a cleaner, quieter neighborhood, but you somehow never got around to it. Plus, you could walk to work – theoretically, at least. Also, your lack of funds and your (probably unhealthy) fixation on that independent coffee place right down the road may have had something to do with it.
The building you called yours had apparently been designed by some allegedly fancy architect in the 80s who thought it was super neat-o to put the apartment units on top of each other like bricks on an old-fashioned brick wall instead of stacking them up straight. Something about the feng shui of the place, or so you heard. Personally, you’re convinced the guy was just stoned the entire decade. The outlandish floor planning resulted in every one tenant having up to six direct neighbors instead of the standard four – two next door to your right and your left, and two above, two below, bisecting your apartment into “northwest” (kitchen, living room, tiny storeroom) and “southeast” (tiny front hall, bedroom, bathroom).
Coupled with the fact that some walls, floors and ceilings were basically just two flakeboards sandwiching some dust and cobwebs, this made for a lot of noise and not a lot of aural privacy.
None of this was a big problem for you for the longest time. You had always been a quiet person yourself. Your neighbors were mostly single pensioners living with their cat, dog (tiny ones who could be mistaken for cats because dogs weren’t technically allowed) or goldfish. The loudest thing they ever did was flush their toilets, cough wetly in the winter, and argue with their cat, dog or goldfish as they watched reruns of Jeopardy together at standard volume.
Thankfully, you never minded wearing earplugs and also bought noise-cancelling headphones from your first paycheck that helped you ignore the occasional embarrassingly private phone conversation old Mrs Miller had with her friends ("I told you that Mildred was a ho, the way she would always ogle that murse’s ass! What a floozy, her George, God rest his soul, is only ten years dead and she’s already randy for a new man!"), family ("Get your act together, Jennifer darling, and go find yourself a man who isn’t keener on being anally penetrated than you are for once, for Christ’s sakes.") and her doctor’s office ("I am telling you, the cream doesn’t work. My hemorrhoids are building a civilization and electing their representatives as we speak.").
Eventually, one by one, most of those pensioners moved into assisted living, or passed away, and their shoebox apartments were surface-renovated and re-let at elevated prices so that the demographic shifted within the house. Pensions were suddenly too low to afford modernized shoeboxes, and pensioners’ kids and grandkids wanted their (grand)parents in assisted living right away, lest they get lonely or come to harm in the claustrophobic’s nightmare that was the two-person elevator (which was out of order seven months out of a year anyway).
You barely noticed this shift in the tenant population until The Couple moved in.
You first heard them in the stairwell, apparently trying – and failing – to get a sofa around the corner. Her laugh was high and merry as he yelled ‘pivot! Pivooot!’ with a humorous note in his deep voice, and then there was a series of loud bangs and more uproarious laughing from both of them.
The sofa partially blocked the stairwell for half a week before someone came and literally cut it in half. You heard the saw screeching and saw the debris on the landing.
You could hear The Couple in the apartment below your bedroom – meaning that they were your lower-southwest neighbors now – as they tried to hang things (a lamp? A ceiling fan?) from the ceiling (but failed on account of the ceiling being made of hopes and dreams held together by some white paint), worked together to fill their bookshelves while singing along to 90s pop songs, and decided (after a very loud argument) to put the bed against that wall.
The fourth night after they had moved in, you could hear them having sex for the first time. It was the middle of the night, you had just woken up randomly, and you were too lazy and too sleepy to go get your earplugs from the bathroom drawer where you had last seen them.
Also, something about those slow, languorous moans made you want to listen.
You imagined you could hear them murmuring lovingly dirty things into each other’s ear, hear those little questions – Do you like that? Feel good? Like this? More? Yes? – and the sighed answers – Yes. Feels so good. Yeah. Just like that. Ooh, god, babe. Love you. Love you. – and you fell back asleep to the gentle pulse their sounds set off inside of you.
Several days passed by and you kept catching yourself stopping in the center of your bedroom after your usual 4 a.m. bathroom break, and listening. Just to see if…someone else was also awake. 4 a.m. was truly the loneliest time of the day at which to be human. Sometimes you could hear someone snoring. That was almost like a consolation prize.
Sometimes you woke up from an orgasmic cry and only caught the last few moments, the last few sighs of pleasure before the sleepy silence, and a completely irrational anger started to grow in your mind.
That anger finally broke open when, one day, you came home from work and heard them – heard them finish very loudly but barely discernible over the blare of their TV.
Your day at work had been shitty, you had been cold and crabby all week because your radiator had died at the first sign of winter, and now this… this personal slight somehow was the last straw.
You ripped a page out of one of your notebooks and scribbled an angry sentence on it, pouring all the pissy passive-aggressiveness that had been accumulating during the day into it.
would you turn down the TV volume next time
Thank you
You made sure to underline the ‘down’ and the ‘Thank you’. Twice. Hard. And then you put an exclamation point behind the ‘Thank you’, too, for good measure. There. Maximum pissy-ness achieved.
Folding the wrinkled paper in half and then in half again, you stormed out of your apartment and all the way down the stairs to the atrium and then out the main door. The tenant mailboxes were located outside the door next to the rows and rows of buzzers and nameplates that had absolutely nothing to do with the building’s actual layout. (The electricians had presumably also been stoned in the 80s.)
It was only when you were standing in front of the mailboxes that you realized you didn’t know the name or names of The Couple at all. Indeed, you didn’t know most of the names you were reading – out of your little honeycomb of neighbors you only knew Mr Presley, your direct next door neighbor, whose mailbox was in the upper left corner, mysteriously far away from yours, and Mr Singh, who lived in one of the two apartments above you together with his six cats, but whose mailbox was directly below yours for no good reason.
Still angry – now increasingly at yourself and your stupid impulsiveness that had sent you down the damn stairs (when the elevator was broken again) and out into the freezing cold while your key for the main door was upstairs on the key hook where you had just put it – you took a last look at the note and threw it into a random mailbox. It was one of the ones with a double name on it, it was below yours and to the right, and it wasn’t overflowing with junk mail, so you picked it.
And then you pressed all of the doorbells and waited, with your hands jammed into your armpits for warmth, for someone to buzz you into your own home.
As you waited – a full five minutes, no less – you basically forgot about the note.
And you would still have forgotten all about it, if it weren’t for the day after the following day, when you came home early and The Couple was so loud you thought, for a sickly thrilling second, that they had broken into your apartment and were having sex in your bedroom.
Their volume was way up.
The TV volume was way down.
You could hear… everything.
Bedsprings creaking and rhythmic banging against the wall.
“Oh, my God, babe, please – so good! Feels so fucking good! Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t-”
Slaps of flesh against flesh.
“Fuck, your pussy is so damn tight. Yes. So damn sweet. Oh, yeah. Fuck, babe, yes, that’s it. Take it.”
Wet sounds of a cock sliding in and out of a drenched pussy.
You stood in your tiny little entrance hall and didn’t dare to even shut your door all the way lest it make a noise and interrupt them. You must have stood there for a full fifteen minutes. They went two rounds. She finished three times. He finished inside of her. He didn’t wear a condom. You heard it all.
You looked down on yourself and shivered involuntarily – for once, not because of the cold.
You had to know.
You already sort-of knew, but you had to know.
You were at work, staring blankly into space during a short coffee break, and you couldn’t seem to keep your mind out of the gutter.
Surprisingly, the gutter was a very spacious place. So much room for activities. So many directions for thoughts to go in. You felt like you had never been as creative as you were that very moment, thinking about that very thing and all its possibilities.
You ripped a non-sticky post-it off the pad and considered it. A perfect little white square. Untraceable.
you wrote, then paused, then took the paper, crumpled it up and threw it away.
You had to know. It had to be something that couldn’t possibly be a coincidence, like someone turning the TV volume down for once during…well.
You took a second square of paper from the pad.
It had to be something that could be heard rather than seen.
It had to be uncharacteristic for The Couple. Something they normally didn’t do.
You licked your lips and started writing.
spank her ass 4 times next time
Thank you
When you came home after work, you threw the note into the same mailbox.
Only after you heard the little hollow sound of paper hitting sheet metal you began to panic.
The first note had been innocent, the heinous double underlining and the patronizing exclamation point the most outrageous things about it. But this one… it could be construed as sexual harassment.
Fuck ‘construed’- it was sexual harassment, plain and simple. Or at the very least, it was creepy and skeevy.
And now they’d know your handwriting now. Plus, you weren’t wearing gloves, either, and your fingerprints would show up perfectly on the glossy high-end paper--
No. Good grief. You inhaled and exhaled – your breath billowed white around your face – and then pulled yourself together.
And then you went upstairs and tried to pass the hours until ‘tonight’.
For five endless days, nothing happened.
Not only was there neither spanking nor the TV to be heard, there was literally no sound at all coming from below your bedroom floor.
You were worried. For yourself, obviously, because that note had truly been inappropriate and deserved some sort of punishment. Were they busy tracing down the perverts who wrote people notes about spanking and demanded they turn down the TV so they could better hear them fuck?
You were also scared for them, though. Because what if your note had thrown them into some sort of relationship crisis? One where the two people didn’t even say a single word to each other anymore despite living together on barely forty-five square meters?
What if your note had freaked them out so much they had decided to move out again right away?
On day six, you came home from work with a lengthy letter of apology in your bag which you had composed in your cubicle. You were determined to put it in a plain envelope (the ones at work all had your company’s name pre-printed on it) and throw it into their mailbox or even slide it underneath their door. If they had indeed moved out, you would hope that at least one of them would be back for this or that piece of furniture, or that the next tenant would somehow be able to send the letter on its journey to the former residents.
Even before you opened your apartment door, you heard contemporary slow jazz music and animated conversation between two familiar voices.
Instantly, your pulse spiked along with a twisted sort of hope and arousal.
You went to bed very early, then lay awake for almost three hours listening to the dull sounds coming from below. Conversation, music, the TV news, some episode from a comedy series, and finally-
“Hey, come over here, babe.” Silence. “Come on. Sit on my lap.”
“Ha. What am I, your slave? You want something, you can come over here.”
Tingling anticipation.
“That can be arranged.”
A laugh, then a playful shriek. “Oh, no, no, you wouldn’t- Ahh! Noo, iyaaa!”
Crazy, breathless giggling. Someone had been tackled – to the ground, maybe – and was now tickled relentlessly.
“You’re always asking for trouble, hon, and then you make such a lot of noise when trouble finds you.” Faux-regretful tongue-clicking.
“Mer--- Mercy! Please, stop!” High-pitched laughter. “Please, please-! No, what are you-”
You closed your eyes and let the hot thrill wash over you.
“Ow! No, no-!” There was laughter in the protestation.
“Oww! Ahh!” And there was a moan in that cry.
You bit your lip and thought ‘harder’.
“Ahh! Please-”
“You’re getting wet, aren’t you?”
“Yes!” she snapped. “Yes, dammit, I’m wet. Are you happy n-oooh-”
You imagined a thick finger sliding into the dusky V between two now-rosy cheeks. You could see her wriggle and hear the hitch of her breath as the soft pad of his finger slides over even softer parts of her, and his voice trickled into her ear like warm honey, letting her know just how soaked and tender she was and what he was about to do to all that tenderness.
You spread your legs a little wider and let your own fingers roam over your own body, knowing that it was reprehensible to steal satisfaction from them like this but unable to stop yourself. There was an unbearably tight knot of heat at the base of your spine. Every new sound from downstairs seemed to both add a loop to that knot and unravel it at the same time.
The Couple sighed and moaned together. Their noises quickly crescendoed, as if their little play had revved them up exactly as much as it did you.
She came on his cock and moaned as she licked her own cum off his length, then choked and gagged obscenely when he came down her throat.
You moaned along with both of them, muffled by the knuckle you were biting down on, and tried to feel bad about the mess you’ve made in your pajama.
Before you fell asleep you already knew that tomorrow all you would be thinking about was the next note.
You forced yourself to wait a couple of days. It wasn’t too difficult because life seemed to also want you to slow down, or to frustrate you. Your cousin called and invited you to a housewarming party one night, and then there was a new movie you went to see at the theater with a couple of friends, and one evening after home time you spent literal hours at the Laundromat picking bits of shredded tissue off your work clothes and low-key hating yourself.
Eventually, though, you found yourself sitting in your cubicle again, with your workload finished and still twenty minutes to go.
It was the magic word indeed. Your fingers got sweaty as they twirled and clutched the pen.
You closed your eyes and thought about the last time you heard them. It was crazy that you could actually see the memory before your mind’s eye even when your actual eyes had nothing to do with it.
You heard her full-mouthed moan echo in your head and started writing.
would you also use a finger on him when you blow him next time
Thank you
You quickly folded the note twice, as if hiding the words from yourself would disarm them, and put it into your pants pocket. There it sat like a piece of hot coal until you got home and threw it into The Couple’s mailbox after a last furtive look around.
You went hot and cold all over at the thought that one of the two could see you deposit your note for them, that they might identify you and know-
You had never known that mortification and lust could not only coexist, but that they enhanced and potentiated one another.
That evening, you searched the internet to put a label on yourself. Since a ‘voyeur’ was literally a ‘watcher’, you couldn’t rightly claim that title. There seemed to be no official word for the type of weirdo who got off on listening to other people having sex. Naturally, there was also no term to describe persons who got off on writing secret notes to others telling them what to do during their next tryst, and who exploded when their demand was met.
So you guessed the only label that might fit was a very generalized ‘pervert’.
A few hours later, you lay in bed and listened to a man’s desperate, pleading moans, their pitch rising and falling so dramatically they sometimes almost sounded feminine, and a woman’s encouraging dirty talk, interspersed with periods of suckling, gagging noises.
Well. If you were perverted, then so were they.
You were in good company.
use a blindfold next time
Thank you
Your instructions were still short, even after two months and a half of your game. The Couple seemed to prefer small pointers that sparked their imagination, and they made so much out of each of your notes, building little scenarios around them that fed your fantasy for days on end.
Sometimes you wondered what they did with the notes. Throw them away? Pin them to a wall? Did they look at them together from time to time?
You entered your apartment and already heard them downstairs. They were cooking together, chopping vegetables while something sizzled in a pan, and talked, and sang along to Queen’s Night at the Opera.
If you opened your bedroom window, you would be able to smell their dinner, and probably even make out their words more clearly. But you didn’t, even though your hands itched to go for it.
Walking into your own kitchen – not even five steps around the corner – you wondered just how it was possible for a shoebox to be both too small and too big for one person and apparently just right for two people, simultaneously.
Just like every ‘neighborhood night’, you went to bed early and read your book (or at least tried to), waiting for them.
By now, you could almost feel the change in the air just before it began.
“Good evening, good sir.”
You closed your book and slid it onto the night stand.
“Good evening, ma’am. Fancy meeting you here, like this.”
You could hear the smiles in both their voices, and the soft creak of bedsprings when he got up from the bed to meet her. In your mind, she was wearing a silky nightgown that hugged her curves and showed off her nipples, while he was… probably naked as the day he was born and still a little damp from the shower.
“Could I interest you in a game tonight?” he asked, pausing after every other word for a kiss.
“Mhhh, depends on the game?”
She squeaked. Maybe he has nibbled her sensitive earlobe. Or perhaps he gave her a hickey?
“This game…” Kiss. “Is called…” Kiss. “‘Blind Trust’.”
She ooh’ed dramatically . “Sounds adventurous. What are the rules, pray tell?”
“Oh, they are quite simple,” he says.
Steps. The sound of a drawer being opened and closed.
The blindfold. A tie. Maybe a scarf? Or a silk stocking? Which color?
“I put this on you. You sit in this chair, like the good girl you are, and I’ll tell you my filthy thoughts until you drip onto the leather.”
“Aha?” she replied. “And what’s in it for you?”
“Oh, there’s plenty. I get to watch you squirm. I get to look at your pretty little nipples. I get to look at your cunt because you’ll keep your thighs nice and spread for me.”
“Ah, I see!” She sounded very enthusiastic indeed. “And when does the game end?”
“The game ends when you convince me to fuck you,” he says. “I hope you know how to beg properly.”
She giggled. “Challenge accepted, good sir!”
They kissed some more. You imagined them slowly walking, connected at the lips, to the chair. She slowly sank down onto it as he pushed her gently by the shoulders. Once she was seated, his hands slid down her arms, to her waist, to her thighs, and spread them, lifting up the hem of her nightgown and tucking it away so that he could see all of her.
And then the tie – scarf? Stocking? – went around her head to cover her eyes.
“You can pull a little tighter, darling,” you heard her say sweetly. “I know you like it when things are tight.” Her next giggle transformed into a squeal. “Owie! Not fair! Not my nipple, ya old meanie!”
He chuckled, then his voice suddenly got serious. “Quiet, now. Spread your legs properly. Attagirl. So eager. And already wet. Won’t be long before you make a mess, will it?”
She replied with a wordless moan.
You felt that sound deep in the pit of your stomach.
“Now, where should we start? Hmm? Maybe…at the very bottom?”
You squirmed on your mattress when she gasped a little ‘haah!’ and then giggled again but you couldn’t guess what he might have done to provoke that reaction. Holding your breath, you listened harder.
“That’s why you’re so obsessed with pedicures, eh?” he asked and then made a loud suckling noise. “Just in case it might make me want to do this?”
“Tha—hah—that wasn’t, uhm… ohh. Ohh, please…”
More wet, sucking sounds. A man humming, a noise of deep pleasure.
“G-god, this feels so—“ She breathed and groaned, half-delighted, half-frustrated. “Ah, I want to see you so bad right now, babe!”
You grabbed two fistfuls of your comforter.
“Ah, ah. No cheating, ma’am. Them’s the rules of the game.”
“Please, please fuck me,” she demanded.
“Such a pushover!” He just laughed. “You’ll have to try a little harder than that, hon,” followed by a squeak that told you he had probably tweaked her other nipple this time. “Let’s continue, shall we?”
In your mind, he was now walking behind her where she was sitting – and squirming – in her chair. His big hands were massaging her shoulders and the back of her neck, his fingers occasionally slipping underneath the strap of her nightgown to tickle her skin there.
“How about we talk about that link you ‘accidentally’ sent me during work hours yesterday?”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re, uh, talking about, good sir?” She was smiling again, but trying not to, nibbling her lip.
“Well, I’m sure you do, ma’am.”
There was a sharp intake of breath.
“Does this ring a bell? Hm?” His voice was dark and intense all of a sudden.
A small choking sound and a lewd sort of whimper – the kind of whimper a woman made when she trembled inside with desire and her muscles clenched on nothing.
“The website had lots of very detailed, very useful illustrations of how to… handle a woman.” His voice lowered so far you almost didn’t catch his next words. “And some nice pointers on what else you can do while you’re at it.”
Her gasp was high and brittle, followed by an explosive, trembling exhale and a keening sound unlike any you had ever heard her make.
“Fuck, you almost just came, didn’t you?” he demanded to know. She must have nodded, because he went on, “God, that’s so fucking hot,” with a disbelieving sort of tone. “Don’t you dare close your legs, love. I’m not done with you.”
“Please, fuck me,” she tried again. Her voice sounded a little rough.
“Oh, I will,” he promised. “And you’re gonna keep that blindfold on, aren’t you?”
“I will, yes. Yes.”
You could see her nodding eagerly.
“Tell me why you want to keep it on.”
You saw him standing between her spread legs, looking down at her face and the blindfold that hid her eyes but not the color on her cheeks.
“Be—because that’s the game? Ah!”
Again you could only imagine what he might have done. Reached into her décolleté? Slid a finger between her legs?
“Why, love?” he asked again, a bit more urgently.
“Because… Ah, please! Because I can imagine an audience!” she burst out in a rush.
Pervert, you thought hotly. Sweat pricked out of every pore on your body.
“I see,” he said. “And whom should we invite next time to watch me fuck you, babe?”
Please. Me. Thank you.
You put a hard, unyielding hand on yourself and chased after them, gasping with your mouth wide open every time their cries and moans coincided with a spike of pleasure driving through your body. You twitched and shook and groaned into your pillow.
You knew you were still loud.
The week before last, you had written your last note to them. It had lain on your night stand for six whole days before you finally dared to throw it into their mailbox.
It had taken you three more days after that until you could convince your legs to carry you out the door, down one flight of stairs and along the corridor.
Their corridor.
You walked slowly, with your fingers twitchy and your heart thumping in your throat. In your head, two dozen scenarios of how this would go horribly, embarrassingly wrong were playing simultaneously, and you had lined up at least ten good excuses and apologies. You even already googled a couple of new rentals and checked your current lease agreement, just in case…
Their names were written in bold blue marker on a piece of crepe taped over the buzzer.
They opened the door before you could even lift your hand to push it.
Apparently, they had already heard you.
So, I guess your secret is out now, eh? Sorry about that, ya little perv Don't worry, we love you anyways!
As you can see, this is basically another ode to audioporn and the delights of sounds and imagination. If anyone’s got an actual proper label for “subauscultists”, let me know! (subauscultare, subauscultavi, subauscultatum – to listen secretly, to eavesdrop. Salvete, people who learnt Latin in school!)
Thanks for reading! As usual, leave a comment to make me a happy camper.
xo cydia
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Hi, my name is Carole, better known as Slutrocknroll.I'm going to tell you how I came to the empty balls of my neighborhood and my friends.You must know, that I have always loved sex. I met my husbands at 27, and soon we turned to libertinism. I started with a trio with a man and my husband. Then we brought two men home, and that's when my husband started taking pictures and videos. The fact of being caught before him and that he participates little have mounted my excitement. I liked to offer...
Hi, my name is Carole, better known as Slutrocknroll.I'm going to tell you how I came to the empty balls of my neighborhood and my friends.You must know, that I have always loved sex. I met my husbands at 27, and soon we turned to libertinism. I started with a trio with a man and my husband. Then we brought two men home, and that's when my husband started taking pictures and videos. The fact of being caught before him and that he participates little have mounted my excitement. I liked to offer...
Chapter 5b - Becoming the Neighborhood SlutPart 2-Fireworks (lots of setup, not as much sex)It was the bicentennial 4th of July and the whole neighborhood was going to be doing food and fireworks to celebrate. I woke up late due to my late night hijnks the night before, and I looked outside to see people setting up tables and and getting various chairs and grills ready for the later festivities. My folks never really participated in these things, they were much more prone to stay at home. I...
Hi, readers. It’s your writer here, with the continuation of the story titled ‘The Neighborhood Lady’. This is part 2 for you all people, and I guarantee this would be a fun ride. You could read the part one here. For all you folks who don’t know me, I’m an anonymous male writer based in Chennai. I’ve had my couple of fun times, which I’d be sharing here. This is the second part of my previous story ‘The Neighborhood Lady’ and the third and final part would be released after this. And like...
Managing the neighborhood The business explained Ken sat relaxed in his chair while ms Robson was sucking his dick. He tooka sip from his beer, and than took up his belt again and smacked it hard onthe naked ass of ms Robson. "More enthusiasm bitch!" he shouted at her. Immediatelyms Robson pumped harder on his dick. Yeah, Ken had it all arranged. He looked out at the window to the house atthe opposite of the street. There he knew was now the beautiful ms Dawton fuckingwith a bunch of customers....
"Here we are," said Fred, turning the moving van on to Washington Avenue. Amber reached over to grab his arm. "I hope this is a good idea." "Everything will be fine," replied her husband. "This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't need to do this." "Honey, it's alright. Things will work themselves out." "Are they all black?" "As far as I could tell. Quit worrying. It's an older neighborhood. No gangs or drugs. I've checked it all out. The crime rate is low....
It’s not like I live in a tight-knit neighborhood. There are no community outings, barbecues, yard sales, etc. The neighbors are all friendly to each other though. We wave as we drive by and verbally greet each other and engage in brief, banal chit-chat if we see one another in the yard, walking, etc. So, the new people that moved in across the street, a woman about my age (early sixties) and a daughter who looked to be about twenty or so, were stand-offish by our standards. I’d made several...
Straight SexAuthor note: This story is completely fictional but it is based on experiences over a lifetime. Many of those experiences have been embellished in this story. All characters are at least 18 years of age. I broke down the story into chapters and I will submit it one chapter at a time. The series will continue as long as I get positive feedback. Suggestions for additional chapters are welcome through the comment section or e-mail. I have already used some previous suggestions and requests from...
It hadn't been the same up on the mountain since she left. It had been five years now and I was starting to forget her face ...finally. It has been pretty quiet too since the Donaldsons left, packed up about nine months ago. They said it was too quiet and secluded, and didn't want to spend another winter. Hell, that's why I built my place here. To each his own. I used to be a photographer, many years ago. Started in fashion, hated it. Then got into music. I loved that, pictures of the best...
VoyeurAfter about a week of being stuck at the house I was needing to be fucked by someone besides my tiny dick fast fucking husband. The more I thought about it the wetter my fat pussy got my husband was standing at the window and I heard him say damn you're not the only one who's horny. Neighbor across the street is checking the mail wearing nothing but a tight shirt and a pair of panties which is all in her pussy. Bullshit I jumped up saying taking a look for my self & sure enough there she...
Living with Barbara has been lot of fun. and of course unlimited sex. I have gone to fuck Gina and a couple of her friends, and the three girl at the hotel. I even walked in on my Barbara getting fucked by one of her clients. After they were done, and came out of the spare room. I was sitting on the sofa with a look of what the fuck is going on here, caused her client to stop in his tracks and said oh fuck. He said I am sorry man, she didn't tell me she had a boyfriend, I am really sorry....
We were four recent, white (and broke) college grads who met when we all started work as IT consultants in a middling-sized firm downtown. Josh, Paul, Randy and I (I’m Bill) saved money by finding a house to rent together. The place would never win any architectural awards, and we decided the plumbing was probably out of the 19 th century. Four bedrooms, three baths, a backyard with a patio, and, as they say, location, location, location. It came with a neighborhood to die for. The whole thing...
ExhibitionismLast day of our Gang bang vacation in this quiet neighborhood. My fuck buddy and his friend have been doing a great job giving pleasure to all my holes. I have been mostly naked for three days now and I don't know how many people have seen me this past few days. My fuck buddy also invited the neighborhood security earlier to join in the fun and he let him borrow me for a few couple of hours. We went to the security guards apartment and I stayed there while my fuck buddy and his friend went out...
"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing, white boy?" he demanded.I replied, "I'm just out for a run and I've seem to lost track of the time and which way I was headed. I was going to see if I could get some help.""Well you're not going to get any help from that house, no one is even home. And I wouldn't be hanging out here all by yourself if I were you." He says. "Why don't you come over here and I'll help you out, I don't think you want to tangle with those thugs." He pointed down the...
If you've read my other stories, you know that I'm a bi-sexual guy who loves shemales as well as guys. Well, this story happened after Kelly had been living with me for about 6 months. I had been a through a nasty divorce, lost pretty much everything and then came into a large sum of money in one of my business deals so I bought a house in a nice, middle class neighborhood in SoCal. It is a two story, 4 bedroom with a big backyard that had a pool already when I bought it. I had a jacuzzi...
He was just a fella from the neighborhood. In his low 20’s, kind of awkward, but a good looking guy. I remember when he was a little k** just being a “pain in the ass”, doing all kind of stupid stuff. He was a little older than my youngest daughter who he always had a crush on. She loved him like a brother and still does, but it went no further than that. His parents broke up about 5 years ago and they all left the neighborhood upon the sale of their home. I think that he feels that this is...
New Neighborhood, Part 2After fucking like mad people for 2 hours now... Sam and Me, We reached Mark's party pretty late after the amazing fuck session we just finished in my bedroom. Everyone from the neighborhood was there dresses as total porn stars.. All guys in their satin boxers and girls in their teddies or bras and thongs.. Thank god I didn't wear the teddy.. My C-sting and 1/4th cup bra and sheer pullover so stood out.. I could feel eyes on me as soon as Sam and me walked in. The party...
Hie,this is Prameet srivastava from kanpur.This story is about my neighborhood aunt bubbli singh..Bubbli aunty was very conservative lady..She has dark complex but very attractive figure…She has huge boobs..She looks like bipasha basu…She is tall…Everybody wants to bang her at least once… She used to like me as I was very very good in my study…She was a very good lady till year 2010… Then their family left our neighborhood and settled in delhi… Slowly with the time,we lost contact of her. I...
Thoughts If I hadn't already had Bill as my owner, I might have pursued Mr. X and offered myself fully to him. He gives me so much of what I truly want and need. It's a special thing when a self-aware fembot offers herself to a human. The terms Love, Honor, and Obey, as well as For Better or For Worse, have singular meanings for us. Such a decision is always a carefully considered one. One which is virtually never revoked afterwards by the fembot. Even with my current ownership record,...
Sunday morning was living up to its name, with the sunshine streaming in Gary’s bedroom window, so he tried to turn over, away from the sun, but found that his arm was pinned down by something, something warm and soft, and that smelled really good. He cracked an eye open, and saw the beauty of Leanne sleeping next to him. He wriggled around a little, just enough to turn onto his side, and wrapped his arms around her again. He kissed her softly just behind her ear, and got a small moan from...
The day was hot, about 80 degrees, and everywhere in the neighborhood you looked you saw tank tops or tshirts and shorts. Working in the back yard I heard voices from Kevin's own yard beyond the high fence. Knowing that if I went upstairs I could look down into their yard, invading their privacy, but after seeing what I had seen earlier I didn't care. Getting a pepsi from the fridge I went upstairs and looked out the window. On the deck, lying on a lounge chair in the bright sun, was...
To start off my name is Tara. I'm a 5'6" blonde, 32, and very happily married. My husband is a great man, and I love him dearly, but lately our sex life has left much to be desired. About six months ago we moved into a new house in a very nice neighborhood in the suburbs. A couple weeks after we moved in my husband Bill and I were doing some cleaning around the house when the doorbell rang. Bill said he would answer and did just that. A couple minutes later he calls "Honey! Come here for a...
Group SexThis is the first story. If you want to take a walk through wonderful city of Milftown, this is where you have to start from. We are introduced to some of the main characters: The busty bombshell Ingrid Mitchell, her 20 years old well endowed daughter Lorna and the nosy neighborhood boy Ralph. All characters are over 18 years of age! The Neighborhood Milf – part 1 This is the first story. If you want to take a walk through wonderful Milftown, this is where you have to start from. We are...
MILFMy name is Mike, I am a 30 year old emergency room physician, just your average guy standing 5'7 and 170 lbs with average looks and a charming personality, but I pack a 10 inch long 5 inch diameter cock. That's one of things my wife loved about me, the way it stuffed her tiny pink cunt and stretched her little pink ass. My wife had a daughter Hayleigh, from a previous relationship but I loved her like she was my own.When my wife died in a car crash about 3 years ago, my stepdaughter Hayleigh...
This is where she comes in, not exactly what I had in mind, but she was very attractive. Jenny was the new woman that had moved in with her family. At first I didn’t really think anything of her because I had never really seen her in person. My neighborhood pretty much kept to themselves and never really had any get to gathers. So a couple months passed and my sophomore year in high school had just ended. It was now summer time, the usual sleeping in, eating junk food, going outside and...
Shortly after we moved in, we went roving around our clothing-optional neighborhood. We just knew there would be gorgeous young naked chicks on every corner begging for us to satisfy their lustful needs. Think again. In a clothing optional environment, most people should opt for clothing. Honestly. There were few people our age, whether male or female, clothed or naked, living, dead, or anywhere in between. The neighbor’s on one side were a middle-aged couple who had consumed about three too...
We were four recent, white (and broke) college grads who met when we all started work as IT consultants in a middling-sized firm downtown. Josh, Paul, Randy and I (I’m Bill) saved money by finding a house to rent together. The place would never win any architectural awards, and we decided the plumbing was probably out of the 19 th century. Four bedrooms, three baths, a backyard with a patio, and, as they say, location, location, location. It came with a neighborhood to die for. The whole thing...
You are finally out in the real world. Your career choice of freelance web designer for being risky has a lot of benefits, Such as hours, pay and of course you run your own life. Your senior project was so good you college bought it from you and was willing to pay you a stipend for maintaining the site. With that money you were able put down a down payment on this house and afford the mortgage. The neighborhood is a quite middle class neighborhood named "Everhard". This is the town you went to...
"Welcome to the Neighborhood, "says a beautiful woman sitting at what appears to a normal suburban kitchen table. She looks like a normal Middle class wife, long blond hair with black roots starting to show. No make up and her glasses on top of her head. "I know you are sitting there with your adult family... that's right your children have turned 18 and now ready to really join what we called "The Life". I know that there is a lot of questions floating out there so I will answer a few of them...
TeenAs the sun sets on another day you prepare to set out to keep your neighborhood secure. You're a member of the neighborhood watch!
BDSMYou are new to the neighborhood and have just settled in as you sit on the couch when you hear the doorbell ring. You get up from the couch and peer out the window. A young lady that stands about 5'2" with red short hair and glasses on stands on the doorstep. You open the door and see that the woman has a beautiful figure with a really nice ass. The woman introduces herself..." Hello my name is Erin. I would like to welcome you to the neighborhood. If you would like I would love to invite...
I’ve decided to include one of my online friends to my list of Neighborhood Milfs. A virtual neighbor, so to speak. Lillian is someone I met through xhamster. The blue-eyed beauty with short, frosted hair has similar interests as myself, and I enjoy chatting with her. She said she came out of her shell late in life also, and is having some of the best sex of her life. Lillian is quite a bit more outgoing than I am, showing off her body in live webcam shows once a week. She seems to be very...
I moved from a big city to this small city, or big town, several years ago. The house I bought is on the edge of town in an old neighborhood where the lots are big and houses aren’t packed closely together. What I didn’t realize at first is that everyone around here makes it their business to know everybody else’s business. I had been here for several months when one of those hard- to- ignore horny attacks hit me. I was dying for a nice juicy cock. As it happened, one weekday afternoon I came...
Gay MaleOur neighborhood is blessed with plenty of beautiful people that just happen to have extremely active sex lives. Whether it's secret affairs, open swinging and threesomes, or just healthy sex between husband and wife in the privacy of their own bedroom, there is never a dull moment on our block.The newest addition to our swinging community is Will & Violet, a young couple that bought the old Hatfield house at the end of the block. Violet and I go back a few years from our time working...
So no shit there he was, Terence thought. As he pulled up to the house at the center of the cul-de-sac; all the houses looked similar in paint and construction to the one he’d purchased. The elderly gate guard was the only other black man he had seen in the community on his way in. Indeed, Terence was likely the only black man residing in this community. That just served to anger him more about his present situation. Terence had been a soldier, a decorated veteran. He had lead men during...
While almost everyone in our neighborhood has a pretty healthy attitude about sex, and an openness about it, some people just keep to themselves and don't feel the need to join in our sexual games. Our next door neighbors Fred and Lannie are one such couple. Fred travels all over the country for his marketing business, while she is a retired professor from the University, who occasionally fills in as a substitute teacher at the local high school. They're both rather quiet, but very nice people....
One thing about living in a small neighborhood is that it’s pretty hard to keep a secret. News travels fast, especially if it involves anything having to do with sex. My certain circle of friends that likes to fool around is no longer a big secret. It’s common knowledge that DJ and I like to play, and I have no problem with that reputation. The fact that I enjoy women is another hot topic.Last month while I was out on my daily morning walk I crossed paths with Scarlett, a tall, slender woman...
My friend Joanna doesn’t actually qualify as a “Neighborhood Milf” because for one, she doesn’t live in the neighborhood, having moved to Florida right after high school, where she has lived ever since. Two, she can’t really be considered a “Mom I’d like to fuck” because she isn’t a mother. Joanna came out of the closet years ago, and has lived with her lesbian partner for almost thirty years. You would have never never figured this back in high school, where she went out with several guys, and...
If you haven't read the last episode, please go back and check it out. he told me I was in charge. What ever I wanted to do, I could. If i "needed it" the vasoline was there. And the rest will have to wait.... My y0ung cock was as hard as it ever had been and poked out the front of the panties leaving a huge wet spot. I looked down at Mr. V and reached for his hard cock. Even though I had swallowed a massive load of cum from him...
Not everyone in our group that I like to call the “Neighborhood Milfs” is actually from our neighborhood. Kate is our insurance agent who lives just on the other side of the bridge in Wisconsin. The fellow redhead was a year ahead of me in school, and was always considered to be kind of a nerd. But the petite bookworm seemed to do pretty well for herself, marrying some rich bigwig from one of the local manufacturing plants. Kate probably didn’t need to work, but DJ and and I have always been...
Most people realize that their occupation and resulting pay level determines the location and type of housing they can afford. Some of those just starting out in life don’t have the resources or earning power to buy a home and end up living in apartments. I was fortunate that even with just an associate degree in medical technology; and a little help from my parents, my salary was just barely enough to allow my young family to buy a starter home.My name is Ryan, and I lived with my parents in...
CuckoldOur neighborhood is is full of sexy women, and I love the fact that several of them share my taste for lesbian sex. However not everyone on the block is into that. Bianca is a young sandy haired blond whose husband owns a local car dealership. I think she just turned thirty and has the tight body of a teenager. Bianca isn’t technically a MILF, not having any c***dren, but the young housewife is still the dream of many men in our neighborhood, both young and old. She gives Brandi a run for her...
Our neighborhood has always had it’s share of excitement, with our circle of sexually active couples that like to push the envelope when it comes to fooling around. Whether it be the naked pool parties, wife swapping, lesbian trysts, or sex toy parties, you can always count on our block to keep things interesting.Brenda is a divorced 45-year-old that has to be the leader when it comes to sexual partners. Although I don’t think she’s been with other women, it’s no secret that the attractive blue...
Our neighborhood is never one that is lacking entertainment. Whether it’s the occasional party that gets out of hand, nude sunbathing, wife swapping, lesbian trysts, or just general gossip about who’s screwing who, you can always count on there to be a bit of sexual energy in the air.Hazel hasn’t even been on our block for a year, and she was already a hot topic of many rumors, especially after the little welcome fling we had the day she moved in. The college professor constantly had young men...
Shortly after we moved in, we went roving around our clothing-optional neighborhood. We just knew there would be gorgeous young naked chicks on every corner begging for us to satisfy their lustful needs. Think again. In a clothing optional environment, most people should opt for clothing. Honestly. There were few people our age, whether male or female, clothed or naked, living, dead, or anywhere in between. The neighbor’s on one side were a middle-aged couple who had consumed about three too...
ExhibitionismAlannah walked purposefully down the street, shoulders back, head up, doing her best to look intimidating. She'd worn a tight white dress that began at her amazing cleavage and ended only a little down her thighs. Her dirty blonde hair fell down her shoulders and curled at the tips, her big lips were ruby red and her green eyes were smoky with her maskara, she was, after all, going to confront a man, a black one at that, and would need every asset she had. All the c***dren were in school and...
Our neighborhood had a little excitement last week, when a moving van showed up at n front of the old Carlson house, that had sat empty for the past year and a half. Rumor has it the new tenant was a recently widowed professor from the University. I thought someone had their facts mixed up, because from across the street it appeared to be a tall blonde in her thirties or forties that was moving in.Trying not to look too nosy, I realized my view from the living room window was blocked, so I went...