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Anne yawns softly as she rummages through her closet “Mom!!” she cries as she goes into the hallway and walks down the stairs “I can’t find my ceremonial crown!! The princess never makes an appearance without her-” she stops and stares at the handsome man in the foyer.
“Anne, this is Kail. He’s going to be helping your father when they go to attack the Reaper Council. Apparently, the Council is planning on meeting in three days on an unpopulated planet nearby. This is the closest we’ve been to an attack that we may actually win in centuries!”
“Yea that’s great mom, now have you seen my crown?”
“Yes dear… You left it on your father’s desk after the fight, remember?”
“Oh right… I did say I’d never wear it again didn’t I? Oh well” quickly she dashes up the stairs, taking the second door on the left into a dark room; the walls a rich mahogany, a desk the only form of furniture in the whole room. Picking up a beautiful golden circlet she places it on her head. “Sorry father…” quickly she goes back downstairs.
“Oh Anne?”
“Why don’t you take Kail outside; walk with him around the garden? Your father and I need to have a talk so take your time” she ushers the two outside. Anne puts on her cloak as she and Kail walk around the garden together, her nervousness causing her to shake, she and Kail both say "Hi." and blush at each other.
Kail bows slightly and says, "Why don't you go first your highness?” He smiles softly.
She meets his smile with a small nervous one of her own and asks, "So the Reapers council is meeting, this is the first time in forever isn't it?"
"Yes, apparently they're recruiting younglings today."
"Younglings???? Do you think any children will be hurt in the fight??"
"Well maybe... Are you really that worried about the enemies children?"
"Children are children. Just because they were raised a certain way doesn't mean they should be hurt or killed!! I mean if they're young enough, their thoughts and ideas can be changed!! They can learn to be one of us, to think like us!!"
Kail raises his hands "Okay, okay! I give!" he smiles softly "His Highness was right when he said to beware of your temper Princess. Sorry to have upset you."
"Oh... Uh you didn't really upset me... it's just... well children and war... they shouldn't even be in the same book!" she looks down, blushing softly "But there's my temper again... Any way... Wait... Daddy warned you of my temper?? Why would he tell you of my temper??"
"Uh well you see... Your father and I have... Um... well we've been... discussing... uh... well... marriage plans..."
"YOU"VE BEEN WHAT!?!?!?!" she stops and stares at him, thinking about all the forlorn glances and the meetings in the secret passages she asks "Why didn't you ask me first...?"
"Honestly I was worried you would say no." he looks down, slightly ashamed
"You still should have asked me first, I might have surprised you."  She winks at him and pecks his cheek before running off to their favorite spot under the great oak atop the hill
"So you'll marry me?" He smiles happily at her as he catches up.
"Yes, I would gladly marry you." She pulls him agains herself, kissing him deeply. He presses his hands to the tree behind her, kissing back.
He pulls away from her slightly in search of breath, then stares across the distance, his face gaining a slightly worried quality “I think we should be heading in doors soon.”
Takes his hand "Alright Kail," smiles softly “let’s go inside, maybe even talk to Dad about our... future?"
"Yes princess." he smiles and squeezes her hand, leading her back to the house
"So... Big or small wedding?"
"Hmm.... You may be used to big stuff, but I'm not, how about a small one?"
"Works for me..." they walk inside just as rain starts to pour
As they walk back to the castle the storm picks up, thunder rolling across the clouds, dancing from one to the other as if taunting the earth, Her father runs out, screaming something at them that the wind steals before it reaches their ears “Could you understand him?" she asks Kail.
He nod and guides her inside “You stay here princess, he thinks this might be an attack, please stay hidden and safe."
She stares at him as he walks away, her mouth slightly agape “Anne!" her mother calls as she runs into the hall, holding the family sword “You need to get further in."
Anne paces in the kitchen, looking out the window watching Oh please be careful...
Lightening cracks across the sky, causing Anne to jump. Anne hits her head on the cabinet and faints.
Shan stands above the castle of his enemies, the Skyknights, and grumbles. Not for the first time he wonders why Grimm had him leak the "Meeting" to the soldiers below. As he watches and waits, the sun starts to set and he begins his assault. Slow, so as not to raise too much suspicion he calls in the rolling thunderclouds that were far to the south. Once he has them heading his way he notices the couple standing atop a hill with a large oak and wonders if they've seen him or not. 
Shan notes that he's fears are half founded because they run of it back to the castle which he is above and really starts to grumble, his mood reflecting in the lightening as it dances between the clouds “Well, guess now's as good a time to start as any..." he lets loose his hold on the storm and descends with it upon the castle, ramming it into the battlements as he flies over them, the troops on the walls falling with the stones, Shan revs up the storm to hurricane power and lets nature take its course, soon he finds himself within the castle walls and in the kitchen and finds a young woman there passed out, taking pity on her, he picks her up in his arms and carries her with him through the portal back to his home. Shan takes the girl into his house and lays her on the bed. He goes to his kitchen and gets a first aid kit and a cool wet washcloth. Taking it to the girl, he puts antiseptic on the small gash on her forehead. Then he sets the rag on her head and paces in front of the window, waiting for her wake
He slowly paces a while longer then sits in the chair and passes out for the night.

Anne sits up and rubs her eyes, a rag slips off her head and into her hand “That’s odd… oh ow!!” She winces softly as her hand brushes the bandaged gash on her head. Slowly she looks around the room, then gasps at the sight of the strange man in the chair under the window He opens his eyes and yawns softly
“Ah. I’m glad you’re awake... I was worried you might have a concussion...”
She curls into the blankets, blushing a deep red "Hi..."
"So, what's your name young one?" his smile is disarming and handsome, but doesn't quite reach his eyes while he looks her over
"Umm... it’s... It's Anne... What’s yours...?"
"Shan...? That’s... kind of a weird name... don't you think?"
"Well isn't Anne? Hmm? What kind of a name is Anne?"
"Well it’s... it’s the name my mom gave me... and if it’s such a weird name, what would a normal one be."
"Hmmm, well how's Anisa?"
"Sounds about as foreign as yours..."
"Do you not like it? I'm sure it means something of great beauty from my home world..." just then the man, Shan, looks out the window with a saddened look, his blue eyes clouded almost grey.
"I didn't say that... And I'm sure that it's very pretty, where are you from?" she gets up and goes over to him.
"That's just it, I don't know..."
Anne pulls the stool up beside the chair. “You don’t know? Why… Why don’t you know…?” she sets her hand on his gently, looking into his face. Then thinks to herself, Maybe that’s why his sweet smile didn’t reach his eyes…
"I don't know that either, though I know it wasn't for my own good, I get the feeling that I was exodized from my home world to yet another world and left with nothing but my base instinctual mind set, it's taken me quite a while to be back at the state I am now, except for that great nagging sadness that tells me I'm the only one left now... Do you want something to drink?" He gets up and walks to the door.
“Oh... Umm… Sure… a glass of sweet tea would be nice…” she puts the rag ontop of her head and then stands in the doorway. the poor dear... he's all alone in this universe....
He goes into the kitchen “Ice or no?"
Follows him “umm... half a glass of ice please...”
"Ok." he prepares and hands it to her “So... What about you?"
"Oh. Well..." she takes the glass, taking a sip “You really wanna know????"
He sips from his own cup “Why not, it doesn't have to be the full truth right now, I'm mostly just curious about if you have one." gives another smile like the first.
She smiles softly "alright... I'm the only one of my kind.... I'm a vampyre and a Skyknight... I’m to be mated to an archiwolf.... what does that make me???" sighs, looking down as tears fill my eyes "It makes me a freak........"
"Could always be worse, at least you don't have to deal with a mask that's trying to make you crazy." he says, sighing softly
"Mask...?" realization hits her and she backs away into the counter "R-reaper... yo-you’re a... Reaper...."
"yes.. I am."
She tightly grips the counter top, trying not to be mesmerized by his beautiful blue grey eyes "Please... Would you please send me back to my home...?"
"I'm afraid I can't do that yet... You see the storm that came yesterday did a lot of damage to the battlements of your castle... There may not be anyone there... and if there is still someone, they're probably fighting for their lives right now."
"Then I should be with them!! Please!! Please send me home!!!"
“I can’t do that right now, I’m guessing that someone on the other side set up a barrier to keep me out.” he said as he sat at a table “For the time being you just need to make yourself at home. Because there’s no getting of this planet without my consent and I’m not just going to drop you off at some random point in the galaxy for your people to find you. More so given how purist your people can be. I don’t want some galactic war because you turn up dead.”
“If you didn’t want a galactic war than you should have left me where I was!!” she paces frustratedly around the room
“I couldn’t… Not with the storm there, the whole castle could have been ripped from it’s foundations.” he says back, still sitting sipping his drink
“Why me??? Hmmm? Why in the world did you have to save me?? You could’ve rescued my baby sister or my cousin. Or you could’ve just not come at all!!” she slams herself down cross-legged on the floor, mumbling many different curses in four different languages. She stops and looks up at him “Ya know I hope they come for you. They’ll kill you and I won’t stop them. Kidnapper!!!” she storms back to the room she woke up in and slams the door
he chuckles, finishing the drink “Unfortunately I know something you don’t that makes me think they couldn’t kill me, and you were the first one I found and also the only one old, yet young enough to understand.”
she opens the door slowly and looks at him “Daddy says that SkyFyre can kill anything…. Understand what….?”
chuckles a little louder “Come here Young one and I shall tell you.” he winks, a toying undertone dancing in his eyes as he pats the chair beside his
“I was found by Grimm nearly two thousand years ago, appearing much like I do today, and feel like I have been living for a good many galactic cycles before that.” he says, a small wicked grin crossing his beautiful features
“dang… You’re older than my mom… She’s like… only 20 millennia old which is like… four galactic cycles right?”
“Right, and I believe I may have met your mother, mind telling me her name, just to check?”
“Caroline… Caroline Rose DeGenerie”
“Oh great…” he half frowns
“What is it? What’s wrong???”
He gets up and goes to the door, getting there right as a knock, opens it to reveal her mother “Hello love, how have you been?”
Anne quickly stands up, a wave of dizziness overcomes her and she sits back down “Mom…? What are you doing here?? How’d you get here?? Are dad and Kail okay?????”
“So she is here, Shan do you know what that means?” Her mother asked glaring at the man
“That she has both your curiosity and fiery temper.” He chuckled, glancing back at Anne “And I fought your mother once long ago, she is, to date, the only person able to find my ‘Lost Planet.’”
Anne lets this little snippet soak in, Guess that’s why I’m the number one finder in the house. She clears her throat “Mom? I don’t really feel good… Do you mind if we sit and talk?”
“Of course, I’m guessing that’s why he brought you here.” She says to her daughter, turning to Shan “Am I allowed in or do I have to stand here forever?”
“I guess I could let you in, seeing as you do want to have a long winded chat and all.” He steps aside and lets her enter, they both come in and sit at the table “Now, where to start. How about with you Anne, how do you feel?” her mother asked, a bit of worry crossing her face “Is he treating you well?”
“Umm… Confused really and my head does hurt a little… But… I guess he’s been fine… He’s not been unkind or raised his voice… Mom… I get the feeling your hiding something…”
“I might be, your father is in tears nearly, the castle fell to the ground, we managed to evacuate most everyone, but everyone thinks you were hiding in one of those passages you love so much. Kail nearly got killed while at the battlements and went home nearly in tears, he was hoping to make a lasting ally.” Shan just sits back and relaxes, taking in the conversation.
“Kail…. Mom… Did you know that he was going to propose? That he’d been talking to Dad about it???” she looks at her mother’s face as the words her mom just said sink in “Wait… They think I’m dead?!?!”
“In so many words, yes, yes they do. And I knew that he would, despite his forward thinking your father still has his head in the past and thinks the best way to insure an alliance is through a marriage between the parties involved.” Her mother says, slouching in her chair slightly “And to make matters worse, one of the other Lords is using the attack to launch propaganda against your father… As much as it pains me to say, I think you need to remain dead for the time being, at least until things settle some, I’ll take a note to your father explaining things, but keep it a brief one.”
“WHAT????? There is No Way In Hell I’m Staying In This GodForSaken House!!!!!!!!!! Umm… no offense…. But come on!! There’s got to be something else?? Can’t I just be found under the rubble or something?? Like… Almost kinda crushed to death but somehow still alive????? Come on mom please?????”
“They’ve cleared away all the rubble already, and you don’t have to stay here per say…”
Shan sits up fast, nearly yelling “Hell No!!! She is not coming with me, not without joining! You know the rules, I taught you them once, even if you did leave after everything! I am not taking an outsider there!”
“Shan, there’s no other way, she has to go with you, if she’s found off world she’ll be killed and John will be blamed for bad parenting, if she just walks up to the ruins of the castle then John will be questioned about it and all the lords will turn against him, please, I’ll owe you a huge favor…”
Deciding that her future has once again already been decided, Anne walks out of the house and paces around it, getting the feel of her surroundings as she curses under her breath
“That doesn’t sound much like a princess.” Shan said, standing at the corner that she was approaching “The final choice is up to you, if you want to stay then I’ll train you, if you want to leave then simply tell me where you want to go. I just feel I should tell you that no one has beat me in all my memory. And that your mother sees some spark in you that makes her think you can do this training. I guess you should think about it, your mom will be here a few days, so she can recharge enough to make the portal back.”
“You’re in my way.” Anne continues walking, her hand brushing his side as she moves past
He smiles and walks with her to the porch “I’ll let you think about it.” Turning to her mother he says “Care for a game or two since you’re here?”
“I’d love one, but left all my pieces at home in my vault.” She replied with a smile
“No Problem, I’ll lend you some while you’re here.”
Anne walks to a small sapling, hidden under the porch, sitting beside it she starts to cry
"Oh bother... I'll take care of it, you go inside." Shan says to her mother
her tears fall gently beside the sapling, soaking into the ground. The tree stretches until its shading Anne from the light rain that's begun to fall
"ok." she goes inside as Shan walks over
"Can I do anything to help?"
"Help? How could you possibly help?" she sniffles softy, still crying “I-I lost my family... My-My home... I-I can't g-go home...."
“No, not today. But given time I'm sure you could, and I'm here if you need a shoulder or an ear.”
Anne continues to cry, murmuring about eternity stuck on this world, the storm getting worse
"You won't spend an eternity here, only a few months, then we'll see the civilized world again."
"P-P-Promise..??" she wipes her eyes, tears continuing to fall down her face "D-Do you p-prom-promise i-i ca-can g-go h-home????"
"Yes." he smiles at her "Though I can't promise when."
She sniffles softly “I’m sorry… This isn’t the way a princess should act…”
“I would guess not, it’s ok, while you’re here you aren’t a princess.” He smiles, winking softly
“Oh??? Not a princess?? What do you mean by that??”
"Simple, while with me You’ll be Anisa, like we discussed, that way anyone who is your enemy when we go back to civilization will have a harder time getting to you, Ok?" He smiles a big broad smile, this one finally reaching his eyes
She smiles softly in return "th-thank you... very much..."
“You're very welcome, now why don't you come inside before you catch a cold in all this rain." he smiles again, standing and offers her his hand to do the same
She smiles weakly "What rain?" the water that’s standing on the ground is instantly soaked up by the medium sized oak standing beside her, the clouds in the sky dissipating "It's a nice sunshiny day..."
He chuckles softly, shaking his head "Figures, still, we should go in."
"Yes.. I suppose we should.." she stands up and starts to walk towards the house, her clothes dripping wet "After all if I stay in this much longer I may catch a cold... Umm... Do you think I could take a shower??"
"Yes, I'll show you to it, ok?" leads her inside and to a big room with a walk in tub, and a shower head on the wall
"Whoa..." marvels at how large the bathroom is "Oh wait... I don't have a change of clothes.. Umm..." blushes softly "Could... Could I borrow a change of clothes? I mean I know there's a minimum chance that you've got some girls clothes just laying around somewhere... But I'm sure with a belt a pair of jeans would fit..."
“You said you're 200, right?” He calls to her from a closet, checking for a box.
"Yes.. But what can you get from my age???"
"I'm thinking about your mother's rebellious stage." he comes out with a big box, giving a smiling wink as he sets it down on the floor, it reads, "Girls only. KEEP OUT!"
she smiles softly as her fingers trace the lettering "Mom's handwriting... Wait.. Mom had a rebellious stage??"
she chooses that moment to call out "What lies are you feeding my daughter?!"
"I'm not, simply informing her of the past. And yes, yes she did, and it almost lasted 50 years before her parents nearly caused a war about it" He say winking at her "I'll leave you to it."
"th-thanks.." slowly Anne opens the box, Shan walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. She takes the box and sets it on the counter top. Stripping down she steps into the bathtub and turns the water on, sitting down she starts to cry
Shan goes into the living room and sits at the table, looking at the woman he had once run into long ago, a woman he once loved. "She's a lot like you, ya know?"
"Yea, it would seem so..."



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Sam, her sister Susan, and her nephew Josh had just pulled into the shopping center. Josh decided to tag along with his aunt and mother to a local boutique fashion store, mostly because he wanted to be near his aunt Sam. It was pretty obvious to all in the car on the way there, that he was there for her. He relegated his mother Susan to the back seat so that he could sit in the front next to her. Sam was in athletic casual wear. She had on tight yoga pants and a tight tank top over her...

3 years ago
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Audra A New Life Redux

Audra: A New Life Redux Joanne Foxcourt Author's Note: Shortly after the first version of this story was posted to the Internet, I received some incredibly good advice about what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. I'm extremely grateful for that strong and detailed critique - enough that I felt it completely necessary to revisit this story and try to make it better. Equally as important, I felt that too much was left dangling after the first attempt was done....

2 years ago
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A Wonderful Dream part 2

Spring break has always been a time to relax and enjoy being with my best friend Sam; though since we both are in our senior year of high school, this particular spring break doesn't matter as much.Though this morning I find myself driving to school. I should be more upset, since I had planned to spend most of the day with Sam, but I can't be mad at Jaime. She and I are co-captains of the cheerleading squad, so if something needs to be done, we're usually the ones to do it. Today was no...

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Raj Ne Aapne Moui Ki Ladki Ko Chooda

Hi friends Rahul is back again with his new story named as raj n eke apne cousion behen ki chudai.uska naam archana tha aur saab uss kooo pyar se archu bulate hai .wo ek bahut hi sunder ladki hai.usk umar 22 saal hai or uski height 5’4’ hai. Uska figure to bas pucho hi mat 34-28-35..wo delhi main rahati hai. Raj:usne MBA kiya hai aur aab delhi mai tcs mai kaam kar raha hai waha uske ek mousi bhi rahte hai to unke ghar raj ka aana jana laga rahta hai.aur wo week mai do teen baar to chala hi jata...

3 years ago
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Educating Jessica

Jessica is an 18 year old girl who you just finished school with. She stands about 5’2, petite build, long strawberry blonde hair and a sexiness you just can’t place on one thing. She is not the best looking girl around, nor has the best body, nor the biggest tits but she just oozes sex appeal. For her height she is pretty well proportioned, she has a tendency to wear tight jeans that show off her legs and ass, and you just cannot determine her breast size – her baggy school shirt used to make...

2 years ago
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Trip to the Drug Store P5

It was now Friday and I took off work early so I would arrive at the drug store by 3 o’clock. When I arrived at the desk of the Quick Health Center, I saw Cindy and also another young nurse. “It’s good you arrived on time,” Cindy said. “Otherwise I would have started you out with a spanking.” I was surprised and a little embarrassed that Cindy talked about spanking me in front of this young nurse that I had never met before. “Mary, this is Clyde. He has an appointment here every Friday,” Cindy...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Big Ass Aunty

Hi everybody. I am Bittu , from Hyderabad but I study in Bangalore. So if any AUNTYS want to have secret relationship or hardcore sex in Hyderabad or Bangalore then mail me at Coming to the story first let me describe you about myself and my sexy aunt. I am 5ft 11 inches, very fair, smart & soft boy. I am here to share my real life experience. Now I am 19. It actually happened when I was in my intermediate second year. You can imagine how boys at that age are sex starved. The same happened to...

1 year ago
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Detention Excess

Informed she has no contract extension: Ms Moore makes her final detention supervision at Glebe College; a truly memorable one....Ms Rochelle Moore, was fed up with cocky assistant principal; Bob O’Hearn. But he ran the relief budget. Sure she was a term only temp teacher and she really wanted to be re-hired again but she kept getting the extra shit jobs. This place wasn’t the type of school any teacher; temp, relief or permanent was climbing over everyone else to get into. But here she was...

3 years ago
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I rang the doorbell and waited. Perhaps half a minute elapsed before the door opened, and the woman stared at me sullenly. She was tall and very slim, almost skinny, apart from heavy breasts; her dark, shoulder-length hair was streaked with grey, and, apart from skimpy gauze panties that were practically transparent, a thin silver chain encircling her right ankle, and high heels, she was completely naked. For a moment, I studied her body, my penis stirring involuntarily: her ribcage was...

1 year ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 25

Present – Jack – At the cabin Masha takes off running toward the truck that Jennifer's dog caused to crash and I yelled, "Where the fuck are you going?" Present – Masha – At the cabin Jack can not comprehend that Jennifer's dog (who also helped to save and bring Irina back to us) has been injured and might need veterinary attention. While I am not a veterinarian, I am sure I can render excellent assistance to the dog. I yell a reply, "Sharik has been injured and I must render first...

2 years ago
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Carrie Underwood Breaking the Girl

These are the top three choices," the director said, setting three pictures in front of Carrie Underwood. They were casting the male lead for her new music video and Carrie was being given final say on who to cast."That one," Carrie said, pointing at the picture in the middle."All three are here if you want to meet them," the director said."No, him," Carrie said, again pointing at the middle picture. She couldn't really explain it, but there was just something about the picture that compelled...

4 years ago
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Male Bitch

It was a mid February and I had not been with a woman for more than four months. I am a thirty eight year old bachelor and like the dogs in heat at this time of year I was horny as hell. I own a convenience store in a small town in the mid west. Since it was a small town everyone knew each other and no one can hide. The reason the last woman I was with was in October of the year before. I was seduced and got charged with having sex with a minor. I urge you, do not trust, teens...

3 years ago
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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 10 Christmas

By the end of November we had all settled back into a routine lifestyle. With all the turmoil and disasters we had been through we were ready for some peace and quiet in our lives. Ok, at least some quiet since bed time could get rather noisy. Sometimes in the afternoons we would bump into each other while working around the house. Cathy would give me one of her seductive little smirks and it would be a race to see who could make it to the bed first. I always lost which meant I had to give...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 293 Banging with the Jones

I never thought about it, but it does seem that people would call us insane if we even tried to discuss that we might have some powers and abilities most humans did not. Zander did his best to get me outside of the complex and away without the others being able to intercept me. He succeeded, except for things he could not control. Tommy had abilities that none of the others knew about, and I was the only other person that he told. Waiting for me on the path back toward where I rescued...

1 year ago
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A Hot Humid Night

Ann was at it again, warmed by her drink and passing the time alone in a crowd full of people. Her husband was off with the boy's drinking cognac and smoking cigars. She could hear his guffaws as they told each other the same jokes they had at the last party. Ann liked the parties but never seemed to fit in and usually ended up mostly intoxicated but still having to pour her husband onto the couch. Oh she couldn't blame him really, Donald worked his ass off in the Law firm and had been trying...

Wife Lovers
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Jamaican Holiday Ch 05

Saturday -- The next morning, I made some coffee and brought it to her in bed. "So, anything happen on your walk?" She looked away. "Nothing...." "Jaye, I saw you dancing. I know what he was doing to you at the table -- everyone there did! And I saw you on the picnic table. (She gasped) On top of that you had no panties on when you got back. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's all right with me if you have an adventure or even an affair while we are here. However, I expect you to return...

4 years ago
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My Scifi adventure

I was working the 6am-6pm shift at the plant, seven on, seven off. The seven days off were always incredible, but getting to that week long weekend could be murder. I punched out at 6:05am on my seventh day and I was really dragging. I blew off the invitations of my co-workers to join them in a little early breakfast and headed to my truck with the full intention of driving straight home and passing out for a day or two. I shivered a bit in the cold of the late winter air. My feet felt like...

2 years ago
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How it began

We had been dancing around it for years, the idea of opening our sex life to other people. Cristy enjoyed fantasizing about it, from a safe distance, but she couldn't bring herself to go through with it. In the past, this had lead to several awkward and frustrating nights at swingers gatherings. Not this night. This night was be different. On this night the expectations were clear, an agreement had been made. Cristy had gotten one more chance to live the fantasy and be the girl she let me...

Group Sex
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New dorm neighbor

My neighbor down the hall of the dorm my freshman year always stared at me. One day he finally made a pass at me and we made our way to a storage room in the building's basement. They kept the old furniture from previous tenants in there. I sat down on an old futon and spread my legs as far as I could. He could totally see my cock and sack hanging out of the leg of my shorts. I began stroking until it was rock hard and beads of pre-cum dripped onto the bare concrete. I could hear his breathing...

Gay Male
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A Teaching Moment

How I chose a career in teaching is a mystery to me at times. I was never a very good student; I was too occupied with pot, pills and pricks to pay much attention to school work and my reputation for being promiscuous was well known around the school. Yet I was able to avoid getting pregnant or busted and graduated with my class. Though my grades and SAT scores weren’t the best they were good enough to get me into a state college where I immediately picked up where I had left off with the...

3 years ago
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No Half Measures Part 5

NO HALF MEASURES PART 5 By Jenny Walker © 2003 Author's note: This is a shorter instalment than previous ones. I feel that it leaves the reader in a nice position... apologies in advance! However, the next four chapters are almost complete and I will submit them after a suitable period of time. Thanks and credit are due to the wonderful Hebe Dotson and Anne Baker who tirelessly correct my mistakes and improve my writing ? any errors that remain, are mine. CHAPTER 29 I had...

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New Kind of Love

Bob lay on his back, snoring like a freight train once again. There was no worry of waking this loud log. As I stood up, his cum dripped down my thigh. If only he'd lick me clean like in all those delicious stories.In a spare bedroom as far away as possible, I found refuge, quiet, solace. Naked, I laid on the bedspread, a few pillows tucked behind me so I can read one of my favorite books of erotica. Oh not the hard core porn, but something more soothing to my soul, something that will...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Ivy Lebelle Hardcore Pool Obsessions

Curvy sex goddess Ivy Lebelle is a hot vamp with big tits and brunette hair. The light-skinned bombshell from the United States gets a neck massage from Ryan Mclane by the pool when all of a sudden her shaved pussy gets super wet. The horny Milf starts playing with her twat and the two decide to shift indoors to start making out. Sit back and watch an unforgettable hardcore session to unfold! The hot babe sucks that big veiny cock with her insatiable mouth. She swallows his dick down her hungry...

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Wolf Creek Ch 20

Ada’s return to the Wolf Creek Ranch for the duration of the war years was a period of fantasy isolation from the world gone mad around them punctuated by shocking reminders that they were part of that world. Beth proved to be a real delight for Ada—the daughter she had always wanted but that the Spanish flu had ripped out of her arms. Ada didn’t know how she ever could have gotten the notion she’d had that being the daughter of a Hollywood movie star would make Beth’s adjustment to life in...

3 years ago
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RendezvousChapter 9

Hairy In the morning: Tipi: check. Buffalo robe: check. Smoldering fire: check. On one side, finely shaped breast under hand: check. On the other side, excellent buttocks against hip: check. Outside, War pony: I’ll have to check: check. .53 full stock Hawken flintlock and possibles bag between two liner poles: check. Check? I checked. I handled it lovingly. My own ... I’m not dreaming ... a rather severe pinch on my arm: check. I’m alive: check. Fuck! It looks like I’ve traded a 30...

2 years ago
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Moving On Part 3 of 3

Between the alcohol and her orgasm, Tonia was out like a light.I very carefully gathered her into my arms and carried her upstairs to the bedroom. She didn't wake as I cleaned things up and tucked her into bed. I struggled with deciding what was the right thing to do, and finally decided I should stay with her until the alcohol wore off and she woke up. I figured that would only be a couple of hours, and she could send me home after that. I stretched out on the bed beside her and relaxed to...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Jill Kassidy Fiancee Blackmailed For Cheating Sins

Stunning, young dirty blonde Jill Kassidy has been with fiance Cody for a long time, enough that her eyes tend to wander. Not just her eyes — the blue-eyed beauty with the smoking body has found herself in adulterous affairs, and guess what? She really gets off on it! It’s not just the variety; there’s something especially exciting about secret sex, and the risk of getting caught turns out to be thrilling! But recently, Jill’s adulterous behavior has her worried. What if...

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How I Gave Birth To The Twins

I’m jenny This is my real sex story. I come from an orthodox Muslim family. My father is an LIC agent while my mother is a tailor. I’ve 4 elder brothers; and 2 sisters who are also elder than me. I’m a geography teacher in a nearby private school. I was the last one to get married in my family.My husband Javed, comes from a rich family. He has his own business and his company has several branches all over India. When we got married, I was 23 years old and he was almost 28. Though my in-laws...

4 years ago
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My Wife Gets Me Fucked

As many of you know my wife found my anal toy, all latex and black, ready to be lubed up and slowly inserted in my tight hole. At first she was mad, which mellowed to incredulous and finally into curiosity. I showed her how I would suck on a banana while she was away on business while fucking my own ass with the well-lubed toy. She was so hot that she put her hand on mine to help me fuck my wanting anus. She sucked and bit my nipples and worked her way up to my lips to shove her tongue deep...

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Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday Here in America on Sunday, February 1, 2009 Super Bowl XLIII (43) took place. Our version of football is quite different from that of the rest of the world. In soccer you don’t need a helmet and pads for protection and the other team isn’t trying to drive your body into the ground. This year the two teams were the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. To make a long story short Pittsburgh won. Now for what really happened… My five best friends and I...

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Shoe Saleman Chapter 3 Women together

Jim drove home with a really big hard on and he wanted in the worst way to go over to Peg’s house and get it taken care of but knew that was out. He sure would have liked to gone swimming with Michelle, but he really wanted to do more. Michelle could not wait and called Peg as soon as he left. “Oh Peggy I just got a shoe delivery and your toy boy just left in a hurry. You need to get over her now so we can talk properly. Besides, I have something to show you. Hey, bring a swimsuit and...

2 years ago
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Docs Complex 11 Adam And Susans Identity Transfer Part 1

Doc's Complex 11 - Adam And Susan's Identity Transfer, Part 1 by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 11 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex" begins the story of Doc's first experiment in swapping the minds of two people. Part 1 describes the experiment, and Part 2 will describe the results. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't edit...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 5

August 284:39 pmUCLA- Scott HallRoom 339"So… that happened," Sam sighed, looking over at her roommate and her "friend," all three freshly dressed after their showers."Yeah…" Noelle said, looking a little embarrassed."I'm not like judging you or anything… It was just kinda surprising. I mean," Sam said, grabbing a soda from the mini-fridge they shared, and looked at Cat, "I knew you and Carly had fooled around before but it was still weird to see.""How much did you see?" Cat asked nervously."Not...

3 years ago
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Reigniting On HalloweenChapter 2

Tom somehow was able to notice what she was looking at something and turned his head to see. His eyes went up as he saw the humping and he wondered if the guy's flap was open and the back of her skirt up. But then his mind said that was enough thinking and went back to concentrating on his ecstasy and what was producing it. Thirty-four seconds later he shoved upwards as hard as he could letting out a deep, "AAAAGGGGGgggAAAaaaAA". Becky had glanced over, through the corner of her eye, at...

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Friend8217s Hot Mom Banged When Friend Is Drunk And Asleep

Hello to all the married ladies and unmarried hot chicks out there. Myself Yatish from Bengaluru, 24 years of age with a well built sexy body and physique. I may miss eating food but I never miss my workout. So just imagine how my body might look like. I stay with my parents and I am currently working in a small start-up. Life is all good. I am single right now. The story I am going to narrate is about how I got lucky and managed to get my best friend’s hot mom into bed and fucked the hell out...

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Sarah and the Silver Master 2Well you having read part 1 I suppose I had best start by describing my consulting rooms, they are situated in the lovely Alkam valley, just between Folkestone and Dover in the lovely county of Kent. For our overseas friends Kent is a farming county of rolling hills, its green and pleasant and for most part on earth covered chalk ground. My home and workplace is a red brick and peg tile farmhouse, set in an old chalk pit, once numerous in the area. There is...

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I met Laura in a hotel bar, while I was staying in a different city for a short course. It was she who approached me and ever since I've wondered whether she knew somehow that I was interested in gender issues, indeed a transgender fantasist. She never mentioned it at the bar. We got on like a proverbial house on fire, so I invited her up to my room. It was while I was opening a condom packet that she said casually, "You'll get infected anyway, you know." And then, on my startled...

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A terrible doubt about my mature wife Rossella

My wife Rossella is a gourgeous woman and is almost 50 yo, even if she seems 35.She’s tall and slim even with the years her ass have grown up.Her tits are small but still firm with adorable nipples.She’s very shy and doesn’t like to exhibit herself and neither speak about sex.But when in bed she totally changes: she likes so much to be rough fucked in doggystyle and she always come two or three times moaning aloud.It is a lot of time that I’ d like to see her face when she get the climax.I...

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