DanicaPart 14A free porn video

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"Little rose, you have gained admittance to a place that interests me. Tell me now how you managed to gain entry," Zoraster said while bringing a finger to his chin and adopting an expression indicating impatience.

Danica felt magic swirling around her and wondered how Zoraster had activated it. It didn't really matter though, because she knew it for what it was — a spell of truth detection.

"I joined them in their bed, though I imagine you know that much."

"Indeed, I believed that to be the case. I simply wished confirmation from the spell that you no doubt feel wrapped around you. Now, describe the nature of the wards."

"They're a combination of Art, runes, and spell weaving. The entire house is dispelled, none can enter without invitation, it is protected from the elements and weathering, and no form of scrying can penetrate it."

"Curious. I knew the mage who owned that house and I never would have suspected him of delving into broader art. I thought him to be of little consequence. A pity he is already dead. Did you discover any books, scrolls, magic items?"

Danica did not want to reveal the secret of the rune table. Her mind worked quickly as she spoke, "I found the laboratory in the basement. The shelves were all empty, and the only other thing there was a worktable. There was a cold room, and its magic was still working. They used it to store food and wine." She hoped glossing over everything would be sufficient.

"Nothing of import then. I had suspected as much, although being prevented from examining the home so close to my power base disturbed me. It seems you have performed a service for me unwittingly, and I find this pleasing. You also go about your tasks without complaint, and perform well. Perhaps you might wish to serve me willingly? Our hunger for knowledge and magic seems to be compatible, and you are quite entertaining — to say the least."

Danica felt anger boil up inside her. Serve you willingly? NEVER! She thought, while keeping her face impassive.

Zoraster laughed. "You hide it well, but I can sense your hatred. No matter, I never expected you to accept. Tomorrow morning I will require your services to transport Marlena. Here is the pattern you will use." He then handed Danica a sheaf of paper depicting some sort of exotic bird against a sunset.

"You will transport Marlena, and remain in my outpost, prepared to return her here when her task is complete. Give her one of your charms so that she may summon you when it is needful. The town is a small one, and my agents have little explored it in years. Spend your time there seeing how things have changed in that time. I will not require a report, though you may speak your thoughts to your amulet, which will record them for my examination. Marlena's task is the true purpose of your visit. Be prepared, should there be the need for a hasty retrieval. Good day, little rose."

Zoraster left then and Danica packed her Satchel of Hasty Departure. With all the Art she had placed upon her jewelry and clothing, she didn't need to pack much in the way of magical devices to feel well prepared.

Danica stepped into her lab then, planning to start some sketches for Marlena's toy based on what she had learned in her encounter with the young couple. However, the true runes swirled through her mind, demanding attention.

Danica had never truly gained skill with the runes, and even now, it took her long weeks of research to imprint a new one in her mind. Danica went to her bookshelves, now nearly full of tomes she had magically copied from the library, and selected a book of true runes. Flipping through the book for a while, she decided to try to use another rune. She chose one for fire and studied it. The lines and patterns of the rune snapped into focus in Danica's mind almost immediately. Something in the magic of that table had opened a pathway in her mind.

Danica put down the book and tore some scrap parchment, placing it in a brazier. She cleared her mind for a few moments, and then traced the rune for fire while speaking its name. The parchment instantly burst into flame. Danica smiled and traced the rune for light. She found it easy, where before it had always taken a lot of concentration to summon up the power of the run. The rune flared into brilliance as she finished the tracing. On a whim, Danica tried something else she had never attempted before. She traced the glowing rune again, altering it subtly. The glow of the rune changed from a natural white light to one of pale blue. Another alteration and the glow changed to amber.

Danica banished the rune with a little laugh, and then turned to a glass of water she had left sitting on one of her worktables. Danica traced the rune for ice and pushed it toward the glass. The water instantly froze — and the glass shattered.

"Ooops," Danica muttered. She spoke the words of a telekinetic cantrip, but used her hidden mental powers more than the spell to gather up the shattered glass and ice to deposit the shards in a waste bin across the room.

Danica tried several other runes, and to her delight, found that she could command them all with ease. She longed to test more — the runes from the table she had never seen before — but she didn't want to reveal them to Zoraster. She already brought too much power to the madman in her tasks without giving him more. She assumed he was always watching, and refused to reveal the new runes.

Not always, Danica thought. She knew that when within in a dispelled area, like Layla and Daniel's house, neither the charm around her neck nor scrying magic could spy on her. The Spell Engine also protected her from Zoraster's prying eyes.

Danica smiled and knew how she would test the other runes that now burned in her mind — but not tonight. She pushed thoughts of the runes away for the time being, not wishing to reveal too much to the mad Archmage with her experiments. Instead, she picked up pen and paper to begin work on Marlena's toy, as she had originally planned.

She concentrated on the balls of the toy, thinking carefully about what materials she should use. Wood — and even clay — wouldn't provide the texture she wished to attain without a lot of magical enhancement. Considering the problem for a few minutes, she sketched and made notes while mulling over the problem.

She first thought of glass marbles, but realized they would be far too heavy. Hollow glass balls would be perfect, she thought. She smiled and thought Grant could help her with that. They could help me in other ways, too. It's been too long since we were together.

Danica thought more about the feeling of the orbs while she caressed and explored Daniel. They felt somewhat connected from above, yet able to roll beneath her fingers. Enclosing them in tubes of felt sewed to allow movement would work. She thought that the felt ends should join at the top, leaving the enclosed glass balls dangling like a small boa.

That solved the internal feeling. Now, she needed to decide how to simulate the external texture. After a few minutes, she decided that lightly brushing the felt with a pliable resin would work best. Some careful stitching would give it the proper texture and attached feeling.

Danica located some felt and a pair of marbles, quickly cobbling together a crude version of her idea. She swung the marbles back and forth, bouncing them off her forearm, and felt that her plan would work.

It took only a short time to sketch out the rest of the toy with this part firmly settled in her mind. She sat back with a satisfied grin and looked over the list of people she would need to speak with. She had a few unique ideas she wanted to use to make the whole thing look more attractive in its non-magical form, instead of a hodgepodge of leather, wood, and felt.

Feeling the lateness of the hour creeping up on her, Danica yawned and went to her bed. She knew that she needed to get up early to transport Marlena in the morning.

A knock on the door startled Danica. She pulled on a robe and went to the door, expecting to find Zoraster standing there scowling at her. She found Marlena waiting outside instead of the Archmage, however.

"You're supposed to take me somewhere," Marlena said.

Danica yawned. "Yes — I'm sorry. I'm ready — I packed everything last night. Give me a moment to splash some water on my face and get dressed, and we'll be going."

"May I look around your lab while you dress?"

"Of course, I won't be long."

Danica quickly dressed, taking some of the alertness drug for good measure to chase away the sleep fog in her head. She walked into the lab and found Marlena looking over Danica's notes from the previous evening. The illusionist couldn't help but know what the notes represented, because every page plainly indicated what Danica was making.

"I wish I understood this. This is the freedom Zoraster will grant me if I'm successful in my task — a small lab and library of my own. I was so dedicated to illusion that I ignored everything else. There is little for me to do here except learn, so I thought I might try to expand my knowledge."

"If you ever need any direction or assistance, my door is always open. I would connect all your studies to your study of illusion at first. If you want to craft an item, make it one dealing with illusion. If you wish to create a unique spell, make it one of illusion. Do the same if you plan to brew potions or anything else. It would be a good stepping-stone. I've found that approach makes things easy for me as I transition from one study to another."

"Thank you, I'll try that. I might take up that offer for assistance as well. It's all quite daunting. It makes me nervous to even think about it."

Danica smiled and pointed at her notes on the table. "Let me finish this for you and you'll have a way to relax."

Marlena blushed and covered a giggle with her hand. "I'm anxious for your magical toy, though it embarrasses me. I can't wait to have one of my own."

"I'll concentrate on it then," Danica said with a wink. "Shall we go then?"

Marlena nodded and took Danica's hand. Danica spoke the words of the teleportation spell with the pattern firmly in her mind, and they walked the corridors of magic.

The first thing both women noticed was the oppressive heat. The air was heavy with moisture. Both women gasped at first, and it took them a few moments to adjust to the hot, humid atmosphere.

"Gods, it's hot," Danica exclaimed while fanning her hand in front of her face. A woman with long, kinky, curled hair walked into the room and bowed as Danica finished speaking. The woman's skin reminded Danica of coffee with a lot of cream — dark and exotic. She had a nice figure, which was easy to see considering her revealing clothing. The woman wore a top that hung from her shoulders by thin straps and barely reached below her breasts. A sarong tied around her hips left little to the imagination. Both articles had a pattern that looked like flowers and flower petals, dominated by orange.

"I was told to expect you, and to tell you there is clothing in the drawers there more suited to the heat. I am at your service here. If you need anything, just call and I will come. You may call me Tonda."

Her accent and the way she spoke indicated that she probably wasn't speaking her native tongue. "Thank you, Tonda. We'll call if we need you," Danica responded.

The woman bowed and Danica couldn't help but admire the sight of her hips swaying as the woman strutted out of the room. She had a full rounded bottom — not large, just full — and the way it moved when Tonda walked made Danica salivate.

Danica went to the drawers to dig through them. She quickly found a sarong and top she believed would fit and flung them on the bed. She started to pull off the stifling clothing she wore and turned to Marlena, gesturing toward the drawers.

Marlena went to the drawers to find something that would fit her as well. Danica asked her, "So, what is your task — if you can talk about it?"

"I'm to observe a temple in the jungle on this island. I'm supposed to use my magic to explore the temple."

"Island, hmm? I wasn't told anything about where I was going. Your task sounds simple enough," Danica said as she shrugged off the last of her clothing and reached for the sarong.

Marlena turned back to Danica, having made her selection from the drawer. Her eyes lingered on Danica's nude backside for a moment, and then she asked, "How did you transport us here if you didn't know where you were going?"

Danica tied on the sarong and pushed her hip out to the side, looking down her body and liking the way the sarong looked on her, though not particularly enamored with the drab, beige color. She nodded in the direction of the pattern room and answered, "You memorize the patterns. They're unique, and you can teleport with that image in your mind. I asked the same question at one point, before I could use the teleportation spell."

Danica pulled on the top as Marlena undressed. Danica tried to avoid looking at the woman, knowing she was nowhere near comfortable with another woman seeing her nude, especially considering that she knew Danica found her arousing.

Marlena looked stunning in the clothing, though the color suited her no better than it did Danica. "My task isn't much of a task at all. I'm supposed to observe the town and report back. He didn't give me any more specific instructions than that. I think he's just giving me busy work," Danica revealed.

"I should be going. I was told to hasten into the jungle and to the temple immediately upon my arrival, and not to be seen outside the house at all."

"Good luck. Be safe," Danica said, and handed over the charm that would summon her if necessary. Marlena had used one before, and knew all she needed to know about it.

Marlena smiled and said, "You too," before walking out of the bedroom. By the time Danica put away her own clothing and walked into the main part of the house, Marlena was already invisible. Danica felt a touch of air against her cheek and knew the door had opened and closed. She marveled at the other woman's command of illusion. Danica neither had seen the door open, nor heard it, and she was looking right at it.

Danica noticed Tonda seated off to one side, sipping something. "I could use a drink too."

"It is fruit juice. I shall fetch you some if you wish," Tonda said, putting her cup down in preparation to stand.

Danica waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "It's alright, I'll get it myself. You can relax. I'm used to taking care of myself."

"The two of you are much more pleasant than the last. He was a..." Tonda paused and appeared to search for a word for a moment before continuing. "He was most unpleasant and ordered me about like a trained monkey."

Danica rolled her eyes. "Unfortunately many men are like that. Zoraster seems to attract the worst of the lot as well."

"It would seem the women are of a different sort," Tonda responded with a smile. "Our native dress is most pleasing upon you. Although, the top is a bit tight, I think. The color looks wrong with your hair."

"I might have to do something about that. Yours is perfect I think."

Tonda's smile grew wider. "I dyed it myself. I could do some for you and the other if you would like. I believe green would suit you both well."

Danica noticed how Tonda referred to her and Marlena. "I'm Danica, and the other woman is Marlena. I'm sorry for not offering our names."

"I wondered when you would remember. Danica it is, then. Allow me to show you where the fruits are so you may make more to drink, should the pitcher be empty. Then I shall go to work on your clothing. In the bedroom, you will find a box atop the dressing table. It has stones for your needs. My people trade mostly in goods, but gems and stones are used as well, since your people have come. The jade and pearls are most prized."

"Thank you," Danica said as Tonda led her to the kitchen to show her how to make the exotic fruit drink.

Danica finished her drink and then took some jade beads and pearls from the box in the bedroom. The gems were of high quality, and Danica assumed that they were worth a lot. She assumed that she would quickly discover the value of the gemstones.

Danica reached into a satchel she had brought with her, one not enchanted with magic, and selected a small purse on a thin leather belt. The purse, like everything in the satchel, was enchanted with the holding enchantment and would hold much more than physically possible. She emptied the jade and pearls into the purse and then went outside.

Though Danica recognized that she was on an island, it was obviously a very large one. She was not far from the sea, but there were none of the foul smells that she associated with the sea in other places. Apparently, the people here didn't toss their garbage and offal into the sea, forgetting that the tide would bring it back to them, as so many did.

Stepping away from the house, the warm ocean breeze blew across Danica's skin. The wind offered respite from the hot, humid air despite its warmth. The abundant vegetation was a combination of seaside plants like palms, jungle trees, and planted gardens.

Danica saw wide stretches of pure white sand along the water, and the water itself was a clear, vibrant blue. Most of the houses were round, apparently derived from huts. There were a few common structures, such as Zoraster's outpost, but the majority of buildings in the town shared the odd native design. Danica thought it likely that the interiors consisted of a single round room, and didn't think she would like living in one very much.

Zoraster's outpost was some distance from the heart of the town, and as she moved toward the center of the clustered building, Danica noticed that she was a rarity. Almost everyone she passed was dark of hair and skin — most much darker than Tonda was. She received only a few odd glances as she walked through town, however.

As she reached the area where the houses were most concentrated, Danica noticed something else as a couple passed by her. A strong breeze revealed that the people here wore nothing beneath their sarongs. Danica's eyes widened when she saw the size of the man in front of her before he slapped his sarong down and cursed in a language Danica didn't understand.

The curse alerted Danica that she needed to use her magic, or she was likely to understand nothing anyone said to her. Danica stepped into a shadowed corner and quietly cast the spell, not knowing how the people here would react to magic.

Danica didn't see any shops, but found an open-air market displaying wares. Danica also noticed a few people, darker even than the rest of the populace, who were completely unclad as they walked toward the market. These people went directly to the market and nowhere else. They appeared somewhat nervous to Danica, and left with whatever they traded for as quickly as they had arrived. All of them came from, and went back toward, a thick jungle not far from the edge of the town.

Danica thought that her task here was senseless, as she had suggested to Marlena. There was little of any real interest to see. The town appeared almost artificial in a way, as if someone had moved the primitive here and shown them how to act like townsfolk. Danica really didn't have any reference to determine if this was normal, or if it was as odd as she considered it.

She knew Zoraster had influence here, and that alone was enough to make the town suspect. Some of the buildings did appear several years old, however, so if Zoraster's hand guided the town, he was molding some sort of civilization that had already sprung to life on the island.

She went to the market and found a floral sarong and top similar to Tonda's, but more red than orange. The woman's eyes lit up when Danica pulled out some beads and pearls, locking on a round, translucent bead of jade.

"That is most rare. What would you take in trade for it?" The woman asked her.

"Just this," Danica answered, indicating what she had selected.

The woman rummaged around at her feet and produced something, a necklace strung with bits of shell and two odd figurines. "No, please, take these too. Protect you they will from darkness and disease."

"Thank you," Danica responded as she handed over the bead, accepting the necklace. She slid it around her neck, and liked the way it looked. Danica could sense some sort of magic from the charm, although the sensation was somewhat alien. Danica had felt something similar before while holding blessed artifacts, and assumed the magic was godly in nature.

After walking around and purchasing a few more trinkets, Danica decided she had more or less exhausted the possibilities of the small town. There really wasn't much to see.

She decided to go down to the beach, where she drank in the sea air and the beauty of the pristine waters. Men fished and dived from boats out beyond the breakers. Men, women, and children swam and played in the surf. Most were nude as they swam.

Danica decided it was unlikely anyone would find it odd if she changed into her new clothing here, so she did so. She smiled and winked at a pair of young men, both of whom had healthy lengths of manhood dangling between their legs, when she heard them talking about her huge breasts, white as the sand. Their heads and bodies were both shaved completely bare of hair, and Danica found it quite attractive.

She walked down to the water to where it lapped at her knees slightly, and then strolled down the beach. She heard a dull roar after a while, and noticed the sound growing louder. She could see that a sharp cliff rose up above the beach some distance ahead, and the sound seemed to come from that direction. A mist obscured the air there as well.

Guessing the source of the sound and mist — and having nothing better to do anyway — Danica moved toward it. Her guess proved correct when she saw a beautiful waterfall cascading from the cliff down into a pool at its base. The water absolutely sparkled, and Danica could see brightly colored fish swimming in the pool, all the way to the bottom.

She had left behind any sign of other people some minutes ago. Most people she passed were heading back toward the town. Sunset was approaching, and Danica assumed that was the reason. Danica found she could not resist the pool, and pulled off her clothing and purse. With a graceful dive, she hit the pool.

Danica surfaced and flipped her hair out of her face. The water was just cool enough to feel invigorating. She swam toward the falls, the water dropping with strong, but not uncomfortable pressure on her body. Rocks along the surface of the cliff broke the flow of water into many small tumbles, creating a gentle cascade for such a vast quantity of water falling so far.

Danica thought she heard voices, and glanced toward the beach. She noticed two young men there, who looked as though they were arguing. One of them shook his head and walked back down the beach. The other one waved with a dismissive gesture in the direction of his companion and continued toward Danica.

Danica pretended not to notice him, lying back in the pool and floating with her breasts breaking the water like two islands. The stirring water and the thought of the young man coming her way caused her to tingle.

"It is a fine evening for a swim," Danica heard the young man say, and she opened her eyes to look at him. He wore a sarong, but it did little to hide his considerable erection as he looked at her with a smile that gleamed brightly against his dark skin.

"Would you care to join me?" Danica asked with a sly grin.

The young man's smile broadened, and he reached down to pull off his sarong. He stretched for a moment to display his considerable attributes, both his well-muscled body and his engorged manhood. He then took a step and dived, with grace born from years of practice, into the pool. He hit so perfectly straight that he barely stirred the water. Danica could see him swimming with powerful strokes toward her. He surfaced no more than a foot in front of her, smiling.

Danica reached out and ran her hand over his cock, then motioned and turned toward the waterfall. She swam under the falls and sat in a shallow depression behind it. The young man swam in right behind her.

As soon as he reached her, Danica turned around and put her hands on the rocks, spreading her legs wide. Her nether lips just barely touched the rolling surface of the water in this posture. She turned and beckoned him with her eyes, swaying her ass back and forth in front of him.

"Know a man when you see one," he said and moved in behind her.

Danica gasped when his big cock slid inside her. He had to be nearly as long as her forearm, thick, and uncut. He pushed almost all of it inside her in a single thrust.

Danica moaned as he immediately took her hard and fast, tightly gripping her hips. Danica felt her body responding with astounding swiftness.

He spoke as he thrust, but Danica realized she didn't understand it. Her tongues spell had worn off, but she really didn't care. He soon ceased to speak coherently, gasping and grunting instead as he pounded his manhood home.

Danica came a short time later, an orgasm that started from a deep hidden place inside her and spread through her whole body. She quivered and screamed, gasping for breath, as the young man kept assaulting her spastically contracting depths.

Danica could barely manage to remain upright and avoid banging her head on the rocks or scraping her breasts on them as he maintained his assault while she came. Her nipples scraped lightly against the slick rocks as they rocked back and forth with his thrusts. Danica hadn't even fully registered her first orgasm slowly melting away before she felt the white-hot fire of another building inside her.

She exploded again with a loud quavering scream as he maintained a fast pace, never slowing in the slightest as he thrust his manhood inside her. A look back at him revealed the signs of his impending orgasm to Danica, and then a wave of orgasm caused her to close her eyes again.

Danica growled in protest when she felt him pull free from her a moment later. She turned and saw him stroking his cock over her back. She sent a thought to one of her rings to activate the tongues enchantment stored there. She reached back to part her lips and growled, "Inside me."

"I like that," he grunted and shoved his cock back inside her with a growl, one that Danica matched as it set off another powerful surge of ecstasy within her. A dozen hard, fast strokes later, she heard him scream and felt his cum flooding her depths.

Danica moaned as she felt the warmth spread from her depths throughout her body. His head dropped to rest on her shoulders as his orgasm drained his strength.

After a few minutes, Danica reached back to slap him on the ass. He pulled free of her clinging depths with a gasp, which Danica echoed.

Danica reached back and rubbed her folds, coating her fingers in the mingled cum, and then stood up to suck it off her fingers. With a wicked grin, she knelt down and engulfed his slowly softening cock in her mouth, to suck him clean as well.

He pushed her away a moment later. "Damn woman, you will take my legs out from under me."

Danica laughed, and then moaned, "That was good."

"I've never had one of you before, and no woman has ever let me loose inside her."

"Like it?" Danica asked with a grin.

He just smiled in response. Danica noticed how low the sun rode on the horizon. "Time for me to get back. Thank you," she said and patted his now soft cock.

He just smiled, puffed out his chest, and then swam back toward the opposite edge of the pool. Danica took a moment to wash the cum out of her, and then swam back to dress as well. The young man waited for her at the edge of the pool.

"Go on. It probably wouldn't be a good idea for you to be seen coming back with me."

He just nodded and walked back along the beach. Danica waited a short while, watching the sunset, and then started back as well. The sun had vanished by the time she walked back from the beach into the town.

Danica thought it odd that she didn't see another soul, even though the sun had just set. She shrugged her shoulders and returned to Zoraster's outpost.

The door flew open as Danica reached it and Tonda said, "Quickly — inside. You should not be out when darkness falls."

Danica looked at her with raised eyebrows and stepped inside. Tonda quickly locked and barred the door.

"What's wrong?" Danica asked.

"The striped cat and the snakes hunt at night — and worse things of late," Tonda replied.

"I can handle some rowdy local wildlife. I just finished handling one, and he was indeed quite wild."

Tonda smiled for just a moment, but then said, "Danica, you must be inside when the sun sets. This will not protect you for long against the Nameless Ones." She pointed at the charm Danica had purchased in the market.

"Nameless Ones? What are they?"

Same as Danica
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HI readers…here is my real life story. I was doing my engineering final year. my sister was studying engineering 2nd year. i came to my home for holiday. one day my dad and mom went outside. I was very happy that they went outside for shopping. i started watching XXX movies and started masturbate my cock. some time later i say my sister watched it. i was worrying that she will tell this to our parents. so i went near her. she looked at me and laughed at me. i told her not to tell this to mom...

3 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 12

(Authors note: I know I made it sound like Bill Slagle knows about the watch ... he doesn't.) The welcome home was enthusiastic ... satisfying and thorough. Changing the sheets for a dry spot and opening the windows on both ends of 'the attic' dissipated the 'freshly fucked' atmosphere. Our happy lovers showered and headed out to replenish depleted energy sources ... PIZZA! Anyone watching the pair would never expect they were married ... married couples don't cuddle on one bench in a...

2 years ago
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My Stepsister Hailey P7

"Come on see!" cried my stepmother eagerly."See what?" I asked as I walked towards her stood by the backdoor."See what your father has brought me for my birthday!" she replied back grinning excitedly.So I stepped out of the backdoor with her, and there on our back deck was a large grey plastic bathtub."It's a jacuzzi!" exclaimed my stepmother excitedly "I've always wanted one! And now I have!""Great!" I replied less enthusiastic."Oh don't be like, you'll enjoy it when you get in!" my stepmother...

1 year ago
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Wanks for the Memory

Wanks for the memory Relaxed, I lie upon the bed, My body straight, my legs outspread; My eyes towards the looking glass, I stick one finger up my arse. The other hand goes to my prick, And when it’s straight and getting thick, I put some oil upon the crown And then I rub it up and down Gently, until it’s getting thicker, And then I start to rub it quicker. When the juices start to come, I wipe them off with my left thumb, Which I then suck – oh, what a taste, A nectar sweet, too good to waste....

Erotic Poetry
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Maxines New Life Ch 10

Lit 10- Chapter 41 In the parking lot of the Senior Towers Gus said, ‘So you coming up or not?’ ‘Gus, I am flattered, but I just met you,’ I answered. ‘If you can’t trust an old Marine, who can you trust?’ he asked with a charming smile. ‘Okay, but I reserve the right to leave at any time.’ ‘Fair enough. At least you can relax nobody will have any idea where to look for you.’ he said. ‘Well this van stands out like a Siamese cat at a dog show,’ I commented. ‘Ah but there are over two...

3 years ago
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The Panty Princess

Jane and I had only been living together for three weeks when I was caught red-handed. I was mortified when I saw her in the mirror, standing behind me with her mouth wide open. She had managed to come through the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom without making any noise. I tried to explain that it was the first time I’d ever done such a thing, but she was having none of it. For the next hour we sat on the edge of the bed while she bombarded me with questions about my sexuality,...

1 year ago
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AmericanDaydreams Alexis Fawx 23203

Seth is a huge slob, and his lady Alexis Fawx can’t take it anymore. She yaps at him for making too much noise, not cleaning up after himself, blah, blah, blah…Seth tunes her out and dozes off, only to dream about his busty blonde babe sauntering into the kitchen in lingerie and flaunting her beautiful big tits in his face. She would give him the appreciation he earned after cleaning the entire kitchen, and then dirty it again by slobbering all over his cock and fucking him on each and...

4 years ago
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Avatar The Other Stories

The war had been going on for almost a hundred years. The Fire Nation had completely wiped out the Air Nomads, and the Avatar had disappeared with them. Now, with the Water Tribes crumbling and the Earth armies proving a weak challenge, it seemed that the Fire Nation would soon have complete control over the world. But despite the Fire Nation's vast armies and hundreds of thousands of supporters, there were many powerful heroes and heroines alike who would soon rise against their tyranny. There...

3 years ago
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My mum and the English Builder

First let me start by pointing out, I'm not the king of guy that cares if his mother/sister get fucked and used by other men, the way i see it, if I'm using other peoples mothers/sisters it would be hypocritical for me to say no to others fucking my mother/sister. To be totally honest with you guys i have fantasised many times at the thought of my mum/sister being fucked and used by guys, usually i fantasise about them being fucked/used by white/black guys. Anyway, let me tell you guys about my...

2 years ago
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Anal Birthday

I woke up with a lustful feeling in my cock. I attributed that to bladder congestion. I opened my eyes and blinked them. The feeling stayed and seemed like someone was sucking on my cock. I looked down and found to my shock that that was really the case. Mom in her business suit and eye wear, was bobbing her head up and down my hard shaft as she knelt by my feet. She looked up at me when I stirred. "What are you doing, mom?" I asked in complete bewilderment. "I am sucking your cock,...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Naughty Girlfriend

Hi, guys! This is Deepak raj from Bangalore, working in MNC.This is my first story in ISS & I am a regular reader of ISS.Kindly regret for any mistakes though it is my first sex story here.After reading so many stories I decided to even share my true story here. About myself, I am 25 years, height 5.9 inches, medium gym body handsome guy.This incident happened 3 years back when am doing my post graduation degree. The heroine of this story is my girlfriend Sakshi (name changed due to...

2 years ago
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Waiting Up

Staggering up the steps of his front porch, Jimmy Woodson leaned against the railing and waited for his head to stop spinning. It was around 1:00 on a Saturday morning and he'd spent his Friday night living it up the way people his age tended to. It was the summer, Jimmy's first year of college was looming ahead, and a good friend from high school had thrown a major bash while his parents were out of town.Alcohol had been readily available at the party, even though nobody there was 21. Jimmy...

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Living Beyond the Dream Saturn

Wyoming Ute IGT,Living Beyond the Dream, Saturn By: Malissa Madison I followed the directions on the trucks map to the right truck, and was met by one of the Terrellian waitresses from the diner. As I tried to recall her name I said, "I'm on my way to meet with your Headmistress." "Oh I hope no one has gotten into trouble." "No," I replied. "Brandi, do you think they need more help in the diner?" asked Rachel to my relief identifying the twin. "I think they can always use...

3 years ago
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Caught dressed

I had been dressing for a while when I got married. I had enjoyed my time dressing and especially when I would go out of town. One trip I took I got hjome and was called to go help a friend right away. I left with out unpacking my bags. I really didn't think about what I had in my bags when I left the house. When I came home I went into the house and I found a note that said I will be home soon I have a surprize for you.I went into the bedroom and remembered what I had in my bags. My clothes...

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Time MachineChapter 25

We spent a couple of days locating stun guns. We didn't procure fire arms because we didn't really want to kill anyone, just immobilize them for a while. We got half a dozen small ones which used only one battery and discharged 80,000 volts. If a charge from one of these wouldn't knock them down, I don't know what would. We returned to the house with our stun guns and attached them to strings of opaque nylon that we all had helped twining wider so that they would be more comfortable to...

1 year ago
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From Office Worker to Dominated Slut Part 10 of 12

Chapter 10 It was Thursday afternoon and Gerry was due to stay late for overtime. The office had been fairly quiet and Eveline had let most of the staff go early at around 4.30pm. Meanwhile she had shut herself in her office and was busy temporarily rearranging the furniture. She had pushed her desk further back against the wall, and had moved one of the two-seater couches so they were both against the other wall, and then pushed the coffee table up against them. She wasn't too...

1 year ago
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Lesbian awakening

18 year old Helen departs for the city internship that changes her life. Welcome to Sallys Pt 1 It started just after my 18th birthday and took me on a path of self discovery that shaped who I am today. To start off I’ll tell you a little about my self my name is Helen I’m now nearly 50 and what I’m about to confess happend a little over 30 years ago and lasted about 6 weeks 6 weeks I’ll never forget… I had just left high school and had been excepted into an...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 28

Beep ... Beep ... Beep... When I awoke I was in another hospital bed dreaming about committing murder against the inventor of the beeping machine - again. There was no pain, however. I liked waking up in a hospital without serious pain. It was novel. As was my custom, I took inventory. Arms, legs, hands, feet, head, eyes, ears ... All present and accounted for. There were three IV poles, a computer monitor keeping track of everything from my breathing, to my blood pressure, and a monitor on...

3 years ago
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Latin Neighbor

My beautiful, Latin neighbor, made growing up enjoyable. She was 6' 1" tall, and had a figure to die for, at 34 years of age. Maria’s breasts were cocoa colored and about the size of a pineapple each. Her ass was even more impressive. It was huge!!! Standing outside, with only a bikini on, in her backyard. This giant ass, would swallow the normal bottoms, so that it looked like she was wearing a thong. She always wore a light colored,...

2 years ago
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Lottery Times Three

You hike the stupid P.R. style grin a little higher and spray more of the cheap champagne provided over the heads of the waiting journalists and photographers as they fire questions and photographs off at you. Behind you the trio of bikini clad models grin just as stupidly, but far more convincingly as they hold the giant copies of your winning cheques up. These three are your only contribution to this afternoon's activities and it was only when Camelot promised that Tara King, Rebekah, and...

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Lindys Preparation

It was the next morning, in the semi-awake time, we snuggled over to each other and started kissing. It was one of those "I really liked last night" mornings. Hubby continued to enjoy my soft cuddly pajamas, a reminder of his first taste of my "inner child" the previous night. We resumed kissing and touching for a while - mostly with me on my back and him running his hands all over me. Eventually, we were awake enough that we wanted to do more. I wanted him to use the hairbrush on me. It...

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The Hunters SurpriseChapter 3

All this leads me up to that fateful phone call that I over heard. How to solve this problem at hand and just what the fuck am I going to do about my unfaithful wife? After I finished my beer, I finalized my plan and a trip to Radio Shack was on my agenda. I talked with a sales clerk; he seemed to understand what I wanted. He set me up with a good voice-activated recorder, with two mikes and extra flash drives. I also got a 36-picture roll of 800 speed 35 mm film for my Cannon EOS Rebel...

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Aunt Brenda Part1

I was totally transfixed, glued to the floor watching as she bent to remove her panties. Her back was to me and I caught a glimpse of the dark pubic hair between her legs. A brief view of her puckered hole as her ass cheecks opened when she reached to the floor to pick up the discarded clothing. A flash of her hair covered, swollen pussy lips. I couldn't move. I needed to see more. The violation of her privacy was not lost on me, but my urge was more powerful than my conscience.And then I was...

2 years ago
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Carrying OnChapter 27

Amy was combing her hair in her room when the light flickered. First there was a flutter, followed by it dropping out twice, and then darkness. Panic followed. Amy was afraid of the dark, and darkness in an underground house at night was absolute. She wailed helplessly, unable to see anything and felt her way to the hallway tearfully. Maggie had found a candle and was walking from room to room lighting the lamps that had been installed in each room as a permanent fixture. Amy wrapped her...

4 years ago
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The Stepbrother PART 2

But it was very cool living with her and her mom Cynthia. Sure I noticed Cynthia. My dad really was lucky to meet up with her. I guess she'd gotten an early start on her sexual life and, I just overheard this, she "Had to get married" when she was just 18. Kristin came along a few months later and Cyn and her late husband Bob got married to make it all legal. By all accounts they had a good marriage and it was devastating for her when Bob developed a malignant tumor in his brain and died an...

2 years ago
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Being HumanChapter 8

The endless banality of the grey, thick forest was disturbed only by the sounds of its foreign intruders. The constant scrape of wood being dragged along the ground served as a backing for the feet marching through the undergrowth, out of sync. It was like music being played by a trio with no souls. Sometimes when Rachele looked back at the mattress she was pulling all she could see upon it was death. It was hard to articulate what death looked like exactly, except that it was bloody and...

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Eyes in the NightChapter 2

Louie awoke in the middle of the night to a terrible ache, for moments he struggled against the pain that felt worse than ever before. Gasping for air, he could not hold out forever and began succumb to a powerful hunger. Fighting with all his thought and will, Louie grasped for any bit of strength within his soul; something that would allow him to retain some bit of control, and found it, at the breaking point he threw all his consciousness into that part, and exhausted, relinquished what...

4 years ago
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Love Turmoil Ch 06

Sorry, this chapter took longer for me to come up with! Hope it satisfy all!! \ \ \ \ \ Lisa could only stare at Dominic, shocked by her actions. It was the first time she ever did slapped someone but then, it was the first time someone had affected her so deeply. The man was married! How could he come after her and talk to her as if nothing? ‘Get out of here!’ she murmured weekly, trying hard to suppress the tears threatening to overflow at any second now. His eyes were flashing...

4 years ago
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No Rings She Donned

It was a rainy dreary day in the Pacific Northwest and I was in my favorite coffeehouse working on one of my poetical prose, a lost art of the 15th and 16th century. When this young woman came in that I guessed to be a university student, yet she dressed with class. A tight white sweater, short skirt that showed off her long tanned shapely legs (my weakness.) I looked her over as she stood in line and she looked me over where I sat with a mischievous smile on her full lips. Then I looked at the...

3 years ago
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Delta TrixyChapter 10 Fun

We decided since the match was over, we would find new pursuits. Kim said they hadn’t walked through the pavilions yet or done Sideshow Alley. She told me that since Lee had included the sideshow entertainments, Gary and Nicko decided it could also be an Agriculture Show like the Ekka in Brisbane, for the locals as well. The locals had gotten in on the act when it was explained what was typically included. There were arts and craft displays, cooking competitions, displays of grains and...

1 year ago
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Right Thing To A Right Person At A Right Time

Hello everyone … I’m Varun Shetty 22 year from Mysuru (Karnataka) and I’m doing engineering from a reputed institution. I’m average built with 5.9’’ height. During my semester holidays, I got bored of same routine wake up, eat and sleep. life was literally boring but one fine day I got a pop up on Hike Messenger as Match Up !!! But I thought it as normal thing which never gonna work out for me. I stated liking profiles blindly irrespective of ages.. After doing so.. After a couple hours or so I...

4 years ago
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Meri Sex Story With My Best Friend

Hi me Smita hu, age 25 yrs from vapi gujrat.Ye story meri or mere best freind me hue sex ki he jo 3 sal pehle hue thi. Uska nam ashish he or wo mere sath meri hi factory me kam karta he. Wo muze apni best freind manta he or me bhi.Uske man me kbhi mere bare me galat soch nhi aayee thi.Or hum sath me hi apni graduation bhi kar rahe the extetnal se. Hamari colege dusre shahar me tha waha hum sath me hi jate the , hamare sath or 4 log or the. Us din hum dono colege gaye the.Jab college gaye to...

3 years ago
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First Time With My Sister

First Time With My Sister The photos at the end I’ll just start out by saying that I understand some may think it’s wrong, however the taboo perversion of it still sits fondly in my memory. It happened years ago when I was a hormone induced teenager and constantly horny. From what I can remember I would jerk off at least once or twice daily. My sister and I had the typical sibling relationship where we were almost always fighting or arguing. For me she possessed the typical sister-nausea that...

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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 5

In the morning, I received a call. "Hello. This is Bill." "Good morning, Dear Heart. Sarah and Hop will come over and they will bring me over with them." "I really don't mind coming to get you." "I know but we will still have a lot of time together. See you soon." I decided that this was going to be a fine Saturday. I went around rousting everyone saying, "Eve is coming. More company is coming. I need help cooking breakfast. Everybody up. Chop! Chop! Look sharp!" My son called...

4 years ago
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husband contest 2

“Hey baby.”, she said entering the house. I stood in silence for a minute but she said nothing more. “Well?”, I asked. “Well what?”, she answered, teasing me. “You know what”, I snapped back sarcastically. “Well”, she paused again. “Now all the girls know what I know and that is that you are one sexy man!”. “We won?”, I asked with a stunned voice. “You won, baby. I just get to claim you”, she responded. “So where’s the $5000?”, I was ready for my reward. “You’ll get it on...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 15 Friday the Day of My First Date

Friday, April 1, 2005 The next thing I knew, I was waking up at my usual time the next morning. #1: I can't tell you much about what I did at school on Friday, as I wasn't able to pay attention most of the time. I know the school's car came to get us at the agreed upon time, and delivered us there. I did meet Julia before first class and apologized for not calling her to say "goodnight." I'd always thought people seemed weak doing...

2 years ago
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first time with sister

My sister and me would play cards for hours sitting on her bed. One morning we were getting ready for school when she walked out of the bathroom and the towel fell to the floor. She was standing there naked in front of me and i wished i could have taken her to the room and fuck her right then. at the time i was 19 and was 18. She has A cup tits and a nice shaved pussySo there we were sitting on her bed playing card i was looking at her thinking when to make my move. then out of no where she...

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Blacking Donna Pt 2

Blacking DonnabyLascivious_Gent©I hissed loudly, "Your cunt is soaked Donna, is that for me?" Her eyes opened and she just nodded, I slowly withdrew my finger, it glistened with a sheen of her slick clinging wetness.I kept my left hand on her hip and brought the tip of my glistening finger to my lips, as Donna watched I sucked my finger into my mouth with a sucking sound that seemed to fill the kitchen, licking it, tasting her arousal on it.Finally I removed my finger from my mouth and smiled,...

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The Wedding Reception

I was recently in Atlanta on business and I flew in the night before my meetings and so I decided to throw on some decent clothes and head down to the hotel bar for a few drinks. I wasn't expecting anything but thought, “Why the hell not?” so I put on a pair of skin tight, dark denim skinny jeans, knee high black patent boots with 5” heels, a short sleeve green satin blouse with a leather underbust corset on top. Needless to say I did my hair and make up – I opted for a deep red lipstick on...

3 years ago
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Incest Fantasy

 I was running late again. I was supposed to pick up my daughter Missy and her best friend Jan from the East Hampton train station twenty minutes ago. The weather was terrible, it had been raining all day. I haven’t seen my daughter for about two months. My job forces me to travel a lot and I was really looking forward to the following week and spending some time with her. My wife and I divorced about four years ago and we share custody of Missy. Missy is sixteen and her best friend Jan is...

2 years ago
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A Week With My Favorite Aunt

This story is about:Note : This story is completely fictional!Last summer I went to my aunt's city for a week and my aunt made me live at her home all this time.All of this began the day I arrived, at about 8 30 her husband left for office and we were left alone . Although I had no plans the moment I saw her my mind began knitting sexy thoughts about her , she possessed a lethally sexy body and was bold enough to let everyone notice.Soon after her husband left she started doing her regular...

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Price of Past MiraclesChapter 8

Barbie Estevez cried out to Brad Seldon as his plane was going down in flames after being struck by lightning ... then she screamed and sat up in her bed, gasping for air. She looked around and realized it was the middle of the night and she was still in her bed ... not with Brad in his Cessna 172 Skyhawk in the middle of a violent storm. She put her face in her hands as she started to cry. The nightmare had seemed so real ... she'd never had such a vivid dream before in her life... She...

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Legends of the Displaced

You wake up with a terrible headache, laid down on an altar of some kind, your mind is a maelstrom of ideas, sensations, and other things. You can't remember who you are or what you are. Your body is on fire, melting and reforming. Suddenly everything stops. you open your eyes and see that you are in the open, in your peripheral vision you notice that the altar you are in is in the middle of a stone circle, in some kind of forest. immediately voices start to speak in your mind, thousands of...

3 years ago
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Edds Cock 1

My friend Edd and I were lying on his bedroom floor, eyes glued to a screen as we played on his Xbox. We were playing Fifa12, one of Edd's favourite games, and since I wasn't that into it, he was absolutely kicking my ass. I swore loudly as he scored yet another goal against me, making the score 6-0. He laughed as the replay of his player heading the goal into the net in slow-mo, and I swore again. We were both enjoying the freedom of swearing at the top of our voices, since both Edd's...

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Horny Sister Opportunistic Workers

This real incident is of my nymphomanic sister who would have sex with any random guy once she is attracted to them or fascinated to them by the size of the dick they possess. I am sure my sister is definitely used to huge dicks, that’s why she would peep people peeing beside the road or even anywhere where she could get the view of their dick.This story is about my younger sister and I along with my mom and dad and two sisters, Sharda and Poonam live in a village in UP, the northern part of...

3 years ago
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An experemental day in manchester PT3

Slowly i felt his thumb pop into my arsehole past my sphincter,then slip fully in upto the knuckle,jesus,my cock was rock hard dribbling a steady stream of pre-cum as he began to slowly pump it in and out of my tight hole conflicting feelings flashing round my head from guilt, to the heart thumping horniness,of the situation.I fet his hair brush my thigh as he leant around me to take the tip of my throbbing cock in his mouth,slowly slurping my pre-cum as i sank down his throat,I thought I was...

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BethChapter 13

June 23, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, I got a text from Mom: “22nd, Y.” That’s when I noted the time. Shit! Though I usually don’t sleep late, I didn’t wake until nearly 9. I’ve got to get to practice. I called Rhee to tell her that I was running late and that I would meet her at practice. It didn’t help that I’d started my period overnight and had to deal with that. I then jumped in the shower – shower cap on, did a sketchy wash, and jumped back out. I donned practice clothes, grabbed my soccer...

1 year ago
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FantasyOr Reality

Fantasy or reality, what happens when they cross? My girl has had plenty of them and it is one of the most wonderfully endearing qualities about her! She has had some really cute ones as a young girl and some really kinky and sinful ones as she has gotten older! My goal has always been to get her off! and to see her really enjoy herself, gives me the most pleasure along with the biggest hard on! The following, is one fantasy that I have made come true on several occasions, she has...

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