Reaper free porn video

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The Ashtear were created many millennium ago before the Sidhe split. We were born of sidhe mothers and ancient mage fathers. We were a hidden army that was to sweep the sidhe away as well as the ancient mage and humans and their army. The race of man has declined much since then.

We turned on our masters at the last moment and before we were done they were dead or fleeing. The sidhe did not want anything to do with us and gave us the name of Reapers. A rift back to the world we had been born on was opened. It was the sidhe home world but far enough away that we could keep to ourselves.

Those that chose to attack us were killed by ones we called protectors. There were many protectors at first but as time passed the numbers became less. Millenniums went past as the Ashtear changed even more and became fewer. For the last fifty years I watched and learned from the new humans that had come to the sidhe world.

They came from the stars with many wonders. My people no longer wanted or needed protectors and I was the last. I settled the pack before leaving the hidden camp. I wore my weapons as well as a hooded cloak and moved through the sidhe port city in the quiet morning. The sidhe representative did not look up as I came through the door until I stopped at his desk.

He glanced at me and shifted with a frown, "we do not deal with humans."

I moved the hood of my cloak off and looked at him calmly. Like all Ashtear I was tall and well built with long braided auburn hair and slitted eyes. Not vertical like a cat but horizontal and the pupils were a golden color, "my name is Killian. You are responsible for those of this world that wish to leave."

His eyes widened and he looked around as if for help and I sighed, "we have not touched any sidhe that has not attacked us. I wish to go with these humans and see other worlds."

He looked at me for a moment before nodding and turning to a machine, "do you have money? They do not provide everything for free."

I smiled, "I will have enough to start with."

He held out a small machine I knew was called a comp. I looked at it and then at him as he blushed and gestured, "you will need it."

I nodded and reached for a pouch at my belt and he cleared his throat, "pay me if or when you return."

I hesitated before accepting the comp, "thank you."

He smiled, "fare well Ashtear and may the true gods favor you."

I glanced into his eyes and mind before nodding, "and you."

I pulled the hood up and left and went to a specialty shop beside the port gate. I waited until the human finally opened and slipped in. He did not notice me as he walked towards the counter at the rear of the shop. I stopped on one side of the counter and waited until he turned. He gasped and jerked back, "damn!"

I smiled, "I wish to sell a few relics human."

He moved up on the other side of the counter, "you know we do not like it when you call us that sidhe."

I pushed my hood back and he gasped when he saw my eyes and moved back, "what are you?"

I knew what he saw and shifted to unhook a pouch from the side of my pack. I set it on the counter and looked at him, "we are called Ashtear. What the sidhe once called Reapers."

He licked his lips, "no one has said anything about your people."

I gestured, "the sidhe would that we did not survive."

He moved back to the counter and I opened the pouch. I read his thoughts easily and saw the greed. Of course he thought to cheat me and acted like he desired what I had not. I did not show all but enough before shaking my head and putting everything back in the pouch, "you are greedy human. If you knew what I was you would know not to lie."

I turned and started for the door and that was when the bargaining began. I walked out with more than enough to pay for a trip to the closest human empire. Central was the capital system and the commercial center for the empire, its neighbors as well as a few dozen alien races. I paid for a set of rooms in what was the poorer part of the huge port city.

I had learned much on the way here and had packed my weapons away. I only had a thousand credits left when I went to the galactic commodity exchange. It was a huge building with thousands of people that yelled and shouted. I turned my cloak inside out so that it was grey and sent out my thoughts as I seemed to vanish.

I moved in and through the crowds and read the tangled thoughts. I used what credits I had and before the end of the day they had increased a hundred fold. I slipped away when I felt hungry even though another set of people had began to bargain all over again. I wondered the streets and went to libraries and places where they stored things from their past.

I felt the thoughts of two men ahead of me and sighed as I removed the tight leather gloves. As I reached them one turned and lifted what he called a plasma pistol. I have been a protector and warrior for a very long time and turned and slid in. One hand caught his and twisted and bent the wrist as he screamed.

My magic surged and pulled as I brushed the stabbing knife away that the other man used. My hand caught his throat and he froze and tried to scream like the first. I let both go and they dropped to the ground and began to shake and convulse. I watched them for a moment before I turned and started walking.

A month and my credits were at eleven digits. The mega rich exchange merchants had begun to notice and ask questions. I was returning to my rooms and walked into the small entry way of my building. Six well dressed men moved away from the wall and one stepped in front of me, "our employer would like to speak with you."

I looked at him and then at the others. I had felt their thought and already removed my gloves. I reached up to remove the hood of my cloak, "I do not know who that is and do not wish to speak with him."

They laughed and the man in front of me opened his jacket to show a weapon, "we insist."

I looked at him and sighed, "you begin to irate me human."

One of the other men reached out to grab me and I began to move. I turned and shifted as I caught his hand and pulled as my magic surged. He screamed as he flew past me and crashed into a wall and I blocked a fist and stepped to the side as I reached out. I grabbed another man by the throat and tossed him as he screamed.

He crashed into two others and they all went down. I turned and caught a fist and let my magic surge before releasing the fist and letting the man fall. I spun and stepped as the first man pulled the pistol. I caught his hand and twisted it until the weapon was pointed at his throat as my magic swept out.

I let him fall and moved towards the two men coming to their feet. One kicked out and I brushed the foot up and let him fall. I tried to turn and side step but the last man had a knife and it slid into my shoulder. I jerked as the magic within reached through the knife and he was thrown back screaming.

I kicked out and into the one man still on the ground before I looked at all the men convulsing on the floor. I turned and walked down the hall and then began to climb the stairs. Once in my rooms I walked to the fresher and looked at the knife still embedded in my shoulder. I pulled it out and dropped it in the sink before covering the wound with my bare hand.

I shifted the stolen life energy and the wound closed as if it had never been. I undressed and stepped into the shower and washed before drying and then going to dress. I had new clothes that was soft and very comfortable and sat to let the euphoria from the life energy fade. It was many hours before I finally went to lay down and close my eyes.

There was a reason the sidhe called us reapers. The men had brought it back after so long without using it. The ancient mages that had bred our mothers had used spells to create us and that was what had destroyed them. The next day I shifted and turned the thoughts back on the four assassins and sent them after the men that had paid them.

When I left the exchange I had followed the thought of an eatery or what he had called a restaurant. Since it was early evening I wore the dark side out on my cloak. I walked in the large double doors as I removed my gloves and stopped at the thoughts of a those walking towards me. There were two males in front that were guards.

Another male was behind them with a female slave beside him. I was to the right side and out of the way but I knew what the front two would do. They shifted and moved left and stopped before they walked into me. One growled, "move scum."

I lifted a hand and pushed the hood back, "look at my eyes dark one and then you may go around me."

He barely glanced at my eyes as he sneered, "what do we care for your eyes."

I looked beyond them to the other as his thoughts spun and smiled, "so one of the dark masters remember."

I looked at the two guards, "go around or move fool before you truly find out what I am."

The other one stepped and struck but I was already moving and caught the fist as my magic surged like a storm. He screamed and the other one reached for his weapon as I stepped closer and reached out and caught his throat. His scream was cut off but not the total look of horror as I dropped them both and the weapon slid back to their master's foot.

I took two steps until I was close, "go ahead and pick it up."

He looked around frantically before looking at the slave. She was much more than she seemed according to his jagged thoughts. She was a genetic clone of the greatest sidhe queen and still not out of her teens. He shoved her towards me, "a tribute Reaper!"

He ran around me and fled towards the door as if demons were following. I turned to watch before looking at the trembling girl. Humans were beginning to gather and I gestured to one who was a working in this place. He moved closer warily, "sir?"

I turned to the nasty collar and leash on the girl and removed the leash and held it out, "would you please get rid of this?"

He smiled and then grinned, "it would be my pleasure."

I turned and held the girl's elbow as I walked towards the restaurant. A man was quick to show me to a table and I took time to seat the girl. I sat and glanced at the man, "would you ask around and find a set of..."

I searched his thoughts, "cutters."

I reached out to touch the cruel collar and he nodded before setting menus on the table. I looked at the girl as he left, "my name is Killian."

She glanced up, "they call me Dusk."

I snorted, "more like returning sun."

Her eyes searched mine before she looked down. I removed my cloak and folded it over the back of my chair. I glanced at the man crossing the room and read his thoughts. I turned to look at the menu and read the waiter as he stopped at the table. I glanced at Dusk before ordering and sitting back to look at the constable.

He looked from me to the girl, "were you the one that assaulted the ... dark Sidhe?"

I smiled, "constable I am sure you know the answer to that. I also know you are probably having someone looking at the recording of the incident."

He pulled a chair out and sat, "what I would like to know is what you did to them?"

I sighed, "I am Ashtear constable. If you wish to know what that is ask the dark ones or the sidhe. The sidhe might tell you but I doubt if they really know. The dark ones know but I doubt they would tell."

He looked at me, "and you could tell me."

I nodded, "I could but that would involve having to tell you the whole story and that is between the sidhe, the dark ones and the Ashtear."

I looked at Dusk, "I will tell you that now that they know, the dark ones will send their corrupted humans for me. First to torture and punish and then to kill. When they fail they will send their own warriors until they have none left or until I am forced to come for them."

I looked at him as the waiter set glasses of cold water on the table, "they will live and will never try to touch an Ashtear again."

He stood, "do not pursue some type of feud while you are here."

I ignored him as I turned to push a glass of water to Dusk, "drink my lady."

She glanced at me before reaching for the glass. I watched and listened to those in the restaurant and turned to accept the cutters when the waiter brought them. I moved closer to Dusk and carefully cut and then removed the collar. I handed it to the waiter with the cutters, "would you see that this is destroyed?"

He bowed, "with pleasure sir."

I looked at the drops of blood on her throat and the scars and slowly put my hands around her throat. I closed my eyes as I shifted the stolen life essence of the two dark ones. Dusk sighed as the wounds in her throat vanished and even the old scars disappeared. I removed my hands and turned to pick up a table linen and gently clean the blood from her throat and then my hands.

The waiter shifted and I glanced at him and read the awe. He held out his hand, "let me get you a clean one sir."

I nodded and sat as I handed the linen to him, "thank you."

The constable cleared his throat before he turned and walked away. Dinner was good and I made sure Dusk ate and was satisfied before I paid and we left. I felt the humans that were waiting as I called for a public transport. I knew of an expensive and exclusive shopping center and gave the directions.

Dusk was unsure and pensive as she kept glancing at me. After we walked in I led her to a clothing shop and summoned a woman to help. I could feel the humans outside and knew they would only wait so long. While Dusk tried on clothing the woman brought she kept looking to me for approval.

After two dozen outfits we went to another shop that had cases for travel. I bought a large one and packed the outfits away. We started going into other shops, jewelry and then a sundries shop and that was when the humans finally came in and triggered the weapon alarms. By the time we were done shopping several squads of constables had the humans in custody.

This time I had the transport take us home. The streets were dark when we entered but I could feel the thoughts of a dark one as he watched. I pulled the case after us as I led Dusk up to my set of rooms. I closed and locked the door before moving to look down into the dark street. I turned to look at Dusk before going to her and pulling her towards the fresher.

I undressed her as she looked down and I stripped. I pulled her into the shower and she looked at me as I made sure the water was warm enough for her. I took my time washing her and she finally smiled as she watched me. I helped her out and dried her before myself. I led her out and to my bed before holding the sheet as she slipped in.

I shut the lights off and returned to climb into the bed and laid back with a sigh. It was several minutes before she turned to look at me in the dark, "I will not break."

I smiled, "but did you wish my attention?"

She moved closer and put her head on my shoulder, "you can look and know."

I hesitated because I had not done that and reached out before smiling and turning to lay her back. I moved over her and kissed her softly, "there are other ways and things."

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House Robbery Turns Into Unexpected Foursome

Hi! I am Ritika! I live in southern parts of Chennai. I hail from telengana and m staying here for my job purpose in my rented house where i used to stay alone! Ok! Coming to the topic. I m a normal Indian girl from a normal family. 5.5 is my height and m chubby with 34 C boob and 38 butt! This all happened back in 2014 November. It was a cold rainy winter night and i came home from work after a very tired day. As it was Friday, it was casuals day i was in jeans and t-shirt and i came home...

2 years ago
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Beggars Cant BeChapter 7 Whereupon Kenny and Jenny Watch

Jenny and I walked into MacBurgerSlut’s hand in hand which I thought was peculiar behavior for a “first” date. Granted, we had already done the nasty (God, high school behavior is catching), but since we were playing first date we should behave accordingly, part of me thought. Fortunately, the reasonable part of me had already decided to just enjoy it. It was a “first date” at MacBurgerSlut’s after all. Holding hands was therefore perfectly and fittingly high school. The parking lot was...

3 years ago
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Even Steven

My mother got sick on her Asian Simmered Halibut with Rice Wine in May, 2002. Because of that, Bradley and I didn’t have sex that Friday night. We didn’t get it on until a Saturday night in June, 2012, ten years after college and five years into my marriage. When that Saturday night finally came I think I was certain I was going to do it, but if there was any smidgen of doubt left in me then it had to be the wedding that pushed me those last few inches. You know about women and weddings? They...

4 years ago
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Rumors of HavenChapter 7

That night proved to be a bit crazy, to put it mildly. What started as simply some pairings quickly turned into some rather wild orgies, even by the group’s standards, to what had been building for a while now: a free-for-all clusterfuck. The members of the group lost track of who fucked whom, and so it wasn’t too shocking when they awoke in a tangle of bodies, a massive, naked, sweaty heap of people desperate to relieve themselves after such wild, kinky sex. None of them were quite sure who...

2 years ago
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Dorasani dengulata4

Hi, im priyareddy, andaru reddy pooku baguntundi antaru, correcte na pooku chooste oka puvulaga untundi, choosinakoddi choodalanipinche leta padavulu, pooku pedalanuvidadeeste ucha poyadaniki,oka titti, dani kinda praveshadwaram erraga gunramga elanti moddanina sare lopaliki dinchukontanu anna garvamtounnattu untundi naa pooku, kinda gudda pokka kuda chala gammattugauntundi, appudappudu vangi addamlochoosukontanu, na guddalo velupetti nene gelukkuntanu, idandi reddy pooku, sare asalu...

4 years ago
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My wet night with Layla

In high school I was quite popular and had a lot of friends. I danced and because of my dancing my ass was tight and round and all the boys could not keep their eyes off of it. My names Bailey, I have long brown curly hair, unique one brown eye and one green eye, i’m 5’6 and 115 pounds with full C breasts. As I was saying, I had lots of friends in high school but I had my best friend, Layla… Laya was so sexy. And everyone knew it, especially her. She’s 5’8 120 pounds with sexy blonde hair and...

1 year ago
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Mandy The Head Nurse

Had a call from MrJ who told me he was not feeling very well ,had a high temperature, a stiffness that ached and needed sorting out and could the on call nurse visit to make him feel better.Well nurse Mandy to the rescue. I got my uniform on PVC White nurses outfir, hat, and oh yes some sexy stockings. I was feeling a little warm myself so decided not to wear any underwear so I did not get too flushed if you know what i mean. I arrived at MrJ's house and was met by a man who did look a little...

3 years ago
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She wasa prick teaser I thought

After the movies we all went to the milk bar and once more I tried to get close to her. I talked to her and she seemed to like me and I asked her why she pulled her hand away. She said she was beginning to like it but she didn’t want to get involved like that as we were all good friends and she didn’t want to play favourites. About three weeks later I had an opportunity to go to a party and I asked Tracy if she would come with me. I said none of the others was invited – it would just be...

4 years ago
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Waking up to wife masturbating

I woke up this Saturday morning to the whir of my wife's dildo. I look over and she is spread eagle in the bed fully playing with herself and moaning. I ask her what she's thinking about. She tells me that she's thinking about a guy she fucked in college. They never dated, but fucked a handful of times (or that's what she told me). She said he had a cock that was slightly larger than average with a big mushroom head. She told me how much she loved sucking him off. He had a nice big load and his...

3 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 2 Introductions

When the screaming and whimpering turned to silence I switched to defensive mode. I was now without Cosmo’s eyes watching my back plus I was at a crime scene, so additional caution was indicated. I pulled my Glock and grabbed up all 4 machetes into a bag I carried for that specific purpose - it would not leak blood. Next I surveyed the scene like a CSI. There were four lifeless bodies - three in parts - and one very attractive loose end. My rules said I should not leave a witness, except she...

1 year ago
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South of Bikini 5 What Happens in Whitechapel

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 9 "What happens in Whitechapel..." 1804hrs, London, England, December 23rd, 1887AD "Thank you, Mrs. Smith. Once again your generosity has warmed my soul." "After what we seen, we all needs somethin' that warms our souls, Robert," Margie replied wisely. "Well," The bobby paused, as he looked around the large room. "Sorry for interruptin' the evenin'. To be safe though, I'd recommend you ladies stayin' in the rest a' the night. Even if what...

2 years ago
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The Mirror part 4

The Mirror .Part 4I wasn’t going to go but you know how it is, A soon as the truck arrived, I slipped across to her room and she was awake waiting. Her kiss was long and her tongue felt wonderful in my mouth. Her hands went straight to my cock. I was hard and it was pulsating as she slowly stroked me. I slipped my finger into her cunt. It was tight but hot and wet. She moaned softly and got down on her knees to suck me. The minute my cock went into her mouth she looked up at me and half smiled....

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Finishing School For Young Ladies Chapter Three

Finishing School For Young Ladies By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - The Interview "So Valerie Swindon? Are you ready" Sally asked. Sally was still dressed in her bathrobe sitting at the coffee table in Valerie's expensive hotel room, sipping coffee and smoking. "You definitely not coming with me," Valerie pouted. "Yes! That's the look! Use that on the Dean," Sally teased. "Come on Valerie; you need to do this on your own. You're going to live in that joint for the...

1 year ago
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KennyChapter 5

Friday was a lonngg day. Ken had to give his statement four times. The last time he gave the statement was to a police stenographer and then he was questioned about each and every line in the written version. The police wanted to know how many times he had hit each felon, and they were really interested to find out where he had gotten hold of an official police baton. When he told them that he had obtained the baton when he was working as a security guard, they wanted to know where he had...

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Extinction Has Its Perks

Extinction has it's … Perks? Part one She was fleeing from a group of lizard mutants. She was hopping across rooftops in a city, fast. She's lean, she looks hungry. Her piercing blue eyes spot the roof tops, mark her steps through her loose lanky brown hair. Wearing a pair of blue jean shorts that have seen better days, a tank top, ancient converse sneakers, she darts expertly. With a knife strapped to one leg, a bat strung across her back, she’s prepared for daily obstacles.Hopping these...

1 year ago
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Maddie Hayward

Maddie Hayward sat in the breakroom at work, contemplating the five men in there with her. Though they worked at the same facility and n the same shift, she knew not their names. I shall briefly try to paint you a picture of them starting with Maddie herself. She is aged 33 years and of average height, weight, size and shape. The first of the males was overtly younger than Maddie, short, stocky, hirsute and Hispanic. He wore a red Angels cap and matching shorts. The second was just as young as...

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A chance meeting

I had just finished work after a long and headed to my oh so lonely hotel again. Another week and I will be going back home to my wife. I went into my room and had a shower to refresh myself. I got out of the shower and dried myself..Sat on the edge of the bed put the TV on. Aggghh no fucking soaps need to do something else. So I got dressed and went down to the bar. Got myself a beer. It was quite in there another man and his " girlfriend maybe. I liked to people watch and thought he was the...

4 years ago
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Josie New Job

Josie and Her New Job My Alarm sounds off and I wake and almost forget what has happened to me over the last decade. But as I rub my eyes and take my hands from my face and look at them I seen the pink acrylic ? inch nails staring back at me, the various rings on my fingers, the hairless arms and I am brought back to my reality. I am a feminized male. Today is a work day for me. My wife (should I say that because we certainly don't look like a man & woman marriage, maybe 2...

3 years ago
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John finds his pleasure

John likes being naked and once at home he rarely wears more than a pair of shorts(if that at all) but lately he has been feeling an empty feeling, walking around his room in the buff just isn't what it used to be. He thought of things to do to fill that gap like keeping his door unlocked so his parents might walk in on him, not that he wanted his mom to see him naked, he just wanted a rush. he even started going on webcam chat sites and stripping for whoever would stay to watch. in the...

1 year ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 21 Papers and Pain

"Good Morning, Johnson, Jackson and Hayes. How may I direct your call?" The voice was pleasant and female. "I'm not sure. I'm looking at some old acquisition papers from about nineteen years ago. They're on your firm's letterhead. I need to talk to someone regarding what these papers involve. My name is all over them, and I was an infant when they were drawn up." "Okay, are there any signatures on the papers?" Of course there were. "Yes: Garret Setton and Ronald...

3 years ago
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Daphnes Lesson Ch 1

“Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned…” Dr. Arthur Jackson pushed back in his black leather executive chair as he paused his statement. “But that’s not the full excerpt. Does anymore know the full, unabridged version of this work?”His tranquil green eyes scanned his five students spread throughout the room. “Daphne?” He called out after a painful silence.Daphne Marcon’s slender hand raised just above the crown of her straight blonde hair. She wiggled her athletic hips on the hard seat to get...

2 years ago
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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 03

Janna and Mary woke up Monday morning, made love and got ready to go down to the Agency. Mary knew she had a job this morning, and Janna was going to check on her job. They took a cab and when they got to The Woody Agency, they went in and said good morning to Sandy. Sandy asked them how the party went Saturday night, Mary said, “Great, I think I’ve got to be somewhere this morning, I need to see Gerald if I could.” Sandy picked up the phone and buzzed Gerald’s office. “He said to come right...

2 years ago
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Trapping my reluctant sister then forcing her with help from my friend

I am 24 years old and my sister Lana is 22. I am a normal, healthy young man. I discovered masturbation when I was in school and the object of my fantasies during my sessions was usually film stars, until one day I found a closer one, in my family. It was when one of our father’s friends visited our home and they stayed overnight. I was in the 10th grade, and Lana was in 8th. We had only 3 bedrooms in our house; Lana and I each had a separate bedroom and our parents had the other one....

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Fucking Johns Girlfriend

If you have been following my prior accounts of my college escapades, you’ll known that my girlfriend’s roommate’s boyfriend (John) had hit on me. Let me add he was successful. John was a PE major, and totally looked the part. He was 6’4′, 240 pounds of thickly muscled college-stud. He had rugged model looks. Most notably, as I found out in my initial account, was the biggest penis I’d ever seen. It made my 8-incher look small. During college I was very active playing handball, swimming,...

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The Coffeehouse Quintet Book 30 Mother Knows Best

Lilly sat in her seat and ignored everything around her. She ignored her cold, untouched cup of coffee. She ignored background chatter as well as the arguing couple by the windows. She ignored the fake titted slut masturbating in her seat. She even ignored it when some guy with a giant penis started fucking the slut on the table. The text that she received from her daughter dominated Lilly's world. You're too old. You don't understand. You couldn't even face the decisions I have to make...

3 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 2

At my home I have a spare bedroom I keep ready for when my sister Mary and her husband Ian come to stay. I had been planning to have some fitted wardrobes made for some time and now I thought the time was right to engage the services of Mr. Swanton to build them. I called his number and gave him an idea of what I wanted, and my address and he said he'd be around the following Thursday at eight am. That morning I rose early, showered and dressed myself appropriately to meet Alan Swanton. I...

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The Bosss Daughter Part 3

That night, all I could think of was Sam. The taste. The memory. Her smooth skin that I got to touch. It was like a perfect moment of bliss that I could only have imagined in a dream not long ago. Now, it was a reality to have met someone like her. And I even got a souvenir of her panties to remember that moment, still scented with the smell of her sweet juices.That next day at work, I was invited out to a business luncheon with the boss, Mr. Thompson. It wasn't until we arrived that I quickly...

Office Sex
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Destination Unknown

Destination Unknown By: Miss K Jeff slid into the seat on the airplane. He always hated traveling. It wasn't so much the comfort factor as he was relatively small at only five foot eight. But nonetheless Jeff always seemed to attract the most undesirable people on the plane who somehow always had to be sitting next to him. To make matter even worse was the fact that he knew just how long this trip would be. Jeff had recently moved to England from the United States and the long...

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