A Playful Conversation free porn video

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For some reason, Abby, my wife of seven years, had begun telling me about her girlfriend Kayla’s having a crush on me. Now, understand me here, I love my Abby. I’m very happy with her and always have been. And, while I’m as horny as the next guy in looking at other women, and yes, even envisioning them in bed with me, or us, I’ve never even thought about actually doing it.

So imagine my surprise, when one night at a neighbor’s get-together, Abby brought up Kayla just as our hostess was opening the second bottle of red saying, “I think you two would be great in bed together.”

My jaw almost hit the table. “What did you just say, dear?”

“I said you and Kayla would be great in bed together. Don’t you think?”

“I … I never gave it a thought until this moment,” I replied.

“Well, what do you think?”

“Ab, I don’t want Kayla. I want you,” I said, finding myself breathing hard. To prove my words I pulled her knee up onto my leg. The long tablecloth hid my action from the others dining with us.

“You wouldn’t fuck her?” she said sotto-voice.

“You’re joking, right?” I replied, pretending to wipe my mouth with a napkin.

“No, but … later we could pretend that I was her.”


“Just the once, baby, it’ll really spice things up.”

Now, we had role played all sorts of shit---had done so ever since we first jumped each other’s bones---in fact, we had pushed enough boundaries to last a long while, but this was different. The aforementioned Kayla was six feet away from us, and although she wasn’t looking at us, I thought Abby was bringing the subject much too close to home.

I shook my head and kissed my wife. not caring that the others saw us. I was hoping to change the subject, but Abby wasn’t having it.

“Come on,” she whispered. “Promise me you’ll call me Kayla as you fuck me. I want you to call me by her name; tell me how much better she is. Tell her I’m a stupid little whore and you’re in love with her. Tell her you want her more.”

Abby kept at it for the remainder of the evening, even pushing me into Kayla’s arms for a goodnight kiss as we were leaving our host and hostesses' home.

The weirdness continued the following weekend when Abby whispered in my ear during dinner at Club Jonny’s.

“That girl at the next table wants to fuck you. She told me the other day when her mouth was on my cunt.”

I smiled and pretended I don’t hear her, but when she moved her hand to my thigh and touched me, she knew her words had registered with a high C.

Abby looked around the room taking everything in before blithely resuming her previous line of conversation without missing a beat. “When was the last time you fucked my ass?” This with a Mona Lisa smile accompanying the words.

I don’t answer her, but I spent the next few minutes recalling that particular event while she sat there looking at me as if I’d said something incredibly funny.

Know this---It takes at least two to play any real game. I had been doing a lot of thinking since her remarks about Kayla the week before. She had been incredibly hot in bed that night, begging me to call her Kayla until I finally did so. Less than a minute later she’d had the first of two huge orgasms that left the both of us reeling senselessly.

Inasmuch as I had enjoyed the sex every bit as much as Abby, I decided to throw my hat in the ring as it were, and in as challenging a tone as I could muster up, I leaned over her and pretended to push a lock of hair behind her ear and said, “Speaking of your ass, I want you to take it into the powder room; pick an empty stall, bend over and lift your dress and wait for me. I’ll be joining you momentarily.”

Her blush was almost imperceptible. She mumbled something I didn’t understand and excused herself. I waited a full minute before standing. Looking down at her chair I saw the wet spot she’d left, and casually dried it with my napkin before following her into the powder room. 


 Later that night as I took her anally for the second time, she moaned, “I want you to do all the things
to her that you do to me.” “Caught off-guard, I asked, “Do what to who, Abby?”

“To Kayla, of course; those little things you do so well, like fucking me, making me cum so hard and so long. Anal, oral … you know.”

I rolled Abby onto her back and held her arms above her head with one hand. She was covered in sweat and both our bodies were near exhaustion. When I let her go, she knew well enough not to move. After two years I no longer had
to tie her up.

“I’ll fuck her tomorrow,” I whispered as I pushed two fingers inside her. Abby arched her back as I lifted her off the bed with my hand. I slammed into her, my hand a blur as I bit her neck.

After she came on my fingers, I whispered, “Maybe I’ll let you undress her and hold her down while I play with her. Maybe I’ll let you push her to her knees and hold her hair as she gets me hard.”

Abby started moaning louder, but only half her noises were because of what I was doing to her; the other half was her thinking about what I was telling her we might do to Kayla.

I was proven right about this when I added: “If you’re good I’ll let you slap her face before pulling her pretty lips to your cunt. Would you like that? Do you want to close your thighs around her head as I fuck her from behind?”

“YES!” she moaned eagerly, “I DO want to kneel over her mouth and pull her hair.”

I hadn’t expected this forceful a reaction from her, and goaded by it, I added a third finger.

“UGH!” she grunted, and pressed down against my fingers.

Abby’s nipples were harder than I had ever seen them. “I want to bite her fingers and scratch her thighs,” she moaned between pig-like snorts. “I want to drown her in my cunt as I tell her she’s almost a good girl. I want to fuck her harder than you’ve ever fucked me.”

Abby was cumming before all the words were out of her mouth. I let my body weight pin her to the mattress and glanced into the bedside mirror and saw myself with one hand in her hair and the other in her snatch as she shook and screamed out her pleasure.

I kissed her and she moaned into my mouth. Then she was trembling for long minutes, her vagina clenching so tightly around my fingers I began wishing it was my cock inside her.

“I think she’s going to like us,” I said when Abby collapsed beneath me.

“You really mean what you said back them?” she asked before kissing me, and pulling my cock inside her.

She was in the kitchen when I came home the next day.

“You’re later than usual, honey,” Abby said, with pent-up excitement in her eyes. The dining room table was set, and there were flowers as a center-piece. The candles, already lit were burned down halfway.

“Why didn’t you call?”

“Sorry about that, Ab,” I answered, “I was caught up in something. I’ll tell you about it after I shower.”

She was standing by the sink, her cute derriere resting on the edge of the kitchen table.

“You’re going to shower? But everything’s ready … more than ready,” she whined.

"I wasn’t at work, Abby.”

“But …” a shocked expression came over her face. "Then where were you?”

"Don't worry," I said, "I'll tell you everything after I shower.”

“No,” she said and came up to me and sniffed my shoulder, then my hair. “You … you were with someone. A … woman!” she said accusingly, and her eyes filled with tears.

“I was going to tell you after I … washed her scent off me---Kayla’s scent,” I added.

Abby’s eyes went wide. The tears started coming and wouldn’t stop.

"I called her from work, basically invited myself over to her place.”

“You didn’t!” she said, but knew I had.

“I told her I had something to tell her; and that I'd rather tell her in private."

Shaking her head as if trying to clear it, Abby said, “Um, so what did you have to tell her?”

"Nothing," I said. "I lied."

Abby stared at me in disbelief. “You didn’t!”

“You’re repeating yourself, Abby. She met me at the entrance to her apartment and we started up the stairs.
She lives on the second floor, you know.”

Taking a big breath, Abby said slowly, “I know.”

"Well, I found myself staring at her ass. It really is a nice one, you know?”

Abby nodded her head, consciously or unconsciously I couldn’t tell, so I kept going.

“I was thinking of what you said last night, Ab.”

“Huh?” she said as if suddenly pulled from a deep dream.

“Remember? You said you wanted me to do all the things to Kayla that I’ve done with you.” Abby’s eyes closed as I went on. “Those little things … like fucking you, making you cum so hard and so long. Anal, oral … you know.”


“Remember what I said next, Abby?”

“Noooo!” It came out as a wail of denial.

“I told you I’d fuck her tomorrow.”

“You … you’re making this up!” Abby sniffed, and then wiped her arm across her nose, leaving a trail of slug-like mucus
on it.

“Anyway, I grabbed her by the arm and made her stop on the stairwell.

"You screwed her on the stairs---in public?”

"Well first I asked her if she wanted to see it.”

“You … you really asked her that?”

I looked directly into Abby’s eyes and said, “Sure. Anyway, Kayla turned around and looked at me. And that's when I asked her if she wanted to see my cock."

"Oh, my God. I can't believe you really said that."

"Well, I did."

“And what did she say?" Abby said in a hoarse whisper.

"Oh, she just looked at me, then looked at my bulge and nodded.

"So … you showed it to her?” Abby said after licking her dry lips.

“Yeah … I did, Abby.”

“What … what did she do?”

“She watched me stroke it.”

“Was it hard?”

“Silly question, Ab, of course it was.”

Abby was silent for a while. She was still leaning against the kitchen table. Then she pressed her crotch into the pointed corner and asked, “Did you jerk off for her?”

Abby's neck was reddening, I could only imagine how flushed she was elsewhere. I didn’t reply just then, choosing to watch as her hips began to move in a very small circular way as ground her pussy against the table’s corner, trying to get off on my story.

“Did Kayla say anything during this time?”

"She certainly did. That's one nasty friend you've got there."

“OHHH!” Abby gasped involuntarily.

"That’s exactly what she said, Abby. You must know her really well.”

“Fuck you, you bastard!” Abby spat out. But I noticed she was putting even more pressure on her cunt with the corner of the table.

“Anyway, Kayla sat herself down on the steps and watched as I stroked my dick. Is this turning you on, Abby?”

"I … I don't want to hear this," Abby sobbed.

"Well, I don't think you have much of a choice in the matter, Ab. For that matter, I think you do want to hear about it. You do, don’t you, Ab?”

Abby didn’t respond verbally. But she kept touching the table top just in front of her where it was making an indentation in the crotch of her dress. She made a slight adjustment to her dress, but kept the corner of the table firmly pressed against her.

“I don’t mind if you need to touch yourself, Abby,” I said, not unkindly. She glanced into my eyes, and then at her hands and the corner of the table. She took several deep breaths, and managed to find a semblance of control.

After a short interval, Abby asked, "All right, you sick bastard. Then what happened?”

"Well," I told her, “I was almost there, you know?”

Abby nodded, she knew all right.

“But neither of us really wanted that, you know?”

“You fucked her on the stairs, didn’t you?” Abby said accusingly.

I decided to stall. “Well, I had her sitting on the stairs looking at my dick, Abby. And she is an attractive girl."

“You fucked her, didn’t you?”

“I told her to get down on all fours and show me her pussy."

"OH, CHRIST!” Abby sobbed and took a step back from the table.

“Abby?” I said, but she was somewhere else and didn’t hear me; at least not then.

Moments later, with trembling fingers, Abby pulled her dress up and brought her fingertips to bear on the gusset of her black panties.

“Abby?” I said again as her fingers began to move up and down, stroking her pussy through the fabric.

"It's okay," I whispered gently. "Touch yourself as much as you want."

Abby’s eyes were closed. She was panting with lust as her fingers slid past the black material and into her cunt.

“Should … should I go on about Kayla and me?”

“Yesssss,” she replied in a raspy, forlorn voice.

"So, Kayla got down on all fours on the steps in front of me, and I lifted up her skirt to see her pussy. She wasn’t wearing any panties. She’d shaved her pussy. Did you know she did that?"

Abby didn’t dignify my question with an answer. I paused and watched as she masturbated. I had seen her do it before on several occasions. Fuck, we’d done it together at least twice.

“I put my face next to Kayla’s pussy and smelled her. She must have felt my breath on her or something, because she wriggled her ass just a little bit. So I asked her, “Do you want me to touch you?” Abby was panting raggedly as she rubbed her pussy at a faster pace.

“Ugh!” she grunted , seeking release. I continued talking in a low monotone so as not to disrupt my wife’s masturbating.

"So I licked my middle finger and slowly sent it into Kayla's pussy. Oh, she loved that, groaning aloud as I buried it in her pussy. Then I started fucking her with it, sliding it in and out, in and out..."

"Oh, God," Abby gasped, her eyeballs were rolled up in her head. Out of the blue, she asked, “Did she … did she have a tight pussy?”

“Yeah … she did, Ab. I could feel her pussy muscles contracting as I poked away at her. And I just had to pull my finger out and lick it to taste her juice."

"Like you do with me,” Abby moaned.

“Yeah, Abby, just like you.”

“How’d she taste? You did taste her, right?”

Abby’s fingers were flying by this time, surging in and out of her sodden cunt, squishy noises sounded with each and every thrust of her wrist as she sent her fingers flailing around in her gash.

“I found her kinda sweet. Have you ever tasted her?”

I learned a lot from her answer. “Noooo,” Abby groaned, and there was an undeniable longing in her drawn out protest.

"She's your best friend. You mean to tell me you never tasted her pussy?"

Abby shook her head: "No.... But I want ….” she stopped and began again. “No, I … haven’t.”

I filed her response away for the moment, and said, “I couldn't wait to feel my cock inside her."

Abby grabbed one of her breasts, tweaked the nipple with one hand, stroked her pussy with the other.

"Yeah," I said, "Keep going, honey. Make yourself cum."

Abby threw her head back and whimpered at my words.

I resumed my story, saying, “I pulled my finger out of Kayla's pussy only this time I offered it to her. She opened her mouth like a pond fish at feeding time---sucked it clean---really seemed to like it. Has she ever mentioned that kind of thing to you?”

Abby moaned. It was her loudest moan yet.

“I’d like to see Kayla lick your pussy, baby.”

Abby’s moans got even louder as she pummeled her pussy, and squeezed her left breast. The cords in her neck stood out. I saw drool trickling out of her mouth.

"Then," I whispered into Abby’s ear, “I had her turn around so that her ass was facing me and I slapped her on each cheek. I remember hearing a phone ringing in the apartment below and a female voice answering. I could smell Kayla’s arousal. God, it had a powerful pungent odor. I couldn’t remember being as hard as I was at that moment.”

“You bastard!” Abby whimpered as she started to shudder with her approaching climax while visualizing the scene I was depicting.

“You just cum, baby?” I inquired innocently.

“Fuck you!” Abby snarled, still fingering her sodden snatch.

“So, there I was with my cock at the mouth of her cunt, but she was so fucking tight I couldn’t get it in there.”

“You cocksucker!” Abby screamed at me as her orgasm swept over her, causing her knees to buckle and sink slowly to the floor. I knelt next to her and continued. “Kayla took me in one hand and used the other to spread herself apart for me. Jesus, it felt like a tight velvet glove, Ab. I really mean it.”

Abby didn’t wait for the orgasm to end, but renewed her frigging, grunting with renewed effort. I fished my cock out and lightly slapped Abby across the mouth with it. Her eyes shot open, and seeing what it was, yawed like a giant fish closing in on its prey. I kept talking about Kayla even as Abby began sucking the hell out of my dick.

Evidently the desire to hear what transpired between Kayla and me was too much for her and Abby took me from her mouth and asked, “Surely she said something when you entered her?”

"She kept saying 'fuck me,'" I answered, “And I just kept pounding it into her. She was loving every second of it, no lie.”

Abby kept stroking and sucking my dick. Her eyes riveted to the motion of her hand.

"I pulled out of her; had her sit down on one of the steps. We were still almost fully dressed, so I helped her take her clothes off. She’s the kind of woman that looks better naked than clothed, but I guess you must know that about her. “Anyway, she sat there waiting, liking the fact that I was devouring her with my eyes. She touched herself, pressing down on her clit.”

Taking me out of her mouth, Abby said, “I bet you loved that,"

“I did. I told her to spread her legs so I could see.”

“Did she?”

“Of course she did. Wouldn’t you have?”

“I don’t know … in public, you know?”

“You’re playing with yourself right now, Abby,” I said, and reminded her, “You had no problem handling my dick in the restaurant over the weekend. Anyway, we’re at home, not on a staircase.”

“It … it sounds so fuckin’ hot,’ she said breathing heavily.

“It was. I had to fuck her on the spot, and did.”

"Oh yeah," Abby whispered. "I bet you did."

“She was so wet, Abby … I was all the way in before I knew it. She wrapped those thighs around me and put her pelvis into overdrive. I swear to God I didn’t have to fuck at all. She did all the work.”

"Ohhhh, yeah ….” Abby purred, rubbing her pussy with renewed vigor. I think she came, but was never sure, but her little tuft of pubic hair was glistening with her juices. I really wanted to fuck my wife on the kitchen table then and there, but I had a story to tell, and so I continued.

"I looked down at Kayla's pussy as I fucked her; I saw her clean-shaven labia stretching around my wet, slippery cock. Oh, baby … I wish you'd have been there to see it, you'd have liked that, wouldn't you?"

Abby moaned, “Did you cum in her?”

“Not just then, no.”

“OHHH, YOU FUCK!” "Kayla dug her nails into my back, and I felt her tight sheath clenching my cock. She started to yell and I had to cover her mouth with my hand. I felt it was my turn and I began hammering it into her. Moments later she was cumming. She couldn’t form a coherent word, just babbled away.”

Abby came then, sitting on the floor, trembling all over as a pool of juices streamed out of her hole.

"OH, GOD!” Abby grunted and squirted again, this time I saw it all happen. I had never seen her do that before.

She started to laugh and giggle. “Look at me!” she croaked. “Look at me cum!”

“Yeah, you’re something else, Abby,” I said completely agreeing with her.

Abby stopped frigging herself, dropping her hands to her sides. I let about a minute pass. Abby continued sitting in place despite the fact that it now looked like she was sitting in a pool of her own urine. But we both knew what it was and neither of us commented on it. She smiled up at me, took note of my solid erection, and said, “I’ll bet you made her awfully sore with that big toy of yours. Tell me, how did she take it?”

“You know how she took it. I’ve already told you, Ab. I was already stroking myself. “I came inside her Abby. I didn’t use any protection. I might have impregnated her. Do you care?”

“No, not really.”

Her answer surprised me, but I kept whacking away and felt the semen churning up and out of my testicles.

“I’m gonna cum all over you, Abby!” I saw her eyes kind of glaze over as my orgasm hit.

"AHHHHHH!" I yelled as I started to ejaculate.

"FUCK YEAH!” The first rope of cum splattered off the bridge of her nose, a portion of which went directly into her right eye. She whimpered at the unwanted and slightly painful intrusion, but remained still as the remaining jets of cream hit her open mouth, tongue and chin, then slowly cascaded down to her left breast. I felt wonderful, totally elated and knelt down next to my wife and wiped some of the residue from her face while she rubbed her eye. Then I kissed her, tasting my semen in the process.

As I helped her to her feet, Abby asked, “So what happened next with you and Kayla?”

“We went into her apartment and fucked for about three hours."
"OHHH," Abby gasped, and started rubbing her pussy again. “I bet you fucked the hell out of her!”

“Oh yeah, I ate her out … just like this ….”

“Ohhh … Ohhh ...."

Forty minutes later --- “Wasn’t that fun, Abby?”

“Umm, it was, yeah ….”

“Well then, if you’re agreeable, let’s have her over.”


“Sure, let’s say, tomorrow night?”

Abby’s voice was subdued, but filled with excitement. “Okay.”

“And, I’d like to watch the two of you do it. Maybe I’ll join in, maybe I’ll just watch.”

“I’ll need a new outfit,” Abby said with a broad smile.

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“N-No! Laura, stop!” I squirmed as I writhed around underneath her on the bed we shared. I had been over at her house for the weekend, sleepovers planned. It was late, nearly midnight, and we were playing like children on the bed, not like the mature, 19-year-old best friends we were. We were simply tickling each other until we couldn’t take it anymore. Her fingers worked endlessly on my sides, our hair tussled and messed as we fought. I kicked her off with a triumphant laugh, rolling over so...

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Playful Puppy

The phone was far more effective than the alarm clock. The shrill tone was enough to wake even a sound sleeper like my Master. Master's arm made me safe and contented and my aching nipples and ass were constant reminders that I had been well used the night before. I had been up for some times because of the discomfort before the phone rang. My restless hands stroked his chest and abdomen, raking lightly with my nails. After his promise last night that more was to come, I could hardly stand to...

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Playful Friendship

We had all known each other for years. Eric and my husband go way back and he was one of my favorite male friends of his. This closeness thru the years between us had been on a very innocent level and Eric has always been a gentleman. In this recent year however something had changed a bit. Our relationship had become flirtier. Maybe I was some signal I had sent out to him because my sex life wasn't quite what I would like. My husband and I still have good sex don't get me wrong but over the...

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Two Conversations

A few days ago, I overhead two teenage boys talking at a nearby table at a restaurant where I was having lunch. Says the first boy, “Last night, my girlfriend called me at three A.M. to tell me she can’t sleep.” At 39, I know a thing or two about why women like me call their boyfriends at three in the morning. When we say we can’t sleep, it means our men are very much on our minds and we miss them and we are horny as hell and we wish they were in our beds with us. So I figured that boy...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 256 The Aquatic Center Several Conversations

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The last few chapters have featured Savannah more than she deserved. Despite all the words I've written about her, I really only spent a few minutes talking to her. I spent longer talking to some of the other individual girls, but they were generally straightforward and honest, so needed little comment here. They'd come here to meet me, were happy to be in my company, and were perfectly happy to make no pretense about it. The sight of my body in its...

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The Preacher ManChapter 43 Conversations

Time: March 15, 8240 1:39 PM Ammar and I both knew enough about each other's heresies to get us all slowly executed. Still, our situations were far from equal. I was in a position of relative power, and hence I thought I had the greater responsibility to be considerate. My wives and I were all intensely curious to hear Ammar's tale, but we spent the first half hour after our revelations describing our own activities. Ammar listened with rapt attention. His need for knowledge finally...

1 year ago
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Fiftieth BirthdayAct 2 Two Conversations

Two Conversations Teri: Background: I pulled my four-year-old Honda minivan out of the parking garage of my office building in downtown San Francisco and headed for my appointment in Sausalito. I smiled a little as I remembered that Michael helped me find this van, even though he called it my "mommy van". Michael is a car guy — since his firm became successful he always drove a sports sedan with lots of features and horsepower. Some men use a big powerful car to compensate for other...

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Conversations By r.gold "Christopher! What are you doing? What have I walked in on? What's going on?" "Nothing, Lisa. I'm just rocking the baby. I'm, uh, I'm not doing anything wrong." "Anything wrong? You're sitting here wearing my dress, my shoes, my makeup, my jewelry, and rocking our daughter." "I know that, Lisa. Sometimes when it just gets really slow, I'll get dressed. I'm lonely by myself each day. I was bored and this seemed like fun. It's not like you didn't...

3 years ago
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Pathfinder The Trio Cave Conversations

Pathfinder: The Trio - Cave Conversations Author's note: Since this is a sequel to "The Trio", you might want to read that one first, if you havent already. Goruza led the way towards the cave, with Emerald behind her leading Champ, her mule, on which Besh (and Max) sat. Finally, they reached the lip of the cave, and entered into it. "It's bigger than I expected," Besh remarked as she jumped off Champ, temporarily dislocating Max in the process. "We should explore it, so we...

1 year ago
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London Telephone Conversations

London Telephone Conversations ã CarmenicaDiaz Call 1. 'Hello?' 'For God sakes,Carmen, what are you playing at?' 'Edward, darling,how terribly good of you to call, I was just thinking about you…' 'How couldyou do this?' 'I'm afraidI'm not sure…' 'You knowperfectly well! Don't play the sweet innocent one with me!' 'Edward, haveyou had breakfast? You sound terribly grumpy.' 'Grumpy? Ofcourse I'm fucking grumpy! You put this…thing…whatever it'scalled…on me when I was asleep...' 'It's...

1 year ago
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I enjoy our conversations. At times they are businesslike and at other times, they are more personal. Either way, though, there is always a strong undertone of inner thought and emotion. When I speak to her on the phone, I picture her so strongly. That image and her soft mellow voice causes me swell so quickly. It happens every time we speak. Every time my wandered in her direction. I shall call her now. And even as I dial, I fanaticize about what she might be doing. Maybe she was doing what I...

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Christmas Conversation

My thanks to Jay444 for his editing skills. It’s the first time I’ve had someone’s expertise and he really has been a big help. Any errors or omissions are entirely my own. * I lasted about two minutes at the most before I had to get out of there. I was at a table with at least a dozen of my friends in a popular North End restaurant, ‘celebrating’ what was supposed to be my liberation and reconstruction as an eligible bachelor. I hadn’t even taken off my parka yet before I got up, gestured in...

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A Conversation

A DM conversation between Amateur cross dresser (ACD) and a Horny (H)[H]- Hi [ACD] - Hello there. Love your pic posts. ;)[H] - oh thanks hony Loved yours Sexy pics and loved your legs I'm horny, how abt you [ACD] - Thanks! I'm always horny. ;)[H] - can you help me finish [ACD] -What would you like me to do? ;)[H] - how would you help anyone finish? any ideas I can help u...

1 year ago
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Magicians Assistant 4 Car Conversation

Magician's Assistant 4: Car Conversation By Deane Christopher Copyrighted: 2001 "So..." Mary said as she slid in behind the wheel of her car, "Tell me, Jeff! What were you and Magatrix talking about right before we left?" "Oh!" Jeff replied as she buckled her seat belt. "Just this, that and the other thing! I mean, she started off by once again thanking me for being such a good sport and helping her out with her act and all! You know, especially in regards to this girl-shit...

4 years ago
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Lessons from a Park Bench Conversation

Lessons from a Park Bench Conversation The first thing I noticed, was she had pretty feet. I know, I know, as soon as someone says that, everyone thinks you're a perv. All you have to do is do a search on "foot fetish" online, and you'll see stuff that would make your head spin. But I'm not like those dudes. Its just ... when a girl has pretty feet, I notice, that's all. The feet were encased in a sexy pair of sandals, and were attached to a nice pair of legs visible under a...

2 years ago
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Late Night Conversation

Late night Conversation "Hey, what's wrong?" "I'm scared." "About what?" "About what we talked about today." "The... changes you'll be going through soon?" "Uh-huh. Its really going to happen? I'm going to change into a woman?" "Yes. But it'll be okay. I'm a woman, and I do fine." "Its not that. Its just ... everything about me will be different. The way I look, the clothes I wear, even how I think about things ... like boys and men, right?" "True, but why is that...

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Coffee Shop Conversation

Coffee Shop Conversation "Hey Mary" "Hey Marg. Wow. You look awful! What happened?" "This morning my daughter Amy came running out of her room still in her nightgown, crying and saying she isnt a girl, she's a boy, and that some magic spell turned her into a girl overnight." "My goodness. What did you do?" "I told her to stop being silly, and to go and get her school clothes on. When she didnt stop crying, I gave her a paddle on the bum and sent her to get...

1 year ago
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A Counselor Conversation

My counselor asked that I type our conversation so I can see and have evidence of what I said in our counseling session. If you've never been to one, it's a great idea to have it taped and then type it. You'll learn a lot about the things you talk about. So this is from a recent session. She's given me permission to put this on Fictionmania, as she wants to see reviews. I think she's looking to see if others have the same childhood experiences I had or if yours are any different. So this...

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An overheard conversation

An overheard conversation "You know what transgender is? Well I am in transition " "oh you must have just started then" "huh?" "Its almost a shame that a pretty girl like you would feel the need to be a guy, but I guess you have to go with your heart" "Actually ... I was a guy." "No! Really?" "Really." "I cant even picture you as a guy" "Neither could I" "Well, good luck" "Thanks" End

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Actual online conversation

I was cleaning out my computer this morning and found this on a thumb drive I forgot I had. What your about to read (I hope) is an actual conversation between a lady friend and myself. What lead up to it is her and I having some fun the night before and as it got late we ended it. She was going to masturbate that night and it never happened due to unforeseen circumstances. I deleted some of it to shorten it up some. Lets just say she was rudely interrupted.Something different and hope y'all...

2 years ago
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Overheard Conversation

Conversation With a Stranger "Hi handsome! What's a nice guy like you doing hiding behind this pillar?" "Hi Debbie. Same as you, watching his only daughter graduate." "It's nice that they have the ceremony here in the Cathedral, isn't it? I suppose the University hasn't got a hall big enough to get everyone in at once." "Adds some historical atmosphere in my opinion. The steel and glass of the Uni's new buildings are all right for them to study in; but a bit of the old gothic...

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The Short Conversation

Rick had just finished lunch when his mobile rang; he wasn’t expecting any calls. “Rick Martin”, he said after clicking the phone to the answering icon. Seconds past and then an exciting female voice that was accompanied by a giggle in the background answered “Rick this is Karen”. A silence followed as he search for any of his contacts named Karen for most would have had their names displayed, this caller only had numbers. “Karen who?” he asked. Again he heard the giggling in the background and...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IChapter 7 Overhearing a Conversation

For the rest of August and into early September we frequently had guests to view the stables and see the races. I was fascinated to see my uncle becoming more and more jealous and protective when the younger gentlemen or the sons of the older gentlemen paid attention to me. I was somewhat curious as to this, especially as, other than my attire, I never gave him the slightest cause for concern. Inasmuch as he had no apparent slaking in his thirst for the ladies of the household, I failed to...

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Posing TogetherChapter 5 Candid Conversation

Peter showed up around noon, and Meagan let him in. "Mom stayed up all night cleaning the art studio. It doesn't look any different to me, but whatever. She said I'm supposed to get you lunch and that you're on the clock to get paid as soon as you show up. She shouldn't be asleep much longer, but we can wake her up if she isn't moving in about an hour. So what do you want to eat? We've got hot dogs, microwave burritos, nachos and cheese." Peter made a humming noise, obviously not...

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My Second ChanceChapter 43 Book 1 Living Room Conversation

This night we do not have the TV on, opting instead just to socialize. Moira switches the topic of conversation, saying, “My parents are so frustrating. Mom asked me to take a month off work to be a councillor at our church summer camp. She is trying to tear me away from all my friends and hates me sharing my boyfriend. Dad loses it on her every time she brings it up. Neither one cares about what I want. Mom is trying to take me away from my friends, and Dad wants me to sell myself. I don’t...

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Dara Instructed by Her Husband 2Chapter 4 First Married Dinner Conversation

Where the others ate in the downstairs ‘coffee shop’ Sung took me to the rooftop dining room. I had never been in a real restaurant, much less one as elegant as this, so as I looked around there were many things to see. He spoke a few words to the man who seated us, then we talked a bit. His first comment was about my hair down below. “It must go. It need not be immediate, but with your sister here, or my cousin, you might find it more comfortable than a salon in the city where they wax. I...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 6 Conversations

A large circle of people sat in a Circle in the aftermath of a superb dinner served by Chef Bobbie – miniature Beef Wellingtons with a natural sauce served with fresh Belgian asparagus. The group had just finished praising the Chef as she sat naked in Aaron’s arms incessantly teasing him by grinding her pussy against his bathing suit covered cock. “Keep that up, Babe, and I’ll have to do something about your forward nature.” “Oh, dear, “ Bobbie feigned with a wrist to her forehead, “I can...

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The OutsiderChapter 9 Two Conversations

The following morning, to the surprise of everyone in the English literature course, "Mr. Know-it-all" sat next to the girl who had pinned him with that nick-name. Of course, the rest of the class and the professor had no way of knowing what had happened between Mike and Ruthie over the weekend and had incorrectly assumed that the two students bitterly disliked each other. Strange ... it turned out that was not the case at all. From their initial argument the couple realized that had a lot...

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Rashidha Chap4 Conversations

After about one month of having sex (not daily), something broke in me. Not that it`s a bad thing. More like I wasn`t shy anymore and I was more open to the sex I was getting with my parents. Previously I was afraid that nothing would be returning to normal, then it was like nothing would returned as they were- boring, sexless life. I became aware of my sexual behaviour, fetishes, and my assets through the sex and some porn that I started watching. Not that I never watched it before or...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 5 Conversations

-- NOVEMBER 6 -- "Balcony?" I suggested as Nick and I met up outside the staff cabin. "We'd better hurry, though. The sun is dropping fast." Indeed, Daylight Savings had ended on October 30, and the sun had been setting around 5pm ever since. We had just enough time to hike out there, enjoy the view, and then get back by 5:30pm chow time. Nick checked his watch and nodded to me. He then stepped off the porch and took two steps before turning around and looking back for me. "You gonna...

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Unconventional Conversation

My husband and I owned a business and one of the perks was going to the Convention every year. Now normally I wouldn’t be so excited for such but it was held in Las Vegas each year. So a long weekend of finding and getting into as much trouble was we can. I guess better attention should of been paid this one year as my husband booked a fishing trip for the same weekend. Both events bought and paid for with neither willing to return funds. We finally worked out that he’d go on his trip and I’d...

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Martine saw it, and how it changed the night! She saw it, so she has to believe it. It wasn't just a rumor or gossip. It was there. Or. They were there, and the she of they was doing it to the he. To the him. Martine is too rattled to handle the grammar. It had been a nice, but ordinary party, a sweet night in all things but one, when Martine left the clubhouse through a back French door. Ordinary and nice, but Martine felt she had to get out. She turned left onto the patio that overlooks...

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One of my private conversations

I'll knock on your door and as you open it I'll barge in. you fall back shocked and as you try to get back to your feet I'll push you back down and shove my hand up your skirt and rip away your knickers. I cup your mouth with my left hand as my middle fingers searches for your G-spot rubbing it hard and slow making you get wet as I watch the fear in your eyes turn to soothing pleasure then exitiment as you begin to roll your hips in exstacy...You start playing with your breast and take those...

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Ranma 12 Nighttime Conversations

Akane lay in bed, glowering at the ceiling. It had been a long day. It had been a weird day. Who does that jerk think he is? Barging into our lives, making fun of me! And now he's LIVING here! Stupid Ranma. Stupid Daddy. She turned over, staring at the wall and trying to settle her thoughts enough to sleep. It wasn't happening: the room felt stifling even with the window open, her covers too heavy, and when she turned over again she saw that Ranma was standing in the room with...

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Exciting Conversations

DISCLAIMER Firstly - this story is written by a non native English speaker with completely zero writing experience. It's not MTL, and i'm sure you'll definitely understand sense of each sentence, but if you're a very grammar-sensitive person - be warned AND PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF IT'S READABLE :D Secondly - right now - i'm writing this story from a 3rd person perspective, with occasional POV change (only if it's required by specific chapter). It can be changed while the story is short, so let...

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Intimate Conversations

Doris Dayton had always been a well-behaved youngster and she was quite circumspect in high school with the possible exception of pulling her best friend Doreen's brother's business as a favor so his sister wouldn't have to do it and commit a terrible sin of incest. It was a win-win situation for Doris because not only did she gain valuable intelligence about how to turn a boy on but she felt it was simply a "good deed" that could only make her more pleasing in the eyes of the Lord....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 25 Confrontations and Conversations

August 21, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “Joyce, I said am not going to put up with this!” I declared for the third time. “Steve, don’t do anything rash or stupid. Threatening Connie was NOT smart.” “Oh, that wasn’t a threat; that was a promise!” I snarled. “I told her so, too. If Anthony or Connie, or anyone associated with them so much as THINKS about Becky, I will put a stop to this in whatever way and by whatever means I deem appropriate at the time. You know me well enough to know that...

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HorseplayChapter 16 Conversations

A thick fog wrapped the camp overnight and Neil lifted bales of hay from the pallet elevator in awe of the beauty of the mountains cloaked in a shawl of luminescant white. He paused at the upper doorway of the stable and looked across the paddocks before lifting another heavy bale with the bale hooks and dragging it to the huge stack. He barely made sure that his inattentiveness didn't result in a lopsided stack, but he had to move a whole pile after realizing that he'd put it in the wrong...

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SummerChapter 7 Paper Conversations

That English lesson, first thing on Tuesday when most of the class, and the lecturer were asleep but for the fact that they had their eyes open, pen's crawling sluggishly across the paper, Sera waltzed in late and sat done in the seat next to Thomas without a word. Under the table, his fingers brushed Thomas's knee, making the other boy jump. Sera put a finger to his lips and smiled. The dark skinned Latino got out paper and a pen, not even bothering to open the textbook and pretend that he...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 6 Conversations

I still remember quite vividly how I met Ramon's friend Pablo for the first time. It was on the Sunday of my second visit to Ramon's apartment. Following Mirabelle's suggestion, I had told my parents I was going for all-day exam preparation at my friend's place. I had arranged for Ramon to pick me up in Villiers early in the morning so that we could spend most of the day together. As soon as we arrived at his place we ripped each other's clothes off and engaged in passionate sex. During...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 13 Late Night Conversations

Marta’s House, Detroit About two hours later I woke again. I whispered in her ear that I had to get up and take care of some things. She said, “Okay honey, but when you get back you bett...” Then she faded out. I got up and went down the the kitchen stark naked. Marta was sitting there wearing a summer sleeveless nightshirt with a cup of coffee, like she was thinking of something, or waiting for me. Of course I kissed her and she immediately knew what we had done. “I like her too my son,”...

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London Telephone Conversations

Call 1. 'Hello?' 'For God sakes, Carmen, what are you playing at?' 'Edward, darling, how terribly good of you to call, I was just thinking about you...' 'How could you do this?' 'I'm afraid I'm not sure...' 'You know perfectly well! Don't play the sweet innocent one with me!' 'Edward, have you had breakfast? You sound terribly grumpy.' 'Grumpy? Of course I'm fucking grumpy! You put this...thing...whatever it's called...on me when I was asleep...' 'It's called a chastity tube, darling and I...


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