Becoming a bitch Chapter 4
- 3 years ago
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Cristophe worked in the university bookstore ... The boss, Tharma Zamora, a dour lady in late middle age, hated me and tormented me about details. I complained bitterly to my friends. Once when she was looking at me, I was so nervous I dropped a pile of books, bending back the corners of some of the covers. While she screamed at me, I looked directly at her, trying to get centered and take it all in - rather than letting her tirade upset me. Her face was crinkled and dark, her dyed black hair done up in a bun on top of her head. I looked at her narrow face, her prominent nose, and her dark, angry eyes. Spontaneously, without even trying, I imagined her naked. I thought of what her pubic region would look like and her hips and breasts. I thought of myself caressing her, naked, in a hot shower. I imagined sliding my penis into her vagina. From then on, I felt a romantic attraction and even attachment to this admittedly disagreeable lady. I would take advantage of opportunities to brush against her arm with mine or come into brief contact with her fingers. I thrilled to her touch. I looked at her with delight. Still she was stern with me and unpleasant. This went on for weeks.
I had a roommate that fall I met because of being assigned as his roommate. Lanier was a handsome boy of eighteen. He was arrogant and presumptuous. I did not like him very much, but the boy looked good, and at the beginning of the term, I went naked in the room, right from the start. I studied naked. When I woke up in the morning with an erection, I would get out of bed naked and parade around in front of Lanier.
The last weekend in September, Lanier was visiting his parents for the weekend, and wanted me to come along. Lanier had a sister, Helen, who was as crotchety as her older brother. When we first arrived, she opened the door to us. "You finally arrived," she said at the door and stepped back to let us pass. She was wearing a bathrobe. We hauled our suitcases up to Lanier's bedroom.
Lanier also had a brother, King, who was the youngest of the three siblings. King walked into the room while we were unpacking. He was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. I thought he was beautiful. A few minutes later, Lanier's parents arrived home. Their names - they had different last names - were Roberta Wentworth and Theo Armstrong. Theo had his suit jacket slung over his shoulder when the boys greeted him in the front hallway. He remarked on the heat. He was a handsome man. Roberta walked in behind him, dressed in a smart purple skirt suit. I was stunned by her attractiveness. She was not fat, but her hips were rounded with a soft fleshiness. Her face was tightly chiseled against the strong - though finely carved - bones of her face. She had big red lips. Her eyes were dark and deeply set just above her high cheekbones. Her hair formed a smooth brown bubble around her head.
"Let's go swimming," Theo said. "I'm going anyway." He headed towards the back of the house.
Lanier spoke up, saying swimming sounded good to him, and looked at me, who said, "I'll get my suit."
"You won't need a suit," Lanier told me. "Come on."
Roberta laughed as we headed out of the room. I heard her call up the stairs, "We're going swimming!"
When we got to the swimming pool in the back yard, Theo had just stripped naked and was diving into the pool. Lanier stripped, and then so did I. Roberta came out the back door. I turned my head around to look at her. She was still dressed. She waived gaily. Lanier jumped into the water. Roberta said, "Cristophe, would you like a beer?" I turned around. It felt odd to be standing there naked facing Lanier's mother. A beer sounded like a really good idea. "Sure," I said.
"It's right here." She pointed to a keg on the patio next to her. "Come on over." I padded over to her, feeling a little sheepish. She put a glass under the spigot and started to pump the handle at the top of the keg. "Jeez, it needs a lot of pumping," she said, "Here, you do it." She continued to bend down holding the glass while I pumped the mechanism, conscious in a fascinated way of my body swaying near her face. Finally, the glass was full, and we repeated the process for a second glass. Then we stood there together sipping our beers.
"It's nice out here in the backyard tonight," Roberta commented, and I agreed. "We're having Indian summer," she went on, "as you no doubt have noticed." When I started to set down my beer, half finished, she said, "Oh, you might as well finish your beer before you take the plunge." I drank the rest and then, while Roberta still sipped her beer, skipped to the edge of the pool and dived in.
While I bobbed in the pool, looking towards the house, King came running out of the house naked. "Hi, mom," he called as he ran and jumped into the pool, making a big splash. When I wiped the water from my eyes, I saw Roberta still standing by the keg drinking, and then Helen came out of the house. She was naked as well. I took a good look at her for the first time. She was cute. Her light brown hair, which had been down before, was put up in a chignon. She was slender and flat chested. While I continued to bob in the water, King, treading water, came up behind me and pushed his body gently up against my back. I could feel the boy's penis slip between my buttocks. The boy put his lips close to my neck and breathed, "Hi." My neck tingled from his breath. Helen sat on the edge of the pool and drank a beer. Roberta went back inside without joining us in the swim. After a short while, Theo got out of the pool, picked up a towel, and went inside. Then Lanier got out also, and stood by the pool drying off. I got out, and Lanier pointed to the stack of towels. I stood there drying off, enjoying being naked in front of Helen. It was now dark, but lights had gone on, lighting up the pool area. King got out and walked over to the towels. I saw that the boy's penis was erect. King, however, acted as if heedless of that condition. He stood there drying off his head, chest, and back with his penis thrusting itself up in front of his belly. While I dressed, Helen stood up and, still naked, walked sedately inside.
Everybody but King drank wine at dinner. King drank iced chai.
The children occupied the third floor of the house, on which there were three small garrets and a small bathroom off the narrow hallway. The second floor had a wide hallway, two large rooms (occupied respectively by Roberta and Theo) with a small room which, though it had its own door, served as the entranceway to the stairway to the third floor. When we were going to bed, Lanier stripped naked and walked out into the hallway headed for the bathroom. When he came back, I also went out there naked. I literally bumped into Helen in the little hall. She was naked also. "Watch where you're going, Cristophe," she said irritably. Then - incredibly - she slapped my arm - rather hard, in fact. Then she sashayed into the bathroom. I went back to Lanier's room, where he was already asleep, and got into the double bed with him. I woke up in the middle of the night, laying face down, and Lanier was on top of me, forcing his erect penis into my anus. I would have liked a little foreplay, but I lay there without resisting while he fucked me. It took him quite a while, it seemed to me, to finally ejaculate inside me.
In the morning, Lanier was gently shaking me awake. He was standing next to the bed. It was Saturday morning, he said to me, and we should start the day with a swim. I was game. We padded down the two flights of stairs and out to the back yard, where we found the rest of the family. Helen and King were bouncing up and down in the pool splashing each other with water by slamming their palms on the surface of the pool. Roberta and Theo were seated at a small, glass-topped patio table, drinking coffee. Theo was naked. Roberta was wearing a sweatshirt and cut-off shorts that exposed her fleshy and, I thought, exquisite thighs. There were a stack of coffee cups and a pot of coffee on the table between the two parents, and I sauntered over to request a cup of coffee. It was offered before I could ask, by Theo, who proceeded to pour me a cup and hand it to me. Holding the saucer in one hand, I stood in front of them sipping the refreshing warm liquid. Ms. Wentworth seemed to glance at my lower body.
"Look at that, Theo!" she exclaimed, throwing me into confusion, as the novelists say. Theo looked at me, too. "Tan lines," Roberta went on. She looked at my face. "You need to get an all-over tan, Cristophe," she said, smiling. I smiled back. When I finished the coffee, I reached across Roberta to set the cup and saucer down on the little table. I turned around then towards the pool and, as I walked away - incredibly - Roberta slapped my butt. I dived into the pool. These people were certainly forward. I swam across the pool, pulled myself up the side, and walked over to one end of the pool, where I lay down on my back, as if taking Roberta's advice. I put my hands behind my head and closed my eyes. The soft morning sunshine lay across me. I was in heaven. As I lay there, my penis started to swell somewhat. I had mixed feelings about that. But then I thought, what the hell, everybody here's so forward anyway. I lay there, basking in the sun, feeling my slightly swollen penis laying against my thigh. After a while a shadow spread across me, and I opened my eyes to see Lanier standing over me.
"Come on, Cristophe," he said, "Time for breakfast."
I stood up, my penis getting harder and bouncing around. I looked around the backyard. Roberta and Theo were not there anymore. King was striding towards the house, and Helen was standing across the length of the pool looking at me. I looked at her naked body. My penis was sticking stiffly out in front of me now. I took a running dive into the pool and swam the length of it. At the opposite end, I looked up from where I was grasping the edge, about to hoist myself up. I was looking directly up at the wedge of brown hair at the base of Helen's belly. She turned around casually and walked inside while I watched her.
Lanier handed me a towel when I got out of the pool and we stood there drying off for a few minutes. I followed Lanier through the back porch and into the kitchen. The family was already seated. Helen was wearing jeans and a tee shirt, but Theo and King were still naked. Lanier sat down. Roberta, who was still dressed, said, "We're not dressing for breakfast, Cristophe; you can just sit down." My seat was between Roberta, who was seated on one end, and Helen. During breakfast, I could feel myself getting tumescent again. Helen seemed to glance down at my lap from time to time, but I'm not sure: maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part. What if she told her parents I had a hard on at the breakfast table? Oh, well, I thought, it probably wouldn't matter. King finished breakfast first, excused himself, and went into the living room to watch cartoons on TV. Fortunately, when Lanier suggested going up to his room, my erection had gone down. When we walked through the living room, King was lying naked on his side on the floor, watching TV. I stole a look at his long penis dangling down.
Helen came up the stairs behind us. "Want to see my yearbook, Cristophe?" she said when we got to the attic hallway. I said, sure, and she immediately invited me into her room. So I followed her in naked, while Lanier went into his room. She got out her school yearbook and while I sat at her vanity table, she stood next to me and pointed out all the pictures of her, as a cheerleader, on the swimming team, gymnastics, etc., etc. "Well, that's it," she said finally and slapped the book shut. I stood up, standing there naked in front of her, and thanked her. What a trip! I went back to Lanier's room. Lanier was lying on his side on the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over his naked body. He rolled onto his back. I lay on top of him. My penis became erect. He kissed me on the neck. I turned myself around so that my head was over his penis. I shoved my pelvis down over Lanier's face and poked my penis between his lips. He began to suck me. I put my mouth on his penis. He came almost immediately when I started sucking him. And then he fell asleep. I pulled my penis from his mouth and crawled out of bed. I went out into the hallway just as King arrived at the top of the stairs. He walked over to me, his long penis slapping against his thighs. My penis was so erect it seemed to me to be straining at the head. He stood in front of me. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. The touch of his soft lips was achingly sweet. We pressed our lips together. We pressed our bodies together. His long penis was erect and pressing against my legs. I took hold of it and masturbated him - there in the hallway, until he came, shaking convulsively. The door of Helen's room opened, and we jumped apart and stood facing Helen, both of us - King and I - had erections. It didn't seem to faze her any more than if we had just been naked without erections. She walked past us to the bathroom.
I went into Lanier's room and found him sitting on the bed masturbating. I sat next to him and jacked him off and myself at the same time. Then I crawled into bed and fell asleep.
"Boys, your father and I are going out with Frieda and Tony Wood tonight." This sentence woke me up late in the afternoon. The light was on. I sat up, rubbed sleep from my eyes, and looked around. Lanier and King were sitting, still naked (none of us boys apparently had been dressed all day, and as I found out later, Lanier and King had been in the pool while I was sleeping), in the two chairs in the room, and Ms. Wentworth was standing in the doorway, back-lit by the hall light, dressed in a bra, heels, and a white half-slip over her pantyhose. She was putting on an earring, her arms raised on one side of her tilted head. I thought I could see the dark outline of her delta of Venus through the white fabric of her slip and the sheer hose. She looked so voluptuous. She turned and minced away on her heels.
"Stop gawking, Cristophe," Lanier said.
When the three of us went downstairs naked that evening, Helen was in the kitchen with a pound of hamburger on the kitchen counter and a frying pan on the stove. When she saw us, she made King prepare and fry the hamburgers. We drank beer with dinner. We boys never got dressed all that day, but Helen was still in jeans and a sweatshirt at the dinner table. After dinner, Lanier called his girlfriend on the phone. I hadn't known he had one. This was a little girl in the neighborhood, named Zorah. Zorah came over half an hour later. Helen, King, and I were already in the pool when Zorah and Lanier came out into the backyard. I got out of the pool and walked up to them to get introduced. I got a charge out of meeting this girl when I was naked. Zorah was petite and dark and pretty - rather extraordinarily beautiful, actually - especially for someone so young. She had long black hair that fell extravagantly about her slim shoulders. I was anxious, quite frankly, to get an eye full of Zorah naked. Zorah drew herself a beer from the keg, drank some of it, and then began to disrobe. I was in the pool watching as she undressed. Her figure was lithe and her skin dark olive. There was a mat of curly black hair on her plump vulva. Helen caught me gawking and said tartly, "See something you like, Cristophe?" I chuckled stupidly (sometimes I can be so gauche: it's depressing to think about how gauche I am sometimes - chortling inanely, for god's sake!). Then as I was bobbing in the water, Helen pulled herself out of the pool right in front of me, her legs spreading and displaying a bawdy view of her slightly gaping lips and third eye. When she stood up, she turned around and looked down at me. Then she put her nose in the air, turned around, and strode into the house. King swam up behind me and pressed himself against me, putting his arms around my waist. I could feel his tumescent penis sliding around under my ass. It got stiffer and stiffer as he began rubbing it back and forth between my thighs. Zorah and Lanier looked over at us. I waved at them and smiled. They went inside. King began rhythmic thrusting motions and after a few minutes grunted as he came, after which he lay back and floated on his back. I got out of the pool, drew a glass of beer, and sat down to drink it while I watched King floating on his back like a seal. When I finished the beer, I went inside. King was still floating. I went upstairs.
Lanier's bedroom door was shut. I knelt down at the keyhole and looked in. (I'm so bad. But even peeking through a keyhole isn't as bad as chortling inanely.) I had a direct view of the bed. Zorah was lying face down on the bed, and Lanier was lying on top of her, thrusting his pelvis up and down. I stood up just in time before Helen's door opened.
I went back downstairs and washed the dinner dishes. Why not be a model guest? I thought. Helen came into the kitchen, dressed in jeans and sweatshirt again, as I was finishing up. "You could have used the dishwasher," she said pointedly, making me feel like a fool.
"I'm not sure how to work it," I said.
"It's easy," she snorted and swished out of the room.
When I went into the living room a moment later, King and Helen were watching women's kickboxing on TV. King was still naked and sitting on the sofa, so I sat down on the floor and leaned back against the sofa, next to his legs. Helen got out a bottle of wine, and we all had a glass. Then Lanier came downstairs with Zorah. Lanier was naked, but Zorah had gotten dressed. They joined us watching TV. It was an interesting group, to be sure. I thought of going upstairs to masturbate, but then I kept thinking maybe something would break for me, as it were, and I could have a sexual adventure with someone other than myself.
When the kickboxing show ended, King went upstairs to his room, and Zorah said she was going home. Lanier said he'd walk her home, and he went upstairs to get dressed. I went also, and put on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, which I wore untucked and with the sleeves rolled up. I rolled a joint, and when Lanier got back, we went into the backyard to smoke it. While we were smoking it, Helen came out, and we shared it with her, which quieted her initial protests of us taking drugs in their own backyard. We sat outside for a while, enjoying being high. When we went back inside, Lanier's parents were just arriving home. They had the Woods with them. I was introduced to them as Cristophe, Lanier's houseguest and schoolmate. Frieda Wood turned out to be a knockout. She was slender and blond, with brown eyes, and a highly refined beauty. She wore her chin-length hair in a little flip. She wore a short - very short - black crepe dress. The proverbial little black dress. I suppose she was thirty-nine or forty; in other words, about the same age as Roberta Wentworth. Her husband was slender and handsome, with whitening fair hair and a goatee. Then Helen grabbed up the half-full bottle of wine we had been drinking, and Lanier and I followed her upstairs, where we went into Lanier's room to polish off the hooch. We decided to smoke another joint and put a towel under the door and opened the window. Lanier lit a candle and turned out the light. The three of us sat on the floor and smoked the joint and then lay back to enjoy it. We could hear party and pool noises below in the back yard. I wondered if the four of them were naked. The window faced the side yard, however, and so I couldn't look to see.
Lanier put on his pajamas and got into bed. Helen suggested taking the wine bottle to her room. I'd like to be relating now that Helen danced naked for me while I masturbated in front of her or some such thing. But that didn't happen. In fact, what did happen was that I started inappropriately disclosing about my infatuation with my boss - my mean boss. Naturally, Helen said I was foolish to entertain such ideas about someone who so obviously disliked me and someone so inappropriate at that.
Finally, when I went out into the hall, I encountered Frieda Wood. She was dressed as she had been earlier, in her little black dress, but her hair was damp. She said she was coming up to use the bathroom, because the one on the second floor was occupied. She looked at me intently.
"You're not one of the family," she said, peering at me over her wire-rim glasses as if just figuring that out. "Oh yes, you're Lanier's little boyfriend."
Which was a funny way to put it, I thought, since I thought of myself as more or less a grown man. I was in college, after all. Or did she mean that she assumed we were lovers? "I'm Cristophe," I said and grabbed Frieda Wood's hand to shake it. She fell against me - she was quite tipsy - and I placed my lips softly against the side of her neck while her bosom pressed against my chest. She started to lean away, but I put my arms around her back and held her close to me, still with my lips pressed to her neck. She stood still in my arms; I was supporting her weight against me. She pressed her lips to my neck, and we stayed that way for several minutes - with our lips pressed to each other's neck. My heart was racing, and at the same time, I felt a wonderful calm and peacefulness flowing through my whole body. It seemed like one of the most wonderful moments of my life, coming as it did, so unexpectedly.
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Hey everyone. This is your Harish back again. Thank you all for the huge response to my previous stories. I am so happy that my story has satisfied your long rods and wet pussies. This is the third part of the ‘Kiss of Love And Sex’ series. New readers, I request you to read the first three parts of the series to get a better understanding and description of my story. A quick re-introduction about myself, I am Harish (name changed) from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Age 24. Fair complexion. I go to...
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Cindy lay in the tub and relaxed as the jet propelled water wafted over every inch of her lean sun tanned body. What a day! It felt good just to not have to move! She was startled when the door to the bathroom door literally burst open as her mother hurriedly plopped down on the john and let loose with a audible sigh as a river of hot pee gushed from her pussy. I'm sorry, hon," she apologized while she wiped her damp crack, "I just couldn't hold it another minute!" "That's all right," Cindy...
LesbianAmanda is my best friend’s daughter. She’s been staying with me for the last few months. Her mother passed away about a year ago. Her father started to drink and went into severe depression. Later, he had to be hospitalized for the nervous breakdown that he suffered. He didn’t have any family that could watch Amanda. I told him I would be happy to take care of her in his absence. Amanda is eighteen. She’s quite a handful. She loves boys and I think she probably has had sexual intercourse...
Hi.. My name is James.. I have been using another account to write my sexual experiences before but lost my email account.. So I’m signing in from a new account.. I’ll give an introduction of myself.. My name is James.. I’m from Kerala.. Currently studying in Karnataka.. I’m 6ft 1inch tall.. I have a 6 inch long dick.. I’m athletic and a bit on the darker side.. I like to experiment all forms of sex.. So any girls or guys interested in any form of sex can contact me at Moving on to the story.....
Sabina Rouge and Claire Brunette are having a tiff because Claire is fucking Sabina’s ex boyfriend. Claire gets to her breaking point and tells Sabina that her ex dumped her because she was bad in bed. Sabina decides to prove to Evelyn that she’s great in bed. Shoving Evelyn against the door, Sabina shoves her hand down Evelyn’s pants to make her point crystal clear. Evelyn is kind of into her friend’s forceful attitude. She lets Sabina turn her around so that her face...
xmoviesforyouPart IV: College Capers I settled into my college life with an overwhelming work load, both day and night. I was so thankful when all options for college residence were exhausted and my parents were left with the only choice of a one bedroomed furnished apartment, across the road from the college. When Cathy (my younger sister) heard this her eyes began to sparkle again and her mischievous little mind started racing! It did not take her long to persuade mother to allow her to spend a week-end...
IncestMy name is sebin….Am a school student ………..My mother is nafisa and dad is rahim…We are from a middle muslim family…..My dad is working in partnership with is brothers in coimbatore and come home twice a month…Our family earns enough to live a simple life …I have many friends at school….My best friends are vinu and jacob…They are quite richer than me…….All boys from other class are also my friends…My mom usually wears saree and a scarf which muslim women wear over her head…..But am modern…I...
“Daisy,” Heather grumbled to the dog following her. “I’m horny. Where’s daddy?”Heather groaned to herself as she stomped her feet, strolling around the house, bored, and naked except for her hair scrunchie and her Ugg boots.Her mother was at work at the hospital. She had told her daughter to finish a certain number of “job applications and/or college applications.” So far, Heather had completed zero.She stopped by the window and played with her blonde hair, unconcerned that someone might see...
TabooOnce a year we meet up with friends we have known for years. Our kids grew up together and are all still good friends. They moved away because of his job. He got the promotion at work but it took them about 5 hours ride north of where we all used to live. We used to holiday with Joe and Lisa and the kids all got on like a house on fire. They were all in the same age bracket and because they were all a mixture of boys and girls, they never used to fight. We try meet up two or three times a...
Straight SexKate and her four friends were coming back from a trip when their car broke down. They were in the middle of nowhere and their cell phones couldn’t pick up any signals to get any help. They were a little scared and decided to walk until one of their phones got a signal. It was getting a little dark but they saw a light from a distant house and none of them remembered one being there before.Kate checked her phone seeing that there was still no signal and decided that they should knock on the...
LesbianIt whooshed out of my mouth in a harsh whisper, “Oh, my god.”My front row seat let me see every detail even in the flickering tiki torch light. She owned the outdoor stage. Her hips swished back and forth, her stride sensuous grace. Her long chestnut hair, glowed a burnish bronze. The hot humid night fueled my desire and the girl was walking lust.I poked at my buddies arm. “Larry…. Larry, look up there.”He was sitting next to me but his attention was focused on the buxom blonde seated next to...
She had intended to see who she was fucking after Chloe removed her blindfold, but then he came. When he did, his member swelled inside. It was just what she'd needed to throw her over the edge. But once she heard someone calling her name, she was compelled to see who it was. Kayla looked down at the man. They made eye contact. "Alex? You're in Florence Marina!" Eugene laughed, "No Kayla, he's inside you. Can't you feel him?" The room exploded in laughter. Kayla didn't reply....
At first I’d been horrified. How awful. How cruel and sadistic. This author was twisted and misogynistic. Why I kept reading them, I don’t know. They were all the same; treating women like no more that consumables to be used and physically abused. I’d stumbled on the site quite by accident; who hasn’t done that? An innocent Googling of some innocuous topic, and shock, horror, photos of fucking and sucking - well, if that’s all it is, it’s quite a pleasant surprise, but this site that I’d just...
------------------------------- My name is Tom and I am a 30-year-old white male. I am 6\'1\" tall and in good shape and am well endowed in the guy parts department. I am divorced with two great kids that I only get to see occasionally. I have been living with Tanya for a year now. She is a super sexy 23-year-old black girl. She is 5\'3\" and weighs about 110 pounds. She has short curly black hair and skin the color of milk chocolate. I would say that her measurements...
He left the door open when he walked out. The woman came in a few moments later and said 'are you ok dear' She said she was fine, sitting there in just her underwear. Wondering if she should get dressed or not. A phone rang at the other end of the house and the woman left. She came back a minute later and said 'another customer on the way love, we leave the doors open and the gentlemen choose from the available rooms.Just make yourself comfortable and lets just see what happens shall we' She...
Hi hot and sexy girls here is the third part of ‘How I fucked my aunty who is sex goddess for me’ story of mine. Who don’t know me let me introduce myself I am Anuj now days lives in Anand (Gujarat) I am 21 years and having athletic body. last incident of sex which happened last year after that I hadn’t done sex till and searching some hot and sexy females who wants to have some fun and sex. This story is one of my aunty, who is best friend of my mom. Her age is 32 with figure 36-28-33. Fucked...
IncestThis continues where I left off So I found myself with aching balls and 3 naked women fast asleep--what was wrong with this.My fantasy of being on an island with naked women was long term, there is no way I can properly take care of 3 women for 2 days--I am human and still partly fucked out from this week anyway. I finally sorta fell asleep in a chair and so it went.Then some time before dawn, Linda jumps up and says I gotta pee, heading for the door she did not even put on her sandals. The...
SRU: The Lovers (K)not By Morpheus and Raven Classes at Zenith Heights High School were finished for the day. Jake Preston, the senior class president, most popular student, and general BMOC (Big Man on Campus) was strolling casually toward his car, when he spotted a familiar face moving hurriedly to intercept him. He was a tall, athletic-looking black guy, wearing a school letterman jacket. "Hey Ty?" Jake cried out to his best friend, and, coincidently, the star player on the...
“This is a bad idea.” “Come on, Jack, she just got in the shower so we have plenty of time.” Jack, my 47-year-old stepfather, shook his head as he smiled. “Okay, but we have to hurry.” I smiled while I softly pushed him on his bed. Once in a sitting position, I hurriedly unzipped Jack’s pants, lowered it along with his boxers, setting his cock free. I licked my lips as I saw the thick, long erection that throbbed under my lustful stare. I gave his cock a long, languorous lick that always made...
TabooIt was some months before i went out alone, I was tired of masturbating and not having any fun. so i decided to go visit Horse Dick Harry(Charlie's Uncle Harry). I was thinking of the last time I was there and the little skinny chick whose cunt I was forced to eat. As I walked up to the door of Harry's home, I began to ask myself if I was hooked on big cocks or if I just like to be abused while having sex. I stepped on to the little stoop and the door flew open. There stood Harry, with a robe...
My sister, Maggie and I have always had a pretty good relationship.. nothing sexual in the least, and as a family.. I'd say we have a good strong one. We all work together with my folks, and go on vacations together by choice, and really enjoy being around one another. It's a great thing.A few days after Maggie got to meet Connie, by accident I had surely thought, she and I had goofed around and she had started to k** me a bit about how the three of us got into that awkward situation. But...
Macy Meadows is not happy with her college experience, so far it’s all work and no play. Worst yet, they guys she fucks all cum in under 2 minutes. Her professor, Michael, notices that she is unhappy with the quality of cock at the school so she gives her a little advice: try older cock. Older guys are much more experienced and can provide Macy with a better quality fuck session. Macy takes her professor’s advice to heart and has him pull down his pants so she can get some of that...
xmoviesforyouCallie gasped, suddenly enveloped in complete blackness. Reflexively, she clutched Jack’s hand more tightly. ‘It’s okay, Callie, ‘ he soothed, ‘we’ve just lost power.’ ‘I know, I know,’ she replied breathlessly, ‘You must think I’m a total idiot.’ ‘No… would you like to know what I think of you?’ He began stroking her hand gently with his thumb. ‘Ummm.. no… maybe…. yes?’ Taking a deep breath, Klaus plunged forward. ‘I think you’re the most intelligent woman I’ve ever known. I think you...
You don’t even know what you were doing out on a boat. It must have been a hell of a wild night. One of many. You’ve been laid off. Since you were a college dropout, you can’t get a lot of jobs and rent is coming up. You’ve pretty much just taken to downing your sorrows with alcohol. Something that you have to start reconsidering as you drift off into the ocean after falling off said boat with a life vest on. You’ve lost track of how long you’ve been floating out in the ocean. You’ve started to...
Fantasy“Mark, are the orders really that dangerous?” Constance whined. “I mean. I can’t lose you. I just can’t.” “I don’t want to lose me either,” I said. “But soldiers have a very old saying. You take the king’s shilling, you do the king’s bidding.” “What?” Constance asked. “A shilling was a kind of money long ago. They don’t use it anymore,” I replied. “Basically it was a way for soldiers to point out that they accepted the duty when they accepted the pay. “But you aren’t paid,” Constance...
To say that Tamsin Walker was a night owl would be understating it a bit. Nocturnal was a better description of her behavior. She rarely left her small dorm room during the day time. She much preferred to stay in bed, either alone or with company, leaving its warmth and comfort only occasionally to raid her mini fridge for snacks or to lean out of her window and smoke. Once the sun went down and the curtain of night fell though, that's when she functioned best. She could bash out a three...
RomanceThe magician continues to weave his magic, sliding his finger in and out of her moist hole. Karina moans, licking her lips. He plunges, not rubbing, just thrusting with his digit, ignoring her surrounding flesh, her clit, focusing too much of his attentions on her cock slot. She fights to divert his attentions. Kneeling next to him, on all fours, Karina is sucking on his meat, keeping her cunt within easy reach. Karina enjoys herself, diving for the head, sliding her moist tongue around his...
First time ever sucking cock in panties: This is the first encounter Taylor had with another man. Taylor had just started wearing his mothers panties after taking interest in a mesh thong he found in the laundry. After a few weeks of wearing them he wanted to share his passion with someone else but never thought of who it could be with. All he knew is that it had to happen soon. That when Donnie came into the picture… literally.. It all started innocently enough...
: First Time Anal!!My second day with my cyber lover!!I woke first, and lay taking in the sight of her naked body lying next to me. Although it was still early morning the heat was kicking in, and she was obviously feeling it, as she had kicked off the covers and was lying there in all her naked glory. She looked so beautiful and I couldn´t believe my luck that she had chosen to fly so far, just to be with me. I thought back to the previous days events and felt my cock begin to stir.Her eyes...
Nikky Thorne invites hot yoga instructor Veronica Leal over for dinner and treats her to a sensual sapphic session. These gorgeous Penthouse lesbians kiss passionately before stripping off their clothes revealing sexy black lingerie and stockings. The two beguiling beauties can’t get enough of each other, licking their perfect pussies and using a glass dildo for fucking, both loving the taste of their juices as they share the toy. Enjoy the back arching climaxes of these irresistible...
xmoviesforyouWaltz TimebyMoondrift©What a bastard I must have been; what an abominable shit. If there are years I'd like to revisit it would be those from when I was around twelve to sixteen, just to see if I could do a better job second time around.On second thoughts I don't think I'd like to revisit them. I've heard people say, "Those are the best years of your life." They may be for some, but not for me. They were the loneliest years of my life, and no wonder given the sort of arsehole I was. Always...
My boyfriend's roommate...Part 4 I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and with all the other symptoms of an acute hangover. I lay in bed, trying to get some more sleep but that wasn't coming either. I reached for my phone and checked my messages. One was from Kabir, checking if I had woken up. As the events of the previous night was coming back to me, irritation crept in. Kabir had chosen to continue at the party even when his girlfriend was drunk and wanted to go home....
Sexy But No Sex Drive My wife is extremely sexy but she absolutely has no sex drive. I never really cared before. We met, she let me fuck her, and that was about all that I needed. So I married her for sex. Any time I asked she willing spread her legs for me. She never masturbated, she never had an orgasm, and she didn’t seem to care…as long as I was happy. I sure was happy…for about fifteen years. My wife is willing to please me in every way possible. She proves it in bed almost...
Jake had just finished his first essay of the term, and so had arranged to meet a few mates at a local coffee shop for a relaxing beverage, and some idle chat. He arrived a few minutes early, desperate to leave the library where he had spent the better part of 5 hours. As he walked up to order his coffee, he caught a glimpse of a face he recognised, but she turned her back too soon for him to get a good look. Shrugging it off, he ordered a coffee and sat down, grabbing a paper and skimming...
He drained the last of his coffee and looked over his shoulder as footsteps approached, it was Donald, Donald came to lean against the railing next to him, dressed in khaki Capri’s, a blue golf t-shirt and brown loafers, Donald still oozed money, confidence and respect. The two of them stared out over the blue ocean for some time and then Donald turned to him, “Do you have anybody in mind for next week?” Steve nodded, “I do, I’m just curious to know if you will approve of...
This is an absolutely true story. To prepare for my evening, I have put on an outfit like I wish that I could wear all the time, everyday. First, I shower, and shave everything below my hair silky smooth. Then, I put on my complete, extremely heavy makeup, with concealer, foundation, powder, eyebow penciling, eyeshadows, eyeliner, several coats of mascara, blush, and glossy lipstick. I then begin dressing. I pull on my silky panties and Legg's Sheer Energy pantyhose. I put in some front...
Luke ran his hand up her back as she stretched. It was late, and his love was getting tired. They had spent the night watching movie after movie. It was Friday and she wasn't working tomorrow and he wasn't working tomorrow. That was enough of a reason to celebrate with a mini movie marathon. They watched her movie, "the Notebook", and then watched his, "Blazin Saddles". He personally thought his was the better of the two. To think 2 months ago he didn't even know this woman. Now he...
Hi! My name is Grace. I’m thirty-seven. Divorced with an nineteen year old son and I have discovered a totally new life opening up for me.It was five years ago when Ted - arsehole of a husband - broke the news that he was leaving me for an eighteen year old who he’d got pregnant. I told him and eighteen year old tart would not do all the other things a housewife does. He replied that the way she fucked, HE was prepared to do all the other things a housewife does. To be honest, I saw her...