Unexpected Visitor 3
- 2 years ago
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Chapter 3
Over the next week, Kerry and I continued acting like teenagers in love. We seemed to be teenagers who had sneaked off to a private love nest, even though one of us was well beyond his teen years.
Late one afternoon, Kerry was getting ready to start dinner, and I was working on the computer in my office. The ringing phone startled us both. It was Jim Martin, Attorney at Law. I answered and he asked for Kerry.
Kerry nervously took the phone and said, “Hello, Mr. Martin. What can I do for you? Would you mind if I put you on the speaker so Dave can hear?”
Jim agreed and I was soon privy to both sides of their conversation. Jim started, “I have good new Ms. Shick. Mr. Calvin James is in the county jail. He was arrested late last night for Driving Under the Influence (DUI). When the booking officer ran him through their computer your CDV charge popped up. His bail was set this morning. Due to the number and severity of your injuries and his past criminal history his bail was set pretty high. I doubt he will make bail before his first hearing date which is next week. I will serve him with divorce papers tomorrow afternoon. I am going to ask for the house, its furnishings, the car, spousal support, and my fees. He will go nuts when he reads all that. I don't think he will be going anywhere and I will know just where to find him.”
“Mr. Martin, I really don't want to take all of his stuff. I just want him out of my life.”
Jim laughed out loud at her remark. So did we.
“Kerry, I will do my best to follow your wishes. However, these requests tend to put people like Mr. James in a panic and make them much more receptive to any deals we offer. Will that be alright with you?”
“Yes sir. I understand and I will go along with your advice on these things.”
“Very well. Will you be available at this number until the next hearing?”
“Yes sir. I think I'll be here for a while yet.” She giggled and winked at me.
Alright, I'll call when I have some more news. Have a good evening. Good bye for now.”
Good bye and thank you Mr. Martin. Kerry hung up. She had a huge grin that lit up her whole face. Her eyes were sparkling even though a tear was perched in the corner of each.
“I feel so relieved right now. With Asshole in jail he can't bother me, or us.” She sat on my lap and smothered my face with kisses.
I patted her butt and suggested, “Let's go out to dinner to celebrate. I have about twenty minutes left to do here. Then I'll grab a quick shower and get dressed. I want to take my girlfriend someplace nice.”
She kissed me again and said she was going to put stuff away in the kitchen, and then shower while I finished my computer work. Did I mention how much I loved watching her butt wiggle as she walks away.
A little later, I shut down my computer and went to get ready for my date with Kerry. She must have been in the spare bedroom when I got in the shower. A little later, I was freshly showered and shaved. I put on a good suit. I wanted to look my best for my girlfriend.
After dressing, I went to the living room to wait for Kerry. A few minutes later, she came out of her room. She was wearing the same little black dress she had worn when she came to my house on that cold rainy night. She looked so much better this time. Her make-up was lightly done and she smelled delicious. I carefully took her into my arms and kissed her. I didn't want to spoil her make-up.
“Kerry, you look beautiful. If you will allow me, I want to stop at the mall before we go to diner.”
“The mall? Why the mall?”
“You'll see. Let's go.”
There was a jewelry store at the mall. Actually, there were several jewelry stores there. I held her hand and walked her into the first jewelry store we came to.
“Why are we here, Dave?”
“You look so beautiful in that little black dress. I just thought it would look even nicer on you with a string of pearls around your neck. Little black dresses need a string of pearls.”
“Oh Dave, you don't have to do that. You have already been so good to me. You don't have to buy me pearls, or anything else.”
“Yes I do. I told you I have money and I want to give a gift to my girlfriend. Now, shut up and let the sales lady sell you a string of pearls.”
Fifteen minutes later, we left the store with a string of real pearls hanging around Kerry's neck. She was holding my hand tighter than she ever had.
At dinner we both had steak and lobster. The food was delicious, but it did not compare to the look on Kerry's face and in her eyes. It seemed like we never took our eyes off each other.
As soon as we got home Kerry hustled to the bedroom. She seemed to be in a hurry to shed her clothes. I followed her wiggling butt and walked in behind her. She flipped the straps of her black dress off her shoulders. She let it slide down her body. It seemed to float to the floor. In short order her bra and panties joined the dress. The last thing she took off was her string of pearls. She very carefully laid them on the dresser. We made passionate love until late into the night. I had cum three times before running out of gas. That was a record for me. I lost count of how many times Kerry had gotten off.
I didn't get the usual blowjob in the morning. We were both still tired from our long and exciting night. She just cuddled up close and we stroked each others body.
A week later Jim Martin call again. With Jim's permission, Kerry put him on the speaker again so I could hear their conversation.
“Ms. Shick, I have good news again. Mr. James has amazingly pled guilty to both the DUI and CDV charges. He has been sentenced to six months in the county jail on each charge. His sentences are to be served concurrently. I spoke with him about your divorce action after his criminal hearing. He eagerly agreed to not contest your divorce action if he could keep his things. He even agreed to sign his car over to you and pay half of my fees. Since the divorce will be uncontested, the family court judge has agreed to hear your petition in thirty days. You must attend the hearing. Also, the state requires a six month cooling off period from the date of filing before your divorce becomes final. In effect, you will legally be a free woman on a date in the middle of June to be specified by the judge. Mr. James will be at the divorce proceedings as well. He will be escorted by a deputy since he will still be in the Sheriff's custody and will have more than four months left to serve on his sentence. Does all of that meet your requirements and expectations, Ms. Shick?”
Kerry was practically jumping up and down in excitement. “Oh my God! Yes, Mr. Martin, that sounds wonderful. I don't know how I will ever thank you.”
Jim laughed. “Don't worry about that, Ms. Shick. If all goes as expected, Dave will be getting the bill for my services after your divorce hearing. For now, have a good day and good bye.”
Kerry could barely get her reply out due to her excitement. “Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Mr. Martin. Just let me know when and where the hearing will be and I will be there. This is like waking from a nightmare. Thank you again and good bye.”
Kerry jumped into my lap as I sat at my desk. Like the last time Jim Martin had given her good news, she covered my face with kisses and promised to do all kinds of things to me in bed that night. I was beginning to think calls from Jim were very good for my early middle-aged sex life.
That night Kerry carried through with her promise to fuck me silly. At one point I thought she was trying to suck my cock from my body. When my cum erupted from my cock's head, she drove her mouth down and shoved my cock deep into her throat. Without so much as a sputter, she took my entire load of cum down her gullet without lifting.
As soon as she sucked my cock hard again, she climbed up and straddled my hips. She then sat on top of my cock and squatted down until she had me fully engulfed in her pussy. Once she had my cock deep in her pussy, she bounced up and down vigorously. My cock's head rammed her cervix each time she dropped her pussy down on me. She grunted and groaned each time she slammed down.
Kerry cried out as our mutual orgasms approached. “OH GOD YES, DAVE!” With each thrust down, she gasped. “YOU...FEEL...SO...GOOD...IN...MY...PUSSY. FUCK...MY...HORNY...CUNT! YESSSS!
We both came at about the same time. She slammed down on my cock and I thrust up, I pumped a load of cum into her while she shuddered through her orgasm. Kerry then fell forward to lay on me. Her small titties were crushed by my chest. Her pussy continued to spasm and milked my cock for some time.
I rested a little while with my cock soaking in her massaging pussy. It amazed me when I got a third hard-on.
She raised her head up and smiled at me. “Can you go again, Dave?”
“I don't know, but I sure would like to try. Roll over Baby.”
Kerry rolled off me, lay on her back, and spread her legs. I rolled onto her and slid my revived cock into her pussy once more. This time we made love instead of fucking our brains out. Gently and slowly I thrust into Kerry while talking softly into her ear. I nibbled her ear lobes and neck.
“Dave, you can give me a love bite if you want to. I will be proud to have you mark me as you own.” Kerry whispered.
“I don't think that is a good idea until after your divorce hearing. A hickey might make the judge less than favorably inclined to your side of the case. After you're divorced, I will love marking the hell out of you. But, promise me you will let me know if I ever hurt you. A hickey is one thing. Hurting you is something else. You just ran away from an asshole that hurt you.”
“I understand, Dave. At the right time, I want you to give me hickies all over my body. I want you and everyone else to know I am yours.”
“Don't worry about that. I have an idea that will surely let you know whose girl you are.”
“Oh Dave.” She sighed and began rocking her pelvis up to accept my slow thrusts into her pussy.
I was still amazed that not only was I hard enough to make love to my girlfriend, but I felt another cum approaching. Slowly I built up the speed and power of my thrusts.
“Umph, umph, umph.” Kerry began grunting as my cock repeatedly bumped into her cervix. She was about to cum again as well.
I was getting close as well. “Oh Baby.” I moaned. With one firm thrust deep into her pussy, I hugged her tightly and gave her my last load of cum for the night.
“Oh yes, Dave. It feels so good when your warm cum floods into me.” She firmly returned my hug and sighed in contentment.
We fell asleep with my cock still in her pussy. Sometime during the night, my cock must have gone soft and slipped out of her. I awoke with her back spooned to my belly. She was holding my hand against her tit as she slept.
I got out of bed before she woke. I showered, shaved, and pulled on a pair of boxers. I then headed to the kitchen I made us sausage patties, French toast, and hot chocolate for breakfast.
Kerry surprised me by coming to breakfast totally nude and still damp from her shower. “What a beautiful breakfast partner you are.” I told her. We smiled at each other but made no further comment about our attire, or lack there of.
Chapter 4
Over the next month, as the date for her divorce hearing approached, Kerry seemed to get more and more nervous. The night before the scheduled date of the hearing, we sat watching a movie on TV. She had her back pressed to my chest when suddenly she began to sob. She looked up at me with tears streaming from her eyes.
“Oh Dave, I'm so frightened,” she sobbed. “What if that asshole changes his mind and decides to fight me over the divorce?”
I hugged her tighter and replied. “Baby, that could happen, but if it does, he'll have to hire a lawyer. You have the best lawyer in town. I don't think Asshole can afford even a decent lawyer, let alone a good one. If he could he would have already hired one to defend against the DUI and CDV charges. He's already spent a lot of money for the fines he's had to pay for his DUI and CDV convictions. Even if he does get a lawyer, Jim will eat him alive. Please try to relax and let Jim handle Asshole, and let me handle his ex-wife and her beautiful tits.” I squeezed Kerry's tits firmly. “You have some wonderful tits.”
She looked up at me again and smiled. “You really mean that don't you?”
“Yes Baby. I certainly do. If all goes well at the hearing tomorrow, I'll put my mark on both of them and maybe other places too. I want to show you off as my girlfriend to everyone we know. I especially want your family to know we are together as a couple, and I better never hear them speak poorly of my girlfriend.” I squeezed her tits again.
She smiled up at me, cooed in pleasure, and leaned back again to watch the movie on TV. “Thank you, Dave for helping and taking me in and caring for me when I needed it most. I hope you want to continue to care for me.”
I squeezed her tits again and said, “Of course I do, Baby. Now try to relax.”
Later that night after we went to bed, I marked Kerry as mine own. She had been expecting me to put hickies on her tits. Instead, I put a nice fat love bite right in the middle of her pubic mound. I told her, “Baby, now only you and I will know you are marked. If you get nervous during your hearing just press your hands into your lap and think of your mark. Now go to sleep. You'll want to be fresh, bright eyed, and not so busy-tailed in the morning.” I patted her bald pussy and held her close until we fell asleep.
The next morning we were up early and got ready for her divorce hearing. It was scheduled for ten AM in the county courthouse. Accompanied by Kerry's lawyer, Jim Martin, we enter the courtroom with fifteen minutes to spare. Jim and Kerry took their seats at a table up front while I sat in the back of the courtroom.
Ten minutes later, Calvin James was escorted into the courtroom by a large deputy Sheriff. He was not represented by an attorney
The Family Court judge was announced and took his chair behind the bench right at ten AM on the dot. In a loud voice he asked, “Are all parties to James vs. James present? Jim stood and replied, “Jim Martin representing Kerry James, Your Honor. The petitioner, Mrs. Kerry James is here beside me.”
Asshole stood and said, “Calvin James sir. I'm here.”
The judge then proceeded to open the hearing. “I have read the petitioner's complaint. Has the respondent received and read a copy of said complaint?”
Asshole stood again and replied. “I have Your Honor. If I may Your Honor, may I speak. I may be able to save the court some time.”
“Very well, Mr. James, proceed.” The judge allowed.
Asshole spoke again. “Your Honor, I have read the complaint and do not wish to fight this divorce. She is free to go as far as I am concerned. She never was much of a wife in the first place. However, Mr. Martin and I have come to an agreement. I will give my convertible Camaro to Kerry and she will allow me to keep all my other property. There is to be no spousal support. However, will be required to pay half of Mr. Martin's fee for this divorce. I will sign your decree as soon as this court has it prepared. Thank you, Your Honor.” He then sat down and bowed his head.
“Mr. Martin, is what Mr. James said in agreement with your understanding and has your client been so advised?”
”Yes, Your Honor, Mr. James statement is as we have agreed. My client has been so notified and also agrees.”
“Very well, it is ordered that Mrs. Kerry James be granted her petition for divorce. In accordance with state law there will be a six month cooling off period from the date of the original filling. Therefore, this action will become final on June sixth of the current year.”
“Mr. James, you are a very lucky man. I have seen the photographs of the injuries suffered by Mrs. James at your hand. It is my order that you will sign your car over to Mrs. James within seventy-two hours. If there is any balance still owing on said car, you will make the payments in a timely manner until the lien is paid off. You are further ordered to sign this divorce decree within the same seventy-two hour period. When you are released from the Sheriff's custody, you will immediately make arrangements though Mr. Martins office to make reasonable payments to him. Do you understand, Mr. James?”
Asshole stood with his head bowed. “Yes, Your Honor.”
“Very well. It is so ordered! This case is closed and we are adjourned.” The judge slammed his gavel down and left the courtroom.
Kerry jumped up and threw her arms around Jim. Though startled, he gave her a nice hug. She repeatedly thanked him for his help.
I then stepped through the swinging gate and Kerry gave me the same treatment. Tears were again streaming down her face, but a broad smile on her face told me these were tears of joy. “Oh Dave, I can really be yours now.”
Asshole just stared at us as the deputy put handcuffs back on him to transport him back to jail.
I hugged her and whispered in her ear. “Baby, as soon as I get the chance, I'm going to put marks on those beautiful tits of yours. I'll give you a nice little love bite high on each tit so it can been seen when you wear a low cut top. Then we're going to go see your family. I have a few words for them. But for now, I'm hungry. Let's go find something to eat.”
We thanked Jim once again and headed to a little restaurant not far from the courthouse. Kerry hadn't seemed this happy since I had known her as a younger teen. That cold rainy night she found her way to my doorstep had been a turning point in both of our lives.
After lunch, I took Kerry to her ex-in laws and retrieved her car. It was a very nice late model high end Camaro convertible with all the accessories. Kerry didn't know I had my pistol hidden under my suit jacket in the waistband of my pants. When Asshole's brother acted like he wanted to prevent her from taking her car, I simply let him see the gun without pulling it out. “Oh, would you rather deal with the Sheriff's Office?” I asked.
“No, no! You can take the car. Please, don't call the cops.”
“Thank you for your cooperation. I don't ever want to even hear of any of you bothering Kerry ever again. Got it?”
“Yes, we get it.”
“Good! Kerry, take your new car now and go home. I'll be there in a little while. I need to make a stop on the way.”
Kerry grinned widely and was soon heading out of the James' driveway in her Camaro. I lagged behind to be certain no one tried to follow her. They didn't.
When I walked in my door about thirty minutes behind Kerry she nearly attacked me. She came running and made a flying leap into my arms. She was completely nude. That was not an unusual state of dress for Kerry, but she usually waited until after dark to completely shed her clothes.
I carried her to our bed and gently laid her down. I then began caressing all over her young slender body until she was moaning with arousal. “Kerry, I was going to mark you but I see someone has already put his mark above your pussy.”
“You better mark my tits as well so there will be no forgetting whose girlfriend I am.” Her nipples were standing erect begging to be sucked. I kissed each nipple before I began sucking the upper slopes of her breasts slightly toward the center of her chest. While I sucked on one tit, I fondled the other.
She groaned with pleasure and pulled my face tight to the tit I was sucking. Kerry was soon squirming under me and rapidly approaching an orgasm. I continued sucking her tits and slipped my cock into her cunt. I sucked her tits and fucked her pussy hard until we both came. When we finished she had a pussy full of cum. She also had a big bright hickey on each of her tits in addition to the one over her pussy. The love bites were placed in such a way that they would be visible when she wore many of her tops.
I then patted her ass and said, ”Let's go see your family!”
“Now? Without a shower? You have just marked me, cum is running out of my pussy, and I smell like a whore.”
I kissed her gently and told her, “That's the idea. I want everyone to know you're my girl now. Unless you would be too embarrassed, I'd really like to put your family on notice. They need to know that we belong to each other now, and I won't tolerate any of them bad-mouthing my girl.”
“Okay Dave, if you want me to show off my love bites, smell like a freshly fucked whore, and have your cum running down my legs, I'll be proud to be shown off as your girlfriend.”
As she rolled out of bed, I knelt in front of her. My face was just a few inches from her dripping pussy. I place a kiss on her bald pubic mound over the first mark I had put on her. I looked up at her and said, “Oh, I almost forgot something. Turn around and bend over the bed.” I then placed a large love bite in the middle of each of her butt cheeks. In the mean time, I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out the small box I had put there. I had her stand and face me. I grinned widely and opened the jewelry box and held it out to her. “Kerry, I love you. Would you do me the honor of becoming my bride sometime in June.”
Kerry screamed, “YES! YES DAVE! I'LL MARRY YOU. I love you so much. I'll be proud to wear your ring. She slipped the ring on the third finger of her left hand. As a matter of fact, if you want me to have your love bites all over me and smell like I've just been fucked, I might as well look and smell like I've just sucked your cock. Please stand while I kneel so I can take your cock in my mouth.”
It only took a few minutes for Kerry to have me pumping a load of cum into her mouth. As usual, she swallowed. But this time, she let a little cum dribble out of her mouth, down her chin, and drip onto her tits.
Kerry got dressed and said, “Okay Dave, we can go now. I love you. We can finish this later.”
“Wait!” I was having second thoughts. “Kerry I love you too much to allow you to go to your family like this. Asshole has already humiliated you more than enough in front of your family. I can not and will not do that to you. Please, go hop in the shower and clean up. I don't want anyone, even me, to humiliate you from now on.”
Kerry came out of the bathroom wearing a nice skirt and a tank top with a deep neckline. Her love bites were prominently on display.
A little more than an hour later, we pulled up in front of her family's house on the far side of town. We knocked and her mother came to the door. Seeing Kerry she said, “What the hell are you doing h.... Oh hi Dave. How have you been?”
“We are doing very well Mrs. Shick. Kerry is getting a divorce from that asshole, Calvin James. It will be final in June. We wanted to let you know we are now a loving couple and we became engaged this afternoon.”
Kerry held out her hand so her mother could see the ring with its sizable diamond.
About that time, Mrs. Shick took a good look at her daughter. “Kerry, you have hickies on your breasts and anyone can see them.”
“Yes Mother. Shouldn't my future husband be allowed to suck on my tits? He can do anything else he likes with me as well.”
“That's right Mrs. Shick. I wanted you to see her love bites so there is no doubt in your mind that Kerry is now mine. And I am her's. Furthermore, if I so much as hear you or anyone in your family say anything rude about my fiance, I have enough money to ruin you, and that wouldn't be too difficult. Do we understand each other Mrs. Shick?”
I then whispered to Kerry, “Kerry, if you'd like this one time, you can show your mother your other marks. Kerry got an evil grin on her face. She reached down and lifted her skirt. Her mother just stared open mouthed at her daughter's bald cunt. “That's right, Mother. Dave doesn't like getting hair in his teeth when he eats my pussy. And do you like the love bite Dave gave the there as well. You ought to see his cock, Mother. My God it's big. I can barely get it down my throat. Oh, and I have one more thing to say to you.” She then turned, bent over, and flipped her dress up over her ass. “You can kiss my ass!”
As she stared at the two large hickies on Kerry's ass, I told Kerry's mother that she could go fuck herself and never bother Kerry or me again.
Kerry and I then turned and left. Kerry carried herself with a lot more pride than she had in the past.
The next few months were very hectic. We, or should I say Kerry, planed our wedding. I pretty much went along with whatever she wanted. One night after looking for a wedding dress, Kerry and I were cuddled together on the couch watching TV. She had been quiet for a while when she looked up with tears in her eyes. “Dave, are you sure you want to marry me?”
“Yes I do, Baby. I will be a happy man the day we are wed.”
“Can I ask one more question?”
“Of course, you can always ask me anything.”
“Dave, would you want me to have your children?”
“Kerry, will you please stop taking your birth control pills the first week June. We should be pregnant by some time in July or August. I think I'd like a boy and a girl before I'm too old to play with them”.
Kerry laughed at my answer. “Dave, I don't think you will ever be too old to play with our kids, or me.” She then climbed up onto my lap and smothered me with kisses. Even if I am still taking my pills, we can keep up the practice.
Our wedding was to be a low keyed affair. I didn't realize Kerry had so many young friends. I think half or more of her school classmates came. Of course Jim Martin and a bunch of my business associates came as well. Our wedding turned out to be one hell of a party. Many of my associates were hitting on Kerry's young friends. A few of them left with pretty young things hanging on their arms.
When we went to bed that night, I asked, “Wife, is number three still an option?”
With a wide grin on her face, she reached over to our night stand and handed me a tube of anal lubricant. “I would prefer if you took my ass with me on my back. I can pull my legs up to near my ears. That way I can see you face and you can see mine as you shove that big cock of yours up my ass. Just go slow at first.”
“Baby, you really are something very special.” I then lubed up my cock while she lifted her legs. She put her arms between her legs and pulled up until her knees were near her shoulders and calves were indeed next to her ears. Kerry's hips rocked up. Her asshole was very nicely presented for fucking in that position.
I bent over and kissed her then placed my cock's head against Kerry's crinkled asshole. She smiled at me and said, “Go ahead husband. Take the last piece of me that I have to give you.”
I slowly pressed my cock's head to her asshole. Her sphincter gave way and opened to allow my cock's entry. Her eyes opened wide and she gasped as my cock popped into her ass.
“Are you okay, Baby?”
“Yes Dave. Go ahead and slowly push you cock all the way in. Please do it in one steady shove. I'll be just fine. Now husband, fuck your wife's ass.”
I did as she asked. With one steady push I buried my cock balls deep into Kerry's tight ass.
She groaned progressively louder as as my cock pushed further and further into her ass and filled her colon. I held still in her when I had my cock fully buried in Kerry's ass. I wanted to give her ass time to adjust to my cock's invasion.
Kerry smiled up at me. “God my ass is so full. I knew you would fill my ass like you did my pussy that first night. Okay husband, take your wife's last hole. Come on babe, fuck my ass like you mean to keep it.”
Like I had the first time she gave me her pussy, I began slowly moving my cock in and out of her ass. Gradually I increased the speed and power of my thrusts until I was rapidly fucking Kerry's asshole.
She seemed to enjoy her ass getting fucked. “Oh yes, Dave. Fill my ass with the big cock of yours. Come on Baby, fuck me harder. Drive that cock deep in my guts and fill my ass with your cum.”
As I built to a cum, I began thrusting as hard as I could. Finally I slammed deep into Kerry's bowels and pumped a big load of cum into her. I moaned in pleasure and she moaned with me. She brought her hands down and held me so my cock stayed deep in her ass while we rested.
That was just the beginning of our wedding night rivalries. We both awoke the next morning tired and sore. Fortunately, we weren't too tired or sore to grab a shower, get dressed, and pack a few bags. We had to catch a plane. We spent the next two weeks in Hawaii.
We had a Forth of July party attended by many of the same people who had been at our wedding. Kerry got every ones attention so she could make an announcement. She addressed her comments to me more than the gathered crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, Dave, something very important is about to happen to us. It seems I ran out of my birth control pills in mid May. Since I was about to marry the man of my dreams and we had talked about having children before our wedding, I didn't refill them. Dave, I love you. I've missed my last period, and I think I'm pregnant.”
The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.
I grabbed my wife around her waist and kissed her as I swung her around. Her feet were flying out behind her. As she laughed I slowly stood her back on her feet and gave her a long passionate kiss. I then knelt and kissed her still flat belly. “I love you Kerry and will love our baby as well.”
Eight months later, Kerry gave birth to our beautiful daughter. We named her Mary. Kerry was a loving and devoted mother. Two years later, Mary was joined by her little brother, Danny. I was still very deeply in love with my wife and the mother of my two kids. Our family was complete. At least I think it is, unless Kerry has any more surprises up her sleeve. Or is it up her hot and horny pussy?
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I am really happy that I was born at this point in history. If I was born lets just say 20 years ago... I couldn’t make a living doing what I do. I couldn’t be out to ANYONE. Grindr wouldn’t exist. Yesterday I was sitting on my couch, wearing only a pair of white speedos and working on a super hot speedo photo set (if you are nice to me I will post some pics from that on here tomorrow). As you can imagine - when I’m hard at work, I am sometime ‘HARD’ at work. I’ve had a Grindr account for...
As the two lay together, Charlotte said, “Julie, you said Tyler is the same age as Jamie; have you ever had, you know, sexual thoughts about him?”Julie paused for a moment and then said, “Before yesterday, no; but since then, yes. I have to admit that since the incident with Jamie, I’ve wondered a lot of things about Tyler; like how big his erection is, and if his sperm tastes as good as Jamie’s. I hope that doesn’t freak you out.”“Julie, I think we’ve gone way beyond freaking each other out,”...
IncestI awoke the next morning to find my cock deep in Kerry’s mouth. Her tongue was busily swabbing all around my morning wood while she sucked hard. I stroked her hair and moanded with pleasure. It had been years since I had been given a blowjob. Kerry was an expert at sucking cock. “I’m almost there, Kerry.” I warned her. “Um hum.” She acknowledged my warning. Just as I began to erupt in her mouth, Kerry pushed down hard and drove my cock deep into her throat. She swallowed and took my cum...
Over the next week, Kerry and I continued acting like teenagers in love. We seemed to be teenagers who had sneaked off to a private love nest, even though one of us was well beyond his teen years. Late one afternoon, Kerry was getting ready to start dinner, and I was working on the computer in my office. The ringing phone startled us both. It was Jim Martin, Attorney at Law. I answered and he asked for Kerry. Kerry nervously took the phone and said, “Hello, Mr. Martin. What can I do for...
Over the next month, as the date for her divorce hearing approached, Kerry seemed to get more and more nervous. The night before the scheduled date of the hearing, we sat watching a movie on TV. She had her back pressed to my chest when suddenly she began to sob. She looked up at me with tears streaming from her eyes. “Oh Dave, I’m so frightened.” She sobbed. “What if that asshole changes his mind and decides to fight me over the divorce?” I hugged her tighter and replied. “Baby, that could...
The visitor It was a nice warm day and we had designated this day as our day of enjoyment... The kids were all out and after havingb3 kids and 21 years every break should be… The visitor It was a nice warm day and we had designated this day as our day of enjoyment... The kids were all out and after havingb3 kids and 21 years every break should be planned, cherished and enjoyed. We had made big plans that day... Mainly being indoors and relaxing.... Planned a lunch out at the fancy...
WifeChapter 1How did my father and I unexpectedly end up in the shower together? Let me give you a brief history and you’ll see.I’d just finished my first year away at college and had come home for the summer on an early Saturday morning, one day earlier than what I’d told my parents. I’d planned to spend Saturday night with my girlfriends, but I’d been homesick and woke up at the crack of dawn Saturday and just decided to drive home.I really wanted to see my father, who I still called “daddy,”...
IncestSix thirty in the morning is a lonely time on a college campus. I was at the student recreation center, going for my morning run around the track. Good thing we could get in with our student IDs early in the morning, since it’s the only time I have when I can get to the gym regularly. As I ran around the track, trying to keep track of my laps and time, I pushed myself. I had already done my lifting this morning, and running felt good, stretching my muscles, pushing myself. I loved coming this...
PART TWELVE Our friends had left us last night at around midnight and vowed to try and keep in touch. Brett and I agreed that we would like that. We had really enjoyed their company - as well as the amazing sex. Brett and Nathan had spoken together and had struck up quite a close friendship. They had not had the opportunity to ‘get together’ like most of us but that was something that they each hoped to explore in times to come. It certainly gave...
PART ELEVEN Jim, Nathan and I went into the bedroom and we all turned to face each other in a sort of triangle. Nathan looked at Jim and me with a big grin on his face as he slowly rubbed and squeezed his rock hard erection through his briefs. Jim and I had both been up hard and ready since Nathan arrived and now we dropped our shorts to the floor to reveal our pulsing meat. Both our dicks were wet with pre-cum in anticipation of the fun...
PART TEN While Jim and I were getting to know Nathan on the veranda, Brett and Mick were getting to know more about each other in the living room. Brett had now stripped naked as well and the two them had squeezed onto the single bed they had been sitting on. It was a fairly tight fit but neither seemed to worry too much about that. Both loved the body contact they had going and their cocks were firmly pressed against each other as the boys...
PART NINE Our last day on the job here was much the same as yesterday, an early start and as we really wanted to finish today, we just had to knuckle down and get it done. As the day wore on, I realised that it would be fairly late again before we could call it quits. When I organised our cabin accommodation on the first day, I had mentioned to Steve, the park owner that we might need to stay on an extra night if we were running a bit...
PART EIGHT Thursday morning arrived as my alarm once again pulled me out of a deep sleep. This time Brett also woke up and turned to face me as we lay fighting off the temptation to slip back to sleep. We had made good progress with the job but only had two days left if we were to finish as planned, so we knew that we had to put in the hard yards today and tomorrow. Brett’s hand slid over under the sheet and found mine. He just held it...
PART SEVEN The barbeque was going well with about a dozen people, mostly men, now standing around chatting with others or starting to eat like Brett and my self. Jim and Mick returned to the picnic table with their meals and sat down where they had been before – right opposite us. The swelling in the front of Mick’s shorts had subsided somewhat by now and he just smiled at us both as he sat down. Jim seemed to sense that we were either...
PART SIX The Alarm on my ‘phone went off at 5.30am. I rolled over and turned it off. Brett was still out cold and I didn’t like to wake him but we had to get an early start. He was lying face down with his head turned away from me. I gently peeled the sheet off him and marvelled at the beautiful sight of his naked body lying there so peacefully. His smooth, round bum looked so good. To wake him, I slowly dragged the tips of my fingers...
PART FIVE This, the first day on the job away, was both eventful and tiring. It had been a long day and although Brett and I had been looking forward to climbing into bed together, we were both so tired that we virtually fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows. However, what must have been a couple of hours later, I woke up as I went to turn on to my left side, because I rolled into the naked body of my bed partner. He was...
PART THREE I had some trouble getting to sleep that night as I couldn’t stop thinking about what Brett had said to me about wanting to share a bed with me. All sorts of ideas were popping up in my mind and I started to formulate a plan in my head as to how we just might be able to achieve this wish. Eventually though, I did nod off to sleep and the next thing I knew the alarm was waking me from a deep slumber. I climbed out of bed and began...
PART TWO On that fantastic Sunday that Brett surprisingly arrived from Sydney, with all the excitement and action that followed, we both slept like logs. I woke at 7am and wondered how Brett was feeling about what had transpired between us now that he'd had time to sleep on it. I got out of bed quietly, so as not to wake my wife, and looked into the spare room and was surprised to find Brett's bed empty. I wandered out to the living room...
PART ONE As I sat on the veranda enjoying the warm morning sun and eating my breakfast, I pondered over what the day might have in store for me. My wife had already left for work and I had little that needed my attention today so I just planned to take things easy. While I sipped at my coffee, a flash of reflected sunlight caught my eye. I looked up and saw that it was the morning plane from Sydney banking on to its final approach to the...
Sweat was pouring down my body. I could feel a drip slide down the groove of my spine under my loose t-shirt, into the waistband of my spandex shorts. Gasping in a breath I pushed one more time, lifting the weight for my final rep, slowly exhaling as I pushed the bar from my chest. Carefully putting the weight back on its rest, I waved to my spotter, a small nod of thanks. Exhausted, I cleaned the bench and grabbed my water bottle and wound my way through the people in the weight room, grabbing...
I was camping with my wife in the Florida Keys at a state park when she decided to take a day to visit a friend about an hour away. I didnt feel like going, so I figured on a relaxing day to lay on the beach a bit and read a book.After a couple hours of that I decided to go to the bath house and take a shower before making lunch. On the way I ran into a guy ( Paul)that was staying a few campsites over from ours. We had said hello a few times so we chatted a bit on the way to the bath house....
Daddy's working away again, I really miss him when he's gone. I miss his snuggly cuddles, I miss his deep sexy voice, his gruff, grizzly beard. I miss the way he can make my panties soaking wet just by looking at me... I just miss him!I have my stuffies to keep me company and all of the wonderful, naughty toys that daddy and I play with but none of them do it quite like him. I lie awake most nights trying to play with myself and make my clit feel like it does when he caresses it or trying to...
Charlotte stepped into her room quietly and closed the door. With a quick twist of the lock she sealed herself inside. Gingerly she moved over to her desk and opened the bottom draw. Hiding underneath her diary and a few other papers was the reason she came up here. Six inches long, an inch wide and ribbed for the ladies pleasure, a purple plastic vibrator. She had been desiring a ride on this baby all afternoon. She double checked that the door was properly locked, last thing she needed was...
Just for some context, Nirosha was my milf of a neighbour who I used to have sex with. She would let me do anything to her as long as I promised to fuck her. Nirosha's husband called me over one day. Our family always helped each other out or enjoyed each others company. Nirosha and I have been having sex for about a 4 months now and I was scared that he found out. I went over thinking of what I would tell him, when he confronted me. "I know that you are tech-savy. We bought new computers for...
I had a free weekend and when I heard my friend Mikes wife Louise was going on a hen party giving him a night off I suggested I visited for the weekend for a long overdue catch up, this was deemed a great idea. When I arrived I was told to drop my stuff in their bedroom as they were decorating the spare room and didn't think it fit for guests - though ok for them. I was very grateful for this kindness as it also had an en-suite.Louise got dolled up while Mike and I had a couple of beers, when...
So Tony had left and I was a fully satisfied girl, although naked under my white silk robe with the exception of my black kitten heels I felt at one. Alexander, my wife's lover was coming for supper, I had all day to prepare. I poured myself a stiff gin and pondered where I had come in the last month. My transformation from software engineer to beautiful woman was slowly coming on. My breasts were small but pert, my weight loss accentuated their size and my hips although male were sufficiently...
There was a knock at the door. Two people standing there, a man and woman. I stared at them not really taking in what they were trying to sell me, but at the fact that the female sales person had quite a nice rack on her. She carried on taking to me when I realised the man standing next to her had clocked me checking her out. He smiled so I nervously smiled back, and invited them in to carry on selling. They sat side by side on the sofa as I sat on the other sofa which sits facing it. I looked...
Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereSix thirty in the morning is a lonely time on a college campus. I was at the student recreation center, going for my morning run around the track. Good thing we could get in with our student IDs early in the morning, since it’s the only time I have when I can get to the gym regularly. As I ran around the track, trying to keep track of my laps and...
Sweat was pouring down my body. I could feel a drip slide down the groove of my spine under my loose t-shirt, into the waistband of my spandex shorts. Gasping in a breath I pushed one more time, lifting the weight for my final rep, slowly exhaling as I pushed the bar from my chest. Carefully putting the weight back on its rest, I waved to my spotter, a small nod of thanks. Exhausted, I cleaned the bench and grabbed my water bottle and wound my way through the people in the weight room,...
Straight SexGraham lay in his bed and opened his eyes, startled. The first thing he caught sight of was the popcorn ceiling. Okay, I’m on my back just like I was a minute ago, he thought to himself. He smiled as he moved only his gaze down towards his crotch, predicting that there was going to be the lovely shapely figure that had been pleasing him seconds ago before he shot his load into her mouth.Instead of a woman, he caught sight of his pulsing cock. His balls had the sensation of just having emptied,...
SupernaturalThe bell boy stood behind you not knowing what to say he could see your sexy and well used body hanging there like a slab of meat ready for the taking, and The man stood there watching him knowing by the bulge in his pants that he would like to touch you.His phone beeped and he smiled as I had answered him and he showed the message to the bell boy and then to you, it said ‘’ I appreciate the text and whole heartedly agree that this bell boy should fuck and cum in my slut, If you could do me the...
I always felt that Ken was plunging me into situations with little or no preparation. The first night we were together he had me strip naked in front of him, masturbate, piss on the floor and roll around in it. There had been no warning, no easing me into it, just a gentle insistence. He just quietly told me what to do and I did it. Not without some hesitation and some serious doubts, but I did whatever he told me to.It felt like diving in the deep end but with a gentle push from Ken. I still...
Chapter 6It took a few days to calm Mom down enough to talk. When she’d caught us, we both quickly sat up and looked around for something to cover up with, but we’d kicked the comforter, top sheet, and pillows off the bed. Daddy grabbed the towel I’d used that morning and handed it to me, then he went to Mom and tried to hug her, but she wasn’t having it.“Don’t touch me!” she yelled.“Honey, I can explain if you’ll just listen,” he’d said with his hands up like he was surrendering.“Explain what?...
IncestChapter 4“I understand, Daddy. I really want you to take me,” I said and that was all he needed to hear. His hand went behind my knee and lifted my leg so high that my calf was next to my head braced against the wall. He held my leg in place with his left hand and fisted his dick with his other. Then he positioned his cock against my entrance, looked deep into my eyes, and pushed himself in until his balls hit my ass. He held still and let me get used to his size. I wasn’t a virgin by any...
IncestAs the driving rain smote his window, Joseph felt a chill in his spine. This was not the chill of a cold, wintry night. This was a chill he had felt many times before. ‘He’s coming,’ Joseph thought to himself. For a moment, Joseph thought he would flee as he had done so many times before. It had, in fact, become a natural instinct, a reflex action that he simply performed without ever knowing why. He was found, he fled, he was found, he fled…Sometimes he outwitted his adversary, others he...
My husband was sleeping, exhausted from his first fist fucking experience I had given him for more than one hour in preparation for our visitor. I let him rest. When the visitor arrived, he was still sleeping. His name was Jake. He looked good: tall, close shaven, well dressed. He introduced himself to me as an experienced bisexual. `What do you like about being a bisexual?` I asked him. `I am into ass play quite a lot. My wife attends to my needs the best she can but there is nothing like...
Erotic"Ohhhhhhhh, John," Ellyn cried, "she's absolutely perfect, I can hardly wait to get her out of her clothes!!!" "Come in, dear," John said to the tiny Japanese woman who was standing nervously in the foyer of the large suburban home of the John and Ellyn Wexman, "as you heard my wife is very happy to see you, and of course I am, too!!!" Taking their visitor by the arm, John led her into the family room in the rear of the house, and after pouring drinks for everyone asked, "So, Kira, are you sure...
FetishA SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...
Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 3 & 4 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Desert and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...
Kandice, Kandy for short, was even more stunning than Kat – if that were possible. She had an almost identical body to Kat, just a little more developed in the right places due to the five year age gap between the two girls. She stood almost five centimeters taller than Kat and carried the extra height well. Kandy was twenty-eight years old and recently married, and I often thought what a lucky fuck her husband was to have such a gorgeous lady to come home and fuck every night. Okay, maybe...
SeductionA SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 22 - 24 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...
Driving Mrs. TandyChapter 1 John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time, he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day, he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all. The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent...
Hi iss reader Mastram is back with my unforgettable moment to share with u all,and thanks again for lovely feedback to my previous stories. To aap logo kaa jada time naa lete hue mai story pe aata hu,let me introduce to the lady her name is Chandni,figure 34 30 36 approx.Coming to the story. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai Mumbai,Vasai shift hua mai apni studies ke liye mere ghr jo kafi time se band pada tha.Aur mai apne purane ghr aur aunties aur bhabhiyo ko bhi miss kar rha tha,but mai shift ho...
John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all. The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent smile on her face. Norma...
A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 19 - 21 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...
Hi, this is Amit, once again. This incident happened recently and has been etched in my memory forever. For those reading my story for the first time, I am 39, quite good looking, 5.10 in height and having an athletic build. I reside in Mumbai and am quite adventurous. Without detailing further, let’s get on with what happened. It was a usual day at work, a hot summer day. I had just completed lunch and heard my phone ringing. When I looked, the name it displayed put a smile on my face. It was...
Foreword: In 2016 I began posting this story, Emerald Princess, set in the Whateley Universe. Real life happened, along with a major case of writer's block, and I stalled out in the middle of Chapter 21. Several people have tried to get me to return to this since I stopped, but I just could never get my head back into the story. Finally a new friend, Chloe, badgered me enough I decided to take another look at it. As a result I have managed to finish the full novel, which is...
Kate Draffen By Swishy Hi there. Firstly thank you everyone for the amazing feedback. It has really spurned me on to write better and better. Unfortunately real life has a way of intruding and therefore I haven't been able to release the entire last third of the story as one large part but instead I will be posting two chapters at a time until Gemma's story is complete. These are chapters 18 and 19, the rest of the story (to a total of 26 chapters) will be coming out in regular...
That was the awkward Christmas. I had come back from my sophomore year at college, visiting my parents for a few days — the first time I felt like a visitor in the house I grew up in. My younger brother, Randy, had accepted an invitation to go skiing with some cousins, a trip that my other obligations made impossible for me. His absence turned the time with my parents a bit more claustrophobic. Then, with only me and my parents in the house, they decided on a table-top Christmas tree instead of...
Nan’s visitor. A visit by her ‘nephew.’ She was bored. Nothing and no-one to keep her company or to talk to. So Nan decided to have a look on the Internet and see what was going on in the outside world. She had a look at a few sites and came across a Dating site which looked alright. So she joined and wrote out her profile stating that although she was seventy seven – she was only interested in gentlemen between 40 and 55 years of age. She was looking for a regular, casual relationship in...
It was during the time of my college years that I was on the down low, my room mate Daryl would wake me in the morning during his physical exercises. That boy would do five hundred sit-ups and two hundred push-ups. I would lay there pretending to be asleep as he worked up a sweat, so many times he would leave the room to go and shower and I would dream as how it would be for the two of us to engaged in wild sexual acts. This morning classes were canceled due to heavy storms approaching our...
Nan’s visitor. A visit by her ‘nephew.’ She was bored. Nothing and no-one to keep her company or to talk to. So Nan decided to have a look on the Internet and see what was going on in the outside world. She had a look at a few sites and came across a Dating site which looked alright. So she joined and wrote out her profile stating that although she was seventy seven - she was only interested in gentlemen between 40 and 55 years of age. She was looking for a regular, casual relationship in...
MILFWe were just sitting around, relaxing. I am still in my armchair trying to be comfortable but with my stupid neck collar and painful broken hip, no position is truly comfortable. The mix of alcohol and pain medication is making me high! The sight of my husband sitting naked next to our visitor on the couch in front of me is making me hot. Jake was caressing my husband cock gently as we were talking. It was truly surreal to be talking about ordinary stuff while my husband was being gently...
EroticHi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...