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Conversations By "Christopher! What are you doing? What have I walked in on? What's going on?" "Nothing, Lisa. I'm just rocking the baby. I'm, uh, I'm not doing anything wrong." "Anything wrong? You're sitting here wearing my dress, my shoes, my makeup, my jewelry, and rocking our daughter." "I know that, Lisa. Sometimes when it just gets really slow, I'll get dressed. I'm lonely by myself each day. I was bored and this seemed like fun. It's not like you didn't know about the dressing. I didn't think you'd be upset. And I have the blinds closed." "Christopher. I understand the dressing. But, you just surprised me. I just never thought I'd walk in on you like this. I didn't know you did it when I wasn't home. I thought you dressed and took photos for your Internet friends or dressed when we made love. I never imagined you sitting down here with Jenny. What are you exposing our daughter to? Chris, what's happening to you?" "Lisa, I didn't think of it as bad with Jenny. She's only three months old and I am giving her all the attention and care any child could want. It's just that I have all this time and I really have never had a chance to dress all day, going to work and all." "Chris, all day? You've been getting dressed each day after I leave?" "Uh, huh. I didn't tell you cause I knew you'd get upset." "Christopher, we're partners and its only fair that we talk. I want you to be happy and I don't want to upset you. But, I just don't like surprises. It was a surprise to find you like this. This frightens me when I don't know what's going on." "I'm sorry. I love you and the last thing I'd want to do is hurt you. I never thought I was doing anything wrong. It just felt good." "Oh, Chris. I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have gotten upset, but, well, it did surprise me. I don't know what to do. What's your therapist say?" "Well, the therapist thinks that my need to dress is increasing with my worrying over finding a new job. She thinks that I'm dressing to escape my self-image as a failure. She thinks that it's all a knee-jerk reaction from when I was abused as a kid." "Chris, you're not a failure and it's not your fault that the government contract was cancelled. You know that you'll find a job soon enough. You do have to believe in yourself. I do. I love you and I know that you are a wonderful parent and the best partner I could ever ask for. But, about your dressing. Does your doctor know when you are going to stop doing it? When did she say your obsession with dressing would fade?" "Well, she thought that if I saturated myself I might get tired of it. She even asks me if I wanted to change my sex or if I felt that I was gay. You know all that stuff. It really upset me. I've never wanted to make love with another guy. I've never wanted to change my sex." "Chris, I know and I'm always glad to hear you say that. Jenny is still a baby and what's this going to do to her?" "Lisa, I wish I could cure myself. I wish I could stop. The therapist thinks I need to attend a sexual addiction group. I'm afraid to do that. I really wish I could stop. I just like it so much and it feels so good." "Chris, I don't want to upset you and make you cry. I'm just trying to talk this through. I just need to know for myself. You know you're going to find a job and its all going to change around. You'll find a great place to work where they appreciate you. But, look at the bright side. While you're looking, Jenny has the best day care money in the world with you staying at home. We're saving tons of money and she's safe at home with you. And with my career in high gear, we can afford this hiccup with you out of work. I'm making plenty of money for the two of us. And you are still getting your unemployment." "I know, Lisa. But, I feel like I'm letting us down. Unemployment isn't forever. Sometimes I feel like such a looser and helpless and really frustrated. They're not hiring engineers who were working on cancelled contracts. It wasn't my fault the plane kept crashing. I don't know, Lisa. Every time I think about what has happened, I feel terrible. When I dress, I feel like I'm not that losing guy. The one who's messed up. When I dress, I feel different. I feel special. I feel like I am pretty and kind and sweet. I feel good. I guess I am a looser for being like this." "Can't you understand that we're a team? Hey, if wearing my clothes is going to make you feel better, do it. I think you look cute, I've always said that. I love to make love with you when you're wearing something feminine. It's a turn on for me, too. Baby, I'd do anything to make you happy. I am dedicated to making this work and I know we can get through this together. Just remember to clean my stuff before you put it back in the closet or my drawers." "Sure, Lisa. You know I respect your property. And thank you for being such a good partner and understanding. I'd never want to do anything to hurt you in any way." "Alright. No arguing. C'mere and give me a hug and a kiss and tell me what's for dinner?" "I guess I could use a hug, too. I'm really glad you asked about dinner. I'm trying something special. I made a casserole with chicken and mushrooms. I got the recipe out of Women's Day. I hope you like it." "Women's Day? Since when did we get Women's Day?" "Oh, we don't get it. I copied it out of the magazine when I was at the pediatrician's office with Jenny." "Mmm, that sounds delicious and it smells delicious, too. I love you, baby. Do we have time to fool around a little before we eat?" "Sure. Let me put the baby in her crib, turn down the oven, and I'll be right in." "...and I did notice how the house looks nice and clean. And Chris, freshen your makeup and don't change. I'm looking forward to undressing my baby and taking off his lingerie." ... "Lisa, what do you think I should do with my hair? How should I get it cut?" "Chris, I like it like that. It looks nice the way you've let it grow out. I like the way you tie it back in a ponytail. But, if you pulled the ribbon up higher on your head it would look better." "You think so? Like this? You don't think it needs cutting?" "Its so much better for you to have your own long hair instead of wearing a wig. You look so much more natural this way. You should tie it back with a ribbon that matches your blouse." "Hey, that's a great suggestion. And Lisa, I feel so much better hearing it from you." "Whatever feels good for you, baby. I love the way it smells and it looks so thick and shinny." "Really, that's a new conditioner I read about in Cosmopolitan. I really like it too. It's in the bathroom. You should try it, too." "Cosmo, huh? My baby is reading Cosmo. Find any good articles like ten ways to turn on your partner? You have to show me what you've learned, you little cutie. By the way, what did your therapist say today?" "Well, she's worried about me. The saturation thing obviously hasn't quenched my needs. She thinks I should be treated for depression and compulsive behavior and she thinks I should start on an anti-depressant or an anti- obsessive medication." "Well, whatever you need. Remember that we have a great prescription plan through my company." "Speaking of your company, tell me about your work." "Do you really want to hear about it? It's so boring and complicated. I'd much rather hear about what you and Jenny did today. I really miss being home with the two of you." "Seriously, Lisa. I think I should take an interest in what you are doing. It's just as important to me and Jenny to hear about what you are doing. I'll listen carefully and try to understand. Listen to me. I sound like such an airhead. Staying at home with a baby is softening my brain." "Well, some days I feel like I'm the only hen in with the roosters. This old boy's club needs shutting down and I'm the woman to do it. I've been given a really big opportunity to design a new plant for manufacturing. If everything goes well, I might be in for a promotion." "That sounds great. I can hear the excitement in your voice and I can tell that you're pumped. But, I get concerned when you stress out too much. How about after dinner if I draw you a bath and wash your hair for you?" "Oh, Chris. That is so sweet of you to offer. It sounds so nice. Maybe later could you give me a pedicure? It's so nice when you touch my feet." "Honey, whatever makes you feel good. Here, take a look at this color. I just finished my nails this afternoon while Jenny took her nap. Wouldn't it be fun to have matching colors?" ... "Baby! What a cute outfit you have on! There's something different. What is it?" "Lisa, you noticed! I put a little highlight in my hair today. Do you like it?" "It looks great! But wait, did you pluck your eyebrows?" "Oh heavens, no. I simply used a hot wax treatment. I never knew that all that stuff was in the grocery store." "Well, Chris. I've always said, be the best that you can be. But you're making me jealous wearing that mini skirt. I don't think I'll ever wear it again. Look you better in it than I do. Have you been dieting?" "Uh, huh. I have lots of time around here to exercise and work on my figure." "Mmm, maybe we can skip dinner and you can take me upstairs and show me what you have on under that skirt." "Oh, Lisa. But how about the side effects I've been having with the medication. Those anti-depressants! The doctor says its going to take a few weeks until my, uh, thingy's able to work again." "Honey, there's other ways to satisfy me." "Okay, in just a minute. I just want to check on the baby and freshen up a little bit. I'm so glad you liked my hair. I was really worried. I was afraid I looked too cheap." ... "I don't know if this is such a good idea, Lisa." "What's the part you're having trouble with?" "Well, I really enjoy staying home with the baby. It makes sense since I got laid off and you got the big promotion. But, why this?" "This. Isn't this what you want? I thought you enjoyed dressing. When we got married, you told me that had been your hobby for years, right?" "Uh huh. But this is different. I've never wanted it to be all the time. I just like to dress when I choose. I really wonder about this whole idea." "You've been dressing more since you've been out of work and you told me you enjoy it, right?" "I love it, Lisa, I can't lie. But, it's just for me and you. I don't take it out into the world. I'm not interested in taking it any further." "Further? Honey, you've taking it further on your own. You're the one who's choosing to dress everyday. You've gone a lot further with your hair, your nails, pretty much everything. I'm not complaining, but it's becoming awkward." "Awkward, how?" "Oh, how about when I saw you shopping for groceries the other day on my lunch hour? How about taking Jenny in the stroller dressed yesterday in the park? How about getting your hair styled at the Hair Cuttery?" "Oh... Well, I was just exploring. I didn't think it would hurt anyone." "Chris, if you had been stopped and the police asked for I.D., what would you have done? What if someone recognized Jenny? What if you lost your cute voice for a minute and the girls figured out there was a man in that beauticians chair?" "Uh. I don't know. I hadn't thought about it. I guess I'm just not thinking straight. I'm sorry, Lisa." "I'm not asking you to change your sex. I love your loving and wouldn't want anything more. But how can I tell my co- workers that my husband stays home with our daughter because he's struggling with his cross dressing?" "I'm not struggling!" "Chris, it's good to be honest with me and yourself. I think my plan is a good one. Why can't you think about what I suggested?" "But, I don't know, Lisa. Becoming your mother's helper, your au pair? I want to be your husband. Getting new identification, electrolysis? My nose fixed? Lisa, that's an awful lot to throw on me." "Nothing I'm suggesting is bad. You look beautiful. Your hair is gorgeous. Your pierced ears are stylish. Your figure is seductive. You've trimmed down and with your padding, you pass so perfectly." "Thank you, Lisa." "We're not throwing away your old I.D. You'll still be my Chris. But, baby, we have to deal with the situation. I can't take you with me as my husband to company dinners. And we haven't gone out in weeks. You're hiding." "Oh." "What am I to tell people at work when they ask about you? I get tired of thinking up excuses. Some people tease me about having an invisible husband." "Lisa, I'll cut my hair and start lifting weights if you want. I'll grow a beard and, well, anything you want. I can be the best husband you've ever seen." "Chrissy, I know you want to please. But, really. I don't think you've ever been happier. I love the way you look and I can't wait to see your smile when I get home. The house is always clean. Our daughter is doing beautifully. I think that the medication and the therapy are really helping." "Lisa, I'd give it all up to please you. I'd shave my head." "Well, if you want to please me, then be happy. I think it's a great idea. This way, we can be in public together. We can go out and people don't have to know anything. I can simply tell people that my husband is working in Australia and I've gotten a nanny to help with our daughter. We can even tell them you're a niece." "A niece?" "Sure, part of the family. And electrolysis will simply mean you don't have to shave anymore. Getting your nose fixed, well. Your deviated septum makes you snore and the doctor said if he fixed your nose, you'd sleep better." "But, I'm your husband." "Chrissy, a husband is a partner not a ruler. We're partners in this relationship and right now I need your support. You know that if I do a good job with this new position, the sky's the limit. You know that I'll be working all the time to get this operation in order. This is the time to step up and think of me. Be my partner and help me out." ... "Umm..." "Hi sweetie... here... take these... uh huh, that's right, swallow..." "Lisa..." ... "Well, looks who's finally awake. Hello Sunshine!" "Umm. Lisa, it is you. I've been having the strangest dreams. I was being cut open and then wrapped in bandages like a mummy. People were all gathered around me and talking. I could hear them, but I couldn't move." "Baby, welcome back to the real world. The pain pills the doctor gave you have been doing a number on you. I think he got the dosage wrong. I don't think he realized that my husband only weighs 130 pounds. You've been out cold for days." "Lisa, umm, help me up. My throat feels terrible. I feel terrible." "Chrissy, what did you expect? You just had plastic surgery." "Lisa, I am so glad you took vacation to stay home with me while I was recovering. Lisa, what about the bandages all over my face?" "Chrissy, they're coming off today. The doctor said to let the warm water loosen them up when you shower. Here, let me help you up and into the bathroom. Lean against the wall while I get the water nice and hot." "Lisa, it does feel good to get cleaned up. My hair feels so stringy and greasy." "Baby, Are you all right in there?" "Just a little dizzy." "That's from being in bed for the past three days." "Okay, Lisa. All washed. I'm coming out." "Here, Chrissy, let me help you. Here's a mirror." "Jeez, Lisa, look at me! I'm black and blue all over my face. I'm a monster!" "Baby, calm down. You're going to be alright. Relax. I figured that I'd surprise you after the bandages come off. I asked the plastic surgeon to do more than your nose. I hope you don't mind." "Mind? What's the matter with my face, I can't feel a thing?" "The doctor said that the feeling would come back in the next couple of weeks. With all the reshaping he did, it's going to take a while. The bruising should go away quickly and you can use makeup to cover up the deep bruises. You certainly use enough makeup these days." "I don't know, Lisa. What'd he do?" "Hmm, let me see. A brow shave, a tracheal shave, moving your eyes forward, chin implant, nose job, cheek implants, tightening your vocal cords. Yeah, I think that about covers it." "Lisa, that's nuts! I never asked for all this!" "Oh, relax, silly. You aren't going to look any different than you did. You'll still look like your wedding pictures, just better!" "You think so? This seems pretty radical." "Chris, you wait. In a few days when you're up and around, you can go out and no one would ever suspect you. You can finally saturate your desires once and for all. You can dress full time." "Oh, Lisa. Should I thank you?" "You can thank me right now, sweetie. Let me hold you and kiss you. It's been days." "Sure, Lisa. Just watch the stitches." ... "Chrissy, It's just called a bikini wax cause its close enough to wear a bikini. I've seen those short dresses and shorts, you're wearing. I know how much you love showing off those gorgeous legs. Well, it's summer and you need to stop trying to shave every other day. This way, nothing shows." "Well, my arms really look better after laser treatments." "Don't I know. Your back and body are so much smoother with no hair or stubble." "Lisa, speaking of smooth, are you coming to bed soon?" "Sure, dear. As soon as I get these last reports read. I can't believe our little girl is sleeping through now. That's so nice you don't have to get up with her at nights." "Tell me. I've been able to stop using as much makeup to hide the circles under my eyes. Well, I'm going to check on Jenny, then take a bath. Don't stay down here too long." "Okay, Chrissy. Momma's got some work to do then she's up and on her way into her baby's arms." "Momma's baby will be waiting. I bought some sexy nightwear for us at the mall today. You're gonna love it!" ... "Lisa, I was looking at the new I.D. today. I'm Christine Johnson?" "Of course. How can my au pair girl be Christopher? I think Christine is a lovely name. And I can still call you Chrissy." "Another thing. You have me listed down here as being twenty-one. That's not going to fly." "Sure will. I've made some special arrangements with the doctor to help you look ten years younger." "More plastic surgery?" "Uh, huh. And a regimen of vitamins to go along with it. Build you up and maybe cure that occasional impotence problem the anti-depressants have caused." "Yeah, I know. It's been tough on me too. But the doctor wants to change my pills and try something that won't cause a reaction. When am I going under the knife?" "This Friday. But this whole thing is not half as bad as the last round." "I did recover pretty well, didn't I?" "Chrissy, you are more beautiful than me! I'm jealous of how good you look!" "Really, Lisa? You're not just saying that, are you?" "We're a team, Chrissy. Would I lie to you?" ... "Chrissy, the limo's here. I'm sending the man upstairs to get the luggage." "I'm coming, Lisa. I've got Jenny with me. Did they put a booster seat in the limo?" "I've already taken care of that, Chrissy." "Lisa, you should have seen the way the driver was looking at me. He was trying to undress me with his eyes." "Chrissy, imagine if he got a real good look at what's tucked in those panties, wouldn't he have been surprised?" "Shh, don't talk like that." "Oh, Chrissy! And stop adjusting yourself so much. Just leave your bra straps alone. You are driving me nuts." "I'm sorry, honey, but those implants are tough to get used to. I understand a face lift, the rib removal, and I adore the tummy tuck. It did help me look thinner and younger. But, I have no idea why you had to surprise me with these anyway. I could have kept padding my bras." "Chrissy, remember, we're a team. I need your help to see this job through. If I'm a success in Texas, the sky's the limit for me. I can't have my niece worrying about her padding falling out. This way, my twenty-one year old au pair can wear tube tops and go braless. Now, fix your skirt, it's riding way up on your butt." "That's another thing. Are you sure they'll be able to take all these hip and butt implants out when this is over? My body doesn't feel like mine anymore. I'm so curvy." "Chrissy, its just added fat. It dissolves in your body in six months to a year. Honey, you're doing just great. You look beautiful." "Lisa, do you really mean that?" "Oh, I do, Chrissy. I do. But the best part, Chrissy, was changing your medication. Momma really likes the fact that Chrissy can take care of momma's needs so well these days." "Oh Lisa, I'm glad too. But you're always surprising me with these changes. Everything seems to be going so fast these days." "Honey, that's what happens when you stay home with the baby. Your day slows down and mine speeds up." "And here I was thinking it was the new meds!" "Well, speaking of meds, I have some new medications for you. It's an estrogen compound mixed with a lactate agent." "Lactate?" "Sure, soon Chrissy will get to breast feed our new baby. You got momma pregnant again."

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Let's start by saying that life never turns out the way you expect it to. I was suppose to end up being married to my high school sweetheart and have a family and k**s and just be a happy housewife. But one day, I woke up and decided I was unsure of the path I was on. But I never expected to be hooked on black cock and be a sex toy for any black men that says hello to me. But I love black cock and that is my life now.I entered my second senior year in high school and even though I had been with...

4 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 118

While Charles drove Frederik home, something unexpected happened. They had only been driving for a short while, when Charles said, “Frederik, I’m going to park the car for a moment, because I want to have a private talk with you. Is that okay?” “Um, sure,” Frederik responded, somewhat surprised by Charles’s question. After Charles had parked his car, he looked at Frederik and said, “This is maybe a little strange, but I want to ask you some questions about Sandra.” “That’s fine with me,...

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Daughters of Priapus 2 Reawakenings

(This is a sequel to my story "Daughters of Priapus." Although it could be read on its own, readers might find it informative to read that first, in order to acquaint them with some of the characters that are mentioned.) It was most unnerving at first, and yet most liberating. At the age of fifty-nine, I was once more a woman who could reach a climax easily, after years and years of frigidity. This was a result of a visit I'd made the previous summer to my old sorority. I was searching for...

2 years ago
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Seduced by an older man

It was Danny's last few days of his summer holiday in Portugal and he still hadn't bought any presents for his family back in the UK. After sitting at the pool for most of the morning and early afternoon he decided to hit the gift shop just around the corner from the hotel. The temperature was around 30 degrees C, without a cloud in the sky, so he didn't fancy like walking further than necessary to buy the trinkets he had in mind. Danny was nineteen at the time, slightly built and only 5'3, his...

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A Gilded Cage

‘He held her, arms captive behind her back, her naked breasts pressed against his chest. Her nipples hard as stone, was that from the cool water or his hot body? It didn’t matter, he would take her here…’ “There is Cayo Lobos, just up ahead.” Brian’s voice squawked in my headset. I closed my tablet where I had been writing and looked ahead. I could see the small island with sandy beaches lined with majestic palms, there were several large buildings surrounded with a wide assortment of...

3 years ago
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The last Hurrah as a single

Okay I am a pervert or something because the most erotic thing I can think of is to watch as my wife slides her tongue over a another mans cock and then to watch as she takes it into her mouth. The image of her cupping his balls in one hand while the other guides his cock to her mouth, sucking it inside and then having him fuck her mouth as she moans and sucks it deeply is a turn on for me. I am getting ahead of myself so let me go to the beginning. The first time it happened was at a party...

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BugsChapter 17

An examination of the wounds in the side of the tank showed that the new design for bolt points did have superior penetrating power as compared to the flint points on the conventional bolts. However, it looked like the spider venom was not any more effective than the scorpion venom had been. It also was doubtful that concentrating the venom made any real difference. In fact, it looked like what had really killed the tank were the two bolts that had penetrated its eyes. The special points had...

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Brothers curious introduction

When I found out that my older brother was gay I was shocked at first but somewhat curious. We slept in the same room so often we would lie awake talking about everything including girls and many times the conversation would turn to gay sex. I asked who he had sex with, what it felt like, what sperm tasted like. He must of known I was curious and who knows maybe willing. The more I thought about all he had told me the more I wanted to know yet I never found men attractive but thoughts of sex...

3 years ago
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Sex with Myself Literally Part 1

“This is weird,” I said, staring in the face that could’ve been my own reflection. I blinked, just to be sure. The other set of eyes didn’t blink back. “Tell me about it,” future me replied. “I can’t decide which experience is weirder; doing this for the first time or doing it again from the other perspective.” I knew it’d been ridiculous to blow my entire paycheck on a black-market time-jump, especially considering unauthorized time travel was a level 2 offense, punishable by up to...

1 year ago
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Graduation from Fag School Magna Cum Laude Chapter 1

graduation from Fag School - Magna Cum Laude - Chapter 1 Eventually a fag knows and loves that he is a fag. Sometimes the fag follows a long transition from straight to bi, to shemales, to shemales and guys, and finally to just great guys with those beautiful great cocks. Then the happy fag should reflect on his fantastic erotic voyage and thank those who helped him to his all-dick destination. In my case, believe it or not, I mostly have a woman to thank in helping me become the finest fag I...

2 years ago
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Girls who love girls

I had been in the club, with some friends from work on a Christmas party night out, we had drank and danced all night. I noticed a young large busted curly blonde haired girl watching me, overtime I caught her eye she would look away, but always looking back when I looked away. She wore a beautiful sapphire blue dress, which came to mid thigh. Her long shapely legs encased in black sheer stockings, which I noted when she crossed her legs, and silvery sandals. She was with a large group but...

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Life Liberty and the Pursuit of JusticeChapter 3

"This was a really nice idea," said Kathy, practicing her Farsi as she sipped her hot chocolate, bundled in her parka while sitting on the rock ledge. "Paris was so beastly hot. Remind me exactly where we are again..." "About halfway between Christchurch and Greymouth, on New Zealand's southern island." replied Matt in Farsi. "Don't be too hard on our chateau in Paris, and its lack of air conditioning. The average high temperature in Paris for the first week in August should be...

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Jenny and JohnChapter 8 Derrick the Pimp Comes for a Visit

Jenny and I were in the kitchen when a Corvette pulled up in front of the house. Jenny looked out and said, “Oh my god, it’s Derrick!” I went to the door and opened it to confront him. Derrick walked up to me and asked, “Are you John Paterson?” I was not about to lie. The name Paterson was on the mailbox, “Yes, I am. What do you want?” Derrick stuck his finger in my face and said, “I am here for that bitch Jenny, and don’t give me any of your lip fuck-head.” I was not about to back down...

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BDSM Shower Time

It was a saturday night and i had just came in from the pub my wife is 6 feet 7 inches and has 36DD Tits with Blonde hair Shoulder length. She was in the shower when she heard me come in and she shouted for me to get in with her. in my pocket i put two pairs of handcuffs. i got in the shower and when she was washing her hair is cuffed her hands to the shower. she shouted out loud but i responded by putting the squigee in her mouth. then i fucked till she shut up and we went to bed

2 years ago
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The Dead Kid Returns Part 8 The House of Grief

The Dead Kid Returns chapter 8: The House of Grief Someone once said,"Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do." Once Bethany had cried for a while, she realized the truth of that statement. She resolved that no matter what it took, she'd help her friend recover from whatever had happened to her to make her what she was. If only she could figure out how. After school on Monday, she...

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Sex with my aunty ritu

Hi frinds this is my real life story which i naver thought of. My name is mayur (26) i am a engineer basically from kolkata . Butas my dad & mom both are engineer with a sofwere company .so we settled down in blore .my uncle is in siliguri asis(51) & ritu (50) both are teachers. In the month of sep-08 my unt called that my uncle had a sudden mild stroke , they wanted to go to kolkata in a good nursing. My parents told as he will be in hospital at least have to go & help them out .in

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Die Eroberung

Amber sah Richard auf dem lokalen Treff der Teenys, da wo ihre Mama nicht wollte, dass sie dort verkehrte. Sie dachte, dass er entzückend aussehe. Sie musste kichern, als sie ihn erblickte. Sie flüsterte mit ihren Freundinnen und nickte ihm zu, um ihr Interesse zu zeigen. Ihre Freundinnen erzählten ihr, dass sie nichts mit ihm zu tun haben wollten, dass er Ärger bedeute. "Aber er ist so entzückend!" sagte sie. Die Freundinnen schüttelten nur den Kopf. Sie hatten Einiges über den gut aussehenden...

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Chapter I Amy

Introduction: This story is purely fiction. Any similarity to any persons or circumstances is coincidental Chapter I The summer when I was eleven, Amy came to stay with us for a month. This was not the first time she had stayed with us in the summer, of course. Amy was my cousin, the daughter of my fathers twin brother, and until we were six years old, lived next door to me. We were only two weeks apart in age, but because our birth dates came at just the wrong time, she was a year ahead of me...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 479

???????????????? Some mind twisters from Uther Pendragon Riddles – Answers at the end. Q1. When you see 100 lawyers buried in sand up to their necks, what time is it? Q2. What do you call the guy who graduates at the bottom of his medical-school class? Q3. How do you keep a fish from smelling? Q4. What is the shortest English word with 4 silent vowels? Q5. Fill in the blanks to get a common English word. H E _ _ _ _ H E. Q6. What do you call someone who plays the piano with his teeth? Q8. Why...

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The Beardsley School for Girls Chapter 6 Kari

"Well Kari, what do you have to say for yourself?" She sat cowered in the chair in front of his desk. This was the third time she had been sent to his office in the last month, the final straw. The first time had been for a minor infraction, smoking in school. Proper ladies didn't smoke in public. Students at the Beardsley School never smoked. A mild spanking seemed to have done the trick; no other incidences of smoking had been heard about Kari. She took her punishment quite well, her skirt...

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fucking my dads girlfriend

I've been fucking my dad's girlfriend for a couple months and last night she let me go bare inside her. Her pussy was amazing. For a woman in her late 40s she's still got it going on. My favorite thing about her is the dirty things she says when my cock is inside her. Last night my dad's girlfriend Elizabeth told my dad she was having a girls night out. I had been home all night and got a knock on my door at 11. It was Elizabeth I didn't have a chance to say anything and she was grabbing...

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Rimming Jobs 14 FEB

The first time I rimmed my wife was an experience we both will never forget. It forever changed our sex life for the better. This event took place on the Valentine's Day before I proposed to her. Let me explain a little bit about us.For a very long time, I had sealed my heart away. I dated some fucked up bitches when I was young and dumb. I was raised in Hawaii with influences from Eastern culture. The whole concept of respect is something valued in many cultures of the Pacific, more so than...

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rocky my giantess shemale lover

I have been having this wild hot dream of a friend that lives close to me a great tall CD I know on here and have been fantasizing of him getting much taller : I see Rocky walking up the walk my huge breasts are heaving in my tight dress as I rub my big long gurl cock in my tight silk panties ,a knock at the door tells me he is here as I open the door he even with out his heels on is much taller by almost six inches his eyes are wide as he takes in my huge swelling chest that looms just below...

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Last weekend my parents had anniversary of their marriage. 30 yrs together.They invited me for a little celebration, some steaks, beer, vine and talk at our garden.Everything was fine, we were chatting and laughting but when was getting late and my parents more and more drunk, they started behave more seductively.It was getting cold so mum went to home for a sweatshirt, when she come back I noticed that she doesn't have bra and her nipples are getting harder.Mom was flirting with dad, smiling...

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Breaking In Mina

About a year ago, Jason Peterson started an incestuous relationship with his mother, which had done wonders to his confidence and sex life. He'd begun to get better grades, joined his schools track team, and begun to have a slew of girlfriends. But, none could match the sex skills and love his very own mommy could give him. The changes in Jason hadn't gone unnoticed though. His younger sister, Mina, had also noticed her brother's new found confidence and sex appeal. It was around her 16th...

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Monica MechanicChapter 14 To Part Or Not To Part

They had been away long enough for AlvaBeth and Ayesha to settle in with their new status – or not. Monty was particularly interested in seeing if their family had adjusted. The large party rode into town, yet again accompanied with extra horses and goods to sell. Several locals both recognized the returning travelers and the fact that they had more laden horses that when they last visited. That Honor was not among the returnees was noticed and remarked upon, and the growing crowd followed...

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Girls Night Out Part 2

My recovery was slow. More alcohol gave a faster remedy by removing the need to cope. I switched to tequila, which I prefer to the whiskey Zoe started me on that night. While we stood near the bar, I noticed a girl watching us and caught her eye. She was a little wisp of a thing, maybe ninety pounds at best with long blonde hair all pulled around and draped over the front of one shoulder. She smiled and came over.She introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Pixie."After having a few drinks I was amazed I...

Wife Lovers
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BlacksOnBlondes Cali Carter Second Appearance

Officer Holmes has been serving the force for a few years now. She really wants to transfer to VICE. When she gets a call about a “disturbance” at a very large house possibly connected to some thugs. She tingles knowing this could be it. This could be the day that changes everything for her. She tastes her promotion as she enters the house, gun cocked. She and her partner call for back up, but their radios aren’t working so her partner Rodriguez goes out to the car to try again. Officer Holmes...

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My young Wife met an older Couple at a Waterpark

A few years ago we met a random couple at a nearby waterpark, the husband was in his mid forties and his wife in her late thirties.They had two k**s one girl and a boy, the girl was around five and the boy three years old.We small talked with the couple about k**s, because my wife was interested in the k**s and she mentioned in the conversation that she would like to give birth to a c***d, because she wanted to become a mother.After a few minutes during the conversation his wife went with the...

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Thanksgiving My Aunt

Heya all. Thank you for your mails for my previous incident. And special thanks to Miss.Shalmali for her honest opinion and a great chat. Its been nearly 7 months since the last Thanksgiving. It was October 10 of last year. My family started with the festivities from Saturday. We usually hosted the Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday but this time we scheduled it on the Thanksgiving day. I was given the rather boring work of calling up and inviting our extended family. After a few boring calls, I...

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Ted Takes Charge

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ted was an officer at the New Orleans police department. He had served for 2 years, and so he was considered a veteran instead of a rookie. After graduating high school, he had entered the academy ASAP. He already knew what he wanted to do with his life, because he had seen the cops rescue his mom from his abusive dad, who was trying to kill her and her unborn baby with his bare hands. Ted had called the cops at just 4 years old, and this act had saved...

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Self Reflection0

Birth of Perversion Part 1 Good Morning It was another wonderful morning. Today’s sunrise just broke over the La Jolla hills. The soft yellow sun rays were rushing through the openings of my third story, floor to ceiling windows, of...

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The Hero part 1

"The Hero" "Alright everyone, try to relax the strippers will be here any minute," Brandon told his friends as they waited in the Hotel Suite. Most of these guys were friends from college. Some of them grew up together. Tonight was the night before their friend Marco was to be married. Brandon took a hit from a joint that Rick just rolled and passed it to Dale. "Now everyone remember this is Marco's day so make sure he takes his pick before anyone else." Marco shot a smile to...

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Micheles pleasure

Michele and I were very good friends for quite a while. We have been a couple for about a week now, and we couldn’t be happier. She has beautiful brown hair and amber brown eyes that glisten with the sunlight. She has a Nordic look about her: which I find fucking sexy… One thing we like to do is take strolls in the park: Hand-in-hand. The subject of sex has only come up once in our blooming of a relationship. I asked if we would and she responded that it would be a ‘Maybe’. I completely...

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Class demonstration of sexx

visit on to see more top rated story like theseMe, Reena and Ajay were very close friends. We were almost of the same school going age. We used to most of the time move together and share almost everything between us. We were teens full of energy and vitality. One day the teacher was teaching us biology class and explaining the human reproduction system. The teacher was telling about the cock, the sperms, the ovum, the pussy and boobs and the whole process of human...

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Mr Black No 2 Mr Blacks Theater

Steph lay naked between the sheets waiting for Jack to come to bed. It was Saturday night, their designated date night. The kids were spending the night out. Jack and Steph had gone out to dinner at a new restaurant in town, and sat at a table in a two-level room with brick walls, a black iron staircase, and a curved ceiling painted to look like the night sky. It had been as if they’d been dining on a Venetian terrace. It had been a nice night.Jack came into the room, naked. His dick was...

Wife Lovers
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When the Moon and the Sun Collide

My Memory… I am so not a morning person and today was not any different. I barely opened my eyes, trying to decide if I should get up or not. My hands feel around the bed and I realize that you are not by my side. I think to myself that maybe you have gone to work. I smile as the memories flood my mind of all the wicked things we did to each other last night. I daydream a little about your tongue and I realize how lucky I am to have found someone that shares my same wicked and perverted sexual...

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Dumb Bimbo

Dumb Bimbo, Rides Again By Kathy Smith Franciszka Wojciechowski was a nice lady. She is a waitress in a Greek Diner in Elizabeth, NJ (near New Jersey Turnpike and the big truck stop terminal). She is gorgeous, but very petite (4'10") but great face and big breasts (cup DD). She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her parents were from Poland (as you can see by her daughter's name), after World War II. She has one major problem. She is so dumb, that she would not know how to drink...

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When I first meet Vivianne

Vivianne are a nice woman. I have known her for awhile. I use to meet her when I get almost to horny. I met her just by a coincident. It was a thursday nite and I have been out with some friends and have become a bit drunk. I was on my way home. Waitin for the bus. At this busstop there was a black lady also waitin for the bus. as I was a bit drunk I began talk to her which I had not done if I were sober. Any way I tried start a conversation but she did not almost answer me. I got a bit nuts...

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