Adventures Of Miracle Steve 2 free porn video

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He drained the last of his coffee and looked over his shoulder as footsteps approached, it was Donald, Donald came to lean against the railing next to him, dressed in khaki Capri’s, a blue golf t-shirt and brown loafers, Donald still oozed money, confidence and respect. The two of them stared out over the blue ocean for some time and then Donald turned to him,

“Do you have anybody in mind for next week?”

Steve nodded,

“I do, I’m just curious to know if you will approve of her.”

Donald smiled slightly,

“As long as she is famous and have been in at least one blockbuster, she will be fine.”

Steve arched an eyebrow,

“Lucy wasn’t in any blockbusters…”

Donald raised a finger,

“Indeed, but she is an international figure due to one role she played, that is enough. Just make sure they are famous Steve. Now who do you have in mind?”

“Jamie Lee Curtis”

Donald nodded,

“Not a bad choice, get it done.”

Steve nodded and Donald turned and walked away, Steve stared after him, wondering how the man’s head worked. He then shrugged and took the empty cup down to the galley, getting himself breakfast and after that he hit the internet, looking up contact details and any work Jamie could be busy with. Luckily it seemed like she was between productions at the time and he found a number for her agent, he used the number to phone and after a bit of haggling he got a meeting set for the next day.

The funny thing about being the problem solver is that you tend to search all avenues and resources available to sort out the problem. Steve was not known to do just this, instead he just set his mind to sort out a problem and for some reason problems just seem to sort themselves out. But then again, having billions in backing, it made his job a little bit easier. Two hours after his call he was on the Goldstein helicopter and on his way to Santa Monica for his meeting with the Scream Queen.

He landed three hours early for their meeting, he searched for an attorney’s office close to the meeting and found several, but only came highly recommended by most of the mentions, Sam&Steve attorneys at law. He phoned them, wanting to know if there was an opening for the day and as his luck would have it, he got an appointment within the next ten minutes. Being dressed in a suit like he was, he sure wasn’t going to walk there, so a short cab ride later, he made it just in time.

Adjusting his tie, he stepped through the double glass doors with the attorney’s logo on them, the reception area was spacious, neat and well furnished, he had to admit that the black leather would not have worked if there was no air-conditioning. The receptionist welcomed him with a smile, she was a cute brunette, petite and quite short even in heels, she escorted him personally to a door, knocked and opened it, Steve thanked her and stepped inside. He had a meeting with Sam Nelson, what caught Steve off-guard was the fact that Sam turned out to be a tall redheaded woman whose suit had to be tailored as the skirt accentuated her curves without being too obvious about it, her jacket hugged her middle, but flared out enough to cover her quite generous breasts, which of course hid behind a well tailored shirt, but Steve knew big breasts when he saw them.

Below that slightly curly red hair, two blue eyes smiled at him along with her red lips, her skin was flawless as far as he could see and if she did hide it under make-up she wasn’t using a lot. Her cheekbones was high and along with her narrow jaw, gave her an elvish look, or either how people think an elf should look like.

“Good morning mister Gordon, I’m Samantha Nelson, most people call me Sam.”

Steve shook her cool hand,

“Good morning ma’am, you sure have a very nice place here.”

She smiled again at him and moved back to her desk, Steve could not help but admire her ass as she moved back around the desk. She motioned for him to take a seat and they both sat down, he leaned back in the chair and managed to keep his eyes above her neckline, not that her shirt exposed anything, but it was clear that men would be looking.

“So how can I help you mister Gordon?”

“Well I recently gained employment from an employer, he has no problem with money and have urged me to gain temporary employment from very well-known ladies. Since this is a rather sensitive outing for these people I have wondered if there is any type of contract that could be written up to protect these ladies’ privacy and of course my employer should anything go wrong.”

The manicured eyebrows rose slightly and Steve wondered if he had said something wrong, instead she pulled a legal pad closer and started to write up something,

“These famous women, they are in public eye?”

Steve nodded,

“Very much, you can say public figures.”

She nodded,

“Celebrities then, this temporary employment, is it anything illegal?”

Steve thought for a while,

“Well to be honest I’m not sure.”

Sam paused and looked up at him,

“What do they need to do?”

Steve could feel a blush creeping up from under his collar,

“They are to be human platters.”

Another rise of the eyebrows,

“They need to lie naked, covered in food?”

Steve nodded,

“Well if you get somebody to agree to that and they go willingly it is not really outside the law…”

“They are also just there for a maximum of four hours, they are only seen by selected guests, no cameras or any imaging happens. It is all to keep this a secret and of course to keep the lady’s image intact.”

Sam nodded,

“So it is just for show, nothing else happens?”

Steve paused and Sam looked up at him again, her look rather hard for Steve to read,

“Well…nothing apart from just for show happens without her consent.”

Sam’s smile spoke volumes of what she deducted from the pause, Steve felt that she knew, but she returned her gaze to the pad and kept writing, when she was done; she slid the pad over to Steve.

“Read it through, it is a rough draft, but as it stands there, it will be a legal document.”

Steve read through the document and nodded, it was basically what he had in mind, it protected both Mr Goldstein and whomever they get to agree to go to the boat if anything should ever leak out. He slid the pad back to her,

“Can it be typed and faxed?”

He paused,

“All of it in discretion of course.”

Sam’s teeth flashed white behind the red lipstick,

“Of course Mister Gordon, it will increase the fee though to fax it.”

Sam shrugged,

“It doesn’t matter, this is something I’m sure Mister…I mean my boss would like.”

Sam considered him for a few moments, then called in her secretary, handing her the papers,

“Mister Gordon will give you a number, type it up and fax it through please.”

Compared to Samantha the secretary was a bit mousy, her dirty blonde hair tied back into a bun, the glasses and slightly baggy clothing gave her an air of inferiority. Steve gave her the number, which she scribbled down on the legal pad and headed through the door back to her office. Steve glanced at his watch, this was going much quicker than he had thought it would go,

“So Mister Gordon, you have me very curious now and since we are under attorney/client privacy I am very certain that you rest assured that what you say will be save.”

Steve fidgeted slightly,

“But I still have the right to not answer if I wish?”

Sam smiled and nodded,

“Of course, this is not a hearing of any sort. So Steve, may I call you Steve?”

He nodded,

“Aren’t you a bit young to be doing this kind of work?”

Steve chuckled,

“I’m sure I’ll be hearing that a lot. I figure that I am, but then again I’m twenty one, so not too young.”

Sam smiled,

“And what is your work capacity with your new employer?”

Steve scratched his jaw,

“I think it is called Personal Mediator.”

Sam blinked,

“You’re a problem solver?”

Steve nodded,

“That can be very dangerous if you are working for the wrong people Steve.”

Steve nodded again,

“I know, but I don’t think Mister Goldstein is a very dangerous man.”

This information clearly took Sam by surprise,

“You mean to tell me that you’re working for Mister Donald Goldstein?”

Steve wondered if he had perhaps said too much, but nodded to her question, she leaned back in her chair and just as she was about to ask something else the secretary came in, handing over a few sheets of paper.

“Thank you Sarah, it went through?”

The secretary nodded, Steve pulled out his cellphone, he was sure that Donald would have been informed of the fax already, he dialled Donald’s number, who picked up on the second ring.

“Yes Steve?”

“Have you received the fax I sent sir?”

“Ah so it is from you, I was just beginning to worry when they told me it’s from an attorney’s office. What is it about?”

“Well it is a document for the private functions sir, I noticed that we have no legal protection should something go wrong. Since I had some time before my meeting, I decided to ask some professional help on this.”

There was a short silence on the other side and Steve could hear pages ruffling,

“I’m impressed Steve, you’re setting a very high standard for yourself. Carl never thought about something like this. I will send this over to Burk&Bailey and let them place it under our documents, who are you meeting with over there?”

“Sam Nelson sir”

A chuckle came over the lines,

“I hear she is one of the best, from this it certainly seems like they’re right, I have been thinking of moving up from Burk&Bailey, see what you can organize for us over there.”

Steve nodded,

“Yes sir, I will do that.”

A sneaky thought came to mind and from Sam’s reaction to Mister Goldstein’s name, his idea might just work. He got up,

“Thank you ma’am, Mister Goldstein is pleased with your work, can I have a copy of those papers?”

If there was gears to grind, Steve was sure he would hear them move in Samantha’s head, she slid the papers over to him.

“I do hope we can work together again in the future Mister Gordon…”

Steve paused and looked at her, giving her a slight smile,

“Well since I do work for Mister Goldstein and this was basically a once-off, I doubt it, unless of course Mister Goldstein gets a notion to move away from Burke&Baley.”

‘Easy tiger, don’t over-do it’

He admonished himself, but it did seem that his lure had the desired effect, a whimsical look came over Sam’s face before she could hide it. She gave him a smile and from the few minutes he had dealt with her, he was sure this was no professional smile either.

“Well perhaps he could be persuaded by somebody who has seen the operation?”

Steve glanced at his watch and gave her a smile,

“I’m sure that can be arranged, but I have to get to a meeting. Do I just pay the bill at reception?”

Sam got to her feet, her blue eyes considering him for a few moments,

“Can we arrange a meeting to discuss this endeavour?”

Steve nodded,

“Sure ma’am, when do you have an opening?”

She quickly typed on her computer and scrolled with her mouse,

“Next week Tuesday.”

Steve was actually pleasantly surprised, the party was for the same day, so he could come in with the helicopter, meet with Sam and head back out. He just hoped that he could secure Mrs Curtis’ “services”

“That would be perfect, say around eleven?”

She typed a quick note and nodded, holding out her hand to him,

“It was good meeting you Mister Gordon, you can pay the bill at reception if you want or give her an address to send it to.”

Steve shook her hand,

“Thank you ma’am, I shall see you next week Tuesday then.”

Steve paid the bill, which was surprisingly low for the degree of work and headed out, he had an hour left before the meeting, he got a cab and gave the driver the address. Half an hour later Steve found himself outside a tall white house, with red tiled roof, straightening his tie and suit, he pressed the gate’s buzzer, he looked up at the security camera,


“I’m here to see Mrs Curtis?”

There was a long pause and then a click, a side gate swung open and Steve stepped through, he followed the paved pathway to the house’s front door, as he mounted the steps, the front door opened.

‘I am not going to get used to this am I?’

Jamie Lee Curtis stood in the doorway, she was dressed in black slacks and a loose jersey, her hair dyed her original brown, but still in a short style and she was barefooted. Well not what you would expect from a baroness, but he was not here to judge her.

“You must be Mister Gordon?”

Steve nodded,

“Yes I am.”

She studied him for a while, probably mulling over why he’s so young, then she stepped aside,

“Come in, you are early, but I’m sure that will not be a problem.”

He stepped past her and stopped inside, she breezed past him and he followed,

“I phoned around Mister Gordon, your employer is quite a name.”

Steve nodded at her back,

“Yes ma’am, I was quite surprised to meet him in person.”

She chuckled,

“You have to excuse me, we’re busy packing, my husband is away on business and I have to get ready to fly to New York later, I’m hosting a fundraiser.”

“Oh no problem at all ma’am, I will try and not take up too much of your time.”

They entered a room, the windows looked out onto a garden, the sunlight streamed in through the windows and comfortable sofas stood around a low coffee table on which a tray with coffee stood. Steve got himself a cup of coffee on Jamie’s insistence and they sat down to talk. Of course at first she flatly refused, she was topless In a movie and that still haunted her, to Steve it seemed like she would be chasing him out of her home any minute. Steve sighed and then a plan popped into his head,

“What if we offer very generous donations to your various funds and causes?”

This of course made her pause, her eyes narrowed slightly,

“How generous?”

Steve drained his cup,

“You give the names and the amounts and we will pay it.”

She pursed her lips and sat back into the sofa she was sitting on, Steve could see her mind was doing wild calculations,

“I can even offer to let you talk to a person who has done it, but it will be only between us as it is something a person would not like to boast about.”

She stared at him for a few moment,

“Any amount to every place I name?”

Steve nodded,

“And I will be able to talk to somebody who has been there?”

Again Steve nodded.

“Alright, but first I want that call, then I will make up my mind.”

Luckily Steve had prepared for this, he pulled out his phone and called up Lucy Lawless’ number, then he pushed the dial button. The phone rang for a while and then Lucy answered,


“Hi Lucy it’s Steve.”

“Ah hello Steve, didn’t expect you to phone me so quickly.”

Steve chuckled,

“Actually I need your help…”

“Sure, what is it?”

“I need you to talk to somebody.”

There was a slight pause,

“You’re trying to get somebody to do what I did?”


“OK let me talk to her.”

Steve handed the phone over to Jamie who still looked a bit dubious about it all, her eyes lightened up when she heard Lucy’s voice. She listened intently for a few moments,

“And that’s it?”

She listened for a few moments more and glanced at Steve,

“Yes he’s here…”

She gave a small smile,

“Ok thanks Lucy…no not a problem, I can arrange that…thank you, bye.”

She handed the phone to Steve, who saw that the call was disconnected; he slid the phone back into his pocket.

“OK Steve, I will do it, but I have three conditions, you transfer the donations today, you visited me as a fan and nothing ever comes out, I never want to hear or read about this ever.”

Steve nodded and pulled out the folded papers he had in his other pocket, he unfolded it and held it out to her.

“This is just a rough draft, but if you want you can sign a contract like this within the next two days.”

She leaned over, picking up a pair of reading glasses that lay on the lamp table next to her and slipped them on, reading through the contract and nodded when she was done.

“I would like that, you can send it to my agent, she will make sure I get it.”

Steve took the papers from her and slid them back into his pocket,

“I’m sure we can arrange that.”

He got to his feet, ready to leave, when Jamie spoke up,

“Close and lock the door.”

He looked questioningly at her, she was chewing on her lower lip,

“You heard me, close and lock the door.”

Steve couldn’t refuse the obvious order in her voice and did as she asked, when he turned to face her, she had already gotten up and stood close to him, her hands reached up to undo his tie, then she slipped off his jacket.

“Lucy told me everything and told me to take a chance if I got it.”

She smirked,

“Of course if you are praised so much by her, I just have to find out for myself.”

As she spoke, her hands unbuttoned his shirt, tucking it out of his pants and then sliding it off of his body, she assessed his bared torso and nodded slightly,

“Not too bad at all, now…”

She looked up at him a mischievous glint in her eyes,

“Let’s see if you were worth Lucy’s praise.”

Steve of course was flabbergasted, here he was, trying to convince a baroness to get naked for a party, one chat with a fellow actress and she was busy stripping him. What on earth was said? To his credit he actually got his bearings when she undid his belt and unzipped his pants. His suit pants, though it fit well, slid over his legs, leaving just his briefs between his cock and her gaze. He stopped her reaching hands and when she looked up at him, he gave her a small smile,

“This is hardly fair now is it? What about you?”

She gave him a grin and without a word pulled the jersey over her head, she was naked underneath,

‘She must have a very strict work-out regime’

Steve thought as he looked at her body, she was still as firm and trim as in her old movies, her breasts presented themselves proudly, her dark nipples visibly hardening, as she started to pull down her slacks, he quickly undid his shoes, pulling his socks off and stepping out of his pants. As he stood up he had to admit, she had one rocking body for a lady of her age, all firm and supple, but then again she could afford a personal trainer and work hard to keep her body that way. She paused for a moment and hooked her thumbs into the black thong she was wearing, involuntarily he thought of her bedroom scene in True Lies, but this view made him think much more about Trading Places, where there was a short topless scene.

As she eased her thong down, he slid his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs and pushed them down, his cock was already rising to the occasion and nobody could blame him at all. The way she had stripped off his clothing and stripped out of her own clothing, showed him that this will be more than just a good stare, she clearly wanted more and he was not one to disappoint a lady. He was quite surprised to see that she had a well-trimmed bikini cut, it was really not what he was expecting from her, given her status and age, but then again, she might as well be doing this for little meetings like this.

She stepped back to him, her one hand folding over his thickening shaft and slowly stroked it, her other hand reached up and he leaned in, his lips finding her neck to kiss the soft skin just below her ear. From the soft moan he guessed that she liked it. He placed his hands on her hips and slowly slid them up her back; her skin was velvety soft to the touch and the muscles firm. She arched her neck for his kisses, the moans increasing in volume just as the hand’s motions that were stroking his cock, by now he was hard enough for her to know that he was very ready.

Quite unknown to Steve, he had stumbled onto one of Jamie’s erogenous spots, her body pressed against his shuddered in her delight and even in this position he could feel her nipples harden against his body where her breasts pressed firmly against him. As his kisses continued she rolled her neck, allowing him to get to the other side of her neck, the fingers of one hand ran through her soft hair, short as they were, they still gave him plenty to stroke through. By now his cock pressed hard against her, very obvious and throbbing under the soft skin of her hand.

His other hand trailed down her supple spine and found the curve of her buttocks, stroking the soft skin with his fingers as he settled his hand over one buttock, giving it a gentle squeeze, feeling the firm muscles underneath, she really did look after her body very well. She gently pushed away from him, then pulled him down to her, her lips locking hungrily onto his, it was clear that he was not the only one turned on by this encounter, prompted by the words of another starlet.

Her tongue slid into his mouth and he met it with his own, they probed and prodded at each other, her body pressed up against his as much as she could. Still kissing, she moved backwards, drawing him after her, but when they got to the sofa she had been sitting on, she seemed at a loss at what to do. Steve on the other hand had lots of ideas, of course he had the advantage of numerous evenings watching porn, being a geek did not mean you were not human.

He slowly pulled his mouth from hers, their lips parting with a soft suction sound; she looked up at him, partly puzzled, but lust clear in her eyes and face. He turned her around and pushed her gently forward, she leaned forward, as she lost her balance, she caught herself on the backrest of the sofa. Grabbing her hips he pushed forward, finally getting the idea, she got onto the sofa, resting on her knees. Though far from experienced, Steve knew exactly what they both wanted and taking one hand from her hip, he guided his throbbing cock down, as the damp tip slid over the skin of her buttocks, she arched her back, pushing out her ass.

Steve ran the tip of his cock over the wet lips of her pussy, he was quite intrigued that she was so worked up, perhaps the baron did not entertain her as much as one would think. An impatient backwards thrust of her hips, reminded him that they did not have the luxury of time, nor a lot of privacy from the huge windows looking out to the garden. The tip of his cock dipped into the opening of her pussy and she gasped, a moan followed as he pushed forward, holding on to her hips, using his grip as leverage to push deeper into her. Her muscles contracted around his entering shaft, seemingly to pull him in deeper and this is what he did, pushed ever deeper into her.

He thought what a curious sight it would be from outside, since she was clearly highlighted in the sun streaming in. Her hands resting on the backrest, her dark nipples erect on her naked breasts and her eyes closed as her mouth worked out her soft moans of pleasure. The thought turned him on more than he already was, he pulled slowly back, her pussy trying to clamp down on him, even with the tightness of her walls closing down on him, the lubrication of her juices allowed him to slide back. He pushed forward again, harder this time, pulling her back by her hips until he felt the soft skin of her ass pressing against his groin.

He started moving inside of her, pulling back and thrusting deep into her, any admiration he felt for her near silence was swept up in the feel of her body rocking back against him, her teeth clearly clenched as her moans was muffled. He slid his hands up from her hips, there was no need to pull her into his thrusts, she was meeting them on her own, he covered her breasts with his hands, squeezing the soft mounds, her hard nipples easy targets for his fingers, rubbing and even lightly pinching them, she shuddered under the new sensations, leaning down, her face pressed against the cushion of the backrest.

He kept on massaging her breasts, pinching her nipples as he thrust his cock repeatedly into her, she twisted her head sharply to one side, he could see her teeth and realized she was biting into the cushion to smother her sounds, sounds which still reached his ears. As they moved together, meeting each other’s thrust with their own, her fingers clamped down on the backrest and he felt her pussy suddenly clamp down even harder onto his cock, releasing only momentarily before clamping down again, giving him no chance to even try and move. A few moments later the clamping of her pussy subsided enough for him to thrust deep into her again, by the third thrust he found that his groin slapped wetly against her ass, juices dripped from his swinging balls, as strange as he found this, he loved the sound.

After the brief interruption of his strokes, he was soon back into rhythm, this time the wet smacking sounds marked each thrust, finally releasing her breasts, he grabbed hold of her hips and basically held her in place as he thrust hard into her, quickly he could feel his orgasm building up, this prompted him to thrust faster, his groin slapping hard and fast against her ass as his cock pistoned repeatedly into the depths of her pussy. This made him approach his point of no return faster and just before he could pull out of her pussy, it clamped down on his cock again, keeping him in place as she moaned loudly into the cushion, he had nowhere to go and could not stop, his cum erupted from his trapped cock, she continued to moan as his cock throbbed, filling her with his cum.

They both collapsed onto the sofa, breaths racing as she basically settled into his lap, his cock buried deep inside of her. He knew that she knew he had just cum inside of her, he waited for her anger, but after a few moments of heavy breathing, she started to regain some of her composure, she hurriedly glanced at her wristwatch and slipped from his cock, groaning softly as it slipped out of her, he deemed it appropriate to ask for forgiveness,

“I’m sorry, I…”

She paused and turned around,

“Sorry? First time I hear that.”

He frowned,

“Well I…uhm…”

It seemed that she understood and a chuckle came from her lips, she turned and started to pull on her clothes,

“It’s fine, you really don’t have to worry about it.”

As she pulled up her slacks, she looked over her shoulder at him,

“You have to get dressed too, I’m sure that the staff would be close to finish packing by now.”

Her words set him into motion, he had much more clothing to get into and by the time he was getting into his shoes she was already dressed and stood watching him, a slight smile on her face as he shrugged into his shirt, sticking it into his pants after buttoning it and slipped on his tie,

“At least Lucy has good taste, that I must admit.”

Steve felt a blush washing over his cheeks, making her laugh softly, she moved to unlock and open the door, as he slipped into his jacket, she motioned for him to follow her,

“So I will be seeing you next week?”

He nodded,

“I have some business in town, so I will be coming in along with the helicopter.”

She was leading him towards the front door,

“Remember to send that contract to my agent.”

Steve nodded as she opened the front door,

“I will be very sure about that, the list?”

She gave him a small grin,

“I’ll send that when I get the contract, a deal is a deal.”

She stuck out her hand and he automatically took it,

“And that seals the deal Mister Gordon.”

He chuckled and left, the garden gate clicking open for him as he came up to it and he left the grounds, he glanced only once back at the house,


Was the only word he could think of.


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Our Fun with Steve

My wife knows that I am very kinky and love a sexual adventure. Therefore it was no surprise to me when I was told to sit in the chair at the end of the bed and to not move or touch myself no matter what. I had just gotten out of the shower after a week on the road, so I just sat down naked in the chair at the end of the bed and waited for what was going to happen. I didn’t have to wait very long.Kim went out to the living room and talked briefly with someone and then I heard them coming down...

4 years ago
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I didnt Know your Gay Steve

The email arrived. Steve licked his lips in anticipation. "Love your pic," it read, "Would really like to suck your Black cock." Steve smiled, felt his cock harden. He replied to the email, told the guy his address and what time to be there. Once the guy had replied, Steve showered. He looked down at his six inch cock and smiled, he began to rub it, felt it growing hard in his hand and then he jacked it, slow and steady. Pleasure rose through his wet body. He ran his free hand over his stomach...

3 years ago
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Dianne And Sheila And Steve

At lunchtime at work after the largely sleepless night the previous night, Sheila was making a suggestion to Dianne."Can you phone Steve and get him to see us again tonight?" late forties Sheila asked her fifty-three-year-old friend Dianne."We are both knackered now and we have got to work tomorrow as well," said Dianne, although another session with Steve was appealing, as was further lesbian sex with Sheila."I know, but my Colin is only away once in a blue moon; if you don't fancy another...

2 years ago
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Maryjane and Steve

"Mom?" The door slammed just after the question echoed up the stairs and through the house. Steve stopped suddenly, in mid-stroke, confusion and terror in his eyes like a deer caught in the headlights. He didn't resist as I pushed him up and off of me, feeling his cock shriveling as it popped out of my warm wetness. "I'll be down in a second, Mikey," I screamed through the open doorway. I had known Steve for years. We both worked for the same large firm, in the same large department....

3 years ago
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Reunited with Steve

So it's been two years since Steve and I were together sexually and one year since we've even talked. Suddenly, the night before my birthday, I get a FB message popping up on my phone. Reading it, I initially was shocked as it read, "Happy Birthday Sexy!" OMG, it was from Steve. Quickly I excused myself from the group of friends I was with and ran to the bathroom."Thank you, how was your birthday?" I responded. As our birthdays are only days apart.I waited a few minutes, just enough to not make...

2 years ago
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A Weekend with Steve

I was still in high school and was spending the week end with my cousin, Steve, and his family. Steve's father worked the graveyard shift and as soon as he would leave for work his wife would dress and go out on the town. Steve and I was left alone in the house to watch television and make popcorn, and hopefully not get in to trouble. As time would have it, Steve found his father's bottle of gin,he begin to act like his father and sing the little song 'dink a little gin do a little sin'....

4 years ago
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The miracle of the night

Well lets start this from a point of my belief. After reading numerous stories from ISS I alawz believed that some woman is alwaz their who wants to get laid by me and it will happen someday in a very unusual manner, whether a married lady or a maid servant does wants me to screw her wildly and with that hope i kept on tryin hard to get attention either by looking at my neighbor’s maid servant constantly (she is hot by the way) or by looking at the aunties at various places. But my tryst never...

2 years ago
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Montania The Chronicles of Steve

Steve shivered as an ice cold breeze hit his figure. The clouds began to surround him as he made his way over the mountain tops. With his sword in hand, he trekked on through the snow. Growing up, he had always wanted to explore the world that was known as Montania, and now at sixteen he was finally fulfilling his dreams. The breeze began to grow stronger as he moved on with a sway in his stride. The sky began to darken, indicating night was about to fall. Steve needed shelter, and quick. ...

3 years ago
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Can I go to the pictures with Steve

PrefaceThis is my (sex) life story. I’ve started it from comparatively late in my life (when I was about 25) because quite frankly I had quite a normal boyhood and the usual teenage experiences that I wouldn’t want to bore you with, especially as many of you have had a far more interesting upbringing I’m sure. So, this is from the time of my first “unusual” experience and goes up to the present day (I am now 67). In that time I think I have had the thoughts that many men have had but instead of...

2 years ago
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Giving In to Steve

It had been a week since I had my virginity stolen by Brad after his senior prom. Now that I was sixteen and had already cheated on my boyfriend Steve, I decided it was time to finally have sex with him. We had been going out for a few months and he'd been begging since about the first week, so it only felt right. Of course, we'd been doing oral stuff since we first started dating. I waited until Wednesday to tell him because I was still feeling the pain in my vagina from the first time. "I'm...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Confessions part 3UNCLE STEVE It had only been a few weeks, but it had been the best weeks of my life. I had become my parent’s recent conquest, their sex slave; it was a role that I happily played night after night. One early Sunday morning right before day break I heard my bedroom door open. My room was nearly dark, except for the dawn of a new day that shone through the cracks of my blinds. I felt the covers as they were lifted and my father climbed into bed with me. I felt his fingers...

2 years ago
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Introduction: STEVE CALLED HIS WIFE PLEASINGLY PLUMP Jan and Steve had been married for just over 10 years, had 3 young kids, and while they usually had good sex, it was infrequent, and as with most couples, it was at times, boring. Jan was chubby as a teen and still chubby as an adult, the years and childbirth had made her 36d teen breasts in to a luscious pair of 40dds. She had a sexual presence about her and was actually quite attractive to people that liked plus sized women, pleasingly...

2 years ago
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Weekend with steve

Introduction: A first time for both of us A little about myself first of all, I,m not gay, and i think theres nothing wrong with homosexuality. I prefer woman and did in the past have bi encounters. I think sex is how great you can make your partner feel,no matter what sex they are. This story was prompted by another one i read and thought maybe this would be something to share. Hope you like it. When i was growing up my neighborhood was small and the kids on the block all had there own...

4 years ago
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Weekend with steve

I prefer woman and did in the past have bi encounters. I think sex is how great you can make your partner feel,no matter what sex they are. This story was prompted by another one i read and thought maybe this would be something to share. Hope you like it. When i was growing up my neighborhood was small and the kids on the block all had there own little groups. Mine included Steve, Fred, Jenny (who just hung...

3 years ago
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Seducing Steve

The moment I first saw him, I thought Steve was hot. There was a problem though. I saw him because my older sister Tami was introducing him to me as her boyfriend. As the years went by, my attraction to him never faded. He went from boyfriend, to fiancé, to husband. Tami and I are close. She tells me everything, so as their relationship developed, I heard more and more about how good he was in bed.   I’ve never really settled down with anyone. I prefer to have my fun with guys, and then...

2 years ago
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my wifes friend Steve

After a few false starts in hot-wifing, My wife and I decided that we both enjoyed it best when she pursued a younger guy. she was 29 and I was 31.We were having a pig-roast and we knew that there would be many guests, especially younger ones since our neighbor across the street had her younger sister living with her, and she asked if she could invite a few guy friends. We said sure we'd love it.Denise arrived about 11:00am and was helping out to get things prepared. I had been up since 3 am to...

3 years ago
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We take the neighbour to our kinky friend Steve

We set a meet up for a Saturday night in 10 days time, telling Jan to tell Dave her and Joy were going clubbing and would stay at a friend’s house instead of driving home, so all was in place, Steve was keen to have another lady join us and would let the guys know, Joy told him it would be an all night thing with a breakfast the next day arranged too. The day arrived and Jan was scared shit less, she came over early to get cleaned out and sort her clothes out, again a very nice low cut...

2 years ago
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Their foreplay sessions seemed to lead to one guy a lot, and she had never even slept with him. He was a man named Hanson from her work, he was younger, and had a two year crush on her, and she was more than mildly attracted to him, the only problem was, he had transferred to another store some 50 miles away. He had tried for months to fuck her, and had called her a few times after he relocated, still trying, but the most she ever did was kiss him at a Christmas party, and a steamy kiss...

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My drive Steve

Now our driver quit and was replaced by a new one. His name was Steve, He was in his 50s, had a rough and hairy body. He was also fat had a nice belly. A big moustache. He was previously a truck driver and he looked like a typical trucker. Now Steve was trying to be really friendly, like he was actually trying hard to interact with me and become friends. Truth is he wanted to fuck me and ofcourse i didnt understand this, infact i had bare minimum knowledge of sex. Never could watch porn due to...

3 years ago
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The New StartChapter 13 Steve

Everyday routines became normal again. Ujiah, Tani and Marie tough still wearing bandages were healing rapidly. The cameras covering the pass were constantly monitored in the control room. Word had spread like wild fire through the community and the kids looked on Tani and Jake as heroes. Steve and therefore Mist were the only ones that were unhappy. Steve had taken the loss of his legs very badly. After the battle he had remained at the cave house. He had ordered everyone out and lived...

5 years ago
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Diary of slave steve

Synopsis: This powerful story is about Female Domination. Steve is enslaved by the beautiful Goddess Samantha. She has her slaves crawl for her, worship her, suffer for her and they love every painful moment. THE DIARY OF SLAVE STEVECHAPTER 1 (PROLOGUE) I have been commanded to write a journal depicting my life with my Mistress and Goddess, the Supreme and Radiant Samantha.  I worship and obey her every whim. But it wasn't always that way in the sense I had no predisposition or inclination I...

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The Miracle A TWILIGHT ZONE story

This story is dedicated to a beautiful young girl who tragically took her own life on September 5, 2006. This story is not about her. Nor does it involve her suicide, but rather, is a result of my own grief for her family. When I feel the ache of sadness, I's the only way I am able to understand and cope with tragedy. - Anon Allsop ***************************************************************** "You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight...

3 years ago
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The Miracle

The Miracle 14 year old Deepu lay in his bed wide awake, scared and sad. His dad was drunk and shouting in the hall while his mom was in her bedroom crying. He wondered how everything went so wrong so quickly. A few weeks ago his mother had given birth to his baby brother. A child that his parents were hoping and trying for, for years. It was like a festival at his home. Unfortunately the baby developed some complications and died. It sent the family in to a deep tailspin. His father was drunk...

3 years ago
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Me My Wife Toulin and My Friend Steve

One evening with our best friend Steve we were chatting about the taking sex fantasy and I never ever quizzes that we used to in college. Steve and I had known each other for nearly 3 decades and he was going through a nasty divorce. Steve broke open what was probably the 5th bottle of Malbec and our conversation became quite "racy".. We had discussed our deepest desires and opted to play a game of I never with each other further fueling the consumption of a good wine. I never ever had hoped my...

2 years ago
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Paul Barry and Steve

Paul was at a friend’s party when he bumped into his neighbours Barry and Steve and they got chatting. During the conversation Barry mentioned a friend of theirs, Ross, who Paul had also met.Since they all knew what Ross did there was an immediate unspoken understanding about some of the sexual interests they shared.Barry and Steve were openly gay and a very nice older married couple. Paul was probably 15 years their junior and the common friend indicated he was either gay as well, or at least...

4 years ago
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Carrie and Steve

Carrie and Steve By Ricky Part 1 - Carrie's Tale Life was beautiful. Sun, sea, sand, water, fine food, entertainment, a soft bed and a new husband to share it with. Our honeymoon was everything we could have wanted, except maybe too short. We spent a lovely week indulging ourselves, then headed for our new home in upstate New York. Now I grew up there and know that New York in April can resemble anything from tropical to tundra, but Steve is from the southwest. We met when...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 4 Daughters Incestuous Miracle

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Daughter's Incestuous Miracle By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – September 2037 I trembled as Mommy rubbed the wand vibrator up and down my pussy. I loved the birthday gift she bought me, the buzzing end of the massager humming against my entire pussy at once, sending wicked sensations through me. It made listening to my parents talk about their first dinner date even more naughty. I was...

2 years ago
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I Need a Miracle

I swear to God, I did not sacrifice a virgin, and I did not sell my soul to the devil. Considering the fact that I am married — quite happily — to the most awe-inspiring woman you’ll ever meet in your lifetime, your children’s lifetimes or even your grandchildren’s lifetimes, you may wonder what I did to land her. The answer? Nothing. Zip, zilch, nada. I was simply sitting on a barstool, a lonely 30-year-old man nursing the wounds of my latest relationship disaster over several mugs of beer...

3 years ago
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Brads Miracle Cream

Brad's Miracle Cream by ~ MojoFu ~The buzzer sounded James walked over to hit the intercom button."Hello," called out James ."It's me," came Linda's voice back through the static filled box.James pushed the button to let her in then unlocked the door. He shuffled over to the couch and plunked himself down in front of the baseball game that was on. A few minutes passed until Linda came inside and shut the door behind her. She wandered over to the fridge and found a bottle of water. Opening the...

4 years ago
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Holiday Miracle

"Hi Bobby. Don't be afraid, I won't bite..." Oh god. She had a friend from school, Abby Wilson, built much the same way. Abby also knew how to tease. She sat in my row in the auditorium for study hall, one empty seat between us. She had a habit when leaving to need to go in the opposite direction from me. So she'd squeeze by in front of me, letting her tight ass rub across the front of my pants. Then I'd have to hide the hardon during my next class. One day an upper classman in the row...

4 years ago
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I Need A Miracle

I swear to God, I did not sacrifice a virgin, and I did not sell my soul to the devil. Considering the fact that I am married — quite happily — to the most awe-inspiring woman you'll ever meet in your lifetime, your children's lifetimes or even your grandchildren's lifetimes, you may wonder what I did to land her. The answer? Nothing. Zip, zilch, nada. I was simply sitting on a barstool, a lonely 30-year-old man nursing the wounds of my latest relationship disaster over several mugs of...

2 years ago
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McKaylas MiracleChapter 11

"Are you sure you don't need anything else, Amberle?" Suzie asked. I shook my head. "No, you guys have been wonderful." The week after McKayla died was one big blank spot in my life with only a couple of memories in between. Maureen said I handled everything well. In truth, there wasn't much I had to do. Before she died, my wife had pretty much planned out her memorial service and had made all the arrangements. I think she knew there were so many things that were out of her hands,...

3 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 43 The Celebration of a Miracle

Within seconds the whole scene around that house burst into one of frenzied activity as axes and grappling hooks were brought into play along with chainsaws and all sorts of other rescue equipment. As Jared watched he saw one fireman jump down into a hole of sorts and call out, “It’s some sort of wine cellar. There’s two people lying down here in the wine cellar. I don’t know how they survived but they have. They are unconscious and badly burned but they are still breathing! Get them...

4 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 31 The False Miracle

"What did you do to me?" I asked Theodora in confusion. The nun was still straddling me, my cock still inside her pussy. When she mounted me, when I submitted to her, I had expected her to exorcise me and steal my powers. Instead, she gave me something else, some golden power. The power had sunk into the very fiber of my being, the very essence of my soul. I could see her aura, no longer the gold of a nun but the silver of a regular person. What was going on here? Mary was bound and gagged...

3 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 124 A Small Miracle

It was all very quiet and sombre in that waiting room when another doctor finally came in to give them the latest update. “Um ... well ... the good news is” he began. “The good news is that Carrie has stabilised again after that last massive seizure - a seizure that was worse again than the one before. We are waiting for her to settle down even further before we try and operate. We want her to be as stable and calm as possible before we do the Caesarian. The operation will go ahead now even...

2 years ago
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Ellen Steve

He pushed her inside with a forceful kiss and she could already feel the expectant boner in his pants pressing up against her. He pulled himself to her and met her tongue with his. Ellen was already quite damp from her anticipation and now, with Steve right in front of her & the pressure of his erection against her as they kissed, she became even wetter with the knowledge of what was soon to cum; that his hard-on would soon be servicing her every need. After closing the front door, kissing &...

4 years ago
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Montania The Chronicles of Steve

Steve shivered as an ice cold breeze hit his figure. The clouds began to surround him as he made his way over the mountain tops. With his sword in hand, he trekked on through the snow. Growing up, he had always wanted to explore the world that was known as Montania, and now at sixteen he was finally fulfilling his dreams. The breeze began to grow stronger as he moved on with a sway in his stride. The sky began to darken, indicating night was about to fall. Steve needed shelter, and quick. ...

4 years ago
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A Conversation About Steve

"Here, honey, have another glass of wine, and undo another button." "Thank you, dear. Will you hold my titties for a second? Here, I'll hold your glass. Oh, that feels good. You don't have to get me drunk to take advantage of me, you know." "It's still fun, though. Are you having a good time?" "Of course! Although, this party is a good deal, um, quieter than most places you take me." "You're right. Let me know if you want to liven it up, some. Should I have you show our host...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 83 Steve Being Steve

December 18, 2000, Pontiac, Illinois The guard led us to the metal door from which he and his partner had emerged moments before and used his radio to ask for it to be opened. When it was, we followed him through, with his partner bringing up the rear. The hallway was short and we had to wait to be buzzed through another strong metal door. Once we were through that one, we walked down a long hallway, with Samantha and I electing to walk single-file so we could easily stay in the center, as...

4 years ago
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Adventures Of Pinkie

A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...

4 years ago
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The Miracle of Christmas

The Miracle of Christmas Another sleepless night, another Christmas fraught with worry. There wouldn't be many packages to open for the kids this year. I've been telling them that Christmas is too commercial and we are starting a new tradition of just one present per person. The reality is that we can't afford even one. They had watched the polar express for the umpteenth time, and I was tired of hearing that simpleton message: “You just need to believe.” Belief is a luxury for children and...

4 years ago
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Sometimes Miracles Happen

Normally, I never let my dogs loose in the city. On this late winter afternoon however, as I shifted the bag of groceries I was carrying, they somehow managed to wiggle from my grasp, tearing off, side by side with leashes trailing. They were two little fugitives running free. Feeling foolish, I sped after them calling their names, ‘SEPTEMBER SNOW! SCRAPPY!’ I hollered, racing down the snowy sidewalk in a wasted effort to catch them. Running through the snow with a bag of groceries isn’t...

3 years ago
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Adventures in Swinging Ch 07 In Search of a Unicorn

After Kathleen’s solo adventure with Kyle, she seemed to become less and less interested in swinging with other couples. Our nights out at parties and nightclubs became rarer, and her insistence that I find a playmate of my own grew stronger. Without realizing it, our shared swinging hobby gradually transitioned into more of a parallel pastime.“I just think it’s easier this way,” she explained to me one night. “It’s too hard to find a couple where all four people are completely compatible and...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Hands on a Miracle Amber

Here I am again. Sunday night and I’m bored out of my brains. The few friends I have are always too damn busy to pay much attention to me, but then again I guess I don’t really mind – I’ve always been a quiet sort of person who doesn’t socialise much and is quite happy to stay home and do my own thing. I guess this was my comfort zone. The only place where I could really be myself and relax. Going to pubs, nightclubs and wild parties was not really my thing, even though I would go every now and...

4 years ago
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Christies Miracle

Christie was cold, lonely and hungry again this year. For four years in total now, she had not managed to beg for a meal. ‘Everything changed around Christmas,’ Christie thought, people got selfish. Sure, people chucked unwanted clothes in a homeless bin, but what was she going to do with a spaghetti string sequin top, when it was snowing? She needed to keep warm, not sparkly. They shut themselves in their warm houses and ignored everyone else. They gave overpriced presents to people they...

2 years ago
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A Miracle at the Cabin Ch 08

Please read the previous chapters before this one to understand the story up to this point. None of these chapters are stand-alone. This chapter does contain erotic scenes including a mild anal scene. Enjoy. Early Sunday morning, I awoke to an empty bed. Normally, I’m the first up but not today for some reason. I put on a robe and headed to the kitchen. Pam was sitting on one of the counter stools, sipping coffee and reading a book. She looked up as I walked in. ‘Good morning,...

3 years ago
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The Christmas Miracle

It took considerable coaxing but I agreed to making the long trip to see family for the holidays. I truly did not think it would be an enjoyable experience. Many, so many, times I thought about calling and canceling but, in the end, off I went. Once there I asked myself more than once, ''why''? There were some folks I enjoyed being around but, for the most part, ''why''? Dinner went well with a lot of giggles and smiles being exchanged between myself and a cousin, by marriage, who is quite...

2 years ago
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Miracle Sex Change Slut Part 8211 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers This is the part 2 of the story miracle sex change slut so read it before reading this one enjoy. Rahul?” Nora said. Everyone suddenly took their hands off me as she approached me Nora was one of my only female friends and she was quite upset that I haven’t contacted her ever since, she asked me to come to her place after the school so that she could help me with coping up with the being a girl and stuff. Nora was a rich girl and had a bunch of clothes...

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