GreeniesChapter 14A free porn video

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MPG Base, Eden
August 25, 2146

Jeff Waters took a drag off his cigarette and looked at the five cards in his hand thoughtfully. He was pretty new to poker, had only been taught the basics of it a week ago, but in that week, as he and the rest of the 17th ACR spent hour after hour, day after day in the interior assembly area near the outside wall of the base, he'd played the game a lot, enough to know he stood a decent chance of taking the pot this hand. Hicks, who had dealt, had chosen five-card draw, jacks or better to open. He'd given Jeff a pair of fours, a pair of eights, and a deuce. Nobody else around the table was looking particularly enthused with what they held. This suspicion was confirmed when Zen Valentine, who was sitting next to Hicks, and Steve Sanchez, who was sitting next to Zen, both checked, unable to open. That brought the first bet over to Jeff.

He licked his lips for a moment as he thought the situation over. His first instinct, his gut reaction, was to throw down the maximum bet — one credit — immediately. He resisted this impulse. It would probably do nothing more than make the entire table fold at once, leaving his pot nothing more than the half of a credit that made up the ante. It would be better if he played them up a little first, drew them in.

"I'll open for two tenths," he said.

His PC, which was open before him and utilizing the standard poker program he'd downloaded when the game was first introduced to him, heard his words and automatically subtracted .2 credits from his bank account and transferred it to Hicks' computer, where it was stored in an escrow folder known as "the pot".

"Fuck my ass," said Xenia Stoner, who sitting next to him. She was dressed in her MPG T-shirt and shorts like everyone else but the lack of a bra beneath it was plainly obvious and quite a distraction to the males at the table. "I'll bump you a tenth."

"Three tenths to me, huh?" said Hicks. "What the fuck? It's only credits. I'm in. What about you, Zen?"

"I'm in this motherfucker too," said Valentine. "Three tenths."

Steve Sanchez, at sergeant, was both the oldest and the highest ranking at the table, the only one among them who had been a member of the MPG prior to the revolution. He made a look of disgust. "I'm out," he said, throwing his cards down. "Somehow I don't think this jack-high I'm holding is gonna be improved much."

This brought it back around to Jeff. "You still in, Waters?" Hicks asked. "Or do you need to call your mommy first to check?"

"Still in," Jeff said. "Another tenth to the pot."

Hicks' PC made the announcement that the pot was now right with one point seven Martian credits in it.

The five of them at the poker table were all members of the 17th Armored Cavalry Regiment, as was every one of the other 1736 men and 755 women currently stuffed into this particular staging area. It was very crowded, very noisy in here, with a haze of tobacco smoke obscuring the view across the room. The entire regiment had been deployed to their defensive positions the day the first Earthling landings took place but they'd been pulled back into the base as soon as it became clear the Earthlings were following strict doctrine and would have to march to the city to fight. The 17th ACR had been on what was called "one hour readiness" ever since. This meant that every last one of them could be back in those defensive positions, armed, armored, supplied, and ready to fight, in less than sixty minutes if the call-up came. Unfortunately, the only way to insure this one hour state of readiness was to keep all of the personnel in a holding area close to their biosuits and the airlocks to the outside. They couldn't drink alcohol or smoke marijuana. They were not allowed to make voice or text message or to send any other form of communication out of the base. They could shower and shave but that was only about once every three days at the rate the waiting list was going. To make it all worse, the cigarette supply — which came from Earth and was therefore getting pretty low planetwide — was quickly dwindling to the point that packs of smokes were going for twenty credits apiece or two hundred and fifty dollars.

The sheer boredom was a worse enemy than the marines. About the only thing there was to do was watch MarsGroup on the Internet screens or play poker. Jeff and Hicks had both decided that the latter of these choices was far superior. Their companions at the table — Sanchez, Valentine, and Xenia — were the crew of one of the tanks that provided overwatch to their platoon when they were out in the field.

"Okay... cards?" Hicks asked, picking up the deck. "How many you want, Mr. Jacks or better?"

Jeff took the deuce out of his hand and tossed it down in front of Hicks. "Just one," he said.

There was a murmur around the table at his actions, a few disquieted looks. Jeff did a good job of keeping his poker face neutral, especially when he looked at the new card he'd been given and saw it was another four. He had a full house! A full fucking house!

But Xenia only took one card as well. What did she have? Had she just pulled down a full house as well? If she had, odds were that it would be higher than the paltry fours over eights he was holding. He looked at her, trying to read her emotions but it was impossible. She had been playing the game longer than Jeff.

"Could be I have straight flush," she told him sweetly when she saw his perusal. "Or it could be I have a broken straight. That's what makes the game interesting, isn't it, Waters?"

Jeff returned her smile, an expression he'd rarely offered to anyone in the past, particularly people of the female persuasion. He, like all of the other men at the table, was strongly attracted to her although he held very few illusions about actually having a chance with her. In the first place, he was still married to Belinda, the woman who was still sitting back in their one bedroom apartment in the Heights, living off welfare money, contributing nothing to the revolution, her ambition in life to pump out her one child so she could score the extra bedroom and the extra welfare allotments that came with it. Jeff had no problem with the thought of cheating on her, in fact he planned to never touch her again, to dissolve their blessed union as soon as the fighting was over and he had a chance to take a little breather, but the most significant barrier between himself and Xenia was their upbringing. Xenia had been brought up in an employed family living in the Casting Meadows section of Eden — a solid, middle-class neighborhood. Her father had been a mid-level manager for MarsTrans, one of the highest positions a Martian could hope to rise to in the Earthling corporate system. Xenia herself was an educated woman, the holder of a bachelor's degree in agricultural engineering. She had been working for AgriCorp as a planting supervisor when the revolution came. She was articulate and well spoken, everything Jeff fancied he wasn't. He knew there couldn't possibly be anything she would see in a multi-generational ghetto dweller five years her junior, but still, she was always friendly to him, always had a kind word to say to him, and genuinely seemed to like his company despite their differences. In the back of his mind there was a part that always seemed to be wondering if there was some spark there.

"This is startin' to look really bad," said Hicks. "Dealer takes two. How bout you, Zen? What do ya, want?"

"Three," Valentine said in disgust. He slapped his discards down hard enough to send one flying off the table. Hicks picked it up wordlessly and then dealt him three more.

"Okay," Hicks said after giving everyone a minute or so to peruse their cards, "the bet's to you, Waters. What do ya say?"

"Half a credit," he said.

"Hmmm," said Xenia, casting a wary eye upon him. "Someone seems to think he has something going on here."

"Could be," Jeff said. "You in?"

"I'll see your half and raise you another quarter credit," she said.

"Fuck this shit," Hicks said, tossing down his cards. "Dealer folds."

"I'm out too," said Zen. His cards joined Hicks'.

"Well?" Xenia asked Jeff. "You gonna put up?"

Just what did she have? Was she bluffing? Or did she really have his full house beat? Did she think he was bluffing? He decided to push the envelope a little. "I'll see your quarter and raise you another half," he said.

She hardly blinked. "Call," she said. "Let's see what you got, tough boy."

He took a deep breath and laid his cards on the table. "Full house," he said. "Fours over eights."

Her poker face collapsed, turning to a frown of disgust. "Oh fuck me raw with an apple picker," she said. She put her cards down. They were the eight through queen, all in a nice order but of multiple suits. "I thought you were bluffing. I finally fill in a goddamn straight and your scraggly ass gets a full house. I hate this game."

"Its kind of a microcosm of life, wouldn't you say?" Sanchez asked, giving her a meaningful look. He was on the prowl for her as well and seemed to be hoping that his status as a semi-educated man would help make a connection with her. Sometimes it seemed like it was working, sometimes, like now for instance, it didn't.

"What the fuck's a microcosm?" Hicks asked. Like Jeff, he was a product of the ghetto school system, which was to say he had dropped out shortly after ninth grade and was barely literate.

"A small example that symbolizes a larger concept," Xenia replied, flashing her warm look, her smile at Hicks now.

"Huh?" he asked.

"It's like this poker game, this hand we just played," she said. "You can look at it as a microcosm of the war."

"How's that?" asked Jeff.

She looked at him. "You're a beginner to this game," she said. "Someone that a more experienced player like me would assume an easy target, a walkover. You bet high and risked a lot while I assumed you were trying a half-assed bluff to try to rook me out of the pot. However you weren't really bluffing. You were sitting there with a full house to my straight. I let you draw me in because of my underestimation of your knowledge and abilities and I got my ass kicked. You represent us greenies. I represent the Earthlings. The hand was a microcosm of what's going on outside in the wastelands. Do you understand now?"

"Whoa," said Hicks, his eyes showing awe. "That is fuckin' static, Xenia. Damn, I wish I had me some AgriCorp green to think that one over with."

"No shit," said Jeff. "I think I fuckin' love you."

She giggled and actually blushed a little. "I'm sure your wife wouldn't be too thrilled to hear your proclamation, but I'm glad I could help explain the concept to you. Now then, shall we deal?"

"Oh... right," Hicks said. He looked down at his PC. "Waters takes the pot. Valentine deals."

"Four point two credits transferred to Waters' account," the PC replied. "Deal transferred to Valentine."

"Right," Valentine said, picking up the cards. "I guess this is a microcosm of tomorrow, right? A shuffle of the cards, a new hand, a new set of circumstances to symbolize what is going to be thrown at us next."

"Exactly!" Xenia said, delighted, giving him the warm look now. "Very well put."

Valentine shrugged, feigning shyness. "Not bad for vermin, huh?"

"I wish you guys would stop calling yourselves that," Xenia said. "It's such an offensive word."

"It doesn't offend us," Valentine said, "so why should it offend you if we call ourselves what we are?"

"Because a vermin is a parasite, something that leaches off of society," Xenia said. "To apply it to a human being is... well... wrong."

"Is that what it means?" Hicks said angrily. "Motherfuck! Now I am pissed!"

"I gotta say," Jeff said, "that I never really knew the exact definition of that word either, but now that it's pointed out to me, I guess you employed people had it right on the money, didn't you?"

"I never used that word," Xenia said, perhaps a little defensively.

"I did," Sanchez admitted, "but I know now that I was wrong to."

"You guys ain't gotta get all politically correct on us about it," Valentine said. "I was vermin and I admit it. My grandmother was a doctor, you know, a fuckin' doctor pulling in the big dollars but the Earthlings took her medical license away back in 2102 when my dad was just twelve years old. They did that 'cause she was pushin' for better medical care for the vermin. Ever since then, our family has been vermin too, doing just what the definition of the word means, living off of society, using society's resources, and not giving anything back in return. Why should I argue about what I am? Why should I be offended for being called what I am?"

"Yeah!" Hicks said, righteously. "It ain't like it was by choice we're vermin."

"It's just the way things are," Jeff said. "Zen's right. You don't have to worry about offending us."

Xenia and Sanchez looked at each other for a moment and then at their companions. "I understand," Sanchez said. "And that too was very well put."

"Fuckin' aye," said Xenia, "but you can't call yourself that anymore."

"What?" Hicks said.

"Didn't you hear what we just said?" asked Jeff.

"You are contributing to society now," Xenia told them. "You're making the most important contribution possible. The definition no longer applies to you."

Valentine nodded agreeably. "I suppose you have a point," he said.

"Fuckin' aye," agreed Jeff.

"We gonna play some more, or what?" said Hicks. "This shit is getting a little deep."

"Right," said Sanchez. He had been shuffling the cards during the entire conversation. Now he began throwing them down on the table, face down. "Seven card stud. Lowball. Deuces are anti-wild. Ante up."

"Deuces are fuckin' anti-wild?" Xenia said as everyone else anted up. Anti-wild meant that a two would be considered a higher card than a king in a game where getting the lowest cards was the goal.

"You don't like it, deal yourself out," Sanchez said.

She shook her head. "I'll beat your ass anti-wild or no anti-wild. Ante up," she told her PC. It anted.

"Look at it this way," said Jeff. "An anti-wild deuce in lowball is another microcosm of the war."

Everyone looked at him, interested.

"In what way?" Xenia asked.

Jeff looked back at them for a moment and then laughed. "Fuck if I know," he finally said. "It just seemed like some cool shit to say."

A high-pitched tone suddenly sounded throughout the room, loud enough to be heard by everyone over the background noise of the overcrowded staging area. This was the attention signal, its purpose to let everyone know that something of importance was about to come over the video system. Five meter high-resolution screens were mounted on the walls at just above head level, their spacing every twenty meters. Additional, smaller screens hung down from the ceiling every fifty meters in the interior of the room. At the tone everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked at the screen nearest them. A few people had to shuffle around and change position but by the time the logo of the MPG appeared, the entire regiment was able to see the view.

The face of Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Martin, commanding officer of the 17th ACR, appeared on the screens. Colonel Martin had been known as Captain Martin prior to the revolution and it was his company that had rolled on the southern flank of the WestHem marines and pinned them into their barracks from that side. He had been promoted and placed in charge of integrating a motley collection of new recruits, non-combat assigned MPG members, and veteran combat unit members into a cohesive fighting unit with a hope in hell of taking on a superior force of marines. Like most MPG commanding officers his means of doing this was brutal, realistic, and repetitive training.

"Good evening, men and women of the 17th," he said now. "I'm coming to you live from a room not four hundred meters away, and, like all briefings, this one is being transmitted to you on the closed circuit system only. Unlike our WestHem friends, we prefer to keep our operational briefings confined to the troops who will be operating under them and not broadcast to the general public as popular entertainment. In other words, what I'm about to say here needs to stay here."

"As if we could get out to tell anyone about it anyway," Hicks said, half jokingly, half contemptuously.

"Shut the fuck up," Jeff told him. "This sounds like some important shit he's gonna be spouting."

"You shut the fuck up," Hicks returned. "You're just a fuckin' private like me. You can't be telling me..."

"I'm a fuckin' sergeant," Sanchez interrupted. "So I can be tellin' you and I am tellin' both of you, shut your asses."

They shut their asses even though technically Sanchez — since he wasn't their sergeant or in their unit — wasn't allowed to tell them what to do.

"As you know from last night's briefing," Martin continued, "our special forces units and our air wing put a major hurt on the marine units yesterday, particularly upon their air cover. Our most conservative estimates are that better than thirty percent of the WestHem combat hovers deployed from the Eden LZ were put out of action, our more realistic estimates put that number at our about fifty percent."

Cheers erupted from the ACR troops as well as a considerable amount of profanity and contemptuous crotch grabbing. Martin, who was being fed an audio link to the room, waited until it died down a bit before continuing.

"As for enemy casualties," he said, "we're estimating that the mortar attacks and the sniper attacks alone put better than two hundred marines out of action. That number includes a significant amount of their officers and squad leaders. They were stung and quite badly, just as our doctrine predicted."

Another symphony of cheers, jeers, and general sneers erupted, this time lasting a bit longer.

"But that was yesterday," Martin said. "Today is another story. There are still a shitload of WestHem marines out there and they spent the bulk of today readying themselves to perform the task they came here to do. All day long they've been unloading their armored vehicles from the landing ships, fueling them, supplying them, and getting themselves ready to start their march towards Eden. Now I know you all saw this on the big three channels today since the Earthlings were kind enough to broadcast their preparations for us and transmit them out..."

There were chuckles at his words. The big three had indeed spent the day showing the marines readying for their march with video clips and even live reports from several of the landing ships. Nor was that all. General Wrath had actually gone on live at one point and drawn out on a computer screen the actual formation his units would assemble in and the route they would take to get to both Eden and New Pittsburgh. He had even been kind enough to show the approximate location they planned to set up their fueling and resupply points halfway to their objective.

"... but," Martin continued, "it is still my duty and obligation to give you an official briefing on what is facing us out there and to show you our intelligence department's best guess on their overall intentions. So... with that in mind, let me show you some satellite overheads of the Eden LZ. These were taken just before sunset tonight." The screen changed to show a high-resolution image of the ten square kilometers around the landing zone. The large shapes of the landing ships were plainly visible. Gathered all around them were the tinier shapes of various armored vehicles — a lot of armored vehicles.

"This is what we're going to be facing, people," Martin's voice said. "There are three thousand tanks down there, more than seven thousand armored personnel carriers, six hundred mobile artillery pieces, four hundred anti-air vehicles, and almost three hundred supply train units capable of carrying hydrogen fuel, liquid oxygen, extra ammunition of all types, food, water, and portable air packs for the troops. In short, we're looking at a full-scale ground invasion of anywhere from ninety to one hundred thousand troops."

An uncomfortable silence suddenly enveloped the room as everyone pondered those numbers. One hundred thousand troops? Three thousand tanks? Seven thousand APCs?

"I know what you're all thinking," Martin told them. "That's a fuck-load of WestHem marines and armor coming at us. I'm not denying this. But I'm also here to tell you that I don't think it's enough to take us."

There were some murmurs, many of them disbelieving in tone, some of them downright hostile.

"Look, people," Martin said, "I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that all this patriotic bullshit is easy for me to say since I'm going to be sitting nice and safe in the command center while you guys are out there in the wastelands facing down these marines and their armor. And since we're an armored cav unit our job, of course, is to be out in front. The ACRs advance to contact on offense and stand on the first line on defense. You'll be forty kilometers out there, in the Jutfield Gap, waiting for the marine ACRs to come marching in. You're thinking that I don't give a shit whether you live or die, as long as you kill enough marines before they take your position." He looked hard into the camera, making it seem like he was addressing each soldier personally. "Well you're wrong about that. I do give a shit about each and every one of you and I wouldn't have agreed to send you out there if I thought you were going to be slaughtered. That is not what MPG doctrine is about and that is not what I am about. My first goal — even before repelling the marines and keeping them from taking our city — is the welfare of the soldiers under my command. MPG doctrine commands that this be my goal. We will take casualties out there — unfortunately there is no way to avoid that — but I swear before Laura Whiting herself that they will be as minimal as possible. If it starts looking bad out there, if it starts looking like the marines are getting the upper hand, you will be pulled back. And if it starts looking like they're going to rout us, I will order surrender. General Jackson agrees with this strategy himself, he insists upon it, and he is prepared to surrender Eden to the marines if it looks like the cost of repelling them will be too high. We're not out here to sacrifice ourselves, people. We're out here to make those Earthling motherfuckers sacrifice themselves. If we can't do that, we give up. That is our doctrine and it always will be. Does everyone understand that?"

Everyone seemed to understand it. There were some more murmurs, some more disquieted talk, but no open dissent.

"All right then," Martin said. "Having beaten that point into the ground, let me offer you some concrete strategic information." The screens changed, showing a breakdown of the main MPG forces assigned to the Eden theater of operations.

"As I said before," Martin told them. "The ACRs will be out in front, the first units to make major contact with the OPFOR. There are three armored cavalry regiments based in Eden, ourselves, the 9th, and the 14th. All three of us will be spread through the first line of defense in the Jutfield Gap, the very same area we've been training in all these weeks. We know every inch of this ground, every rock, every boulder, every grain of sand. We have defensive positions dug atop every single hill out in this gap and our tank and APC drivers know every route through and around those hills. The 9th ACR will be deployed in defensive zone two on the southern end of the gap. The 14th will be deployed in defensive zone three on the northern end. And we, the 17th ACR, will be covering zone one, right smack in the middle of the gap, covering the most likely avenue of advance the OPFOR will take.

"As you are aware, each one of our armored cavalry regiments consists of three infantry battalions, one tank battalion, and one support battalion consisting of mortar teams, medivac units, vehicle repair and rescue units, and re-supply units. The infantry units will dismount and man their hilltop positions. This will give us approximately six thousand soldiers spread throughout the gap from one end to the other with overlapping fields of fire. The APCs that transported you will provide heavy machine gun support and sixty millimeter cannon support. The tank battalions will be deployed to the flanks of their respective regiments to keep the WestHem tanks at bay and to cover your retreat when it comes time to fall back to the next position. Artillery and air support will be provided by the 2nd Infantry division, who will be holding the main line of defense, and the Eden air wing, which will be operating on rapid turn-around deployment.

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The Valentine8217s Day Trap

I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read all my stories at or you can also do a search by name “Akshay Ganna” inside the website (as some experiences are not listed under my profile page). The incident I am narrating now happened on 14th Feb 2014. A day I would always remember forever. I came to the office an hour early to start my work....

4 years ago
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Sarahs farm adventures pt2

Part 2: CuriosityThis part took place sometime in May, I was sure of this because I had seen the flowers blooming and the crops were at their peak for the season. I also recall summer being near, due to the warmer weather and I had just turned fortein a few weeks back. I still seemed to be very much addicted to masturbation, and for a while I had thoughts of what it would be like to have sex frequently crossing the back of my mind whenever I did it. You see... At the time I had only heard of...

3 years ago
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Asian Slut part 1

Rhodora. was a Filipina, 24 years old and raised in Canada. She is a thin build but curvy enough that she looked smoking hot in jeans. She works in a hospital as a medical records clerk. Recently she just broke up with her white boyfriend of 3 years. Tre is black, 25 and very well built due to all the time he loves to spend at the gym. Tre also works as the same hospital as Rhodora. He has often seen Rho. in and around work and had been smitten by how beautiful she was. She never...

1 year ago
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My part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! it all started wen I was boy I havnt seen my cusin in a long time, I was at a family party at the family camp, I was swimming wen I saw her. she came runing out of her moms and dads truck giving higs left and right. I came out of the water to dry off and give hugs too. (i wasnt fully dry) she ran up and gave me a hug i huged her back (oh god feeling her young boobs under he shurt got me half hard) i saw that she hand a wite shurt after we stoped hugin...

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SolaraChapter 5

Lt. Cmdr. Jenkins started getting everyone up as we past 200AU and transitioned to near space of the star. Deceleration was in progress and relative speed was already down to 200,000kps as we needed to keep a close watch on the systems Oort cloud and any wayward asteroids. At this distance we were able to confirm the findings of the late twentieth century in the possible existence of one or more planets inside the inner asteroid belt; we found two. Epsilon Eridani: a K2V star, U-B color...

1 year ago
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Best Christmas Ever

100% fiction! It was Christmas time; I am 18 years old and male. I always spent Christmas with my whole family; Mum, Step-Dad, Uncle, Aunty (All on Step-Dads side of the family) my aunty is absolutely gorgeous and I often fantasized about her. I don’t live with her which is a shame because when I get horny I wish that I could my some of her used panties and sniff them while masturbating. When she comes over to stay for a couple of days I seize every opportunity to see her fabulous body. I...

2 years ago
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Mature couple use me as interracial sex slave

A few years ago I made contact with an older middle class couple, S & A, on an amateur porn site. S asked me do some tribute pics for A and this led to more as I regularly chatted to them and masturbated on cam for them. S & A had been married for 25 years and A was a virgin when they met and they were looking for some more excitement in their marriage. As we got to know each other better S & A started to use me more as part of their fantasies and role playing scenarios. In the...

2 years ago
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Senior Moments

By Jax_Teller I was 18 years old and in less than a month I would start my senior year in high school. I was going to be on my own most of the time from now on. My mother had died after a long battle with cancer in July. Dad moved us to his home town where we had family. My father met Nikki Harrison when we were moving in and being neighborly she helped us move in; they talked about all the folks they knew in common. I met David Nikki’s son and we hit it off immediately, talking about the...

4 years ago
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Runners MoonChapter 7

Unknown to the six sitting around the back table in the Spearfish Lake Cafe, Tiffany was a concerned girl at that moment. Not worried, and not panicked; Tiffany had been through enough hassles with the dogs over the years to know that when things go to hell, panic rarely adds to the solution. Even though the fire was getting closer, she was closer yet to the lake, and she had a plan of action. If it got too close, she'd just drive the dogs into the lake. But it was moving fast through the...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ke Saath Meri Paheli Chudayi Hui

Haan toh dosto ye mere first story hai, toh please galtiya ignore karna. So first of all let me introduce my self.  Mera naam Rahul hai aur mai Chandigarh se hu.  I am a good looking handsome and fair boy. Ab mai apne story pe aata hu.  Dosto ye ek real incident hai jo mere sath hua jab mai 18 years ka tha.  Dosto mere ek cousin aunty hai jo dekhne me ek dam sunder hai. With fair colour skin.  Unka figure 25-23-30 hai toh aap logo ko samaj toh aa gaya hoga ki woh kitne hot and sexy hai. Mera...

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I worked nightshift in Chicago as a doorman and bouncer at a local bar. The nights were usually eventful enough that you noticed a lot of what went on on the streets. One of the local legends was a bag lady named "Mailbox Mary". Mary was only about five feet tall. She looked to way about ninety pounds. Her age was not easily guessed, as she was so jaded with age and dirt that you couldn't really make an accurate guess. At first glance, you could guess her as anywhere from 35 to 50. She was that...

1 year ago
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The Toy Box

Master gave me permission to have tyrel, a slave friend help me with construction of the box I was to be enclosed in. It was very precise in it's measurements to make sure to hold me comfortable in position. I would be lying on my back with my head dropped back. There was a hole for access to my mouth. It was even contoured so I could lick a cunt if one were offered. But the rest of the box, my head hung in, was blacked out and I would be wearing ear plugs. My legs were spread wide and bent...

1 year ago
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Mummys Little Pet

Mummy's Little Pet "I can't believe you," I said to my girlfriend, Theresa, after her friends had left. "What are you talking about?" she asked. As if she didn't know. "I heard what you and your friends were saying about me, I'm not deaf you know. About how I'm more like a pet than a man. How I'm more like your little lap dog!" I argued with her. "I didn't say that at all Dan!" she shot back at me. "No, what was it you said again?" I asked "You know I don't like dogs, he'd...

3 years ago
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Maybe not out of Reach Part 2 William

I had to admit to myself that the last couple of weeks had seemed longer than normal. Yes, I couldn't fault my new PA but I missed Melissa. I caught her scent on the chair that had been hers. Hearing her voice around the office every now and again would just brighten my day. I had heard her laughter a couple of times too. That always makes me smile. I miss her pre-empting me at work, but most of all, I miss her sensitivity to my presence. Those little shivers of excitement I would see...

1 year ago
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Doing the math

My eyes flew over the bunch of students – freshmen, all of them. We were in a small room located in the mathematical institution of the University of Basel, Switzerland. My job was to tutor a small group of students, and help them with their math exercises. It was my first time as a tutor. I was one of five, each tutoring a group of a little less than a dozen students. I noticed only one girl sitting among them. My eyes lingered on her for a while. She had this nerdy but hot something. “Mr....

1 year ago
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House Sitter

One summer a friend of my mom's called and asked me if I wanted to watch her house for a couple of week while she went on vacation. All I had to do was bring in the mail everyday and water the plants. She offered to pay me $200.00 while she was gone. The only bad thing about this gig was that she lived 2 miles out of town in the country. That was OK though cause I was driving now and it gave me an excuse to drive. She was even nice enough to give me gas money. That was enough right...

4 years ago
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Heady Days Of Youth

Growing up, my parents were best friends of a couple three doors up the street, they played bridge every week, and were constantly having each other over for cookouts, parties and things. Really, just any excuse to get together.When I was little, their teenaged sons and, then, daughter, would babysit me, we just all knew each other really well.I remember when I was younger, maybe eight or nine, that when I was at our friends' house, usually watching TV, Debra and her friends would be in the...

2 years ago
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Didnt Even Make It To The Bed

The ten-minute walk back to your place took half an hour, walking slowly, your voice sending shivers up my spine as you pushed me against trees, walls, and streetlight posts. The streets were quiet and your hands grasped my bare waist, nudging under my skirt, as you ran your fingers under the hem of my skirt, your mouth demanding on my lips and my neck, my back arching as you kissed a pattern down my skin. By the time we reached your door, the key hardly fit in the lock as we stumbled in, mouth...

Straight Sex
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Strapped Part 1

I bought this strap a while back. It goes under the bed and attaches to your wrists and your ankles, making you completely unable to move. The girl I’d been seeing at the time knew I was keen to try it out, so one day when I was round at hers she sent me out to pick up some food for dinner. When I came back, I found her strapped to her bed, blindfolded. Just to give a bit of insight into how incredible this sight was; she’s 5’5”, really slim, but not to the point where she looks unhealthy, has...

3 years ago
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The office sex

Every day he watched her walk down the hall. She was sexy and had an ass he wanted to fuck till his balls fell off. At first she wore conservative clothing but lately as she noticed him watching her ass, she began to get sexier and show more skin. She had started wearing very tight pants and really showed her ass. Then she wore tops with at least 3 buttons undone and you could see most of her tits. His favorite was the skin tight t-shirt with no bra. She had the biggest nipples sitting on huge...

1 year ago
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Getting ByChapter 31

For better or worse, we have a Constitution. Most of the provisions I thought important have been included, and I believe we can live with the rest. Only time will tell for sure. Some of the important provisions that I and others fought for are: Rather than political parties, we have four sociopolitical interest groups, which elect their own representatives to the House of Representatives. These groups are: Social Dependents, Wage Earners, Corporate Executives grouped with Individually...

3 years ago
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After work surprise

I came home from work one afternoon and there were two cars in my driveway. One I knew, and it belonged to a lady (who I’ll call Dixie) we have known for almost 20 years. The other car I hadn’t seen before. When I walked in I immediately heard sounds coming from our bed room. I slowly walked up and peeked in the door. Man was I surprised at what I saw. My wife was on the bed with her legs spread and Dixie was bent over with her head between my wife’s legs obviously eating her pussy very...

4 years ago
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Hard Time Book 4Chapter 13

We went along merrily with Susan being pregnant and Katina trying to become pregnant with my help. Stephanie and Ed were enjoying each other and their daughter. About once a week, we would have a small group orgy with only Katina's cunt barred from use other than my cock. They were always enjoyable and the three girls vied with each other to invent new positions and degrees of wantonness. Events in Virginia were quiet. Talks with Robby and Jerry had continued and we would send a party with...

4 years ago
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I had an appointment with my ear, nose, and throat doctor, for my allergies. I finally remembered to ask him (on my third visit) about a mouth sore. He put on a rubber glove and put shi index finger in my mouth. Once, his finger touched me, I was a goner. I don’t know hat happened to me, but totally aroused I was.I let slip a quiet moan and leaned back in the chair contraption. Making him have to come in front of me. His body leaned into mine. I grabbed his ass. He jumped back looked at me with...

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Auld Lang Syne

Club Amethyst advertised that it would be hosting a New Years’ Jam. The radio ad indicated that there would be free champagne for everyone at midnight. And, the coup-de-gras was to be a thousand dollars dropped from the ceiling at 11:58. Mandwell Varner heard as he was leaving work that Friday as a security guard in his blue 2013 Dodge Charger. The 24 year-old inactive Marine had a dark complexion, owned a muscular build, and stood at six-foot-one. With his square jawline and sexy smile, he was...

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Bangalore Bestiee 8211 The Best Beauty

Hi, this is Aryan from bangalore again with an amazing story, this story is about me and my bestie to whom I wanted to experience a sexy orgasm.A lot of people get confused with orgasm so I studied every detail of what orgasm is and how to make a woman reach there. Well ladies who cant reach orgasm don’t be disappointed. Is very rare that ever woman can reach orgasm or squirting so relax and let your juices flow out.So my bestiee her name is kushboo and stats being 36c-32-34. I shared al my...

2 years ago
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Skype Doug Takes Control

Skype Doug Takes Control of MeAfter meeting Doug (see my story in “Older guys team me after Gay Skype meet”) I had a hunch that we would see each other again though I made no plans to do so. A couple of days after our meeting he came to my home. I heard a knock at the door and there he stood. He claimed that he wanted to talk through some of the property planning issues I was helping him with and which led to our first meeting. I was very nervous of him turning up but he said he hoped he...

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How I got into Swinging in 1985

How did I get started in Swinging…..? I used to help run and Adult Education Class through the 80’s in Kent. The guy who ran it was a professional who had a quarter share in a glamour studio in Soho where he did a lot of test shots for modelling agencies. They would send new girls along to get experience with a pro photographer and he would invite them down to the Class on a Friday night to get more experience on a quid pro quo basis ie. you model for free and get free copies of the pics from...

3 years ago
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The VaseChapter 4

Having learned sex felt best accompanied by the mind and heart, a challenging conquest promised greater rewards. As superficial as my fellow students, I failed to see the gorgeous girl hidden in shyness and self doubt. Tall and pale, with long unfettered black hair, she stood in front of English class and recited her poem. Most of the class recited old ballads or odes or a Coleridge dreamscape from memory. A couple students and I recited our own poems. Mine rhymed about a daydreaming boy in...

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Nympho Delight For BrotherInLaw

I didn’t know what was in for me when I joined college after my graduation. Since my cousin sister lived very close to the college, I was to go to college staying at her place. She lived with her husband Jay and her little one, Marty. My cousin Linda, Lin in short welcomed the idea of me staying with them hoping that would I be a helping hand to take care of baby Marty who had just turned two years. Since both of them were working, they had hired a maid servant, but she had left the country a...

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The Trailer Park The Road TripChapter 16

"Was she pretty?" "Was who pretty?" I asked, startled. I'd been sitting in the gazebo, watching the fish pond. I hadn't been thinking about anything in particular. Robbie and I had gotten back fifteen minutes ago. She and the others were inside getting the grand tour. I was enjoying this little piece of sculpted nature. "The girl who died," Cinnamon said as she down next to me. I turned to look at her. "How did... ? Who... ? Tami told you." Cinnamon smiled, and I knew that Tami...

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An Aussie Girl Who Loves An American True Story

I buy my ticket and finally, with anticipation, I get to Florida, Tampa Bay to be exact and check myself into the hotel and then I finally start realizing that this is stupid, I can’t believe I’ve done this, he could already be in a relationship, be married, who knows, but most importantly, I wondered, how do I lure him into the bar downstairs and surprise him. Either way, I had to see him. I convince the receptionist at the front desk to help me and she loves the whole set up, thinks its...

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First encounters

I have always had fantasies about Kirk Stapleton, English teacher at the local college. Lived down the block from me the last 4 years, 6’2, long black hair, dark sapphire eyes, body like a Greek god and an ass to match. He has been divorced the last two years. Around the same time I become widowed, he is a few years younger than me. I have occasionally talked to him at block parties, offered him water during his afternoon jog. His two k**s go to school with my three and are in class with...

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Being Barbis Bitch

Being Barbi's Bitch By Heathyr Diamond After ten wasted years of foolishly trusting in love to 'cure' me of my femininity, I had only just begun to re-embrace the sissy inside me when something made me reach out to an old friend. What made me do it, I really don't know. Although I was once again revelling in even the smallest aspects of my femininity, treasuring and celebrating them in a way that only someone who has truly missed them can appreciate, I had made a conscious decision...

1 year ago
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Private Lika Star Horny Nurse

The horny blonde Lika Star has back to Private Specials, Private Nurses 2 to show her beauty and this sexy nurse sure knows how to take care of the lucky Sam Bourne when he’s feeling ill. Sam soon feels better when Lika slips into her kinky uniform and gets straight to work with a nice blowjob before offering up her juicy pussy for eating. Then watch Lika enjoy a debut she’ll never forget as she has that tight little pussy fucked in all her favourite positions, moaning and screaming her way to...

4 years ago
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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 30 Loose Ends

The next day, Logan limped through the halls of the castle feeling every wound and all of his twenty-nine years. Everywhere he went people stopped what they were doing to move out his way and smile, nod, or just stare at him. The attention was more uncomfortable than his injuries were. For all that, there were fewer people to stare than he would have hoped. The battle had taken a serious toll. Fully half of those who had chosen to fight with him were gone, returned to mist to float on the...

1 year ago
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The Real Hustle The Home Alone Scam

The Real Hustle - The Home Alone Scam a story by forced consent - [email protected] 22nd June 2008 The Real Hustle is a UK TV show where three individuals - Paul, Alex and Jess - scam and con members of the public and record it. Afterwards they reveal what they've done, much to the victims' relief. I always felt that some of the scams are a bit contrived and victims' reactions sometimes seem almost staged. And each scam seems to have its own unique title, which is...

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A night of pure sexual bliss

The office was quiet at this time because only three women worked the late shift, and they were in separate offices.Sometimes the owner of the company stayed around to complete his business transactions. Anna, her roommate also worked the late shift and her office was on the opposite side of the hall. Danni could see her through the glass doors and as she surfed through the illicit videos she could not help lusting over her hot friend. Too bad you aren’t bi, she thought as she tried to...

2 years ago
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Seducing A Hot Aunty On Facebook 8211 Part 4

Hey guys. Thanks for the support and likes. I am really happy that you people liked the story. I am constantly trying to improve my vocabulary and make the script interesting I might not be successful in this story. But I will try to put more efforts into the next story. Since it’s my first story based on real events. I am not able to change much. Coming back to the story. If you missed the previous parts. Please try to read the previous 3 episodes so that you could understand the story...

1 year ago
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The Family Meeting Paet Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 2 From the look on Dad's face, I could tell that he was in no mood to talk. After all, he had just caught me in a lie when I told him earlier that day that he and my brothers and grandfather were the only men that I had fucked since I left home for college. The truth was that I had become another family's sex toy and the proof was standing right in front of him. "I asked you, Girl, who in the hell are these people, and why did this man have his...

3 years ago
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Gang Banged by a FOOTBALL Team

This is a true story of how I became a slut housewife!!Now-a days, my husband and I are both swingers and both of us are slutty on weekend nights!This all came about because of the story I'm about to tell you...I was in high school and wasn't even old enough to drive a car, much less know a lot about sex.I loved football and our high school team was pretty good so I got a job as a trainer. Basically, all I did was get the uniforms cleaned, take out and then put up gear after games and practice....

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A little Spa encounter and whatever pops in mind

Hey,This is my first entry in here so where do I begin. I'm an 18yo female, bi-sexual (By the way, it's quite strange that you can't check a box somewhere for being bi-sexual on a site like this) and I was born in Germany but I've been living in the US for a couple of months now. So if anything I have written is totally unintelligible feel free to correct me so I can edit it; I promise I won't get offended ^^I was thinking about telling the 3 or 4 people who will be reading this about an...

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