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Were By Morpheus Werewolves exist. Yes, Weres exist... but they are not what you think they are. Not by a long shot. They are not the creatures of nightmares, the monsters who run across the movie screens. Instead, they are your neighbor... your classmate... or even your girlfriend. My name is Darek Ross and I am 16, having just turned so a little over a week earlier. And though my birthday had been exciting, it was nothing compared to that night, to what was coming. It was the real celebration, the real coming of age that both excited and terrified me. At the moment, I was sitting in my living room, glancing around at my Mom and Dad, both of whom kept giving me glances, their expressions seeming just as mixed as my own emotions. But then again, that was to be expected considering what that night was. "The full moon," I whispered, glancing out the window and wondering how much longer before the sun set. My heart nearly crept into my throat as I thought about it. Weres exist, but they... we are not what people think. I didn't know how it began, nor do I think that anyone really does, though there are dozens of theories that I've heard. Remnants from Atlantis, an ancient curse that has been passed down, the legacy of some long forgotten alien race and even that we always existed, evolving alongside mankind. Of course there are other theories, far too many, but not enough facts. All throughout human history, there have been stories about Weres. Creatures that could shift between human and animal, creatures that were part both. There were stories about strange monsters, Werewolves and Vampires, all of them inspired from pieces of truth... and larger pieces of misunderstanding. Forget the legends. Forget Lon Cheney, the Howling and silver bullets. Forget the beasts that howl at the moon, murder innocents and spread their curse with a bite. The truth is far scarier. The truth is that Weres are just people. They look, act, and even think just like every other human. Weres have lived among humans for ages, and still do to this day. There aren't too many of them, though they are far more numerous than people might guess. And though Werewolves are the most famous, they are no more common than any other Were. No more likely to be seen than a Wererabbit. Every Were is different, transforming into a different animal upon the nights of the full moon, retaining the ability to do so on other nights as well. Being a Were is not a curse, but a gift. A birthright. It is not something that can be transferred to another by biting them as the stories suggest. Instead, it is genetic, like any other genetic trait, being passed on by one or both of the parents. And even then, it does not manifest until a person turns sixteen. Or specifically... the first full moon after they turn sixteen. "Like tonight," I mused, staring nervously out the window again, trying to see how close the sun was to going down. It was the first full moon after my sixteenth birthday, and I was about to get a present even greater than any car... or at least I hoped. I was going to transform for the very first time, discovering whatever animal it was that I was going to turn into. I just desperately hoped that it wasn't something stupid or embarrassing, which I heard happened to a number of young Weres. For a moment, I wondered what the kids at school would say, what my best friend Brandon would say. However, I knew that I couldn't tell them, even if they would believe it. It was a secret that I'd long since learned had to be kept for the safety of my family... and the other Weres. Though Weres tended to be pretty secretive about what they were, for safety sake, they did still tend to keep in contact with each other and even meet at conventions and the like. Not only was it a way to be open and talk about the things that they had in common, it was also a way to meet other Weres. It was even at one of those that my folks first met each other. With that thought, I glanced over at my Mom who was walking past, giving me a smile to encourage me that everything would be all right. Dad on the other hand was sitting back and watching the news on TV, pretending that there was nothing unusual going on. For a moment, I wondered if I might be like my Mom, turning into a tiger under the full moon. She always looked unbelievable... and ferocious when she was like that. It would definitely be cool to turn into something like that, though what your parents changed into didn't seem to have any effect on what their kids became. Then I glanced over at Dad, always feeling a stirring of pride at his transformation. My Dad was a Mythic. They're rare, even among Weres. A Mythic was a Were who turned into something strange... into creatures that weren't known by science, such as dragons, griffins, or in my Dad's case... a unicorn. He turned into a huge white unicorn with a sharp looking horn growing right out of his forehead. And though he resembled a horse slightly when he was like that, there was no mistaking that he wasn't... even ignoring the horn. Letting out a sigh, I knew that it would be extremely unlikely that I'd turn into something cool like either of my folks. I'd probably turn into a Weremouse or something instead, though my Mom always told me that it was safer that way. She and Dad always insisted that anyone who turned into a distinctive animal like that had to stay hidden even harder when they changed, because they'd draw too much attention. And I could certainly see their point, clearly being able to imagine how people would react at seeing a tiger or unicorn running around. Taking a deep breath, I still couldn't resist hoping, looking out the window again at the large property and tree line that surrounded our house. It was enough room and cover so that a tiger and unicorn could run around at night and not be seen by anyone, not even any nosy neighbors. Then, I was shaken out of my thoughts as my Mom's voice echoed through the house, calling out one of the most important words in existence... "Dinner!" I nearly ran to the table. --- Taking a deep breath, I splashed my face with cold water from the bathroom faucet, turning the water off and then glancing out the bathroom window, seeing the darkness outside. My heart nearly skipped at how close the time was, while my whole body threatened to shake. I'd never been so nervous before in my life, not to mention... excited. "Can't I put it off," I asked nervously, "Just a little?" However, I knew that there was no pushing back nature, nor was I even sure that I really wanted to. I tore my eyes from the window and stared at my reflection in the mirror. It was the same as it was a minute earlier, from my sandy blonde hair to the slightly large looking ears. I just had a hard time imagining that it would look different before very long... and not even human at that. Though whether I'd have fur, feathers or scales, I still didn't know, nor would I until it happened. Suddenly I heard a voice calling out, "Darek," sending a chill down my spine with what followed next, "Hurry up! It's almost time!" I gulped and then looked upward, quietly muttering, "Please don't let me turn into a snake or something gross." A minute later, I was on my way to the living room to meet up with my folks. I frowned, glancing around nervously, unsure what was going to happen. Was it going to hurt? Would I still think the same? I knew that I'd already asked my folks those questions before, but the answers seemed to elude me at the moment, nor was I sure that I believed them anymore. "Cheer up," Dad chuckled, "You look like you're going to a funeral." Mom just hurried over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, "Happy Change Day Darek." I just tried not to show how afraid I was as I followed my folks out the back door, pausing just a short distance away from the porch. Dad looked around, scratching at his chin for a moment. "This should do it," Dad exclaimed proudly. "Now we'll get to see what your Were is. I've been dying to know that for over 16 years." From the look on his face, I wasn't completely sure whether he was joking or not. Just then, Mom announced, "It's time." I was almost surprised to realize that I didn't need Mom to tell me that. I could feel... something. Something strange, a tingling sort of like static electricity. It filled the air, tickling my skin. With a nervous gulp, I looked up at the full moon coming into view, and then back to my folks. Dad's hair had already turned a sort of golden while his whole body was sprouting white hairs. There was a faint golden gleam coming from his forehead, which only grew more pronounced. And though I'd seen it dozens of times before, I was still in awe to watch my Dad slowly turning into a unicorn. Quickly glancing towards my Mom, I saw that she was already covered with the trademark orange fur and stripes of a tiger, looking very muscular and catlike already. Within seconds, she seemed to become more cat than human, dropping the bathrobe that she was wearing to the ground then dropping into a four footed position. The sight of my parents transforming was so amazing that it took me a minute to realize that the strange sensations that I'd been feeling had grown stronger. I let out a grunt as my muscles all started to cramp up, then dropped to my knees, my whole body feeling extremely strange. "I feel..." I started, pausing at the creaking in my voice, "Oh shit..." Just then, the changes seemed to hit me in earnest, attacking every part of my body all at once. It wasn't too painful, just extremely... uncomfortable. I could feel my bones moving around inside of me, my muscles and flesh moving around as well, almost with a will of its own. I was too stunned to do anything but remain frozen, unable to move I think even if I had tried. Somehow, I managed to let out a gasp as it rushed over me, the light of the moon making every cell of my body feel super charged... even more alive than ever before. But my flesh was still shifting... still changing. The bathrobe that I'd been wearing at my folks suggestion started to push open, then dropped to the ground around me. I was vaguely aware that a large tiger and a unicorn were both standing to the side, staring at me just as intently as I'd been staring at them moments earlier. However, I barely paid them much attention, focusing instead on the strange sensations that were filling my body. My chest seemed to swell, stretching out, while at the same time, I felt something tickling my shoulders and back. Then there was a pulling at my crotch and waist, each feeling extremely odd, but almost pleasurable at the same time. Suddenly the changes seemed to stop, and though I felt extremely different, I couldn't feel my parts moving around anymore. After a few seconds of just remaining frozen where I was, I slowly looked down, startled by the sensations and a little confused that I didn't feel even more different. "What the..." I started, surprised that I could still talk since I was supposed to be an animal of some sort. However, I didn't feel like I was an animal. Then, as I saw myself for the first time, my eyes shot wide open and I jumped to my feet, even more shocked to see that I looked nothing like an animal. Or at least what I could see didn't look like an animal, though it was nearly as alien. The first thing that I noticed was that my skin was green, though the second thing were the two bumps pushing out from my chest. I tried to absorb everything else all at once, though my mind was filled confusion and a million questions. "Wh... what am I?" I asked, surprised to hear that it was a very feminine voice. Suddenly, the sound of my voice made me gasp and take another look at the two bumps pushing out from my chest, giving me a little clearer idea of what I'd turned into, but not much. And with a quick look between my legs, seeing nothing there but a patch of dark green hair that looked almost like moss, I gasped. "I'm a girl..." I choked out, not sure what to think about that. Gulping nervously, I looked at my hands, seeing that they were the same green as the rest of my body, but also small and feminine looking, with extremely dark green, almost black nails, which looked a bit sharp. They were my hands... but they weren't. At this point, I finally turned and gave a nervous look at my parents, having a hard time reading any kind of expression into their animal faces. My Mom slowly came towards me, nearly making me jump back since a tiger circling you would do to just about anyone. She stopped right next to me, giving me a few cautious sniffs before rubbing up against me. Nodding faintly, I got the message. That I was going to be all right, that everything was fine and she was there for me. I just wasn't sure that I really believed it, though I reminded myself that I had expected to change... just not quite like that. Oddly, I wasn't really too scared about what was happening to me, only confused. After all, I was a Were now... I just didn't know what kind. There was an odd sense of comfort in that, knowing that as soon as the sun came up I'd be back to normal since that was the way of Weres. I absently patted my Mom on the head and then stepped away, looking around me and suddenly freezing, realizing that everything seemed... different. The grass all seemed to be sort of glowing... and the trees. "The trees..." I whispered, staring at them in amazement, slowly walking towards the nearest one. Every tree that I saw seemed to be sort of glowing, but not glowing. It was hard to explain, only that I could see different colors in the trees, sort of... feel them. Strange as it sounded, even to me, it was almost as if I was reading their minds. No, not their minds since I couldn't feel any kind of thoughts... their hearts. Their... souls. And I felt sort of drawn to them. Halfway to the first tree, I stopped, looking down at myself again in confusion, wondering what I was feeling... and why. How come I could see the trees like that, and as I stood there, I realized that I was even hearing things strange. Things all around me, confusing me even more. "What am I!" I nearly screamed, turning and running straight for the house. As soon as I was inside, I stopped, looking around in surprise. Everything looked different to me in the house as well. Everything looked... bigger. With a gulp, I started towards the bathroom, nervously looking around me, seeing that the pictures were higher on the walls, the chairs looked taller and the hallway looked just a little longer. The whole thing made me feel almost like a little kid, which I really didn't like. By the time I got to the bathroom, I wasn't at all surprised that the door handle was higher as well. And from the position, I had to guess that I had lost around a foot or so of height. "The marks," I whispered, glancing at the pencil marks on the inside door frame, from where my folks had marked my height every year on my birthday. I stood up against the wall and marked the top of my head with my hand, then stepped back, my eyes going wide as I saw where it was. I was about 4 and a half feet tall, more than a foot shorter than normal. "I'm tiny," I squeaked out, shaking my head in amazement. Then I frowned and slowly closed the bathroom door, revealing the large mirror that covered a portion of it. My reflection was immediately shown, making me gasp in surprise and near disbelief. The image in the mirror was that of a slender woman with green skin. Her... my breasts were definitely there, but they weren't the big round kind, more like the perky firm ones that turned up a little at the nipples, which were sort of a darker green. I might have had the height of a kid, but my body definitely wasn't. It was the shape of a woman, not the teenage boy I was such a short time earlier. My hair wasn't quite normal either. Not only was it dark green, but it seemed thicker as well, not to mention long enough to reach my waist. And of course there was the fact that it looked like green and brown leaves were mixed in with it, but a gentle tug revealed that they were part of my scalp as well. "Weird," I whispered, turning my attention to my face. My face was green as well of course, looking sort of... Elven and could have been almost anything from 15 years old to 25. The lips were dark green and just a little pouty, sort of like Angela Jolie's. And my eyes were a little larger than normal, and more expressive. They were a brown and green mix that looked extremely exotic, especially with my arched green eyebrows over then. Then I turned my attention to my ears in amazement. They were the same green as my skin, not to mention long and pointed. Not the pointed type like a Spock's, but much longer, much higher. And less human looking. They stuck out a bit and the sharp, almost spearlike tips ended above the top of my head, giving me an even more alien appearance than everything else combined, though by no means an ugly one. I just looked very... exotic. "No wonder I could hear so much outside," I whispered, nervously touching them to make sure that they were real. I stood there for a moment, examining my body, feeling more curious than anything else at the moment. My whole body looked so strange... felt so strange. However, it wasn't really a bad strange, just different. After examining myself for a minute, I slowly stepped away from the mirror and made my way out of the house, remembering for the first time since I'd run inside that my folks were both outside waiting for me. I blushed in embarrassment, not even knowing if it was visible in my new skin. What could they be thinking about this? "What am I?" I asked the moment I stepped out the door, gesturing down at my naked body. Suddenly I felt a faint tingle inside my head as well as a voice... "A Mythic..." I nearly jumped back at that in surprise, frantically looking around to hear who'd spoken. Then I noticed my Dad standing there, staring at me with a faint glow from his horn. "D... Dad?" I asked hesitantly. He nodded his head and then I felt his voice inside my head again. "I'm pleased that you can hear me. Most can't." For a moment, I just stared at him, remembering that he'd once said something about having limited psychic powers as a unicorn, sometimes being able to communicate with other Weres when they were both in animal shape. I hadn't quite been sure that I believed him at the time, but now there was no doubt. Mom slowly moved next to me and rubbed at me with her large head, nearly making me giggle. Then Dad announced, "I... I'm not sure... but I think that you may be a dryad. A wood nymph." "A wood nymph," I repeated stupidly, glancing down at myself and then the trees that I was still feeling drawn to. "No way." It wasn't possible, it couldn't be. I stared down at myself in amazed curiosity, not sure what to think about that. I was a little confused, and just a little bit relieved to have some idea of what I'd turned into, though I still wasn't sure that I believed it. After all, I couldn't be a Mythic. Mythics were the rarest of Weres, with maybe a dozen of them... us throughout the entire world. They were the ones who had to keep hidden the most, to keep people from realizing that things like Weres existed. And then there was the fact that two Mythics in one family was unheard of. "A dryad," I whispered, knowing that such creatures weren't supposed to exist, but then again, neither were Weres. One of the things that made Mythics so different, was not only did they turn into mythological animals and things that shouldn't exist, but no one was sure if that was because those creatures had never existed or because those kinds of creatures had gone extinct. Like dinosaurs. I'd once met an old man at one of the conventions who was a Weredinosaur of some sort, though they tended to call him a Mythic since he was pretty rare too. I chuckled at the memory, thinking about how he lived in Scotland and liked playing with people's heads. However, Dad had made it clear that he didn't approve of that kind of exhibitionism, saying that it was too dangerous. Too risky. "Not like I'm gonna do anything like that," I giggled, knowing that I didn't want ANYBODY to see me like that, except maybe other Weres who'd understand. "You're unique among Weres," Dad's voice said in my head. When I looked at him, wondering what he meant, he finished, "No other Were alive can speak in their fully changed form." I could feel his pride, which only made me more embarrassed. "What about..." I paused, trying to remember her name, "That lady who turns into a parrot?" I could feel Dad chuckling at that, "I guess there is one exception." Then he told me, "Now why don't you go and explore your new shape." With that, Mom and Dad turned and started around the corner of the house, leaving me there by myself. I stood there for a moment, not sure what to do, then looking up at the full moon in amazement, wondering if I was supposed to howl or something. After shaking my head, I looked around, deciding that I might as well follow my Dad's advice. I just stared at everything around me, taking in just how different it looked. Or at least how different the plants looked. How alive they all felt to me. I even felt sort of... connected to them. "What would Brandon say?" I asked myself quietly, wondering how my best friend would react to seeing me like that. However, I knew that he'd never know. That I could never show him my new shape or reveal the secret of the Weres. He'd probably think about all those movies and freak out, coming at me with a silver bullet or something before I could even explain. Dad always said that normal people Were funny that way, and after seeing as many movies as I have, I didn't want to risk it. Then again, I grinned, knowing that silver wasn't really much of a threat. Weres just had minor allergies to the stuff, getting rashes though not dying from touching it. And as I looked down at myself, I suspected that Brandon's reaction to seeing me wouldn't be to go for a gun with silver bullets anyway. It would probably be to hide somewhere and jack off. I snorted at that, still chuckling inside. "I think that I'd prefer the silver bullet." Still grinning, I took another look around and slowly started towards the trees that, following the strange urge that I'd been feeling. I was still a little confused about it, but I didn't fight it, instead just going along, wondering what my new instincts were telling me. As soon as I reached the edge of the trees, I stopped and stared for a moment, amazed at the emotion filled colors, at the things I could feel all around me. It felt so... comforting. Almost as if the trees were welcoming me. Then I went a little further in. After a few seconds, I stopped beside a large tree, feeling the age that emanated from it. The calm acceptance and unlimited patience. The feelings made me suddenly think of Gandhi, realizing that trees were the ultimate in the passive resistance that he preached. Then, on a sudden impulse, I scrambled up the bare trunk of the tree, climbing just as fast as any squirrel, and as easily. There weren't even any marks left in the bark from where my nails had dug in. Once I was nestled in the branches, I settled down into a comfortable position, closing my eyes and soaking up the new sensations that flooded my senses. The feelings that came from the trees all around me, and the sounds that tickled in my ears. Then I couldn't help chuckling, realizing that I was more amazed at what I could feel than with the fact that I was now a short green chick. "Weird," I mused, slowly opening my senses further. I wasn't sure how long I remained where I was, nearly one with the trees that surrounded me. Time ceased to have much meaning as I sat there, listening and feeling to every little thing around me. The sounds of insects filled my ears and I could feel the small animals that climbed among the tree branches. The owl who perched the next tree over, waiting for it's meal. And then I could feel the tiger that was slowly creeping through the trees, trying to be sneaky about it. I gave a faint smile at that, realizing that my Mom was just being nosy again, trying to see what I was up to. However, I remained where I was and gave no indication of my presence, pleased when she passed by and eventually gave up in a growl of tigerly frustration. With a self satisfied smile, I opened my eyes and looked around, then down at myself. At the moment, my skin seemed to have changed color a little, matching the bark and leaves of the tree I was hiding in, giving me perfect camouflage. It only took a thought though and my skin returned to it's previous green, though I returned to the camouflaged pattern a moment later. "Cool," I whispered, realizing something else at the same time. I was sitting up in a tree, completely naked in the middle of the night, but not feeling either unbalanced or chilled in the slightest. Instead, I felt perfectly comfortable as I was, even where I was. "Very cool." A few minutes later, I let myself slowly get lost in my senses once again. I was so comfortable, both physically and emotionally, that I even drifted off to sleep. The next think that I was truly aware of was suddenly waking up in a tree, my body tingling from the change. And at that very instant of realizing that I was back to normal, I lost my balance and nearly fell right out of the tree, barely managing to catch myself in time. "Oh shit!" I gasped from the branches, clutching the trunk tightly and gulping nervously. I was back to being a guy, but I was completely naked and stuck up in a tree with the sun coming up. "Fuck," I snarled, taking a deep breath and slowly climbing down, finding that the trip down was a hell of a lot harder without the dryad abilities from the night before. It didn't take me too long before I went back into the house, a bit chilled from the morning cold and with a few scrapes from the tree, but feeling amazingly good. Memories of the night before... of my transformation seemed so unbelievable... so amazing. Almost as soon as I stepped in the door, I was confronted by my folks, both of them wearing their bathrobes again and grinning... just as they did every morning after the full moon. However, neither of them said a word as Dad handed me my own robe, though Mom did turn her back for a brief minute, giving me enough time to put it on. A minute later, I was sitting down at the table, both of my folks watching me with curious expressions. Dad looked proud, probably at having his son being a Mythic too, though there were a few slightly odd looks as well, most likely because of what type of Mythic I turned into. Mom on the other hand seemed mixed with pride... and amusement. "Congratulations dear," Mom told me, being the first to speak as she handed me a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I just nodded, knowing that I was blushing some at the same time. Then I just hunched over and ate my breakfast in silence, unable to stop thinking about what it was like being a dryad. About how amazing it had felt. How different everything around me seemed... especially the trees. Somehow, I knew that I could NEVER think of trees in the same way again. Finally, I finished with my cereal and pushed my bowl away, then slid my chair backwards a little while holding my hands out at the same time. I stared at them silently, almost in amazement, though they were the same hands that I always had. However, even as I stared at them, I knew that they weren't. Sure, they looked exactly like before, but I couldn't help seeing the feminine green fingers in my minds eye. "A dryad..." I whispered, saying the first thing since coming into the house. I wiggled my fingers and looked down at my flat chest, half expecting to see those perky breasts again. And I could feel it just beneath my skin, the full alive feeling that the full moon had given me the night before. It was dormant at the moment, but not gone in the least. It tickled at my thoughts... at my senses, reminding me that she wasn't gone in the least. Then, I slowly began to smile, knowing that the dryad was still there... just waiting. Waiting for another full moon. Waiting for me to bring her back that very night. The dryad was a part of me now... and would be for the rest of my life. And at that very moment, I knew with absolute certainty that I wouldn't have it any other way. It was good to be a Were. THE END?

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Jeff au Poivre

"Jeff au Poivre" JEFF AU POIVRE A Playful Prose Fantasy or Short Story by Dacneus Ouch! Damn! At least that’s the very least Jeff would have shouted—or screamed—if the ball-gag hadn’t been securely wedged between the roof of his mouth and his tongue and projecting halfway down his throat. And the sharp pain of the fork’s long tines pricking playfully and selectively into different places on his naked belly and then—damn—briefly but playfully—at least that is how he gauged his master’s...

4 years ago
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The General Book 2Chapter 4

Mark was just returning from the gym as his phone was ringing. "You're up early," she said in a cheerful voice. "What do you mean early? Heck, I did my morning workout for thirty minutes and then ran five miles. Are you just now getting up yourself?" "Nope, been up since sun up. Couldn't sleep. End of school, you know. Don't want to waste vacation, although I do have to go in and finish up some stuff in my room for a while one day this week." "So, what's up?" "Well, I tried...

4 years ago
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One Rainy Evening

wanna see the girl live on cam for free: http://lockwall.xyz/54jSorting out the complications, Staying at the State Park and the Deflowering of Bobbie.When the three got back to their cottage they busily set about making their dinner. There were smoked pork chops and chicken breasts, potato salad, hot rolls and iced tea, in addition to myriad pastries remaining from the visit to The Grecian Table.After all were full, they put away the remaining food and sat down around the table to begin...

1 year ago
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Full House

I had got divorced some years ago. I was able to keep the house which I loved. It was a beautiful house with four bedrooms on several acres with a horse barn and a couple of horses. I enjoyed the house and the neighborhood. And that was good because I was not getting the pussy like I had planned. Anyway. My little sister had also got divorced a few years after I and needed a place to stay till she could get back on her feet. I offered her a room and she moved in. My sister had always been hot...

1 year ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 28 I Confess part 1

As I lay, spread eagle under Nimrod, I look up into his eyes and see his love and concern for me. I can't help but think, this man deserves to know. He has opened his home and his heart to me. He has made a stand for me. The least I can do is tell him why. Why I am like this. "Alright," I say quietly. "I will tell you." "Thank you," he says just as quietly. How to start, I think to myself. Why not just start at the beginning. The time before my world went mad. So I say. "I was just...

2 years ago
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Friends Mom Slipped Into Bed With Me

I awoke to the feeling of covers slipping off me in the warm twin bed in my friend's room. Opening my eyes, I saw the ample breasts of my friend's mother, loosely covered by red silk as she tucked herself under the comforter beside me and pulled it back over us. The warmth of her body laying against me was intoxicating and strange. I was a little startled, but didn't move as her presence was both unexpected and exciting. I felt her hand laying on my hip, slowly reaching around to touch my butt...

3 years ago
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The Cottage Part 2 The Voyeur Edited

Cherie’s slender index finger slid down the damp crotch of her skin-tight, acid-wash denim shorts into the heat of her groin. Her hard, french-manicured nail pushed against the taught fabric of her shorts, only just catching the fold of her labia. Her slim lips - adorned with Cherie’s trademark hotrod-red lipstick - pulled into a joyful smile as she felt the summer afternoon’s wind pushing itself through her wavy, long blonde hair. With a rush of pleasure, and a hearty flex of her...

3 years ago
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I come into the bedroom. It’s very dim with only sputtering candles for light. Your back is to me as you slide a Moody Blues CD into the player. ‘Nights In White Satin’ is starting to play. Justin Hayward is writing letters he’ll never send. You are wearing a silky, loose-flowing long gown. It‘s just slightly see-through with accents of fine lace. The candlelight makes it shimmer as it softly moves with you. Your panties are barely visible through the silk. I am wearing a business suit, power...

2 years ago
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A Little Halloween Miss Chiff

A Little Halloween Miss Chiff By Morpheus It was Halloween night and the street of a quiet suburbs was filled with children and their parents who wandered from house to house trick-or- treating. All the children under the age of ten had at least one older escort... all except one. A cute little blonde girl cheerfully skipped along the sidewalk, her little hands firmly clutching a large bag of candy. The 7 year old paused to adjust her costume, a leafy green outfit with green...

3 years ago
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We were seated just moments ago in a corner booth in the darkened restaurant. The waiter has arrived with wine, showed me the label, and poured a taste. As I sniff the wine, which exudes a rich aroma, her foot brushes against my leg beneath the table. I glance up at her before approving the wine. The waiter pours us each a glass and steps away.As I am reading the menu, selecting an entree, her foot once again brushes my calf, but then slides up into my lap. Glancing down, I see her pink-painted...

Quickie Sex
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More dancing with Mom continued

(I had a major computer crash writing that last post but I are back again) … "I thought you and Hans were just dinner companions." She was flustered and said "Well, we fuck too!" I just laughed, and finished shaving her pussy till, it transformed into something she hadn't seen in about 35 years. I was so turned on when I saw the real live bald pussy on MY Mom. All the while that I was shaving her, I was watching the slow ooze of Hans' ejaculate, making sure that it didn't run down her ass...

2 years ago
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Wedding Training Part 2

Wedding Training Part 2 The next morning, mother and daughter rose early and slipped into negligees which matched their choice of nightie. They made coffee and filled two mugs for themselves, and a babys bottle for Alan. They took it upstairs to his bedroom and entered quietly. He had somehow thrown off his duvet, lay with his crown jewels still firmly caged, and he had managed to remove his blindfold. He looked at the two women and scowled as they sat down on the bed, one either side....

4 years ago
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my real last night

hello, here I'll tell my evening yesterday.At approximately 19:30, a friend came to see me after a day's shopping, is a longtime friend.it shows me who are buying it in his bag, but I do see a pocket.I ask therefore that lurks inside!she said nothing. the evening and continues to invite him to eat.after the meal she said "thank you for I'll show you my last purchase"dress was sexy, fishnet tights, corset and thong.I said "WAW ca area has very sexy"she replied "yes but I have no man therefore...

1 year ago
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Birthday Work Slave

Ann has been my very loyal and hard working secretary for quite a few years and she has become a very good friend as well. I hired her while she was still going to college and she’s been with me ever since. Over time, we’ve celebrated our successes and we’ve comforted each other when things aren’t going well. During her employment, my wife has also befriended her and I know her husband quite well too. She’s about ten years younger than I, so we’ve watched their two k**s grow up move out to...

4 years ago
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Kinky reunion between two former lovers

"329, 331, 333..."I muttered to myself, reading the numbers off the doors as I made my way down the narrow hotel hallway. I could almost hear the sound of my own nervous heartbeat over the quiet buzzing of a nearby ice machine as I pushed my hand into my pocket to pull out a folded, crumpled piece of paper. Cursing myself for the inability to calm my shaking nerves, I unfolded the small parchment and read the number scrawled upon it. "335." My eyes moved from the paper up to the door before me....

3 years ago
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Threesome Switch

Three-some Switch Part 1 by Switch-Guy (Revised v3) Synopsis: Two couples are together for dinner after a day of bike riding. A body switching machine makes things interesting that evening. ************************************************ This is the first installment in the Three-Some Switch story arc. The order to read the installments is: 1) (This one) Three-Some Switch Part 1 2) Three-Some Switch Back Story Part 1 3) Three-Some Switch Back Story Part 2 4) Three-Some...

3 years ago
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Ozark Widder Woman

Widder Jones was 31 years old. I was the only one to know for sure because I’m her doctor. I also knew a lot of other things about her after her office visit today. My name is Kendall and I am a rural circuit doctor in the Ozarks. My medical school education was mostly funded by a program that requires me to serve rural areas for a period of time after I graduate. I’m from a similar area in the Appalachians so this appealed to me, and was the only hope of becoming a doctor I had. I got my...

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Twice as Nice

About ten Christmases ago, Lemar McCants had been shopping for gifts with his early tween daughter. On the list was his wife, his parents, and one of the middle school aged girl’s classmates. He remembered the conversation.“Dad,” Maryam beamed as she selected what appeared to be a tiny white rag doll with pink hair and a pink cat in the same box. “This is what I want to get Neville.”“Are you sure,” the man frowned. “How about we get him something like a LEGO set or something.”“Dad,” she...

1 year ago
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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 35

Winter Carnival It hadn’t come last year, but you had heard about it – the Winter Carnival that pitched its tents in the valley just the other side of the river that ran below the University. You had heard about it from the kids. It seemed strange. In the middle of winter, a carnival. But one morning as you walked from the big old Victorian house on one hill to school on the other, you heard banging and a clamor and you turned and there it was – the snow had been plowed off the large field...

2 years ago
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HOBO Chapter 15

We started off the following year even more hectic than the previous one. The restaurant had taken off much faster than anticipated and Michelle was working twelve to fourteen hour days. She had hired Eddie Sampson as manager which kept her free to deal with the kitchen. She had also hired another cook and one more waitress. By June on most nights you would have to wait for a table between thirty and forty-five minutes. Michelle was getting home until after midnight on most days. On July...

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on my knees

I have been hitting the gym pretty hard for the last four weeks.Today I came home I can feel a difference and I feel good my other half beat me home I see he has taken a bath and started me some coffee in need of a good cup of no.As I am sitting catching up on my reading sipping my coffee I am anxious can't stop looking over at the hubby and biting my lip . Soon I am getting up walk over to him grab a pillow drop it to the floor and kneel before him asking him if he is really interested in...

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The After Seeding a Second Wave Book 2Chapter 7

John had been pacing all day, there had to be a solution to this problem. There was no way that he could let Mitch enter the battle, even with his power increasing every day, John knew that when the actual battle took place Mitch didn't stand much of a chance. Even more frustrating was the fact that Mitch was refusing to back down from being John's second. A week! That's all they had to prepare, even with the week John was afraid that Mitch would die if he entered the fray. Millie was...

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The Erotic Reality Game Guy is first up

This sounds like a joke you might have heard. It's not. Three guys meet at a bar. One is a devilishly handsome young bachelor who normally shoots par. Another is a middle aged, average looking, divorced man with an eleven handicap. The third is filthy rich and never mentions his golf scores. Of course, they are having a drink at their country club. Most of the conversation revolves around golf and sports until Guy, the middle aged man, says, "I've come up with a cool idea for the Internet. Tell...

1 year ago
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Filthy Librarian Part 2 The Lot

"What do you think I'm doing here Ms. Abby?" He spoke with a smirk. "Did you really think no one would ever catch you fucking your grubby fingers in the back room? Making that dirty cunt cum?" He laughed as he watched her embarrassment grow. "I was there a couple weeks ago, watching you call yourself names and bite your own nipples. I saw you slapping your clit hard before shoving 3 fingers inside. I couldn't believe you were so rough with yourself. I knew dear old Dad would love...

1 year ago
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Jehovah witnesses LOL

So the friday before Christmas a friend of mine, who is gay but doesn't know anything about my exploits and doesn't suspect a thing about my cock sucking abilities lol ordered something expensive for his long time partner but couldn't be home to sign for the delivery. He asked if I would mind waiting and as my wife was working till later that afternoon and I had nothing going on I was happy to help. There was a three hour delivery window so I was there on time and let myself in with the hidden...

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The MissEducation of Bruce Carson

The Miss-Education of Bruce Carson By Serena Lawhead Chapter 1: The Last Straw. Nik was short and scrawny; he never managed to get dates with the girls and to top it all off he was a dweeb. No not dweeb, he was a nerd, for all his lack in physical build and stamina he was one of the smartest kids in his school, a 'brain'. And this is what was the cause of some of his problems. One person in particular always seemed to have it in for him, Bruce Carson. Bruce was one of the...

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Earths CoreChapter 34 Plans For The Future

Abandoned. There were no exceptions. Be they his father, big sister, lover, after Troel said his peace, everyone returned to their new homes in Green Snow village, leaving Zax behind and with justification. A long time passed before Zax made the tiniest movement after watching the backs of all those he disappointed vanishing. Snow accumulated atop him. As he understood the magnitude of the grief he caused, his heart palpitated and he could not master the bit of power to shelter himself from...

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michelles Sexuality ReAwakened Ch 6

The plane arrived on time, right at 7:45 PM. Fifteen minutes later, I saw Michelle walkingdown the lobby, wearing the leather skirt and sweater, no bra. She looked just as I had envisioned, like a goddess in a dream, so unbelievably beautiful. When she got to me, she wrapped herself around me and gave me one of the best, most emotional kisses of our lives. Obviously, her modesty toward public displays of affection had dissipated significantly over the weekend. When she finally broke away from...

Wife Lovers
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Thicker Than BloodChapter 30

“Okay, buster,” said a red eye’d Stacey, “We’ll be wheeling you outta here this afternoon.” “Okay babe, can’t wait to get home,” said Ronald. “Hospital food ain’t the greatest.” She started to cry again. “Honey, it’s all good. You needn’t keep on cryin’ all of the time,” said Ronald. “I’m just so grateful to God or whatever angel was watching over us,” she said. “Yeah, I know. I agree. It had to be divine intervention,” he said. “I mean what are the odds that the registry would find a...

4 years ago
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Two Thousand and Ten Ch 03

Author’s note: Welcome to the third chapter of Two Thousand and Ten – the tale of a year in the life of two friends from a seaside town in southern England. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the following chapter is purely a work of fiction, my character names are chosen totally at random, and no resemblance to any person (living or dead), or any company/organisation, is intended and entirely coincidental. All characters are over 18 years of age. Please also remember...

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Indian Wife and Bold Neighbours

It was after a good deal of search that Zoya and Rehaan had finally chosen this house. It was in an upmarket locality of the town. Although the house was small, it was compact and the neighbourhood was good. That is what the agent who had got them this house had told them. Zoya was all of twenty eight years old and married four years back to Rehaan, a software engineer employed with a multinational. Yet another added advantage of this locality was that their immediate neighbors were known to...

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CuttyChapter 33 A Business Meeting

Donna walked up to Ms. Brendan’s door, cuddled in her new long and warm winter coat. It was part of the new wardrobe she apparently had ordered through the Internet. Donna would have never spent so much money on such an obscene coat; she looked so cheap in it. But most of all, it was the idea of animal fur that was bothering her. For as long as she could remember, Donna had been strongly opposed against the killing of animals for something so senseless as their fur! Regardless, she had to...

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SamChapter 11A

I must have fallen right to sleep. I had a wonderful dream about being caught sneaking through the boy's locker room naked. They laid me down on a bench and all the boys in that period's gym class got to fuck me. They all had magnificent big cocks and I climaxed over and over again as each boy came deep inside me. After they were all done with me they left me lying on the bench with gallons of cum oozing out of my thoroughly used pussy so the next class could take a turn at me. This went on...

2 years ago
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Office fucktrue story

I actually posted this in a newsgroup some time ago but thought you might like it here.. it really IS a true story, ALL the names were changed, of course...I'm not the best at telling these stories, but thought you might enjoy this true experience that happened to me some years ago while I was in San Antonio running my own company. It was a small firm, only one secretary with four or five sales people who stayed on the road all the time. My secretary, Jaime was a very cute, but not beautiful...

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Neighborhood Sex and Torture Club

CHAPTER 1 It was Friday night and there was a break in the action. Bill satin a large leather chair, gazing at the three naked women he hadbound in various positions in his basement "game" room, reflecting over the changes that had occurred in his life the past month. WhenConnie had confessed that she had been unfaithful and had discoveredher need to be dominated and abused, he had felt his life was over. Confused, angry, and hurt, he had confided in his next doorneighbor, Rosie, who seized...

3 years ago
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Color Me Your Color

“Everyone fucks for money, one way or another.” Morgan applied lip gloss nonchalantly, as if she hadn’t just corrupted all of my childhood dreams. I sat down on the edge of the bathtub, thoroughly depressed. There were examples I knew that would prove her wrong, or so I thought, but even then, when I practically glowed with inexperience and ignorance, I still knew better than to disagree with her. I was nearly resigned to my choice, but I hated the thought of the world being so crude....

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Shipwrecked on Lust Island Part 2

It had been about eight months since they had been rescued from the island. Their story of surviving the disaster and their rescue briefly made some headlines before other events occurred, that natural cycle of news. What had happened on the island was kept a secret by the seven survivors. The captain and his first mate, absolved of any responsibility in the shipwreck, moved on to work on another boat. Dave and Rachel were still a couple. Brad and his wife Leslie returned to their lavish...

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Caught Fire

Caught Fire Part 1By DariUntil now my life had been pretty one-dimensional. I had never had the freedom to make my own decisions; there had always been others who were there to tell me what to do. First my father and aunt, who had done their best to raise me as a pious farmer's daughter. When it became apparent that I was not really suited for this kind of life - being a farmer is kind of the last job that you want to have when you can ignite whole fields of wheat with the power of your...

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Hilary Irvines African OdysseyChapter 5

Hilary was left alone in her cell for a couple of days. Days of dread as she waited for the Negro to come and take her off for more abuse. Eventually when he did it was almost a relief. He entered with a leer on his face - something that sent a chill thru Hilary's heart. He unlocked the chain from the bedpost, attached a leash to the collar and led Hilary out. Outside the room Hilary and the Negro were joined by two of the harem girls. Thru room after room the group went until the Negro...

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The Society of Atreus

The Society of Atreus by C. A. Smith ©2005 Part 1 It all began with certain drawings. She had come across them on the internet one night almost two years ago whenshe felt a little lonely, a little horny. She was just bopping around, lookingfor something that would stir up a bit of a tingle in that bodily zone thatwas her chief source of solace, bliss and ecstasy. Looking for something alittle naughty. Something a little outrageous. She'd found it all right! Firstthe drawings, then stories to...

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The New Neighbor 2

Carol and I awoke early and she asked what I thought of Jeff. "He seems like a nice guy and I noticed you staring at his cock as he was leaving" I replied. Her response was quick, "Well, honey, it's been almost a week since we had sex and if you remember I didn't cum. A girl does get horny. You guys can look a women's breasts and pussies, why can't I admire a harden cock?"  I had to chuckle because she was right. Around 1PM, Jeff called. I answered the phone. He asked what time he should come...

Wife Lovers
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Campus Rapist Ch 02

Bea’s Story Bee was in her creative writing class, the only class where she didn’t know anyone, which made her nervous. You see, Bee was hopelessly shy. Her really good friends, Poppy and Melanie, she had had since high school, and any knew ones she made were through mutual friends. Bee couldn’t just go up to a stranger and start a conversation, and she didn’t know how the rest of the world did it. She was especially shy around boys, and had never been on a date. She had been asked a couple...

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Booby Girlfriend Enjoyed The Night With Two Dicks

Hey guys this is Bunny right here and hope you guys enjoyed my previous story. So this is about my girlfriend Shalini. She is what I would like to say a real bomb looks like. The perfect curves any girl can ever have. She has the exact 36 24 36 and also sometimes her boobies also gets somewhere around 37 when aroused to deeply. She was in her med school that time and I used to attend her during her vacations regularly. I was a student undergoing for a law degree somewhere near Kolkata. So one...

1 year ago
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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part V

The whole thing seemed so bizarre, there was sex but no sex was taking place. I followed the two of them from the bathroom into the bedroom: Trish lead the way pressing her towel against the front of her body. Abe followed, naked and sporting an erection, and I was behind them both. Both mine and Abe’s eyes were fixed on Trish’s pert bottom, naked and wet, as it moved with each step she took. Both of us had erections, although mine was very much curtailed, and both of us wanted her. Yet, no...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 121

"Well to be honest the premise of the show is based on having a female involved." he said. "You bring your crew down and I'll get you a female for the show but it won't be me. Meet everyone then you can decide if they are interested or not." I suggested. "I can have a meeting with them and let you know the results later today." "You do that and I'll make plans to come for a visit in a couple of days," he suggested. "We will see," I said. I was sitting on the deck atop of the...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 14 INTERLUDE FIRST SON OF DARKNESS

For all his connections and all his psionic powers, for all his influence and knowledge, the First Son of Darkness was just a tool, another game piece in a cosmic game. Despite his blindness caused by a sense of unequaled self-importance, he was quite intelligent and was aware of this, but he had plans to elevate him above being just a game piece. The key to his quest for Godhood was knowledge. Here on Netlor, a planet in Free-space he planned to gain more. Long before the rise of the Union,...

3 years ago
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As my wife Katya fucked with me

After the wedding, my wife flew to vacation in Spain, the happy couple, all as expected. Upon arrival at the place, a little rest, Katya suggested we go take a walk around the hotel while I was in the shower, Katya is dressed up-shorts barely covering the elastic rolls and tank top WITHOUT a BRA! before she went without a bra ever! I don't really liked it because her Breasts were big (despite the General thinness of his wife) and to put it mildly not in the form of, a bit saggy though she's...

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