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Kail paces the length of the tent, anger rising off him in waves of visible heat; John rummages through some paperwork, the title reads “Death Certification".
“We can’t just assume she’s dead! We need to know for sure! We have to find proof!! Aren’t you even the least bit concerned that your daughter may be out there somewhere?? Cold and alone and scared???”
“If she was anywhere near by then she would have turned up by now… If I know her like I hope I do, then she’s out there somewhere, beyond my grasp… And honestly it’ll be easier for her if my enemies think she is dead…”
Kail growls lowly, remembering seeing a shadow on the ground that day “And what if they already got her?? What if she was kidnapped?”
“What makes you think that Kail?” Kail sits down in front of John and tells him of the odd shadow that crossed the ground, about how the shadow passed in front of the castle and suddenly disappeared.
“Oh no…” John’s face turns grim, a sadness and anger rippling along his frame “That Son of a……”
“You know something about this???” Kail almost screamed the question, jumping up and knocking his chair backwards.
“Sit down… Let me explain….” Kail stubbornly stands still, glaring at John. John sighs and readjusts a pair of reading glasses “When Caroline and I got married she told me about a man she had met while she ‘traveled.’ She said his name was Sam, or something like that, and that he was very good at controlling the weather, even though she said he was a master of Fyre Magyks… I’m guessing that he is possibly the shadow you saw…”
“Did Caroline say if he was dangerous or anything?? Could he have kidnapped Anne???? I swear if that bastard hurt her I’ll rip his throat out!!!”
“I don’t know, I just know she had this aversion to some weird game and that she would leave home every few months to go play a tournament of it. And if He did want to hurt Anne he could have just left her here, that’s if he’s involved and if he actually has her…”
Kail growls lowly in frustration “John we can’t just sit on our asses and do nothing!! We have to find her!! Do you know where Caroline is now??”
“No, it’s that point in time where she vanishes for that tourney. And before you ask, yes, I’ve tried, and failed, many times to track her. I get to the other side of the world and the trail just cuts off. And I’m not just ‘sitting on my ass’ as you put it, I’m trying to salvage my home and my position so that, if Anne is alive, she will be able to come home as if nothing ever happened. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to finish all the papers that will insure that I keep my life and job.” With that he shooed Kail from his tent and returned to his desk
Kail grumbles lowly and returns to the pile of rubble that used to be the kitchen, this was where Anne’s scent was the strongest at, this was where his tracking would start.

Anne sits on the cabinet of the sink and stares at her reflection I can't go back anymore... I have to stay here now... I may as well make this as easy on my new roommate as I possibly can... She takes her crown and carefully bends it in places, breaking it down the middle. She looks around, looking for something sharp to use, settling on a razorblade in the mirror. Carefully avoiding all the important veins, Anne slices her wrist open and plants the blood on the crown. she wraps the wound tightly and gets dressed. She takes the broken bloody crown to her mother "Here momma... you can plant this on another planet, it'd be a great way to truly fake my death...."
"Hmmm??" She looks up from a board game and jumps in shock "I guess you've decided then??"
"That took courage to do, I'm not sure whether to be proud or sad for you kid."
"Do I really have another choice...?" she sighs softly "It's time I grew up... quit living behind my crown... Maybe a few millennia away from my home will help..."
"Oh my baby girl.." her mother says, standing up from the table to come hug Anne.
"I guess I should take my own shower now and give the two of you time to prepare." Shan smiles softly and goes into the bathroom, closing the door behind himself Anne tightly squeezes her mother, burying her face into the comfort of her mom's shoulder as she cries "I'm scared Mom.. I don't know what to do.. Who I am... Mom... What do I do now??"
"Listen my child, you are who you want to be now, all you have to do is find a path you feel comfortable walking and follow it proudly. Just know that both your father and I love you and that if all else fails then I'll drag him to my castle." Her mother said with a half playful, half sad smile "Oh you've grown up without my knowing, and now you're leaving home! Just be careful, and watch out for Shan, he's a bit of a bad influence." she winks and turns to go, holding onto the crown.
"Thanks mom..." Anne tries to smile as she says "He can't really be that bad.. So far he's... Well he's been really nice... I mean it's not like all men have only one thing on their minds and will do backflips just to get that... would they???"
"You'd be surprised, he did hit on me while I was here, but that's a different story." She stops at the door and turns back to wink at you "Behaved now, you hear?"
Anne grins "Why don't you ask Kail what happened when he hit on me the last time" she winks "I don't know what got the worst bruise, his ego or his gut"
She laughs and goes, the door closing behind her. Anne looks down at the table, trying to control the tears streaming down her face, her hands balled in fists in her lap. She hisses softly as blood trickles down from the side of her mouth where her incisor has placed itself deep into her skin.
Shan comes in in shorts, the towel wrapped around his shoulders as he dries his hair "She leave?" sits across from her, he lets the towel slip into his lap
Anne clears her throat as she wipes the tears away "Yea... Just a moment ago..." looking up Anne realizes what a hunk Shan really is, she watches as a stray bead of water travels down his perfectly sculpted chest to his navel. Quickly she looks away "Is that how you normally dress?????"
"No, but I have company so I thought I'd spruce up a bit" he winks somewhat playfully and stretches out some "Besides, it's not like you aren't enjoying letting your eyes dance along my body."
Anne shrugs softly, causing the strap of her tank top to slide down her shoulder partially exposing her breasts. "Maybe.. too bad for you though, I'm engaged.."
"Poor Anisa, so caught up in her thoughts that she's letting the fruit before her go to waste." He chuckles, and gets up, going to the fridge to retrieve a drink.
Anne grins wickedly "How can I possibly let said fruit go to waste when it's years past gone?"
"Now that all depends on the type of fruit, there are some in this galaxy that only get better with age." He chuckles, holding up an empty glass in a "do you want something" way.
She nods softly, accepting his offer "Now I'm still new at understanding what a guy says, how it has two meanings and everything, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but are you hitting on me?"
He chuckles again, the sound of it visably rolling across his chest, he hands her the drink and sits in his spot "That all depends on if you want me to be or not, you are going to be here a while, might as well be friend in the least." He winks, a playful look covering his whole face.
She tips her glass towards him "To friendship?"
“To Friendship." He says back, mimicking the action, smiling broadly he sips at the drink for a little before setting the glass on the table.
"So.. Shan... Since I'm going to be staying here awhile... any rules I need to know?"
"Yep." he smiles wickedly "For the first month, 'til you get used to it here, you do everything I say, unquestioningly, after that we'll start your training."
She looks up from her glass, a slightly annoyed look on her face "You're not serious are you???"
"Dead, you get to relax and take it easy for a month, then we get to training you for your new life." his wink was both wicked and playful at the same time.
She shakes her head softly at his unbelievable sexiness "Whatever you say boss..."
"Good girl, now finish your drink and we'll go back up stairs." he smiled softly after saying this.
she looks away again, quickly finishing her drink "Fine.. Where's my room? Or do I get to sleep on a couch?"
He sighs "There's only one bed, and we have to share, there is no couch, and the chair I was in earlier isn't meant for long rests, only short naps."
She nods softly "At least tell me I get my own blanket??"
"You do, but it'll be getting on toward winter on this planet soon, and we've no heating unit other than the stove, and a fireplace in my study."
"Now that's just harsh Shan.. I've not been here a day yet, and your telling me that we have to combine our body heat to survive the winter? And you manage to say it all with a stone cold look." she closes her eyes and shakes her head "Not the best way to get a woman in your bed" she winks softly at him.
he chuckles, breaking into a big grin "I know, it's bad, but that's the truth of it. Eventually we're going to have to get real close." He winks, downing his drink and getting up from the table.
She grins back at him "How soon are you planning on this 'eventually'?"
"Well, it is night time, and we both need sleep. why not now." he grins and winks, going into the bedroom
She smiles softly, trying desperately to hide the fear and panic welling up inside her "Do me a favor. Stay on your own side of the bed. and keep your shorts on hotrod.. I believe you promised a blanket of my own?"
“Ok, ok, keep your pants on," at this he chuckles and winks going to the closet in the room, tossing a blanket onto the bed.
She shakes her head softly, grabbing the blanket she curls up on the bed “Good night Shan...."
He curls up behind her, smiling softly “Night Anisa, sleep well.”
She chances a glance over her shoulder at him, smiling softly she whispers “you too Shan..."



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The First Son

*Disclaimer! This is my first time writing and I had no editor. Constructive comments are always welcome, and I would love to know what you think of the story. ***** Standing at the police station Ash frantically turned on his laptop. It had only been missing a couple of hours, and he was surprised that the police had even found it. Fuck. He quickly saw that the most important document in the world to him right now, was missing. The computer wasn’t valuable in itself, however the file it...

2 years ago
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Trekking Trip To Three Pussies 8211 Part 1 Bang In The Train

It was summertime and after completion of 6th semester’s exams of my engineering, the vacation was going on. I was a bit bored and my friends from college went to their native place for vacation. While surfing on the internet, I saw an Ad of trekking trip to Manali and my mind thought why not go for it? I was alone and but felt that I will be able to find friends from the trip group. I somehow managed to convince my parents as they were not letting me go alone. Immediately, I booked the trip...

1 year ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 4

"Fuck me!" Angie screamed, as Sven Gustafsen pounded her sweet pussy. Right next to them, on a nearby sleeping bag, Ronald Mitchell screwed Susie Davenport and Samantha sat on her face. There was no doubt of how great it felt for the Episcopal minister to have her own sister eat her out while Ronald went balls deep inside the teacher, but the noise made it even better, as Susie screamed her ecstasy at taking it from the detective's fine cock. Just in the hallway, Miles Sloane rammed...

1 year ago
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Sir Philip Rebecca Chapter 7

Sir Philip dishes out some more punishment to his slut when she misbehaves... Chapter 7 The sound penetrated her ears like someone turning headphones as full as they could go. She was startled, starting to uncurl from the fetal position she had been asleep in. Without thinking she was kneeling, wary of what was happening. Disorientated at first, before her mind recalled the unbelievable, highly exciting and downright filthy events of the day before. She had no idea what the time was. She...

2 years ago
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PterisChapter 21 Damsel Anniersquos Tale

Pēteris was taking a break in the common room, when Annie and Katja came down with Hester trailing. They sat, and Annie began to nurse Tina. Annie took a hard look at Pēteris, and deciding something, she began, “You’ve rescued me, gathered me in, protected me, and sheltered and fed me. Not once have you questioned me or chastised me for breaking the rules and having Tina on Chaos. My name is Annie Veterinarian. I never had a reason to tell you ‘til now. I want you to know my story.” She...

3 years ago
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Lion Terrace

Lion Terrace, Portsmouth, January 1941 Rachel Scotland Martin Wainwright walked from the Dockyard Gate along Queen Street, passing Brickwoods' Brewery on his left, and breathing in the rank smell of the malt and the sour overtones of the wort with some deep breaths. He wasn't overly concerned with the pubs he passed, as each one showed no light in the blackout, and the raucous sounds of conversation, singing or in one case shouting, exited unfiltered by the blackout curtains. Each...

3 years ago
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Lilly 8211 Ek Paheli

Myself Sonu Mohapatra from cuttack (). Yeh meri pehIi story hai. Mein avi well settled hun job mein. By profession mein ek software engineer hun. Mein tall ,slim hun aur rang sawala hai. Dekhne mein jyada handsome nahin hun par mere jindagi mein aise kai kisse hein jo mein aap logon ke saath share karna chahta hun. Ish se pehle mein bata dun ki mein ISS ka bahut bada fan hun. Aur iske writers ko bahut thanks bolna chahunga jis ke liye mein aaj yeh story likh paa rha hun. Yeh haseen kissa kuchh...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Kat Dior Anal

Tommy Pistol is all about that bass, whiskey, and women – one woman in particular: Kat Dior! She didn’t come here to screw around, she came here to get an anal railing! With her back arched like a cat, she assumed the position bouncing that sweet bum up and down, with bejeweled butt plug in place ready for plucking. Tommy’s face made a nice seat for Kat as he went to town eating the booty like groceries, warming up her tight holes to fuck. She delighted in being stuffed from...

2 years ago
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Celebration of the Wheel

If I had been kicking around the summer art and festival scene longer, I never would have booked the 'Celebration of the Wheel' Festival. I most likely wouldn't have if I hadn't been in a hurry to fill my summer event schedule either. I just didn't read the description, it was close enough and fell on a July weekend that had no other shows or festivals so I booked it. I put it on the calendar then forgot all about it. The next time I read the booking was when I parked my vintage camping...

3 years ago
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Seducing Jennifer Pt 34

Native American rituals and legends described here are not accurate representations of past or present culture. ***** Mary Louise was the first to awaken, sitting bolt upright, gasping for breath. ‘Goodness!’ she moaned. ‘I think I just—’ I opened my eyes in time to see her lift her skirt and look down at her panties. She touched herself briefly and pulled her skirt back down. It was too dark to see, even with the occasional passing headlights of other cars, but I suspected that she was...

1 year ago
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Padosh Wali Babita Nikli Randi

Mera nam rahul hai . Mai 2nd year undergraduate student hu .Mai apne bare me apko bta du .Mera height 6’feet hai aur mera lund ka size 8’inch lamba aur 3’inch mota hai. Ab mai apko apni padosh wali babita ke bare me btaya hu. Babita ko mai aunty kehta tha.Uske gand bahut bda hai.Uska chuchi bhi bahut bda hai ap dono hath se nahi pakad paoge uska ek beti bhi hai jiska nam kavita hai aur wo bhi bahut sexy hai. Ab mai story pe aata hu winter ka season tha aur mai apne terish pe padh rha tha.Us...

3 years ago
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Mistress WatchingChapter 12

Betty was sitting in the living room when Ed walked in. She could tell that something was bothering him and she got up and followed him into the kitchen. Ed leaned against the counter for a minute before speaking. She watched his face waiting for him to speak. Ed started telling her everything that he had learned. Several times she interrupted him to ask a question. At times she got a pleased look on her face, thinking that she might no longer be a suspect and then would get a worried look...

2 years ago
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Epilog Im not Kennedy

I've been trying to kill her for a while now, the big problem is Kennedy doesn't really exist. Kennedy is me, or at least one part of my personality. It's that part which Matt met first. It was that part that which he fell in love with, but never told me. She's a bitch, and Matt likes that about her. I want to be me, I want to be Kiki, I'm a much nicer person, and Matt likes that about me. Matt can get confused (and confusing) like that. I thought I'd finally killed her when we had a...

2 years ago
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An Innocent Obsession

Introduction: Abby is a young girl just entering into college life. She has been trained in lesbian delights by her mom's best friend "Aunt Ronnie" and is a self-professed bisexual. Her sexual development is pushed to new limits with the introduction of her new room-mates, Yummi and Maria. They are completely different and appealing in their own unique ways. Her dalliance with Todd leads to his visit to the dorm and the happy foursome find new ways to celebrate their sexual freedom. Abby is...

3 years ago
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Revenge of Heather

I met Heather in High School and we hit it off right away. We were both perverts in our own way and open to just about anything. We did a lot of video taping and I kept all of the tapes after we split up. The best tape was the one in which we tried anal for the first time. It was great for me but she didn’t enjoy it as much as she did later on in life. We always took turns tying each other up and this was one of those times. I had her lying on the bed face down tied to all 4 bed posts. It was...

4 years ago
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Cynthia in Black

Cynthia in BlackDrinks on me Friday night down at The Saltwater Tearoom. The lads whooped and cheered as we passed the second round for the night. Hell was this a way to blow off some steam if ever I had any. But things were well. My recent promotion down at the plant meant that I could afford occasional luxuries such as this.Somehow despite watching Ben chug an entire flute of beer and James wear a whole stack of napkins as origami hats, I was bored. Not bored from a lack of entertainment,...

1 year ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 24 A Dish Best Served Hot part 2

The salty tang of the sea air filled Heather's nostrils. She lay in bed in the still night, the covers pushed to the foot of the bed, the walls of her trailer closing in on her. The night was chill, but she was warm. She'd had that dream again — where she was an ancient queen tending to her secret lover, the high priest. It was as sensual as ever, but if pressed, she couldn't remember much more than that. The only vestiges of the dream were her sweat soaked body and yet another pair of...

1 year ago
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The LockedOut Neighbour Part 3 The Wife Gets Hers

I exited the bathroom quietly, hoping to catch my wife still naked after her shower, or perhaps slipping on her underwear. I don't know what it is, but the visual of a beautiful woman (or man, to be fair) slipping into something soft and sensual is incredibly arousing to me. Whether its my wife in some satin panties or Warren in his running shorts, the sight of naked flesh and material really gets me going. However, entering the bedroom she wasn't dressing, but she was still naked. She was...

3 years ago
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CD crossdresser sissy caught by mom and dad pt3

Please go back and read part 1 and 2 before reading this or nothing will make any sense. I ended part two after going to the pool with my mom and dad, having sex then coming home and showing together. That was a few days ago. Not much happened between now and yesterday but I've been wearing girls clothes when at home, basically a bra and thong, heels, and normally a dress. My mom ordered me a romper and some skirts and blouses to wear too. I've also been wearing the chastity belt all the time...

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