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Zara had had the Wisdom build us a rose garden. I'm not sure why, except that it had something to with some sort of gift to Yvonne. Whatever the motive, it had appeared after a day or two, perched above a dramatic and strangely earth like vista – the hills and lakes of an alien planet visible through a panoramic window of something that probably wasn't anything remotely like glass.

I'd taken to spending a lot of time up there, not least because Zara had also specified a random breeze to add – hah! – atmosphere to the place. The scientist in me had developed a secret obsession with calculating the processing power required to generate the necessary gusts and eddies, while my human side merely belatedly recognised how much I missed the subtler pleasures of life on earth. Hell, our accommodation here was comfortable – luxurious – beyond imaging, earth wise, but it was artificial – sterile – ultimately inhuman.

Well, I thought, that was certainly true: The alien product of an alien mind, designed to meet mere humans' every need but alien nonetheless. I was wondering if I could get the AI to lay on some rain showers, too – maybe even a thunder storm or two, I'd always liked a good storm – when Yvonne herself came into the 'garden'.

"Hi, Xav," she said, seeing me. "Got a message from the Big W for you – seems we have a new arrival on the way, another one of yours apparently."

I was about to ask why the AI hadn't just told me directly – it was hardly shy in the general run of things – but she anticipated the question with a knowing grin.

"I think you've got the thing a bit paranoid around you, what with the tricks you pulled in Switzerland – that or its actually taken Zara's request not to be disturbed up here seriously. Anyway, the woman's name is Queta Munoz – ex student of yours, I'm told. Seems she's going to get into trouble and the Technology thinks she's worth a look, recruitment wise."

I was surprised by the name, did indeed remember the woman – not actually a student of mine but a post doc I'd worked with, maybe would have done more with if it hadn't been for a Fatal Difficulty. But that would hardly matter here, I thought – hell it could hardly survive the shock of being here – and it was true, she had skills. I began to run through them in my head, gathering my stuff together prior to heading to our seminar room to bring Zara and Patrice up to speed, decide what we should do next. Just as I gave Yvonne the nod that I was ready, just as she turned to leave the area, I felt it: A drop of rain, then another and another in a perfect simulation of a spring shower. Somewhere in the distance, I'm sure I heard something almost like thunder...

Zara and Patrice – both looking tired but relaxed, having just returned from an 'intervention' earth-side – were sitting round the conference table when we we got down there. Both already had data feeds open, so I pulled one up myself, got a rapid update on the situation. Which was interesting: Queta – she'd made it to full professor, the bastard – was up in the Alps, in a mountain hut with a few of her colleagues and students. Seemed that this was a regular event – an annual fortnight in the hills, spent discussing ideas and future prospects. Difference was, this year the hut was going to be carried off by a mudslide, triggered by a major storm due – the Wisdom informed us – in seven hours (earth-time) from now. I checked the data behind this – just to annoy the thing, not because I, or the greatest geophysicist at 'home', had a hope of understanding the maths involved. Seemed to check out, anyway, and the AI had a pretty good track record, prediction wise, so the question was – what were we going to do about it?

Actually, the question very quickly resolved itself to be: Who were we going to save? The Wisdom, with typical pragmatism, thought we should just pull out Queta at the last moment, let the others take their chances. I could see its point, to an extent – one body missing in a mini disaster was hardly likely to attract comment, a hut being carried away without a trace of the victims ... that could spark some interest, if only on the lunatic fringe.

Needless to say, the human side of the debate didn't see the logic quite so clearly and so we argued. Could we get all of them out of the way of the event? Zara suggested engendering some sort of medical emergency to get them to evacuate, so we could save a few lives and give ourselves a bit more time to consider whether Q would actually be useful to the Project. Unfortunately, the W pointed out that the storm that would cause the problem had already been predicted and it was unlikely to that the group would venture away from the 'safety' of the place in any circumstances. I wondered about setting fire to the hut – rather bluntly forcing their hand – but apparently it was quite a storm and the Wisdom would have to intervene to such an extent, to keep such an inexperienced party alive in the open, that we'd be as well to extract the lot anyway.

So we came back to the central dilemma: Extract all six, take just one ... or leave them all and pretend we hadn't noticed in the first place?

We began to review the data we had on all the participants in Professor Munoz's meeting.

Later, Zara and I were in the living space we more or less shared, drinking wine and reviewing, yet again, the discussion. We'd decided to grab them all, of course, the Wisdom having reluctantly agreed to smear enough simulated body parts and DNA around to assuage the doubters. We still had to decide what to do with the supernumeraries – Yvonne's suggestion that we could always use some suicide bombers of our own having been met with stony silence – but that was something, I was sure, that we could resolve in time.

For the moment, the question was whether Q herself would prove to be useful – and whether she, or at least her sanity, would survive the transition.

"So," Zara said, summing up as she emptied her glass, "she's a holy-roller, a genuine, fundamentalist, born again christian. Which is why you never got your wicked way with the poor woman and why, in a nutshell, you think that the realisation that the nearest thing to a higher power hereabouts is a very, very clever bit of machinery might send her completely doohlally..."

I nodded, accepting a masterful summation, and added a thought of my own. "And, of course, there's the fact that 'hereabouts' is, in fact, an alien plant in an alien universe – not a lot of them in the bible. I think her faith is about to be rather severely tested, though whether she goes completely to pieces or does one of those weird mental back-flips that theists are so good at – well, either way, she's not going to be a lot of use."

"So why aren't we just letting her drown in a sea of mud and rock?"

"Because she has a brilliant mind, however odd her belief system, and – hell, even the Wisdom sees potential utility there, else the thing would never even have mentioned the situation in the first place."

"So," she replied mischievously, "the fact that she's also a rather striking woman has nothing at all to do with it..."

I laughed.

"Well, you have Yvonne to fall back on – so to speak – when I'm not around, Yvonne has Patrice when he's not pining for Wife on Earth, while I..."

She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Enough. Let's sleep on it. Or, at least, go to bed on it..."

Patrice and I did the meeting and greeting, Yvonne having chosen to put in some gym time, preparatory to her next foray earthside, and Zara having delegated herself to ... well, watch her do it.

We used a bigger than usual space for our Arrivals, still with the same reactive padding so that no-one hit any of the walls too hard, still with the same old message on the wall – not dead, not dreaming, etc. etc. – but it probably wasn't quite big enough. Well, six relatively senior academics, sitting in a mountain hut arguing one minute, then everything starts to shake, the world goes very bright and suddenly they're sliding over foam rubber and shouting at each other even more. It was an impressive range of languages, I'll say that, and with some particularly choice vocabulary in use in all of them. We waited for a while until they'd all actually become stationary – even the Wisdom can't juggle all the vectors involved in such a complex transition completely perfectly – and then we waited for a while more to see if any of them would actually stop talking.

Eventually, Patrice concluded that this wasn't going to happen anytime soon and keyed in an intercom circuit.

"Ah ... ladies and gentlemen", he began, politely enough, "if I could perhaps have your attention?"

His voice, appearing disembodied and direction-less to our guests, had the opposite effect from that intended. Shouting reinvigorated itself, direct arguments broke out and actual fights appeared a possibility. Well, OK – these guys were probably scared out of their wits and panic makes people behave strangely. Patrice tried again, rather more assertively.

"OK, people," he said, firmly. "Sit down and shut up!"

This did have an affect. Not that anyone actually sat down, but the volume of noise fell considerably until only a few angry murmurs remained. Grabbing the opportunity, he continued, asking for Professor Queta Munoz to identify herself – as if he didn't know that she was the one on her knees, praying – and for the others to stay calm.

No-one reacted at all, this time, and P shrugged at me, saying into the feed. "OK, just because we ask for co-operation doesn't mean we need it. Professor Munoz will therefore now be taken to a reception area, the rest of you – oh, hell, you can all go into stasis while we work out what to do with you."

Cutting the link, he muttered a request to the AI to 'make it so' and we went off to meet our latest potential recruit.

Queta had aged, of course, since I'd last known her. If she noticed that I hadn't – or that Patrice, who'd ignored my suggestion that he might wear more than his customary pair of shorts for the occasion, now had the sort of physique not otherwise seen outside of steroid ads – she didn't comment on the fact. In fact, what she did – after a brief look of shocked recognition as I came in – was mutter away to herself, presumably praying or reciting her rosary or whatever the fuck.

So we sat and stared at her for a while, Patrice seemingly waiting for me to take the lead, given that she was my 'contact', until even his apparently limitless patience finally broke.

"Professor Munoz," he said, physically pulling her round so that she couldn't avoid looking at him, "I don't know what you think is going on, here, but trust me – it really isn't a dream and it really isn't going to end any time soon. You seem to me to be an intelligent woman – and I know a hell of a lot about you – so try to engage that brain of yours. The sooner you talk to us, the sooner we get to decide what happens next..."

He left the thought hanging, so that even I couldn't tell whether it was intended as reassurance or as a threat. Q, however, seemed to take some sort of prompt from the statement as she pulled away from him, looked down at the floor and said, in an eerie, distant voice, "I ... I thought it was ... was ... the Rapture – the shaking, the sudden light, then the darkness. Then I saw my colleagues had been Taken, too, despite ... but God works his wonders..."

She was sobbing by now, while we waited for her to continue. Which she did, pointing a vehemently accusing finger at me.

"And then I saw him – the beast – and a black devil and ... Oh ... what have I done ... what did I not do..."

She began to wail wordlessly, shoulders heaving as her breath came in great gasping gulps. Well, I thought, nice to know that I'm a harbinger of hell – and that Patrice is the devil incarnate – but what the fuck did we do now? I was on the point of asking the W for some tranx when Patrice once again pre-empted me ... by throwing a glass of water directly into her face, pulling her round again and saying, none too kindly,

"This isn't hell, Queta, though I have no doubt that we could make it a pretty good simulation if we chose to. Actually, we just saved your fucking life, Professor, and we saved it mainly because we thought we might be able to offer you a job – a job which might do more good for humanity than your fucking god ever did..."

I wasn't sure how genuine his anger was but I gently pulled him away from the woman – crying silently now, I noticed, eyes wide in shock and fear – and interposed myself between them.

"My colleague is right, Queta. He's not the devil and I'm not the dangerous pervert you so fondly remember. Round here, in fact, we're pretty much the good guys." I paused for a second, not because I expected a response but just to see if was hearing any of this. She still looked totally awestruck but her eyes followed me as I moved about the room. Good.

"Patrice is also right that we'd like you to help us help – well, everybody really. But we need you to do so willingly and if you won't – or can't – well, then we'll have to think of something else. In any case, I think you need some rest, time to think. So we'll get you to an accommodation unit of your own, you can get some sleep and then we'll provide you with every bit of data we have to explain the situation, get a colleague who doesn't have the misfortune to be either me or black to come and talk it over with you, OK?"

She nodded dumbly and one of the AI's semi autonomous servitors came and took her away – already showing signs of the hypnotics it had covertly administered.

When she'd left Patrice looked at me significantly.

"And, what," he said, calmly, "alternative did you have in mind?"

"God knows," I replied, suddenly sick of the whole thing, "but I suspect that there might be opportunities available for her in hydroponics. Well, for her constituent molecules, anyway..."

Life, as they say, goes on. We left the others in stasis – the AI could keep them that way pretty much indefinitely and it saved having to think about another problem just at the moment – while Yvonne did her stuff on Planet Earth and I had another stint in Deep Immersion – data-mining the earth's computer networks to inform and plan our future operations. So that left Zara and Patrice to deal with the Q situation.

Both were in sombre mood when I emerged from the Recovery Suite, both conspicuously anxious to ensure that I'd had enough time to recuperate, that I wasn't still disorientated from the petabytes of data I'd been dealing with. It took time, but eventually I got Patrice to give me the condensed version. Queta had taken us up on our offer of unrestricted access to our data, had seen the conclusive evidence of the existence of the multiverse, viewed the many, many skins of this particular cosmic onion and ... had become more religious, to a degree that even the AI had begun to consider psychotic. As well as accessing facts, P told me, she'd had the machine teach her Hebrew, Greek and Latin, uploaded half a hundred different bibles, testaments and sundry apocrypha and was busily trying to construct some sort of 'explanation' from it all. It didn't look good.

"Of course," Zara put in as an afterthought, "it doesn't help that the AI is so spectacularly cagey about where it – or they – actually came from, where they got their – umm – godlike powers from. And that seems to be the 'loophole' that Queta is working away at."

I felt quite profoundly gloomy, knowing that we'd all wondered about that point, all tried in our various ways to find out, all without success. As Zara had once said to me, only half joking, it was as if the AI was embarrassed by its origins – or, perhaps, I thought, now – just guilty about them.

Be that as it may, we still didn't have much to go on vis a vis Queta. I said as much and Zara gave me an appraising look.

"There is one thing", she said. "Quite why does Q have such animosity towards you – why did she call you a beast and a pervert when she first arrived? I mean, you don't seem all that perverse to me..."

"There's not a lot I can tell you," I said, shrugging. "She was a post-doc with an old friend of mine in Germany, she came to the UK to do some work on a new synchrotron we'd built, he asked me to look after her." I paused as both of them looked at me keenly.

"Well, she was a lovely woman – bright, engaging, gifted – and we ended up spending a lot of time together. Then one evening – we'd been to a faculty party, then on to the pub, you know the scene – I over-stepped the mark, I guess ... tried to kiss her, She slapped my face, started spouting god at me. I was shocked, to be honest – she'd never mentioned religion before – and I never saw her again. Flew home a couple of days later."

"Interesting," Zara said, eventually. "Partly because she obviously made an impression on you, subconsciously – she'd not be on your Protected list, otherwise – but also because it might shed light on a little experiment I've been running."

Patrice and I swapped looks, both wondering what Z had been playing with this time but for a change she explained quickly enough.

"I've been monitoring the Professor very closely on a lot of different levels – hey, you both know I like to watch – and she seems to be the most sexless person I've ever come across. Not only does she not masturbate but the only time her hands even come close to her genitals is when she's washing and then briefly and, I swear, with her eyes firmly closed."

She paused and we waited. This was, perhaps, interesting information ... but not an experiment per se. There had to be more. There was.

"So I thought I'd check out her sexual reactions, got the Wisdom to start bleeding aphrodisiacs into her environment – subtly at first, the sort of levels that might make the likes of us a bit frisky, a bit more aware of things sexual, but then in increasing dosages. As of now, I've reached concentrations where – well, if you go into that area, go masked, else we'll have to tie you to a post for a few months for the safety of all the rest of us ... and the furniture, come to think of it."

I sighed. "OK, so you've been fucking with her head in a way that's probably immoral, plausibly dangerous and, at least IMHO, completely out of order. So what have you found? Got any good vids of her wanking, yet?"

Zara shook her head, completely failed to look contrite.

"That's the point. That woman should be horny as hell – crissakes, the physio data says she is as horny as hell – but not one sign of it appears in her visible behaviour, her activities – they're all exactly as before."

"Oh, except for one thing – there's a huge increase in brain activity in her amygdala and areas of her frontal cortex associated with fear ... and the suppression of fear."

"People, this woman is a true phenomenon. Professor Munoz is terrified ... utterly, completely, shit scared ... of sex."

So we had another conference, all agreed – even the AI – that the erotophobia that Zara had uncovered was likely to be the cause of the religious mania rather than an effect of it. The question was, what to do about it.

Zara was all for adding some disinhibitors to her witches brew – basically making it impossible for Q to resist the impulses she had to be feeling – but I vetoed the suggestion. I thought there was just too much risk that getting Q to act out her sexuality while still holding onto her religious ideation would result in a dangerous psychic conflict – risking a major breakdown, perhaps even an attempt at suicide.

Which I felt we couldn't risk, given the AI's observation that even the questions that Q had been asking of its data had suggested whole new areas of analysis – implying a talent that we could not afford to lose. What we needed, I felt, was a way of allowing Q to express herself sexually – to conquer the fear – from within her religion. If we could do that, safely, I hoped, the rest of the edifice would fall away. Queta was just too fine a scientist to accept all the mumbo jumbo without an overwhelming need for her to do so.

Patrice suggested thinking mythologically ourselves – and in particular about all the stories of gods (and goddesses) cavorting with mortals. I thought for a moment that he was suggesting that one of us should dress up as a swan or something – or maybe just an angel, in the circumstances – but the idea was a tad more sophisticated than that,

In fact, he asked the AI directly whether it could influence the dreams that Q – and, by implication, of course, all the rest of us – were having. Perhaps just slightly reluctantly, the Wisdom opined that it probably could ... third party lucid dreaming, it called it.

So we sat down as a group, again, and we designed some dreams. Yvonne was initially keen on including a lot of fish and snakes and things, having been exposed to rather too many Freudians in her many stays in rehab, but the rest of us kept things rather more focused. The AI provided a precis of the juicier bits of the bible – a longer document than I'd have imagined – as well as writings of the church fathers and similar on sex, the aim being to root the finished 'product' as fas as possible in Professor Munoz' existing ideology. Sadly this meant we had to lose some of the more graphic images Zara and I had recalled from Greek and Roman myths – let alone the entertainingly zoophilic stories that Patrice had learnt as a boy – but it did give us something to work on.

Zara got to put the plan into practice – Yvonne claimed a lack of improvisational skills, Patrice was frightened that his very different cultural heritage would be unhelpful and, frankly, I found the whole idea of manipulating someone's thoughts on this sort of level just too freaky to contemplate. Zara, on the other hand, appeared to think of it as almost the ultimate in voyeurism – plausibly the apotheosis of some of her deeper fantasies – and didn't even try to look reluctant.

We/she started slowly. The idea of angels in the Greek translations of the bible – and subsequent representations of them as big blokes with skeletally implausible wings stuck on their backs – is pretty much a mistranslation, the Hebrew version using a word meaning something more like 'wind'. So Queta found herself dreaming of a fairly stereotyped desert environment, dressed in what she thought were authentic biblical era robes – the AI was pretty scathing about the accuracy of her knowledge – and, well, having trouble with wind. Not in the digestive sense of the word, but rather a pseudo meteorological one. It was a wind with a message, of course ... this was a dream, we could add subliminal content to our hearts' content ... but also a strangely mischievous way of penetrating those voluminous robes. Sort of between the legs, caressing the vital regions in a sort of wind-like way. Whilst simultaneously implying that it as a Holy Wind, a Good Wind ... and a relaxing Wind. And that was all. Basically, we used a phantom breeze to tickle the poor woman's genitals. And then we left her alone – let her get on with the dream all by herself.

Zara carried on riding piggy back, though, observing the inner working of her subject's imagination whilst also closely monitoring all the various physiological data. All of which kept her too busy to communicate directly with the rest of us but I kept an eye on her biometrics and ... well, the results looked interesting. Admittedly, Q didn't seem to react overly much to our 'stimulation' but Zara was clearly engrossed with whatever she was observing, seemingly experiencing a degree of residual arousal but also some degree of fear ... and anger. Which was curious.

When Q left her dream state, Zara was able to disengage safely but she seemed in no great hurry to share anything she'd learnt. In fact, she looked a bit worried, so I gave here a hug and Patrice found her a drink which she drained in a gulp.

"I think it may be working," she said, finally. "But its going to be a slow process. She got into the wind thing, for sure, got into it sexually, I mean, might actually have been enjoying the sensations, but as soon as we dropped out of the circuit – when the AI let her get on with it, I mean – she started to get more into ideas of snakes and temptation and all that shit ... started to resist the excitement, fall back on her learned precepts. I didn't want to interfere again ... even without doing so she was dreaming solidly for about 40 minutes, which is a hell of a long time ... but I'm not sure where all this will go next. My suggestion would be to let her wake normally, see how she reacts ... then maybe have another go – take it to the next stage – tomorrow."

Which seemed to be that for the night, but actually Zara needed to talk a fair amount more when we were in bed, a while later. In fact, she was worried, worried in a way that she hadn't wanted to explain in front of the others.

"Queta's more than frightened," she said, eventually, burying her head in my shoulder and pointedly not looking at me. "And there's more to it than some sort of subconscious hang up. In fact, its almost like there's something else in her brain, someone else in there..."

Well, that was a surprising thought. "You mean like some sort of secondary personality", I queried, "maybe the result of some early trauma – probably sexual trauma, given the external presentation?"

"No." She laughed, bitterly. "I think I would recognise that. I know this sounds crazy but I think its something real, not a subconscious artefact – I've been gambolling merrily through her bloody subconscious, remember – and whatever it may be she's not only frightened of it but despises it, too."

I hugged her reassuringly, waited for her to continue.

"Thing is, she seems to have built some sort of construct around it – like an oyster making a pearl, perhaps – made it into her own personal satan but ... I think it might be an implant of some sort. Some sort of mind control programme".

She paused again, and I finished the thought for her. It sounded somewhat implausible, of course, her idea, but ... she'd been there, knew what she'd experienced.

"And," I continued, "given that we are currently talking about this in a bed which happens to be on an alien planet in a novel strata of the multiverse ... and which has been provided by an apparently omnipotent AI... and that said AI has just conclusively demonstrated that it is capable of both reading and influencing our very minds ... well, maybe its not all that implausible after all. You think that this 'implant' was put there by the Wisdom or something like it, don't you?"

She shrugged, as well as you can shrug when nuzzling up to someone, said, "Not our Wisdom, no ... that doesn't make sense. But – that trouble Yvonne had in Switzerland – we know there are probably others ... maybe with different objectives ... different methods. The question is, can we do anything about it?"

We gave Queta another dream, of course. This time it had lots of doors, lots of twisting corridors, lots of hiding places. From Zara's reaction – not to mention Q's – it was, frankly, more of a nightmare, but it did sort of work. At least Zara told us that she was sure that the alien presence was there, sure that Queta knew – on some level – that it wasn't part of her. She also wanted rid of it ... and had been searching for a rescuer for most of her life. A male rescuer, a knight in sodding shining armour, would you believe. Blame Cervantes, blame the machismo in Spanish culture, blame ... whatever. God, to her, was a powerful man, the attraction the possibility that He could rid her of this turbulent beast.

And so, despite my strenuous objections, next time we fucked about in Queta's head, we decided, as a group, that it would be me doing the intruding. Which thought literally sickened me, but seemed logical: For one thing, unlike the others, I was able to do Immersion – connect to the Wisdom's data and its data sources on a neurological level – and that could plausibly be an advantage if we were going to try and neutralise whatever it was we were dealing with. Or so we hoped.

In fact, it took a couple of days to set up the next session, not least because we had an existing work programme that couldn't simply be abandoned. Patrice and I spent time discussing the issues with the Wisdom – P had absorbed ideas of possession almost with his mother's milk – while Zara and Yvonne talked as best they could with Queta directly. Interestingly, the W acknowledged Zara's theory as probable, though without giving us any hint about who or what the other mysterious entities might be, nor how much or how little it had known of them beforehand. Queta, on the other hand, was relatively forthcoming. OK, she gave Yvonne short shrift, but she seemed almost keen to engage with Zara. Maybe she actually recognised her as someone she'd (literally) shared a dream with, or maybe she just recognised Z as someone who'd had to battle more than a few demons of her own. We didn't know – but she was more relaxed with Zara than we'd seen her before, spouting jesuitical sophistry but communicating on a human to human level. She even let herself be given a parting hug or two.

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When I returned to college after the holidays I had a new roommate. Surprise, surprise. My old roommate, Lauralee, had decided over the break to drop out of school and join the Air Force. She wanted to fly. It didn't take long to find out my new roomie had a definite fear of flying. Mary's mother and father helped her bring in her things as I walked in the door. I watched in horror as they unpacked the stuffed animals. She didn't look like a college student. No, Mary looked like Anna...

3 years ago
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Bobbi Jos Summer Vacation

When I was a kid I used to spend the summers at my Aunt and Uncle's place in Indiana. My Dad traveled a lot in his business and Mom worked part time for a Real Estate company. So they thought that my spending time with my Aunt and Uncle and my cousins would be better than leaving me home alone all summer. It was fun when I was younger, around seven or eight, as us kids would all hang out and play all day, building tree forts or go swimming or whatever kids do outdoors. But the year I...

1 year ago
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What Doctors really get up to on the night shift

I reached the hospital slightly early that night and was pleased to see there were still extra-small scrubs available in the ladies changing room. Medium would probably be the best fit for me, but I love how tight the trousers are on my ass, leaving no one in any doubt as to my choice of underwear. As I struggled to squeeze the tight top over my 34C chest, I reflected that may be my curvy ass wasn't the only reason the orderlies stared. With my long blonde hair whipped up in a neat pony tail I...

Group Sex
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ThawChapter 7 Venom

Cassie returned to her office at Biological Sciences on Friday afternoon, looking happier than Julie had seen her for years. She was clutching a portable hard drive. "I've got more survey data back, Jules. This data is not from Americans this time." Julie looked at Cassie with open curiosity, but Cassie carried on regardless. "Don't ask from where, I can't tell you. "We've re-done the survey questions, and do you know what? The cured women have passed every test, and are...

3 years ago
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Wreck by Waldo ([email protected]) All rights reserved by the author. Permission is given to Nifty, Fictionmania, and Sapphire to archive/distribute this story. Permission is usually given to other free sites by sending me an e-mail defining where the story will be posted. It's an adult story. Chapter 1 - How it started The harsh sound of the telephone ringing wakes me with a start. My body is instantly awake but my mind is still sluggish from the deep sleep of the last...

3 years ago
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Desert PassionChapter 4

On the last full day of our raft trip, Donna and Ellen continued to wear only their bikini bottoms and go shamelessly topless. This was part of a trend, as each day of the journey down river we collectively had become more casual and libertine in both dress and actions, and the naked breasts of the two rangers that accompanied me downriver had ceased to be a novelty. But I continued to find Ellen's round and full orbs a nice contrast with Donna's petite torso which was dominated by a pair...

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The AutoCloset

THE AUTO-CLOSET by Kristen O Prelude A lone figure was accidently transported into the not to distant future using a time machine of his own creation. He emerged in a lady's bedroom filled with futuristic equipment. He did not realize where he was. A machine in the corner of the room caught his eye. The Auto-Closet Part I - Discovery Jack walked up to the curious machine and examined the instrumentation on the panel. A switch was left on marked "enabled". Another...

2 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 24

When it was apparent that lunch was over, Candace grinned wickedly, reached up and undid her halter top, saying, "So, how about dessert?" That got three surprised blinks. "Something specific?" Toby asked cautiously. "I hoped to try out two of you," Candace replied, dimpling. "Beth seemed to have such a good time ... Lon, you can have Beth, of course..." She turned to Beth, "Give him anything he wants." Returning her attention to her son, she added, "She can cum, but she has to...

3 years ago
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Thanks Big Bro

Chapter 1 Having an older brother has been a mixed blessing. Sometimes, I get razzed until I want to kill him, sometimes, he's my best friend. The three year difference in our ages, Paul's sixteen, I'm thirteen, are a lot when you're a teenager. It means he's in high school, I'm in middle school. That's a big difference right there. He's got a girlfriend, I've got my right hand. Yeah, a guy's best friend. He's been dating Mara, she's also sixteen, for a couple of years now and I...

1 year ago
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In the Backseat of Grandpa Walts Gran Torino

With a feeling of disgust welling up in his gut, Walt Kowalski surveyed his home. The place was packed with people milling about in their Sunday best, congregating around the food. His own useless son was fidgeting in the corner with his family, looking lost as usual. Walt grit his teeth in annoyance. This swarm of freeloaders brought little comfort to him in this time of mourning. The loss of his wife left a hole in his gut that stuck with him. It was a pain worse than anything he endured...

2 years ago
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Caught Him Jerking OffAnd Then The Fun Began

My first roommate after college was "Mike." He had an extra bedroom to rent and I answered his ad in the paper. Mike was a nice guy but we both worked long hours so we didn't have a lot of time to hang out together. But when we did we got along very well. We were on our way to a good friendship.I had a girlfriend at the time and I spent several nights every week at her place. That was the plan for this night..but as you will all see, this night turned out much different than any of us thought...

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Blown hard

She stepped out of the shadows and Bumfelt almost shit himself. "Detective," she said, her face briefly visible in the light from the cigarette that she drew on. "Jesus, lady!" exclaimed the Detective, regaining his composure, fumbling for the keys to his car. "You want to get a drink?" she said, stepping into the weak light of a failing street light. "You look like a man who's had a hard day at the office and someone who could use a drink." Bumfelt looked her up and down. She looked good....

3 years ago
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I could feel the hands tighten around my throat, my hair being pulled, my neck arching up to accommodate the pulling. I felt the whisper of his breath on my throat. Hot and breathy, chills running down my spine, I moaned quietly as the tingling hit my pussy. I loved this feeling, for however long it lasted. The feeling of being controlled, having to submit to someone who controlled my need. I whimpered low in my throat as he slid his hand down my chest, lightly brushing my aching nipples, down...

2 years ago
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Ultimate Stimulation Part 2 Wrong Stimulation

Earlier I have mentioned to you how Ankit asked me and started puffing from his cigarette while getting a blowjob from me, standing to the side of his cot, right foot on the cot, I positioned between the upraised right leg and the left leg on which he was standing. As I have mentioned earlier, since I was sucking him nicely and trying to take it deeper, he was moaning and also smoking. After a few minutes, I stopped sucking his dick. Since bending was not very comfortable as my upper back was...

Gay Male
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The evening i changed

This is pure fiction My usual saturday routine was underway. Drinking alone at my local sports bar. 6 beers in, a stunning women with dark brown hair walks in. Shes wearing a black dress high heels, and a choker. Obviously im checking her out and c cup chest, but in my head i know shed never go for a guy like me, im tall bearded, chubby and have a pony tail... think louise ck but with pony tail. Compared to her looking like seline from underworld... i stood no chance, for so i thought.I ask the...

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Ericas Big Day Prologue

Kindred SpiritsShe joined him at the latter end of a Friday night in the Cock and Bull. Any of her work colleagues still present were deep in chat-up scenarios or in lengthy debates about football or films. He was seated at a far corner table, nursing a tumbler of whiskey. His eyes flicked her way as she slumped into the chair beside him, her own newly-filled glass in hand.“Not got some pretty little thing hanging on your every word tonight? You’re losing your touch,” she said, her words...

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SandcastlesChapter 38

Simone and I were kept for observation for 4 more days. Gertie visited every day. Shit, she did more than visit. She spent more than 6 hours a day with us, talking with Simone mostly. With her workload at the NIH, I began to realize just how important this was to her, that Simone be OK. I left them to their talks. I used the time to sleep, as I was awake at night, still on alert. I think Gertie knew that. I didn't look but I knew there was an inconspicuous guard watching our door 24 hours a...

2 years ago
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A ChastiPermalock Twist

A Chasti-Permalock Twist By StrangeQ I have been monitoring the progress of Chasti-Permalock for some time, a couple of years perhaps. I've read up literature, technical documents, user reports and - in some cases where the user was unable to put their experiences to paper - even master reports observing the behaviours of their CP modified slaves. For some time too I have wondered and fantasised about having such a device fitted, though I was never able to decide on the finer...

1 year ago
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Meri Pyaasi Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Jab main 19 saal ka tha tabhi mere Rohan bhaiya 26 ke the. Maa ne bister pakad liya tha lakwe ke karan. Isliye bhi ghar mein ab ek bahu ki bohut zarurat thi. Pitaji aur maa ko pata tha ki bhaiya ki ek goti bohut hi chotti hai aur lund bhi chotta hai. Sex toh kar sakega lekin nahi ke barabar hi. Aur ye baatein mere kaano mein pad chuki thi ki bhaiya sexully fit nahi hai. Mujhe bohut hi dukh hua lekin kya karta. Chup rahna hi behtar tha. Pitaji ne maa ko kaha ki shadi nahi karenge iski. Kyunki jo...

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Dare Book IIEpilogue

"Dare?" His voice was distant, like a dream, but coming closer and I smiled. "Dare!" He whistled with a long warbling that made me giggle sleepily and Chance lifted his chin from my breast, his ears twitching at the sound. It was dark there, in our den beneath the pine boughs, and warm and dry despite the cool spring rains outside. I'd found my mate shortly after my morning bath and we'd played together before retiring for our afternoon nap. I stretched as much as I was able and...

1 year ago
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My Hotel Meet x

So after a year of being a secret sissy crossdresser and modelling my look on a good femal friend of mine I finally got the courage to meet for the first time. It was with a older man as it was less likely that there would be a chance of me knowing the person so would be safe not getting caught out.I decided to meet at a local hotel that had rooms in a separate block like American Motels. I checked in to my room shaved myself and applied my makeup and got dressed in my black lace bra, panties...

2 years ago
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Business As Usual Jacks Story Part 3

As the alarm clock screamed, I rolled over and toyed with the idea of just hitting the snooze and going back to sleep. But now that my sweet dreams had been so harshly interrupted, I opened my eyes.The dream was a becoming a bit foggy and slipping from my mind, but the raging hard-on was not. These are they days I missed my ex the most. We didn’t have much in common anymore, but the one thing we still shared, until she left, was a pretty regular sex life.Regular, in all senses of the word. I...

Straight Sex
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Ants at BEESChapter 8

We had a first kiss standing by my ute. I held the door as Diana got in, walked around and started up. She navigated us back. I parked as directed on Clara between High and Blenheim. "You will come up for coffee?" "Definitely." She led me to a red brick building. "This is really a nurses' and intern's residence, but I qualified. It's not much. However, it's convenient and quite cheap. We walked to the second storey and she unlocked a door. "Come into my parlour." "You don't...

3 years ago
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TgMasters S2K Story

Hi all. This is the very first time I have ever written a story on any sort of TG fiction site. I hope my debut will be successful enough to encourage me to write more. Thanks to all my favorite authors who inspired me to write this little addition to the S2K universe. TgMaster's S2K Story By TgMaster "Hi there, mister. Sorry I'm late; traffic was terrible on the way over here. You must be the reporter for the Fictionmania newsletter; here to report on the recent S2K bug...

2 years ago
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Book of kamasutra

Wow. What response to my stories. Specially my cross-dressing series… All guys and ladies pls read my other stories for more fun. Here are my latest stories of a wife call pinki. So let start the story Three years ago I was a domesticated housewife, a mother of three, and a full-time nurse. I grew up in the Indian culture that clearly defined my role as such. I did everything that was expected of me, even to a fault. But that was three years ago, before I reached the age that scientists tell us...

4 years ago
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Toys for Two

Heather and I were married, not to each other mind you. Heather and Grant were neighbors to Terry and I, and we got together often. Not 'that' kind of get together, just evenings together playing board games, watching movies or just visiting.Heather was the sexiest woman I knew. Some women are nice to look at, but a few women rouse primal lust in men, Heather was one. My wife Terry is good looking, but Heather was more than just attractive. The way she carried herself when she walked, how she...

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Not Your Grandparents Marriage Part 1

The Trial"Guess what?" Becky was saying to her next door neighbor, "Bob and I just have a winter home in the tropics.""That's exciting," Joy remarked, "but why so far away?""Well, the weather for one thing. We are so tired of the winters here in Minnesota, and it gives us an opportunity to have summer all year long.""How nice, Becky, but isn't it hot there?""Yes, Joy, but here's our little secret: we own the whole island, and it's cooled by trade winds and a rain forest.""Wow, is there room...

Group Sex
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A New Obsession

It wasn’t intended. It wasn’t a conscious decision. Hell, it wasn’t even a curiosity or a fantasy of mine. It just happened. I was a product of the 21st century. I grew up on the internet, Facebook, Twitter, and several other types of social media. Therefore, by the time I went off to college, I was somewhat desensitized to certain things—sex not least among them. Growing up in a home without a mom, but with just my dad and older brother was challenging. But that just seemed to desensitize me...

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My Final Fantasy Part IIIThe Awakening

My Final Fantasy: Part III— The Awakening When we last left our two characters John was engaged in a long business telephone call inside the house and Marella was on the deck ostensibly looking at the up-coming dinner’s budget. Intrigued by a file named “Final Fantasy” on the far right of John’s computer screen Marella can’t resist the temptation to pry and has clicked open the file. Marella has begun to read John’s Final Fantasy story. As Marella reads she keeps shifting her eyes up and...

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Not Gay But one Taste of Black Cock

My neighbor Mike is a good friend of mine. We often hang out, play basketball and watch football on Sundays. I am married and my wife likes Mike so we all get along fine, but Mike and I are closer friends. Mike is 34 years old and is a big guy. He is about 6 foot 3 and weighs about 225 pounds and very Black. He used to play football in college and is still in great shape. I am athletic but not as athletic as Mike. I am white, 40 years old, 5 foot 11 and weigh 185 pounds. I guess back from his...

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SimoneChapter 17

"Where did your mind wander off to, Honey?" Simone's mother asked. "I don't know, Mom," Simone replied impatiently. "Now, what about Kevin? What did you say?" "You were in another world, Honey," her father added. "For crying out loud," Simone snapped. "I'm here now. I'm fine!" "Simone, relax," her mother said. Simone took a moment to collect herself. "I'm O.K., Mom. I'm just a little tired. I'm fine. Now, go on. You were saying ... about Kevin?" "I was talking...

1 year ago
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The 2300 Gathering1

CHAPTER 1 : Flight to London >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "LAST CALL FOR FLIGHT 1624 NON-STOP TO LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT!" "Shit!" I ran down the terminal in Atlanta to catch my flight to England. My last flight from Florida arrived late and I barely had any time to run to my next gate to catch my connecting flight to London. I heard the last call for my flight to London. I had to pick up the pace because the gate was on the complete other side of the terminal...just my luck. When I...

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Donkey Dong

It took a long time before Doug understood why his mom sometimes referred to him as “donkey dong”. It was mostly in private or when she was talking to a girlfriend. Mom was an odd one, not much like the mothers of school friends. She’d had him when she was fifteen and her parents had helped her get through school and get a job. They’d raised him as much as she had. He’d heard her talking on the phone to a girlfriend once. “My little boy has got a donkey’s dong.” They were farm people and...

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Creative CompositionChapter 8 All Things Must End

For the next month we saw each other as often as we could, always within the safety of her house. Being young and foolish, I of course was willing to risk everything to be with her more often. I fantasized about having a quickie in one of the locker rooms, or getting a blowjob between classes, but in the deep recesses of my brain I knew it couldn't be like that. We did talk about such things, and she confessed to having similar fantasies, but was much quicker to point out how it could never...

2 years ago
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Tingles Eight

TINGLES EIGHT By Katharine Sexkitten I awoke Saturday morning wondering how my life could get any better. I awoke wearing panties, and a satiny cherry-red camisole. I awoke with my pussy telling me that it had been very active last night. In a good way, I assure you, since I'm becoming more and more aware each day of the physical after-effects of a lot of sex, and I know for a fact that my pussy could have felt a lot worse. I wouldn't go so far as to describe it as discomfort....

1 year ago
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Joani the Cougar

Following her pickup of a handsome, young Black Man at the Scarlet Tree Bar and Grill, Joani took him to her house where they both drank far too much champagne. One thing led to another, and after much suggestive talk Joani found herself wearing only a g-string, black thigh high stay-up stockings and black high heels. She then coached her young Black Man how to suspend her by her cuffed wrists from her bedroom's ceiling hook so that her feet just touched the floor. Once this task had been...

3 years ago
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Mommy I Am Whore 8211 PART IV

Next evening we returned to home town in a Tavera. Suddenly Vishal got a phone call and he asked whether I can attend for screen test for a film. i agreed. They dropped me in a hotel and introduced me to a new guy. They started asking questions about my previous exp in acting and all shape of body and last it asked about any piercing on my body. I answered 2 on each ear. Then it asked things like are you on birth control and are you a virgin to which I answered yes and no. The only other...

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BangPOV Elsa Jean Elsa Jean Gets Busted

Elsa Jean was on the phone planning a night out partying with her dads new car. The problem is that she didn’t have permission to use the car, she doesn’t have a license, and her stepbrother was spying on her. All of the sudden she was very nice and apologetic, but her stepbrother wasn’t having it. She’s alway mean to him, so he decided to get his revenge. He told her to take off her clothes. She slowly and shyly obeyed revealing her fit sexy body. Then he had her open her legs on the bed so he...

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The Rounds Ch 02

Bob slept fitfully on the couch in his outer office, and when the sun came through the window with his name and the words “Private Investigator” lettered on it, he got up. He showered in his back room, changing the bandage on his shin as he did so. He put on a pot of coffee, and got dressed in a brown suit, blue oxford shirt, and red tie. No one would ever accuse him of being fashionable, but no one would think him scruffy, either. His bathroom doubled as his darkroom, so as he scraped his face...

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Summertime Saga

SummertimeSaga! Ever wish you could relive those glory days of high school or college? Wait, who am I kidding? Most of you beta fucks out there probably got your asses kicked. Not me. I was getting laid left and right. But don’t worry. It’s not too late for you. Porn games let you live out all sorts of fantasies. And the one I have for you this time around takes you back to school. Step into the shoes of a horny teenage dude surrounded by hot teachers, classmates, and friends. You start off as...

Free Sex Games
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Shooting the MoonChapter 5

We were busy thinking up various plans or possible scenarios for revenge against Arlen and against Dana’s mother when I got a call from Ruth, and her voice was not happy at all. In fact, I could hear the sobs and I guessed the reason before she could speak it. There was only one possible reason that occurred to me for her being sad all of the sudden. It was her father and the news wasn’t good. “Ruthie, dear, what’s the matter?” I asked her, not giving up the game just yet, but I already knew...

4 years ago
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The Duty of Princess KatrinaChapter 3

"Hothgrob... ," the Orc King intoned to the biggest and meanest-looking of the four seated orc warriors, "The redhead is yours!" Bellowing a mighty roar the big orc sprang up with surprising alacrity and launched himself at the ginger elf. Poor Hannah didn't even have time to turn before the huge orc barrelled into her, sending her sprawling to the floor with a gasp. With unnecessary ferocity Hothgrob unleashed his fist into the Elven maidens' pretty face. "Bitch! Bitch! Elfie...

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Rickey Part 1 A New Neighbor

Ricky eased up his driveway and pulled back on the parking brake of his Subaru. He stared curiously down the hill to the house next door with the moving van in the driveway. Finally, someone is moving into Mrs. Martin’s house. His elderly neighbor had died six or seven months ago and her son cleaned it up, painted and put it on the market within a month. Home sales sucked in this small town Ohio, and evidently after five months he now had a buyer. He swung open the door, and eased his pudgy...

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Mums friend

My mother told me one afternoon that her friend, Linda needed some help and that she had volunteered me to assist her.Linda was living alone since her divorce years back. I was too young to remember her ex-hubby or why the divorce happened. She was now older and to my knowledge she did not have a man in her life.I had not looked much at her, until I was well into my puberty. I was a late bloomer, so I it was not until I was about 18 when I looked at her as a woman instead of this family...

1 year ago
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Bound To The Company

  Lara jumped at the sound of his voice. “Curiosity killed the cat!” He called out from the doorway. “I...I.......” She stammered. “Just being nosey.” John told her as he smiled. Lara closed the lid of the parcel on the kitchen table. “Sorry.” She responded. John walked over and pulled back the lid. “Bed restraints.” He commented as he pulled out a bundle of canvas straps. B......Bed restraints?” Lara asked. “W...what are they for?” John smiled as he pushed them back down inside the box...

Group Sex
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Rache Naked in School

"I do?" I blinked at Principal Walters and he nodded gravely. "I'm afraid so, Rachael." He held a computer printout in his hand. "You're naked in school this week." "Woo-Hoo!" I grinned, giving Jenny a high five as Midnight danced around us, wagging his tail and barking loudly even though barking isn't allowed in school. Running's okay, but only for dogs, and us girls can bark if we want. It's kinda weird. "Hey everybody! Rachael's gonna get naked!" Heather yelled and the...

3 years ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 7

“You said to come over whenever I was ready,” said Rockie with a big grin on her face. She couldn’t ignore the warmth she was feeling in her heart at the sight of JR’s sleep-filled eyes, drowsy expression and hair that was more disheveled from sleeping than she had ever seen it in the daytime. He really was touching her in ways that she had never experienced before with anyone. “You’re doing this on purpose,” he grumbled sleepily. “Of course, I am,” she admitted. “Do you think I would...

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The Worst Best Day Of Her Life

The moment the doors opened, and the music started, Melanie realised what had started as something sexy for Charlie, her future hubby was a foolish idea. She had never been so anxious, thinking of her friends and family waiting to watch her walk down the aisle in the countryside hotel.Claude, Melanie’s father guided her towards Charlie, who was waiting patiently for her.The day had already brought Charlie some surprises. His own Dad, Michael turned up to see his son get hitched. They hadn’t...

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Older Woman at the Coffee Shop

A psychologist might have said that James' desire for an older woman was due to not having a mother figure in his life. James knew that his mother had died around the time of his birth, but he didn't know anything else, as his dad wouldn't talk about her, her death or even tell him what her name had been. Tired of being kept in the dark, one night James demanded answers from his dad, and he finally broke. His dad was yelling at him when he said, "I crashed the car while driving her to the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 55 A Buggy Mission Part 2

At the NSA the agents were down to meet us quickly with none of the hassles at the CIA. They led us through more gates where we had to have the scanner x-rayed again and use our top secret badges to go any further. Upstairs we went through what one of the men called a dead man's gate. He joked that we were to be weighed to make sure we weighed the same going in as coming out, and vise-versa. Looking at Paula he quipped, "Miss you need not be concerned. The scale only interfaces with a...

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