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This story takes place in the same universe as my first two Were stories, and was one that I had come up with at the same time I was writing the original Were. But as this one has a different main character, I decided to call it something other than Were 3. Be Were By Morpheus What do you say to a gorilla who's wearing an apron and offers you a mug of hot chocolate? In my case, it would be, "Thanks Mom." This gorilla in question... my Mom is a Were, a creature that comes straight out of myths and legends. But instead of being a werewolf... she's a weregorilla. Like the legends, she does transform on the nights of the full moon, but unlike the legends, she can make herself transform at will on any other night, though the changes vanish with the morning sun and she turns back into an ordinary human. My name is Trey Maxwell, and I was a fairly ordinary 16 year old, discounting the fact that my Mom was a Were. I was average size and average build, with short brown hair, though I always wished that I were a bit taller and more muscular. It was always a little embarrassing to know that my Mom was a lot stronger than I was, but then again, that was when she was in the form of a gorilla. At the moment, I stood outside my back door, staring out over our large back yard, at the many trees that surrounded us and the lake that was at the back of our property. We had very few neighbors and none of them very close. I guessed that it made a lot of sense since it would be hard to explain to people why a big gorilla was doing wandering around our property, and Mom liked to do that pretty often. Then I slowly looked up at the sky, frowning slightly and feeling extremely nervous. That night was going to be the first full moon since my birthday a week before, and that meant it was my Changing Day. And for a Were, Changing Day was quite important. It was a coming of age thing... and the day that they would transform for the first time, discovering what animal that they would turn into. "Changing Day," I whispered, knowing full well that it very well might not be mine. That I might not have a Changing Day. Though my Mom was a Were, my Dad was not. He was a perfectly ordinary guy, at least as far as that went, though I didn't think most guys would be able to take their wives turning into gorillas quite as easily as he did. But since my Mom was Were and my Dad was normal... I didn't know what that made me. You couldn't be half Were and half normal... it didn't work that way. You were either one or the other. I had a 50 percent chance either way, and wouldn't know for sure until the sun set. I was filled with mixed emotions as I thought about Changing Day... about what it would be like for me to actually turn into a Were. Of course, I guessed that it might be kind of interesting to turn into some kind of cool animal, and it would make me sort of special. I liked that idea... of being special. However, there were a lot of things that made me uncomfortable as well. Did it mean that I would be less human? A look at my loving Mom helped ease that concern, but not completely. And what if I turned into something gross or embarrassing... which I heard happened pretty often. I didn't like the thought of becoming something like a turkey or a skunk. I also wasn't sure that I liked the idea of being a Were... of being so different from everyone else. It was a scary thought. And then of course, there was the fact that being a Were changed your perspective. It made you see the world in a different way. Like my cousin Darek. He'd changed for the first time several months back and he hadn't been the same since. He had turned sort of 'save the trees' on me, which I didn't understand. Then again, I didn't even know what it was that Darek turned into, though my Mom mentioned something about him being a mythic. But if he really was a mythic, I figured that he would have shown off about it rather than getting all embarrassed and going quiet. So, I figured that he was just a normal Were, and probably a stupid one too. I let out a deep sigh as I turned around and went inside, trying not to think about what was going to happen in just a little while. I was nervous as hell, though I certainly wouldn't admit that to my Mom and Dad. I didn't know what I would do if I turned out to be a Were like my Mom, though for the most part... I sort of hoped that I wouldn't. That I could just be a normal guy like everyone else at school. "Ready for the big day?" my Dad asked as I went inside, looking just a little uncomfortable with the whole thing but obviously trying to be supportive. Mom was immediately next to me, putting her arm on my shoulder, "Don't get your hopes up too much," she warned me gently, though I could see the hope in her eyes, "You know that it's just as likely you won't change." She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, making me pull away in embarrassment, "But I'll love you just as much either way." "Mom," I protested as I pulled away, wiping my cheek off as though it was infected. Geez, I was way too big for her to be doing stuff like that to me. At least it wasn't somewhere in public where I'd really have been embarrassed by it. A short while later, the sun was just beginning to set. Mom had come out dressed only in her robe, the really large one that she usually wore just before changing. She gave me a smile that was supposed to comfort me, but didn't do much. I was way too nervous, though still trying hard not to show it. "You should put a robe on too," Mom warned me, giving me a careful look. "If you do change, you have no idea what it might be into and it's always best to be prepared." "I'm fine," I grumbled defiantly, deciding that I was perfectly fine in the jogging suit that I'd put on. After all, I was sort of hoping that I wouldn't change at all anyway and didn't want to help that along any more than I really had to. Mom just rolled her eyes at that, muttering something that sounded like, "Teenagers..." under her breath. Then she looked up clock and said, "We should get outside now." She gave me another speculative look, "Just in case." I grumbled at that but did as she asked, realizing that if I did turn into something like an elephant, being inside the house might not be such a good idea. However, the thought about it kind of brought a smile to my face. Then Mom turned to Dad, giving him a steady look. "You should probably stay inside for awhile." She gave him another look that suggested that he had better do as she said. Dad nodded, then turned to me, "Good luck Trey." And with that, he went back inside, leaving just me and Mom out there on the porch. After a few seconds, Mom stepped off of the porch and into the grass, taking a few more steps before stopping and looking up at the sky. I hesitated, then glanced down at the porch and remembered the whole elephant thing again. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to stay on the porch either... just in case. I stood on the ground, though made sure to keep a good distance from my Mom. This whole situation was weird enough and reminded myself that whatever happened, Changing Day would soon be over... or never even have happened. A minute later, I noticed it. The changes in my Mom's face. I'd seen her changing often enough to recognize the changes at the first sign. And at the same time, I suddenly aware of a strange tingling through my own body. I let out a faint gasp at that, knowing exactly what it meant. I really was a Were... and this was my awakening as such. "Mom..." I gasped out, unsure of what to say as I could feel the changes occurring within my body. Everything inside of me seemed to be moving around. All of my bones and muscles were altering... changing. But into what, I didn't know. Even my skin was beginning to feel strange, though I couldn't quite explain how, even to myself. All I knew was that soon, I would no longer be human... and that I was scared. Suddenly, my legs seemed to turn to jelly and dropped out from under me. I collapsed to the ground rather hard, feeling the tingling especially hard on my legs. There was a strange sensation from my crotch, then a strong discomfort from my jogging suit pants. I suddenly wished that I'd listened to my Mom's advice about wearing a robe instead. With a grunt, I pulled at my pants, noticing that my hands looked different. My fingers looked sort of longer and more slender. However, I didn't spare time to examine them as I finished pulling off the jogging suit pants, then got a look at my legs, letting a loud gasp as I did so. My legs were sort of fused at my crotch... and quickly fusing more and more all the way down. It was like a single piece of flesh all the way down to my knees... until they too fused into one. The changes that ran through my body seemed to take forever, yet at the same time they were occurring with incredible speed. They were happening so fast that I couldn't take note of all of the changes or keep track of what was still changing. Another look at my legs revealed that they had fused completely... that they were now being covered with blue scales. My legs... now looked like a tail, similar to a fish tail. But that was impossible... Mom had told me that there weren't any Were fish... or Were insects. That it just didn't happen that way. Just then, the changes finally stopped, though I remained where I was on the ground, feeling extremely strange and confused. I sat myself up, fully aware that I still had arms so couldn't be a fish, but that only made me even more confused. I took a long look at my legs... or the blue scaled tail, which had taken their place. The moonlight seemed to shimmer off the scales in a strange... and even beautiful way. However, that effect ended at the waist... where my skin became normal human skin... or at least something of the kind since it was smooth pale and creamy. "What the?" I gasped, suddenly noticing the weight on my chest. My hands grasped at the large mounds that were now present on my chest, and there was absolutely no denying the fact that they were breasts. I had a pair of boobs... though a part of my mind quickly filled in that they were very nice boobs at that. Big, round and firm. Yes, very nice. With nipples that were a lot bigger than my old ones were too. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed, only barely stunned at the fact that I could still talk. A quick look revealed that even though I had that blue tail, from the waist up I seemed to be completely human. Except of course for the fact that I happened to be a GIRL human. And quite a shapely one from the little I could see. Then I caught sight of my hair, which now spilled down, around my shoulders. It was blue. Dark blue. "Holy Shit," I repeated again, feeling completely confused. Finally, I looked over at my Mom, who was now entirely a gorilla. And she was staring back at me with as much of a look of surprise that a gorilla's face was capable of showing. But there was even more surprise in her eyes. "What am I?" I demanded in fear and anger, though I already knew the answer to that. After a single glance, I would have had to be completely stupid not to. Still, Mom went up to the porch and came back with the blackboard and chalk, which she used to communicate when she was in gorilla form. She quickly wrote, "MERMAID" on the board, confirming what my own eyes had already told me. Then she wiped the chalk away and wrote something else, hesitating a moment before showing me the boards words. "YOU ARE MYTHIC." For a long moment, I just stared at my Mom as if she was crazy. I wasn't a mythic. I couldn't be a mythic. They were the rarest kind of Weres... the strange even among the strange. But then again, being a mermaid... that's exactly what I was... like it or not. I grunted and shifted position, frustrated that I couldn't get to my feet. Then again, at the moment I didn't even have any feet. I could only drag myself around, which wasn't a very pleasant idea. Fortunately, the grass that I was on was pretty soft. Just then, my Mom held up a hand for me to wait, then went off into the house. She came back several minutes later, holding the mirror off of the living room wall. Then she held it up so that I could get a good look at myself. My eyes went wide at the sight, seeing that I had a very pretty face, framed by all of my long, dark blue hair. And then there were the eyes. They were a little larger than normal and almost entirely blue within. Definitely not the normal eyes of a human. For several minutes, I just stared at myself, first in the mirror then directly. Then I looked up at my Mom, feeling completely stunned by what had happened. "What am I going to do?" Tears went running down my cheeks... coming unbelievably easy. Mom just stared at me, then looked off across our yard for a moment. Finally, she wrote something on the board and showed it to me. "SWIM." Then she pointed across the yard to the lake before writing something else. "MERMAIDS LIKE WATER." "But..." I started, thinking that now was not the time to go swimming. I was a freak... I couldn't even stand up on my own like that. However, without wasting time to write any more, Mom picked me up and used her gorilla's strength to carry me towards the lake... in spite of my protests. Then at the end of our small dock, she unceremoniously dropped me straight into the water. I tried to yell at her, but was completely surrounded by water. I quickly came to the surface and splashed my Mom as hard as I could, but she'd stepped back and avoided most of the water. Then she just stuck her tongue out at me, making me angrier... until I burst out laughing. A gorilla sticking it's tongue out at you is an odd sight. Suddenly, I realized something strange. The water should have been extremely cold... but I felt perfectly comfortable. I didn't feel chilled in the least. Obviously it was something to do with my being a mermaid at the moment. And as I floated there, I was rather amazed to notice just how comfortable I felt in the water. At just how good it actually felt against my skin. "Weird," I whispered. And unable to help myself, I dove under the water, submerging myself completely. It felt so incredible, and to my amazement, my eyes remained open when my normal instinctive reaction is to close them when I'm under water. And even more amazing was the fact that I could actually see... and quite well at that. Far more than I would have been able to wearing goggles during the day. Then with a nervous grin, I decided to try out my new tail. With just a couple swishes, I was propelling myself through the water with unbelievable speed and grace. And it was easy. So easy to move around in the water. My altered body was certainly built for just that environment. As I shot through the water, after several minutes, it dawned on me that I hadn't gone up for air yet. Nor had I felt any need to. It took me another few seconds before I became aware of the fact that I had been breathing the whole time... though certainly not the normal way. It had just been so instinctive to breath through what I assumed were gills of some sort, that I hadn't even noticed it until then. I shook my head, grinning faintly in spite of myself. Then I decided to check out the bottom of the lake so headed down. It was quite a disappointment, making me frown at all of the mud, gravel and stuff. There were even a few tires and cans, but very few. But for the most part the lake bottom seemed to be pretty free of that kind of junk. For the next... I don't know how long, I swam around, trying to get used to my new body and the unbelievable freedom that it gave me under the water. I never would have imagined it possible before then. I could even out race some of the fish... proving that by catching one of them in my hands before letting it go. My disgust at turning into what I had was quickly evaporating under the thrill of exploration. Eventually, I surfaced again, finding that I was almost all the way on the other side of the lake. But somehow, I had already known that, sensing exactly which direction I would have to go to return home, even though I had been all over the place and in every direction under the water. It appeared that I had some sort of ability to sense where I was as well. "Cool," I gasped into the night air, suddenly thinking about the fortune that I could make searching for sunken ships and lost treasure. I would be better than any normal diver ever could. After waiting a few more seconds, I started back towards the shore. I quickly arrived at the dock and started pulling myself up onto it, finding that it was quite a bit more difficult to do without legs. Fortunately, my Mom saw me and helped me back up, then much to my embarrassment; she picked me up again, this time carrying me towards the house. "Put me down," I protested, though she didn't do so until we were inside. She set me down on the couch, though I couldn't help noticing that she'd already spread out some thick blankets over it before we'd gone in. Obviously she didn't want me to get it all soaked, which I was already doing to some degree. "Man this is weird," I muttered, looking down at myself, then at my hands. And for the first time, I noticed that not only were my hands very feminine... but that I had a little bit of webbing between my fingers. "Double weird..." It was only then that I noticed my Dad standing off to the side, staring at me with both his mouth and eyes wide open. I almost laughed at the expression on his face, though he quickly tried to recover and act as though everything was normal. That just made it harder for me to contain the laugher. "Um..." my Dad started, gesturing towards me and then turning his eyes away. "Huh?" I asked, looking down and realizing what he meant. I had a nice big pair of boobs... and I was completely topless. But that was normal... at least the topless part. Still, I flushed in embarrassment and used one of the blankets on the couch to cover myself up with. "I can't believe I'm a fish," I snorted, flicking my tail a bit and drawing my Dad's attention to it. Better that than my boobs I guessed. After a minute, Mom came back in the room, this time wearing the apron that she often wore while in her gorilla form. And she was carrying a tray with several cups on it, handing one of them to me. I smiled as I picked up the mug of hot chocolate, thanking her before taking a sip. It even had the marshmallows in it that I liked. None of us said a word as we sipped at our chocolate and watched TV, or at least pretended that we were watching TV. There was no doubt that not only my attention was on my altered body, but so were my parents. It was definitely strange, not just the way I felt but the way they were looking at me and trying to pretend that they weren't. Dad was especially bad about it. Finally, Mom glared at Dad and used the board to tell him to go to bed. After all, he did have to get up early for work in the morning. Dad didn't even argue with her, even though it was obvious that he wanted to stay a bit longer. But then again, Dad never really argued with Mom when she was a gorilla. Maybe that was the reason that she liked spending so much time as one. "Um... good night," Dad told me as he got up to leave. Then he paused to give me a gentle smile and rubbed my hair, just like he did normally. And even though I normally didn't particularly like that habit of his, at the moment it felt comforting. It made things seem just a little more normal. "See you in the morning son." "G'night," I told him, turning my attention back down to myself and giving a wry smile as I thought that the word 'son' might not be the most accurate at the moment. Fortunately though, I knew that all Were transformations would end with sunrise and I would be back to my normal self. At least until the next full moon... or unless I decided to change again on my own. I remained where I was for a few more minutes, then began scratching at my skin. I pulled back the blanket, feeling just a little dry and itchy. Mom noticed that and stared at me thoughtfully before going into the kitchen and coming back with a wet sponge. Without wasting the time to write on the chalkboard, she handed the sponge to me and stood back. "What's this?" I asked, giving her a curious look. She took it back, then wiped the sponge over my shoulder, making the itching stop there. "Oh," I responded in understanding. Apparently my mermaid skin preferred being kept damp and Mom had figured it out. "Joy." With that, I gave myself a careful sponge bath on the couch, feeling much better once I had done so. Unfortunately, I realized that it could provide a small problem when it came time to go to bed. I mean, I might have had the body of a mermaid but I sure as hell didn't have any intention of spending the night in the lake. For the next several hours, I stayed up late and examined my body. My Mom had excused herself from the room with a real flimsy excuse just to give me that opportunity. I was kind of thankful for that since I was definitely curious about my altered body and needed a bit of privacy to look it over. Eventually though, I was pretty tired and ready for bed, though somehow I didn't think that I'd actually be able to get to sleep. However, there was still the problem of my skin drying out while I slept since I'd had to sponge myself about every hour or so it seemed. Of course, once I thought about it, the solution was pretty obvious, though not extremely comfortable. I ended up going to bed in the bathtub... with it filled about half way. "Damn skin," I complained as I tried going to sleep, feeling cramped but at least moist. Somehow, I really didn't think that I'd be able to handle sleeping in the tub every full moon. As I lay there in the tub, my hands slowly roved over my body, amazed by the smooth skin of my human half... and the strangeness of my new tail. And of course, they rested for a very long period on my new breasts and nipples, finding that it felt rather nice. It was in that position that I eventually drifted off to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, I was stiff and uncomfortable, especially as I was laying in 4 inches of water. But it hadn't been just that which had awoken me, but the sensations of my body changing back to normal. I climbed out of the tub, emptying it as I did so. And though I briefly thought that I might as well take my morning shower while I was already in there... I decided that I'd already had my share of water and the tub for the moment. "Just great," I complained as I grabbed a towel to cover myself and then made my way to my nice soft comfortable bed for a few extra hours of real sleep. After several more hours, I was finally ready to get up for real. I sat on the edge of my bed, staring down at my familiar body. I gulped as I thought about the night before, knowing that it hadn't been a dream. It had been my awakening. "I'll never think of the Little Mermaid the same way again," I grumbled as I got dressed and made my way to the kitchen for breakfast. Mom was already sitting in the kitchen when I got there, sipping at her coffee and reading the newspaper. She glanced up at me but didn't say a word as I went about pouring myself some cereal. Finally, Mom asked, "Are you all right?" "Just peachy," I muttered. She gave me a steady look at that, setting her coffee down and saying, "I know that it will take a bit to get used to, but your Were form is just as much a part of you now as this one." I grunted at that and took a bite of my cereal rather than answer. Mom just sighed, shaking her head faintly. "Well," she told me with a faint smile, "I suppose that with your... unique Were form, we should get what we need to help make things a little easier." "Things?" I asked blankly. "For one," she stated matter of factly, staring me straight in the eyes, "I think that a bikini top might be in order for when you change." Then she gave me a look as if daring me to argue with her. I might not like it, but I wasn't dumb enough to do that at the moment, even if she wasn't currently a gorilla. "We can get a large wading pool too," she continued thoughtfully once she saw that I wasn't going to argue, "For you to sleep it." "I'd prefer a bed," I grumbled, though seeing that a wading pool would be a hell of a lot more comfortable and roomy than the bathtub. "Well maybe we can put a tarp on your mattress and let you use soaking wet blankets," she muttered, almost more to herself than to me. "That might work too. But we'll still need the pool..." At this, Mom drifted into her own thoughts and I stopped really listening to her. Instead, I was thinking about how my being a Were was going to change my life. It was definitely going to make having any dates on a full moon night out of the question. Unless maybe she was into skinny dipping... Then I suddenly thought about my cousin Darek, wondering what he would think about my being a mythic. And about being a mermaid. It was definitely strange, especially the part about turning into a girl when I went Were. No, I decided that I wasn't going to tell Darek. It was WAY too embarrassing, and somehow I just didn't think that he would understand. For a long time, I just remained where I was, thinking about what this meant for my future. Of course things were going to change. Of that there was no doubt. I'd always known that there was a good likelihood of being Were like my Mom, but not like this. At least some things were still going to be the same, even if that included some of the ones I wasn't thrilled with. Things like school and acne. Now, I would just not only have to deal with being a teenager and all that came with it, but I would also have to deal with what it meant... to be Were. THE END

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Being 18 and horny as usual, I took advantage of any time I was home alone. Whenever I could I would sneak into my moms room and raid her lingerie drawer. I would slip the silky or lacy stuff on and masturbate with a fervor, or sometimes I'd just jerk off into the panty crotches, bra cups, or the toes of her stockings. Today was no different, or so I thought. Except today was the day that I got caught with my dick in my hand and the head literally drooling precum when I heard my mother cough...

4 years ago
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The Passenger Seat Chapter 3 and 4 Blotter and

BLOTTER TARA HADN’T MISSED a workout in the week since the neighbors arrived. She couldn’t explain her new-found motivation, but she was thankful for it.Perhaps it was the presence of a beautiful new neighbor, and the possibility that Sean would be secretly admiring her. Maybe it was inspired by the prospect of being naked in the light of day. She could name a thousand things she hated about her body, and darkness had always been her friend.Truth be told, her daily route took her past Adam and...

3 years ago
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Our Mutual Masturbation

It was few months after my eighteenth birthday and Melissa and I were going steady. The girl from next door who once said we shouldn’t be boyfriend and girlfriend, spent more time with me than with her own family. Melissa sat down on my bed. We had spent the morning watching movies and relaxing together, it had been uneventful. My mom and dad had gone out and left us "children" alone to fend for ourselves.  We were bored, we couldn't find anything to do. We decided to go look for my dad’s...

4 years ago
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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 24

We were cleaning up from our picnic when an apparition of a man with a flowing beard and a fabulous crown and robes loomed in front of me. "Vilkatas, I am Dievas, chief of the gods of the Slavs. I have a problem I need help with, and Baba-Yaga has recommended you as being the ideal person to help me. Will you consider it?" "Certainly, how can I help?" "Yarilo, the god of sex, lust, and love (I think in that order), has gotten himself into trouble again. He has personally caused two too...

1 year ago
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A Fantasy for My Lover

I hear the strong wind roaring by as it tosses the waves onto the shore. I hear its echoes in the palm trees. Under the cobalt skies, I look into the distant horizon as the day slowly darkens. The gentle trade winds return to soothe me as my thoughts drift back to our moments together. Thinking of the time when you became my sanctuary, my heaven on earth. I remember that you like it when I tease you until you became moist. It is so sensual to hear that you would get naked and lie in your...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Ava Sinclaire Nikki Sweet Two Slutty Stepsisters

Blonde stepsisters Ava Sinclair and Nikki Sweet get caught on camera stealing a few expensive items from the store so security officer Mike Mancini brings them to the backroom for questioning. The girls refuse to cooperate and deny everything so he’s forced to submit them to a strip search and a deep cavity search in which he finds the stolen items. Officer Mike meets with the girls’ stepdad Wrex Oliver and makes a deal with him: in order for him to avoid involving the police, he will fuck the...

3 years ago
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Continuing ChanceChapter 2

Dunedin is ... crowded. Our space was most of a block but across the street was tiny, dumpy, low housing full of unruly misbehaving college kids. They have very little sense of personal space and they don't like us. They don't like us because we have consistently refused to have a second weekend party. The first one nearly destroyed the garden. Grace and I have our moments but we respect the property of others and these kids don't. They don't like us because America saved the mother...

1 year ago
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As Good As A Woman

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real persons or events is purely coincidental. I am reluctantly rating this as "G" for FictionMania, because there is no "PG-13" equivalent here. Actually, I'd be *very* surprised if you'd find anything in this work that wouldn't be found on U.S.A. prime-time "network" television programming. AS GOOD AS A WOMAN By Denise Em copyright 1995, 1996, 2001 Chapter I The barbs were beginning to get to me. I appealed to Diane, "Look,...

2 years ago
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Tiva fantasy from the office to the gym

At the office, near end of shift. Tony and Ziva worked well, together. Very well.  But that was it.Besides the odd team meal out, and some mutual teasing at the office, both respected each other's privacy, and likely boundaries.More so Tony, because he knew Ziva could do him serious physical damage- As she reminded him, almost every day. But today, it was different. Something was in the air. And this time, is was not Tony's fancy cologne..After writing up a long case, Ziva stood up, and had a...

Straight Sex
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Getting Sis Pregnant Chapter 4

I lined up my achingly hard cock to her wet, glistening fuckhole and pushed into her slowly. She moaned loudly as my cock penetrated into her tight young model's body. I watched her face as I parted her thick soft lips, stopping just as my cock head nestled up against the entrance to her tunnel. "Look at me slut, I want to watch your face as I push my cock deep into your dirty cunt. I want to see your expression when I fill your womb with my Master seed!" Anna groaned again at my words, and...

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What Ifs and Elseworlds A Lesbian Multiverse

The Multiverse. Infinite worlds, existing in parallel with one another. These are stories about worlds that exist on a certain plane of reality; one where the world may be nearly identical to the next, or it may be radically different, but all sharing one common thread. In these alternate worlds, the world's greatest superheroines and villainesses tend to love -- and lust after -- other women. Some stories are familiar, but with some significant changes; others are all-new. Welcome to the...

1 year ago
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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 15

"Should I tie you to the chair and gag you?" "I'll be good," I assured Mrs. Devers. I knew she wasn't serious, and besides, much as I might have enjoyed being dommed by her this was definitely not the time or the place. Friday's archery followed by a lusty weekend with Missy and Maria had cooled me down, and I'd come to the conclusion that ripping someone's throat out was not a way to get to know them. As to getting closer to my enemies than I was to my friends, I'd decided that...

2 years ago
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Showing my Camel toe pussy while shopping

I was here representing the provincial school team for water events. I was the only girl from my school and representing my town. I was sharing the room with another girl Genevieve from another town and school. After arrival, we had been practicing our swimming events. It was Saturday and I did not have much to do except the read some books; the next day we were going for some more practice at the swimming pool before the actual event on Monday. So I asked Genevieve if she would like to join...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet

I must confess that I had always fancied him. Mr Smart was my maths teacher, and in my all-girls high school he was very popular. This was partly because he was always relaxed and casual with us older students, but mainly because he was just so hot! He stood just over 6 foot tall with a slim, athletic build. He had a dark brown mop of hair with a long fringe. It brushed the top of his startlingly long eyelashes which framed a pair of brilliant blue eyes. What made him even more tempting was...

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Morning Has Broken MChapter 3

Ceremony David Blake swatted at the alarm and growled. Then he woke sufficiently to remember that this was the day. He was marrying Jen this afternoon. He shaved carefully, sang the entirety of “As Man and Woman, We Were Made” in the shower, and breakfasted in his underwear. He dressed carefully, got the tux out of the closet and the corsage out of the refrigerator, and was ready to leave in plenty of time. The plane from Newark wasn’t so prompt, so he cooled his heels at O’Hare for nearly...

4 years ago
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27 ‘Before I tell you I need to explain something. I have worked for these people for the last two years and up until very recently I thought that they were the good guys, at least that was what they kept telling me. My involvement until this assignment was to provide certain important people with ‘entertainment’. I wasn’t involved in the actual entertainment but because I knew so many models who would do just about anything to make money so that they didn’t have to have a ‘normal’ job to...

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All Amped Up

So, dude and dudettes, rock on. Well, your boy Dante has one hell of a fuck story for you. Well, as you know, my band The Ministry of Evil was touring the states, and we came to the hellraising community of Waterloo. So, we set up shop in McElroy Auditorium, which was on the ground of some cattle congress bullshit, oh and trust me, with what i am gonna tell you, a lot of beefsteak was shared. So, we rocked the place out. During one of the Ministry's hit songs, as i was rocking to the...

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Soire at Lady Ts

Her name was Casey Fernandez. She was 34, shoulder-length hair the colour and sheen of a horse-chestnut fresh from its case, deep dark eyes, high cheek bones, a mouth that promised much and (as I discovered) delivered more. We were not exactly living together all the time, which explains how it came about that we had been fucking several times a week for more than three months before she told me about the soirées at Lady T’s.Fernandez was a name she had acquired from a husband who was no longer...

2 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 45

Cheryl had driven home from school for the short vacation, and she and Cal drove both of their vehicles back. They had debated about whether that was necessary, but they decided to be on the safe side. They left themselves just one day after they arrived before registration. Since housing was all in order, that was one time-consuming item they did not have to deal with. On their free day, they connected with Maddy and her family, with Jesus Monteleone, with the volleyball coach, and of...

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Sherrys Story

God, I could not believe I was doing this. What was I doing on this airplane on my way to Tennessee? Planning to get my brains screwed out, I hoped.These last four months had been a nightmare and this was the first time it had started to brighten up. Those first two weeks I thought the world had ended, and it pretty much had for me. My wife of forty-three years finally got to the point where she didn't recognize me and the kids, and I had to find a facility for her.I sat around thinking of...

Group Sex
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 30 Slave

-- Laci -- I looked up when I heard the key rattle in the lock. I then shielded my eyes from the bright light. I listened to the heavy footsteps and sighed. Oh great! My favourite guard. This fat fuck liked feeling up and fucking boys. I rolled over and sat up before he got to me. “What do you want, Blubber?” I asked him. “Domo Tye told me to get you,” he told me, as he looked me over as he did every time he came into my cell. Mind you, he wasn’t game to touch me and hadn’t for years once...

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My Wife and our most interesting Sex Life

Introduction: Some history about us I met this most incredible young woman back in 1962 after making a wrong turn into what I thought was a friends driveway! Please read the Virgin posted with my other stories on this site as it is also true and how we met! Here is some history about us if you have not read some of my wifes fantasys and some of the things I have actually done to and with this incredible woman I am married to. We are an old couple now and do not do all of the wild and crazy...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 01

May 26, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #1 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

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Justice League Jumble

I had the idea for this story for quite some time. And when I heard that DC was actually going to come out with something with a similar premise, I hurried to get this one out first. Most of the characters in this story are owned by DC comics. Justice League Jumble chapter 1 By Morpheus The morning light was beginning to break over the city of Gotham, and a lone figure stood perched atop a gargoyle, his gaze searching the city below. Searching for what, he didn't know, but he'd...

1 year ago
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Great group fucking

Hi! Pabby here if any female or gal or couple or group want to contact me plz mail me at Last summer the company won a fairly large contract and management had to look at employing more factory staff to cope with the extra demand, this also meant that extra cash was available to the existing staff by working extra night shifts in addition to their usual hours. I were saving hard for a late summer holiday and I jumped at the chance of the overtime. The company make industrial cleaning fluid and...

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Sealed Like Envelopes Ch 03

The sun was shining through gaps in the puffy snow clouds, throwing the white world into a swirl of white and gray, speckled with the green of mountain pine. Adele puffed her breath and giggled when it condensed into a small cloud in front of her face. It was the day after the diner fiasco and Travis had driven Adele to the park where they used to do their homework together after school. The park was small and secluded within a residential neighborhood. There were two swings, a slide, a...

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The Good sister Who Caught Me

My younger sister had always been the little tease although I doubt she knew the effect she often had on me. There were many times when she would sit on the sofa with her knees up to her chin and her feet apart, totally oblivious that she was giving me a great view of her little panties.I had lost count of the amount of times I had pulled on my prick in the bathroom while thinking of her tight body. Ok she was my sister and as such should have been out of bounds on the sexual fantasy level, but...

4 years ago
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Ares adventures

You walked slowly towards the gates of the city, pack on your shoulder and sword on your hip. You had stayed as long as you had dared and was looking for adventure and treasure. At the age of 18 you had left your small farm with dreams of doing something with your life rather than growing old and farming. At the age of 21 now, you had established yourself as a great fighter, great treasure seeker and even greater lover. Your specific choice was the male species, for you truly loved cock and...

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An online meeting becomes a fantasy come true

She grabbed a cigarette out of her pack and lit up as she started checking through emails and missed IM’s. All of a sudden a friend she had met through an online forum popped up. They lived in the same town but had never met in person; they just chatted and talked about whatever happened to come up. Daren said good morning and they chatted for a while, and then he asked what she was doing that night. She told him she had no plans but needed to get out of the house. He asked if she would like to...

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With My Sister And Her Yummy Teacher

Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang back. I know I have been gone for a long time and sorry for that. For those who dont know me I am Shivang,22 from Mumbai 6’1 in height and a tool of around 6.5″. There has not been much to write about recently as nothing really has turned up so I decided to write a fantasy story just to stay connected to my readers. So the following story is imaginary but with real characters. I’ll try making the story as lively as possible such that it feels real to you...

2 years ago
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King Universitys New Slut Part 4

Chapter 4: At The Gym The clock buzzed loud and I jerked up from my pillow. I turned it off and laid there. I didn’t sl**p good at all with my throat still sore from that 11 inch dick that buried itself down my throat. It was all because of Quinn. I hated him, I hated what he had he had done to me. I wanted to tell someone but I was too scaried that Quinn might find out and do more than **** me but kill me. I had to try and avoid him as much as could. I got up and went to my bathroom rubbing...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Beautiful Reader

Hey guys! Shankar here with my story after a very long time. Hope you guys are doing well. I was busy so did not get much time to write. But here I am with another interesting real-life incident. After my previous story, I received many feedbacks and emails. One such email was from a woman named Tanisha. (name changed for privacy) Tanisha was really open-minded and was straight to the point. She cummed for my story reading it various times and she absolutely loved it. She also wanted to have a...

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Twins theesome and Motherinlaw

This happened during my single days many years go. I think I might well have been the luckiest guy alive. I had been seeing Evelyn for 18 months by the time of this story and Evelyn has an identical twin sister Lucy and they are identical in every way as far as I know. Evelyn and I had a great sex life and we planned to get married but we fell out of love. We had just rented a house together and we couldn’t been happier. Evelyn was and still is the most gorgeous babe alive. She was 20 years...

2 years ago
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Carins Continuing Adventures Part 4

I will admit, I was disappointed with my gifts this year. I know, family is supposed to give thoughtful gifts, but you would think my husband might remember that I was a woman, and get me something to share. Not likely, and the more I notice what I’m missing, the more I become willing to share with those that are noticing I’m a woman. Which is how I keep getting into trouble now.Like the first day back to work after the big red guy makes his deliveries. I’m not sure how it became an every week...

1 year ago
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Jacks Ladies

CHAPTER 1 It was early fall, best time of the year to be up at the lake, thought Jack Preston. He’d been home for a week after finishing a novel and had decided to take an extended vacation. His mom has just said why didn’t he go up to the lake house and finished off the new bedroom suite that the builders had completed their contract to erect the shell and close it in. ‘Yes Jack,’ said his dad. ‘If you really want a fulsome vacation you’ll have that up at the lake. Beside working on the...

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My Sweet Wife And Roshni 8211 Part 1

Hi friends..I am back.I have posted this story earlier but I am unable to find it now.I will continue my wife’s debauchery.I am giving link for its second part Coming to my present story.For those who didn’t read my previous story.My name is Kumar,24.I am working in a mnc .I got married to a nice looking girl bindu,22, 6months back.We had nice post marriage period,you know fucking like bunnies daily.We stay in a apartment.My wife is a housewife.We have a maid,roshni,to do our daily chores in...

3 years ago
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Santas Special DeliveryChapter 12

Eva wanted to let Timothy sit on her lap while the judge questioned him, but that was not to be. "He'll be fine," said the judge. "I just want to ask him some questions. You can wait right over there." He pointed to the front row of the gallery. I wanted to go stand beside her, but thought better of it. Casper was already making a big deal of our relationship. Instead, I walked Timothy up to the bar and pushed open the swinging gate. "You want to go sit in the chair your mom was...

3 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 24

The next day was our last full day in Landers. We were in another television broadcast. This time, American news people were present though they were not allowed cameras. Madame Fierro, the King’s personal secretary, told me that many cameras were distracting. Televised interviews were not frequent and the press in Landers had to be truthful plus was not allowed to engage in speculation. Three more or less American news services had correspondents present, Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. The King went...

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Is that you

One more Ranma 1/2 fanfiction, this time it is not based upon any episode of the manga/anime, just a scene I often imagined, since teaching Ranma how to be a good girl always seems to be pretty kinky idea for me. Hope you'll like it, even if it's bit more naughty than my other stories. Ranma 1/2: Is that you? She stands in front of the mirror, looking at herself, dressed in the scanty, french maid uniform with withe apron and black stockings. She has no braid, her red hair runs...

3 years ago
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‘This is amazing!’ she whispered with astonishment as I brought in our small suitcases. That was when I knew that this was a wonderful idea, for I had realized earlier in the week that my fiancée had never been in a suite-style hotel, so I had decided to surprise her. ‘Next weekend, we’re going somewhere Friday night,’ I had said. ‘We go somewhere almost every Friday night,’ she had countered. ‘Sometimes out to dinner, sometimes a movie, sometimes a play, sometimes a drive up into the...

2 years ago
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Sperm Bank Donation

It was very early in the morning, the sun had just barely come up and there were very few people out and about. Masato was one of those very few people. He had an appointment at the local sperm bank for his annual sperm count analysis. Masato had gone there many times. At first it was just for the money, a bit of extra cash on the side to play around with. But over time, something changed. The nurses at his sperm bank were actually not that bad looking, fairly attractive to say the least. The...

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My cousin Lara

Hi, it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. Your comments have made me bare all my secrets. Thank you all for the good ratings that you people gave me for my earlier postings. That is an inspiration for me to come up with another one. This is a story of my elder cousin sister Jarakka, she was five years elder to me. I hope you all like our first encounter. From then on we have just kept exploring every place and opportunity. The one i am going to narrate now happened in my cousin...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 11 Ghost Stories

Stan and Laura stepped happily into the BED room to find their 3 girls totally connected to the mysterious (well in Laura's mind anyway) new passenger. Stan had taken advantage of the fact that (with Lenny and John in charge of the driving shift) not only was he free from driving duties, but everyone else seemed to have something to do, to do a little connecting with his wife on a one-to-one basis. They hadn't had a lot of that since the trip started. Stan signaled an upset looking Laura...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Sloan Harper Natalie Porkman Fucking my Step Daughter And Her GF

The other day, I was peeping on my step daughter, Sloan Harper, and her girlfriend, Natalie Porkman, as they were eating each other’s pussies. Later that same day, I snuck in the bathroom as my step daughter was showering. She blew me in the shower for some time. However, she kicked me out, afraid that her girlfriend would discover us. So now I found myself naked in the hallway. As I made my way to the living room, I noticed that my step daughter’s girlfriend was masturbating in the couch. I...


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