The Unexpected Visitor Part 3 free porn video

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Mrs Lane told me she had now concluded her investigation and was going to now email the evidence to Mrs Thomas who as principle would have the final say as to what happens now, I enquired about Mrs Thomas who was in her mid-60’s and widowed and god forbid if she wanted to visit me, I felt bad enough about her seeing the pictures let alone a physical encounter and I have to say I was quite nervous once the email had been sent waiting for a reply.
After another cup of coffee it was fast approaching lunchtime and I knew the café would be getting busy and as I was about to make my excuses Mrs Lane received an email back from Mrs Thomas, I waited with bated breath.

“Ah Frank, Mrs Thomas has decided that Sharon Mann was the instigator of this issue and that she alone should be punished, she feels the indignity of apologising to me would be just punishment and if I felt the punishment was insufficient then I would be free to administer what I felt necessary” she said in a rather stern voice, “How do you feel about that Frank?” she asked me and I guess I was happy with that outcome as it was Shaz who took the photo in the toilet.
“You had better get home Frank as she is sending her over to you now” she continued so I paid Doris for the coffees and left Mrs Lane to finish hers, I was only glad I didn’t have to have a meeting with the old principle.

I rushed home to find a very sorry looking girl sitting on my doorstep and as I walked up the short path towards her the way she was sitting gave me a nice glimpse of her white panties underneath her black skirt, she looked at me and I could see she was genuinely upset about having to be here to accept her punishment. “Hell Sharon” I said reaching out my hand to help her to her feet, “Hello sir” she replied as I opened the door and we went inside and I could tell by her body language that she was scared. I went into the kitchen to get her a drink as I felt a big glass of juice would both refresh her and make her relax a little and sent her into the lounge.

I poured a couple of glasses and joined her in the lounge where she was sitting on the sofa with her knees tight together still looking a bit sorry for herself, I handed her drink to her, “Here, get this down you” I said softly, “Thank you sir” she replied as she drank half of it down and immediately felt better, “OMG sir, this is good sir, thank you” she said softly as I drank some of mine and sat in my chair opposite her.
“So Sharon, do you know why you’re here?” I asked and she looked up from her glass, “Yes sir, Mrs Thomas said I had to apologise for embarrassing you sir” she said softly and kept her head bowed as to not make eye contact.
“I see, and how exactly did you embarrass me Sharon?” I asked her deciding to ensure she knew the reasons and also to play on it a little and if I’m honest I felt a bit sorry for her which I was going to use for my benefit.

She took another sip of her drink and looked down between my legs and I think she could see my balls were exposed, “I took naughty picture of you sir in the toilet sir” she said a little embarrassed, “And we also took pictures under the table sir” she added, “And they somehow got to Mrs Lane sir” and I could see she was still nervous as she drank more of her drink.
“I see, and how do you feel about it now Sharon?” I asked her and she looked up at me again, “I’m really sorry sir, it was only a bit of fun sir, are you going to punish me sir?” she asked as she finished her drink.
“Why did you do it Sharon?” I asked as I stood up to get her drink and get her a refill giving her a minute or so the come up with an answer.

When I returned and handed her drink to her I could see she was a little more relaxed now and there was an inch or so gap between her knees and as I sat down I could see up the inside of her thighs to the white cotton gusset of her panties and seeing this I could feel a twinge in my shorts.
“Be honest Sharon, it will be better for you if you are” I told her before she started talking, “Well sir, I could tell you were looking up our skirts sir and then I saw your boner sir and your balls sir” she said and she was certainly trying to avoid eye contact now, “And then sir you wanted to go to the toilet sir so when I saw your cock through the hole sir I wanted a pic sir” she continued and everything she had said thus far rang true and I appreciated her honesty and hearing it from her I could feel my cock stiffening.

“Did you know the hole was there Sharon?” I asked which turned out to be the million dollar question because she immediately took a big gulp of her drink and was definitely flushed, “OMG sir, I love this juice sir, makes me so tingly sir” she sighed, “And yes sir, I did know the hole was there sir” she said softly which was an interesting comment.
“Really?” I asked, “So you have seen a few cocks through it then?” I continued which did bring a smile to her face, “Hehe sir, yes sir” she said softly and I could sense a bit of remorse in her voice, “Is that wrong sir?” she asked and I suppose having used the toilet myself in the past it would be contradictive of me to say it was wrong.

“To be honest Shaz, No it’s not wrong” I said as I peered between her knees again at the inside of her smooth thighs, “Thank you sir” she replied and then caught me looking, “Do you like looking up my skirt sir?” she asked me and straight away I could feel my cock hardening and because of my hesitancy in answering she also saw the bulge appearing, “Mmm sir, I think you do sir” she said softly with a giggle.
“Can I make a suggestion sir?” she asked and was gaining in confidence now that a few secrets had been let out in the open and as she took another sip of her drink I could see her legs widen a bit further as she had found my weakness and teased me, “Sure Sharon, go ahead” I replied feeling my bulge increasing.

“I will let you look up my skirt sir if you let me see your cock sir, I don’t mind that sir” she said and in all honesty that did seem like a good compromise, “And sir, you can tell Mrs Thomas that you punished me bad sir, you can spank me too sir if you want to sir” she continued and straight away I liked the way Sharon was thinking, it was like she was taking control of the situation, which to be fair I didn’t mind.
“That seems pretty fair to me Shaz” I said back to her and immediately she widened her legs a bit further allowing me a full view of her tight white cotton gusset and with a few stray hairs poking out the sides and a clear outline of her squashed labia lips, it was truly a wonderful sight, Sharon smiled, “You like that sir?” she asked and the fact that my cock was throbbing and pushing against the waistband of my shorts was testament of my approval.

I stood up and Sharon’s skirt was short enough that even standing I still had a great view up her skirt, “OMG WOW sir” she said as she saw the thumping bulge in my shorts, “Would you like me to take my shirt off too Shaz?” I asked and seeing how she smiled, “Oh that would be nice sir, I don’t mind you getting naked sir” she sighed and gasped as I slipped my shirt up over my head, “Mmm sir, looking so good sir” she said and her eyes were glued to my shorts waiting for them to drop.
I slipped my hands into the waistband and carefully pulled them out and over my throbbing erection and I saw her eyes light up as they slipped down my thighs, “Oh yes sir, Mmm sir you have such a nice cock sir and it looks so better hard sir” she said and I had a burning question I had to ask her.

Her eyes were transfixed on my veiny shaft, “Can I ask you a question?” I asked and she was now in a position for anything, “Sure sir” she replied, “So when you saw my cock through the hole, what would you have done if I put it through the hole?” I asked and she waisted no time in answering, “Well to be honest sir I was surprised that you didn’t sir but I would have sucked if for you sir if you had put it through the hole sir” she sighed softly, at least I know now that I missed an opportunity.
“How many cock have you sucked through the hole Sharon?” I asked and she seemed proud of her answer, “Quite a few sir, lots of boys from school sir and a few men sir” she said smiling, “Would you like me to suck yours now sir? I don’t mind sucking it sir” she sighed as she reached out wrapping her fingers around the throbbing shaft and inching to the edge of the sofa widening her legs to allow me to get closer.

I noticed as I looked down that the top couple of buttons on her shirt were undone and it was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra and I could see her nipples standing proud on her little puffy bee stings, OMG this was going to be good punishment, “Yes Sharon, I would like you to suck it” I replied and as she pulled the skin back to expose the shiny swollen head a drop of precum oozed out the tip, “Mmm sir, nice sir” she sighed as her tongue ran around the tip scooping it up before she ran her tongue up and down the shaft and then licked and sucked on my smooth balls making my knees go weak, damn she had a good technique as she explored every inch of my throbbing meat.

She looked up at me with dreamy eyes, “You like that sir?” she sighed as she slowly put her lips around the head and I watched as my cock slowly disappeared into her warm mouth, OMG her tongue kept flicking and when I felt the tightness of her throat she didn’t gag but did produce a lot of saliva and as she withdrew she left a sting of wetness on my cock, “Mmm sir so yummy” she sighed and went back to it and now she had one hand between my legs gently squeezing my balls and the other wrapped around the base of my cock gently wanking me into her mouth, OMG my knees started to tremble and I could feel my balls tightening, she knew I was close and looked up at me as if to say ‘Let me have it’ and I didn’t need convincing as I felt my cock starting to pulsate, I grunted quietly, “OH FUCK YESSS!” which came out louder than I intended and she gulped as the first spurt hit the back of her throat, she sucked hard as the second and third spurts followed and like a true pro she swallowed without any complaint, “Mmmmmmmmm” she sighed as my hot creamy cum slipped down her throat and I felt her lips sucking the last few drops from me.

As I looked down her shirt her nipples were like bullets standing out and pushing against the fabric of her shirt and as her tongue finished cleaning up the last drops she pulled back and looked up at me, “How was that sir?” she asked and I have to say she did a damn good job, I liked Sharon.
“That was awesome Shaz” I said getting my breath back, “You must get a lot of practice” I continued with a giggle and she then told me that a lot of the students know about the café and even boys go in to suck other boys and I was sure that I had experienced a few of them myself as it is one of my favourite spots and Doris didn’t mind as she got the benefit of the extra business.

While Sharon licked her lips savouring the taste of my creamy cum she asked me to fill up her glass, “This is so good sir, so morish sir” she said and as my cock softened I stood up and after knocking mine back I went and finished the jug giving her the lions share.
On my return she looked much more relaxed now and as I handed her the drink she took a big sip, “So you want to look up my skirt sir?” she asked as she laid back on the sofa widening her legs and as I put my glass down I got on my knees in front of her and peered up her skirt, her white cotton panties were still tight in her crotch however I did now see a damp patch appearing, “Get as close as you like sir, I don’t mind sir” she sighed as I inched myself closer pushing her legs wider.

OMG it looked so good as her damp panties stared me in the face and I wanted to give her as much pleasure as she gave me, “Stand-up” I instructed and reluctantly she did as asked, I reached around the back and unbuttoned her skirt and slowly pulled the zipper down allowing her skirt to fall to the floor and now her panties were fully exposed just inches away from my face and OMG I could already smell the musky aroma that filled my head and as I leant forward to kiss her bulging pubic bone I felt the springy pubic hair hidden beneath, “Oh sir, that’s nice sir” she said as I let my tongue linger and gently lick between her legs and even felt the stiffness of her little clit hidden inside, Mmm.

O put my hands around her arse grabbing and squeezing the soft flesh her soft pantie clad cheeks and pulling her close burying my face in her sweet minge and she widened her legs giving me better access allowing me to push my tongue into her damp gusset and I immediately felt her squashed labia lips, “OMG Sir, Mmm that’s so.. Oh yes!” she cried softly, “Are you still going to spank me sir?” she asked as I pushed my hands inside her panties letting my fingers search out her crack.
“Do you want me to spank you Shaz?” I asked in a muffled voice, “Oooh sir, Mmm I wouldn’t mind sir if you want to sir” she replied so I pulled myself away from her and looked up, “OK then” I replied.

“Shall I bend over your knee sir?” she asked in a trembling voice although I hoped that she wasn’t too scared and as I sat down on the edge of the sofa I told her to go ahead and get into position, now I am not a great one for corporal punishment but as she bent down I could feel my cock stiffening against her belly and her panty clad arse raised in the air, I lifted the back of her shirt up about halfway up her back and just looked and surveyed her sweet rounded arse cheeks just crying out for a smack.
I rubbed her cheeks over the top of her panties and then gave a light to moderate slap on each, “Oww sir, I’m sorry sir” she cried out so I smacked her again and I could feel my cock stiffening which was pressing hard against her belly, “Did I really do wrong sir?” she sighed as I planted yet another smack on her pantie clad arse, “Yes you did” I replied as I put my hands into the waistband and started to slowly pull them down, “Oh NOOO! Sir, please sir.. not my bare bottom sir” she cried as I started to expose her reddish cheeks.

I heard her gulp as her panties slipped down to her things exposing her rounded arse cheeks and I was showing no mercy as I pulled them down her legs and off and then returned my hands back up to her reddening cheeks and in a swift movement planted another smack on each of her cheeks, “Ouch sir, I’m sorry sir” she cried as I gently rubbed her red cheeks even pulling them apart to expose her dark puckering hole, “No sir, please sir.. I’m so sorry sir” she cried out as I ran my finger up and down her crack to her hole and then let it linger, “No sir, not there sir.. please sir” she cried as I continued to prod her forbidden entrance.
My cock was hardening under her belly now to the extent that it was becoming uncomfortable especially as I continued to poke and prod her puckered little arsehole, “What are you going to do now sir?” she asked knowing that we were nowhere near finished.

To Be Continued….

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The visitor pt 2

The bell boy stood behind you not knowing what to say he could see your sexy and well used body hanging there like a slab of meat ready for the taking, and The man stood there watching him knowing by the bulge in his pants that he would like to touch you.His phone beeped and he smiled as I had answered him and he showed the message to the bell boy and then to you, it said ‘’ I appreciate the text and whole heartedly agree that this bell boy should fuck and cum in my slut, If you could do me the...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor in the Shower

Six thirty in the morning is a lonely time on a college campus. I was at the student recreation center, going for my morning run around the track. Good thing we could get in with our student IDs early in the morning, since it’s the only time I have when I can get to the gym regularly. As I ran around the track, trying to keep track of my laps and time, I pushed myself. I had already done my lifting this morning, and running felt good, stretching my muscles, pushing myself. I loved coming this...

1 year ago
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My Moms Hot Friend Part 2 An Unexpected Visitor Revised

It was Friday afternoon, I was waiting for Linda to finish working so the festivities could begin. Nothing seemed to amuse me for more than a few minutes, I would try playing video games or reading a book but I kept thinking about what was going to happen in less than an hour. It didn't help that I had an erection that wouldn't go away, I had already jacked off twice today but I was still horny as hell. I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't blow my load soon so I decided to...

1 year ago
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My Moms Hot Friend Part 2 An Unexpected Visitor

It was Friday afternoon, I was waiting for Linda to finish working so the festivities could begin. Nothing seemed to amuse me for more than a few minutes, I would try playing video games or reading a book but I kept thinking about what was going to happen in less than an hour. It didn't help that I had an erection that wouldn't go away, I had already jacked off twice today but I was still horny as hell. I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't blow my load soon so I decided to...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Twelve Final

PART TWELVE Our friends had left us last night at around midnight and vowed to try and keep in touch. Brett and I agreed that we would like that. We had really enjoyed their company - as well as the amazing sex. Brett and Nathan had spoken together and had struck up quite a close friendship. They had not had the opportunity to ‘get together’ like most of us but that was something that they each hoped to explore in times to come. It certainly gave...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Eleven

PART ELEVEN Jim, Nathan and I went into the bedroom and we all turned to face each other in a sort of triangle. Nathan looked at Jim and me with a big grin on his face as he slowly rubbed and squeezed his rock hard erection through his briefs. Jim and I had both been up hard and ready since Nathan arrived and now we dropped our shorts to the floor to reveal our pulsing meat. Both our dicks were wet with pre-cum in anticipation of the fun...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Ten

PART TEN While Jim and I were getting to know Nathan on the veranda, Brett and Mick were getting to know more about each other in the living room. Brett had now stripped naked as well and the two them had squeezed onto the single bed they had been sitting on. It was a fairly tight fit but neither seemed to worry too much about that. Both loved the body contact they had going and their cocks were firmly pressed against each other as the boys...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Nine

PART NINE Our last day on the job here was much the same as yesterday, an early start and as we really wanted to finish today, we just had to knuckle down and get it done. As the day wore on, I realised that it would be fairly late again before we could call it quits. When I organised our cabin accommodation on the first day, I had mentioned to Steve, the park owner that we might need to stay on an extra night if we were running a bit...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Eight

PART EIGHT Thursday morning arrived as my alarm once again pulled me out of a deep sleep. This time Brett also woke up and turned to face me as we lay fighting off the temptation to slip back to sleep. We had made good progress with the job but only had two days left if we were to finish as planned, so we knew that we had to put in the hard yards today and tomorrow. Brett’s hand slid over under the sheet and found mine. He just held it...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Seven

PART SEVEN The barbeque was going well with about a dozen people, mostly men, now standing around chatting with others or starting to eat like Brett and my self. Jim and Mick returned to the picnic table with their meals and sat down where they had been before – right opposite us. The swelling in the front of Mick’s shorts had subsided somewhat by now and he just smiled at us both as he sat down. Jim seemed to sense that we were either...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Six

PART SIX The Alarm on my ‘phone went off at 5.30am. I rolled over and turned it off. Brett was still out cold and I didn’t like to wake him but we had to get an early start. He was lying face down with his head turned away from me. I gently peeled the sheet off him and marvelled at the beautiful sight of his naked body lying there so peacefully. His smooth, round bum looked so good. To wake him, I slowly dragged the tips of my fingers...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Five

PART FIVE This, the first day on the job away, was both eventful and tiring. It had been a long day and although Brett and I had been looking forward to climbing into bed together, we were both so tired that we virtually fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows. However, what must have been a couple of hours later, I woke up as I went to turn on to my left side, because I rolled into the naked body of my bed partner. He was...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Three

PART THREE I had some trouble getting to sleep that night as I couldn’t stop thinking about what Brett had said to me about wanting to share a bed with me. All sorts of ideas were popping up in my mind and I started to formulate a plan in my head as to how we just might be able to achieve this wish. Eventually though, I did nod off to sleep and the next thing I knew the alarm was waking me from a deep slumber. I climbed out of bed and began...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Two

PART TWO On that fantastic Sunday that Brett surprisingly arrived from Sydney, with all the excitement and action that followed, we both slept like logs. I woke at 7am and wondered how Brett was feeling about what had transpired between us now that he'd had time to sleep on it. I got out of bed quietly, so as not to wake my wife, and looked into the spare room and was surprised to find Brett's bed empty. I wandered out to the living room...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part one

PART ONE As I sat on the veranda enjoying the warm morning sun and eating my breakfast, I pondered over what the day might have in store for me. My wife had already left for work and I had little that needed my attention today so I just planned to take things easy. While I sipped at my coffee, a flash of reflected sunlight caught my eye. I looked up and saw that it was the morning plane from Sydney banking on to its final approach to the...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Chapter IX

As the two lay together, Charlotte said, “Julie, you said Tyler is the same age as Jamie; have you ever had, you know, sexual thoughts about him?”Julie paused for a moment and then said, “Before yesterday, no; but since then, yes. I have to admit that since the incident with Jamie, I’ve wondered a lot of things about Tyler; like how big his erection is, and if his sperm tastes as good as Jamie’s. I hope that doesn’t freak you out.”“Julie, I think we’ve gone way beyond freaking each other out,”...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part 2

Sweat was pouring down my body. I could feel a drip slide down the groove of my spine under my loose t-shirt, into the waistband of my spandex shorts. Gasping in a breath I pushed one more time, lifting the weight for my final rep, slowly exhaling as I pushed the bar from my chest. Carefully putting the weight back on its rest, I waved to my spotter, a small nod of thanks. Exhausted, I cleaned the bench and grabbed my water bottle and wound my way through the people in the weight room, grabbing...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Visitor

‘I’m too old to be on a family vacation!’ She thought, exhaling dramatically as she lay on her hotel bed, firmly massaging her temples with her fingers. “Honey, are you coming to aqua aerobics with your sister and I?” her Mom called out from her adjoining room. “All that liquor you’ve been drinking is going to catch up with you…” Her Mother’s judgmental tone was giving her a headache. She closed her eyes, “No, go with out me,” she replied, trying to hide her annoyance. She kept her eyes...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Visitor

I have been living next door to Anna for a few years. We were both friendly towards each other and always exchanged pleasantries whenever we saw each other. We did the usual neighbourly things, taking in parcels when either one of us wasn’t in, keeping an eye on the other ones house whenever one was away. Anna was 43 and about 5’6′ tall. She was attractive in a nice way and always held herself well, in a confident manner. She was single (as far as I could tell), and appeared to keep herself to...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Chapters 3 And 4

Chapter 3Over the next week, Kerry and I continued acting like teenagers in love. We seemed to be teenagers who had sneaked off to a private love nest, even though one of us was well beyond his teen years.Late one afternoon, Kerry was getting ready to start dinner, and I was working on the computer in my office. The ringing phone startled us both. It was Jim Martin, Attorney at Law. I answered and he asked for Kerry.Kerry nervously took the phone and said, “Hello, Mr. Martin. What can I do for...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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An Unexpected Visitor

Uncle Fred isn’t my uncle. He’s pretty much my dad’s oldest friend. He was born two days after my dad to my grandma’s best friend. You could say they were partners in crime since their first month of life. Throughout pre, elementary, middle and high school they were inseparable. Then college came, and they went to different schools. My dad went to the University of Michigan, and Fred went to the University of Michigan Dearborn.However, they still hung out any chance they could. They’d go to...

1 year ago
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Unexpected visitor

I was camping with my wife in the Florida Keys at a state park when she decided to take a day to visit a friend about an hour away. I didnt feel like going, so I figured on a relaxing day to lay on the beach a bit and read a book.After a couple hours of that I decided to go to the bath house and take a shower before making lunch. On the way I ran into a guy ( Paul)that was staying a few campsites over from ours. We had said hello a few times so we chatted a bit on the way to the bath house....

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor

Daddy's working away again, I really miss him when he's gone. I miss his snuggly cuddles, I miss his deep sexy voice, his gruff, grizzly beard. I miss the way he can make my panties soaking wet just by looking at me... I just miss him!I have my stuffies to keep me company and all of the wonderful, naughty toys that daddy and I play with but none of them do it quite like him. I lie awake most nights trying to play with myself and make my clit feel like it does when he caresses it or trying to...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Visitor

It was summer, and the weather was hot. The windows of the student house were wide open, and I was feeling horny. My girlfriend at the time, a curvy, buxom brunette, was wearing a light summer skirt and loose rugby shirt, in that Uni-girl way. Her legs and feet were bare as we sat ostensibly revising for exams.I was gently running my hand back and forth over her calf, playfully rising higher each time. Flicking the skirt up so that I could see her tight cotton panties spread across what I knew...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor

Charlotte stepped into her room quietly and closed the door. With a quick twist of the lock she sealed herself inside. Gingerly she moved over to her desk and opened the bottom draw. Hiding underneath her diary and a few other papers was the reason she came up here. Six inches long, an inch wide and ribbed for the ladies pleasure, a purple plastic vibrator. She had been desiring a ride on this baby all afternoon. She double checked that the door was properly locked, last thing she needed was...

3 years ago
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Unexpected visitor

Just for some context, Nirosha was my milf of a neighbour who I used to have sex with. She would let me do anything to her as long as I promised to fuck her. Nirosha's husband called me over one day. Our family always helped each other out or enjoyed each others company. Nirosha and I have been having sex for about a 4 months now and I was scared that he found out. I went over thinking of what I would tell him, when he confronted me. "I know that you are tech-savy. We bought new computers for...

2 years ago
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Unexpected night visitor a fantasy

I had a free weekend and when I heard my friend Mikes wife Louise was going on a hen party giving him a night off I suggested I visited for the weekend for a long overdue catch up, this was deemed a great idea. When I arrived I was told to drop my stuff in their bedroom as they were decorating the spare room and didn't think it fit for guests - though ok for them. I was very grateful for this kindness as it also had an en-suite.Louise got dolled up while Mike and I had a couple of beers, when...

3 years ago
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Unexpected visitor

So Tony had left and I was a fully satisfied girl, although naked under my white silk robe with the exception of my black kitten heels I felt at one. Alexander, my wife's lover was coming for supper, I had all day to prepare. I poured myself a stiff gin and pondered where I had come in the last month. My transformation from software engineer to beautiful woman was slowly coming on. My breasts were small but pert, my weight loss accentuated their size and my hips although male were sufficiently...

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